Seasons Greetings - Airflow Club of America
Seasons Greetings - Airflow Club of America
December 2011 Volume 50 Number 12 Jim Fredrick shares his collection of Airflow photos— ——-page 3 Plus: The Marketplace Club Store Seasons Greetings ! DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION OF CHRYSLER AND DESOTO AIRFLOW MODEL AUTOMOBILES AND DODGE AIRFLOW TRUCKS-THEIR RELATED HISTORY AND LORE. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AIRFLOW CLUB OF AMERICA, A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION FOUNDED JUNE 1962. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEMBERSHIP-The annual dues are as follows: $30.00 US per year, $35.00 US funds outside of North America. Make all checks payable to Airflow Club of America. All memberships expire on December 31st. Mail membership requests or renewals to: Dennis Pitchford 14947 Leigh Ave. San Jose, CA 95124-4524 Phone: (408) 559-7977 Member John Spinks and John Heimerl discuss the dilemma of fouled plugs on Airflows—a discussion paraphrased from the Airflow Yahoo fourm-November 2011 John Spinks: I was wondering if anyone has noted that the spark plugs in their Airflow engine have been failing because they have been carbon fouling? I seem to remember that Frank Daly had this problem some time ago and don’t know if he solved it. If anyone has this problem would you let me know the model of your Airflow, if it is running a cast iron or aluminum head and the brand and model of the spark plugs that are fitted to the engine. John Heimerl: Many Airflows run rich, (better than lean) for a number of factors, carb setting, condition, and defective chokes-often on too long. Have wondered about the mix through the air filter and the amount of research. Despite of the Chrysler fueleconomy run promotions, actual economy was not much an issue then. Are you referring to even fouling on all cylinders? Spinks: Ive noted that if the engine stumbles and misfires, then the problem can be found in fouled plugs. And I’ve found that somehow every plug except of #1 and #8. have clean burn. Numbers 1 and 8 have a rich burn on one side and lean burn on the other side. And interesting to note, the rich burn on the one side is always on the inlet valve sideHeimerl: Yes, this problem exists and was solved by more frequent changing of all the plugs. Today the question is; do we experiment to better solve the problem (beyond changing the heat ranges) or do we restore and improve the car, even if it is less than original? NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: The 10th of each month for the next issue. Send all material to: Neal Jacquot, Editor 2714 East 7th Street Casper, WY 82609 E-Mail: <>> Phone: (307) 234-9198 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Undeliverable copies, other mail items and changes of address are to be sent to: Mary Kathryn Eberly 207 West Main St. Mount Joy, PA 17552-1213 Email: <<>> Phone: (717)-653-1094 The AIRFLOW CLUB OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED is a non-profit organization founded in June 1962. The Club is dedicated to (1) the preservation, restoration, exhibition, and use of Chrysler and DeSoto Airflow cars and Dodge Airflow trucks; (2) the collection, recording and preservation, of Airflow historical data; (3) the dissemination to the public of the story of Airflow contributions to the automotive industry and (4) the promotion of good fellowship and cooperation among its members. The Airflow Club of America is authorized and licensed by Chrysler Corporation to use Chrysler, Dodge and DeSoto trademarks. Additionally, the Club is officially a member of the Chrysler Corporation family of enthusiast clubs under specific legal provisions of a signed agreement dated January 20, 1994. The AIRFLOW NEWSLETTER, published monthly, is the official publication of the Airflow Club of America. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the Airflow Club of America’s official policy. All manuscripts, articles, letters and ads are subject to being edited unless specified “print verbatim”. COPYRIGHT 2011 by the Airflow Club of America, Inc. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or part, in any form, without express written permission of the Airflow Club of America, Inc. AIRFLOW CLUB WEBSITE: the official Airflow Club Website is located at: <<http://>> AIRFLOW CLUB OFFICERS President – Frank Daly, Sammamish, WA (425) 868-7448 Vice President – Chandler Smith, Ft Worth, TX (817) 921-6699 Secretary - Doug Conran, Benton Harbor, MI (269) 925-1950 Treasurer - Dennis Pitchford, (Address and email in above box) NATIONAL DIRECTORS John Wagner, Athens, GA Jim Lightfoot, Simi Valley, CA John Librenjak, Riverside, CA REGIONAL DIRECTORS Eastern: Jon Clulow, Pasadena, MD Central: Chandler Smith, Ft. Worth, TX Western: Tom Prince, Walnut, CA CLUB STAFF Editor: Neal Jacquot, (Address and email in above box) Mail Records: Mary Kathryn Eberly, (Address and email in above box) Chief Judge: Phil Putnam: Orland, CA Chief Judge Emeritus: John Heimerl, Suffolk, VA Chief Judge Emeritus: Don Mitchell, Port Byron, IL Chief Judge Emeritus: Ellis Claar, Greensburg, PA Historian: Frank Daly, Sammamish, WA Storekeeper: John Librenjak, Riverside, CA. Phone: (951) 788-4678 Website: Frank Daly, Sammamish, WA RECENT PRESIDENTS 1998-2002 Jim Lightfoot, Simi Valley, CA 2002-2006 Charles “Chuck” Cochran, Indianapolis, IN 2006-2010 John Librenjak, Riverside, CA Cover photo-Christmas card collection Jim Fredrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airflow nostalgia generously shared with Club members, thanks to Jim Fredrick . 3 By Neal Jacquot We are a lucky lot! The Airflow Club of America is a fortunate group of automobile lovers. We have people who step up and share with information and other insight and member Jim Frederick of Roseville, Minnesota is one of those folks. In this issue Jim shares with us unique Chrysler related photos and other related information that are rare and not often seen. Jim is a collector and loves the art form of the 1920s and 30s. And in this month’s newsletter, Jim has provided some really neat insight into the Airflow period; including both Airflow DeSotos and Chryslers. In a recent Newsletter article, Jim was willing to share his CW with other members of the Club so that the rear end of the body of the CW could be replicated. Additionally some photos of his have been in recent issues. Now he shares even more. Soooooo, this next year, many of Fredrick’s photos and paraphernalia will be shared with you. Most will Mrs A. Perry Osborn and Mrs. Alexander E. McLanahan find the World’s Fair photos really something! As well, converse with Mr. Walter P. Chrysler, opening of the Sert the photos of the Congress Hotel in Chicago where Room of the Waldorf-Astoria. the Airflows were introduced will be shown…. Left: Getting inside during the winter, Michigan Avenue, Chicago,Congress Hotel, Joseph Urban Room, January 1934, CW, note stainless strips on open door and the curved windshield. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mid-1930s World’s Fair, Century of Progress, Chicago, Illinois. Chrysler Motors makes a big splash with its display of the conceptual future of the world. Not only is there a walkway with water ponds, but on the same grounds, a circular track was built to show new Chrysler products in action. Safety was one of the main themes. Left: From the book, Intercity Bus Lines of the Southwest ,by Jack Rhodes, 1988. Rhodes cites this vehicle as a converted Chrysler Airflow used by Union Bus Lines, apparently part of the Union Pacific Corporation as is shown by the emblem on the side. Source: Motor Bus Society . . . . . . . . 1934 Chrysler Airflow CW dashboard cited in an advertisement as the “Silent Servant” -Clock? . . . . . . . . . . 5 Retired Chief Engineer, Carl Breer; one of the innovators of the Airflow enjoyed fishing in New York State Chryslers on display for 1934; Fredrick thinks this may be part of the World’s Fair show in Chicago. Source: 1934 Catalogue Chrysler auto plant inspectors examining water pumps; they are at least 55 years old. “Men of that age are given preference for inspectorships, largely because of thoroughness of inspections”. Right ladies? Associated Press( March 1935)> Recognize the water pump, Airflowers?. Floyd Gibbons (L), war co rrespo ndent a nd President of DeSoto Motor Corporation Byron Foy view features of the new DeSoto Airflow at the Grand Central Palace, New York City, January 3, 1934. This was the beginning of Chrysler’s attempt to introduce the Airflow concept to the public. Note: bumper bar spring color same as body? 