NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING SESSION AUGUST 13, 2013 T.W. “TURK” CANNADY-CEDAR HILL ROOM 285 UPTOWN BLVD. – BLDG. 100 CEDAR HILL, TEXAS 6:00 P.M. AGENDA I. Call the meeting to order. II. Presentation on Restricting the Use of Wireless Communication Devices in School Zones. III. City Manager Reports: 1. City Council Calendar/Upcoming Events. 2. City Operations. IV. Conduct a briefing session to discuss agenda items for 7:00 p.m. regular meeting. V. Adjourn. I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on the 9th day of August 2013. Lyn Hill City Secretary This facility is wheelchair accessible. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements, please call 972-2915100 Ext. 1011 or (TDD) 1-800-RELAY TX (1-800-735-2989) at least 48 hours in advance. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your needs. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 13, 2013 T.W. “TURK” CANNADY-CEDAR HILL ROOM 285 UPTOWN BLVD. – BLDG. 100 CEDAR HILL, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. VISION STATEMENT: We envision Cedar Hill as a premier city that retains its distinctive character; where families and businesses flourish in a safe and clean environment. MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the City of Cedar Hill is to deliver the highest quality municipal services to our citizens and customers consistent with our community values. AGENDA I. Call the meeting to order. II. Pledge of Allegiance. III. Invocation: Mayor Pro Tem Chris Parvin. IV. Presentation: Presentation to City Secretary Lyn Hill, the Texas Municipal Clerk Association (TMCA) Yellow Rose Chapter “Municipal Clerk of the Year”. V. Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda includes routine items that may be acted upon with a single vote. Any City Council member may remove items from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and consideration. 1. Consider approving the minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 2013 and special joint City Council/EDC board meeting of August 6, 2013. 2. Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute a construction contract with Control Integrity, Inc. for the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system hardware replacement project. Page 2 City Council Meeting Agenda August 13, 2013 3. Consider acceptance of the semi-annual report from the Cedar Hill Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee. 4. Consider approving certified tax rolls submitted by Dallas Central Appraisal District and Ellis Appraisal District. VI. Citizens Forum. VII. Regular: 1. Discuss tax rate, take a record vote on the proposed tax rate and set the date and time for the public hearing(s) on the tax rate and budget and the adoption of the budget and tax rate. 2. Closed meeting called pursuant to Texas Gov’t. Code: Sec. 551.087(2), Economic Development negotiations: Deliberation of an offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect the City seeks to have locate, stay or expand in the City. o o 3. Project Inspire Project Tuskegee Reconvene in open session and consider any action to be taken as a result of the executive session. VIII. Updates and announcements from City Council Members. IX. Adjourn. I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on the 9th day of August 2013. Lyn Hill City Secretary This facility is wheelchair accessible. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements, please call 972-2915100 Ext. 1011 or (TDD) 1-800-RELAY TX (1-800-735-2989) at least 48 hours in advance. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your needs. Page 3 City Council Meeting Agenda August 13, 2013 PREMIER STATEMENTS CEDAR HILL HAS DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER CEDAR HILL HAS EXCELLENT, SAFE & EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE CEDAR HILL IS SAFE CEDAR HILL IS CLEAN CEDAR HILL HAS TEXAS SCHOOLS OF CHOICE CEDAR HILL HAS VIBRANT PARKS AND NATURAL BEAUTY CEDAR HILL HAS A STRONG AND DIVERSE ECONOMY CITY COUNCIL VALUES CITIZEN INPUT AND PARTICIPATION ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIVENESS DIVERSITY AND RESPECT FOR INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES HIGHEST ETHICAL STANDARDS AND INTEGRITY TEAMWORK AND REGIONAL COOPERATION EXCELLENCE AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the City Council was removed by me from the Government Center bulletin board on the ____ day of _____________, 2013, By:_________________________________________ BRIEFING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 23, 2013 The City Council of the City of Cedar Hill, Texas, met in briefing session Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 6:00 p.m., in the T.W. “Turk Cannady” Cedar Hill Room, 285 Uptown Blvd., Bldg. 100, Cedar Hill, Texas. The following members of the City Council were present, to wit: Mayor Rob Franke, Council Members Daniel C. Haydin, Jr., Steve Mason, Jami McCain and Clifford Shaw. Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Chris Parvin and Wallace Swayze I. Call the meeting to order. Mayor Rob Franke called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., declaring it an open meeting, that a quorum was present and the meeting notice was duly posted. He advised Mayor Pro Tem Parvin and Council Member Swayze are out on vacation. II. Conduct a briefing regarding the sale and distribution of City-branded merchandise. Public Relations Manager Corky Brown stated staff was seeking guidance for pursuing a policy on the sale of City-branded merchandise. Requests have been received from citizens wanting to express their city pride. Brown explained he spoke with the City Attorney regarding concerns to insure wearables do not allow anyone to impersonate employees or show endorsement. The Cedar Hill School District has agreed to allow the use of their storefront for the sale of the City merchandise. Brown noted it has been a successful endeavor for the CHISD. There was discussion by City Council who felt it would encourage a positive image for the City. Other than wearables, the brand could be used on mugs, pencils, pens and other types of tourists’ souvenirs. City Council Members expressed interest in incorporating the tagline into the policy. Brown stated he would review that for further discussion. Mayor Franke stated accounting-wise, it is important to keep this separate. He expressed the need to emphasize this is not a moneymaking endeavor, but will serve as a tourism and promotion project. City Council Briefing Minutes 2 July 23, 2013 Brown received direction from the City Council to go forward with preparation of a policy to be brought back to them for consideration. III. Presentation regarding the FM 1382 Trail Design Concepts. On behalf of Halff and Associates, Cedar Hill Parks Director Rhoda Savage reviewed the FM1382 Trail design. The section addressed in this presentation begins at New Clark Road and continues to the entrance to the Cedar Hill State Park. Savage presented three concepts, reviewing TxDOT rock-barrier requirements. The steel louvers, etc., will allow visitors to see through them. She emphasized how some slopes provided a great overlook. Criteria established include: • Safety • Cohesive corridor • Emphasis on the natural beauty views • Introduction of various plants into the corridor • Providing a place to see and rest Savage asked City Council for their preferences in the designs presented. Responding to questions regarding cost, she explained nothing has been priced at this time, but consideration will be given to ensure it works within the budget. Mayor Franke noted Design C matches other designs we use with the circular theme, such as Red Oak Creek Trail. He agreed that shade is important. Not needing to be a part of the plan, but for future consideration, a pedestrian crossing over FM1382 was discussed. This will help, as we try to link up with Dallas. Other items suggested were a food truck at the old parking area on the weekends and some sort of facility for business, which would draw and become a gathering place. Savage stated that the Parks Board and Community Development Corporation brought up that same topic for discussion. City Council Members expressed appreciation for the in-depth presentation. IV. City Manager Reports: a. City Council Calendar/Upcoming Events. City Manager Sims reviewed the City Council’s calendar for the upcoming weeks, emphasizing the following: Saturday, July 27 – 5:30 p.m. – Presentation of “Annie” at Trinity Church – preceded by dinner. City Council Briefing Minutes 3 July 23, 2013 Wednesday, July 31 – 10:30 a.m. - ”Finally Home” - ground-breaking Ceremony for an American hero – building a new home on a 1-acre home-site at The Sanctuary at Lake Ridge. Thursday, August 1 – 7:30 a.m. – Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at the Cedar Hill Recreation Center. Tuesday, August 6 – 6:00 p.m. – Joint Meeting – City Council and the Board of Directors of EDC. Court Multi-Purpose Room. Friday, August 9 – 12:00 p.m. – City Council Budget Workshop – fourth Floor Administration Conference Room. Tuesday, August 20 – 6:00 p.m. – AMI Workshop – Administration Conference Room. b. Operations. There was no discussion on City operations. IV. Conduct a briefing session to discuss agenda items for 7:00 p.m. regular meeting. City Manager Sims reviewed items on the agenda for the regular meeting. Presentation: 1. Presentation to City of Cedar Hill Management Staff and Fire Department from Na’Kayshions Wedding and Event Center. Sims explained the neighboring church to Na’Kaysions Wedding and Event Center recently burned to the ground. Nancy Jackson, owner of Na’Kaysions would be making a presentation to the Fire Department for working to save her business. Bond Matters: 1. Consider approving Resolution No. R13-385 authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation (CO) bonds. Boyd London of First Southwest Company addressed the City Council on the CO bonds, noting we are issuing a notice of intent for 2.1 million Certificates of Obligation. This is the amount needed for the Construction Fund. He will return on August 27 to actually sell the bonds. London state when the bond issue started in March, the market was in bad shape. In fact, it was at a fifty-year low. It has improved and is now up to a 40year low. Six to eight weeks ago, interest rates were at 2.28% and are now in the neighborhood of 3.25%. City Council Briefing Minutes 4 July 23, 2013 London also discussed the 2004 Revenue Bonds and the plans to refund those into General Obligation Bonds. These Bonds will continue to be self-supporting. Following a question and answer session, Mayor Franke thanked London for his explanations and presentation. VI. Consent Agenda: Mayor Franke read the Consent Agenda as listed below and asked if any item needed to be pulled for separate consideration. No such requests were made. 1. Consider approving the minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 2013 2. Consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013-509 amending the 20112012 operating fund budgets and Ordinance No. 2013-510 amending the 2011-2012 capital fund budgets. 3. Consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013 -511 amending Chapter 15 of the City of Cedar Hill Code of Ordinances pertaining to Parks and Recreation and allowing appointments of Ex-Officio members to the Parks Board. 4. Consider request for matching grant reimbursement for Wild Flower Neighborhood Watch. 5. Consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013-512, which changes the zoning on Lot 1, Block 2, Wild Flower Addition, generally located southeast of U.S. Highway 67 and Pleasant Run Road, from “NS” – Neighborhood Services to “LR” – Local Retail. 6. Consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013-513, which amends Section 9 of Planned Development (PD) Ordinance No. 2011-458 and extends the deadline to submit a Development Plan on approximately 156.81 acres of land, generally located at the northwest corner of Cockrell Hill Road and Bear Creek Road. 7. Consider authorizing the Mayor to sign an Employee Wellness Program Agreement with MedHealth for a three year period. Adjourn. There being no further business, Mayor Franke entertained a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Council Member Haydin, second by Council Member McCain and passed by unanimous vote. City Council Briefing Minutes 5 July 23, 2013 The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Approved: ________________________________ Rob Franke, Mayor Attest: _________________________ Lyn Hill, City Secretary MINUTES CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 The City Council of the City of Cedar Hill, Texas met in regular session Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 7:00 p.m., T.W. “Turk” Cannady - Cedar Hill Room, 285 Uptown Blvd., Cedar Hill, Texas. Present: Mayor Rob Franke, Council Members Daniel C. Haydin, Jr., Stephen Mason, Jami McCain and Cliff Shaw. Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Chris Parvin and Council Member Wallace Swayze. I. Call the meeting to order. Mayor Franke called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., declaring it an open meeting, that a quorum was present and that the meeting notice was duly posted. He announced that Mayor Pro Tem Parvin and Council Member Swayze were out on vacation. II. Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Steve Mason led the Pledges of Allegiance to both the United States and Texas Flags. III. Invocation: City Fire Marshal Randy Jordan. Fire Marshal Randy Jordan was ill and EMS Chief Kevin Cunningham gave the invocation. IV. Presentation: Item 1 – This item was for the presentation to Cedar Hill Management Staff and Fire Department from Na’Kayshions Wedding and Event Center. Na’Kayshions Wedding and Event Center owner Nancy Jackson explained that the church next door to her establishment caught fire several weeks ago. The church was destroyed, but the Cedar Hill Fire Department worked hard to keep the flames from moving to her property. Because of their actions, the fire was contained. Jackson introduced Cedar Hill Bible Church Pastor William L. Askew, Sr., and her family members in attendance. Complementing the City Staff for being so conscientious in their jobs and for doing what they do every day in such a thoughtful manner, she explained that she wanted her grandchildren to know “that you do good, because it’s the right thing to do. City Council Minutes July 23, 2013 Fire Chief John Ballard and City Manager Sims joined Jackson and the Mayor at the front where she read and presented a plaque for heroic actions in an emergency situation. She shook hands and thanked each one. Pastor Askew repeated Jackson’s words of appreciation. He praised the Cedar Hill public safety groups, including the Police and Fire Departments. He spoke about his respect for the Cedar Hill Management Staff and the City Council. Askew stated they pray for this group on a daily basis. Mayor Franke thanked Jackson and Askew for the presentation and kind words. V. Bond Matters: This item was to consider approving Resolution No. R13-385 authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation (CO) bonds. Mayor Franke introduced the item and asked if there were questions from City Council. There were none. The Mayor then entertained a motion. Council Member Haydin moved to approve the item, seconded by Council Member Mason. The item passed by unanimous vote. VI. Consent Agenda: Mayor Franke read the Consent Agenda listed below and noted no item was asked to be removed for separate consideration. He then entertained a motion. Council Member Haydin moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 7, seconded by Council Member Mason. After the reading of the ordinances by Assistant City Manager Melissa Stephens, the motion passed by unanimous vote. Item 1 was to consider approving the minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 2013 Item 2 was to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013-509 amending the 20112012 operating fund budgets and Ordinance No. 2013-510 amending the 20112012 capital fund budgets. Item 3 was to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013 -511 amending Chapter 15 of