McNaughtons of Ireland alphabetical
McNaughtons of Ireland alphabetical
THE McNAUGHTONS OF IRELAND After a few pages of introduction you will find my 240 page database of all the references I have found to male McNaughtons/McNaghtens/McNattens etc who were alive pre c.1840 and had a stated link to Ireland. It is in alphabetical order - and approximate chronological order within that. However, scroll up and down through a name to check that an individual doesn’t reappear later. If anyone discovers any more, please use the comments section and I shall update the table over the years. Some females are found at the end. Notes: Mc implies Scottish roots, and is hence more prevalent in Ulster. This database is hence heavily skewed to families in Ulster, and particularly County Antrim. Marriage between Catholics and Protestants was always common. Catholics frequently ‘renounced Papism’ to further themselves in Society – particularly in order to inherit land. Note that when someone was married in an Anglican church, I erroneously put their religion down as C o I (Church of Ireland) when in fact they could have been any religion but were only allowed to marry in the Parish Church (which was the Anglican Established Church). I feel that, in the 18th C, “McNaghten” and particularly “McNatten” imply longer Irish domicile than McNaughton. However, some of the East Antrim coast McNaughtons had been resident there -possibly for hundreds of years – in what was basically a Scotch community, the Glyns. There is some evidence that McNaghton was pronounced McNaten/McNeighton. McNaughton was often recorded in England as MacNorton. Most McNaghten families had changed their name to McNaughton by 1860 (and the Clan chief ones to Macnaghten). The ones below are the Macs, Macks, Mcs, M’s and Ms : Naghtans, Naghtens, Naghtins, Naghtons, Nattans, Nattens, Nattons, Nautons, Nottens, Northens, Nortons, Naughtans, Naughtens, Naughtons, Naightons, Neightons, Naughtins, Knightons, Nuttons and Nachtans. (On many search engines [PRONI, UHF], only the precise spelling is searched for; and Ancestry won’t bring up Mc Norton in a search for McNorton!) Some are transcribed as McNangthon, McNutton and even just plain Nafton! Often, the best way to search is for M*cN**t*n. Don’t forget to check for M’Naghtens etc. (often by typing MNaghten). Adobe Acrobat requires exact spellings. Websites I have checked include: (Public Records Office, Northern Ireland) (Ulster Historical Foundation) www. In the table below are basically the male McNaughtons known to have been born in Ireland pre 1840. (Sorry the numbering is so crazy) It won’t actually help you get any further back than the records you have (though it might have done!!) but it will alert you to just how many individuals with the same name were about at the same time. It will help avoid jumping to conclusions. There are evidently mistakes in here (and not all are my own.)The sources are rarely stated and you’ll have to use websites to find the actual record, but at least you can see what is and what isn’t out there. Any names of spouses and parents, linking of entries etc. etc. that anyone can add, would be very much appreciated. I am slowly building Family Trees for various McNaughton families on Davis/McNaughton/MacNorton/Tracy/Treacy/Stacey/Pain (My one- with several Napoleonic British soldiers in it if you click on Margaret McNaughton’s siblings) McNaghten of Ballyreagh and Liverpool Family Tree (Minor gentry of the Cloghs area) McNaghten of Coleraine, Ballyboggy and Beardiville Family Tree (A landed and influential family including the Clan Chiefs but ignore pre 1600 info since it is probably faulty. The Atticur/Kiltimurry branch is yet to be added) McNaughtens of Ballyrashane Family Tree. (A humble Presbyterian family from the Coleraine and Ballymoney area with the same name as their landlords at Ballyboggy) McNaughtons of Cloughs, Layde & Cushendall Family Tree (Predominantly Catholic farmers of the Glyns, but beware that some of the landed Ballyboggy family lived there too). McNaughton's of Dungannon Family Tree (farmers at Mullycrunnet especially) Also look at the Glenravel Historical Society Tree for all the poor Catholic McNaughtons of the Clogh and Skerry area Any information on the ones in bold would be very much appreciated. (The reason the whole table came about is that I was trying to find the ancestry of my 5 X Gt grandmother Margaret McNaughton (ref no.85 – now listed immediately after her brother Bartholomew)) born Nr BallyCastle, Antrim c.1783. Even after all of this, I still can’t decide whether she was the daughter of a visiting soldier, from an Antrim blacksmith’s family or from an illegitimate line of the local gentry !! I can however now presume that she was the sister of a soldier Bartholomew McNaughton/McNaghten (ref no.76) born in BallyMoney in 1785. He married Ann in Ealing (London) in 1807 and had Sarah in 1808 and George in 1818 BUT, in June 1809 the regiment says his wife was Mary who had three children with her at the time!! I have found no trace of Bartholomew after his discharge in 1821 and I think he may have started another family elsewhere (probably Ireland – but possibly Scotland or even Canada [he’s on a ship there in 1827]!) Hence any information on early 19thC Bartholomew McNaughton’s round the world would be fantastic. Also, any Mcnaughtons etc spotted in the newly released Roman Catholic registers, which are not transcribed, would be much appreciated. Many Thanks Jon Jon.lee63 AT WHEN A MCNAUGHTON FAMILY MIGHT HAVE ARRIVED IN IRELAND The following is basically a series of paragraphs about Scots Irish migration cut and pasted from articles and books as I tought myself about Irish History and when McNaughtons might have come to certain areas. It was an aide-memoir and never intended for publication. Hence it is plagerised and references are often not given. I do apologise to the authors and hope that they forgive its use in this document which is purely for family research. You may be lucky and find information that points to when your McNaughtons are likely to have first arrived in Ireland – but don’t get your hopes up! The Norman invasion of the late 12th century marked the beginning of more than 700 years of direct English and, later, British involvement in Ireland. In 1177, Prince John Lackland was made Lord of Ireland by his father Henry II of England at the Council of Oxford.[Wiki] From these early times, Scotts were regularly employed as mercenaries (Gallowglass service) in Ireland and some may have settled there. “The first 160 Gallowglass, who appear to have been from Clan MacDoughall arrived in Ireland in 1259AD as part of Dougall MacSorley’s (King of the Hebrides) daughters dowry in her marriage to Aedh O’Connor, the then King of Connaught. The Gallowglass fought like the Normans protected in mail coats and iron helmets. But they were notable with their characteristic two handed axes and Claymores (a large 2 handed sword). This trickle of warriors became a flood as many mercenary Gallowglass Clans either sought new lords after backing the losing side in the Scottish wars of Independence or just somewhere to ply their trade, and given the battle against the encroaching Normans or the constant inter-Clan warfare there was always a demand for the services in Ireland. Many Clans like the McCabe’s and MacSweeney’s transplanted completely to Ireland. The MacSweeney’s vacated their homeland around Castle Swin on the Argyll peninsula in Scotland for life in the service of the O’Donnell’s in Donegal. Others remained seasonal travellers appearing in the spring and summer offering their services to the highest bidder (everybody appears to have decided that making war in autumn and winter in Ireland was a bad idea). While others like the MacDonald’s/MacDonnell’s’ and MacNeill’s established territories in County Antrim in the northeast of Ireland to complement their lands in Scotland (the MacNeill’s appear to have been the new occupants of Swin Castle vacated by the MacSweeney’s). County Antrim provided the shortest crossing point between Scotland and Ireland and the presence of Scottish Clans there may have been an attempt to monopolise this lucrative trade”. ( John Mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles (an idependant principality of Scotland - its domain including the islands of Islay, Jura, and Rathlin, and part or all of the peninsula of Kintyre), settled in the Glens of Antrim in 1399 and formed a huge estate from Coleraine to Larne. This was headed by the Earl of Antrim. In about 1500, MacDonalds of the Isles found their rebelliousness against the Scottish government had made Scotland too hot for them. Alexander or Alastar MacDonald, who had five or six sons, gave serious attention to strengthening the clan’s foothold in Antrim. Thereafter as Macdonnells, the sons proceeded to annex the lands of the MacQuillans — an Anglo-Norman family— by the device of raiding and warring. The youngest of the Macdonnell brothers was Sorley Boy (1505-1590). In 1558 he was established as Lord of the Route, and by the Route is meant a slab of Antrim extending inland from the sea between the rivers Bush and Bann. In 1580 an army of 3000 Scots landed with fighting culminating in the battle of Ora in 1583 (between Loughguile and Layd). In Jan 1585 Sorley boy landed at Red Bay with 2000 Scots – which culminated with him being granted the land from Coleraine to Larne. Consequently Shane Dhu MacNaughtan had employment when he came over from Scotland: he became land agent and managing assistant for Sorley Boy. Those Scots that settled in the 16th C were ‘industrious and proud farmers’ – and Catholic. The Crown did not attempt to assert full control of the island until after Henry VIII's repudiation of papal authority over the Church in England and subsequent rebellion of the Earl of Kildare in Ireland threatened English hegemony there. Henry proclaimed himself King of Ireland and also tried to introduce the English Reformation, which failed in Ireland. Attempts to either conquer or assimilate the Irish lordships into the Kingdom of Ireland provided the initial impetus for a series of Irish military campaigns between 1534 and 1603. ( When James became King of England and Ireland in 1603, English military and political pressure on the Catholic Gaelic Irish landholders increased and eventually resulted in ‘The Flight of the Earls’ in September 1607. Sir Randal MacDonnell had his ownership of the four northern baronies of Antrim (330,000 acres) confirmed but, in exchange, was induced to encourage Protestant English and Scots to settle (just prior to The Plantation of the rest of Ulster). In 1609 a fort was built at Coleraine to resist the raids of Scottish islanders and enable settlement. In 1610 the Plantation of Coleraine was begun by London Companies - The Irish Society being given land for 3 miles around by Sir Randal. [By 1611, 380 men were involved in building the town (and there were 100 men living there by 1622, and 357 living in the town and Liberties by 1630.)] Sir Randal was rewarded by being made Earl of Antrim in December 1620. His chief agent was John Shane MacNachten and his descendants became the MacNaughton gentry of North Antrim - with the MacNaughton Clan Chief getting the estate of Benvarden and being High Sheriff of Antrim. Ballymoney was established around 1620. SCOTTISH SETTLEMENT OF COUNTIES ANTRIM & DOWN The MacDonald clan from Scotland, who in addition to being mercenary soldiers in Ireland, settled much of County Antrim in the 1400s and gradually increased their holdings by strong-arm tactics. King James VI of Scotland had cultivated the Antrim MacDonald Chief, Sir Randal MacDonald, in order to deprive the rebellious MacDonalds of the Scottish Highlands of an obvious source of support, and to keep Irish power in the north of Ireland as weak as possible. On becoming King of England in 1603, James gave the MacDonalds patent to their land in Antrim. MacDonald, although a Roman Catholic, immediately began settling his lands with Lowlanders from Scotland, the first arriving in 1607. By 1630 there were 800 Scottish males living on the MacDonald estates in Antrim. This would have meant a total Scottish population of about 3,000. In County Down, the two leaders of the Scottish settlement were Hugh Montgomery, a Scottish laird from Braidstone in Ayreshire, and James Hamilton, who had begun his career in Ireland as a school teacher in Dublin in 1587. The terms of the crown’s grant to these two Scots were specified in 1605, and included an obligation to inhabit the lands with Scots and Englishmen. The planning and settlement was left entirely in the hands of Montgomery and Hamilton. The first Scottish settlers arrived in 1605-1606. Their first task was to build cottages and booths out of sods and saplings, then the soil was tilled. By 1630, there were about 2,700 Scottish males on these two estates in County Down, of which about 80% were names commonly found in the south-western counties of Scotland. When females and children are added to the total, there would have been about 5,000 Scots settled in Down in 1630. THE OTHER SIX PLANTER COUNTIES In 1610, the Crown developed an elaborate, detailed and rigidly controlled scheme for the settlement of Counties Armagh, Donegal, Cavan, Fermanagh, and Londonderry. Nine extensive areas in these six counties were assigned to Scots for plantation. These baronies or precincts were then divided into lots of 1000, 1500, and 2000 acres, not including bogs and mountains. Those who received these lots were termed ‘undertakers’. Over each barony was placed a Chief Undertaker, who was allowed to receive up to 3000 acres. Chief Undertakers were chosen by the King and included one Duke, one Earl, three Barons and four Knights. Fifty ordinary Undertakers were then chosen by the Chiefs. All Undertakers were expected to be on their land by September 30, 1610. On every 1000 acres received, there had to be 24 able bodied Scots or Englishment over families (to minimize old clan allegiances). Two of the families were to be freeholders; three were to be leaseholders, and the remainder could be cottagers. Undertakers had to be prepared to muster their tenants twice a year and to provide them with weapons. They were to be called on to fight any insurrections of the Irish. Undertakers were given three and one half years to erect fortifications, the type determined by the size of the lot granted. Men of 2000 acres, for example, were required to build a small castle of stone or brick, with a stone wall surrounding it. All Undertakers had to post bonds, as a guarantee that they would comply with the conditions. Failure to comply resulted in forfeiture of the land. Reporting requirements resulted in the production of countless muster rolls and maps, some of which have survived. Because of surviving muster rolls and maps, the names of most of the original planters can be determined. By 1622, there were between 3000 and 4000 Scottish adults on the land in these six counties. DENIZATION Prior to 1707, Scotland was a distinct Kingdom from England, governed by its own laws, with its own manners and customs. To ensure that the arriving Scots could be kept under control from rising up in Ireland in support of their brothers in Scotland, they were required to take an oath of loyalty to the British Crown, as ‘denizens’ in Ireland. For Scots to become English subjects in Ireland, it was necessary to obtain letters patent of Denization, pay a fine and take the Oath of allegiance. As a denizen, the planter occupied an intermediate position between an alien and a native born subject. He had the privilege of purchasing land, but heirs born before the date of denization could not inherit the land on the denizen’s death. A denizen could use the law courts, but was not qualified to hold any office of trust, civil or military. ‘Naturalization’ was a second step in the process, which could only be applied for after seven years of denization. It placed the alien in the same position as if he had been born a British subject. All the obligations and rights of citizenship applied. Those who refused denization were essentially without rights to property or law. ( “By 1630, there were 814 Scots and 142 Englishmen of military age living on the Earl of Antrim’s estates. Half of these families were in the barony of Dunluce, on the fertile lands of the Route, with most of the rest in the town of Glenarm or along the coast of County Antrim. However at least half of the Earl of Antrim’s chief tenants were Irish or highland Scots, as were many of the smaller lessees.” (Montgomery, Ian. Tenants on the Estates of the Earls of Antrim in the Seventeenth Century) After 1630, Scottish migration to Ireland waned for a decade. Indeed, in the 1630s, many Scots went home after King Charles forced the Prayer Book of the Church of England on the Church of Ireland, thus denying the Scots their form of worship. In 1638, an oath was imposed on the Scots in Ulster, ‘The Black Oath’, binding them on no account to take up arms against the King. Insulted twice, many returned to Scotland. ( The 1613 overthrow of the Catholic majority in the Irish Parliament was realised principally through the creation of numerous new boroughs which were dominated by the new settlers. By the end of the seventeenth century, recusant Roman Catholics, as adherents to the old religion were now termed, representing some 85% of Ireland's population, were then banned from the Irish Parliament. Protestant domination of Ireland was confirmed after two periods of war between Catholics and Protestants in 1641-52 and 1689-91. Political power thereafter rested entirely in the hands of a Protestant Ascendancy minority, while Catholics and members of dissenting Protestant denominations suffered severe political and economic privations at the hands of the Penal Laws. ( Roman Catholics were restricted in acquiring and retaining property, and Presbyterians were not allowed to hold office; and both had to pay tithes to the Church of Ireland. Some McNaughtons changed their name to McNaught1 to signify that they were Protestant. Davie McNaughton has come across several accounts of the changing of the name in Ireland: “The Laird "Sir John" adhering to the old faith, while the son, also a " John" taking up the Protestant persuasion and and using the McNaught as a surname to differentiate from his Father.” Apparently, McNaught, MacNeight, MacKnight, MacNutt, Menautt, Minnitt, Knight, Menagh, Menaght were used interchangeably in different areas – but I doubt by the mid eighteenth century. Many McNaughts were found but have not been included here. (If I had put on all the plain Naughtens, Naughtons and Naughtans on, we’d be submerged.) The Ulster Forces and Covenanting Army: Muster Rolls of 1642 ‘Men and Arms’: The Ulster Settlers, c. 1630, is essentially the first ‘census’ of English and Scottish settlers in the nine counties of Ulster in the early seventeenth century. The edition includes extensive additional information on the settlers drawn from a variety of contemporary sources. The Presbyterian Historical Society in Belfast holds transcript copies of the muster rolls for nearly all the Ulster regiments and troops of horse raised in the aftermath of the 1641 Irish Rebellion. The official mustering of the Ulster forces was carried out by William Robert in 1642. Two almost complete sets of muster rolls of the Scottish Covenanting army have survived in the National Archives of England – two rolls for each of the ten foot regiments, and two each of the general’s lifeguard of horse and of foot. Hew Kennedy mustered the army as it landed in Ulster. Thomas Clayton, who conducted the second muster, was evidently an English man, and appointed by the muster master general of England. He mustered the great majority of the army from 9th to 14th September 1642, the exceptions were Sinclair’s, mustered 28th September, Argyll’s 16th to 18th November, and a few men of Lindsay’s, 5th November and Lothian’s, 10th November, 1642. (over 300 rolls!?) Kew: SP16/492/58; SP16/539/1/105; SP28/120 Full scale Irish Rebellion broke out on 23rd October 1641 and by January 1642 the land to the West of the River Bann at Coleraine was lost to insurgents, with a massacre of British soldiers by the MacDonnels taking place on 3rd Jan 1642 at Portna. On the 11th February there was an Irish victory at the Battle of the Laney and the church and town of Ballymoney was burned. In April a large Scottish Army 8–10,000 strong under Maj Gen Robert Monroe arrived to crush the Rebellion and the Earl of Antrim decided to render his services. Coleraine was relieved in May (after perhaps thousands had died from disease). At Ballybogey or Benvarden where the McNaghtens were, there was a small fort in the middle of the bog but it surrendered. The male defenders were taken to Dunmull but many were then executed in what became known as the Dunmull massacre. Coleraine became a garrison for the Scottish Army which was quartered from Portna to Ballycastle until 1648 - and several will have presumably settled in the area. The 17th C settlers were however, compared to the industrious ones of previous centuries, little more than the ‘scum’ of Scotland and England. (see The Earl of Antrim forfeited his lands. On 3rd Jan 1649 King Charles I was beheaded and enraged Ulster Scots besieged Londonderry. Cromwell landed in August and defeated Sir George Munroe’s Army which then returned to Scotland. The countryside was still mostly populated by Scots – with the English living predominantly in the towns. Plague and famine ravaged the area till 1653. In 1652 the Presbyterians really started to arrive in numbers. In 1656 the countryside between Coleraine and Clough was described by a visitor as “Scotch country”. In 1659, there were 633 people living in Coleraine and its Liberties – and a mere 26% of those were Irish. With the Restoration of the Monarchy in the 1660s, the area was restored to the Earl of Antrim. Presbyterian ministers were however ejected. By 1668 Coleraine was Ulster’s fourth most important port and in 1673 a bridge was built across the Bann. It also became a garrison town. Around a thousand Scots per year were by now arriving – to escape religious persecution in Scotland - and Presbyterianism flourished. Quakers also arrived at that time – with meetings at Coleraine, Ballynacree and Ballymoney. There were very few Papists in Coleraine town – in 1666 there were only 12 catholic families in the town, 12 in the suburbs and 8 in the rest of the parish. Many Scots came to Ireland in the 1680s. In 1688 the Protestant William of Orange was appointed King in England, and King James II fled to Fance. Support for James still held in Ireland and it was decided that the Earl of Antrim should hold Londonderry for King James. In December, he arrived with his Catholic army but the gates were barred by the Protestant inhabitants and the famous siege ensued. No McNaughtons are listed as being amongst the defenders – though Helen, wife of John MacNaughton of Benvarden (and the Clan’s Chief) was there with her uncle Stafford. On 7th April the Protestant garrison of Coleraine abandoned the town and burned it – making for Derry. William’s army eventually landed in Ireland and the siege of Derry was lifted (a couple of McNaughtons are listed as fighting at Derry with the Jacobite army). By August 1689 the entire north was under pro- Williamite forces (Danish forces were quartered at Bellaghy, Ballyrashane and Dunluce). The Jacobites were finally defeated at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. However, even in 1704 the area was still much ruined - and the economy too (with shipbuilding ceasing and the Irish woollen trade supressed). There were great winds in 1713, drought from 1714-19, livestock disease 1716-17 and harvest failures 1726-28 Throughout Ireland, Protestants known as middlemen rented large amounts of land on the various estates then sub-divided the land into smaller holdings which they rented to poor Catholic farmers. The middleman system began in the 1700s and became a major source of misery as they kept sub-dividing estates into smaller and smaller parcels while increasing the rent every year in a practice known as rack-renting. The average tenant farmer lived at a subsistence level on less than ten acres. These Catholic farmers were usually considered tenants-at-will and could be evicted on short notice at the whim of the landlord, his agent, or middleman. By law, any improvements they made, such as building a stone house, became the property of the landlord. Thus there was never any incentive to upgrade their living conditions. The tenant farmers often allowed landless laborers, known as cottiers, to live on their farms. The cottiers performed daily chores and helped bring in the annual harvest as payment of rent. In return, they were allowed to build a small cabin and keep their own potato garden to feed their families. Other landless laborers rented small fertilized potato plots from farmers as conacre, with a portion of their potato harvest given up as payment of rent. Poor Irish laborers, more than anyone, became totally dependent on the potato for their existence. They also lived in a state of permanent insecurity with the possibility always looming they might be thrown off their plot. ( ) Farm rents trippled in the 1720s and emigration to America (Boston in New England) really took off. Rents in town increased greatly in 1734 with an expansion of the Linen Trade. By 1737, farm rents were said to have become so great that tenants were unable to live.There was a poor harvest in 1739 and a severe winter; a failed grain harvest in 1744; and a hard winter in 1756. South Carolina offered settlers inducements in 1737 and Philadephia in Pennsylvania was popular in the 1750s. There was much hardship after the 1756 harvest was destroyed by October storms. In 1759 3,500 Protestant weavers left for Pennsylvania, and Nova Scotia too. By 1768, New York had 3000 houses (though no Catholics), and Connecticut, Massechusettes, Vermont and New Hampshire were fully settled. There were then two bad harvests and a depression in the linen trade from 1772-74. Estates were let to the highest bidder – who then had to oppress the tenantry to pay for it. It was estimated that 300,000 people emigrated from Ireland to America from 1733 to 1773 and, with a hatred for the English government, later formed the bulk of the army for American Independence. Most of them were Presbyterian – for Catholics seemed tied to their ancestral parish. Most rural houses were long low buildings of stone and mud, with 3 rooms and stable and cowhouse attached; rush or straw thatch and a few (if any) small windows. In 1769 most holdings were 6 – 20 acres in size. Most scraped a living by spinning and weaving at home – with a small holding to provide food. Spinning of flax fibre was done by the women, and the men would weave it into cloth. This was then bleached using Kelp and dried on the bleaching greens. The staple food of the poor was potatoes, oatmeal and milk and they generally kept cows. In 1776 they were better off than they had been twenty years earlier and dressed remarkably well – with the Scotch women wearing red shawls on Sundays. Marriage without parental consent was a heinous sin and could be met with dire financial penalties. By 1790 many of the bogs had been worked out and turf for fuel became too expensive for the poor. In the 1730s tenancies had been for 41 years or 3 lives (with an extra 20 years if improvements had been made). In 1749 tenants were ejected if improvements and repairs had not been made. In 1764 leases for improving tenants were for 31 years or 3 lives but in 1767 perpetuity leases were granted if applicants could prove their right to holdings (NOTE: much genealogical information contained there-in) but never-the-less, from 1765 over 30,000 linen weavers and farmers from Ulster emigrated to America to free themselves from the unjust landowners (or undertakers). Many that remained joined the insurgent Hearts of Oak or Hearts of Steel men in 1770 – Protestant tenants protesting at landlords’ evictions. Some were killed - but all were pardoned in 1772. (Many loyal inhabitants posted Memorials of their loyalty in the Belfast News.) The depression in the Linen Trade in 1772 led to much unemployment and a fear of attcks by the White Boys. In 1771 Ballymoney was guarded by Colonel Campbell’s Highland Watch of ‘uncouth looking mercenaries’. In general the locals hated the army. Residents mostly supported the cause of the Americans but when Independence was declared 4th July 1776, deep and long-lasting rifts occurred between families in Ballymoney. In 1776 Coleraine formed its 1st Company of Volunteers to resist French Invasion. Coleraine expelled any beggars who wouldn’t work but the poor were sustained by the Parish Cess. A fund for relieving the poor was set up in 1773 and a House of Industry set up in 1775 – run by the Coleraine Charitable Society - with 13 residents and 84 persons receiving outdoor relief. This was discontinued in 1790. A Methodist revival took place from 1772 with several visits by John Wesley till 1789. Ballymoney was burned by Government forces in 1783 for being a centre of rebellion. In 1785 two companies of the 5th Foot were stationed at Coleraine – with dragoons too. Ballycastle had prospered from the mid 1700s with collieries and glasshouses. In 1785 the pier was swept away and blocked the basin. This may have been the start of its demise - which was compounded by lunacy in the Boyd family that owned most of the town. (My ancestor Margaret was born in Ballycastle c. 1783 and her brother Bartholomew in Ballymoney in 1785. He joined the 5th (Irish) Dragoons in 1797 (nearly two years underage) which implies the family was living in Co. Antrim from 1783 – 1797 at least – and that their father was therefore more likely to have been a local inhabitant (though still possibly in the army) rather than a visiting Scotish soldier merely stationed in Antrim during the mid 1780s. They were from the labouring class and the father most likely a weaver. Margaret and Bartholomew were certainly both Church of England in later life – many soldiers were Established Church.) In 1795 three companies of foot were stationed there and in 1796 EA McNaghten of Beardiville wrote that most of the inhabitants of Upper and Lower Dunluce and Carey had taken the Oath of the United Irishmen (many of whom were Roman Catholics and Seceders). They tried to lure soldiers to join them and rumour held that most of the Kerry Militia (an ‘abandoned set of men’) stationed at Coleraine were U.I. They were replaced by HM’s Somersetshire Fencible Volunteers and the 2nd Royal Manx Fencibles and the Aberdeen Fencibles. The Coleraine Yeomanry (foot and horse) was formed in 1797. By 1798 many people were refusing to pay rents. Clough and Ballymoney were centres of the republican United Irish Rebellion of 1798. Many ‘idle Irish’ from Ballymoney were reported to be in Scotland ‘pestering’ the inhabitants of Campbeltown to join the U.I. When actual Rebellion broke out in June, both Ballymena and Antrim were captured by rebels. The Coleraine garrison marched to Ballymoney on the 9th and burned the houses of any residents who could not show proof they had attested (signed the Oath of Alleigence to the Crown). (Innocent neighbours whose houses caught fire were later compensated.) However, the Rebels from Ballymoney had already marched from Kilraughts to Ballymena and, being joined by men from Killymorris, Loughguile and Clough, numbered 10,000 men – mostly armed with pikes. However, they melted away that night and many made for Cushendall and took boats to the Mull of Kintyre. The 5th Royal Irish Dragoons was disbanded in disgrace in March 1799 after rumours circulated that its ranks contained United Irishmen. A season of great distress followed the 1798 Rebellion. Many rebels emigrated to America, and cities like Glasgow and Liverpool. Linen Manufacture still flourished in Ballymoney but peaked by 1800. It then gradually declined though by 1837 Coleraine and Ballymoney were still the best markets in Ireland for Brown Linen. Some firms had 800 looms and weaving was given out as task work to men who wove it at home. Most of the above information is taken from the excellent Coleraine in by-gone centuries and Coleraine in Georgian times by T.H.Mullin The Irish Parliament was abolished in 1801 in the wake of the republican United Irishmen Rebellion and Ireland became an integral part of a new United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland under the Act of Union. Although promised a repeal of the Test Act, Catholics were not granted full rights until Catholic Emancipation was attained throughout the new UK in 1829. This was followed by the first Reform Act 1832, a principal condition of which was the removal of the poorer British and Irish freeholders from the franchise. ( Some families spent time in Ireland but would return to Scotland in times of famine etc. Possibly, some from Scotland may have settled in Ireland after the Highland Clearances began in 1802. In the 19th C at least, there was seasonal migration between the two countries for harvest work. (In the 1830s about 80people a year from Ballycastle were said to go to Scotland for harvest work and then return for the Irish harvest.) In the Parish of Dunaghy in the early 1800s it was common for people to settle in Scotland but return to the Parish to die. The Roman Catholics there seemed less tied to their ancestral soil than those in other parts – perhaps because their ancestors had already been displaced into the hills by the Presbyterian settlers of the 1620s who predominated. In the 1830s, Catholics in Ulster were almost entirely confined to the mountains (with the lower, more fertile lands being held by Protestants and Presbyterians). Many McNaughtons (be they Scots, English or Irish) joined the English Army of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries and would at one time have served in Ireland. Their children could be born wherever the regiment was stationed (anywhere in the world). Hence beware that an ancestor born in Ireland may be from one of these visiting soldiers (and have siblings born across the world). Many weavers (especially in England) would have had to head for industrial towns for employment as new weaving machinery took their work from the 1810s. (I believe my ancestors’ parents were living in Glasgow by 1814.) There were of course several potato famines - killing perhaps a third of the population and forcing others to emigrate in the 1840s and 50s. Some will have undoubtedly returned decades later. The potato famine started in August 1845 and continued till 1851. The Famine in Ulster, priced at £11.99 challenges the orthodox view that the Famine did not have a significant impact in Ulster, uncovering the consequences and severity of the ‘great calamity’ in each of Ulster’s nine counties. Rural Catholics tended to marry young (men in their early twenties and women often at 15). THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF McNAUGHTONS OF IRELAND STARTS BELOW * in the left hand column was merely to show Davie McNaughton (the great Scottish McNaughton genealogist Dauviemac) what had been newly added since he had the original draft. Those with an * in the text are relationships gleaned from "The Chiefs of Clan MacNachtan And Their Descendants" by Angus I. Macnaghten published in 1951 (sometimes referred to in the text as ‘The book’.) Most of that family of Antrim gentry are in smaller font. Records in blue or green are late additions. Those in bold or red are more pertinent to my own personal studies. WO references are War Office records in the PRO/National Archives at Kew 2a Name Place born Alexander McNaughton Craigfreddock Settled in 22/6/1615 Alexander McNaughton Of Ouldstone has Craigfadoige 60, Cornes 60 & Rosedermitt (Rosedermott) 120 in 10.08.1621 Note there is a townland called Ballybogy next to Rosedermot on the O’Hara Estate maps of 1783 (T2971/1) 10b* Alexander McNaghten 11a* Alexander McNaughton Alexander McNaynin{sic] Alexander McNaughtan Married Died Chur ch Source Comment An Granted Irish denization 22.06.1615 Mentioned in Ulster Inquisition (para 41) in 1621 Fa: John 2 book snapchance (wealthy) man in the 1630 Muster of the Lord Bishop of Dromore dwelling on his land and in the town of Dunmore (with others residing in the Lower Euvagh.