September 2010 PIERPONT BAY YACHT CLUB 2010 STAFF COMMODORE VICE COMMODORE REAR COMMODORE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR TREASURER SECRETARY PORT CAPTAIN FORE 'N' AFT EDITOR MEMBERSHIP CHAIR RACE CHAIR SOCIAL COORDINATOR BAR MANAGER CRUISE CHAIRS POWER FLEET CHAIR THE CLOTHESLINE PROGRAM COORDINATOR BIRTHDAY CHAIR RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR WEB MISTRESS JUDGE ADVOCATE PHOTOGRAPHER GALLEY MANAGER FLAG OFFICERS Gerald Davies Randy Buckingham Cindi Mathieu (805) 650-1172 (818) 703-8259 (805) 525-2885 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rick Lunsford Jim Lavagnino Tom Nelson Mindy Siemens (805) 231-1787 (805) 890-8428 (805) 963-1347 (805) 988-3053 HEADS OF ACTIVITIES Lesley Pelka Sheryl Lunsford George Moore Bill Gibbs Tom Nelson/Ed Key Richard Countess (818) 523-5299 (805) 231-1787 (805) 658-8061 (805) 529-1991 (805) 963-1347 (818) 889-2669 Robin Whyte Jeff & Tami Greer Rick Lunsford Robin Whyte Randy Buckingham Tami Greer Su Countess Sheryl Lunsford Bob Bartosh Jim Lavagnino Lynne Nelson (805) 409-5383 (805) 531-9969 (805) 231-1787 (805) 409-5383 (818) 703-8259 (805) 531-9969 (818) 889-2669 (805) 231-1787 (805) 653-5575 (805) 890-8428 (805) 963-1347 STAFF COMMODORES Dale Pelka, Junior Staff Commodore 2008 - Tom Nelson 2007 – Alan Annis 2006 – Judy Nolde 2005 - Joe Vetrano 2004 - Gloria Wright 2003 - George Moore 2002 - Gerald Davies 2001 - Carole Lapointe 2000 - John McIntyre 1999 - Susan Countess 1998 - Tom Spurgin (D) 1996/7- Eric Jones 1995 - Dave Vandaveer 1994 - Sandi Hirlinger 1993 - Marilyn Schuler 1992 - Fred Winter 1991 - Wayne Christensen (D) 1990 - Mike Benson (D) 1989 - Buzz Hauber 1988 - Stan Schuler 1987 - Rudi Breuer (D) 1986 - Richard Countess 1985 - Ron Golding 1984 - Pam Dixon 1983 - Jerry Boston 1982 - Bob Kimble (D) 1981 - Lee Holjes (D) 1980 - Frank Lynch 1979 - Jack Lazenby 1978 - Elaine Tarr 1977 - Bill Wells 1976 - Richard Cross (D) 1975 - James Lemmerz 1974 - Chuck Queen 1973 - James Sweatt (D) From the Commodore Here we are in September and the PBYC 2010 Island Series is in the history books. What the record books will not reflect is all the hard work and dedication that was put into making the series once again a huge success. [Here, here!, ed] As many of you who have volunteered for the numerous positions throughout the year know, these events take a lot of planning, organizing and execution in order to receive the participation and reputation they have rightfully gained over the years. I would like to take the opportunity of saying thank you to everyone for all we have achieved once again with this series. We had great races and the wind god's favored us, food was wonderful, plus we added a little to the bank account balance…..fantastic job…….well done everyone!!! Our program for the general meeting on August 28th was Boating Safety presented by Mark Grey, it was very informative with a lot of great safety & survival ideas, tips and suggestions………thank you Mark for the great information. Dinner for the evening was Tri Tip and salad plus dessert, always a favorite of mine and excellently prepared by Cindi/Rick and crew…..many thanks. It was a pleasure to meet our new Members Mike & Lisa Hopper and present them with the club burgee, please be sure to welcome them to our PBYC family when you meet them. In fact Mike was gracious enough to pull the Commodores name from the Blue Ball of Happiness…..and I was there to win…….next month we start at $25 again. Not a lot to report to you from the August board meeting, one of those no news is good news things…so take it while we can. Tom is purchasing a new music center to replace the large and outdated equipment we currently struggle to use, so get those “ipods” and CD's ready with your favorite tunes. I hope you have seen the completed the change to the bar layout, this has added to the counter capacity and also provides a method of closing the bar area during club outside