the City of Cedar Hill Code of Ordinances pertaining to Parks and Recreation and allowing appointments of Ex-Officio members to the Parks Board. City Council Minutes July 23, 2013 Item 4 was to consider request for matching grant reimbursement for Wild Flower Neighborhood Watch. Item 5 was to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013-512, which changes the zoning on Lot 1, Block 2, Wild Flower Addition, generally located southeast of U.S. Highway 67 and Pleasant Run Road, from “NS” – Neighborhood Services to “LR” – Local Retail. Item 6 was to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2013-513, which amends Section 9 of Planned Development (PD) Ordinance No. 2011-458 and extends the deadline to submit a Development Plan on approximately 156.81 acres of land, generally located at the northwest corner of Cockrell Hill Road and Bear Creek Road. Item 7 was to consider authorizing the Mayor to sign an Employee Wellness Program Agreement with MedHealth for a three-year period. VII. Citizens Forum. Mayor Franke read the rules of the Citizens Forum. The following person requested to speak. Tyrone Jones – 600 Cox Street – spoke on loud, unusual and frequent barking at night – coming from the neighbor behind him. The Mayor explained no action could be taken, as this was not on the agenda; however, he requested Police Chief Steve Rhodes to meet with Jones to see if something could be done. VIII. Updates and announcements from City Council Members. Council Member Mason stated he received calls from citizens regarding aggressive dogs along the Red Oak Creek Trail. He asked City Council to remember this issue when they hold another workshop. The Mayor agreed that he had witnessed the dogs and their ability to frighten joggers. Council Member McCain recommended that an article be placed in the newsletter to communicate with the citizens and make them aware of the situation. IX. Adjourn There being no further business, Mayor Franke entertained a motion to adjourn. City Council Minutes July 23, 2013 The motion was made by Council Member Haydin, seconded by Council Member McCain to adjourn the meeting. After a unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Approved: _________________________________ Rob Franke, Mayor Attest: ____________________ Lyn Hill, City Secretary Consent #2 CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: August 13, 2013 Agenda Item Wording: Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute a construction contract with Control Integrity, Inc. for the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system hardware replacement project. Summary: This project consists of replacement of the current SCADA system which monitors the City’s water/waste water operations. The scope of work includes the installation of new radios, remote terminal units, antennae and miscellaneous hardware/software upgrades at twentyeight (28) locations, including the service center, lift stations and pump stations. Under current conditions, the SCADA system does not meet the updated Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements for wavelength signals. The existing system is also not adaptable to changing conditions and cannot be easily repaired. On June 12, 2013, two (2) bids were received for the project. Control Integrity, Inc. was the low bidder with a bid of $274,050. A change order has been issued (Change Order No. 1) and accepted by Control Integrity, Inc. which has reduced the scope of the project by $21,000 in order to bring the project within budget. This reduction in scope is based on the decision to not install the new system on the High Meadows lift station which is scheduled to be phased out, has fairly low volume, has been functioning without any problems and is not currently connected to SCADA. The bids and references for the project were reviewed and verified by Deltatek Engineering. City staff has reviewed the bid tabulation and received the confirmation letter from Deltatek Engineering recommending that Control Integrity, Inc. be awarded the project with a “not to exceed” amount of $253,050. This contract has been approved as to form by legal counsel. Funding Source: Water/Wastewater CIP Funds Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute the contract Department: Contact / Phone No: Public Works Elias K. Sassoon, P.E. 972-291-5126 ext. 2810 Attachments: Yes If yes, how many pages: 5 July 12, 2013 Mr. Adam Campbell Operations Manager City of Cedar Hill 285 Uptown Blvd., Building Cedar Hill, Texas 75104 Reference: SCADA System Hardware Replacement, Phase I Project Number PW12 0021 City of Cedar Hill, Texas Bid Recommendation for Award Rev 2 Dear Mr. Campbell; On June 12, 2013, the City of Cedar Hill received one (1) responsive and one (1) nonresponsive sealed bids for the referenced project. Two (2) bidders were present at the bid opening. City asked if there were any objections to the bid process and those present responded that there were no objections. These bids have been tabulated and attached to this correspondence for your use. Deltatek Engineering has reviewed these bid documents and submits the following opinion and recommendation. Based on review of bid submitted by Control Integrity, Inc., and previous experience with this contractor, it is our opinion that the low bidder is qualified to perform this task in accordance with the Contract Documents. Change Order No. 1 has been issued to Control