Conference paper


Conference paper
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B6, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
S. R. C. Reyes a, *, A. C. Blanco b,
Graduate Student, Environmental Systems Applications of Geomatics Engineering (EnviSAGE) Laboratory,
Department of Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines –
Assistant Professor, Environmental Systems Applications of Geomatics Engineering (EnviSAGE) Laboratory,
Department of Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines –
KEY WORDS: Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Vulnerability, Coast, Laser Scanning, GIS
A number of studies assessing the vulnerability of Southeast Asia to climate change have classified the Philippines as one of the
vulnerable countries in the region. Bolinao, Pangasinan is a municipality located in northwestern Luzon, situated in the west ern
part of the Lingayen Gulf and is bounded on the north and west by the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea). Recent studies have
verified the varying trends in sea level across the South China Sea, which is considered as one of the largest, semi -enclosed
marginal seas in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Three barangays (villages) were included in the study: (1) Luciente 1.0, (2)
Concordia and (3) Germinal. The Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index (SVI) was computed based on population, age, gender,
employment, source of income and household size, which were gathered through a qualitative survey in the selected barangays.
The Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) described the physical vulnerability of these coastal communities based on recorded sea
level anomalies and significant wave heights of multiple satellite altimetry missions, coastal topography derived from the 25-m
SRTM digital elevation model (DEM), bathymetry from WorldView-2 and additional elevation data from terrestrial laser scanning
surveys. The research utilized merged satellite altimetry data downloaded from the Radar Altimetry Database System (RADS),
which covered the period from 1991-2010. The SVI and CVI were calculated and evaluated in ArcGIS. The SVI and CVI were
integrated to determine the Total Vulnerability Index (TVI), which characterized the vulnerability of the three barangays in five
classes, from very low to very high vulnerability.
average rate of 1.7 millimeters per year during the 20th century
(Church et al., 2008).
1.1 Background of the Study
Coastal vulnerability is the degree to which a system is
susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of
climate change, including climate variability and extremes
(Hinkel & Klein, 2006).One of the most widely index in risk
and vulnerability assessments of coastal communities to sea
level rise is the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) developed
by Gornitz et al. (1994 as reviewed by (Doukakis, 2005)). The
CVI utilizes physical and geological variables to be related in a
quantifiable manner that characterizes the relative vulnerability
of the coast to physical changes due to future sea level rise
(Dwarakish et al., 2009). Moreover, the development of a
Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index (SVI), which is dependent
on the locally relevant socioeconomic factors, can further
quantify the degree of vulnerability. The integration of these
indices may provide a merged vulnerability index resulting to
the Total Vulnerability Index (TVI) that characterizes the
overall risk and vulnerability of the coastal communities
(Szlafsztein & Sterr, 2007). Most of the studies using these
The Philippine archipelago has a huge aggregate coast of
approximately 32,400 kilometers and the majority of its
continuously growing population resides on coastal plains,
making it vastly vulnerable to the effects of accelerated sea
level rise (Capili, Ibay, & Villarin, 2005). The Philippine
coasts are clustered with communities living along the shores
and families whose livelihood depends largely on coastal
The impact of sea-level rise as one of the major effects of
climate change has been the focus of numerous studies on
marine habitats and human settlements along the coast.
Projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) approximated that sea level is rising globally at about
13 to 94 centimeters by 2100 as a result of the ocean thermal
expansion and the melting of ice caps (IPCC, 2001).
Geological and tide gauge data supply historical evidences of
sea level rise during the 19th and 20th centuries, estimating an
* Corresponding author. This is useful to know for communication with the appropriate person in cases with more than one
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B6, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
indices have used low resolution digital elevation models
(DEM) and are either presented at the global or regional scale.
existing spatio-temporal datasets and by utilizing 3D
visualization software and GIS (Galgana, Abad, Villarin, &
Vicente, 2004). Future simulations and modelling provided an
in-depth visualization of inundation areas for sea level rise
scenarios from 0.25 meters to 1.75 meters. By implementing
these techniques, researchers can accurately specify floodprone areas and a more efficient mobilization for disaster
mitigation and adaptation strategies may be implemented by
the local government and social welfare organizations. A rapid
decrease in land area as sea level rises was evident in the 3D
visualization of incremental sea level rise projections.
