BALLAntrAE LAdiEs GEt sEt tO putt


BALLAntrAE LAdiEs GEt sEt tO putt
May 2010
The Official Publication of the City of Pelham
M a g a z i n e
Ladies Get Set
to putt
Ballantrae Golf Club starts new
Ladies Golf Association Page 4
League Begins
Lessons in life and sports. page 14
Calendar of Events page 12
Are you smarter
than a 5th Grader?
Valley Intermediate School students
participate in Youth Government Day. page 10
Beautification Awards page 18
Mayor’s Letter
Dear Friends,
May is often thought of as a month
of renewal as well as a time for celebration. It is a time when we celebrate the
things we have achieved thus far into the
year, as well as look forward to all we
can accomplish. Our Pelham High School
Graduating Class of 2010, what a great
accomplishment for these students. Many
of our children will be looking forward to
college, serving in the armed forces or
Mayor Don Murphy
contributing to the work force. It is truly
an exciting time for them, as they look forward to all that they can achieve
in the future. I am very proud of all of our students and wish them the very
best as they pursue their individual goals and dreams. I know they will be
successful in their pursuits. Congratulations to the PHS Varsity Baseball
Team for their #1 ranking in the state of Alabama Class 6A. According to
the USA Today Super 25 Poll, our baseball team is ranked 6th in the nation.
Coaches Maudlin, Anderson, Breeze and Schrupp, as well as our players and
parents, your dedication and hard work have been noticed nationwide.
I had the pleasure of attending the 2010 Prom held at the Linda Nolen
Learning Center. What an honor to be included in this event! Students of all
ages were able to participate in the celebration. The joy of achievement was
visible in each child’s face. As with all of our schools, there is good work being done here and the results are tangible.
In May, the Opportunity League will wrap up its first season, and what a
season it turned out to be! I would like to extend my thanks to Hibbett Sports
for their donation of gloves for each player and several bats to be used by the
teams. Thank you also to Southern Sports Photography for their donation of
player photos. These companies along with the numerous volunteers made
this league a success for these young children. Our city definitely knows the
importance of giving back and making a difference in the lives of others.
This month our city will be a stop for the State Special Olympics torch. The
torch will be at the Pelham Civic Complex on May 14th and will then continue
on to Troy University for the opening ceremonies that evening. It is a privilege to be a part of this event. Oak Mountain State Park is hosting the “Gone
Fishin’- Not Just Wishin’” fishing event for learning disabled students in Shelby
County. It is wonderful living in a city that cares and is able to meet the needs
of all of its residents.
Our city is participating in “The Year of Alabama Small Towns and Downtowns” which is sponsored by the Alabama Tourism Department. This year
a historical marker honoring the roots of the city of Pelham and the opening
of Ballantrae Golf Club will be erected at Ballantrae. From our incorporation
in 1964 with a population of 654 to the 2010 population of almost 22,000,
it is easy to see how far we have come. Pelham is becoming a destination
location for many people. Our racquet club continues to host tennis events
that bring hundreds of people to our city, the trails at Oak Mountain State
Park attract cyclists from the entire Southeast region, and the civic complex
Mayor Murphy assists Opportuniy League player Jaycob Cacciatore
continues to provide a variety of venues to attend. We are excited to host our
first rodeo at the complex this summer.
As many of you are aware, there are areas of the city that have experienced flooding. I encourage everyone to do their part in keeping our storm
drains free of debris. This includes refraining from blowing lawn clippings
and leaves into the sewers. Our street department provides weekly limb and
clipping removal. Please bag clippings and place at the curb for pick up. By
keeping the drains free of trash and clippings, we can assist with the water
drainage from our streets.
I would like to thank everyone for the work and donations regarding the
retiring of the mortgage for Officer Davis’ family. We celebrated this wonderful event in April and have started the Philip Davis Memorial Foundation.
April also brought the close of the Alabama Big Read which allowed readers
in our community to read the same book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Participants could attend activities inspired by the book and time period, and
even share an afternoon with Daniel Wallace. Mr. Wallace is also the author
of several books including Big Fish, which was adapted into a movie. Our
community also came out in force to celebrate and take pride in Pelham.
Our Beautification Board organized Pelham Pride/Cleanup Day, and our city
benefitted from the volunteerism of so many.
Our community truly is a stands out in our county and it is a privilege to
lead us into the future. I know that we can continue to grow as a community.
Please remember to pray for the men and women who daily serve our country both here and abroad.
God bless you and your families,
Don Murphy
On the cover:
Karla Kiser, Janice Charles, Faye Davis, Linda Woods, Teri Finke, Tricia
Garrett, Glenda Watson, Cindy McKinney, Zonia Waltman,
M a g a z i n e
Contact: Luke Camara | 205.447.2214 |
Councilman’s Letter
Let’s Read!
According to the U.S. Department of Education more than 60% of K-12
school children are reading below the level needed to proficiently process the
written materials used in their grade levels - reading below the level necessary
for the brain-work of reading to be transparent to the mind-work of learning
from what they are reading. Obviously, reading is the skill that matters most to
success in school and children who fall behind in reading are in great academic
danger. (
According to the Alabama State Department of Education, in the 20082009 school year, 11.24% of our city’s high school’s eleventh graders did not
pass the Alabama High School Graduation Exam in Reading (
Accountability). That means that at least every tenth student you met at the
school in the eleventh grade that year was not reading at a proficient level.
How does a city that cares about its children respond to this information?
With urgency and dogged determination to make a difference.
The Pelham Library and the Library Guild have united in a quest to address
the issue in our community. The library has already sponsored three parent
workshops (and plans more) for parents of preschoolers to learn how to help
their children to be “ready” to learn to read when they enter Kindergarten and
first grade. The workshops teach parents to be aware of the most common
factor for failure to learn to read—a problem with not mastering the ability to
“hear” the sounds of our language and then attach those sounds to symbols
(letters) that enable them to break the code of our reading system.
