May 2014


May 2014
May 2014
First Congregational
Church of Pelham
United Church of Christ
An Open and Affirming Congregation
The Pastor’s Desk
May is a month of transition in so many ways!
It is a gateway month to say goodbye to April and the changes in weather and to welcome the
warmer breezes of summer, greener grass, patio furniture and ball games.
May is a busy Month for our Church activities as well. I don’t think there are many months that are as
sentimental and nostalgic as May.
We welcome of newest Confirmation Class as members of the church and watch as parents
and grandparents struggle with pride and tears to see their children grow in their faith with
their acceptance of the responsibility to learn on their own now as a member of our church faith and
We watch as our High School seniors prepare to graduate.
First Congregational Church of Pelham, United Church of Christ / 3 Main Street / Pelham, NH / 03076 / 603-635-7025 /
About us
We honor our Mothers, both living and passed on, for their love and
We honor our Veterans for the service and those who died in
service to our country for the cause of freedom.
3 Main Street
PO Box 847
Pelham, NH 03076
Phone: 603-635-7025
Fax: 603 635-1134
E-Mail –
“Like” Us” on Facebook! First
Congregational Church of
We realize, sometime reluctantly, that transitions are necessary for growth.
Transitions involve loss of something we once held dear, to now see
something change or develop in place of what once was, with all hope it is
for the better. We understand that in all of these transitions, God is
walking with us! No better example can be seen as our celebration of
Easter with Jesus’ resurrection to new life and promise of hope for all of
10:00 A.M. September – June
9:30 A.M. July and August
Child Care and Sunday School
Rev. Bill
8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Rev. Bill Ferguson – Pastor
Peggy Murphy – Office
Tom Seniow – Music Director
Sue Howard – Organist
[Type a quote from the
We covenant one with another
to seek and respond to the
Word and Will of God. It is our
purpose to walk together in the
ways of the Lord, made known
and to be made known to us.
We hold it to be the mission of
this church to be witness to the
Gospel of Jesus Christ in all the
world, while worshiping God,
and striving for truth, justice
and peace. As did our
ancestors, we depend on the
Holy Spirit to lead and
empower us. We pray for the
coming of the Realm of God,
and we look with faith toward
the triumph of righteousness
and eternal life.
Join us for our worship and celebrations of God’s goodness in our
In our worship
Worship news, prayers, joys and concerns
May 2014 – 3
On April 6th, 4 new members joined our church family. Welcome to Lindsay
Clapp, Jamie Conner and Pam and Neal Morris.
We send our condolences to the Michaud Family on the death of Kristen’s
dad, Ronald Gunderson.
On April 13th, we celebrated the baptism of Hailey Alexis Clapp, daughter of
Lindsay & David, little sister of Sean.
On Sunday, May 18 we will honor our High School Graduates during our Morning Worship Service. Our youth
members grow so quickly, and this is our opportunity to congratulate and wish the graduates well. Please join
This year’s Graduating Class includes:
Justin Frey – son of Bob and Karen Frey, who is graduating from Windham High School and will be
attending Endicott College.
- Emily Lamport – daughter of Susana and Ron Lamport, graduating from Pelham High School and will
be attending RPI.
- Joseph Zannoni – son of Brenda and step-son of Tom Seniow, son of Joseph Zannoni, graduating
from Windham High School and will be attending the University of New Hampshire.
In our classroom
CE, Adult Ed, Bible Study, Sunday School, Confirmation
On Sunday May 4th, the First Congregational Church of Pelham UCC will
welcome the 2014 Confirmation Class into the full life and membership
of the church. Confirmation is a rite of passage where our Confirmands
accept the promises made by their parents at their baptisms; that is until
a child grows to speak of their own faith, parents will do what they may
to raise their children in the ways of the Lord and the knowledge of God
until they are ready to make their own decision for their journey of faith. Joe Calabro and RB led the class
once again this year beginning in October, discussing the aspects of their faith, their journeys, their thoughts…
(Confirmation, cont’d).
…and questions about God, Jesus Christ, The Sprit and their church. It is a pleasure to announce that all of
this year’s class members who completed the course have made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Savior and to become members of our church.
