Aug - Pierpont Bay Yacht Club
Aug - Pierpont Bay Yacht Club
August 2010 PIERPONT BAY YACHT CLUB 2010 STAFF COMMODORE VICE COMMODORE REAR COMMODORE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR TREASURER SECRETARY PORT CAPTAIN FORE 'N' AFT EDITOR MEMBERSHIP CHAIR RACE CHAIR SOCIAL COORDINATOR BAR MANAGER CRUISE CHAIRS POWER FLEET CHAIR THE CLOTHESLINE PROGRAM COORDINATOR BIRTHDAY CHAIR RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR WEB MISTRESS JUDGE ADVOCATE PHOTOGRAPHER GALLEY MANAGER FLAG OFFICERS Gerald Davies Randy Buckingham Cindi Mathieu (805) 650-1172 (818) 703-8259 (805) 525-2885 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rick Lunsford Jim Lavagnino Tom Nelson Mindy Siemens (805) 231-1787 (805) 890-8428 (805) 963-1347 (805) 988-3053 HEADS OF ACTIVITIES Lesley Pelka Sheryl Lunsford George Moore Bill Gibbs Tom Nelson/Ed Key Richard Countess (818) 523-5299 (805) 231-1787 (805) 658-8061 (805) 529-1991 (805) 963-1347 (818) 889-2669 Robin Whyte Jeff & Tami Greer Rick Lunsford Robin Whyte Randy Buckingham Tami Greer Su Countess Sheryl Lunsford Bob Bartosh Jim Lavagnino Lynne Nelson (805) 409-5383 (805) 531-9969 (805) 231-1787 (805) 409-5383 (818) 703-8259 (805) 531-9969 (818) 889-2669 (805) 231-1787 (805) 653-5575 (805) 890-8428 (805) 963-1347 STAFF COMMODORES Dale Pelka, Junior Staff Commodore 2008 - Tom Nelson 2007 – Alan Annis 2006 – Judy Nolde 2005 - Joe Vetrano 2004 - Gloria Wright 2003 - George Moore 2002 - Gerald Davies 2001 - Carole Lapointe 2000 - John McIntyre 1999 - Susan Countess 1998 - Tom Spurgin (D) 1996/7- Eric Jones 1995 - Dave Vandaveer 1994 - Sandi Hirlinger 1993 - Marilyn Schuler 1992 - Fred Winter 1991 - Wayne Christensen (D) 1990 - Mike Benson (D) 1989 - Buzz Hauber 1988 - Stan Schuler 1987 - Rudi Breuer (D) 1986 - Richard Countess 1985 - Ron Golding 1984 - Pam Dixon 1983 - Jerry Boston 1982 - Bob Kimble (D) 1981 - Lee Holjes (D) 1980 - Frank Lynch 1979 - Jack Lazenby 1978 - Elaine Tarr 1977 - Bill Wells 1976 - Richard Cross (D) 1975 - James Lemmerz 1974 - Chuck Queen 1973 - James Sweatt (D) From the Commodore As in previous years, July at PBYC was all about Milt's race and this year was no exception. Once again the winds god's smiled on us and there was enough of the stuff to get all the racers home at a reasonable time. As has been our theme all year at these events, most of the work in putting on the event was carried out by the members, and once again it was an overwhelming success, both from a race, social and financial perspective. I would like to sincerely thank all the PBYC members for all the effort and organization, from the race crew working with Richard and Su, to Carol's Saturday evening chile, and then there was the fantastic breakfast Cindi and her crew put on for the awards ceremony on Sunday morning... we all had a enjoyable event the club made a few dollars... how do you do better than that? THANKS EVERYONE. During the General meeting on July 24th we had the Blue Ball of happiness drawing and once again the winner was not present, so the money rolls over to next month (I believe this is the third month without a winner)….remember you have to be there to win. Not a lot to report to you from the July board meeting, one of those no news is good news things…so take it while we can. We did discuss our revised club rental fee schedule, and Cindi and I will try to get that finalized before the next meeting. Also Lynne and Sheryl are planning a couple of exciting social events during this second half of the year, so keep a lookout for information on these events. Remember our next Island Series race is august 24th so let's put on a great show one more time to finish off the 2010 series, so volunteer when and where you can. Remember next meeting is August 28th ………………..and the BBH Gerald Davies PBYC Commodore From the Vice Commodore I am writing this on July 18, 2010! When this article is usually due I will be somewhere between Ventura and Portland, OR! We are leaving this week, although a definite departure is not set because of conditions off Point Conception. [I heard Randy’s anchor left the bow in big seas, it’s rode wrapping around the propellor shaft, resulting in a bent shaft, bent strut, ruined motor mounts and front mounting brackets, possible transmission damage and water pump shaft damage. I think we