rentals if needed….hope you like it, so far feedback has been very positive. My theme for the rest of the year is MEMBERSHIP so do all you can to encourage those prospective members out there to join…….. Gerald Davies PBYC Commodore From the Vice Commodore August is coming to a close and this means back to school and the fall season. In this area, though, September and October are often the best months weather wise. The Island Series ended with the Tri Point Race which concluded that series. After race refreshments were prepared by Carol Davies who made her now famous chili. Bill Gibbs and crew finished in record time and before the chili was actually done cooking. Not to be deterred by minor details they had the opportunity to sample the chili early. [Thanks Cindy, ed] Thanks to Carol for her culinary efforts. [Great chili Carol, thanks, ed] On Sunday, PBYC hosted a Santa Maria style barbeque for the awards ceremony. Our Rear Commodore Rick Lunsford prepared and grilled the tri tip while Tom Nelson helped set up the tables, the bar, and generally helped out in the various details of hosting a party. Lou Wallman served drinks from the bar while his wife, Anne, sold tickets for the feast. Many thanks to them for helping me prepare this event. I even had time before lunch to have a drink! A board meeting was held on August 28th. The board approved $200 to be spent on replacing our antiquated stereo system. Hopefully next month it will be in the club. The board also approved the nomination of Chuck Queen as an honorary member of the club. Chuck's affiliation with the club began when his father (also Chuck Queen) helped found the club and was the second commodore. As a teenager, he crewed with John Thawley who was a beginning racer at the time and taught John a lot about sailing in this area. Chuck has a long history in sailing having completed several TransPac Races as well as being a national race champion of Lasers and Olson 30s. New members, Mike and Lisa Hopper, were welcomed to the club at the General Meeting. Mike crewed on John Thawley's boat for several years until he bought his own boat, Majic Dragon, a couple of years ago. Mike raced in the Island Series and came in first in his class in the Tri Point Race. Welcome to the club Mike and Lisa! Who won the Blue Ball of Happiness? I was sitting with Carol Davies as the Ball was displayed and she told me “We have never won in 14 years!” Well, she can't say that anymore because the Davies name was pulled! Congratulations Carol and Gerald! The next Board and General Meetings will be held on September 25th, so mark your calendars. Carol and I are going to work on something interesting and delicious Cindi Mathieu PBYC Vice Commodore View From The Rear Was that a great meeting at the club Saturday or what? We had lots of good eats, great camaraderie, quite a few old members and even some new members. All in all, we had a great turnout! I would like to welcome our newest members, Mike and Lisa Hopper to the club, we are very happy to have you onboard. I also think that congratulations are in order for our commodore Gerald Davies, he finally won the blue ball of happiness ($100) after 14 years of trying. I would also like to thank Mark Gray, our doomsday speaker, for sharing all the great survival tips with us, and only asking for donations. I know most of us did come away with some good ideas about boating safety and survival. It was a great night for all! Sitting here pondering on where all the time has gone while enjoying a hot cup of coffee on my cocktail deck on a beautiful Sunday morning, watching all the boats go by, I am reminded that we are heading into one of the best times of the year to be cruising the Channel Islands. Is your boat ready? Is all your ground tackle in good order? Does all your electronics function properly? Have you inspected you batteries lately? Is your liquor cabinet full? There is a lot to do before this boating season so you had better