January 2014 - the International School of Stavanger
Published by ISS as a Community Newsletter 29 January 2014 - Volume XXXVI - No 4 2013/14 The Informer We just had lunch with the Director! From the Director: For many people when the New Year starts off, it is a time for resolutions and bringing new order to one’s life. If cleaning up and clearing out your house is amongst your New Year’s Resolutions, here are a couple of ideas that may be of interest to you where the local government is helping you to help yourself. First, heard about Byttebua? Need free stuff? Want to get rid of stuff? The Duevel Family had not heard about Byttebua before we read the article about it recently in Stavanger Aftenblad. We tried it out some weeks back and I think it may be of interest to others so will pass on the information. Yes! - we enjoyed it! Basically, it is another step in community recycling. Those who have stuff to get rid of can deliver it, for a low price, and those who want stuff, can take it away free. We took a carload of odds and ends that were leftovers from our two kids selling their apartments—some furniture, a couple of coffee makers, dishes, etc.— all useable, but taking up space at home. We drove to IVAR in Forus, (Forusbeen 200), where we paid NOK 100—that is the price per cubic meter. (We probably had more than that, but that’s all they asked for.) We then drove to the “Byttebua,” which is a warehouse on the big “IVAR campus.” (IVAR stands for Interkommunalt Vann, Avløp og Rennovasjon— they are the arm of the government that provides the county’s drinking water and neighborhood garbage pick-up.) So we unloaded our stuff—well tried to. . . some of it never made it out of the boxes—as I was trying to put some out on the shelves, people who were there to take stuff literally took it out of my hands and just thanked us and took our “treasures” away. They were happy—and we were happy! After unloading, we wandered around for a look— there was a fair amount of furniture that looked quite good—and it was all free for the taking! Beds, chairs, dining room tables, desks, sofas, closets, lamps, televisions, books, toys, skates, skiis and lots more. (No free clothes at Byttebua—but there is a Fretex container you can put clothes in if you have some to dispose of.) The notice on the IVAR website makes it clear that the amount and quality will vary from day to day and they have no responsibility on whether something works or not. No - we don’t want to go back to class, yet... 2 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 There is a sign there in Norwegian, English, Polish and German that says, “You are only allowed to stay in the area for up to 20 minutes each day.” Another tip for those going to “shop” for free stuff—because www.isstavanger.no the Byttebua is very near the IVAR campus exit, there is a small parking lot just outside the fence where you could park and just walk in—that would save you waiting in the line of cars that we were in because we had things to deliver and needed to pay our NOK 100. And if your junk is “real junk” that you just want to get rid of without giving it away for someone else to use, after you pay but before you get to Byttebua, there is a long line of containers for disposing of stuff that doesn’t merit passing on. http://www.ivar.no/byttebua/category602.html Happy de-cluttering or adding to your housing inventory at Byttebua—it’s another great recycling idea in a country that takes its environment seriously. Cultivated conversation And for those living in Stavanger Kommune, from January 13th, you won’t even have to make a pilgrimage to Byttebua with your things. All you have to do is send in a request online to Stavanger Kommune and they will come and pick up your unwanted treasures directly from your house and then deliver the re-usable things directly to Byttebua and save you the trip. Just go to www.hentavfall.no or call the Servicetorget at Stavanger Kommune and put in your request. They will suggest to you three dates for pick-up. You choose the one that fits your family best and leave the items outside, for example in your driveway, and they will come and pick them up. For free! What a great recycling service! How about the adorable cover photo on this issue of the Informer! The two girls, Elli Chow and Katherine McCormick are good friends in 2nd Grade and were my official guests recently for “Lunch with the Director.” Elli “won me” at the Parent Association International Festival. It is always a pleasure to put out the nice china and enjoy a special lunch with the annual winner and a friend of her choice. Since my own children are now grown and pursuing their own careers as international teachers, (our daughter at the International School of Amsterdam and our son is at the American-British Academy of Muscat, Oman), I am always delighted to “borrow” children when I have the chance. Hopefully Elli and Katharine enjoyed our lunch together as much as I did! Take us with our teacher! Finally, in this issue of the Informer, I would like to “expose myself” as the President of the Dawn Elsborg Fan Club. Dawn is an amazing human being, as just as anyone who knows her can acknowledge. Everything she touches here at ISS has a positive outcome, whether it is helping Gareth Jones and I create the big “Learning, Well-being, Community” wall poster www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 3 in the lobby, being an active member of our school swim team and swim lessons, acting as a treasured substitute teacher, being a PA High School liaison, cleaning out and organizing our school storage areas and. . . . (drum roll). . . doing an absolutely brilliant job coordinating our PA International Festival! When she agreed to take on this mammoth coordinating job last spring, I breathed a sigh of relief as I knew she would put heart and soul into the Festival. At the same time, I also drew a breath of delighted anticipation, because I knew “Creative Dawn” would come up with some great new and fun ideas. Throughout the summer, she would stop by school to share some of these ideas and it was my pleasure to keep saying, “yes, Yes, YES!” Everything from the “Walking Globe People” to the phenomenal PA International Festival Cookbook flowed from her creative mind. The school purchased extra copies of the cookbook and I sent them to the Mayors of Stavanger, Sola, Randaberg, Sandnes and the County Governor as well as other local politicians who take great pride in our international community here at ISS. Another amazing facet of this incredible woman is that she has an excellent business mind. This year, the PA International Festival proceeds totaled NOK 126,288 minus the miniscule figure of NOK 399 in actual expenses. Now, if I asked Dawn to proofread this article, she would immediately say that she was only one of many, many members of our school community who participated in making the International Festival such a success. And she would be absolutely correct and I am grateful to EVERYONE who was involved. I love attending the International Festival each year and it is an excellent example of