O uso do Tradutor on-line na compreensão de textos em Inglês.


O uso do Tradutor on-line na compreensão de textos em Inglês.
Versão On-line
ISBN 978-85-8015-075-9
Cadernos PDE
Produções Didático-Pedagógicas
TURMA – PDE/2013
Disciplina/ Área
Município da escola
Núcleo Regional de
Professor Orientador
Formato do
Público Alvo
Eliane Monteiro Hreciuk
Língua Inglesa
Colégio Estadual Desembargador
Antônio Franco Ferreira da Costa.
Rua Rio Grande do Sul, 125
Guaraniaçu -PR
Cascavel - PR
Professora Drª Rose Maria Belim
Ensino Universidade Estadual do Oeste do
Paraná – Unioeste. Campus de
Este Projeto de Intervenção visa
otimizar a utilização do Tradutor
on-line na compreensão de textos
em inglês, para alunos do 2º ano
do Ensino Médio. Os gêneros
entrevista, reportagem e notícia,
enfatizando o Tema "Copa do
Compreensão de textos.
Material Unidade Didática
Alunos do 2º ano do Ensino Médio
O uso do tradutor on-line na compreensão de textos em inglês é a unidade
didática apresentada a SEED (Secretaria de Estado da Educação), como material
didático pedagógico resultante do estudo desenvolvido durante o PDE (Programa
de Desenvolvimento Educacional), em Língua Estrangeira Moderna (LEM) –
Inglês - através da IES (Instituição de Ensino Superior) UNIOESTE (Universidade
Estadual do Oeste do Paraná), sob a Orientação da Professora Doutora Rose
Maria Belim Motter.
Esta Unidade Didática está direcionada aos alunos do segundo ano do
Ensino Médio, do Colégio estadual Desembargador Antônio Franco Ferreira da
Costa, e tem como objetivo mostrar a importância do uso do tradutor on-line Google Tradutor como uma ferramenta para a compreensão de textos em Inglês,
e consiste em 04 atividades a saber:
 Activity 1: “How will good Neymar be?”.
 Activity 2 : “Seep Blatter interview: The FIFA President”.
 Activity 3: World Cup Brazil’s volunteer”.
 Activity 4: World Cup Brazil’s Stadiums”.
O objetivo dessas atividades é explorar o uso eficiente do tradutor on line Google Tradutor - como recurso didático e metodológico para fins de aprendizado
do idioma.
A prática tradutória possibilita ao aluno ganho em competência linguística e
também ganho em conhecimento cultural, pois o aluno tem a possibilidade de
comparar a língua materna com a língua estrangeira, bem como a sua cultura
com a cultura do outro.
Para melhorar o aproveitamento pedagógico nas aulas e Língua Inglesa, foi
desenvolvido o presente material didático, no qual, o trabalho com os gêneros:
entrevista, reportagem e notícia, possibilitarão a análise e a reflexão sobre a
aprendizagem linguística e cultural, sendo norteados por atividades atraentes e
significativas com a intenção de motivar o aluno à ampliação do vocabulário, do
conhecimento linguístico e das questões culturais dos países falantes do inglês.
Tais atividades proporcionarão a compreensão dos textos em inglês de
forma reflexiva, pois o aluo será chamado a observar a semântica da língua
materna, relacionando com o que é apresentado no tradutor, podendo assim,
perceber onde ele deve intervir. O uso dessa ferramenta de tradução amplia o
conhecimento tanto da língua alvo quanto da língua materna, pois ao corrigir o
texto o aluno encontrará diferentes sinônimos para diferentes vocabulários. É um
exercício cognitivo que possibilita o aumento da capacidade de argumentação ao
se deparar com alternativas para a explicação dos fatos.
As Diretrizes Curriculares Estaduais (DCE) de Língua Estrangeira Moderna
(LEM) enfatizam que os aprendizes “façam uso da língua que estão aprendendo
em situações significativas, relevantes, isto é, que não se limitem ao exercício de
uma mera prática de formas linguísticas descontextualizadas.” (PARANÁ, 2008, p.
57). Sob essa perspectiva, o ensino de Língua Inglesa (LI) não deve se limitar
somente às atividades gramaticais de leitura e escrita, menosprezado as demais
Assim sendo, para delimitar o assunto a ser enfocado nas aulas dessa
proposta pedagógica, optou-se por enfatizar o tema “World Cup Soccer”, por se
tratar do ano de implementação na escola ser em 2014, ano da Copa do Mundo
no Brasil. Certamente o assunto será de suma importância para o contexto atual.
Para tanto foram desenvolvidas atividades baseadas na tradução que levem o
aluno a perceber essa livre associação de significados, o potencial das duas
línguas em questão, bem como suas diferenças e semelhanças.
