May 2015 - the International School of Stavanger
May 2015 - the International School of Stavanger
Published by ISS as a Community Newsletter 27 May 2015 - Volume XXXVII - No 6 2014/15 The Informer The Class of 2015 eyes their future From the Director: It seems as though I was just welcoming you to the new school year in August, and here we are already preparing the final Informer of the school year. During the final weeks of the school year, there are always a wonderful variety of events for our families to enjoy. Please feel free take part and enjoy every aspect of these last weeks—whether it is out on the fields at one of the Field Days, or inside at one of the upcoming assemblies, you are very welcome. We also annually extend a very warm welcome to anyone who wishes to attend our Baccalaureate, (Wednesday, June 10 at 18:00), and Graduation, (Thursday, June 11, at 19:30 at ISS). We invite you to enjoy every day that is a part of your child’s school life here at ISS. One of the very special events that marks the end of each school year is the Graduation ceremony for the members of our senior class and their families. As always, all members of our school community are warmly invited to join and again this year we have an outstanding guest speaker. This June we are honored to have one of our own high school graduates, Mr. Mark Bezos. As all members of our school community know, service to others/ service learning is an essential part of the ISS ethos. Mark Bezos has devoted both his professional and his personal life to serving others. His day job is working at the Robin Hood Foundation, a poverty fighting charity in New York City. And in his personal life, he is the captain of the volunteer fire department in Scarsdale, New York. Wish to know more about this remarkable gentleman? Then take a look at his Ted Talk: “A Life Lesson from a Volunteer Firefighter” lesson_from_a_volunteer_firefighter?language=en” It has been my responsibility and my absolute pleasure to choose and invite the commencement speaker each year and Mark Bezos will be an outstanding speaker for our ISS seniors to hear on their last night before becoming alumni themselves. As always, all members of the school community are invited and following the graduation ceremony, a marvelous reception will take place in our cafeteria. Welcome! And as our annual thank you back to the Parent Association, once again the administration has invited the old and new Parent Association Boards to breakfast. In a school that prospers throughout the year by countless acts of generous volunteering by a huge number of parents, how best can the administration thank each individual? We like to turn the tables and serve the parents, instead of us always watching the reverse in action. This breakfast is a symbolic way for us to extend our appreciation 2 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 to each of these individuals and, in a wider sense, to all the parents in the school who give of their time throughout the school year. Thank you from all of us here at ISS. On a practical note, are you aware that if your child is leaving the school—either moving or graduating-we are happy to refund any unused funds from your school lunch account. To do this, our business office must have your bank account number. Our assumption is that anyone who is returning to ISS in August does not have a problem in leaving unused funds in their lunch account where they can again access them in August with the new year starting up. If our assumption is incorrect and you would like the money refunded now in June, that is fine— just communicate that information to our Finance Manager, Linn Åsheim, and give her a bank account number where the funds can be transferred. Any questions? Just check with either Linn Åsheim or Anne Brit Winters and they will be able to help you. This is also the issue of the Informer where we pay tribute to our ISS employees who will be ending their employment with the school in June. The foundation of the institution is based on the skill of the people who work with your children on a daily basis. We are privileged to bring people to work at the school from a range of backgrounds and geographical origins. When they leave us, they leave an indelible, positive impression on the school and we thank them for sharing their time and their talents with us. While it has already been mentioned in several venues that Len and I will be retiring from the school in June, there are two other long-serving and dedicated ISS employees who will “graduate” in June as well. Randi Westlye, our long-time Norwegian language teacher will retire after a wonderful career in teaching. She has taught at ISS since 1996 and has worked with all age groups during the time she has been on our faculty. We wish her all the best for a long and happy life and we are grateful for her service to the school and students. The second lady that I would like to honor is Inger Grindheim. Did you know that there are only three people who have worked every year at the Revheim campus since it was opened in 1982? Our dear friend and colleague Inger Grindheim, actually has worked at the Revheim campus even longer than Len and I! That is because she was one of those who came in to get the construction remnants cleaned up before the faculty started moving in back in 1982. Inger has been coming to work to keep the classrooms and corridors spotless ever since, always with a smile on her face and huge patience with the rest of us. It is the ending of an era as we bid a fond farewell and wish a very happy retirement to our beloved Inger Grindheim. Time to brush up on your French language skills! ISS is very pleased to be opening a new French Maternelle/pre-school section in August for French mother tongue three, four and five year old students. Outstanding cooperation and collaboration between the Stavanger French School, Total E & P and ISS has led to this new and exciting element to the Early Childhood section of our school. The pedagogical leader for the Maternelle section will be our own Ms. Caroline Dorne, who is presently teaching in the English language pre-school, but has long and excellent experience in teaching in Maternelle programs in France before moving to Norway and ISS several years ago. If readers of the Informer know of additional French-speaking families in the community who might find this information useful, please encourage them to contact Sarah Osborne at and she can assist them in enrolling their children. Merci! We are here for the students..... Congratulations to Ms. Freya Newberry, who was recently elected by our employees to become the new employee representative on the ISS Board of Trustees. She will officially join the Board in August. We also congratulate Mr. Gareth Jones who will also join the Board in August when he moves into the role of Director. We additionally thank the following individuals who leave the Board in June after devoting their time and talents to making ISS a better place for the students: Mr. Dominic Genetti, Mr. Are Manneråk and Mr. Hans Christian Næss. Thank you and best wishes to all three of you. And to each of the members of our school community who may be reading this and are planning a move to a different school and a different land, go with our best wishes and our request that you keep in touch with us here at ISS. Whether your stay was a long or a short one, you have enriched our school community and your touch will have an impact on this school forever. Come back to visit in a few months, a few years, or a few decades. We love to have former students drop by with their families to ”show where Mum or Dad” went to school. Stavanger is a town that seems to have a permanent hold on all those who spend time here and you will always be welcome back for a visit! Despite the sometimes dire predictions in the media about the current downturn in the oil industry, the ISS Admissions Office is very busy handling applications for new students. Some are transferring to us from other schools in the area and many are new expatriate families taking up job assignments in Stavanger. We, of course, will be saying good-bye to a number of families, but Ms. Sarah Osborne, our Admissions Officer, has already completed the paperwork to admit more new students in August than we are losing in June. The fact that it is still only May means that we can expect to hear from quite a few more newcomers .. and w are here for each other. THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 3 during the summer, including several new companies that are setting up in the Stavanger Region. The ISS office will be open all summer--drop by! Many think that once school is over for the year that we lock the doors and don’t open them again until August. In actual fact, the school is a busy place throughout the summer. Many “behind the scenes” activities preparing the school for August take place. A literal mountain of new supplies is processed during the summer. And one of the most important things that we do is welcome new families and give them tours of the school. The school will be open from 08:30 to 14:30 every Monday through Friday. You are welcome to come by with new families. We have received information on many, many new families who will be joining the school and we are always delighted to help them become more familiar with their new surroundings. A final few words. . . In 1976, I wrote my first piece for the Informer. In fact, it was in the very first edition of the Informer, which was produced as a community service by a class I was teaching in the high school. In those days, communicating information to the school stakeholders was a very different process than all the tools we have today. And the name, the “Informer”. . . it was suggested by a student, of course. Over the years, the publication has been one of the enduring features of the school edited so beautifully by the incomparable Liv Nærland Høie. And so while it is fun to write that I was there for the creation of the Informer, it is infinitely more satisfying to be able to write that it is even more fun to know the publication will carry on far beyond my tenure at the school. I look forward to continuing to read it for many years to come so I can keep up on all the great things happening at ISS from our home in Tananger. It is not my intent to try to name everyone to whom I am grateful to in this wonderful forty-year opportunity I have had to serve the school community here in Stavanger. That would be too long of a list and would almost certainly leave out someone by mistake. So I will just write that it has been my pleasure and honor to work alongside my remarkable colleagues over the past four decades at the school. Serving our engaging, inquisitive and caring students and our tremendously supportive parents has been first and foremost on our collective agenda as school employees. The real strength of the school always has been and always will be directly connected to the skills of the legion of gifted teachers and wonderful support staff that make up the backbone of the school. 