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUBBER STAMP 1937 Chrysler Airflow C-17 4-dr sedan. $10. NAME BUTTON A must for all ACA gatherings. Features Club's logo and your name. Furnish name as you want it on the finished button. $5. ACA MYLAR DECALS Red, white, blue. One for window: one for bumper. 3" x 4". $3 pair. ACA METAL EMBLEM Club logo in full color on heavy aluminum. 3" x 4-1/2". Specify mounting tab "up" or "down". Use on license plate. $8. FIREWALL PLATES For 1934 to 1942 models. Red for Chrysler or DENNIS PITCHFORD, TREASURER, ACA, black for DeSoto. Specify color. $7. 14947 LEIGH AVENUE HEADLIGHT MOUNTING PADS Fits all Chrysler Airflow models. SAN JOSE, CA 95124-4524 $32 pair. AIRFLOW NEWSLETTERS ON DVD A DVD of ACA Newslet- HEEL PADS For driver's side carpeting. Used in Chrysler & DeSoto ters from July, 1962, through December, 2010 is now available. These Airflows. Specify black or brown. $40. RUBBER BUMPER GROMMETS Fits behind the stainless rings on are fully searchable by word or phrase, as described in the November 1935-1937 models. $25 pair. '08 NL. $20.00 ea. PEDAL PADS Reproductions. Specify black or brown. For clutch and "THE HISTORY OF THE AIRFLOW CAR" Reprint of the Howbrake pedals. $20 pair. ard Irwin feature from August 1977 "Scientific American." An excelGAS PEDAL Reproductions for Airflows & others. Black or brown. lent piece. $4. "CW – THE QUINTESSENTIAL STREAMLINER" 17-page copy $25. GEARSHIFT BOOT Reproductions for Airflows & others. Black or of November 1994 "NL" written by Bob Joynt and Beverly Rae Kimes. The story of Airflow Chrysler CW limousines. Read about these brown. $25 COWL VENT WEATHER STRIP Fits all Airflow DeSotos & giant 146-1/2" wheelbase sedans. $4. Chryslers. $30 pair. "THE BIRTH OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION AND ITS ENFRONT DOOR VENT RUBBER SEALS Fits all 1935 to 1937 AirGINEERING LEGACY" Carl Breer's memoirs. Personal family flows. Can modify to fit 1934. $125 pair. recollections along with the story of Chrysler's history. Hardbound; 8 FRONT DOOR VENT RUBBER SEAL Fits all 1934 Airflows. chapters; 238 pages; 1995. Published by S.A.E. $40. $215 pair. VIDEO #1 First 3 titles are original 1930's factory films. “Fashioned by Function" - factory promotional: "Trails of Triumph" Harry Hartz at REAR WINDOW RUBBER SEAL Fits windows above trunk on all Airflow models. $4 per foot. Bonneville; "Safety With a Thrill" - 1934 Chicago World’s Fair; OUTSIDE RUBBER WINDSHIELD FRAME SEALS For all Air"Memoirs of an Engineer" -Carl Breer's Biography. "Airflow Development Pictures" from 1986 Chrysler Corp. slide set. 90 min. VHS or flows. Enough to make one pair. With instructions. $50. INSIDE RUBBER WINDSHIELD FRAME SEALS Fits between DVD only $20. the frame and the body ridge. Also used on doorsill plates. $4 per foot. VIDEO #2 "A Pictorial History on the Development of the Chrysler REAR QUARTER VENT WINDOW RUBBERS - Fits these 4-dr Airflow" made by William Z. Breer. 54 minutes. Made by William sedans Airflows only...CU, C-1, C-9, SE, SG, S-2. $160 pair. Breer for the 1996 Ft. Worth, TX National Meet. Record of Carl "ANTI-RATTLE" WINDOW SNUBBERS $2.00 each Breer's work on Airflows. VHS or DVD only $20. "ANTI-RATTLE" FENDER SKIRT GROMMETS Set of upper 4 TECHNICAL CD This is a complete record on every technical subject regarding each model of Airflow from 1934 to 1937. All items on pieces, $32, or lower 4 pieces $42. "SERVICE C INSTALLATION NOTES for FACTORY AUthe CD are indexed. Produced by Jon Clulow. $20. HISTORICAL CHRYSLER BULLETIN, OCTOBER 1963 This THORIZED PHILCO RADIOS" 17 pages for all Airflow models reprint is not 100% correct historically, but reflects Chrysler Corpora- 1934-1937. $7. HOOD PROP SPRINGS for '35, '36, '37 Airflow Chryslers & '35, '36 tion's view of the Airflow as of the early 1960's. $8. 1934 CHRYSLER SHOP MANUAL 140+ pages. $30. This reprint is Airflow DeSotos. Specify right or left. $10 each. HUBCAP SKINS for 1934-36 Airflow Chryslers and 1934-35 and 36 100% flawless in both photos and text. Tremendous reference! BODY MANUAL Exact reproduction of 1934 Chrysler Manual. Can DeSotos. These skins were produced in New Zealand by club member David Oliver. Skins are made of brass and properly chrome plated. be used for DeSoto, also. $20. The cost of each Chrysler and 1934-35 DeSoto hubcap skin is $110 OWNER'S MANUALS These seven instruction books are exact reand does not include shipping. Each 1936 DeSoto hubcap skin is productions of originals: (1) 1934 DeSoto SE, 95 pages; (2) 1935 $125.00. Shipping is billed when skins are shipped to you). Chrysler C-1, 48 pages; (3) 1935 Chrysler C-2, 48 pages: (4) 1936 CHRYSLER FUEL PUMP HEAT SHIELD - a new item for 2008. DeSoto S-2 Manual with owner i.d. card and printed envelope; (5) Sorry, no shields for DeSoto as yet. Each heat shield only $20.00. 