The Pittsfield Press - Ann Arbor Public Schools


The Pittsfield Press - Ann Arbor Public Schools
The Pittsfield Press
Principal Carol Shakarian
Achievement for all in a Safe, Nurturing Setting
January, 2011
Volume 10, Issue 5
Penguin Points - Messages from Principal Carol
Living Our Mission Statement – Pittsfield’s Mission Statement is powerful in
its simplicity: Achievement For All in a Safe, Nurturing Setting
Penguin Points
Upcoming Events
Nursing Notes
Featured Teachers
School Announcements
Movie Night Flyer
Pizza Kit Info
PTO News
Art Page
PTO Thrift Shop
February Calendar
Rec & Ed at Pittsfield
Welcome Back Janet Heilman! We welcome back Janet Heilman, our
Thursday media specialist, who was out for the past couple of months. We
are fortunate to have our media specialist / humanities teacher back with us
for the remainder of the school year. It’s a happy new year indeed! We thank
Ms. Karen Sanderson for her willingness to fill in for Janet throughout her
absence and we wish Ms. Sanderson good fortune in her next assignment.
January is a time for renewal and continued improvement. Have you seen
the progress your child has made this school year? Do you have questions on
how you can reinforce the learning going on in the classroom (check those
weekly newsletters that come home)? Supporting literacy and mathematics
each day at home will show your child(ren) that there are real-life reasons to
use reading, writing and math out of the school setting. Are you familiar with
Pittsfield’s School Improvement Plan (see below)? Communication with your
child’s teacher is an excellent way to BE INVOLVED in the successes your child
experiences. By staying involved in a positive, productive way, you play an
essential role in the education of your child!
Upcoming Events
1/28: Pizza Order Forms
1/31: Market Day Pick Up
2/4: Pizza Kit Pick Up
2/8: PTO Meeting
2/11: Winter Dance
2/14: NAAPID
2/16: No School for
2/17: Kindergarten Round
Up @ 6:30 pm (adults only)
2/18: Midwinter Break
Kindergarten Round Up is coming
Thursday evening February 17th at
6:30 PM; mark your calendar and get
Kindergarten Parents / Guardians!
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Penguin Points
The Pittsfield Press
NAAPID – National African American PARENT INVOLVEMENT DAY – is Monday,
February 14th! All Parents are invited to spend all or part of the day at Pittsfield
Elementary. Mark your calendars now for this special day to connect with your child’s
school. Spend all or part of your day at Pittsfield. Highlights for the day last year
included a welcome breakfast, classroom visits, hustle and ballroom dance lessons
with Sterling Armstrong (Ms. Armstrong’s dad!), a mid-day soul food luncheon for
parents /guardians / staff, and a short student assembly near the end of the day.
You’ll have to come see what’s in store for THIS year’s Parent Involvement Day!
“All parents are
invited to spend all
or part of the day at
Pittsfield [for NAAPID
on February 14th]”
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Elementary Curriculum and
Instruction on the AAPS web site is a virtual treasure trove of information!
Did you know that the following information is just a click away?
Curriculum Resources
District Curriculum
Elementary Reading Levels Parent Handbook
Elementary World Languages Resources site for families
Everyday Math Parent Handbook (K-5)* (Instructional Services)
English as a Second Language (ESL) Program
ESL Community Services
K-5 Curriculum* (Instructional Services)
K-5 Sample Report Cards* (Instructional Services)
K-8 GLCEs (Grade Level Content Expectations) & Parent Guides*
The GLCEs for each content area are posted on that particular content area's page,
by grade level:
Elementary Core Content Areas
Middle School Core Content Areas
Literacy Support Resources
Personal Curriculum Information for High School Students
Web-based Resources for Students*
World Languages Program Brochure
Check out these district resources and more by going to:
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Penguin Points
The Pittsfield Press
February is full of important events; pass the word!
School Improvement Team meeting on Wednesday, February 2nd at 4:00 PM
NAAPID – National African American Parent Involvement Day is Monday,
February 14th! All families are welcome to join us at Pittsfield throughout the
day on February 14th (2nd Monday in February).
PTO meeting on Tuesday evening February 8th starting at 6:30 PM.
Student COUNT Day is Wednesday, February 9th. This is a most important
count that allows funding for schools for the 2nd half of the school year.
Winter Dance is scheduled for Friday evening, February 11th in the gymnasium
6:00 – 8:00 PM.
Mobile Dentist on site Wednesday, February 15th.
No School for Ann Arbor Public School students on Wednesday February
16th. This is a full day of Professional Development for Ann Arbor Public
School staff. Please plan for child-care accordingly. Thank you!