The research aims to assess the vulnerability of Philippine
coasts to sea level rise, at a regional scale, by verifying rates of
sea level fluctuations and examining its spatial variability in
Philippine waters, particularly in the coastal communities of
Bolinao, Pangasinan. This study will also investigate the
primary conditions that characterize the susceptibility of the
natural system and of coastal societies (persons, groups or
communities) to coastal hazards, which are potentially
aggravated by climate change. The study aims to utilize the
established techniques in remote sensing (RS) and geographic
information systems (GIS) to provide baseline information
about the possible threats brought about by climate change.
The research will provide an integrated vulnerability
assessment, which includes both physical and socioeconomic
parameters, at a barangay (village) scale, taking into account
the local hazards and existing characteristics of the coastal
One of the early projections of sea level rise for the Philippines
can be found in a leaflet produced for the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) to illustrate the various climate change scenarios and
to visualize the differences among the seven global climate
models proposed by the IPCC (Hulme & Sheard, 1999). The
Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) is maintaining
tide stations in Manila and Legaspi. Both tide stations recorded
a small rise in relative sea level before the 1960s and a gradual
increase of about 20 – 40 centimeters to the present. The
increase in sea level may partially be attributed to excessive
land reclamation and subsidence, and the residuals are
probably caused by the globally increasing sea surface
temperatures and melting glaciers. A significant finding of this
brief investigation is the high correlation in the expansion of
warmer ocean water and increasing sea levels. The 2080
projection of 100-centimeter rise in sea level of the A2-high
scenario predicts that about 5,000 hectares of the Manila bay
area will be regularly inundated and about 2.5 million
residents will be affected. An anticipated 30-centimeter rise by
the year 2045 is demonstrated in the B2-mid and A1-mid
scenarios, consequently flooding about 2,000 hectares of land
in the Bay area and displacing about 0.5 million individuals.
The research is significant in view of the lack of sufficient
information on sea level rise and their impacts on coastal
communities. Such information are critically required by policy
makers, coastal managers and residents of the coastal zone in
order to formulate effective and efficient policies and measures
related to climate change adaptation.
1.2 Climate Change Studies in the Philippines
The Philippines is comprised of 7,100 islands and a significant
fraction of its population is living near the shore. Despite the
possible risks and threats posed by climate change, the
population of people living near the coast continues to rise.
The residents of these coastal communities are highly
dependent on coastal resources and whose primary sources of
income may come from fishing, seaweed farming, mangrove
lumber, harvesting of sea shells (both for food and commercial
purposes), aquaculture businesses and many other businesses
related to marine resources. The Philippine coral reefs is the
source of the nation’s annual economic benefits of about
US$1.1 billion per year (Capili et al., 2005). The effects of
climate change can threaten these coastal societies, but only a
few studies are focused on assessing the vulnerability of the
coastal communities in the Philippines. Existing researches are
oriented towards the preservation of coastal habitats and
protection of the marine environment, and only a few are
centered on determining the hazards of climate change to these
coastal communities and in formulating possible strategies for
Despite the archipelagic characteristics of the Philippines and
its vulnerability to the effects of climate change, only a few
studies on the vulnerabilities of human settlements along the
coast had been carried out. With the effects of climate change
becoming more pronounced in the past years, it is very
important for the nation to focus on determining priority areas
for climate change adaptation.
1.3 Study Area
This study investigates the vulnerability to sea level rise of
barangays (villages) Luciente 1.0, Germinal and Concordia.
The barangay is the smallest administrative division in the
Geographical Location: Bolinao, Pangasinan (Figure 1) is a
3rd class municipality and a First Congressional District
located on the cape of the western part of Lingayen Gulf. It is
situated along the latitude 16° 16’ to 16° 26’ and longitude
119° 45’ to 119° 57’, with an approximate land area of 23,320
hectares. Bolinao is bounded by the South China Sea (West
Philippine Sea) on the north and west; on the east by the
Caquiputan Channel, which also separates the municipality
from the island municipality of Anda, Pangasinan; and on the
south by the municipality of Bani, Pangasinan.
