Drop-Off Zones - the International School of Stavanger
Drop-Off Zones - the International School of Stavanger
The Informer 27 February - Volume XXX - No 7 2007/08 Published by ISS as a Community Newsletter Mathieu Boudreau in a break during the selection game for the U18 Norwegian Rugby National Team Photo: A. Melhus Sarah Osborne busily sculpting her team’s 1st Prize snow figure 2· The Informer 27 February 2008 www.isstavanger.no From the Director: This may be one of the strangest couple of paragraphs that I have ever written in the Informer. . .but it is a very important safety point so I shall proceed. I need to ask, remind, plead and beseech all parents dropping their children off in our much safer new drop-off zone not to get out of their cars and kiss their children good-bye. On the one hand, some parents may think it is none of my business if a parent wants to give their children a good-bye hug and kiss. But we are seeing two problems: 1. It slows the drop-off process down. 2. Parents, by getting out of their cars and stepping into the driving lane, are putting themselves into a dangerous situation as other cars drive by. So—by all means—kiss and hug your children to your heart’s delight before they start school. . . but please do that at home when you are all getting into the car, not after you have entered the drop-off zone area. (And just in case someone reading this might think I am aiming it specifically at them, rest assured you are in good company. Many, many mothers and fathers are doing the same thing every morning in the drop-off zone.) Rather than being aggravated at me for telling you how to parent, please keep in mind that my intentions are to keep you safe so you will be able to kiss your children for many, many years in the future! Thank you for your understanding! For those of you using the new drop-off zone by the third grade classrooms, we hope you agree with us that it is a much safer situation. We have between 60 and 80 cars dropping students off in about a ten-minute span before school so it is imperative that cars drive as far down to the end of the drop-off zone as possible before stopping for the kids to get out—on the passenger side only please for safety. The side door by the primary wing is open in the morning and creates a quick entry into the building for students of all grades—not just primary students. The rules and map are printed again in this edition of the Informer. established policies, every two years there is an election for a Parent-Elected Trustee. As this is the year when the election will take place, each ISS family will receive a letter in early April with the details and an invitation to consider running for this important office. The term of office will begin in August, 2008, the term is for two years, and the member is eligible for re-election. The school by-laws state: Candidates for this position must be 21 years or older and be neither an ISS employee or student nor the relative or spouse of an ISS employee or Trustee. Candidates shall be self-nominated. Each parent who has a child enrolled at ISS as of the deadline for voting shall have one vote. In the event that no candidate received a simple majority of all votes cast, a run-off election will be held. As mentioned, a letter will be sent to all ISS families in early April regarding the election. In the meantime, if anyone has any specific questions about the Board-Elect position, they are welcome to ask either myself, the current Parent-Elect Member Scott Peacock, or Board Chair David Horensky. And I will finish out with congratulations to ISS art teacher, Sarah Osborne, who has just won another international prize in a very special hobby. Sarah, since 1991, has been a member of British Snow Sculpture teams. She recently, along with her two teammates, took part in a competition in Cortina, Italy and their team won first place. Typically, eight teams of three people each, will spend three days converting a three cubic meter cube of snow into something wonderful. At the Cortina tournament, there were teams from Russia, Mexico, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and the UK. Congratulations, Sarah Osborne! Best regards, Dr. Linda M. Duevel, Director LDuevel@isstavanger.no And while I am on the topic of safety, we’d like to remind all parents to stress with their children the importance of wearing seatbelts at all times—whether it is in your private vehicle or the school bus. A recent cover story in Stavanger Aftenblad stressed the point that out of all of this region’s traffic deaths for 2006, fully 50% of those who died were not wearing a seat belt. Their point: YOU have an important role in keeping yourself safe. If parents at home and we here at school work together to remind the students of the importance of this simple point, we will have done our students a big favor. Thank you for your help. Every two years at this time, I use a few paragraphs to describe what the process is for running for the ParentElect member on the Board of Trustees. Following the www.isstavanger.no The Informer 27 February 2008 · 3 Drop-Off Zones EI SV TR ES G IN D UN RE RK PA IM E VH M OS FF PARKING G PO VE O IEN G N KI DR KE IN R PA NO RK PA CE 0 N A .3 S 8 TR 0-0 N 0 . E 8 SR 0 C E H EA TR TH L OO S LA M OO Y AR IM SC PR To make the area where students leave and enter cars, the drop-off zones, more safe, the location of one zone has been changed. The new drop-off zone is safer when children use the sidewalk. We are pleased with the way drivers have adapted, except for stopping too close to the door. For this process to be safe and efficient, please pull all the way forward so other cars can stop at the sidewalk area. A diagram shows the location of the zone. 1. Students should get out of the car on the sidewalk outside Rooms 40-43. 2. Students should enter and leave from the door nearest Room 40. 3. Students who will be dropped off or picked up from this drop-off zone should enter and leave from this door only, not the main door. 4. Drivers should follow one direction in and through the drop-off zone. 5. To let as many students into the zone as possible, pull the car as far forward along the sidewalk as possible. 