4 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 The most creative thing I have done over the years is to have the opportunity to select the adults who work with the students—I know I can count on them to always put the students’ best interests first. The school has enjoyed great success by being closely tied and attentive to the cooperation it has with the local government and the companies and NATO nations that entrust us with the education and well-being of the students. But I will take a few sentences to publicly thank the Board Chairs that I have worked with over the years since I was named Director in 1996: Greg Lewin, Bob Marlin, Keith Conrad, Janet Peppers, David Horensky, Tor Minsaas and Åshild Hanne Larsen. The educational research clearly states that the most important relationship in an independent school is between the Board Chair and the Head. If that relationship works well, the school will flourish—if it is flawed, the students in the classrooms will no longer be the beneficiaries of a functional, smoothly operating routine that creates a successful learning environment. The ISS Board of Trustees made a splendid decision in naming Gareth Jones to be my successor and we have worked hard to see that the transition from one to the other goes seamlessly. I have full confidence that Gareth will be treated with the same high level of respect by the Board that I have enjoyed over the years. The ISS Board’s Code of Conduct has as its first priority to take every decision with a child-focus first. Our students deserve no less Finally saving the best for last, I will repeat the same sentence that I used to dedicate my doctoral dissertation, that my career “is dedicated to my family for their wisdom, patience and encouragement.” And just like every good Norwegian fairy tale ends. . . ”Snipp, snapp, snute, så var eventyret ute.” With love and thanks to all in the incredible ISS community, Dr. Linda Duevel Director ps Go Vikings! From the Deputy Director Dear All, In each of my informer articles over the course of this academic year I have tried to provide an insight into the link between our guiding statements and both our strategic and operational planning. In my previous articles I have further described what our core values and objectives (Learning, Well-being and Community) mean to us and how they are evidenced and nurtured at ISS. In my last edition of the Informer I turned to the first of our supporting objectives, that of Infrastructure and Resources and in this last Informer article I will turn to the last of our supporting objectives, that of Governance and Leadership. Again, as with each of the values and objectives, there is a board committee and a school strategic and operational planning process structured around these supporting objectives. In the area of Governance and Leadership the following objective was articulated to guide our work: Governance & Leadership: Maintain effective governance and leadership to ensure optimal operation of the school The committee has the following key areas of responsibility and focus: 1. Maintain and update vision, mission and guiding statements as required. 2. Establish & maintain a set of overall Key Performance Indicators (KPI´s) constituting an ISS governance dashboard. 3. Ensure high quality board governance processes such as Board selection, induction of new members, committee structure, goals and objectives, alignment and development as well as Board evaluation. 4. Perform an annual performance and compensation evaluation of the Director. 5. Ensure compliance with relevant school legislation requirements. 6. Custodian of overall ISS risk picture. 7. Serve as immediate response team in cases where the full Board cannot be engaged Having approved the review of our updated guiding statements the school governance and leadership committee moved to establish a set of KPI´s that have now been in place for nearly two years. Over the course of this year the dashboard has been further developed as the committee has sought to include annual perception survey data within the governance dashboard. In May of this academic year we sent out our first annual family perception survey based on our guiding statements. The survey was established to gather families’ perception in regard to how well families believe ISS is meeting its Mission and Vision. More specifically to what extent families believe we are meeting our core and supporting values. I would like to thank those of you who completed the survey that was sent out this spring providing valuable feedback for our review. As we process this data we will include key indicators in our governance dashboard. I hope to share the feedback in greater detail with you at the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year in one of our Informer articles and our second annual report. As we review and update our strategic and operations plans we will use this feedback to inform our planning with the aim of continued school development and improvement. As we draw to the close of the academic year I would like to thank our students and employees for all their efforts over the course of the academic year and parents your their support. This combination and collaboration really makes ISS a special place to come to work on a day to day basis. For those families and employees who are leaving ISS at the end of this year we hope that you have enjoyed and benefited from your time here at ISS and are able to take a part of your rich experience with you and share it with those you encounter in whichever part of the world you find yourself It would also be remiss of me not to make a special mention of three long serving employees. Inger Grindheim has been a valuable member of our cleaning crew since 1982 ensuring the general school environment is one that is conducive to and promotes learning. Additionally I would like to pay tribute to Len and Linda Duevel who will be leaving ISS after 42 and 40 years of loyal service. ISS would not be the place it is today without their commitment and loyalty to the school. We have a number of events planned at the end of the year to recognize their service to ISS and we wish them all the very best as they enter the next stage of their lives. And finally and importantly congratulations to the Class of 2015! We wish you well in your future endeavors. With kind regards Gareth Gareth L Jones (B.Ed Hons, MBA) Deputy Director International School of Stavanger THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 5 News from the IBDP/IGCSE Coordinator International Baccalaureate students at ISS excel again As you may have already seen in the news, ISS students again were extremely successful in the annual ‘Unge forskere’ (Young Researchers) competition. A very important part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is the Extended Essay: a personal research project within one of the IB subjects. Students must decide on a topic area to investigate, plan their research and carry it out, and finally write a 4000-word fully referenced academic paper. Each year the judges of this prestigious national competition praise our students’ work, and stress how important it is for our future that our young people are excited by research, and have the creativity and critical thinking skills necessary to complete such a major academic project while still at school. You can read more about the individual projects below and at In the Science and Technology class, Magnus Freya won a second prize with his project “Investigation into water level, volumetric flow rate and economical aspects and their effect on the optimum capacity of a hydropower plant on the Nkusi River in Uganda”. He has also been invited to attend the massive Intel/ISEF science fair in the USA next year! Anna Townsend’s project: “Investigating Changes in Beach Morphology on the Coast of Rogaland, Stavanger” was also awarded a second prize and she was invited to attend the International Wildlife Research week in Switzerland this summer. Benedetta de Luigi wrote on the topic “How are irrigation practices influencing soil salinity and crop production?” and was awarded a third prize. There were two winners in the Arts and Humanities class, who have both been invited to attend further events as part of their prize. Second prize winner, Nick Eden, with his essay entitled “How culpable was Sir Douglas Haig for the outcome of the first day of the Battles of the Somme?” will be attending the London International Youth Science Forum. Blanca Yáñez Serrano impressed the judges with her analysis of the question “How far were the conditions of female prisons in Spain a result of Franco’s political aims or the ideological influence by the Catholic Church in 1940-50?” and she was awarded the first prize in this class. She has also been given the opportunity to participate in the EU Contest for Young Scientists 6 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 in Milan. All five national finalists from ISS also received substantial cash prizes and had a great time at the final in Oslo in April! As I write this article, I am in the midst of the many IB written examinations, and it can sometimes be difficult to remember just what the students have achieved by participating in a whole range of activities outside the traditional school subjects. The IB Diploma at ISS also stretches our students through other aspects of the programme. In addition to studying six subjects, all IB Diploma students take a course which encourages them to actively examine the nature of knowledge and critically analyse real-life situations from different perspectives, always asking themselves the deceptively simple question “how do we know that?” Students are assessed in Theory of Knowledge (ToK) through a formal essay, and a group oral presentation. Through their CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) IB students at ISS have touched the lives of people both in the local community and in far distant countries. Our students continue to support children in Thailand (through the School for Life project) and are making a vast difference to the lives of schoolchildren in Stephane’s village (through the Cameroon Service Project). Shocked by the devastation of the recent earthquake in Nepal, the International Red Cross Group quickly organized a cash collection around the school to provide much-needed emergency help. Our students continue to be key