Community Resource List - St. Tammany Parish Government


Community Resource List - St. Tammany Parish Government
St. Tammany Parish Government
Department of Health & Human Services
21454 Koop Drive, Room 327 Mandeville, LA 70471 Tel : (985) 898‐3074 Updated : August 2016 For the most updated version of this list please go to : 1 Community Resource List | Table of Contents
Basic Needs Housing Family Services Educa on Disability Services Elderly Services Health Services Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Legal / Financial Assistance Community Organiza ons Faith Based Organiza ons Emergency Assistance Other Online Resource Lists Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Page Page Pages Page Page 3‐6 7‐9 10‐12 13‐15 16‐17 18 19‐20 21‐22 23 24 25‐26 27 28 All organiza ons and services listed are for reference only and are not to be considered as affiliated or endorsed by St. Tammany Parish unless noted otherwise. This Resource List has been prepared by St. Tammany Parish
Government’s Department of Health & Human Services.
This is not an all‐inclusive list of available resources.
To add your organiza on to this list, please email:
2 Basic Needs | Food, Shelter, Other Bush Food Pantry 81605 Hwy 41 Bush, LA 70431 (985) 516‐6091 Services Provided: Food distribu on for families and individuals in need. (Follows guidelines set by Second Harvest Food Bank). Applicants must be residents of St. Tammany parish and fit in one of the following criteria: 
Combined Household income level is within guidelines—Income guidelines change yearly ‐ call for updated income limits. All occupants of household receive SNAP benefits Applicant receives Supplemental Security Income Household receives aid to families and dependent children Caring Center
1020 Joe Buccaran Dr. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 649‐5237 Services Provided: Emergency shelter for women & children only. Community Ac on Agency
520 Old Spanish Trail 3c Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 646‐2090 Covington
1301 N. Florida St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐3923
Services Provided: The Community Ac on Agency (CAA), with offices in Covington and Slidell, provides a number of services to St. Tammany Parish residents including emergency u lity, rental and mortgage assistance. The CAA also works with the Northlake
Homeless Coali on for homeless and near‐homeless families transi oning from homelessness to help them become self‐sustaining. They help individuals and families break down barriers that create dependency. Assistance to improve energy efficiency of homes is offered through CAA’s Weatheriza on program. Community Chris an Concern
2515 Carey St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 646‐0357 Services Provided: Community Chris an Concern assists individuals and families with urgent needs requiring immediate, short‐term solu ons. We empower families and individuals by offering emergency assistance in the form of food, clothing, personal care items, shelter, prescrip on assistance, and emergency travel. Family Promise St. Tammany
513 Michigan Avenue Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 201‐7221 familypromises Services Provided: Faith‐based community organiza on commi ed to helping transi onal families with children become self sustaining by helping homeless families find temporary homes. Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on ‐ See Page 5
Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on ‐ See Page 5
3 Basic Needs | Food, Shelter, Other Food Bank of Covington 840 N. Columbia St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐3003 Services Provided: Food distribu on for families and individuals in need within 130% federal poverty guidelines. Requires registra on, items needed for registra on: Picture ID, Proof of Monthly Household Income, Proof of residence, Proof of all those living in the household (Social Security Cards are required for all household members). Registra on hours:
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9am ‐ 11:30am You must be signed in by 11:30 to register. Food Distribu on hours:
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9am – 12pm You must be in line by 11:45 to receive food. Freedom Worship
757 Old Spanish Trail Slidell, LA (985) 326‐5622 Services Provided: Offers transi onal housing for men. Giving Hope Retreat 31294 US Hwy 190 Lacombe LA 70445 (985) 218‐9485 Services Provided: (Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on ‐ See Page 5) Miramon Center
2515 Carey St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 649‐6233‐center Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on ‐ See Page 5
A one year Discipleship Program designed to change lives (for those who self‐iden ty as homeless)  Free long term addic on & trauma counseling (Mission)  Meal Service: 3 meals daily, 24,000 meals served monthly  Community Outreach‐Reducing food insecurity in the community  Divine Staffing : Voca onal training and Workforce Development for Disciples  Lovely Crea ons: Voca onal training for women, teaching them how to make a product, market it, and sell it (Mission) Services Provided: Houses a maximum of 12 men in the transi onal men’s housing program. It allows men to save their earnings and transi on into permanent housing with a life of self‐
sufficiency and independence. The program gives the men an opportunity to begin anew, offering hope in rebuilding their lives from life’s circumstances. Residents are sponsored by local churches and organiza ons, and are working on individual goals. Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on ‐ See Page 5
NAMI St. Tammany
23515 US Hwy 190, Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐6681 NAMIST (985) 626‐6538 Services Provided: Provides permanent suppor ve housing, transi onal housing, and suppor ve services to homeless adults living with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) and/or co‐occurring disorders. Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on ‐ See Page 5
4 Basic Needs | Food, Shelter, Other New Orleans Mission
1134 Baronne St. New Orleans, LA 70113 (504) 523‐2116 Services Provided: 21‐day Emergency shelter program includes a bed, 3 daily meals, a change of clothing, and hygiene supplies. Northlake Homeless Coali on
P.O. Box 53 Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 626‐6681 Services Provided: Coordinated planning process that brings together many levels of local, state and federal agencies as well as public, private, faith‐based, and non‐profit organiza ons and concerned public. The NHC membership body works to house individuals and families, keep them in safe housing, and connect them with the support that will help secure their long‐term stability. Red Cross