6. The drop-off zone is not for parking, even for two minutes. If your car is there, the driver should be as well. If parents need to come into school, use the large parking lot if there are no places in designated parking places. 7. Students waiting to be picked up at the end of the school day should stand on the sidewalk and then enter the vehicle from the sidewalk side of the vehicle. 4· The Informer 27 February 2008 8. There is room for five cars in the drop-off zone at the same time. Drivers should wait until a group of vehicles leave and a new group of vehicles pull into the drop-off zone. Use this technique rather than pulling around vehicles. 9. Drivers should stay in the driver’s seat as much as possible. Try to arrange so school bags are accessible to the students so they can get out on their own. If a driver does need to get out of a vehicle, this should be for a very short time so other vehicles do not have to wait longer than necessary. 10. Drivers should take time to look carefully when entering the road as buses frequently drive on this road. 11. While deliveries should take place outside hours at the beginning and end of school, there may be times when delivery vehicles are in the area just before the drop-off zone. Drivers should move past the vehicle to the drop-off zone. www.isstavanger.no High School Counselor’s Notes QUESTIONS FOR THE COUNSELOR? NOTICE TO ALL TWELFTH GRADE STUDENTS: Please be sure to tell the Counseling Office the conditions for the university offers you receive. If you are planning to attend a Norwegian university program in the fall of 2008 you must apply DIRECTLY by March 1, 2008. GAP YEAR IDEAS: For students planning a gap year why not consider a volunteer or service project. Review http://www.unitedplanet.org/ or http://www.volunteerabroad.com/search.cfm for further ideas. Also check with the Counseling Office to see that your current teacher references have been submitted so you may use them when you plan to apply to university. FOR STUDENTS HEADED TO THE UK FOR UNIVERSITY: The Erasmus Programme was set up by the European Union nearly 20 years ago to promote mobility of students and staff across Europe. All the places at UK institutions have been taken up by students from the continent, but young people in the UK have never filled those available for them abroad. A study by the Higher Education Funding Council into why numbers have been decreasing since 1998 found that finance, worry about studying a foreign language and fear of the unknown were the main concerns. This year the British Government decided to waive the new annual tuition fees of up to £3,000 for the year in which the student is abroad. In addition, Erasmus is not confined to language or business students and there are several countries where you can study abroad in English for other programs. One of the many services offered by the High School Counseling Office is the maintenance of a list of names of parents who are both willing and able to serve as tutors to ISS students in need of additional academic support. As our demand for tutors is greater than our supply, we would like to invite parents with backgrounds in core academic areas (math, sciences, history, and languages) to join our pool of www.isstavanger.no same date as the SAT Reasoning Test. More information will be given at the Junior Seminars which will start on February 1st. To register online for the SAT exam that will be offered here at ISS on May 3, 2008 go to www.collegeboard.com To register online for the ACT exam that will be given here at ISS on April 12, 2008 go to www.actstudent.org Check out in the ISS Library for the following new books: The College Board’s 2008 Scholarship Handbook • • 2008 College Guide Official Study Guide to All SAT Subject Tests NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS WHO TOOK THE PSAT IN OCTOBER 2007: An online program, My College QuickStart, is available for you to access a free personalized planning kit by using the code printed on your PSAT/NMSQT paper score report. This program includes an enhanced report complete with test questions, your answers and correct answers with explanations, as well as a customized SAT study plan based on your individual PSAT/NMSQT performance. This online tool also includes a starter list of colleges based on your chosen location and a personalized list of majors and careers. SUMMER STUDY PROGRAMS: We have received a wide variety of brochures and information from summer study programs in China, the U.K. and the U.S.A. Please check the college bulletin board or ask in the Counseling Office for more information INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE-SPRING REVISION COURSES 2008 and SUMMER UNIVERSITY TOURS: www.osc-ib.com, www.revisioncourses.com or www.oxintstudy.centre.com Best Regards, Carole Schweid High School Counselor cschweid@isstavanger.no mentors/tutors. If you are interested in assisting please contact Ms. Carole Schweid at cschweid@isstavanger.no. Please note that there is a great need for math tutors. Calling All Tutors! NOTICE TO ALL ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS: If you are planning to apply to a US or Canadian College/ University it is strongly recommended that you take either your ACT or SAT Reasoning Test once this next semester and once during the first semester of your twelfth grade year. Check the registration deadlines for international students and make sure your application is emailed or sent prior to the deadline. Also check to see if the College/University you are planning to apply to requires the SAT II Subject Tests. If these are required then it is recommended that you take these during the fall semester of your senior year. The SAT Subject Tests may not be taken on the Email cschweid@isstavanger.no or call 51 55 43 13 ( The Counseling Office provides a list of area tutors as a courtesy to ISS students and their parents. All scheduling and private tuition