Integrity reducing scope of the project by $21,000.00. Control Integrity has indicated their acceptance of this Change Order and we anticipate receipt of the signed document for processing. Therefore, Deltatek Engineering has no objection to the City awarding this project to Control Integrity, Inc., for the lump sum of $274,050.00 and the Change Order for ($21,000.00). Total award amount $253,050.00. Should you have any questions, please call me at 972-255-9500. Sincerely, DELTATEK ENGINEERING Bahram Niknam, P.E. Attachments: Bid Tabulation Raw Data Bid Sheet Attendees List Original Bid Documents Change Order No. 1 2211 Texas Drive, Irving, Texas 75062 Firm Registration Number F-4419 972-255-9500 Fax 972-255-7500 Email: Bid/Project Name: SCADA SYSTEM HARDWARE REPLACEMENT, PHASE I Bid/Project Number Bid Opening Date: Bids Issued: Bids Rec'd: 1st Addendum: 2nd Addendum: PW12-0021 June 7, 2013 5 2 May 24, 2013 June 7, 2013 Name of Bidder Address City, State, Zip Telephone / Fax Email Contact Control Integrity, Inc. P.O. Box 334 Fate, Texas 75132 972-333-6952/817-560-3263 Prime Controls 815 Office Park Circle Lewisville, Texas 75057 972-221-4849/972-420-4842 Gary Zerfas Bill Bivens Bid 1 Bid 2 BID SCHEDULE Item # 1 Mobilization 2 Furnish labor and materials to remove existing radio unit and install new 24” x 24” x 8” NEMA 12 cabinet and radio at the Service Center Master Station Shop. 3 Furnish and install 78” x 36” x 10” NEMA 12 floor standing enclosures at Flameleaf & Meadowcrest Pump Stations. 4 Furnish and install 30” x 30” x 10” NEMA 4X 304 SS painted enclosures at Lift Stations and EST as detailed in table Section 13304. 5 Furnish and install new PLC based RTU at elevated storage tank sites. 6 Furnish and install new PLC based RTU at pump station sites. 7 Furnish and install new PLC based RTU at lift station sites. 8 Furnish and install Freewave Model FGR2CE-V or GE Transnet 900 radios. 9 Furnish and install Decibel Model DB586-y antennas at the elevated tanks sites. Includes all mounting hardware, cables, lighting, protection, etc. 10 Furnish and install Decibel Model DB586-y or Samco Model SAM-970 antennas at the lift station sites. Includes all mounting hardware, cables, lightning, protection, foundation and towers as required. 11 Furnish and install battery back-up, power supplies, surge protection, lightning protection, terminal blocks, conduit, wiring, and terminations as required. 12 Startup, and training at each location. 13 Furnish & Install new “Pulsar” level transmitter at the High Meadow Lift Station. Includes transmitter, transducer, wiring, conduit, terminations startup, calibration, etc for a fully functional system. 14 SCADA RTU programming by City authorized SSC: Control Integrity. TOTAL ALL BID ITEMS: Notes: Low Bid Vendor: Qty Unit 1 LS $15,000.00 Extended Price $15,000.00 1 EA $750.00 2 EA 17 Unit Price Unit Price Extended Price $0.00 $0.00 $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 EA $2,500.00 $42,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 EA $3,000.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 EA $4,500.00 $22,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 EA $3,000.00 $57,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 29 EA $900.00 $26,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 EA $4,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 EA $650.00 $12,350.00 $0.00 $0.00 29 29 EA EA $1,250.00 $100.00 $36,250.00 $2,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 LS $2,700.00 $2,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $274,050.00 Bid Bond Included Addenda 1 & 2 Acknowledged Low Bidder $288,473.00 Did not acknowledge Addendum 2 Non-Responsive Bid Control Integrity, Inc. DELTATEK ENGINEERING FIRM REGISTRATION NO. F-4419 2211 TEXAS DRIVE IRVING, TEXAS 75062 972-255-9500 1 Contract Change Order PROJECT: SCADA System Hardware Replace, Phase I PROJECT #: PW12-0021 OWNER: City of Cedar Hill CONTRACTOR: Control Integrity, Inc. DATE: 07/10/13 ENGINEER: Deltatek Engineering CHANGE ORDER NO.: 1 Make the followingdeletions/modifications to the work described in the Contract Documents: 1. Delete all items of work on the High Meadows Lift Station. This includes deletion of proposed PLC based RTU, radio, antenna, foundation, terminations, and level transmitter. Total Decrease Sum: ($21,000.00) ($21,000.00) The compensation agreed upon in this Change Order is full, complete and final payment for all costs the Contractor may incur as a result of or relating to this change whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at this time, including without limitation, any cost for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result of this Change. Previous Contract Amount Net Change in Contract Amount Revised Contract Amount $274,050.00 ($21,000.00) $253,050.00 This change order does NOT affect completion date. Approved by Control Integrity, Inc. Approved by DELTATEK ENGINEERING By: Gary Zerfas By: Bahram Niknam, P.E. Date Date Approved by CITY OF CEDAR HILL By: Elias Sassoon, P.E. Date Consent #3 CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: August 13, 2013 Agenda Item Wording: Consider acceptance of the semi-annual report from the Cedar Hill Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Summary: The City of Cedar Hill collects impact fees to help offset some of the costs associated with expanding water, wastewater and roadway systems to accommodate new growth and