need an update on departure dates. Good luck, ed] Milt's Race will be reported on by Richard, I understand that it was a cold and wet race but not without wind! By all reports the Milt's Breakfast was a success. Most of the food was eaten and we ran out of bread too soon (a note for next year!) This event would not have been as successful without the help and dedication of many people. Richard and Su Countess coordinated all of the trophies for the race as well as soliciting and collecting items for the Silent Auction and Raffle. Tom and Lynne Nelson who arrived at the club at 6am to Sunday and begin cooking (Thanks, Lynne!) and setting up the tables and chairs under the tent (Thanks, Tom!) Both of them helped in many ways to make sure everything went smoothly! Randy Buckingham who arrived early on both Saturday and Sunday and helped in ways big and small, he was always there when I needed something done! Mindy Siemens who arrived at 8am and helped with food preparation, then served during the buffet, then helped with the massive clean up! Rick Lunsford stepped up and served the Breakfast Casserole. Sheryl Lunsford enthusiastically sold raffle tickets to all of the attendees. Ann Wallman sold breakfast tickets so people could eat. Lou Wallman helped in many ways including setting up and keeping things going. Jim Lavagnino also assisted anyone needing help and probably took many pictures. A big thank you to everyone who helped me and made this event a success! The last race in the Island Series is the Tri Point Race to be held on August 21st. On Sunday following the race a Tri-tip BBQ lunch will be served for the trophy presentation. Volunteers are needed to prepare the after race food for the racers and for the BBQ. At the June Board Meeting I was authorized to purchase new and matched sets of dinner plates, dessert plates and eating utensils. This has been done and was used for the reception held at the club on July 10th. These will be used for club rental events only. I would like to welcome Rick Lunsford to the Bridge as Rear Commodore. I am sure he will do an outstanding job and I am very happy that he accepted this appointment. Welcome also to Lou Wallman who was appointed to Director. Next month I will regale you with anecdotes of our sailing trip to Portland!! Cindi Mathieu PBYC Vice Commodore View From The Rear For all of you that haven't gotten the good word, I am your brand new Rear Commodore. WooHoo! This change was made during our last meeting when Randy Buckingham stepped down as Vice Commodore to make the big move to Oregon. Cindi Mathieu moved up from Rear Commodore to take his place and I moved up from the Directors seat to take the Rear Commodores position. All this moving around left one of the directors' seats open, which Lou Wallman so graciously filled. We have also filled a new seat with Anne Wallman being our new Fleet Surgeon. So with all this shuffling around you ask, why is Randy Buckingham still around? That's another story, which deals with the supernatural effects of the “Ventura Triangle”. This is not to be confused with the last race of our Island Series, the Tri-Point Race that is being held on 8/21. For further information on the “Ventura Triangle” contact Randy Buckingham. The Milt Ingram Trophy Race went off without a hitch! Lots of entries, lots of wind, lots of good food and prizes, and lots of volunteers! I thank each and every one of you who jumped in and helped with this event, without you, this club and its racing program wouldn't be what it is today! Thank you. Ok, its thirty minutes till deadline and I think I've done enough rambling…wait, one more thing. Tom Nelson and I will be cooking tri-tip for the next club meeting on 8/28 and you don't want to miss out, so be sure and mark your calendars. I look forward to working with my Chairs, Richard, Jeff and Tami this year, and I thank all of you for allowing me to serve as your Rear Commodore and I will try my hardest to do the best I can for you and PBYC. [I’m sure you’ll do great! Thanks for stepping up, ed] Thank you. Rick Lunsford PBYC Rear Commodore Race Report Richard Countess MILT INGRAM TROPHY RACE PBYC's 26th annual Milt Ingram Trophy race, the second race of the Island Series, attracted 46 boats on July 17th. Assisting Susan and me on Andy Killion's powerboat Carlina, that