Mothers` Union newsletter - The Diocese of Canterbury
Mothers` Union newsletter - The Diocese of Canterbury
Issue 4/15 United in Prayer Newsletter October - December 2015 New Members Ashford Archdeaconry All Souls, Cheriton: Sheila Cinelli, Jenni Clifton, Diane Miller and Jenny Todd Canterbury Archdeaconry St Stephen’s, Canterbury: Holy Trinity, Broadstairs: Shirley Hagger Dorothy Manning Maidstone Archdeaconry St Nicholas, Allington: St Michael and All Angels, Marden: Shirley Rose Clare Hughes Congratulations Canterbury Archdeaconry St Martin & St Paul, Canterbury: St Stephen’s, Canterbury: Maidstone Archdeaconry Minster Abbey in Sheppey: St Mildred’s, Tenterden: Golden Wedding, Rt Revd Richard and Jennifer Llewellin 90th Birthday, Kathleen Vinten 80th Birthday, Pauline Tuckwell 75th Wedding Anniversary, Joan and Jim Cooper St Nicholas Church, Allington The photo shows The Mothers’ Union flower display at the recent church Flower Festival, celebrating its 40th anniversary. FROM THE EDITOR… General Meeting in Nottingham A group of us went from the Canterbury Diocese and had a wonderful time, with good speeches, good food and good entertainment. For a full report see elsewhere in this issue. Why not make a date to go to Winchester next year, keep the middle of September free, and hope we can encourage more members and friends to join us. David Horwood. Front Cover photos: Mothers’ Union members at an outside meeting and young Mothers’ Union staff. My dear friends, as I write to you Leslie and I are on retreat in Norfolk. The weather has been really unseasonal but this hasn’t marred our time away. It has been a time for us to strengthen our faith and spend time with God as well as our church family. I hope this finds you all well. As you receive this newsletter we will shortly be holding our annual Market on 17th October in St. Paul’s Church in Canterbury. For the first time we are opening it up to the public as well as MU members and I do hope you will encourage as many as possible from your churches to come along. In November we are looking forward to welcoming Jane Groves who will be visiting from Mary Sumner House for our Diocesan Council. (3rd November at 10.00 am. also at St. Paul’s Church in Canterbury) I urge you all to come and be there and to meet Jane. Our Diocesan Chaplain, Lesley Valiant, is holding a Diocesan Quiet Day in Milton Regis on Saturday 21st November, and we sincerely hope that many of you will attend and support that. Milton Regis is right on the edge of our Diocese and I know that Jean Chamberlain and her loyal members will welcome you warmly. Lesley will be sending out further information on that I know. I am delighted also to remind you that Mrs Caroline Welby will be our guest at the forthcoming Advent Service. (Friday 4th December at 11.00 am in the Cathedral Quire.) I feel that the service in our lovely Cathedral begins our journey towards that exciting time of Christmas. This will be my last letter to you. I have to say that it has been a real privilege to work for, and with you all, over the years. I have met so many amazing people and travelled so far and will take so many wonderful memories away with me. It will be doubly hard for me as not only will I be finishing as Diocesan President but Leslie and I will be moving away from Canterbury. A difficult decision for us to make and the harder to bear as we have been here all our married life. I have so loved working for the Mothers’ Union and getting to know you all. You will be constantly in my prayers. I have to say though that I couldn’t have achieved anything without the support I have received from you all. The Trustee Board and Diocesan President work as a team and as part of that team for so many years has been a joy. So, thank you so much for all your love and, that wonderful support, and for your prayers. I know you will be well looked after by Marianna and your new Trustee Board, but please remember that it is a two way partnership. You have just as an important part to play as well, to take Canterbury forward for the next three years. God bless you. My love for, and to you all. Di Sabel, Mothers’ Union President in the Diocese of Canterbury From Mothers’ Union Marketing You may have seen in the news recently that GoGen, an agency used by many large charities to phone supporters and ask for donations, has come under scrutiny for its practices. As a result I wanted to take the opportunity to reassure you of just how seriously we take data protection here at Mary Sumner House. Over the past year we have worked hard to register ourselves as a professionally regulated fundraising body and as such are accountable to the Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB) among others. We make sure to stay up to date with fundraising guidelines to ensure that we are always working to best practice when it comes to contacting our members and supporters, we run checks to ensure the contact details we hold are as up to date as possible and