arrangements are the sole responsibility of the tutor and student.) The Informer 27 February 2008 · 5 News from the Exams Coordinator Examinations M ay/June 2008 I would like to remind you of the dates for IB and IGCSE examinations in May/June 2008, and give you some basic information about Study Leave in 2008. Students who have registered for these examinations have received further details about examination dates and times, but it may be useful for parents and students to have this overview. The outline schedule given below is accurate to the best of my knowledge but will be confirmed later with the IB and IGCSE candidates. Please note that practical and oral examinations will be held at times decided by the school before the beginning of the main examination period. IB written examinations 2008 Week beginning 28 April 5 May 12 May Monday Normal classes Mon-Wed English Psychology English Tuesday Psychology History Spanish Economics 19 May Math HL Physics Wednesday History HL Maths Economics Biology Physics Lang A1* Thursday Mayday holiday Maths Chemistry Biology Friday IB Study Leave begins Chemistry French Lang A1* 26 May HS Activity Day 2 June Awards ceremony Baccalaureate Graduation * Lang A1 = the first language examinations for Czech, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, and Slovak. IGCSE written examinations 2008 Week beginning 5 May 12 May 19 May Monday Normal classes all week IGCSE Study Leave begins Maths French Tuesday Wednesday History Geog Spanish French HS Activity Day Awards ceremony Thursday Maths French + IT Science History Friday Geog+Spanish English Geog+Spanish 26 May 2 June Science Eng Lit School ends Graduation 9 June Drama Please note that the last school day for the ISS school year is Thursday 5th June 2008, and that two IGCSE subjects have examinations after the end of the school year. Students must take all examinations in a particular subject to gain a grade in that subject, and examination dates may not be rescheduled under any circumstances. Study Leave is available for students taking the IB Diploma (or 3+ Certificates) and students taking 5+ IGCSE subjects. The first day of Study Leave is indicated on the timetable. Students may elect to study at home or in the library. Study Leave is designed for students to prepare for the IB and IGCSE examinations, and students are expected to use their time wisely for independent study. Students will be expected 6· The Informer 27 February 2008 Science to return to school for the HS Activity Day and HS Awards Ceremony (except IGCSE English Literature students who have an examination on 4th June), and the final day of school. IB students will also be expected to attend the Baccalaureate Ceremony, and the Graduation ceremony. IGCSE students with less than 5 IGCSE subjects will have Study Leave only on the day before and day of a written examination. They will be expected to return to classes after the examination has been taken. No Study Leave is given for oral and practical examinations. Lynn Park Exam Coordinator (email: lpark@isstavanger.no) www.isstavanger.no Middle School students give a “thumbs-up” to internet security Middle and High School News Parent/Student-Teacher Conferences Coming in March This will be the last Informer before March conferences so, if you have not e-mailed your conference requests yet, you need to do so as soon as possible. Please remember that we welcome both parents and students at these meetings. Conferences will be held on the following dates: • Middle School conferences: All day on Thursday March 6th and Friday March 7th. There will be no school for Middle School students on Thursday or Friday. • High School conferences: Half-day (from 1230) on March 6th and all day on March 7th. There will be no school for High School students from 1135 on Thursday and all day Friday. The buses will run at the normal time, 1525, but students are free to leave campus at 1135. As for signing up for conferences, here are the important points: 1. All conferences are scheduled on a first-come, firstserved basis. There are only a certain number of time slots available. Be sure to get your appointments now. www.isstavanger.no 2. Conference scheduling is done through e-mail. The e-mail address is conferences@isstavanger.no and you should send the following pieces of information in a single e-mail (one e-mail per family): 3. The names and grades of all of your children in the Middle and High Schools. 4. The names of the teachers that you wish to see. Please do not put things like “all teachers” or “english and history.” This makes things very difficult and time consuming for the administrative staff. Your children know the names of their teachers and they can help you through this process. 5. The day (March 6th or March 7th) on which you would like to come. 6. All requests for conferences should be in by Friday, February 29th. 7. Because of the number of students, if your child has a teacher for more than one class, you will still probably receive only one appointment with that teacher. 8. If you are unable to secure a conference with a specific teacher, you may always contact them via e-mail or by calling the school at 51 55 43 00 and requesting an appointment. You may do this at any time throughout the year. The Informer 27 February 2008 · 7 Internet Security Workshop for Parents We are very fortunate to be able to offer a unique opportunity to ISS parents at 0900 on Friday, February 29th. At that time the regional security officer from the American Embassy in Oslo, Colin Sullivan, will be leading an internet security workshop for parents. The workshop will start with a presentation in the theatre, followed by a handson workshop in the Middle and High School library. Mr. Sullivan’s presentation will cover the following objectives: • • • • Explain the dark side of the Internet without trying to convince you to throw your computer away Discuss Social Networking (MySpace, YouTube, etc) and Social Engineering (phishing, spam, Nigerian scams, etc) Provide information on latest scams and myths on the Internet