tremendous participation from many, many members of our school community. But, I also believe in extending credit where credit is due. Dawn Elsborg helps make the school a better place for us all. Her hearty laugh is infectious and we are lucky to have her and lucky that her husband and children are willing to share her with us. Thanks, Dawn—you are a STAR! Regards, Dr. Linda Duevel President Dawn Elsborg Fan Club Stavanger, Norway Branch lduevel@isstavanger.no 4 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 International Festival smiles www.isstavanger.no Have some real Russian Borshch!!! www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 5 6 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 www.isstavanger.no Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Oman Oman United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: Angola Oman Angola Oman Angola Angola Belize Belize Belize Belize Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Kenya Saudi Arabia Kenya Saudi Arabia Kenya Saudi Arabia Guatemala Saudi Arabia Oman Kenya waziland SSwaziland Swaziland Swaziland Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 7 Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Oman Oman United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: United Nations Flags for ISS Banner: Angola Oman Angola Oman Angola Angola Belize Belize Belize Belize Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Kenya Saudi Arabia Kenya Saudi Arabia Kenya Saudi Arabia Guatemala Saudi Arabia Oman Kenya waziland SSwaziland Swaziland Swaziland Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka News from the Exams Coordinator Extended Essay news As our 12th graders celebrate the end of the mock examinations, and the final completion of many aspects of their IB Diploma Programme including the Extended Essay, I have more good news to share about our graduating class of 2013 and their success in the ‘Unge forskere’ (Young Researchers) competition. Three of our graduates have reported on their travels as part of their ‘Unge forskere’ prizes, and I would like to quote some extracts from their accounts which can be found in the ‘news archive’ of the Proscientia website: http://www.proscientia.no/prognett-proscientia/ Nyheter/1240290393637 Maria Zakharova wrote of “Surprises in Prague” at the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) contest, where she represented Norway: “I was definitely not expecting to be followed by camera people once we joined the rest of the EUCYS group at the airport. The reporters with cameras followed us throughout the trip, which made me think how special our EUCYS group was…. We were warmly welcomed in Prague. The food there was delicious! There was not a time when I wished anything better than that. … Prague itself is a very beautiful city, with old and new architecture combined. One evening I walked across the Charles bridge and enjoyed a nice and cozy walk through the old part of the city. On the day of the prize award ceremony, I did not expect any miracles. Therefore it was a pleasant surprise to win a week-long trip to Hamburg to visit the European X-ray free electron laser facility. It was a nice award for my project in physics!” So not only did Maria win a fantastic prize in the Norwegian national contest, but she won a further prize in the European Union contest! Wow!! Lisa Koninx described her “Incredible trip to China” to participate in the China Adolescent Science and Technology Innovation Contest (CASTIC) conference writing: “… it is difficult to capture the intensity and the atmosphere of the trip into a few paragraphs, because China has such a different culture and different way of life to anything that I have ever experienced. That meant that each new moment or event had so much more “amazing-ness” to it because I was experiencing it for the first time! On our trip we were lucky enough to fly into Beijing and stay there for three days before moving on to Nanjing where the CASTIC conference 8 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 was being held. … The first three days in Beijing were filled with activities. For me the definite highlights were the Forbidden City, our visit to the Great Wall of China and the food market in the Wangfujing District. … Our time in Nanjing passed much too quickly! It was an excellent combination of work and play. Most days, the morning would be spent at the exhibition centre explaining our posters and then in the afternoon we would have some sort of cultural activity.” Rachel Eden won the chance to participate in the 24th International Wildlife Research Week in Switzerland and wrote of her trip: “On Sunday we travelled to the area where we would be doing our research and hiked around as the guides gave us an overview and suggested possible areas of research. It was a great introduction to the natural beauty of the alps and all the wonderful creatures which inhabit it, such as the marmots and the stereotypical Swiss cows with their cowbells. Then that evening, depending on what we wanted to research, we divided into groups, formed a research question and came up with a plan to collect data. I ended up in a group with two people from Switzerland looking at the effect of landscape on water quality, which we monitored using bioindicator species. …. The final two days were a frenzy of activity as within our groups we analysed our data, wrote it up in a report and prepared for the final presentation. It wasn’t all work and no play though. We managed to squeeze in a crazy football match and a visit to a UNESCO listed monastery in the area.” http://www.proscientia.no/prognett-proscientia/ Nyheter/1240290393637 You can read a full account of all their adventures on the Proscientia website. I am encouraging all our 12th graders to consider entering their Extended Essay for the ‘Unge forskere’ competition 2014 (the deadline for entry is 1st February – so time is running out!). I would also encourage our current 11th graders who are just starting their Extended Essay research to consider just where their efforts can take them!! Lynn Park, IBDP Coordinator LPark@isstavanger.no www.isstavanger.no The Counselors’ Corner MJJetabut@isstavanger.no Cheryl.brown@isstavanger.no A Happy New Year to you all and congratulations to those students who have completed all their applications, some of whom are already receiving conditional offers of admission. Grade 12 News 22 students have submitted applications to the UK of whom 15 have already received conditional offers of places. 8 students have applied to the USA and two of them have already been offered a place. 