Vivemos em um mundo globalizado aonde o contato com diferentes línguas
vem se tornando cada vez mais comum. Compreender uma língua estrangeira é
uma necessidade de estudantes e profissionais de diversas áreas. Uma das
ferramentas mais acessíveis, de fácil uso, e por isso, mais usada, é o Google
Translate, que permite palavras, textos, e até mesmo sites da web sejam
traduzidos rapidamente. No entanto, por se tratar de tradução automática, esse
processo requer certos cuidados, preparação e dedicação.
Apesar de muitas críticas sobre o uso do tradutor on-line na compreensão de
textos de língua estrangeira, estudos mostram que esse recurso, quando utilizado
de maneira planejada, é uma ferramenta eficaz, no processo de ensino e
aprendizagem de uma língua.
Segundo Said (2010, p.19) “tradução é simplesmente o processo de levar uma
mensagem escrita em uma língua para o universo cultural de outra língua”.
Porém, a tradução não deve ser feita apenas pela correspondência lexical entre
os idiomas. É necessário que o sentido da mensagem seja preservado e a
intenção do autor seja respeitada, e compreendida. Desse modo exige-se a
atenção do aluno/aprendiz no momento em que está estruturando seu texto.
Muitos professores não veem o uso do tradutor on-line como uma ferramenta
de trabalho eficiente, muitas vezes por não saberem fazer o uso eficiente desta
ferramenta de ensino.
A tradução é uma das atividades mais desenvolvidas no ensino de Língua
Inglesa. Conforme afirma Leffa (1988), é a atividade com mais tempo de uso no
ensino de línguas estrangeiras. Primeiramente tinha seu foco na linguagem
escrita e seguia alguns passos para sua aprendizagem como menciona Leffa
(1988, p. 213) no chamado Método Tradicional: memorização prévia de uma
listagem de palavras, conhecimentos das regras necessárias para junção destas
palavras em frases e exercícios de tradução. Com a introdução do Método Direto,
onde as quatro habilidades (leitura, escrita, oralidade e “listening”) foram usadas
pela primeira vez (Leffa, 1988, p. 215), a tradução assume o papel de vilã. Muitas
metodologias excluíram o uso da tradução como ferramenta para o ensino de
línguas. Com a Abordagem Comunicativa, que defende a aprendizagem centrada
no aluno, a tradução, aos poucos volta a exercer um papel, ainda que secundário,
porém importante no ensino de línguas estrangeiras (Leffa, 1988, p. 226).
Observa-se que a tradução tradicional, com uso apenas do dicionário
impresso, pode torna-se cansativa, repetitiva, e os alunos consideram, por vezes,
uma atividade punitiva, longa, pois existem muitos vocabulários desconhecidos,
sendo uma tarefa árdua para eles procurarem todas as palavras de um texto no
dicionário para acessibilidade de compreensão. Com o uso do tradutor on-line,
essa atividade torna-se mais atrativa e ágil, pois grande parte de nossos alunos
dominam a tecnologia, e os recursos que esta nos oferece.
O objetivo dessa Unidade Didática é mostrar como o Google Tradutor pode
ser usado de forma positiva como uma importante ferramenta para o ensino da
Língua Inglesa. Assim, este trabalho pode contribuir para a compreensão do
quanto à utilização do Google Tradutor vem a ser uma forma de melhorar a
compreensão de textos em inglês, de uma forma prática e envolvente, ampliando
o conhecimento linguístico, interpessoal e cultural do aluno, bem como a
aquisição e ampliação do vocabulário.
2.1 Encaminhamentos preliminares:
 Apresentação do Projeto para a comunidade escolar durante a reunião
pedagógica no início do ano letivo. Duração: 01 aula.
 Apresentação da proposta de implementação aos alunos enfatizando que
trabalharemos com um recurso tecnológico que lhes agradam, ou seja, a
internet, a fim de que sintam-se estimulados e tenham conhecimentos de
todas as etapas a serem trabalhadas durante o desenvolvimento do
projeto. Duração: 01 aula.
 Aplicação do questionário diagnóstico abaixo, aos alunos das classes em
que será desenvolvido o projeto, a fim de verificar os conhecimentos
preliminares sobre Tradutores on-line. Duração: 01 aula.
Questionário sobre o uso do
1. Você conhece algum tradutor on-line?
2. Você usa algum tradutor on-line?
3. Com que frequência você utiliza o tradutor on-line?
Ás vezes
4. Você já utilizou o Google tradutor?
5. Se sua resposta anterior foi sim, você ficou satisfeito com os
resultados do Google tradutor?
6. Você conhece alguns recursos que o Google tradutor oferece?
7. Quais? ..........................................................................................
 Explicação sobre os recursos do Google tradutor e apresentação das
possibilidades que essa ferramenta nos oferece. Duração: 01 aula.