2640 Canal St. New Orleans, LA 70128 Phone: (504) 620‐3105 Services Provided: Disaster relief and recovery. The Southeast Louisiana Chapter serves Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. John, Assump on, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Mary, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa and Washington Parishes. Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on‐orleans Safe Harbor
P.O. Box 1179 Mandeville, LA 70470 24‐Hour Crisis Line
(985) 626‐5740 1‐888‐411‐1333 Services Provided: Crisis interven on, safety planning, emergency shelter, empowerment advocacy, and other suppor ve services to survivors of domes c, family, and da ng violence. Samaritan Center
402 Girod St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐4457 Services Provided: The Samaritan Center is a Chris an organiza on offering emergency assistance with food for those in our community who are in need. Limited assistance for u li es, rent/mortgage, transporta on, & medicines may be provided in some circumstances. Hours of opera on:
 Food, Personal Hygiene Items 
Gas, Clothes, Household Items Limited Housing Assistance Temporary Short‐Term Transient Assistance Limited U li es Assistance Limited Prescrip ons School Supplies (Seasonal) Thanksgiving Food Baskets (Seasonal) Gran’s A c Thri Shop (open to public) 5 Monday—Friday 10AM—3PM Basic Needs | Food, Shelter, Other Supplemental Nutri on
Assistance Program (SNAP)
St. Tammany Economic Stability Office 351 Holiday Blvd. Covington LA 70433 1‐888‐524‐3578 Services Provided: The Supplemental Nutri on Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits that help eligible low‐income households buy the food they need for good health. For most households, SNAP funds account for only a por on of their food budgets; they must also use their own funds to buy enough food to last throughout the month. Eligi‐
ble households can receive food assistance through regular SNAP or through the Louisiana Combined Applica on Project (LaCAP). The Good Samaritan Ministry
910 Crossgates Blvd. Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 641‐6421 Services Provided: Provides services for Slidell and Pearl River residents and transients only – by appointment only unless otherwise stated. Services include: 
Distribu on of Food, Diapers, Formula, Gas (Restric ons apply, no appointment needed) First Step in Crisis – Assistance with any legi mate need that can be validated. Assistance is limited to once every twelve months per household (not person). Informa on needed:  Proof of need
 Picture ID & Social Security No.
 Proof of income
 Copies of uƟlity bills, rental agreements, etc.
School Supplies – No need for appointment, set days published on our annual calendar of events Tutoring – Must register at front desk of Good Sams. $5 fee per session. SNAP applica ons – Assistance in applying for SNAP, call to request an appointment Food For Seniors – No appointment required. Available every second Wednesday of the month from 2‐4. Drive through boxes of food for seniors 60 and older who have been pre‐qualified by Catholic Chari es. Family Promise – Homeless family support. Stepping Stones – Rela onship management to mentor an unstable family through an individualize plan toward stability. Timothy Trumpet of Truth
36479 Browns Village Rd. Slidell, LA 70460 (985) 639‐9882 trumpeto Services Provided: Faith based community service gran ng emergency shelter for homeless men. WIC (Women, Infants and
Children) Food Supplement
St. Tammany Community Wellness Center
1505 N. Florida St. Covington LA 70433 (985) 871‐6030
CommunityWellness Services Provided: WIC is a supplemental food program for eligible pregnant and post‐partum women and their children, from birth to five years. Food packages and educa on are provided based upon the individual's assessed needs. Eligibility can be established by providing proof of par cipa on in one of the following programs: Requires referral through Northlake Homeless Coali on ‐ See Page 5
Food stamps Medicaid TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) LA Chip (not LA Chip Affordable Plan) LA Moms 6 Housing | Repairs , Loan Assistance, and Homeownership
FEMA (800) 621‐FEMA FEMA Transi onal Support (504) 762‐2437 Services Provided: Provides basic needs for those living in unfit condi ons, whether the condi ons are hurricane related or not. In addi on to assis ng disaster vic ms. Florida Parishes Human
Services Authority (FPHSA)
835 Pride Dr. Ste. B Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 543‐4333 Services Provided: Permanent suppor ve housing (PSH) vouchers for the disabled. More about FPHSA: Florida Parishes Human Services Authority (FPHSA) is a state funded local governance en ty with the vision of enhancing the availability of services and supports leading to a sa sfying and produc ve life for persons with addic ons, developmental disabili es, and mental illnesses. Greater New Orleans Fair
Housing Ac on Center
404 S Jefferson Davis Pkwy New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 596‐2100 Services Provided: The Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Ac on Center (GNOFHAC) is a nonprofit civil rights organiza on established in 1995 to eradicate housing discrimina on. GNOFHAC’s work throughout Louisiana includes educa on, inves ga on and enforcement ac vi es. Call to:  File a housing discrimina on complaint  Schedule a fair housing training for your company, non‐profit organiza on, neighborhood organiza on or classroom  Make an appointment to see a cer fied housing counselor for free assistance with a mortgage delinquency or default situa on, a homeownership insurance claim, or another homeownership issue. Habitat for Humanity East 747 Old Spanish Trail Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 639‐0656 www.esth .org Services Provided: Home ownership program and financial educa on programs for low income individuals and families. Habitat for Humanity West 69164 Hwy 59 Ste. 2 Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 893‐3172 Services Provided: HFHSTW builds homes in the Abita Springs, Covington, Folsom, Madisonville, Mandeville, and unincorporated areas of western St. Tammany Parish. Primary services include:  St. Tammany Homeownership Center, a service of Habitat for Humanity St. Tammany
