Investment, current and emergency maintenance of residential and commercial facilities. We improve your world! since 1995. ABOUT US 5 INFOGRAPHICS 10 SAFETY 15 16 COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY REFERENCES 19 CONTENTS ABOUT US Company “BONUS STAN” d.o.o. is engaged in investment, current and emergency maintenance of residential and commercial facilities. It owns the fleet, with freight and passenger vehicles that provide fast and reliable intervention at any time. We also have our own production facility with complete locksmithpanel-beating, heating, paint and other necessary equipment for all types of interventions in commercial and residential buildings. 5 ABOUT US Besides facilities and equipment, we introduced twenty-year experience into this business. Thanks to many years of work, we have managed, in the best way possible, combination of youth and experience. With experienced management and leading craftsmen with years of experience, we are introducing young and educated staff that will ensure the continuity and long-term cooperation. All of this is being done with a goal to establishing long-term cooperation and partnership for a longer period. 6 ABOUT US Mission of our company could be classified into several groups: •Increase customer satisfaction, •Continuous improvement of service delivery •Improving partnerships with end users •Continuous training of our personnel •Respect the most stringent criteria and standards of service quality and environmental protection. Our vision is to remain a desirable partner, known for the high quality service provision level, fair and carefully cultivated relations and for protection the interests of our clients, partners, employees and business owners. 8 ABOUT US Works which include reconstruction, replacement, repair and installation are: 1.Roofing and other elements of the roof (chimneys, lightning conductors etc.) 2.Gutters and other elements to drain water from the roof 3.Horizontal and vertical isolation 4.Electric wiring of objects 5.Water supply and sewage systems (we have a special vehicle for machine unclogging and washing the horizontal and vertical sewage systems and color camera to capture sewage systems) 6.Installations of gas, heating, heaters, etc. 7.Pumping equipment and installations for supplying buildings with water 8.Pumping equipment and installations for waste water 9.Painting works 10. Plaster works 11. Parquet and ground setting works 12. Facade works 13. Ceramic works 14. Carpentry works 15. Locksmith and tinsmith works 16. Masonry, concrete and joinery works 17. Curbs, concrete slabs and sidewalks around the building 18. Structural elements of the building 19. Video surveillance, intercom, cable and telephone installation, antenna devices, alerting devices, devices for emergency lighting 20. Firefighting equipment, staff training, maintenance, compliance with new regulations 21. High altitude works 22. Snow removal 23. Demolition 24. Relocation of large complexes and business facilities 25. Other construction craft works 9 INFOGRAPHICS Foundation of d.o.o. “Tea-NS” 2002. 1995. Foundation of “Bonus Stan” as a craft shop 10 Transition from “micro” to “small” enterprise 2014. 2010. Merger and foundation of d.o.o. “Bonus Stan” 2015. Introduction of ISO standards INFOGRAPHICS over over 120 170 250 contracts renovated facilities 50 suppliers of high-quality materials employees 30 kinds of construction works 20 vehicles 11 INFOGRAPHICS Equity Ratio = 24 Quick A 3 io = 0,7 ity Rat o Equ ssets t ratio = idity nt liqu Curre 0,88 ratio = Altman’s function of bankruptcy probability zeta score* 9,55 4,54 2,98 3,31 3,83 - ROE = Equity ) n O n r Retu er taxation (aft 31,7 = (ROA) Assets ) n O n r n Retu taxatio (after 2010 12 2011 2012 2013 2014 *<1,81 high rate of bankruptcy probability; 1,81-3,00 medium rate of bankruptcy probability, >3,00 low of bankruptcy probability 9,8 0,85 INFOGRAPHICS Income (millions of RSD) 134,3 2014. 79,3 2013. 2012. 31,0 2011. 2010. 40,9 Net financial result (millions of RSD) 30,4 7,8 79,3 tio = age Ra ver st Co Intere 28,47 4,9 2014. 2013. 2012. 3,3 2,7 1,1 2011. 2010. t = 4,6 f profi Rate o 13 SAFETY Considering our field of work and the risks included, we try hard to keep the highest level of safety. Our employees are required to comply with regulations related to safety and health at work. All of our employees have medical certificates, and, if necessary depending on workplace, certificates for work at hight. Our employees engaged in fieldwork are certified and required to use protective equipment, such as protective suits, boots, gloves, goggles, helmets and equipment specifically needed for some kinds of works - like alpine and similar works. 15 COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY Company “Bonus Stan” d.o.o. received thank-you letters in May 2014 from Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Government of Serbia and Crisis Staff of Republic of Serbia for attentiveness and assistance during the floods that hit Serbia that year. In this period, we put all of our people and our resources at disposal. After the floods, we participated in the reconstruction of several schools and residential buildings, and also donated a large amount of construction materials. 