The Library is planning three Reading Camps this summer: June 4, June
18, and July 16. These camps will provide parents information regarding very
simple activities they can use to help their children master the pre-reading
skills needed for learning to read. The participants will receive a computerbased program called Earobics which will take their children through auditory
development skills needed to get ready to learn to read. The cost of the CD is
covered in the registration fee.
Additionally, Barbara Roberts, our city librarian, and I are working with the
United Way to explore a collaborative effort between our city and the United
Way to fund other community pre-school interventions. The goal is to provide
each pre-Kindergartener in our city with access to early literacy skill learning
opportunities that will increase their success in learning to read when they
enter school.
I am convinced that, like me, you have family members or acquaintances
who have struggled with learning to read and, consequently, have struggled
in life. With what we know now regarding the process of learning to read and
the strategies that are effective, we must make a concerted effort to do the
right thing—to prevent reading problems. Watch for the new monthly column,
“Ready, Set, Read!”, in our Pelham Magazine. This will feature information and
activities for parents to support reading readiness for our city’s preschoolers.
I urge you to visit the following web site,, to
explore a comprehensive view of the issues related to the reading crisis in our
Mike Dickens
Teresa Nichols
country. The site is replete with information and resources regarding the issue.
Join us in becoming a city that supports 100% literacy for all its citizens.
Seniors at Work
I visited the annual Senior Center Spring Yard Sale this month. This sale is
part of the Seniors’ ongoing effort to raise money for a new van. I found some
great bargains (a really cool clock!) and some fun toys for my grandson. While
I was there, they had raised over $1000 toward the purchase of that van. The
group has such a determined work ethic and I expect to see that new van in the
near future. I urge all Pelham seniors to take advantage of the activities available at our Senior Center. Look at the Senior Center calendar in our magazine
and take advantage of the activities available. Join the group for great friends,
fun, and fellowship!
Pelham Pride
Our annual Pelham Pride Day was a huge success! The Beautification Board
and Deputy City Clerk, Marsha Yates again had a well-oiled machine going that
morning as they coordinated 350+ volunteers—over 100 more volunteers this
year than in years past. An early count tallied over 200 bags of trash picked up
by volunteers between 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning, April 17. It was
inspiring to see children and youth under the leadership of parents and group
leaders learning to serve their city.
This year the city partnered with the Technical Knock Out company to offer
electronic recycling. They reported a great success. I promise I think I saw
some old Apple IIe computers in their truck! The annual drive through by
Waste Management to pick up big discards provided the impetus for a lot of
spring cleaning through our city. A love for one’s city is nurtured through these
kinds of events. I urge all Pelham residents to commit to participate in the
event next year.
The Big Read
Thanks to Barbara Roberts and our Library Guild for doing the work to provide
a visit from Daniel Wallace, author of The Big Fish. He was very inspiring as he
shared his journey to becoming a successful, published writer. He shared that
a pivotal moment in his success came when he committed to write his style
about his interests. Wallace is a Birmingham native and enjoys opportunities to
come to Alabama when possible. He was very impressed that our library is one
of six “Blue Ribbon” libraries in our state. I urge all Pelham residents to connect to our library. Barbara Roberts and the staff always want more patrons!
Serving you,
Teresa Nichols, PhD
City Council Place #1
Bill Meadows
Steve Powell
Place 1
Place 3
Place 4
Place 2
Karyl Rice
Place 5
May 2010 | | 3
City News
Ballantrae Ladies Get Set to Putt
Women throughout Pelham and Central Alabama will soon be getting tee-ed
off, thanks to Ballantrae Golf Club’s new Ladies Golf Association (BLGA). The
association’s mission is to promote interest and true neighborhood spirit to the
game of golf.
Zonia Waltman, President of the BLGA, says that membership is open to all
women over the age of 18, who are members themselves or the spouse of a
member in good standing of the Ballantrae Golf Club. Membership is also open
to non-members of Ballantrae Golf Club, but non-members are required to pay
normal guest rates to participate in the Ballantrae Ladies Golf Association.
In addition to regular club activities, members of the BLGA have more chances
for fun and friendship. “We have play days on Wednesday morning and Sunday
afternoon for those ladies that work and cannot play during the week,” Ms. Waltman says. “To participate in tournaments, a member must have an established
handicap. In order to participate in the club membership, team play, and other Lady
Birmingham Golf Association (LBGA) events, you must be a member of BLGA.”
This is the pilot year for the Association, so no competitions are scheduled for
2010, but Ms. Waltman hopes that will change in 2011. Right now, she says, they
are focused on community building within the club. “Our activities are designed
to promote the interest and true spirit of the game of golf, provide fellowship
among the members of the association, and create a positive opportunity for
camaraderie in the community.”
The plan is simple, Ms. Waltman says. “Our goal is to reach all the ladies in
the surrounding areas, encourage them to come and join us in the fun, and to
properly interpret and enforce the playing rules of the game.”
Ms. Waltman has a unique perspective on the need for fellowship since she is
new to this area, and that propelled her to gather others together in the name of
golf. “I became involved in the association so that I could meet other ladies that
enjoyed playing golf. I thought a ladies golf club would be a great opportunity for
me to meet and enjoy the game with other lady golfers of various skill levels.”
She hopes to find other women who feel the same.
The association currently boasts 25 members, which is no small feat considering it is less than three months old. Ms. Waltman presides over all meetings of
the association and the executive board, appoints all committee chairmen, and
serves as liaison to other associations and the staff at Ballantrae. She says that
there is just something special about Ballantrae. “It’s a wonderful community
where everyone is friendly. The golf course is very well maintained and the staff
is always willing to help in any way they can. When you walk in the pro shop, you
are always greeted with a smile.”
Zonia Waltman, President of Ballantrae Ladies Golf Association
The club’s commitment to fostering strong relationships is echoed by Butch
Byrd, General Manager of Ballantrae and longtime golf enthusiast. “Ballantrae
has a slogan: “Fast, fun, and friendly.” And we strive to live up to it” he said. “The
course is player friendly with wide landing areas, few bunkers, and only light
rough. We want each golfer to have a great experience when they play, so helping
them have fun is important to us.” Mr. Byrd insists that each staff member is
trained to greet every guest with a smile and a sincere welcome. Questions are
answered with accuracy and detail, and everyone is treated like a friend.