West (created at the request of St. Tammany Parish Government): Offers a Financial Fitness class and a 1st Time Homebuyer Training ; USDA repair and loan info; credit repair.  Housing – offers the opportunity of homeownership and asset building to low‐income families in western St. Tammany Parish.  Volunteer Services – engages volunteer labor to sell homes to partnering families for an affordable purchase price.  Post‐Purchase Support – serves as a resource for homeowners for as long as they own their Habitat homes.  ReStore ‐ accepts dona ons of new and gently‐used materials from a variety of sources and sells the balance in its retail opera ons at below retail prices. Profits from the ReStore are used to fund the construc on of several Habitat homes each year. 7 Housing | Repairs , Loan Assistance, and Homeownership
LA Housing Search (877) 428‐8844 Services Provided: A housing locator service allows people to locate available housing that best fits their individual and family needs. Hours of Opera on (Telephone Service) Monday ‐ Friday 8AM—7PM Louisiana Housing
Corpora on 2415 Quail Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70808 225‐763‐8700 Services Provided: Helps residents obtain safe, affordable, energy efficient housing. Programs Offered: ‐Home repair and rehab ‐LIHEAP (U lity Bill Assistance) New Day Homeownership
303 S. Military Rd Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 288‐5826 Services Provided: Homeowner counseling and home repair grants to members of the community. Offering credit repair, pre‐purchase counseling, financial fitness classes and money management classes. Northshore Disaster Recovery 360 Robert Blvd. Epworth Building Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 781‐7990 Services Provided: Provides basic needs for those living in unfit condi ons, whether the condi ons are hurricane related or not. In addi on to assis ng disaster vic ms, Epworth Project assists the low income and elderly with home repairs and builds handicapped ramps for disabled ci zens. Northshore Housing
Ini a ves
222 N. Vermont St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 246‐7050 Services Provided: By leveraging public and private funding, NHI assists moderate‐income families and individuals in becoming homeowners in St. Tammany Parish through a community land trust. 8 Housing | Repairs , Loan Assistance, and Homeownership
Road Home
10049 N. Rieger Rd Baton Rouge, LA 70809 1‐888‐762‐3252 Services Provided: Offers programs for homeowners to get back into their homes a er disasters. Provider of HAP (Homeowner Assistance Program) and SRPP (Small Rental Property Program) ‐ both programs offer grants /loans for repairs with low forgivable loans. Salva on Manor
62700 LA Hwy 1091 Pearl River, LA 70452 (985) 863‐1999 Services Provided: Provides rental subsidies( Sec on 202 Rental Assistance) to renters. This subsidy allows the renter to pay 30% of his or her income for rent while the subsidy pays the difference. To qualify, a renter must earn 50% or less of the Area Median Income. Slidell Housing Authority
Services Provided: Provide equal access to safe, quality housing for our families and 1250 Mar n Luther King Jr Dr. elderly residents throughout the community. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 726‐9000 Volunteers of America Greater
New Orleans 823 Carroll St. # B Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 674‐0488 Services Provided: Maintenance ‐ Residen al Rehabilita on Program. Home repairs, handicap accessibility and energy efficiency improvements. Income limits apply. Weatheriza on Assistance
Slidell (985) 646‐2090 Covington (985) 893‐3923 Services Provided: Weatheriza on assistance to improve the energy efficiency of homes of low‐income families. Income qualifica ons are set annually by federal government. Priority is given to households with members who are: US Department of Agriculture
3727 Government St. Alexandria, LA 71302 (318) 473‐7630 
Elderly Disabled Have children under the age of 5 Services Provided:
Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants in Louisiana Also known as the Sec on 504 Home Repair program, this provides loans to very‐low‐income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very‐low‐income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards. Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program in Louisiana Provides homeownership opportuni es to low‐to moderate‐income rural Americans through several loan, grant, and loan guarantee programs. The programs also make funding available to individuals to finance vital improvements necessary to make their homes decent, safe, and sanitary. 9 Family Services
Adop on Choices
Contact: Shannon Noonan 1860 McNamara St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 630‐9393 Services Provided: Adop on and Foster counseling services. Boys & Girls Club 705 Dewey Dr. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐3464 Services Provided: Since 1965, Boys & Girls Clubs have provided children and teens with access to life‐enriching programs that support academic success, healthy lifestyles and good ci zenship. Camp Hope
(Grief Camp for Kids) 2763A 3rd St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 288‐5275 Services Provided: Available to ALL children between 6 and 12 years of age who are grieving and need support. Offers all the fun of a typical camp, along with group‐therapy ac vi es to assist the children with their bereavement process. These ac vi es incorporate the use of art, music, games and play therapies: with the theme of offering true hope for their future. The mission is to restore grieving children and families back into the mainstream of their lives through innova ve services. A Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in Play Therapy will conduct each session. Children's Advocacy Center‐
Hope House
P.O. Box 1852 Covington, LA 70434 (985) 892‐3885 Services Provided: Forensic interviews, counseling services for children who have been sexually abused, and offers sexual abuse preven on training. All services are free of charge. Child Advocacy Services 1504 W. Church St. Hammond, LA 70401 (800) 798‐1575 (985) 902‐9583 Services Provided: Advocacy, clinical services, and preven on educa on for children and families in 10 Southeast Louisiana parishes including Ascension, Assump on, East and West Feliciana, Livingston, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John, and Tangipahoa Parishes. Child Welfare
Office of Community Services
300 Covington Center Ste. 1 Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐6225 Services Provided: Department of Children and Family Services—Child protec ve services. Call 1‐855‐4LA‐KIDS (1‐855‐452‐5437) toll free 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Community Service
Department 351 Holiday Blvd. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐6363 Services Provided: SNAP sign up loca on, Family and Children welfare services, and foster/adop on services. Help individuals & families become self‐sufficient. 10 Family Services
