59265_Bird_Rock_NL 1_1.indd - Bird Rock Community Council
59265_Bird_Rock_NL 1_1.indd - Bird Rock Community Council
F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Bird Rock Newsletter President’s Column By Jacqueline Bell, BRCC President Xin Nian Kuai Le – Happy Lunar Year Bird Rockers! The twelve months beginning February 19, 2015 comprise the Year of the Wood Sheep or Goat, traditionally considered a symbol of peace and tranquility. Given the global, as well as domestic, turmoil we witnessed in the Year of the Horse, I hope the Sheep lives up to its reputation. I am sad to report that during our winter hiatus Bird Rock lost one of our favorite neighborhood restaurants. La Basil Thai closed its doors in late December. We are sorry to see it go and hopeful that another family-friendly restaurant will take its place. On a more upbeat note, we are delighted to welcome the running shoe store, Just Run, to the neighborhood. They are located on the corner of Midway St. and La Jolla Blvd. Read more on page 4 New Bird on the Block: Bird Rock Oyster & Sushi Bar Bird Rock welcomes Gabriel Uribe and Albert Sandoval, coowners of Bird Rock Oyster & Sushi Bar, the new restaurant at 5752 La Jolla Blvd in the location previously occupied by Station Sushi. The restaurateurs did an outstanding job hosting the BRCC Holiday Party in December, serving a veritable feast of sushi, shrimp, chicken, consomme, and other delights. At the time the restaurant did not yet have its license to serve alcoholic libations, but it does now! A native San Diegan, Gabriel opened his first restaurant, Baja Oyster & Sushi Bar, twelve years ago in Imperial Beach. It has been a huge success with regular patrons driving from as far away as north county to enjoy the fare. ( Continued on Page ) In This Issue %5(8SGDWH 3DJH &KDQJHRIGDWH DQGSKRWRVIURP WKHODWHVWHYHQWVDW %5( 3DGGOHERDUGLQJ 3DJH 0HHWWKH/-+6 SDGGOHERDUGWHDP DQGOHDUQDERXW WKHLUDGYHQWXUHV /D-ROOD+LJK %LRORJLFDO 6FLHQFH 7HFKQRORJ\ &HQWHU Page 1 1HHGV\RXUVXSSRUW BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 BIRD ROCK REALTY A PACE COMPANY (SERVING SINCE 1969 - 40+YRS) * REAL ESTATE SALES * FINE ESTATE HOMES & CONDOS * REO’S & SHORT SALES * FORECLOSURES * PROPERTY MANAGEMENT * RENTALS * FREE PROPERTY EVALUATIONS “NO ONE KNOWS BIRD ROCK / LA JOLLA BETTER” TL PACE, REALTOR® / OWNER- Lic # 00359736 LOCATED AT BIRD ROCK AVE AND LA JOLLA BLVD ON THE CIRCLE. 5693 LA JOLLA BLVD, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 brre@internet-realty.com EASY TO USE “MLS LISTINGS” WEBSITE – WWW. INTERNET-REALTY. COM CALL JOE OR TONY PACE: 858- 2 454-1123 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 Rates are still low—now is a good time to consider a new mortgage. Yes, rates are edging up. But they’re still low. Which means that now is still a good time to consider a mortgage for a new home—or to simply refinance. There are many options out there and it may seem overwhelming. Call me today and I’d be happy to help find the mortgage that’s right for you! 7JDUPS#BOEB.PSUHBHF#BOLFS WJDUPSNCBOEB!DIBTFDPN IUUQIPNFMPBODIBTFDPNWJDUPSNCBOEB /.