protests, surveillance and the right to the city lucas melgaço vrije
protests, surveillance and the right to the city lucas melgaço vrije
protests, surveillance and the right to the city lucas melgaço vrije universiteit brussel brussels rio de janeiro rio, 1904 – vaccine revolt rio, june 2013 protests surveillance surveiller = sur + veiller surveillance = care + control surveillance = monitoring people in order to regulate or govern their behavior. it is an exercise of power through watching. (Gilliom and Monahan, Supervision, 2012) digital data personal data data metadata database dig data data double ditigitization personal data metadata database big data data double rio, 1904 – vaccine revolt rio, june 2013 protests surveillance of crowd events crowd events or mass gatherings: the temporary assembly of citizens for an expressed socio-cultural or political purpose. though disparate in nature, they all share the following characteristics: • they involve a significant amount of individuals who have a common purpose in converging (thus, pedestrian traffic on public transit would not constitute a massive gathering); • they are of interest to authorities or responsible agencies; • and they involve the potential for physical violence (perpetrated by any participating party, including those charged with overseeing the event). . social sorting identification surveillance of mass demonstrations forms of gaze top-down lateral bottom-up self-surveillance panopticon (Bentham – Foucault) George Orwell – “1984” sousveillance (Mann) liquid surveillance (Bauman and Lyon) technologies and practices video monitoring social media surveillance mobile and wearable technologies big data stakeholders watching and being watched agents of social control (e.g. the police) demonstrators and civil society organizations bystanders companies (e.g. telecoms) media academia moments before during after visibility vs anonymity in public space visibility vs anonymity in public space visibility vs anonymity in public space privacy and the protection of personal data @lucas_melgaco