2011 10 October - Airflow Club of America


2011 10 October - Airflow Club of America
October 2011
Volume 50
Number 10
ACA Members
participate in
Lightfoots in
with ACA members ..page 4
North Dakota Toys
Members Chuck and Velva Stewart share a great
photo of a Chrysler Airflow and a downtown area
—see Letters to the Editor
The Marketplace
Club Store
MEMBERSHIP-The annual dues are as follows: $30.00 US per year, $35.00 US
funds outside of North America. Make all checks payable to Airflow Club of America.
All memberships expire on December 31st. Mail membership requests or renewals to:
Greetings, Fellow Airflowers!
I‟m guessing that no one noticed, but September‟s NL
did not include the usual President‟s Message. Guilty as
charged! I had been traveling extensively and preparing for
a long drive in my Cord, and our gracious Editor “covered”
for me. Thanks, Neal!
Well it has been a season of “old car driving” for me.
Besides driving my C2 from my home near Seattle to Durango for the ‟09 ACA National Meet in June, in July I took
the ‟57 DeSoto Adventurer to the DeSoto meet in Reno (and
on to visit family in Northern California). I have just returned from Auburn, Indiana, where I drove my 1937 Cord
to participate in the ACD meet, which celebrated the 75 th
anniversary of the Cord 810/812. That‟s over 10,000 miles
of fun driving in a variety of older automobiles – all within
about three months!
Comparing the Airflow to the Cord is akin to comparing
apples and pineapples. They are different cars with different
The Cord is certainly an attention grabber, but then again
they all are. The Airflow has the nicer ride with those long,
soft springs. However, the tradeoff is a fair amount of lean
when cornering. The Cord with front wheel drive and a
transverse spring up front goes where you point it more
responsively, but around town the ride is somewhat
“choppy”. If I were choosing to take a car on a long trip,
based on simplicity, reliability and comfort, the Airflow has
it all over the Cord. That‟s one man‟s opinion!
I thought that I‟d share with you something that I
learned from a recent Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg Newsletter
regarding antifreeze. The article was thoroughly researched
and is two pages in length, so I‟ll briefly summarize here. I
use water and a rust inhibitor / water pump lubricant additive in my cars, and avoid exposure to freezing temperatures. Some don‟t have that option or simply choose to use
antifreeze. Most of the newer extended life antifreezes use a
technology called Organic Acid Technology (OAT) as a
corrosion inhibitor. To quote from the article:
“Evidence supplied by the manufacturer admits that the
OAT inhibited coolant is known to cause leak problems.
The major problem with the inhibitor is that it attacks,
amongst other things, silicon compounds. It also attacks
lead based products (solder, babbit), some yellow metals
(cam bearings, radiators) and conventional gaskets and
packing materials.”
The antifreeze manufacturers contacted also point out
that when they advertise a product as safe for “older” cars,
they mean ten years old or less. ALL Prestone products
now use OAT technology. Peak and Peak‟s Sierra brand of
antifreeze use an inorganic inhibitor and have a shorter service life, but are safe for use in vintage engines. Numerous
car clubs advise their members to check the label carefully;
avoid long life antifreeze and above all “No OATs” (HOAT
and NOAT are all variants of the basic Organic Acid Technology inhibitor).
Continued-page 8
Dennis Pitchford
14947 Leigh Ave.
San Jose, CA 95124-4524
Phone: (408) 559-7977
NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: The 10th of each month for the next
issue. Send all material to:
Neal Jacquot, Editor
2714 East 7th Street
Casper, WY 82609
E-Mail: <nealjacquot@bresnan.net>>
Phone: (307) 234-9198
Undeliverable copies, other mail items and
changes of address are to be sent to:
Mary Kathryn Eberly
207 West Main St.
Mount Joy, PA 17552-1213
Email: <<mkeberly@pa.net>>
Phone: (717)-653-1094
The AIRFLOW CLUB OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED is a non-profit organization founded in June 1962. The Club is dedicated to (1) the preservation, restoration,
exhibition, and use of Chrysler and DeSoto Airflow cars and Dodge Airflow trucks;
(2) the collection, recording and preservation, of Airflow historical data; (3) the dissemination to the public of the story of Airflow contributions to the automotive industry and (4) the promotion of good fellowship and cooperation among its members.
