2015 Winter Newsletter - Lindley Habilitation Services


2015 Winter Newsletter - Lindley Habilitation Services
W in t e
r New
s le t t e
What an exciting year 2014 has been! We have opened new offices, started
Day Programs, and grown in every region! In this newsletter, we’ll recap some of what has
made 2014 so special, as well as what to look forward to in 2015.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll find in this newsletter:
Page 1: A Note from our CEO & Lindley In the Community Pics
Page 2: Supported Employment Program & SunCoast Region Updates
Page 3: Lindley College
Page 4: LHS Activity Updates
Page 5: 2014 New Administrative Employees & Employees of the Month
Page 6: Self-Advocacy Opportunities & Consumer Spotlight
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2015! In this newsletter, we will be celebrating many
of our past achievements of 2014 as students, consumers, staff, and as an agency. Please
take time to be aware of some key items featured on Page 6, such as the Disability rights
section and the new Able Act.
I cannot thank enough our Direct Care Staff for their diligence and care for our
consumers and families. Without your daily efforts we would not have the reputation we
have gained over the years. On Page 5 you will see a list of our statewide Employees of the
Month\Quarter for 2014. I am very proud of these particular staff, and hope that you can
take the time to read the article regarding the reasons for nomination of each, posted on
our web page (listed under each region’s home page).
For our lead fundraiser this year, the Polar Plunge (benefiting NC Special Olympics), I
have created a “Gofundme” page supporting our fundraising efforts. The link is featured
below and on our Facebook page. Please share with family and friends as you see fit, as the
money raised goes directly to support Exceptional Athletes. We have consistently been the
biggest costume group participant, and have been able to raise the most money in the
Large Donor Category for our event for the last few years! We have a great time and are
proud to support such a great cause. Can’t wait for you to see this year’s costumes, I can
honestly say they will be truly Magical!
Neil Lindley
Click Here to Support LHS
in the 2015 Polar Plunge
for Special Olympics
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In sum
SunCoast Region
Michelle Myers and Brad
Beasley are working hard to
grow Lindley Habilitation’s
footprint in the Sunshine State.
We are currently serving 6
Private Pay consumers in
Tampa Bay and the
surrounding areas. Our
Medicaid application is in its
final stages, which means a
new Lindley College Campus
will hopefully be established
by the Spring! In preparation
for this, Michelle and Brad are
currently accepting
applications for employment
in the area. Check out the
Florida link on the Lindley
webpage, and follow their
Facebook page for more
updates and pictures!
Lindley at Work: Supported Employment Program
We have recently placed 7 consumers through the
Supported Employment program with various
businesses and roles, some including seasonal jobs,
office assistants, dining room attendants, recruiting,
janitorial and stocking.
We are currently working with other businesses to
finalize placements that will begin in January 2015.
We also plan to start building business partnerships in
other regions in the Spring/Summer of 2015. If you
know of any businesses that may be interested in
working with our Supported Employment Program,
please contact Neil Pope at
neilp@lindleyhabilitation.com or 336-404-7882.
Please Support the Businesses that
Support Employment Opportunities!
SE Business Spotlights
The Arc-HP is hosting a
session on Guardianship & the
ABLE Act for families on Feb 5,
from 6:30-8:30. RSVP to
The Arc Of High Point – Omar
and his job coach Janie work there 3 days
a week doing janitorial work, stocking
supplies and grounds keeping.
The Arc of High Point is committed to
securing for all people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities the opportunity
to choose and realize their goals of where
and how they learn, live, work, and play.
The Arc of High Point is an affiliated
chapter of The Arc of the North Carolina
and The Arc of the United States.
Check out the Arc of High Point’s website
for a list of services and events. Attend
one of their upcoming activities or events,
and say hello to Omar and Janie!
Pita Delite at Friendly CenterAndrew and his job coach Aaron work in
the dining room clearing tables, assisting
customers, and helping in the kitchen.