get off your duffs and get down here and git’er done! While you're here, stop in and say hay, we would love to see you. Rick Lunsford PBYC Rear Commodore Race Report Richard Countess TRI-POINT OCEAN RACE We had 35 entries for PBYC's 30th annual Tri-point Ocean race, the final race of the Island Series, on August 21st. Assisting Susan and me on the committee boat, Joe Vetrano's sailboat Caroline, were Lou and Anne Wallman, and Genie Pang with Jim Lavaginino taking photographs. I would like to thank the following for making this year's Tri-point Ocean race a great success; John Thawley for the concept for the T-shirt design, Susan for executing the T-shirt design, Lou and Anne Wallman for picking up and inventorying the shirts, Anne for selling T-shirts and BBQ tickets, George Moore, Ed Key, Robin and Steve Whyte, and Gerald Davies for working the finish line, Lou and Anne for bartending Saturday and Sunday, Carol Davies for the hot chili served to the racers on Saturday evening, Rick Lunsford, Tom Nelson and Cindi Mathieu for preparing and serving the tri-tip BBQ prior to the trophy presentation on Sunday, and Lou for taking photos of the trophy winners. I would also like to acknowledge the crew of Fusee for radioing us with the coordinates for the start line as we approached the start in heavy fog. [Never heard the race committee asking “where is the start” before, ed] Lesson Learned: Don't leave home without your own personal GPS with all relevant waypoints. Steady winds prevailed all day (this is a record: three for three for all three races in the 2010 Island Series), building to 20 knots in the afternoon. Some boats managed to scamper up the backside of Anacapa Island, while others found wind-less holes which caused angst for skippers and crews. However, all boats finished the race before 6 PM. Bill Gibbs' Afterburner romped around the 34-mile course in 2 hours, 29 minutes and 16 seconds, [Yeee Haaa!, ed] only five minutes off the course record set by Bill in 2002 with me aboard as a crew member. [That’s me, though here you’ll see my comments marked “ed” for “editor”, ed] The fastest monohull was Bill Guilfoyle's Santa Cruz 52, Prevail, which sailed the course in 4 hours, 24 seconds and corrected out over all spinnaker boats to win the Spinnaker Class perpetual trophy. Brent Swanson's Islander 29, Velero, won the Non-spinnaker perpetual trophy. Mike Leary's J-30, Pangea, skippered by Dena Mercer corrected ahead of Dr. Laura Schlessinger's J-100, Perfect, and Jim Dembowski's Moore 24, Eclipse, skippered by his daughter Katelyn to win the Woman Skipper perpetual trophy. The winners in each class were Prevail in the Spinnaker A class; Paul Moore and Deke Klatt's Olson 30, Angry Hillbillies, in the Spinnaker B class; Mike Hopper's J-22, Majic Dragon, in the Spinnaker C class; Velero in the Non-spinnaker class; and Mitch Yount's brand new 23' catamaran, Itchy, in the Multihull class. I would like to offer my congratulations to PBYC trophy winners: Brian Kerr, Dr. Laura Schlessinger and Bill Gibbs. The corrected finish times are presented below; the full race results are posted on PBYC's website. Tri-Point Ocean Race Results (corrected finish times) Spinnaker A: 1. Prevail, W. Guilfoyle, 4:08:54; 2. Bebe, C. Browning, 4:18:19; 3. Uhambo, Chase & Fitzgerald, 4:34:57; 4. Colt 45, D. Chepley, 4:38:24; 5. Superluminal, J. Poprawski, 4:57:04. DNS: Funatic and 3 Little Birds. Spinnaker B: 1. Angry Hillbillies, Moore & Klatt, 4:15:05; 2. Perfect, L. Schlessinger, 4:25:13; 3. Double Down, B. Kerr, 4:44:55; 4. Wahoo, A. McNaughton, 4:53:12; 5. Sprit Decision, Moll & Weber, 4:57:04. DNS: XS and Perfect Balance. Spinnaker C: 1. Majic Dragon, M. Hopper, 4:15:24; 2. Pangea, D. Mercer, 4:22:35; 3. Wind Dancer, PK & V. Edwards, 4:29:27; 4. Eclipse, K. Dembowski, 4:39:45; 5. Zoarces, S. Johnson, 5:10:09; 6. Paradise Found, J. Albert, 5:10:31. DNF: Fusee. Non-spinnaker: 1. Velero, B. Swanson, 3:56:36; 2. Out Patient, R. Alcorn, 4:15:33; 3. 