Bulletin- Mar27,2016
Bulletin- Mar27,2016
St. Josaphat’s Roman Catholic Church 34-32 210th Street Bayside, New York 11361 email: stjosaphats@aol.com Rectory: (718) 229-1663 Fax: (718) 229-8018 Parish Website: stjosaphat-queens.org Rev. Andrzej Klocek, Pastor Rev. James J. Meszaros, In Residence Deacon Robert Lonergan MASS SCHEDULE : Weekdays: 8:00 AM, Saturday: 8 AM &7PM, Sundays: 8:30 AM (Polish Mass),10AM & 12Noon. Holy Days: 7:30 PM Vigil, 8AM & 10AM Rectory Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM– 3:30PM. Evenings by appointment. Saturday by Appointment, Sunday Closed. Devotions: Every Wednesday: Novena to St. Jude & Rosary Devotions 7:30 PM Catholic Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group–8PM (Spanish) Every Friday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy before 8 AM Mass First Tuesday of Every Month: (October-June) St. Padre Pio Prayer Group 7PM Holy Hour, Exposition, Recitation of the Rosary, Benediction, Confessions, 8PM Holy Mass First Friday of every Month: Exposition & Litany to the Sacred Heart after 8AmMass First Saturday of every Month: Exposition & First Saturday Devotions after 8AM Mass. Religious Education: Saturdays from 9-10:30AM Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults- RCIA- For information about the Sacrament of Baptism, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation, please call the Rectory. Parish Registration: All families are welcome to the Parish and should register in the Rectory. Please call to make an appointment with the Pastor. SACRAMENTS : Confessions: Monday to Friday before 8AM Mass Saturday 4:00 PM. All other times by appointment. Baptisms: Baptisms will take place the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. An instructional class is required for all parents & Godparents and will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 8PM in the Church. Parents should call the rectory to arrange the celebration. Marriages: Reserve and register date & time as soon as possible, at least six months in advance of the wedding. Pre-Cana and other instructional sessions are required for all couples. Ministry to the Sick: Sick calls and Communion calls on the First Friday of the month. Please call the Rectory. Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name. -- Acts 10:43 March 27th, 2016 Easter Sunday Gail Seper, Fr. Joseph Carroll, Anthony Cristino, Thomas Starace, Joseph Egitto, Diane & Richard Klett, Isabel Cooney & Gary Flynn. Please call the rectory to add a loved one to the prayer list. The names will remain on the list for 4 weeks and are repeated as requested. Easter Sunday, March 27th Procession followed by Mass 8:30- Easter Novena 10:00 - Easter Novena 12:00- Easter Novena Monday, March 28th 8:00* Parishioners Tuesday, March 29th 8:00* Steve Tychanski (Birthday) Wednesday, March 30th 8:00+Maria Edel By: Gisele & Richard Kalenka Thursday, March 31st 8:00+Joseph, Laura & Carlo Maresca By: Sophie, Clorinda, Rosa & Elsa Friday, April 1st 8:00+Albaneze Family By: Family Saturday, April 2nd 8:00* For the unborn and an end to Abortion By: Parish Right to Life Committee 7:00PM * Parishioners Sunday, April 3rd 8:30+ Aniela & Konstanty Walaski By: Wanda Kammer & Family 10:00 *Marianne & Donald Tela (Health & Safety) 12:00+ John Shanahan By: Byrnes Family Weekly Parish Stewardship Attendance 3/20/16 Weekly Collection 3/20/16 The second collection today is the Retired Priest Collection. Due to Easter this bulletin was sent to the printer before this information was available. Bread & Wine...March 27th-April 2nd In memory of Michele & Anna Giancola By: Giancola Family Altar Candles...March 27th-April 2nd In memory of Gerald Moreland By Margaret Moreland & Family The Paschal Candle that was blessed at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday was donated in loving memory of Sister Ninfa Corticcia by Mary & Mario De Luca. Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Members of the Clergy and the Diocese of Brooklyn, will be sponsoring a MASS OF HOPE AND HEALING, Thursday, April 21, 2016, 7:00 PM, at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church (110-06 Queens Boulevard, in Forest Hills). The main celebrant will be Most Reverend Nicholas Di Marzio, Bishop of Brooklyn. All are invited to gather on this day, to pray for healing for all those who have been impacted by childhood sexual abuse. HEALING A FATHER’S HEART—A postabortion healing bible-study program for men will be held for eight weeks. The program begins on Monday, April 18, 7:30 – 9:30 pm. It is confidential, small group, men only, and there will be light refreshments available. Materials will be provided, but please bring your own bible. Call 347-233-1414 after March 28 to register. March Calendar March 30th -St. Jude Novena March 31st-Leisure Club April Calendar April 5th– St. Padre Pio Devotion & Mass March 27th, 2016 Parish Community News & Events Dear Parishioners, It is my prayer and my wish that the joy of the Risen Lord