Kindergarten Round Up on February 17th – On Thursday evening, February 17th,
next year’s Kindergarten families is invited to join us in our annual preview of
life in Kindergarten. Included in the early-evening event is an overview of
the ‘K’ curriculum, a chance to meet our teachers, a visual presentation, and
a chance to discuss your child’s needs with the principal and school nurse! If
you know of prospective ‘K’ parents, do encourage them to attend
Kindergarten Round Up on Thursday evening, February 17th. The evening
begins at 6:30 p.m. and is a parent / guardian only evening (other pre-K
events for children to be held in March and April).
Mid-Winter Break begins at the end of the day, Friday February 18th; school
resumes Monday, February 28th, 2011.
Yours for Pittsfield,
Carol Shakarian
“If you know of
prospective ‘K’
parents, do encourage
them to attend
Kindergarten Round Up
on Thursday evening,
February 17th. “
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Nursing Notes
The Pittsfield Press
Nursing Notes: Ann Burdick, RN – Pittsfield School Nurse
I am struck by the number of television commercials catering to peoples’ New Year’s resolution
of losing weight and getting fit. There is no shortage of them. I’d like to support parents in
helping students choose healthier habits - ones that will stick way past January.
Parents have power to influence their child’s behavior. It’s often not what you say, but what
you actually do, that gets ingrained as a habit—good or bad. It often takes 30 days to establish
a new habit, so picking one thing to start with is a good place to begin.
Television or “screen time” (including watching TV, using the computer, video games,
VHS/DVDs, hand-held electronic devices) is associated with weight. High amounts of one often
come with high amounts of the other.
Outside of work & homework requirements, I am
advocating for everyone limiting “screen-time”. Not only will you be healthier, you will have
more time to actually connect with your child without having the distraction of technology.
The American Academy of Pediatricians recommends limiting children's total media time to no
more than 1 to 2 hours of quality programming per day.
An article in “Science Daily (Jan. 12, 2010) makes this point: “Compared with people who
watched less than two hours of television daily, those who watched more than four hours a day
had a 46 percent higher risk of death from all causes and an 80 percent increased risk for
Cardio Vascular Disease-related death. This association held regardless of other independent
and common cardiovascular disease risk factors, including smoking, high blood pressure, high
blood cholesterol, unhealthy diet, excessive waist circumference, and leisure-time exercises.”
If limiting “screen-time” on a daily basis is too large of a goal to start with, how about
establishing 1 day per week as a “no technology day” (except for work or homework)? As an
example, at my house, we have “no technology Tuesdays”. Although it was contested at first
(especially by my husband), it is now an established routine. It helps us to interact as a family
more, be less hurried, get to bed earlier, be less frantic, and read more books. We even play
more board games together, or just talk about our days more. Limiting screen time was a
change that was well-worth making.
I hope this information helps you consider how to increase activity time together as a family in
Ann Burdick
The Pittsfield Press
Featured Teachers
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Featured Teachers
This section of the press is dedicated to getting to know the
teachers in our school.
Thanks to the teachers for taking the time to share with everyone!
This month we get to know Janet Heilman and Kara Armstrong.
Janet Heilman
Grade teaching this year:
Grades taught in the past:
College from which you graduated:
Years at Pittsfield:
Favorite food:
Favorite movie:
Favorite books:
What are you reading now?
Who’s in your family?
K-5 Media Specialist
Central Michigan University
Wayne State University
First year!
Sound of Music
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Just finished A Book of Wizards
Ypsilanti, MI
My cat Tobey
Kara Armstrong
Student Council Administrator
Coordinator of the 5th Grade Promotion
Grades taught in the past:
3rd (9 years) & 4th (1 year)
College from which you graduated: Western Michigan University
Years at Pittsfield:
Favorite food:
Chicken and Sushi
Favorite movies:
The Goonies and Beetlejuice
Lansing, MI
Who’s in your family?
Mother, Father and 1 brother
Favorite Pittsfield event:
Talent Show
Something you may not know about I am a huge sports fan! My Father went to MSU and
played football during 1964/1965.
Grade teaching this year:
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School Announcements
The Pittsfield Press
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Movie Night & Pizza Kits
The Pittsfield Press
Pizza order forms distributed to the students (in their back packs) on Friday, January 7th.
Order Forms due back to the classroom teacher by Friday, January 28th.
Pizza pick-up at the school on Friday, February 4th between 3 and 6 pm.
PTO News
The Pittsfield Press
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The Press is Online!
Pittsfield Elementary
2543 Pittsfield Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 997-1218
Carol Shakarian, Principal
for all in a Safe,
The Pittsfield Press is printed and distributed in backpack mail
every month. It is also available electronically on the school
website. If you would like to stop receiving the paper version of
the newsletter and just read it online, please email Jenn Carlson at with the name of your student(s) and
his or her teacher(s).
