Thomas Hachenberger VVS


Thomas Hachenberger VVS
Thomas Hachenberger, Director, VVS GmbH
„cities for mobility“, 11th June 2007
Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion Stuttgart: FIFA Green Goal: 50 % Modal
split (visitors with public transport to the stadium)
Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion within the NeckarPark Stuttgart. FIFA-WM 2006: 6 WM games
incl. the match for the third place at 8th of Juli 2006. Public transport with: Stadtbahn,
(regular and special lines) S-Bahn (2 stations) and regional lines.
The achieved Modal Split went up to 80 %
(by comparison: VfB matches: 60 %)
In the heart of the city: public viewing area at Schlossplatz
more visitors in the public viewing area than in the stadium
about 1,7 million additional journeys within 4 weeks
about 3 million Euros extra ticket revenues
Tailor-made ticketing for soccer fans
the so-called „KombiTicket“, that means a ticket valid as well for the WM games as for
using public transport, was a huge success. It was the first obligatory ticket in FIFAhistory. The ticket was valid in the whole VVS area, the whole day and night.
FIFA-officials and the media generally used the FIFA shuttle busses and free tickets from
Deutsche Bahn AG. There was little demand for the special local media tickets.
Ticketing for visitors and passengers
FIFA and local Volunteers have got a cheap special ticket (for a month or more)
2006 participants at the UNESCO World Youth Festival (for fourteen days)
several hundred participants and coaches at the WM Fan Camp (for several weeks)
special offer to tourist groups from other nations (for example: 500 travellers from
Australia for one week)
single-tourists strongly used the „3-days-ticket“ for 12 €
Extensive supply of informations before the event (pre-trip-information)
every ticket owner got a detailed
information package from OK (playing
field, security etc.)
national newspapers (Stern, Focus,
Prinz) delivered a great deal of
information and supplements
several institutions as FIFA, DFB,
tourist offices and public transport
installed special websites. The VVS
WM website had about 100.000 visits
in June
multilingual flyers (German, English,
French and Spanish) with all
information for Stuttgart passengers
were handed out (circulation: 350.000).
Special time-tables were produced
Local informations (on spot) are accepted well
service personnel from public transport was trained
according to the principle „service
champion“. Some companies offered
additional courses in English for their
employees. At central places and stations
extra service personnel was employed for
further information
some hundred FIFA Volunteers and sixty local
Volunteers worked as a task force near the
stadium and in the city
interpreter information at the central stations (main station, Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion)
was necessary for customer satisfaction
little demand for call centre services in the evening times
Thank you for your attention!
Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
Rotebühlstraße 121
70178 Stuttgart
Thomas Hachenberger
phone 0711-6606-2001
fax 0711-6606-2000