Waushara Argus Central Wisconsin Resorter


Waushara Argus Central Wisconsin Resorter
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May 1, 2016
Advertising Rates
Waushara Argus
Central Wisconsin Resorter
Wautoma Newspaper, Inc. - Circulation 6,000
Effective May 1, 2016
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6 columns by 20.5 inches
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Serving Waushara County
In the Heart of Wisconsin
Since 1859
$1.00 Vol. 157 No. 15
by Wautoma Newspaper, Inc. www.wausharaargus.com
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Wautoma H.S. Principal reports
12 students will be inducted
into the National Honor Society
WHS Community Prom held April 10
Blanche Yohn, Wautoma, takes a spin around the dance floor with Wautoma High School Prom Court members Alexis
Durante during the Community Prom held at Wautoma High School on April 10.
Tom Rheinheimer, Wautoma High School Principal, reported to the Wautoma
Area School Board at their
regular meeting on April 11 at
Redgranite Elementary that 12
of the Wautoma High School
students will be inducted into
the National Honor Society.
The students include: Emma
Blaszczyk, Anja Blija, Katy
Bray, Destiny Bruce, Lucas
Dutcher, Will Eagan, Carly
Hartenberger, Madeline Peterman, Cade Peterson, Jacob
Schmidt, Hannah Struzynski,
and Faith Velez. The banquet
will and induction ceremony
will be held on April 27 at the
The board also approved
a first consideration on a trip
for the Spanish class to go to
Costa Rica in June of 2017.
Belinda Peterman, Spanish
teacher, told the board that
she has 29 students interested
in the trip and she said all the
students signed up were great
students. She added that she
believes 15-18 students of
those signed up will end up
going on the trip if approved.
A concern expressed by
board member Barry Mastricola was the Zika Virus and
Peterman says she is aware of
the concerns and will do more
Sturm Foods donates to Backpack Nutrition Program
Sturm Foods, Inc, a
Treehouse Foods Company
and dry grocery manufacturer
located in Manawa, recently
donated cases of oatmeal to
the Vision 2020 Backpack
Nutrition Program serving
students in Waushara County.
“We are so fortunate that
companies like Sturm Foods,
Inc. support our program.
The company’s history of
starting small and growing is
exactly what we are doing in
Waushara County,” said Jan
Novak, Vision 2020 Backpack
Nutrition Program chair.
“In 2012, our pilot program
provided weekend meals to 26
economically disadvantaged
students. Today the program
feeds more than 120 students
every week,” Novak added.
Novak said, “With more
than 800 packets of oatmeal;
100 jars of peanut butter,
pudding, vegetables, tuna
and chicken; more than 300
items of fruit and nearly 490
coupons for fresh food being
sent home with students each
month, this donation has a big
In Waushara County,
well over half, 61 percent,
elementary school students
are identified as economically
disadvantaged compared to 45
percent of elementary students
statewide according to the
Wisconsin Department of
Public Instruction.
The Vision 2020 Backpack
Nutrition Program currently
works with two Waushara
County schools with the
greatest need. The rate of
economically disadvantaged
students in these schools is
71 percnet and 66 percent
Sturm Foods, Inc. began
as a dairy farm operation
in1905 by Arthur Sturm and
his sons. The boys began
buying eggs from local
farmers and shipping them to
relatives in Chicago for sale
there. This small business
eventually expanded into other
During World War II the
company began manufacturing
bulk amounts of dried food
products to be delivered to
American servicemen on
the battle fronts. Today this
private label manufacturer
products internationally.
Backpack Nutrition Program
depends on the support it
receives from individuals,
churches, businesses, civic
organizations that donate
cash, organize food drives or
purchase food items used by
the program. The program
is an activity of the Vision
2020 poverty initiative of the
Waushara Prevention Council,
Inc. All contributions are tax
To learn more about
the Vision2020 Backpack
Nutrition Program or make a
donation, please contact Jan
Novak at 920-787-6600, 888250-4331, or jan.novak@
research and report back to the
The trip will be six nights
and seven days and will cost
$2,000 per student. The students will be doing fundraisers to assist with the cost and
the balance will be paid by the
student. There will be no cost
to the school district. She also
added that there will be 4-5
chaperones depending on the
number of students.