16 WE MAINTAIN ALL GAS STATIONS OF NAFTNA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE IN NORTHERN SERBIA. REFERENCE We have established long-term and stable cooperation with partners in Serbia and abroad. On the following pages we will present some of contracts that we are especially proud of. 19 REFERENCES 2011 GOVERNMENT OF THE AP OF VOJVODINA Work on the adaptation of the roof of the building of the Government of the AP of Vojvodina. Client: Department for mutual affairs of provincial authority, the Government of the AP of Vojvodina 2011 2010 2007 NAFTNA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE 20 A project for the construction of special containers for workers and equipment to the oil wells. Containers are used for different purposes: a for housing the employees, for storing materials, laboratory, container representing a toilet, wardrobe etc., and are stable in the temperature range from -40°C to + 80°C. GERENTOLOGY CENTER BAČKA PALANKA Reconstruction of the Gerontology Centre in Bacča Palanka. JP “RADOSNO DETINJSTVO” In the period between year 2010 and 2011, we performed the reconstruction and adaptation of 42 kindergartens “Radosno detinjstvo” in Novi Sad and its surroundings. REFERENCES Service works to repair the roof of the buildings inside the LPG drive in Niš. Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. 2012. A contract for the services of investment, current and emergency maintenance of facilities of LPG. Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. We performed construction and craft works in warehouses, depots and factories of LPG. Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. We built eight new pools for the working fluid (we have the certificate for the production of tanks for transport and storage of oil and petroleum products, water, salt water, various acids and bases). Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. 23 REFERENCES 24 2013. We built eight new containers for workers, which we installed on existing trailers, and also repaired before installation. Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. A contract for performing building works at petrol stations for years 2013, 2014 and 2015. We maintain all gas stations of NIS in northern Serbia. Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. Technical maintenance works of administrative buildings within the Pančevo Oil Refinery and Oil Refinery in Novi Sad. Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. A four-year contract for the maintenance of the Ministry of Finance - Customs Administration (note: we maintained these facilities in the period between 2012 and 2013, too). Client: Ministry of Finance - Customs Administration Construction and craft works on the warehouses, depots and factories LPG as a preventive, current and breakdown maintenance (testing of welds and defects in the sphere clad in capes). Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. An annual contract for maintenance of the Provincial Pension and Disability Insurance Fund we maintain all objects on the territory of northern Serbia (note: we maintained these facilities in 2012, too). Client: Provincial Pension and Disability Insurance Fund A contract for the construction and finishing works at Planning Administration building Oil refinery Novi Sad. Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. Construction of scientific and recreational centre in Karapandža, the municipality of Sombor. Client: JP Vojvodinašume REFERENCES 26 2014. Contract for investment maintenance of administrative objects in the jurisdiction of the Business Centre Department. Client: Naftna industrija Srbije 01 A contract for building works and reconstruction. Client: General Hospital Subotica 02 A contract for a technical maintenance of NTC facilities. Client: Naftna industrija Srbije a.d. 03 A contract for maintenance of facilities. Client: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad 04 A contract for maintenance of Oil Refinery Novi Sad. Client: Naftna industrija Srbije 05 2014. 06 A contract for reconstruction of Sectrion for emergency interventions on New complex in Zrenjanin. Client: NAFTAGAS-Technical services 07 A contract for adaptation of seven classrooms on project “Energy of knowledge”. Client: Naftna industrija Srbije 08 A contract for technical maintenance of objects. Client: JP „Transnafta“ 09 A contract for the procurement of services of the Investment facilities maintenance of Departmens Transport Zrenjanin, a New complex and Kikinda. Client: Naftagas Transport 10 Agreement on Reconstruction and repair of damaged public buildings and private houses in floods in Serbia Client: United Nations Office for service projects – UNOPS REFERENCES 27 SSG PUKOVAC - IMAGES BEFORE AND AFTER THE DEMOLITION Construction works on reconstruction of Depot of archive material in Oil Rafinery Novi Sad. Client: Primar Co d.o.o. Belgrade Maintenance of the Ministry of Finance - Customs Administration facilities, regions: Subotica, Sombor, Belgrade, Šabac. Client: Rinol d.o.o. Belgrade REFERENCES 2015. A contract for technical maintenance of NIS a.d. facilities on teritory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. A contract for demolition of SSG Pukovac Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. Maintenace of RF PIO facilities - 11 lots Client: Provincial Pension and Disability Insurance Fund A contract for snow removal Client: Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. 29 REFERENCES Some of the partners that we didn’t mantion are: Lukoil a.d., City of Sremska Mitrovica, Faculty of Technical Sciences - University of Novi Sad, JP “Srbijagas”, “University Educons” Sremska Kamenica, “Sladara Maltineks” Bačka Palanka, “Dijamant” a.d. Zrenjanin, “Radun group” Bačka Palanka, “Jugoinspekt” Novi Sad, JP “Informatika” Novi Sad “Hip-Azotara” Pančevo, JP “Skloništa”, JP “Poslovni prostor”, Republic of Serbia’s Ministry of the interior Affairs, Radio television of Serbia, a large number of pre-school institutions in Novi Sad and its surroundings, as well as a number of private residential buildings. 30 Primorska 84B 21000 Novi Sad Republic of Serbia Phones: +381 (0) 21 417 444, +381 (0) 21 417 555 Fax: +381 (0) 21 417 447 Emergency service: +381 (0) 63 519 599 © Bonus Stan d.o.o. 2016