Today at the 12:00 Mass we remember those whose Funerals were


Today at the 12:00 Mass we remember those whose Funerals were
Today at the 12:00 Mass we remember those whose Funerals were celebrated in Saint Agnes
Church between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013. May they rest in peace!
Alan F. Ahern, Phyllis Banks, Mary E. Bennett, Angelo A. Bergantino, James J. Brady, Richard
Brennan, Micheal Browne, John R. Brydges, Nancy Byrne, Susan Caggiano, Elaine Power
Caponigro, Mary Carvalho, Ann Marie Casey, Robert Casey, John Cashman, Maria L. Cassata,
Mary Catsulis, Rose Marie Chabre, Judith Chinal, Justin Chinal, Mary Churchill, Mary E.
Colburn, Doris Collins, Robert Collins, Janice M Connearney, Mary E. Costanza, Doris
Costello, Regina Jeannie Crescentini, Elsie Cronnin, Doris Cullinane, Camille D. Curcio, Luigi
D'Angelo, Leonel da Cruz, Patricia Ann Darcy, Jeannettte R. DeSantis, Angelo B. Dias, Jr.,
Lucy DiCarlo, Maria C. Diozzi, Alfred DiVito, Mary Donovan, Marie T. Dooley, Rosaleen
Egan, Edward Enright, James A. Errico, Jr., Mary Jane Faiola, Mary E. Fiske, Francis X. Flatley,
Thomas A. Flatley, John Foley, Robert J. Foley, Aurthur Forster, Donnamarie Forgione, Joy
Gallagher, Sarah Gallagher, Marie A. Giroux, Jean M. Greeley, Catherine Griffin, Michael
Griffin, William T. Guinane, Mary L. Halloran, Marguerite Harrington, Eileen Hennessey,
Neil P. Jordan, Marcella A. Knowles, Thomas Lally, Paul F. Lambertson, Thomas Lanzillo,
Eileen Larkin, Rosalie A. Limerick, Charles R. Linskey, Karen Lombard, Marie Lombard,
John R. MacEachern, Eleanor Mader, Joseph Maniscalco, Josephine Marcantonio, Joseph
Marchant, William Marsden III, Leo Martell, Jr., Theresa Mason, Daniel E. Mazurek, Robert
A. McConnell, Donald McDonald, Bryan J. McGahan, Margaret McMahan, James McNamara,
Catherine McNeill, Mary Meskell, Evelyn Millane, Francis J. Miller, Thomas Motherway,
Francis Mulcahy, Scott Mullen, John Nacco, Rose Nestor, Adeline O'Connell, Geraldine
O'Connor, Dorothea O'Keefe, Nancy O'Leary, Mary M. O'Mahoney, Gerald J. O'Neill,
Marjorie G. O'Rielly, Janice Oliver, Helen Olskin, Marie Jeanne Ouellette, Joyce Palla, Ellen
M. Palmer, Lewis J. Paragona, Louise M. Paragona, George Pessotti, Ralph Piccardi, Harriet
Price, Maurice Rahilly, Rita Ready, David S. Richard, Roberta A. Riley, Ralph Roche, Jr., Ruth
M. Ronan, Barbara Rotsart, Stanley Fred Ryan, John Ryder, Agnes Saia, Alice Salenga,
Frederick W. Scribner, Robert Sheehan, Margaret Sheehan, Rita Skinner, Roger Soto, Norman
Stanton, Walter Stanton, Jr., Carol Sweeney, Luigi Tammaro, Phyllis M. Tatro, Margaret Tatro,
Elsie Teeven, Margaret Tildsley, Maureen Totten, Belmira Travers, Mary Urdi, George E.
Varnum, Gladys G. Vera, Ellen Nell Waldron, Marion S. Walsh, Barbara Weber, Joseph
White and Eileen Wright.
Saint Agnes Parish
Arlington, Massachusetts
November 2-3, 2013
The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Commissioning of Catechists
Today at the 9:00 A.M. Mass we thank the wonderful people who come forward to
teach in our Religious Education Program. November is Religious Education Month.