-4*% All home lending products are subject to credit and property approval. Rates, program terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Not all products are available in all states or for all amounts. Other restrictions and limitations apply. ©2013 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 21505B 0713 3 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER President’s Column We wish them every success. We are also looking forward to the opening of Wheat and Water, purveyor of craft beer and artisanal comfort food, at 5737 La Jolla Blvd. in the near future. Let's keep our business district vibrant by continuing to patronize all of our local restaurants and shops this year. As discussed at the November community meeting, the Bird Rock Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) will undertake a couple of major projects this year. The MAD will replace a number of diseased sycamore trees along La Jolla Blvd., that are lifting the pavement, with crape myrtle trees. We are using FEBRUARY 2015 ( Continued from Page 1) crape myrtles, tl rather th than th gold medallion trees, at the suggestion of the City of San Diego in order to maintain tree diversity and resiliency to pests and disease. In addition, the MAD will begin replacing the metal sidewalk guard rails located at various intersections on the boulevard. The guard rails have deteriorated considerably since their installation as part of the trafficcalming measures in 2007. We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience you may experience while these projects are being carried out. began on January 1, 2015 and runs through December 31, 2015. If you have not already done so, I urge you to join or renew your BRCC membership as soon as possible. Your tax-deductible membership dues, at a bargain price of $35 per year, help fund the printing of this newsletter as well as our web site, eBlasts, Halloween window painting, bench repairs, and other community improvements and activities. You may use the membership form included in the newsletter or renew online via http://www.birdrockcc.org/me mber-services/join-the-brcc-form. Finally, the new membership Thank you for your support. year for the Bird Rock Community Council (BRCC) Bird Rock Coffee Roaster Scores Two Coffees in the Top 10 in Coffee Review's National List of the Top 30 Coffees of 2014 SUMATRA ULOS BATAK Scoring as the 2nd best coffee of 2014 was our Sumatra Ulos Batak. We received a 96 onthe Sumatra Ulos Batak, tied for the highest score ever for a Sumatran coffee in thehistory of Coffee Review. Added to that, the coffee was one of the more affordable coffeesin the top 10. While we are sold out of the Sumatra Ulos Batak, the good news is that we are about to approve a new lot of Batak coffee that will be arriving shortly! Follow us on Social Mediato get the latest news. ETHIOPIA GUJI ZONE Our Guji Zone coffee from Ethiopia landed on the #10 spot.+HDWKHU%ULVVRQ HeadRoasterUHDOO\QDLOHGWKH SURILOHRQWKLVRQHDQGLWZDVFHUWDLQO\DKLJKSRLQWIRU XVRQRXURIIHULQJVKHHWIRU. :KLOHZHDUHVROGRXWRIWKH(WKLRSLD*XML=RQHZH ZLOODJDLQEHWUDYHOLQJWR(WKLRSLDWRVRXUFHPRUH H[TXLVLWHFRIIHH,QWKHPHDQWLPHZHWKLQN\RXPLJKW OLNHRXU<HPHQ+DUDD]5HG0DUDTDKD Ken Davids and the staff at Coffee Review provide a forum to have coffees professionally and uniformly judged. Coffee Review conducts blind, expert cuppings of coffees and reports the findings in the form of 100-point reviews, much likethose that exist in the wine industry. 