1 student has applied to the Netherlands, 1 to Germany and 6 are in the process of applying to Canada. Deadlines are fast approaching for Norway and we urge all Grade 12 students to check their deadlines and complete all application procedures as soon as possible. Our congratulations to those who have already received offers! USA applications While the first stage of the US application process is complete in that students have submitted their applications and initial materials (transcript, teacher recommendations and school report) have been sent to the colleges, there is still work to be done and it is important for you to know the following: 1. The very selective US universities receive thousands of applications for each place. The average application is 20 pages, including transcript recommendations, SAT scores, TOEFL scores, school report, school profile, essays etc. It takes a long time for the college to collate and check all this information. It is common for them to misplace something and tell a student it is missing. This can be very worrying for students and parents. If something is missing the college will normally notify the student; often they will notify the counselor as well. Please do not worry immediately if a college tells you something is missing. Merely check with this office. We can very easily send duplicates of school forms electronically. All students should check their status regularly to make sure that they have notification from the college that their file is complete. If by February 10th they have not received this confirmation they should email the admissions department to check. 2. Admissions decisions begin to come through in late February and March and students are required to choose one university and make a tuition deposit by May 1st. Please be aware that all decisions in the US are conditional on www.isstavanger.no a student finishing school in good standing and the student is required to send a final transcript to the university of his/her choice. It is becoming more common for highly selective universities to penalize students who fail to do well in final examinations, or whose final term grades are very low. UK Applications Notifications of university decisions are normally received from both UCAS and the university itself. Once all the decisions are made students are allowed to keep two of the maximum of five offers – one ‘Firm’ and one ‘Insurance’. One should be their first choice and the other should be their safety choice with a points offer that the student and his/her teachers are sure can be achieved in the final IB examinations. We strongly advise that students do not make this decision without consulting their counselor. Students can track their decisions in UCAS. Some students who applied through UCAS as EU citizens may be asked to complete extra paperwork to verify their fee status. This should be done as quickly as possible to avoid delays in decisions. Norwegian Universities If you are planning to attend a Norwegian university degree program in the fall of 2014 you must apply DIRECTLY via the samordnaopptak website by March 1st, 2014. Applications open February 1st. http://www.samordnaopptak.no/info/ Applicants for the one-year Norwegian Language and Culture program at the University of Stavanger should apply directly on the UiS website as soon as possible. The deadline is March 1st 2014. http://www. uis.no/studies/norwegian-language-and-cultureprogramme/ Canadian Universities Applications to Canadian universities take place between December and March. Canadian Universities usually make their decisions based on class grades in Grade 11 and the first half of Grade 12 plus IB predicted grades. For all students who have officially notified us that they are applying to Canadian universities will send the Midyear grades and IB predicted grades to their chosen universities as soon as they become available. Decisions are made usually in March and April and are usually conditional on achieving a good result in the IB Diploma examinations. THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 9 The Counselors’ Corner MJJetabut@isstavanger.no Cheryl.brown@isstavanger.no All other university destinations Students should talk to their counselor as soon as possible about school paperwork and references for applications to any other destinations. NOTICE TO ALL TWELFTH GRADE STUDENTS: Having survived the college application rush, college interviews, and mock exams, I can imagine the relief you must be experiencing by now. However several very important months remain before graduation. Be aware that as the weather becomes brighter and the workload appears to lighten up, Senioritis may begin to take over. Many universities will be contacting us for mid-year reports or call to check on your progress. To avoid having a college acceptance rescinded, stay on course and forge ahead towards a strong senior finish! GAP YEAR IDEAS: For students planning a gap year, have you considered a volunteer or service project? Review http://www. unitedplanet.org or http://www.volunteerabroad. com for further ideas. Also be sure to check with the Counseling Office to see that your current teacher references have been submitted so you may use them in the first semester of 2014 when you plan to apply to university. NOTICE TO ALL ELE VENTH GRADE STUDENTS: Junior SOAR has begun! This is a change to the way in which College planning and important IBDP tasks will be organized and will take place every Friday Block 4. Generally the time will be divided between university planning and IB, but we hope that once important goals are reached you will have extra time for study. The time to actively research and plan for your future is NOW so that in senior year you can concentrate on applications and studies. HIGH FIVE GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Standardized college admissions tests Extended Essay draft Resume/CV Personal Statement/Essay University Short list TESTING REMINDERS: To register online for the SAT that will be offered here at ISS on May 3rd, 2014 go to www.collegeboard.com. The registration deadline is April 4th, 2014. To register online for the ACT that will be given here at ISS on April 12, 2014 go to www.actstudent.org The registration deadline is March 7, 2014. PLEASE NOTE: Spaces for these exams fill up quickly. It is recommended that you sign up as soon as possible to ensure that you will be able to take the exams. COLLEGE INFORMATION NIGHT is scheduled for Thursday 6th March at 7.00pm in the ISS Theater. We will be discussing general information regarding the “university short list,” country-specific criteria, and application timelines. UNIVERSIT Y VISITS AT ISS: Universities and colleges are eager to visit ISS! Since our return from Christmas break we have had visits from: January 14, 2014 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology January 15, 2014 University of Bournemouth Please check the Daily Report for other university visits and updates. During SOAR time you will work on the HIGH-5 items that we have already discussed as well as explore university and career options through group and individual meetings. SUMMER STUDY PROGRAMS: Even if you are considering a gap year after your graduate, we will require that you go through the university planning process with your peers and we strongly advise that you apply to university and ask for a year’s deferral, while you are still an ISS student, surrounded by a plethora of support. Please check the college bulletin board or ask in the Counseling Office for more information. 