served as the committee boat, were Steve Phillips from Anchors Way Marine, Steve's girlfriend Trish and Randy Buckingham with Jim Lavaginino taking photographs, while Bob Bartosh, Anne Wallman and Sheryl Lundsford used Bob's 32' powerboat as the safety boat for the beach cats. I would like to thank the following individuals for making this year's Milts race a great success: Susan for the T-shirt design; Lou and Anne Wallman for picking up and inventorying the shirts; Anne for assisting with registration and selling T-shirts; the following individuals who did a shift on the finish line: George Moore, Dale Pelka, Rick Lunsford, and Gerald Davies; Mindy and Al Siemens for providing their deluxe motor home for the finishing crew; Maura O'Conner and Jamie Clark for bartending Saturday; Carol Davies for the hot chili we served the racers on Saturday evening; Cindi Mathieu, Lynne Nelson and Mindy for preparing the Sunday morning trophy awards breakfast served under the big tent in the VIM parking lot; and Carol, Anne, Rick, and Robin Whyte for overseeing the raffle and silent auction on Sunday. The weather gods smiled on us again with all boats finishing before 9 PM and Bill Gibbs' AFTERBURNER setting a new elapsed time record of 3 hours and 56.2 minutes for the 42 nm course which earned him the Craig Ashby Memorial trophy for the first multihull boat to finish. Bill Guilfoyle's Santa Cruz 52 PREVAIL was the first monohull boat to finish with an elapsed time of 5 hours and 30.55 minutes which earned him the Commodore's perpetual trophy. Other perpetual trophy winners were PK and Vance Edwards' Catalina 42 WINDANCER for the Milt Ingram trophy for the monohull with the lowest corrected time; Tom Cullen's J-120 BLUEBIRD for the A-class perpetual trophy for the boat in the spinnaker A class with the lowest corrected time; Dr. Laura Schlessinger's J-100 PERFECT for the Woman Skipper trophy; Jim Dembowski's Moore 24 ECLIPSE for the double-handed Mates' trophy; Randy Alcorn's Cal 29 OUT PATIENT for the Tom Spurgin Memorial trophy for the non-spinnaker boat with the lowest corrected time; and Alex Van Brunt's GONZO for the Catamaran Class trophy for the beachcat with the lowest corrected time. Tom Warshauer on QUIET TIMES was awarded the Cruising Class trophy, and Chris Johnston on BREEZY was awarded the Endurance trophy (a crying towel) for spending the most time on the water (9 hours and 24 minutes). WIND DANCER thoroughly hammered the PHRF fleet on corrected time. Her crew stopped the boat and gave aid to FUNATIC, that had lost her mast, and still finished first in the Spinnaker C Class and first overall. WIND DANCER was given a 20-minute time allowance for rendering assistance. However she was still the overall winner without the extra time allowance, nipping Dr. Laura Schlessinger's J-100 PERFECT by 15 seconds excluding the time allowance. Dr. Laura was the winner in the Spinnaker Class B, just two seconds ahead of ANGRY HILLBILLIES, an Olson 30, co-skippered by Paul Moore and Deke Klatt. Other class winners were: Tom Cullen's J-120 BLUEBIRD in Spinnaker A, Verne Haller's Catalina 320 R ESCAPE in Nonspinnaker A, Randy Alcorn's Cal 29 OUT PATIENT in Nonspinnaker B, Lee Edwards F-28 HONUKAI in the Multi-hull class; Alexander Van Brunt' Formula 18 GONZO in the beach catamaran class. The full race results and photos taken by Jim Lavagnino at the start, the finish, and at the trophy presentation are posted on PBYC's website. The corrected finish times are presented below. Race Results (corrected finish times) Spinnaker A 1. Bluebird, T. Cullen, 5:40:11. 2. Prevail, W. Guilfoyle, 5:41:03. 3. Colt 45, D. Chepley, 5:47:06. 4. Bebe, C. Browning, 5:59:49. 5. Funatic, R. Vitesse, DNF. Spinnaker B 1. Perfect, Dr. L. Schlessinger, 5:18:11. 2. Angry Hillbillies, Moore & Klatt, 5:18:13. 3. Uhambo, D. Chase, 5:27:32. 4. XS, G. Beville, 5:35:02. 5. Double Down, B. Kerr, 5:37:44. 6. Sprit Decision, Weber & Moll, 5:41:19. 7. 3 Little Birds, M. Holbert, 5:43:34. 8. Rage, T. Roland, 5:48:29. Wahoo and Perfect Balance: DNS. Spinnaker C 1. Wind Dancer, PK & V. Edwards, 4:57:58. 2. Pangea, D. Mercer, 5:22:17. 3. Fusse, H. Krum, 5:34:46. 4. Majic Dragon, M. Hopper, 6:01:04. 5. Eclipse, J. Dembowski, 6:10:00. 6. Paradise Found, J. Albert, 6:12:40. Zoarces: DNS. Non-Spinnaker A 1. R Escape, V. Haller, 5:51:47 2. Quiet Times, T. Warshauer, 6:03:12. 