The Airflow Club of America is authorized and licensed by Chrysler Corporation to
use Chrysler, Dodge and DeSoto trademarks. Additionally, the Club is officially a
member of the Chrysler Corporation family of enthusiast clubs under specific legal
provisions of a signed agreement dated January 20, 1994.
The AIRFLOW NEWSLETTER, published monthly, is the official publication of the Airflow Club of America. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the
Airflow Club of America‟s official policy. All manuscripts, articles, letters and ads are subject
to being edited unless specified “print verbatim”. COPYRIGHT 2011 by the Airflow Club of
America, Inc. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or part, in any
form, without express written permission of the Airflow Club of America, Inc.
AIRFLOW CLUB WEBSITE: the official Airflow Club Website is located at: <<http://
President – Frank Daly, Sammamish, WA 425) 210-1804
Vice President – Chandler Smith, Fort Worth, TX (817) 921-6699
Secretary - Doug Conran, Benton Harbor, MI (269) 925-1950
Treasurer - Dennis Pitchford, (Address and email in above box)
John Wagner, Athens, GA
Jim Lightfoot, Simi Valley, CA
John Librenjak, Riverside, CA
Eastern: John Wagner, Athens, GA
Central: Chandler Smith, Ft. Worth, TX
Western: Tom Prince, Walnut, CA
Editor: Neal Jacquot, (Address and email in above box)
Mail Records: Mary Kathryn Eberly, (Address and email in above box)
Chief Judge: Phil Putnam: Orland, CA
Chief Judge Emeritus: John Heimerl, Suffolk, VA
Chief Judge Emeritus: Don Mitchell, Port Byron, IL
Chief Judge Emeritus: Ellis Claar, Greensburg, PA
Historian: Frank Daly, Sammamish, WA
Storekeeper: John Librenjak, Riverside, CA. Phone: (951) 788-4678
Website: Frank Daly, Sammamash, WA
Jim Lightfoot, Simi, CA
Charles “Chuck” Cochran, Indianapolis, IN
John Librenjak, Riverside, CA
ACA members participate in Keeneland
Concours d’Elegance
Chuck Cockran‟s „34 SE Coupe
Jay Crist‟s „34 SE Sedan
By John Wagner
Saturday, July 16, eight Airflows were on the
show grounds of the 2011 Keeneland Concours
d'Elegance, at the Keeneland Race Track along
with 220 other outstanding cars and trucks. Eight
ACA member families were in attendance; Doug
and Arlene Conran, Chuck and Char Cochran, Jay
and Peggy Crist, Ray and Susan Corder, Dan and
Donna Corder, Bill and Mike Golling, Tim and
Shirley McCoy, John and Debbie Wagner. The
judging began at 10 am and finished at 12:15 pm
with the 1934 DeSoto Sedan of Jay Crist taking
Tim McCoy‟s „34 CU Sedan
Best of Class honors, and Chuck Cochran taking
Second Place in Class with his 1934 DeSoto Coupe.
Our ACA members were busy during the day
fielding questions from car enthusiasts who were
not familiar with the Airflows. All day we heard
nothing but great comments about how beautiful
and modern the Airflows were—made us very
proud to be part of this outstanding Concours. A
big “thank you” to our Club members in the Eastern Region who participated in bringing so many
beautiful Airflows together at one time.
Corder‟s „34 CU Sedan
Jim and Paula Lightfoot Visit ACA Member
in South Africa
By Jim Lightfoot
Paula and I returned from an almost magical
trip to South Africa. We went to attend the
2011 World Methodist Conference that was
held in Durban. We went a week early and
went on a five-day safari in Kruger National
Park where we saw literally thousands of animals. On the way to Durban, we stopped in
Johannesburg to visit with Rodney Norton, a
member of the Airflow Club who has a 1935
DeSoto Airflow Coupe similar to my S-2. I had
hoped to see his Airflow but he said it was not
easily accessible but he had a friend in Johannesburg who had two Chrysler Airflows and
would I like to see them. He mentioned in passing that his friend also had some Alfas.
