Free International University of Moldova Sapientia et Virtus


Free International University of Moldova Sapientia et Virtus
Free International University of Moldova
Sapientia et Virtus
ULIM – Contact
52 Vlaicu Parcalab street, Chisinau, MD-2012 Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (+373 22) 220029; Tel/Fax.: (+373 22) 220028
Free International University of Moldova
"We do not learn for the school, but for life"
“The mission of the Free International University of Moldova is to reach, produce, apply and
promote knowledge, and to educate individuals with that knowledge for the social, cultural,
economic, scientific and technological development of our society and humanity. This is to
be done by bringing teaching, research and social services up to universal standards.”
1.Scientific Approach
It is unconditionally accepted that a university's mission is to ensure the understanding of
current knowledge and the discovery of new knowledge. On this subject, there should be no
hindrance to the discovery and sharing of new knowledge. An environment should be created
in which research, creativity and student self-development can be fostered.
2. Academic Freedom
The right to determine how, to whom, and by whom knowledge is taught is paramount. The
university is opposed to dogmatic thoughts and ideas, under the principle of the scientific
approach. The right to honest inquiry and legal protest is acknowledged and guaranteed by
3. Interdisciplinary Approach
Interdisciplinary education and research are encouraged. The university enables academic
staff to work on educational and research projects with educational centres and institutes
outside their own academic units.
4. Lifelong Education
The university encourages lifelong education for its own staff, graduates, and people from all
walks of life, and provides these people with new scientific knowledge. In order for the
people of our country to benefit more effectively and efficiently from ULIM's experience and
culture, the university develops and applies exemplary educational models.
5. The Training of Qualified People
For the good of society, the university aims to develop students with humane and moral
values, the skills for leadership, open-mindedness, and the habit of continuously re-educating
themselves. Graduates are oriented to employ the skills they have learned at ULIM in their
workplaces. Students are encouraged to become scientists, and thus be among the nation's
most important human resources.
6. Student Support
The duty to provide the necessary support in order to prevent those students with material
difficulties from being deprived of higher education is acknowledged.
7. Communication with Society
The university aims to continue performing its functions in order to benefit every sector of
society and remain in contact with its environment. The university is concerned with the
finding and promoting of solutions to the problems of our nation, region and the international
community. It plays a prominent role in providing communication in scientific, cultural and
social fields.
8. Locally acting
The university encourages its academic staff, departments and administrative units to
prepare, assess and continuously evaluate plans and concrete strategies in order to keep up
with rapid change and globalization. To this end, an administrative policy which is based on
knowledge, the delegation of duties and responsibilities, democratic principles, involvement,
dynamism, flexibility and transparency is pursued. Respect for the individual and tolerance
are our foremost concerns.
Free International University of Moldova affirms its commitment to teaching and learning, to the
creation of a European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The University prepares students for the
labor market, for further competence building throughout their lives and for active citizenship.
ULIM follows the requirements of the Bologna process for permanent modernization of the
nature of the curriculum and of teaching methods in every discipline, to ensure a studentcentered approach and the achievement of appropriate learning outcomes at every level and in
every subject. University committed itself to the constant assessment and updating of academic
curricula through permanent internal quality processes. For this purpose there was additionally
established the Department of Curriculum Design and Monitoring (2012) with the main mission
of curriculum modernization from both organizational and methodological perspectives.
University staff is widely engaged in research activity which has a direct benefic effect on the
teaching process. The University strengthens its efforts to improve the doctoral programmers,
postdoctoral provision, research training and career possibilities according to society necessities.
The transfer of knowledge
The University serves the local business and industry. It makes efforts to become more
responsive to the needs of their business, enterprise and other regional partners while at the same
underlining that their main focus remains to produce highly qualified graduates.
International cooperation
International cooperation is an essential feature of the ULIM. Cooperation with other
universities, organizations, enterprises, embassies, and other various structures serves as a major
facilitator for empowering teaching, research and knowledge transfer to the benefit of the whole
of society. The University establishes and enhances strong international relationships on all
levels – management, academic staff, and students.
Openness: The University is open to all who can benefit from academic education.
University Governance
The University is organized in accordance with the ULIM’s Charter. The supreme administrative
body is the Senate presided by the Rector of the University. The Scientific Council, the Senate
Bureau and the Administration Council are executive bodies responsible for executing Senate
9. Overview of the Free International University of Moldova
Conceived as an alternative university, ULIM is a self-financed and self-administrated
institution. It was founded on 16 October 1992 by government decision and is accredited by the
National Council for Academic Assessment and Accreditation. In 2007, ULIM was awarded the
Certificate of Compliance of the university's system of quality management and administration
with the international standard ISO 9001:2001. It was also awarded, by the Rectors’ Council of
Europe and the European Centre for Studies and Research in Vienna, the international distinction
‘European Quality’ for the great success achieved in the promotion of university education
quality and the national university system.
The essential principles of the educational process at ULIM are harmonized with the
international curricula standards, the university education being combined with fundamental and
applied scientific research. At present, the didactic activity at ULIM is performed in accordance
with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The educational process is adapted to the
ULIM prepares specialists to qualify for three degrees: bachelor, master and doctoral. Instruction
is in Romanian, Russian, English and French languages. ULIM is the Alma Mater of foreign
students coming from over 50 countries, including the USA, Germany, Turkey, Romania,
Russia, Middle East countries etc.
The educational environment for foreign citizens is very attractive – affordable tuition fees and
reasonable accommodation prices including possibilities to take meals at university’s
restaurants/cafes. There is also a well developed infrastructure in the city, including public
transportation, museums, theatres, banks and modern communication facilities. The quality of
life provides every citizen with a feeling of comfort and safety. Our University faculty and staff
are well experienced in training citizens from other countries. The teaching process is realized by
native lecturers as well as visiting ones. The courses are taught by professors from Germany,
USA, Spain, Austria, Lithuania, Letonya, Poland, Turkey, China and South Korea, France, etc.