In addition to a well-trained and educated staff, the club has a lot to offer.
“We have one 18-hole course varying in total length from 5166 yards from the
shortest tees, to 7310 yards from the longest tees,” Mr. Byrd says. “There are
five different sets of tees on each hole so the player has many choices according to skill level.”
It’s the perfect setting for the new association, and Ms. Waltman hopes the
community will take full advantage. In May, Ballantrae will host the LBGA Team
Play, a group of ladies from around the area, representing several golf clubs. 40
women are expected to participate, and teams have already been designated. “We
are very excited to serve as the host for this event,” Ms. Waltman says.
To find out more about Ballantrae Ladies Golf Association, or to get information about the golf club, visit
Mortgage Burning Ceremony
It was a dream birthed in the hearts of those as close as you could get to
feeling the sense of loss suffered by Paula Davis and her family: the wives
of the Pelham Police Officers. The dream was too large for one man, Pastor
Mike Shaw from First Baptist Pelham, so he shared the dream with Chief
Thomas and Mayor Murphy. These two men set a goal to raise $200,000 in
30 days. Goals are so often set and not met, but this time it only sat unmet
for five extra days. Within 35 days the amount was exceeded and a celebration was planned to burn the mortgages of a fallen hero.
(Continued on page 6.)
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Top Nails
H O M E D E C O R & U N I Q U E G I F TS
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Ready, Set, Read
Reading is a fundamental skill necessary to the development of knowledge.
In this day and age, when information can be "googled," it is still necessary to
be able to read with comprehension in order for techonolgy to have any impact.
But how can parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles be sure they are helping
their preschoolers gain necessary pre-reading skills? Pelham City Council
member and experienced educator Dr. Teresa Nichols shares these four tips for
everyday use.
Vocabulary Development
Use less business talk and more conversations at home. Less of “Come here,
be quiet, eat, go watch TV, etc.” More of “Tell me about your picture, tell me
more about the dog you saw, etc.” In other words, you listen while they talk!
State Senator Hank Erwin presenting Paula Davis with a resolution in praise of her
husband, Philip Davis, and his impact on the community.
On April 11th, Paula Davis burned the mortgages in front of a crowded room
at the Pelham Civic Complex. "It is wonderful just to know that everyone is supporting us," Paula said. From hot dog sales on the Shelby County court house
lawn to small police departments out of state sending donations. Chief Thomas
said it was amazing to see how the local community,and law enforcement community across the country has come together to support the Davis family.
State Senator Hank Erwin presented Paula with a resolution praising the
work of Philip and the impact he had on the community. The resolution was the
first measure passed by the state legislature during the current session, showing how important it was for them to honor the sacrifice of Officer Davis.
Paula has carried on since the tragedy. She started the Philip Davis Memorial fund to support future officers and their families. The goal of the fund is
to raise enough money to support every Shelby County first responder in the
event of need. A charity golf event, Officer Philip Davis Memorial Golf Tournament, was held on Thursday April, 29.
Print Awareness
Make sure children know how to hold a book correctly and turn the pages
from front to back. Make sure they know you are reading the words on the
page. Point to the words as you read them. Help them notice the white spaces
between words so they will begin to see how we communicate in writing!
Knowledge of the Alphabet
Sing the alphabet. Say the alphabet. Be sure to put those magnetic letters on your
refrigerator. Remember to help your child learn capital and small letters. Make
sure they notice different letter fonts. Have them spell all the signs in Pelham!
Phonological Awareness
Phonological awareness includes making sure that children can hear all 44
sounds (phonemes) of our language (and we have only 26 letters to represent
them!). Trouble in this area is the leading cause of delayed reading development. When children cannot hear our language sounds, they will struggle
learning phonics for sounding out new words, struggle reading fluently and
struggle in spelling. We can prevent/correct this problem. Be sure to talk to
them, read to them and sing to them. Play rhyming games, clapping out words
in sentences, syllables in words and sounds in words. Go play!
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Coach one of Pelham’s 35 little league ball teams
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playground, you can coach baseball, football,
softball or ice hockey. When it’s your turn to play,
you can shoot 18-holes of golf on Ballantrae’s
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skating at our Civic Complex. A place like Pelham
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Pelham Pride Day
The 2010 Pelham Pride Day was a huge success and had the largest number
of participants ever. A total of 371 volunteers turned out Saturday, April 17
to help clean the parks and streets of Pelham and collected an estimated 280
bags of litter.
Our twenty teams consisted of school clubs and organizations from Pelham
High School, Riverchase Middle School and Valley Intermediate School, the
youth from First Baptist Pelham, Boy Scout Troop 404, Pack 404, Girl Scout
Troop 168, Daisy Troop 30310, Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, Pelham Fire Department, Ivy Brook Homeowners Association, Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge, Colonial
Pipeline employees, Alabama Telco employees and several volunteer residents.
Prizes were awarded in several categories including the youngest and oldest
resident at Pelham Pride Day, the smallest team, unusual items of litter found,
and the team bagging the most bags of litter just to name a few. Officer Carrie Bowman won the prize for the resident who had participated in the most
Pelham Pride Days; she has not missed a single year!
Several teams shared some unusual litter items they found along the way.
These included auto parts, dead animals, clothing, hair extensions and a toupee!
Youngest and oldest Pelham Pride Day participants.
Technical Knock Out, an electronic recycling company, participated in
Pelham Pride Day for the first time this year and reported a good turnout from
residents dropping off unwanted electronics to be recycled. We hope to have
them back next year.