volunteers at the local Fretex shop, putting environmental and social awareness into practice, and the Girl Effect Group raises our awareness of the continued inequality between men and women around the world. And here in school, IB students are a fantastic resource helping younger students in the arts, in sports and in their academic studies. I would like to congratulate all our graduates as they don their caps and gowns for the final celebration of 13 years of schooling, and wish them every success in their future endeavours. I look forward to the release of the IBDP results on 6th July and hearing the final decisions that these young people make about their university studies. News from the IBDP/IGCSE Coordinator And, of course, we are always happy to get news of our latest alumni – whether through the wonders of electronic communications or a personal visit! Liciatur? Benedetta Magnus Best wishes to all – have a relaxing and peaceful summer. Lynn Park IBDP/IGCSE Coordinator Blanca Nick Anna Winning smiles THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 7 The Counselors’ Corner CONGRATULATIONS to our Graduating Class of 2015! Our ISS graduates have grand plans to continue their studies at universities, folkehøgskoler, and in the world of work! To date our graduates have received offers from the following colleges/universities*: Anglia Ruskin University Arts University of Bournemouth Bath Spa University BI Norwegian School of Management Boston University Buckinghamshire New University Central St. Martins City College New York City College Portsmouth Dalhousie University Falmouth College of Art Florida Southern University Florida State University Georgia Technical Institute Georgia Perimeter College ? Glasgow Caledonian University Hereford College of Art Heriot Watt University Highbury College Illinois Institute of Technology Jagellionian University Keele University Kings College London Lethbridge University London School of Economics MacEwan University Manchester Metropolitan University McGill University Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norwegian School of Economics and Business Oxford Brookes University Plymouth College of Art Plymouth University Purdue University Queen Mary University of London Queen’s University Regent’s University London Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute Richmond, the American International U. Robert Gordon University Royal Holloway University of London SOAS University of London Southampton Solent University Trent University University of Aberdeen University of Abertay 8 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 University of Alberta University of Bath University of Bournemouth University of Bristol University of British Columbia University of Calgary University of Cambridge University of Cardiff University Centre Farnborough University College London University College Utrecht University of Colorado (Boulder) University of Coventry University of the Creative Arts University of Durham University of Dundee University of East Anglia University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Florida University of Georgia University of Glasgow University of Gloucester University of Kent University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Liverpool University of Loughborough University of Maastricht University of Manchester University of Michigan University of Newcastle University of Northampton University of Northumbria University of Oslo University of Ottowa University of Portsmouth University of St. Andrews University of Sheffield University of South Florida University of Southampton University of Stavanger University of Stirling University of Strathclyde University of Surrey University of Sussex The Counselors’ Corner University of Toronto University of Tromsø University of Waterloo University of the West of Scotland University of Winchester University of Wolverhampton University of Worcester * Many offers from universities in Norway and other countries in Europe are not confirmed until after the IB results come out in July. We are all extremely proud of our graduates and are confident that they will continue to exceed expectations as they pursue their various postsecondary endeavors. To the Class of 2016, your time is just around the corner! Come August, you will revisit your High Five goals and we hope that you will feel prepared to apply to university or to follow your post high school plan. Don’t forget that our ISS University Handbook is now available from the Counselling Office if you need more information. Definitely relax this summer, but be sure to also make time to plan for next year. This is the LAST SUMMER of your high school career! Make the most of your time so that you will enter your senior year recharged and ready. UNIVERSIT Y VISITS through the summer. Call or email ahead to let them know you are coming. Whatever country you are in it is worth visiting a campus or two to get a feel for what university life will be like. NOTICE TO ALL 11th grade students planning to apply to Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry or veterinary science in the UK It is important to determine whether you need to take the BMAT or UKCAT or other admissions tests. Information can be found at http://www. bmat and Please make sure to check for deadlines and exam locations. Reference materials on preparing for these exams are available in the library. Applications for these courses are due in the Counselling Office by September 15th 2015, so it is important that you are checking the application requirements and working on your personal statements, if you plan to apply. NOTICE TO ALL 10th, 11th and 12th grade students planning to apply to colleges/ universitues in the U.S. or CANADA The standardized tests PSAT/ACT/SAT will be offered at ISS on the following dates during the 20152016 school year: Recommended year levels for students to take the tests are indicated next to each test and its date. Test PSAT (Gr. 10, 11) Date Oct. 28, 2015 ACT PLUS (Gr. 11, 12) Sept. 12, 2015 April 9, 2016 If you are travelling this summer visit a university campus. Most universities welcome prospective students who want to learn more about their programmes: Open Days are currently scheduled for many UK universities. You can go to for specific university Open Day dates. Also consider a UK University Guided Tour go to to view arrangements. SAT Reas/Subj (Gr. 11, 12) Nov. 7, 2015 Dec. 5, 2015 May 7, 2016 If you are going to the USA most universities will have two or three tours and information sessions daily To register online for an ACT exam that will be given here at ISS go to (SAT Reasoning and SAT Subject tests cannot be taken on the same date) To register for the PSAT sign up in August on the clipboard outside of the Counseling Office. THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 9 The Counselors’ Corner To register online for an SAT exam that will be offered here at ISS go to bulletin board or ask in the Counseling Office for more information. PSAT - 11th graders take this exam as practice for the SAT as well as to be eligible for merit-based scholarships. 10th graders who also intend to take the SAT or ACT exam the following year should consider taking this preliminary exam for practice. This exam is only offered in October during the school year. INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATESUMMER RE VISION COURSES 2015 and SUMMER UNIVERSIT Y TOURS, or SAT Reasoning and SAT Subject Tests - For current 11th grade students check the requirements of the universities you are considering applying to. If your desired university requires both the SAT and the SAT Subject Tests please be aware that you can only take the SAT OR SAT Subject Tests on a given day, therefore, plan accordingly and if you need both exams you will need to schedule two different test dates. Be sure to check the specific requirements if your university requires the SAT Subject Tests (they usually require 2-3 SAT Subject Tests) and know that THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE SAT TESTS ARE ONLY OFFERED IN NOVEMBER. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES: Ada, Aga, Anna (x3), Annabel, Anne, Arnor, Ben (x3)and Ben -Aloysius, Benedetta, Bjørnar, Blanca, Celina, Cindy, Dagmara, Dalila, Daniel, David, Duncan, Emily, Federica, Felix, Gabriel, Gokce, Guillaume, Ingrid, Irina, Izabela, Javier, Janieke, Katharine, Kennedy, Lina, Lotte, Louisa, Magnus, Mahnoor, Massimo, Michal, Michael, Miles, Minnah, Nicholas, Nick, Noah, Øystein, Peter (x2), Rakel, Rebecka, Rebekka, Ruymand, Sara, Satrab, Sergey, Shreesha, Sofia, Sven, Sylvia, Taylor, Vegard, Wouter ACT PLUS WRITING TEST - For current grade 11 students, check the requirements of the universities you are applying to. Many universities are now accepting the ACT Plus in lieu of the SAT subject tests. It is most helpful to become familiar with the format and content of these exams so please carefully review our Testing booklet in Naviance and use the study books that are available in the ISS Library and Counseling Office. To our Grade 8 students Welcome to Grade 9 and the realm of HIGH SCHOOL! We look forward to getting to know all of you next year. Remember that even though we are in the same building, high school is a whole new educational experience. Middle school laid the foundation for your transition, but now as you step into this next phase of schooling, remember that GRADE 9 COUNTS! We will talk more about this theme in the fall…stay tuned… Our warmest wishes and congratulations to you all. And as the school year ends, we would like to congratulate all of our high school students on a great year. We wish you continued success as you work towards your goals. Your teachers and parents also deserve a tremendous thank you. The quality teaching and parental support you receive is reflected in your success. SUMMER STUDY PROGRAMS Mrs. Brown Ms. Jetabut We have received a wide variety of brochures and information from summer study programs in Europe, the U.K. and the U.S.A. Please check the college Cheryl Brown High School Counselor June Jetabut High School Counselor 10 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Have a great summer holiday! Properly dressed for a Consitution Day! THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 11 High School NEWS 17th MAY The 17th of May is always a day of fun, for everybody. People dress up and take part in parades and such. This year was no different, town was buzzing and everyone was ready to get going in the parade. The weather was much better than everyone expected, with sunshine and not much rain. Everyone was smartly dressed, either in the traditional Norwegian ’bunader’ or nice dresses or suits. Nobody was dressed down. Many people from school turned up and everyone was excited. I started asking questions and getting peoples’ opinion in the 17th of May and many people generally enjoy the day. I began asking some friends, who would be walking in the parade representing High School. The question was ”What is your favourite thing about the 17th of May”. They do not want to be named, but a few said they enjoy spending time with family and that it is a fun tradition others simply said they enjoy it because there is no school and that its only a half day. I also asked a 4th grader what her favourite thing was and she answered, ”the parade”. I went on to ask band students if they enjoy playing the band, in the parade. A few answered yes because 12 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 they think it’s a good way to celebrate the day and it’s good to have music but many agreed that they don’t enjoy having to learn the music by heart and it’s not fun playing when the weather is bad. Luckily, we had a good outcome this year. The teachers were next to be interviewed. I asked teachers who are not from Norway ”Since you are not from Norway, what do you think of the celebrations for the 17th of May?”