Exemplo 1: Mostrar aos alunos que ao digitar em inglês a palavra a ser
pesquisada, aparecerá algumas opções de significados, as quais o aluno
deverá perceber qual delas será a mais adequada ao contexto em que
será usada. Estas palavras poderão aparecer divididas em classes
gramaticais no na figura abaixo.
FIGURA 1 – Print screen da página do Google tradutor. Disponível em:
Exemplo 2: Mostrar aos alunos a possibilidade de ouvir a pronúncia correta da
palavra consultada, ao clicar em cima o ícone
. Orientar sobre a importância
de observar os exemplos de uso em frases que aparecerão logo abaixo da caixa
de pesquisa.
FIGURA 2 – Print screen da página do Google tradutor. Disponível em:
 Abordar o tema “Copa do Mundo” que se realizará no Brasil, no mês de
Junho e Julho de 2014.
 Discutir possíveis questões históricas, dados estatísticos, informações
econômicas e culturais sobre o tema Copa do Mundo;
 Apresentação do tema (Copa do Mundo 2014) que será abordado durante
o desenvolvimento da Unidade didática. Duração: 01 aula.
 Assistir ao vídeo: “2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil” disponível em:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEsubVULo-k acesso em 05/11/13.
2.2 Desenvolvimento das aulas:
ACTIVITY 1: “How will good Neymar be ?”
Duração: 04 aulas
Encaminhamento metodológico:
Apresentar a reportagem: “How will good Neymar be?” primeiramente em
forma de slides no multimídia em sua forma original, retirado da internet.
Ver figura 3.
Utilizar conhecimentos prévios para reconhecer o tipo de gênero discursivo
textual esta sendo apresentado;
Reconhecer as marcas linguísticas e as características do gênero textual
Leitura do texto “How will good Neymar be” (impresso). Realizar leitura
rápida (skimming), observando os elementos típicos, marcas linguísticas e
características presentes nesse texto;
Realizar leitura detalhada (scanning), tentando compreender detalhes que
o texto apresenta, observando vocabulário conhecido, palavras cognatas,
estrutura gramatical presente no texto e a possibilidade de dedução de
alguns significados;
Utilizar o Google Tradutor para realizar a tradução e compreensão do texto
Orientar aos alunos quanto a utilização do Tradutor, utilizando essa
ferramenta como apoio à tradução, visando uma melhor compreensão do
texto .
FIGURA 3 e 4– Print screen da página do Blog: World Cup Blog. Disponível em:
How good will Neymar be?
My next article will be on Maicon, but we all know it’s probably going to be awhile
before I get that posted. So in the meantime, let’s have a quick poll:
Just how good will Neymar be?
Neymar is currently in the greatest form he’s ever displayed for the national team.
Since the start of the Confederations Cup (and getting the #10 shirt), he’s played 8
matches, scoring 6 goals and contributing 5 assists. Probably his only below-par
match during this run was against Uruguay, and even then he assisted Paulinho’s
header in the dying moments to secure the victory. (Not to mention playing a part
in Fred’s initial goal.)
All told, Neymar has 26 goals and 17 assists for the senior national team in 42
appearances. In terms of goals, this times him with his immediate predecessor,
Robinho, and the legendary Rivelino. While it took Robinho and Rivelino 90 and
92 matches, respectively, to accumulate as many goals, Neymar has done it far
quicker. (In fairness to Rivelino, he was a midfielder, and scoring goals was not his
primary role.)
Next up on the list are:
Adriano – 27 goals in 48 matches (boy was Adriano good for a three-year stretch)
Fabiano – 28 goals in 45 matches (superb strike rate, and the majority of these
Kaka – 29 goals in 87 matches
Once he breaks the 30 goal plateau, he’ll be in rarefied company. And he’s still
only 21.
Of course, stats are all well and good, but at the end of day it’s World Cups (and to
a lesser extent, the Copa America) that really count. But thus far in his young
career, only two men have scored more goals at a faster rate (post 1938) and at a
younger age than Neymar:
Pele: 27 goals in a staggering 25 matches BEFORE he turned 21
When the only people you’re statistically behind are the 2 greatest Brazilians of all
time, you can feel pretty good about where you’re going.
So where Is Neymar going? What will he end up becoming? Obviously nobody
knows, but just for fun, let’s get a sense of the room. Vote below as to how many
goals you think Neymar will end up with by the time he retires from the national
team…and then vote where in the list of Brazilian greats you’ll think he’ll eventually
Disponível em :http://brazil.worldcupblog.org/world-cup-2010/how-good-will-neymar-be.html
ACTIVITY 2: “Seep Blattter interview: The FIFA
Duração: 03 aulas
Encaminhamento Metodológico:
Apresentar o texto aos alunos e realizar uma leitura preliminar. Pedir para
que os mesmos atentem para o gênero entrevista e suas características. Solicitar
que cada aluno realize a leitura detalhada, observando o vocabulário, palavras e
expressões conhecidas, tempo verbal utilizado, palavras cognatas etc., fazendo
anotações das palavras desconhecidas.