development. State statutes require cities that impose impact fees to perform a semi-annual review to identify any perceived inequities in the implementation of the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan or the imposing of impact fees. On July 11, 2013, the Cedar Hill Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee met and reviewed the Plan and, by a vote of 6-0, approved the report and stated they found no perceived inequities. Attached for your review are: Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee report; and Attachments to the report detailing the available monies and projects identified in the CIP; and Draft minutes of the July 11, 2013, Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee meeting supporting this report. Funding Source: N/A Recommended Action: Accept the semi-annual report. Department: Contact / Phone No: Planning Rod W. Tyler 972-291-5100 Ext. 1083 Attachments: Yes If yes, how many pages: 6 CITY OF CEDAR HILL, TEXAS CAPITAL RECOVERY FEES SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 TRANSACTION STREETS Impact Fees Collected Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Revenue Subtotal-total resources WASTEWATER WATER TOTAL 10,931,919.31 1,877,279.97 - 8,524,212.45 1,723,632.41 995.00 3,603,658.14 1,073,348.28 - 23,059,789.90 4,674,260.66 995.00 $12,809,199.28 $10,248,839.86 $4,677,006.42 $27,735,045.56 5,853,254.00 746,500.00 1,053,500.00 7,653,254.00 Use of resources: Transfer to Debt Service Fund Completed Projects: Water Projects: Meadowcrest Pump Station Highway 67 and Joe Wilson Water Line Mansfield Road Water Line Highway 67 Water Line Joe Wilson Water Line-Phase I South Lakeridge Parkway Water Line 2 MG Elevated Tank (Parkerville) Joe Wilson Water Line-Phase II Beltline Road Water Line Joe Wilson Water Line-Phase III Flameleaf Ground Storage & Pump Station Duncanville Road Water Line US 67 24-inch Water Line Sewer Projects: Mountain Creek Sewer Station FM 1382 Trunk Sewer and Lift Station Stewart Branch Sewer Line Bear Creek Sewer Lines Baggett Branch Sewer Trunk - - 387,551.00 62,449.00 751,037.68 145,765.26 576,708.79 520,593.82 1,123,188.50 284,914.70 356,448.44 750,000.00 2,824,700.43 176,203.10 1,190,986.00 - Active Projects: Water Projects: None Sewer Projects: Bee Branch TRA Interceptor Lake Ridge Lift Station & 10" Force Main (07S2) Sub-Basin RO-7 Collector Other costs: Impact fee studies Other Subtotal-total uses Balance as of March 16, 2012 - 387,551.00 62,449.00 751,037.68 145,765.26 576,708.79 520,593.82 1,123,188.50 284,914.70 356,448.44 750,000.00 2,824,700.43 176,203.10 1,190,986.00 1,195,760.00 24,240.00 614,224.64 159,344.90 70,601.72 1,195,760.00 24,240.00 614,224.64 159,344.90 70,601.72 402,068.34 377,394.17 - 402,068.34 377,394.17 - 287,467.16 11,904.33 201,595.84 27,069.70 186,395.21 10,836.16 675,458.21 49,810.19 6,152,625.49 10,125,712.26 4,094,365.14 20,372,702.89 $6,656,573.79 $123,127.60 $582,641.28 $7,362,342.67 Street CRF Worksheet 9/30/2012 FUND 2501 (CPS FUND 61) (closed) FUND 2502 (CPS FUND 62) (closed) FUND 2503 (CPS FUND 63) (closed) FUND 2504 (CPS FUND 64) (closed) FUND 2505 (CPS FUND 65) (closed) FUND 2506 (CPS FUND 66) (closed) FUND 2507 (CPS FUND 67) (closed) FUND 2508 (CPS FUND 68) (closed) FUND 2509 (CPS FUND 69) (closed) FUND 2511 (CPS FUND 601) FUND 2512 (CPS FUND 602) FUND 2513 (CPS FUND 603) FUND 2514 (CPS FUND 604) Revenues Impact Fees Investment Earnings Transfer from Old Cells 574,107.80 217,896.31 348,317.72 22,302.82 55,282.98 3,223.03 1,688,045.92 321,670.06 254,126.74 24,240.64 480,366.00 163,167.99 266,094.00 29,191.39 377,281.86 137,130.02 5,454.00 - 584,261.76 82,378.11 4,542,226.25 614,253.54 1,057,525.01 162,456.79 1,019,613.78 698,829.27 99,369.27 10,931,919.31 1,877,279.97 1,019,613.78 10,931,919.31 1,877,279.97 Total Revenues 792,004.11 370,620.54 58,506.01 2,009,715.98 278,367.38 643,533.99 295,285.39 514,411.88 5,454.00 666,639.87 5,156,479.79 2,239,595.58 798,198.54 13,828,813.06 12,809,199.28 Expenditures: Transfer to Debt Service Fund Bank Fees CRF Studies Transfer to New Cell 773,300.00 2,398.12 17,101.79 (795.80) 353,192.97 325.83 17,101.74 41,914.00 74.66 16,517.35 1,988,806.65 3,946.34 17,101.75 (138.76) 260,754.38 511.57 17,101.43 100,395.00 1,522.93 17,101.43 524,514.63 279,515.00 627.71 15,142.68 1,276.70 17,101.47 496,033.71 (6.04) 5,460.04 177,885.00 124.38 35,327.77 820,411.00 782.00 34,743.38 886,178.00 224.80 36,702.11 170,902.00 95.33 40,964.22 5,853,254.00 11,904.33 287,467.16 1,019,613.78 5,853,254.00 11,904.33 287,467.16 Total Expenditures 792,004.11 370,620.54 58,506.01 2,009,715.98 278,367.38 643,533.99 295,285.39 514,411.88 5,454.00 213,337.15 855,936.38 923,104.91 211,961.55 7,172,239.27 6,152,625.49 453,302.72 4,300,543.41 1,316,490.67 586,236.99 6,656,573.79 6,656,573.79 Available Funds - - - - - - - - - TOTALS Report Totals CITY OF CEDAR HILL CAPITAL RECOVERY FEES REVIEW OF MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FEES SEPTEMBER, 2012 Maximum Fee Current Fee in Effect Fees Beginning October 2008 Fees Fees Beginning Beginning October September 2007 2002 Fees Beginning October 1998 Water (Lue) 2,916.00 1,860.00 1,599.00 1,277.00 869.00 769.00 702.00 Wastewater (Lue) 1,258.00 759.00 633.00 507.00 331.00 231.00 298.00 New service areas Service Area 1 1,016.00 577.00 481.00 385.00 250.00 Service Area 2 984.00 577.00 481.00 385.00 250.00 Service Area 3 1,037.00 577.00 481.00 385.00 250.00 Service Area 