[Iveagh ]) Sword in the Earl of Antrim’s RJ Hunter and the order in Father-in-law of Alexander Stuart Fa: Daniel 4 Served with Donnell British Tenants on his Servitors’ Lands in the Barony of Dunluce in Muster of 1631 Alexander McNaughten Alexander McNaghtan Alexander McNaghten Alexander McNaghten the company’s muster implies this was the older brother of Daniel and they were sons of John of Benvarden (perhaps even the Steward who was owed £200 by Earl in 1680) In Muster Roll for Cary/Dunluce/ Toome in Kilconway Barony 1630 Went to Magheragall in June 1641 with Neale McNeale Owned a house in Oldstone (Clough) in possession of Neal McNeal in 1640 Gent. Of Oldstone (Clough) in 1637 Probably his brother Daniel and both are of Oldstone and sons of John of Ballymagarry the Earl’s secretary Earl of Antrim’s British Tenant on his Servitors’ Lands (along with Donnell) 1641 Examination Leased ½ quarterland of Dirraw in Finvoy and Enagh in Ballymoney from the Earl Deed witnessed by Daniel 2nd who holds land now D/2977/3A/5/10/1 Granted the house in 1630 (Apart from one house belonging toNeal McNaghten, the rest of the town and lands of Oldstone were let by the Earl of Antrim to Simon Hillman of Coleraine (who was to bring 10 English families) 20th Oct 1640) D2977/3A/1/3/2/1 Hs signature is on this (and probably on phone) Alexander MacNaghten Gent of Oldstone Alexander MacNaughten 11b* Alexander McNaughton then McNitt of Antrim 21st July 1637 for 21 yrs Signed Dunlop Inquisition at Ballymena in April 1635 Blames Clotworthy for Massacre Upon Restoration b. 02.03.1656 Laggon Donegal, Ulster PRONI m. Sarah d. 10 Feb 1746 in Palmer, Hampden, Massachusett s, United States Parents (according to unsourced Ancestry family tree were John McNaughton of Dunderave Castle and Florence Gordon but I doubt it) Son: Alexander McKnight b. 1692 Donegal m. Jane Welch d. 1751 in Lexington, Augusta, Virginia (Son John Alexander McNutt Birth abt 1726 in Langan, Donegal, Ireland Death Jan 1781 in Cowpens, Spartanburg, South Carolina) Son: Barnard McNitt McNaughton b.1700 Donegal d.16 Jan 1773 in Palmer, Hampden, Massachusetts 15 See 26 or 21 Alexander McNaughton Came to Ireland b. 1676 became a Doctor m. Mary Father of William 20 (born after John 11’s Will was witten) Alexander M’Naughton 16 Alexander McNaughton Alexander McNaughton Dublin Uni 1704 MB & MD AEst 1723 b. 1686 Co. Antrim (18 in 1704) But he WAS born 1676 ! (See John 11 and dates of sons’ births – unless they’re wrong!) Dr of Physick of Dublin in 1722 Dr of Physick of Dublin Dublin Alumni Son of John Will of Edmun d Francis Stafford Implies he is brother of of Bart 12, Rowen 13 and Edmund 14 eeds/memorial_extract.cgi?my_memori al=25982&my_indexer=SW Dead by 1743 if not by 1731 1736 16a Alexander McNaughton Dr of Physick of Dublin b.1685 m. Jane Waring of Waringstown book Registry%20Of%20Deeds%20Abstracts% 20Of%20Wills%20Vol%201%20170845/pageflip.html Property at Clogher, Billy, Carey in trust for Archibald McNeill eeds/memorial_extract.cgi?my_memori al=76986&my_indexer=SW Fa: (book says John 11)Yes (brother of Edmund) Daughters: Mary m. Meredyth Workman of Mahan, Co. Armagh Grace (who had Kercassock) Frances who married Captain Thomas Worsop Lawrence 21.09.1760 at Waringstown, Co. Down Marcia Dr Alexander Magnaten (or MacNaghton) Born: 1686 Died: 1736 Dr Alexander McNaughton (or Magnaten, as his name sometimes appears) was a celebrated physician with a great reputation for philanthropy. His medical knowledge and his humanitarian approach made him a distinguished member of the Dublin Society. Alexander McNaughton was born in Co. Antrim in 1686 and entered Trinity College, Dublin in 1704. To complete his studies he moved to Leyden in Holland, as many trainee Irish doctors did at the time, and possibly Rheims also. He graduated from Leyden with an MD in 1711. On his return to Ireland he received an MB and a MD from Trinity College. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in 1728, becoming its President in 1732, a year after founding the Society. Dr McNaughton married Jane Waring of Waringstown, Co. Down and they had four daughters. Some sources suggest he was an MP for a time but there is no concrete evidence for this. He died just five years after the first meeting of the Dublin Society on 27 August 1736. - See more at: Left his landed estate in Tyrone to his nephew John (half hanged). Grace MacNaughten Alexander McNaghten Of Warrenstown, Co. Down in 1781 Leases ¼ of Ballymacaldrick Esq of Benvarden in d. Jan 1815 Frances’ will of about 1781 metions uncle Edmund, sister Grace, aunt Usher and sister Dawson Fa: Alexander, Dr of Physick Occupied Kircassock Estate, Lurgan, Co. Armagh and Gregorlough, Co. Down pre 1768, and sold it in 1791 Her sister was the Frances who married Thomas Worsop Lawrence 21.09.1760 at Waringstown, Co. Down Concerning property at Atticur, Kilconway in 1716 deed of 1716 & 1720 Held land at Ballytaggart, Canageeragh, Toberbilly, Kilngilly, Ballylough, Drumnabrasley Legacurry, Feltin, Attaricherd, Knockavrinvan, Tullycapple & Ballybogey & Ballybogey mill Alexander McNaughton Of Dublin Mortgage of land at Moneymore, Barony of Raphoe, Co. Donegal In 1716 (to ? Richard Hamilton [of Earl’s family?]) Note: Bartholomew Esq of Benvarden held this land in 1736 Witnessing the Earl demise the 4 Q of Atteticur to Archibald MacDonald 18th July 1721 eeds/memorial_extract.cgi?my_memori al=18826&my_indexer=Dawn The miller’s house and garden and a shilling hill on the lands of Kirkistown were reserved for Alexander McNaghten of Benvarden (McCann lease of 1720) Papers of the Earls of Wicklow: MS 38,549 Mortgage of land at Moneymore, barony of Raphoe, between Richard Hamilton, Dublin and Alexander McNaughton, Dublin. 5 July 1716 2 membranes klow%20papers.pdf p.19 20a Alexander McNaughton 21? 25aa? 1702: 1706: 1709: 1710: 1715: 1719: 1720: 1721: 1732: 1737: 1741: 1751: Of Flemming’s Regiment and St Paul’s, Dublin b.1685 Admitted to Chelsea in 1743 aged 58 WO 118/45 Son: Alexander 25aa? Raised in Ulster by Lord Charlemont Alnutt’s Regiment of Foot Campbell’s Regiment of Foot Desney’s Regiment of Foot Egerton’s Regiment of Foot Hotham’s Regiment of Foot Pocock’s Regiment of Foot Lenoe’s Regiment of Foot Moyle’s Regiment of Foot Bland’s Regiment of Foot Fleming’s Regiment of Foot Numbered as 36th Regiment of Foot John MacNaughton from Strathclyde, Scotland, had a son, Alexander (1684) who left Scotland for Ireland. His son, William was born (1700) there, then came to the Americas, PA, met and married a woman there and proceeded to populate the south as they moved down thru the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, found all the goodly land taken, then came on down into the NC foothills. Ann Jenkins on 21 Alexander McNaughten Of Cary, Ballymoney Alexander McNaghten Ex of Atticur? (Probably son of Thomas, Gent) in 1720 Signs as witness to 20a? b. c.1705 St Mary’s Dublin But perhaps even 1684 m Jane Warren 05.11.1730 St Anne’s Dublin D/2977/3A/5/2/2 NB. In May 1720 the whole townland of Anticur is leased to Archibald McDonnell of Ballynobantry (probably a relative of the Earl.) By 1791 all of it is part of the Leslie Estate Alexander McNaghten Alexander McNaghten* deed. (photo on phone)19/03/ 15 Catholic of Ballymoney who converts 1738 Apothecary of Ballymoney in 1739 Conformity 1st Oct 1738 (B – Lodge’s Convert book in Egerton MS77) Enrolled 1th dec 1738 (A – The Calendar of Convert Rolls Vol 1) D2977/3A/1/2/2 (b.1708) Gent of Drumnagleve in 1748 And same person as Gent of Galdenoch in 1746 (Have photo of signature) Edmund McNaghten of Beardiville rents the same land to him in 1748 for 10 yrs D2977/3A/1/8/ 2/1 But I think Edmund is buying the lease off Alexander (mentioning Alex’s deed of 1746 too) but Note D2977/3A/5/13/1 1682 Lease from the Rt. Hon. Randal Marquess of Antrim to Thomas McNaghten, Gentleman, of Antrim, Co. Antrim, of half the townland of Drumnagleane [Drumnaglea] for 26 years. Yearly rent £3.10s.0d. D2977/3A/1/2/2/1 Alex, apothecary of Ballymoney leases 10a at Broughmore, 5 at Craigban, 10 at Greenan, 5 at Taghey in Dunluce, 5 at Ardaghmore in Cary, and 2/4 of Drumnagleve, Kilconway (including all houses) on 28.04.1739 (Other lives areStephen Cuppage aged 6 – second son of John Esq of Ballypatrick; Alexander McNaghten* Apothecary of Ballymoney and Thomas Harrison aged 3 – 3rd son of William, Gent of Malindober.) Samuel Waring witnesses. allowing Alex to rent the 2Q of Drumnagleve for £7 Have photo of both signatures on phone) b.1708 (aged 34 in 1742 lease) D2977/3A/5/10/8 was renting 3/4 of Galldinagh (alias Clogh),the quarterland of Eglish, tenements in Clogh and the customs of the fairs of Clough (formerly held by Thomas Mcnaghten and Skeffington McCollum of Loughgeel) for 3 lives or 21 yrs in 1742 (Thomas Lee son of William Lee of Dublin being one life) Signature on phone 21a Alexander M’Naghten Of Belemoney Alexander McNaughton Of Billy Alexander McNaighton Of Ballyscullion, Protestant Householder in 1740 Protestant House Holder in 1740 Protestant Householder in NB This land and the fairs were previously held by Thomas McNaghten, Gent of Antrim (1682) and Anticur (1707) Though Thomas also held Drumnaglea in 1707 (which EA McNaghten had in 1783) Undoubtedly the catholic convert of 1738 COI PRO NI PRONI Though the Dr had property at Clogher, he had died in 1736. Hence I reckon this Alexander is Bellaghy, Loughinsholin 25aa Alexander McNaughton 28a Alexander McNaughton 36c Alexander McNaughton 37b Could be Margaret’s father? Alexander McNaughton Could be Margaret’s father 1740 Buried St Paul’s, Dublin 12.04.1776 Son of (or is) 20a? A labourer who later joined the 60th Foot or 40th Foot WO116/6 A miner and later in 35th Foot b. 1726 near Armagh or Inverary, Scotland WO116/6 b. Limerick 1740 Fa:? Admitted Chelsea 28th Feb 1772 aged 46 after 14 yrs service and hurt back on duty WO120/16 WO120/5 Son:? Fa: Hugh 25a or unknown 25b? Discharged 29th October 1782 after 10 years’ service (so only in 35th from 1772) WO120/13 Son: ? Labourer and Sgt in 14th Foot b. 1745 Kells, (Nr Navan or in Co.Antrim between Ballymena and Randalstown/ Drummaul) WO120/11 though WO120/7 states Kellsal ( in Cheshire) Fa: ? Discharged 11th Feb 1779 Son: ? In 1744 Robert Colvill, Hugh Colvill’s only surviving son, sold his large Co. Down estate to Alexander Stewart, but the Co. Antrim estate near Kells was inherited by Hugh’s daughter, Alicia, who married Stephen Moore, 1st Viscount Mountcashell, and the Colvill Co. Antrim interest passed to the Mountcashells Alexander Buried St CoI IG Related to John buried 20.04.1774? McNaughton 37c* Alexander MacNaughtan Alexander McNaghton/ McNaughton Paul’s Dublin 12.04.1776 Had 200 acres in Briar Creek, Georgia until the War of Independence When he joined the Militia for the British. In Quebec in 1787 Weaver? In the Vintners’ Bellaghy Tenements 1775 – 1786 Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry Alexander M’Naghten Alexander McNaghten Esq of the Treasury, Dublin Castle in 1822 Of Queen’s Chambers in 1826 re land at Glenarm b. Ireland Protestant Householder 1740? above Margaret McNaghten buried there 7.10.1790 Was evacuated from Charlestown, went to St Lucia then St Augustine in April 1784 United Empire Loyalists Part II Vol XVII Paying 1/18/6 pa in 1775 D2094/50 Paying 1/18/6 pa in May 1776 D2094/51 Paying -/19/3 pa in 1781 T2825/C/19/2 Paying 3/0/1.5 pa in 1786 T2825/C/19/4 But not found in 1796-1801 Vintners Rent Rolls T2825/C/19/9 & 11 Nb. These tenements were sold by the Vintners in 1737 and probably demolished and rebuilt in 1791 Is he an unrecorded son of Edmund Alexander of Beardiville? Alexander McNaghlin [sic] Alexander McNaughten Alexander McNaghten Alexander McNaghten Alexander McNaghten A.E. M’Naghten Paying tithes in Ballyhunsley, Townend,Park , Islandcarragh (all in Dunluce) in 1828 Paying tithes in Ballyhome in Dunluce in 1828 Private in Coleraine Yeomanry Cavalry in 1796 Tries to raise Dunluce Troop of Yoemanry in 1796 Of Carrickfergus in 1805 refers to works at Lower Dunluce and Dervock Of Beardiville in 1802 CHECK LEASE WHO IS HE? Edward paying tithes in these places too (presumably Edmund.B.Edward. H.McNaughton son of Bart 34) (Though only Robert paying in Ballyboggy) Edmund McNaughten paying tithes there too So is this Alexander an unrecorded son of Bartholomew of Dimond and Ballyboggy? Robert also a private, and EA a serjeant D4164/A/24 Takes out Game licence at Coleraine in 1802 as do: N'Naghten Francis, Coleraine M'Naghten Edmd, Bovagh and 92 Alexander McNaught Of Ferryquay Street, Coleraine Alex McNaght Of Killowen, Coleraine in 1828 Alexander McNaught Contributes £5 to New Row Church, Coleraine in 1829 Labourer of Belfast* Trumpeter/TS M 13th Light Dragoons Alexander McNaughton Could be Margaret’s brother CoI Col Dau: Kitty 26.06.1804 And probably the father of Allick McNats CoI Probably just pre 1785 m. m. Harriet Seward 30th Mar 1809 Holy Trinity, Devon (wife in 1819) m. Henrietta who died 13 Feb 1820 at Bangalore aged 24 m. Elizabeth Wilson 4th Apr 1821. She died in Bangalore 18th Feb 1855 as McNaghtin aged 70 Died 28.09.1826 Arcot (India) Dau: Mary m. George Doherty 08.04.1828 New Row Pres. (nb. Another Mary McNaght – of Gortycavan and daughter of Peggy – marries Wm Burnside, Blacksmith) D4164/A/23 13th Light Dragoons from 29.06.1804 and at Waterloo Children: Jane Ann (born by 1814) who m. Bandmaster George Spanworth of 13th LDs 20th Feb 1826 at Bangalore but he died 13th June 1827 at Cuddalore. She then married TSM Lewis Davis 24th Oct 1827 and they had a daughter Ann who died an infant in 1828 at Arcot; Alexander in 1832 who evidently died; Alexander in 1833 and who died in May 1834 in Bangalore. Lewis died 8th April 1835 at Bangalore(aged 33). John bapt 8 Jun 1817 St Andrew’s, Newcastle but died soon after. (mother Harriet) Alexander Windsor born 10th April & bapt. 16th June 1819 Madras d. Arcot 25th July 1819. (mother Harriet) Step child: Charlotte, (Elizabeth McNaughton’s will of 1850 leaves money to daughter Charlotte Wilson. Charlotte died a spinster in 1882) WO25/1444 *But NO McNaghtens listed in 1800 Belfast Trade directory, Residents of Belfast 1807 nor residents of the town of Belfast 1808 The 13th were stationed in Kent in 1804 and then Taunton in 1808 and Hampton Court in 1809. Embarked for Portugal from Portsmouth on 14th March 1810. They fought hard in the Peninsular and returned to Ramsgate in July 1814 and thence to Hounslow and Weymouth. Cork in November 1814 till April 1815 and were then at Waterloo. Dover in May 1816. North of England till July 1817 then to Sussex. Then to Lancashire for Autumn of 1818 and then Romford. Embarked for India 9th Feb 1819 Lieut Berwick’s court martial mentions borrowing money off him in 1826 quY7GJSms6teiZtIdEAno&hl=en&sa=X&ei=782hVMm2AoG6UOi0gvgK&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=M'Naughton%20%22Dragoons%22&f=false Alexander McNaughten Paid 5s.6d.Tithes in Cloughs, Layd in 1826 (as did b.c.1790s? Dies 1861 perhaps Paying 2/3/8 at the Glenarm office 16.03.1812 for Cloughs D1375/7/12 In The Earl of Antrim’s Rent Receipt James) BUT also in 1812 104aa * Alexander McNaghten Of Cloghs in 1821 Alexander McNaughten Writing Clerk of Church street, Ballymena Alexander M’Naughton Painter and glazier of 11 Bath street, Irishtown, Dublin in 1835 Rents 6 acres of Cloghs from Lord Mark and Lady Charlotte Kerr in 1821 Book D915/3/A/1/4 He is refered to as having Folio 317 and pays at Cushendall Office (The Larne Estate): 4.6 Poor Rate 9.0.4 Rent 30.09.1858 9.0.4 20.03.1860 9.0.4 20.12.1860 Then Mary Quinn takes over the payments on this Folio but paying just 5.0.0 rent, then Reps Michael Quinn. Then on 11.12.1862 Alex pays rent of 4.0.0 (A new Alex?) Daniel Black prosecutes him at Glenarm Manor Court in March 1820 for cattle straying in Middle Clough in Jan 1818 (D2977/23/1/2) James Snr & James Jnr rent 8 acres (and Daniel rents 23 at Knocknacarry) for 1 life or 21 yrs Dau: Jane b. 1819 m. Samuel Douglas, a glazier at Ballymena in March 1854 witnesses: John Cunning and Ann O’Hara Thomas and Robert were tailors in Church Street in 1846 Voter 1836 107aa a Alexander McNaughton 107aa b* Alexander McNatten 125 126a Alexander McNaghten Esq Lt RN 126a Of St James’ Dublin and Gunner in 1st/16th Royal Artillery Farmer in Washington, Butler, Pennsylvania in 1860 Of Portrush, Ballywillan, Antrim b.1803 Ireland Bc.1812 Alexander McNaughton Lieutenant in Royal Navy Of Portrush b.c.1817 Alexander McNetton Emigrated to Hector, NY in 1851 Farmer of Cloghs, Layd (RC Parish of Cushendall) Ballymena b. 1813 Ireland 125? 126b 126c* Alexander McNaghten With James also farming there Alexander McNaughton Farmer at Cushendall in 1863 m. Maria Smith at St James’ Dublin 08.11.1824 William Sparling David Morrace m. Margaret m. Frances Jane Corken (she dies at Ingram, Lisburn 1853) m. Frances Jane Corken at Lisburn Cathedral 17.05.1849 Son: Francis 113 b. 1828 Cape Breton Daughters: Jane b. Penn 1836 Margaret b. Penn 1834 Died 1852 Will of 1856 Buried 29.10.1852 Ballyrashane, Co. Derry She buried 02.07.1853 aged 24 PRONI Ist son of Robert 100a CoI Will exists T/810/436 No issue Fa: Robert 102 RC Edward b. 1866 William b. 1870 Cindyfaws tree Rents house, offices and 45 acres in 1859 £10 or £19 Elector of 1857 See James 49 b. 1756. D.1836 Layd House Offices and 45 acres (plot 25) for £19 in 1862 from Earl of Antrim Son: John 148a b. 1838 m. Mary in 1865 b.c. 1818 or much earlier and the one paying tithes there in 1826 126 Alexander McNaughten Labourer and Drummer Scots Fusilier Guards Coalhill labourer of Dubin Land Main Street, Barony Maryhill, Lanarkshire in 1841 & 51 b. 1817 St James, Dublin b. 1822 Ireland 126d Alexander McNaughton 126e Alexander McNaughton Ship’s Carpenter in Portland, New Brunswick in 1871 b.1821 Ireland 126g Alexander McNaughton b. 1821 Ireland 126f Alexander McNaughton Emigrated from Liverpool 1848 Tanner of Watertown, Jefferson in 1864 then soldier Farmer in Jefferson in 1900 Labourer of Watertown, Jefferson NY in 126h* Alexander McNorton b. 1826 Ireland FMP m. Elizabeth (Kalighen?) m. Ann Pres b m. Mary Son: Archibald b. 1847 NB John b.1851 Margaret Family search says (in 1871 C) just Thomas b.1856 Caroline b.1860 Irish parents but perhaps 1833 b.1827 Ireland Joined in London 31st Aug 1831 aged 14 Discharged 1839 to live in London WO116/47 Mary b.1841 Lanarks Jean Elizabeth Emigrated 1845 m. Mary (She at 19 Emmett Died or discharged 20th Jan 1888 Enlisted 186 NY Infantry at Watertown 24th Sept 1854 and discharged at Alexandria 2nd June 1865 NYState soldiers and sailors home in 1888 126i* 147ba * Alexander McNorton Alexander McNaughten 147b b* Alexander M’Naughten Alexander M’Naughten AA MacNaughton Naturalised NY City 23.09.1856 A soldier in 1853 Street, Watertown in 1888) Though widow Mary McN of Watertown (b.1815 Ireland who died 5th June 1885 was dau of Brian and Sue McGue) and was buried Cambridge English b. 1828 m. Joanna Quinn (daughter of John) in Galway in 1853 b.1829 d. 1874 Dublin North d.1874 Dublin North d. Dec 1893 Newtownards b.1830 b.1832 147e Alexander McNaghten Emigrated to US in 8th Dec 1852 b. 1831 Ireland 147f Alexander McNaughton b. 1830 Ireland 147d Alexander McNaughton Naturalised in Jefferson in 1868 (pro Queen) In Rutland, Jefferson NY in 1860 b. 1833 Ireland Pres b Fa: Duncan, a weaver Vol 12 p362 Vol 12 p365 m. Mary James b.c. 1852 Ireland Robert b. c. 1851 Ireland m. Bridget Henry J b. 1854 NY Mary Jane Sandy 147fa * 147d? Alexander McNorton Farmer in Rodman, Jefferson NY in 1870 b. 1830 Ireland 147c Alexander McNaughton Clergyman in York, Toronto till 1921 b. 1835 Cavan Alexander McNaughton Soldier 3171 2nd Bttn Royal Artillery & 520 in 1st Bttn Labourer of Cushendall b. 1832 Ballyrashane, Coleraine 148 166b Alexander M’Naughton Alexander McNaughten b. 1835 Cushendall William William b. 1860 NY Sarah Alexander Daniel Ellen John Anna Fa: John (Scottish)of Perthshire Mo: Nancy Hutcheson of Cumberland m. Bridget d.1921 York, Toronto Enlisted 1851 age 19 and deserted 1853 WO 69/652/425 Folio 444 WO 69/74/477 Folio 17 m. Sarah m. Sally Martin (Sarah Martin for 1870 birth) d.30th Mar 1883 aged 48 Bally Castle BM Dau: Mary b.1861 Probably RC and from Cushendall family Dau b. 04.02.1866 Cushendall (Birth registered in Ballycastle) Son: Alexander b. 18 Aug 1870 (or 3rd Sept 1870 with James Martin and Margaret Quinn sponsors MIC1D/68/1). Alex probably married Elizabeth Celia Duggan 31.10.1905 at Granard, Longford and had descendants on Maureen Edgington’s tree including Daniel James and Patrick Charles FHL 101210 148h* Alexander McNatten In Newburgh, Orange, NY in b. 1836 Ireland 150a Alexander McNaughton 166a Alexander McNaughton Alexander McNaughten Alexander McNaughtin Alexander McNaughton 166c* Alexander McNaughten 1850 Of Newtownards, Belfast Sparman of Londonderry in 1864 Farm Manager in Lubitavish, Cushendall On the Central Committee to raise funds for hospital in 1894 b.30.10.1845 Derryhollagh, Randalstown b. 1847 b. 1866 b. 02.05.1865 Cushendall RC RI Fa: Francis Mo: Margaret Fitzpatrick Drowned 31st Oct 1864 Derry m. Mary McDonnell RC Son: John who m. Eliza Martin? Fa: James (or John and Eliza !!) Mo: Ann Martin Children: Hugh John 1892-1985 James Hugh 1892-1914 Able seaman Mary 1893 Archibald John 1894 Mary Agnes Ann Theresa Patrick Alexander Rose Charles Margaret Daniel Fa: John (his father was Alexander) Mo: Eliza Martin FHL 101105 171 172 98 Alexander McNaughton Alexander McNaughton Alley McNaughtin (but is this Aills Murphy of Cushlake?) In Glenaan Cushendall in 1911 In Cloghs, Cushendall in 1911 Farm manager for sea captain McKeegan Farmer’s widow of Clough b. 1866 m. Mary McDonnell Children: John b.1892 went to Vancouver via Scotland for 40 yrs and then returned, dying aged 93 b.1866 Archibald McNaughton 19 Mary McNaughton 18 Annie McNaughton 17 Patrick McNaughton 15 Alexander McNaughton 14 b. 1897 Rose McNaughton 13 Charles McNaughton 10 Maggie McNaughton 4 Daniel Sarah Fa: James Mo: Ann Martin RC Brother John b.1868 b.1789 female m.Alex? d.25th Feb 1869 Bally Castle (Ian? present at death) BM See 130e for Alley family and John McNaughton owning 3 houses in 1859 And Thomas who m. an Alley and went to Baltimore in 1815 Though more likely thist is the Aills Murphy of Cushlake whose mother was from Torr but married a Murphy in Antrim who was shot in 1798. ( Alis married Alex McNaughton and had the James who eloped with Ann Martin and another of her sisters. Glens Gaelic speakers and RC Ambrose McNaughton Andrew McNaughton Farmer and builder of Derryhollagh, Randalstown, Duneane. Lived in Ballygroby 1901 Farmer of The Grange, Burt, Donegal (adjoins Co. Londonderry) b.17.12.1868 b.04.12.1869 m.Rose Liddy at Cargin, Antrim 1894 m.Anne/Nancy AcAdow Left will in 1812 Probably the Alexander McNaught in Burt 1743-51 (of Bohillin Bog (1742), Grange Quarter (1743) and Castlehill in 1746. Sons: William McKnight of the Grange who emigrated to US and naturalised in 1791 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. D.11.07.1847 aged about 80. (Much researched in UHF library) Took over the farms of John and Alexander McNaught Alexander McKnight who married Jane Baker. James McNaught 19a Archaball M’Naghton (The 1st Archibald) ?In Derry in 1722 m. Helen COI Daughter :Jane b 01.11.1722 St Columb’s Derry Archaball McNaght Archibald McNaghten 68d 99h Archibald McNaughton Archibald McNaughton Archibald McNaghtin Archibald McNaughten 106 Archibald In Derry in 1714 Farms 18 acres of arable in Knockavrinvan (Knockavrinnin, Loughguile) on the Benvarden estate in 1788 (but not there in 1810) A weaver and then soldier Irish (not Scottish) in 1871 in Annapolis NS Farmed at Lislabin, Loughguile in 1803 Grocer in Tuam Co. Gallway in 1846 Farmed at m. Jean Son Henry buried 21st Nov 1714 St Columbs T1638/30/1 Volume of Maps 1788 T1638/31/2 Rent Roll of Hugh Montgomery’s Antrim Estate 1810 CoI Went to Lislabin in 1803? (Probably used Culfreightin RC) b. Kintone (Kinbane nr Ballycastle?), Antrim c.1779 b.c.1788 /1791 Ireland (Lislabin on John Hamilton O’Hara’s Estate is being farmed by John Edmonston and John Young on 1783 map T2971) Irish Militia* in 1799. Volunteered for 2/27th Foot 11th May 1805 WO25/954 m. Catherine D m. Agnes Browne WORTH Buried Perotte, Annapolis Oct 2nd 1878 with Catherine who d. Jan 17th 1865 *Militia rankers were mostly Catholic – but had Protestant officers Dau: Hannah Miller McNaughton b. 1830 NS m. Thomas Goldsmith Pres b Staying with Wm & Charlotte Woodland (she b.1822 England) and Oliver & Margaret A Goldsmith (she b. 1828 NS) (Lislabin on John Hamilton O’Hara’s Estate is being farmed by John Edmonston and John Young on 1783 map T2971) Son: John Thomas b. 16th Oct 1845 bapt 2.02.1846 Tuam CoI 1825 See 151 and 19a McNaughton Could be interesting Craigatimpan, Ballymoney in 1825 Tithe of 16s. RESEARCHING LEASES Tithe apt. Perhaps on of Patrick McNaghten who “refused” (to swear the oath?) there in 1803? (The only McN paying tithes in the parish). One of 18 tenants in the townland with George Hutchinson Esq being the landlord Note: This was part of Clotworthy’s Estate c. 1640s which ran east-west from the Bann to Moneyneagh 113c Archibald McNaughton 151 Archibald McNaughton 151a Archibald McNaughton Grocer on famine boat 1848 Railway labourer in New Brunswick in 1891 Ballyvoy Farmer of Cushendall, Moyle b. Ireland 1828 m. Mary b. 1836 C. pres b d.1919 Bally Castle buried Culfeightrin m. Margaret Darragh (b.1837? – I believe she is the Margaret McNaughton buried in the Darragh grave at Culfeightrin 16.06.1907 aged 70 RC BM RC RI Son: John b. 30.05.1859 (mother not named) Son: Alexander bapt. 22.01.1860 (John sponsor & Kate McKlagan) Son: Archibald b.1861 Witness: John Son: Patrick b.05.04.1863 Dau: Mary b.20.02.1865 Son: Archibald bapt 28.12.1870 farmer of Clough who m. Harriet McKillop in 1898 Of Clough 151b Archibald McNaughton Archibald McNaughton Of Ballyvoy Buried with her son James who died 15.05.1945 and his wife Margaret who died 17.05.95 m. Ann Dolargy m. Margaret Darragh Son: James b. 20.05.1875 (Sp: John McN and Catherine Bell) RC RC Son: Archibald b. 20.01.1861 (Sp Dan McKillop & Annie McBride) Dau: Elizabeth b. 1872 Son: James b.20th May 1874 Son: John b. 1858 Dau: Anne Jane b. 1876 Son: Neal b.1882 Farmer of Clough, Cushendall in 1874 (illiterate) Inscription: Of / your charity / pray / for the souls / of / Archibald McNaughton / Ballyvoy / died 20th January 1919 / aged 85 years / his wife Margaret / died 16th June 1907 / aged 70 years / their daughter Annie / died 5th May 1903 aged 25 years / their son John / died 23rd Sept 1930 aged 72 years / and their son Neal / died 29th Jany 1934 aged 50 years / RIP (Culfeightrin Roman Catholic Churchyard) 125d Armstrong Farmer b. 1815 Ireland m. Elizabeth Emigrated pre 1854 b McNaughton Blacksmith in (but b. 1824 Auburn, NY in Ireland in 1860 1880 C !) 125de Armstrong In Delaware in b.c.1818 m. Elizabeth Adair d. 1881 Convicted for attempted murder in 1880 McNaughton 1840 Ireland Delaware 125dc Armstrong Grocer in b. 1819 Ireland m. Elizabeth Rachel b. 1845 Kortright, NY McNaughtan Kortright Mary Delaware NY in Margaret 1850 103f 63 Arthur McNaughton Bandon Sidney Rusel McNaughten Barnard McNitt McNaughton In Ireland in 1815 m. Eleanor Costello b.06.07.1777/7 9 Coleraine Birth 1700 in Donegal, Donegal, Ireland Death 16 JAN 1773 in Palmer, Hampden, Massachusett s, USA m. Elizabeth McCartney Baptist McNeighton Bartholomew McNaghten Fa: James of Brook Street, Coleraine 43a m. Jane Jean Clark Baptis McNathen 10c* Son: Patrick 112ma b.1815 Son: David McNitt Register Dau: book Elizabeth bapt 5.10.1760 St Anne’s Cathedral, Shankill Also Elizabeth bapt 13th Nov 1768 bapt. 14.02.1762 St Anne’s, Belfast Of Ballyhunsley, South Bushmills Fa: Alexander Mo: Sarah Fa: Baptist Mo: Elizabeth d. by Nov 1706 Fa: Patrick 10 or Alexander 10b No male son and his property at Toberdorman went to Francis 17 in lease of 31 yrs Nov 1706 Merchant of Dublin In a deed dated August 22, 1665, "Daniel MacNaghten of Benvarden in the County of Antrim, Gent," settled upon his eldest son John various estates, including "Ballyboggie, Ballylekine, Ballinesse, with the mill thereunto belonging, Atilyboyland, Ballylogh, Ballvtegart, and Maghercrean," with remainder allotted to his younger sons Alexander and Daniel MacNaghten, and a nephew, Bartholomew MacNaghten of Ballyhunsley. Ballyhunsley is the townland just 3 miles north of the Benvarden estate (as it was in 1788 map). Ballybogey is just 2 miles to the west (and just above Tullycapple.). 12 Bartholomew MacNaghten Esq Snr Of Benvarden & Dunluce 1677 His family lived and used St Mary’s in Dublin (deed of 1740 mentions house in Abbey Street) Perhaps a merchant in Derry Of Benvarden in 1736 and held land at Ballytaggart, Canageeragh, Toberbilly, Kilngilly, Ballylough, Drumnabrasley Legacurry, Feltin, Attaricherd, Knockavrinvan, Tullycapple & Ballybogey & Ballybogey mill (from brother Alexander)in 1736 & 2/4 of Knockanboy & 2/4 of Canogher forever & rents 5 acres of Glenlane m Mary McManus Left a will in 1742 PRONI T559 p.189 Fa: John 11 Dau: Jane 25 m. Workman Son: John 27 half hanged Son: Bart 34 Dau: m. Leslie and 5 of Eshery for 31 yrs in 1738 & 125a of Kirkistown in Coleraine Liberties 9th Feb 1739 (Fee farm) Leasing land off Earl in Londonderry 8th Feb 1739 where Samuel Waring is a witness 34 Bar McKnaghton Of Dunluce, Dunluce Lower Bartholomew McNaughton / McNaghten Esq Of Ballylogart in 1736 Of BallyBoggy from 1760s Of Kirkistown in 1765 and grants the 47 acre North Division to Robert Lowndes and sells the entire b.c. 1724 http://irishdeedsin memorial=69591 Protestant Householder in 1740 m(1) Elizabeth Carey of Inishower, Donegal. d.Grafton Street, Dublin 1764 m(2) Sarah Johnston of Down in 1766 at St Mary’s, Dublin m(3) Charlotte Given 28.11.1769 at Coleraine (she was dau of Inherited land from maternal grandfather (Henry McManus of Londonderry?) 2nd Son of Bart 12 of Benvarden and just managed to secure smaller estate of Ballybogey in 1756 before his elder brother John 27 caused Benvarden to be sequestrated D2225/7/14 The road from Ballybogey to Knockinkerragh was built over te moss c. 1763 quarterland of Kirkistown in 1797 Robert of Coleraine) Of Dunluce in 1769 34a Bartholomew Of Malindober in Coleraine Bartholomew McNaughton Esq Of Dimond, Coleraine in 1770 Churchwarden at St Patrick’s 1772 Applotter for town 1777 (both as McNaghten but children McNaghten) In 1779 leasing a farm at Lisnarick to John Wilson Of Coleraine in 1782 Dimond one and Coleraine one are the same and “the line” to Bartholomew b. 1806 via Henry His Reps have Kirkistown in 1809, his heirs Ballyboggy and Carnglass in 1810 (Charlotte Vandeleur’s letter to Miss Lecky confirms Henry was 2nd son of No Will or death noted which is strange Still signing Vestry Book on 2nd March 1793 but dead by March 1795 CoI Subscribed to The Messiah in 1766 Subscribed to Crawford’s History in 1783 Children of Bartholomew McNaughton Esq of Dimond: Dau: Elizabeth Sarah bapt 08.11.1770 Coleraine m. Thomas Conway of the Queens County Militia at Coleraine 30th Mar 1795 Son: Edmund Bartholomew Edward Henry 68 b.1772 Son: Henry George 71 b.1773 St Patrick’s register of burials seems intact for the period but only two burials are recorded in 1793 and none in 1794 Children of Bartholomew McNaghten Esq of Coleraine and Charlotte Given: Son: Robert Cary Hamilton b. 1774 Son: Richard Bartholomew 89 b. 1785 (If he’s not my Bartholomew, then he must have died young since Charlotte Vandeleur states only 3 sons attained In 1782 he is leasing a farm in East Ballywatt to James Young and mills at Ballyboggy and Ballyrashane to a farmer Bartholomew of “Benvarden and Ballyboggy”) Leasing farm in Lisnnarick to farmer in 1779 Bartholomew McNaghten Esq Of Carnglass High Sheriff of Antrim in 1781 Son: Mildmay Alexanderb. 01.04.1788 d.02.05.1788 Coleraine Note Bart senior was churchwarden till Mar 1793 Jno McNaghten was sidesman from 2nd Mar 1793 (John and his wife Sarah were tenants of Bartholomew in Coleraine in 1784 when they had a son Henry baptised) Resident of Coleraine in 1783 and churchwarden 1787-93 (have photo of signature) 34b maturity) Edmund McNaghten Esq was churchwarden from April 1794 But signs Macnaghten till May 1795 when he signs McNaghten and then reverts in May 1797 Mr Henry McNaghten is churchwarden in April 1798 for a year and then again in May 1805 (though doing his N differently) Robert McNaghten was churchwarden in Aug 1803 and till Aug 1805 at least except when Henry was doing it in May. Mullin records McNaghten Estate as Revallagh, Risk, Mortgage at Carnglass Beg in 1762 Carnglass is 3 miles from Balleybogy NOTE: Carnglass beg, Lisnagalt & Ballywatt in Dunluce in 1762 Bartholomew McNaghten Esq of Coleraine Bartholomew McNaghten (Edmond Bartholomew Edward Henry McNaughton) 44 Outhill, Ballywatt, Carnglass, Lisnarick, Ballybogey, Tulleycapple, Kirkistown and the mill at Ballyrashane (Families of Ballyrashane) Many years magistrate for Antrim and Londonderry Gentry of Strand, Clontarf in 1824 Died pre 1848 Bartholomew Edmund McNaghton 76 Bartholomew Married Elizabeth MacCormack 29.12.1770 St Paul’s Arran Quay Co. Dublin Labourer of Daughter Frances Macky McNaghten dies in London 6.02.1848 Pigot Bartholomew Naughten (Note spelling) 52 McNaghten, Bart of Carnglass, Co. Antrim is listed in “American Passenger Lists”: Mge. Hill Docts. 1762 (O.D.) Bapt. 16.06.1753 St Mary’s Dublin b.29.09.1785 A list of wives not Died 1832 Longford aged 72 Of Greenhall, Newton Cashel “Died Young” Really? RC RI RI Witnesses: Francis Naughten, Ann Jackson, Catherine Newman Son of half hanged 27 & Mary A recruit of 3rd Aug 1798 McNaughton BallyMoney and 5th Dragoon 77 (There are no McNaughtons amongst the 646 names in the 1766 Religious Census of Ballymoney. Nor tithe payers 17801817 bar widow McNaught in Glenlylough in 1780) Though there is Archie farming 18 acres at Knockavrinnian on the Benvarden Estate (but it’s the other side of Loughguile) in 1788. BallyMoney (soon after Ballymoney was burned by government forces 18th Dragoon notes show appointed to the Band 24th April 1799 aged 14 and on his 3rd Foot notes of 1814, 29th Sept 1785 is written next to his service WO 25/326 (Two other entries in the Band records show him as 17 on joining, and one as 18 on joining in April 1799 – but I believe he was lying about his age at that period of time.) allowed to embark with their husbands for Portugal in December 1808 (WO12/1374) gives his wife as Mary (with 3 children) but we can be confident that his wife at the time was Ann Povey. If the third child was theirs, then it must have been Sarah’s twin. Served 5th Dragoons 15th June 1797 – 24th March 1799 (1 yr 283 days underage) Drafted to 18th Dragoons (with many of the 5th Dragoons) on 25th April 1799 (aged 17) – 3rd Sept 1814 (on reduction) Trumpeter 3rd July 1802. Reduced 24th July 1803. Reappointed 20th Dec 1805. Reduced to Serjeant in I Troop 13th March 1811 Deserted 20th July 1812 (or 31st May 1812) from Hounslow (“reported to be in London”and aged 27) WO25/2906 Rejoined 15th Nov 1812 (Possibly 4th /1st Foot on 14th Sept 1814 though this is probably a mis-attribution of the record to the wrong regiment by Ancestry.) 2nd/ 3rd Foot 16th Sept 1814 – 7th Sept 1821 Kilmainham outpensioner 2891 of 12th Sept 1822: Worn out by long service and poor vision of right eye. 15 yrs service with 165 days disallowed. Still says aged 40 and says McNaghten. Note says: Dead per letter 22702 WO 118/43 There is no evidence of him ever returning to England after his discharge in 1821 (and his pension details were never transferred to Chelsea). None of his children (who continued to stay in England with their mother) named a child after him. (On 16th May 1816 he was sent from the Depot to join the 1st Btn at Croix in France where it was part of the army of occupation. WO12/2115. He is stationed in France – variously at Croix, St Ormon and Valenciennes – for the next two years till October 1818. The regiment returned to England in the first week of November 1818 but his son George ( 127) was born 1818/19 Hounslow .There is therefore a possibility that he knew George could not have been his. Perhaps he therefore gave up on the family and settled in Ireland (or even Scotland or Canada in the end). (He certainly didn’t die in England after 1837 when registration of Deaths began.) 