The next day Rodney took us to see Peter
Manelis‟ collection that included a 1937 Chrysler Airflow C-17 sedan. Our first stop was Peter‟s garage where he has a group of cars that
are being worked on. These included fifties
Cadilacs, Pontiacs, Buicks, a ‟57 Studebaker
Hawk, a ‟37 supercharged Graham and two
Maseratis, all beautiful. We then went up to
the second story and I thought I had gone to
Alfa Romeo heaven. Along one wall were
twelve early Alfa Spiders. Along the opposite
wall were another dozen or so Alfas including
four 2-liter Spiders and several Sprints and two
Sprint Speciales. Peter‟s man Russell showed
us all of these and explained the story of each
After drooling over these we went to Peter‟s
shopping mall where he stores the remainder of
his collection in the basement area underneath
the mall. There the collection just went on and
on. I am guessing that Peter has about a hundred cars. I asked Russell how many Alfas
there were and he told me 52. In addition there
are perhaps ten Maseratis, several baby Fiat 500
coupes, several Lancias, six Grahams and lots of other American cars from the thirties and fifties. Most of them are licensed
and beautiful. Russell said he tries to drive each of them once
a month but that is getting to be a challenge.
The C-17 was in the mall basement and is pretty well restored but Russell said it needs to be repainted to bring it to
show quality. It is a right hand drive and has a beautiful
leather interior. The interior has been replaced and looks to be
a match with the original leather pattern. There were embossed
Chrysler emblems in the original leather on the rear doors.
Russell could not find a way to duplicate the embossing so had
Chrysler emblems embroidered on the door panels. It also has
1936 style headlights and parking lights that were apparently
used on Airflows assembled overseas. Russell told me that
several of the parts for its restoration came from the U.S.
through members of our Airflow Club. Ben Payne restored the
bars on the grill and the hubcaps. He also provided a cast iron
head for the car. We didn‟t see Peter‟s other C-17. It is in
another location and is apart. Russell said it is nicer than the
one we saw.
Russell said he knows of about ten Airflows in South Africa
including one in a museum in Cape Town. All of them except
Rodney‟s are sedans. I had no idea there were more than the
one belonging to Rodney.
Continued on page 5
Took 4 trophies in a car show today. People's
Choice, Best 1930's, Best Interior and Police
Chief's trophy. With winning People's Choice my
car will be on the publicity poster next year as well
as the Tee shirts that are handed out. Pretty amazing. Now I hope I do well in San Jose next year.
Ron Robbel
Bend, Oregon
Robbel‟s S-2
If you have been in a competition or a
show with your Airflow lately, let us know
and you will be placed in the Newsletter.
From Retail Salesman’s Service, 1934,Complements of Jim Fredrick
To All,
Well the Chrysler Airflow Limousine model C11 that was recently imported into Australia is finally up and running.
We finished the reconditioning of the engine,
transmission and brakes at the end of August and I
started up the engine on September 01, 2011.
Mr Khoi Boi, the new owner of this wonderful
car has granted me permission to post the video of
the startup and the system checks that followed on
Youtube for those that are interested.
The link is:
John Spinks
Pakenham, Victoria
letters to the Editor continued on page 8
RUBBER STAMP 1937 Chrysler Airflow C-17 4-dr sedan. $10.
NAME BUTTON A must for all ACA gatherings. Features Club's
logo and your name. Furnish name as you want it on the finished button. $5.
ACA MYLAR DECALS Red, white, blue. One for window: one for
bumper. 3" x 4". $3 pair.
ACA METAL EMBLEM Club logo in full color on heavy aluminum.
3" x 4-1/2". Specify mounting tab "up" or "down". Use on license
plate. $8.
FIREWALL PLATES For 1934 to 1942 models. Red for Chrysler or
black for DeSoto. Specify color. $7.
HEADLIGHT MOUNTING PADS Fits all Chrysler Airflow models.