Pelham Pride Day is sponsored by the City of Pelham and the Pelham
Beautification Board each year in conjunction with Earth Day. We thank the
following corporate and local businesses for their support this year: Legacy,
Inc., Alabama Pals, Pelham Wal-Mart, Regions Bank, AT&T The Real Yellow
Pages, Birmingham Coca-Cola Bottling Company, RBC Bank, Ballantrae Golf
Club, Pelham Civic Complex, Publix, Joe’s Donuts, Oak Mountain Lanes, Wood
Family Pharmacy, Dunkin Donuts, Treasures Thrift Store, Bama Fever, Consign-
ing Interiors, Pateras Pizza, Cozumel Grill, Jewelry Simply ear-resistible, and
Myer’s Plants and Pottery. Donations from these wonderful businesses added
to the fun and success of our Earth Day celebration.
“Our goal is to educate everyone, young and old, about taking care of our
environment. We hope to make a positive impact on drivers passing through
Pelham who see our groups cleaning litter from the roadways, causing them to
be more aware of the ugliness and hazards litter creates. When Pelham Pride
Day volunteers see how many bags of litter they collect in one morning, they
also become more sensitive to the problems caused by littering,” says Marsha
Yates, Deputy Clerk and Beautification Board liaison.
Members of the Pelham Beautification Board are: Betsy Whitfield, Saundra
Tolbert, Cheryl Fulton, Mosely Johnson, Cathy Lee, Mike Orr, Neville Peacock,
Jeff Speegle, and Darlene Webb. Special thanks to each of them for their
hard work.
2010 Blades in Bama Results
Basic 1 program with Music: 1st Aleah Ward; Basic 2 program with Music:
1st - Brooke Metzger; Basic 4 Program with Music: 1st - Emily Hall
2nd - Abby Cook; Basic 5 Program with Music: 1st - Raegan Thrasher,
2nd - Lydia Smith; Basic 6 Program with Music: 1st - Morgan Massey,
2nd - Bree Thrasher; Basic 8 Program with Music: 1st - Anna Blankenship,
2nd - Kelsey Wilson, 3rd - Hannah Yi, 4th - Samantha Robinson; Free Skate
1 Program with Music: 2nd - Gloria Marshall, 3rd - Ashley Juneac, 4th - Kate
Dutton, 5th - Elizabeth Hentz; Free Skate 2 Program with Music: 3rd - Mary
Virginia McKinley; Limited Beginner Music Event – Group 1: 1st - Sophie
Blake, 2nd - Caitlin Pannell; Limited Beginner Music Event – Group 2: 1st Cameron Pannell, 2nd - Adeline Grace Lee; Beginner Music Event - Group
2: 2nd - Michaela Slocum, 4th - Morgan Alyssa Mumper; No Test Free Skate:
4th - Skylee Ennis; Basic 8 Element Event: 1st - Hannah Yi, 2nd - Samantha
Robinson; Limited Beginner Compulsory: 2nd - Adeline Grace Lee, 4th - Gloria
Marshall, 5th - Anna Blankenship; Beginner Compulsory: 2nd - Cameron
Pannell, 3rd - Michaela Slocum; No Test Compulsory: 4th - Skylee Ennis
Governor Candidate Forum hosted by
Pelham LIbrary Guild
Pelham Library Guild hosted a successful Governor Candidate Forum on
April 8th at Jefferson State Community College. There to share their views
of what Alabama should look like were, Dr. Robert Bentley, Bill Johnson,
James Potts, and Ron Sparks. The format for the evening allowed questions
that were submitted beforehand to be read to the candidates by Pelham
High School Juniors Brandon Clark, Samantha Ellis, Austin Handcock, Casey
Nichols, Diana Padilla and Van Tong.
Typically a chapter of the League of Women’s Voters would host the
forum, but there is no organized chapter in Shelby County. It was the Library
Guild that stepped in to fill the role. "It [was] our hope to provide a means for
the residents of Shelby County and the surrounding Birmingham Metropoli-
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an exciting learning experience for the students.
As part of the curriculum the students hold an election to select a mayor,
five city council members, a chamber of commerce president and a student
for each city department head position. The winners were then paired with
their city counterpart and spent the morning observing how local government
functions. Marsha Yates, Deputy Clerk for the City of Pelham and coordinator
of YGD said, “The city is proud to sponsor this annual event and the students
enjoy the hands-on learning experience. We plan YGD to coincide with the
annual fifth grade trip to Washington, D.C.”
That evening, the student mayor and city council conducted their own
council meeting, complete with reports from the students who represent
each city department head. Their reports contained lessons learned and suggestions for improvements. “It means a lot to the council, myself and the city
employees to have youth government day.” said Mayor Murphy. “Everyone
who works for the city always looks forward to this day.”
Governor forum with Pelham High School students
tan Area to hear the candidates for governor answer questions and provide
positions on the topics for the upcoming election" shared Barbara Roberts,
Pelham Library Director.
Attendees had the opportunity during the forum to mark prepared forms
that the Library Guild provided; the forms allowed each answer given by the
candidates to be rated on a scale allowing for feedback. The Pelham Library
Guild is a non-profit dedicated to supporting the efforts of the library with a
short term goal of making sure every child in Pelham has a library card and
the access the card provides to a developing mind. To join the guild please
contact Barbara Roberts at or 620-6419.
Are you Smarter then a 5th Grader?
City Council members, Mayor Murphy and the department heads were all
asking themselves if they were smarter then the fifth grade students from
A Dance Under the Water
Underwater Fantasy was the
theme for the 4th Annual Linda
Nolen Learning Center (LNLC)
Prom held on April 2. This past
year, the LNLC moved into a new
building within the city limits of
Pelham. This was their first prom
in the new location.
The annual event was held for
preschoolers all the way up to
high schoolers. "It was outstanding," said Pastor Tim Trimble,
father of a former student and
attendee at the annual dance. The
students enjoyed refreshments
along with dancing and the election of a king and queen, Channing Meredith and Aimee Miller.