77 Bartholomew 18th Dragoon Married Ann Povey Dead by 1861 She born Brentford, Middlesex 1783 McNaughton Of Ealing at Ealing in 1807 and probably Dau: Sarah 119 b. 1807 76 by 1837 (witnesses: Son: John 119aa b. Nov 19th and Thomas Williams & baptised 25th Dec 1808, St Lawrence’s, Charlotte Povey) New Brentford. (Son of Bartholomew MacNorton , trumpeter of the 18th Light Dragoons and Ann Povey) Son: George 127 b.1818 119 Sarah McNaughton b. Hammersmith 1807 but not baptised at St Paul’s Hammersmith Married George Rampton, a painter at Ealing St Mary 29.04.1838 (both of Old Brentford) Daughter of Bartholomew McNaughton, soldier, of Ealing 77 Francis Tracey (Margaret 85’s son) was a witness at the marriage Possible children: (James b. 1839 St Pancras?) Sarah Rampton infant of Night and Morning Row, Richmond buried 10th June 1840 (with George aged 24 who died 6th June) George b. 1848 Bloomsbury 78 Bartholomew McNaughton Travelled with his wife from Quebec to Montreal 09.09.1827 Ship list engerlists/1827/jmsep09.shtml Since Bart 77 was not married till 1830 this must be my Bart !!! 85 Margaret McNaughton My Confirmed Ancestor Born Ballcastell (Bally Castle), Antrim 1783 (aged 68 in 1851 Census of Richmond) (transcribed as Pam rather than Pain on Ancestry!) Married John Tracey at St Mary’s Drogheda 1799 aged 15 but no such marriage record found (even by the regiment in 1816). He died at Northampton 3rd March 1816 from wounds received at Waterloo. Note: John Tracey b. 1778 served in the 5th Dragoons with the following McNaughtons: (aged 71 when she died on 1st Oct 1854. Her death at 121 Churchyard, Richmond being reported by her daughter Mary Margaret Paine) Tracey Children: Anne born 14th Dec 1799 Croydon. Bapt 5th June 1800 at St John the Baptist Croydon. m. William Stacey 12th Aug 1819 Kingston Upon Thames. They lived in Brewer’s Lane Richmond till she died 12th Feb 1840. He was a greengrocer and moved to George Street, Richmond in 1841. Thomas Bartholomew born 26th Dec 1801 New Radford, Nottingham. Enlisted King’s Dragoon Guards 28th Nov 1815. m. Hannah Pallon in South Leith, Edinburgh 4th March 1828 John born 23rd June 1804 and bapt 23rd August 1804 at Arundel RC . Buried in Preston, Sussex 3rd March 1806. Patrick b. 1740 Francis b. 1773 John b. c. 1780 Bartholomew b. 1785 and in the 1st King Dragoon Guards with: Francis b. 1773 John b. 1791 m(2) James Paine 27.06.1822 at St Mary’s Ealing Witnesses: Elizabeth and Charles Atlee. Lived at Church Walk Richmond in 1841 & 51 He a post boy then ostler. He was a fly driver in 1854. Francis born 21st August 1808 and bapt 4th Sept 1808 St Nicholas RC, Newcastle – a blacksmith. m(1) Mary Ann Agate 31st March 1845 (she d.1848). m(2) Mary Ann Drew 31st Jan 1850 m(3) Ellen Agate. Victualler of Artichokes of 77 South George Street, Richmond in 1851. Publican of Croydon in 1861. Process server of 108 Windmill Rd, Croydon in 1881. Sarah born 10th April 1813 Connaught, Ireland m. Thomas Brandon Terry in Hannover Square in 1843. Alexander born 15th Sept 1814 Glasgow* m. Hannah Payne 25th Sept 1836 in Guildford. A blacksmith in Balcombe in 1841. A railway contractor in March, Cambs in 1851. Mary Margaret (Paine) b. 1824 Richmond Originally the children were baptised Catholics but, bar John, all were then baptised Anglican at St Sepulchre, Northampton 9th June 1816 (after their father’s death) *The KDGs were in Cork,Ireland at the time –so why was Margaret in Glasgow (surely to see parents.) NB The boys were trained as blacksmiths at the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Francis was admitted on 2nd August 1816 and discharged 4th August 1822. Alexander was admitted 27th Sept 1825 and discharged 23rd Nov 1828. (Sarah received an annuity from the Waterloo Bounty charity.) Despite the blacksmith link, there are no known Patrick’s in this descent, so Patrick 37 must have been a parallel line? Although, interestingly, no surviving grandchildren seem to have been named after John Tracey either. Children of Margaret McNaughton and John Tracey and the names of their children. Anne Thomas John Francis Stacey Bartholomew Ann b. 1824 Thomas b.1825 Frederick b. 1827 Francis b. 1829 Jane Louisa b. 1831 Sarah b. 1834 Alexander b. 1834 George b. 1835 Margaret b. 1836 Henry b. 1838 82 Margaret Naughtan/ Alexander Berkley b. 1828 Francis b. 1829 Sarah Terry Thomas B b. 1846 Margaret Eliz Elizabeth Margaret Charlotte Jane Sarah Ann Catherine b. 1831 Sarah Anne b. 1833 Robert b. 1836 Alex ande r Hannah Matilda Mary Ann Esther Margaret b. 1838 Thomas B b. 1842 Alexander Albert Francis b. 1861 Alfred Clonmellon Bapt 01.05.1784 RC Fa: James Naughtan Mo: Ann Martin Bessy Naghtan (Note Spelling) 83 Margaret McNaughton (Scots) 84 Margaret McNaughton (Scots) 114 Bartholomew McNaghten Esq 5th Dragoons here in 1785 Clonmellon, Co. Westmeath Sponsors: Thomas Farmham and Rose Martin Bapt 11.08.1784 Kilmadock, Perth Bapt 03.11.1782 Logierait, Perth Fa: Duncan Mo: Mary McKinlay Of Coleraine (in b.c. 1806 1830) Ireland Of Ballybogy & Tullycapple (in Dunluce and Lisnisk, Lisnagalt in Ballyrashane; and mill of Ballyrashane in Kirkistown (which go to Catherine and then to Robert James Montgomery) (Apparently inherited Ballyboggy from his uncle Captain Edmund – eldest son of Bartholomew, but the entail ended with him and though Alexander was heir at law, Bartholomew left Ballyboggy to the Montgomerys who had Fa:Peter Mo: Anne McFarlane In Glasgow in 1841 with wife Catherine (b. 1811) m. Catherine (Kitty) McNaghtin 18.05.1830 at Coleraine Died 01.01.1852 “Last of the Line” PRON Fa: Henry 71(son of Barth of Dimond) Of Argyle Street, Glasgow 1841 Of Independent means. In 1848 he is leasing land at Tullycapple to a farmer Will T/810/432: Wife Catherine 114c Cousins are Alexander 125 and Robert 125b and Charlotte 115 114a (was 73) Bartholomew McNaghten Esq Communicant Xmas day 1823 And Easter 1829 when with Mr McNaughton (Robert?) Xmas day 1830 with wife. 1831 with Robert and Mrs. Benvarden) b. 18.10.1806 …tholomew of Ballybogg d.01.01.1852 Coleraine age 46 Son-in-law of James McNaghten (Gravestone inscription) Of heart attack at his residence Ballyboggy Monument in Balyrashane Church Fa: Henry 71 Magistrate 1843 JP in 1852 Bartholomew McNaughtin 114b Bartholomew McNaghten Esq 114a 114c Catherine McNaghten House20, Spittle Hill, Coleraine Tithes in Rockspring, Kilbride, Wexford in 1827 Wife of Bartholomew of Ballyboggy, and New Row Coleraine m. (note Rev Edmund Leslie was “of Rockfield “ in Edmund’s will of 1780 b.1811 CoI 1831 Census With 1 female servant Paying Tithes in 1827 31 and 30 acres of real estate with. Tithe £3. 4s. Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volume 98, Part 2 p.600 m. Bartholomew 18.05.1830 26.03.1863 Portstewart Dau: of James Sister of Rev Robert 100a (she can’t be! – his father is Bart) 114c Catherine McNaghten 114c Catherine McNaghten 131d b Bartholomew McNaughton (but quite possibly named after Bartholomew Scott) b.1811 Ireland visiting Stevensons in Edinburgh in 1871 Owned flax mill and 3 houses in Craigtownmore , Ballyaghran,nr Coleraine in 1859 An engine worker in Crook, Durham in 1851 And houses and rents out two 90 acre farms at Lisnagalt, Ballyrashane in 1859 Bapt 02.11.1823 Long Benton, Northumberlan d Land at Ballybogey & Tullycapple in Dunluce Parish Land at Lisnagalt and Kirkistown in 1867 m. Ann Bilton (daughter of John Bilton, watchman of Trimdon Colliery and from Lincolnshire) in Trimdon parish Church, Stockton on Tees 11th May 1845 Witnesses: Ann McNaughton David Grieves Gri Died as a Brakeman of Peases Cottages, Crook 31st Jan 1856 (Inflammatio n of the lungs) Angli Fa: Thomas (pitman) Mo: Ann Of Benton Square, Long Benton Sister: Elizabeth b. 1826 Children: Thomas b. 1846 Wingate, Durham John b.1848, Stanhope/Frosterly , Durham a coalminer and married Mary (of Crook) and had Thomas b.1872, William b.1874, Hannah b.1876, Bartholomew b. 1880, George b.1883, Annie b.1885, John b.1893 Margaret b. 1850 Brancpeth, Durham Bartholomew b. Crook, Durham 1855 (Wesleyan) who m. Ellen (of Hendon, Durham) and had Agnes b.1875 and George b. 1877 Elizabeth b. Crook, Durham 1856 who m. Robert Johnson 7th Nov 1874 at Brancepeth Bartholomew McNaughton With brother John (b.1821) and sister Margaret (b.1831) living with Andrew Johnson (a coalminer at Greencroft Colliery) and his wife Ann (b.1806)* in Lanchester Durham in 1841 b. 1826 Scotland On 28 Jun 1835 Andrew Johnson (widower), of this parish married Ann Nafton (widow), of this parish, by banns at St. Nicholas, Newcastle (Anglican) Witnesses: Bartholomew Scott, Edward Elliott An Elizabeth McNaughton aged 14 was staying with Bartholomew Scott in 1841. Therefore, I presume Ann Nafton was Ann McNaughton (widow of Thomas 105h) *(an Ann Hogg was baptised 19th May 1806 at St Mary’s, Gateshead – parents: John Hogg and Ann Askew) 142d Bartholomew Servant to Wm b. Ireland c. m. Rose Ann RC McNaughton Odell, Army 1831 Hughes (daughter Medic in of deceased Philip Quebec in WHERE !! Hughes and 1861 Catherine Daniel of Quebec). Labourer 29th May 1863 at In Coaticock, St Patrick’s Quebec Stanstead, Quebec in married in the 1871 & 1891 presence of William Hughes and Mary Normile. 107a Bernard M’Natten Bernard b.1792 Of Athlone ? son of age of deceased Patrick McNaughton (112m) and the late Marie McNaughton of Quebec Chidren: Kate/Catherine b.1865 Mary A Eiizabeth Patrick Donald b. 1869 Ireland (prob d. young)(not registered Ulster) Daniel William J James d.1879 Monaghan His child born in Athlone in 1811 McNaghten Son? Bernard b. 1817 Ireland Bernard McNatan 111i Bernard McNaghten 125ia Bernard McNaughton 125ib * Bernard McNaughton Bernard McNaugton 125i Barney McNaughton One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 Farmer of Cormurphy, Monaghan 1826 & 1835 Tithe Railway labourer of Kilmaurs, Ayr in 1871 and ag lab of St Quivox, Ayr in 1851 Labourer in Houghton Le Spring, Durham in 1871 or 1881 Farm labourer b.1817 Ireland Ag lab of Angus’s Land, b. 1816 Ireland m. Mary Rc 1851 one born in Randalstown, Antrim c. 1819 b. 1822 Ireland m. Eleanor b. 1822 Randalstown, (Nr Drummaul) m. Mary McKinnon in Auchinleck, Scotland in 1848 RC 7 acres for 6s. in 1825 jointly with Patrick Rents a tiny house and 5 acres in1859 Griffiths (land £5) Son: Francis b. Ayre 1849 Henry Bernard James Children: Francis Henry Bernard James 164b Bernard McNaughton 129aa Bryan McNaughton 129ab Charles McNaughton 112e Charles McNaughton 112ee Charles McNaghten 112eg Charles McNaughton 112ef C P McNaughton 122ea Charles McNaughton Barony Maryhill, Lanarks in 1841 Emigrated to b. Ireland Canada in c.1841 1859. In Stanstead, Quebec in 1871 Labourer of b.1821 Ireland Edinburgh St Johns in 1871 b. 1772 Limerick Sawyer of Meeting House Lane, Belfast in 1820 Rents tiny cottage and rents 9 acres at Ballyrashane in 1859 Emigrated to US in 1849 In St Anne’s Montreal in 1851 In Massachusette s in 1870 m. Rosellen Dau: Mary b. 1864 m. Margaret Evans Ancestry Tree Son: Thomas Galway McNaughton Evans b. 1804 It is probably his daughter that is the Charlotte Jane 132 b.1826 that marries a servant in Balleymoney Rents house, offices and 9 acers at Carnglass Beg, Ballyrashane in 1859 £9 (land £8) off James Hannay But lets a tiny house to Sarah Clyde b. 1805 Ireland Sons? Thomas b. 1829 Ir Charles b. 1830 Ir Ellen b.1811 Ireland b. 1815 Ireland m. Ann 112ee a Charles McNaughten Charles MacNaughten Charles MacNaughten (probably Edmund Charles later Bart) Charles McNaughton (Thomas too) 112eh Charles * McNaughtin 113a Charles McNaughtin Charles McNaughton 113b* Charles A McNaughton of Beardiville Park Mr of Beardiville in 1821 Paying tithes in Gallenagh in Tickmacrevan, Glenarm in 1832 Merchant seaman of Cushendal c.1850 Ticket 121323 & 467762 Labourer (of BallyMoney?) Had bastard child (Peggy Ann) to Jane McCaghan bapt Dunluce 05.11.1822 Son or brother of the Edmund Esq paying tithes there too? (Probably Edmund Charles, nephew of Edmund Alexander of Beardiville) b.1828 Bapt 7.02.1828 Tralee Accountant Full age in 1852 m. Harriet Anne Beart in St Pancras in 1852 Labourer of b.1846 Ireland m. Bridget Kelly Coatbridge, (mother aged Lanarks in 1871 47 ?) Furnaceman in 1891 BT 114/15 First went to sea 1849 RC Dau: Charlot a servant m. Charles Darcus a servant at BallyMoney 27th Aug 1849 Fa: Patrick 105e Fa: John (dec’d) Mo: Mary b. 1799 Sister Jane b. 1840 Children: Matthew b. 09.07.1868 in Livingston,West Lothian John Lizzie Julia Patrick Charles McNaughton Engineer Christopher McNaughten Of Lower Barratitoppy, Tedavnet, Monaghan 113b* Cornelius McNaughton 2c* Daniel McNaughton b. 1848 d.1881 Howrah, Calcutta m. Mary Murray b. 1783 m. Nancy Jane Mulvanon Of Oldstone (in the Barony of Kilconway) FMP RC d.16.09.1843 d. by 1637 Gri Son: John b. 30.10.1840 Fa: Daniel? Children: Mary Jane b. 25.11.1811 Coleraine m. Marcus Fayette Irwin in Pittsburgh 27.08.1833 Death 14 Apr 1876 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Son*: John 4b Son*: Neale 4c Catherine Margaret Fenola Mentioned in Ulster Inquisition (para 14) in 1627 as McNaghton Daniel McNaghteen 4 7? Daniel MacNaughton Magheralean, Drummaul in Barony of Upper Toome in 1669 Chief of the Clan Benvarden Hearth Tax Fa: John 2 Son or is:Daniel 7 Donnell McNaughtyn 7 4? Daniel MacNaughton Of Benvarden Daniel McNaghten Sword in Earl of Antrim’s British Tenants on his Servitors’ Lands in the 1630 muster Chief of the Clan Gent of Ballymagarry in 1637 R J Hunter’s footnote says son of John of Benvarden and the one who extended the family’s holdings significantly by buying four townlands in 1637 Served with Alexander Leased 2/4 of Ballyneglough [Ballylough] in Billy / Dunluce and ¼ Croggerye in Cary ; and ½ Ballytaggart, Loughguile; ½ m.Catherine Dowdale, niece of the Bishop of Antrim but this must be wrong since Primate Dowdall, Archbishop of Armagh was 14871558 d. Pre Feb 1679 (referred to as deceaced in deed of 6th Feb 1679) D2977/3A/3/ 1/33 from Randal the Earl of Antrim and Alexander McDonnell (his brother) 20th July & 17th Aug 1637 for 41 yrs ½ of Benvarden, ¼ of Kilmoyle, ¼ of Balenelorgan, 2/4 of Ballelegin, ¼ of Ballenasse and half ¼ of Fa or is: Daniel 4 Son*: John 11 Son*: Alexander 11a Son*: Daniel 11b Dau*: m. Andrew Willoughby Dau*: Esme of Beardiville m. Bryan McManus (though book "The Chiefs of Clan MacNachtan And Their Descendants" by Angus I. Macnaghten published in 1951 later states that she was daughter of John 11. Early entries in my table marked with an asterisk are details gained purely from this book)I think Esme is Bartholomew of Ballyhunsley’s sister and both were children of Alexander. D/2977/3A/3/1/3 & 17 (And held ¼ of Ballyrock in 1679 – but don’t know reference) * An historical account of the Macdonnells of Antrim : including notices of some other septs, Irish and Laggachore; ½ Maghernan; and ½ Ballylough in Billy Donnell McNaughten Donell McNaghten (Daniel 4) Donnell McNaghton (Daniel 4) In Muster Roll for Cary/Dunluce/ Toome in Kilconway Barony 1630 Gent of Ballymagarry in 1637 Son and heir to 1st John McNaughton of Benvarden. Ardtiboylane and the mill of Ballenasse* Scottish (1873) by Rev George Hill oun00hill#page/438/mode/2up probably refering to 1637 Earl of Antrim’s British Tenant on his Servitors’ lands (along with Alexander) leased land in Mullan,Killins & Rosnashane (all in Finvoy) in trust for widow of Allastren Mckaye in 1637 D/2977/3A/5/1/5 Protestant so did not forfeit lands in 1641 Fa: John 1 Son: John 4b (killed at Dunmaul 1641) An agent to the Antrim Estate Inherited 60 acres of Ballymagarry nr Dunluce Castle; 30 acres at Coolnegar; 60 acres at Benvarden (Also had (No he didn’t!) lands by the river Bann 2 miles south of Coleraine: 17/4 of Ballymulvany; 2/4 of Ballylease; 1/8 of Knockantrane and 10 acres at Killy Tiny and 2/4 of Dromore; 2/4 of Twonacabogy; 2/4 of Cowldarra; 2/4 of Lackanreagh? This was wronly copied from Earl of Antrim) Dunluce Castle, which as the ancient seat of the Macdonnells had undergone much battering in the tempestuous days of Sorley Boy, came to be regarded as unsuited to further use by Randal, second Earl of Antrim, soon after the middle of the seventeenth century. So the Earl bought Ballymagarry, probably from Daniel MacNaghten, and Benvarden House was built to become the chief seat of the MacNaghten family for a while. In a deed dated August 22, 1665, "Daniel MacNaghten of Benvarden in the County of Antrim, Gent," settled upon his eldest son John various estates, including "Ballyboggie, Ballylekine, Ballinesse, with the mill thereunto belonging, Atilyboyland, Ballylogh, Ballvtegart, and Maghercrean," with remainder allotted to his younger sons Alexander and Daniel MacNaghten, and a nephew, Bartholomew MacNaghten of Ballyhunsley. Downs Suvey site states that in 1670 Daniel had 18 townlands: Ballycraig Upper and Lower, Ballykeel. Ballyleckan, Ballytober East and West, Walle Mill, Ballyness, Ballyclough North, North Centre, centre, South centre and South, Flower Mill, Seneril, Ballybogy, Shellfield, Benvardin and Dunluce. (The sites’ maps show how much of the area was still unsettled bog.): Danyell Attorney for McNaghten John Shaw over land at Glenarm 1637 3 Donald [sic ?] Landed Gentry Left will in PRONI McNaghten Of Oldstone, 1661 Connor Daniel McNaghten Possessed This was then leased by the Earl of Ballyrock in Antrim to Robert Cussack Esq of Ballyrashane Dunluce D/2977/3A/3/1/33 till his death pre 1679 7 Daniel Of Benvarden Hearth Tax (Alexander had a hearth at Ballyboggy at McNagten in 1669 the same time) Daniel McNaghten Alderman of ? m. Ellinor daughter of Ross Gaynor Daniel d.1689 and Ellinor then married Bryan Mahon of Castlegar, Dau: Rose who m. Matthew Reynolds, Merchant of Dublin. (It was Reynolds who left all this info in a will of 16 Sep 1724 – Bethan abstracts or prerogative Co. Galway in 1693 (who fought for King James at te Battle of the Boyne) and had several/eight children with him Daniel McNaughten 11b* 36d* Of Benvarden in 1692 Is tenant of 2/4 of Ballyboggy 2/4 of Ballylickine ¼ of Ballyness ½ Q of Artboylan Daniel McNaughton Daniel McNaughton Daniel McNorton Daniel McNaugton Typescript record actually states “of Rencoward” with a note saying that this must be a mistake and it must be Benvarden BUT NOTE ENTRY BELOW FOR 1784 Appointed Petty Constable for m A penal bill of £40 by Daniel McNaghten dated 16 June 1686 is in the Gunning family’s Irish archive at Northants Record Office But if this is Daniel born c.1660 then he may well be living at Rencoward (though not sure Rencoward actually exists) T/372/B m. Catherine McKenty (dau of Neal) (She d. 14.03.1684 at Glenarm aged 26) b.1674 In St James, Dublin in 1759 wills NAI) book d.1674 m. Elizabeth Fa: Daniel 4 Fa: John 11 Son: John b. Dublin 1759 Glenarm Court Leet D2977/23/1/2/1 Daniel McNaughten 111aa North end of the parish of Layde 06.05.1789 Of Glenarm area BUT NOTE ENTRY ABOVE FOR 1684 Daniel McNaughton 107b* Daniel McNaghten Daniel McNaghten Daniel McNaughten Carpenter of Derryhollagh, Randalstown In 1802 has bill settled for him by Edmund McGildowney agent at Ballycastle (whose attorney is Robert McNaghten of Dublin) Tenant of quarterland of Rencoward (which document b. 1798 Holds 2/4 of Ballyboggy; 2/4 of Ballylickine; ¼ of Ballyness; ½ Q of m. Catherine McKenty (dau of Neal of Crany) who d.14.03.1784 and was buried in Glenarm Tickmacrevan m. Jane McGrath 03.05.1795 St Nicholas Dublin bachelor Stone missing but there in 1911 T3054/A/2 Witness James McNaughton d. 30th Jul 1869 Antrim Surely brother of Francis D372/A suggests ought to be Benvarden) Daniel McNeighton Daniel McNaughten Daniel McNaghten McNaughten Artboylan in Dunluce. (doc says purchased in 1845) Orthodox Presbyterian of Cairncastle, Glenarm 183442 Tithes in Cushendall (5s. 6d.) and Knocknacarry (£1 0s. 6d.) in 1826 Of Knocknacarry ( Cushendall) in 1821 (for 1 life and to John McCambridge eldest son of James McCambridge of Leaney, Antrim.) Signs (in a fine hand) McNaughten m. Jane Huston Pres Sons: Daniel bapt 18.03.1834 Cairncastle Robert bapt 17.01.1836 Ballygally T3054/B/7A & B Rents 23 acres of Knocknacarry from Lord Mark and Lady Charlotte Kerr in 1821 for 21 yrs (plots 4, 5, 6, 7 &8 (James Snr & James Jnr rent 8 acres, and Alexander rents 6 at Cloghs for 1 life or 21 yrs from same landlord) D2977/3A/4/80/6 Perhaps son of Patrick b. 1786 who dies there Note: Only Alexander McNeille at Knocknacarry in 1742 But Thomas is tenant in May 1847 (written on front of lease) and Patrick on official map of 1849 D2977/36/20/5 (Then Mcleary in 1857) Daniel MacNaughten 111 Daniel McNaughton 111a Daniel McNatten 112j Daniel M’Naughten Daniel M’Naughton Daniel McNainghton / McNaughtan 120af Daniel McNaughton 130aa a Daniel McNaughton 130aa b Daniel McNaughton Of New Row Upper, Coleraine in 1858 Of Drummuck, Clogher Griffiths Will of 1849 PRO NI Farmer Of Drummock, Tehallen, Monaghan 1832 Tithe An b.c.1812 In Antrim Gaol in 1836 Turner Criminal luvator of Royal Bethlehem hospital, Southwark in 1851 Farmer Emigrated 1853 to Philadelphia Labourer of German St, Philadelphia in 1873 In Pennsylvania in 1870 WHO IS HE? d.1872 Monaghan b.c.1811 Isaviour, Ireland No – born Scotland (Glasgow?) c.1813 Article on Google re his trial for murder' Naghten Fa: Daniel Mo: Ada b. 1812 Ireland Son John Dau Eliza McNaughton Rules of insanity b. 1819 Ireland b. 1819 Ireland d. Philadelphia 21.02.1873 m. Catherine Son: John F C McNaughton 130aa c* Daniel McNorton 130aa f* Daniel McNorton 130a Daniel McNaghten Daniel McNaughtin Daniel McNaughton 130b* Daniel McNaughton Labourer in Kelly’s island, Eire, Ohio in 1850 Labourer in Pa, US in 1860 b. 1817 Ireland b. 1820 Ireland m. Catherine b.1820 m. Kate McQuillan Cushendall, Layde area Farmer of Clough, Cushendall Children: Charles b. 1848 Pa Isabella Mary Sarah John Kate David d.1890 m. Catherine McQuillan b.1820 m. Catherine McQuillan b.1819 UK m. Mary Arthur of Airdrie Lanarkshire RC d. 25th Jan 1887 Clough RC Children: Archie b. 17.12.1864 (Sponsor Archy McNaughten) Mary b. 27.02.1867 Charles b. 5.10.1870 (Sponsors Alex McN and Rose McQuillan)Layde and Ardclinis (Cushendall) MIC1D/68/1 Son: Charles b.26.10.1862 Cushendall Archibald b.17.12.1864 Charles b. 05.10.1870 Cushendall (present at death) Alexander m. Elizabeth MacGann in Granard, Co. Longford 1905 Son: Daniel b. 1843 Ireland (Tea and Spice Merchant) m. Agnes Whitelaw Mchaffie 14.06.1872 South Lodge,Pollok,Eastwood,Renfrwshire 134d* Daniel McNorton Daniel McNaughton Daniel McNaughan Daniel McNaughton Arrived NY 19.04.1853 with Owen Merchant seaman of Layde c. 1845 Ticket 58492 Of Glenriff or Waterfoot, Warren in Layd in 1860 Labourer of Coleraine Park Daniel McNaughton Daniel McNaughton 149a Daniel McNaughton 164 Daniel b.1825 Ireland From BT 114/15 Griffiths m.Catherine Kilpatrick 29 Mar 1854 Coleraine, St Patricks b.c.1837 Grocer of Worcester, Mass in 1880 Pensioner b. 1835 Ireland Fa: John, labourer Dau: Jane bapt 10.03.1858 Dunean RC (Sp Jane Keenan) d.12th Aug 1894 Armagh aged 60 b.c.1834 Labourer of Mullinary, Middletown, Armagh in CoI Mar but RC bapt Mary Jane Death cert not viewed Admitted Armagh workhouse 26th May 1887 to 6th July (No.1687) RC Did he have a son Thomas in 1876 with Ann (a servant) who was brought up by his uncle at Doogery, Middletown but in the workhouse 2 Aug 1887 to 19th Sept? (No. 1867) Parents Irish m. Ellen Married Elizabeth Pres BM Fa: Patrick , a labourer 125g McNaughton (soldier) in 1868 of Mullhome Morell 19.11.1868 at Ballymoney 1st Presbyterian Church (she daughter of Samuel, a labourer.) 164a Daniel McNaughton Labourer then Soldier 164aa Daniel McNaughton 164ae * Daniel McNatten Quay Labourer in Govan, Lanarks in 1901 In Perry, b.1837 Ireland Clarion Pennsylvania in 1850 Of St Patrick’s Belfast in 1861 at Union Place, Lancaster street, Belfast in 1877 Labourer of b.1847 Downpatrick getting Outdoor Relief from Downpatrick workhouse in 1900 aged 53 Of Coleraine in b.1693 Daniel McNaughtan Daniiel M’Naughton Daniel McNaughton David McKnight b. 1839 Dunloy, Coleraine Londonderry b. 1839 Ireland MIC/1P/363/A1-C1 2/5th Foot 17th Dec 1857 – 15th Jan 1863, then 99th Foot till 5th Oct 1867 Served in Mauritius 4.5 yrs and Cape of Good Hope 4.5 yrs. Labourer WO97 m. Mary J (wife in 1901) With Frances or Esther m.Jane Black RC m. May m. Priscilla RI Son: John b. 1861 One child (perhaps the James aged 38 and labourer of Down claiming relief in Feb 1903 b.1865) d.17.07.1733 CoI Children: 1733 112o David McNaughton 112n David McNaughton 147a 147aa * David McNaughtin David McNaughten McNaghten (RI) McNaghtin David McNaughton David McNatton Denis McNaghten Soldier Chelsea Pensioner in Gallowgate, Glasgow St John in 1851 Weaver of Glasgow college in 1851 aged 40 b.1799 Ayre m. Margaret b. 1809 Ireland m. Mary Wybrant d. 30.11.1737 Margaret m. Church Son: William b.1838 Ireland m. Mary McMigan m. Mary McMeehan/McMee kan (RI) Labourer Emigrated to US in 1882 with children b. 1834 Ireland In Millcreek, Clarion, Penn in 1870 One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s b. 1838 Ireland CoI Sons: William J b. 1827 Ireland Jane Alexander b. 1835 Ireland (mechanic) Charles b. 1850 Son: Scott bapt 17 Sept 1842 Shankill Son: Charles bapt 18 Aug 1843 St Anne’s Shankill Jane David George Mary Frank all b. Ireland 107a Denis McNaghten Denis McNaughtin 107b Denis McNaughten (Henry also there in 1859) 112gb * 125de * Dennis McNorton Dominic McNorton 81 Donald McNaughton 81a Donald Bain McNaughton testimonial in 1841 Late Of Bally Castle m. Mary He d. 18.03.1855 She d. 17.07.1860 Buried Bonmargy Witness at marriage in Ballymoney in 1843 Probably a weaver House and yard at Rodden Foot street, Ballymoney in 1859 & 1862 In NY (?) in 1870 Day labourer in Nodaway, Missouri in 1860 Pauper of St Mary Wynd, Stirling in 1851 Emigrated to Canada DAA Son of: ? Being paid 2s. by Gildowney the agent (for killing sparrows?) in April 1803 His Mark for marriage of James Dean and Jane Steele at Ballymoney C of I Landlord James Cameron the neighbouring weaving factory owner b. 1811 Ireland b. Co. Mayo 1815 M?. Johanna (b.1830) m. Mary With John b. 1856 Daughters: Ann b. 1854 Ireland Catherine Bridget b. Ireland 1781 b. 1790 Ireland m. Marion Cameron d. 24.09.1865 Canada Son: Donald B McNaughton b. Scotland 1823 m. Elizabeth Figsby d. 11.11.1883 Hemmingford, Canada 154b Donald McNaughton 5 Donoughily McNaghten Dorothey McNaghten 6 Dunkan McNaghten Duncan McNaughton 129ab 129ac * Duncan M’Naghtan Duncan McNaughton Duncan J McNaughton Duncan McNorton Ebenezer M’Naghton Farmer In Havelock, Canada in 1871 b. Ireland 1836 Dunluce, Connor Paying tithes in Killyrea, Dunaghy in 1825 KILLYREE is the townland next to BALLYREAGH Ballyboggy, Connor Of Dublin and Esq of Isle of Man Pres CoS in 1871 Son: Donald b. 1854 PRONI Left Will in 1685 PRONI Irish ancesto r Left will in 1774 b.1821 Fortingall Gaelic, Ireland CoI Arrived Boston,US 1848 Mo: Ann b.1801 Scotland Left will in 1684 m. Elizabeth Walker 16.08.1771 Kirkcudbright, Scotland Esq of Dublin Labourer of Aberfeldy, Dull, Perthshire in 1881 m. Jessie IG Son William M (Apocethary)m. Rose Dooley 1870 St Thomas, Dublin b. 1821 Ireland b.1798 d.22nd Jul 1880 Certificate not viewed 14 18? Edmund MacNaughton / McNaghten Esq of Beardiville High Sheriff of Antrim in 1747 Name changing from Mcnaghten to MacNaughton Edmund McNaghten Esq of Beardiville in 1737 Land at Toberdornan (Beardiville), Revallagh, Ballyhunsley, Islandcarrig, Upper Ballyclogh,(24th Feb 1748) Risk and Outhill b.14.08.1679 Ireland Aged 10 went into Londonderry with his mother (Young stating that she was by then a widow – which concensus seems to think is incorrect) whose Uncle Stafford was a defender Buys Bay and Straidkill and ¾ of Ballygawn & Ballycos and ½ of Carnballagh in 1736 (in the Glenarm rental of 1742) Attends the annual Court of the Vestry for the united parishes of m(1) Leonora Vesey m(2) Hannah Johnstone (dau of John Johnston Esq of Belfast) in 1761 (aged 82 !! to find an heir to prevent wastrel nephew John 27 inheriting) Banbridge, Armagh d.1780/1 Londonderry aged 102 Will of 1780 survives Fa: John 11 PRO NI Will T/2292/4 Leaves all the lands of the Earl of Antrim to 1st Son: Edmund Alexander 56 b.1762 2nd Son: Francis 57 b.1763 Nephew is Bartholomew 34 (son of 12) Map of Beardiville Estate T2292 Lands in NE Liberties of Coleraine in 1749 Leases Lisnadan, Moneygroagh, 20 a at Rougham, 10 a at Munie, 20 a at Agherevenagh, Drumlinsey and 2 tenements in Glenarm town for 3 lives in 1749 Posessed a 41 acre farm at Drumnagh in Barony of Gent of Benvarden leases 2/4 of Moneyduff & Tullaghbane in 1725 4th son of John 11 of Benvarden Leases 3 tenemants in Glenarm to Nicholas Stewart for 3 lives in 1753 (The two quarterlands of Beardiville (otherwise Toberdorman) had been leased to James Stewart Esq in trust for him. [Will]) Temple Oughter and Tickmacrevan from Apr 1737 to July 1750 and always as McNaghten Q of Ballinlea in 1738 renewable Glenarm [which was re-leased 13th Nov 1777 to George Stewart – for lives of John O’Hara son of Henry of Colaggan aged 8 and James McNaghten son of Samuel of Ballyreagh aged 9 gentlemen] Drumnagle in 1777 for 3 lives. Also Laid, Glenaan and Essary in 1777 Q of Drumnaglave, Kilconway in 1783 for 3 lives/41 yrs Q of Broughmore,2/4 of Croughbans, 2/4 of Grainan, 2/4 of Senagh, 2/4 of Ardaghmore in Carey in 1783 for 3 lives 18 14? Edmund McNaghten Of Ballywillan, Dunluce Protestant householder in 1740? “Cornet” McNaughtan 56 Edmund Alexander MacNaghten Chosen as new Clan Chief 1818 and then succeeded by his brother Francis Workman MacNaghten Agent to Earl of Antrim 1739 High Sheriff in 1793 Of Beardiville mountain . 1 Stafford Street London and Shane’s Castle in 1807 19 Bury Street, St James 1813 Barrister and MP for Antrim and then MP for Suffolk. Lord of the Treasury 18181830 Tithes in 1832 there and Ballywillin, Lower Dunluce and Outhill, Revallagh North, in Ballyrashane. Has Ballinlea (since 1738)(Carey) b.02.08.1762 (not 21 in 1780) Probably (with Francis) to inherit land at Laid, Glenaan and Essary that’s in possession of Edmund McNeill in 1777 Holds Drumnaglane for 3 lives (incl Richard Jacksom) in 1783. Gets land at East torr, Broaghmore (his since 1783) and Drumglane in 1809 Married his housekeeper and beneficiary Mrs Mary Anne Fitzsimmons Died 15.05. 1832 Beardiville PRO NI 1st Son of Edmund 14 Stood for election in 1790 Will of Edmund McN of Beardville of 1827 exists D/1375/3/38 Will of E A McN 1832 doesn’t exist Brother 57 inherited Serjeant in I Troop of Coleraine Yeomanry cavalry 1796. Antrim Volunteers in 1805 But codicil to will dated 15th Jan 1827 mentions two sons not mentioned in Will: Charles Edmund – a writer in the Civil Service in Ceylon Robert Adair – who behaved improperly in India (but had a daughter Laura mary who m. Felix Neeld Burne 25th Aug 1859) (one of these must have had a son Arthur) Also a daughter Mary Anne Daughter Mary married Captain James Hannay of the 8th Regt at Dunluce 12th June 1828 and Malindober , Carncogy, Beardiville and Ballyogloughs in Dunluce in 1809/11 Edmund McNaughten (Index card states Edmund Archibald) Check MIC/15AA/16 Edmund Mcnaghtin (EA) Edmund Alexander MacNaghten 67 Churchwarden in Ballywillin Aug 1814. Daughter Milinda was buried at Ballycastle 3rd Sept 1824 (MIC1/109) Buys a lot of land in Cary and Dunluce off Lord Mark Kerr in 1819 Paying tithes in Ballyhome in Dunluce in 1828 Alexander McNaughten paying tithes there too Paying tithes in Park, Dunluce in 1828 Of Tamnamoney, Coleraine in 1801 and at Bovagh in 1802 Alexander McNaghtin paying tithes there too Edmund M’Naghten Of Bovah in 1802 Edmond Bartholomew Edward Henry McNaghten Captain in Londonderry Militia Lived (Strand)near On Committee of Orange Lodge, Coleraine in 1799 Bovagh had been the headquarters of the Bovagh cavalry in 1798 bapt. 09.02.1772 Coleraine m. Mary Anne Mills 06.10.1796 St Mary’s Dublin (church records on Died 19 Oct 1838 age 66 but Headstone ordered for St IG Col Takes out Game Licence at Coleraine in 1802 , as do: N'Naghten Francis, Coleraine M'Naghten A. E,, Beardville Fa: Bartholomew 34 McN Esq of Dimond and Benvarden and Ballyboggy No sons so left Ballyboggy to nephew Bartholomew Edmund McNaghten Esq was churchwarden from April 1794 But signs Macnaghten till May 1795 when he signs McNaghten and then reverts in May 1797 75e* Edmund McNanton 100 Edmund Charles Workman MacNaughton Esq Sir by 1846 Clontarf, Dublin Dublin Uni 1789 aged 17 show Edwd McNaughten of County Antrim Esq) b. 1782 Ireland m. Mary (b. 1806) b. 1790 Co. Dublin Edmund Charles MacNaghten m. Mary Ann Gwatkin at St Marylebone, Westminster in 1827 George Dublin in April 1855 IG And at Merrion Avenue at end Freeholder of Dublin Farmer in Marengo, Iowa in 1856 Sir, 2nd Baronet Of Beardiville Of Calcutta in 1821 & 1822 Returned 1825 Of London 1830 Holds Revallagh in 1835 High Sheriff 1837 Of Roe Park, Newtown Limavady in Charterhouse Sch and Dublin Uni d.1876 buried at Dunluce DAA Son of Sir Francis 57 Land at Billy: Ardihannon, Ballylinny, Ballytaylor, Main street of Bushmills, Castlenagree, Clogher N & S, Dooey, Kilcoobin, Turfahun Land at Ballyrashane: Outhill, Revallagh N & S Land at Ballywillin: Beardiville Land at Dunluce: Ballaghmore or Bushmills, Ballyclough South Centre, Ballyhunsley South, Bushfoot or Lisanduf, Bushmills, Island Carragh N & S Tithes at Gallenagh in Tickmacrevan (Glenarm) in 1832 (Joseph McKibben of 1838 and 1840, 1842 (Clogher in 1841), 1846 Glenarm assigns Calf Parks in Galdanagh to him in 1821)(Gallanagh and Drumoen in McGildowney’s Rent Book of 1835) Land at Galdonagh, Drumourne & Knockanffrin in 1841 Sons: Francis Edmund b.1828 8th Hussars Edward Charles b.1838– barrister William Henry – 1st Bengal cav Fergus Edmund Charles 42 Upper Brook Street (London?) and Bushmills House in 1848 Lands in Parishes of Billy, Ballyrashane, Ballywillin and Dunluce in 1859 100b* Edmund MacNaghton (later Bart.) 121g Edmund McNaughton 157e* Edmund Charles Holds Pullans in NE liberties of Coleraine in 1867 Of Independent means in Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham in 1841 In Shandrum, Co. Cork in 1836 In Cheltenham 1791 m. Mary b. 1801 Children: Mary b. 1832 William b. 1833 Fergusson b. 1837 Ireland Edmund Charles b. 1839 Ireland Octavia b. 1840 Ireland m. Joan McAuliffe b. 1839 Ireland RC Kia 1861 New RI Fa: Patrick 66a? Dau: Mary 153 Fa: Edmund bart b. 1791 MacNaghten 20b 20b? 20b? in 1841 Royal Artillery Edward McNaughton Edward M’Nagten b.1692 Edward McNaughten 20b? Edward McNaughton 20b? Edward McNaughton Edward MacNaghten Edward A M’Naghten Book says son of John 11 b.1692 Edward M’Naghten Esq 20b? Zealand Dublin Uni 1709 Son of John Subscribes to a book in Dublin in 1743 Esq of Ballymagarry in 1750 Justice of the Peace in Co. Antrim in 1738 and 1733 Renting large house in Church Street, Coleraine in 1782 Churchwarden 1794 Mr. Inspector of Flaxseed in Belfast in 1811 Of Beardiville, Coleraine. On Linen Board in 1818 Neighbour mentioned when the Earl’s house burned down in 1750 and the contents were moved to Glenarm No descendants found yet CoI (I reckon this is Edward b.1692 son of John and it can’t be bart’s EBEH since he was only 10 then.) Paying 16/7/6 pa to Rt Hon Richard Jackson, attorney for The Irish Society’s Estate . New Row rents are similar at £17; and Lord Tyrone has a few cheap properties on FerryQuay Street for £3 pa D668/A/5/3 Edward Mcnaghten Edward A McNaghten 68a Edward McNaughton Esq (EBEH) 68b E McNaghten Esq (EBEH) Edward McNaghlin [sic] I think this is EA 75b* Edward McNorton 75d* Edward McNorton 81b Edward McNaughton 100a* Edward Lived at Bovagh for a while in early 19th C Holds Island Flackey, NE Liberties of Coleraine in 1867 Lisnisk, Lower Dunluce, Ballyrashane Lisnagalt in Ballyrashane, Derry