Após essa atividade, incentivar que cada um fale sobre o assunto
abordado, comentando aquilo que conseguiu compreender do texto.
Na sequencia, utilizando o Google Tradutor, realizar a tradução da
entrevista, explorando os recursos que essa ferramenta oferece, tais como:
escolha do vocábulo que traduz melhor de acordo com o contexto, análise dos
possíveis usos nos exemplos de frases que o tradutor mostra.
Mr President, Brazil 2014 is now a year and a half away and there are still
many doubts as to whether the country will be ready to welcome the World
Cup...and we’ll have had the Confederations Cup by then. Do you share any
of these doubts?
Listen, as in every process of organising a World Cup which I have lived through
for a number of years, there are always delays in the building work. But,
ultimately, all the games take place. So, in my case, it is not necessary to be
pessimistic and say, “They won’t be able to do it.” If Brazil, the sixth largest
economic power in the world, with its 200 million inhabitants, a footballing nation
par excellence, were unable to deliver a World Cup... they’ll do it.
Yes, there are delays, there’s a bit of this, a bit of that. But you’ve got to say that
the political organisation of Brazil plays a role in this. You’ve got a central
government, but this central government has delegated the mission to organise
this World Cup to the governors of the various provinces, and within those
provinces, you’ve got the cities, and, naturally, politically speaking, the system
isn’t the same everywhere, which creates interferences and delays from time to
I assure you, in the end, everything will be fine even if, as I have seen it with my
own eyes before — in Portugal, at the 2004 Euro — you’ve still got to apply a lick
The difference, this time, is that there are a number of important, powerful
people within Brazil who are openly critical of the whole process, especially
as far as the financing is concerned, people who think this money would be
better used in other fields. Can this not have an adverse effect on what is
happening there?
I am in regular touch with the Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff. She delegated
all her powers [in this matter] to her sports minister, Mr Aldo Rebelo. We at Fifa
have asked our general secretary Jérôme Valcke and his staff to take care of all
the administrative details.
Now, as you know, Brazil is going through a very dynamic phase of economic
development... and social development too. When you’ve got a big event like [the
World Cup], people say, “Yes, football’s fantastic,” but others add, “We’ve also got
another big event to take care of!” The Olympic Games, of course. They take
place in a single city, of course, but they affect the country as a whole.
Brazil “saw big.” And Brazil has to digest it.
Didn’t Brazil see too big?
I don’t think so. It’s a great country. I’m certain Brazil will be able to deliver a great
World Cup. You’ll see. As soon as we play the Confederations Cup there [from 15
to 30 June 2013], things are going to move, things are going to get hot!
Not like in other countries where football isn’t anchored as deeply as it is there in
the people. Everyone’s a footballer in Brazil. We’re going back to the essence of
football. Of course, the English will tell you (adopting a mock British accent), “We
are the country of Association Football,” but Brazil hasn’t won five World Cups by
chance.They last had a chance to organise it in 1950. Three generations ago. It is
only fair that they get a chance to do it again.
Brazil will deliver.
Going beyond 2014 and looking ahead to 2022, we’ve recently heard a
number of officials — your Fifa vice-president Michel Platini among others
— recommending that the Qatar World Cup should be held in winter, more
precisely in November and December 2022, in order not to clash with the
Winter Olympics. Are you open to this switch? Would you be in favour of it?
The World Cup is going round the world. We’ll be in Russia in 2018, as no
eastern European country has ever hosted a World Cup, and the last major global
event to take place there was the 1980 Olympics. Then Qatar. Good. The basic
conditions — not just for Qatar, but for all the candidates — were the same. It
means that the Fifa World Cup is played in June and July.
Wouldn’t the Americans, the Australians, the Japanese and the Koreans
turn against Fifa if it was decided to switch the tournament to winter?
Wouldn’t that be a plain breach of tender?
In any case, it wouldn’t improve Fifa’s reputation, I can tell you that.
...which Fifa could do without — which leads me to the question: now that a
new Ethics Committee has been named, are you satisfied with the progress
that’s been made in terms of governance?
We’re in the last bend before the last straight. We initiated the reform in 2011 and
we have a road map that leads to the 2013 congress [which will be held in
Mauritius from 30 May]. The Ethics Committee now consists of two entities, each
of which has a completely independent chairman.