10 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 We have received a wide variety of brochures and information from summer study programs in China, the U.K, France, Spain, Switzerland, and the U.S.A. www.isstavanger.no The Counselors’ Corner MJJetabut@isstavanger.no Cheryl.brown@isstavanger.no INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE – SPRING/SUMMER RE VISION COURSES 2014 AND SUMMER UNIVERSIT Y TOURS: Pre-IB and Mid-IB summer programs are available, as well as pre-exam revision courses in the spring. University tours for both the UK and US are also available this summer. For more information go to www.osc-ib.com and www.college-visits.com NOTICE TO ALL TENTH GRADE STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS: All students and parents are encouraged to attend the IB Information Night on Thursday 6th February at 6.00pm. At this event, we will be discussing IB program requirements in depth and setting up individual appointments to review course choices for next year. NOTICE TO ALL NINTH GRADE STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS: Congratulations! You have completed 1/8 of your high school career! As you reflect on last semester, how would you assess your experience and performance? Are your grades something you can be proud of? Were you actively involved in sports, clubs, or the school play? These experiences are tremendous benchmarks that can be educationally enriching, but they can also be extremely stressful and trying. In high school your support in setting limits, establishing good study habits and personal values is crucial. With you we are their support system, looking out for their well being, watching their eating and sleeping habits, and helping them achieve some semblance of balance. It is this culture of community that we have established here at ISS, which makes it a continued honor to work with you as your child’s counselors. Warmest regards, Mrs. Brown Ms. Jetabut High School Counselor High School Counselor Cheryl.brown@isstavanger.no MJJetabut@isstavanger.no If you feel that you could have had a stronger start to 9th grade, it is not too late to have a strong finish. Remember that 9th grade counts! Your grades, courses, and credits will be recorded on your overall high school transcript. What is a transcript? See Ms. J or Ms. Brown to find out! Last but not least, to our ISS PARENTS: Time flies by and we are already halfway through the academic year. Although there is still much work to be done, we have already accomplished a great deal due to the persistent effort and unwavering commitment of our remarkable high school students. It is important to acknowledge the good work that we have seen thus far but it is equally important to continue to support them through until the end. As such, we must be cognizant of the fact that they are still teenagers going through 9th grade transition for the first time, making critical IB choices as a 10th grader, beginning a 4000 word Extended Essay assignment in 11th grade, or preparing for final IB examinations and the transition to university as a 12th grader. www.isstavanger.no High School is somewhat exhausting at times THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 11 High School NEWS Grade 12 Extended Essay Exhibition • What effects does major and minor tonality of classical music have on the heart rate and blood pressure of teenage females? • How far did the trial after the My Lai capture the reality of the event? • How much more energy can be harvested from a passive tracking system than from a simple solar system? • How are female stereotypes and representations represented in the construction of weight loss and diet food advertisements in The United States of America. These are just four of the 51 Extended Essay titles our IB students worked over the last year – challenging and engaging, but also incredibly varied depending on the subject and language they were written in. On Thursday evening January 23rd, the combined efforts of 17 students were exhibited in the library during the inaugural Extended Exhibition Walk. Parents, students and teachers joined the Grade twelve cohort and a group of EE supervisors to celebrate the completion of these advanced academic essays. There can be no doubt that the chosen titles took our 12 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 IB students out of their comfort zone and provided an insight into the academic work at university they will encounter. Whether hours were spent in the library writing about literature or setting up experiments in the Sciences, the experience of conducting independent work of such depth and writing academically will set many of our students apart during their university application process as well as help make the first year at university much less daunting. I would like to extend appreciation and thanks to Ms Jetabut and Ms Park for organizing the event, the Parent Association, Mrs Elsborg and Mrs Astill for providing wonderful refreshments, the Extended Essay supervisors for their work in guiding and supporting students, all who came on the evening to support our Grade twelve students, and of course, the 17 Grade twelve students who took the time to share their research and essays. A superb achievement – and one we are all incredibly proud of! Dr. Liam Browne High School Principal LBrowne@isstavanger.no www.isstavanger.no High School NEWS Ok - so I’m not in High School yet, but I do hang out with the boys! www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 13 Middle School News and Events The ‘Winter Wonderland’ Middle School Dance Here is the latest update from the always busy Middle School! 6th grade Mesopotamian Market Congratulations to the 6th Grade on their very successful Mesopotamian Market which took place last Friday, 24th. It was wonderful to see so many parents attending. The students were very keen to share their amazing knowledge and to bring that time period alive. It is also a fantastic example of how practical activities greatly help the learning process. I had a great visit! This is a fantastic collaborative and cross-curricular event. Well done to all students and to Mr. Taylor and Mr. Moore. ISA Results The International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) tests were completed by MS students last September and the results have arrived. We will send home the individual student results (by mail/post) on Monday, 27th January. Please contact the MS office if they have not arrived by the middle of the following week. Middle School Recognition Ceremony – Q2. Thank you to all parents who attended the ceremony on Monday, January 27th. This ceremony gives us the opportunity to reflect on the quarter that has now finished and celebrate the events and activities that has taken place inside and outside of the classroom. We also watched a slide show of pictures from Q2 to remind us of all the wonderful events that happen in the Middle School both inside and outside of the classroom. Special thanks and congratulations to the following students: • Ashling Devins (8th Grade) on her beautiful violin performance. • Balder