9isit our websiteKWWSELUGURFNFRIIHHFRP 4 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 5 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 1HZ%LUGRQWKH%ORFN%LUG5RFN2\VWHU6XVKL%DU &RQWLQXHGIURP3DJH *DEULHOEHFDPHLQWHUHVWHGLQRSHUDWLQJDUHVWDXUDQWLQ%LUG5RFNZKHQWKHODQGORUG%ULDQ3RVWVHQWKLPD QRWLFHDERXWWKHYDFDQF\*DEULHOUHVSRQGHGDQG%LUG5RFN2\VWHU6XVKL%DUZDVERUQLQ6HSWHPEHU 7KH8ULEHVDUHDFORVHIDPLO\FRPSULVHGRI*DEULHOKLVZLIH$PDGDDQGWKHLUIRXUFKLOGUHQ7KHHOGHVW \HDUROG0D[VHUYHVRQWKH8667HGG\5RRVHYHOW7KH\RXQJHUFKLOGUHQDUH*DEULHOD9LFWRULDDQG 7ULVWDQ\HDUVROG:HDUHGHOLJKWHGWRZHOFRPH*DEULHO$OEHUWDQGWKHHQWLUHVWDIIRI%LUG5RFN2\VWHU 6XVKL%DULQWRWKH%LUG5RFNIDPLO\ $VNHGKRZKHZRXOGLPSURYH%LUG5RFN*DEULHO·VUHVSRQVHZDV´7KHUHLVQRWKLQJWRLPSURYH,ORYH%LUG 5RFNDQGWKHZKROHFRPPXQLW\IHHOµ *DEULHODQG$OEHUWLQYLWHHYHU\RQHLQWKHQHLJKERUKRRGWRFRPHLQDQGVDPSOHWKHLUGHOLFLRXV0H[LFDQ VHDIRRGVXVKLDQGR\VWHUVDOOIUHVKDQGFRRNHGWRRUGHU 7KHOXQFKILVKWDFRVDUHDQLQFUHGLEOHEDUJDLQDWFHDFKDQGFDQQRZEHHQMR\HGZLWKYLQRRU\RXUIDYRULWH FHUYH]D9HQJDQ&RPHRQLQ %\3RUWLD6:DGVZRUWK %LUG5RFN2\VWHUDQG6XVKL%DU /D-ROOD%OYG /D-ROOD&$ 3KRQHQXPEHU 6 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 7 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER )(%58$5< 201 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 BRE Update BIRD ROCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TOUR DATE CHANGE to Wednesday, MARCH 4, 2015 Community Members and Prospective Parents are invited to BRE's Annual School Tour and Information Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, beginning at 8:45 in the school auditorium. After a presentation by Principal Viavada, transitional kindergarten/kindergarten (TK/K) Teacher Lorene LaCava, and Parent Representatives, guided tours will visit TK through 5th grade classrooms in action. We hope you can join us for this "adults only, please" event! For further information, please see our website at www.sandi.net/birdrock or call the school office at 858-488-0537. Special note: Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is offered to those students who will be 5 years old before December 2, 2015. Clockwise from top right: 1. BRE participated in the “Hour of Code” Week, thanks to Computer Teacher Ms. Quijada. 2. Stairs painted listing Positive Character Trait are positively motivating! 3. Backboard painted and ready for action! 4. Over Christmas Break, Teacher Mrs. Ray and Parents Andrea Cinque-Austin and Sylvia Busby, plus daughters, primed and painted! Funded by our recent Ewaste event and inspired by our school’s Positive Psychology emphasis, their artistic efforts brightened our blacktop play area. 5. BRE proudly announces that our own Nera Holland was selected as Colonel of San Diego City Schools' 2,000 Safety Patrol troops! Nera is all smiles as she stands with Officer Filley, Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman, City Council President Sherri Lightner, and other Police Department dignitaries. 9 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 Got Paddling? Unbeknownst to much of the population of San Diego, there is a club located on Fiesta Island, known as the SDCKT (San Diego Canoe and Kayak Team). The team was founded by Head Coach, Chris Barlow, a USA Olympic Medal Kayak Athlete, and is coached by Chris and his expert and enthusiastic team of highly experienced coaches. It is the only team in all of California. They compete with teams all across the world. Recently the team has been competing locally, in locations such as Newport, La Jolla, Long Beach, Oceanside, and Fiesta Island. They will be competing in Santa Barbara later this January, as well. The team practices Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturday mornings. The routine involves timed runs, lifting, pull ups, core exercises, and trails on the water. Athletes can paddle in all different types of Kayaks and Canoes, and are usually paired with a vessel according to their skill level. The club offers free trials (ages 7-17) on Saturday mornings. this year from July 29 to August 2, 2015, at the Olympic training Center