Covington Family Service
73134 E. Stadium Dr. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐0053 Services Provided: Child Care Center, Day Care Center, In‐Home/Family Day Care. Early Childhood Support
Services (ECSS)
3916 LA 22 Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 624‐4140 Services Provided: A State program managed by the Department of Health and Hospital, Office of Behavioral Health. ECSS provides a coordinated system of screening, evalua on and referral services and treatment for children ages 0 through 5 years and their families. Essen ally a preven on and interven on program, its elements include local, integrated and comprehensive systems of care for young children and healthy development along with school readiness. Early Interven on Program/
Noah’s Arc Child
Development Centers 700 Gause Blvd. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐6227 1689 Viola St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 674‐1998 Services Provided: Early Interven on/Early Steps services are available to children birth to age 3 who have a developmental delay. Early Steps Services: Fairhaven Children's Home
21066 Fairhaven Rd Covington, LA 70435 (985) 892‐1134 Services Provided: Fair Haven provides a “home” atmosphere for children giving each child with a well‐rounded learning and developing experience with spiritual growth and moral maturity. Kids Wanna Help
816 W. 15th Ave. Covington, LA 70433 (504)453‐2291 Services Provided: Kids Wanna Help ® is a 501 (c)(3) kid powered non‐profit organiza on that gives kids an opportunity to raise money for chari es through fun ac vi es that build confidence and self‐esteem and encourage a life me of social and community responsibility. LA Domes c Violence Hot line (888) 411‐1333 Services Provided: The LA Coali on Against Domes c Violence is the federally designated statewide coali on of shelters, non‐residen al programs and individuals working to end domes c violence in Louisiana. We oppose violence as a means of control over others and support equality in rela onships.  Occupa onal therapy  Speech/Language therapy  Special instruc on 11 Family Services
Louisiana Youth Enhanced
Services (LA‐YES)
Slidell, LA (504) 896‐2636 or (866)39LAYES Services Provided: The LA Youth Enhanced Services (LA‐Y.E.S.) is a System of Care that was developed to help children with behavioral and emo onal disorders get the care that they need so they can have happier and healthier rela onships with their family, school, and community. Quality Independent Service
Coordinators of Louisiana, Inc.‐
Infant/Toddler Program
19226 N. 5th St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 809‐0400 Services Provided: Individual and Family Social Service case management. Safe Harbor
P.O. Box 1179 Mandeville, LA 70470 24‐Hour Crisis Line
(985) 626‐5740 1‐888‐411‐1333 Services Provided: Crisis interven on, safety planning, emergency shelter, empowerment advocacy, and other suppor ve services to survivors of domes c, family, and da ng violence. Southeast Spouse Abuse
PO Box 1946 Hammond, LA 70404 (985) 542‐8384 Services Provided: Promotes social change by providing services which empower ba ered and abused individuals and their dependent children of all abili es to achieve safe, violence‐free lives. The Paren ng Center of St.
Tammany Parish Hospital 1505 N. Florida St. Ste. B Covington, LA 70433 (985) 898‐4435 ngcenter Services Provided: The purpose of this program is to provide a center where parents, through the help of professionally trained staff, can develop paren ng skills, thereby maximizing their child’s intellectual, physical, social, emo onal, and educa onal development. 12 Educa on
Head Start Programs
Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children from low‐income families through agencies in their local community. Head Start and Early Head Start programs support the comprehensive development of children from birth to age 5, in centers, child care partner loca ons, and in their own homes. Head Start services include early learning, health, and family well‐being. Covington Head Start/Early Head Start
73134 E. Stadium Dr. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐0053 (985) 892‐8638 Slidell Head Start 61260 Airport Rd Slidell, LA 70460 (985) 605‐5070 (985) 605‐5080 (Fax) (985) 605‐5071 Lacombe/Mandeville Head Start
60366 S. 24th St. Lacombe, LA 70445 (985) 882‐5610 (985) 882‐7094 (Fax)(985) 882‐9388 Robert Head Start
22476 Hwy 190 East Robert, LA 70455 (985) 318‐8800 SLU Head Start/Early Head Start
125 W. Tornado Dr. Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 549‐5948 Pearl River Head Start
63631 Hwy 11 Pearl River, LA 70452 (985) 863‐3660 (985) 863‐3681 (Fax)(985) 863‐3692 St Tammany Parish School Board Contact Informa on
St. Tammany Parish School
Board (C. J. Schoen
Administra ve Complex) 321 N. Theard St. Covington, LA 70433‐2835 (985) 892‐2276 St. Tammany Parish
School Registra on
Covington (985) 898‐3370 Slidell (985) 646‐4917 St. Tammany Parish School
Board (Sec on 504)
(985) 898‐3311 Ext 3309 St. Tammany Parish School
Board (Special Educa on)
(985) 898‐3311 Covington (985) 646‐4920 Slidell Public Schools with Early Childhood Programs (Pre‐Kindergarten)
Eligibility: Currently eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch, under 6 years of age and at least 4 years old by Oct 1st. Must live within school boundaries to a end each specific school. Full school boundary maps can be found online at Abita Springs Elementary 22410 Level St. Abita Springs, LA 70420 (985) 892‐8184 Abney Early Childhood 829 Kostmayer Ave Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 649‐1858 Alton Elementary 38276 N. 5th Ave Slidell, LA 70460 (985) 863‐5353 Bayou Woods Elementary 35614 Liberty Dr. Slidell, LA 70460 (985) 641‐1901 Bonne Ecole Elementary 900 Rue Verand Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐0674 Brock Elementary 259 Brakefield St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐5166 13 Educa on
Public Schools with Early Childhood Programs (Pre‐Kindergarten)