Only during the previous academic year 2012-2013, the courses at ULIM have been taught by 32
foreign professors.
International students study in accordance with the approved curriculum and syllabus in mixed
groups together with local students or homogenous groups, depending on the language of
education. Foreign citizens have the same rights and obligations concerning studies as citizens of
the Republic of Moldova.
Along with the usual departments, at the University there is a specific department created that is
responsible only for organizing the process of education for foreign students. Our graduates
successfully enroll in the labor market in their home countries and abroad.
During their studies some students participate at different international scientific events, being
awarded prizes and honorable mentions. Deep knowledge obtained at the university facilitates
wining scientific grants and stipends in different countries.
9.1 About University’s history
The idea to create a higher education institution was based on the information and doctrines
concerning the North American, Japanese and Western university education. A reformation of
the university education was necessary. The period of kneading and research in the intellectual
anonymity of the local, creative and erudite genius started. Thus, the efforts of a group of
professors, academicians and businessmen from the Republic of Moldova, together with Mr.
Andrei Galben to create the Free International University of Moldova constituted a great event,
so expected and so necessary. A whole world greeted the appearance of this child of the democratic reforms, considering absolutely necessary the stimulation of the human potential
increase in our higher education sphere. The founders of this institutions are personalities from
different domains: Andrei Smochina, Alexei Barbaneagra, Serghei Cabaneanu, Nicolai
Osmochescu et Mihai Gheorghita, Gheorghe Ghidirim, Gheorghe Tabarna, Aurel Grosu, Anatol
Rotaru, Petru Gaugas, Petru Chetrus, Ion Gutu, Ion Toderas, Vasile Resetnic, Victor Borsevici,
Gheorghe Duca, Tudor Maleca, Leonid Caireac, Valeriu Soltan, Gheorghe Dima, Maria
Hadarca, Maria Gusac, Alexandru Jolondovschi, Valeriu Efremov, Anatol Stati, Constantin
Morozan, Constantin Modarca, and others.
The decision to elaborate the Status of the University and the Constitution Contract, made by the
founders, was approved at the end of June 1992. The start was followed by serious
confrontations and impediments. Despite the obstacles and the distrust of the most of the
founders, many important factors constituted the premises of the crystallization and the
appearance of the alternative education as the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM).
Every academic year at ULIM supposed a superior level in the evolution of this institution.
The ULIM fulminate course led to the creation of the educational model centers, modern
libraries, computer audiences and the newest equipment, sport centers, campus, strategic
partnership with the most prestigious universities from the world, ULIM was honoured by
famous teachers, the inclusion in the elite circuit of the European higher education, the
decoration with title Doctor Honoris Causa of famous personalities from the world, the
foundation of the prizes excellence in the domain of literature, arts, science and technique.
Joining the Bologna Process
ULIM, by definition and mission, orients its educational and political approach to the experience
of international universities and a special part of its road are the effort for the integration of the
Republic of Moldova into the Pan – European process formation of the European Higher
Education Area – initially named “Bologna Process”.
A lot of scientific events, publications in national mass – media realized by the Rector of ULIM
Mr. Andrei Galben and by the didactic staff of the university, determined in 2003 the Ministry of
Education to participate to the Conference of Ministers responsible for higher education from 29
signers’ countries, organized in Berlin, Germany. The Moldovan delegation at this forum,
together with the Minister of Education Mr. V. Beniuc, had as members the President of the
Rectors’ National Council Mr. Gh. Rusnac, the Rector A. Galben, Mrs. V. Moldovan – Batrinac.
The delegation expressed our country’s intention to adhere to the Bologna Process.
Making an appeal to the academic community from Moldova, the rector A. Galben rejected the
critics of certain skeptics and dilettantes in developing the internalization policies of higher
education and mentions that by the adherence to the Bologna Process, the Republic of Moldova
“obtains a great spiritual, professional and moral benefit. Qualifying the Bologna Process as a
burden and a bad turn, proves an insufficient acquaintance with the problem…it is strange to put
up the fundamental principles of the Bologna Declaration, which preview the extinction of the
possibilities in making European studies, academic mobility”. (A. Galben, The problems
concerning the joining of the national education system with the European systems have to be
solved immediately)
What means for the Republic of Moldova the adherence to the European Higher Education
Area? This Pan – European process is not an action of standardization or unification of the
higher education, but it supposes modernization, competitive quality at global level,
development and promotion of the regional brand “Trained in Europe” in order to support
academic and professional mobility. That is why, Moldova couldn’t ignore this process, in which
unite the efforts in order to resist to the challenges of the global environment and knowledge
society, the most performing university national systems, we cannot exclude ourselves from this
process, which supposes facilitation in recognizing qualifications , access to innovations and
assurance of the national higher education competitiveness.
In May, 2005, in Bergen (Norway), the Republic of Moldova, after an exacting evaluation, is
accepted as a member of the Bologna Process. The ULIM is again part of the national
Afterwards, ULIM engages plenary in the implementation of the Bologna Process principles in
the higher education system. Thus, the professors of the institution participate within Bologna
promoters National Group to the meetings with the didactic staff, students and pupils in order to
explain the objectives and the approaches that have to be realized.
A year after the adherence to the Bologna process, on February 25th 2006, ULIM organizes the
National Seminar “The Higher Education Reform in Bologna Process Context”. Within this
event, the participants reviewed the success and the deficiencies of the architectural and
structural reform of the national higher education system oriented on the European standards’
convergence, discussed for the first time, at policies level, the importance of the students’
community in the process of university governance and defined the structural and procedural
tactics of perspective.