Explain anti-virus, anti-spyware, and parental controls I look forward to seeing you there. News from the Round Tables Thanks to all of you who turned out for the Middle and/or High School round table discussions and a special thanks to Bob Sargeant who gave an excellent presentation on addiction in general, and adolescents in particular, during the High School round table. As always, there are a number of issues that come up during the round tables and many of them have already made their way into administration and staff meetings for discussion and action. The consensus is that we have a good school, but we are always seeking to incremental improvement because, as my old football coach used to say, “If you’re not moving ahead, you’re falling behind.” As always, anyone may contact any of us here at ISS. You can simply go to the web site, click on Contacts and send a message. We are always happy to hear from you. I would like to end with a few messages from Bob Sargeant’s presentation. The presentation was short on platitudes and long on practicalities. The practical reality is that addiction takes on a number of forms and that substance abuse is a real possibility that we all must take seriously. Here are some points of interest from Mr. Sargeant’s presentation: The Signs: Be concerned if you are seeing many of these... •Teens coming home •Not eating properly intoxicated or high •Compulsive computer use •Gambling with friends •Neglected hygiene •Compulsive video gaming •Violent outbursts •Grades dropping •Curfew violations •Drugs or drug paraphernalia •Hostility •Running away •Stealing/borrowing money •Skin abrasions •Depression •Change in friends •Apathy •Withdrawal •No concern about future •Recklessness •Disrespectful to parents •Defies family values •Disregards consequences •Lying/deception •Missing valuables •Glassy and/or red eyes •Loss of interest in family •Possesses unexplained activities valuables •Manipulative, self-centered •Verbally abusive •Truancy •Lack of motivation 8· The Informer 27 February 2008 So What Do You Do? ◊ Trust your instincts: If you feel that there is a problem, you are probably right. Acting on suspicions isn’t wrong; it shows that you care. ◊ Timing is important: Find a safe time and place where you can talk to your teen. You will have this talk more than once. ◊ Don’t be afraid to be open-minded and honest: This is what family unity is all about. ◊ Talk about how you FEEL: You may be worried, scared or frightened. When you talk to your teen try not to be judgmental or angry because your child probably will have a defensive reaction. ◊ Talk about what you have personally observed: Don’t discuss rumours. Seek the truth. ◊ Don’t give up: If your first attempt fails, try a different tact. Don’t be afraid to see professional help. ◊ Take initiative in getting educated about today’s drug scene. ◊ Encourage your teen’s input: Listen to what they have to say. They want to be respected too. If you have concerns, there are resources available to help you. You may contact the school nurse, Ms. Melhus, or either of the counsellors, Mr. Armstrong and Ms. Schweid. You can also contact Uteseksjon, the local agency whose job it is to help young people with substance abuse, directly at 51842631 or 51842630. They also maintain a web site at http://www. stavanger.kommune.no/ungdom/helse As we all know, rearing children is the most important job that any of us will ever do. I hope that everyone takes these points in the intended spirit—as helpful, actionable information not scare tactics. It is a daunting, but exciting, journey and we are all on it together. T.A. Hennard Middle and High School Principal Artsy activities www.isstavanger.no Combined Middle School and High School Calendar 2008 February 16/2-24/2 Winter Break 29/2 29/2 E-mail signups for parent-student/teacher conferences due date Internet security presentation, (0900 in Theatre) March 6/3-7/3 6/3-8/3 7/3-9/3 12/3 15/3-24/3 29/3 30/3-4/4 31/3 MS/HS Parent/Student-Teacher Conferences MS Narnia Performances (Theatre) MS/HS NECIS Basketball Tournament (Antwerp) MS 8th Grade HS Transition and Leirskole Meeting (1900 in Theater) Easter Break HS School for Life Dinner (1900 in Cafeteria) MS 8th Grade Leirskole (Trysil) Substitute Orientation Meeting (0900 in Cafeteria) April 2/4 4/4 11/4-13/4 12/4 12/4 15/4-20/4 16/4 16/4 23/4-27/4 26/4-27/4 26/4-27/4 30/4 End of Third Quarter HS STUCO Lock-In (1900-0700 at ISS) MS/HS NECIS Swimming Tournament (Luxembourg) Parent Association Orienteering Event HS SAT Test HS ISTA Event (Hosted here at ISS) MS Recognition Ceremony (1345 in Theatre) MS/HS Band Concert (1900 in Theatre) MS Girls Honour Choir Festival CIS/SSHL Rugby Weekend (ISS) MS 6th Grade Oslo Trip Mid-quarter Quarter 4 May 1/5 2/5 3/5 3/5 8/5-18/5 10/5 10/5 12/5 14/5 17/5 21/5 23/5-24/5 School Holiday HS IB study leave begins HS SAT Test HS Prom MS Hosting Barcelona Exchange Students MS/HS Invitational Track Meet (ISS) MS Spring Dance (1900 in Cafeteria) School Holiday MS 5th to 6th Grade Transition Meeting (1900 in Theatre) Norwegian Constitution Day (HALF-DAY OF SCHOOL!) MS/HS Choir Concert (1900 in Theatre) MS/HS NECIS Rugby, Softball and Track www.isstavanger.no Tournaments 28/5-2/6 30/5 HS Final Exams MS/HS Athletics Banquet June 3/6 3/6 4/6 4/6 4/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 MS Field Day HS Activity Day HS Awards Assembly (0900 in Theatre) MS/HS Beach BBQs (1100-1515) HS Baccalaureate Ceremony (1800) End of Fourth Quarter and Last Day of School MS Recognition Ceremony (1000 in Theatre) HS Graduation Ceremony (1930 in Theatre) Want to know the latest news about CAS? Check out the blog. www. isscas. blogspot. com The Informer 27 February 2008 · 9 Middle School News and Events Welcome back from Winter Week! I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday! Since the last issue of the Informer, we have welcomed back JV Boys’ Basketball Team from their trip to the International School of Aberdeen. Congratulations to all participants on their competitive play, outstanding behavior and great