carefully consider risks and security before working with the data we do hold. Since we do not currently hold a central database of all members in the UK, we would not contact anyone who has not given their details directly to us at Mary Sumner House. We have never worked with GoGen, or Listen Fundraising who also came under scrutiny last month, and have only ever thanked people over the phone for their support. Additionally we have never sold or shared any of the data we hold to other charities or companies. We consider what we know about our supporters to be private, sensitive and precious. I hope this message to be clear and informative, should you have any questions please do contact our Fundraising team at Daniel McAllister Head of Fundraising & Communications The Annual Meeting in June at St Paul’s Church Canterbury This was well attended with various reports from Officers and an inspiring few words from Rita Pengelly, a co-opted Trustee. Rita said we should be proud of what MU has achieved, overseas and in our Diocese with AFIA, and had been privileged to have the wonderful job of phoning a family to let them know they had been accepted to go on holiday, and to hear the joy in the mother’s voice. She encouraged members to come forward to come onto the Trustee Board, and said that they will get support and help from the Units, and that God is awesome and will be there to guide them in all they do. David Horwood Note: Don’t forget to read your Faith and Policy Watch leaflet to keep up to date with what the Mothers’ Union are doing. Canterbury Archdeaconry Yet again, members of the Canterbury Archdeaconry branches have been busy and you will find some of the details elsewhere in this publication. As an Archdeaconry we have had a successful BBQ in the garden of Priscilla and David Cox in Herne Bay in July. The weather was just about kind to us and it was good to have some 30 members together for this occasion. Members of the Archdeaconry together with our Diocesan President, attended the “Saying Goodbye“ Service in the Crypt of the Cathedral and served refreshments to those attending afterwards. This is a very moving occasion and the MU presence was welcomed again. We have our Family Beetle Drive on 3rd October in the afternoon at St Paul’s Church Centre, Canterbury so children can come and join in the fun and laughter that accompanies such occasions. Margaret Horwood, Archdeaconry President Maidstone Archdeaconry Our smallest branch in the Archdeaconry, St Michael’s and All Angels, Maidstone, invited us all to a garden party at Wrotham. They had prepared a really lovely afternoon tea for us all, with a Literature stall and a bring and buy table too. They even managed to organise the weather to be warm sun with only one tiny shower. We were able to look out towards the Weald of Kent which was a simply delightful view. Unfortunately we were only a few branches, as so many decided they couldn’t get to Wrotham, but more than thirty of us had a really enjoyable time. Jean Sweetman, Archdeaconry President Mothers’ Union’s new Chief Executive Mrs Beverley Jullien has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of the Mothers’ Union. During her successful career in both the corporate and education sectors Beverley Jullien has been at the vanguard of women’s representation at senior board level. Beverley Jullien said “I’m delighted to be joining Mothers' Union. This offers a wonderful opportunity to apply the skills and experience I’ve gained in my career to a new role in the not for profit sector. I’m excited to be joining a worldwide organisation of over four million members, men and women working together to support families through fighting poverty and injustice and tackling family issues.” St Michael & all Angels, Marden Claire Hughes was enrolled on 8th July, and the photo shows from L - R Sarah Davies, Janet Codling, Di Sabel (Diocesan President), Claire Hughes, Carol Walker and Ann Woodgate, (Marden Branch Committee). Holy Trinity, Broadstairs Dorothy Manning was enrolled on 7th July by Di Sabel (Diocesan President), and is third from the left in the back row of the photo and is with branch members. All Souls’, Cheriton Four new members were enrolled by Di Sabel (Diocesan President) Sheila Cinelli, Jenni Clifton, Diane Miller and Jenny Todd, and they are shown with other members of the branch. Note: To all branches having new members, please try to take a photo and send it to me with names and a few lines, and I will include it in the newsletter. We are also thinking of a special feature on all the glorious banners that you have in your branches, next issue 1/16, so please over the next few months take a photo of your banner. The banner photo needs to be reasonably close with either the banner alone or someone holding it. Minster Abbey in Sheppey The branch’s 88th birthday party was held in the Abbey Hall and Pam Edworthy welcomed 80 guests from MU branches at Denham and Milton and from the local Bethel Church, the