In 2008, ULIM organizes the International Seminar on Problems related to the Bologna Process
and the 1 – 2 December 2011, in partnership with the Council of Europe and the Ministry of
Education took place the international conference “Implementation of the European Higher
Education Area in the Republic of Moldova. Achievements. Challenges. Future actions: Agenda
2020”. During this event, the participants approved the Declaration concerning the main actions,
which has to be undertaken until 2020, in order to accomplish objectives of the European Higher
Education Area. ULIM launched initiatives to organize biannually the National Conference on
Higher Education in the Republic of Moldova.
The managers of ULIM participated to the eighth edition of the Conference of Ministers of
Higher Education’ and to the third Political Forum of the European Higher Education Area from
Bucharest, Romania, April 26-27, 2012, expressing adhesion and fidelity of the European Higher
Education values.
2.2 ULIM’s Library – A Temple of Culture and European Science
The Informational and Library Science Department (DIB) (until 2001 – the University Library,
created in 1992) has a double mission: models, develops and runs the info – documentary
resources and services for researchers, teachers and students support, implicating directly in
teaching and information culture formation, based on modern informational technologies and
techniques, in the formation of the information management competences of the users.
The uniqueness and the valuable professional prestige of the DIB are determined by the library’s
policy of the Founder, capitalized in special functional spaces, modern equipment, varied
documentary and informational resources, conceptualized info – library products and services.
DIB comprises a team of creative professional librarians, always open to the changes and
professional challenges. Implementing the project management principles, the DIB had
developed many international and national projects (“The Development library’s collections”,
“Library’s Automation”, Pushkin Project, etc.). A particular impact had the Compact Project
Tempus Tacis “Management Development for University Library”, under the aegis of
Instruction European Commission, being the first and the unique of this type in the Republic of
The project was implemented during the period 2000 – 2001, having as partners three European
institutions: University of Sheffield, Great Britain (project coordinator Simon Francis), The
Library of the University College of Boras, Sweden. The DIB was the fourth partner and
beneficiary of the Project.
The main objectives of the Project were axed on: the knowledge and professional competences
the modernization of the ULIM librarians, the development of the library’s collection and the
diversification of the services provided to the DIB users, based on new informational
technologies and techniques. The ULIM librarians were schooled and they gained experience
with the help of the European experts, who gave practical and theory consultations, organizing
practical seminars, workshops, documentation visits within public, national and university
libraries form Great Britain and Sweden.
The impact of the Project reflected in the elaboration of the First Strategic Plan of DIB, politics
and professional concepts, organizational – functional character change (bi – modal structure, the
institution of the obligations “librarian – contact”, the creation of the new info – library services).
But the project influenced particularly the professional mentality of the librarians by the
formation of the capacities in finding priorities, openness to the user, communication, etc.
Recently, the content of the library has been digitalized. Users can access online many works of
ULIM’s academic staff.
The library is connected and offers access to online databases, such as:
EbscoHost Research Databases
Library of USA Congress
Hinari Research in Health
BioOne Research evolved
Cambridge University Press
The New England Journal of Medicine
Oxford University Press
Oxford Reference Online
Royal Society Publishing
Open Library
Sage Research Methods Online
Royal Society Journals and Archive and others
European Union Information Centre
European Union Information Center is created on the base of an Agreement of cooperation
between the ULIM and European community, represented by the Delegation of the European
Union to Moldova. It is an information centre that specializes in European topics having the
main objective of assuring users’ access to general information about European Union history,
institutions, values, politics and programs.
2.3 The Quality Assurance of the University Processes at ULIM
Today the teaching and research quality is a strategic priority for ULIM. The quality assurance
own system was elaborated and promoted, including abroad, thanks to the project Tempus –
Tacis, displayed in 2006 – 2007, project where ULIM was as coordinating institution. The ULIM
EU partners were the University Vaxjo, Sweden, and University from Vilnius, Lithuania and
University Sophia Antipolis from Nice, France. In this project, the ULIM managers took into
consideration the European experiences in the quality assurance domain, but also they came in
with their added value quality assurance of ULIM system, which includes the auto – evaluation
of all the ULIM structures based on performances, the improvement of the university processes
quality taking into consideration the anonymous surveys realized among students and professors,
the stimulation of the performances by appreciations based on worth.
The guidebook of university processes quality at ULIM, the manual of the quality, the students
and professors guidebook have been published.
However, the University developed further the Quality Assurance system by establishing the
Department of Curriculum Design and Monitoring in 2012. This new organizational structure
serves as a University coordinator for the process of curricula modernization from both
perspectives organizational and methodological. This department also offers the needed
methodological assistance for teaching staff.
The authority responsible for university processes quality assurance at ULIM is the Educational
Council, the Department of Curriculum Design and Monitoring, the Department of Monitoring
the Educational Process and the Department responsible for documents quality.
The professors and students of ULIM are acquainted with this system and they contribute
plenary to its improvement and amelioration. The university processes quality is a daily
preoccupation, an imminent framework of the university ascending development. The quality at
ULIM means, first of all, competences, responsibility and discipline.
2.4 ULIM – The Signatory Universities of MAGNA CHARTA UNIVERSITATUM
In September, 2007 the ULIM’s delegation headed by Mrs. Ana Gutu, Prime Vice – Rector,
went to Bologna, Italy, to sign Magna Charta Universitatum, a real “constitution” of universities,
signed till nowadays of about 700 universities from the world. The document consists of two
pages, which seems to concentrate the university mission essence from the beginnings until now.
The initiative of the University of Bologna, Italy, released in 1998, the year when was launched
the idea of the Process Sorbonne – Bologna during the reunion of the ministers of education of
Italy, France, England and Germany, seems to become a symbol of the world university
communities, because thanks to this initiative appeared the emblematic document, dignified to
be incorporated in any national legislation of the education.