teamwork. Congratulations all-round on finishing in 3rd place! Thanks go to coaches; Crystal Vaught and Mark Knudsen for the dedication, effort and time given to their respective teams over the season. Middle School Dance - Friday, February 8th 2008 Many thanks to everyone who helped make this event such a great success. There was a fantastic atmosphere, lots of great music and dancing and of course, plenty of good food and drink. Congratulations to MS Student Council members: Taylor King, Zac Oslica, Hannah Svanberg and Thomas Minsaas for their excellent organization prior to the event and on the evening itself. Thanks also to Mrs. Hines for all her time and effort as Student Council coordinator, to our excellent DJ, Mr Keereman (alias DJ. K), to the faculty chaperones and to the parents - these events would not be possible without their expertise and time. Thank you! MS Musical (2008) ‘Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ The next major event in the MS calendar will be the musical ‘Narnia’. This production is both curricular (Wed exploratory) and extra-curricular (Wed, Thurs after school and Sundays). By the time of the performances, the vast majority of our MS students will be involved in some way. The majority of our Q3 exploratories are related to this production: • Lighting and Sound Exploratory • Backstage Exploratory • CDT Exploratory (set building) • Art Exploratory (set design, painting, poster design, and t-shirt design) • Publicity Exploratory (have produced and excellent website and designed the program and tickets) • Drama Exploratory - comprises all 57 cast members! • Music Exploratory - contains the musicians who will play for the cast members on performance nights (March 6th/7th and 8th) In addition, we will have a group of volunteers for Hair and Make-up as well and a group of students who will be our Front of House crew. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Step right up! Narnia Tickets go on sale on Monday February 25th from the main office ALL tickets are priced 20 kr Homeroom – 8th to 9th Grade Transition Process 8th grade students have been working during homeroom on the transition from 8th grade to 9th grade. Our middle school counselor, Mr. Matt Armstrong along with the 8th grade homeroom teachers, has organized special information sessions to help our 8th grade students familiarize themselves with 9th grade courses and subjects. 9th grade subject teachers will be speaking to the 8th grade on Friday, February 29th. 8th-9th grade information evening for parents and students will be held on Wednesday, March 12th starting at 7pm in the theatre. This will also be the information evening for the 8th grade leirskole trip to Trysil leaving on March 30th and returning on April 4th. 6th and 7th grade students are still working on decision-making skills during homeroom advisory sessions. Parent/Teacher /Student Conferences Thursday, M arch 6th and Friday, M arch 7th (8am-4pm) Please remember to contact the Middle School Office as soon as possible to arrange your individual conferences times. Remember: there will be NO school for middle school students on Thursday, March 6th and Friday, March 7th. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Carol Wallace Middle School Coordinator cwallace@isstavanger.no ”Spiritual” boys during Spirit Week 10 · The Informer 27 February 2008 www.isstavanger.no Computing with Clifford in the Primary School Primary School News Safety Thank you for using the drop-off zone safely. Our next big safety goal is to develop a culture of using seat belts on the bus. Encouragement from home is appreciated. If the regular routine changes for transportation home, such as if a young child is not travelling with older siblings or going with a friend, please let your child’s homeroom teacher know so bus drivers can be informed to be on the lookout that a child gets off at the right bus stop. Please try to attend the safety sessions on Internet at 9:00-11:00 A.M. on Friday, 29 February. Mr. Colin Sullivan will be presenting an internet security workshop here at ISS. The objectives are to explain the dark side of the Internet, discuss Social Networking (MySpace, YouTube, etc) and Social Engineering (phishing, spam, Nigerian scams, etc.), provide information on latest scams and myths on the Internet and explain anti-virus, anti-spyware, and parental controls. Following the presentation, join us in the computer lab for actual hands-on experience as we surf the net visiting websites discussed during the presentation. Transportation The new drop-off zone is safer when children use the sidewalk. We are pleased with the way drivers have adapted, except for stopping too close to the door. For this process to be safe and efficient, please pull all the way forward so other cars can stop at the sidewalk area. www.isstavanger.no We had a very productive meeting with drivers and bus company officials. We decided we shared three common goals: 1. Promote safety 2. Curb vandalism and bring consequences to perpetrators 3. Get buses to arrive at ISS by 8:20 One of the results of the meeting was our commitment to inform parents and students of the ways they can make travel on buses safer and more efficient. At the same time, the bus companies will work to find ways to get the buses more regularly to school on time. We know the amount of traffic has made it difficult to get to school on time, so please be patient as we continue to work on this problem. One way for drivers to get to school more quickly is if students give an early and clear signal to the bus in the morning. Standing inside the bus shelter to stay out of the rain and wind is fine, but as soon as the bus is in sight, please stretch out an arm so the driver can stop more efficiently. When the bus comes in the morning, the kissing and hugging should be over. Taking a minute at each bus stop for an extra hug slows the bus considerably over the many stops made. In March, students will be issued an ISS Bus ID to help drivers maintain safety and discipline. The ID will hold information of the