It is a time to remember and give thanks. It is an appropriate time to thank our
catechists, who give of their time and talent because God has spoken to their hearts.
Without reward, they graciously help parents in their role of religious educators. They
are called catechists because they “echo” the Word of God to his children.
We are indebted to our Religious Education Coordinators, Joyce Patriacca and
Nancy Feeman, and to the Religious Education Secretary, Debbie McCabe.
Religious Education Catechists:
John Bromley, Daniel Brosnan, Jill Broughton, Natasha Buckley, Amy Carlson,
Charles Carney, Karen Celano, Kim Cherelli, Kayla Chiara, Stephen Corapi, Maria
DeLoughery, John DeMeo, Lisa Donis, Maria Harrington, Caroline Harrington,
Charles Harrington, Rachael Horsting, Jim Kempf, Melinda Kempf, Meghan Kreider,
Megan Laurendeau, John Lindner, Joseph Maggiore, Marianne O’Donnell, Allyne
Perry, Sandra Rufin, Ken Sierra, Marykate Simmons, Melissa Thomas, Sonia Valada,
Deborah White and Janet Worthington.
Confirmation Program Catechists:
Chris Doyle, Ethel Doyle, Nancy Feeney, Mary Anne Fitzgerald, Marianne Fritz, Lisa
Hennessey, Richard Murphy, Trina Ott, Kurt Pollander, Ed Roche, Stephen Ronayne,
Joe Rozzi and Richard Sweeney.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd:
Kateryna Cuddeback, Jean Keiselbach and Rebecca Scaro.
Hall Monitors and Helpers:
Mary Ellen Aronow, Michelle Banks, Nancy Enos, Christine Hyatt, Kathy Joseph,
Kathleen Kelly, Meg Koslowsky, Jenilde Mastrangelo, Juliet Moir, Kathleen Monagle,
Jennifer Sacca, Bernadette Scutti, Maureen Stephens and Lisa Sullivan.
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
9:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
12:00 Noon
Blessing of Catechists
Mary E. Bennett
Mass of Remembrance
1st Anniversary
Monday, November 4, 2013
7:00 A.M.
Charles D. and Elizabeth M. Keefe
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
7:00 A.M.
Michael and Angelica DeDonato and Family
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
7:00 A.M.
Catherine and Joseph Boyle
Thursday, November 7, 2013
7:00 A.M.
Mary Lynch
Friday, November 8, 2013
7:00 A.M.
Leonard Stocker
Saturday, November 9, 2013
7:00 A.M.
4:00 P.M.
5:15 P.M.
Filomena Matarese
Manuel Medeiros
James and Cecilia Foley
Sunday, November 10, 2013
10:30 A.M.
Barbara Weber
Month’s Mind
Maria Pasqualino, Doris G. Holway, Mary Cubello, John P. Day, Sister Juliana
Roper, SMSM and Rev. Msgr. William J. Forster, whose Funeral Masses were
celebrated last week.
The Offertory Collection last weekend was $13,918.
Thank you very much.
III - Paul T. Nelson and Erin M. Merceruio
The second collection today is for the Campaign for
Human Development.
Schedule for the Week
The second collection next week is for our Parish
Religious Education Program.
Sunday, November, 3, 2013
7:00 P.M.- Parish Pastoral Council - Parish Center
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
7:00 P.M. - Fatima Apostolate Prayer Hour
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
7:00 P. M. - Bereavement Meeting - Parish Center
Grand Annual Collection – Thank you for your
most generous response to this collection. The
amount donated up to this week is $69,380. Your
generosity to your Parish is sincerely appreciated.
Contributions may be made at any time.
Saint Agnes Parish offers Online Giving. This
service is safe and secure and
Sign up at our
We encourage parishioners who
sign up for Online Giving to
discontinue their weekly envelopes.