Award Winners – 6th Grade Zach Matthews, 7th Grade, Helen White and 8th Grade, Folke Hermansen • Troll Attendance Award – Uddenberg Homeroom – 6th Grade • Q2 House Winners – Snickers House – Uddenberg, De Bleser and Gilbert Homerooms • Computer Coding Games – thank you to Zach 14 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 www.isstavanger.no Middle School News and Events So, let’s dance! Matthews (6th), Kaushik Dhamodaran (7th) and Ben Cullen (7th) for showing us their working on computer coding during Q2 Exploratory. MS Homeroom Our Homeroom theme for January is ‘Conflict Resolution’ Students will be discussing these important topics during their advisory time in homeroom. The theme for February is ‘Decision-Making Skills’. LIBRARY NEWS! inklewriter At inkle, we believe it takes great writers to tell great stories. That’s why we’ve created inklewriter to help writers tell interactive tales with the minimum of fuss. inklewriter keeps your branching story organised, so you can concentrate on what’s important – the writing. It’s perfect for mixing computer skills and creative writing! www.isstavanger.no http://www.inklestudios.com/inklewriter Read an example: http://writer.inklestudios.com/stories/musgraveritual Bus Safety Could you please talk to your children about the importance of wearing the seat belt provided on the school bus? Students should wear the seat belt for the ENTIRE journey (not just when they leave school). Students should not be freely wandering around the bus, but sitting securely in their seats. Thank you for your help. Lunch Cards Thank you all very much for your attention to the lunch card issue. This has GREATLY improved in the Middle School recently. Please check regularly – thank you. • All students who purchase lunch in the cafeteria should always have their lunch card with them. Please make sure that there is enough money in the account. This can be done online or with direct payment to Anne Brit Winters at the main office. THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 15 Middle School News and Events Some reminders/recommendations for our Middle School students: • Students must drink WATER during the day (not soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks or juices). That is the reason why MS students are not permitted to purchase soda at the kiosk. • PLEASE send your son/daughter to school with a water bottle. • Students should bring this to school every day and to every class. • Adolescents MUST get at least 9 hours of sleep per night for optimum learning. • NO TECH SCREENS IN THE BEDROOM – the light from the devices (laptops, iPads, phones, TV) wakes up the brain and prevents good quality sleep (as well as the temptation of actually using the device during the night!!). I have mentioned this fact in several of my newsletters this year. General Organisation – Locks and Lockers • PLEASE help us out and make sure that your son/daughter has a padlock for their locker. Many students do have one and are then not locking their locker during the school day OR at night OR over the weekend. • iPads are to remain locked in their lockers during the school day at recess and lunch. • iPads are always to be inside the case provided. MS Basketball – Aberdeen 30th January-February 2nd Good luck to the eight, 8th Grade boys travelling to Aberdeen this week to participate in a tournament hosted by the International School of Aberdeen: 26. Michael Løvoy Alexandre Dorne Samuel Parchao Jules Bertin Daniel Scicchitano 2012-2013 7TH GRADE CONTEST Jimmie Smith Wilma’s potion needs 3 ingredients. Her choices are Yves Junior Mbiguis newt, fly, beetle, snake, and snail. How many differAlexis DeCazenove ent combinations of 3 of these 5 choices are there? A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 Ryan Strutin A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 40 and Two cousins visited Jane today. One cousin visits every 42 days. Willevery Randall. The other visits 429 days. They will next visit on the same 30. − A) 31 32012 B) 6006 16 · THE INFORMER = B) 32011 Middle School M athematics Club Please read on for information from Ms. Uber and High School Maths teacher Mr. Dinakaran: • The Middle School Math Club meet in Ms Uber’s room (255) on Thursdays after school. The purpose of the club is to build student interest and confidence in Mathematics through problem solving activities in a challenging environment. We will primarily use resources from the Math League and Mathcounts competition in the US which has questions from different areas of Mathematics. SEVENTH GRADE MATHEMATICS CONTEST MATH LEAGUE PRESS P.O.17, BoxTenafly, 17, Tenafly, New Jersey07670-0017 07670-001 Math League Press, P.O. Box New Jersey 27. Sample 7th Grade Contest 28. Tuesday, February 26 (alternate date: February 19), 2013 29. day in _?_ days. 32013 C) 9009 D) 18 018 29 J anuary 2014 C) 2 × 32012 30. Instructions 31. 7 ***Please note that this is not a club for help with math ■ Time Do not open this booklet until told by your teacher to begin. You homework. might be *** unable to finish all 35 questions in the 30 minutes allowed. ■ Scores Remember that this is a contest, not a test—there is no “passing” www.isstavanger.no or “failing” score. Few students score 28 points (80% correct). Students with 14 points, should be commended! High-scoring students may be invited to our “Math Camp,” held last August at Stanford University. ■ Results Posted Online Scores of high-scoring schools, both regional D) 61006 31. The measure of the smaller angle formed by the hour and minute hands of a circular clock at 2:46 is Grade 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Q3 Extra-Curricular Activities D) 60 Thank you B) 88 C) 92also D) 98 A) 4296 Name Barbara Valle Nolan Anthony Matteo Carazza Naomi Bertha Maiya Williamson Maya Ostrowska Auriol Morgan Anvitha Shastry Synniva Geus Ashling Devins Kaia Kjos Freya Williamson Line Petersen Silja Knudsen 26. coaches 28. 288 minutesto = _?_% of 1 day 29. International Schools’ Theatre Association This drama festival takes place in Cornwall in the UK and the students participate in a series of drama workshops over the weekend. Students will travel on Wednesday, 5th February and be back in school on Tuesday, 11th. Thanks also to chaperones Ms. O’Brien and Mrs. Gilbert. Answers 27. The sum of six consecutive integers could be A) 81 MS ISTA Middle School News and Events Work Space • Continues on Monday and Wednesday after school from 3:30 until 5:00 and is an opportunity for students to get their homework completed and ask for help from teachers before going home. Basketball • Practice continues for both boys and girls and takes place on Tuesday and Thursday from 15:30 until 17:00 Swimming • Practices will take place on Tuesday and Thursday from 15:30 until 17:30. Please contact Rianne Hettema if you have any questions. MS Musical R ehearsals • The after-school rehearsals continue on Monday and Wednesday from 15:30 until 17:30 and on Sundays from 13:00-16:00. That is all for this time! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns – my door is always open! Carol Wallace Middle School Prinicpal cwallac@isstavanger.no Middle School Activity Day - on the ice rink www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 17 Ready for Music! Primary School News By the time you read this, reports for Quarter Two and results of the International Schools’ Assessment should be in your hands. I hope the teacher comments on your child’s strengths and progress as well as next steps and challenges in learning are helpful in making your child’s education more effective. These reports help you know what your child has been learning, the achievements made and the next steps in learning. If you have any questions about the reports, please contact the teachers directly so you can get more detail or clarification of your child’s progress. You will receive an invitation to a meeting with your child’s homeroom teacher. If you would like to meet with a child’s specialist area teacher, please contact them directly via email and suggest a time that works well for you. On 21 February, for the end of Quarter 3, you will be invited to a parent-teacher conference. This is meant as a way to gather information and share ideas on your child’s progress. Quarter 3 reports, like those of Quarter 1, will have an overview and level of meeting expectations, but no individual comments, so the parent-teacher conference time is set for discussion about individual progress. The yearly Roundtable will be from 9:00-10:30 on 13 February. We will start with everyone present discussing internationalism and international education, and then we will break into division sections to talk with the principals. The Roundtable discussions are a way to bring ideas about school and talk about how school is going in general, not to address specific issues of a student or teacher. 18 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 Later in the year, each grade level will have studentled conferences during an afternoon to celebrate and describe progress from a student perspective. Homeroom teachers will give you more information about the time and date for these. www.isstavanger.no How does our digestive system work ..? Congratulations to student in Grades 3-5 for a wonderful production of the musical Time Lord. Children in Grades 3, 4 and 5 have been practiced for months to provide three special performances for the community. Grade 5 students will be at outdoor education week at Gullingen Leirskule, 24-28 March. This is a fantastic trip when students learn about Norway and its cultures and traditions as well as learning how to take responsibility. They also learn how to cross-country ski and build skills both in working independently and as a team. Ha pp ine ss is a ho me -m ad ed ou ble ba ss Primary School News Sincerely, Len Duevel, PhD Primary School Principal LPDuevel@isstavanger.no Hands-on Science in 5th Grade! www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 19 Early Welcome back all Early Childhood students! Childhood We have had several new students join us in EC. All seem to be settling well and meeting new friends. Thank you parents for helping to get your children back into routine after the holidays. I hope that you all had a joyful time with family and friends. It is wonderful to have everyone back to school. The children are what make the school come alive! Thank you parents for attending the Preschool 4 Assembly held on Friday, January 21. I know that you will agree that the children were fabulous on stage! The story told was a delight for all to hear. We are all counting down the days to our 100th day in schoolFebruary 3. Be on the lookout for details of special activities to celebrate this day. Winter and snow is the big theme going on in Early Childhood. Preschool 3 and Preschool 4 have been exploring the wonders of snow. This includes playing in snow. Making snow angels and sliding down a snowy hill. The children have experimented with painting in snow. They have been looking for signs of winter, finding animal tracks, and observing the changes taking place in trees. Kindergarten have launched into a new theme that deals with all things winter. They are reading and learning all about winter weather, winter activities, animals and what they do during the winter, and so much more. When we had snow the Kindergarten students were able to bring some inside and make miniature snowmen. They measured them, made predictions about how long it would be until they melted, and spent lots of time just watching them melt! Grade 1 has been learning all about animals in winter including hibernation. The children have enjoyed playing in snow every chance they get. In addition to snow and winter, the students in Grade 1 are learning about changes in matter. They have completed a series of hands-on experiments where they learned and applied the scientific method. We know that “play” is an important part of early childhood. You may be more familiar with “direct instruction” teaching methods based on teaching discrete skills isolated from children’s interests and activities. But research shows that the exploratory and creative activity that young children initiate themselves (play) is the primary way they develop concepts and understanding about the world. 20 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 A play-based early childhood curriculum is not a laissez-faire approach. It’s not the same as giving children ”free play” separate from ”teaching.” Rather, teachers use the power of children’s developing ideas, interests, and competencies to promote learning— through play, circle-time, and small-group activities. This power is most evident in children’s play, as play is the central force in the development of young children. WHEN CHILDREN PLAY: • Children have many opportunities to apply mental representations of the world to new objects, people, and situations—the key ability for future academic learning. • Children integrate all types of learning—physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and language development. • Children are engaged in things they’re interested in—so they have a natural motivation to learn. • Children develop concepts and skills together as they are integrated in the context of meaningful and playful experiences. • Children are more likely to retain skills and concepts they have learned in meaningful contexts. • Concepts are developed through activities that occur naturally during play, such as counting, sorting, sequencing, predicting, hypothesizing, and evaluating. • Through dramatic play with objects, people, and imagined situations, children develop their oral language skills and capacity for narrative, or “thinking in stories. • When children are engaged in activities they have chosen, learning is enjoyable because it is based on their own curiosity and connected to a sense of mastery. • Through play with blocks, clay, sand, water, and other materials, children develop skills in logic. They begin to learn scientific concepts such as cause and effect and mathematical concepts such as quantity, classification, and ordering. They practice inventing strategies for solving