student’s address, school, home, work and mobile telephone numbers, bus number and homeroom teacher. The ID can be The Informer 27 February 2008 · 11 used if a child doesn’t remember where to get off the bus or if lost. The ID can also be taken from the student if an incident occurs so the school and parents are made aware. For example, if a student moves about on the bus or refuses to wear a seatbelt, the driver will simply collect the ID and turn it into school. Please remind your children of some bus rules. available to younger students, the ones with drinks taunt the ones without. This can result in students getting unruly and even hopping from seat to seat. We hope everyone can respect the rule of no drinking or eating. The cost of repair to damaged bus property has to be paid. If we find who caused the damage, the bill will be sent to parent. If the person is not identified, it results in higher costs for the bus service contracts. • The drivers work hard to make the ride to and from school safe and efficient. Please give them a friendly “Good morning” or “God dag” to show you appreciate their work. • • • • • • • • The standard of conduct required on buses is the same as the standard of conduct required during the regular school day. General safe bus conduct is expected at all times. Some specific examples of safe bus conduct are wearing seat belts when they are available on the bus, staying seated at all times and talking only in a quiet voice. Only regular bus students and an occasional schoolmate who is a guest of a regular bus student are permitted to ride the bus. In some instances, parents may wish to have a group of students ride a bus which they do not usually ride. In such cases, the parents must direct the request to the school office. Depending on the number of students already riding that bus, the request may be granted. Do not eat or drink on the bus. Respect bus property. Any vandalism on buses must be paid for by the student. Bus drivers must be shown respect and their instructions are to be followed immediately. When students load the bus in the afternoon, they should get on and stay on. If a student needs to return to the building, this should be done only after contacting a teacher on duty. Bicycles are not allowed on the bus. Parents will be notified by the school if a student breaks the above rules, ignores the reminders of the bus driver, or in any way endangers the safety of the other students on the bus. After a second infraction of the rules, the Principal will inform the parents of the student of denial of the privilege of riding the bus if this is justified according to the judgement of the Principal. The school may also assign a certain seat for any student. Please remember that students are required to use seat belts if there are seat belts on the bus. Drivers will remind students to fasten seat belts, but it is the responsibility of the student to put the seat belt on and wear it, just like in a car. The drivers said that most of the students are fine most of the time, but students move from seat to seat on a daily basis. As a rule, students should stay in the same seat during the entire bus journey until ready to get off. Moving about on the bus distracts from a driver’s attention to the road, and this is a safety concern. We have contacted safety agencies to find ways to educate students on the importance of using seat belts and staying seated while the bus is in motion. Even at a low speed, a passenger can be thrown from the seat, and while the bus is so heavy the vehicle does not normally sustain great damage at a low speed, the passengers can more readily be injured. The amount of vandalism by students is, luckily, rare. Usually incidents happen on the way home from school. Sometimes it is breaking items, and other times food or drinks dirty the bus. Drivers noted that some students bring drinks and food on the bus they buy at the ISS kiosk. While these items are not 12 · The Informer 27 February 2008 Primary School Roundtable Discussion At the Primary School Roundtable discussion, we focused on continuous improvement and getting ideas and perspective from parents. The topics discussed were the following: calendars in The Informer, identifying and advance notice of food served on theme days, contacting home when a child has a head injury, placing a crosswalk at the ends of the bus lane, and designating the direction of travel in the large parking area. Thank you to all who came along. International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) Individual ISA results and a letter of explanation will be sent to parents of students in Grades 3-8 during the week of 25 February. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Busy Times Our schedules are always busy. In addition to all the family and club events, here are some events happening these months outside school time. Please take time to read and have family fun! Skating; Mondays, Grades 3 & 4 PS Musical: Tuesdays and Thursdays, performance 2-4 May Family Skiing: Grade 4, 2 March; Grade 5, 30 March PS Track and Field: Thursdays 10, 17, 24 April and 8, 15, 22 May Brownies and Girl Scouts: Wednesdays Swimming: Mondays Dutch, Italian and German lessons, Wednesdays (and Thursdays for Dutch, Grades K-2) Friendship and Love February has been a month of friendship. As a part of 100th day of school, our devoted Administrative Assistant, Edith Moik, collected hearts from students who wrote why they like ISS. The hearts are displayed on a bulletin board in the hallway. Lunch and recess were certainly popular! I will share some of them here as a stream of consciousness. I like school because I like to learn. I like school because Art. I like school because it has math. I love school because we get three recesses. I love school because I get to see my friends. I love school because their sandwiches are good. PE. Recess. I like all the things an lunch, the 3 recesses. I like Library because I can read peacefully. Computer and PE. I like playing with my friends at recesses and I like math science lab. I like