1421, S. K. Leong, 4:35:52; 4. Quiet Times, T. Warshauer, 4:54:16. OCS: R' Escape. DNS: Breezy, Papakea and Superstition. Multi-hull: 1. Itchy, M. Yount, 3:43:04; 2. Afterburner, W. Gibbs, 3:51:29; 3. Sally Lightfoot, P. Marston, 3:51:55; 4. Indefatigable, C. Gegg, 4:21:38; 5. No Regrets, B. Stanton, 4:23:14; 6. Drei, G. Kahler, 4:31:42. DNS: Honukai. ISLAND SERIES This year's trophy winners of the three-race Island Series were Prevail with 4 points followed by Bebe with 5 points in the Spinnaker A class, Pangea with 4 points followed by Uhambo with 9 points in the Spinnaker B class, Out Patient with 5 points followed by Velero with 6 points in the Non-spinnaker class, and No Regrets with 9 points followed by Afterburner with 10 points in the Multihull class. MISCELLANEOUS Currently the following PBYC boats are entered in VYC's Ventura Cup/Santa Barbara Channel Challenge scheduled for September 18th and 19th: Brian Kerr's Double Down, Verne Haller's R'Escape, and John Thawley's Senior Advantage. PBYC will be co-hosting the Two Harbor Fall Series (with one throw-out race) with Anacapa Yacht Club on October 9th, October 23rd, November 13th, and December 4th. We run the first and last race; AYC runs the second and third races. I will post the Notice of Race and Entry Form on PBYC's website by mid-September. UP-COMING LOCAL RACES Sept. 4-6 AYC's Santa Barbara City Race Sept. 6 AYC's Tequila Derby Sept. 11-12 VSC's Prison Break Sept. 18-19 VYC's Ventura Cup Regatta/Santa Barbara Channel Challenge Sept. 25 CIYC's VCMRF Charity Regatta Oct. 3 VYC's Gal and Guy Series #1 (Double Handed) Oct. 9 PBYC/AYC's Two Harbor Fall Series #1 Oct. 10 PBYC/VYC's Caregiver's Charity Sail-a-thon Oct. 23 AYC/PBYC's Two Harbor Fall Series #2 Tri Point Race Su’s Tidbits PBYC would like to thank all the sponsors that helped make the 2010 Island Series a success: Sea Hawk Premium Yacht Finishes, Anchors Way Marine Centers, Catalina Yacht Anchorage, Channel Watch Marine, P.H. Greer Co., Pettit Paints, Ventura Isle Marina, Ventura Harbor Boatyard, Ventura Harbor Marine Fuel, Andria's Seafood Restaurant, Custom Awards and Engraving, Island Packers, Custom Embroidery, Marina Village Shopping Center, Beacon Marine, Gibbs and Associates, Ullman Sails Ventura, Coast Chandlery, and 3M Marine. The banners will come down soon, ready to be stored for next year's Series. Let's all thank our sponsors individually by patronizing their businesses. August was the month for visits from a couple of non-resident/cruising members whom Richard and I hadn't seen in ages. Sherry Hartman only brought one of her fifteen birthday cards when she stopped by while visiting her grandkids. She and Dennie live in Reno where they are involved in horse rescue and Sherry still works as a nurse. The Hartmans were Race Chairs in the early '90s. Contrary to popular myth, Richard and I have not been Race Chairs forever [OMG! I had no idea!, ed]. Sherry and I, along with Candy Lorensen, were on the crew of Vickie Brewer's CORSAIR when we won the 1988 Ensenada Race's Carolyn Starr perpetual trophy for first all women crew. It was the first year that the trophy was awarded and a PBYC boat won it. Bill Williams also stopped by as I mentioned last month. Bill has the distinction of having circumnavigated in ESPRIT. He crewed on BODACIOUS in the 1985 Puerto Vallarta Race. Richard, Milt Ingram, and Rudi Breuer also were on the crew. There are lots of good stories about both of those races. Sherry and Bill look the same – well maybe more gray hair … I had my camera but forgot to take photos. Cruise calendar September 18th- Day Cruise - Coastal Sailing Adventure October 10th Caregiver's Sailathon. Help Support a Great Cause. Updates on upcoming cruises will be sent out as dates near since destinations could change dependent on weather conditions & cruiser suggestions. Contact us at or 805-531-9969 if you have any questions. If you are interested in getting a ride we can also