SAN JOSE, CA 95124-4524
$32 pair.
AIRFLOW NEWSLETTERS ON DVD A DVD of ACA Newslet- HEEL PADS For driver's side carpeting. Used in Chrysler & DeSoto
ters from July, 1962, through December, 2010 is now available. These Airflows. Specify black or brown. $40.
RUBBER BUMPER GROMMETS Fits behind the stainless rings on
are fully searchable by word or phrase, as described in the November
1935-1937 models. $25 pair.
'08 NL. $20.00 ea.
"THE HISTORY OF THE AIRFLOW CAR" Reprint of the How- PEDAL PADS Reproductions. Specify black or brown. For clutch and
brake pedals. $20 pair.
ard Irwin feature from August 1977 "Scientific American." An excelGAS PEDAL Reproductions for Airflows & others. Black or brown.
lent piece. $4.
GEARSHIFT BOOT Reproductions for Airflows & others. Black or
of November 1994 "NL" written by Bob Joynt and Beverly Rae Kimes. The story of Airflow Chrysler CW limousines. Read about these brown. $25
COWL VENT WEATHER STRIP Fits all Airflow DeSotos &
giant 146-1/2" wheelbase sedans. $4.
Chryslers. $30 pair.
flows. Can modify to fit 1934. $125 pair.
recollections along with the story of Chrysler's history. Hardbound; 8
FRONT DOOR VENT RUBBER SEAL Fits all 1934 Airflows.
chapters; 238 pages; 1995. Published by S.A.E. $40.
$215 pair.
VIDEO #1 First 3 titles are original 1930's factory films. “Fashioned
by Function" - factory promotional: "Trails of Triumph" Harry Hartz at REAR WINDOW RUBBER SEAL Fits windows above trunk on all
Airflow models. $4 per foot.
Bonneville; "Safety With a Thrill" - 1934 Chicago World‟s Fair;
OUTSIDE RUBBER WINDSHIELD FRAME SEALS For all Air"Memoirs of an Engineer" -Carl Breer's Biography. "Airflow Development Pictures" from 1986 Chrysler Corp. slide set. 90 min. VHS or flows. Enough to make one pair. With instructions. $50.
DVD only $20.
the frame and the body ridge. Also used on doorsill plates. $4 per foot.
VIDEO #2 "A Pictorial History on the Development of the Chrysler
Airflow" made by William Z. Breer. 54 minutes. Made by William
sedans Airflows only...CU, C-1, C-9, SE, SG, S-2. $160 pair.
Breer for the 1996 Ft. Worth, TX National Meet. Record of Carl
Breer's work on Airflows. VHS or DVD only $20.
TECHNICAL CD This is a complete record on every technical subject regarding each model of Airflow from 1934 to 1937. All items on pieces, $32, or lower 4 pieces $42.
"SERVICE C INSTALLATION NOTES for FACTORY AUthe CD are indexed. Produced by Jon Clulow. $20.
reprint is not 100% correct historically, but reflects Chrysler Corpora- 1934-1937. $7.
HOOD PROP SPRINGS for '35, '36, '37 Airflow Chryslers & '35, '36
tion's view of the Airflow as of the early 1960's. $8.
1934 CHRYSLER SHOP MANUAL 140+ pages. $30. This reprint is Airflow DeSotos. Specify right or left. $10 each.
HUBCAP SKINS for 1934-36 Airflow Chryslers and 1934-35 and 36
100% flawless in both photos and text. Tremendous reference!
BODY MANUAL Exact reproduction of 1934 Chrysler Manual. Can DeSotos. These skins were produced in New Zealand by club member
David Oliver. Skins are made of brass and properly chrome plated.
be used for DeSoto, also. $20.
The cost of each Chrysler and 1934-35 DeSoto hubcap skin is $110
OWNER'S MANUALS These seven instruction books are exact reand does not include shipping. Each 1936 DeSoto hubcap skin is
productions of originals: (1) 1934 DeSoto SE, 95 pages; (2) 1935
$125.00. Shipping is billed when skins are shipped to you).