the teachers. Learning about space. I like recess and I like art. I like science lab because we learn about nature and make things. I like art. It is very messy. I like the teachers. They are really nice. The thing I like is writers workshop. The thing I like moat at ISS is the good play equipment outside. Something I like about school…study about fun things. I like the swimming at PE. My favorite thing in school is recess because we get to play soccer. www.isstavanger.no I like ISS because I have nice friends at ISS. I like school because it is fun and we learn a lot. 100th days o school. That I have best friends. The food. I love PE. I love so much. I lover read aloud. I like lunch. I like lunch. That everyone is nice. I live to do Art at the school ISS is to have. I love PE. I love math because I learn to do plus. Die teacher sind schön. Stuff not in your class like art, PE, computer, and science. I like going to recess with my friends. I love the food. Recess and lunch. Playing at recess. My favourite thing is the food. I like the food and PE. PE Computer lab. I like all the teachers. I like the barbeque in the beginning of the year. I love the school as I see with (a friend). I love everything. I love school because you meet new people and learn a lot. I love the food at ISS. I like school because no uniform or no whips. I like school because of lunch. I like school because here I can see my friends. I like school because of lunch, friends and pudding. I like school because I like learning new things. I love school because PE is so fun and it is two times a week. I love school because I can learn more. I like computer lessons. I like music lessons at ISS. I like art lessons because I like drawing. I like working in the science lab. I like to have fun at ISS. Meeting people. I live when we learn new things and make new friends. I love science, art, PE, lunch and recess in ISS. What I love bout ISS. I really enjoy and I love the challenges because they are EZ, hard and fun. What I like about ISS is the swimming is fun. I love music, computers, library, reading S and R, counseling, playing games and challenges. I love ISS library and all the nice teachers. What I love about ISS is Art, Music, science team building, PE, recess and snack. I love computers, and I love art, music, PE. I also love reading good books and the bus ride. I love ISS science and art. I love when we learn new things and make new friends. Student reading. I like ISS because I have very nice friends. I like recess. I like lunch. I like snack. I like computer. I like PE. I like computers at ISS. I like library at ISS. I like PE and I like going on scooters. I like school because every teacher is kind. I also like school because you usually have fun. I like school because I like recess, where I can play with my friends. I love ISS because there are lots of nice people here. I like school because I can hang out with my friends. I like school because I get to be with my friends. I like school because I have friends here. I like school because I can be with my friends. I like school because I have friends and I like recesses. I love school because school gets you prepared for your future. I like lunch and recess. I like science lessons at ISS. I like field trips in ISS. I love everything. I love Friday fun and I love PE. I love learning and I love PE and I love recess. I love science. I love music. I love art. I love recess. I love learning, art, fun Friday. I love art and I like PE. I love everything and Friday Fun. I love everything and art and music. I love recess. I love going to Art. The lunches are awesome. Seeing my friends!!!! Playing soccer at recess. We have great teachers. We have three recesses. I love ISS because they speak English. I love ISS because we speak English. We learn a lot. We have three recesses. I love ISS because we have great teachers and we learn a lot. I love ISS because they speak English. We have great teachers. I love ISS because we have a new playground. I love ISS because we have great teachers and we learn a lot in ISS. I love ISSS because we learn a lot. I love ISS because we speak English. I love ISS because we have great teachers. I love ISS because we have three recesses. I like this school because you can make friends and PE and art. I like all the teachers. Seeing my friends. I like recess and I like reading. Seeing my friends. Science. My friends, library and DEAR. I like learning, PE, art and snack. I like PE and recess. I love math and spelling tests. Maths and PE. Meeting my friends. I hope you had a wonderful Winter Week full of friendship! Len Duevel, PhD Primary Schoool Principal IMPORTANT DATES – UPCOMING EVENTS IMPORTANT DATES - UPCOMING EVENTS Event Date Winter Break 16-24 February 19:00, 27 February 29 February 3, 10, 31 March; 7, 14 April 8 March 10-14 March 9:00, 14 March 15-24 March 24 March – 11 April 30 March 10:30, 8 April 21, 28 April; 5, 19, 26 May 1 May 2 May 2-4 May 9 May 12 May Saturday, 17 May 10:30, 22 May 30 May 14:00, 4 June 5 June Grade 5 Leirskole Information Evening Intenet Safety (See articles included). Grade 1 Swimming Grade 4 Family Skiing Grade 5 Outdoor Education Week Pre-School 3 Assembly Easter Break Reading Incentive Weeks Grade 5 Family Skiing Grade 4 Assembly Kindergarten Swimming National Holiday Kindergarten Field Trip to Lundsvågen Primary School Musical, “The Blue Crystal” Primary School Student-Led Conferences National Holiday Parade for Constitution Day, National Holiday Kindergarten Assembly Primary School Field Day Primary School Assembly Last day of school, buses leave at 12:00 www.isstavanger.no The Informer 27 February 2008 · 13 PUBLIC DENTAL HEALTH SERVICE All children from 3 years to 18 years old living in Norway are entitled to free dental care from the public dentist. Students attending the International School of Stavanger will be called in at regular intervals for routine examinations, depending on your child’s needs will determine how often your child will be called in, it can be only once every 18 months if your child has no dental