This year’s Confirmation Class members include;
- Arthur Leonard Cummings, son of Stacey Smith and Arthur L. Cummings, Grandson of Fran and
Brian Smith, Godparents, Jason Smith and Danielle Clark
- Angela Marie Getty, daughter of Deborah and Mark Getty, Godparents David and Lubellia Getty
- Sarah Jane Hartz, daughter of Kelly and Roland Hartz, Godparents Stephen Muldoon and Natalene
- Emily Ruth Hayes and Eric Hayes, daughter and son of Judy and Stephen Hayes
- Rachel Sylvia Marion, daughter of Christine and Robert Marion, Godparents Suzanne Beauregard
and John O'Connell
- Valentina Danilova Pikulik, daughter of Tamara Pikulik and Richard Vaillancourt
- Morgan Leigh Nickerson Pratt, daughter of Gail Nickerson and Christopher Pratt
The CE board hopes you all enjoyed the "Simple Seder"
presentation by the Sunday School children. Thanks to
Tamara Pikulik and Kelley Sauer for coordinating and to the
teachers for incorporating this unusual lesson into their curriculum.
May 18 is Teacher Appreciation Sunday. Please thank
our teachers and assistants as we recognize them during the
service that day.
Children's Sunday (last day of Sunday School) is June 8.
Please save the date for a Church Wide Picnic after the service
that day to celebrate.
After a successful 4 Week Adult Education Series
entitled, “The New Normal; Caring for our Aging
Parents,” RB received this note from Dr. Amy.
Who told the women at the
tomb that Jesus had risen?
Matthew 28:5-6; Mark 16:5-6; Luke 24:46.)
Complete the following Bible verse:
“A gentle answer turns away _____, but a
harsh word stirs up _____.”
A. an argument; obedience
B. wrath; anger
C. jealousy; resentment
D. falsehood; truth
April 8, 2014
“Dear Bill,
Thank you for the amazing experience at your church
with the New Normal. I am grateful for the incredible
offering you and your folks gave me last week! Thank
For those who attended the class, the books have
arrived that Amy ordered and can be picked up in my
office. We will be looking at a follow-up after Easter
with an attorney to speak about the legal issues to best
help our loved one. ie; Wills, Proxies and Power of
Attorney etc.
Many thanks to our Members and Friends who contributed
to the Marathon Scarf Project. Over 7300 Scarves were
donated and distributed to the Runners of this years
Boston Marathon. Your contributions demonstrated the
love and care you have for all who participated!
In our work
The NH DOT has started digging in front of the church on Windham Rd. Soon the
construction will reach the front of the church. We have had regular meetings with
the NH DOT engineers and workers. The front steps and curbing will be need to
be dropped approx 9" to be level with the new road. They will also be building a
wide sidewalk in front of the church. They have assured us that they will try to
maintain the look of the granite in front building. This construction will disrupt the
use of the front stairs of the church for a week or more. As always, if you have any questions, please
contact a trustee.
We have ordered an Additional 25 Chairs
for our Fellowship Hall!
With more people coming to events,
we need to be sure they all have a
comfortable place to sit!
Join us for a TRIVIA CONTEST on May 3, in
to our SR. High Youth Group for
Fellowship Hall. This is a fundraiser for the church,
Painting the Library/Community Room
hosted by the Trustees.
as a Service Project for the Church!
Gather a group of friends and form a team or
Your example of service is awesome!
come alone and you will be placed on a team.
Please join us for some fun as we find out
which team has the most trivia knowledge.
As we approach the Summer season, please make
every effort to keep Current on your Pledges. We have
been very blessed the last several years not to have to
borrow from our Invested Funds to cover our
expenses. We need your support of your commitment
to live and serve responsibly. Remember it is through
your Generosity we are able to do so.
Electronic Giving is the best way to be able to stay
current. If you are interested in that option, please
email the Church office ( for
May Devotional
For a mother's heart and a mother's faith, and a mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the angels, and sent from God above.
~Author Unknown
Celebrate Mothers Everywhere Celebrate Family Celebrate Love
Many thanks to all who volunteered at our special Worship services during the Lenten Season last
month. We started with a palm-waving processional from our kids to open Palm Sunday Worship.
Several folks provided soup and bread for our Simple Supper prior to our Maundy Thursday service,
which was once again a very powerful worship experience for the 70 or so who attended. Led by our
Junior and Sr High Youth Group, around 100 attended Sunrise Service at the Pelham Harris Inn on a
beautiful Easter Morning. We enjoyed wonderful music from our choirs and guest musicians at the 10
AM Easter Service, attended by over 200. We are truly blessed to have such a devoted and vibrant
church, together with a terrific pastor to lead our community of faith!