Mass Schedule for Next Weekend
Saturday, November 9, 2013
4:00 P.M. Lower Church Father Graham
5:15 P.M. Lower Church Father Bennett
Sunday, November 10, 2013
7:00 A.M. Lower Church Father Flatley
9:00 A.M. Upper Church Father Graham
10:30 A.M. Upper Church Father Flatley
12:00 Noon Upper Church Father Graham
5:00 P.M. Lower Church Father Graham
Bulletin Announcements must be
received at the Parish Center by
Monday morning.
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Parish Coffee and Donuts: At the conclusion of the
9:00 Mass, hosted by the Saint Agnes
Parish Outreach Committee. Please join
us in the Arlington Catholic High School
cafeteria for fun and fellowship with
other parishioners! To help set-up/takedown the coffee hour, contact Marianne
Hudelson: We need
volunteers and donations of coffee, paper goods and
gift cards to Dunkin’ Donuts or Stop and Shop.
All Classes meet Sunday, November 3.
No Class November 10.
All Classes meet Sunday, November 17.
Class November 24-Grade Nine Evening Only
During the month of Religious Education we would
like to thank all of those who help in the
Confirmation Program. They are truly a blessing to
the Parish, the students and to the Church.
Our Children’s Choir sings today, November 3, at
the 9:00 Family Mass with 8:00 AM
rehearsal that morning.
welcome new singers starting in
grade 1 and up! The older kids have
the opportunity to learn to cantor!
Contact Michael Vaughan with
questions:617-833-0364 or
You can always find our choir’s full year schedule at
Pro-Life Meeting, Monday, November 4 at 7:00 PM
in the Parish Center.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but
lose his soul? (Mark 8:36)
Boston Sock Exchange - If
you’ve been meaning to see
what the Sock Exchange is all
about, now is the time! Bring
your kids, bring your
grandparents, bring your
friends. The Boston Sock
Exchange welcomes everyone
in our mission of supporting our homeless brothers
and sisters in Boston. You can prepare sandwiches
and organize donations at the Parish Center next
Friday, November 8, at 7:00 PM or distribute our
gifts next Saturday, November 9, at 11:00 AM on
Boston Common. We are preparing for winter
weather and are beginning to collect new or gentlyused sweatshirts, long sleeved shirts, winter jackets,
hats/gloves, scarves, as well as new socks. Leave
contributions in the bins in the upper or lower
Church or at the Parish Center. Email Participants under
the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Saint Agnes Family Group holds Winter playgroups
at 10:30 on Tuesday mornings, at
Fidelity House. We let the kids
play, learn a short Catholic lesson,
and enjoy building community with
other parents from the Parish. Our
next playgroup will be this
Tuesday, November 5. To learn
more and keep updated with other activities of the
group, please email Marianne Hudelson at
The Arlington Catholic Women’s Club will honor
their deceased members at a Memorial Mass
celebrated by Father Flatley, Wednesday, November
20 at 5:00 PM at Saint Agnes Church. Mass will be
followed by dinner in the Arlington Catholic High
School gym. After the dinner, Father Arthur MacKay
will speak about his road to the priesthood.
Reservations must be made by November 11. The
cost is $22. Call Frances Doherty: 781-646-3391.
Chairladies for the evening are Martha Curtin, Frances
Doherty, Linda Earnest and Rose Ann Pasquariello.
Ramp and Entry Enhancement to the Lower Church
Construction continues. When possible,
Masses will be celebrated in the upper
Church during construction.
Parishioners are asked to avoid parking
on Medford Street during the
construction period, to allow people with
disabilities easier access to the ramp to
the upper Church. Confessions will continue to be
heard in the lower Church.
If you are a new parishioner, please
introduce yourself to one of our
priests, complete a census form
and drop it in the collection box.
Census forms are at the back of the Church.
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Community Catechesis
In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared
to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope that you have. (1Peter 3:15)
Would you like a deeper understanding
of Catholicism? Do you feel unprepared
to answer questions about the Church?
Be encouraged - Our Catholic Church is
rich in faith and history! We invite you to
join us for evenings of "Community
Catechesis" the 4th Wednesday of
every month in the Parish Center.
Learn about the symbols and traditions
of the Mass, the history of the Church, and most
importantly, learn more about God and His boundless
love for all humanity! There is no pressure for "results".