Paying tithes in Ballyhunsley, Townend,Park , Islandcarragh (all in Dunluce) in 1828 Labourer in US Farmer in Dummick, Lasalle, Illinois in 1850 Cultivateur In St Anne, Montreal in 1851 In Hannover Tithe 1832 Tithe 1832 Bart b.1806 has land there in 1840s b. 1783 Ireland Alexander paying tithes in these places too (Though only Robert paying in Ballyboggy) Married Died Honey Creek Iowa in Feb 1860 b. 1783 Ireland With Bridget b. 1818 Ireland Michael b. 1831 Ireland b. Ireland c. 1782 Dau: Rosanna b. Long sault BC 1806 Ann b.Montreal 1808 1790 Ireland m. Mary (b. Devon) MacNaghten Baronet 68cc E McNaghten (EBEH) 68c Edward McNaghten Edward McNaghten 125h Edward McNaughten 129a Edward McNaughton 137a Sir Edward MacNaghten Square, St George, London in 1871 Of Merrion Ave Dublin Merino Crescent, Clontarf, Dublin in 1833 Freeholder of big place at Tamneymoney Living in Hollybock Strand, Clontarf, Consilla, Dublin in 1828 Pauper in Southwark workhouse in 1851 Labourer In Canada Prince Edward Island, Queens lot 65 in 1881 Of Dunderave High Sheriff b.1772 Buried St George’s Dublin 19.10.1838 Age 66 IG Paying Tithes in 1833 EA had land at Tamneymoney House owned by owner of many properties including one in Merino Ave and the Royal Charter School itself b. 1815 Kerry b.1819 Ireland m. Jane b. 03.02.1830 Marylebone m. Francis Martin 18.12.1858 RC d. 17.02.1913 Dunluce Children (all born Ireland): Peter b. 1868 Ireland Francis Daniel Edward Rosa Ann b. 1878 Ireland Son of 100 th 4 baronet 1877 137aa * Edward MacNaghten 157c* Edward McNatten 111oa * Elliot MacNaghton Esq In Ardihannon, North Bushmills in 1911 In Branchville, Perry, Indiana in 1880 JP and director of EIC in 1851 living in Woodford, Essex Council of India Living in Hannover Sq, St George, London in 1871 and in Ovingdene, Sussex in 1881 Soldier Ewen McNaughton 137cb * Fergusson MacNaughton In Cheltenham in 18?1 Bombay Civil Service 17 Francis McNaghten Of Ballyrashane, Living in Knightsbridge in 1911 Subscriber to the New Assembly Rooms in Ballymoney in 1865 Son: Francis b. 1864 b. 1838 Ireland b. 1807 Bushmills Co.Antrim m. Isabella (wife in 1851 & 1871) Dau: Letitia b. Calcutta m(2) Annie (b. Calcutta) in 1881 b.1777 Ardmanashire, Argyle b. 1836 Tamlaght Finlagan (Ballykelly), Derry b.1675 Never married Died Belfast 07.04.1815 1st/79th Foot d. 1867 Mussoorie, India Son of Edmund Charles b. 1791 Will of 1729 d.1730 Fa: John 11 No issue Francis McNaghten Coleraine, Connor Inherited property at Ballyhunsley from Bartholomew of Dublin in Nov 1706 Leases land at Leeke, Revallagh, Ballyhunsley, Islandcarragh and Ballyclough for 31 yrs in 1707 and again in 1716 when Gent of Beardiville in 1716 when renting Outhill Francis McNaghten Which?? McNaghten (Thomas) Gent of Beardiville in 1716 Rents 109 acres in Culfreightrin in 1734 with Paying for Salmon fishing at Portneen, Dunluce c.1720 Map of his estate at Beardiville in 1713 T2292/1 Gent of Ballyhunsley has 2/4 of Toberdornan for 31 yrs in 1709 (1st Nov 1708) Gent of Benvarden in 1708 Gent of Toberdorman (alias Beardiville) Aug 1716 Leasing the salmon fishing between Dunluce Castle and the old castle at Ballyreagh (which Jon of Benvarden had had prior, and that Edmund of Beardiville had in 1744) Eldest son of John 11, Gent of Benvarden Rents Outhill for 31 years 1716 Rents 38 acres of arable and pasture, 19 of wood pasture, 52 of healthy pasture and moss at Coolaveely (between Ballyveradagh, Kilroberts and McCollum Francis MacNaghten Esq 65a Francis McNaghten Esq Francis McNaghten Elected church warden in Billy 10.04.1787 Of Glenarm mill, Ballymena in 1786 Of Malmehasre, Dunluce in 1787 and Mallendober in 1787 Esq of Glenarm (Mill, Ballymena?) Esq of Mallendober Francis McNaghten (later Sir) Francis McNaughten Broaghmore townlands, Culfreightin (Ref 1703/1 Maps of Carey 1734) (along with Jackson Wray) CR1/29/A/1 Cornet 13th Light Dragoons Recruiting in Coleraine in 1781 Small farmer (?) of Barony of Fa:probably Edmund Leasing 5 acres to farmers D2977/3A/4/28/5 Rents out 5 acres of Carnalbanagh for 3 lives or 21 yrs in 1786 Rents out another 5 acres in 1787 and another in 1788 Belfast Newsletter no. 4632 Dec 28th – Jan 1st 1782 Advertisement concerning desertion of James Young on 7th Dec 1781 b. pre 1763 ? m. Mary (widow in 1813) d. pre 1813 RC Rents with Charles & Daniel McAlester, Manus O’Hamil and Pat O’Lyn Signs name D2977/3A/5/20/ 7 57 Sir Francis W MacNaghten Knighted 1809 st 1 Baronet 1836 Clan chief 1832 Kilconway in 1781 Rents share of 189 acres in North Quarterland of Lignamanagh (Legagrane?) in 1781 for 30 yrs WorkmanMacNaughton Of Glenarm 1786 Francis of Glenarm in1785 lets out 5 acres of Carnalbanagh. Of Dublin City 1789 & 90 Of Dublin, Bay in 1790 Supreme Court Judge in Madras & Calcutta 1793 Renewing lease at Lisnaden in 1803 Of Glenarm D2977/3A/5/20/7 Presumed sons: Thomas b.c.1772/1782 John b.c.1795/1798 ? b. 02.08.1763 m. Letitia Dunkin (dau of Sir William) 06.12.1787 at St Land at Clogher Marylebone (since 1738), Ardihannon (since 1737), Ballytaylor (since 1693) in 1809; Blairmount, Agheramanagh /Magheramena gh and Bay in Glenarm in 1810; Stanalane, Meadow Park and Lisanduff in Dunluce in 1810; Ballytaylor, Ardihannon and Clogher in d. 22.11.1843 of Bushmills House, Antrim buried at Dunluce with no inscription but high railings CoI DAA 2nd Son of 14 Edmund Alexander of Beardiville has power of attorney for him in 1805 while he is in India Letitia, Dowager Lady of 26 Upper Grosvenor Street, Marylebone buried 20th Nov 1852 Children: Edmund Charles 100 later Bart.b.1790 m. Mary Anne Gwatkin William Hay 105 b.1793 Killed at Cabul 1840 (m.Frances M’Clintock, widow one of the prisoners with Lady Sale) Francis b.1798, Bengal service m. Ellen Connolly Elliott b.1807, Calcutta m. Isabella Law John Dunkin b.1810, Bengal cavalry Steuart b.1815, lawyer m x 3 Ann m. Rev Richard Olphert of Charlestown, Louth Eliza Serena m. Maj Gen Robert Sewell Marianne d.1805 town 1804 Of Upper Clogher 1804 High Sheriff of Antrim in 1807 Appears in vestry minutes of Billy in 1807 Is occupying tenant of 35 acres at Drumnagreah on Hugh Montgomery’s estate in 1810 Has to sell lands in NE Liberties of Coleraine c.1821 to pay for Royalties Carey in 1810/12. Has Drumnagreagh on the Montgomery estate in 1810. Paying tithes in Kilcobin, Clogher Longmore & Castlenagree, Billy in 1824 (probably the one paying in Clogher Dunkin too) Tithes in TamlaghtFinlagen, Derry in 1826: Drumrane, Bought Roe Mullagh, Park off the Shanreagh, McCauslands in Tamlaght and 1826. Lived Deer park. there at Daisy Hill, Tamlaght Owns freehold Finlagen, the Artabracka Keenaght, Estate at Letitia m. David Hill Matilda m. John Trotter Jane Russell m. Thomas Gowan Vibart Maria m. Thomas Robarts Thellusson Caroline m. Captain Alfred Chapman Alicia m. Captain George Probyn (third son was Sir Dighton Macnaghtan Probyn VC) Ellen d. 1809 Hannah b. Madras 1813 d. 1852 Bitterne Londonderry in the 1831 Census and left in 1835 for Bushmills (a Dunkin property). Of Bushmills House, Clogher in the Parish of Billy, Dunluce in 1832 By 1846, owns Drumnacole in Tickmarcrevan, Lower Glenarm (D2977/35/11) Mahan, Co. Armagh in 1824 & 1832 (owning a mill at Drumnakelly in Drumcree, plus Baltylum, Mahon and Artebracca townlands.) All from Caroline Workman Exchanges Aughaboy, Aughareamlag h, Munie and Old Church/Lisnada n with Earl in 1843 Contributes to Faughanvale seminary in 1829 The Macnaghtens extended their land holding in the Bushmills area when the first baronet, Francis Workman Macnaghten (1763-1843), married Letitia Dunkin who was born in 1762. Her grandmother was Miss Strawbridge of Lissanduff (now more commonly called Bushfoot, where the golf course is at Portballintrae) who married Sir William Dunkin, the judge. This marriage in turn had amalgamated the Strawbridge property with that of the Dunkins The MacNaghtens moved from Beardiville to Bushmills: Samuel Lewis, writing “A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland” in 1837, in the section dealing with the parish of Dunluce, records that the seat of Sir FW Macnaghten was at “Bardyville” at that time. This is Beardiville which belonged to Edmund Macnaghten who married at 82 and had two sons. The elder son, also Edmund, died without an heir. History: Dundarave and the Macnaghten Family There are records of the Dundarave demesne going back to 28th April 1739, when a Fee Farm Grant was issued to William Harrison from Lord Antrim and a further Fee Farm Grant was issued to Edmund Macnaghten from Lord Antrim on 24th February 1748. There was then a conveyance from Alexander Harrison to John Dunkin on 20th June 1759. It is known the Dunkin family lived in Bushmills House in the latter part of the 18th century. A subsequent conveyance from Sir William Dunkin to Francis (later Sir Francis) Macnaghten is dated 23rd February 1805, Francis having married Sir William's daughter, Letitia. Since 1805, the Macnaghten family has owned Bushmills House, and subsequently Dundarave. Sir Francis Macnaghten was a judge of the Madras and Calcutta supreme courts and was honoured with a Baronetcy in 1836. At Bushmills, he significantly extended Bushmills House, probably between about 1820 and 1830. However, his son, Sir Edmund Macnaghten replaced this house with the present day Dundarave, which was built at a location about 200 yards from the site of Bushmills House. The old house was completely destroyed there being nothing now visible except the old walled garden. Dundarave was built between 1846 and 1849 and was designed by Sir Charles Lanyon. Sir Edmund lived in the house until his death in 1876, when he was succeeded by his eldest son Sir Francis, who was Lord Lieutenant of County Antrim from 1890 until his death in 1911. Sir Francis was succeeded at Dundarave by his nephew Sir Charles, eldest son of Lord Macnaghten. Sir Charles undertook a major renovation of the house which included the introduction of plumbing, electricity and central heating. Sir Charles died soon afterwards. His two sons (Sir Harry and Sir Douglas) succeeded one after the other, both of them being killed in the First World War during the Battle of the Somme. One interesting footnote concerns Sir Harry's batman, Robert Quigg, who had been a gardener at Dundarave before the war. Subsequent to his (unsuccessful) efforts to rescue Sir Harry from no-mans-land, Robert Quigg was awarded the Victoria Cross. After the war, Sir Charles' brother, another Sir Francis lived in Dundarave. He was succeeded at Dundarave by his nephew Sir Antony in 1952, who in turn was succeeded by his eldest son, Sir Patrick, in 1972. The current owner, Sir Malcolm, succeeded his father in 2007. Although the Macnaghten Family has had a presence in North Antrim since about 1580, they continue their close historic links with Scotland. The current baronet is the Chief of the Clan Macnaghten and, indeed, the name ‘Dundarave' is derived from the former Clan seat Dunderave Castle which is located North of Inveraray on the shore of Loch Fyne in Scotland. 65b Francis Of Coleraine Paying rent in Coleraine in 1794 McNaghten 66 Francis McNaughton 5th Dragoon and 1st King’s b.1772 Antrim, Antrim, Co. Died 31st Jan 1868 CoI if he Fa: Patrick 37? (from Drummaul – 3 miles from Antrim)) Brother or cousin of our Margaret 85 Dragoon Guards Antrim WO120/52 But not in Index of deaths blacksmith “bor e arms ” befo re 1793 5th Dragoons 11th Oct 1792 – 10th April 1799 1st King’s Dragoon Guards 26th April 1799 – 4th Dec 1822. Not at Waterloo. Discharged 1822 aged 50 for 30 yrs long service. WO120/22 WO 120/20 WO120/52 WO116/33 4th Dec 1822 Pension 1/3 paid in Antrim Son: ? 111cb * Francis McNaughton Farm labourer in Randalstown in 1822 Francis McNaughten Smith of 4 Denmark Street, Dublin in 1824 Francis McNattin In Meeldrummon , Clontibert in 1830 Independent in 1841 in Marylebone Francis McNaghten 113aa * Francis McNaughten Tiny house in Derryhollagh, Duneane in Bc.1780/90 m. Elizabeth McQuillan RC Son: Bernard b. 1822 Randalstown (nr Drummaul) m. Mary McKinnon in Auchinleck, Scotland in 1848 (children: Francis, Henry, Bernard, James) Pigots p.75 b. 1781 M (2?) Mary b. 1811 Sons: Frank b. 1833 Arthur b. 1835 Elliot b. 1839 Landlord James Robinson Francis McNaughton 1859 Artisan Of Derryhollagh, Randalstown m. Margaret Fitzpatrick RC Carpenter in 1868 Francis M’Naghten 107b Francis McNaughton 110c* Francis McNatton Carpenter of Derryhollagh, Duneane Labourer Emigrated to NYC 28.06.1849 on Famine boat Farms 7 acres in Laragh, Ballybay, b.c.1798 Married. (Margaret was present at death) d.30th May 1880 Antrim aged 82 b. 1799 Ireland RI Fa: possibly Francis the dragoon farrier Sons: Francis b.1845 Alexander b.1845 Alexander b. 1859 (John McNaughton 27 a married carpenter of Derryhollagh claimed outdoor relief at Antrim Workhouse 6th Feb 1886 ie. b.1859) Patrick b. 1861 an artisan who m. Teresa McCann in Antrim in 1895 Mary Jane b. 12.01.1864 (McNaghten) Ambrose b. 17 Dec 1868 Ambrose b. 1869 farmer and builder who m. Rose Liddy at Cargin in 1894, lived in Ballygroby in 1901 and died in 1910 7065 Brother was surely Daniel b.1798 Emigrated with Henry b. 1827 Margaret b. 1829 Eliza b. 1833 1829 Tithe 10s. George, Patrick and Michael in same Francis McNaughten Francis M’Naughton 111j Francis McNatten Francis McNattin Monaghan in 1829 In Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada in 1843 but from Ballybay, Monaghan Carrier of Carrickmacross , Monaghan in 1856 Farms 4 acres in Cormurphy, Monaghan in 1826 Farms 4 acres in Muldrumon, Clontibert, Monaghan in 1832 109 Francis McNaughton 110 Francis McNaghten Of Ingram, Lisburn Francis McNaghten Hosier Frank McNaughton townland 1826 & 1835 Tithe An 5s. John farms nearby b.1799 Of Armagh in 1847? Prisoner in 1845 5s. Son of Sir Francis W McNaughton And Frances Jane’s will too Will of 1853 exists PRO NI T/810/433 & 14 p.756 Dau: Jane m. John Brown/Burns scripture reader at St Mark’s C o I Armagh 17th Aug 1847 b.1802 Assault. Could read and write 113b Francis MacNaughton Annuitant with servants in Marylebone in 1851 b.1806 Ireland 1110b Francis MacNaughton Esq * Annuitant of 2a Hyde Park Corner, St Marylebone in 1871 with 3 servants b.1806 Ireland 120 Dunaghy, Lisnamanny/ Lignamonagh, Ballymena (Barony of Glenarm) Antrim in 1851 c.1808 Francis McNaughton Father: Thomas 81 b.c.1770 Mother: Mary b.1772 Rents 24 acres from Frances Anne Niece: Francis Ersk b. 1841 Leinton Married Esther (Hessy) Higgins c.1832 RC A farmer in 1851 Children: Catherine b.25th Mar 1832 Newton Crumlin. M. Alex McIllatton pre 1864 and d. Nov 1913 Skerry East (She born 1811 and d.1901) Hessy (not Francis) petitions Marchioness in September 1853 saying the land is very boggy and unproductive and that she has a large family (the agent, Richard Wilson, pointing out that she also has her aged parents living Antrim Census Does this imply death date of c.1852? Mary b.1833 (baptised as McNaughten Lisnamanny, Glenravel RC 20th Oct 1833. Sponsors: Patrick McQuillan & Rose Higgins ) Anne Jane b.1835 bapt as McNaughton 11th Jan 1835 Legnamanny, Glenravel. Sponsors: Patrick McQuillan & Rose Higgins. (Staying with James Higgins, farmer of Lisnamany in 1851 and his son James given as in America) Marchioness of Londonderry (Griffiths 1862) Act 15 & 16 Sheet 24 and 28 plot 3 with her D2977/5/1/8/31/11 Margaret b.1835 linen weaver Thomas b.1837 bapt as McNatton 4th June 1837 Lignamonagh, Glenravel, Ballymena (sponsors: Patrick Hamill & Margaret McCallan). Labourer (possibly 158c who emigrated to US in 1861 – but living with brother Patrick is Lisnamanny in 1911) Probably the one who was accused (with others including Francis) of assaulting John Wylie at Lignamonagh in 1857. Wylie died. Is he the farmer of Rosedermot who died in 1915? Rose b.1839 (bapt 19.12.1838 Glenravel (Skerry) Sponsors: James & Mary Higgins). m. Daniel McKillop 27th Feb 1870. D.1927 Patrick b.Jan 1841 Newton Crumlin m. Ellen McKillop Hessy b.1843 Susan b.1845 Francis 1849 John 1851 120aa Francis McNaughton Farmer of Lisnamanny Bc.1811 m. Susan (present at death) Died at Lisnamanny Ballymena in 120 ab Francis McNaghton Farmer of Lignamonagh Diccaraght (?) Park Bc. 1815 married 21 Jul 1871 aged 60 Died at Lignamonagh Ballymena 18th Jul 1869 Hugh Higgins present at death Is one of these John’s son b.1826? Francis McNaghten of Legnamonag claims for draining in 1853 D2977/5/1/8/31/1-10 Renting House, offices and 24 acres at Lisnamanny (plot 3) in 1862 from Frances Anne Marchioness of Londoderry See: 113c 113d 113e Francis McNaughton Francis McNaughton Francis McNaghtin 113f* Francis McNorton 119b Francis McNaghten b. 1806 Ireland d. Albany, NY 05.12.1863 m. Ann Of Dromore (Co. Down?) Witnessing marriages in Kilmessan, Meath in Nov 1845 Watchmaker in Saratoga Springs in 1850 m. Mary Gibson at Banbridge church, Seapatrick, Co. Down 27.04.1831 b. 1808 Ireland m. Mary CoI Dau: Ellen Cassidy b. 1835 Ireland and married in Chicago, Ill in 1859 Note: Hester McNaughton m. Henry Gibson and had James b. 2 Jul 1826 Dromore Children: Mary b. 1832 Ireland Hester Ann Agnes Moore James Hill Adam Clarke Francis R W H b. 1847 Ireland Francis M’Naghten 120b Francis McNaghten / McNaughton 113a Francis McNaughton Francis McNaughton 130b 134? Francis M’Norton Francis McNaughton 134 130b? Francis McNaughton Francis McNaughton Watchmaker of Hillsborough Street in 1842 and Gallows st, Dromore in 1846 Of Accademy street, Dillonsland, Navan in 1854/1859 (not far from Trim) Rents house in Navan Ask about Ireland. ie Rents a house, offices and yard in Navan in 1859 off Rev Robert Thompson Rents house, office and yard in 1859 £4 in Accademy Street Of Navan in Meath court 1857 & 1859 b.c.1812 Prisoner b.1821 Royal Marines b.1822 Antrim b. c.1826 Linen weaver of Lisnamanny in 1851 Eldest son of Farmer D.1877 Navan RC probably m. Anne Higgins and had Anne Jane bapt at Glenravel and registered at Clogh in 1864 and Ellen in 1866 similarly RC Imprisoned in Carrick Fergus for 6 weeks for assault in 1839 1851 C Attested for Royal Marines at Woolwich in 1845 but rejected ADM 157/41/538 Fa: John 108 Probably the one who was accused (with others including Thomas) of assaulting John Wylie at Lignamonagh in 1857. Wylie died. Possibly had son John who purchased 32 acres at Lisnamanny in 1915 for £142 135 and 113 Francis McNaughton Francis McNaght Nb. A Francis McKnight was mentioned a bit earlier in register Frances McNaughton 137 Francis Edmund WorkmanMacNaghton rd 3 baronet 134e* Francis Edmund MacNaghten 137 134f* 142ag * FW MacNaghten Frank McNattin Francis weaver of Ballywindland , Ballymoney m.Ruth Weaver of Ballywindland in 1850 m. Ruth WHEN? CoI b. 05.03.1828 Cape Breton, Canada Of Dunderave Colonel of Royal Irsih Hussars High Sherriff of Antrim 1877 In Clogher, North Bushmills, Antrim in 1901 & 1911 b.09.07.1828 Antrim m. Alice Mary Russell Dau: Margaret bapt 01.06.1851 Army Births RA 16 p.56 DAA Fa: Alexander 107aaa, Gunner in 1st/16 Royal Artillery Mo: Maria Son of 100 Son:Edmund Francis Son: Patrick Ian b. 1828 b. 1828 Iron Dresser in New York Ward 11 in 1870 Of d. Dunluce 21.07.1911 Col b. Ireland 1832 d. Sept 1911 Ballymoney m. Eliza Charged with assault in 1839 and 1852 McNaughtin Francis McNaughten 167 138f* 105d 147b Carrickmarin?, Monaghan In 1852 Comptroller at Larah, Monaghan in 1871 Francis McNaughton b. c. 1849 by 1845 Francis McNaughton Frederick McNorton b. 1867 Portglenone b. 1828 Ireland Gerald McNaghten Butcher visiting the Downards in Brighton in 1851 Of Farrantoreen, Kerry Gerald McNaghten George McNaughton 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 Mo: Catherine – who was lodging there m. Anne RC IG Son: Thomas bapt 15. 12.1826 Witnessing Mary’s marriage to Michael Leake in 1831 (Ann McNaghten of same parish m. James Brien and had son Gerald b.1815) Bapt 19.03.1834 Farrantoreen Kerry Leases Keskum/ Cascum, Upper Iveagh, Co. Down in 1781 RC RC Fa: James 105c (who also had a son Thomas) Mo: Margaret George b. 1810 takes on same in 1831 at Newry 58b George McNaughtin Freeholder of Carrenboy, Derryland, Lurg 58d* George Mr of Clough, d. 1810 McNaughten Glenarm Ireland George Of Ballyreagh McNaughton House in 1798 McNAGHTEN, GEORGE, Clarigh [sic – Clough?], Co. Antrim, gent. 3 Feb. 1808. Narrate 1 p. 8 May 1816. Affirmed at Enniskillen 1796 Freemans’ Journal of 1810 (Really of Glenarm???) To his mother Hester McNaghten an annuity out of the lands of Killyree and Ballyreagh and that part of Ballysallagh called Evisnablagh [Evisnablay], all in Co. Antrim, for life. To Mary, Hester and Elizabeth McNaghten, daughters of his brother Samuel McNaghten, £50 apiece to be paid by his brotherin-law Mr Wm. Napier, Belfast. To his cousin Mary Major, sister of Mr Samuel Major, Tullybrisland, Co. Londonderry, £100. To Mr Thomas Major, youngest son of Mrs Sarah* Major, Tullybrisland, £50. The aforementioned lands to the said Samuel Major, his particular friend, subject to the payment of said annuity and legacies. Exors. said Samuel Major and Mrs Dorotha McNaghten, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Witnesses: Josias McDowell, innholder, and Wm. Young and Jas. Murray, merchants, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Memorial witnessed by: said Wm. Casement, Henryville, Co. Antrim. Young, and Thos. 710,514,481017 Saml. Major (seal) Sworn at Henryville, Co. Antrim, 3 April 1816. William Napier, merchant of Belfast, m. 1798 Rosetta MacNaghten of Ballyreagh House, Co. Antrim *His Aunt Sarah In the partition of the farm at Ballyreagh in 1799, George and his heirs were to get the use of the house and land of William Johnston’s Farm (occupied by James Carberry); and Samuel the part occupied by David Johnston. George Of Ballyreagh Juror of 30th McNaghten signs Dunaghy April 1800 at Vestry minutes Oldstone 15th April 1800 Manor Court till 11th April and every April 1808 (photo on till 1805 phone) MIC1/299/1 103c George m. Letitia Dau: Joan Francis b. 1822 St Andrew’s McNaghten George McNaghten 103g* Dublin Straw, Leghorn and Chip Hat maker of 5 Grafton Street, Dublin in 1824 George McNaughten b. 1785 103h* George McNaughton 103d 103e* 111p Pigot b.1790 (c.1770) OR born earlier but Ballycreagh, baptised as a Dunaghy teenager in 1790? George McNaghten George McNaghten Esq Of Killyree George McNaughton George McNaughton Of 55 Henry Street, Limerick Pensioner b. 1802 Ireland Emigrated to Perhaps US in 1858 Miltown, Tralee - the 39th Foot man Soldier b. Miltown, Tralee, Co. Kery In Laragh, Ballybay, Monaghan in 107 George McNaughton 110a* George McNatton d. Castleblayney , Armagh 1865 Fa: Samuel 36f Died unmarried m. Agnes Ennis 19.07.1818 St Mich & St John, Dublin RC CoI Fa: Samuel Mo: Hester Fa: R (but don’t know where this came from) Witnesses: Daniel Clifford John Phelan Dau: Francis m. Robert Aird, seaman in 1824 Discharged from 39th Foot 2nd April 1826 Perhaps the George Pensioner b. 1802 1829 Tithe Farming 12 acres for 19s. Patrick, Francis and Michael in same 118 George McNaughton 1829 Landed LDS Refers to Ballyreagh 118a George McNaughton Wheelwright in In Washington, Maryland in 1850 & 1860 b. 1810 Ireland George McNaughton Of Caskum, Agharderg, Upper Iveagh, Co. Down in 1886 Freeholder of Cascum/ Kescum b. 1810 George McNaghton George McNaghton George Farmer of Caskum Tithes of 10s. d. 1886 Co Down/Antrim townland. Bankrupt Estate in Antrim following potato famines d=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244&pare ntid=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244%2 f007 With Honnora b. 1830 Ireland Anna b. 1836 Washington CoI Lease of 11th April 1831 from Arthur Marquis of Downshire signed at Newry Note previous lease was to George McNaughton in 1781 m. Margaret Anne Dickey (aged 19 and dau of James) at Loughbrickland Presbyterian, Parish of Aghadeay (Banbridge area) 19th Feb 1847 Pres Fa: George, farmer Son: Samuel b.25.04.1865 McNeighten George M’Naghton George McNaughten George McNaght 3.5d on 14 acres at Cascum in 1828 Rents at Kescum in 1831 Rents at Caskum, Co. Down in Griffiths Labourer in Ballymoney in 1845 Freeholder Marquis of Downshire RI b.1810 m. Esther 2 children. Rceiving outdoor relief in 1845 Widow Hannah McNaught and her children Rachel and James were claiming indoor relief in Oct 1846 (Presbyerian servants). Jane and Sarah too. BG5/G/1 George M’Natten Of Armagh in 1886 b.1815 130 George McNaughton (McNatten) Boyle Co. Rosscommon Bapt 24.10.1820 127 George McNaughton Ag labourer of Heston, Middx in 1841 b. 1818 Hounslow, Middlesex Licenced d.1886 Banbridge, Armagh COI Married Louisa Hayden 29.01.1844 He a mail cart driver d.1887 Brentford RI Fa: John of 25th Foot 99e Mo: Elizabeth Knight Fa: my Bartholomew , soldier, of Ealing 77 Son: George b. 1844 Hounslow Victualler 1861 127a George McNaughton George McNaughton George W McNaghten 137ea * 137e Farm Labourer of Renfrew in 1851 - 1871 Merchant seaman c. 1850 Journalist of Great Britain street in 1911 Census George M’Naughton George McNattan b. Antrim 1819 Bought Red Lion in Chiswick for £262 22nd Mar 1856 Acc/0891/02/06/2214 Son: Henry m. Harriet b. Limerick 1826 b.1829 d.1911 N. Dublin (says b. 1826) b.c.1831 RC d. Limerick 1896 Bapt 07.09.1826 St Mary PRO Cathedral, Dublin b. 1830 Kerry George McNaughton Clerk then US Soldier George McNaughten Labourer of Barrack Well Lane, Armagh city in 1864 b.c.1834 157a George McNaughton Soldier b. 1837 Tyholland, Monaghan 157b George Labourer then b.1838 Fa: Thomas of Briton Court Mo: Mary Sponsors: Thomas & Ann Healy m. Elizabeth (present at death) m. Eliza Fletcher d. of Chronic Bronchitis 16.12.1870 Armagh aged 36 Gri CoI Enlisted 2nd Inf B 10th April 1855 in Chicago Discharged 20th March 1860 at Fort Walla Walla Eliza McNorton 38, RC widow of labourer of Barrack Hill, Armagh thinly clothed with 1 child in Armagh workhouse from 21st Jan 1874 to 1st Apr with swollen limbs. 47th Foot 1855 - 1856 13 June 1855 – 22nd Nov 1856 Discharged due to varicose veins Fa: Patrick – a smith McNaughton Soldier 157d* George McNeighton George M’Naughton George McNaughton Grace MacNaughten 157da * Harvey J McNaughton 46 Henry Inpallan, Monaghan b. 1835 Watchmaker of 11 Fleetwood Street, Belfast in 1880 Labourer of Belfast b.1843 Of Warrenstown, Co. Down in 1781 Leases ¼ of Ballymacaldrick for 1 life b.c.1731 In Allegany, NY in 1850 In Boston in 1897 (daughter of Wm Gray a pensioner) 21st June 1858 St Mark’s Church Armagh m. Mary Rice at Drumballyroney, Down 11.06.1855 m. Lucy (present at death) 2/16th Foot 1858 – 1863 14th April 1858 – 29th Aug 1863 Discharged due to varicose veins d.21st Nov 1880 Belfast aged 37 CoI RI d. Jan 1815 Aged 95 [sic]in 1814 (“aged between 70 and 80 and very infirm” in 1799 D1375/3/2/3) b. 1801 Ireland Son: Samuel b.1856 tailor of 6 Britton street m. Jane McIllrath 1880 and then Rose McIllrath in 1894 Fa: Alexander, Dr of Physick Occupied Kircassock Estate, Lurgan, Co. Armagh and Gregorlough, Co. Down pre 1768, and sold it in 1791 Her sister was the Frances who married Thomas Worsop Lawrence 21.09.1760 at Waringstown, Co. Down Grace was niece m. Mary V Norton m. Catherine RC RI Who is he? McNoghton Henry McNaghten 69 Henry H McNaghten 70 Henry George McNaghten Esq Hopkins 01.11.1774 Kilcock, Kildare Farms 28 acres in Coolegegan, Clonsast, King’s in 1824 Of Coleraine Of Coleraine Lands in Derrymore 71 Coleraine Churchwarden 1794 & 1798 Mr Henry McNaghten is churchwarden in April 1798 for a year and then again in May 1805 (though doing his N differently) Tithes Witnesses: George Calahon, Catherine Hunchon Tithe of £2.13s for 28 acres of cat E land John farming nearby bapt.12.01.178 4 m. Frances MacCausland 14.01.1799 at Coleraine (dau of Frederick, though book says Robert) A Frances Maria McNaghten of Dundrum, Dublin was bur at St Nathi 16th April 1839 age 65 (relict of the late Henry Esq) [A Frances McNaughton of Windy Arbour , Dublin was buried at St Nathi Dublin 18th May 1839 age 66] Quitclaim of 1814 to John Torrens CoI Col Fa: John Mo: Sarah, his wife Who were tenants of Bartholomew McNaghten Senior Col Fa: Bart 34? But concord of 1813 (D1118/9/5) implies Robert of Coleraine 50 cottages (in Coleraine, Dimond and Derry), 50 gardens, 3 mills, 100 acres arable, 100 of pasture, 50 of meadow, 50 of wood, 50 of moor, 50 of moss, 50 of mountain T 810/5 p.192 Juror of Dunluce Court, Ballymoney 3rd May 1799 71 70 Henry George Augustus McNaughton Trinity college Dublin in 1789 as McNaghten Henry Resident of McNaghten Coleraine in 1817 Henry Of Laurence McNaughten Lane, Coleraine in 1822 Margaret or Of Coleraine . Peggy Living at McNaghtan Ballyrashane in 1811 and (ie. our Margaret Ballybogey in wasn’t the only 1815 one in the area) Nancy McNaghtan 111m a Henry McNaughton Henry McNaghten Henry McNaughten Henry McNaughton In Bish/Risk, Ballyrashane in 1807 Road labourer in Carnock, Fife in 1861 Labourer of Lisnagalt, Ballyrashane, Derry Labourer of Ballemont, Ballyrashane in 1854 Labourer of Ballyrashane, b. 17.05.1773 Coleraine Col Fa: Bartholomew 34 McN Esq of Dimond Son: Bartholomew 114 b.1806 D4164/A/26 m. Elizabeth who died 1822 b.c.1790 b. 1800 Ireland CoI m. Hugh Donaghy, a labourer CoI Son: John Donaghy b. 25th Nov 1807 Coleraine Son: Hugh b. 29th June 1811 Son: George b. 13th April 1815 m.Samuel Gurry a labourer CoI Son: William Gurry bapt. 20th Dec 1807 Dau ? Elizabeth Strachan Dau: Nancy m. William Rankin of Agherton 4 Oct/ Dec 1849 Coleraine Dau: Jane m. William McCollum labourer of Ballymachennan, Ballywillen 8 May 1854 Son: James b.1824 labourer of Coleraine,Derr y Knockenkerragh, Ballyrashane in 1858 Henry McNaghten Labourer of Lisnagalt Probably b.c. 1800 Mary Jane McNaghten Widow of Ballycommon, Macosquin b. 1804 111m c* Henry McNaughtan Weaver of Finvoy, Ballymoney in 1854 111m d* Henry McNaughten Labourer with house & small garden at Rodden Foot street, Ballymoney in 1853 & 1859 (Denis in same street) Probably m. Mary Jane Henry (dau of Wm Henry labourer) m. John Huey, 54 labourer of Knockincarragh 6th Feb 1855 (and Jane McNaghten has a house at Knocknakeeragh, Ballyrashane in Griffiths) (Margaret Boyd’s ancestor 14 Liswatty Road, Coleraine) Probably d. 1855 CoI Pres b m. Margaret McNaught (b.1806 – but mother of the children to the right can’t be this old, So there must be two generations of Henrys marrying Margarets. There was a Hugh F McNaughton who was son of a Henry McN and Margaret Freeman who married in Everett, CoI Son: Henry, a labourer of Slavney m. Nancy Mooty 13th July 1854 Finvoy Presb (BallyMoney)and had daughters Mary Jane in 1855 Elizabeth in 1857 at Craigs Dau: Anne b. 1850 bapt 13 May 1868 dau of H & M McNaught Son: Hugh bapt 31st Jul 1853 son of H & M McNaughtan Dau: Mary McNaughten(d. of H, lab of BM) m. William J Gray, bleacher of Aghadowey 19th June 1868 Aghadowey Presbyterian Church Landlord David Beckett Massachusetts in 1891 Surname: McNaughton (alias McNaught) Christian Name(s): Margaret Age: 64 Address: Roddenfoot Date of Burial: 12-Mar-1870 Minister: blank Category: St Patrick’s, Ballymoney – Church of Ireland – Burial Henry McNaght CoI Coleraine register states son of Hugh Dempsey of Crumpa, Dunboe, weaver and Jane Newton bapt 19.07.1807 Henry McNaght Of Bushmills d. Coleraine 9.04.1831 111m Henry McNorton m. Jane Son: Henry in US Civil War d* Henry McNaghten 125a Trinity College b.1817 2nd son of Robert 100a Dublin 1834 Dublin H McNaghton 125aa Of Mount Joy b.1816 bur. 25th April Must be 2nd son of Robert a Square, Dublin 1836 St George’s Dublin age 20 Henry Of Balleriggan, m. Matilda Scarel Dau: McNaghten Dublin Eloisa bapt 1832 Sponsors: William and Elizabeth Henry Tailor of (surely b.1822 Prob IG Son: M’Naghten Newcommon see below) RC Henry m. Margaret Rourke 1870 Place, Dublin in St Andrew Dublin RC 1848, Anglesea Street, Dublin in 1858 and Fleet street in 1870 Henry Of 11 Anglesea M (1?). Eliza Ward RC Children: McNaughten Street, Dublin Henry Joseph b. 1859 Henrietta Maria b. 1860 Teresa Maria b. 1862 St Andrews, Henry McNaughton labourer of Slavney in 1854 Of Craigs in 1857 Tailor in Sheffield in 1881 m. Nancy Mooty 13th July 1854 Finvoy Presb (BallyMoney) 125d d* Henry McNaughten 134a Henry McNaughton Emigrated to US in 1849 b.1827 Ireland 134c* Henry McNorton b. 1827 Ireland 134f* Henry McNorton In Brownville, Jefferson, NY in 1860 Served in 10th Artillery in Civil War 145c Henry McNaughton 164af * Henry McNattan 164ag * Henry McNattan Henry In Perry, Clarion Pennsylvania in 1850 In Grand View, Louisa, Iowa in 1860 Of Dunlop b. Westmeath 1822 b. Ireland Dublin Fa: Henry Daughters Mary Jane in 1855 Elizabeth bapt 4th Mar 1857 Finvoy Presb Children: Alfred b. 1867 Dublin Frank b. 1875 Sheffield Edward Robert Florence Probably the son of Francis b. 1799 who emigrated to NY in 1849 with Henry b. 1827, Margaret b. 1829 and Eliza b.1833 Pres M (2?). Margaret O’Rourke of Dublin M Fa: Henry Mo: Jane b. 1835 Ireland Mo: Jane b. Ireland 1795 With Wiltses in NY in 1870 b. 1839 Ireland With Frances or Esther (Joseph b. 1810 was also there) m. Catherine RC RI Son: McNauton 25ac 25a 25b Henry McNaghten Hugh McNaughton Hugh McNaughton McNaughton 25c* Hugh McNorton 111q Hugh McNaughton 111b Hugh McNatten street, Coleraine Of Belfast Of Flood Street, St Paul’s, Dublin Labourer and Sgt in 35th Regiment at Quebec McLarry Alexander b.1872 Coleraine d.21st Mar 1870 Belfast Buried St Paul’s, Dublin 13.09.1768 b.1849 Certificate not viewed CoI b. Perth 1718 Fa: Capt Bellow’s Company Oct 1760, then Capt Andrew Simpson’s Company Discharged 13th Sept 1763 having undoubtedly been with Wolfe at Quebec in September 1759, and probably the capture of Martinique in 1761 Son ?: Alexander 36c b. 1740 Limerick Son?: John 53 b.1759 Quebec Fa:? Possible 35th man killed at Quebec 1759 Of Bloody Bridge, Dublin in 1773 Emigrated to US Naturalized in Maine in 1847 Farmer of Drumnahucheo Son ?: Alexander 36c b. 1740 Limerick Son?: John 53 b.1759 Quebec Buried St Paul’s, Dublin 10.08.1773 b. 10.03.1804 Ireland m. Annie 1832 Tithe An Hugh McNaughten Hugh McNaught James MacNaughten James McNaughten 22 n, Monaghan Small holding in Treanlauer, Ballyovey,Co. Mayo in 1857 In Ballymoney 1823-1844 at least Of Fermanagh c.1660 Adult in 1695 Gent? James McNaughton Gri With Michael Landlord = lord bishop of Tuam Pres NEVER FOUND ON ROLL Perhaps even b. 1685 Edinburgh son of Alexander PRONI PRONI m. Mary Butler 1727 Dublin Licence Anc. Mar licence In congregation lists of Dervock & Ballymoney Presbyterian Church 18231844 (but not spotted earlier) CR/5/32/A/2 T808/15076 page 4 – need to look at to know his roll Appearing at Court with the Earl of Antrim Son of ? Son: ? BALLYREAGH Robert Harper Gent of Harphall gets 4/4 of Ballyreagh for 61 years in 1682 John Stewart of Glenbosh gets 2/4 of Ballyreagh from John O’Neill Esq of Edenduffcarrick and Hugh McCollum Esq of Dunluce 20th Apr 1696 (D2977/3A/2/9/1) Henry O’Hara Esq of Crebilly gets fee farm of Ballyreag 26th Nov 1737 James McNaughton Farmerof 24 acres in Ballyreagh, Dunaghy, Kilconway in 1740 And land at Moss in south Q of Killyree b.c. 1715 Note: Ballyreagh House, the property of McNaughten Esq appears on Taylor’s road Quite possibly married the Rose who died in 1787 Yes must have married Rose Mathews pre 1763 – she the sister of Henry Mathews, Alive in 1762 and the last surviving trustee of the Rev George Rogers of Clough. Dead by 1787 deed Leases farm on 12th Jan 1740 from Henry O’Hara and the Earl of Antrim perpetually till 1799 when Samuel and George sign partition d=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244&pare ntid=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244%2 f007 23 James McNaghten 23 James McNaghten 23a James McNaghten James McNaghten 23aa (where James was already) in 1739 from Henry O’Hara for 3 lives and 30 acres at Ballyreagh in Sept 1739 from Henry O’Hara Renewable in perpetuity Of Dunaghy, by Balleymoney, Connor Ie. not the Parish of Dunaghy but the tiny townland near Ballymoney? map of 1777 (ie he was more of a local squire than just a farmer). Of Dunaghy, by Balleymoney, Connor Ie. not Parish of Dunaghy? Of Ballyreagh? Signs Hearts of Steel memorial in 1770 Of Ballyreagh Gent of Carnbeg who left her much in his will in Register of Deeds 679/8/467343 d=ire%2flec%2f4506880%2f00734&pare ntid=ire%2flec%2f4506880%2f00734%2 f009&highlights=%22%22 