problems. • As children interact with each other, negotiating the sharing of materials or planning imaginative play, they learn concepts and skills in cooperating, advocating one’s own ideas and listening to others, handling frustration, and empathizing with others. Jill Raven Early Childhood Principal JJill.raven@isstavanger.no www.isstavanger.no Early Can I eat these ....? A snow angel! Stage 1 of a snowman www.isstavanger.no Childhood I see right through it! Wow! I’m fast!! Can’t you see for yourself what it is ....? THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 21 All School News 22 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 www.isstavanger.no All School News Menu Candle light dinner 31 January 2014 Welcome drink & Parmesan sticks Crab salad with mango and drizzled sesame dressing Farm Chicken breast with ricotta and spinach and cannelloni & Jus sauce and braised root winter vegetables Pear Tatin tart served with home made pecan ice parfait All dishes are available in a vegetarian version or nut free www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 23 All School News Registration for host-‐families is open for all ISS families. This could be a great experience for your family! The International School of Stavanger is proud to host the 2013-‐14 AMIS European Middle School Honor Girls’ Choir! Every year, AMIS (the Association for Music in International Schools) sponsors a variety of music festivals designed to benefit students in international schools around the world. In April 2014, 90 middle school girls selected from 13 other international schools will head to Stavanger and spend several days rehearsing as part of an honor choir and perform a concert on Sat., April 5. Mark your calendar and spread the word! ISS students have attended these festivals annually – meeting other student musicians, making beautiful music and exploring new cities. They’ve been fortunate that at each festival a host family has warmly opened their home for overnight stays. We’re looking for ISS families to host students from Wed., April 2 until Sun., April 6. If you’re interested, the music department would like to hear from you! Please complete this form and place it in the box in the main lobby or send an email to bkeij@isstavanger.no. Contact Betthilde Keij at bkeij@isstavanger.no for information about hosting and Tony Mudra at amudra@isstavanger.no with general inquiries. Thanks. Name: ______________________ Child’s Name: ________________ E-‐mail: ____________________________ Phone: ________________ Number of Students Willing to Host: ___________________________ 24 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 www.isstavanger.no Parent Association News 2014-15 PA Board Vacancies Are you looking for a way to help ISS AND use your talents? There is a place for you with the Parents Association (PA)! We need volunteers to fill the following positions: President/Co-Presidents Faculty Appreciation Coordinator(s) Social Event Coordinator(s) Kiosk Merchandise Coordinator Festival Coordinator(s) Middle School Liaison Early Childhood Liaison Photographer Primary School Liaison Welcome and Hospitality Coordinator(s) High School Liaison Reading Incentive Program Publicity Without the ISS PA, many of your child’s favorite activities and events—like field trips, book orders, dances—would not happen or would cost much more. To make these things keep happening, we need you! Many of these positions can be filled with friends working together or even a committee. Contact the ISS PA to find out more! Email issparentassociation@gmail.com today! www.isstavanger.no THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 25 Parent Association News ? Volunteers Needed to Work Kiosk Shifts! Tuesdays, 14.30-15.30 Thursdays, 8.15-10.45 If you would like to join the kiosk team, please email Nicole DuBois, kiosk volunteer coordinator, at nicoleanita@live.com. 26 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 www.isstavanger.no Parent Association News le a s on n still re dow ’ e W !!!!!! Festival www.isstavanger.no to t he ca - lo 4! la st te d a sk k io e h tt . rr y Cookbooks Hu THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 27 SPRING COURSES in SOLA! We are running Pilates & Mom/Baby Pilates on Thursdays and Yoga on Tuesday mornings in March! Spring YOGA courses: March 11th & May 20th Spring PILATES courses: March 13th & May 15th We also have dance classes at BISS on Tuesdays after school & at ISS on Wednesdays after school. Check out: www.studiovanessa.no to register now! To CONTACT Vanessa, send an email to: post@studiovanessa.no Women’s Ministry Do you want to become a BETTER skier? www.studiovanessa.no / mob. 473 39 376 / Røde Kors Huset på Sola Here’s your chance: Weekend Retreat Fellowship, Fun, Laughter Bible Studies Service Projects Mission Trip Come check us out! Go to ski school!!!! http://www.stavanger-turistforening.no/ article.php?ar_id=41017&fo_id=248 28 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 www.isstavanger.no We are requesting shoes and clothing of all sizes, both children and adult. We will be sending a shipment to Uganda to some very needy people there as quickly as we can gather and package all. Your help is so very appreciated. You can call us at: 905 73 312 or 918 78 376 and we will be happy to pick up anything you have. We trust everyone has had a very Merry Christmas and the beginning of a wonderful New Year!! Samuel and Betty Speer PIANO LESSONS Experienced British Piano Teacher is looking for new pupils in the Stavanger area. Home visits possible. For more details, please contact: Gethin Jones B.Mus.,A.R.C.O.,P.G.Dip. R.N.C.M., D.O.K.S. (Denmark) Tel.: 925 06 334 Email: gdj123@hotmail.com www.isstavanger.no W e l l b e i n g Flourish! Live your potential! Choose where your life is headed - find what helps you thrive, what gives meaning and depth to your life and from that perspective, choose what comes next and increase your contentment. Or use counselling/coaching to support yourself through difficulties like; stress, depression, bereavement, moves, career change, relationships, negative behaviours, etc. Discover what they mean and how to respond positively. John Gibbs is a UK-registered Psychotherapist, works with adults, couples, and children and runs courses and seminars for groups. Call 51 89 33 37 or 954 17 443 Email: welbeing@frisurf.no Website: www.welbeing.org THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 29 Chef: Jean-Pierre Duc Lunch Menu In addition to the daily HOT MEAL and the soup of the day, the cafeteria also offers a vegetarian option for lunch NB! The symbols Veg and GF means vegetarian and gluten free, respectively. Every day we serve either a vegetarian option or a vegetarian soup. The soup variety is announced on the on-line menu daily January 2014 W 29.01 Smoked pork chops w/chickpea stew in tomato sauce GF T30.01Kjøttkaker (= Norwegian meatballs) w/carrots stew & potatoes F 31.01 Cajun-style salmon and fried noodles February 2014 M 03.02 Pizza and salad T 04.02 Pasta with chicken spinach and parmesan W 05.02 Karbonader Burger with potatoes