May 4th is Confirmation Sunday, where we will be officially recognizing eight new members of our
church family: Arthur Cummings, Angela Getty, Sarah Hartz, Emily Hayes, Eric Hayes, Rachel Marion,
Valentina Pikulik, and Morgan Pratt. During the month of May, these Confirmands will be greeting
before Worship, so feel free to say hello and offer some welcoming words !
Acolytes – We always welcome children from grades 3-6 to help us start our Worship through the
lighting of the altar candles. We hold periodic group trainings for the kids in the proper techniques and
provide individual coaching as needed. It’s a great way to have our children be part of our services!
Please use the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall or see any Deacon before Worship.
Greeters – If you would like to greet, please see any Deacon before Worship. This is a great way for
you to meet your fellow members. You can sign up for one time or multiple times.
Altar Flowers – If you would like to purchase flowers for the altar, please contact Peggy at the
office. You are welcome to take the flowers after Service or ask a Deacon to donate them to a shut-in.
Name Tags – We are encouraging everyone to wear their name tags on Sundays. If you need a name
tag, the signup sheet is located near the name tag bulletin board in the hall between the Sanctuary
and Fellowship Hall.
Friendship Books – We encourage everyone to please sign their names in the black books in the
pews, pass this book down to your pew neighbor, and then pass it back to the center aisle. While you
do this, take a look at the names of those sitting with you! In other churches, we have heard of our
black books used less as attendance or contact logs, but more as “friendship” books so everyone can
get to know each other – so read a new name and say hello!
Church Directory – Our Church directory continues to be available on the Church website, and is
updated monthly. Click on “About Us” from the list on the home page, and then scroll down to the
bottom to a viewing link. The Directory is open to ALL our church family, even if you are not a
member. All are Welcome! PS: If you need (or forgot) the password to access, ask any Deacon or
committee member (we never write it down!).
If you haven’t already done so, please consider adding your (or your family’s) picture to the directory!
You can also change or update your picture by e-mailing a JPG file to the church office at, or have Bob Frey take a new picture during Fellowship Time. Contact him at
603-893-1077 or for any other questions or changes to your directory
Transportation to Church Needed? If anyone has a need for transportation to church or a church
function (e.g. church dinners/suppers), please contact the church office or a Deacon.
Diaconate, contd.
Prayer List / Prayer Requests
Please help us keep the prayer list current by using the “Prayer Requests” sheets in the pews, which can be
filled out then handed in during the Offertory. One can also specify on the sheet whether a phone call or visit
from Rev. Bill is needed. Names typically go on the prayer list for a three week period.
Worship Coordinators & Greeters for May
Worship Coordinators: Susan Mikutel and Cheryl Andrews
Greeters: Confirmands
The next Diaconate meeting is Tuesday, May 13, at 7 PM.
As always, please contact a member of the Diaconate with any questions, comments, or suggestions.
Diaconate Chair Bob Frey can be reached at 893-1077 or at
Many thanks to our Sabbatical Committee , who have worked tirelessly for the
past two years developing a Sabbatical Proposal Grant with the Lily Foundation
to help assist offering a Sabbatical Experience for Rev. Bill. After not being
awarded one last year, the committee continued to work to adjust, re-vision
and complete a new proposal that was submitted in April. Decisions on the
awards of the Grants will be announced in August.
Lift us up in your prayers that we may be fortunate enough to be chosen! Many, many thanks to Tina
Kenyon, Bob Frey, Joe Calabro, Bob Diack, Doug Hojrth, Bonnie Moore, Shaun Duggan and all who contributed
to the Grant process.
In our ministry
Missions, Youth Ministry, Conference and UCC News
15 Members of Our Sr High Youth Group are signed up to go on or Mission Trip To Cairo , New York this
summer to work with REACH Workcamp, rehabilitating houses for elderly clients in the western NY Town. We
thank our Advisors, Deb and Joe Calabro, Marie Mizerek, Roland Hartz and Bob Frey for leading the group this
JULY 6 – 12, 2014
10 Junior High Youth Group members have signed up for Camp at Horton Center this summer. We are getting
excited to attend with Sandy Blanchard and RB as Counselors; there is still time to sign up if any others would
like to join us!
The Mission Committee is happy to report the One Great Hour of Sharing offering
collected at the end of March totaled over $780. We are so blessed by the generosity
of the members of this church. What a great start toward our goal to be a 5-for-5
church again this year for UCC special offerings.