A simple yet comprehensive compilation of climate change
studies in the Philippines emphasizes the potential effects of
rising sea levels (Capili et al., 2005). Sea level rise may lead to
inundation, erosion, tidal variations, alterations in ocean
dynamics, salt water intrusion in estuaries and rivers, reduced
productivity of seagrass beds and decreased yields in mangrove
lumber. The predicted global sea level rise from 1990 to 2100
is approximately 0.09 – 0.88 meters (IPCC, 2001), which can
lead to coastal erosion and increased susceptibility to storm
surges, particularly in the Eastern Philippines.
Population: Bolinao’s has a population of 69,568 based on the
2007 census made by the National Statistics Office. The
municipality’s population growth rate is approximately 2.16
A vulnerability assessment of Northern Navotas, a densely
populated area in Metro Manila, was carried out by using
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B6, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
percent, based on the census records from 1960 to 2007, as
compared to the provincial population growth rate of about
1.33 percent.
tsunamis, landslides and strong typhoons. Man-made threats
include oil and coal spills and those arising from anthropogenic
activities like harmful algal blooms and fish kills.
2.1 Conceptual Framework
Figure 2. The vulnerability assessment methodology.
The study is comprised of four major stages (Figure 2): (1) Sea
level rise assessment using recorded sea level anomalies from
multiple satellite altimetry missions; (2) Socioeconomic data
gathering and analysis; (3) Derivation of high resolution digital
elevation model (DEM) and digital surface model (DSM) from
high resolution satellite images and terrestrial laser scanning
surveys, and (4) Data integration in GIS.
©WorldView-2 Image 2010, DigitalGlobe
Figure 1. The study area.
Topography: The topography of Bolinao is characterized
mainly by flat to rolling with some steep areas, particularly
along the shorelines of the western part of the municipality,
near the Caquiputan channel and several areas of Santiago
2.2 Sea Level Rise Assessment
Sea level anomaly data from six (6) satellite altimetry
downloaded from the Radar Altimetry Database System
(RADS, This online database is maintained by
the Delft Institute of Earth-Oriented Space Research (DEOS)
of the Delft University of Technology (RADS,
Geological Characteristics: The geological characteristics of
the municipality are classified into three major categories: (1)
Alluvium, (2) Coralline Limestone, and (3) Sandstone and
Shale. Barangays Patar, Ilog-Malino, Estanza, Balingasay,
Arnedo, Concordia, Lambes, Catungi, Culang, Luna, Luciente
II and a significant portion of the Santiago Island are classified
under the first category and can be further be classified either
Active Tidal Flats (ATF) and Former Tidal Flats (FTF).
Coralline limestone is found in some areas of barangays
Lambes, Zaragoza and Catungi. The rest of the municipality is
categorized as Sandstone and Shale, with the exception of
Santiago Island.
The records downloaded cover the period from 1991 to 2010.
Corrections applied (Trisirisatayawong, Naeije, Simons, &
Fenoglio-Marc, 2011) include dry troposphere, wet
troposphere, ionosphere, dynamic atmosphere, ocean tide, load
tide, solid earth tide and pole tide sea state bias. Reference
frame biases and altimeter land flags based on a 2’ x 2’ mask
were also applied. The DNSC08 was used as the mean sea
Livelihood: Bolinao is known for its abundant aquamarine
resources. Majority of its continuously growing population
depend on these natural resources for their livelihood. Healthy
coral reefs found in the municipal waters serve as habitats for
fishes and other marine animals. The high number of fishes
caught within the municipal waters of Bolinao supplies the
needs of the eastern part of the province, nearby provinces and
Metro Manila. Aquaculture businesses, which include fish
ponds and sea water farms, are also maintained in the various
parts of the municipality. Bolinao’s primary sources of income
include farming and fishing. Fishing activities include fish
capture and aquaculture. Small-scale and cottage industries
also include shell crafts and dried fish making.
Tide gauge records were also obtained from the Oceanography
Division of the National Mapping and Resource Information
Authority (NAMRIA). Records from the Manila South Harbor,
La Union, Subic Bay, Currimao, Puerto Princesa and
Occidental Mindoro stations were included in the evaluation of
Mean Sea Level (MSL).
2.3 Socioeconomic Data Gathering
A 3-page questionnaire was distributed to selected households
in the study area. The questionnaires include inquiries about
population, education, primary sources of income, migration,
flooding history, typhoon frequency, property damage after
Environmental Threats: Bolinao is threatened by both natural
and man-made risks. Natural risks include earthquakes,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B6, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
typhoon and flooding events, repair of properties and
environmental awareness.