Chrysler C-1, 48 pages; (3) 1935 Chrysler C-2, 48 pages: (4) 1936
CHRYSLER FUEL PUMP HEAT SHIELD - a new item for 2008.
DeSoto S-2 Manual with owner i.d. card and printed envelope; (5)
Sorry, no shields for DeSoto as yet. Each heat shield only $20.00.
1936 Chrysler C-9 Manual; .(6) 1936 Chrysler C-10, 48 pages: (7)
AIRFLOW REPRODUCTION DECAL Warning decal for Air1937 Chrysler C-17, 48 pages. $18 each.
cleaner and Silencer. Decal #DD617 is for the '34 and ''35 Chrysler and
AIRFLOW III DESOTO BROCHURE Over 40 photos in this 24
'34 - '36 DeSoto. Each decal: $6.50 plus 50¢ shipping.
page, reprint of 7” x 9” sales brochure. $10.
Items guaranteed. Postage: 10 percent of total order for items
shipped to US locations. International member's orders must be
paid in USA dollar funds with added money for postage. Checks
must be drawn on a USA bank. Prices are always subject to change.
Continuing stock of items not assured. Clearly print your order on
plain paper and mail with check or money order, made to "The Airflow
Club" to:
Ads are renewable every 2 months: must
be submitted by the 10th of each month to
be in the next month’s edition.
For Sale: 1934 Chrysler Airflow CV 4 door sedan, black,
#CV 1465, needs complete restoration, but motor runs,
$5,000, includes parts, manual and brochure.
Contact: James A. Miller, 502 Buckskin Avenue, 58503, Bismark, North Dakota, Phone (701)255-1478.
For Sale: 1935 Chrysler C-1 Airflow Sedan. Older restoration. Beige paint still looks very nice. Excellent upholstery.
Runs and drives great. $25,000. Buffalo, NY area.
Contact: Mark Schleicher, 325 Ransom Rd.
Lancaster, NY 14086, Phone: (716)-683-3893 or Email
<<mcschleicher@roadrunner.com >>
For Sale: Reproduction gas tank filler grommets. Grommets
fit 1934-35 Chrysler and DeSoto coupes and sedans. These are
EXACT reproductions. Please specify - coupe or sedan when
ordering. Price is $45.00 plus $5.00 shipping. (Check payable
to John Librenjak-NOT Airflow Club)
Contact: John Librenjak, 3595 McKinley St.,
Riverside, CA 92506, Phone: (951) 788-4678.
For Sale: Original Chrysler and DeSoto Literature!
Large selection of Chrysler and DeSoto sales brochures, manuals, factory photos, etc., for all models including Airflows. Send
stamped envelope with years for free list. Please specify Chrysler or DeSoto as I have lists for all makes of cars/trucks/
motorcycles - worldwide.
Contact: Walter Miller, 6710 Brooklawn Pkwy, Syracuse, NY
13211. Phone: (315)432-8282 or Fax: (315) 432-8256. E-mail:
Wanted: Chrysler/Nash/Studebaker/Hudson or any big 8 cylinder car. Need the T-85 overdrive transmission. 1937 to
Call Ed at (510) 232-0197 or Carla at (209) 579-0600.
For Sale 1936 Desoto S-2 gauge faces for the combo Speedo
and Tach Gauge. Had specially made and look perfect. Only
have a few to offer. This makes that rare. Option like brand
new. $150 each
Contact Red McFadden, <<mcfadden@i2k.com>>, Phone
Wanted: For a 1934 DeSoto SG Sedan I need two headlight
lenses, two headlight bezels, good hubcaps, tail lights, and a hood
ornament. For the headlight bezels I would like to purchase two of
them, but if I cannot find them then I would like some generous
soul to loan me one so I can investigate the possibility of making
two for my car. Any help and/or leads will be greatly appreciated.
Contact; Steve Frisbie, 4440 SE 174th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97236, 503 665 2222 (steve@realsteel.com).