The adhesion process to Magna Charta Universitatum took two years of preparation. ULIM
submitted the application file and got the support by recommendation from the part of three
partners’ universities with which ULIM signed cooperation agreements: University form Vilnius,
Italy, University “Stefan cel Mare” from Suceava, Romania and University from Cantabria,
Spain. We are grateful for their support.
2.5 Faculties and Departments
ULIM comprises seven faculties with eighteen departments:
Economic Sciences
Psychology, Social Work and
Education Sciences
Informatics and Engineering
Private Law
Public Law
Roman Philology „Petru Roşca”
German Philology
Oriental Languages
Journalism and Public Communication
Cybernetics and Economic Informatics
Business and Administration, International
Economic Relations, Tourism
Finance, Banking and Accounting
Psychology and Education Sciences
Social Work and Sociology
Information Technology and Computer Science
History and International
Biomedicine and Ecology
International Relations and Politology
Technology and analysis of cosmetical and
medicinal products
Forestry and public gardens
Preventive Medicine and Ecology
2.7 Programs of Study
The educational offer consists of 42 undergraduate programs of study, 60 graduate programs of
study, and 11 doctoral programs in various fields of study. All programs of study for both
undergraduate and graduate levels have been modernized in 2013 and some new have been
developed. Curricula modernization was based on the following principles – strengthening the
connection with labor market by identifying the most needed skills for specialists from different
fields of activity; following good practices of top ranking universities in the world regarding
programs of study; meeting requirements of national and international documents, particularly
EHEA recommendations and European professional associations in the field; valorificating
ULIM’s mission and vision; using modern curricular development methodologies.
a) Undergraduate Programs of study – licentiate degree
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Biomedicine
and Ecology
Faculty of Economic
Faculty of History and
International Relations
Faculty of Psychology,
Social Work and
Education Sciences
Faculty of Informatics and
Pharmaceutical Technology
Technology of Cosmetical and Medicinal Products
Molecular biology
Ecological security
Forestry and public gardens
Business and Administration
Goods technology and Trade
Global economy and International Business
Marketing and Logistics
Finance and Banking
Cibernetics and Economical Informatics
International Relations
Preschool Education and Pedagogy of Primary Education
Special Psychopedagogy
Social Work Services
Faculty of Letters
Biomedical Systems Engineering
Information Management
Optoelectronic Systems
Information Security
Computer Science
Applied Informatics
Information Technologies
Interior Design
Fashion Design
Modern Languages (French, Spanish, Italian, English, German,
Chinese, Korean, Russian in different language combinations)
Languages and Literatures (Romanian-French, RomanianSpanish, Romanian-Italian, Romanian-English, RomanianGerman, Romanian-Chinese, Romanian-Korean, other language
Communication Sciences
Editorial Activity
b) Graduate Programs of study – Master degree
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Biomedicine
and Ecology
Faculty of Economic
Criminal Sciences
International and Institutional Law
Business Law
Institutions of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
Institutions of Private Law
Landscape design
Management of forest resources and green spaces
Industrial Ecology
Environmental policy and management
Natural resources management
Ecology and Environment Protection
Beauty services management and recovery
Drugs' technology
Industrial drugs' technology
Integration Policies and International Business (EU, ASIA, USA,
Finance, Taxes and Accounting
Finance and International Accounting
Financial and Tax Control
Management, Marketing and Logistics in International Transport
(applied on transport mode)
Marketing and Logistics
Trade Policy and Customs Law
Strategic Marketing Management
Human Resource Management and Leadership
International Tourism and Hospitality Management
Accounting Management, Audit and Expertise
Finance, Investment and Banking
Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Faculty of History and
International Relations
Faculty of Psychology,
Social Work and
Education Sciences
Global and Comparative History
Regional Studies
Diplomacy, Security, Business and Communication
Globalization, Ethnicity and Culture
Identity, Interethnic Communication and Citizenship
Social Economy and management of social projects
Advanced studies in social work and social expertise
Management and counceling in social work
The Management of social and health services
Organizational and human resource management
Educational Management
Psychopedagogy of high, vocational and higher education
Legal Psychology
Social Psychology
Clinical Psychology and Psychological Counseling
Faculty of Informatics and
Applied research in the decorative art
Design and art in textile
Modern technologies in interior design
Modern technologies in fashion design
Knitting and knitwear design
Information Technologies in Data Transferring and Processing
Web Technologies and Applications
Computers, Systems and Computer Networks
Information processing in systems and networks
Information and Communication Systems Security
Technology of the software
Mobile Information Technologies
Information technologies in business intelligence
Information Systems
Computer networks administration
Multimedia systems
Faculty of Letters
Multilingual Translation and Documentation:
Romanic/Germanic/Asian Languages (French, Spanish, Italian,
English, German, Chinese, Korean in different language
Applied Foreign Languages in Tourism and International Trade
(French, Spanish, Italian, English, German, Chinese, Korean in
different language combinations)
Journalism, Imagology and Public Relations
c) Doctoral programs
12.00.01 Theory of state and law; history of state and law; history of
political and legal doctrines
12.00.02 Public Law (Constitutional, Administrative, Police, Military,
Financial, Customs, Information, Ecological); organization and function
of law institutions
12.00.08 Criminal Law (criminology, criminal procedural law, forensics,
legal expertise, executive law, operative investigation activity theory)
08.00.05 Economy and management
08.00.14 Global economy and Economical International Relations
08.00.10 Finance; money; credit
08.00.12 Accounting; auditing; economic analysis
10.02.04 Germanic languages (English, German)
10.02.05 Roman Languages (French)
19.00.05 Social psychology
07.00.02 Romanian history
2.8 The ULIM’s academic community
undergraduate students
graduate students
doctoral students
foreign students
academic staff
current international academic staff
Intellectual potential of Free International University: Doctors – 98; Doctors habiltat – 37;
University Professors – 17; Academics – 2; Assistant Lecturers – 90; Senior lecturers – 95,
current international academic staff – 30.