. ”I prefer the national day over here, much more than in Belgium. In Belgium and many other countries it’s just a military parade, but over here normal people are in the parade. Everybody’s in their national outfits and have their Norwegian flags, I think it is a better atmosphere” said Mr. DeBleser who teaches 7th grade, in Middle School. ”I love seeing how proud all of the Norwegians are, that’s my favourite thing. Everyone’s so beautiful and so proud and happy to be celebrating today” Said Mr. Williams who teaches 2nd grade, in Primary School. Many people said they enjoy the atmosphere of the day and how social everybody is. It is a good day to go out and have fun and be social because everyone is excited and the town is busy and everybody is just out in full force. High School NEWS Interview Here is an interview with Dr. Duevel about the 17th May and her view on things. She describes the day and the events and personal experiences associated with the day. 1. For how many years have you participated in the 17th of May parades? This is the 40th year I’ve worked in the school, but I have missed two parades, so this year will be my 38th. One time I missed was when we were on a study tour for a year and the other one I missed was when my doctor told me I was too pregnant to march! 2. How would you describe the 17th of May in a few words? It’s the best day of the year! I love it, because its a day full of so many things. You know, we start out early, everybody’s up and going early. The ‘barnetog’ is fantastic. Then after that there’s the ‘russetog’, and then the ‘ folketog’. In the meantime, our family goes to the International Festival, which is held at the new concert house 3. What is your fondest memory from the 17th of May? That’s hard to say… When we do the route through Storhaug, I’m always at the front of our group and we go up a hill. One of the things that I love doing is we always turn around from the top of the hill and take a picture down, because the ISS delegation takes up the whole area and it’s the only time that I actually see all of our group, because we’re so big and spread out and it’s always a fantastic view to see. 4. Where were you before you came to Stavanger? I taught for two years in England and I also taught for two years in the US before moving to Norway in 1975. 5. Were there events such as the 17th of May? Not during the school year, I mean I think the seventeenth of May is really special to Norway. I’ve been to events in the UK such as the Queen’s Birthday and that’s wonderful and I’ve been to 4th of July things in the US but Norway does it better by including everybody. It’s a great and wonderful celebration for the whole country, you know in all the small towns everybody’s doing the same thing at ten in the morning, everybody’s watching the barnetog. It’s so unifying and everybody is dressed up in their national clothing. 17th May 2015 Pippa Attrill THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 13 High School NEWS Interview with Mr. Bakke “...but the main thing that got me interested was my grandfather. He was a starter at the meets, so he was the one with the starter’s gun starting the races. He did that for a really long time... he was the starter at the North Dakota State High School track meet for 60 years.” Mr. Bakke is very well known here at ISS. Not just for being a teacher, but also for being an Athletic Director and a great head coach for Track and Field. In late March, I got the chance to sit down with Mr. Bakke and ask him a few questions about his time here at ISS. This is how it went. To start with, tell us a little about yourself? I’m from North Dakota in the US and I grew up in a town called Grand Forks. Now, I’m obviously at ISS and I´m the Athletic Director and I also teach P.E. and Health in various levels in Middle and High School. 14 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 1. What about Track and Field interested you so much? Was it a certain event or was it the sport in general? Well, I think I kind of got interested in Track and Field at a pretty young age...but the main thing that got me interested was my grandfather. He was a starter at the meets, so he was the one with the starter’s gun starting the races. He did that for a really long time... he was the starter at the North Dakota State High School Track meet for 60 years, so he was always interested in Track and through that I kind of got interested and my older brother was in Track and Field as well. 2. How was your experience as a track coach here in Stavanger compared to your previous destinations? Previously I was in Colorado and I was actually coaching at university level so that´s obviously with a little bit older students and at a little bit different level. But while in Colorado I also did coach with some younger kids as well for a local club...but when it comes down to it I mean coaching is really coaching anywhere, so there were a lot of similarities as well just because of the nature of the sport and coaching. High School NEWS 3. The weather in North Dakota is a lot colder than here, why does that appeal to you, being an athletics coach? Well I have always done a lot of things outdoors and I´m used to a little more snow and not quite used to so much rain as we get here, but I think you can find a sport or activity that suits any season or any type of weather, and when you can do that it can be really fun. As long as you’re having fun, the weather doesn’t really matter. 4. What was your most memorable experience in Stavanger so far with Track and Field? I think I’ d probably say last year during the NECIS trip. We took more students than we’ve ever taken before, We took 35 students and we had 5 coaches. We had great weather so that of course helped, but really just all the athletes, all the students, everyone behaved well, everyone performed really well and it was just a really fun time. I couldn’t of asked for a better group, everything just seemed to go extremely well and everyone had a good time. 5. Would you rather be a track coach, or be the actual athlete? Why or why not? I think I do prefer the coaching aspect and that´s mainly because I was an okay athlete but really wasn’t that good I would say, so I think I´m a better coach than I was an athlete and I have enjoyed that part of it. 6. What do you hope to bring to your next track team you coach? I think the main thing that I´m trying to do is to get people to realize that its so much more than just an individual sport. Of course there are individual aspects but there is a lot of teamwork and a team aspect to it that really can be enjoyable and really get people to enjoy running and jumping and to hope they have fun and don’t just see it as exercise or punishment, but they see it as something fun to do. 7. Are you hoping to stay in North Dakota? Or are you still looking at using your coaching abilities in other schools around the world? To be honest I’m not really sure, I just had a chance to get back and closer to family and friends so I kind of had to follow my instincts there, but I don’t know, we’ ll really just have to see how it goes.. I don’t really know where the road will take me. Noah DuBois THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 15 High School NEWS 16 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 High School NEWS THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 17 High School NEWS 18 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 High School NEWS Author: Kaia Kjos (Grade 9) THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 19 High School NEWS D.E.A.R. Day By Stephanie Unger Events purpose The day is supposed to spread awareness to other schools around the world and to help the child population get more interested into reading at an early age. Interview with the student Third grade student: What did you do on D.E.A.R. day? Well, we read a lot and we decorated the door so it looked like the story King Midas and the Golden Touch. Do we really drop everything and read? Did everyone in your class read different books? ”Drop everything and read day” is celebrated for the whole month of April and its purpose is to persuade people of all ages to make reading a new priority in their lives. The specific day of April 10th is to be highlighted in schools, libraries and book stores. All you need to do is find a book and start reading. Our school’s theme this year was mystery. Schools around the world can pick different themes. No, different classes did different books. We all worked on the doors to make it. (They decorated their doors to fit the book that they were currently reading in English class) Reading portion of the day!! Did your class go to the library to do activities? I have observed that on this day primary school teachers read books to the children and in addition to that they have a visit to the library for more activities related to reading books. The activities were run by Mr. Jordheim who set up stations relating to mysteries. Yes. Character dress up I only got one because I did not know that you could get prizes for this. To show school spirit a handful of teachers dressed up as fictional book characters. This is the table that was set up in the library. The primary school students had to guess certain mysteries to collect more stickers in the contest. 