These questions aim to collect demographics data and
information based on experience since most of the residents
have been living in the area for generations (Mimura, 1999) to
fill in the gaps needed to conduct an in-depth vulnerability
2.4 Detailed Coastal Topography
Figure 3. Monthly sea level records at the Manila South
Harbor station.
The DLR Earth Observation Center released the digital
elevation models (DEMs) generated from the X-band data of
the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). A pixel of this
DEM approximately corresponds to an area of 25 m x 25 m on
the ground. The elevation values are provided with an
elevation accuracy of about 1 meter. The horizontal accuracy is
±20 m (abs.) / ±15 m (rel.), both 90% CE and the vertical
accuracy is ±16 m (abs.) / ±6 m (rel.), both 90% LE (DLR/ASI,
The tide stations located at San Jose, Puerto Princesa and San
Fernando (Figure 4) were active only for the past 20 years. San
Jose and Puerto Princesa show a slowly increasing rise in sea
level values. Data gaps are evident in the San Fernando
station, which may be attributed to some operational
To further improve the vulnerability assessment, profiles of the
structures along the coast were obtained by conducting
terrestrial laser scanning surveys using Leica ScanStation 2 at
specific segments of the study area.
Bathymetry data will be extracted from the WorldView-2
image of Bolinao, Pangasinan taken last March 2010.
According to some studies (Lee, Kim, Olsen, & Kruse, 2011;
Madden, 2011), the Yellow and Green bands can provide the
best bathymetric data for a depth range of 2.5 – 20 meters.
Figure 4. Monthly sea level records at the San Jose, Occidental
Mindoro, Puerto Princesa, Palawan and San Fernando, La
Union stations.
2.5 Data Integration in ArcGIS
The physical and socioeconomic vulnerabilities characterized
by the parameters collected from various field surveys will be
combined and assessed using ArcGIS 10. The Analytical
Hierarchical Process (AHP) will be used to determine the
individual importance of physical and socioeconomic variables.
The physical vulnerability will be represented by the CVI and
the socioeconomic vulnerability will be described by the SVI.
Weights will be applied to the parameters to rank their
contributions to the overall vulnerabilities. The Total
Vulnerability Index (TVI) will be obtained to verify the
susceptibility of the communities in terms of both the natural
and socioeconomic aspects.
The Currimao and Subic stations (Figure 5) are also very near
the study area. However, these tide stations are relatively new
and were recording sea level values for several years only. The
plot shows significant peaks when sea level rises.
3.1 Assessment of Sea Level Variability
Figure 5. Monthly sea level records at the Currimao, Ilocos
Norte and Subic Bay, Zambales stations.
Mean Sea Level (MSL) Records from Tide Gauges:
Sea Level Variability from Merged Satellite Altimetry:
Due to the lack of sufficient data from the tide stations nearest
the study area, several tide stations were evaluated. The
Manila South Harbor station has the longest record of over 60
years (Figure 3). The records show that sea level is
continuously increasing since 1964.
Merged satellite altimetry data provide an overview of the sea
level variations for about a period of two decades (Figure 6).
Sea level anomalies recorded in Bolinao show that sea levels
are continuously fluctuating, but higher values are observed
during sea level rise compared to values of sea level fall.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B6, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
3.2 Statistics from Socioeconomic Data Gathering
The socioeconomic data gathered from the three barangays
indicated that more than 20% of the recorded population live
near the coasts (Figure 8). Most of these families rely on
fishing and fish-related businesses (Figure 9).
Figure 6. Monthly sea level anomaly averages obtained from
merged altimetry missions from 1991 to 2010. The monthly
records indicate a rising trends in sea level.
To further illustrate the sea level variations, sea level anomaly
contour maps were generated for the years 1991, 2000 and
2010 (Figure 7). These maps indicate significant differences in
the sea level anomaly trends and indicate a rise in sea level.
Figure 8. The population statistics of the three barangays.
Figure 9. The percentage of the primary sources of income in
the three barangays.
Flooding is experienced in some areas due to higher high tides,
runoff, huge waves and stronger typhoons. The families
experience damage to their properties after the typhoon and
flooding events. Most of them were able to recover over a short
span of time; however, some property damages cannot be
repaired but must be replaced or rebuilt, which have higher
costs that most of the residents cannot afford.