Salvation Army and Chatham MU friends. Also attending were Di Sabel, Diocesan President and Jean Sweetman, Maidstone Archdeaconry President. We were entertained by a local group of musicians playing old war songs and of course everyone sang along Five members took part in the Minster Village Fayre held in the grounds of Minster Abbey and raffled jam jars containing various items, filled by MU members, at £1 a time, so everyone was a winner. we made £70. Pam Edworthy St Stephen’s, Canterbury A new member, Shirley Hagger, was enrolled by Di Sabel, Diocesan President and welcomed by Rosie Barford, Branch Leader at their ‘Summer Supper and Compline’. Rosie Barford Holy Trinity Church, Margate At the annual Garden Party held at MU member Mary Weitzel’s house, on a hot summer’s day, a good number of people arrived to make it a very successful event once again with over £350 raised. It is no doubt that most of you are very aware of Gift Aid, where The Mothers’ Union (or any other charity) can reclaim tax on financial gifts made to that charity once the donor has signed a declaration. However, I realise that as the Annual Tax Allowances have risen, therefore, some people are unable to continue to Gift Aid because they don’t pay tax. So, if your income in the current financial year (6th April 2015 – 5th April 2016) will be below £10,600, then you are unlikely to pay tax and should let Janet McIntosh know. It is important to do this as otherwise you are liable to pay the reclaimed tax passed to the charity. For those born before 6th April 1938 the allowance is £10,660. If you are a higher rate tax payer then you will no doubt be well aware of what you need to do. Although, as individuals, it is helpful that more people are not paying tax this of course has a detrimental effect on our charity income. However, in the last budget the government increased the amount under the GASDS (Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme) from £5000 to £8000, and although this is unlikely to make a difference to us as a small charity, it does mean we can reclaim tax on donations made on collections in community buildings. The amount we claimed back from collections during Services last year did make a significant difference. It is possible that we could make more use of this scheme, so if you have a group of 10 or more people meeting, who make cash contributions to MU, and meet in a ‘community building’ then please get in contact – before the meeting. It will then be possible to make sure all the requirements are fulfilled for the donations to be valid. Nikki Sweatman Together in Prayer Sue Spillett – Faith and Policy Co-ordinator. October – November As we come to the last three months of the year, let us pray for our outgoing Diocesan President Di Sabel, Deputy President Nikki Sweatman and Trustee Board, along with our thoughts and prayers for the Diocesan President elect – Marianna Poliszczuk. When writing this, the nominations are still in progress for the other positions on the Trustee Board. There are many spaces to fill, and we pray that members will have come forward to sit on the Trustee Board and be part of the team that will work together to move our Diocese and the work of the Mothers’ Union forward in this place. We give thanks for all that has been achieved, and ask God’s blessing on all that is to come. So with that in our minds for the whole of the coming three months we pray: O Lord, as the years change, may we find rest in your eternal changelessness. Help us to meet this coming new year bravely, in the faith that, while life changes all around us, you are always the same, guiding us with your wisdom and protecting us with your love; through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. William Temple. God bless us, giving us Time for the task, Peace for the pathway, Wisdom for the work, Friends for the fireside, Love to the last. Amen. MU Anthology of Public Prayers. Together in Prayer October – Autumn Psalm 24 1 “The earth is the Lord’s and all the good things in it; the whole world and those who live in it”. Gather me to you, O Lord, like ripened apples. Reap me and bind me like sheaves of corn, Shape me and tidy me like garden hedges, And all the useless trimmings burn. Open my eyes to autumn’s painful story; The gold to grey, the stripping and the death. The heart of Easter’s radiant story, When Christ will breathe in us his Spirit breath. Farewell then to Summer’s brilliant garden. For the hey-day of my life accept my thanks, Welcome to winter now, frost gleam and darkness. To all that is in store for me, may I say yes. MU member Rochester Diocese. May God who clothes the lilies and feeds the birds of the sky, who leads the lambs to pasture and the deer to water, who multiplied loaves and fishes and changed water into wine, lead us, feed us, multiply us, and change us to reflect the glory of our Creator through eternity. Please remember in your prayers: Trevor Lloyd Thursday 1st October Finance and Diocesan Services 3.00 pm 5.00 pm at Tunstall Weds 7th - Fri 9th October World Wide Council Meeting Thursday 15th October Trustee Board Meeting with Archdeaconry Presidents & Unit Coordinators, 10.00 am -12.30 pm Diocesan House Boardroom Saturday 17th October Annual Market, 10.30 am St Paul’s Church Canterbury Mon 19th - Sun 25th October UK Family Friendly Week Tuesday 20th October Newsletter meeting at 27 Abbey Gardens Thursday 29th October Cathedral Prayer Time, 12 Noon St Gabriel’s Chapel Friday 30th October Copy deadline for Newsletter Together in Prayer November – Saints Revelation 4 10-11; 5 8. And the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, and with golden bowls of incense, which are prayers of the saints, they sang. Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory, honour and blessing. Lord, we thank you for your saints, and ask for grace to follow them: Make us open like Mary your mother, and bold like Paul; joyful like Francis, and faithful like Clare. Help us to reflect Mary Magdalene’s great love for you, John the Evangelist’s understanding of you, and Peter’s steadfast devotion to you; And, when we feel we have failed you, remind us that all your saints knew they were sinners in need of your mercy; for your love’s sake. Amen. Angela Ashwin. We remember and praise you for the saints of this and every age, whose lives, like seeds, dropped to the ground, yet whose witness has inspired us and borne fruit. God keep us in the fellowship of his saints. Christ protect us by the ministry of the angels. The Spirit make us holy in God almighty, and the Trinity remain with us always. Amen. John L. Bell Michael Pelham. Please remember in your prayers: Tuesday 3rd November Diocesan Council, 10.15 am - 12 noon at St Paul’s Church Canterbury, followed by lunch in St Paul’s Centre, 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm Thursday 12th November Trustee Board Meeting 2.00 pm - 4.45 pm Diocesan House Boardroom Saturday 21st November Diocesan Quiet Day, Milton Regis Thursday 26th November Cathedral Prayer Time, 12 noon St Gabriel’s Together in Prayer December – Waiting Psalm 27 – 14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Wait for the Spirit. Wait…. Without expectation which must focus attention too narrowly, so we miss the coming. Wait with expectancy, alert, hearts, minds, hands, ears open to receive the gift. Ann Lewin. A morning in Advent. As the new day dawns, we rejoice in the first glimmers of light which remind us of your coming, O Christ. We give thanks that your light has overcome all our darkness; may we share in the mystery of your presence in the world, and be always ready to live each day for you. Angela Ashwin. May the warmth of Christ heal us, the eyes of Christ gaze on us, And the peace of Christ shine through us, today and evermore. Angela Ashwin. Please remember in your prayers: Friday 4th December Advent Service in Cathedral Quire, 11.00 am December No Cathedral Prayer Time Together in Prayer Annual Report 2014 We have had a very successful year with small and large projects and other work being undertaken by members across the Diocese. Much more detail is shown in the full set of accounts (available from the Administrator or your Branch Leader who should also have a received them by email). The following show pie charts of the accounts for the year ended 31st December 2014. MSH Funds 2014 – shows the money paid into Canterbury Diocese and then forwarded to Mary Sumner House. Payments 2014 - shows where our money went during the year, which includes payments made from Branches. Receipts 2014 – shows what we received during the year and includes money received in branches. As you know money is only useful when it’s used and I encourage Branches and Archdeaconries to use any ‘balances’ they hold for the benefit of the MU as a whole. You are expected to only keep a maximum of 6 months expenditure in your accounts, unless you are ‘saving up’ for a project. If this is the case then this fact will be reported in your committee minutes and will state the details of the projects for which you are holding back the funds. I should be grateful to know if you find this type of layout more useful than a report which shows the detailed figures (or not). Please do get in touch with myself, Susan (the administrator) or Paul (treasurer) if you have any questions. Nikki Sweatman Funds MU Pilgrimage Takes Off Again Canterbury to Rochester continuing in the footsteps of St Augustine. Earlier in the year a group of ten Mothers’ Union members from all parts of the Diocese met at Canterbury East Station to set out on our pilgrimage, led by our Diocesan Chaplain, the Revd. Lesley Valiant. We took a short trip by train to Selling where this year’s pilgrimage began, setting off at about 10.15 am, our route took us first past Selling Church and then through the hamlet of Hogbens Hill. We then followed an uphill route through woods and across fields of growing wheat to Sheldwich Church where we paused to view