in Chula Vista. The 2015 racing season includes races ranging from Newport to Dana Point. I have only been a member of the High School Racing Team since September 2014, and I am enjoying every minute. We San Diegans are so fortunate to have such an opportunity right in our own backyard. There is no excuse to not go down and give this exciting and thrilling sport a try; it may just change your life. To see the full schedule of races, please visit www.sdckt.net, contact 858-273-0063 (Gerry Barlow, team manager). By Kieran M. Bauman Junior, La Jolla High School There are also different teams associated with the club; the Racing Team is more intense, while the Development Team focuses more on learning technique and learning the basics. No matter where you place yourself, you can be assured that you will receive the best experience possible. The team is for everyone, one of the youngest members is 5, and one of the oldest is 70! There are 6 more races in the current Ocean Series, the next one takes place in Santa Barbara. San Diego is hosting the USA Canoe Kayak Sprint Nationals Meet the LJHS Paddle Board Team Share your stories & Are you following us? pictures: www.Facebook.com/BirdRockCC ,QIR#BirdRock&&.RUJ 10 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER )(%58$5< 201 The City of San Diego has enacted a Drought Alert, which calls for specific additional mandatory water use restrictions to be enforced. These restrictions will help San Diego combat severe drought conditions existing statewide. We’ve been here before — and San Diegans responded impressively. However, current conditions require we increase our conservation efforts by complying with the following water use restrictions. DROUGHT ALERT: MANDATORY WATER USE RESTRICTIONS START NOVEMBER 1, 2014 WATER ONLY 3 DAYS PER WEEK S M T W T F S Residences with Odd-numbered Addresses (example: 301 Drought Street) Water ONLY on Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays Residences with Even-numbered Addresses (example: 500 Conservation Avenue) Water ONLY on Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays Apartments, Condos & Businesses Water ONLY on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays WATER AT THE RIGHT TIMES i November 1 through May 31: Water between 4 pm–10 am for ONLY 7 MINUTES when using a standard sprinkler system. i June 1 through October 31: Water between 6 pm–10 am for ONLY 10 MINUTES when using a standard sprinkler system. WASH YOUR CAR WISELY i When you take your car to a car wash, use one that recycles its water. i When you wash your car at home, do it during the seasonal time-of-day watering times listed at left, using a bucket or a hose with a shut-off nozzle. TURN OFF FOUNTAINS i Turn off ornamental fountains, except for maintenance purposes. FIX LEAKS i Repair water leaks within 72 hours. For a list of all water use restrictions, go to WasteNoWater.org BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 BIRD ROCK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 /D-ROOD+LJK6FKRRO%LRORJLFDO6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\&HQWHU² 1HHGV<RXU)LQDQFLDO6XSSRUWWR0DNHLW+DSSHQ $FRPPLWWHHKDVEHHQIRUPHGDW/D-ROOD+LJKWRKHOSWKHVFKRROUHPDLQDWWKHIRUHIURQWRIPRGHUQKLJK VFKRROVFLHQFHDQGWHFKQRORJ\HGXFDWLRQLQWKH867KH\DUHIRFXVHGRQDGGLQJDQHZELRORJLFDOVFLHQFHV DQGWHFKQRORJ\IDFLOLW\WRWKHFDPSXVLQ0RGHUQELRVFLHQFHVDQGWHFKQRORJ\DUHIRFXVHGRQYDULRXV NH\SXUVXLWV KHDOWKFDUH DJULFXOWXUHDQGDTXDFXOWXUH ELRIXHOV PDULQHHFRV\VWHPV DOWHUQDWLYHHQHUJ\ $FURVVWKHFRXQWU\KLJKVFKRROVDUHSURYLGLQJSUDFWLFDOKDQGVRQH[SHULHQFHIRUEDVLFELRORJLFDOVFLHQFH