2.9 Scientific activity
University science plays an important role at ULIM. The scientific activities that are cocoordinated with the ULIM’s senate have become an inherent tradition of university life.
There are seven scientific research institutes at ULIM:
Institute of Scientific Research in History
Institute of Intercultural and Philological Research
Mass Media Institute
Institute of Scientific Research in Human Rights Protection
Institute of Social Formation and Research
Institute of Scientific Research in Economics
Institute of Scientific Research in Ecology and Biomedicine
There are seven scientific journals at ULIM:
1. Noosphere
2. Legal studies
3. Intertext
4. La Francopolyphonie: L'interculturalite a travers la linguistique et la litterature
5. Socialis: East-European Journal of Psychology and Sociology
6. Economic Studies
7. History and Politics
The professors of ULIM create and publish annually hundreds of monographs, manuals, syllabi,
thousands of scientific articles; they register dozens of invention patents, which are at the
disposal of the students from republic, university centers from abroad. For example, Faculty of
Biomedicine and Ecology holds 7 Invention patents in the field of hygienic chemistry.
The ULIM researchers are active and by the scientific – academic mobility they assure the
visibility of our institution within dozens international scientific forums that take place abroad.
ULIM hosts, organizes and coordinates annually a lot of scientific forums with international
character, manifestations that get together researchers from the over the world. Notorious names
as François Rastier (France), Paul Miclău (Romania), Stéphane Courtois (France), Petre Roman
(Romania), Larry Watts (USA), Jean-René Ladmiral (France), Charles King (USA), Dan
Dungaciu (Romania), Catherine Durandin (France), Ramon Emilio Mandado Goutierez (Spain),
Bernard Cerquiglini (France) and others celebrities visited ULIM and participated with different
contributions at large – scale scientific forums.
2.10 International relations
The international collaborations of ULIM represents a strategic point of institutional
development. International cooperation is realized through bilateral agreements with foreign
universities, scientific institutions and memberships in important university networks.
ULIM is a full member of:
International Association of Universities (IAU)
International Association of University Presidents (IAUP)
Association of Francophone Universities (AUF)
European University Association (EUA)
Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI)
United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
The Free International University of Moldova is a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum.
ULIM maintains close cooperation with the following international organizations: OSCE,
Council of Europe, Latin Union, etc.
ULIM has partnership agreements with some European universities on running double-degree
programmes, resulting in the award of bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. Scholars from
other countries, as well as top executives from Moldova, deliver lectures at ULIM. This way, our
students can enhance and test their knowledge through participation in a wide range of
international exchange programmes administered by ULIM.
ULIM’s authority in the international arena enabled it to consolidate about 80 partnership
agreements with university and scientific institutions throughout the world. Among these are:
Bilge University, Ankara, Turkey
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey
Institute of Higher International Studies, Nice, France
L'Universite de Marc Bloch, Strasbourg II, France
Universitate Paris Sorbonne (Ecole Doctorale), France
Montreal School of Higher Commercial Studies, Canada
Clemson University, Tiffin University, USA
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
University ‘Klement Ohridskii’, Sofia, Bulgaria
Katowice University, Poland
Korea National University of Transportation, South Korea
North West Normal University, China
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State Law Academy
Economical Sciences Academy, Bucharest, Romania
And others.
ULIM recognizes the importance of direct contact with native speakers of foreign language and
invests constantly in the creation of new opportunities in this regard. On the basis of bilateral
agreements or participation in international programmes of academic cooperation, ULIM
delegates its lecturers to teach Romanian language and civilization at the partner universities and
get foreign visiting professors to teach within its Lectorates (foreign language courses). This is
an important component of the process of university’s internationalization, playing an essential
role in the elimination of cultural barriers and students’ familiarization with aspects more or less
known for them, specific to a foreign civilization.
ULIM hosts several Cultural and language centers.
 Confucius Institute - ULIM hosts and collaborates with Confucius Institute from 2009.
This Institute offers excellent opportunities to study Chinese culture and language for all.
It is free of charge for ULIM students. Teaching is made by native Chinese speakers.
 Se Jong Center offers courses of Korean culture and language.
 Center of Spanish Culture and Language Cervantes.
 Center of German Culture and Language.
 British Center.
 Francophone University Agency.
 Etc.
ULIM’s summer schools have attracted a lot of native students, as well as, foreign ones not
only because of their outstanding academic reputation, but also for the excellent opportunity they
offer students of having a hands-on experience of research in various fields. The intercultural
dimension provided by the summer programs has become one of the most rewarding features of
the students’ learning experience.
ULIM signed collaboration agreements with diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of
Republic of Turkey
Republic of Azerbaijan
Federal Republic of Germany
People’s Republic of China
United States of America
Republic of Korea
Republic of Chile
Russian Federation
Republic of Belarus
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Republic of Bulgaria
French Republic
Kingdom of Spain
Czech Republic
Republic of Lithuania
Kingdom of Norway
Kingdom of Sweden
Kingdom of Netherlands
Republic of Austria
State of Israel
Delegation of the European Union to Moldova
One of the main achievements based on this bilateral collaboration with diplomatic missions
accredited in the R.M. is the opening of lecture halls of the respective states in ULIM, that
turned the university into an "international gallery". Today ULIM hosts 33 “International
Since its foundation, ULIM has conferred its honorary degree, Doctor Honoris Causa, to wellknown figures in Europe and the USA, such as heads of state, presidents and statesmen.
2.11 International projects
ULIM benefits from different international projects financed by cultural bodies, embassies and
foundations. The beneficiaries of these projects are ULIM’s professors and students, whose
didactic and research activity is focused on university values’ promotion. Among these are:
Fostering Sustainable Autonomous Higher Education Systems in the Eastern
Neighboring Area.