Eligibility: Currently eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch, under 6 years of age and at least 4 years old by Oct 1st. Must live within school boundaries to a end each specific school. Full school boundary maps can be found online at Chahta‐Ima Elementary 27488 Pichon Rd Lacombe, LA 70445 (985) 882‐7541 chahta‐ Covington Elementary 325 S. Jackson St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 892‐4311 Cypress Cove Elementary 540 S. Military Rd Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 641‐3033 Fi h Ward Jr. High 81419 Hwy 21 Bush, LA 70431 (985) 886‐3273 fi Florida Avenue Elementary 342 Florida Ave Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐1605 Folsom Elementary 82144 Hwy 25 Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796‐3820 Lee Road Jr. High 79131 Hwy 40; Lee Rd. Covington, LA 70435 (985) 892‐3636 Li le Pearl Elementary 63829 Hwy 11 Pearl River, LA 70452 (985) 863‐5906 li Lyon Elementary 1615 N. Florida St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 892‐0869 Madisonville Elementary 317 Hwy 1077 Madisonville, LA 70447 (985) 845‐3671 Mandeville Elementary 519 Massena St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐3950 Marigny Elementary 1715 Viola St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 674‐3011 Mayfield Elementary 31820 Hwy. 190 W Slidell, LA 70460 (985) 643‐5693 Pontchartrain Elementary 1500 W. Causeway Approach Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 626‐3748 Sixth Ward Elementary 72360 Hwy 41 Pearl River, LA 70452 (985) 863‐7126 Sixth Ward Elementary
72360 Hwy 41 Pearl River, LA 70452 (985) 863‐7126 Whispering Forest Elementary
300 Spiehler Rd Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 641‐3400 Woodlake Elementary
1620 Livingston Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐8842 14 Educa on
Private Preschools that Accept Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Vouchers
AppleTREE Academy 72125 Military Rd Covington, LA 70435 (985) 893‐3112 East St. Tammany Rainbow Childcare Center 121 Kingspoint Blvd. Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 646‐0718 Wee Wisdom Learning Center
1344 Eastridge Dr. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 641‐2710 Louisiana Children’s Research
Center for Development &
Learning 208 S. Tyler St. Ste. A Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐7777 Services Provided: LA nonprofit organiza on, specialized in customized, pragma c professional learning for educators that is specific and relevant to the needs of their students. CDL professionals have special exper se in the areas of literacy, evidence‐based teaching strategies, learning differences and tailored interven on, and building the capacity of teachers. St. Tammany Adult Educa on
1‐(800) 732‐6640 Extension 128 Services Provided: FREE classes are offered to qualified students at our loca ons in Slidell, Covington, Mandeville, Hammond & Greensburg. Services Available: HiSET Prep, ESL (English as a Second Language), HiSET Prep Online. The Harvey L. Foster
Founda on for Science
Educa on
226 Chestnut Oak Dr. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 674‐0900 Services Provided: The Harvey L. Foster Founda on for Science Educa on has a mission to ins ll an interest in science in youths, to further science educa on in under‐funded programs in elementary, secondary, and higher educa on in the St. Tammany, Washington, Livingston, and Tangipahoa Parishes of Louisiana, and to assist high school and college students in pursuing college degrees in the areas of science and engineering. 15 Disability Services
Advocacy Center: Disability
Legal Services
8325 Oak St. New Orleans, LA 70118 (800) 960‐7705 Services Provided: Legal assistance for the disabled. Alpha House Adult Day Health
Care Program 20127 Hwy 36 Covington, LA 70443 (985) 892‐7074 Services Provided: Non‐medical home care. Brain Injury Associa on of
Louisiana PO Box 57527 New Orleans, LA70157 (504) 453‐2512 Services Provided: Provides resources and support for those who suffer from brain and/or spinal injuries. Deaf Ac on Center
19352 N 2nd St. # 2 Covington, LA 70433 (985) 892‐2581 www.deafac Services Provided: ASL interrupters, ASL classes, free phone services for seniors, free alarm and door ringer light flashers, and free hearing aids for low income individuals over 50 years of age. Facebook: Developmental Disabili es
Services‐ FPHSA
835 Pride Dr. Ste. B Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 543‐4333 Services Provided: FPHSA DDS is the single point of entry in the five‐parish area for the following services provided to individuals with developmental disabili es: Individual and family support, Cash subsidy, Personal support coordina on, Supported living, ICF/DD residen al placement, Crisis funds, and a community support team. LA Rehabilita on Services
1704 N. Columbia St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 871‐8385 Services Provided: Louisiana Rehabilita on Services (LRS) assists persons with disabili es in their desire to obtain or maintain employment and/or achieve independence in their communi es by providing rehabilita on services and working coopera vely with business and other community resources. 16 Disability Services
LA Works‐Business & Career
Solu ons East St. Tammany
524 Gause Blvd. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 646‐6410 Services Provided: Employment services New Heights Therapy Center
82302 Holliday Dr. Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796‐3677 Services Provided: Therapeu c Riding and Hippotherapy (Horse riding classes and therapy for the disabled) Op ons, Inc. 19362 W Shelton Rd Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 345‐6269 op Services Provided: Helps people with disabili es live and work in the community. Opera onal Hours Monday‐Friday 8AM‐4PM Rock of Ages Adult Day Care
1541 St. Ann Pl. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 847‐1166 Services Provided: Rock Of Ages Adult Daycare provide personalized services designed to meet the needs of every pa ent. Dedicated health professionals offer the assistance you need while respec ng your independence. STARC
1541 St. Ann Pl. Slidell, LA 70460 (985) 641‐0197 Services Provided: A large array of programs targeted to help the elderly and those with disabili es. Programs include: Job training, children programs, adult programs, and elderly programs TARC
408 N. Cypress St. Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 345‐8811 1‐(800) 673‐0556 Services Provided: TARC employs Direct Support Professionals to provide physical assistance to individuals with special needs. The services include hands on assistance with daily living skills, hygiene, health and safety needs, and socializa on skills. They also provide Early interven on for children from birth to three years of age with special needs. Early interven on addresses delays in development with speech, cogni on, fine and gross motor skills, behavior, and social/emo onal needs 17 Elderly Services
Alpha House Adult Day Health