Just come to learn. People of all ages, and families
with children are welcome! Our next meeting of
Catechesis will be held Wednesday, November 20 at
7:00 PM in the Parish Center (not the 4th Wednesday,
due to Thanksgiving). Discussion and light
refreshments will follow the third installment of Father
Barron's "Catholicism" video series. Program will last
90 minutes. Invite a friend.
The next session of Catholic Faith Essentials
will be broadcast on Monday, November 4 at
7:00 PM. Our presenters are Dr. Angela Franks
and Dr. David Franks. The Franks will be
looking at the Universal Call to Holiness as
promulgated in the Vatican II document, Lumen
Gentium, and examining the question, “What
does God call me to be?” You can log on to our
site on Monday evenings and listen to Catholic
Faith Essentials then participate in a live
online chat with the presenter following each
session! For more information and to register
please visit
Zacchaeus accepts our Lord joyfully. The sign of his
acceptance is his open house and his
resolution to give half of his goods to the
poor. Through your gift to the Society of
Saint Vincent de Paul you also can give
God’s mercy to your neighbor who is
hungry, hopeless, alone and frightened.
Play Your Part in our Parish Community!
As part of our Catholic faith, we live in community.
We are called to encourage on
another as we struggle, learn and
grow in our lives of faith. We can
minister to others every day. If
we generously give of ourselves,
the Lord will use our gifts. We
can all know a greater love for the
Lord! Join us in building a strong
and loving community at our Parish. Evangelize
through your actions. Offer your time and concern to
others in our community. Reach out in support, so
that we may faithfully answer God’s call in every
moment of life. Please read the bulletin carefully for
opportunities to help in our Parish. Prayerfully
consider your role as a steward of Christ everyday.
If you are able to help volunteer with Outreach in
any way, please contact Marianne Hudelson
( We are especially
asking for teen volunteer help. For more events and
news, visit:
"Opera Unplugged", presented by Anna Christina
Lawrence, Saint Agnes Parish Holiday Cantor and
classical vocalist, Friday, November 8, 2013, 7:308:30 PM at Arlington Town Hall. “Opera Unplugged”
is a project headed by Anna, hoping to educate the
public on aspects of singing and performing. You
will hear gorgeous singing and learn about life on
and off stage. Q & A will follow. Free Admission.
Hosted by the Menotomy Concert Series. Arlington
Town Hall is accessible for people with disabilities.
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Saint Agnes School News
Celebrating 125 Years of Academic Excellence
Saint Agnes School Open House, grades K-1
through 8, Thursday, November 7, 6-8
PM. Those interested in enrolling for
the 2014-2015 School year are invited
to come and meet teachers and staff,
learn about our dynamic curriculum
which includes Spanish for all grades,
Latin for grades 7 and 8, robotics,
engineering for grades K-6, computer, music, art and
physical education. For additional information about
Saint Agnes School, call the School Office at 781-6439031 or visit our
All Classes meet today, Grades 1-8
Today, November 3:
 Blessing of Teachers at 9:00 AM Mass.
 Grade 7 Parent Meeting, 10:15 -10:30 AM in
Arlington Catholic School Cafeteria.
 Grade 5 only will not have class due to the Field
Trip in the afternoon.
Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Openings Fidelity House’s Preschool and
Pre-Kindergarten have limited
The program is
licensed by the Department of
Early Education and Care.
Monster Mash: Thanks to AC/DC (Arlington Catholic
Drama Club) for the wonderful production of the
Monster Mash at Saint Agnes School Hall last
Saturday. It was a treat to see the collaboration
between the two Schools as Saint Agnes School
students joined AC students in the production. The
scenery, lighting and special effects created a
remarkable atmosphere, demonstrating the potential of
the School Hall. The 125th Fund project to create a
Music and Performing Arts Center would be a great
benefit to the entire Parish campus. Some of the
proceeds from the event will benefit the 125th Fund.
Thanks to Director, Jackie Billings, Assistant Director/
Choreographer, Mrs. Fiorentino, Music Director, Rick
Scalise, Costume Designer, Nancy Drinan and the
AC/DC actors, crew and technicians.