Pita Delite started serving fresh and
healthy Lebanese food in 1987. At Pita
Delite, the secret to their delicious and
healthy food is the way they choose and
cook only the freshest ingredients. Pita
Delite’s commitment to quality, cleanliness
and award-winning customer service has
generated legions of loyal
customers. Customers are greeted with an
enthusiastic ‘hello’ when they walk through
the door. Their employees say ‘have a
nice day’ when satisfied customers leave.
Go by Pita Delite at Friendly Shopping
Center, Greensboro and say hello to
Andrew and Aaron!
Clemmons Campus
Wilmington Campus
Greensboro’s campus now has a total
The Clemmons Campus currently has
The Wilmington Campus student body
student body of 54 students! Student-
16 students, and has expanded the
will have grown to 25 students by
determined electives for this semester
current space to accomodate more
February 1st, and they are expanding
include: Art, Social Committee, Lindley
students! Student-determined
to a larger space. Electives for this
Store, Yoga, Lindley Science,
electives for this semester include:
semester include: Music Therapy, Sign
Photography/Journalism, and Bodies in
Dance Class, Sports Recreation,
Language, Technology, Art, Cooking,
Cooking, & Creative Arts.
PE Recreation, & Board Games.
Greensboro Campus
● Wake County Campus is officially arriving in 2015!
● Student Overnight Trips to Washington DC (April), Charleston (May), & Atlanta (Sept)
~ Lindley College Students & Parents: Be on the lookout for emails from Ann Sprinkle
regarding cost and details of these trips.
● In addition to the ongoing activities/courses, each month there are new curriculum topics
covered. These allow students to further develop their skill sets in areas of daily living, ultimately
supporting a more independent individual. For this semester these include: Personal Grooming,
My Community, Mind Your Manners, Leisure Time, & Restaurant Skills.
A Message from Ann Sprinkle…
2014 was a great year for Lindley Activities!
I would like to extend a HUGE Thank You to
everyone who helped and attended the 7
Winter Celebrations we had for our Lindley
consumers. All Celebrations were a big
success, and we are already planning for the
2015 Celebrations. Lindley’s Activity Dept
has hired a new Activity Instructor for the
Forsyth area, Farlicher Earle. She has been
a great support for our consumers as well as
myself. Please welcome her if you are
attending any Forsyth/ Guilford area
Our upcoming events in the first quarter for
all regions will be Lindley’s Annual Pirate
and Parrothead Dance (early March), St
Patrick’s Day Social (March 17th) and an
Easter Egg Hunt (April 1st). Be sure to check
Lindley’s website for events in your region
and look for the weekly emailed memos that
are sent out. Remember if you have any
questions or suggestions please let Ann
Sprinkle know.
New faces in 2014…
In the calendar year of 2014, Lindley Habilitation began
serving 84 new consumers across the state of North
Carolina, as well as started our new region in Florida.
In order to adequately support our new consumers,
families, and habilitation technicians, we have welcomed
20 new Administrative Employees to our team. We hope
you’ve enjoyed working with them as much as we have!
At the end of 2014, Lindley
employed almost 900 active
habilitation technicians! We
had a net increase of 76 from
2013, which is a growth in our
staffing base of over 11%!!
Thank you to our 2014 Employees of
the Month/Quarter, as well as all of
our wonderful staff! You are the hands
and feet of our company, carrying out
our mission daily. Please know your
hard work is noticed and appreciated!