DQGHQJLQHHULQJFRQFHSWVLQFOXGLQJ'1$H[WUDFWLRQVFUHHQLQJILQJHUSULQWLQJDQGVHTXHQFLQJJHQH H[SUHVVLRQLPPXQHDVVD\VHOHFWURSKRUHVLVSURWHLQV\QWKHVLVFURSEUHHGLQJDTXDFXOWXUHHWF7KHVH WHFKQRORJ\FDSDELOLWLHVUHSUHVHQWWKHFRQYHUJHQFHRIPRGHUQHQJLQHHULQJFKHPLVWU\DQGHQYLURQPHQWDODQG PDULQHVFLHQFH 2IWKHUDSLGO\HPHUJLQJWHFKQRORJ\GLVFLSOLQHVLQWKHVWFHQWXU\ELRORJLFDOVFLHQFHVDQGWHFKQRORJ\DUHWKH PRVWGLIILFXOWWRDFFRPPRGDWHLQW\SLFDOWKFHQWXU\KLJKVFKRROODEVDQGFODVVURRPV7\SLFDOGHILFLHQFLHV RIWKHVHWUDGLWLRQDOVFLHQFHODEVDUHWKHLULQDELOLW\WRDFFRPPRGDWHIRFXVHGOHFWXUHVDQGGHPRQVWUDWLRQV DQGWRSURYLGHIRUVPDOOJURXSFROODERUDWLRQ7KH\DOVRODFNWKHWHFKQLFDOLQIUDVWUXFWXUHQHFHVVDU\IRU FRPPRQELRVFLHQFHDQGWHFKQRORJ\H[SHULPHQWV$QHZIDFLOLW\DW/D-ROOD+LJKFDQDGGUHVVWKHVHLVVXHV ZLWK 7KHDWHUVW\OHURRPDUHDIRUOHFWXUHVDQGGHPRQVWUDWLRQV ([SDQVLYHODEVSDFHIRUIDFLOLWDWLQJORQJWHUPH[SHULPHQWVDQGVPDOOJURXSFROODERUDWLRQ %LRVFLHQFHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHLQFOXGLQJUHIULJHUDWLRQVWHDP',ZDWHUYHQWLODWLRQFKHPLFDOVWRUDJH '1$VHTXHQFLQJDQG²PLFURDUUD\HTXLSPHQWSURWHLQFKHPLVWU\ZHWODEIDFLOLWLHVHWF«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ird Rock Community Council (BRCC) Annual Membership Application Dues are $35 per year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31) and are tax deductible as are any additional donations. BRCC membership dues help fund the BRCC newsletter, other communications with members, the BRCC web site, BRCC community activities, community improvement projects, BRCC community service events, bench maintenance, Halloween window and more. painting, BRCC’s non-profit status, Check Your Membership Status New Membership ($35) Renewal ($35) Additional Donation $ Two Ways to Apply and Pay ONLINE To fill out an on-line application and pay via PayPal, please go to the Bird Rock Community Council web site under the Community and Membership area located at: BY MAIL Send this completed form & check payable to BRCC to: Bird Rock Community Council PMB 168 5666 La Jolla Boulevard http://www.birdrockcc.org/member-services/join-the-brcc-form La Jolla, CA 92037 Tell Us About Yourself Non-Resident Bird Rock Non-Bird Rock Area Resident & Bird Rock Resident Bird Rock Business Non-Bird Rock Property Owner Property Owner Household Name: Business Name (if applicable): Resident/Business Address: Telephone #: Cell Number: Email: I do not have an email address Other Email: Property Address: (for Non-Resident Property Owners) Comments or Ideas for Community Events/Projects: I am interested in working on the following areas: Community Events Newsletter Halloween Neighborhood Watch Beautification Safety Fundraising Promotions Code Enforcement Coastal Access Parks Board of Directors Membership 1 Landscape Maintenance BRCC Board Members 7DWLDQD%HUJHU WEHUJHU#QHZVFKRRODUFKHGX 7LP%ULFWVRQ EULFWVRQ#VEFJOREDOQHW 0LFKHOOH)XONV PLFKHOOHIXONV#JPDLOFRP /DNH3ULFH ODNHSULFH#HDUWKOLQNQHW *UHJ:DGVZRUWK JUHJVZDGVZRUWK#JPDLOFRP BRCC Officers -PresidentJacqueline Bell info@birdrockcc.org -Vice PresidentAndrew Ward andrew.ward@edwardjones.com -TreasurerBarbara Dunbar dunbarlaw@aol.com -Secretary-RKQ1HZVDP MQHZVDP#WLRJDUHVHDUFKFRP %LUG5RFN2QOLQH1HZVOHWWHU ZZZELUGURFNFFRUJDERXWQHZVOHWWHU Newsletter Staff %5&&:HE6LWH ZZZ%LUG5RFN&&RUJ BRCC Facebook Page www.facebook.com/BirdrockCC Bird Rock Community Council 5666 La Jolla Blvd. #168 La Jolla, CA 92037 (GLWRU %5&& LQIR@%LUG5RFN&&.RUJ -PublisherBird Rock Community Council info@birdrockcc.org -DesignerKrissy Lai krissylai@me.com -Website Maintenance%5&&3UHVLGHQW LQIR#ELUGURFNFFRUJ