We received an Emergency Appeal from Lazarus House last month requesting support to cover increased costs
to house and serve their guests during this unusually long and cold winter season. We decided to send $250
from the Mission Committee’s discretionary fund to continue our support of Lazarus House. This fund is a
direct result of your coffee hour donations on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Our church also commits to
sending a small group to Lazarus House on the 4th Monday every month to help prepare and serve a meal for
their guests. Please consider volunteering on one of those Monday’s to help Lazarus House fulfill their
commitment to the homeless. Sign-up sheets are posted in Fellowship Hall.
Our Undie Sunday drive concluded on Easter Sunday, April 20th. The boxes were overflowing with new
underwear and socks for those in need over the Lenten season. We will post the final count of items donated
on the new white board in fellowship hall.
Speaking of the new white board, watch for updates about your participation in mission support projects. Did
you know we sent 7 people to Wish Project on April 7th or that 8 of you helped at Nashua Soup Kitchen on
April 12th. Check it out and consider volunteering. It can be fun and rewarding all at the same time.
Lastly, we updated the Pelham UCC policy statement for missions support which also addresses fundraising
and related announcements during worship. The policy helps the Church and the Mission Committee focus on
our formal mission commitments first but still provide alternatives for other community and individual
fundraising activities. We will post the revised policy on the bulletin board and the church website.
Respectfully submitted for the Mission Committee,
Dan Murphy
Each year more than 3,500 United Church of Christ congregations receive the
Strengthen the Church offering in the Spring. As God calls our congregations to be
“church” in new ways, your gifts will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing
churches, and develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults. Because of this
offering, many more will hear the god news that “God is still speaking.”
As one of the 4 Special Offerings of the United church of Christ, we will be accepting
your donations on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014
In our community
Community news, Women’s Fellowship
On May 3, the Trustees are hosting the next stewardship event. The evening
will feature a pot-luck dinner at 6:30, and followed by a family trivia night.
This should be a fun evening for all. We encourage the formation of teams of
4 people to compete for the title of "2014 Pelham UCC Trivia Champs".
There will be a prize for the winning team, as well as bragging rights for the year.
Since this is a stewardship event, we are asking for a donation of $10 per
person on each team. Teams can include friends outside the church. So,
find your smartest friends and join us for a fun night on May 3. Even if you don't wish to compete in the trivia
contest, please join us that night.
Women's Fellowship held their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, April 22nd.
They enjoyed a presentation by Connie Case who spoke on her recent trip to
Turkey, along with many beautiful photos of that trip. Connie has been a Pelham
resident for many years and is a world traveler.
There will be a Bake Sale on Sunday, April 27th after church to benefit our missions. Please
come by our table and see what delicious goodies we have to offer.
WF would like to thank all those who contributed to the collection of hygiene kits. We
collected 86 of those kits, thus setting a new record for that particular project. Thanks, one
and all!
In May, we will be supporting our Church World Service project which brings
blankets and tools to people who have suffered from disasters. Our collection
will be on Mother's Day, May 11th. Cards will be available to give to a loved
one, telling them of your gift in their honor or in memory of someone.
Please consider supporting this worthwhile project that helps so many people.
May 4th, Women's Fellowship will have their quarterly luncheon at the Coach Stop in Londonderry, 12:00
On May 7th,. the New Hampshire Conference UCC Women's Spring Forum will hold their
conference in Meredith, NH. The Rev. Nancy Talbot will be the speaker and the subject will be "Lifting Our
Spirits". Rebecca Rule, a Humorist, will also speak. Our next meeting will be May 27th and the program is to
be determined. Please join us for coffee, tea, dessert and fellowship. Hope to see you there!
The New Greeley Singers
Announce Their
Annual Spring Concert
“Musical Diversity”
Saturday, May 10, 3 PM
Those of you who have enjoyed The New
Greeley Singers concerts in the past know
that this community chorus usually performs
a number of songs that are familiar to most
people, and at least one offering that may be
new to all. This spring the chorus has
mastered an entirely new work: the spirited
and lyrical Missa brevis (k. 275) by Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart, which gives quite a few
chorus members a chance to perform solos
and is accompanied by a small group of
guest string players. Directed by Michael
Green and accompanied by Elizabeth
Tousignant, the chorus will surround the
Missa with more traditional pieces, including
the beautiful “On Eagle’s Wings,” “Drink to
me only with thine eyes” by the men’s
chorus, and “Already Home” from The
Wizard of Oz by the women’s chorus.