PTO email Alerts
The PTO regularly communicates information about upcoming
events via email distribution. If you would like to be added to our
PTO e-mail distribution list, please contact Jenine Curry, PTO email Coordinator at
PTO Thrift Shop News
Our last “Show Your Support” event was a big hit. Thanks to everyone who
came out to the Thrift Shop to do some post holiday shopping, Pittsfield
came in second place and earned $350 towards supporting our NAAPID
events! National African American Parent Involvement Day is an
opportunity for all parents to get involved in our school, and this money
supports the wonderful activities that are planned throughout the day.
We'll do four more "Show Your Support" events this school year, with the
chance to earn $500 on each one. The weeks are: March 6, April 31, May
22 and June 19. Show your support for Pittsfield while shopping for great
bargains! The PTO Thrift is located at 2280 S. Industrial.
Thanks to everyone in our Pittsfield Elementary family who contributed to
the "Fill the Truck" donation drive on Jan. 12. Despite the deadline hitting
right in the middle of a big snowstorm, our donations filled half the truck. All
of those items will join the PTO Thrift "food chain," as they go onto the sales
floor at the store and fulfill shoppers' needs while generating lots of money
that comes back to the Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Paula Gardner
Pittsfield's PTO Thrift Coordinator
We’re on the Web! Check out our Google calendars for the latest on all school events!
January 2011
A new year and new work begins. Students are
exploring “Linescapes” ( landscapes drawn in lines),
Necker Cube inspired designs, Pittsfield Directory
Cover Designs which extend into Clip Art, Radial
Patterns, Impressionism inspired landscapes, and
World drawings. And the New Kiln has finally been
fired. It worked beautifully! Hurrah! & Thank you!
by Ileanna P.
5th grade
Cube Design Mural
by Ms. Torrey’s 1st grade
“Linescape” by Emon L. 5th grade
Turkey by Rosina E. 5th grade
Art Question
Graffito is a drawing
technique of scratching
through wet paint.
True or Faslse
Answer: True Winner:
Christopher E. 3rd grade
The Art Page:
Clip Art
by Mariana M. 3rd grade
Impressionism Inspired Sun by Basra K. 4th grade
Pittsfield Directory Cover
by David E. 3rd grade
Art Word Wall:
Necker Cube,
Clip Art, &
Radial Design
Radial Design
by Lara M. 4th grade
World Drawing
by Mosi D. Kindergarten
Stay Warm,
Robin Mendenhall & Alex Vinter
January Mystery
Art Question
3rd grade
Necker Cube is a wireframe drawing of a cube. It
can be interpreted two different ways. True or False
2280 S. Industrial Hwy ȹ 734.996.9155
#6 AATA Bus Line
Mon - Fri 9am - 7pm
Sat 9am - 6pm
Sun 11am - 5pm
Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 5pm
Pittsfield Elementary School Calendar 10 / 11
Winter Dance
6:00 – 8:00 PM
in MPR
No School for Students on
Wednesday, Feb. 16th.
Mid-Winter Break:
February 21 – 25
School resumes Feb. 28
PTO Meeting 6:30 PM
Staff Meeting
Mobile Dentist on site
Staff P.D. Day
Mid-Winter break
begins at end of day
Roundup 6:30 p.m.
in MPR
MID-WINTER BREAK – Feb. 21 - 25
Rec & Ed Classes
Pittsfield Elementary School
Offered at -
After School Hoops/Basketball
After School Volleyball
Grades 1-5. Do you love to play Basketball? Want
to be a better Basketball player? Then join the
coaches from One on One Basketball as they run
practice drills in the proper technique of passing,
dribbling, shooting and defensive skills. Offensive
and defense strategies, teamwork skills, and
scrimmages are also covered. All levels welcome:
New players will learn fundamentals and skills.
Continuing players will increase skills and work on
game play. 8 weeks. No class 2/22.
Girls and Boys, grades 1-5. Do you want to learn how to
play Volleyball? Do you want to improve your skills?
Then join our coaches in a pressure free environment
that focuses on teamwork and fun. You will work drills
to learn setting, passing, hitting, and defensive and
offensive strategies. All levels welcome. Instructors:
One On One Sports staff. 8 weeks. No class 2/25.
ID# 3402.612
Tuesdays 1/18 - 3/15
Pittsfield Gym
ID# 3405.604
Fridays 1/21 – 3/18
Pittsfield Gym
FEE: $79
FEE: $79
Kids Yoga
Grades K-5. Yoga provides a positive channel to excessive energy and emotional overload. Using fun
yoga postures, music and sound therapy, children develop flexibility and strength. Mats provided or
bring your own. Instructor: Lauren Gunzel. 8 weeks. No class 2/22, 3/7.
ID# 3705.607
Mondays 1/24 – 3/28
Pittsfield Music Room
FEE: $49
Questions? Call 734-994-2300
Enroll online @ or
mail in the registration form on reverse side