1936 Chrysler C-9 Manual; .(6) 1936 Chrysler C-10, 48 pages: (7) AIRFLOW REPRODUCTION DECAL Warning decal for Air1937 Chrysler C-17, 48 pages. $18 each. cleaner and Silencer. Decal #DD617 is for the '34 and ''35 Chrysler and AIRFLOW III DESOTO BROCHURE Over 40 photos in this 24 '34 - '36 DeSoto. Each decal: $6.50 plus 50¢ shipping. page, reprint of 7” x 9” sales brochure. $10. 1936 DESOTO AIRFLOW OR AIR STREAM SPEEDOMETER GAUGE OR CLOCK FACES - $150 set. ORDERING INFORMATION Items guaranteed. Postage: 10 percent of total order for items shipped to US locations. International member's orders must be paid in USA dollar funds with added money for postage. Checks must be drawn on a USA bank. Prices are always subject to change. Continuing stock of items not assured. Clearly print your order on plain paper and mail with check or money order, made to "The Airflow Club" to: 7 Ads are renewable every 2 months: must be submitted by the 10th of each month to be in the next month’s edition. For Sale: Reproduction gas tank filler grommets. Grommets fit 1934 -35 Chrysler and DeSoto coupes and sedans. These are EXACT reproductions. Please specify - coupe or sedan when ordering. Price is $45.00 plus $5.00 shipping. (Check payable to John Librenjak-NOT Airflow Club) Contact: John Librenjak, 3595 McKinley St., Riverside, CA 92506, Phone: (951) 788-4678. For Sale: Original Chrysler and DeSoto Literature! Large selection of Chrysler and DeSoto sales brochures, manuals, factory photos, etc., for all models including Airflows. Send stamped envelope with years for free list. Please specify Chrysler or DeSoto as I have lists for all makes of cars/trucks/motorcycles - worldwide. Contact: Walter Miller, 6710 Brooklawn Pkwy, Syracuse, NY 13211. Phone: (315)432-8282 or Fax: (315) 432-8256. E-mail: <<>>. For Sale 1936 Desoto S-2 gauge faces for the combo Speedo and Tach Gauge. Had specially made and look perfect. Only have a few to offer. This makes that rare option like brand new. $150 each Contact Red McFadden, <<>>, Phone (269)637-5025. For Sale: 1934 DeSoto NOS Grille, it is complete with all stainless steel bars. A couple of the stainless bars have small dents that will need attention. The steel bars of the grille are straight with the factory primer still applied. Price $450 plus shipping. Contact : John Librenjak, Phone, (951)-788-4678 Wanted: For a 1935 DeSoto SG Sedan I need two headlight lenses, two headlight bezels, good hubcaps, tail lights, and a hood ornament. For the headlight bezels I would like to purchase two of them, but if I cannot find them then I would like some generous soul to loan me one so I can investigate the possibility of making two for my car. Any help and/or leads will be greatly appreciated. Contact; Steve Frisbie, 4440 SE 174th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97236, (503) 665-2222 ( For Sale: restored running boards for an S-2 DeSoto, $1,000, Chuck Phillips, 7624 Hopkins Road, Richmond, VA 23237, email <<>> Phone: (804)-279-8976. Come and get it! We have a 1934 CY chassis (Canadian built in the Chrysler name, but equivalent to the 6 cylinder DeSoto SE). This is an Airflow carcass consisting pretty much of a complete drive train and is available for free to anyone who is willing to come and pick it up from Binbrook, ON. Please let us know. It would be nice if someone could use it; otherwise, off to the scrap yard. Contact: Bob Cranston, 2178 Trinity Church Road, RR#1, Binbrook Ontario L0R lC0, CANADA; Phone (905) 692-3167 For Sale: Doorsill Scuff Plates for your fine restoration or beautiful original Airflow. Very limited supply. Exact reproduction of original patterns. Sedans except DeSoto S2 - $350.00 per set. Coupes except DeSoto S2 -$175.00. DeSoto S-2 – Sedans $450.00; Coupes $225.00 Shipping and taxes are in addition to the prices quoted. If