3. Endurance, M. Stuzane, 6:03:32. Sea Bird: DNF. Mystic Flyer and Papakea: DNS. Non-Spinnaker B 1. Out Patient, R. Alcorn, 5:43:16. 2. Velero, B. Swanson, 6:29:21 3. Runaway, T. Colp, 6:45:01. 4. Breezy, C. Johnston, 7:01:12. 5. Sunny Girl, I. Biegeleisen, 7:14:17. 6. Superstition, D. Miller, 7:15:05. Multihull 1. Honukai, L. Edwards, 5:10:49. 2. Sally Lightfoot, P. Marston, 5:29:58. 3. No Regrets, B. Stanton, 5:32:09. 4. Alien, D. Frenette, 5:37:36. 5. Drei, G. Kahler, 5:59:42. 6. Afterburner, W. Gibbs, 6:06:18. Indefatigable and Wimpy: DNF. Beachcats Gonzo, A. Van Brunt, 6:35:24, 2. No Name, B. Martinez, 7:33:36. Jet: DNF. TRI-POINT OCEAN RACE We are looking for T-shirt designs for the Tri-point Ocean race, the third race in PBYC's Island Series, scheduled for Saturday August 21st; please send me your ideas ASAP. I strongly recommend pre-ordering your short sleeve T-shirt ($20) or long sleeve polo shirt ($35) as we sold out early for the Milt Ingram T-shirts. The Sunday trophy awards lunch tickets are $15 if prepaid or $20 at the door. UP-COMING LOCAL RACES August 7 AYC's Wes Golemon Memorial Race (Anacapa #3) August 14 CIYC's Neil Underwood Memorial Regatta August 21 PBYC's Tri-Point Ocean Race (Island Series #3) August 29 PCYC's Rotten Ralph Sept. 4-6 AYC's Santa Barbara City Race Sept. 6 AYC's Tequila Derby Sept. 11-12 VSC's Prison Break Sept. 18-19 VYC's Ventura Cup Regatta & Santa Barbara Channel Challenge Sept. 25 CIYC's VCMRF Charity Regatta The Milt Ingram Su’s Tidbits Calling all aspiring artists, designers, and dabblers in art. We need a design for the Tshirts and polos for the Tri-point Ocean Race. Free-hand or computer drawn; we don't care. It can be one color or many. Ideally it would depict sailboats racing and can include Anacapa Island, an oilrig, and whatever else suits your fancy. The Hardway Race shirts were light blue with a multi-color design. Milt's Race shirts were maroon with a single color design. Both sold out. We can add the words. The shirt printer wants camera-ready art by August 11th. Contact me if you need encouragement or more info. Hey, I was an engineer, can't drawn a straight line with a ruler, and I have done a few designs. There are a lot of good people out there. It was gratifying to see non-members help breaking down chairs/tables after Milt's Race breakfast and trophy presentation. Rod Abbott came to the club late Saturday to make sure we knew of and would thank all the boats that offered help when FUNATIC's mast came down during the race. WIND DANCER actually stopped to pass over a bolt cutter and UHAMBO, PERFECT, and SALLY LIGHTFOOT also offered assistance. Now that I have become frustratingly (temporarily?) disabled, many people, even strangers, stop to ask if I need assistance. I have learned to swallow my pride and thank them for offering, which is tough for a misanthrope like me. Long time member and circumnavigator Bill Williams will be in town next week. It will be one of those happy/sad occasions. We haven't seen Bill in years. He is bringing his wife, Sherri's, ashes to spread in Pierpont Bay where their adventure began. We plan to offer SYMPHONY for that job. Then, we hope to go to the Islands for my birthday. It's a club cruise. I'm pretty sure that I can get into the dinghy. I am also pretty sure I will not be able to get out of the dinghy without using the bosun's chair. Hope to see more PBYC boats at Santa Cruz. If you have not been to PBYC recently, why not? Cruise calendar July 31st/ August 2nd Island Cruising – Various Anchorages September 18th- Day Cruise - Coastal Sailing Adventure October 10th Caregiver's Sailathon. Help Support a Great Cause. Updates on upcoming cruises will be sent out as dates near since destinations could change dependent on weather conditions & cruiser suggestions. Contact us at or 805-531-9969 if you have any questions. If you are interested in getting a ride we can also match you up with skippers with extra room. See you on the water. Jeff & Tami Greer – Onboard Island Time & the Tami Lu – VIM G Dock Cindi’s sailing adventure... July 25, 2010 PS: I am adding this because I am back on dry land and not sailing to Portland. We had technical difficulties with the boat necessitating being towed to Santa Barbara and then to Ventura. Repairs on Ma