Balleyreagh is just outside Clogh (Oldstone) Though I think the Ballyreagh one in the Parish of Dunaghy is most likely one to have left a will and signed the memorial Will / D. Codl. of 1769 CoI PRO NI McNaghten, James, Ballyreagh, County Antrim. Copy will. 1775. Diocese of Connor Reference T/705 Date 1775 Creator Public Record Office of Ireland -the-archives/ Eldest son was Samuel 32a b.1734 m. McQuorne (NO surely Rose Matthews and before 1763) McQuorne reference came from KathyDuncom be’s Dickey Son: William 41a b.1744 James and William witness George Strauchan’s will in 1773 family Tree on ancestry which had many precise dates of marriage etc 116 James McNaghten Esq James McNaughton Landed Registry%20Of%20Deeds%20Abstracts% 20Of%20Wills%20Vol%20II%20174685/pageflip.html m. Ann Knox (dau of Andrew) in Donegal Apr 1759 Faulkner’s Dublin Journal LDS Refers to Ballyreagh 35 36a James McNaghton Papist of Drumglass, Dungannon, Tyrone in 1766 James McNaughton Leases house in Church Street, Dungannon in Nov 1777 for 3 lives Of Dungannon James McNaghten RC d.c.1785? m.Eleanor McGourke PRO NI Bankrupt estate in Antrim: the sale of 3,339 acres of the Ballymena Estate includes part of Killyree and mentions lease of James in 1739 Jul – Oct 1857 Doc 014 vol 047 LDS d=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244&pare ntid=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244%2 f007 Son 36a? Source: Tenants of the Earl of Ranfurly’s Dungannon Estate D235/159 which has him as deceased and house set to John Campbell from Nov 1785 Fa: 35? Dau: Alice 88 in 1785 50 Family still there in 1859 (137c & d) Grandson: James 137d Gt grandson: William McNaghten Snr James McNaugher James McNaught 43a James McNaughton Rents in Coleraine for 21 yrs from 1776 Communicant in Coleraine every week 1820-1830s Of Brook Street Coleraine D668/49/1 (Irish Society’s Estate) A George McNaugher of Ballybogey buried at Ballyrashane in 1889 aged 71 CoI CoI Fa: ? Son: Brandon Sidney Rusel 63 b.1777 Son: John 62 b.1770 Dau: Margaret b.14.09.1771 Coleraine James McNaghten Jnr Signs as a CoI (I have photo of signature on phone) sidesman in Check if it matches one on phone from 1784 at St Oldstone court book taken 19/03/15 Patrick’s Nb. Probably pronounced McNeighton Coleraine James McNaughten with John McDonnelly, Thomas Moxley, Patrick McAuley, Duncan McAuley, Edmond O’Neill, Patrick McKillop, Alexander Martin, Robert McKillop, Daniel Martin, Bryan McKillop, Daniel McVicar, James McKillop, Patrick McKeegan, William Harshilly and Charles McAlester renting Low Clough 1796 In 1782 Cloughs Lill was 399 a of arable and 414 a of heathy mountain 49 James Of Cloghs, b.1756 McNaghten Layde Died 21.05.1836 COI (or RI Son of ? McNaughten (Nr Cushendall) aged 80 RC ?) One of many renting a bit of land at Low Clough on 17th Oct 1796 D2977/3A/4/36/5B (scanned) BUT NOT one of the many signatories representing the 33 families farming at Cloughs who petition Lady Antrim to rent directly from her (rather than her let the land to a petty landlord).They add that many have farmed there for 500 years D2977/3A/4/36/5A Signs his name well in 1796: McNaughten 49b Elizabeth McNaghten Of Layde James McNaghten James Snr & James Jnr McNaghten Of Cloughs Low James McNaghten Tenant at Cloughs, Layde in 1805 Of Cloughs, Glenarm in 1821 & 1835 b.1768 Antrim Rent 8 acres of Cloughs from Lord Mark and Lady Charlotte Kerr in 1821 For 1 life (signature on stick from D2977/3A/4/3 6/16) Bur 1836 UHF See 126b & c Father : Baptist Paying 2/3/8 rent at Cushendall office 16.03.1814 Alexander rents 6 acres (and Daniel rents 23 at Knocknacarry) for 1 life or 21 yrs. (1821) Rents (1835): (1827/8) ; J&J 4/18/9 9/9/9 A 3/11/11.5 6/18/5 D 9/9/4.5 18/13/3 Paying 2/2/3 on 26.08.1805 and 2/3/3.5 on 20.02.1806 – one of 18 farmers at Cloughs.D1375/5/5/2/6 Note: In 1742 Neil McNeile was the only tenant at Cloughs.D1375/5/2/1 James McNaghten 36b James McNaghten Mentioned (with John O’Hara)in 1795 rent roll of Glenarm under George Stewart at Drumnagle (a 3 life lease from 1777) Of Ballyreagh, Oldstone Antrim b.1768 (aged 9 in lease – as a life) (b.1768) Note that Drumnaglea is to the left of Cloughmills (no where near Glenarm)and is right next to Anticur D2977/3B/4 Note that Edmund leases Drumnaglea for 3 lives in 1777 too and Thomas Drumnagle in 1682 Deed of 1st Jan 1787 Fa: Samuel 32a(James is eldest son) Mo: Hester Releases tenement in Antrim, Co. Antrim to George Ross in 1787 D2533/1/3 James McNaghten Gentleman of Ballyreagh aged 9 in 1777 James McNaghten Mr of Ballymena in 1792 taking bookings for The Union to Philadelphia b.1768 Edmund McNaghten held a 41 acre farm at Drumnagh in the Barony of Glenarm [which was re-leased 13th Nov 1777 to George Stewart – for lives of John O’Hara son of Henry of Colaggan aged 8 and James McNaghten son of Samuel of Ballyreagh aged 9 gentlemen] D2977/3A/4/50/1 This shipping connection looks like the link to Samuel the shipping broker of Belfast James McNaghten Of Ballyreagh signs Dunaghy Vestry minutes May 17951797 (photo on phone) MIC1/299/1 b.1768 James McNaghten Esq late of Coleraine b.1768 Too Much of a coincidence surely they must be the same family as the Ballyreagh one (confirmed in Rogers pedigree) Mrs McNaghten James M’Naghten James McNaughton Wife of James the Customs House Officer, Coleraine Gent of Clough in 1802 Of Harryville in 1818 Signs Oldstone Court Leet book 15th Sept 1790. Constable for Upper Dunaghy for 1 yr from 27th Apr 1791 (described as McNaughtan and McNaghtin). Treasurer 4th March 1794 till last time on 11th Apr 1798. (New one signs 3rd Oct 1798) m. Annie Walsh of Kilkenny Buried at Coleraine 3rd Dec 1828 aged 59 She dies 26.01.1830 aged 68 Grave & Fa: Samuel of Ballyreagh Rogers Mo: Hester Rogers Pedigre e Buried with Bartholomew and Catherine (James’ daughter.) Bart died 01.01.1852 and Catherine 26.03.1863 at Portstewart Katherine or Kitty was their only surviving child and m. Bartholomew McNaghten JP DL of Ballyboggy Buried 29.01.1830 St Patrick’s IA b.1788 m. Margaret d. 29.10.1818 aged 30 Took out Game Licence at Ballymena in 1802 px Bur Kellswater Reformed Presbyterian Churchyard James McNaghten 49a 51 James McNaghten Esq Sidesman at st Patrick’s Coleraine in 1784 Of Coleraine James McNaghten Esq Retired Revenue Officer of New Row James M’Naghten Tide Surveyor at Customs House, Bridge Foot, Coleraine in 1824 (not given as Esq.) Of Coleraine James McNaghten James McNaghten Esq Gent Of Coleraine Note not 1st Ahogill church like James the stonemason CoI m. Annie Parkhill 27.11.1773 at Coleraine Surveyor at Portrush 1820s Bur St Patrick’s Coleraine 03.12.1828 ? Bur St Patrick’s Coleraine 05.12.1829 when “superannuat ed” Land trespassed upon Dau: Catherine b. 1811 m. Bartholomew Left will in 1829 Son: ? 62? 49? James McNaghten 80c* (Of Ballyreagh) signs Dunaghy Vestry minutes 21st Aug 1803 (photo on phone) MIC1/299/1 James McNaughton James McNaghten James McNaghten Check if signature same as one signing 1795-97 b. 1780 Ballycreagh, Dunaghy Probably baptised then but born 1768 Fa: Samuel 36f Mr approved church warden at Ballywillin 11.04.1814 Farmer at Annaghmore, Loughgall, Armagh in 1826 Succeeding EA McNaghten as churchwarden PRONI Freeholder list: Rents off Mr Cope Property in lease of 14th Dec 1826 from Mrs Cope (Note: William McNaghten there afterwards) But William also has lease of 1819 (farm divided into 3) Note Merdyth Workman rented off the Copes in 1699 99d James McNaghten James McNaughton James McNaughton Private in Ohio In War of 1812 m. Betty Farmer of Cloughs b.1794 Never married RC d.7th Nov 1878 Dau: Ann 128 b. 1818 Dublin Ballycastle Vol 1 p61 (Layde?) James McNaughten 126c James McNaghten 148b Alexander there too James McNaghten 99g James McNaughton 99a James McNaughton James McNaughton 131cg * Ballycastle aged 84 Paying Tithes (8s.3d.) in Cloughs, Layde in 1826 (with Alexander paying there too.[5s.6d.]) Farmer of Cloghs, Layd Nr Cushendall, Ballymena In a Rent Receipt Book D915/3/A/1/4 He is refered to as having Folio 322 and pays at Cushendall Office: 5.10 Poor Rate 9.2.1 Rent 20.03.1858 9.0.4 20.12.1860 4.2.1 15.02.1862 7.0 Poor Rate 9.2.1 11.12.1862 Rents house, offices and 11 acres in 1859 £12 Elector of 1857 See 49 Rents house, offices and 21 acres (plot18) at Cloghs, Layd in 1862 Dentist in 1850 b. 1788 Ireland in Richmond Gentleman of 1374 Richmond Street, Philadelphia in 1869 Landlord Earl of Antrim Farmer m. Hannah b.1790 bc.1791 Ireland m. Mary d. 21.08.1869 Children: Joseph b. 1826 Penn Samuel Hannah Lettitia Margaret Thomas William Arrived New York 18th Sept 1851 aged 61 Daughters: Mary Ann (Marion) b. 1816 Ayreshire m. William McLintock Janet b. 1827 James McNaghten Wright m. Mary McLathrie(?) Daughter: Mary b.17th April 1830 Dublin (but now living in Glasgow) m. David Mason agricultural labourer of Cardross(?) 27th Nov 1855 at st Andrew’s, Dunbarton 85/person/28097361029/media/1?pgnu m=1&pg=0&pgpl=pid%7cpgNum (servant and niece of the Houstons of Cambletown, Argyle in 1851) Son: William b. 1835 One time In Dublin in 1830 99b 137d James McNaughton James McNaghten James McNaghten b. 1792 Co. Tyrone Rents house and 34 acres in Mullycrunnet, Dungannon, Tyrone in 1859 Farmer of Mullycrunet, Dungannon, Tyrone m. Mary Barkley Rents houses, offices and 34 acres in Mullycrunnet, Donaghmore, Dungannon in 1859 £32 (land £30) See 36a and 88 m.Mary Barkley Son: William McNaughton Snr b. 1835 Dau: Mary b.1830 m. James Watt farmer of Tullyarran, Dungannon and son of Robert Watt 16th Feb 1849 Dungannon Anne b.1832 Dau: Elizabeth m. George Gordon, weaver 3rd Jan 1851 Donaghmore Dau: Margaret m. Daniel Wiggins, nailor 17th Dec 1852 James McNaughten b.1784 d. 30th Aug 1879 122a James McNaughton Moneyneagh b.1799 122a James McNaughten Farmer of Moneyneagh & Lislaban, Loughguile, b.1799 James McNaghten He the only McN in Loughguile paying Tithes in Lavan and Moneyneagh in 1831 (Llislabin & Moneyneagh in 1832) Of Loughguile Note: This and Craigatempin were part of Clotworthy’s Estate c. 1640s which ran eastwest from the Bann to Moneyneagh Dungannon aged 95 Buried Loughguile 1879 RC Brother is John b.1801 Fa: hypothetical John 75a Griffiths Fa: probably Archibald who farmed 1859 there in 1803 Rents house, offices and 301 acres with John (prob b.1801) £54 (land £50)(So £2 is a big house). Son: John b.1850! Son: James b.1855! James farming there in 1894 Though 250 acres is open mountainside m. Mary RC Dau: Maryb.13.01.1846 Loughguile (sp: John McNaughten and Mary McGooan) Dau; Mary b.1849 Son: James bapt 24.01.1854 Loughguile RC (Sponsors John McNaghten and Mary McMullan) Who probably m. Elizabeth Wier in 1876 (at Loughguile RC, Ballymena district) (register very feint – could be done again enlarged MIC1D/69/1) Erected / by / John McNaughten / Moneynea / in memory of / his beloved father / James McNaughten / who died 10th June 1879 / aged 80 years / his sister / Mary McNaughten / who died 21st Decr 1867 / aged 18 years / his uncle / John McNaughten / who died 1st Octr 1879 / aged 78 years / the above named / John McNaughten / who died 23rd Octr 1888 / aged 38 years / James McNaughten / who died 6th June 1898 / aged 43 years / also his daughter / Mary McNaughten / who died 2nd September 1913 aged 24 years / and his wife Elizabeth McNaughten / who died 23rd Feby 1946 aged 95 years / and his son / James McNaghton / died 7th Dec 1974 aged 71 years / also his wife / Mary McNaughton / died 31st March 1984 aged 89 years / and their son / Kevin McNaughton / died 8th September 1996 aged 66 years Elizabeth still holds all the land in 1904. (See VAL/3/C/1 for revised valuations 1930-1950) I spoke to Kevin’s brother John (aged c.80 in 2015) but he has no knowledge about how the family came to Moneyneagh other than he thinks they sold a farm at Lislabin. The house at Moneyneagh was two storey. 250 of the 301 acres are mountain. 122 James McNaughton James McNaughten Of Ballymoney? Farmer of Moneyneach in 1866 James McNaughton Farmer of Moneynea James McNaughten 99c James One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 private of 75th Dau: Marjorie 160 b.1844 d. 4th June 1879 Ballymoney aged 85 [sic] b.1796/99 b.c. 1805 m. Margaret Dau: Margary m. James Scally farmer of Mullagholuf 13th Feb 1866 at Loughguile RC Ballymoney Witnesses James and Eliza Watt Dau: Susanna McNaughten Seally bapt 25th Jan 1879 Balintoy (Sponsors James McNaughten and Margaret McNaughten)(Of Loughguile?) Ballymoney Vol 1 p 130 John present at death Son: John 136 b. Mayo 06.09.1827 McNaughton Foot cobbler Haddington, Gledmuir East Lothian m. Mary Hughes of Castlebar, Co. Mayo 09.12.1826 Dau: Susan At Westport 24th Sept 1827 (Served with Sgt George in 75th) WO12/8141 Discharged 30th April 1840 with 12 months Gratuity (having served at least 21 years) WO12/8152 McNAUGHTON Newspaper cuttings from the Eastern Cape. EP Herald, March 1973 Soldier-cobbler founded big farming family In the mid-nineteenth century James McNAUGHTON, a newly discharged British infantryman set up shop as a cobbler in Somerset East. Today four generations later, his descendants are one of the largest farming families in the Graaff-Reinet district, controlling some 62,000 hectares of land and 30,000 head of stock. According to Mr. Jack McNAUGHTON, owner of the farm Green Tree, near Graaff-Reinet, farming is now "an established McNAUGHTON tradition." The family record bears him out. Even those who have left the McNAUGHTON "homestead" area around Graaff-Reinet are still, in the main, farmers - some as far afield as Australia. And today several fifth-generation McNAUGHTONS are well on their way to carrying on the tradition. The man who started it all was the cobbler's son, John, who in the 1820's gave up his career as an hotelier in Graaff-Reinet to work the 4,000-hectare farm Aloe Ridge, which he bought for 25c - then a half-crown - a morgan (,857ha). This farm, the family homestead is now owned by two of John's grandsons, Graham and Jack. ENLISTED John's father, James McNAUGHTON was born at Haddington, Gledmuir, in the parish of East Lothian, Scotland, about 1805 - exact date is not known by his descendants. In February 1822, at the age of 17, James enlisted with the First Foot Regiment in Edinburgh. On May 17, 1822, he commenced service with the 75th Foot Regiment on the Isle of Wight, subsequently serving in Gibraltar from June of the same year to January 28, 1824, when the regiment returned to England. On December 9, 1826, James married Mary HUGHES of Castlebar County, Mayo, Ireland. His two children, John and Susan, were born during the next four years. In 1820 the 75th Regiment was deployed in the Cape of Good Hope, where James arrived with his family on August 24. He was stationed at Grahamstown and saw service on the Eastern Frontier of the Cape Province, taking up a station at Fort Beaufort in 1838. DISCHARGED On April 30, 1840 he was discharged at his own request. His discharge papers, now in the possession of his family, bear the signature of Major-General George NAPIER. James took his family to Somerset East and opened a cobbler's shop, which he ran until his death. He is buried at the Church of England cemetery at Somerset East. James Of Dunalis Pres Living with one male and 5 females all of McNaghtan More, Dunboe b the same family In 1831 C rldy/dunboe/1831cen/1831db14.htm 99i* James Weaver of Pres Dau Ellen McNaughten Mullanhead, m. John McGrotty at Dunboe C of Dunboe, Derry Ireland 11.08.1845 Witnesses John McNaughten (who signed) and Kennedy Stafford. Note Ellen was a communicant at Dunboe Presbyterian Church in 1845 MIC1P/412 111o James McNaughton Of Thomas Street, Portadown 112f James McNaughton Of Shankhill, Belfast 111d James M’Naughten James McNatten 111e James McNatten 111g James McNatten m. Sarah Dau: Hetty 152b.1836 Son: Samuel 117a b.1814 Farmer of Drumor, Monaghan Farms3 acres in Drummock, Tehallan, Monaghan in 1832 Farmer of Kinard, Met h d. 1874 Monaghan 1832 Tithe An See 144a & 157a 1832 Tithe An See 144a & 157a James & Peter farm in same townland 1832 Tithe An See 144a& 157a 111h James McNaghten James McNaughton James McNaghten Monaghan Of Killymarley, Monaghan in 1859 Of Knockballyreay Monaghan In court for assault 1859 Of Caunlovree Rents a tiny house (15/..) in 1859 Griffiths See 144a & 157a b. 17th April 1814 Killorglin, Kerry RC Irish genealo gy Fa: John of Caunlovree Mo: Jessica Topham Sp: John Leslie, Mary Neil 105c James McNaghten Of Farrantoreen, Killorglin, Kerry James MacNaughton Of Rinard, Caherciveen, Kerry in 1866 Painter (?) of Binnelly (?) Derry James McNaughten James MacNaughten James McNaughton James MacNatten James McNaughten m. Margaret RC m. Elizabeth Garvey Smith RC Died pre 1868 m. Ellen Labourer of Ballycastle in b.1814 Widower by 1901 RC d.12 May 1901 Son: Gerald b. 19.03.1834 Mary b. 23.10.1841 m. John Shea 13.02.1866 (when of Rinard) Thomas b. 10.09.1843 Dau: Mary m. John Shea 1866 Dau: Mary m. Robert Hamilton labourer of Killaloo at Killaloo C of I Lower Cumber, Derry 20th Nov 1866 Dau: Jane bapt 1832 St Paul’s Arran Quay, Dublin Dau: Jane b. 1832 m. John Harrison at Shoreditch 6th Oct 1868 Dau: Ann b. 1843 St Paul’s Arran Quay, Dublin Ann present at death 1901 122a James McNaghten 115b James McNaughton 115ba James McNaughton James McNaughton 115c 115d James McNaughton James M’Naghten James McNaghton 115e James Ballycastle aged 87 bapt 17.04.1814 Killorglin, Kerry Shoemaker journeyman In Dalry, Ayrshire in 1851 & 1861 In Milwaukie in 1850 In Hemmingford, Canada in 1851 Watchmaker In Greenwich, NY in 1850 & York, Canada in 1861 Watchmaker in Portadown, Armagh in 1840. Clockmaker and jeweller in High Street in 1842 Of Thomas Street, Portadown, Armagh In Quebec in RC b. 1812 Ireland m. Sophia b. 1812 Ireland m. Ann Son: William 159b b. 1838 Ireland (shoemaker). A railway labourer of Stevenston in 1871 Sophia is a widow of Stevenston, Ayreshire in 1871 b. Ireland c. 1812 b. Ireland 1815 Fa: John 105a Presb m. Elizabeth Probable brother John b. Scotland 1815 farmer in Canada in 1851 Son: George b. 1843 Ireland Eliza b. Canada 1848 Trade Directory m. Elizabeth b. 1815 Ireland m. Margaret Met h Son: Francis b. 1840 Portadown Francis b. 1842 Portadown Son: Thomas b.1845 McNaughton 1861 121l James McNaughton 115f James McNaughton 131cg * James McNaughton Labourer of Larkhall, Dalserf, Lanarks in 1851 Charr Filler of Dalry, Ayreshire in 1851 Wounded artilleryman of Taylor’s lane, Dundee Catherine Bridget b. 1816 Ireland m. Agnes b. 1817 Ireland b.1818 Scotland Sister Elizabeth m. James McGow c.1853 Probably married Elizabeth Buckley in 1841 d. 1846 Fa: James b. 12.08.1784 in St Martins Perth Death Apr 1845 in Dundee, Angus, Scotland Mo: Betsey Skene Dau: Jessie b. 1845 Dublin d.1848 Dundee James McNaughton James McNaughton R H Artillery 1839 -44 Sawyer and then gunner in RHA 122b* James McNattan 99da James McNaghtan b. St Peter’s Dundee 1817 b.1817 Dundee Lost arm from explosion of a gun in Phoenix Park. Sawyer. Chelsea 9th April 1844 5 yrs service WO116/126 Dau: Jessie b. 1845 Dublin Bapt 08.03.1819 St Mary PRO Cathedral St Mary’s Pro cathedral, Dublin RC Fa: Thomas 105l Mo: Ellen Sponsors John Walsh & Bridget Conway m. Eliza RC Son: James 138a*b. 5th May 1830 Sponsors James Walsh and Mary Tighe James M’Naghten 131cb James McNaughton James McNaughton 131cc * James McNorton 131cf * James McNaughton Dairy at Church Street, Dublin 1835 & Abbey Street 1846 Saddler of Old Artillery Ground Tower Hamlets in 1871 & 1881C Merchant Seaman Ticket 463676 Carpenter Drafted at Brant NY in 1860s Stonemason of Harryville, Ballymena in 1843 b. 1821 Dublin m. Mary Ann Harness maker in West Ham Workhouse in Leyton, Essex in 1891 b.1821 BT114/15 Bally………. Or Ballagdhy b. 1820 Ireland Bc.1820 Pres b Dau: Eliza Ann McNaughton B. 1843 in Harryville, Ballymena m. Thomas Middleton (mechanic and son of land steward) 08.07.1867 1st Ahoghill Presbyterian Church, County Antrim. Death 16 June 1920 in Belfast, Antrim, Ireland Margaret m. James Wasson, tailor of Ballymena 20th Dec 1862 (both minors) (Kirkinriola register ststes Mary MacNaughton marrying James Hasson according to Debs MIC1P/114/1) 126ca * James McNaughten Stonemason of Ballymontenag h Ahoghill, Nr Ballymena 99f James McNaughten Stonemason late of Ballyneel leaves his freehold tenement in Harryville. 131ce * James McNaughton 131cd * James McNattan Pres b m. Margaret b. 1820 Ireland Bapt 30.09.1822 St Mary PRO Will of 1848 d.31st Oct 1848 at Ballykeel Dau: Christina b. 1841 m. William/James McGladdery (farmer of Gloughoyne, Drummaul) at Ahogill 1st Presbyterian Church, Ballymena 10th Sept 1858 Four daughters Will of 1848 and 68 D1902/1/10 (Will of 1862 D1902/1/70?) m. Margaret Clark Dau: Christina b. 1841 in Antrim, Antrim Death 23 Aug 1922 in Gladstone Street, Rockhampton. Aus. (a Margaret McNaughton widow and daughter of James Clark m.Luke McQuitty 27th Sept 1854 Ballymena 3rd Presb witnesses Joseph (who signs with a fine hand) and Ellen McNaughten) Hannah Jane b. 17 Jun 1844 in Ballymena, Antrim m. James Muggleton 1866 Queensland Death 17 August 1903. in Mackay, Qld Australia. RC Fa: John Mo: Mary 131ca James McNaughton James M’Naughten 138aa * James McNattin 138a James McNaghten 138b James McNaughton 144a James McNaughton 144c James McNattan Mariner in NYC in 1850 Labourer of Knockanskerra gh, Ballyrashane, Coleraine in 1858 and 1895 Labourer Arrived New York 20.07.1864 Servant in Rathven in 1851 Labourer then Soldier In Banff in 1854 In Perry, Clarion Pennsylvania in 1850 James MacNaughton 148b James Cathedral, Dublin b. 1823 Ireland b.1824 m. Ann m. Martha Freeman 24 Dec 1858 Witness: James Carrey d.6 Apr 1895 Coleraine aged 71 CoI Mary b. NY 1841 Sarah b. 1844 Fa: Henry of Lisnagalt b. 1829 Ireland Bapt 05.05.1830 St Mary’s Dublin b. 1831 Ireland Fa: James 115a b.1833 Monaghan 93rd Foot attested in Banff 2nd Dec 1854 in the Crimea and Indian Mutiny, 2/21st from 1869, 89th from 1872. Labourer WO97 With Frances or Esther b. 1832 Ireland b.1832 Farmer of 11 Sponsors Patrick Bannan & Mary Ross d. 27th Oct 1893 Newtonards aged 61 GRO has him as female! McNaghten 126c 148c James McNatton acres at Cloghs, Cushendall in 1859 Of Cloghs, Cushendall, Moyle McNaughton m. Anne Martin RC Dau: Mary Jane b. 09.02.1859 (Sp: Dan Quin and Eliza Martin) Layde & Ardclinis (Cushendall) RC MIC1D/68/1 Son: John b. 24.05.1862 (Sp John Hazlett and Anne Stewart) Son: b. 07.09.1872 (FHL 255856) Son:Alexander m. Mary McDonnell 21.06.1890 Son: Archibald bapt 27 Aug 1870 (sponsor John McN and Eliza Martin) Layde & Ardclinis (Cushendall) RC Son: Charles b. 1876 Witness: Patrick 148f* James McNutton 148d* James McNorton Farmer in b. 1836 Ireland Bristol, Pontias, Quebec in 1911 Labourer and b. 1837 Ireland then drafted in Barre NY 1863 Dau: Mary b.07.02.1880 Layde (Sp: Patrick McNaughton and Mary Thompson) Children: William b. 1870 Quebec Jana Humphrey 148e* James McNorton 148g* James McNaughton James McNaughton 113d 113da 1 James MacNaughton Jeremiah McNaughton Jeremiah McNaughton John McNaught Iain Dhu or John Shane(Black John) MacNachten Miner and Naturalised in Cook County Illinois 11.06.1871 b. Ireland b.1838 Ireland m. Mary Coughlin Dau: Mary born 10 May 1858 in Renfrew, Ontario Town Sergeant of Fermoy, Cork in 1875 b.1847 Shoemaker of Clinton, Michigan in 1897 In Washington, NY in 1860 In Michigan in 1870 b. 1828 Ireland m. Julia A (wife in 1860) b. 1831 Ireland m. Hannah d.19 Mar 1904 Antrim d. 09.03.1897 Michigan Certificate not viewed Fa: John Son: William C b. 1856 NY One of Mr Adare’s British tenants on his Native lands in Toome and in the 1630 Muster Roll Founded the Irish Line Daughter of Alexander MacDonald Buried in family tomb in Bonamargy Friary, BallyCastle Fa: Ian Makalexander MacNaghten (Or Iain Dhu was third son of Sir John McNaughton – knighted 1627) Migrated 1606 – 1641 Earl of Antrim’s Chief agent Son & heir: Donnel / Daniel of Oldstone (2c )d. by 1637 Son: John 2 Son*: Alexander of Oldstone (2a ?) 2 John MacNaughton Clan Chief Ballymagarry, Nr Dunluce d.1630 Fa: John 1 Son: Daniel 4 Son*: Patrick (10?) Son*: Alexander (10a*?) Will PRONI T559 3 p.628 Freehold Lease for Dunluce 1620 John M’Naghtan Gent of Ballymagarry Ballymagnog, Dunluce Left will in 1631 Secretary/Agen t for his cousin Randal MacDonnell, the Earl of Antrim d.10.03.1630 bu Bonmargy Old Churchyard An Mentioned in Ulster Inquisition (para 33) as dying in 1630 and Daniel inheriting John, the Agent, lived at Ballymagarry House near Dunluce Castle (where the MacDonnells lived). The house burned down in 1750. Granted Irish denization 29.01.1611 Settled 29/08/1611 Undertaker (landlord) 29/1/1612 Came from Scotland. Got from Sir Randal MacDonnell : 60 acres of Ballymagarry nr Dunluce Castle; 30 acres at Coolnegar; 60 acres at Benvarden The first Macnaghten came to the Antrim coast from Fraoch Eilean castle (Dunderawe) in Lough Awe in Scotland in 1580. This had been the family home since 1267. Shane (John) Dubh (or Dhu, meaning dark haired), grandson of Sir Alexander MacNaughtan who was killed in the Battle of Flodden in 1513, was a nephew of the famous Sorley Boy Macdonnell, both being descended from the kings of Scottish Dalriada. So it was that this John Macnaghten (otherwise Shane Dubh MacNaughtan) was appointed principal agent or first secretary to his cousin, Sir Randal MacSorley Macdonnell, the first earl. 2b John Settled in McNaughton John McNaughten 4a John McNaughton 4b John McNaughton 28/11/1617 (different to 2 who settled in 1611 ?) Farmer of Kilbeggn, Westmeath in 1641 1641 Deposition (Irish Monuments Commission) b. 1610 Kilquhanitie, Galloway, Scotland m. Margaret Gordon d. 1659 Ulster Parents: Malcolm Glenshira McNaughton & Elizabeth Murray d. 1641 in the massacre at Dunmull Fa: Daniel 2c Son?*: John 8 tch00mora#page/420/mode/2up/searc h/antrim 4b John McNaghten Of Oldstone (Clogh) in 1637 Leased lands in Cornerk, Dundermot and Drumakeely in 1637 for 41 yrs 8 John McNaughtane Of Anticur/ Atleyteylue, Rasharkin, 13kms south of BallyMoney On behalf of Catherine and Margaret McNaghten daughters of 2c Daniel McNaghten (of Oldstone) deceaced Hearth Tax Margaret oun00hill#page/442/mode/2up D/2977/3A/5/1/10 Of Anticur when buried at family Fa: either John 4b or Neale 4c Son: Thomas 19a (inherited the Kilconway in 1669 (Probably John of Kiltymurray) John MacNaghten John McNaghten John McNaghten 8a John McNaughton McNaughtan had a Hearth here too tomb in Bonmargy Priory but date missing (source: Lecky papers) Representative of Lord Antrim in the Barony of Kilconway in 1664 In possession of lands at Rosedermot (very near Moneyneagh and Cloughmills), Carn-Beg and Farranacushog /Killyree By 1669 WRONG Of Benvardin possessed Innisgrame (Inshinagh, Ballymoney ?) till 1679 property at Atteytey Cue) Holds Archibald Stewart of Ballintoy’s Warrant whilst he is in Scotland that July Note there is a townland called Ballybogy next to Rosedermot on the O’Hara Estate maps of 1783 (T2971/1) (from John Bickerstaffe of Portglenone who leased them from the Earl of Antrim on 20 Oct 1669) for 61 yrs I think JB leased the lands that were previously granted to JM. CORRECT D/2977/3A/5 /1/18 acc05hillgoog#page/n450/mode/2up/se arch/Donnell+McNaghton p.438 Source:Tenants on the Estates of the Earl of Antrim in the seventeenth century by Ian Montgomery #22 This was then leased by the Earl of Antrim to Robert Cussack Esq of Dunluce D/2977/3A/3/1/33 b. 1639 Dunderave m. Florence Gordon d. Augusta, Virginia 1707 This came from Marilyn Landon’s Tree on Ancestry and may not be reliable Castle (Scotland) 10a 11 Jo McNaghten John MacNaughton M’Naughton Esq (attributing the parents as Malcolm Glenshira McNaughton and Elizabeth Murray) m. Jane Jean de laCoeur Campbell 1685 Sons: Alexander b. 1656 (went to America) John b. 1670 Signs lease of the townland of Tullylish in 1677 Nb. Frances daughter of Alexander, Dr of physick had Tullylish in 18th C so Jo is probably John of Benvarden, Chief Of Tullylish, MONAGHAN (but perhaps he is just the agent since the agreement is between William Leslie of Prospect and John Magill of Tullycarne) Chief of the Clan Benvarden (in 1674 & 82) & Dunluce From Strathclyde Was left* Ballyboggie, Ballylekine, Ballinesse, b.c.1650 Married Helen Stafford c.1676 When a widow ?, went into Londonderry in 1689 where her Uncle Stafford was a defender Died pre 1689 ? Will of 1700 Prot Son of Daniel of Benvarden 7 & 4 (???Son ?: Daniel b. 1724 d.1724?????) 1st Son: Francis 17 b.1675 2nd Son: Alexander b. 1676 3rd Son: Bartholomew the elder 12 who got Benvarden b. 1677 4th Son: Edmund 14 b.1679 5th Son ? Edward b. 1692 Will mentions something about leasing his lands to the eldest sons of each of his sons and also about his 6th to 10th sons. Atilyboyland, Ballylough, Ballytegart, Maghercrean Will also mentions nephew Bartholomew of Ballyhunsley and also Thomas of Killymurry. Held from grandfather: 60 acres at Benvarden. Held Ballyreagh; ¼ of dry [sic]; ¼ of Cregadvarren (Craigiewarren); ¼ of Carnanrighe (Merevoe) and Ballygelagh at Benvarden. *Another branch of the McNaghton family had held since 1637 land in Dunluce between Coleraine and the sea: ½ of Ballentegert; Laggathrore; ½ of Maghereman and ½ of Ballenlogh.* (This and Ballyboggy and Tullycapple and the 46 quarterlands thirled to Ballyboggy mill were due to go to Alexander of Benvarden in Deed of 1st May 1716 but it is not signed by anyone bar Antrim and is cancelled 20th September 1716 D2977/3A/3/1/61) *(NB. Ballylough in Billy and Croggerye ; and Ballytaggart, Loughguile; Laggachore; Maghernan; and Ballylough in Billy were Daniel of Ballymagarry’s in 1637. Surely this was his father Daniel/Donnell.) John McNaghten held 46 quarters of land thirled to Ballyboggie mill in 1684 (and his neighbour was John McCollum gent of Glogher [sic?] who has the Park and mills between portballintrae and Bushmills. One of Lecky’s respondents thought Donaghy McCollum enjoyed Toberdorman till c.1708) John McNaghten Gent of Benvarden leases salmon fishing along the coast between Dunluce Castle and the old castle at Ballyreagh in 1687 (which Francis Gent of Benvarden leases in 1708; Francis Gent of Beardiville leases in 1716; and Edmund of Beardiville leases in 1744.) The house at Benvarden was little more than a “thatched cottage” till 1797 when Montgomery pulled it down and built a grand one there. Beardiville is in the extreme SE corner of Ballywillin extending into Ballyrashane and overlooked by Dunmull Hill. (Slates didn’t come from Wales till 19th C) 23c 23d John McNaghten Soldier John McNaghten Of Drumadonnel, Drumgooland Of St Luke’s John Sgt John McNaghten 83rd Ft. Admitted Chelsea 14th Dec 1763 Disabled. Dead WO118/36 WO118/39 Admission Book 1 p.62 IIW V4 p100 Will probated 1763 m. Elizabeth CoI Had dau Ann bapt 18.01.1736 St Luke’s, McNaughton John McNaught 39 John McNaught (note spelling) Dublin in 1736 In Mullenan, Londonderry in 1756 Churchwarden in Coleraine in 1770 Of Bannside Coleraine 40 Widow McNaughton Of Bannside Coleraine thoug h William McNaught William McNaght Of Coleraine m. Jane Edmiston CoI Of the Aghadowey Congregation m. Mary Martin of Tollens 24.12.1814 New Row Presbyterian Church, Coleraine Pres Alexander McNaught Of Ferryquay Street, Coleraine Of Killowen, Coleraine in 1828 John McNaught and Alex McNaght and and Francis McNaught Weaver of Ballywindland in 1850 Henry McNaught Of Laurence Dublin Renting large house off the Irish Society for 14/7/2 pa CoI Buried 29.05.1769 Col Buried 30.01.1772 Col CoI m. Ruth m. Elizabeth D4164/A/28 CoI These are the only McNaughts I have included in this list. Many McNaughts left wills at the PRONI If her husband was 39, then they could be ours, or perhaps parents of 33 or 42 Col Son: William 13.08.1804 Col Dau: Kitty 26.06.1804 Col Dau: Mary m. George Doherty 08.04.1828 New Row Pres. (nb. Another Mary McNaght – of Gortycavan and daughter of Peggy – marries Wm Burnside, Blacksmith) Dau: Margaret bapt 01.06.1851 Lane, Coleraine 25ab she died 1822 He moved to Bushmills and died 1831 John McNaughton Buried St Paul’s, Dublin 20.04.1774 CoI John McNaughten 27 54 John McNaghton Esq Cassandra McNaughton John McNaughton “Half hanged”. Of Benvarden, Knockanbury and Conagher. Collector of taxes in Coleraine High sheriff 1756 Chaired the first meeting of the Farmer’s Society in Coleraine 24th Jan 1755 Sold Benvarden to Hugh Montgomery 1720/1722 m(1) Mary Daniel daughter of the Dean of Down 16.08.1752 St Mary’s Dublin Mary d.1756 Hanged 1761 And Benvarden then sold IG Related to Alexander buried 12 April 1776 ? Margaret McNaghten buried there 7.10.1790 Son: Eldest Son of 12 Estate sequestrated due to his gambling debts One daughter by first marriage Dau: Jane bapt 27.05.1753 m. Edmund Lecky D1946/7/1 Son: Bartholomew Edmund 52 bapt 16.06.1753 St Mary’s, Dublin Dau: Cassandra McNaughten 11.12.1755 54 m(2)? Mary Anne Knox 1761 Dublin Uni 1740-41 (Alumni) Bapt. 11.12.1755 St Mary’s Dublin Of Co. Antrim but family Married Capt Joseph Hardy Buried in Shane Dhu’s tomb in Bonmargy Friary Daughter of half hanged 27 & Mary Pres b Settled in Greenwich on banks of Batten Kill, New England/Eastern NY c.1765 originally from Argyleshire Son Robert b. Washington m. Isabella Watson. Farmed in Argyle, Washington and had Moses Archibald in 1813 33 35a John McNaghten Of Drumadonall, Dromore Left Will in 1763 John M’Naughton Of Freeholder of Drumnadonnall Drumnadonnall , Upper Iveagh Barony. John McNorthon John McNaughton Of Tyrone Co. Cabin in New Jerseyfield by the Mowhawk John McNaughton Of Antrim, Emigrated from Scotland to Ireland and then to Washington County, NY c.1760 1726 Islay Landlord Rowan M’Naughton Registered at Rathfryland 1824 Other Lives: Rowan, John and Thomas m.Catherine Murrey at Trinity,Waterford 18.04.1750 m. Jenny m. Margaret Taylor in NY c.1752 CoI RI Son of ? Son: ? d.1786 An d. 1800 Greenwich, Washington Caldwel l family tree on An Fa: Alexander b. 1692 Islay, Argyle ? one of the original Campbell emigrants of July 1728 who petitioned for land in 1764 and aministered the Patent. The land to be called Argyle (he signed as M’Nachtan). Married Mary McDonald (b.1690, d.1777). He had daughter Eleanor born on Islay 5th May 1735. He d. 1784 Salem Children: Alexander Archibald Mary Robert b. 1767 Argle, Washington* Daniel Eleanor Margaret * who m. Isabella Watson and Isabella Morrison and had Joseph John 1792-1868 Mary Thomas 1799-1855 Alexander 1800-1884 Duncan 1801-1847 Jane Margaret Ellen Moses Archibald 1813-1901 35b John McNaughten Emigrated from Belfast to Philadelphia in 1773 on the Brigatine Agnes (landed at Newcastle on the Delaware in June 1773) John McNaghtin John McNaught 42 John McNaghten (note William McNaughton was there too in 1771) 41b* m. Anne Cooper 6. 10.1774 St Mary’s, Ardess, Magheraculmoney, Co. Fermanagh (probably her parish) Of Coleraine signs Vestry Book in 1770 Of Ferryquay Street, Coleraine in 1775 John McNaghten Note in Coleraine register says tenants of Bartholomew McNaghten Snr John McNaughtin Has house in Brook Street, Coleraine in 1840 Of James street John McNorton CoI Married who? Col Son of: ? Child: buried 12.09.1775 Coleraine m. Sarah Son: Henry bapt 19.01.1785 Coleraine register states Rose Steel/Skill senior of John McNaughtin’s house in Brook Street buried 19 Feb 1840 age 77 m. Mary Son: 49c John McNaughton 53 John McNaughton Dublin in 1769 Labourer then Soldier A soldier aged 10, then hosier then soldier b.1765 Kilmarnock, Ayr b. St George’s, Quebec 1759 John McNorton 61b John McNaghten Married ? 53aa? Possible father of our Margaret 85 ? 53ac* Robert b.1769 1st Horse Guards (Life Guards) a labourer admitted Chelsea 19th July 1802 13 yrs service WO120/9 WO121/58/1 (some feint note about Mayd, Ireland 29/32? In WO120/9) Ill health WO116/12 WO116/252 CoI Son of ? Probably son of a soldier of the 35th in Quebec – most likely Hugh 25a 35th foot 1769-75 (of Quebec fame) 104th foot 1780-1783 Royal Dublin Militia 1797 -1802 4th Royal Veterans Bttn 1802-1811 Wounded in ankle in Germany with 104th Signed his name on discharge papers of 30th July 1811 to return to Ireland. WO119 WO121 Bapt 18.03.1759 St James, Dublin A labourer of Little Ginless Street, St Saviour, Surrey in 1841 b. 1771 Ireland Issue: ? 85 & 86 ? 