Linda Nolen Learning Center Prom King
The prom was held in the cafateria
and Queen Channing Meredith and
during normal school hours, but it
Aimee Miller
took days to transform the lunch
room into an underwater wonderland. Mayor Murphy was spotted dancing
and speaking with the students. "It was a thrill to have the mayor there,"
said Pastor Trimble.
Pastor Trimble brought his daughters along and they enjoyed dancing
with some of the older students calling it "a great ministry". The annual
event would not have happened without the support of the parents and staff
members. Pastor Trimble called the event a "first class affair". To find out
more about the LNLC you can visit their website
Students enjoying themselves at the Linda Nolen Learning Center Prom on April 2.
2010 Youth Government Day Election Winners: Mayor Claudia McGill;
City Council Members Brooke Bradley, Ally Braswell, Bailey Breland, Molly
Stephens and Caroline McPherson; City Clerk/Finance Director Riley Taylor;
Human Resources Director Faith Nolen; Director of Revenue Brittany Reid;
City Engineer Daniel Palacios; Building Official Ricardo Gutierrez; Director
of Public Works Sawyer Martin; Police Chief Megan Crawford; Fire Chief
Cameron Covington; Librarian Lindsey Waggoner; Director of Parks and
Recreation Chandler Speights; Director of Ballantrae Golf Club Jacob Messler;
President of the Chamber of Commerce Savannah Mercer; Marketing Director
Keeton Armstrong.
Valley Intermediate School. On April 19, 245 fifth graders visited Pelham City
Hall for the annual youth government day. Students tour the administration
offices, library, and the revenue, court, police, fire, water and public works
departments to learn how each one provides services to the city. As part of
the fifth grade school curriculum, Youth Government Day (YGD) has become
10 | | May 2010
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May 2010
May 1 Dedication of Historical sign at Ballantrae, 9 a.m.
Mayor Don Murphy will host the unveiling of a Ballantrae sign marker. The
event will be entertaining for all age groups.
May 3 City Council Meeting, 7 p.m.
Senior Center
May 12 Gone Fishing Event at Oak Mountain State Park
Fishing event for special needs children from all Shelby County schools.
Needlecraft 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Mah Jongg 12 p.m.-3 p.m.
Crafts 12:30 p.m.-3 p.m.
Exercise 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
May 14 Special Olympics Torch at City Hall
May 14 Superior Bank Customer appreciation Day
Art 10:30 p.m.-12:30 p.m. $5/month
Cribbage 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Advanced Line Dancing 1-2 p.m.
Beginning Line Dancing 2-3 p.m.
Rummikub 1-3 p.m.
Pelham New Pioneers 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
May 6 - Melinda Mills “Sounds from
our Past”, Covered Dish
May 13 - Bingo/Trip to Ave Marie Grotto
(must sign up)
May 20 - Shelby County Picnic
May 27 - Guest: Rob Langford “Elvis”
Mah Jongg/Rummikub 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
May 15 Alabama Youth Ballet Presents Cinderella
Pelham's premiere ballet company, presents CInderella - a. ballet in three
acts, at Hoover High School. There will be two performances, 2:30 p.m.
and 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at Grebel Dance, 102
Commerce Parkway, Pelham, 35124, online at or by
calling 205-987-7234.
Tai Chi 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Healthy Choices 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Exercise 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Reveille Men’s Coffee Club 10 a.m. Games 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Bridge 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Bookworms May 28, 1:30 p.m.-2 p.m.
May 24 City Council Meeting, 7 p.m.
Wii Bowling 11 a.m.
Exercise 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Rummikub 1:30 p.m.-3 p.m.
Kids Summer Fun at Oak Mountain Lanes
Kids under 18 can bowl two free games each week, Monday through Friday.
For more information contact Robert Fox, 403-7466.
May 6 PHS Visual Ensemble Performances, 7 p.m.
The Visual Ensemble will have a showcase of the year's award-winning performances. The dance team, majorette squad and both the winter guard team will
perform routines. There will also be solos from some of the team members.
The showcase will take place in the gym. Come watch these great teams.
May 11 PHS Band Spring Concert, PHS Auditorium, 7 p.m.
May 13 PHS Choir Spring Concert, PHS Auditorium, 7 p.m.
May 27 PHS Graduation
To add an event to the June calendar,
please email the details to by May 15, 2010
12 | | May 2010
The Senior Center will
be closed May 31
for Memorial Day
May 13
Pelham Pioneers Ave Maria Grotto Visit
May 21
Spring Fling Dance 7-9 p.m., $4/person
The Pelham New Pioneers are planning a trip to Ave Maria Grotto, Shrine
of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and lunch at the All Steak Restaurant.
This trip is open to senior citizens 55 and up. The cost is $20 for Pelham
New Pioneer Members and $30 for non-members. Please sign up by
May 6, 2010 and feel free to call 620-6064 for more information.
Music by Wolfgang Moritz
Library Events
A storytime designed especially for growing minds. Stories, songs and crafts
make up a lively 45 minute program. A snack is served.
Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. All Ages
May 5: “Big V, Little v”
May 12: “Big W, Little w”
May 19: “XYZ, the End”
May 26: No storytime
The Page Turners Book Club meets at the Pelham Library for about an
hour on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The selections
for May are Swimsuit by James Patterson and The Last Time They Met
by Anita Shreve. Registration is not required. Please call 620-6418 for
more information.
OnGoing Events
Together Time
Page Turners Book Club - Monday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m.
Beginning Knitting - Saturday, May 22, 11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.
Discover the ins and outs of this wildly popular hobby and make new
friends. Beginners are welcome. Please bring a skein of light colored
knitting yarn and size 10 knitting needles. Please call the library at 6206418 for information and to register.
P.J. Storytime
Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. All Ages
May 6: Grebel Dance Cinderella Preview
May 13: “Big W, Little w”
May 20: “XYZ, The End”
May 26: No storytime
Free Computer Classes
In an effort to assist those that cannot take advantage of the weekday
classes at the library, Pelham Public Library offers night and weekend
computer classes. Classes are free and will remain small to ensure that
students receive the most from their participation. Patrons are encouraged to register soon. Those interested may register in person or over
the phone at 620-6418.