Cherie will take over a week from now and so a new departure date is not early August. This is too late for me to participate in relocating Randy's boat to Oregon. Fortunately he has secured a new crew and will get there in August. I am disappointed that I cannot make this trip but wish Randy and his new crew a safe and speedy trip. [better luck with your next adventure, ed] IT'S TIME TO MEET YOUR BOATYARD by Bob Bartosh This is the first in what will become a series of articles on how to make the most of your visit to the boatyard. In this series each department head at Ventura Harbor Boatyard will, by way of introduction, discuss ways to make the haul out experience as effective as possible with regard to each manager's area of expertise. Armed with some simple rules of thumb about vessel maintenance and repair, we hope to make the haul out of your vessel, if not a pleasurable experience, at least a less painful one. First in the natural order of vessel repair and maintenance is the haul out. Mike Hanson, the Boatyard's customer service manager will give some insight into the haul out process. Mike Hanson is a native Venturan who grew up on the water. He has 24 years experience at Ventura Harbor Boatyard maintaining and repairing vessels of every kind. Mike coordinates and schedules all haul outs in the large & small vessel facilities. He performs estimates of work by working closely with the owners and the various department heads. Mike's knowledge and experience with all aspects of marine services makes him ideally suited to assist the owner in sheparding his vessel through the haul out process. He's also one heck of a nice guy. The following are some of Mike's suggestions when preparing for a haul out: Like cars, all boats require regular care and maintenance, and sometimes, repairs as well. Whether you are a do-it-yourself person, or prefer to let professionals service your boat, just about any boatyard can be a source for information and are usually happy to answer questions about boat maintenance, service, and repairs. Whether you are contemplating an annual haul out for a bottom job and zinc replacement or have to specially haul for a specific repair, it is helpful to have a checklist prepared: 1. It is a good idea, in preparation for a haul out to do anything that can be done in the water rather than waiting until the vessel is on the “hard” (hauled out and in the yard). a. Before hauling you should pump out holding tanks, and flush toilets and waste hoses with fresh water. b. If you are not a live aboard, you should remove all food, to avoid spoilage. c. As much as possible, stow all loose items below so as to preserve them and not get in the way of the repair process. The very nature of the work that goes on at boatyards means that there will be more dust and dirt than you might experience dock side. Stowing items such as life rings, dock lines and other things normally seen on deck will preserve them during the haul out. 2. Visit the boatyard beforehand: · a. Check out the Travelift & jack stands. Observe the work currently underway. · b. If you are hauling out away from home, you should determine if there is water, power, showers, toilets, laundry, and nearby stores. · c. Are the shore power connectors compatible with yours? · d. Show the customer service representative or hoist operator a photo or spec sheet of the bottom of your vessel so they know where to position the straps. Some yards, including Ventura Harbor Boatyard will put stickers on the vessel under the bulwarks (out of sight), after the first haul out so as to mark the strap placement for future haul outs. e. Have all of the documentation regarding your vessel organized and available to the boatyard. Access to manuals and documentation regarding your vessel and its systems saves repair time. A written repair history is also very good information for the boatyard to assist in estimating and repairing your vessel. f. Be realistic about the timeline required to perform maintenance or repair of your vessel. A good rule of thumb is to estimate a timeline and then factor in an additional 30 percent for unforeseen issues. This can reduce the frustration factor. g. Get estimates and make sure you are comparing apples to apples and not apples to oranges. By this I mean make sure you are being quoted for