gravy and carrots T 06.02 Tacos with beef , salsa and cheese (GF) F 07.02 Polock filet with butter sauce and broccoli (GF) M 10.02 T 11.02 W 12.02 T 13.02 F 14 .02 Phad Thai Noodles with chicken Shepherd´s pie with beef (GF) Couscous and ratatouille with cumin (Veg) Irish Lamb stew with potatoes Salmon filet with mushroom cream sauce and rice (GF) M T W T F Fried rice cantonese with chicken and prawns (GF) Lasagna Bolognese with salad Hot dogs and mashed potatoes served with gravy Chili con Carne served with nacho chips (GF) Breaded cod served with hollandaise sauce and broccoli 17.02 18.02 19.02 20.02 21.02 24.02. - 28.02 Winter Week M arch 2014 M 03.03 Pizza and salad T 04.03 Pasta w/chicken and spinach W 05.03 Sweet & sour pork w/rice (GF) T06.03Kjøttkaker (= Norwegian meatballs) w/carrots stew & potatoes F 07.03 Salmon Teriyaki with rice M 10.03 Indian Rice Biriyani w/cocnut and chicken T 11.03 Pasta Carbonara w/bacon and Parmesan cheese sauce W 12.03 Beef Burritos w/ salsa and salad T14.03Lammefrikassée (= Lamb stew w/ root vegetables & potatoes) F 15.03 Fiskegratin (= Norwegian cod soufflée w/maccaroni) M 17.03 Hot dogs and mashed potatoes served with gravy T 18.03 Pasta Bolognese W19.03 Chicken Chop Suey (= Chinese stew w/soy sauce) T20.03Karbonder w/ fried onion, gravy and potatoes F 21.03 Breaded cod with butter sauce and potatoes and broccoli M T W T F 24.03 25.03 26.03 27.03. 28.03 Cajun fried rice w/beans and chorizo sausage ( Mediterranean pasta w/tomatoes, feta and chicken Stir-fry w/meat, potatoes and vegetables Nachos and beef wsalad and salsa Salmon Tandoori w/rice The menu of the Valhall Cafeteria is regularly updated on the Issues of the Informer in the school year 2013-2014 are due: 05.09, 30.10. and 11.12. 2013. In 2014: 29.01, 12.03. and 28.05. Deadline is one week before. To have CLASSIFIED ADS published in The Informer, please e-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.no. The editor reserves the right to edit ads to fit the space requested by you. Companies Full page (260 x 180mm) NOK 2400 NOK 1200 NOK 600 1/2 page (130 x 180 mm): NOK 1200,- NOK 600,- NOK 300,- 1/4 page (125 x 88 mm): NOK 800,- NOK 400,- NOK 200,- 1/8 page (60 x 88 mm): NOK 400,- NOK 200,- NOK 100,- 1/16 of a page (28,5 x 88 mm): NOK 200,- NOK 100,- NOK 50,- 1. 2. 3. Private persons ISS Teachers/ Students and their parents3* Prices: 1 2 If you do not wish to receive the Informer any more or if you have changes to your e-mail address, please notify Liv N. Høie at 51 55 43 22 or e-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.no The Informer is issued on the ISS web-page: www.isstavanger.no Go to “News” and then to “Informer” and current issue. Editor: Liv Nærland Høie Phone: +47 51 55 43 22 E-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.no If you run a business/company/activity that makes your living, you are a “company” price-wise. If you have a small activity, a non-profit foundation, organise a charity, advertise your belongings for sale, insert small personal ads, etc., you are charged a “private person” price. *These prices are valid from January 2010 30 · THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 www.isstavanger.no Calendar of Events School year 2013-2014 High School event The Informer is published by International School of Stavanger Treskeveien 3 NO-4043 STAVANGER Norway Tel: +47 51 55 43 00 Fax: +47 51 55 43 01 E-mail: info@isstavanger.no www.isstavanger.no High School Office: +47 51 55 43 43 Middle School Office: +47 51 55 43 11 Primary School Office: +47 51 55 43 23 Director: Dr. Linda Duevel Deputy Director: Mr. Gareth Jones High School Principal: Dr. Liam Browne Middle School Pricipal: Ms. Carol Wallace Primary School Principal: Dr. Len Duevel Early Childhood Principal: Ms. Jill Raven Business Manager: Ms. Linn Åsheim IB Coordinator: Ms. Lynn Park High School Counselors: Ms. Monchaya (June) Jetabut and Ms. Cheryl Brown Middle School Counselor: Mr. Matt Armstrong Primary School Counselor: Dr. Jack Raven School Nurse: Ms. Heather Melhus The ISS Vision Statement Inspire a community of responsible, globallyengaged, empowered learners. The ISS Mission Statement ISS provides an internationally-accredited, engaging and challenging English-language education in a supportive, multi-cultural environment where students have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Our Values Learning, Well-being, Community. The International School of Stavanger (ISS), founded in 1966, is an independent, non-profit Norwegian foundation accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of International Schools. The school enrolls students from ages 3 through 18. ISS offers an international university preparatory curriculum that combines the best features of many national educational systems. Both the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education external examinations are available to students. In 2013, the school has an enrollment of nearly 800 students who represent over 50 nationalities, including students from six of the earth’s seven continents. www.isstavanger.no Middle School event Primary School event All School event January 2014 26-31 MUN Conference, The Hague 27 Middle School Recognition Ceremony for Q2, 13:50 30.01-02.02Junior Varsity basketball tournament 31 Cameroon Service Project Candlelit Dinner 31.01-01.02Middle School basketball to Aberdeen February 3 4 5-11 12 13 13 13 14 20 21 22-28 10th Day of School Grade 5 Assembly, 10:30 Middle School ISTA, Cornwall, UK Transition and IGCSE Information for Grade 9 Morning Connections, 09:00-09:30 Middle School Round Table, 09:30 - 10:00 IB Information Evening, 18:00 Middle School Dance, 18:30-21:00 8th to 9th Grade Transition Meeting, 18:00-20:00 Primary School Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences Winter Week Holiday M arch 4 Grade 4 Asembly, 10:30 6 College Information Night, 19:00 7 High School Lock-In 13-14 Middle School Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences 13-15 Middle School Musical: ’Beauty and the Beast’ 13-16 NECIS Boys’ & Girls’ basketball in Antwerp 16-21 8th Grade Leirskole, Trysil 24-25 High School Parent-Teacher Conferences 24-28 Outdoor Education Week for Grade 5, Gullingen 25-27 International Award trip 27 First day of practice for EC/PS Track & Field 27-30 NECIS Swimming in Luxembourg 29.03 - 04.04 CIS/NECIS visiting Team at ISS 30 High School ISTA A pril 2-6 10 11 14-21 25 25 29-30 30 Middle School AMIS Honour Choir Festival hosted by ISS Middle School Recognition Ceremony for Q3, 08:45-10:15 All-School DEAR Day Easter Break StuCo Spring Elections SWEC Spring Fling, (evening) 6th Grade trip to Oslo IGCSE exams M ay 1 - 2 6 8 17 22-24 29-30 National and school holiday 5th to 6th Grade Transition Evening Grade 5/Middle School/High Sschool Band Concert Constitution Day (with ISS in the parade at 10:00) Primary School musical National and school holiday June 6 6 Early Childhood Field Day, 09:00-10:00 Primary School Field Day, 10:00-11:30 THE INFORMER 29 J anuary 2014 · 31 Your guide to the Iternational Festival
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