response exceeds supply, I may consider obtaining more blanks. But speak up! Let me know right away if you will be needing doorsill scuff plates so I can make plans too. Also:. Just found on my shelf for SE, CU, CV, CY coupes – Hardboard headliner retainer metal trim strips that go above the door openings. One pair in useable condition - hard to find – free for the price of shipping – a bulky item. Also,for SE DeSoto – Die cast lower center hood moulding – pitted and needs plating but not broken. Same as above. Contact: Jim Hazlewood 141 Stanley St N Thamesford Ontario Canada N0M 2M0 (519) 285 2279 hazlewood@globalserve.netof shipping – . Wanted: ’34 DeSoto SE (or Chrysler) drivers door windows regulator or any other door reg. I need the clutch assy that the crank handle attaches to. They all appear to be the same. Contact: Norman Mulloy, (519)-442-3622 or Parts Wanted: I need the windshield attachments for the windout ribbon on my Business Coupe. These parts have a one screw attachment for the ribbon and were used on late build SG and all S-2 DeSotos. I believe they are the same on Chryslers. They are 1 7/8 inches long and attach to the lower windshield frames with two screws that are 1 3/8 inches apart. If you have these items on unusable windshield frames, Lead: 1935 DeSoto SG front axle, rear axle and block. Parts Contact: Dennis Pitchford, (408)-559-7977 or e-mail located in Sutter Creek, California. Asking $200. Non-member <<>> Wanted: two taillight bezels for my S-2. Jim Nicolaus, ,(916)-488-4843 or Email: <<>>. Sponsored by Dennis Pitch- Contact: Red McFadden, 13500 73rd Street, South Haven, MI 49090, Phone: (269)-637-5025, Email:<<>> ford. Wanted: For a 34 CU-I need a front bumper bracket: also need the chrome strip on fender skirts. And, we are looking for Ads for the Marketplace Post, phone or E-Mail your ad insertion to : running board rubber for a 35 Dodge 2 door sedan if anyone knows a Neal Jacquot, vendor who does that. Any help would be appreciated. 2714 E. 7th St., Casper, WY 82609, Contact Ron Carzoli; 5208 Cody Dr., West Des Moines, Iowa; or Phone: (307) 234-9198 50265, Phone: (515)-225-3601; Email: <<>> or Email: Election Time:Please consider supporting your Club by running for an Officer or National Director position. If you are interested, contact any Board member. Expressions of interest in running for office must be made to a Board member by December 31,2011. Please note that Board member’s addresses and phone numbers are on page 2 of each Newsletter or the Club Roster, if you are interested. Candidates will be requested to forward a brief resume/biography and photo to the Club Secretary (Doug Conran) Ballots and candidate's resumes will be sent to all Club members before March 1; all ballots must be returned by April 15. 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEMBERSHIP 2012 It is time to renew your membership with the Club. Please note that the 2012 Renewal Form is included with this month’s Newsletter. When mailing back, please remember to include a check for your membership fees. Renewal forms will not be sent out again. Airflow Club Jackets for Sale Advanced Apparel Inc. 650 W. Sandy Parkway Sandy, Utah 84070 (801)-566-5720 See ACA web page Western Region Christmas Dinner December 4, 12:30 pm to 3:00 Beckham Grill, Pasadena, CA Call Tom Prince for reservations @909-598-1086 Airflow Christmas Cards The full color cards show a blue 1936 Airflow Chrysler C-9 Coupe. Original painting done by Don Bethman of David Felderstein’s Chrysler as the model. $10 postpaid for 20 cards (US funds in Canada and the USA, other countries add $5.00 US). FOR SALE thru the Club Store. AIRFLOW CLUB INTERNET FORUMS The Airflow Club participates in two internet forums, one hosted by the AACA and other hosted by Yahoo. The easiest way to reach the AACA Forum is to go to the Airflow Club Home Page at <<>> and at the bottom of the page click on the AACA Forum address. If you want to access the forum directly, their address is <<http://>>. Then click on Forums. This opens all the forum lists. Click on Register Here and register as a forum member, then scroll down the list Airflow Club of America in the Chrysler Products group. Yahoo also hosts a forum for us. To access their forum go to <<http://>>. .
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