the Church and to use their facilities. We were accompanied by Lesley’s husband, Terry, in their camper van who carried our lunches and changing gear and appeared at various stages on the journey to make sure we were not going astray. Apart from one slight shower we were blessed with fine weather, rather breezy but not too hot. We then continued through fields and woods to Eastling where we were greeted by their rector, Donald Lawton and his wife and by local architect, Roger, who described how Eastling Church had been built in stages through many centuries. Outside there is an ancient yew tree believed to be 2000 years old. We very much enjoyed our picnic lunch in the Church and before moving on used an Eco-green toilet which needs the Churchwardens’ approval, which was freely given. Our afternoon route took us through fields of rape and woodland passing through the small hamlet of Seed which I certainly had never heard of. By 5.30 pm we reached Frinsted and from there it was only a short hop to Wormshill, our overnight stop. On arrival, we were greeted with a sumptuous supper organised by MU Leader there, Pat Hobday and her husband Bill and some other MU members. Some of our group were accommodated there for the night. Unfortunately the Maidstone contingent had to depart for home in view of Church duties back at base on Sunday morning. The remaining pilgrims had an enjoyable second day as they carried on to Rochester. Our sincere thanks to Lesley for organising this and giving us a day closer to nature and to God. John Sweetman Saying Goodbye Service Once again the Mothers’ Union in Canterbury were invited to support the Saying Goodbye Service held in the Cathedral on Saturday 18th July. The Saying Goodbye Service is for those who have experienced the death of a child in pregnancy, at birth, or in early years of life. The picture shows over 600 candles lit in memory of those who have died. Eight members from the Canterbury Archdeaconry attended and assisted during the service and afterwards with tea and cake, and by providing a pastoral team. Margaret Horwood Women’s Refuge Women's Refuge are given support throughout the Diocese with collections of toiletries. Inspired to give even more practical help to those women who will arrive with nothing, St Nicholas Church, Allington MU surprised their contact in the Maidstone area when they came to speak to members at a recent branch meeting with a gift of 107 knickers! Marianna Poliszczuk Those Who Have Died Ashford Archdeaconry All Souls, Cheriton Mary Cline Canterbury Archdeaconry St Martin & St Paul, Canterbury Vera Knowles Maidstone Archdeanconry St Mildred’s, Tenterden Joan Diana Cooper Dates for your Diary Thursday 1st October Finance and Diocesan Services 3.00 5.00 pm at Tunstall Weds 7th - Fri 9th October World Wide Council Meeting Thursday 15th October Trustee Board Meeting with Archdeaconry Presidents & Unit Coordinators, 10.00 am 12.30 pm Diocesan House Boardroom Saturday 17th October Annual Market, 10.30 am - 12 noon St Paul’s Church Canterbury Mon 19th - Sun 25th October UK Family Friendly Week Tuesday 20th October Newsletter meeting at 27 Abbey Gardens Thursday 29th October Cathedral Prayer Time, 12 Noon St Gabriel’s Chapel Friday 30th October Copy deadline for Newsletter Tuesday 3rd November Diocesan Council, 10.15 am - 12 noon at St Paul’s Church Canterbury, followed by lunch in St Paul’s Centre, 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm Thursday 12th November Trustee Board Meeting 2.00 pm - 4.45 pm Diocesan House Boardroom Saturday 21st November Diocesan Quiet Day, Milton Regis Thursday 26th November Cathedral Prayer Time, 12 Noon St Gabriel’s Chapel Friday 4th December Advent Service in Cathedral Quire, 11.00 am with address by Caroline Welby December No Cathedral Prayer Time Copy for the next Newsletter to be with the Editor, David Horwood, by Friday 30th October 2015. Please let me know what is happening in your area. Send to: 27 Abbey Gardens Canterbury CT2 7EU or email: Diocesan Contact List Diocesan President Deputy President Diocesan Administrator General Trustee & Godmother General Trustee & Godmother General Trustee & Godmother General Trustee Finance & Diocesan Services Coordinator Membership Diocesan Treasurer Faith and Policy Coordinator Social Policy Officer Diocesan Chaplain & Godmother Indoor Members Emergency Prayer Chain F & C Marketing Coordinator Diocesan Literature Representative Maidstone Archdeaconry Literature Representative Families First & Diocesan Newsletter Distribution Diocesan Newsletter Editor Action and Outreach - Home Overseas Ashford Archdeaconry President Canterbury Archdeaconry President Maidstone Archdeaconry President Diocesan Website: Mothers’ Union Website: Registered Charity No. 250124 Di Sabel 01303 863239 E-mail: Nikki Sweatman 01227 713111 E-mail: Susan Bradley 01303 864289 Wingmore, Brady Road, Lyminge CT18 8EU E-mail: Margaret Horwood 01227 455080 E-mail: Jayne Spicer 01304 812825 E-mail: Daniele Ligneau-Wilton 