75a ? Fa: Daniel Mo: Elizabeth Daughter-in-law (?): Lucy b. 1801 (m. John a labourer) Grand children (?): Mary Ann b.1833 Margaret b. 1836 Surrey John b. 1839 Surrey 62 John McNaughton b.31.01.1770 Coleraine CoI 71a John McNaughton Gunsmith and soldier in 83rd and 88th Foot b.c.1774 Athlone, Roscommon d. 1814 on service 74d* John McNaughten Farmer of Farnareagh, Londonderry b. 1776 d. 14th Feb 1865 Londonderry aged 89 John McNaghten Of Farnegereagh/ Timeageeragh, Loughinsholin Maghera, Derry in 1831 C Lt Commdr Coast guard, Portrush, Bushmills 1849 In Boston Mass in 1855 John M’Naghten 80b* John McNorton John Alexander McNaghten 74a John McNaghten Brother of 92 Fa: James of Brook Street 43a Is he the Jno McNaghten serving as sidesman from 2nd Mar 1793 Serving in 88th Foot in 1814 having served 6 yrs 4 months in 83rd WO25/516 William present at death With 1 female b.c. 1775 Ireland Of Beardiville Adult in 1797 Father not confirmed yet Of Belfast in 1802 m. Margaret Dau: Ann 112 bapt St Anne’s Shankhill, Belfast 02.04.1802 Son: John 118a? (the 13th Dragoon) ? But NO McNaghtens listed in 1800 Belfast Trade directory, Residents of Belfast 1807 nor residents of the town of Belfast 1808 John Distiller of m. Mariane whon MacNaughten Belfast in 1832 died at Leixlip, Esq Dublin 15th july 1832 John M’Naghten Dealer of 78 Little Donegall street, Belfast in 1835 John Calico Printer Pres RI Son: James, a calico printer of Oldpark, McNaughtan of Belfast? Belfast m. Maria Jane Ingram 27th March 1863 at Duncairn Presbyterian, Belfast and then Charlotte Peel in 1876 74b John McNaghten Of Trim m. Elizabeth John McNeighten In Belfast in 1815 M. Eliza 74c* John McNorton Admitted House of Industry, Boston, Massachusette s in 1848 b. 1778 Ireland 75 John McNaughton 5th Dragoon b.c. 1780 Probably 75b Son: John 121 b. Trim 1809 Son: John 118a? Dau: Sarah bapt 25th Jan 1815 St Anne’s Belfast Son of ? Served in the same troop as Francis 1796 – 1799 Probably 75b and son of 37 and brother of Francis 66 and Patrick 66a 75b John F McNaughton Farrier in 8th Light Dragoons b. ???? Ballymoney, Antrim blacksmith Probably 75 Shot by sentence of a General Court Martial 30th July 1817 Hathrass, Nr Agra, Utter Pradesh WO25/1419 (Court martial not in WO90/1 or WO92/1, nor WO71/245 & 246) Report 88A 89 WO25/2438&9 In Capt Edward Carter’s Troop. Confined during 25th Oct – 25th Nov Muster of 1816 till the end WO12/823 Buried at Loughguile in 1787 Son: Hypothetical John 75a £8 0s 7.5d willed and paid to Farrier COULD BE William Murphy of 8th LDs at Meerut BARTHOLOMEW ’S BROTHER Shot for Mutiny. On the evening of 2nd November 1817 he entered Captain Carter’s house and shot him with his pistol. G.O.C.C. 9th Jan 1817 Source: Hough, W (1855) Precedents in Military Law TTdCslgxGwmw2fsbxKIYMY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=iJKYVJuqNMKAU_7Lg6AL&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=8th%20Light%20Dragoons%20court%20martial%201817&f =false 80a John Gardener of b. 1781 Ireland d. Deer Island Fa: John McNaughton Boston, Mass Boston, Mass Mo: Nancy in 1856 1856 75a Hypothetical Of Loughguile, Mother: Mrs 53aa John/James Ballymoney Father: 53? Archibald? McNaughton Son: 123a? 53aa Mrs McNaughton Of Loughguile, Ballymoney 99e John McNaughton (McNatten) Soldier Boyle, Roscommon 99b b. 1782 m. Elizabeth Knight CoI Son: George 130 b. Boyle 1820 99b* John McNaghten John McNatten/on Labourer then Soldier of 25th Foot b.1782 St Paul’s, Dublin m. Elizabeth Knight at St Margaret’s Rochester 9th April 1818 CoI He was on detachment at Ballyferman Dec 1821-March 1822. Then at Ballycastle, Ballymoney & Coleraine. From June 1822 till Sept 1823 he was at Coleraine and then went to Newport. WO12/4176 He enlisted in 100th Foot 2nd Sept 1809 (or 2nd Aug 1810). He then enlisted in the 25th Foot 20th March 1818 at Chatham aged 36 (b. 1782). He was a labourer born St Paul’s, Dublin WO25/352 He was pensioned at Kilmainham 5th Feb 1825 (aged 43 – b. 1782) with 15 yrs service. (11 year’s service allowed in 100th - 4 yrs as Sgt).A servant. WO118/15 Farm servant b. 1782 McNatton (papers on FMP) WO97/447/31 as McNatton Hence he is 99e 86 John McNaughton Margaret 85’s twin brother? Labourer/ weaver (WO25/461) then soldier in 72nd Foot b. 1783 Ramond, Bally Castle Weaver then 72nd Foot Resirovus? (Ramoan) Could be hypothetical John/James 75a 86a 86a John McNaughton Son: William 131 b. Coleraine 31.05.1823 Died April 1845 aged 62 WO22/145 Other son: George 130 b.1820 Served 72nd Foot 1804 – 1822 Enlisted 18th June 1804 In India 25th Nov 1810-17th Feb 1816 Chelsea WO120/27 19th June 1822 after 20 years’ service. Pension 1 /2 Dysphuae and weak eyesight 5’ 6” fair, grey, fair Pension paid at Ballymena Enlisted 8th June 1804 at Ballycastle WO25/461 86 86b* Antrim 1784 John McNattin m. Mary Monaghan RC Dau: Ann bapt 06.07.1812 St Catherine, Dublin Sponsors George Reynolds & Tereh Bartley KDG? John McNaghten John McNaghten John McNaghten 103 315 John McNaughton Publican of Rathfryland, Drumgath/ Drumballyrom ey (7 miles NE of Newry, Co. Down) in 1824 Publican on Holywood Rd, Belfast in 1841 Labourer of 6 Weigh-house Lane, Belfast in 1846 Tailor /Hatter 1st King’s Dragoon Guards 95 A cousin or brother of Margaret Tracey? Hat manufacturer of Trinity House Lane, Could be brother Hull in 1851 of trumpeter Pigot Thomas in Newry in 1835 Trade Dir Trade Dir b. March 1791 Coleraine, Co. Derry attested 28.07.1814 aged 23 yrs 115 days at Dublin after his apprenticeship m (1) Mary d. 29.04.1867 m(2) (as McNaughten) In 1881 Bridget was a lunatic in Hull Borough Lunatic Asylum Bridget Fitzgerald at St Johns Cashel, Tipperary Ireland on 1st Feb 1850 (She was 27 years CoI FMP Fa: Alexander , a weaver Served 11 yrs and 1 month in the Dublin Militia and then enlisted 23rd Lancers 28th July 1814 (aged 23 yrs 115 days) Serving as McNaghten – at Waterloo and till disbandment on 24th Nov 1817. WO 25/299 Enlisted in 1st King’s Dragoon Guards 2nd July 1825 at Fulham (probably as a result of watching the Review on Alexander The only other McNaughtons known to be in Hull (and possibly totally unconnected) were : i) Hugh and Mary* between 1846 and 1849. ii) Thomas who died there in 1852 younger! And daughter of John Fitzgerald, a farmer) Witnesses? Maria Sturdy and Charles Hely or John Davis White & Tl McGrath Hounslow Heath on 28th June). In trouble from 1st Dec 1837 (perhaps not wanting to go to Canada in May 1838) and imprisoned regularly from 7th August 1838 till 2nd August 1841. Served 3 yrs 11 months in North America WO120/52 Discharged 13th Sept 1842 to reside in Hull. 5’9” red hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion Medal renamed. Sold Glens 1970 Note: John, a hatter and Mary had Sarah bapt 16th Aug 1824 St Leonards, Shoreditch But a John and Sarah McNaughton (he a paper stainer of Hackney Rd) had Alexander John bapt 1st Nov 1824 St Leonard’s Shoreditch *Hugh McNaughton and Mary Cannon. They were Presbyterians (born c. 1806) and lived at Robert’s Place, English Street, Myton, Hull. Hugh was an engineer. (Mary died in Hull in 1849) They had a son Alexander b. 22nd Nov 1847 who had emigrated to Point Edward , Ontario by 1874 KDG Stations: 1825 Fulham HQ, Canterbury, Shorncliffe, Deal. 1826 Leeds HQ, Burnley, Norwich. 1827 To Scotland in Feb, Edinburgh HQ. 1828 HQ at York in May. 1829 HQ in Manchester in Jan, Regiment to Ireland in May, Athlone HQ, Longford. 1830 HQ from Longford to Cahir in April. 1831 HQ to Dublin in July. 1832 HQ in Nottingham in May, Yorks & Lancs. 1833 Parade at Chelsea in May, HQ Brighton. 1834 HQ Dorchester in May. 1835 Regiment in Staffordshire with 1 Tp in Abergavenny. 1836 HQ from Birmingham to Manchester in May. 1837 HQ to Dundalk in June, Athlone. 1838 Depot left at Dublin, Regiment embarks for N. America in May. 1839 depot at York, Regiment arrives Quebec. Hq at Three Rivers., 1 Sqdn to Niagara. 1840 Chambly & Niagara. 1841 Chambly. 1842 25th Nov some men return to England. Sarah Of Portobello BUT NO MAN m. William Robb of CoI Witnesses: McNaughten Barracks, OF THAT MAN the King’s Dragoon James George Dublin SERVED 1821Guards at St Peter’s James Sareoch 1851 96a John McNaghten John McNaghten Though may be James the Presbyterian John McNaghten Teacher of Tirgarvel, Maghera, Derry in 1826 Of Dunalis More, Dunboe, Coleraine in 1831 Communicant at Dunboe Presbyterian Church in 1834 103a* John McNaughton In Meredith, Delaware, NY in 1850 105aa * John McNaghten Carpenter with son in Armagh in 1854 Holds 1 acre of 2nd quality land in Anasaniry, John McNaughten Dublin 1st Aug 1831 Pres byte rian Pres Pres b. 1792 Ireland m. Sarah (born NY 1796) MIC1P/412 As was Jane in 1833 Ellen McNaughton in 1845 (She was daughter of James the weaver of Mullanhead – though John McNaughten witnessed and I copied signature.) Martha and Mary a in 1846 Martha McNaghten of Drumaguil [Drumagully] was buried 11th Oct 1868 aged 48 at Dunboe C o I None were seatholders in 1853 but Jean received 6d as parish poor 28th May 1848 Mo: Isabella b. NY 1768 Children: John b. 1831 NY Payne b. 1833 Timothy b. 1835 Son: John 138e Pays tithe of 1s. 7.5 d. (William has 8 acres at Anaghmore in 105a John McNaghten J McNaughton John McNaughton 105b 105ab * 108 John McNaghten John McNattan John McNaughton 121h? Nephew? And 140? Loughall, Armagh in 1830 Of Caunlovree, Kerry same parish) m. Jessica Topham Rev in Killarney, Kerry in 1829 Owns three houses in Loughill, Attanagh, Co. Kilkenny in 1850 Of Tralee Of Frederick Lane, Dublin Farmer of Dunaghy, Lisnamanny, Legnamonagh (Barony of Glenarm though Dunaghy is in RC Irish genealo gy Son: James bapt 17.04.1814 Killorglin RC Gri m. Ellen Oliver m. Mary c.1798 Married ‘Nancy’ (Anne Carey) in 1824 She died 21st April 1865 aged 78 d.6th Aug 1867 Ballymena Buried Church of Mary Queen of Peace, Martinstown RC Dau: Ann bapt. 02.05.1825 RC John and Sophia McNaghten were sponsors of Sophia Matthews at Tralee in 1826 William McNaghten of same was sponsor of Catherine McNaughton and Edmund O’Kelly’s son in 1828 Son: James 131cd b 1822 RC Antrim Census RI Fa: probably the Francis who share rented Lignamanagh in 1781 (brother: Thomas b.c. 1772/1782)? But equally possible is that Thomas was John’s father Children: Kilconway ) Antrim 1851 (photo of headstone) Carrowcowan , Glenravel RC Paying tithes in Liginanagh in 1825 as McNaghten Death registered as McNaghten at Ballymena (at Lignamanago g with Francis present.) (as was Thomas) John McNaughtin’s house in Lignamonag mentioned in OS of 1837 (100 perches north of the 4 standing stones.) Thomas was paying rent to E.A.McNaghten in 1815 D 2977/3A/5/20/ 10 (Barony of Kilconway) John McNaghtin supplied with/ or supplies 30 barrels of lime in 1852 See 140 of Bally Castle – probably his cousin ) Grace (bapt 19th Jul 1826 Glenravel) d. or below? Francis b.1826 linenweaver m. Anne Higgins and had Anne Jane bapt at Glenravel and registered at Clogh in 1864 and Ellen in 1866 similarly Patrick b. May 1827 linenweaver Grace b.1829 [sic ? 1826?] d.31.1.1853 aged 24 John b. 1831[sic] bapt 31 May 1829 Glenravel linenweaver who probably m. Rose Higgins and had John in 1852 (sponsor Patrick McNaghton)Probably the farmer of Skerry West in 1859 and 1911. Mary b.1834 Margaret b.1836 [sic] bapt 28.09.1834 Glenravel. (Sponsors: Daniel Carey & Grace McKendry)m. Patrick McKillop, 22, servant of Ballymena 19th Jan 1866 (stating she was only 26 not 32) John McNaughten Snr renting 15 acres of bog and house, offices and 17 acres (plots 8 & 9) at Lisnamanny in 1861 off Frances Anne Marchioness of Londonderry in 1862 John McNaughten jnr renting a house off his father (9b) in 1862 Lignamonagh now in Martinstown In an undated map of Lignamanog stuck into D/2977/35/11 Thomas McNaghten is farming 20acres (plot 9) [rent 9/4/8] but James McNaghten is farming 15acres (plot 8) [rent 6/19/0] In another undated map in the same book, it appears that both parts were now in the name of James Higgins (James, John and Roger Higgins holding plots in Lignamonag) John M’Naghten b.c.1799 d. Dec Q 1879 Not in C o I register of LDS Ballymoney John McNaght Of Drumragh m. Ruth C o I LDS Son: Daniel bapt Ballymoney 6.05.1820 (Nr Ballymoney?) Sister perhaps the Esther buried at St Patrick’s Ballymoney 17 Apr 1809 aged 8 108a 108b John Mcnaughty Weaver of Armagh John McNaughton House and 3 acres at Skerry West, Newtown Crommelin, Ballymena in 1859 Rents house in Bridge street, Ballymena John McNaghten (as does Elizabeth b.1800 bachelor d. 21st May 1876 Armagh Workhouse aged 76 Rents house, offices and a few acres £3 (Land being £3) See Patrick 125e b.1816 Ballymena Rents house and yard £5 in Bridge Street in 1859 from Reps. Robert Bell McNaghten) John Managhan 123 123a John McNaughten John McNaughton Of Glenarm area Big Farmer of Loves Corkey and Moneyneagh, Loughguile Died 2nd May 1807 aged 20 b.1798 b.c.1799 Paying rent to Thomas Montgomery (whos family bought Benvarden off Cassandra McNaughton?) b.1801 Never married CoI Buried in Row VI in Ardclinis (Old) burying ground – St Mary’s The Largy Death registered at Ballymoney 2nd Oct 1879 (James present) Buried Loughguile 1879 T3054/A/1 Griffiths Rents house, offices and 300 acres with 1859 James £54 (land £50) (Though 99% is unenclosed mountainside.) Fa: probably Archibald who farmed at Lislaban, Lougguile in 1803 RC Fa: hypothetical John 75a/Archibald Brother was James b.1799 Rented house, offices and 23 acres with James McKay £18 (land being £8) Erected / by / John McNaughten / Moneynea / in memory of / his beloved father / James McNaughten / ho died 10th June 1879 / aged 80 years / his sister / Mary McNaughten / who died 21st Decr 1867 / aged 18 years / his uncle / John McNaughten / who died 1st Octr 1879 / aged 78 years / the above named / John McNaughten / who died 23rd Octr 1888 / aged 38 years / James McNaughten / who died 6th June 1898 / aged 43 years / also his daughter / Mary McNaughten / who died 2nd September 1913 aged 24 years / and his wife Elizabeth McNaughten / who died 23rd Feby 1946 aged 95 years / and his son / James McNaghton / died 7th Dec 1974 aged 71 years / also his wife / Mary McNaughton / died 31st March 1984 aged 89 years / and their son / Kevin McNaughton / died 8th September 1996 aged 66 years John McNaghten John McNaghten John McNaghten John M’Naughten 108c John McNaughton Tithe in Ballyfermot, Kings Farms 9 acres in Clonbullock, Clonsast, King’s in 1824 Farms 31 acres in Clonmell, Clonsast, King’s in 1824 Esq of Charlotte Quay, Cork in 1828 Cammanis in St b. Co. Cork Romauld, Levis, c.1798 Quebec in 1861 Tithes in Ballydermot & Clonmel townlands, Ballyfermot, Kings in 1824 Tithes 18s. for 9acres of cat D land Tithes John and Henry farming bigger farms nearby £1. 17s. 8d. for 31 acres of cat I land John and Henry farming bigger farms nearby Dau: Helen m. Jones, Wm Thomas 16.12.1828 m. Ellen Williamson 31.07.1826 St Patrick’s, Quebec m(2) Rebecca Moore 22.02.1841 Notre Dame, Quebec d. 24.01.1867 Liverpool, Quebec? RC Fa: William? Mo: Catherine Lambert? Who had Cornelius b. 1819 Or Bridget Canon Who had son John living in Pont Levis, Quebec in1835 Children: John b. 1828 New Liverpool, Quebec Robert b. 1830 Mary Sarah b. 1832 Mary Jane b. 1833 Edward b. 1835 Ellen dies 4th Aug 1836 (Living with With Rebecca Moore in 1861:) El b. 1837 Lower Canada (presumably 1836) Catherine b. 1841 Ireland Allan b. 1842 L.C William b.1843 Helen b. 1845 James b. 1848 Fanny b. 1850 George b. 1852 Rebecca b. 1854 Cornelius b. 1856* Charlotte b. 1860 *The parents of Cornelius McNaughton b.c.1850 who died a shoemaker in Boston in 1905 were John Mcn and Mary Crowley of Ireland 108e* John McNaughton Carpenter Of Armagh McNaghten Of Brumnally in 1855 John McNorton Farmer in Addison Washington, Wisconsin in 1850 Could have been a soldier to have children in England and m. Jane Mitchell b. 1798 Ireland m. Jane Children: John b. 1828 Armagh m. Ann Jane Redpath in Ballymore in 1854. Went to NZ Margaret b. 1830 Armagh m. Hugh Qua farmer of Mullantur at Tamnagee C o I in Allymore, Armagh 7th Mar 1855 Children: John b. 1831 Ireland 141ba Ann b. 1834 England (Could be Ann Jane McNaghton bapt St Peters Liverpool 13th Oct 1833) Robert b. 1840 Ireland Susan b. 1843 Ireland Ireland John McNaghten John McNaughton 112g John McNaghten John McNaughten John McNaghton John McNaghten John M’Naughten Shoemaker of Blundell Street, Liverpool in 1820 Shoemaker Of Shankill in 1826 Of Shankill, Belfast Shoemaker of Shaws brow, Lverpool Boot maker of 37 North Street, Belfast in 1839 and 48 North street in 1846 Margaret Son: Robert bapt 19th Oct 1820 St Peters Liverpool (may have died) m. Jane b.1799 Scotland Emigrated to NY in 1845 m. Jane (b.1799) Children (all born Scotland): Alexander b. 1818 blockprinter William b.1824 shoemaker but undoubtedly bapt Ireland (see below) Samuel b. 1827 shoemaker (see below) John b. 1832 but undoubtedly bapt Ireland Ann Jane b.1835 Margaret b. 1839 Robert b. 1841 but undoubtedly born Ireland Susan b. 1843 m. Jane Thompson m. Jane Thomson Son: William bapt 10.01.1823 St Annes Son: Samuel bapt 30.06.1826 St Anne’s Son : Samuel 117c b. St Anne’s 1826 Dau: Anne bapt 09.08.1829 Son: John 141 b. Shankill 1831 Dau: Anne bapt 13 Oct 1833 Liverpool m. Jane Thompson m. Jane CoI RI Tade directory 108d John McNaghten Inspector of Dublin Road, Belfast Pres b RI Of Brad street (?) in 1854 Of Visbey Street or Ventry Street in 1859 123b John R McNaghten Dau: Margaret m. James Surpluss, designer and gent in 1854 at Donegall Street, Presb, Newtownabbey, Belfast Son: Robert, a clerk who m. Eliza Dunne 4th Oct 1859 (who perhaps had Robert a commission agent who m. Agnes Allen in 1879) Dau: Elizabeth m. John Munce engineer 4th Oct 1859 (same day) Labourer of Layde, Moyle CoI Daughter Isabella (aged 20) married William Stewart of Culfeighton at Cushendall Layde, C o I 19.10.1851 Witness: Alexander McNaughton But marriage certificate says daughter of John Nichol John McNaughten Labourer of Cloughs, Cushendall in 1858 123c* John S McNotten In Penn, Clearfield, Pennsylvania in 1860 123d* John McNaghten 121h John McNaughton In Shandrum, Co. Cork in 1836 b.1804 Widowed by 1858 Admitted to Ballycastle Workhouse 13th Sept 1858 for a couple of months with a fracture. Dirty BG3/G/2 RC b. 1803 Ireland b. 1803 d. 1884 Lambeth m. Mary Colman RC RI Fa: Patrick 66a? Son: Patrick 156 111k 111cd * KDG? John McNatten John McNattin John McNaghten John MacNaughten 120c John MacNaughten Farms 7 acres in Cormurphy, Monaghan, Monaghan in 1826 with Michael Farms 2 acres in Aghnaseeragh, Clontibert, Monaghan in 1830 Of Farrantoreen area, Kerry in 1830 Rev of Hollywood, Co. Down in 1882 Of Rosemay Street, Belfast Reverend 1826 & 1835 Tithe An 5s. Bernard, Francis,Peter, Patrick and Michael farm in same townland 3s. Francis nearby Prob RC b. Scotland 1808 b. 1808 Married in 1884 Presbyterian minister m. (1) Jessie Buchanan (who d.1864 Duncairn house, Belfast) At Duncairn m.(2) Matilda Hannah Suffern at d.27th May 1884 aged 76 Glenlyon, Holywood d.1884 Belfast Pres b IG John was sponsor of Anne McNaghten and Edmund Boyle’s son in 1830 Concerned with lands at Ballykeel, Co. Down in 1882 Acting for Humes re land in Banagh, Co. Donegal in 1856 Leases plot on Gamble Street, Belfast in 1859 Note William owns 15 acres in Ballymisert, Holywood in1886 Fa: Donald Infant daughter dies at Howard Street, Belfast in 1869 House in 1852 John MacNaughtan 119aa John McNaughton 121 John MacNaghten John McNorton 121aa b* John McNaghten Rev of GullIsland and Tormore Island, Gartan, Donegal in 1857 Horsekeeper of Heston, Hounslow in 1840 Trim, Co. Meath Labourer in Mount Vernon, Posey, Indianna in 1850 Labourer of Coleraine John M’Naughton John McNaughten John Dunkin McNaughton Ballycairn Presb in Drumboe, Co. down 8th Jul 1868 (Lisburn area) Bapt 25th Dec 1808 at St Lawrence, New Brentford 29.12.1809 died 17th July 1840 Son of Bartholomew McNaughton and Ann Povey CoI RI Fa: John. Different to 112’s ? Mo: Elizabeth b. 1810 Ireland CoI b.1810 Son: Daniel m. Catherine Kilpatrick 1854 Coleraine d.1890 Mountmelick, Laois Constable of Laois (Queens) 1853 & 1863 b. 1810 Ireland Son of Sir Francis W 121j John McNaughton Lodger in Lennoxtown, Campsie in 1851 b. 1816 Ireland Perhaps son of Thomas (b.1796) & Ann 121aa John McNaughton Mason in Campsie, Stirlingshire in 1861 Printwork labourer in 1881 Tailor of Broughshane Street b. 1813 Ireland Children: Margaret b. 1854 Campsie James Dugald John M’Naughten 121aa a John McNaughton 120ad John McNaughton 121n John McNaughton Same? 121k John McNaughton Witness at a wedding at St Mary, Pro Cathedral in 1833 Labourer of Cannongate Edinburgh in 1841 with Peter Labourer in Dunbars Close, Cannongate, Edinburgh in 1841 Flax dresser of Glasgow b.1815 Married R or K d. 16 Apr 1880 Ballymena aged 65 (Patrick McCabe and Margaret Madock) b. 1816 Ireland b. 1816 Ireland b. 1816 Ireland Fa: Peter 111nb 121m John McNaughton 121o* John McNorthen 128a John McNaughton 121p* John MacNaughtan 130aa John e* McNaughton 130aa f* John McNaughton Bridgegate in 1841 Framer in Kortright Delaware NY in 1850 Weaver arrived in Phila, US 19.05.1847 on the Saranak (with John b. 1827 135f) Rents house and small garden in North strand, St Thomas, Dublin Mountjoy b. 1816 Ireland m. Eliza b.c. 1817 Ireland Probably m. Sarah In 1859 £6 b. 1817 Carpenter of New York then US Soldier in 1863 Eliza William b. 1840 Ireland Armstrong b. 1843 John James Mary A b. 1848 Ireland Emigrated with Sarah, John, Sarah and James d. 1868 Dublin South b. 1819 Ireland b.1819 Ireland Son: John b. 1842 Ireland m. Mathilda Bernier in Ontario in 1874 Death October 18, 1887 in Northville, Wayne, Michigan, United States 130e John McNaughton Owns three houses at Ballymoney In 1859 m. John McNaghten 130ea b* John McNaughton 121h* John McNatton John McNetton (Brother Alexander b. 1813 ?) John M’Naghten Owns three houses at Loughill, Cloughmills, Ballymoney with the Alley family See Alley McNaughton m. Elizabeth Alley 10th July 1845 Clonenagh, Queens Merchant of Headford Galway Of Donagh, Monaghan Farm labourer in Hector NY in 1860 John McNaughton John McNaughten John M’Naghten Alley? b. 1820 Ireland m. Mary Botterill of Headford (dau of Joseph, a farmer) 1845 Headford m. Mary Donaghy of Errigal Truagh 17.04. 1836 m. Margaret? b. 1821 Scotland m. Margaret Spowart 5.10.1846 Scots Church, Dublin Mr of Caroline Row Dublin in 1861 Mr of Lower Buckingham Witnesses: Mi Alley and Abm Bradley Children: James E b. 1847 Ireland Rebecca b.1849 Ireland George b. 1846 NY Mary b. 1857 Emma b. 1858 Lucinda b. 1859 Fa:? Thomas? Brother: Bartholomew John McNaughton John McNaughton John McNaughton John McNaughton 130c Street, Dublin in 1861 Of Newcomen Court, North Strand, St Thomas, Dublin in 1854 Of Mountjoy Ward, North Strand, Dublin City in 1851(?) Of Portobello, Rathmines, Dublin in 1865 Of Layde area John McNaughton Gri Gri b.1822 John M’Naughton John McNaughton Native of Co. Mayo Mether in Halifax NS in 1871 b.1822 130cf John McNaughten b. 1822 Ireland 130ea e* John McNorton Labourer Emigrated to US in 1851 Labourer in Richmond, Georgia in 130ca Rents a small house and garden off Patrick Maddock b. 1821 Ireland m. Anne Butter RC m. Mary Thompson RC m. Mary H C (French) (Chevrefils?) RC d. 10.08.1865 Toronto m. Bridget Lefever 24.06.1852 New Bedford, Massachucettes RC IG Son: Edward bapt 1865 Dau: Catherine b. 22.08.1843 (Sp Catherine McNaughton and James McNaughton) In Quebec Fronte Kingston in 1881 The only Mayo I have (soldier’s son ?) or from Patrick of Kitullagh Son: Peter b. 1853 US Alice William b. 1857 NS Stephen D b. 1860 NS Charles 130cd 130ce John McNaughton John McNaughton 130cf John McNaughton 130ea c* 130ea d* John McNorton 135d John McNaughton 135e John McNaughton 135f* John McNorthen 136 John McNaughton John McNorton 1860 In Georgia in 1870 Labourer in Milwaulkie, Wisconsin in 1850 Labourer of Perth West Church in 1881 In Maine in 1828 Miner in Penobscot, Maine in 1860 b. 1821 Ireland Dau ? Mary Edwards b. 1822 Ireland m. Sarah Delaney b. 1821 Balinheber, Ireland b. 1825 m. Mary b.1841 Balintuber, Ireland b. 1826 m. Julia (b. Ireland) Fa: Phineas 111r b. 1826 Ireland Mason’s labourer in Bridgetown, Glasgow Calton in 1871 Arrived in Phila, US in 19.05.1847 on the Saranak (with John b. 1817 121o) b. 1826 Ireland Mary A b. 1849 Ellis Children: John b. 1848 Maine William Julia, Mary d. 14.01.1846 Manhattan m. Mary (b.1818 Edinburgh) Margaret b. 1854 Glasgow John Elizah b. 1827? b. 06.09.1827 Oughaval Cofl, Co. Mayo Arrived with Sarah and James CoI RI Fa: James 99c of 75th Foot Mo: Margaret or Mary Hughes of Castletown x.php/newspaper-cuttings-from-theeastern-cape/769-newspaper-cuttingsfrom-the-eastern-cape-m 136a Smith Arrived Philadelphia 28.12.1848 130cb J M McNaughton Shoemaker in Clinton, Michigan 136b* John McNorton Shoemaker in Moyamensing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 136c* John Farmer of McNaughton Parkmore, Ballycastle John Farmer in McNaughton Skerry West, Newtown Crommelin in 1911 138e* John McNaghten Farmer of Mullantur, Armagh John McNaughton John McNaughton Emigrated to New Zealand Linenweaver in 1859. Probably the b.c.1827 Ireland b.1821 Ireland m. H M ………. Parents Irish b. 1829 Ireland b. 1830 Fa: John Mo: Jane Widower of 91 d. 29th Dec 1920 Ballycastle b.1829 b.1828 bapt 31 May 1829 Glenravel m. Ann Jane Redpath dau of John of Drumaleg 22.06.1854 at Taldrayee, Ballymore Armagh who probably m. Rose Higgins d. 27.05.1905 Aukland Kate present at death RC Bapt 31.05.1829 Glenravel (no parents given on RI but to John and Nancy) Not convinced of this. Living in Michael’s House in 1911 CoI Fa: John a carpenter Mo: Jane Mitchell Much on Ancestry RC Son: John in 1852 (sponsor Patrick McNaghton) Dau: Susan bapt 25th Mar 1872 John McNaughton John McNaughton 139 John McNaghten John McNaughten John McNaughtin 141 141a farmer of Skerry West in 1859(?!) and 1911. Of Ballywater village, Ballywater, Co. Down in 1863 Of Newry Street, Kilkeel, Kilkeel in Co. Down in 1863 John McNaghten Glenravel and Braid (Sponsors Francis Mcnaughton and Rose Higgins) MIC1D/70/1 Gri m. Ellen Cunningham Bapt. 1830 Co. Down Dealer of John Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down in 1890 Of Downpatrick in 1858 Belfast John McNaughten Constable at 8 Lancaster St, Belfast in 1852 John Mason’s b.c. 1833 RC Widower in 1890 Gri Daughters: Mary b.1868 Elizabeth b.1870 RI Fa: Nicholas Mo: Alice McConvill Sp: Owen Fagan, Margaret Gribben Anne present at death d. 28th Jan 1890 Downpatrick m. Ellen who claims outdoor relief in Jan 1858 aged 29 Bapt. 03.04.1831 St Anne’s Shankhill, Co. Antrim b. 1831 Ireland 2 children in 1858 CoI m. Mary (b.1842 RI Fa: John 112g Mo: Jane Thompson Trade Dir (Daniiel M’Naughton at Union Place, Lancaster street in 1877 – coincidence?) McNaughton John M’Natten John McNaughton John McNaghten 141ba * John McNorton 141b John McNaughton and brother Mo John McNaughton 142 142ag * John McNorton 142aa John McNaughten labourer in Perth Burgh, Perthshire in 1871 In Armagh Ireland) Renting no. 25 Bridge Street Ballymena in 1864 Of Broughshane Street in 1853 Farmer in Addison, Washington, Wisconsin Labourers m. Margaret Hannan Certificate not viewed RC Dau: Mary Jane b.c.1847 (baptized RC as an adult at Kirkinriola/Ballymena 21.04.1867) Son: John bapt 13th Oct 1852 at Kirkinriola RC (Sp Thomas Harrison and Sally Devin) Fa: John b. 1798 Mo: Jane b. 1831 Ireland b. 1832 and 1833 b. 1833 Co. Cork Labourer in Montgomery, Missouri in 1860 d. 19th May 1876 Armagh b.1831 An Arrived NY from Liverpool 15.05.1851 DOES THIS NEED CHECKING FOR FATHER? b. 1833 Ireland Bapt 26.01.1834 RC Fa: Thomas 105f Kerry b.1834 Ireland 142a John McNaughton Emigrated in 1844 142aa John McNaughton Shoemaker of Milwaukie in 1863 & US soldier b.1834 Ireland In PA in 1881 US Census Brother?: Robert b.1834 m. Margaret (wife in 1860) Mo: Jane b. 1799 Ireland With Robert b.1842 Ireland (shoemaker) 142ab John McNaghten Shoemaker in Jefferson Ohio in 1900 b.1834 Ireland 142ac John McNaughton Day labourer in Tioga, Pennsylvania in 1880 & 1900 b. 1834 Ireland m. Grace Emigrated 1869 142ad John McNaghtin Emigrated 1844 Shoemaker in Milwaulkie in 1880 Naturalized 1882 b.1834 Ireland m. Lucy (b.1842 Ohio) Fa: Irish Mo: Jane b. Ireland 1797 Carman in NY in 1870 b. 1836 Ireland 142af * John McNorton Fa: Irish Mo: Scots Children: Meril b. 1877 Wisconsin Son b. 1879 m. Elizabeth Children: William b. 1858 NY Margaret Joseph David 142ae John McNaughton Farmer in Derrynose in 1911 John McNaughton Labourer of Mullyard (Armagh?) went to England in 1867 Labourer of Drumnachavile Armagh in 1869 Boot Maker in Howard St, Liverpool in 1881 Stableman of 13 Coal Miner in Mercer, Hickory, Pennsylvania in 1870 John McNaton 148g* Wool mill b.1835 Ireland spinner of Gorbals, Lanarks in 1851 John McNaughton 148h* John McNaughton John McNattin Robert Mo: (widow Mcnaughton) b.1801 * Sisters: Catherine b.1829 Margaret b.1835 Ireland RC m. Margaret Murphy (daughter of Peter, farmer of Mollyard) 13th Feb 1866 Keady, Armagh RC RI *NEED TO CHECK poss widow of Henry of Lisnagalt Children: Francis b. 1867 Mary Ann Catherine Fa: Patrick, farmer of Drumnachavil Son: Francis bapt 1867 Keady, Armagh Patrick b. 2nd Aug 1869 Drumnachavil b. 1837 Ireland b. 1837 Ireland b. 1839 Ireland Emigrated to US in 1850 m. Gracie (b. Scotland) Dau: Margaret b. 1868 Scotland 140 John McNaughton 148b* John McNaughten Blacksmith of Clough b.1831[sic] Smith of Ballard Clough, Moyle in 1863 Cushendall b.1838 John McNaughtin John McNaughtin 153a John McNaughton 153c* John Mc Naughton m. Eliza Martin 10.04.1864 at Cushendall RC Witness: Archibald McNaughten m. Martin dd. (deceased?) of Clough A currier then Soldier Boot maker of Howard street, Liverpool in 1891 (b.1837) Bootmaker and widow in Gladstone St, Liverpool in 1881 d. 30th Dec 1866 Bally Castle Found dead on Ballymena to Cushendall Rd aged 36 [sic] Registered Ballycastle BM RC Fa: Alexander 126b Sons: Alexander b. 12.04.1865 John b. 15.03.1867 RC Son: John bapt 02.03.1860 Layde & Ardclinis Cushendall (illegitimate?) MIC1D/68/1 Dau: Jane of Cushendall m. Patrick O’Connor in 1881 RC b. 1836 St John’s Limerick, Limerick 89th Foot Jan 1856 – Nov 1856 but flat footed Dau: Mary James b. 1868 Liverpool 153b John McNaughton John McNaughton John McNaughton John McNaughton John M’Naughten John McNaughton John McNaughten Labourer of b. 1837 Ireland Edinburgh Tollbooth in 1891 Kiln dryer in b. 1838 Castleblayney Monaghan in 1911 Shoemaker in b. Ireland 1843 Peterborough, Ontario in 1881 Pensioned gunner in India in 1868 m. Christina m. Ellen in 1866 RC m. Annie b. England 1845 C of E m. Elizabeth b.1850 Labourer of Ballymoney in 1910 Culfreightin RC Probably b.1858 Children: Willhimina b. 1866 d. 1868 William David b. Apr 1869 Vepery d.1888 Ballymoney d. 28th Jul 1910 Ballymoney b. 1851 Children: Mary E b. 1869 Ireland m. Mary Anderson Can find no trace of this – only one dying in Ballymena in 1888 aged 30 RC Fa: probably Archibald of Ballyvoy, farmer of Cloughs Dau: Margaret bapt 3rd Oct 1875 Cul Sp: Pat McCann & Mgt Millar J J NcNaughten Joseph Mcnaugher Rents 180 a in Cloughmoyne, Galway, Co. Mayo in 1850 for 7 years Farmer of Drumacross, Londonderry in b. 1795 m.Rachel d.20th May 1874 Londonderry Many McNaughers so not McNaughton 111m e* Joseph McNaughten 1874 Labourer of Connor aged 79 Pres b Son: Thomas W b. 1826 a tailor Margaret McNaughten, dau of John Clarke a dealer, and who was a widow of Harryville, Ballymena in 1854 and married Luke McQuitty, a carpenter @ Ballymena 3rd Presb Ch – witnesses Joseph and Ellen McNaughton (the latter signing his name well) Probably son of Joseph (and Ellen?) Son aged 20 was of Killy Park, Kells in 1846 Joseph M’Naughten Jos M’Naghten b. 1826 (GRO) b. 1809 (wkhs) 111m f* Joseph McNatton 131d Joseph McNaughton 131da Joseph McNaughton Carpenter of 10 Curtis Street, Belfast in 1846 In Polk County Iowa in 1850 Grandview, Louisa in 1860 Oakland, Louisa in 1870 & 1880 Stone cutter and soldier in US Army Sawyer in 1850 NY St Lawrence Joseph Farmer in widower d.18th Dec 1897 Ballymena Workhouse Trade Dir b. 1811 Ireland Son: Joseph H b.1838 144d Henry ? 