Care Program 20127 Hwy 36 Covington, LA 70443 (985) 892‐7074 COAST 72060 Ramos Ave, Covington, LA 70433 (985) 892‐0377 Services Provided: Council on Aging St. Tammany is a private, nonprofit corpora on, which serves St. Tammany parish residents age 60 and older. Most services are offered at no cost. Dona ons are accepted & greatly appreciated. The agency does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, na onal origin, or handicap status in either employment or service provision. COAST serves as the Area Agency on Aging for St. Tammany Parish. Elderly Protec ve Services
(985) 543‐4036 Elder Abuse Hotline:
1‐800‐259‐4990 Services Provided: Report abuse of the Elderly Right at Home ‐ Non Medical
Home Care
200 Mariner's Plaza, Ste. 201 Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐7130 www.northshore.rightat Services Provided: Non medical home care, assisted living at home services. Services Provided: Non‐medical home care. Senior Resource Guide
(800) 955‐8510 Services Provided: Guide for services available for seniors to improve their quality of life. Slidell Adult Day Health Care
2768 Third St./Sgt. Alfred Dr. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐1112 Services Provided: Provides a safe place where adults who choose to live at home can come and enjoy various therapeu c ac vi es, assistance with their Ac vi es of Daily Living, and have the opportunity to get out of the house, socialize and have fun! We specialize in caring for individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and demen a. STARC Rock of Ages Adult
1541 St. Ann Pl. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 847‐1166 Services Provided: Rock Of Ages Adult Daycare provide personalized services designed to meet the needs of every pa ent. The dedicated health professionals offer the assistance you need while respec ng your independence. St. Tammany SALT Council
(Seniors And Law
enforcement Together)
PO Box 596 Mandeville, LA 70470 (985) 809‐5450 Services Provided: The mission of the Council is to work with the Public Safety agencies to improve the safety and security of Senior Adults residing in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. This mission has led to highly effec ve Elder Abuse advocacy through public informa on programs and training for professionals. 18 Health Services
Community Wellness Center
1505 N. Florida St. Ste. A Covington, LA 70433 (985) 871‐6030 Services Provided: Medicaid and WIC applica on site, urine pregnancy tests, immuniza ons, and Nurse‐Family Program site Covington Food Bank Dental
834 N. Columbia St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 871‐3939 Services Provided: Provides quality, comprehensive, affordable dental services to qualified low‐income individuals Hours of opera on: Monday ‐Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm *Depending on volunteer den st availability, Fridays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Health Care Connec on‐VOA
823 Carroll St. Ste. B Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 674‐0488 Services Provided: Northshore satellite office of Volunteers of America (Greater New Orleans) ‐ provides free HIV tes ng and rapid HIV Oral tes ng Hospice Founda on of the
Services Provided: The Hospice Founda on of the South is dedicated to providing South
resources for medical and emo onal care for terminally ill pa ents and their families. Refers 501 Robert Blvd. Ste. 304 pa ents to hospice agencies and also operates the Hospice House; giving indigent pa ents a Slidell, LA 70458 place to stay during their final days at no cost (985) 643‐5470 hospicefounda ono Louisiana Medicaid
888‐342‐6207 Services Provided: Medicaid informa on and enrollment Northlake Crisis Pregnancy
814 W. 21st St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐4281 Services Provided: Chris an based medical and counseling services for pregnant women, women who have recently had an abor on, or may be sexually ac ve. Hours of Opera on: Monday – Thursday 10AM‐5PM Northshore Families Helping
204 West 21st Avenue Covington, LA 70433 (985) 875‐0511 www. Services Provided:
Provides informa on, referral, educa on, training and one‐to‐one support to families enrolled in Children’s Special Health Services Provides support to families whose children have special health care needs. 19 Health Services
Health Centers and Hospitals
Lakeview Regional
Medical Center 95 Judge Tanner Blvd. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 867‐3800 Louisiana Heart Hospital
64030 LA‐434 Lacombe, LA 70445 (985) 690‐7500 Mary Bird Perkins Cancer
1203 S. Tyler St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 875‐2234 Ochsner Northshore
Regional Medical Center
100 Medical Center Dr. Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 649‐7070 St. Tammany Community
Health Center
501 Robert Rd. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 607‐0400 www.s St. Tammany Parish
1202 S. Tyler St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 898‐4000 Ochsner Health Center
1000 Ochsner Blvd. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 875‐2828 Bone Marrow/Blood Donor Programs
American Associa on of Bone
Marrow Donor
Registries, Inc.
2733 North St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐1749 Blood Center for Southeast Louisiana
4350 Hwy 22 Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 626‐4937 Na onal Health Organiza ons
American Cancer Society
(800) 227‐2345 American Heart Associa on
(800) 242‐8721 20 Na onal Marrow Donor Program
New Heights Therapy Center
16191 Hwy 40 Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796‐3677 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
Choices Coordinated Care
Solu ons
116 Robin Hood Dr. Ste. B Hammond, LA 70403 985‐318‐3242 Services Provided: Serves youth who are affected by mental, emo onal or behavioral challenges. They address the needs of children who are at risk of or already living in an out‐
of‐home care situa on. Choices serves youth and families in their natural se ngs, reducing the need for more invasive ins tu onal care. Counseling Solu ons of
Catholic Chari es Archdiocese
of New Orleans
910 Cross Gates Blvd. Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 605‐5840 Services Provided: Professional counseling program available to individuals and families of all faiths. Accepts payment from most major insurance companies and offers a generous income‐based sliding scale payment op on. Offers help for adults and children coping with: depression, anxiety/stress, grief and loss, abuse/trauma, chronic mental illness, parent‐child issues, rela onship issues, anger, and more. Early Childhood Support &
Services (ECSS)
3916 LA 22 Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 624‐4140 Services Provided: Early childhood programs, Educa onal needs, Mental health, Public health programs, Family support, Paren ng and community support. Louisiana Founda on Against
Sexual Assault Inc.