will be yours during the Easter season. I am very grateful for all you have done for the parish during this Holy Season. A sincere thank you to our altar servers, ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and all who have made the liturgical celebration of Holy Week a prayerful and meaningful experience. May God Bless you all, Father Andrzej Klocek Saint Josaphat’s Easter Dinner Dance Sunday, April 10th, 2016 Cocktail Hour -1pm Dinner and Dancing-2pm-6pm Music by DJ Gary Richards-Enjoy Appetizers, Dinner, Dessert, Coffee, tea, beer, wine, & soda. Tickets will be available after all Masses or call Elizabeth at 718 746-0296 or the rectory at 718 229-1663 Adults: $30.00, Children under 15-$10.00 Children under 10- Free St. Josaphat’s Leisure Club will hold a “Day at the Races,” Thursday, March 31st, 2016. Lunch served at 12noon. Cost $10. Call Joy for information and reservations at 917 921 7631. No tickets will be sold at the door. The Bridge to Life 24th Anniversary Dinner Dance – Sunday April 17th,2016 at Leonard's of Great Neck Honoring – Joint Parish Respect Life Committee– Dr. Florence Maloney—Chairperson For tickets contact Bridge to Life 147-32 Sanford Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 Tel: 718.463.1810 Website: www.thebridgetolife.org Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish SYMBOLON -THE CATHOLIC FAITH EXPLAINED Wed. April 6, 13, 20, 27, and May 4 at 7:30pm Fr. Mark Matthias will lead us as we reflect on the wonders and the mysteries of the Catholic Faith. Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained opens up the "big picture" of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us to know it, live it and talk about it with others. Each session includes a DVD presentation and time for discussion. All are welcome! April 6- The Paschal Mystery April 13-The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace April 20-Why do I Need the Church? April 27-Mary and the Saints May 4-The Last Thing Free will offering. Easter Sunday Parish Community News & Events Diocese of Brooklyn Marian Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C, In the Year of Mercy Led by the Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio October 28-29, 2016 Friday, Oct 28: Morning departure via deluxe motor coach for our journey to our nations Capitol and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Upon arrival, take a guided tour of our Nations monuments. Following our visit of Washington D.C., We will transfer to the hotel before gathering for dinner. Saturday, Oct 25: Breakfast at the hotel followed by departure for the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to participate in our Diocesan Pilgrimage. While at the shrine there will be time for prayer, confession, and for visiting the many beautiful chapels before We gather for Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio. In the afternoon we will depart for our return trip to New York. Cost per person : Quad$255Triple $265-Double$285 -Single $365 Package includes; Motor Coach transportation -2 days accommodations at the Old Town! Alexandria Courtyard by Marriott (or similar), dinner, breakfast, guided tour of Washington D.C., visit to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, taxes/tips to hotel and wait staff. Join Bishop DiMarzio for a one day Pilgrimage to The National Shrine of The Divine Mercy Stockbridge, Massachusetts June 18, 2016 The National Shrine of The Diving Mercy offers many opportunities for inspiration and devotion. Pilgrims find refreshment of soul at Mass, confession, the 3 o'clock Chaplet of The Divine Mercy, and personal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to stroll throughout our beautiful grounds where you can visit the many statues and candles. The groves of St. Therese and St. Francis' each offer an oasis for silent prayer and contemplation. Several sites on Eden Hill, including the Mother of Mercy Outdoor Shrine and the Shrine of the Holy Innocents, devoted to deceased children, offer unique devotional opportunities. Buses will be leaving at 7 am from 2 locations in Queens: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 23-25 Newtown Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Shrine Church of St.Gerard Majella 188-16 91st Avenue Hollis, NY 11423 Contact Alison Hart at 718 965 7313 or Alisontaylorhart@gmail.com Parish Community News & Events J u b i l e e Y e a r o f M e r c y Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia! Easter is always, but especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the victory of God's gentle but invincible mercy raising up Jesus, "faithful witness, the first-born of the dead" (Revelation 1:5), "first-born among many brothers [and sisters]" (Romans 8:29), conquering death in all its forms, in all of us in the human family. In Luke's Vigil Gospel, heavenly messengers send the women forth: "Remember what [Jesus] said to you" (Luke 24:6). In John's Gospel, the empty tomb likewise "sends