School Age Child Care Program - Register for 2-5
days a week. Program is for 5-13 year olds.
Transportation from public schools is available.
Variety of activities each day.
Full Day and Early Release and Full Day
Program - Fidelity House’s School Age Child Care
Program offers full day and early release days. A
Full day program will be offered on Monday,
November 11 (Veteran’s Day). Upcoming early
release day programs include Tuesday, November
19. Program is open to children in Kindergarten and
Book Rack: We have a “book rack” account for the
benefit of our teachers and classrooms! Do you have
gently-used books collecting dust? Turn them into the
Book Rack for store credit. Our teachers can purchase
used books for their classrooms and our library! The
Book Rack takes paperback fiction of all genres,
science, biography, hobby books, cook books, history,
sports, psychology and other general interest topics.
They do not accept text books or dated material such
as travel guides. They accept some hard covers,
including books released within the past year, books
currently on school reading lists, recent non-fiction and
other hot sellers. Books they cannot accept for credit,
they will do their best to donate to charity. Clean those
bookshelves and fill our classrooms and library! You
may also donate your unused credit. For details, visit
the Book Rack website:
Tot Sports Academy - Sports Programs offered for
children ages 3-5 years old. Classes are Soccer on
Monday, Floor Hockey on Wednesday, Basketball
on Friday. All classes meet from 12:40-1:20 PM.
Preschool Sports featuring different sports each
week meet Tuesdays 10:15-11:00 AM.
Instructional Floor Hockey and Basketball - For
grades 1-4 begins November 1. Floor Hockey plays
after school on Tuesdays and basketball plays on
More Ways to Help - Not Your Average Joe’s will
donate 15% of your total purchase every Tuesday
during November. Visit Modell’s for you sports
equipment and save 15% and Fidelity House will
receive 5% back. Certificates are on our website or
at the main desk. Fidelity House appreciates your
Memory Book Project: The 125th Committee is
looking for pictures and memorabilia of Saint Agnes
School. If you have relevant items, contact the
Development Office:
or 781-641-6627. All items will be returned.
Upcoming Events: Gala Celebration Dinner,
Saturday, April 5, 2014, 6-10 PM at the Marriott in
Burlington. Tickets are $85. For information contact
the Development Office.
Please visit
or call 781-648-2005 for more information.
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Arlington Catholic
High School
November 17th
For additional
and applications,
please visit
Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington, Massachusetts - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 2-3, 2013
Saint Agnes Parish
51 Medford Street
Arlington, Massachusetts 02474
E-mail address:
Facebook: Saint Agnes Parish Arlington, MA
Sacrament of Baptism
Rev. Brian M. Flatley, Pastor
Rev. John J. Graham, Parochial Vicar
Religious Education
Baptisms are held on the first and third
Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. You
must attend Baptismal Briefings prior to
having your child baptized.
Joyce Patriacca, Director
Arlington Confirmation Program
Sacrament of Penance
Saturday 3:00-4:00 P.M. and before the
5:15 P.M. Mass and also by appointment.
Please contact the Parish Center.
Nancy Feeman, Director
Saint Agnes School
Sacrament of Marriage
Archdiocesan guidelines require that
couples planning to marry in the Church
make an appointment to see one of the
priests as far in advance as possible prior
to the wedding date.
Robert Penta, Principal
Arlington Catholic High School
Stephen Biagioni, Principal
Saint Agnes Music Ministry
Sacrament of Anointing
of the Sick
Michael Vaughan, Director
Fidelity House
Please call the Parish Office if someone in
your family is gravely ill and in danger of
death and you feel the grace and power of
the Sacrament would be helpful.
Edward Woods, Director
Sunday Masses
4:00 and 5:15 P.M. (Lower Church)
7:00 A.M. (Lower Church)
9:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., 12:00 Noon (Upper Church)
5:00 P.M. (Lower Church)
Our Family Liturgy is celebrated at 9:00 on Sunday morning.
Monday through Saturday
7:00 A.M. (Lower Church)