the same job i.e., haul & launch, pressure washing, blocking to work area any environmental fees, lay days, extras, etc. Be aware that yards may charge differently for the same services. The most important part of preparation is knowing what maintenance or repairs are going to be needed before the haul out. If there are no detectable malfunctions and your vessel needs a simple bottom job and zinc replacement, a pretty reliable estimate of cost can be given. VHBY has an estimate request form on our website at which goes directly to me [if you aren’t aware or haven’t guessed, Bob is a big wig at Ventura Boat Yard, ed] or you can e-mail me at I can get you an estimate right away. You should ask other yards for estimates as well. If you believe there may be something wrong with your vessel that needs repair, whether in the water or during a haul out, many boatyards will send a service person to your dock free of charge to look at the problem. I, for one, would be happy to meet you at your dock here in Ventura, Oxnard and Channel Islands Harbor. All boats are special and no two jobs are alike. A meeting at the vessel allows us to generate a more accurate estimate based on a specific repair or job request. Whichever boatyard you choose for your next haul out, we recommend you select one with experienced and professional staff including mechanics, painters, welders, stainless specialists, electronics, rigging and hoist operators. While you may not need all, or any of these services this time around, your vessel may need them one day and it is a good idea to allow a boatyard to get to know your vessel for the long term. Remember we are here to help you enjoy your boating experience and advice is always free so please don't hesitate to call. My direct line is 805-654-1433 ext 18. [PBYC is blessed to be well connected with local boat yards through its members Bob Bartosh and Andy Killian. Bob with Ventura Boatyard. Andy with both Anchors Ways, Ventura and Channel Islands. I have had occasion to use both of them over the years. Always with good results, ed] Ventura Harbor Marine Fuel Oil and filter change service* We carry low sulfur diesel fuel We also carry Biodiesel, the “environmentally friendly” fuel Contact: Ventura Harbor Marine Fuel Inc. * Bring in this ad for 20% off a full service oil change. Contact us for more info. (805) 644-4046 Notes from the Editor Once again PBYC hosts the best Ventura race of the year! And arranges for wind! Of course this is my part of sailing, the racing part. Especially the going fast part. We were happily surprised to see 10-12 TWS at the start. We had a good start, on time for a change. Unbeknownst to us, 2 boats up the line were over early and missed the flags. The RC was nice enough to call on radio and get them back. [thanks Richard, ed] Leg one was 10 miles to weather, out to platform Grace. Seas were big, winds were 12-14 TWS. AB pitches something fierce, makes bow work tough. We caught all but one mono by Grace. And saw Funatic dismasted. Hell of a thing, but everyone was ok. Leg 2 was a 10 mile beam reach in 15-20 TWS. We spent a lot of time doing 20's peaking at 25 knots. And passing Prevail, the lead mono. Leg 3 is the backside of Anacapa. We got our big headsail up in time for no wind. Speeds of 1-2 knots on every point of sail. We cried as Prevail raced up under spinnaker. We finally got into wind again, close reaching then getting slammed by wind thru the 2nd gap, 25+ gusts. This entire race was a main and jib affair for us. No downwind leg at all. Leg 4 was back to Ventura, a close reach in 18-20+ knots TWS. We were depowered in these conditions. We are hitting mid 20's as the wind backs a bit. A wet ride as the waves hit the side of the hull and travel back into my face. Lots of grinding as we trim to keep the hull skimming. A great run! Finish in the harbor, dock, pack up the boat, get to the club for… Hot chili & cold beer! There is not much better when you are wet and tired. We set a new course record; 3:56:12. Old time was 4:06:06. And got hammered on corrected time. Oh well, still a great sailing day! Thanks to all the PBYC folk that make these races possible. Your Editor, Bill Gibbs The Fore ‘N Aft Club Victor & Astra Vaits Bill & Iris Wells Supporting PBYC & the Fore ‘N Aft August Birthdays 4. Donna Spain 4. Will Tacke 