Crossmedia und Qualitätsjournalismus.
The Development of Quality Assurance System within Selected Universities in Moldova
(QA in UM).
Innovating Teaching and Learning of European Studies.
ERASMUS MUNDUS, Partnership for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova (EMP-AIM).
CEEPUS III, European Union.
Fulbright, USA.
EIDHR (European Instruments for Human Rights and Democracy).
Intercultural Multi-Party Mediation of Conflicts in Communities and Organizations in
Moldova, DAAD.
Casa Mare, a joint project between ULIM and York College CUNY in Social Work.
Climate Forum East.
Integrated management of droughts.
Improvement of water system management and territory in Danube Delta region.
Teaching History in the Age of extremes.
Regional stability, borders, minorities and migrations.
The identity of the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. Exchange of people and cultures.
(Case Study Italy - Republic of Moldova).
Black Sea - unity and diversity in Roman epoch.
And others
2.12 Graduates employability
Free International University of Moldova has many notable alumni. Most of them occupy highranking posts (ministers, international leaders, MPs, company owners) in the Republic of
Moldova as well as abroad. They have contributed to some of the most important scientific
discoveries. ULIM’s graduates supply the labour market with high quality specialists. Among
these are:
Chiril Gaburici, graduate of Faculty of Economic Sciences, at present - Chief Executive Officer
of Moldcell.
Vitalie Pirlog, graduate of Faculty of Law. He has been a Minister of Justice (2006-2009); a
Deputy Prime Minister in September 2009.
Tudor Balitchi, graduate of Faculty of Law, at present - General Director of Customs Service.
Andrei Galbur, graduate of Faculty of Law, at present – ambassador of the Republic of
Moldova in Russia.
Sergiu Mihov, graduate of Faculty of Law, at present - a permanent representative of the
Republic of Moldova at the European Council.
Dragos Cucereanu, gradute of Faculty of Law, at present – a lawyer at European Court of
Human Rights. He gained his PhD in Holland.
Octavian Bodisteanu, graduate of Faculty of Law, at present - Minister of Youth and Sports.
Victor Stepaniuc, graduate of Faculty of Law, at present – a historian and politician. He has
been a member of the Parliament of Moldova since 1996. He is a former Deputy Prime Minister
of Moldovan Government.
Osoianu Natalia, graduate of Faculty of Law, at present – a popular writer of science fiction
books such as “The first seal”, The bride of the wind”, “Stars fire”. She is also a proficient
lecturer of Law at ULIM.
Anatol Stati, graduate of Faculty of Economic Sciences, at present – a successful businessman,
owner and president of ASCOM company.
Gabriel Stati, graduate of Business and Administration specialty, at present – a successful
businessman. Co owner of ASCOM company.
Andrei Tabuica, graduate of Business and Administration specialty, at present – a successful
auto market analyst and a famous producer of Autoexpert TV programme.
Irina Tarasiuc, graduate of Journalism specialty, at present – a singer.
Aliona Moon (Aliona Munteanu), graduate of Journalism specialty, at present – a singer. She
represented Moldova at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmö, Sweden. Aliona finished in
fourth place in the first semi-final and 11th place in the Eurovision 2013 final.
Carolina Popovici – graduate of the Faculty of History and International Relations, at present First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the United Nations,
Vice-Chairperson of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly (social, humanitarian
and cultural) and member of the Bureau during the 66th session of the General Assembly;
Chairperson of the UN Committee on Conferences for the year 2012.
Danut Moroga – graduate of the Faculty of Medicine. At present – the development director of
the “Doctor Bubnovsky Center” – the biggest network of rehabilitation clinics from Russian
Federation; doctor of the Russia’s team; head of the sportive rehabilitation Center “ДЭМА” of
the town Ramenskoe.
Serghei Turcan – graduate of the Faculty of Law, at present - doctor in law, head of the Public
Law Department, Faculty of Law, ULIM; Scientific Secretary of the ULIM Senate; Member of
the Superior Council of Attorneys elected on the bases of the Decision of the Republic of
Moldova Parliament; Member of the Scientific Council of the Constitutional Court of the
Republic of Moldova; President of the Sports Club “Tornado”.
Diana Stefanet – graduate of the master degree of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work,
at present – main specialist, Methodist responsible for the school psychologists activity from
Municipality of Chisinau, General Direction of Education, Youth and Sport (DGETS) of the
Municipal Council of Chisinau.
Elvira Scripnic – Graduate of History and International Relations, European champion of
Inna Supac – graduate of Faculty of History and International Relations, at present – a deputy at
Moldavian Parliament from 2010.
The diagram nr.1 shows stability in graduates employability for all seven faculties of ULIM for
the last three years (2010-2013). In terms of percents the numbers vary from 42% for the Faculty
of History and International Relations to 60% for the faculty of Informatics and Engineering and
the faculty of Biomedicine and Ecology in 2012-2013.
Diagram nr.1
2.13 University’s territory
Free International University of Moldova is situated in the centre of the capital of the Republic
of Moldova – Chisinau city. Its original architectonic style, the red cupolas which crown the
campus of white color, reflects a distinct image. The University facade, in the light of flags
which represents the native countries of ULIM foreign students, adorns Vlaicu Parcalab street,
thus creating a festive aspect throughout the year.
The University’s impressive outside harmonizes with its inside as well: spacious auditoriums,
equipped laboratories, library and specialized reading-rooms, media library with access to the
newest informational technologies, sport complex, restaurant, winter garden, passages with
permanent exhibition of paintings – all these are the pertinent elements of a special university
culture, a culture that combines classic tradition with the pathetic modern society.
Areas for study have a surface of 40 583, 30 m2. University owns a hotel “Europe”**** with 68
rooms, from which 18 are luxuries rooms and the rest are standard rooms. University also owns a
dormitory for foreign students of 420 seats.