Saturday Morning Stories
Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. All Ages
May 1: “Big U, Little u”
May 8: “Big V, Little v”
May 15: “Big W, Little w”
May 22: “XYZ, the End”
May 29: No storytime
May 24 Summer Reading Program Preregistration
You won’t want to miss any of the fun as we “Make a Splash” with books and
exciting programs this summer. We will be kicking-off the program with our annual Ice-Skating Party at the Pelham Civic Center on June 1 from 1-3 p.m. This is
a free event and children of all ages are welcome to attend. For more information
contact Mary Campbell at mcampbell@pelhamonline or by phone at 620-6418.
May 8, 2-4 p.m. - Excel 2007
May 11, 9:30-11:30 a.m. - Word 2007
May 12, 1-2:30 p.m. - Senior Surfing
May 18, 5:30-7:30 p.m. - Computers for Dummies
May 25, 5:30-7:30 p.m. - Internet Basics
May 26, 1-2:30 p.m. - Senior Surfing
A Ballet in Three Acts
For tickets, call 987-7234
or visit us on the web at
Tickets $10
All Seats Reserved
Discounts available for groups of 10 or more
May 15, 2010
Hoover High School Theater
2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
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Lessons in Life and Sports with Pelham’s
Opportunity League
Wayne Johnson’s involvement in Pelham’s Opportunity league began because
of just another ordinary conversation with his daughter. She was enthusiastic
about The Opportunity League, a project she’d been helming at work, and wanted
her dad to come check it out. “We were talking one afternoon and she was so
excited about this new baseball league, so I asked her to explain what it was all
about. Having been in sports most all my life, and from coaching both my son
and daughter, I asked if I could help.” The League is a program of the Easter
Seals, and is geared toward offering children with developmental challenges the
chance to play team sports. After seeing the players in action, Mr. Johnson was
quick to catch his daughter’s enthusiasm.
“When I arrived I was overwhelmed by the kids,” Johnson said. “Every player
was smiling and the happiness was unbelievable: the look of love on every face,
and the smiles and the pride on the face of the parents. It was easy to see this
was going to be a great day.”
His participation was limited to placing the ball on a tee for the players to hit,
but he was moved by what he witnessed. “As each child came to the plate it gave
me a chance to speak to them, to help
them position their hand to hit the ball,
and to see the joy in their eyes.”
Although the seasoned coach
was prepared to enjoy sports in this
new arena, his past experiences on
the field had not prepared him for
the insight he gained from watching
the players. “Surprised might be an
understatement,” Johnson said. “I
watched each child and volunteer pour
their heart and soul into what they
were doing and they all gave 100%
of all they had. I watched people have
fun and smile. They ask for nothing
but they give so very much. We all
may have a problem or two but to
watch these kids play and run and
Pelham Parks and Rec Board Member
laugh makes you forget about any
Calvin Gunn talks baseball with Opportuproblems you might have.”
nity League player Joey Paulin
Daughter Kelli Keith, Director of
Development for Birmingham’s Easter Seals and Board Chair for the Opportunity
League, couldn’t agree more about the impact the league has had on the community. “The volunteers have exceeded my expectations,” she said. “We have had
people in the stands asking if they could volunteer just because they wanted to be
a part of this program. I think also watching the parents, grandparents, friends,
etc. cheering on these children and crying the entire time has really shown me
what this league means to families that have children with special needs. At the
first couple games there were more flashes and video cameras than at a rock
concert! It was amazing to watch!”
It may seem to be a family affair for Mr. Johnson, his daughter, and the
players, but you don’t have to have a family member on the league to share in
the good times at Fungo Holler Park. “Watching these children play in the dirt,
14 | | May 2010
Mayor Don Murphy thanks Kelli Keith, Easter Seals Director of Development and
Opportunity League Board Chair, for bringing the league to Pelham
running the wrong way, laughing and giving high fives to everyone on the field is
something that everyone needs to experience at least once,” Keith said.
Mr. Johnson hopes to continue volunteering, and points to lessons available to
those sitting off-field. “God has a way every now and again to let people see the
big picture- to let people see what life is really all about. I had the chance to tell a
little girl (one of the players) with the biggest, prettiest smile I had ever seen that
she was the best third baseman I had ever seen. Her smile got bigger and the
tear in her mother’s eye told the story.”
Cheerleading and Football
Registration for football/cheerleading participants will be May 1, 2010 and May
8, 2010 from 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation office. Deadline
for Cheerleading registration will be May 21, 2010 and for football on May 28,
2010. The registration fees for football and cheerleading will be $160.00. The fee
includes the cost of the football camp or cheerleading camp as well as uniforms.
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Chess Team winners
The Thompson Intermediate School Chess Club held it’s 2nd Annual Alabaster
Scholastic. It was a sunny day, great for getting outside and having some fun. For
over 60 students, it was also a great day to be inside and playing chess.
The children represented several public and private schools from the Shelby
County and metro Birmingham areas. The host school chess players accounted
for about half of the participants. For most of the players, this was their first
chess tournament.
Valley Intermediate School Chess players Kyle Camlic, Easan Ganesh and Adam Camlic
with Assistant Principal Debbie Horton and Coach Caesar Lawrence
Valley Intermediate School's team won first place and individual winners were
as follows: 1st - Adam Camlic, 2nd - Kyle Camlic and 4th - Easan Ganesh.Their
coach, Caesar Lawrence, thanked Thompson Intermediate School Principal Ke’
Andrea Jones and GRC/Chess Coordinator Susan Mitchell for playing host to the
Alabaster Scholastic for the second consecutive year. "Their continuous support
for chess in Alabaster is greatly appreciated," said Coach Lawrence.
Pelham High School Junior Varsity Color Guard
March 26th was a big day for Alabama in general and Pelham High
School’s Color Guard in particular. After travelling to Tennessee, the girls of
the Junior Varsity Color Guard Team performed against 82 competitors at the
Pelham High School Junior Varsity Color Guard
Southeastern Color Guard Circuit Championships. The performers represented high schools across Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky, and convened
at Allen Arena at Lipscomb Arena in Nashville for the two-day event.