12. Bob Bartosh 12. Margo Hemond 14. Eric Jones 17. Sherry Hartman 20. Karen Reilly ! ! s he s i W t s Be Pierpont Bay Yacht Club 2010 OD and Club Host Schedule Weekend OD Buckingham Dates Jul 30, 31, Aug 1 6, 7, 8 13, 14, 15 20, 21, 22 27, 28, 29 Friday 6-10 Flores Saturday 5-10 Buckingham Sunday 2-5 Gibbs Greer Nelson Siemens Lunsford Haller Key Pelka Roland Killion Pang Reilly Moore Mathieu Nelson Siemens Lunsford August August August August Lavagnino Davies Buckingham Mathieu Sep Sep Sep Sep 3, 4, 5 10, 11, 12 17, 18, 19 24, 25, 26 Slane Bartosh Countess Flores Tacke Whyte Clark Greer Wallman Annis Derby Gibbs Nelson Siemens Lunsford Lavagnino Davies Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct 1, 2, 3 8, 9, 10 15, 16, 17 22, 23, 24 29, 30, 31 Greer Killion Lunsford Roland Wallman Kerr Pang Pelka Lavagnino Whyte Haller Siemens Nackdymon Moore Tacke Buckingham Mathieu Nelson Siemens Nov Nov Nov Nov 5, 6, 7 12, 13, 14 19, 20, 21 26, 27, 28 Bartosh Buckingham Countess Mathieu Lavagnino Pelka Self Serve Weekend Clark Gibbs Moore Just as a reminder, when you are scheduled for Club Host duty, your responsibilities are to unlock the door, turn on the lights and be a friendly face for anyone who stops by. You may, or you don't have to, actually do bartending duty. Bar can be self serve if you wish. Also, if you are unable to host on your assigned day, please find a substitute. Bar Hours: Friday 1800 - 2200 Saturday 1700 - 2200 Sunday 1400 - 1700 30th Annual Tri-point Ocean Race NOTICE OF RACE Get set to have some fun sailing clockwise around Anacapa Island. This is the final race of the 2010 Island Series. The weather is usually great, so, whether you are in the Series or not, come on out and have a fun day on the water. DATE : Saturday, August 21, 2010 TIME: The start signal for the first class is scheduled for 1100 hours. COURSE: From the START at the Mandalay Buoy offshore from the Mandalay Power Plant, proceed around Platform Gina then Anacapa Island, leaving them to starboard, and FINISH in the Ventura Harbor entrance channel. The handicap distance is 34 nm. CLASSES: PHRF-handicapped spinnaker and non-spinnaker classes will be formed with class breaks determined by entries and announced at the Skippers Meeting. An ORCA-handicapped class and a Portsmouth-handicapped beach cat class will be formed. Other classes may be formed at the discretion of the RC. This is a PHRF Category 3 event, and Random Leg Course ratings with area A adjustments will be used. ENTRY : The race will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing. The PHRF MIR Rule does not apply. The Sailing Instructions will be available at the Skippers Meeting, which will be held at PBYC promptly at 0830 hours on August 21st. Registration will be accepted from 0730 to 0830 hours and by mail. Mail-in entries are strongly encouraged. TROPHIES: Take-home trophies will be awarded in each class in addition to perpetual trophies for both the spinnaker and non-spinnaker classes for the Tri-point Ocean Race. In order to be eligible to win trophies, monohull boats shall have valid PHRF certificates. The Pacific Sailing Women Crew perpetual trophy will be awarded to the PHRF boat with the lowest corrected time among all boats skippered by women in the Tri-point Ocean Race. Trophy presentation will be at PBYC on Sunday, August 22, 2010. Entrants will receive one complimentary lunch ticket. MISCELLANEOUS: For further information contact Race Chair, Richard Countess, at 818-889-2669, e-mail Visit PBYC on the web at Looking Ahead September 2. Los Padres Ski Club meeting 6. Labor Day 6. Free Fishing Day 6. PHRF meeting 7:30 pm 11. Fleet 1 Meeting 10 am 13. Ventura Outrigger Canoe Club meeting 16. NYCCI meeting, evening 18. Yom Kippur 23. Andy Killion’s Alumni meeting 5:30-7:00 25. Board & General Meetings Our 46’ Fountaine Pajot Bahia Catamaran is up for sale if anyone knows someone looking for a catamaran on the west coast. The boat is in Ventura until April 24th and then will be in San Diego for the foreseeable future. Thanks Stan and Karen August
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Rick Lunsford
Robin Whyte
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Su Countess
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Bob Bartosh
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