That’s done. What’s left to do is to elect the members of the tribunals, which we’ll
do at this Congress. We’ll do the same thing for the Disciplinary and Appeals
Committees, in order to have complete separation of powers within Fifa.
Second, the Audit and Control Committee, which is an internal FIFA organisation
— but with an independently-chosen president — has been set up. Third, there
are the statutory changes, which we’re now in the process of identifying in
consultation with the national associations.
We’ll have their feedback in February, their answer to questions like: “Should the
ExCo be chosen by the Fifa congress, or by the confederations? Should there be
an age limit? Should there be a limit to the number of terms that can be served?”
All of this is supervised by the Independent Governance Committee which is
presided over by Dr Mark Pieth, whose work will be concluded in 2013. This
means that we now have safeguards in place — off the pitch. But that’s not
Fifa, that’s 300 million people. You can’t have a single tribunal for 300 million
people. It only means something if it goes down to the 209 national associations
and the six confederations. The system can only work that way. At Fifa level, on 1
June, it’ll be done. And then we’ll get on with the electoral campaign for 2015
[laughs]. I’ll be able to say, “My Fifa is now in calm waters, I can leave the boat in
two years’ time.”
ACTIVITY 3: “World cup Brazil’s volunteer”
Duração: 03 aulas
Encaminhamento Metodologico:
Apresentar o texto aos alunos, solicitando que façam anotações sobre o
que compreenderam do texto nesse primeiro momento.
Fazer uma dinâmica de leitura, onde cada aluno deverá ler um parágrafo
do texto e explicar o que compreendeu. Explicar que não é necessário uma
tradução formal neste momento, apenas abordar o que é possível compreender
sem auxilio do tradutor.
Após debate sobre o assunto exposto. Levar os alunos a utilizar o Google
Tradutor, para a realização da compreensão e tradução., fazendo uso dos
recursos que essa ferramenta de aprendizagem oferece.
Figura 5 :
“It’s an experience that has much more to offer than anybody could hope
for,” was the verdict of Micheli Piccoli, when asked what it had meant to be
one of the 5,652 volunteers at the FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013.
And, so pleased was he with the role he carried out, the 23-year-old Italian
cannot wait for another opportunity to experience the inspirational
atmosphere of a major sporting event. Piccoli has also already applied to
volunteer at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ but, for anybody who
missed the chance to apply in the first application window, there is now
another opportunity.
From 11.00am (Brasilia time) on Monday 9 September, anyone can take
part in the second application window for the Brazil 2014 Volunteer
Programme. The launch event for this latest stage of the application
process will take place that same day in the Palacio Paiaguas (seat of the
Mato Grosso state government) in Cuiaba, at 10.00am local time.
Applying in the first application window in 2012 were over 130,719 people,
of which 127,629 applied to volunteer for the FIFA World Cup. This time
around, over and above increasing the number of applications, the aim is
to continue to find people with a variety of different profiles. This includes
candidates able to speak other languages, people with special needs,
older candidates and applicants hailing from the cities in Brazil’s interior
“They [volunteers] are the ones primarily responsible for generating that
unparalleled celebratory atmosphere that characterises major events, as
well as guaranteeing its operational success,” said Rodrigo Hermida,
Head of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Local Organising Committee’s
(LOC) Volunteer Programme. “This will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience
for the volunteers, which they’ll never forget and which will be positive in
so many ways: from making new friends to improving their CVs.”
The selection process for the Brazil 2014 Volunteer Programme will go on
until 10 October and consists of several phases, some of them carried out
in person, others online, with passing every stage being essential. After
signing up at the site pt.fifa.com/voluntarios, the candidate will go through
group dynamics (in person), general training (online), individual interviews,
English tests and specific training (in person).
The specific training will be carried out close to the event’s start date. At
the end of the process, the approved candidates will spend a day at the
stadium in the Host City where they will be working. There they will be
accompanied by the LOC’s Volunteer Management team and the
managers of each of the areas in which they will be deployed.
It is important to stress that all communication between the LOC and
volunteers during the selection process will be via email, for which reason
it is vital that applicants provide up-to-date contact details.
For more information about the Brazil 2014 Volunteer Programme, go to
Acesso em 22/10/13
ACTIVITY 4: “World Cup Brazil’s Satdiums”
Duração: 12 aulas
Encaminhamento Metodológico:
Nesta atividade a turma será dividida em grupos de 3 ou 4 alunos, e cada
grupo ficará responsável pela tradução do texto sobre um dos Estádios que
sediarão a Copa do Mundo 2014. Após a tradução dos textos, cada grupo
apresentará para a turma o resultado obtido, falará sobre as dificuldades
encontradas, e abordará as informações obtidas no texto trabalhado.
Antes de iniciar o trabalho em grupo os alunos observarão a figura abaixo,
onde mostra onde fica cada Estádio, bem como o nome de cada um.