20 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 What was the idea of the contest? I guess to see who was the best at describing stories and remembering what happens. Did you win any stickers for completing the activity? (The students would have stations at tables to have a contest to see which students can win the most stickers by solving the mysteries.) Mr. Jordheim, our primary school librarian, said that they could get a sticker for each activity and mystery found in a book letting them be rewarded with a sticker. Each table would have different difficulty levels. By the end they could see how good of a detective they were by seeing how many stickers they’ve collected. High School NEWS THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 21 Drama at ISS Sandy Landis I’ve been teaching at the International School of Stavanger for the last 13 years and continue to direct productions at both the middle and high school levels each year. I am also an amateur writer and have now written eight plays for our high school. Productions almost exclusively for the annual musical, so they emerge as, essentially, specialized ensembles including cast, instrumentalists, set-building, art and design, publicity, backstage/properties, and tech. Toward the end of the process, we add a front of house crew and a high-school-led makeup crew. Our participation level for these projects tends to be about 80% of students and staff in the middle school, which makes it a true team collaboration. At ISS, we attempt to link our extracurricular offerings with our curricular program whenever possible. So, when it comes to dramatic productions, we approach this endeavor in a way that may differ a bit from other schools. We have four major productions a year, two at the primary level, one in the middle school and one in the high school. In each school division, we attempt to find those links that will enhance students’ learning in the classroom or that will help students grow as performers and as people. We feel that drama can provide a window into history, other ways of being, and other ways of thinking, so the selections we make are driven by our desire to use performance as a type of excursion. Our primary drama team tends to choose texts written for primary children which always focus on a current event or on an issue that is relevant for children of that age group. Last spring, for example, our primary school produced Go for Goal, a children’s musical inspired by the World Cup, an event dominating the news at the time of production. This year, they produced Shakespeare Rocks, a musical exploring the life and plays of William Shakespeare. This production provided a foundational experience to prepare students for a Shakespeare festival that we will be hosting school-wide this spring. Both texts are available from Musicline and have flexible casting and minimal production demands. The rehearsal period for these performances is approximately ten weeks, with two to three meetings a week. Our goal for these productions is to get kids thinking and talking and provide them with opportunities to express themselves and learn in the process. Our annual middle school musical is a co-curricular program which we offer through our exploratory program (weekly ungraded classes offering exploration of a skill or topic in which our teachers have expertise). Our students meet during the school day once a week for one quarter (approximately eight meetings) and outside of school three times a week for the same period. During quarter 3, we run exploratories 22 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 In terms of shows, we tend to choose for this project crowd-pleasing, family-friendly musicals. We have just completed Camp Rock: The Musical (Josef W Weinberger), which is high-energy and good fun for this age group. In 2014 and 2013, we tried junior versions of Beauty and the Beast and Seussical respectively (also available from Josef W Weinberger), both of which were quite a good fit for our middle schoolers. The draw-back of the junior versions, however, is that they require pre-recorded musical accompaniment, rather than providing orchestration, and we prefer to use live music and student instrumentalists when possible in our middle school productions. All three of these texts are demanding, particularly vocally, for middle schoolers, but they are also very accommodating in terms of roles, cast sizes and role assignments. Because we have an all-inclusive Drama at ISS policy, with no selective casting, flexibility is key for our choices. Other productions we’ve done in recent years, which have all been effective options for middle school, include My Son Pinocchio (Josef W Weinberger), The Wiz (Samuel French), Arabian Nights (Stage Scripts), and A Little Princess (Princess Musicals). Again, we found these to be effective choices for our students. Each provides for the flexibility needed for a middle school production. For our high school productions, we attempt to build on what has come before. We maintain an all-inclusive philosophy and work in an ensemble format, with various groups responsible, once again, for different areas of the production, including tech, backstage, art and design, publicity, and management. When we incorporate music, we use student instrumentalists whenever possible. Our goal is to ensure that each participant feels that he or she is making a contribution to the whole, rather than distinguishing between “leads” and “chorus”. Since 2007, we have foregone producing published texts and have developed a process for creating original productions specifically written for our high school students. We happen to be lucky enough to have a very cohesive team of teachers working on the project each year who have expertise in writing, composing, and arranging, as well as in choreography, costuming, technology and design. In addition to providing our team with a yearly challenge, which they seem to enjoy, the rationale behind doing original pieces is two-fold. Firstly, the text can be catered to our students, regardless of the number we have, and to their strengths, interests and availabilities. Secondly, it provides us with the opportunity to make the project a co-curricular venture. More often than not, the pieces are works of historical fiction (though this has not always been the case) which expose students to significant historical events and social, political and/or cultural movements. We also do a great deal of genre exploration, introducing students to various performance styles. THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 23 Drama at ISS The process for this begins each spring with a selection of the event or era and location to be explored. In recent years, these have included the Roaring Twenties, the Battle of Britain, and the swinging 60s. With a selection made, the production team discuss ways of exploring the chosen context and then begin the development phase, which is, at first, limited to my work as playwright and researcher. I then present a proposal, we discuss possibilities, and the creative work goes forth from there. When the audition and rehearsal process begins the following fall, the script in normally in about a 75%-complete stage, and students’ auditions and input at this stage help to solidify and finalize the text. From there, the rehearsal process lasts for approximately ten weeks, with meetings three times a week. We feel strongly that this process allows students to take ownership for the project. They must do research and immerse themselves in whatever context we’ve chosen. And they must take the risk of originating a role without the help of previous performances to guide them. It also allows us to ensure that all students feel validated and have the opportunity to shine. While we inevitably feature students in what are essentially “leading” roles, we strongly resist the creation of cast hierarchies. All students have characters with names and featured moments on stage, and we feel that this builds camaraderie among the cast and helps us to achieve the goals of the project: helping students to develop their skills and confidence as performers, allowing them to take risks and push the boundaries, and encouraging them to find their voices. The best way to sum up the approach is that it is process-driven rather than product-driven. The following are some comments made by students who have come through this program: 24 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • “I think that having the opportunity to perform original works written specifically for our school is incredible. Performing original works forces an actor to create their own vision for characters and to dig into the script for ideas on how to portray a particular character. It pulls you away from mimicking another actor’s portrayal and pushes you to perform with integrity....I love discovering a brand new world and unveiling it to an audience for the first time on opening night. The audience has no preconceived ideas and we have an empty canvas to paint with our performance.” • “I think there is huge educational value in performing an original piece. First, it allows for as many people to join as possible as roles can be easily modified to fit the number of people in the cast. This encourages many people who may not have thought about performing to give it a go. Second, the original script means that each actor/actress has the opportunity to explore their character without falling back on a predetermined ”stock” that is laid out for them.” • “What’s nice about the plays is that the way you interpret your character is not influenced by how other previous actors have interpreted it, since you’re the first and only one to ever perform as that character in that show. So what you put down is 100% your own.” While this type of process wouldn’t work for every school, we feel we have developed a system that works for us and from which our students can benefit. Overall, across school divisions, we try to ensure that we have a rounded program that maximizes the educational potential of the dramatic form. Sandy Landis English and Drama Teacher Drama at ISS THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 25 Middle School News and Events Thinking inside the box - during Spirit Week Welcome to the last Informer of the year! We are now in the very busy run down to the end of the school year but please remember that regular schedule classes continue until the last week of school. All middle school students will clear out their locker and clean their locker in readiness for the next school year. Middle school homeroom advisory sessions are focusing on ‘Transitions’ and ‘Coping with Change’ Projects and assessments are still being completed that will contribute to their final grades. It is most important that students remain focused during these busy last few weeks of school. Middle School Field Day This article will outline some of the events which will take place in the near future. Please mark your calendars so we can help our middle school students stay organized. This event will take place on the Tuesday, 9th from 13:00 until 15:15 It will take place outside, so please send your son/daughter with appropriate clothing that day. Homeroom Middle School Beach Afternoon Leading up to the last week of school, middle school students will begin the process of clearing out their lockers. All students are required to return all text books that were issued to them this year. Now is the time to start searching for those class books and library books! Students will be billed for any lost/ damaged books. Please ensure that students search their bedrooms thoroughly! The 6th and 7th grade students will be travelling from school by bus to Vigdel beach on Wednesday, June 11th. Students are asked to bring a packed lunch (and bring appropriate clothes for the weather) to school that day. 26 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Tuesday, 9th –13:00 until 15:15 Wednesday 10th June from 12:00 until 15:15 The bus will return to school in time for the regular school bus at 15:15. Middle School News and Events What do you mean - not fast enough! The 8th grade has been invited to join the high school Beach Afternoon which will take place at the Three Swords on the Wednesday, 10th June in the afternoon. 