4 814.00 577.00 481.00 385.00 250.00 Streets (Vehicle Mile): Old service areas Service Area 1 200.00 Service Area 2 200.00 Service Area 3 200.00 Service Area 4 200.00 Service Area 5 200.00 Service Area 6 200.00 Service Area 7 200.00 Service Area 8 200.00 Service Area 9 200.00 Previous Fee in Effect City of Cedar Hill Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee DRAFT July 11, 2013 Page 1 of 2 MINUTES Capital Impact Advisory Committee Meeting of July 11, 2013 The Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee of the City of Cedar Hill, Texas met on Thursday, July 11, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Room “D” at the Cedar Hill Government Center, 285 Uptown Blvd. Bldg. 100, Cedar Hill, Texas 75104. Present: Committee members Al Armistead, Greg Patton, Don McGee, Mike Lemmon, Scott Emmons and Scott James. Absent: None. The following City staff members were present: Rod Tyler, Don Gore, Elais Sassoon, Kim Johnson, Cassie Harashe and Belinda Huff. I. Call the meeting to order. Chairman Lemmon called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m., declaring it an open meeting in which a quorum was present and the meeting notice duly posted. II. Approve the minutes of the March 29, 2012 meeting. A motion was made by Scott James to approve the minutes of the March 29, 2012 meeting, as presented. Al Armistead seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Vote: Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Chairman Lemmon declared the motion unanimously approved. III. Review and discussion of Capital Improvement Plans and Fees collected. Rod Tyler, Director of Planning, reviewed with the Committee two tables, Table I, sources and uses of funds and Table II, review of maximum allowable fees. Mr. Tyler also presented the Capital Impact Advisory Committee a PowerPoint that reviewed the purpose of Impact Fees, including how they are accessed and collected. V. Review and discussion of inequities discovered in fees. The Committee did not discover any inequities in the fees. VI. Consider approving report. A motion was made by Greg Patton to approve the report, as presented. Scott James seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Page 1 of 2 City of Cedar Hill Capital Impact Fee Advisory Committee DRAFT July 11, 2013 Vote: Page 2 of 2 Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Chairman Lemmon declared the motion unanimously approved. VII. Adjourn There being no further business, Greg Patton made a motion to adjourn. Scott James seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Vote: Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Chairman Lemmon adjourned the meeting at 4:21 p.m. Chairman Michael Lemmon Belinda L. Huff Development Services Coordinator Page 2 of 2 Consent #4 CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: August 13, 2013 Agenda Item Wording: Consider approving certified tax rolls submitted by Dallas Central Appraisal District and Ellis Appraisal District. Summary: The two appraisal districts have submitted the certified tax rolls to the City of Cedar Hill for the Tax Year (calendar year) 2013 that establishes the foundation for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 budget. Approval of the appraisal rolls is required to meet requirements of the State Property Tax Code. The certified rolls total $2,700,255,614 and the properties under protest total $1,818,404, for a total taxable value of $2,702,074,018. This taxable value multiplied by the tax rate per $100 valuation equals the amount of property tax the City can expect to collect during Fiscal Year 2012-2013. The Tax Year 2013 certified values reflects an increase of $4,606,657 or .17% when compared to Tax Year 2012 certified values. New construction totaled $12,054,420 of increased values. This increased value was offset by the $7,447,763 decline in the value of existing properties. Funding Source: N/A Recommended Action: Approve Certified Tax Rolls Department: Contact / Phone No: Finance Martin Avila 972.291.5100 ext 1063 Attachments: Yes If yes, how many pages: 2 DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL ROLL Year: 2013 Jurisdiction: CEDAR HILL In accordance with the requirements of the Texas Property Tax Code, Chapter 26, Section 26.01, paragraphs (A) and (B), the following values are hereby certified: Market Value of all Real & Business Personal Property Before Qualified Exemptions* $2,986,140,250 Taxable Value of all Real & Business Personal Property $2,621,913,221 In accordance with the requirements of the Texas Property Tax Code, Chapter 26, Section 26.01, paragraph (C), the following values are hereby certified as disputed values and are not included in the above totals: Market Value Taxable Value Values under protest as determined by the Appraisal District** $7,249,180 $2,597,720 Values under protest as claimed by property owner or estimated by Appraisal District in event property owner's claim is upheld $5,074,426 $1,818,404 $0 Freeport Estimated Loss $1,818,404 Estimated Net Taxable I, W. Kenneth Nolan, Executive Director/Chief Appraiser of the Dallas Central Appraisal District, do hereby certify the aforementioned values and totals to the taxing jurisdiction indicated above, in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the State of Texas on this 23th day of July, 2013. Dallas Central Appraisal District W. Kenneth Nolan Executive Director/Chief Appraiser *Total Value of New