Sports complex
The modern sports complex used by professors and students alike completes the vast palette of
ULIM activities. Apart from the day-to-day health and recreational benefits, the sport complex
provides facilities for training distinguished champions. ULIM sports champions flourish in an
impressive array of sporting activities. Today, about 200 of the most distinguished sportsmen
and sportswomen from Moldova are ULIM students. They are members of the National
Federation of University Sports and members of selected teams representing the Republic of
Moldova in various kinds of sport, including: football, handball, athletics, free-style wrestling,
judo, sport dances and chess!
Among them, there are 34 Masters of sport of international category; 5 Grand Masters; 6
international Grand Masters (chess); and 26 Masters of sport. Most Olympic Games participants
are Masters of sport of international class. ULIM sportsmen are prize winners of European and
World Championships, Balkan Games etc. During the last five years the sportsmen of ULIM
won over 70 gold, silver and bronze medals in the European Championships, European Cups,
Balkan Games and World University Championships.
Photo 1. Main Entrance
Photo 2: Media Library
Photo 3: Language lab
Photo 4: University Library
Photo 5: University's Hotel “Europa”
Photo 6: Sport complex
ULIM – Contact
52 Vlaicu Parcalab street, Chisinau, MD-2012 Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (+373 22) 220029; Tel/Fax.: (+373 22) 220028
About Chisinau
Chișinău is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Moldova. It is Moldova's main
industrial and commercial centre, and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc.
According to January 2013 official estimates, Chișinău has a population of 671,800 and the
municipality of Chișinău is home to 800,600 residents.
Chișinău is the most economically prosperous locality in Moldova and its largest transportation
hub. As the most economically and socially important municipality in Moldova, the city has a
broad range of educational facilities.
Coordinates: 47°0′00″N 28°55′00″E
City Area: 123 km2 (47 sq mi)
Population: 671,800
Points of interest: Nativity Cathedral, National History Museum of Moldova, St. Teodora
de la Sihla Church, Triumphal arch, Ştefan cel Mare Central Park, Chișinău Water
Tower, Museum of Victims of Communism
Photo 7: Triumphal arch
2.14 ULIM contribution to society
Beside the fact that ULIM offers a high quality education and provide specialists for labour
market, the University also makes other contributions to society such as:
- scholarships for gifted students,
- free courses of foreign languages (Korean, Polish, Turkish),
- various actions of charity,
- sponsoring scientific, sports and cultural events/activities,
- a campus built from private sources.
- Etc.
Photo 8: ULIM’s students in the process of a Cultural activity
2.15 ULIM's Awards (Orders/Medals; Honorific Titles; Certificates/Diplomas; Prizes):
Along the years ULIM’s Rector has been a recipient of different distinctions. Among them are:
 Resolution for maintaining world peace, World Peace Academy, 1996.
 Albert Schweitzer Golden medal for outstanding merits of humanism. It is the symbol
of gratitude for those whose lives and deeds will become part of history. For those who
contribute to creation of the better world for all mankind, Polish Academy of Medicine,
 Order Certificate “For the development of science and education”, International
Personnel Academy, 1998.
 Diploma of Recognition for charity made for Orthodox Church from Metropolitan of
 Certificate of Award for outstanding contributions to the academic cooperation in the
Black Sea Region, Black Sea Universities Network, 2006.
 Honor Diploma and Merit Medal, Romanian Law Union, 1998.
 Diploma of Excellence «For prodigious activity in the field of higher education»,
Ministry of Education, Republic of Moldova, 2005.
 Decision to recommend for Award European Quality for aspiration to achieve high
quality in accordance with European standards, International Corporation of Social
 Title Member of Honor, Ecological Academy, Romania, 2004.
 The Degree of Doctor of Honor, Balkan Academy of Sciences, New Culture and
Sustainable development, 2004.
 And others.
State Distinction «Gloria Muncii»
(Glory of Labour) 1998
State Distinction «Ordinul Republicii»
(Order of the R. Moldova), 2008
Order “For the development of
science and education”, IPA,
Ukraine, 1998
«Albert Schweitzer Golden Medal»
WAM, Poland, 1999
«Gold Medal» SPI, Paris, 2002
«Honor Diploma and Merit Medal»,
Romanian Law Union, 1998.
«Title Member of Honor», Ecological
Academy, Romania, 2004.
«Diploma of Excellence», Ministry
of Education, R. Moldova, 2005.
«Honor Diploma», IAEWP,
USA, 1995
Honorary Title, WAM, Poland, 1999
«Honor Diploma», IAEWP, USA,
«Doctor of Honor», BAS,
Bulgaria, 2004
«Honor Diploma», IAI, Paris, 1996
«Personality with outstanding
contributions to the Academic
Cooperation», BSUN, Varna, 2006
«Diploma of Recognition», Orthodox
Church from Metropolitan of
Moldova, 2000
«VIP Rector 2001», R. Molodova
«Diploma of Appreciation», Ministry
of Education, R. Moldova, 2003.
«Diploma of Recognition», IAEWP,
USA, 1995
«Certificate of Award», BSUN,
Varna, 2006
«Certificate of Recognition», WPA,
Switzerland, 1995
«Certificate of Appreciation»,
IAEWP, USA, 1996
«European Quality Award», Rectors’
Council of Europe, Vienna, 2007
«Citizen of Honor» R. Moldova, 2010
«The best library founder», R.
Moldova, 2013
ULIM academic staff hold six Orders of the Republic and other distinctions.