1839 b. 1825 Armagh Enlisted West Point 11th July 1857 b. 1823 Fa: Thomas b. 1785 Mo: Margaret b.1824 Mo: Margaret McNaghten Ireland in 1842 Emigrated to US in 1843 from Liverpool Joseph McNaughton In Burt, Donegal in 1865 144d Joseph H McNatten 51a Malcolm McNaughton Malcolm McNaughten 51b* 51c* Malcolm McNaughton Lived in Princess Street, Londonderry in 1901 In Polk County, Iowa in 1850, served in Civil War. Then in Mantua Iowa in 1870 c. 1750-1800 Antrim Of Broughshane, Ballymena, Co. Antrim In Spring Street, NYC in 1812 Flax farmer in 1855 Siblings: Elizabeth b.1819 widow Rachel b.1821 Ann b. 1824 William b. 1836 Son: Thomas b.1865 Drumhaggart, Burt who m. Margaret Orr in Ballyarnet in 1892 and had James Alexander b.1893 Sarah Thomas Orr John Alexander Fa: Joseph b. 1811 111me* m. Margaret Anderson b. 1835 Ireland UHF Member 13090 wants info m. Martha McKenney b. 10.05.1772 Ireland m. Martha McKenney Met hodi st d. 11.01.1855 in Schaghticoke, NY Listed as Passengers to America 1806 Children: Catherine J b. 1803 d.1865 Thomas b. Jun 1804 in England m. Elizabeth McLester in Bethel, NY in 1830 Death 9 JUL 1847 in Schaghticoke, NY William b. 1810 Bethel Robert D b. 1811 Schaghticoke d.1832 Catherine Elizabeth Margaret b. 18 Aug 1814 Bethel, Sullivan d. 29 January 1875 in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer, New York John b. 1818 Bethel d. 28 January 1899 in Troy, Rensselaer Catherine J Birth 1821 in Bethel, Sullivan, New York Death 1899 in Schaghticoke, NY William Henry b. Birth 06 Mar 1822 in Bethel, Sullivan, New York, Death 26 Mar 1900 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois Martha 125da Matthew McNaughton 125d Martin McNaughton 113d b Martin McNaughton Labourer in Peterborough, Canada in 1861 Farmer of Upper Bunratty Co.Clare In Washington, NY in 1860 b. 1815 Ireland RC Murdered 1844 b. 1824 Ireland m. Hannah 113e Martin McNaughton Martin McNaughton M McNaghten Michael McNaughton 99aa Michael McNaughton 99ab* Michael McNattin 110d* Michael McNatton Michael M’Natton Merchant seaman c. 1850 Labourer of Buffalo and then soldier of US Army in 1863 Of Broughshane St, Kirkinrola, Ballymena in 1853 Owns a house in Skerry West, Newton Cromellin in 1911 in which John b. 1829 lives Labourer in Chicago in 1850 b. Galway b. Down, Ireland 1829 m. Margaret Hannan RC Son: John b. 1853 RC b. 1790 Ireland m. Catherine Hughes Farms 5 acres in Laragh, Ballybay, Monaghan in 1829 Son: Peter 111na b. 1810 1829 Tithe b.1800 d.1873 Monaghan 7s. 111l Michael McNatten 111ll Michael McNaghten Michael McNaughten 111lll Michael McNaghten 115ad * Michael McNatton Farms 7 acres in Cormurphy, Monaghan with John in 1826 Owns 5 acres at Tullamore, Offaly in 1859 Small holding in Treanlauer, Ballyovey,Co. Mayo in 1857 Ag lab in Wolverhampto n in 1851 In 3rd District NYC in 1860 1826 & 1835 Tithe An Owns 5 good acres (£5) at Kyleboher, Ballyboy, South of Tullamore Gri With Hugh Landlord = lord bishop of Tuam b. 1796 Ireland m. Bridget b. 1810 Ireland m. Mary 115aa Michael McNaughton Farmer in b. 1811 Ireland Finch, Stormont, Ontario in 1871 m. Julia Ann 115ac Michael Carter in m. Bridget b. 1814 Ireland James b. 1834 Wales (nailcutter) Mary Mariah Bridget Mo: Mary b. 1785 RC Children: John b. 1843 Patrick b. 1847 Tarrell b. 1850 Ireland Thomas b. 1859 NY Catherine Children: Michael b. 1845 Ireland John b. 1845 William b. 1847 Sophia, Margaret, Bridget, James, Alford, Richard, Catherine, Elizabeth and Joseph b. 1865 Ireland * McNorton 115ab Michael McNaughton Michael McNaughton 125d d* 125bc Michael McNeighton 130ad Michael McNaughton Michael McNaughton 125c 130ab Michael McNaughton 130ac Michael McNaughton 131e Michael McNaughton 131f Michael Baltimore, Maryland in 1860 b.c.1815 Ireland d.04.07.1898 Ottawa Farmer Farm labourer In Union Workhouse in Salford in 1881 Son John, a writing clerk of Belfast, married Margaret Parker at St Anne’s Belfast 13thJune 1861 b. 1817 Sligo b.1819 Ireland Farmer of Upper Bunratty, Co. Clare Enfolaye du Gauner nermeth ? In Byward, Ottawa in 1871 Farmer in Finch, Stormont Canada in 1881 Farm labourer in Sanborne, N Dakota in 1900 In Michigan in d. 1867 Boston , Mass Murdered 1844 Fa: Cornelius Mo: Ellen b.c.1820 Ireland m. Frances RC b. 1821 Ireland m. Julia A (Clement?) RC Children: Frances b. 1849 Quebec Charles b. 1851 Ontario Margaret Henry Alex Hugh Sons: Alfred Joseph Irish parents b. 1823 Ireland 131g McNaughton Michael McNaughton 131h Michael McNaughton 131i* Michael McNorton 131j* Michael McNorton 131k* Michael McNorton 131l* Michael McNorton 142ca * Michael McNorton 151c Michael McNaughton 164ab * Michael McNaughton Michael McNorton 1870 Labourer Emigrated to US Dec 1847 with Bridget b. 1831 Emigrated to US Sept 1848 with Bridget b. 1808 Hatter in Newark, New Jersey Saloon keeper in Marengo, Iowa Labourer of Westfield Massachusette s In Iowa in 1856 Farmer in Dummick, Lasalle, Illinois In NYC in 1870 b. Ireland 1829 b. Ireland 1831 Mo ?: Bridget b. Ireland 1829 married b. Ireland 1830 married b. Ireland b. Ireland 1833 d. 1880 m. Catherine b. 1831 Ireland b. 1835 Ireland d.13th May 1897 Armagh b.c.1837 In Marengo, Iowa in 1870 Daughters: Mary Ann b. Illinois 1853 Catherine Fa ? Edward 75d Mo? Bridget b. 1840 Ireland m. Catherine Death cert not viewed Children: Katie b. 1855 Iowa Alice Fannie Mary 164ad * 130ae * M McNattan Minty McNaughton Morgan McNorton 130eb Moses Archibald * MacNaughton Saddler in Griggsville, Pike, Illinois Merchant seaman c.1850 Labourer arrived NY on Famine Boat 25.10.1847 Dr of Ancaster, Wyoming b. 1839 Ireland b. Galway b.1821 Ireland b. 03.01.1813 Argyll, Washington NY m. Sarah Orcott 20.08.1835 Wyoming Grandfather: John who went from Antrim to Greenwich in 1765 Fa: Robert b. Washington Mo: Isabella Watson 130ea Moses McNaughton 103e Nathan McNaughton 4c Neale McNaughton Neal McNaghten 4c Emigrated to US July 1846 Silk weaver of Paisley Low in 1841 b. 1822 Ireland b. 1791 Ireland m. Catherine Margaret b. 1828 James b. 1833 Fa: Daniel 2c Owned a house in Oldstone (Clogh) in possession of John Dunbar in D/2977/3A/5/10/1 (Apart from one house belonging to Alexander McNaghten, the rest of the town and lands of Oldstone were let by 1640 Neale McNaghten Of Oldstone (Clogh) in 1637 Neal McNaughton 61 Leased ¼ Carnerk and ¼ Flanglasly in Dundermot in 1637 for 41 yrs b.1720 Northern Ireland Neal McNauton the Earl of Antrim to Simon Hillman of Coleraine 20th Oct 1640) D/2977/3A5/1/15 In trust for his sister Fenola daughter of Daniel (deceased)2c m. Elizabeth Death 7 Nov 1777 in York, York, Pennsylvania m. Jane Loughry St Columb’s, Derry 10.05.1789 Neil McNaughton Revenue Officer of Fleet Street, Shankill in 1885 b. 1825 Nicholas McNaughton Owen M’Naughton Owen McNaghten In Co. Down b.1830 b.1788 One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing CoI d. 3rd Sept 1885 at 48 Fleet Street as Customs Pensioner Pres RI Emigrated to Boston in 1729 Dau:Margaret b. 1754 Pennsylvania m. Moses Blackburn Possible son or grandson: Neal b.c. 1774 in Pennsylvania m. Mary Robinson Death 15 SEP 1851 in Muskingum Co., Rich Hill Twp., OH (buried McNaughton Cemetery) Son of ? Dau: Elsie present at death Fa: John d.1898 Monaghan Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 134b Owen M’Naughton Owen McNaughton 134c* Owen McNorton 10 Patrick McNeighton (The 1st Patrick) Patrick M’Nauekton 24a* Patrick McNorton 37a Patrick McNaughton 37 Patrick McNaghton b.1819 Labourer Emigrated to US 1851 Labourer arrived NY 19.04.1853 With Daniel Of Creayan, Finvoy, Kilconway, In 1669 b. 1826 b. 1823 Ireland 5kms south of BallyMoney Of Collens, Aghadowey, Coleraine in 1663 Sponsor in Dublin in 1730 Farmed at Kilrullah, (Kiltullagh) Roscommon in 1796 5th Dragoon and farrier (military horse d.1894 Monaghan Hearth Tax Probably son of John 2 Hearth Tax Derry Prob RC Sponsors Ann daughter of James & Ann Scott of Petticoat Lane at St Michan RC Flax grower (4 looms) b. c. 1740 Parish of Drumall, Nr the Would his father have been a blacksmith? Could well be the Patrick McNorton CoI 5th Dragoons : 1776 – 1779 (enlisted 14th June 1776) 1794 – 1799 (attested 2nd Dec 1794) doctor) ENLISTED WHERE? It doesn’t say for 5th Dragoons Blacksmith by trade market town of Antrim, co. Antrim (this being from 5th Dragoons in 1799 and hence most reliable?) aged 65 who was buried at St Leonard’s, Heston (near Hounslow cavalry Barracks) 29th Jan 1811 Presumably Drummaul, Randalstown (known in ancient times as Dunmore) Nb. Bartholomew McNaughton the dragoon also lived in Heston at the time. Dromore, Antrim This is a tiny hamlet near Rasharkin, Ballymoney Or a townland north of Cushendall Patrick McNaughton Note there was an Alexander McNaynin who was a snapchance man in the 1630 Muster of the Lord Bishop of Dromore dwelling on his land and in the town of Dunmore (with others residing in the Lower Euvagh.) Discharged as McNaghton 13th Dragoons 1799 - June 24th 1802 States in his Chelsea Hospital outpensioner entry of 6th May 1799 (attended by many 5th Dragoons) Age 59: “Old, weaK and sickly and injured in the side” 8 years’ service in 5th Dragoons. WO120/9 Farrier Patrick b. 1740 Drumall, Antrim 5th Dragoons (8 yrs) admitted Chelsea 6th May 1799. WO120/9 WO 121/35/34 Farrier Patrick b. 1740 Dromore, Antrim 13th Dragoons (2 yrs) and 5th Dragoons (8 yrs) Discharged 1802 WO121/155/34 Father of Francis 66 b. Antrim 1772 ? Father of Patrick 66a? Father of John 75b Daughter: Janet of Falkirk b.c.1783 m. Joseph Adams of Aldgate 3rd April 1803 in Falkirk (Was he the dyer b. Spitalfields 1786 in 1851 with daughter Caroline b. 1822 Hoxton (mother Ann)and son George b. 1834 Spitalfields?) 66a 66ab 66b Patrick McNaughton Patrick McNaughton/ McNorton Patrick McNaghten Or 37 Patrick McNatten Their children (Non Con): Colin Adams b. 29th Aug 1806 Jane Adams b. 29 Jul 1808 and lived at Burr Street, St Botolph’s Aldgate 18061808 and then at Pell NC Joseph b. May 1810 Pell Benjamin b. 1812 Sarah b. 1814 Patrick b. 27th Nov 1815 York Place, Mile End, St Dunstan’s Stepney Did he have the following sons in Shandrum c. 1798? (But baptised Catholic) Perhaps lately of the 5th Dragoons ? Farmer of Antrim and 2nd US Infantry Son: Thomas 121d ? Son: Edmund 121g ? Son: John 121h ? 108? Enlisted 25th April 1799 Telico Still enlisting in 1819 b. 1773 An Irish Rebel fleeing? Ex 5th Dragoon? Farmed at Craigatempin, Ballymoney in 1803 Of Laragh, Clogher Son: 106? Left will in 1855 Patrick McNaughten Patrick McNaughten Patrick ? McNaughton Patrick McNaughten Patrick McNatten Patrick McNaughten 111m c Patrick McNaughton Of Knocknacarry, Cushendun (Parish of Layde) Paid Tithes in Altmore, Layde and one paid 14s.5d. tithes in Aughahaugh and Legflugh in Layde in 1826 Of Shandrum, Cork c.1830 Farmer of Tullybriel (?), Tynan in 1872 Rents house and Land at Carricklane, Tureny in 1817 Of Carricklane, Tynan, Armagh in Griffiths b.1786 d. 28.11.1854 aged 68 (Coleraine Chronicle) Daniel paid tithes at Knocknacarry in 1826 (and at Cushendall). Whilst a Patrick paid tithes at Altmore, Aughahaugh and Legflugh (all in Layde). Note: Only Alexander McNeille at Knocknacarry in 1742 A Patrick McNaughten sponsored RC Eliza Ellen Walsh 24th Aug 1846 at Culfeightrin MIC1D/69B Bc.1785? b.1787 RC widower d.19 Feb 1872 Armagh aged 85 Sons (b.c.1810): Edmund John Thomas (nb there was a seaman Thomas b. Cushendall 1799 but living in Cork in 1845) Mary Jane present at death Landlord NG Johnstone of Woodpark b.1794 Ireland d. 05.11.1831 Manhattan 104a Patrick McNaughton Of Dublin in 1826 m. Mary Shannon 105e Patrick McNaughtin Of Tralee, Kerry m. Catherine McCarthy 107ae * Patrick McNattan Coal labourer in Ulverston, Lancs in 1881 Patrick M’Naughton 110b* Patrick McNatton Patrick McNaughton Patrick McNaughtan 111c Patrick McNatten Patrick McNaughtan In Tyholland/ Inpollan, Monaghan, Monaghan in 1838 Of Edenany, Ballybay, Monaghan in 18?? Griffiths Farmer of Drumnahuche’ n In Drunahunshin, RC Son: Charles bapt 07.02.1828 b. 1803 Ireland b. 1791 In Laragh, Ballybay, Monaghan in 1829 Smith. Had daughter Margaret bapt at St Michael’s & St John’s Dublin d.1878 Monaghan 1829 Tithe 6 acres for 9s. George, Francis and Michael renting in same townland. Son: George b.1834 joined 47th Foot 1855 CoI ? RI 1832 Tithe An RI Patrick McNaughten Tehallen in 18?? Griffiths Farmer of Drumnachavil 111ca * Patrick McNatten 111m Patrick McNatten 112l Patrick McNaughton Land surveyor of St Helen’s Lancs in 1851 McNorton In Eccleston in 1861 Labourer in New Orleans in 1850 Emigrated to Quebec City 112la Patrick McNaughton 112m Patrick McNaughton Could be Bartholomew’s Brother Patrick MacNaughton 112m a Son: John m. Margaret Murphy (d. of Peter farmer of Mollyard) 13th Feb 1866 Keady Armagh RC Farmer of Cormurphy, Monaghan Farmer of Cormurphy Labourer Emigrated to Quebec City by 1843 and there in 1851 1826 Tithe 7 acres for 6s. jointly with Bernard 1832 Tithe b. 1803 Ireland An m. Ann Children: Ellen b. 1833 Michael b. 1836 James b. Lancs Thomas b. Nuneaton b. 1806 Ireland m. Marie b. 1815 Ireland m. Margaret Feely at Notre Dame, Quebec in Sept 1842 (she b.1816 dau of Michael and d. Quebec pre 1863 RC RC Son Bartholomew 142d* b. c. 1831 Ireland 1851 C Fa: Arthur McNaughton 103f Son: Thomas b. Quebec 1843 Dau: Mary Ann b. Quebec 1845 Catherine b.1849 Ellen b.1850 Patrick M’Naughton Bank clerk in Montreal, Quebec in 1842 Day labourer in Boston, Mass in 1870 Mariane) Margaret dau of PM and Margaret Phelan buried Notre Dame 1855 St Bernard, Nr Alexander Street b. 1810 Ireland m. Margaret (b. 1812) Children: Thomas b. 1843 Canada upholsterer Kate b.1849 Bee Daughters: Mary b. 1844 Ireland Alice b. 1842 England Patricia b. 1852 Michigan 112m c* Patrick McNorton 112m d* Patrick McNorton Shoemaker in St Joseph, Berrien, Michigan in 1860 b. 1810 Ireland m. Eliza 112m b Patrick McNaightan Famine boat to NY 1851 with Ann b. 1811 Ireland m. Ann Children: Michael L Birth 14 Feb 1842 in Ireland Death 23 Mar 1908 in Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois In Northfield, Washtenaw in 1880? 112m e* Patrick McNorton Day labourer in Port Huron, Michigan in 1870 120a Patrick McNatten Patrick McNaghten Belfast One of the 160,000 Peter b. 1843 b. 1813 Ireland m. Margaret m. Sally McNeill RC RI Sons: Thomas b. 1843 Ireland Patrick b. 1845 Ireland Michael b. 1855 Ohio Dennis Son: Patrick 163a Born in Workhouse in 1839 Patrick McNaughton (1) Patrick McNaughton (2) Patrick McNaughton (3) Patrick McNaughton (4) respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 One of the 160,000 respectful Patrick McNaughten 125e Patrick McNaughton Patrick McNaughton persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 Rents house and garden in Main street, Crumlin, Ballytromery (south of Antrim town) in 1862 Labourer of b. Scarry Ballymena and (probably 22nd Foot Skerry), Ballymena, Antrim 1816 Troop Sjt Maj in 9th Lancers in India in 1846 (Punniar, Sobroan, Chillianwalla & Gujerat) Bachelor in Landlord John McGee Enlisted Belfast 1838 Fa: ? brother of John 108a? m. Emelia Connolly 26th May 1846 Umballa m(2) Mary by 1849 d. 12 April RC 1849 (Punjab medal roll. Nb Gujerat was 21 Feb 1849) Served 1838-1850 (1841-47 in India, catching hepatitis in 1844 in Scinde) Chelsea Hospital See 108a Pension paid at Ballymena 6th Sept 1850 WO22/145 May have then gone to Canada Children: Catherine b. 13 Oct 1847 Meerut Patrick Alexander b. 13 May 1849 Umballa (after his father’s death) Son of an Alexander? 1846 129f Patrick McNaughton Cutting Wood in Franklin, Michigan in 1880 Cutting m…l In Crow Wing, Minnesota in 1885 b. 1818 Ireland m. Mary Parents irish 125f Patrick McNaughton b.1818 Ireland m. Mary In MI US census of 1881 Dau: Annie b. 1864 Mich Dau: Mary b. 1866 Mich 125fa Patrick McNaughton Emigrated to NY then Canada and then to Ontanogon, Michigan and a miner b. 1817 Ireland m. Mary Nolan 125g Patrick McNaughton Of Dunloy Coleraine in 1839 Labourer in 1868 Children: John b. 1840 NY(a blacksmith in Mich in 1861) Mary A b. 1845 Canada William P b. 1848 Canada Agnes Alice Joanna Thomas James Michael Mary Elizabeth Birth 28 Oct 1865 in Ontonagon, Ontonagon, Michigan, Death 1947 in Superior, Douglas, Wisconsin Son Daniel 164a b.1839 m. Elizabeth Morell in 1st Ballymoney Presbyterian Church in 1868 30 Mrs Of d.06.06.1787 RC RI McNaughton 125fb Patrick McNaughton 125fb a Patrick McNaughton 125fc Patrick McNaughton 125ga * Patrick MacNeighton 130bc Patrick McNaughton Patrick McNaughton Patrick McNaughton Patrick McNaghten Patrick M’Naughten Ballaghy,Antri m Emigrated to US. Naturalized in Maine, Mass in 1865 In Massachucetts in 1870 Farm labourer in Illinois in 1870 Plasterer in Quebec City in 1851 Dunloy, Antrim b. 15.03.1820 Ireland b. 1820 Ireland Mo: Mary b. Ireland 1793 b. 1821 Ireland Dau:? Eliza Hall b. 1822 Ireland m. Jill b.c.1822 Of Layde area RC Buried Notre Dame, Montreal 29th March 1864 m. Isabella Stewart 22.01.1841 m. Mary Stewart 09.02.1843 Of Layde area Bapt 13 Aug 1823 Balbriggan, Dublin b.1823 Children: Fanny b. 1837 Mary b. 1839 William b. 1841 Margaret b. 1848 Bridget b. 1848 Ireland RC RC Fa: William Mo: Mary Clinch d.1899 Castleblaney 135 Patrick McNaughton Patrick MacNaughten Patrick McNorton Legnamanny 142af Patrick McNaughton 142b Patrick McNaughton 142c Patrick McNaughton Labourer emigrated to US in 1859 Labourer in Illinois in 1861 Farmer of Pela, Illinois in 1880 2nd hand ca.. ….. Labourer in Bristol, Mass in 1861 & 1881 Hostler in St Louis, Missouri in 1860 In prison in Richmond, Dublin in 1860 & 1867 135ab * 142d Patrick McNorton 150aa * Patrick McNorthen 156 Patrick McNaughton Fathers a child in 1854 Common Labourer in Fall River, Bristol Massachusette s in 1870 b. c. 1827 b. 1826 Ireland 1851 C With Rose Stewart of Ballyhome M? Fanny (b. 1842 Ire) CoI Fa: John 108 Son: John bapt 1854 Dunluce Children: John W b. 1861 Mass Mary A Elizabeth b. 1829 Ireland b.1830 Ireland m. Mary Parents Irish Dau: Ellen b. 1861 b.1831 Ireland m. Fanny (prob m. 1860) Parents Irish Son: John W b. 1861 Mass b. 1830 Ireland b. 1836 Galway bapt. 23.11.1836 Shandrum RC RI Fa: John 121h (103?) Mo: Mary Colman Sponsors Patrick and Catherine Colman 163b* Patrick McNorton Labourer on RR Grade in Los Pinos Canyon, Colorado in 1880 b. 1838 Ireland 160a* Patrick McNattin b.1839 163a Patrick McNatten b. 15.02.1839 Union Workhouse, Belfast b.24.01. 1839 Newry, Co. Down Bapt 1840 Shandrum, Co. Cork 161 Patrick McNaughton 162 Patrick McNaughton 163 Patrick McNaughton Legnamanny Of Omerbane In 1876 Bapt 17.01.1841 Glenravel Co. Antrim d. 1868 Castleblayney UHF illegit RC RI m. Ellen McKillop RC Living at Lisnamanny, Newton Cromellin in 1911 Purchased 24 acres there in 1915 for £160 Patrick b.c.1846 RI d.1886 Fa: Patrick 120a Mo: Sally McNeill Sponsor Mary Thompson Fa: Rowan Mo: Mary Ann Raddles Sp: Sarah Norris Fa: Thomas 121d Mo: Mary Donagan Sp: Robert Keating, Eliz Donagan 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 RI Children: John b. 1876 Teresa Rose Mary bapt 4th May 1879 Dunloy & Cloughmills (sponsors John and Susan McNaughton) MIC1D/71/1 Francis b. 1884 lived at Samore and m. Bridget Kelly and had son Barney 75c* 75f* 111f M’Naughton Patrick McNaughten Peter McNorton Peter McNaughtan Peter McNatten 75f? 107ad * 111ce * 111n Peter McNorton Peter M’Naughten Peter McNatten Peter McNatten Peter McNaghton Monaghan Of Scart, Firies, Kerry in 1866 Labourer in Pleasance Edinburgh in 1841 m. Catherine Brody b. Ireland 1781 b. 1781 Farms 2 acres in Drummock, Tehallen in 1832 In Manhattan, NY by 1834 b. 1800 Ireland b.1800 Farms 5 acres in Cormurphy, Monaghan, Monaghan Farmer of Cormurphy One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 RC Dau: Johanna bapt 1866 m. Margaret Children: John b. 1826 Ire Ann b. 1829 Ire Catherine b. 1833 Ire d. 1865 Monaghan 1832 Tithe Died Manhattan 13th Oct 1834 d.Sep 1878 Monaghan 1826 & 1835 Tithe 1832 Tithe An RC An 111na * Peter McNaughton/ McNattin Farmer of Northfield, Wastenaw, Michigan in 1860, 1880 & 1901 Labourer in Dunbars Close, Cannongate, Edinburgh in 1841 b.1804/1810 Ireland m. Nancy d. 1901 Michigan Emigrated 1851 Fa: Michael (Irish)99ab Mo: Catherine Hughes Son: Patrick b. Mich 1852 111n b Peter McNaughton b. 1806 Ireland 111nc Peter McNaghton Labourer then 81st Foot b.1808 Castletown, Cavan 120ae Peter McNaughton Calico printer of Bonhill, Dunbartonshir e in 1841 b. 1811 Ireland 130aa c 130aa d Peter McNaughton Peter McNaughton b. 1819 Ireland 130aa e* Peter McNattin Emigrated to US 1859 Day Labourer in Cumbernauld in 1861 Labourer of Cambusnethan , Lanarks in 1881 Farmer in Northfield, m. Margaret m. Margaret Son: John b.1816 Ireland Labourer Enlisted 12th April 1826 for Life. Transferred to the service companies 25th July 1828 WO 25/483 Sons: Peter b. 1836 Bonhill John b. 1839 b. 1820 Ireland m. Bridget Mary b.1850 Cumbernauld Peter Bridget Ellen b.1820 Ireland (c. 1804 ! see m. Ann Parents Irish 131c 113b Peter McNaughton Peter M’Naughton Peter McNaughton 113ba Peter McNaughton 113b b Peter McNorton 164ac * Peter McNorton 111r* Phineas McNorton 89 Richard Bartholomew McNaghten Washtenaw, Michigan in 1880 Scottish. A cooper in Halifax NS in 1871 above) Son: Patrick b. 1853 Michigan b. Ireland 1823 b.c.1824 Ag Lab of Cumbernauld in 1851 Labourer of Ferry Port on Craig, Fife 1871 Labourer in NY in 1870 Labourer in Willinar, Minnesota in 1870 Labourer arrived in Maine 24.12.1828 d.14 Dec 1906 Armagh Certificate not checked b. Sligo 1827 b. 1826 Ireland m. Christine With three McNaught children b. 1830 Ireland Sons: John b. 1865 NY William b. 1869 NY b. 1803 Ireland Son: John b. 1825 bapt.07.09.178 5 Coleraine Our Bartholomew was born 25th Sept 1785 (according to regimental enquiries) in BallyMoney Fa: Bartholomew Esq Mo: Charlotte Given (If he’s not my Bartholomew, then he must have died young since Charlotte Vandeleur states only 3 sons attained maturity) 105ea Richard McNaughton 121f Richard McNorton Richard McNaghten Richard M’Naughton 58c* 100a 101b Robert McNaughton Robert McNorton Robert McNaghten Esq In Saratoga, b. 1795 Ireland Milton NY in 1850 Soldier In b. 1814 Ireland Abergavenny in 1841 One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 Rev. in Kenmare, Kerry in 1824 Exchequer in 1806 & 1822 b. 05.02.1769 St James, Dublin Of Coleraine b.c.1775 and Magherabuoy Land at Magheraboy, Robert Islandflacky, McNaghten Craghtown, was Maddybanny in churchwarden Coleraine, in Aug 1803 Mageramenag and till Aug h, Carnalridge, Lansborough Lodge Fa: John 41b Will of 1838 CoI Fa: James (don’t know where this came from - perhaps the will - but book says Bart 34a) Children: Charlotte b. 1802 m. Rev Charles Moberly and had nine daughters and two sons Marianna b. 1808 m. Henry Martley QC and had 3 sons and six daughters 1805 at least except when Henry was doing it in May. 103a Robert McNaghten Esq 102 Robert McNaghten Esq Of Islandflacky & Magheraboy in Ballywillin, Derry in 1832 Of Coleraine, Derry Attorney 1st Son: Alexander 125 Lt RN 2nd Son: Henry 125a b.1817 3rd Son: Robert 125aa b.1819 Lower Ballyvelton, Ballynalube Monister (Drunroan Clegnogh Prolusk, Craigalappan)a nd a fee farm rent from Ballyboggy and Tullucapple Juror of 7th April 1820 Dunluce Court, Ballymoney Tithes 1832 Left a Will in 1838 PRO NI Will exists T/810/427 or T810/9 (427) Son: Alexander 126a Lt of Portrush Of Beardiville Robert New Row, McNaughton Esq Coleraine in 1831 Census Robert Freeholder of McNaughten Coleraine Robert Attorney of McNaghten New Row, Coleraine in 1824 Robert Mr of McNaughton Coleraine With 3 females and 2 servants Pigot CoI Communicant in 1820 & 22 114c Catherine McNaughton 102a Robert McNaghten Esq Of Ballyboggy, Dunluce and Tullycapple 101a Robert McNaghten Esq Of Dublin in 1823 Probably the same as 100a Robert McNaghten Of Dublin in 1803 Thomas Ellis conveys land in Ballyvelton (in 1803) and Ballyboylands (in 1818) to him. (But as purchaser or purchasor’s attorney? Probably the former) Robert Cary (or Craig) Hamilton McNaghten Esq Of Coleraine in 1805 Churchwarden in 1803 & 4 101b b.1789 Attorney of Dublin and Coleraine in 1813 Law Agent for the Co. Antrim of New Row, Coleraine died 31.05.1867 aged 78 CoI Tithes at Coleraine and ballybogey in 1828 and Tullycapple in 1822 b.1774 Tithes 1828 m. Mary Orr (dau of Thomas of Dublin) 1.12.1799 Bur 18.04.1838 St George, Dublin aged 64 CoI Fa: Bartholomew 34 Mo: Charlotte Given (Hence is the Robert writing letter of 1805 D3030/N/19 stating nearly related to Mr Giveans of 56th Regt who holds Edentullish in Co. Down) (Son probably: Robert b. 1819 reverend) Private in Coleraine Yeomanry Cavalry 1796 (D4164/A/24) estates of Lord and Lady Mark Kerr in 1815 Seems to act for Sir F and EA in buying land/chief rents at the sale in 1811 Of Beardiville in 1820 for son’s baptism Bought houses in Mount Pleasant Square, Dublin in 1832 Of Summerhill, Dublin in 1820 & 1822) Presumably the one granted in 1827 lands in the parish of Agherton, Coleraine Liberties: Cappah, Tullaghmurry, Conie Warren, Crossreagh,Drumslade, Garborgall, Ballygelough, Little Craigtown and Island Tasserty (Granted to Felix O’Neill in 1741) Of Mount Joy Square, Dublin in 1829 & 38 But of Coleraine in 1837 & 38 (Londonderry Sentinel deaths) Robert M’Naghten 112a Robert McNaughton Merchant made Freeman of Dublin in 1822 Rents house in Derry, Shankill/ Lurgan, Armagh in 1859 /64 Pres b? IA By Grace Especial (by recommendation or request) Gri Rents house, office and yard in William Street, Town of Lurgan, Derry, Shankhill in 1859 £8 off Robert Nicholson Son: Samuel 117b Robert McNaughten Robert M’Naughten Robert McNaghten 112aa Robert McNaughton 125aa b* R J McNaughton 125j R J McNaughton 125k Robert James McNaughton 125aa Robert McNaghten And Esq of Coleraine in 1840 Rents big house (£10)and yard in Malone Place, Shankill in 1862 Book keeper of Malone Place, Lisburn Rd, Shankill, Belfast in 1856 Book keeper in 6 James Street, Belfast in 1858 Weaver of b.c.1805 Belfast Miller in b. 1817 Ireland Bayham, E Elgin, Ontario in 1871 Farmer in b. 1816 Ireland Ontario in 1871 Justice of the Peace in 1873 Postmaster in b. 1820 Ireland Elgin Canada in 1861 Vicar of Dunluce b.1818 Co. Dublin Landlord Sarah Warnock Gri Pres b d. March 1871 Pres b d. Elgin 1873 Pres b RI Son: Samuel 117b confectioner DAA 3rd son of Robert 100a of Coleraine Daughter Henrietta d.16.11.1840 aged 1 m. Eliza C m. Sarah Warren Moore 18.12.1839 Dublin d.11.02.1849 aged 30 bur Dunluce Old Graveyard 101 Robert MacNaughten 100a or 125aa Widower of Magheraboy, Bally Willan in 1844 b. 1818 M (1) Sarah Warren Moore (she d. 17.10.1841 aged 26) with Sarah who d.17.10.1840 d.14.2.1849 at low Rock House, Portstewart Dublin Uni 1841 Col Marriage agreement D1550/161/8 mentions Alexander Reverend M(2) Elizabeth Isabella Orr 23.05.1844 Dau of Andrew of Milburn 125ab Robert McNaghten 125ac Robert McNaghten 125b RCC McNaughten Rev R McNaughten Trinity College Dublin in 1843 Vicar of Kilmeen, Kanturk, Co. Cork At Goriaculide? Witnesses: Bartholomew McNaughton 114 Andrew Orr Four daughters: i)Mary Ann Sarah b. 1845 in Dublin Co. m. Willis Barrett in London 1881 Deaconess’ widow living with Elizabeth at 9 & 11 Dyke Road, Lambeth in 1881 Death 1936 ii)Elizabeth Isabella d. unmarried in Staffordshire in 1909 iii)Charlotte m. Boyd b.1818 Fa:Robert bapt.07.04.182 0 Fa: Robert McNaghten of Beardiville Tithes 12s. 121f 125b? Rev R McNaughton Rev Mr McNaughten 125b b Robert McNaughton Robert McNaghten LaharanKilmee n, Cork in 1834 At Kilmeen near Kilcolman Just arrivedat 2 College Street, Belfast in 1850 House in Mainstreet, Antrim Town in 1859 Rents house, offices and yard £22 A sewed muslin agent in Main Street, Antrim in 1858 Robert Town McNaughton Commissioner in Antrim in 1877 Robert Mr of M’Naughten Rusinorbe Terrace, Kingstown in 1846 Robert Tailor of With Thomas Alex there too M’Naughten Church Street (Presb of Kells Ballymena in b.1826) 1846 Letter to Vankougnhnet from R. McNaughton, Ballymena, Ireland, for documents and information. re: emigration from the North of Ireland (Crown Lands Department) 1861/02/04. File. RG17-A-III-1. 125b d* Robert Draper of 249 b. 1820 MacNaughton York Street, Belfast in 1880 Widower in 1880 d. 17 June 1880 Belfast Pres Norma present at death Dau: Sophia m. John Kirk, grocer of Antrim at Randalstown 10th Sept 1869 Old Congregation Drumaul Presb Ch. Buried Antrim NSP In loving memory of Robert MacNaughton, died 17th June 1880 aged 60 years, Jeannie Andrews MacNaughton, died 12th May 1858 aged 36 years, also their children Jessie MacNaughton died 20th October 1852 aged 2 years, Alfred Black MacNaughton died 11th June 1878 aged 25 years Robert McNaughton Merchant Robert McNaughton ? of 249 Dock Street, Belfast in 1880 above wine and spirit merchant. Clerk at 34 Brougham Street, Belfast in 1877 and 243 York Street in 1880 Of Drumhaggart, Robert McNaughton Robert McNaghter m. Jessie Morrison of Londonderry at Milngavie, Barony, Lanarks, Scotland 2.06.1853 Pres Irish ancesto r 125l R McNaughton 125m * Robert McNaghten 145a Living next to brother William 131bb Robert McNaghten 145d* Robert McNauton 145b 111p Robert McNaughton Robert McNaghten Rowan/Roland McNaghten Burt, Co. Donegal in Griffiths In New Orleans in 1860 b. 1818 Ireland m. Mary Boot & Shoe maker in Wisconsin in 1870 b. 1824 Ireland m. Susanne Emigrated to US in 1844 b. 1834 Ireland In Glastonbury, Hartford, Conneticut in 1860 Worker in sewing machine factory in Bridgeport, Conneticut in 1880 In Lurgan in 1905 Merchant of 1828 and Spirit Grocer of 49 Water Street, Newry in 1832 b.c.1835 Ireland Margaret b. 1850 La William b. 1852 Richard b. 1854 Mo: Jane b. 1800 Ireland* Fa: John* m. Charlotte (b.England 1846) Parents Irish d. 18 Mar 1905 Lurgan Esq and town guardian / police commissioner 1840 aswell as m.1833 Down Certificate not checked Subscribed £2 to Newry workhouse in 1834 fined £25 in Dublin court for importing foreign tobacco & 1846 Town commissioner 1850 Spanish Consul Rowan McNaghten (of Newry) Rowan McNaughton Rowan McNaghten Rowan McNaghten Thomas farms soap and candle manufacturer, salt refiner, tobacco and snuff manufacturer and wine and spirit merchant!! Rowan b. Ireland 1844 was a driver in NYC in 1870 Rowan from GB was naturalised 28.05.1853 New Orleans One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 Freeholder at Drumnadonnall , Uppe Iveagh, Co. Down in 1824 Weaver of Seafin, Drumballyroon ey, Co. Down in 1840 Weaver of Drumgooland, Ballyward, Banbridge m. Margaret CoI RI Lease of 22nd Aug 1815 (signed at Rathfryland) from Earl Clanwilliam for 3 lives: Rowan John Thomas Son: John b. 26.04.1840 Dau: Maria m. John Weir weaver at Drumgooland C o I 4th Nov 1855 there in 1856 Roger McNaght 58a 32 32a 36f 36f 32a Roger McNaghton Co. Down Of Sir Robert McLelland’s Estate (Haberdashers’ ) at Keenaght, Londonderry in 1630 Freeholder of Drumbockinne y, Inishmaisaint, Magherabuoy, Fermanagh Samuel McNaughten Adult in 1637 Samuel McNaughton Of Dunaghy, Connor Samuel McNaghten Samuel McNaghten 1630 Muster Roll Affirmed at Enniskillen 1796 Land at Drumbocking Left a will in 1784 BUT Samuel and Hester had children in 1789 so there must be 3 Samuels in Dunaghy Of Ballyreagh? b.1734 Ballycregah, Dunaghy m. Hester Rogers (dau of Rev George) m.Hester Rogers (Hester born 3 Sep 1734 Clough. D. 19 Dead before 1787 PRO NI Given power of attorney by Robert Barr, yeoman of Mallendober (next to Ballylough & south of Bushmills) Dunaghy is where James 23 is from McNaghten, Samuel, Ballyreagh, County Antrim. Copy will. 1784. Diocese of Connor. Reference T/706 Date 1784 Eldest son of James 1st Son: James 36b of Ballyreagh Children: Rosetta b. 24.06.1768 in Ballymaugh [sic] House, , Antrim, Jun 1822 aged 87) m. William Lennox Napier 21.04.1798 d. 30.06.1836 in Belfast, Antrim, Ireland poss Hester bc.1772 m. Clotworthy Birnie in Ireland but died in Piney Creek, Carroll, Maryland 10.04.1841 (James b. 1780 m. Ann Walsh)? Dau: Katherine 31 Samuel McNaghten Esq of Ballyreagh Samuel McNaughton Linen Draper of 1730 Aboghill/ BallyMoney or BallyMena, Antrim in 1763 & 1765 Samuel McNaghten Gent Juror of Oldstone Manor Court m. Hester Rogers Rogers Pedigre e Samuel b.1789 (1775) George b.1790 But a Samuel and George signed the Partition of James’ farm in 1799 and must have been adults by then surely Children: Ann d.1856 James b.1768 who m. Ann Walsh Rose b.1768 George Samuel who m. Jno Lake Hester who m. Clotworthy Birnie a merchant of Clady and went to US Son of ? James 22? Photo of signature on phone from D2977/23/4/1 Samuel McNaghten Leet 16th Oct 1775. Then treasurer. Last signs 1783 Rent 55 acres of arable and 5 of moss at Ballyreagh and 49 plus 5 at Killyree on 1783 Map Landlord in Belfast in 1796 Samuel McNaughton Of Ballyreagh House in 1798 Samuel McNaghten’s heirs 100c* b. 1789 Born then or Ballycreagh, baptised then as a Dunaghy teenager? McNAGHTEN, GEORGE, Clarigh, Co. Antrim, gent. 3 Feb. 1808. Narrate 1 p. 8 May 1816. T2971 scan on stick John Hamilton O’Hara’s Estate The neighbouring townlands are Carnbeg, Farrancushog and Carnmore Leases 50 houses in Bridge Street, Belfast off Daniel Blow D509/957 Fa: Samuel 36f To his mother Hester McNaghten an annuity out of the lands of Killyree and Ballyreagh and that part of Ballysallagh called Evisnablagh [Evisnablay], all in Co. Antrim, for life. To Mary, Hester and Elizabeth McNaghten, daughters of his brother Samuel McNaghten, £50 apiece to be paid by his brotherin-law Mr Wm. Napier, Belfast. To his cousin Mary Major, sister of Mr Samuel Major, Tullybrisland, Co. Londonderry, £100. To Mr Thomas Major, youngest son of Mrs Sarah Major, Tullybrisland, £50. The aforementioned lands to the said Samuel Major, his particular friend, subject to the payment of said annuity and legacies. Exors. said Samuel Major and Mrs Dorotha McNaghten, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Witnesses: Josias McDowell, innholder, and Wm. Young and Jas. Murray, merchants, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Memorial witnessed by: said Wm. Casement, Henryville, Co. Antrim. Young, and Thos. 710,514,481017 Saml. Major (seal) Sworn at Henryville, Co. Antrim, 3 April 1816. William Napier, merchant of Belfast, m. 1798 Rosetta MacNaghten of Ballyreagh House, Co. Antrim: Son: NAPIER, Sir JOSEPH (1804–1882), lord chancellor of Ireland, born at Belfast on 26 Dec. 1804 It’s possible that they may be the family that moved to MullyCrunnert after 1831 (Charlotte’s) In the partition of the farm at Ballyreagh in 1799, George and his heirs were to get the use of the house and land of William Johnston’s Farm (occupied by James Carberry); and Samuel the part occupied by David Johnston. Samuel’s part included the land at Killyree Dorothey McNaghten Samuel McNaghten 103b Lt Samuel McNaghten Samuel McNaghten Samuel M’Naghten Samuel McNaghten Paying tithes in Killyrea, Dunaghy in 1825 KILLYREE is the townland next to BALLYREAGH (Of Ballyreagh) signs Dunaghy Vestry minutes 2nd April 1804 (photo on phone) MIC1/299/1 Of Belfast in 1805 Yeomanry Of Belfast in 1805 Linen/Shipping Broker in Belfast in 1811 Esq (of Ballyreagh family) Widow of William b.c.1780 or older Offers to be Preventative Surveyor of Antrim in 1805 with his 7 years in the Yeomanry Seeks employment in preventing private distillation D562/10946A Managing bookings for schooner Friends to Quebec m. Ann Lake daughter of Jno Lake Merchant of d.1857 [sic] Fa: Samuel Mo: Hester Belfast Samuel McNaghten Of Tenterdon Avenue, Liverpool in 1836 b.1775 Children: Samuel Esq of Liverpool Hester Eli..g Sarah Buried st Luke’s, Liverpool 26th Jan 1837 aged 62 Probably the father of the Samuel b.1811 Ireland who lived in West Derby _viewer/?imagego=hpL9Y5UzB4w0XsgG 3b4vbrzii59TJnMac6zzd7MezA3d5QQyfu6xedE rk8CBqBZ9x_LwuN987YbOExySa_zYkKw 5Mwop2n1iW8Ub4P4nE51v2ilqNJatP6D929yyJD 112d Samuel McNaughton Victualler of 79 Hercules street, Belfast in 1820 112e Samuel McNaughton Gamekeeper and constable of Carrickfergus Street, Belfast in 1820 Tithe of 3s.4.5d. on 6 rods in Ballynamagna, Samuel McNeighton (index card says Robert !) Samuel McNaghten Drumballyrone y, Co. Down in 1827 Book keeper M(1). Ann Logan daughter of Simon 16th Nov 1837 Liverpool 117d Samuel McNaghton Book keeper in West Derby, Lancs in 1851 b. 1811 Ireland M(2). Jane Henrietta Dunbar McNaghton in 1845 West Derby 112f* Samuel McNaghton b. 1811 Ireland m. Henrietta (b. Lancs) 117 Samuel McNaughton Commercial Clerk in Liverpool, St Martin in 1861 Of Killyree 112d? From 31 ? CoI Fa: Samuel a shipping broker (on marriage entry on ancestry) Son: Samuel b.1841 Signature of book keeper in 1837 on d=gbprs%2fchs%2f4018654%2f00446&p arentid=gbprs%2fm%2f737361028%2f1 &highlights=%22%22 Sons: Samuel b. 1841 Henry Walmsley b. 1847 Harriet Frances Walmsley b. 1852 Kirkdale, lancs Sons: Samuel b. 1841 Lancs George b. 1857 d.1865 LDS Bankrupt Estate Antrim: the Sale of 3,339 acres of the Ballymena Estate includes Lot 4 (1/4 part of Killyree conveyed to Samuel in 1799 and farmed by Mary Tofts and William Cubit) Also Jun- Jul 1864 Doc 084 Vol 073 LDS d=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244&pare ntid=ire%2flec%2f4506870%2f00244%2 f007 117a 117b 117c 112ga 9 Samuel McNaughton Samuel McNaughton Samuel McNaughton Stewart MacNaghten Stephen McNaughton Summers ? McNaughton Thomas McNaghten b. Shankhill, Belfast 1826 Confectioner of Belfast Fa: James 112f Married Mary Browne 4th Aug 1846 May Street Presb, Belfast Pres b Fa: Robert 112aa, a weaver Robert Gilmour witness Fa: John 112g Trinity College b. Antrim 1815 In Montreal in 1871 Knighted 1890 Merchant seaman c.1850 Of Ballyboggy, Lower Dunluce in 1669 b. Downe Fa: Francis b. Ireland c.1811 Hearth Tax Son of 8? (and Daniel had a hearth at Benvarden) st (The 1 Thomas) Son: 19? Thomas M’Nacton 19 Capt Thomas Macnaghten Of Konkadow, Agherdowey, Coleraine in 1663 Of Kiltemurry was at one time in Jacobite army besieging Derry in 1689 Hearth Tax Derry (Patrick has a hearth in the same Parish) RC Source: Young’s Fighters of Derry (1937). Young states his father was John (a younger son of Shane Dhu ad the John killed at Dunmull for refusing to submit to General Munro). Attained with confiscation of lands held under the Antrim Estate. (Normally this would have also meant exile to the Continent where service in the Irish brigades was the only career open.) 19 Captain Thomas McNaughton Captain Thomas McNaughton PRO NI Captain in Colonel Cormuck O’Neill’s Regiment Described in the Inquisition for his attainder as of Kiltimurry Letters of tutelage of 1718 Of King James’ Irish Army Illustrations, historical and genealogical of King James's Irish army list (1689) by John D'Alton (1855) p.648 and 650 his00dalt#page/648/mode/2up and following page Thomas McNaghten* Gent of Kiltimurry Thomas McNaghten* Gent of Antrim Thomas McNaghten* Gent of Anticur Leases 4/4 of Ateticur for 41 years for £15 5th July 1680 Leased ½ of Drumnaglave [Drumnaglea] in Grange of Dundermot, Kilconway 18 May 1682 Leased ½ of Drumnagleave [Drumnaglea] From Earl D2977/3A/5/2/1 Goes to Robert Cussack From Earl of Antrim For 26 yrs D/2977/3A/5/13/1 In possession of Robert Cussack D2977/3A/5/13/2 19a Thomas McNaghten* Gent Of Killtymurry (living in 1720) *all have same Of Antrim in signature which I 1682 have on stick Property in Kilconway and at Ateticur for £5 on 14th July 1707 Leased Anticur in Rasharkin 5 July 1680 for 41 yrs From Earl of Antrim Probably son of John 8 Mentioned in will of John of Benvarden written pre 1689 Hence possibly part of the Oldstone branch “ Of Ballyneagh”[sic], Clough D/2977/3A/5/2/2 NB. In May 1720 the whole townland is leased to Archibald McDonnell of Ballynobantry (probably a relative of the Earl.) Alexander McNaghten signs as a witness (photo on phone) Thomas McNaghten* Thomas MacNaghten Gent of Anticur on 29th Dec 1709 Leases ¾ of Gallanagh (Cloghgaldanag h/ Clogh) and has the customs of the fairs of Clogh (though not before 1709) for 31 yrs Of Gallanagh, Kilconway Gallanagh is on NE outskirt of the town (in Petty’smap of 1655) Deed solemnised at Cloghs with Francis McNaghten present (poss as Earl’s agent’s team) NB. Alexander McNaghten apothecary of Ballymoney was renting ¼ of Galldinagh (alias Clogh)and the customs of the fairs of Clough for 3 lives or 21 yrs in 1742 D2977/3A/5/10/7 (by 1807 this is being leased to someone else – Thomas Ellis D2868/G/1) Tenements of Will Andrews, Pat S Mullan, James Rice, Francis Stewart, John Stack and John Cooper Paying duties of 1 fat beast and 3 fat mutton to Stewart Estate of Ballintoy Thomas McNaughtan 24 Thomas McNaughton Thomas McNaughton c.1720 Gent in 1711 Land at Bonmargy Gent of Ruskie, Co. Down in 1747 m. Elizabeth Parks 1731 Dublin Licence (sister of Samuel of North Street, Newry) Anc. Mar licence Gent of Rouskey, Co. Tyrone in 1743 c.1720 Leasing (with Archibald McCollum) 2/4 of Bonmargy and Broughlanlea (nb. Bonmargy Priory being where tomb of the clan chief was) Son of 19? Registry%20Of%20Deeds%20Abstracts% 20Of%20Wills%20Vol%20II%20174685/pageflip.html Witnesses deed concerning house in Dungannon. Execs of William Whitsitt invoved emorial=77809 Thomas McNaghten Earl Belmore’s b.c.1763 Bur sportsman at Old Rossorry Enniskillen 1826 IR 28 December 1826 DIED: On Monday night last, Thomas McNaghten of Enniskillen aged 83. For about 50 years he has been in the employment of the earl Belmore,the greater part of which time he acted as sportsman. By reaon of age he was unable to attend to the duties of his situation for the last seven years, yet, notwithstanding Earl Belmore with that benevolence which characterises him and his whole family kindly continued his salary. Some time previous to his dissolution his lordship procured a farewell interview and to those friends who were present the scene was very interesting. 