The Pelham Junior Varsity Winter guard team, wearing blue capris and
jackets, performed a four and a half minute routine set to Beyonce’s “Satellites” using rifles and flags as props. Their performance was ranked by a panel of five judges, was awarded Second Place in the Division, as well earning
them the title of Alabama Champion (as determined by the highest scoring
Alabama Scholastic B Team).
On Saturday, March 27th, Pelham High School wowed the crowds again
when the Varsity team, decked out in bomber jackets, and carrying sabers,
rifles, and flags, hit the stage with a themed performance of “Adventures in
Flight.” Their routine outscored the others, and earned the team another title,
Alabama Champions for the Scholastic AA Classification.
To see the award winning performances yourself, stop by Pelham High
School on May 6th, at 7:00 p.m. The Dance Team, Majorette Squad, and various soloists will also be performing.
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Helen's 30-Minute Chocolate Cake
This moist, delicious cake takes a grand total of 30 minutes to prepare, from
the time you start mixing to the time it is iced and ready to eat!
2 sticks of butter
1 box confectioner's sugar
3 rounded tablespoons cocoa
1 stick butter
1 cup water
6 tablespoons milk
2 cups flour
3 rounded tablespoons cocoa
2 cups of granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
2 eggs
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat oven to 325°. Grease an 11"x13" pan or casserole dish. From cake
ingredients list, melt together butter, cocoa and water. In a separate bowl, mix
together flour, sugar, buttermilk, eggs, salt and vanilla. Combine both mixtures
and pour into the greased pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick
comes out clean when inserted into hot cake. Meanwhile, prepare icing by
mixing together all items from the icing ingredent list over medium heat until
melted. Pour icing over hot cake, cut into squares and don't eat too much!
Recipe provided by Pelham Caterer Lynn Roberson,
18 | | May 2010
Residential Winner
Commercial Winner
Tanya Stignani
104 Silverleaf Drive
2581 Pelham Parkway
The residential beautification award winner for May is Tanya
Stignani. She and her husband Gary work hard to keep their yard
looking great.
"The structure of the landscaping was done by the original
owners," said Tanya. "We have been in the home for five years and
through those years we have added our personal touch all over. We
tried to concentrate on one area at a time." The backyard is slightly
wooded which lends to a beautiful view when spring arrives and everything blooms. "I enjoy quiet mornings having a coffee on the deck
and having time to sit down with a good book to read," said Tanya.
"We love having our friends and family over. We love to grill out
and if you stay long enough, there will probably be a card game or
round of dominoes in the works," Tanya said.
Friends of the human variety aren't the only ones to enjoy the
Stignani's yard. "We have a mother dove that has returned for three
years to nest on our deck," Tanya said. "She comes in the early
spring to prepare her nest and the girls and I love to watch through
the coming weeks as she lays the eggs and then watching the baby
birds grow. We also have deer roaming through our back yard."
Bojangles' began in 1977 as the dream of operators Jack Fulk
and Richard Thomas. The local Pelham resturant has just been open
a few months and in that time it has developled a strong customer
base. With this location being right on Highway 31 in the heart of
Pelham it was important that it stand out in a good way. With a
nice clean look and well placed trees the store is able to add to the
scenery of drivers.
If you would like to nominate a residential
or commercial property for the monthly
Beautification Award, please email
Marsha Yates at
Type “Beautification Award” in the subject line.
Thurber’s Construction
& Hom e Repa ir
Dr. Ji l l K .
John Thurber III, Owner
(205) 621-2176
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2330 Chandawood Drive
Pelham, AL 35124
Jill K. Meyer, O.D.
Tracey L. Mercer, O.D.
Eyewear & Eye Care
For the Entire Family
1.5 Miles North of Shelby Hospital
May 2010 | | 19
in theMilitary
Please join us in praying for our troops who protect our country’s freedom.
U.S. Army
SPC Kevin Michael Smith, Iraq; PFC Kimberly Seat, Ft. Kit Carson, CO; SPC
Michael Jones, U.S.; 1LT James Darden, Ft. Campbell, KY; SPC Christopher
G. Evanko, Ft. Bliss, TX; SPC Sal Juarez, Iraq; PFC Tiara Stovall; Fort Hood,
TX; Tre’Christian Stovall, Fort Lee, VA; 1LT Samuel Garrison, Grafenwoehr,
Germany; SGT Joel Garrison, Stuttgart, Germany; CPT Patrick Bell, Iraq; LTC
William C. Smith, Ft. Belvoir, VA; PFC Millard H. Downey III, Afghanistan; SPC
Kevin Turner, Afghanistan; PFC Ray Douglas “Corey”, Fort Huachuca, AZ, CPT
Jason R. de Foor, Afghanistan; SPC James Wesley Brakefield (Wes), Iraq; CW2
Zach Workman, Afghanistan
U.S. Marine Corp
Cpl John Justin Kirchler, Iraq; Sgt Clayton Wells Miller, Pearl City, Hawaii;
LCpl Jonathan D. Jarvis, Afghanistan; David Douglass, Montgomery, AL;
LCpl Patrick Powell, Camp Pendleton, CA; Cpl Amos Elmore, Afghanistan
U.S. Navy
LCDR Robert Sawyer, Squadron 12, Groton, CT; PO3 Bradley Jacob Hardin, USS
Ronald Reagan; San Diego, CA; CM1 (SDW) Jack D. Johnson, Iraq; SHSN Sheldon Davis, USS Reuben James, Pearl Harbor, HI; ITC Matt Horn, Afghanistan
Army National Guard
SPC Clyde Lael Hubbard, Iraq; SPC Jeffrey Malone, Afghanistan
U.S. Air Force
SSgt Jeffrey S. Kisamore, Okinawa, Japan; Sra James S. Owen, Ft. Meade,
Maryland; A1C Alexander D. Hand, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, OK; Capt
Shaun Southall, Travis AFB, CA
If you have a loved one from Pelham serving on active duty, please e-mail their name
and where they are stationed to If your loved one is back
home, please send us an e-mail so we can remove them from our active duty list.