01227 454230 E-mail: Paul Williams 07855 514805 E-mail: Nikki Sweatman 01227 713111 E-mail: Revd John Sweatman 01227 713111 E-mail: Paul Williams 07855 514805 1 Dene Court, 189 Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne, ME10 1EU E-mail: Sue Spillett 01227 456100 E-mail: Liz Deane 01622 204569 E-mail: Revd Lesley Valiant 01843 293964 E-mail: Marjorie Wyatt 01227 456532 Beth Walton 01580 765701 Marianna Poliszczuk 01622 751243 E-mail: Betty Heppenstall 01303 255523 Rosemary McArragher 01622 831007 Marylyn Collins 01227 367651 David Horwood 01227 455080 E-mail: Vacant Erika Catchpole 01622 761378 E-mail: Vacant Margaret Horwood 01227 455080 E-mail: Jean Sweetman 01622 728233 E-mail: GENERAL MEETING NOTTINGHAM PRAYING, ENABLING, CAMPAIGNING These three words were left with us to digest as representing the purposes of the Mothers’ Union as we left the General Meeting held in Nottingham on 26 June. The Meeting showed the Mothers’ Union to be a vibrant, active and living organisation which operates throughout the world. This message came over during the address of our Worldwide President, Lynne Tembey as she shared with us the many visits she had made during the last year, most recently to New Zealand. Before the usual midday prayers, we were addressed by the Mothers’ Union Central Chaplain, Bishop Andrew Proud, who emphasised very strongly the importance of Prayer to seek God’s blessing in all we aim to do. We received a presentation by Bill Crooks and Jackie Mouradian “Touching the Cloak” who told us about using mosaic creativity in children’s work. After lunch we heard from Jane Groves and Nicola Lawrence from Mary Sumner House about the work they do beyond the branches. We then bade our fond farewells to Chief Executive, Reg Bailey who told us of some of the amazing co-incidences which he had experienced during his 16 years’ of devoted service he has given to MU. Two Services of Celebration were held on the evening prior to the General Meeting, one at Southwell Minster and the other at St Mary’s Church in Nottingham. We did have the benefit of an interesting tour of the Minster on the previous day but our group of 28 members and friends attended the latter but, unfortunately our view of the dance in part of the service was somewhat limited. We had a very enjoyable experience on the following evening when we returned to St Mary’s for a revue, “Mum’s the Word” by five professional actors and musicians. This took the form of a wide range of songs, writings and poems tracing the history of the Mothers’ Union as far back as the end of the 19 th Century being funny and tuneful. Those of us who went to the General Meeting by coach would like to record our thanks to Liz Deane, for finding a splendid hotel in Nottingham and for arranging a brief stop at Stamford on the way up as well as a tour of Southwell. We were blessed with fine weather throughout except for a brief shower as we were entering St Mary’s Church in the evening. Next year’s General Meeting, celebrating the 140th anniversary of Mothers’ Union, will take place where it all began - in Winchester, in September 2016 under the theme for the year ‘A Celebration of Faith'. John Sweetman Some members at our stop in Stamford, en route. This magazine is produced by Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Canterbury. We welcome items from members and other organisations related to the ethos of Mothers’ Union. All items must come with a note of the contributor’s name and contact details. The editor reserves the right to edit or not publish anything received. Items are not intended to represent the official position of the Church of England, nor the official position of the Mothers’ Union. Willowbrook Place Willowbrook Place is a purpose built Teenage Parent Unit offering accommodation and housing related support to young people between 16-21 years old who are pregnant and/or have young dependent children. Located in Maidstone, Willowbrook Place comprises six self-contained apartments, communal facilities including a kitchen/dining area, two sitting rooms and an office. Funded by Kent County Council, the service is designed to help young parents to manage their tenancy, develop their life and parenting skills, encourage independent living and reduce homelessness. Young parents are also given support to move on and settle back into the Photo shows: Eddie Vincent, who will lead an MU community if required. parenting team, the Willowbrook Management Team, and Di Sabel, Diocesan President. The Trustee Board are pleased to announce our support for the young mothers with children being housed in Willowbrook Place, and will provide Welcome Boxes which will contain household basics. The first two boxes are delivered along with an amount of newborn baby clothing. Trinity Foyer, Maidstone Edna Tupper, coordinator, with one of the Welcome Boxes given by MU members to homeless teenagers at the Trinity Foyer, Maidstone
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