53a Thomas Of Drogheda in m. Eleanor Little McNaughten 1790 53ab Thomas Of Tralee, m. Catherine McNaghtin Kerry in 1787 121e Thomas McNaughton Farms 1 acre of arable in Knockagarrane RC CoI RI Dau: Catherine 99 b.1790 Dau: Susanna bapt Tralee 30.09.1787 Paying Tithes in 1825 Kilcolman, Kerry in 1825 53ac Thomas McNaughton Emigrated from Antrim to Baltimore c. 1815 81 Thomas McNaughton Perhaps stayed on the farm in Dunaghy/ Lisnamangog 81a? Brother of Margaret 85? and John 86 ? m. ….. Alley c.1780 Married Mary (b.1772) in 1801 (Possibly Mary McMullen in 1801) Died winter of 1850 aged 70 1851 Census but probably older with wife b.1772 Children: Rosemary Agnes b. 17.03.1818 in County Antrim. D. 29.12.1876 in Baltimore, m. Martin Rudolph in 1832 (much on Ancestry) Sarah Ann Ellen Thomas Michael Fa: probably the Francis share renting Lignamanagh (Legrane?) in 1781 D2977/3A/5/20/7 Mo: probably the widow Mary who has the farm in 1813 Living with son Francis 120 b.1808 in Dunaghy, Antrim in 1851, near (older son?) John 108 b.1798 81a Thomas McNaghten Renting property at Lisnamangog in 1815 (Barony of Glenarm – though Dunaghy is in Kilconway) PRONI Paying rent to E.A.McNaghten (really??) D 2977/3A/5/20/10 Proposing to pay £3 19s 8d for 7 acres at Lignamanog Paying tithes in Liginanagh in 1825 (as was John.) Mary McNaughten and 7 others disputing land in Legnamonagh (Legagrane) in 1813 D2977/3A/5/20/9A Mary McNaughtin is a widow in 1813 and has a son Thomas. They have the East Quarter of Legnamonagh and are to have the full proportion of land laid off from the East corner of their garden to the standing station at Crockinnaloa and from there to Skirrymain. 10th Mar 1813 D2977/3A/5/20/9A (Others are Pat Boyle, Jas Maskelly, Alex Fife, john Fife, Robert McQuillan, Robert McAlister and Hugh McAuley.) Mary McNaghten paying £7/0/0 pa for her share of Lignamonag (Folio 505) at Ballymoney office 03.12.12. (Also there are Patrick Lynn, the Fifes, Pat Boyle, Rob McQuillan, Hugh McAuley, Jas Maskelly, Rose Lynn and Catherine McAllister.)D1375/5/2/? (She’s also paying 3/15/0 at Ballymoney on 05.05.1814) As yet I can find no convincing evidence that Thomas' wife Mary was a McMullen. (Though there were McMullen's farming in Lisnamanny in 1851) I think an Ancestry member jumped to the conclusion since they found a record for a Thomas McNaughton and Mary McMullen going to the States in 1803 and having Rosie in 1811 in Ontario (or Scotland!). ( Rosie married an Irishman Neil McCoy in Perth, Lanarkshire, Ontario in 1833. ( 78a Thomas McNaughton Shoemaker in NY St Lawrence in 1850 Oswegatchie? b. 1785 Ireland m. Margaret Children: Elizabeth Birth 08 Feb 1818 in Ireland m. James C Chatterton c.1842 in America Death 16 Sep 1899 Joseph b. 1823 Vermont. Sawyer in Oswegatchie Ellen b. 1828 Canada 78c* Thomas McNaughton Thomas McNaughten Thomas McNaghtin Oswegatchie, Saint Lawrence, New York in 1850 Owes £2 for carriage in 1813 In Coleraine in 1810 b. 1788 Ireland m. Mary Evans d. 25.11.1865 Montreal Son: Thomas Galway Evans 112k b. 1809 Limerick (But his parents are meant to have died young) Defendant in Glenarm Manor Court 7th April 1813. 2/3/10 due for freight charges. Plaintiff Daniel McCormick Witnesses will of Robert Patterson of Priestland, Ballyclough, Dunluce (father of a blacksmith John Patterson.) Registry%20Of%20Deeds%20Abstracts% 20Of%20Wills%20Vol%20III%2017851832/pageflip.html Of Priestland or Ballyclough, Dunluce? 78b 105h Thomas McNaghtan Thomas M’Natten Thomas McNaughton m. Harriet Forrest at St Paul’s RC Dublin in 1816 b.1792 Pitman m. Ann Father of a Bartholomew Probably : m. Ann Hogg 27th March 1821 at Tynemouth (He a bachelor and she an illiterate widow of the parish.) Witnesses: RG Akers and James Pye RC d.15 Aug 1877 Armagh Probably died pre 1835 – if his widow Ann ‘Nafton’ remarried Andrew Johnson Certificate not viewed Angli Children: Ann b. 14th Apr 1822 Christchurch, Tynemouth, Nthd Bartholomew b. 2nd Nov 1823 Long Benton Elizabeth b. 5th March 1826 Long Benton (She was living with Bartholomew Scott, a coalminer in Tynemouth in 1841) A Thomas Bartholomew Scott was a witness at the marriage of Andrew Johnson McNaughton b. 1791 d.1875 Tynemouth (A retired Yeoman b. British Colonies in 1796 with wife Sarah was in Tynemouth in 1871) (and James in 1858; John Wm in 1863 105i Thomas McNaughton 105g Thomas McNaughton Thomas McNaughton Retired Yeoman in Tynemouth in 1871 Calico printer of Lennoxtown, Campsie in 1851 Merchant seaman of Cork in 1845 First to sea in (coalminer) and Ann Nafton (widow) at Newcastle 23rd June 1835. The Johnsons had living with them, in 1841 John b. 1821 Scotland Bartholomew b. 1826 Scotland 131db Margaret b. 1831 Scotland There was also a blacksmith called John McNaughton (b. 1805 Scotland) who lived in Wallsend, Tynemouth from 1841 to 1871, m. Sarah Jane and had Thomas b.1833 Long Benton (a boilermaker in 1881 in Wallsend) John b. 1838 Long Benton (a merchant tailor in 1881) b. 1796 British Colonies m. Sarah b. 1803 Dau: Mary b. 1831 Limerick m. William Churnside and lived in Tynemouth b. 1795 Ireland m. Ann Children: Lilian b. 1833 Campsie Margaret b. 1835 Elizabeth b. 1848 th b. 18 Jun 1799 Cushendun Servant Thompson McNaughton b. 1831 (Patrick in Cushedndun too) 111m b Thompson McNaughton 121f Thomas McNaughton 105i Thomas McNaghtin 105f Thomas McNaghten T. McNattan 105j Thomas McNaughton 105k* Thomas McNattan Thomas McNattan 105l* 1815 Calico Printer in Campsie, Stirlingshire in 1861 Emigrated to Kingston, Canada ? Witness to marriage in St Mary’s Pro Cathedral Dublin, 1824 Of Glaunagilla, Killorglin, Kerry One of the 160,000 respectful persons signing Lord Viscount Morpeth’s testimonial in 1841 Witness to a marriage in Dublin St Andrews in 1818 Of Briton Court, Dublin Of 37 Granby Row, Dublin b. 1800 Ireland b. Ireland Brother of Thomas 105g b. 1795 ? m. Catherine Kelly RC Dau: Catherine b. 1821 Ireland m. Michael McCormick Kingston, Frontenac 12.06.1844 (Richard Murphy and Mary Gannon’s) m. Margaret Gallavan RC Son: John bapt 26.01.1834 Ann bapt 23.05.1829 And probably a Gerald too (Stephan Wheelan and Joan Jennings) m. Mary RC m. Ellen RC Son: George b.1826 St Mary’s Dublin 1826 Son: James 122b Thomas George McNaghten Thomas M’Naughten 112k Thomas McNaughton (and sister Margaret) m. Ellen Vintner of 30 Great Britain street, Dublin in 1824 In Carleton Co. b. 1809 Ontario in 1850 Limerick Thomas McNaughton Thomas McNaughton Co. Limerick gent? 121b Thomas McNaughton Waiter in Albany NY in 1880 b.1811 Ireland 121bc * Thomas McNorton b. 1810 Ireland 121ba Thomas B McNaughton Tailor in Bowling Green, Warren, Kentucky Seafarer then Tailor in 1830s 121a Private in 41st infantry under his son m. Mary Ann Switzer 16th Nov 1830 Adare, Limerick CoI b. ? Went to NYC in 1824 RC b. 11th March 1811 Cork native of Edinburgh m. Mary Jane Sefton in Aghalee, Antrim in 1839 m. Sarah (b.1830) (probably Sarah F Creighton according to Ancestry Tree) m. Sarah (b.1816) m. Caroline Greer in Salem, Tenessee in 1837 (second of four wives) m. Katie Prior Son: William George b. 8 Jul 1827 Westland row, Dublin Father: Thomas b. 1788 Parents died when they were young (though Pat Pope states father died 1865 Montreal) and their surname changed to Evans. Went to Ontario Son: George - a gentleman who m. Fanny Daly in limerick in 1857 FHL 824282 item 3 Parents Irish In New York in 1870, 1881 d. 1909 or 1894 at Bowling Green, Kentucky Father Scottish and died c. 1815 Mother Irish Ran away to America but brother in NY later Story on Ancestry Son: Thomas Benton 158aa b. 1839 Captain in 41st Infantry and killed at Dover 14th Feb 1862 (d.1869) 121b b Thomas McNaughton In Baltimore, Maryland in 1860 121c Thomas McNaughton In Newry, Co. Down in 1835 b.1812 Ireland m. Mary (wife in 1860) m. Sarah Finn RC RI Son: John Patrick b. 1853-1932 Big story on Ancestry re developing Miami and Oaklahoma Elizabeth b. 1838 Ireland Mary Thomas b. 1853 Maryland Franklin Alexander Dau: Catherine 150 b.1835 The McNaughtons had an estate at Kercassock in Co. Down in 1774 Thomas McNaghten Rowan was a weaver there in 1858 McNaghten & Dalzell Thomas M’Naghten Farmer of Drumgooland, Ballyward, Banbridge, Co. Down in 1855 Tallow chandlers, tabacconists and Spirit Dealers of North Street, Newry, Co. Down in 1824 Smith (?) of Thomastown, John McNaghten was a publican in Rathfryland (7 miles NE of Newry) in 1824 Daughters: Isabella m. James Rowan, labourer at Drumgooland C of I 22nd Oct 1855 CoI Elizabeth m. James Kerr 23rd Apr 1856 Pigot Probably not a smith but the Destroyed tools of Daniel Harvey’s forge (Courtcase at Athlone) Thomas M’Naghton Esq Thomas McNaghten Esq 121d 130aa in 1866 Magistrate (!) of Thomastown Park, Athlone in 1870 Holds 58 acres at Thornhill, Moore and Drum, Roscommon in 1828 Thomas McNaughten Of Drumgose, Tynan, Armagh in 1864 Thomas McNaughton In Shandrum, Co. Cork in 1840 Thomas Mcnaughton Nr Tracton Abbey, Cork in 1842 Thomas McNaughton Nr Tracton Abbey, Cork in 1844 Drummer Scots Fusilleer Thomas McNaughton landlord! Gri b.1821 St Mary’s, Dublin m. Mary Donagan RC RI Owen Donigan paying thithes on 17 acres in Newtown, Shandrum in 1830 m. Anne Fanny RC Irish Geneal ogy m. Fanny Barry RC IG Note there is a: Pedigree of O'Naghten of Thomastown, Co. Roscommon, c.1600 -- 1788. Dublin: National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office: Ms.165, pp.400-3 Note there is a: Pedigree of O'Naghten of Athlone and Thomastown with descent from O'Kelly of Killahan all in Co. Roscommon and of Gort, c.1600 -- 1788. Dublin: National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office: Ms.95, p.75 Rents 8 acres plus house and office off Hugh Harris Ellen McNaughten rents 6 acres next door Fa: Patrick 66a? Son:Patrick 162 Sons: John bapt 8 Feb 1842 Thomas ditto (Sp James Barry, Joannah Thatcher) Son: John bapt 29 Apr 1844 (Sp James Ahren, Mary Shea) Serving in 1851 Guards 130ab * Thomas McNorton 132a Thomas McNaghten 132f* 132b 132ba * Thomas McNaughton Thomas McNaughten Thomas McNaughton Thomas McNaughton 132e* Thomas McNaughton 132c Thomas William McNaghten/Mc Naughten Horseshoer in Baltimore, Maryland in 1870 Merchant seaman c. 1850 Seaman in Everton, Lancs in 1881 NYC in 1870 Church Pastor in Brooklyn, NY in 1870 Tailor of Killy Park, Kells, Connor in 1846 b. 1820 Ireland m. Ann (b.1819) Bapt 15.12.1826 Kerry b. Dublin RC Sons: Thomas b. 1851 Maryland Frank b. 1856 Alexander b. 1859 Fa: Gerald 105d Brother: Ben b. 1841 m. Ann b.1825 Ireland b. 1826 Ireland b. 1826 m. Elizabeth Johnson at St Paul’s RC Dublin in 1850 m. Mary Nicholson (farmer William’s daughter of Bellaghy) 18.07. 1846 at Wellington or 3rd Ballymena Presb church Is she the Mary renting in Henry Street, Ballymena in RC Pres b Fa: Joseph (a labourer) 111mb Witnesses: James Kennedy and Robert P F ? McNaughton Coleraine Chronicle A Sarah McNaughton married George Kennedy of Appletee and had a child baptised in West Church Presb, Ballymena in Oct 1855 Griffiths? Affair with Mary O’Neill in 1844 Thomas McNaughten Of Broughshane St, Ballymena in 1845 Thomas M’Naughten Tailor of Church street, Ballymena in 1846 Coalhead pitman in Galston, Ayreshire in 1901 Labourer in Watervliet, Albany NY in 1850 Gardener in West troy, Albany NY in 1860 With Robert Carpenter in San Francisco in 1880 Farmer and then US soldier b. 1828 Ireland Parents Irish b.1830 Down Vagrant in St Vigeans, Arbroath in b. 1836 Ireland Enlisted 2nd Infantry at Buffalo 20th Oct 1854. Deserted 1st April 1855 Dau: Bridget b. 1867 Dundee 132d Thomas McNaughton 132e* Thomas McNorton 132f* Thomas McNorton 138d Thomas McNaughton 138c Thomas McNaughton 154c Thomas McNaughton CoI Illegitimate dau: Rose bapt 23rd July 1845 b.1827 Ireland m. Elizabeth (wife in 1901) b. 1825 Ireland m. Ann Dau: Margaret b. 1849 NY b. 1827 Ireland m. Ann Children: Joseph b. 1852 Thomas John b. 1858 Ireland m. Mary Anne 154d* Thomas McNorton 158 Thomas McNaughton/ McNatton Thomas McNaughton 158aa * 158a Thomas Benton McNaughton Thomas McNaughton 1881 In Olmsted, Minnesota in 1875 Of Lignamonagh, Glenravel, Ballymena Farmer of Rosedenate, Dunaghy b. 1835 Ireland Parents: Irish Bapt 4th June 1837 at Glenravel as Mcnatton RC b.c. 1835 Buried at Cloughs 12.07.1915 Aged 80 b. 1839 Ireland Emigrated 1861 Naturalised 1870 NYC A Driver in NYC home for aged in 1915 b. c.1840 Ireland 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 Mo: Esther Higgins Sponsors Patrick Hamill & Margaret McCallan Probably the one who was accused (with others including Francis) of assaulting John Wylie at Lignamonagh in 1857. Wylie died. Living with brother Patrick at Lisnamanny in 1911 RELIGION??? Fa: Thomas B b. 1811 m. Ann (living at 823 10th Avenue, NYC) Fa: Frank, a farmer Mo: Mellis McQuire ? Daughters: Ann Loretta Mallon 31864_24391801145/180483?backurl=http%3a%2f%2f 158b Thomas McNaughton Day labourer in Manhattan in 1905 b. 1840 Ireland m. Ann s Dau: Loretta b. 1879 Ireland Anna b.1881 US Thomas F b.1883 US 853 10th Avenue ew%2bYork%252c%2bUSA%26msrpn%3d1652382%26msrpn_PInfo%3d6%257c0%257c1652393%257c0%257c2%257c3244%257c35%257c1652382%257c0%257c0%257c0%257c%26msrpn_x%3dXO%26msrpn__ftp_x%3d1%26msydy%3 d1915%26msypn__ftp%3dNew%2bYork%2bCity%2b(All%2bBoroughs)%252c%2bNew%2bYork%252c%2bUSA%26msypn%3d1652382%26msypn_PInfo%3d6%257c0%257c1652393%257c0%257c2%257c3244%257c35%257c1652382%257c0%257c0%257c0%257c%26cpxt%3d1%26uidh%3de53%26msbdp%3d2%26msyd p%3d2%26cp%3d0%26pcat%3d35%26h%3d6161944%26db%3dGeneral-7364%26indiv%3d1%26ml_rpos%3d3&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnRecord Thomas Day labourer in b. 1841 Ireland m. Annie b. 1847 Children: McNaughton Manhattan in Ireland Frank b. 1866 NY 1880 Marnie b. 1869 NY Jaqui b.1871 NY Loretta b. 1877 Ireland Annie b. 1879 NY 158c* Thomas Driver in Poor b. 1840 Ireland m. Anne Gaffney RC Fa: Francis (possibly 120) th McNorton house in NY in (living at 723 10 Mo: Theresa Higgins 1917 Ave, NYC) Emigrated Son: 1861 Thomas in 12th Regiment Naturalised NYC 1866 31864_24397800719/33253?backurl=http%3a%2f%2fs s 158d* Susan McNaughton/ McNorton Emigrated 1882 Lived in Manhattan, NY Thomas McNaghten 20 William McNaughton Went to PA America b. Aug 1861 m. McEnermy d. April 1937 Fa: Francis Mo: Theresa Higgins Chaley town posted on Ancestry in 2004 b.10.09.1843 Farrantoreen, Kerry b. 1700 Fa: James Mo: Margaret Son of Alexander 15? Or 20a? John MacNaughton from Strathclyde, Scotland, had a son, Alexander (1684) who left Scotland for Ireland. His son, William was born (1700) there, then came to the Americas, PA, met and married a woman there and proceeded to populate the south as they moved down thru the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, found all the goodly land taken, then came on down into the NC foothills. Ann Jenkins on 41a William McNaghten Gent of Ballyreagh Treasurer of Oldstone Manor Court leet 1773. b. Ballyreagh, Dunaghy 12th Feb 1744 Daughter of Alexander Major Esq of Creggan Stops signing by Oct 1779 (signature on phone ) D2977/23/4/1 23b William Of Dunaghy m. Dorothy Major 12th Jun 1772 Death 31 Mar 1779 in Culleybackey Pres b of Culle ybac key ? Fa: James 23aa Dau: Ann d. unmarried Dau: Rose (heiress) b. 1776 m. John Dickey (Presbyterian) who owned the Linen mill in Low Park, Culleybackey .d.1829 A Rose M’Naghton of Ballyreagh left a will in 1780 (who was she?) Kathy Duncombe had old family tree with dates of his birth and marriage 4/person/1878702057 Signed Hearts McNaghten of Steel Memorial March 17th 1772 Oldstone Manor Court Leet Book D2977/23/4/1 William McNaghten Gent of Ballyreagh heads the jurors in 1773 and becomes treasurer. (Samuel joins in 1775 – older brother?) William not signing in Oct 1779 March 17, 1772, Page 2 Whereas we the subscribers hereto Inhabitants of the Parish of Dunachy, in the Barony of Kilconway and County of Antrim, having the utmost detestation and abhorrence of the late and present unlawful and audacious rising of disorderly and infatuated persons, in this and several other parts of this county, to the terror of his majesty's peaceable and loyal subjects, the destruction of property and danger of life; and believing the most effectual means to suppress and quell the same, is by an association of well-affected people. Now, we therefore solemnly promise, and mutually pledge our faith to one another, that in every case, where any one may be attacked within the said parish, by such disorderly persons, in the manner they have lately practiced; we will, as afar as in our power lies, assemble ourselves, and at the risque and hazard of our lives, repel force by force, for the preservation of their and our lives and establishing of good order, and bringing delinquents to justice. Dated this 6th day of March 1772 William McNaghten (1744 - 1779) son of James McNaghten Daughter Rose McNaghten (1776 - 1829) Adam McNaghten Dickey # 3 (1814 - 1880) son of Rose McNaghten William Craufuird McNaghten Dickey, Surgeon Dentist (1853 - 1924) son of Adam McNaghten Dickey # 3 William Craufuird McNaghten Dickey, Doctor (1883 - 1960) son of William Craufuird McNaghten Dickey, Surgeon Dentist MYRNA Rosamond McNaghten DICKEY . (1910 - 2002) daughter of William Craufuird McNaghten Dickey, Doctor Carolyn Rosamond Gibson (replied on Ancestry & Genes) 41 William Of Ferryquay Col Fa:? McNaughton Street, Coleraine His Child was buried 08.08.1771 at Coleraine 48a William McNaughton Soldier in US Light Dragoons b. 1756 Ireland 53b William McNaughton Emigrated to Quebec c. 1816 b. 1762 Cork m. Bridget Cannon d.1832 St Sylvestre Quebec William McNaghten Esq b.1766 Antrim ? m. Dorothy Major b.(or d.?!) 1849 d. 1854 Culleybackey OR IS HE THE SON OF Dorothy Major and William b.c. 1740? is she the Dorothy McNaghten paying tithes in Killyree, Dunaghy in 1824? Can’t trust any of this but death in Culleybackey interesting 53c* 68cd* William McNeighton Shankhill in 1802 m.Jane William McNaughton William McNorton Emigrated to Quebec Shoemaker in Grundy, m. Catherine Lambert b. 1772 Ireland RC Anc. F. T anetwo rk Grandson of Alex 15? Son of William 20? Enlisted 1st US Infantry 23rd Nov 1805 Enlisted 28th Oct 1812 Newport, Ky Discharged 30th Nov 1816 Fa: John (? According to computeruse’s family tree on Ancestry) Children (all emigrated c. 1816): John Mary Michael Winefred William 78a b. 1780 Helen b. 1800 Ireland m. William Haven 06.02.1826 St Nicolas, Levis County, Quebec Fa: John Mo: Jane Bennett Clarice Edwards Son: William bapt 23rd June 1809 St Anne’s Shankhill Son: Cornelius Duson b. 1819 Point Louis Quebec Missouri in 1850 78a William McNaughton 78b William McNaughton Farmer ? in Georgia in 1850 b. 1782 Ireland 78c* William McNaughton Farmer of Drumadonald, Derryorland (?) Ballyward, Banbridge Farmer of Drumadonald, (Drumgooland, Ballyward ?) b.1786 William McNaghten 105 112ia b.1780 William Hay McNaughton m. Catherine Murphy 20.02.1827 Quebec m. Catherine Of Rathmines, Dublin in 1835 William Mcnaghten William McNaghten William M’Naghten Of Tralee? Son: Charles 1829-1887 Son: James b. 1846 Ga Dau: Isabella m. Thomas Bell farmer of same at Drumgooland C of I Ballyward 28 Jun 1850 Killed in Afghanistan 24.12.1841 m. Maria Fitzpatrick Son of Sir Francis 57 RC Prob RC m. Mary Clinch Barrister in Dublin in 1814, Fa: William 53b d. Banbridge, Armagh 28th Nov 1864 24.08.1793 William McNaughton d. Quebec 1857 No issue? Dau: Elizabeth bapt 12.07.1835 Rathmines, Dublin Sponsor of Catherine McNaghten and Edmund O’Kelly’s son in Tralee in 1828 Son: Patrick bapt 1823 Balbriggan, Dublin Admitted to the Bar 1813 1824 & 1829 Of Artiferral ? 121 i William McNaughton 107aa * William McNaughten Farmer of Ballymena William McNaughten Rents 10 acres off Cromellin at Skerryravill in 1840 for £3 110e* 110f* William McNatten William McNatten William McNatten McNaghten in 1818 William McNatten McNaghten m. Hannah Moore of Craigatempin, Kilraughts at 1st BallyMoney Presbyterian church 23.11.1832 b.c.1811 Can’t sign DAA Issue: Betty 144a 1833 Craigatempin William b.1836 Kilgrammer Matilda b.1851 Artiferal Mary b. 1854 Artiferal Dau: Eliza b. 1827 m. John Clarke, ferment dealer, at 3rd Presby Church Ballymena in 1848 and had Mary b. 21.12.1857 and baptised 7.02.1858 West Church Presb (Hugh McNeight rents 29 acres in Skerry at same time) b.1811 Freeholder of house and land at Drumgore 1818 and Drumgoose, Armagh in 1826 Freeholder of 11 acres in Annamore in 1819 Pres d.1871 Monaghan d. 1865 Monaghan Landlord NG Johnstone (as with Patrick McNatten) Landlord Nicholas A Cope Esq of Drumilly, Armagh Reverse of lease 1st Apr 1819 States farm later divided into 3. One part to widow McNaghten. Expired 30th April 1857. William McNaughton name Pays tithes on 12 acres at Anaghmore in 1830 Tithe of 11s. 8d. for 8 acres of 2nd quality land and 4 acres of 3rd quality (think there was 5th quality possible) John paid 1s. 7.5d. tithe on 1 acre at Anasaniry in the same parish William McNaughton 129b William McNaughton 112c William McNaughton Wiliam MacNaughton William Of Annaghmore, Loughgall, Armagh in 1864 Of Annaghmore, Loughgall, In 1859 Gri (Note: James McNaghten had same property in lease of 14th Dec 1826 from Mrs Cope) Rents house and 2 acres £3 Owns a weaving factory in Shankhill in 1859 Merchant (relation to the Rev?) Confectioner of Landlord Anna G Cope With Robert Reed, owns a weaving factory in Bedford Street, Cromac Ward, Shankill in 1859 £180 m. Joanna Herner Pres RI CoI RI Son: William S McNaughton Linen Merchant of College Park m. Ann S Magee in 1886 and has a Linen business on College Green, Belfast in 1902 Son: MacNaghten William McNaughten 112h 112ha 112i 129ca 129cb 129cc * William McNaughton William McNaughton William McNaughton William McNaughtan William McNaughton William McNaughton William MacNaughton 129cb William McNaughton 129ea William McNaughton 5 Alexander St West, Shankill in 1856 Of Moate, Kilmanaghan, Westmeath in Griffiths 90th Foot Labourer in St Louis in 1880 John bapt 10.12.1856 St Anne’s Shankill Enlisted Lamark, Glasgow 23rd Jan 1832 b.1811 Jersey b.1812 Ireland Clockmaker of Main street, Barony, Lanarkshire Of Layde area b. c. 1816 Ireland Emigrated to US in 1858 Montclair, New Jersey in 1910 In NY in 1860 b. Dec 1815 Ireland In Essex, New Jersey in 1901 Arrived 1858 Shoemaker in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1880 Shoestore In Hoboken, Hudson, New b. 1817 Ireland Parents irish m. m. Peggy Black 10.10.1838 b. 1815 Ireland m. Mary 1841 Scottish Census Son: James b.1837 Dau: Elizabeth b. 1839 RC Fa: Scottish Mo: English Emigrated 1860 Son: John b. May 1855 Ireland Son: William b. 1851 Ireland John b. 1853 Ireland Parents: irish Son: John b. 1853 Ireland, bank clerk b. 1813 Ireland m. Mary Parents b. Ireland b. 1818 Ireland m. Mary Son: John b. 1854 Ireland Son: William b.1851 Ireland John b. 1853 Ireland 129d William McNaughton Jersey in 1870 Carter of Falkirk in 1851 William M’Naughton 129e William McNaughton 129eb William Sherra * MacNaughton 130f William McNaughton 131 131a 131b Bootmaker in New York, then US soldier in 1863 Keeper of the Forrest Exchange in York, Canada in 1861 William McNaughton William McNaghtan Merchant of Trinidad William McNaghton Emigrated to NY in 1845 b. 1818 Ireland m. Mary Leckie 17.06.1840 Falkirk d. 23.10.1869 Falkirk b.1819 (probably 1835!) b. 1819 Ireland d.1896 Dungannon b.1820 d.29th Dec 1892 Belfast b. 1822 Ireland Children: Janet b. 1842 Falkirk Matthew b. 1844 Lilias James Mary Certificate not viewed m. Bridget b. 24.05.1823 Coleraine Col m. Agnes Blair 11.08.1851 b. Ireland 1823 Pres ? Fa: James 99b of 25th Foot Mo: Elizabeth Knight Married by Rev. John McNaghtan of Belfast (who was born c. 1808)(and perhaps William’s father) Sons: John bapt 13th Aug 1855 Rosemary Street Presbytery, Mountpleasant, Belfast Robert Blair Nov 1857 (Wilmot Terrace) Fa: John Mo:Jane 131ba William McNaughton 135a W McNaughtin 131b b* William McNaghten Living next to Robert 135c William McNaughton 135b William McNaghten In Illinois in 1868 Shoemaker in b. 1823 Ireland Milwaukee in 1860 Shoemaker of b. 1826 Ireland Milwaukie then US soldier in 1863 Boot & b. 1825 Ireland Shoemaker in Wisconsin in 1870 Works in shoeshop in Stafford, Kansas in 1880 Wisconsin in 1870 Bootmaker in Wichita Kansas in 1880 b.1823 Ireland b.1823 Ireland m. Lucy Jane b. 1856 Wisconsin Lattie John m. Jane (b. 1838 Ohio) Mo: Jane b. 1800 Ireland Children: Jenny b. 1857 Wisconsin John William Sanford Letitia Samuel Children: John b. 1860 Wisconsin Willie Sanford Lutitia Samuel Robert B Fa: irish m. Jane Son: John C b.1860 Wisconsin 135aa William J McNaughton Weaver of Glasgow College in 1851 b.1827 Ireland Son of David 112n (b.1809) and Mary 137b William McNaughtin Weaver then soldier b.1829 Moira Co. Down Enlisted in 89th Foot 10th Jan 1846 154aa William McNaughton 137ca * William MacNaughton 137cc * William Henry MacNaghten William H McNaughton 137c* William McNaughton Snr Charlotte’s family: Trav Agent in Minneappolis in 1895 in Cheltenham in 18?1 b. 1832 Ireland b. 1833 Ireland Son of E b. 1791 b. 1833 Has stables at Fethard, Tipperary with lease expiring 1879 Farmer of Mullycrunnert, Dungannon, Tyrone (& Shankill in 1862?) b. 1835 Dunaghmore, Dunnanon, Tyrone d. Callan 1915 m. Eleanor Watt 20.06.1856 Donaghmore, Tyrone d. 12.05.1896 Donaghmore Tyrone CoI Left a will choverder@gma Apparently the family were not in Mullycrunnert in 1831, so perhaps they are the ones from Ballycregah. James 1859 had a son Samuel b.1878 In 1901, Samuel’s family was as follows (the whole family moved to the states in 1909): McNaughton McNaughton Samuel 23 Cathrine Male 20 Head of Family Congregationalist Female Wife Congregationalist Fa: James b. 1792 (see 36a & 88) Mo: Mary Barkley Children: James 1859 - 1936 William 1861 - 1942 Robert Ross 1866 - 1909 Margaret 1868 - 1932 George Gordon Samuel Albert Joseph McNaughton Joseph 21 Male Brother Congregationalist McNaughton John 17 Male Brother Congregationalist McNaughton Anne 70 Female Aunt Congregationalist (great aunt) 154a William b.1836 McNaughton Kilgrammer 154ac William In NYC in 1870 b. 1836 Ireland m. Catherine McNaughton Famine boat in 1851 to NYC 154ad William Hired hand b. 1836 Ireland McNaughton farm labourer in Kortright, Delaware in 1905 William Emigrated McNaghten 1843 159a 159b 159c William McNaughton William McNaughton William McNaughton 159d* William McNaughten Labourer then Soldier Shoemaker then labourer in Dalry, Ayrshire 1851-1871 Railway labourer of Stevenston in 1871 In Glasgow St John in 1851 only Shipwright in Stranton, b.1839 Dublin, Dublin b.c. 1838 Ireland b.c. 1838 Ireland b. 1839 Ireland Pres Fa: William 121i Mother: Margaret (or her daughter Becky, a widow) Brother or uncle: Joseph a farmer in Ireland Enlisted in 60th Rifles 30th Aug 1858 at Curragh Fa: James 115b Fa: David, a soldier & Margaret m. Elizabeth Children: William b. 1865 West Hartlepool Durham in 1881 William McNaughton Walter McNaughton Manager of Springfield Bleaching Co. ltd in 1890 Linen merchant of Fitzroy Terrace in 1890 In Geneva, Ontario NY in 1880 Dungannon, Tyrone 148f* Wineford H McNattin 88 Alice McNaughton 60 Ann McNaughton 80 Ann M’Naghtan 104 Ann Mary McNaghten Of Port Ballintrea, Connor 128 Ann MacNaughten Of Dalkey, Dublin Thomas Catherine, Margaret, Lucy, Edward b. 1835 Ireland 17.05.1785 He a clerk of Killeloe, Co.Clare RI m. Rev’d.William Fitzwilliam Miller 05.04.1790 St Marie, Dublin m.Daniel Egin 1806 Anc. ML Anc. Left a Will in 1852 30.11.1818 Kingstown, Dublin Fa: James 36a Mo: Eleanor McGourke Sponsor (1) Patrick Sponsor (2) Sarah Murphy See 137c & d PRONI RC RI Fa: James 99d (soldier?) Mo: Betty Sponsors: Daniel Garry, Molly Curtis 112 Ann McNaghten 129 Ann McNaughten Ann Jane McNaughton 149 Nancy McNaughton St Anne’s Shankhill, (Belfast?) 02.04.1802 RI Married 1839 Antrim Of Legnamanny Inmate of Ballymoney Workhouse in 1891 55 Catherine McNaughton 99 Catherine McNaughten Drogheda, Co. Louth Catherine McNaughton Witness to marriage in Ballymoney C o I in Dec 1826 bapt. 11.01.1835 Glenravel (Skerry) Co. Antrim b.1851 Sister of 126 Fa: John Mo: Margaret RI RC m.McNaughton RI RC m. Edward Flower 1782 1790 RC Fa: Francis 120 Mo: Esther Higgins Sponsor (1) Patrick McQuillan Sponsor (2) Rose Higgins Daughters: Minnie b.1875 millworker Annie b. 1876 millworker MIC15F/23 Anc. ML RI Fa: Thomas 53a Mo: Eleanor Little Marriage of Archibald McEllery and Margaret McCambridge 146 Catherine McNaughton c.1834 RC 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 150 Catherine McNaughton b.1835 Co. Down RC RI 132 Charlotte Jane McNaughton Charlotte b.1826 Fa: Thomas 121c Mo: Sarah Flinn Sp: James and Mary Quinn Fa: Charles Charles 112e? m. Charles Darcus, servant of Coldagh m. Rev Charles d. 1880 DAA 36e* M’Naghten Deborrah McNorton 48 Elizabeth McNaughton 90 Elizabeth McNaughten Antrim 111llll Mrs Eliza McNaughton Owns big house near Portaloise, Offaly 58 Eliza Jane McNaughty Betty McNaughton 144a 43a Maberly 1825 Of New Row, St James, Dublin in 1752 Died 12.03.1752 St James m. John Brady 1775 b.c.1786 Ancestr y Died 1836 aged 50 RI Owns house, office, yard and garden in Main Street, Mountrath, Clonenagh & Clonagheen, Nr Portaloise £10 Burried 1814 Roscommon b.1833 Craigatimpin Fa: William 121i Nelly McNaughtan Innispollen? m. Charles Stewart Frances (nee McNaughton) Widow of Dublin City. Land at Kirkasoke & Greyorlough, Knocknagor*, Cowes*, Lisnafissy*, Kernan* and Ballyvarly m. Captain Thomas Worsop Lawrence HM Foot 1740 RC Will of 1768 requests burial at Waringstown Dau: Maggy bapt 1st Sept 1834 Culfeightrin (Sponsors: Daniel McCambridge and Mary McNaughton) Niece of Edmund McNaughton Sister of Grace *Lands at Tullylish (See 10a) 144b Frances Helen MacNaughton 133 Grace McNaughton 138? 138 133? 152 165 Grace McNaughton Hessy McNaghten Hetty McNaughton Hessy (Esther?) McNaughton Jane McNaghten The one from the 1851 C ? (138) b. Nov 1834 Bur Dunluce bapt.19.07.182 6 Glenravel, Skerry,Antrim b.c.1829 Prob died 1853 RC RI No parents given, but Father John 108 1851 C Fa: John 108 RI Fa: James 111o Mo: Sarah 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 m. Sam Gatchell Dec 1793 Of Thomas Street b.03.01.1836 Portadown, Co. Armagh b. c. 1843 Met hodi st RC has a house at Knocknakeerag h, Ballyrashane in Griffiths) Landlord Nathaniel Robinson (Henry has a son James b.1824 labourer of Knockenkerragh, Ballyrashane in 1858) Jane McNaughtan Communicant in Dunboe Presbyterian Church in 1833 (North of Coleraine) Jane McNaughtan Of Lisnakelly (nr Buncrana?) Is candidate for Ballykelly* MIC1P/412 As was John in 1834 Ellen in 1845 Martha and Mary a in 1846 None were seatholders in 1853 but Jean received 6d as parish poor 28th May 1848 MIC1P/208/A Jane McNaghten 47 Judith McNaughton 112b Jessie McNaughton Presbyterians in 1849 (*between Coleraine and Londonderry) Of Ballymena in 1850 b.c 1832? Mary Anne McNaughton McNaghten CoI Dau: Anne bapt 24.12.1851 (illegit) Son: Samuel b. 17 Jan 1855 Owns a house in Shankhill in 1859 Owns a house and yard in Moffet Street, Dock Ward, Shankhill in 1859 £4 Mary McNaghten 144 m. Samuel Douglas a glazier of Church St m. George Dawson 1774 m. Isaac Reed 04.01.1749 St Andrew’s Dublin Widow of Church House, Longford Terrace, Kingstown b.1776 Irish g .ie 1854 Will (Mcnaughton ) CoI Anc. Bur (McNaghten) St George’s, Dublin age 78 79 Mary M’Naghtan Mary McNaughtin m.Peter Pagus 1805 Admitted Ballycastle Workhouse in 1860 and from Ballycastle b.1793 m. McNaughtin Anc. Pres b Sickness. Clean MIC15F/23 Mary Ann McNaghten 124 Mary Ann McNaghten 143 Mary McNaughton Of Galgarm Parks, Ballymena in 1852 and servant of Teeshan in 1854 Of Dunluce b.1833 Lisnamanny Bapt 20.10.1833 Glenravel (Skerry) Antrim Licence to m. Henry Martley 1833 Mary McNaughten Mary McNaughton b.c.1834 153 Mary McNaughton 154 Mary McNaughton Mary McNaughton b.07.02.1836 Shandrum, Co. Cork b. c.1835 155 170 169 Mary McNaughton Matilda McNaughton b. Aug 1836 Portaloise, Co. Laois b.1854 Artiferal b. 1851 Artiferal Will of 1852 Fa: Francis 120 Mo: Esther Higgins m. John Williamson of Woodtown, Kirkinriola area 147 In Ballymena Workhouse 15th Dec 1852 to 17th Jan 1853 aged 19 And 9th Feb 1854 to 27th Mar very ragged and with bastard son Daniel aged 6 months RC Eliza McNaughton owns a small house at Mountrah in 1859 RC Son: Daniel bapt 1853 Kirkinriola (Sp Margaret McNaghten) 1851 C Fa: John 108 RC RI Fa: Edmund 121g Mo: Joan MsAuliffe RC 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 RI Fa: William Mo: Mary Fitzpatrick Fa: William 121i Fa: William 121i Margaret or Peggy McNaghtan Of Coleraine . Living at Ballyrashane in 1811 and (ie. our Margaret Ballybogey in wasn’t the only 1815 one in the area) 130d Margaret Ann McNaghten Of Coleraine 145 Margaret McNaughton Legnamanny 157 Margaret McNaughton Margaret McNaughton 168 160 b.c.1790 bapt. 28.09.1834 Glenravel Skerry) Co. Antrim b.c.1836 Margaret McNaughton 159 Rose M’Naghton Rose Son: John Donaghy b. 25th Nov 1807 Coleraine Son: Hugh b. June 1811 Son: George b. 13th April 1815 CoI Emigrated to Quebec on the Isabella 1850 Born 22.09.1850 Bapt 01.06.1851 b. 1844 Marjorie McNaughton m. Hugh Donaghy, a labourer RC Married James Scolly 13.02.1866 at Bally Money m. James Seally Ballyreagh RI Fa: John 108 Mo: Anne Carey Sponsors Daniel Carey and Grace McKendry 1851 C Fa: John Col Fa: Francis McNaughton, weaver of Ballywindland & Ruth (134?) BM Fa: James 122 RC Dau: Susanna McNaughten Seally bapt 25th Jan 1879 Balintoy (Sponsors James McNaughtenand Margaret McNaughten) Of Loughguile Will of 1780 Bapt. RC 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 McNaughton Rose McNaughten Sally McNaughten 38 Sarah McNaghten Susanna McNaughton 166 107ab * 107ac * 119a Susan McNaughton Susan / Susannah McNaughten ? McNorton McNaughton McNaghten 19.12.1836 or 38 Glenravel (Skerry) Antrim Rents house and garden at Drumaquill, Killowen, Londonderry Of Kingsgaten, Coleraine in 1809 Of Armagh Mo: Esther Higgins Sponsors James and Mary Higgins Gri b.c. 1790 m. John Laurence, labourer of Magilligan Left a will in 1775 Of Waterside, Coleraine in 1809 m. John McMunn, weaver b.c.1845 Of Carlow? Soldier(?) in Athlone in Dec 1826 Master of the Danube in 1842 CoI m. Hugh McLarnon of Killygarne, Portglenone m. Doran Son: William Laurence b. 16.06.1809 Coleraine PRO NI CoI RC RC RC Landlord Philip Steen Who is she? No McNaghtens in Armagh census of 1770 Dau: Susanna b. Aug 1809 Coleraine 1851 C Fa: Francis 120 Son: James b.08.01.1876 Dau: mary b.22.11.1879 MIC1D/71/1 Dau: Ann b. Purtrition, Rathivilly, Carlow 18th Feb 1822 Entry in Parish register From Donegal to New Brunswick Widow McNaughton Mrs McNaghton Mrs McNaughten Widow McNaghen Of Bannside, Coleraine Paying no rent but 17s 1d. for moss rent at Craigawarran on William Adams Esq’s Ballymena Estate 1810 Rents 2 acres for 5s.9d in Brocklamont, Ahogill in 1825 Tithes d.30.01.1772 CoI D929/HA12/F3/4 but not in 1833 tithes list nor 1836 map of Adair Estate T1333/2 (Craigywarren, Ballymena BT43) FIN/5A/10 Whether she is the mother of James the Presbyterian Stonemason of Ahoghill? Buried 15th Nov 1789