(985) 345‐5995 Services Provided: Informa on for vic ms of sexual assault. Milestones Counseling & Con‐
sul ng, LLC
2836 Front St. Slidell, LA 70458 985) 503‐5949 Services Provided: Offers mental health counseling to low income individuals and families on a sliding scale. Also accepts Medicaid. St. Tammany Outreach for the
Preven on of Suicide (STOPS)
427 Theard St. PMB 500 Covington, LA 70433 (985) 237‐5506 www.stops‐ Services Provided: Suicide preven on and loss counseling available on a sliding scale. Also provides ASIST (Applied Suicide Interven on Skills Training) classes. If you are someone you know is contempla ng suicide or needs someone to talk to, please dial 211 or call the Na onal Suicide Hotline, (800) 273‐TALK. Survivors of Suicide (985) 626‐7012 Truth 180 (Appointment Only)
Franklinton 907 Mill St. Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 322‐2151 Services Provided: Provides individual, group, and family therapy to all those who desire such services or, are mandated by the courts or other en es to receive these services. Covington 20234 Hwy 36, Stes. B & C Covington, LA 70433 (985) 809‐9900 Slidell 1169 Robert Rd., Ste. F Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 326‐8630 21 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
General Counseling Centers
Beacon Behavioral Health—
2130 1st St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 607‐0290 Connec ons Counseling
11516 Tantela Ranch Rd Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 893‐7569 connec Fontainebleau Treatment
23515 Hwy 190 Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 624‐4121 Lurline Smith Mental Health
900 Wilkinson St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985)624‐4450 Mental Health Associa on of
St. Tammany
2237 First St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 641‐0619 Na onal Alliance on Mental
Illness St. Tammany
23515 US Hwy 190 Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐6538 namis St. Tammany Community
Health Center
501 Robert Blvd. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 647‐0400 www.s Tchefuncte Family
321 N. Vermont St. Ste. 203 Covington, LA 70433 (985) 871‐8177 Volunteers of America
Mental Health –Mandeville
823 Carroll St. Ste. B Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 727‐7767 Youth Service Bureau of St.
430 N. New Hampshire Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐2570 Substance Abuse Preven on Programs
LA Campaign for Tobacco‐Free Living
21454 Koop Dr. Ste. 2E Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 871‐8353 DARE‐Covington
Covington, LA (985) 892‐8500 DARE‐Mandeville
(985) 624‐3111 DARE‐Slidell
(985) 646‐4295 *Drug Abuse Resistance Educa on (D.A.R.E.) is an interna onal substance abuse preven on educa on program that seeks to prevent use of controlled drugs, membership in gangs, and violent behavior. Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
Northlake Addic ve Disorders Clinic
19404 N. 10th St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 871‐1380 Slidell Addic ve Disorders Clinic
2331 Carey St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 646‐6406 22 Legal / Financial Assistance
Advocacy Center
8325 Oak St. New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 522‐2337 Services Provided: Legal assistance for the elderly and disabled. Southeast Louisiana Legal
Services Corpora on
2100 N. Hwy 190, Ste. B Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐0076 Services Provided: Legal assistance for low income individuals. General Legal Resources
District A orney
520 Old Spanish Trail Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 646‐4110 Public Defenders Office
402 N. Jefferson Avenue Covington, LA 70433 (985) 892‐5002 Veteran Affairs East
St. Tammany
520 Old Spanish Trail Ste. 2E Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 645‐3500 Financial Resources/ Assistance
Credit Counseling Services
1338 Gause Blvd. Ste. 202 Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 641‐4158 Simple Steps to Money
1330 Corporate Square Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 201‐8390 St. Tammany East Chamber
of Commerce
1808 Front St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐5678 St. Tammany West Chamber
of Commerce
610 Hollycrest Blvd. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 892‐3216 Social Security Office
64285 LA 434 Lacombe, LA 70445 (985) 892‐9331 23 Veteran Affairs West
St. Tammany
Old Court House, 510 East Boston St. Ste. 140 Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐6201 Community Organiza ons
911 St. Tammany Parish
Communica on District
(985) 898‐4911 Services Provided: Informa on pertaining to the 9‐1‐1 emergency phone system. Anchors
106 Woodcrest Dr. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 327‐9995 Services Provided: ANCHORS stands for Area Navy Chiefs Helping Our Region Succeed. Navy Chiefs are experts in mentoring and training their Sailors and Junior Officers. With An‐
chors, our Life Coaches will use their experience and skills to help the civilian community. Commission on Families
St. Tammany
16333 LA Hwy 1085 Covington, LA (985) 893‐5859 Services Provided: A coali on of diverse members working together to increase our capacity to empower families by providing opportuni es for networking, collabora on, training and informa on exchange. Our purpose is to iden fy service gaps, develop strategies for the mobiliza on and u liza on of volunteers within organiza ons and involve the private sector in suppor ng services for families and children. Since 1996 the commission has worked with people, groups and organiza ons that provide cri cal support and services to children and families. Northshore Community
Founda on
610 Hollycrest Blvd. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 893‐8757 Northshorefounda Services Provided: The Northshore Community Founda on unites human and financial resources to enhance the quality of life in the Northshore region. N'R PEACE Inc.