match you up with skippers with extra room. See you on the water. Jeff & Tami Greer – Onboard Island Time & the Tami Lu – VIM G Dock Ventura Harbor Marine Fuel Oil and filter change service* We carry low sulfur diesel fuel We also carry Biodiesel, the “environmentally friendly” fuel Contact: Ventura Harbor Marine Fuel Inc. * Bring in this ad for 20% off a full service oil change. Contact us for more info. (805) 644-4046 Notes from the Editor What makes a great race? I think you have go by the enjoyment of the participants. And Afterburner and crew had a great time at the Tri Point. Lots of fog at the start, check out page 7. Enough wind for us to make up the lead boat’s 20 minute lead, in 25 minutes. Just about perfect conditions for us. We didn’t win. We didn’t set a new record. But what a glorious day to be out sailing. Way better than the Wes Goleman Race a couple week earlier where after 3.5 hours we were not getting close to the Anacapa yet. Some clubs have the luck and the blessings of the wind gods, and for 2010 it was PBYC. Every wonder what sailing on Afterburner is like? One of our crew has a new video camera. Check out and watch the Tri Point from on board. I hope no one gets tired of my heaping praises on the volunteers that prepare food for the racers. Cindy tried to defend Carol’s not-quite-ready chili... but pity overcame her at last. We can beg & plead like you wouldn’t believe. One nice thing about a boat always needing something fixed is the crew’s bar tab seems small by comparison. Thanks to all the members that make PBYC’s races possible. Your Editor, Bill Gibbs The Fore ‘N Aft Club Victor & Astra Vaits Bill & Iris Wells Supporting PBYC & the Fore ‘N Aft September Birthdays 2 Candy Lorensen 5 Vickie Brewer 6 Jamie Clark 16 Alan Annis 19 Randy Thomas 26 Judy Hodson 28 Tami Greer ! ! s he s i W t s Be Pierpont Bay Yacht Club 2010 OD and Club Host Schedule Weekend OD Lavagnino Davies Buckingham Mathieu Dates Sep 3, 4, 5 Sep 10, 11, 12 Sep 17, 18, 19 Sep 24, 25, 26 Friday 6-10 Slane Bartosh Countess Flores Saturday 5-10 Tacke Whyte Clark Greer Kerr Pang Pelka Lavagnino Whyte Sunday 2-5 Wallman Annis Derby Gibbs Nelson Siemens Lunsford Lavagnino Davies Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct 1, 2, 3 8, 9, 10 15, 16, 17 22, 23, 24 29, 30, 31 Greer Killion Lunsford Roland Wallman Buckingham Mathieu Nelson Siemens Nov Nov Nov Nov 5, 6, 7 12, 13, 14 19, 20, 21 26, 27, 28 Bartosh Buckingham Countess Mathieu Lavagnino Pelka Self Serve Weekend Clark Gibbs Moore Lunsford Lavagnino Davies Buckingham Mathieu Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec 3, 4, 5 10, 11, 12 17, 18, 19 24, 25, 26 31, Jan 1, 2 Tacke Wallman Bartosh Clark Davies Derby Self Serve Weekend Self Serve Weekend Whyte Countess Flores Jan Jan Jan Jan 7, 8, 9 14, 15, 16 21, 22, 23 28, 29, 30 Greer Key Lavagnino Nelson Gibbs Killion Moore Pelka Haller Kerr Change/Command/Paid Pang Haller Siemens Nackdymon Moore Tacke Just as a reminder, when you are scheduled for Club Host duty, your responsibilities are to unlock the door, turn on the lights and be a friendly face for anyone who stops by. You may, or you don't have to, actually do bartending duty. Bar can be self serve if you wish. Also, if you are unable to host on your assigned day, please find a substitute. Bar Hours: Friday 1800 - 2200 Saturday 1700 - 2200 Sunday 1400 - 1700 Looking Ahead October 4. PHRF meeting 7:30 pm 7. Los Padres Ski Club meeting 9. Fleet 1 Meeting 10 am 9. Fall Series Race #1, PBYC hosts 10. CAREGIVERS SAILATHON 11. Columbus Day 11. Ventura Outrigger Canoe Club meeting 21. NYCCI meeting, evening 23. Fall Series Race #2, AnYC hosts 23. Board & General Meetings 24. Private Party 9-12 pm Our 46’ Fountaine Pajot Bahia Catamaran is up for sale if anyone knows someone looking for a catamaran on the west coast. The boat is in Ventura for the foreseeable future. Thanks Stan and Karen September
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