Os textos utilizados nesta atividade encontram-se disponível em:
Figura 2: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/index.html
Figura3: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=771/index.html
One of the most historic venues in Brazilian football and called home by Atletico
Mineiro and Cruzeiro, both former national champions, the 57,483 capacity
Estadio Mineirao has undergone a complete overhaul prior to hosting six matches
at the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ - including one semi-final.
The modernisation project included the lowering of the pitch surface and improving
stadium accessibility, among other issues, with sustainability principles at the core
of all work carried out. Exemplifying this approach is the facility to capture and
store up to 6,270,000 litres of rainwater, which can then be reused.
Located in the Pampulha neighbourhood of Belo Horizonte and inaugurated on 5
December 1965, the stadium belongs to the Minas Gerais state government.
Going by the official name of the Estadio Governador Magalhaes Pinto, in
footballing circles it is almost universally known as the Mineirão.
Boasting an enthusiastic and vibrant atmosphere on matchdays, whether it be O
Galo (Atletico Mineiro) or A Raposa (Cruzeiro) that are playing at home, the
Mineirão has also proved a worthy setting for Brazilian national team matches –
including A Seleção’s clashes with arch-rivals Argentina in FIFA World Cup
qualifying encounters in 2004 and 2008.
What is more, the stadium has been regularly graced over the years by attacking
legends such as Ronaldo, Tostao, Reinaldo and Dario.
Figura 8: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5002284/index.html
Few Brazilian cities can match the capital Brasilia when it comes to architecture,
and the imposing Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha is a reflection of that, an arena
with seating for 68,009 spectators, making it the second largest of the stadiums
hosting matches at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™.
The city’s Estadio Nacional has been all but demolished to make way for the
stadium, which boasts a new facade, metal roof and stands, as well as a lowered
pitch enabling unobstructed views from every seat.
Founded on carbon neutrality, recycling and complete access via public transport,
this environmentally friendly construction project consolidates Brasilia’s status as a
world leader in sustainable urban planning, creating a valuable legacy for other
sectors of the local economy.
The Estadio Nacional will host the Opening Match at the FIFA Confederations
Cup Brazil 2013 and seven games at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, one of
them a quarter-final tie.
The stadium will be Brasilia’s third, along with the Serejao, the home of
Brasiliense, and the Bezerrao, which was recently refurbished and reopened in
2008. Following the world finals the arena will be used to host concerts and major
cultural events.
Figura 9: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5025112/index.html
Given that the stadium in Cuiaba set to host matches at the 2014 FIFA World
Cup™ neighbours the flora- and fauna-rich region that is the Pantanal, it is no
surprise that sustainability has been a central theme of the construction and
maintenance of the new arena from the project’s very beginning.
This sustainable approach has been applied to every detail along the way, with the
wood used in the construction coming from certified sources and the waste and
rubbish produced being recycled – thus enabling them to be reused within the
building project and its access routes. The site’s air and soil quality is also
constantly monitored, all of which means the stadium’s nickname of ‘O Verdão’
(The Big Green) is particularly appropriate.
Especially built for Brazil 2014 – when it will host four matches – the Arena
Pantanal will boast a capacity of 42,968 and will occupy the site where the Estadio
Jose Fragelli used to be. This multi-purpose stadium will have an adaptable
structure, which can be reduced in size once Brazil 2014 is over. The covered
arena is thus an ideal setting to host a variety of events such as shows, exhibitions
and trade fairs, while local clubs such as Mixto and Operario may also take
advantage of the new venue.
Grupo 4:
Figura 10: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5025132/index.html
Ever since renovation works were completed in June 1999, the historic Estadio
Joaquim Americo – better known as the Arena da Baixada – has been considered
one of Brazil’s most modern and best-appointed stadiums.
It came as no surprise, therefore, that the home ground of Atletico Paranaense,
which was originally constructed back in 1914, was among those venues chosen
to host games at the 2014 FIFA World Cup™.
Prior to welcoming the global showpiece, however, the stadium will undergo
another set of renovation works which are due for completion in December 2012.
Included in this process are a series of improvements in facilities and the addition
of rows of extra seats parallel to the pitch. This will result in an increased capacity
of 40,000, with the stadium set to welcome four matches at Brazil 2014.
Figura 11: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5025114/index.html
The people of Fortaleza have a passion for the game as well as the city’s two
biggest clubs, Ceara and Fortaleza. And it is an attachment that can only grow
with the remodelling of the city’s main football stadium, the Castelao.