Employee Name
Avery Hickmon
Farlicher Earle
Anna Hoyt
Chad Peay
Kamundi Jones
Leon Odell
Sean Smith
John Williams
Michael Williams
Cathy Mecimore
Clarissa Howell
Justin Alston
Cindy Galloway
Dale Anderson
Cherie Boyer
Darryl White
Lauren Tribou
Naomi Bingham
Tiffany Burgess
Duron Myrick
Activities - Assistant
Clinical - Clinical Assistant
Clinical - Clinical Supervisor
Clinical - Clinical Supervisor
Clinical - Clinical Supervisor
Clinical - Clinical Supervisor
Clinical - Clinical Supervisor
Clinical - Clinical Supervisor
Clinical - Clinical Supervisor
Clinical - Clinical/HR Assistant
Clinical - Day Program Director
Human Resources - Assistant
Human Resources - Assistant
Human Resources - Assistant
Human Resources - Assistant
Human Resources - Assistant
Human Resources - Assistant
Human Resources - Assistant
Training - Trainer
Kim Lambeth, Sarah Smith, Adam Largent, Chad Wilson, Petra Ludd,
Cheresa Cuttino, Chelsea Posey, Mark Ward, Hazel Woodall, Melissa
Shearer, & Krystal Robbins
Burlington Office
Sandy Miller, Shaniguel Williams, Shian McIntosh, & Tameka Peaks
Offices (monthly)
Kevin Robinson, Brooke Ward, Reta Funk, Matt Larson, Brittany
Chaney, Lauren Jackson, Coutney Daniels, Melody Kerr, Del Graham,
Tevon Womack, Ashley Baldwin, & Brandi Knott
Raleigh Office
Monique Hardy, Maribeth Charles, Raegan Staton, & Hannah Silverstein
we love ou
Hab Tec
Wilmington Office
Triad - Clemmons
Clemmons LC Campus
Triad - Clemmons
Opportunities for education,
engagement, and growth in
your communitites!
lfSe s
NC ate is
Th dvo ence in
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Co rch ons
Ma mm
“I choose not to place “DIS”,
in my ability.” ~ Robert M. Hensel
“My Dreams, My Life” is the theme for the 3rd Annual NC Self-Advocates Conference, taking place in Clemmons om March
28, 2015. Lindley Habilitation will be there as a supporter of this event, and hope you can attend! Registration includes all
sessions, breaks, meals, and a dance. Find more information about the schedule, sessions, and registration here.
Partners in Policy Making is seeking applicants to join their Advocacy & Training group
through the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities. It starts in February, so if you are
interested, learn more here. Partners in Policymaking© (“Partners”) is designed to
In December, President
better enable individuals with intellectual and developmental disABILITIES, and the
parents of school-aged children with these disABILITIES, to influence policymakers and Obama signed the Achieving a
Better Life Experience, or ABLE,
effectively present their views on public policy that affects them.
Act. The new law will allow
people with disabilities to open
special accounts where they can
save up to $100,000 without
risking eligibility for Social
Security and other government
Money in these accounts can
Disability Rights NC holds Listening Sessions across the state every 5 years to hear
from stakeholders with an interest in Disability Rights. They use these sessions to
be used to pay for education,
narrow their scope and prioritize what areas to advocate for in the coming years. Go health care, housing,
and share ideas and feedback at these listenting sessions, including Greensboro &
transportation, and other
Winston-Salem on Feb 26th, and Wilmington on March 27th.
expenses. Interest earned on
savings will be taxfree, similar to
529 College Savings Accounts. In
addition, individuals can keep
their Medicaid coverage no
matter how much money is
accrued in an ABLE account.
Speak with a lawyer or
At Lindley, we take pride in every achievement, big or
financial planner versed in DD
small, and support every opportunity for the unique
law to find out how this can
individuals we serve. Pictured left is Blake, who
benefit your family, or be on the
creates his own art and sells original pieces to buyers
lookout for a training from a
across the country! This is the piece purchased by Neil
local organization. (Ie: The Arc of
Lindley, and we were proud to support Blake’s
HP event referenced on page 2).
endeavors by promoting his Open House to our
Summer 2015 Newsletter:
facebook followers. Read about Blake in the
Jamestown News. We aim to support each of our
Please send 2015 graduates, exciting
consumers in every way possible, so please keep us
news, or any other suggestions to
posted of accomplishments and new ventures!
The NC Director of the Division of MH/DD/SA Services and other state leaders are
wanting to meet with Innovations Waiver recipients about a new rule regarding
community services. They want feedback from recipients and family members,
and are traveling across the state for listening sessions. There are multiple dates
here, including Feb. 3rd in Raleigh, February 10th in Winston-Salem, and February
11th in Wilmington. Review the new rule and make comments here.
Celebrating with our families…