Students of the month
were presented including:
Kaydence Scofield, Redgranite School; Madalyn Meyer,
Riverview; Lily ThomsenKeller, Parkside; and Kirk
Reilly, Wautoma High School.
Discusssion was held on
the Community Conversation
held on March 31-April 2 at
the Mt. Morris Conference
sponsored by the Wautoma
Area School District. The
themes most often heard included:
involvement through internships, job shadowing program, mentorships.
•The District will work
with the local community to
develop and market a branding program for our area that
will attract business and families.
•Develop and implement
a 4K-12th grade character
career and work/people skills
action plan.
•District will provide
more school/home involvement with contracts with parentsorschool/homeworker.
•Building productive relationships with the medical
field to increase the support
and open lines of communication to support students with
mental health issues.
These items will be discussed by the board and administration on April 27 to
achieve a plan of action to
achieve these initiatives.
The board welcomed Eric
Highlander as the new Business Education and Computer
teacher at Parkside Middle
The board also addressed
the Act 32 Projects List and
Jeff Kasuboski, District Administrator, reported that energy efficiency projects were
completed by a consultant
and most of them were at the
high school which is the districts oldest building. Kasuboski said the administration
would be meeting with Baird
this week. After getting input from Baird, he will bring
back a recommendation to the
The next meeting of the
Wautoma Area School District
Board will be held onMay 9
at 6:15 in the Wautoma High
School Library.
Wautoma Common Council
votes to fill mill pond in 2017
Sturm Foods employees deliver oatmeal
Sturm Foods, Inc. employees Tammy Schmidt and Candy Flease recently helped
load more than 40 cases of oatmeal for delivery to the Vision 2020 Backpack
Nutrition Program in Waushara County. The program provides weekend meals
for more than 120 economically disadvantaged elementary students each week
and distributes at least 800 packets of oatmeal each month.
Section 2
During the Wautoma Common Council regular meeting
on April 11, City Administrator Tommy Bohler announced
that the straw poll was nearly
70 percent to 30 percent in
favor of filling the pond. The
council voted to fill the mill
pond, which will take place in
Spring 2017 after construction
is completed on the upcoming road projects. Alderman
Grimm stated that he voted
‘no’ to fill the pond.
The council voted to move
from the Local Government
Property Insurance Fund, who
have had financial struggles
resulting in increased premiums, to the Mutual Property
Insurance Company. This will
result in savings of approximately $5,300 a year with
nearly identical property insurance coverage.
Todd Trader from MSA
stated that the bids for the
upcoming road projects had
come in lower than expected,
which meant the city would
likely be able to do all alternate projects. Bohler stated
that he would recommend delaying payments to the TID
fund, rather than cutting a road
project if a cost savings was
Bids were as follows from
contractor Kopplin and Kinas
(Prairie Street Only) $277,039
•PROJECT B-(Mt. Morris, Oxford, Waupaca, Evergreen and Sandcrest) - Base
Bid (Mt.Morris and Oxford)
$979,803.75; Alternate #1
(Waupaca St.) $81,451.92;
Street) $100,772.24; Alternate #3 (Sandcrest Avenue) $163,965.40; with
Total Project Construction$1,603,032.63.
Bohler’s report included:
are back up and working giving residents ability to pay bill
with cards.
•Kiwanis will be finalizing playground equipment.
(expected by the end of next
•Met with MSA and Dick
Jorgenson and design work is
close to being completed for
fuel takes at the airport.
Operator’s licenses were
approved for Sharon A. Downie-Singetary (StoneRidge) and
Michelle Edward-Schroeder
A Class B and C liquor license was approved for a prorated two-month period for
Christina Rivera (La Playita,
The next regular common
council meeting is scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May
9 at Wautoma City Hall.
•Argus Home & Garden Section
•Copps Coupon Book •Copps Weekly Specials
•Family Dollar
•Lucassen’s Sentry Foods
•Spry •StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly
•Tractor Supply
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Page Size = 10 x 15.5 inches
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nO. 14 frIday, aPrIl 8, 2016
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A two-week-old lamb
mesmerized Rylee Gustin, 2,
Wautoma, during 24th annual
Blue Ribbon Kid’s Day at
Parkside Middle School,
Wautoma, on April 2.
Holding the lamb was Ferron
Havens, owner of Haven
Petting Farm in Mt. Horeb.
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