2765 Sargeant Alfred Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643‐3182‐peace Services Provided: A minority nonprofit community based organiza on, providing health educa on and HIV/AIDS related services. PRIDE of St. Tammany
832 East Boston St. Unit 4 Covington, LA 70434 (985) 893‐5247 Services Provided: PRIDE's mission is to assist in the healthy drug‐free development of the youth and families within the communi es we serve. We accomplish this mission by providing leadership training, family life‐skills, educa on, and preven on programs designed to reduce the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Support Our War Heroes
Services Provided: Advocacy, recogni on, scholarships, grants, and financial and business 677E East I‐10 Service Rd. planning for service men and women and their families. Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 649‐8137 Grief Groups
1 N. Marigold Dr. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 892‐6146 Lifegiving Community Developmental Center
404 Phoenix Square Hammond, LA 70403 (985) 507‐3699 24 Samaritan Center
402 Girod St. Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626‐4457 Faith Based Organiza ons
Bayou Grace Community
5228 LA 56 Chauvin, LA 70344 (985) 594‐ 5350 Services Provided: Bayou Grace offers out‐of‐town and local volunteer groups the opportunity to affect the environmental health of the 5 Bayous, as well as the opportunity to help local residents recover from recent disasters Catholic Chari es Archdiocese
of New Orleans 69090 E. Hwy 190 Svc Rd. Covington, LA (504) 835‐5007 Services Provided: The North Shore Pastoral Center of the Archdiocese of New Orleans is the headquarters of Catholic Chari es on the North Shore. Our Services:  Support for Catholic Chari es and Archdiocesan ministries and ac vi es on the North Shore  On‐site counseling and case management  Job readiness and employment assistance  Computer lab for adults and youth  A gathering place and mee ng space for North Shore Catholic Church Parishes, nonprofits, community groups and businesses to host individual and family support groups, seminars, mee ngs and youth programming. Giving Hope Retreat 31294 US Hwy 190 Lacombe LA 70445 (985) 218‐9485 Services Provided:  A one year Discipleship Program designed to change lives  Free long term addic on & trauma counseling (Mission)  Meal Service: 3 meals daily, 24,000 meals served monthly  Community Outreach‐Reducing food insecurity in the community  Divine Staffing : Voca onal training and Workforce Development for Disciples  Lovely Crea ons: Voca onal training for women, teaching them how to make a product, market it, and sell it (Mission) LDS Family Services 480 Robert Blvd. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 649‐2774 lds‐family‐services Services Provided: LDS Family Services helps Church leaders care for individuals with social and emo onal challenges by providing resources that are in harmony with gospel principles. Northlake Crisis Pregnancy
814 W. 21st St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐4281 Services Provided: Chris an based medical and counseling services for pregnant women, women who have recently had an abor on, or may be sexually ac ve. 25 Faith Based Organiza ons
Apostolic Victory Outreach
Ministries Covenant
Family Center Inc.
14027 Louise Dr. Hammond, LA 70403 (985) 345‐8966 Chris ans Living for Christ
Housing Founda on
1114 Belair Blvd. Slidell, LA 70460 (985) 726‐9039 Community Chris an Concern
2515 Carey St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 646‐0357 Hebron Bap st Church Helping
Hands Ministry
79614 Hwy 41 Bush, LA 70431 (985) 886‐3109 Inkresing Ministry
24 Whitmar Dr. Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 687‐4703 Joy Fellowship Church
1510 Lindberg Dr. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 781‐9777 Liberty Restora on CDC
12415 Wardline Rd. Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 340‐7033 www.libertyrestora No Heart Le Behind
1796 W. Causeway Approach Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 264‐8808 www.noheartle Northshore Jewish
Congrega on
1403 N. Causeway Blvd. Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 751‐7976 Renewed Hope Center, Inc.
2763A 3rd St. Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 288‐5275 Sovereign Grace Homeland
2021 Gause Blvd. E Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 643‐8215 The Good Samaritan Ministry
910 Crossgates Blvd. Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 641‐6421 Trinity Church‐Compassion
Ministries 19380 N. 10th St. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893‐0218 26 Emergency Assistance
FEMA (800) 621‐3362 Services Provided: (Disaster Aid is only available when your area has been declared a disaster area. Disaster aid to individuals generally falls into the following categories:  Disaster Housing may be available for up to 18 months, using local resources, for displaced persons whose residences were heavily damaged or destroyed. Funding also can be provided for housing repairs and replacement of damaged items to make homes habitable.  Disaster Grants, are available to help meet other serious disaster related needs and necessary expenses not covered by insurance and other aid programs. These may include replacement of personal property, and transporta on, medical, dental and funeral expenses.  Low‐Interest Disaster Loans are available a er a disaster for homeowners and renters from the U.S. Small Business Administra on (SBA) to cover uninsured property losses. Loans may be available for repair or replacement of homes, automobiles, clothing or other damaged personal property. Loans are also available to businesses for property loss and economic injury.  Other Disaster Aid Programs include crisis counseling, disaster‐related unemployment assistance, legal aid and assistance with income tax, Social Security and Veteran's benefits. Other state or local help may also be available.  Assistance Process ‐‐ A er the applica on is taken, the damaged property is inspected to verify the loss. If approved, an applicant will soon receive a check for rental assistance or a grant. Loan applica ons require more informa on and approval may take several weeks a er applica on. The deadline for most individual assistance programs is 60 days following the President's major disaster declara on. The Na onal Domes c
Violence Hotline
(800) 799‐7233 Services Provided: Report domes c violence and/or seek counseling for abuse. 27 Other Online Resource Lists
Ask Aunt Bertha Services Provided: Searchable database for assistance all over the United States. List local, regional, and na onal services that are available. NeedHelpPayingMyBills Services Provided: Database separated by state and parish for assistance available in the area . Senior Resource Guide
(800) 955‐8510 Services Provided: Guide for services available for seniors to improve their quality of life. VIA Link
211 or (800) 749‐6273 Services Provided: The Federal Communica ons Commission (FCC) has designated the phone number 2‐1‐1 as the official number to call for Health and Human Services, and VIA LINK is the agency in Southeast Louisiana which provides this service. Our contact center counselors are available 24 hours a day to provide crisis counseling and informa on and referrals to programs which can help with needs such as food, shelter, medical care, financial assistance, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, senior services, childcare and more. 28