forth" Mary Magdalene, Peter, and the Beloved Disciple, who believe though they do not fully understand. Finally, Luke's evening "Emmaus" Gospel sends us forth, as "missionaries of mercy," assuring us that we will encounter the Risen Lord, today and every day, in "the stranger" we meet along life's journey, in "the Word that makes our hearts burn within us," and "in the breaking of bread" (see Luke 24:32, 35). --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Mass of Inclusion and Community Resource Fair for seniors, people with disabilities and the deaf. – April 10th,2016—AMERICAN MARTYRS CHURCH 79-43 Bell Blvd. Bayside, NY 11364 Church and Parish Center both Barrier-Free and have wheelchair accessible bathrooms. "The Body of Christ is not whole unless ALL are included" Sponsored by Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens and Parish Advocates for People with Disabilities 0f Northeast Queens 12:30 Mass followed by Resource Fair. Light Refreshments Available . PILGRIMAGE September 23-October 3, 2016 LOURDES-VENICE-PADUA-MILAN-TURIN Spiritual director: Fr. Marcin Chilczuk $3,499.00 P.P. D.O. For Info Contact: A & G Peace Tours Inc. (718) 423-5077 email: agpeacetours@yahoo.com Professional Therapy-Services are provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or Diocese. Confidential information and appointments are available by calling Dr. Giuliani at(631)2432503 www.thecatholiccounselingcenter.com Kościół p.w. Św. Jozafata KS. ANDRZEJ W. KLOCEK, PROBOSZCZ KS. JAKUB J. MESZAROS, REZYDENT DIAKON ROBERT LONERGAN PORZĄDEK MSZY ŚWIĘTYCH: w dni robocze: 8:00 w soboty: 8:00 i 19:00 (niedzielna) w niedzielę: 8:30 (w języku polskim), 10:00 i 12:00 W uroczystości i święta: 19:30 (wigilijna), 8:00 i 10:00 Nabożeństwa: Pierwszy Wtorek 19:00 Nabożeństwa do Św. Ojca Pio Godzinna Św. i Msza Św. Każda Środa 19:30 Nowenna do Św. Judy Tadeusza i Różaniec Święty Każdy Piątek: Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego o 7:45. Pierwszy Piątek: Nabożeństwa do Serca Pana Jeszus po Mszy Św. Pierwsza Sobota: Nabożeństwa do M.B. Fatimskiej po Mszy Św. Sakrament pokuty i pojednania: od poniedziałku do piątku o 7:45 oraz w soboty o 16:00 Sakrament chrztu świętego: w trzecią niedzielę miesiąca o 13:30 (w języku ang.); w języku polskim do uzgodnienia z proboszczem. Konferencja przedchrzcielna do uzgodnienia z proboszczem. Sakrament małżeństwa: należy zgłosić zamiar zawarcia małżeństwa najpóźniej 6 miesięcy przed planowana data ślubu. Narzeczeni mają obowiązek brania udziału w konferencjach przedmałżeńskich PreCana. Duszpasterstwo chorych: w celu zgłoszenia chorych prosi się o kontakt z plebania Godziny urzędowania kancelarii parafialnej: pn-pt od 10:00 do 16:00. W soboty przez zgłoszenie. W niedzielę kancelaria parafialna jest nieczynna. Caring for families for over 100 years Martin A. Gleason Large Parking Facilities at all locations. 36-46 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 Funeral Home L.L.C. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Family owned and operated by John Aloysius Golden & Thomas A. Golden III Also located in Flushing & Whitestone If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police For further information, ✔Fire ipping please call the Parish Office. ✔Friends/Family FREE Sh tivation FREE Ac Tel (718) 352-7600 Fax (718) 352-7755 DENNIS J. O'SULLIVAN ATTORNEY AT LAW $1a Day! THE LAW OFFICES OF DENNIS J. O'SULLIVAN, P.C. 210-13 35TH AVENUE BAYSIDE, NY 11361 ntracts NO Long Term Co JOHN J. BYRNES INSURANCE SERVICES Medicare Supplement Advantage & Drug Plans Group & Ind. Health Plans Life & Long Term Care Ins. (718) 428-2210 Visit our website: www.gleasonsfuneral.com CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 718-428-0364 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA LLOYD FUNERAL HOME John S. Possenriede 1945-2002 Large Off Street Parking Area 39th Ave. at 215th St. (718) 229-2420 Privately Owned & Operated by the Possenriede Family John J. McCann Exterminating, Inc. FHA VA Inspections • Structural Repair • Termites • Rodents • Insects Licensed & Insured 60-01 169th St., Flushing Family Owned & Operated Since 1934 718-359-6454 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... WYPADKI ADWOKAT MÓWIACY PO POLSKU W POLSKICH DZIELNICACH GREENPOINT RIDGEWOOD BOROUGH PARK 144 Nassau Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11222 65-18 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 5606 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 blisko stacji metra “G” blisko Gates Avenue blisko stacji metra “D” i banku P&SFCU tel: 718-383-0100 tel: 347-881-9064 tel: 718-871-0310 WYPADKI wszystkie rodzaje WYPADKI NA BUDOWIE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION MEDYCZNE BEZPLATNA KONSULTACJA MÓWIMY PO POLSKU TELEFONY CZYNNE $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Adam J. Stein, Esq. • Wioletta Kosiorek, Esq. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! 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