Construction in Certified Market Value above $11,603,000 **Value of Disputed New Construction in Protested Market Value Above 2949 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75247-6195 $0 (214) 631-0520 Regular #1 CITY OF CEDAR HILL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: August 13, 2013 Agenda Item Wording: Discuss tax rate, take a record vote on the proposed tax rate and set the date and time for the public hearing(s) on the tax rate and budget and the adoption of the budget and tax rate. Summary: The following process is required to adopt a tax rate and budget for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year: * * * Discuss the tax rate and take a record vote on the proposed tax rate. Schedule and hold two public hearings (only required if the proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate). Schedule and conduct a public hearing on the budget, adopt the budget and tax rate. The following schedule will apply if the City Council approves a record vote for the proposed effective tax rate of $0.69876 or lower: Public Hearing on Budget September 10, 2013 Adopt Budget and Tax Rate September 10, 2013 Should the City Council approve a record vote for a tax rate above the $0.69876 effective tax rate, public hearings on the tax rate would be scheduled August 27th and September 3rd. Attached is a recommended motion, a history of the City’s tax rates and a copy of the notice published August 11, 2013. Should the City Council consider a tax rate of $0.69876 per $100 valuation, the tax rate will be a zero effective tax rate. Funding Source: N/A Recommended Action: Conduct a record vote to consider a tax rate for Tax Year 2013 of 51.270 cents per $100 valuation for operating and maintenance (General Fund) and 18.606 cents per $100 valuation for debt service for a total tax rate of 69.876 cents per $100 valuation. Announce that the City Council will conduct a public hearing on the budget, adopt the budget and adopt the tax rate at the City Council meeting on September 10, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. at the Government Center. If the proposed tax rate exceeds 69.876 cents per $100 valuation, announce the public hearings on the tax rate at the City Council meetings on August 27 and September 3 at 7:00 P.M. at the Government Center. Department: Contact / Phone No: Finance Martin Avila 972.291.5100 Ext 1063 Attachments: Yes If yes, how many pages: 3 RECOMMENDED MOTION Move to consider a tax rate of 69.876 cents per $100 valuation at the 7:00 PM September 10, 2013 City Council Meeting at the Government Center. This tax rate represents a zero effective tax rate. City of Cedar Hill Historical Tax Rates Per $100 Valuation Fiscal Year End Tax Rate 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proposed 64.100 65.289 66.130 64.269 64.269 64.269 64.269 64.140 64.140 64.140 64.140 64.140 64.140 64.140 64.140 64.140 67.000 68.588 69.569 69.876 2013 Property Tax Rates in City of Cedar Hill This notice concerns the 2013 property tax rates for City of Cedar Hill. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual tax rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers start rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes $13,787,285 Last year's debt taxes $5,033,578 Last year's total taxes $18,820,863 Last year's tax base $2,705,351,953 Last year's total tax rate This year's effective tax rate: $0.695690/$100 Last year's adjusted taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property) $18,796,703 ÷ This year's adjusted tax base (after subtracting value of new property) $2,690,019,598 =This year's effective tax rate (Maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearings.) This year's rollback tax rate: $0.698757/$100 Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function, tax increment financing, state criminal justice mandate, and/or enhanced indigent healthcare expenditures) $13,769,401 ÷ This year's adjusted tax base $2,690,019,598 =This year's effective operating rate $0.511870/$100 x 1.08=this year's maximum operating rate $0.552819/$100 + This year's debt rate $0.186060/$100 = This year's total rollback rate $0.738879/$100 Statement of Increase/Decrease If City of Cedar Hill adopts a 2013 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of $0.698757 per $100 of value, taxes would increase compared to 2012 taxes by $60,068. Schedule A - Unencumbered Fund Balance The following estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Type of Property Tax Fund Balance General Fund Debt Service Fund 7,517,730 1,345,296 Schedule B - 2013 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Principal or Contract Interest to be Other Amounts Description of Debt Payment to be Paid Paid from Total Payment to be Paid from Property Taxes Property Taxes Total Bond Debt 5,175,860 Total required for 2013 debt service - Amount (if any) paid from Schedule A - Amount (if any) paid from other resources - Excess collections last year = Total to be paid from taxes in 2013 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2013 = Total debt levy 2,901,952 48,500 8,126,312 $8,126,312 $0 $3,098,833 $0 $5,027,479 $0 $5,027,479 This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at 500 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75202. Name of person preparing this notice: John R. Ames Title: Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector, CTA Date Prepared: 08/01/2013