2.16 The personalities of ULIM in the public life
• Ana Gutu, Prime Vice – Rector of ULIM, PhD, Professor, is the Deputy in the Parliament of
the Republic of Moldova since 2009, on behalf of the Liberal Party. During 2009 – 2011, she
leaded the parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Moldova at the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe. She is a member of the Commission for External Politics and
European Integration. At present, Mrs. Ana Gutu is the president of the Parliament’s Delegation
of the Republic of Moldova at the Francophonie Parliamentary Assembly and co – president of
the common parliamentary Commission Romania – Republic of Moldova for external politics
and European integration. Mrs. Ana Gutu supports and promotes unconditionally the reforms in
the higher education system of the Republic of Moldova by her contributions in the elaboration
of a new legislation in this domain, by her active participation in the public debates on this
theme, by taking attitude regarding the necessity of the educational system Europeanization.
Ana Gutu gave international visibility to the Free International University of Moldova by her
benefit at the PACE as a member of the PACE Commission for Sport, Mass – Media, Research,
Education and Culture, by her political speeches on the reports concerning the European reform
of the higher education systems, the intercultural dialogue, the necessity of the equal chances
assurance in the emerging democracies, the necessity to condemn the totalitarian – communist
regimes, and others.
• Mihail Sleahtitchi, ex-Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, doctor in
psychology, university professor since 2011, became the Vice – Rector ULIM for scientific
activity during the period 2006 – 2009. In 2007, ULIM passed the institutional scientific
accreditation with success due to the performance of the Vice – Rector Mihail Sleahtitchi. In
2009, Mihail Sleahtitchi is elected as a member of the Parliament on behalf of the Liberal
Democratic Party, in 2011 he become the Ministry of Education in the Government of the
Alliance for European Integration 2.
Fulfilling the public function, Mihail Sleahtitchi coordinated the elaboration activities of the new
Education Code project; he supports and promotes the reforms in the educational system of the
Republic of Moldova despite unpopular character of these changes.
Being a prolific researcher, author and coordinator of special editions in the field of social
psychology, educational psychology, the minister Mihail Sleahtitchi can be considered as the
most competent minister of Education since the declaration of independence in 1992 and until
• Gheorghe Postica, Vice – Minister of Culture since 2009, DPhil in history, university
professor, Vice – Rector ULIM for scientific activity during 1994 – 2004. A big promoter of the
authentic cultural values, of the inalienable scientific truth, Gheorghe Postica contributed a lot at
the ULIM’s development, creating the tradition of the first international scientific symposiums,
the publication of the first scientific international fascicles per domains: The Scientific Annals of
ULIM, Symposia Studentium, Symposia Professorum.
At present, Gheorghe Postica, as Vice – Minister of Culture participates at the elaboration of the
legislation for the protection of the authentic cultural heritage, the support of the valuable
archeological sites as Orheiul Vechi, and the monasteries of the Republic of Moldova territory.
Thanks to the performance of Mr. Gheorghe Postica, many heritage files became protected by
• Oleg Serebrian, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Paris, France, Vice – Rector for
international relations ULIM during 1998 – 2003, doctor in political sciences, professor.
Becoming a Vice – Rector at the age of 27, Oleg Serebrian, an example of the young generation,
graduate of the International High Studies Institute of Nice, France left a benefic mark in
ULIM’s image at the end of 90s by his performance as a professor, as a facilitator of the
international inter-university contacts between ULIM and other scientific and educational centers
from abroad.
In 2003, Oleg Serebrian enters the big politics and creates the Liberal Social Party, party which
will bring him in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in 2005. His activity as a member of
Parliament gave him national and international recognition, his speeches, his attitudes, political
ideas became reference sources and make him as one of the most competent politician and
analyst in geopolitics.
In January, 2011, Oleg Serebrian is named Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Paris,
France, after 2 years of experience as parliamentarian.
• Salih KAYA, Rector Advisor-ULIM, doctor in economy, professor, Turkish (Academic Staff
at Ankara University, Ufuk University-Ankara/TURKEY) guest lecturer. Main lectures;
Banking, International Banking, Money Market Operations, Insurance. The writter of
International Banking Operations, Foreign Trade Operations, EU Project Preparations
• Victor Popa, President of the Legal Commission, Nominations and Immunities, the Parliament
of the Republic of Moldova, state doctor, university professor ULIM since 1995. The university
professor Victor Popa is a dedicated specialist in the field of constitutional law, author of many
scientific publications in this domain, author of studies concerning the constitutional law and
public administration at the request of the central public administration.
In 2011, he joins the Liberal Party and becomes the member of the Parliament and the president
of the Legal Commission, Nominations and Immunities after the parliamentary elections that
took place in November 2010.
Victor Popa is one of the authors of the new project of the Constitution elaborated by the
Presidential Commission, responsible for the constitutional reform in Republic of Moldova, in
• Viorelia Moldovan-Batrinac, Vice – Rector of ULIM, Vice – Minister of Education during
2005 – 2008, doctor in economy, professor. Her performance as Vice – Minister of Education
was to realize reforms in the higher education system of the Republic of Moldova. Signing the
accession act of Republic of Moldova at the Bologna Process is one of her merits by urging the
bureaucratic procedures. Thanks to her diligences, the 19th of May 2005, the Republic of
Moldova signed the accession act to the Bologna Process during the summit of ministers of
education from Europe.
Viorelia Moldovan-Batrinac is one of the most competent Moldovan experts in the field of
university management. Participant at many European forums on higher education reform, Mrs.
Viorelia Moldovan – Batrinac contributes a lot to the quality amelioration of the university
processes in ULIM.
Throughout the academic year, students can enjoy art exhibitions, concerts, recitals, cinema and
theater events as well as a variety of social and academic activities. The Cultural and Convention
Center hosts many of these events and many more. One of the most favored social activities are
the traditional International Festivals.
Estimated living expenses for students are minimally $500.00 to $600.00 (US dollars) per
month. Books and other administrative fees are approximately $100.00 to $150.00 per semester.
Special Students pay $225.00 per credit hour.