Ads for the Marketplace
Post, phone or E-Mail your ad insertion to :
Neal Jacquot,
2714 E. 7th St., Casper, WY 82609,
or Phone: (307) 234-9198
or Email: nealjacquot@bresnan.net
From the Yahoo/Airflow forum,
I have a 1936 DeSoto S-2 with a Delco radio mounted on the firewall (inside) with a control head in the dash. Was Delso separate
from GM at that time? Any recommendation for a repair service?
I‟d like to replace all the condensers and get it working again.
Craig Miller
Santa Cruz California
Philco was the supplier of “official” factory/dealer installed
radios; Delco did provide “customer” aftermarket radios for Airflows, and the Club accepts them as a correct period option. Delco
Remy was acquired by GM in 1934. This was one reason Autolite
was phased in as electrical supplier for Chrysler in 1935.
No recommendaons to offer other than usual services in
(Source: ACA Club Technical CD, produced by Jon Clulow)
John Heimerl,
Suffolk, Virginia
Continued from page 5
Here is a copy of a photo (see cover page) they sell at a
craft warehouse of pictures (vintages) taken in the Portland/
Vancouver area. Most pictures are from the 20‟s, 30‟s and
The tag on the picture says “SW Morrison, Portland, OR
1939”. The lady that gave us this picture has a son that
wanted a 1934 Chrysler Airflow as his first car at age 16.
Both parents said it would not be “appropriate” car for a
teenager. That was over 51 years ago and he still would like
Chuck and Velva Stewart
Vancouver, Washington
Dear Airflowers,
DAK ( Dalarnes Automobil klubb) Swap meet in September. It is one of the larger swap meets in central Sweden.
Many visitors also come from neighbouring countries,
Finland and Norway, Oivind Gladhus, Gol, Norway
(Chrysler -34), Jan Carlsson, Gagnef, Sweden (De Soto 34) and Jan Larspers, Falun, Sweden (Chrysler - 34).
Hard to find parts like -34 bumper bars and grille bars;
were exchanged. You don´t expect to find Airflow parts at
this swap meet but there were -36 Chrysler speedometers
for sale. In one of the boxes there were several windshield
wipers and a Trico vacuum wiper motor.
Jan Larspers,
Falun, Sweden
1934, all toy companies went crazy making Airflows. Enclosed is a photo of my Chrysler and DeSoto Airflows manufactured by Cor-Cor in Washington, Indiana. Notice they are
good size as doll house is 1/12 scale. DeSotos are different
as they have different louvers on side of hood and different
My Airflows have all been restored. I thought maybe
you‟d find these interesting. Green coupe on right side was
reworked by the guy that restored my toys. He took the back
door out and made a coupe. Also car on the left he stretched
and made a limo.
Darrel Moser
Fargo, North Dakota
Ads for the Marketplace
Ads for the Marketplace
Post, phone or E-Mail your ad insertion to :
Post, phone or E-Mail your ad insertion to :
Neal Jacquot,
Neal Jacquot,
2714 E. 7th St., Casper, WY 82609, or
2714 E. 7th St., Casper, WY 82609, or
Phone: (307) 234-9198
Phone: (307) 234-9198
or Email: nealjacquot@bresnan.net
President’s Message (continued)
If a product says “conventionally inhibited”, it most likely does not use
the offending OAT technology.
I‟m not an expert in this area and am simply passing on what appears
to be well researched information. Newer engines simply do not have
the materials which we restorers use in our vintage vehicles! If you‟d
like to read the entire article, I‟ll post it on the website.
Hi Neal,
Happy AirflowingReading my Old Car‟s Weekly, happened to see Airflow
address. I‟ve loved Airflows for years and been a toy
collector for many years and after Airflow came out in
The Airflow Club participates in two internet forums, one hosted by the
AACA and other hosted by Yahoo. The easiest way to reach the AACA
Forum is to go to the Airflow Club Home Page at
<<www.airflowclub.com>> and at the bottom of the page click on the
AACA Forum address. If you want to access the forum directly, their address is <<http://forums.aaca.org>>. Then click on Forums. This opens all
the forum lists. Click on Register Here and register as a forum member,
then scroll down the list Airflow Club of America in the Chrysler Products
group. Yahoo also host a forum for us. To access their forum go to
October 2011

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