8th grade students will walk to the beach with their HR teacher and return in time for the regular school bus at 15:15. Recognition Ceremony for Q4 This event will take place on Thursday, 11th June starting at 9:30am in the theatre. This will be the final ceremony of the year where many student achievements will be recognised and will conclude with a memory picture slide show of the school year. All parents are welcome to attend. into the next grade level and for life. For those of you who are leaving ISS, I wish you all the very best. Keep us in your hearts and please do not hesitate to come back and visit your ISS family. For those of you who will be returning next year have a great summer, rest well and return to make 20152016 another great year. Good luck to our wonderful 8th grade class as they move from Middle School into High School and 9th grade next year. Now is the time for the final words… I have had a marvellous time working with our wonderful Middle School faculty, you, the parents, and the Middle School students this year. Students are LEARNING, students are happy, supported by wonderful teachers, cared for and have had amazing experience, both inside and outside the classroom, to remember always. They have acquired academic skills and social skills that they can carry ve Ha nt a a fa st ic m sum er! Carol Wallace Middle School Principal THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 27 Middle School News and Events Adiós! The 13th exchange between our school and Agora Sant Cugat International School came to an end last week. It was another interesting and educational experience for both teachers and students of two schools who share a long history together. The first leg of this school year’s exchange program took place in November 2014. 16 of our seventh and eighth graders who take Spanish class visited Sant Cugat International School in a town called Sant Cugat near Barcelona, Spain. Our students stayed with a Spanish host family where they got the opportunity to improve their Spanish language skills and where they got to learn about the Spanish traditions and lifestyle. A visit to the FC Barcelona stadium, the famous Ramblas, the impressive Park Güell and Gaudi’s unfinished masterpiece Sagrada Familia were only a 28 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 few highlights of this 10-day trip. During the second part of the exchange program, our students welcomed their Spanish buddy here in Stavanger to give them an unforgettable Norwegian experience in return. Every year the Spanish group visits around the 17th of May so they get to see the wonderful celebrations of the Norwegian constitution. Hiking Dalsnuten, cruising Lysefjord and dancing to the beats of modern music at the Middle School dance make it a unique once in a lifetime event, which they will always cherish. Goodbye! Wim Keereman and Brent de Bleser Middle School News and Events THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 29 Middle School News and Events During this spring, the sixth graders read The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. We also worked on persuasive writing in class. How could we link the two? Students often want to know if the book they are reading in class has been made into a film. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle has not yet been made into a movie. However, further research revealed that Danny DeVito has owned the film rights for a number of years, and even though he has written the script and actors have been cast for various roles, problems always seem to stop any chance of the film being produced. In sixth grade, we have now for a few years used the idea of writing to a famous Hollywood film producer, Danny DeVito, in order to persuade him to make the film. This year, just as in past years, we looked at the elements of persuasion, wrote drafts and then the whole sixth grade produced letters which we sent on to Danny DeVito. As we have told sixth graders in previous years, if we get a reply then their persuasive writing has done its job! Last week we actually received an e-mail from Jersey films regarding The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. They said they were passionate about the project and hope the movie will be made soon. They also sent a small videotaped private message to the grade in which Danny DeVito himself talks to the students and thanks them for their letters. Here is a small screen shot taken from his message to the grade – we are sure he won`t mind us including one picture. Well done sixth grade. Now we will have to adjust your persuasive writing grades accordingly! From the sixth grade teaching team 30 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 ?? and ?? with their handbells in the 17th of May parade Primary School News This spring has been busy like all months at ISS. Students have been challenged by rigorous academic study and have taken part in many activities beyond the obligatory school day. Imagine that during a single week, beyond regular academic classes, students have taken part in a wide variety of activities: Maths Road Show from the University of Cambridge, Food from the Heart service project, Science Club, Choir/Band/Strings concert, mother-tongue language lessons in Dutch, German, Spanish and Italian, field trips (like to the fairytale forest in Årdal), Share in Our Learning Music, Track and Field, cricket club, Japanese hobby crafts, modern dance on Friday afternoons, practice for the musical The Tempest on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons as well as Sunday afternoon. That was just one week, and it only includes activities in one week and just in Primary School and does not include the activities like ballet, baseball and the wide variety of activities offered by parents and the wider community. As I was quoted about children’s theatre in Solabladet on 21 May, activities beyond academic subjects are vital because they engender life-long skills and attitudes like self-confidence and help children develop a balance in life. Balance shows recognition of whole child with skills, knowledge and understanding that can be applied in a healthy manner and in readiness for a constantly changing environment. The role of the school is to facilitate development of the child’s potential through a wide offering of curricular and co-curricular activities. Thank you, parents, for supporting your children in building these life-long skills and balance in life. Last Day of School Our last day of school classes is Thursday, 11 June. Buses will leave at 12:15. No lunch will be served at school on 11 June. First Days of School in August 2015 A letter will be sent in early August to new and returning students announcing a 20-minute appointment to meet the teacher on Wednesday, 12 August. This day provides a transition so children see where things are and build a comfort level at school, knowing where to go and feeling at home in a new room at school. Pupils in Early Childhood classes and Primary School children in grades 2- Grade 5 can start riding the buses from 13 August. We will have a full day of classes from 8:30-15:15, Thursday, 13 August, for children in Grades 2-5. The Early Childhood and Primary School Open House for children in Kindergarten through Grade 5 will be 18:00, 26 August. THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 31 Summer Family Fun in Stavanger Here are some websites of places near Stavanger to consider for more summer activities. • There is a handy brochure online with maps and ideas of what to do right in Stavanger. Friluftskart_Stavanger2_.pdf • • Right on Store Stokkavannet is Stavanger Friluftssenter (outdoors centre) at Dyrnes, with rowboats, canoes and a barn to hop in the hay. It is open 10:00-15:30, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: http://www. Stavanger-friluftssenter/Dyrsnes-naturhave/ • Lundsvågen Naturskole. Individual families can drop in a long as school classes are not disturbed. They have boats to rent and an aquarium, open 8:00-15:00 Mondays through Fridays and 11:00-16:00 on Sundays: http:// nsf/vArt?Opennavigator&u=English%20version • Gausel Fritidsgård has vegetable gardens and farm animals (goats, sheep, cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs, rabbits, and two horses: http:// Stavanger-friluftssenter/Gausel-fritidsgard/ • The Rogaland Arboret (Arboretum) was visited by our preschool and Grade 3: http://www. • Stavanger Turistforening (They have a children’s group, Barnas Turlag with trips to join. http://www.stavanger-turistforening. no/activity.php?ac_owner=217&fo_id=3878: • Rogaland Museum of Fine Arts: • Stavanger Maritime Museum: http:// stavanger-maritime-museum/ • Stavanger Museum Natural History: http:// stavanger-museum-natural-history-/ • Norwegian Canning Museum: http:// the-norwegian-canning-museum/ • Breidablikk: http://www.museumstavanger. no/museums/breidablikk/ • The Royal Manor Ledaal: http://www. • Jæren Museums: http://www. • Stavanger School Museum: http:// stavanger-school-museum/ • Archaeological Museum: http:// • Norwegian Children’s Museum: 32 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • • • • • • museene/norsk-barnemuseum/ Norwegian Petroleum Museum: http://www. Engøy Coastal Culture: http:// Bird Park in Nærbø: http://www. Grødaland, one of the Jæremusets pearls: http:// Lima Farm (on your way to Sirdal, just past Ålgård): http://www.jaermuseet. no/english/english/limagarden Stavanger Botanic Garden: http:// Iron Age Farm at Ullandhaug: http:// Aviation Museum (Sola): http:// Farewell and Hello We are used to saying goodbye and hello at our school. We will say a fond farewell in the Primary School to some very special students and our staff members Jeff Bakke, Jeanne Bouvier, Ceri Britton, Helen Brian, Ryan Walker, Randi Westlye (who is also retiring) and Trent Williams. As with every year, we wish students leaving ISS all the best in their new schools. In August, many new students will be welcomed who are moving to Stavanger. Please welcome them and make them quickly feel a part of our community. Each morning I see students eager to get to school and almost running to get to class, followed by wanting to stretch the day longer after a full day of learning. As I am retiring and this is my last issue of The Informer, I want to thank all the students, parents and staff of ISS through over four decades for the tremendous effort everyone has made in making ISS a world-class and high-quality school with a reputation for its sense of community, feeling of being safe physically and emotionally, and strong culture for learning. When I started teaching at ISS after the summer of 1973, I had no idea this would be the start of a professional career of teaching, learning and leading in one school. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the students and community of International School of Stavanger. I know ISS is poised and ready for an exciting and fulfilling future. Sincerely, Len Duevel, PhD Primary School Principal Primary School News The Tempest Click the picture to see the video! The Tempest The Tempest THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 33 Early Childhood ‘Vi ere en nasjon vi med, vi små en alen lange’ 34 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Early Childhood Norway’s Constitution Day was celebrated in style by everyone, but especially ISS and Early Childhood! Preschool 3 & 4 had their own parade on Wednesday May 13. The school band led the way while all of the other students and staff cheered them on. Kindergarten and Grade One participated in the May 17 parade in Stavanger. The children were incredibly patient as they waited to start the parade downtown. Once we had got moving, the time passed quickly, and the children were very merrily waving to everyone as we walked along. It has been a busy spring. All of the Early Childhood classes have been exploring, learning and celebrating spring. The children have been learning about different life cycles. All of the classes in Early Childhood have been part of the “Early Childhood Chicken Project”. The project began with an incubator and 16 eggs from the farm. The children in EC have been watching and journaling the process. On day 8 the children were able to see one of the High School Science teachers, Mrs. Barnes, candling the eggs to keep track of how the eggs were developing. Candling involved her shining a bright light into each of the eggs which then allowed the children to see the contents and check whether they were developing properly. It was explained to the children that there will never be a 100% hatch rate; some eggs will not be fertile to begin with (called ”yolkers”) while others will stop developing at some point during the incubation process (known as ”quitters”). It was emphasized to the children that everyday eggs they see in the supermarket have never been chicks. Mrs. Barnes carefully held a bright light to each egg, and the children were in awe at what they were able to see. We could already see the eyes in many of the eggs, and each group of children found at least one yolker, and a potential quitter. On day 20 the chicks started entering the world. This happened over a long holiday weekend so the tech department set up a web cam. We all could watch for chicks hatching from home. We have 3 beautiful chicks that are growing their feathers and trying to fly! Once the chicks have their full set of feathers, they will be returned home to the farm they came from. Below are pictures of our chick family. Stop by the Early Childhood hallway and check out the work that the EC children have produced during this project. If the chicks are still here, stop by Mr. Jack’s office and meet our little family of chickens! Jill Raven Early Childhood Principal ‘I gave the chicks a worm and they shared it, a half each!’ What do you say - shouldn’t we get out of here? THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 35 Early Childhood Constitution Day picnic I made this! ‘Hurra for 17. mai!’ 36 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Well dressed Pandas Library News! The ISS Book Fair We need your help! Even though the summer is fast approaching and new adventures beckon, the ISS Libraries want the school community to keep reading. The library is holding a book fair/sale on Friday, June 5 in Room 228. Families are asked to bring in any gently used books that they would like to donate to help keep our school community reading throughout the summer. The libraries are happy to accept books for ALL reading levels, languages, and interests. As an extra incentive patrons who donate books will receive one voucher for a free book! Any additional books would cost only 10 NOK. THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 37 The Father-Daughter Dance •••••WONDERLAND 38 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 WONDERLAND••••• The Father-Daughter Dance THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 39 The Father-Daughter Dance •••••WONDERLAND 40 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 WONDERLAND••••• The Father-Daughter Dance THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 41 The Father-Daughter Dance •••••WONDERLAND 42 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 WONDERLAND••••• The Father-Daughter Dance THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 43 ISSAlumni Spotlight I graduated from ISS in June 2011 after 14 years of enrolment, having experienced everything from playing in kindergarten to wrangling the IB programme in high school. I remember visiting universities with my dad as an 11th grader when I all of a sudden realised that I would soon be leaving ISS to enter the big scary world with no clue where I should go or what on earth I wanted to study. Although grateful for the wide scope of opportunities I had, the vast amount of choices was staggering. Feeling indecisive and overwhelmed, I decided then and there to take a gap year, where I would work, apply for universities, and end up travelling to Namibia for 5 weeks to volunteer at the Naankuse Foundation’s wildlife sanctuary. Although I didn’t know it at the time, this was my first encounter with a social enterprise; an organisation that uses innovative thinking and new solutions to tackle social problems. A few months later, I embarked on a 4-year bachelor degree in International Business at the University of Edinburgh, still being extremely unsure about what future career I could see myself in. Despite the slight panic and feeling of time running out, I learnt to open my mind both in and outside of school to experience and learn about myself, through travelling, new friends, and societies, as well as a multitude of interesting courses at my home stay in Edinburgh and at my current erasmus exchange in Vienna. Subsequently, an increasingly stronger personal interest in sustainable economic development and social innovation in emerging markets occurred. I have now been lucky enough to have been chosen to go to Kenya with Balloon Ventures for 6 weeks in August to work with impoverished local entrepreneurs in Nakuru and Kericho in the Rift Valley. In a team of two, I will be working with 5-6 entrepreneurs, teaching them basic business models while also thinking of and implementing innovative solutions to the difficult market challenges they face. The tasks I will encounter include testing the target market, finding innovative solutions through market research, financing and conducting profit projections, learning about the economics of the business, making sales, creating marketing and advertising campaigns, and finalising pitches to investors. This whole trip will allow me to play a part in lifting individuals and communities out of poverty by helping them help themselves, an essential skill for long-term improvement and increased independence. Due to the organisation being a relatively new social enterprise with very limited funds, the internship is unpaid and costs for accommodation, food, transport, airfare, security, investment capital for the entrepreneurs, vaccinations, visas, and other factors add up to a significant sum for any student. Despite how challenging the fundraising and the internship itself will be, it is something I absolutely cannot wait for. I believe my time at ISS, featuring students coming and going annually, played a large role in my determination towards travel and embracing every culture I encountered. Although it was difficult being constantly left behind while my friends embarked on new adventures around the world, it inspired a personal dedication to do the same. I highly recommend you all to take whatever opportunity you have to travel, and to learn and work in as many international settings and countries as possible. It opens your eyes and matures you in ways you can’t imagine, and has been an integral supplement to both my personal life and academic career. I hope this growth continues during my time at Balloon Kenya, and would be extremely grateful for any donations made to my experience abroad. If anyone has questions or comments about this organisation or my involvement, please visit or email me at ehvistendahl@gmail. com. Donations can be made at: Erika Hvistendahl 44 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 45 Parent Association News Reading Incentive 2014-15 PS3 thru 5th Grade Fall Program Results: 71% of Student Participated 96% of Precipitants Received a Book Order Voucher, totaling over 12,900 NOK. ***************************** Spring Program Results: 64% of Student Participated 90,954 Minutes Read Overall Winners – Ms. Gonzalez’s Class (5C) Grade Winners – Ms. Dorne (PS3B), Ms. Walker (PS4C), Ms. Rhodes (KB), Ms. Jones (1C), Mr. Williams (2C), Ms. Johler (3C), Ms. Hvidevold (4A) Thank you to all the students, parents and staff for all of your support this year! Happy Reading! -Amy Moss, Reading Incentive Coordinator- 46 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Parent Association News 2014-2015 Book Order Recap School Year Stats: 4 Book Orders Offered # of Books Purchased: # of Student Orders Placed: Amount Spent: Rewards Spent by Libraries: Rewarded to Students (fall/spring Incentive): Rewarded to Teachers (Spring Incentive): Reward Amount Earned: Total: 2,293 608 183,724 NOK 16,000 NOK 14,411 NOK 1,200 NOK 36,211 NOK *First ever ONLINE Book Order* 76 Orders Placed – 6682 NOK Earned in Rewards! Thank you to everyone who ordered books… because of your support the PA Book Order Program is able to continue to provide FREE book to our ISS libraries and teachers and help their collections grow. Happy Reading! -Jacqueline Veen, Book Order Coordinator- THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 47 Parent Association News ISS PA Kiosk Grade 5 Smith Your ONE STOP SHOP for all school supply needs! Pre order NOW for the 2015-16 school year. All you have to do is go to Online Supply Order Form and fill out the order form. Your child(ren)’s bag will be ready for pick up on orientation day in August. The PA will send you an invoice that you can pay directly from your bank account. Or you can pay with CASH ONLY at time of pick up. For more information visit the ISS PA Facebook page at ISS Facebook Page or the PA page at ISS’ website at PA Page on ISS Website You can also stop by the kiosk or email the PA at *School Supply Bags are being offered for Grades Kindergarten thru 12th. Clothing items, water bottles, specialty and lunch boxes are NOT included in school supply bags but can be purchased as an add on item.