“Humanism in Health umanism in Health Care


“Humanism in Health umanism in Health Care
Life Quality Institute and the
University of Colora
o Center for Bioethics & Humanities
invite entries to our first annual
“Humanism in Health Care” Award
Award will be made for
the best essay written
by a Colorado student in
a healthcare discipline.
Essays will be judged by
prominent members of
Colorado’s healthcare
1st prize: $500 and
recognition on a plaque
in the Center for
Bioethics & Humanities’
Fulginiti Pavilion on the
Anschutz campus
2nd prize: $250 and recognition at the award cceremony
3rd prize: $150 and recognition at the award ceremony.
Award will be announced at a Symposium at the
Center for Bioethics & Humanities in February.
or details and entry requirements, email Jennifer Ballentine
In honor of and made possible by a legacy grant from the
Society for Humanism in Medicine
Humanism in Health Care Award
Entry Requirements
• Essays cannot exceed 1,000 words.
• May be prose, poetry, metered verse, or any other written form; essay,
article, poem, play, or lyrics.
• Must be formatted on standard-size pages, in 12-point type, doublespaced.
• Submission should include a cover page including the writer’s name; school,
college, or university; and email address. Pages should be numbered
(starting with first page of submission, not cover page), but have no other
information such as student name.
• The submission should center on the theme of humanity in healthcare: for
o An instructive patient, peer, or preceptor encounter exemplifying
humanism in healthcare;
o A reflection on what “humanism” or “humanistic practice” means in
the increasingly complex healthcare world;
o Guidance for how practitioners can foster and retain their humanity
and the humanity of patients suffering from serious disability or
advanced illness.
• If the submission tells a patient story, take care to change details such that
there is no risk of revealing protected patient information or identity of the
• Email submission to Jennifer Ballentine at Life Quality Institute
(jballentine@lifequalityinstitute.org) by no later than November 1
• Winners will be notified in late January and invited to the Humanism in
Healthcare Symposium in late February. Winners will be asked to read
their submission at the symposium.
Sponsored by Life Quality Institute and the
University of Colorado Center for Bioethics and Humanities