Built in 1973 and officially known as the Estadio Governador Placido Castelo, the
Castelao is home to both teams and has been entirely renovated to host matches
at the FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 and the 2014 FIFA World Cup
As well as having its capacity increased to 58,704, the revamped stadium will
boast an underground car park with 1,900 spaces, executive boxes, a VIP area,
media centre, mixed zone and fully refurbished dressing rooms. In addition, a new
roof now covers all its tiers, including the pitchside ring of seating.
Access to the Castelao has also been upgraded, with the creation of four
exclusive bus lanes, an LRV (light rail vehicle) line and two metro stations, making
it far easier for fans to reach the stadium and the complex it will form part of, which
will house restaurants, cinemas, a hotel and an Olympic centre.
The Castelao is the venue for A Seleção’s second group match at Brazil 2014.
The support the home favourites receive is sure to be every bit as fervent as it was
when they ran out there for a March 2002 friendly against Yugoslavia, the game
that marked Ronaldo’s long-awaited return to action in the build-up to Brazil’s
triumph at the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan.
Figura 12: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5007289/index.html
Though not a traditional hotbed of Brazilian football, Manaus is sure to be popular
with fans attending the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ thanks to the unique
character of the Arena Amazonia, formerly the Estadio Vivaldao.
The city is situated at the heart of the Amazon rainforest, the largest tropical
rainforest in the world and the inspiration for the refurbished stadium, which will be
enclosed by a metal structure designed to resemble a straw basket, a product the
region is famous for.
This sustainable stadium project will provide an important legacy for the region
and play its part in helping to preserve the diversity of the Amazonian rainforest.
For example, rainwater will be collected for its subsequent use in toilets or to water
the pitch, while the region’s abundant supply of sunshine will be harnessed to
generate clean and renewable energy. Plant screens will also be created to keep
energy costs down and, above all, to control temperatures inside the stadiums.
As well as seating for 42,377 spectators, the Arena Amazonia will feature
restaurants and underground parking and will be served by dedicated bus and
monorail services. The venue for four group-phase matches at Brazil 2014, the
stadium will continue to attract tourists after the tournament by hosting concerts
and cultural events.
Figura 13: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5025116/index.html
Ever since it was inaugurated back in 1972, the Estadio Joao Claudio de
Vasconcelos Machado – better known as the Machadão – has welcomed the
biggest clashes in Natal football to the Lagoa Nova neighbourhood. The three
leading teams in Natal, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte state, are ABC, Alecrim
and America, who last appeared in Brazil’s top flight – Serie A – in 1985, 1986 and
2007 respectively.
However, in order for Natal to become one of the 12 Host Cities at the 2014 FIFA
World Cup™, a bigger and more modern venue was required. The solution settled
upon was to completely demolish both the Machadão and the neighbouring
Humberto Nesi sports hall, known as the Machadinho.
Rising up on the site is the Estadio das Dunas stadium project, with its name
relating to the sand dunes that are one of the most impressive natural attractions
in the Natal region. Nor do the similarities end there, with the stadium’s daring
undulating structure designed to imitate said dunes.
Figura 14: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5002148/index.html
Located in a picture-postcard setting, on reclaimed land on the banks of the River
Guaiba, the Estadio Beira-Rio is the home of Internacional, arch-rivals to their
Porto Alegre neighbours Gremio. The venue of many a thrilling city derby and no
fewer than four Copa Libertadores finals, the stadium is now preparing to host five
games at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™, among them a Round-of-16 tie.
The largest football ground in the south of Brazil and nicknamed the “Gigante do
Beira-Rio” (The Giant of Beira-Rio), the stadium is officially known as the Estadio
Jose Pinheiro Borda and was opened in 1969. It had taken nearly a decade to
build, with Inter fans lending a helping hand in its construction by donating bricks,
cement and iron. So anxious were some supporters to see the ground built that
they would even leave games at the club’s existing ground, Estadio dos
Eucaliptos, whenever the team was losing and head to the Beira-Rio to cheer the
builders on.
The cost of revamping the stadium is being met by the club itself through the
programme “Gigante para Sempre” (A Giant for all time). The main feature of the
project is the installation of an innovative metal roof to cover the stands, ramps
and turnstile areas. The construction project has been divided into different
phases, the idea being to enable its continued use during its refurbishment, at the
end of which the Beira-Rio will have a capacity of 50,287.
Figura 15: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5025134/index.html
Recife, a city whose passion for the beautiful game is without question, is home to
three historic Brazilian clubs in the shape of Nautico, Santa Cruz and Sport. And,
having already hosted one match at the 1950 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ (Chile’s 5-2
win over USA at the Ilha do Retiro stadium), the city has gained a brand-new
arena in time to host five matches at Brazil 2014.
