Introducing our New Executive Director Pamela
Introducing our New Executive Director Pamela
Fall 2014 Inside This Issue: A Word from the Executive Director Pamela Austin, MSW……………………Page 1 New Beginnings: A Client Journey………...Page 1 Fundraiser Highlights Gary’s Fabulous 50s Event……. Page 2 Happy Retirement Yolanda Hernandez…..…………..Page 2 Community Contribution Programs………………...Page 3 Giving From the Heart….Page 3 Back to School Success…Page 3 Donation Coupon……….Page 4 Board of Directors: Officers Christine Ellis, President Mark Phillipi, Vice President Kwan Lee, Treasurer Laura Fox, Secretary Introducing our New Executive Director Pamela Austin, MSW, CFGD Pamela is excited to take the helm of The Gary Center as she, and her staff, guide it through a period of growth and reorganization. Expanding the Behavioral Health program and increasing both outreach and collaboration with the Center’s local community partners has been successful. “The future looks bright. We have clients throughout Orange County and in parts of LA County as well, and we want our programs and strategic planning to reflect this broader perspective. The reality is that The Gary Center is not only a La Habra agency, but an Orange County agency, which happens to have its roots and main office in the City of La Habra.” She received her Master’s in Social Work from the University of Southern California, with an emphasis on Community Organizing, Policy and Administration (COPA), with a sub-concentration in Public Child Welfare. She received a BA in Cognitive Psychology from University of California, Irvine and is a Certified Focus Group Director (CFGD) through the Greely Institute of Colorado. Pamela is also an ASW, having achieved over half her clinical hours towards her LCSW. Pamela previously served as the Clinical Director for Behavioral Health with the Wiley Center, in Riverside County and was the founding CEO of the Orange County Health Needs Assessment (OCHNA) serving for 15 years. Prior to that, she was a Senior Manager with the consulting firm of DMG, in the Bay Area and was one of the first authors of the Orange County Annual Report on the Condition of Children. In recognition for her achievements and contribution to improving the quality of health in Orange County, Pamela was awarded the 1999 Health Award, by the Orange County Chapter of 100 Black Men. She has served on the Board for the Ray of Life Foundation, United Way’s strategic planning team and the OC Health Safety Net Coalition and is a contributing author for the new public health text book: Collaboration Across the Disciplines in Health Care, Freshman, Rubino and Chassiakos; Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010. Members Mir Ali Cliff Espy Janice Frates Paula McCabe Denise Stafford Executive Director Pamela Austin, MSW Like us Facebook/TheGaryCenter Or check out our Website @ Susan came to the Gary Center with signs of Depression and Anxiety. In addition, Susan presented with a history of panic attacks and trauma. At The Gary Center, she was able to work with the therapist in being able to process and resolve some of the core conflict of her anxiety and depression. Although Susan is still in the process of her therapy, so far she has demonstrated a significant personal growth. Susan has been able to implement calming skills and replace irrational self-talk. She seems so much confident in being able to confront various problems and situations. In addition, she is now able to identify emotions and act accordingly; this understanding has been very powerful for her. Even though, she is currently going through hard circumstances, she is able to see those circumstances through a positive light which is a great milestone for her. Susan came into therapy last week and said “I am no longer a victim. I am a strong and a brave person!” As a therapist, I have been able to witness the growth that Susan has greatly made during the course of her treatment. (Client’s name has been changed to respect her privacy) Gary’s Fabulous 50’s Fall Fundraiser Throughout the year, The Gary Center hosts or is the beneficiary of several fundraisers that provide funds for the invaluable programs that we offer to the community. Here is a glimpse at our Fall Fundraiser event, enabling us to continue our mission. A special thank you to our generous benefactors, Tom & Vicky Taylor, the planning committee, chaired by Barbara Pendland-Maun, Gary’s Guild President, Vicky Taylor and auctioneer extraordinaire, and Cindy Singer. We are very grateful to our Gold Sponsors, California Wellness and Shepard Bros., as well as our Bronze sponsors, Jones & Mayers Law Offices and Vista Community Clinics. An event of this magnitude requires the efforts of so many and we appreciate the members of our Board of Directors, Guild Members and staff. All profits from this event go directly into the programs and services we provide to the community. Congratulations on your retirement and recognition Yolanda Hernandez The Gary Center attended The Coalition of Orange County Community Health Clinics' 40 & Fabulous Anniversary Gala. At this grand event, one of our very own former employees was acknowledged and received an award! Yolanda "Yoli" Hernandez has worked for The Gary Center for over 22 years until she retired in September. Yolanda's feistiness kept the center running and was a well known fixture with the community. We are grateful that she continues with the agency as a volunteer. Yolanda, you have been a great asset to The Gary Center and we will miss you very much. We always knew that our clients were in good hands when they were being helped by you because you were patient and sensitive to their needs. We have appreciated that quality as well as your loyalty and willingness to accept assignments that were often beyond your normal duties. We will miss your commitment to excellence. Congratulations Yoli!!! Community Contribution Programs The Gary Center now has other ways that you can give back to the center. Do you shop at Ralphs and have a rewards program? How about online through Amazonsmile? Well now when you link your Ralphs and Amazonsmile accounts to The Gary Center for every purchase a percentage is donated to us. You may also continue to donate directly by visiting us online or giving us a call. Find us on Facebook or visit us at Back To School Thank you to the many amazing supporters who generously gave backpacks, school supplies, and donations to The Gary Center to help our community’s youth in need return to school prepared to learn! Special thanks to FedEx who made the back to school season more successful for the youth in our community. From left to right: Spencer, FedEx Ground Driver; Corey Wells, FedEx Ground/ XSCA Customer Pickup Coordinator; Giving From The Heart This year's Christmas Celebration for the Food Distribution families was quite a success! We had over 120 children receive gifts as well as our free Food Court, offering a variety: hot dogs, nachos, croissants, breakfast burritos, flan, cupcakes, hot chocolate and so much more. We had many Game Booths that offered prizes as well: Bowling, Bean Bag Toss and Face Painting. Of course, we know that this is a collaborative event that can only happen with the cumulative efforts of many. We'd like to thank the staff members who spearheaded the party as well as the volunteers from Gary's Guild, La Habra High School ROTC members, LKQ Corporation, Toys for Tots and the numerous Marines that were here to hand out the toys. And to the many vendors who generously donated their items, we are humbled by the outpouring of time, labor, energy and items that brought so much joy to the families that we serve in our community! A great time was had by all and we sincerely thank you!! NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 2120 Whittier, CA 341 S. Hillcrest Street La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 691-3263 Office (562) 690-5063 Fax CFC#83460 Donation Coupon Enclosed please find my tax deductible gift of: $200___ $100___ $50___$25___ Other $_________ I would prefer to pledge $________a month for one year. You may charge my Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover _____ Card Number_____________________________________________ Expiration Date (MM/YY) __________________________________ 3 Digit Code (On the back of your card) ______________________ Name as it appears on your card ______________________________ Authorized Signature_____________________________________ Please make checks payable to The Gary Center 341 S. Hillcrest St. La Habra, CA 90631-5340 You can also donate fast and securely online! Please go to: and click the Donate Now Button The Gary Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Your donation is 100% tax deductible as a charitable contribution. TAX ID: 95-2752846 WANT THE GARY GAZETTE SENT TO YOU BY EMAIL? _____ Yes, I wish to have the newsletter sent to me electronically. Please send it to my e-mail address: _________________________________________________@_________________________________________ If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication please contact Maria Governo (562) 691-3263 Ext. 104 or
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