Ballantrae Golf Club
Demo Day and
PGA Free Lesson Day
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Certified Public Accountants
Demo Day: 8am-2pm
Join us on the main practice tee to demo the latest golf
equipment from Callaway, Titleist, Nike, Cleveland and Srixon.
A representative from each company will be on-site to showcase
the latest in golf equipment technology. A Ballantrae Golf Club
representative will also be on hand to place orders.
Individual & Business
Tax Returns
Bookkeeping & Payroll Services
PGA Free Lessons: 8am-12pm
While you are trying out the latest golf
equipment, join us for a FREE lesson.
The PGA Professionals at Ballantrae
will also be on-site offering
complimentary lessons on short game
and full swing fundamentals.
For more information please contact
the Ballantrae Golf Shop at 620-4653
Ballantrae Golf Club - Fast, Fun and Friendly
Instant Tax Refund Loans
QuickBooks Consulting
7920 Highway 31, Calera
Jane Hampton
Shelby County Board of Education
• Strong Academics
• Strong Discipline
• Shelby County Principal 1997-2008
• Shelby County Assistant Principal 1990-1997
• Shelby County Teacher 1971-1990
• Shelby County resident for 38 years
• Married for 38 years
• Children attended Shelby County Schools
• President of Alabama Association of
Elementary Schools
• Vice President of Alabama Association of
Elementary Schools
• Leadership Shelby County graduate
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Jane Hampton is an educator
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Shelby County Schools and is
endorsed by parents and
community leaders. Jane Hampton
is not a lifelong politician.
“There is a Difference”
Paid for by
Friends of Jane Hampton
P.O. Box 1986, Pelham, Alabama 35124
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TO SIGN UP CALL 621-2639
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Church Directory
Church of the Highlands - Riverchase
9013 Highway 261 | Sun. Morning Worship: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.
Sr. Pastor: Chris Hodges, 980-5577
Pelham Church of God
2100 Highway 52 East | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Mitch Underwood, 664-0120
Crosscreek Baptist Church
600 Crosscreek Trail | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Jay Kieve, 663-4886
Pelham Church of God of Prophecy
3362 Pelham Pkwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Krameon Martin, 620-9598
Crosslife Church
224 Commerce Parkway | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Tommy Conner, 874-6262
RiverPoint Church New Location!
375 Bearden Road | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Bobby Lewis, 621-0112
Crossway Baptist Fellowship
Pelham YMCA beginning September 12, 2010
Pastor: Fred Muse, 966-3327 |
Safe Harbor Church New Service Time!
3540 Pelham Pkwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Luke Camara, 447-2214 |
First Baptist Church - Pelham
2867 Pelham Pwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 8:00, 9:15, 10:45 a.m.
Pastor: Dr. Michael E. Shaw, 663-7492
Living Hope Baptist Church
419 Philippians Blvd | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Clay Parrish, 664-0491
Hope World Outreach Ministry
192 Chandalar Place Dr. | Pastor: Earl V. Gardner
Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m., Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Sun View Baptist Church
Meets at Valley Intermediate School | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Mark A. Boyd, 685-9447 |
Korean Presbyterian Church
7814 Helena Rd. | Sun. English Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Rev. Steven Son, 982-1990
The Worship Center Christian Church
Meets at Pelham High Auditorium, 2500 Panther Circle
Sun. Morning Worship: 10:15 a.m. | Pastor: Vanable H. Moody, 451-1750
Lakeview Methodist of Pelham
5154 Highway 11 | Sun. Morning Worship: 8:30 & 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Steve Strange, 663-3309
Lamb of God Charismatic Episcopal
2029 Valleydale Rd | Sun. Worship/Children’s Church: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Rev. Glenn E. Davis, 425-0991
Life Christian Fellowship
Meets at Shepherd’s Promise (Pelham Pkwy) | Sun. Celebration: 9:00 a.m.
Pastor: Bob Kuehner, 229-2832
Life Church
135 Corporate Way | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Rick Bishop, 620-0720
Safe Harbor Church
invites you to come
just as you are!
Master’s House Ministries Church on the Rock
135 Corporate Way | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: David Rogers, 620-0720
Oak Mountain Baptist Church
1805 Highway 35 | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Dr. Wayne Williams, 663-3045
Oak Mountain Church of Christ
2054 Oak Mountain State Park Road | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Minister: Robert Hutto, 663-6566
Oak Mountain Community Church (OMCC)
3135 Oak Mountain State Park Road I Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Gene Brown, 663-7176 |
Oak Mountain Independent Church
1475 Highway 35 | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: George Golden, 663-1927
Pelham Church of Christ
3405 Pelham Pkwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Dick Sztanyo, 663-7735
No preparations, no changes
to be made, nothing to hide -
simply come.
Serv !
10:30 am
Safe Harbor
Located next to Wendy’s in South Pelham
(3540 Pelham Parkway)
May 2010 | | 23
City of Pelham
3162 Pelham Parkway
Pelham, AL 35124
Mayor Don Murphy
City Clerk Tom Seale
City Council
Mike Dickens, Pres.
Teresa Nichols
Bill Meadows
Steve Powell
Karyl Rice
Waste Management
Phone: 620-6400
Garbage should be curbside by 6 a.m. on day of pickup. Trash
must be placed in bags before being placed in garbage carts.
Please place recycle bins at least 2 ft. from garbage carts.
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enables me to guide
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world with the utmost
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John A. McBrayer
Extra copies of this and future issues are available at city facilities
for any resident or business that does not have a water account
with the city. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please
contact Shana Camara at 401-9943 or
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No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed are greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.
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2792 Pelham Parkway, Pelham, AL 35124 • (205) 663-1250