* 48 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Parent Association News How would you like to check off SCHOOL SUPPLY shopping in June? Let the PA Kiosk help you with that! We are now offering School Supply Bags by grade. All you have to do is fill out a form and we will prepare all the school supplies your child needs for the 2015-‐16 school year. This is available for all students Kindergarten thru High School! Prices: K – 200 NOK 1st – 1000 NOK 2nd – 1200 NOK 3rd – 1200 NOK 4th – 1800 NOK 5th – 1200 NOK 6th – 1700 NOK 7th – 1400 NOK 8th – 1500 NOK HS Basic – 1400 NOK All Items are from the ISS supply list! *Add on items available at Ume of order. (Sandwich Boxes, Water BoYles, Sketchbooks, ReflecUve Vests, PE Kit.)* FREE selected ISS Gear Item Included with any purchased BAG! Bag(s) that are pre-‐ordered will be available for pick up at orientaOon. You can also stop by the kiosk to place an order or to receive more informaOon about this school wide offer. *Itemized lists are also available upon request.* Please feel free to contact the PA at with any quesOons or concerns you may have. All orders will receive an invoice from the PA, payments can be made electronically or with CASH at kiosk. THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 49 Parent Association News from the Parents Association Team To all the members of the Parent Association.... What a wonderful year we have had, so many great events and activities for the entire school. Everyone has done a tremendous job! The PA also wants to extend a BIG thank you to all the volunteers who has helped create so many memories this school year. Without everyone's help we could have never had such a successful year! Another BIG Thank you to all parents, teachers and staff at ISS. We appreciate all of your time, effort and support during the 2014-15 school year! We look forward to seeing everyone in the fall for another incredible school year. 50 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Parent Association News Congratulations to all Graduates! The ISS Parent Association would like to wish all seniors MASSE gratulasjoner med avgangseksamen! We are all very proud of all the hard work, time and energy you have put into your schooling. Best wishes for your future adventures, we know that you will be very successful in life! The PA would also like to send out a special congratulations and thank you to Dr. Linda Duevel and Dr. Len Duevel. We hope for nothing but the very best for the both of you. Thank you for all you have done for our school in the past 40/42 years. You will truly be missed! THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 51 to? r. k l ta nge o t g dy Stava llin o e s b e in n un om lish, i Co lling s d e d g se er a rt c o u n nee in En h u C d g, g yo ifie o-‐one l gin a Do sellin n u t e -‐ s l q n u hal uch a nd one c a o f C g s o ed e es in ri n an g gn o s tra offe r K a h d ia a a U ist, wit alth ast g I am holog T e n i h d c ork ntal the r, an w Psy lish. t e a a ce ft or c ien and m y. Eng o r l e s e s u s xp et Hel by b e e rience anxi v nt, a a t e d s I h xpe and e tm h Ta n e o in e reac p h l i f e re ssi o t p a si l y in d ep an d e, ea e e k s a g. ba n tr m me: o m g ce parkin t t a I ppin car or ontac , n o r c tio sh free anger com ma site o h r n t i o e w eb in f iels Stav nger. re my w N o it de ology stava m u J For se vis Dr sych logy com a p le il. ho g P llin gpsyc gma e s n r@ 50 lin Cou unsel vange 8 10 4 .co cpsta lf: 98 t ww w Babysitting & tutoring available I am a 27 year old female, former student at ISS, currently studying journalism at the University of Stavanger. I speak English, Spanish and Norwegian fluently. If interested, please contact: Astrid on 483 53 533 52 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 53 Lunch Menu In addition to the daily HOT MEAL and the soup of the day, the cafeteria also offers a vegetarian option for lunch M ay 2015 W27 Th28 F29 June M1 Tu 2 W3 Th 4 F 5 M8 Tu 9 W 10 Do you want your Lunch money back? Lasagna Chicken stew Fish nuggets Are you aware that if your child is leaving the school—either moving or graduating--we are happy to refund any unused funds from your school lunch account? To do this, our business office must have your bank account number. Risotto Pasta w/creamy zucchini sauce Burritos Lapskaus Pasta with smoked salmon Pizza Pasta Chorizo Chili con Carne Our assumption is that anyone who is returning to ISS in August does not have a problem in leaving unused funds in their lunch account where they can again access them in August with the new year starting up. If our assumption is incorrect and you would like the money refunded now in June, that is fine—just communicate that information to our Finance Manager, Linn Åsheim, and give her a bank account number where the funds can be transferred. Any questions? Just check with either Linn Åsheim or Anne Brit Winters and they will be able to help you. The menu of the Valhall Cafeteria is regularly updated on the ISS website: - Cafeteria Issues of the Informer in the school year 2014-2015 are due: 03.09, 29.10. and 10.12. 2014. In 2015: 28.01, 11.03. and 27.05. Deadline is one week before. To have CLASSIFIED ADS published in The Informer, please e-mail: The editor reserves the right to edit ads to fit the space requested by you. Companies Full page (260 x 180mm) NOK 2400 NOK 1200 NOK 600 1/2 page (130 x 180 mm): NOK 1200,- NOK 600,- NOK 300,- 1/4 page (125 x 88 mm): NOK 800,- NOK 400,- NOK 200,- 1/8 page (60 x 88 mm): NOK 400,- NOK 200,- NOK 100,- 1/16 of a page (28,5 x 88 mm): NOK 200,- NOK 100,- NOK 50,- 1. 2. 3. Private persons ISS Teachers/ Students and their parents3* Prices: 1 2 If you do not wish to receive the Informer any more or if you have changes to your e-mail address, please notify Liv N. Høie at 51 55 43 22 or e-mail: The Informer is issued on the ISS web-page: Go to “News” and then to “Informer” and current issue. Editor: Liv Nærland Høie Phone: +47 51 55 43 22 E-mail: If you run a business/company/activity that makes your living, you are a “company” price-wise. If you have a small activity, a non-profit foundation, organise a charity, advertise your belongings for sale, insert small personal ads, etc., you are charged a “private person” price. *These prices are valid from January 2010 54 • THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 Calendar of Events School year 2014-2015 The Informer is published by International School of Stavanger Treskeveien 3 NO-4043 STAVANGER Norway Tel: +47 51 55 43 00 Fax: +47 51 55 43 01 E-mail: High School Office: +47 51 55 43 43 Middle School Office: +47 51 55 43 11 Primary School Office: +47 51 55 43 23 Director: Dr. Linda Duevel Deputy Director: Mr. Gareth Jones High School Principal: Dr. Liam Browne Middle School Pricipal: Ms. Carol Wallace Primary School Principal: Dr. Len Duevel Early Childhood Principal: Ms. Jill Raven Business Manager: Ms. Linn Åsheim IB Coordinator: Ms. Lynn Park High School Counselors: Ms. Monchaya (June) Jetabut and Ms. Cheryl Brown Middle School Counselor: Mr. Matt Armstrong Primary School Counselor: Dr. Jack Raven School Nurse: Ms. Heather Melhus M ay 26-29 28-30 End of Year Exams (grades 9-11) NECIS Track and Field Tournament - Copenhagen June 5 9 10 10 11 11 11 Early Childhood and Primary School Field Day + 8th Grade Middle School Field Day - 13:00 Middle School Beach Afternoon - 12:00 Baccalaureate, 18:00, in the Primary School gym at ISS Middle School Recognition Ceremony, 09:30 Graduation, 19:30, at ISS Last Day of School - half day Summer holiday August 2015 6 Returning staff orientation starts 10 MS/HS new students registration/testing 12 First day of school for MS/HS students 12 Meet-the-Teacher Day for Early Childhood and PS students 13 First day of school for Early Childhood and PS students September 4 Employee AMU Day – No school for students October 5-9 12 December The ISS Vision Statement Inspire a community of responsible, globallyengaged, empowered learners. The ISS Mission Statement ISS provides an internationally-accredited, engaging and challenging English-language education in a supportive, multi-cultural environment where students have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Our Values Learning, Well-being, Community. The International School of Stavanger (ISS), founded in 1966, is an independent, non-profit Norwegian foundation accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of International Schools. The school enrolls students from ages 3 through 18. ISS offers an international university preparatory curriculum that combines the best features of many national educational systems. Both the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education external examinations are available to students. In 2013, the school has an enrollment of nearly 800 students who represent over 50 nationalities, including students from six of the earth’s seven continents. Autumn Break Employee in-service – No school for students 17.12.2015 – 5.1.2016 Christmas Vacation 3 2015 . 2016 4 January 2016 6 School resumes February 15-19 Winter Break M arch 21-28 Easter Vacation 29 Employee in-service - No school for students M ay 5 6 13-15 16 17 Ascension Day - No school No school 50th Anniversary activities Whit Monday - No school Constitution Day – Half day June 8Baccalaureate 9 Graduation Day and last student day – Half day THE INFORMER • 27 M ay 2015 • 55
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