Children below 9 years and elders with age 60 and above
represent a significant fraction of the population. Most of the
women living in these barangays are housewives. These
characteristics of the population can lead to a higher
vulnerability to the potential effects of sea level rise.
The surveys carried out in the study area have verified the
potential risks to future sea level rise of the coastal
communities located in the three barangays. The susceptibility
of these communities to the possible effects of sea level rise
extends to their properties and livelihood. The experiencebased data can provide researchers with additional information
that are not available.
The merged data obtained from several altimetry missions
provide an effective scheme of analyzing sea level variations
over a long period of time. Comparison of the altimetry data
Figure 7. Contour maps of sea level anomalies for 1991 (top),
2000 (middle) and 2010 (bottom).
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B6, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
with the tide gauge records can provide further information on
sea level variability.
Ocean & Coastal Management,
Galgana, G. A., Abad, S. I. C., Villarin, J. R. T., & Vicente,
M. C. T. M. (2004). Visualizing Sea Level Rise in Navotas by
GIS and Terrain Modeling. Journal of Environmental Science
and Management, 7(1), 1-9.
The generation of the detailed coastal topography is important
in this study. The elevation profile of the study area is being
created by combining the information that can be derived from
the SRTM DEM, terrestrial laser scanning data and the
shallow water bathymetry extracted from WorldView-2.
Hinkel, J., & Klein, R. J. T. (2006). Integrating Knowledge for
Assessing Coastal Vulnerability to Climate Change. In L.
McFadden, R. J. Nicholls & E. C. Penning-Rowsell (Eds.),
Managing Coastal Vulnerability: An Integrated Approach.
Amsterdam, The Nehterlands: Elsevier Science.
The weights of the variables to be used for the calculation of
the CVI and SVI are currently being determined through expert
judgment. Also, the final equations and GIS methods that will
best characterize the vulnerability of the study site are being
Hulme, M., & Sheard, N. (1999). Climate Change Scenarios
for the Philippines. Norwich, UN: Climatic Research Unit
Mimura, N. (1999). Vulnerability of island countries in the
South Pacific to sea level rise and climate change. Climate
Research, 12, 137-143.
This research was funded by the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) through the Engineering Research and
Development for Technology (ERDT) scholarship of the
Science Education Institute (SEI).
Szlafsztein, C., & Sterr, H. (2007). A GIS-based vulnerability
assessment of coastal natural hazards, state of Pará, Brazil.
Journal of Coastal Conservation, 11, 53-66. doi:
Additional support was obtained from the Integrated Coastal
Ecosystem Conservation and Adaptive Management under
Local and Global Environmental Impacts in the Philippines
(CECAM) Project, a collaborative project among Japanese
Universities and University of the Philippines, jointly funded
by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Trisirisatayawong, I., Naeije, M., Simons, W., & FenoglioMarc, L. (2011). Sea level change in the Gulf of Thailand from
GPS-corrected tide gauge data and multi-satellite altimetry.
Global and Planetary Change, 76(3–4), 137-151. doi:
References from Other Literature:
I also acknowledge the generosity of the National Mapping and
Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) for providing the
records from several tide stations and elevation values
benchmarks and geodetic control points needed to undertake
the field surveys. I also thank GEODATA and UP Marine
Science Institute for the satellite images of Bolinao,
IPCC. (2001). Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis,
Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In
J. T. Houghton, Y. Ding, D. J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P. J. Van
der Linden, X. Dai, K. Maskell & C. A. Johnson (Eds.), (pp.
881). Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, USA:
Cambridge University Press.
Lee, K. R., Kim, A. M., Olsen, R. C., & Kruse, F. A. (2011).
Determination of bottom-type and bathymetry using
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Madden, C. K. (2011). Contributions to Remote Sensing of
Shallow Water Depth with the WorldView-2 Yellow Band.
Master of Science in Physical Oceanography and Master of
Science in Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
Capili, E. B., Ibay, A. S., & Villarin, J. R. T. (2005). Climate
Change Impacts and Adaptation on Philippine Coasts. Oceans,
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Church, J. A., White, N. J., Aarup, T., Wilson, W. S.,
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