The performance is Saturday May 10 at 3
PM, at the First Congregational Church, 3
Main St., Pelham, NH, 03076, and lasts
about an hour, with light refreshments to
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children 12
and under, and may be obtained at the door
or online by going to For more
information visit that website, call Helen at
(978) 453-9982, or email
Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the Grand
Army of the Republic (GAR) established Decoration Day as a time
for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers.
Maj. Gen. John A. Logan declared that Decoration Day should be
observed on May 30. It is believed that date was chosen because
flowers would be in bloom all over the country.
The first large observance was held that year at Arlington National
Cemetery, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C.
In 1966, Congress and President Lyndon Johnson declared
Waterloo, N.Y., the “birthplace” of Memorial Day. There, a
ceremony on May 5, 1866, honored local veterans who had fought
in the Civil War. Businesses closed and residents flew flags at halfstaff. Supporters of Waterloo’s claim say earlier observances in
other places were either informal, not community-wide or onetime events.
By the end of the 19th century, Memorial Day ceremonies were
being held on May 30 throughout the nation. State legislatures
passed proclamations designating the day, and the Army and Navy
adopted regulations for proper observance at their facilities.
It was not until after World War I, however, that the day was
expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars. In
1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday by an act of
Congress, though it is still often called Decoration Day. It was then
also placed on the last Monday in May, as were some other federal
To ensure the sacrifices of America’s fallen heroes are never
forgotten, in December 2000, the U.S. Congress passed and the
president signed into law “The National Moment of Remembrance
Act,” creating the White House Commission on the National
Moment of Remembrance. The commission’s charter is to
“encourage the people of the United States to give something
back to their country, which provides them so much freedom and
opportunity” by encouraging and coordinating commemorations in
the United States of Memorial Day and the National Moment of
The National Moment of Remembrance encourages all Americans
to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day
for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have
died in service to the nation. As Moment of Remembrance founder
Carmella LaSpada states: “It’s a way we can all help put the
memorial back in Memorial Day.”
Take some time on Memorial Day to honor our Veterans and those
who died in service for their Country at Observances in your
Hometown on May 26th.
Wow is all I could say, what a great response we had to the interest of
developing a Women’s Social Group, we received almost 30 surveys identifying
your interests and others offering help to coordinate events.
A Facebook group page has been created, FCCP Women's Social and Networking Group,
if you are on Facebook please join the group, this will be one of our ways of communicating with those
interested. For those of you not on Facebook, but have advised us you are interested you will receive either
an email, phone call or a note in the mail. If you find an event that is occurring and you would like to go with
others, PLEASE post it on Facebook, start an event yourself, the group will start to grow with your help.
For now here are some upcoming events that have been planned:
Chelmsford Quilt Guild – Quilt Show – Saturday, May 10th, Grace Community Church, Chelmsford.
Our own Glennie Edwards has three of her pieces being shown. Cost is $6. If there is interest in attending
we will plan on a time to visit.
Wednesday, May 21st – Beaver Valley Farm – 6:00 PM. Create an herb dish for your deck.
The Clark family is opening up Beaver Valley to those who are interested in making a culinary herb dish.
What a great way to have fresh herbs to spice up your summer cooking all in one container. We will
determine cost and supplies if there is an interest.
Wednesday, June 25th - Paint Night at Chunky’s Pelham. Class starts at 7:00 PM, doors open at
6:00 PM. Cost is $25.
Registration is not yet available for this event. I will continue to monitor then those interested will need to
register and pay online. What is Paint Night? Get ready to unleash your inner Picasso and paint a
masterpiece to proudly display at your home. A night out with friends, which will probably include a lot of
laughs. To learn more visit Chunky’s website:
If you are interested in any of the above events either post your interest on Facebook, email Maureen at, or add your name to a sign in sheet in the social hall. Plans are underway for a Book
Club, visit to a local winery and relaxing by the pool (of course that is when it is warmer.)
Looking forward to hearing back from you and getting a jump start to this group.
Each week we welcome New Visitors to our Church Worship Services.
Statistics will show you that the decision to join a new church often is a result
of the first impressions and first welcoming gesture church members show to
someone new! As a church that prides itself on welcoming people, please do
your best to introduce and welcome and invite new people in our worship time
to a time of fellowship following our services.
( and Facebook Page (First
Congregational Church of Pelham) for information about your church and activities.
Will we see your name here next month?????