The Arena Pernambuco, which is part of a complex also featuring restaurants,
shopping centres and cinemas, is located in Sao Lourenco da Mata in Recife’s
metropolitan zone, just 19km away from Guararapes International Airport. The
project is seen as an economic catalyst for the continued expansion of Grande
Recife, within an area which is considered to be economically deprived. It is also
estimated that the area will expand into a neighbourhood including nearly 5,000
With room for 42,849 spectators and constructed by means of a partnership
between the public and private sector, the Arena Pernambuco now hosts Nautico’s
games – following the agreement reached with the club in October 2011.
Figura 16: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=214/index.html
Built for the 1950 FIFA World Cup Brazil™, the Estadio Jornalista Mario Filho,
better known as the Maracana, provided the venue for that year’s truly memorable
decider between the host nation and Uruguay, one of the most dramatic chapters
in the history of the competition.
The Rio de Janeiro stadium will be in the limelight once again at Brazil 2014,
hosting seven games in all, more than any other venue. Among those matches will
be the Final on 13 July.
Once the largest stadium in the world, packing in crowds of up to 200,000 –
among the highest attendances ever seen in the history of the game – the
Maracana now has a reduced capacity of 73,531 for Brazil 2014. It remains,
nevertheless, the country’s biggest football ground.
Respecting the original layout of the stadium, the project for its refurbishment
included the demolition of the lower ring of seats, the construction of a new ring
offering improved visibility, the expansion of the access ramps and the
replacement of all seating. The stadium is also be fitted with a new roof complete
with a rainwater collection system. The facade, which has been listed by the
National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage, remains untouched.
Rio’s second most popular tourist attraction, the Maracana continued to attract
football fans from all over the world, even as it underwent renovation. Visitors to
the stadium could watch work unfold from the Torre de Vidro (Glass Tower), built
especially for the occasion, and could even take a piece of the old stadium away
with them as a souvenir.
Figura 17: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5002308/index.html
The first capital city in Brazil’s history, Salvador will welcome the 2014 FIFA World
Cup Brazil™ at a new, purpose-built stadium with a capacity of 52,048. The new
arena will host six games at the tournament and has been constructed on the site
of the Fonte Nova.
Officially known as the Estadio Octavio Mangabeira, the Fonte Nova was opened
on 28 January 1951 and was the venue for many a derby between Salavador’s
Esporte Clube Bahia and Esporte Clube Vitoria. It was closed in November 2007
and subsequently demolished three years later.
The stadium that has risen in its place, the Arena Fonte Nova, has been modelled
on its predecessor and is covered by a lightweight, metal roof. A public-private
joint venture, the complex will house a panoramic restaurant, museum of football,
car parks, shops, hotels and a concert hall.
Maintaining the proud tradition of the Fonte Nova, the new stadium will host four
group matches, three of them featuring top-seeded teams, as well as a Round-of16 match and a quarter-final tie.
Figura 18: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/destination/stadiums/stadium=5025136/index.html
Of the three biggest clubs in Sao Paulo, the only one which previously did not own
a stadium with the necessary size and infrastructure to host games was the city’s
best-supported side: Sport Club Corinthians Paulista.
Yet this long-yearned for dream of the Corinthians faithful will finally come true
ahead of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ in the shape of the Arena de Sao Paulo.
Under construction in the neighbourhood of Itaquera, which is in the city’s Eastern
Zone and a traditional Corintianos stronghold, the project is scheduled to be
completed by early 2014.
The stadium works are also expected to boost development in the Eastern Zone,
which is one of Sao Paulo’s most deprived areas and home to nearly four million
people, as well as ensuring hundreds of workers gain professional qualifications. A
total of close to 6,000 people will be employed either directly or indirectly over the
course of the construction process.
The Arena de Sao Paulo has been chosen to host the Opening Match of Brazil
2014 and will also welcome five other encounters, including one semi-final.
Espera-se que durante as leituras feitas em sala de aula, os alunos
consigam alcançar o que é proposto pelo projeto, efetivando a compreensão do
texto, de uma forma dinâmica e satisfatória, aumentando a participação nas
atividades de compreensão textual, estimulando a criatividade e criticidade de
nossos alunos.
Com objetivo de averiguar o alcance das ações empreendidas nesta
Unidade Didática, será efetuado o comparativo das respostas obtidas nas
traduções dos textos, primeiramente entre os grupos e finalizando com o modelo
oferecido pelo professor.
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Tópicos em lingüística aplicada: o ensino de línguas estrangeiras.
Florianópolis,1988. Ed. da UFSC, p. 211-236.
LÉVY, Pierre. Cibercultura. (Trad. Carlos Irineu da Costa). São Paulo: Editora 34,
http://veja.abril.com.br/050510/lingua-google-p-122.shtml. Acesso em: 16 ago.
SAID, Fabio M. Fidus Interpres: A Prática da Tradução Profissional. São Paulo:
Edição do Autor, 2010