problems. You as a parent can also call and book an appointment for your child. Toothaches, dental cavities and dental injuries will also be taken care of. You participate in the free dental service voluntarily. It is not an obligatory part of the Norwegian school system, but almost 100% of Norwegian school children benefit from this dental service. All public dentists have the same excellent dental education as all private dentists. In order to avoid misunderstandings with regard to the dental care that ISS students are offered and to make the work situation for the public dentist and the assistant the best possible, the following rules must be observed: 1. Students and parents must accept the treatment that the public dentist is to perform, which might include X-ray, Duraphat, fluorine etc. The dentist is not available only to make a diagnosis for you, but will take care of the whole treatment necessary. 2. When a student has been given an appointment with the dentist, the student must keep it. The only excuse for canceling an appointment is illness. The dentist should be notified as early as possible. 3. Permanent teeth will not be pulled unless a requisition from an orthodontist is submitted. News from 4. The nearest dental clinic to ISS is Madla Tannklinikk ( Madlamarkveien 2A / 5th Floor, 4041 Hafrsfjord Tel: 51 59 73 54). ISS students can go there or they can see the assigned school dentist in the neighborhood where they live. To find out your nearest neighborhood public dentist, please see Nurse Heather, OR contact the local public school and ask for the address/ telephone number of the school dentist, call and make an appointment. For those wishing to use the Madla tannklinikk, a form is included in our welcome pack, or you can pick one up from the main reception. 5. Complaints related to the public dental system should be sent in writing to: Overtannlege Tannlegesenteret Madlagården Madlamarkveien 2A 4090 Hafrsfjord Stavanger Uteseksjon Heather Melhus Health Professional Apologies from Stavanger Uteseksjon (they work with young people and their problems in this area) they had to cancel a visit to our school to talk with our 8th and 9th grade students. The topic Drug and Alcohol Abuse will be rescheduled. The visit was cancelled because of illness. Vaccinations: 7th grade All students in the 7th grade who needed their second and last vaccine for Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) should now have had this done, any concerns that your child is missing this vaccine please feel free to contact the nurses office at any time. Vaccintions 9th grade The dates for Montoux testing, BCG and Polio vaccinations are set for Tuesday march 4th and Friday march 7th. As is usual parental permission is essential. No vaccine will be given without your consent. However the Montoux test for Tuberculosis is mandatory for all 9th graders in Norway. A letter will be coming home explaining the process in more detail. 14 · The Informer 27 February 2008 www.isstavanger.no ISS Sports News ISS athletes have recently competed in various competitions. Twelve students from ISS were among approximately 60 students who competed for spots to represent Norway in the European U18 Championship in Denmark in March 2008. Tomaz Duda, Brent Fredeen, Hans C Rettedal, Russel Hall, Matt Boudreau, Simon Perdersen, Anders Melhus, John Paustian, John Mc Quillan, Norman Idehen, Alex Hogart and Blair Robertson. These 12 representatives of the Green Goat Rugby team competed with Viking tenacity resulting in eight students qualifying for the national team. Norman Idehen, Russel Hall, Hans Christiansen Rettedal, Brent Fredeen, Simon Pedersen, Tomaz Duda, Matt Boudreau, and John McQuillan will join the Norwegian National team in the upcoming U18 European Championships. Congratulations to the 13 middle school and grade nine boys who recently travelled to the International School of Aberdeen Invitational. These students were Chris Laugier, David Paustian, Brandon Thomas, Eirik Christensen, Nicholas Vandrey, Spencer Snipes, Halvdan Kielland, Kurt Singleton, Kevin Fredeen, Ryan McClurg, Zac Oslica, Jo Messina and Matt Wesling. Spencer Snipes and Zac Oslica showed outstanding defence skills, Chris Laugier and Kurt Singleton offered excellent offensive aggression, while Ryan McClurg kept the energy and morale high on and off the court, and Kevin Fredeen demonstrated leadership as the team captain. The boys travelled back with third place! Congratulations to all on a successful tournament. The ISS Varsity Girls Basketball team, the Varsity Boys Basketball team, and the JV Boys Basketball team will continue to compete in the Rogaland Basketbalkrets league through March. Keep checking the ISS Athletics website for game details. The Varsity Girls and Boys teams will travel to the International School of Antwerp for the NECIS Basketball Tournament March 7-9. Good luck to the boys and girls who are traveling to Belgium. Spring sports are just around the corner! K-5 Track and Field Students in grade K-12 are invited to participate in the second year of the primary school track and field program. The students will participate in a variety of activities including running, jumping, throwing, agility and teamwork activities. The practices are low pressure and are designed to give students an introduction to the sport of athletics/ track and field. Students are invited to participate in the Siddisløpet run at Stokka Lake the last weekend in April. The season runs April 10 to May 22. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PRACTICE DATES HAVE CHANGED. Due to various scheduling conflicts, practices are Thursday from 15:30 to 16:45. We understand that this day of the week conflicts with the primary school musical; therefore, three practices are during the musical practice time, while three are after the musical has wrapped. We hope the students will participate in track after the final performance of the musical. Several parent volunteers are needed for this activity. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at cvaught@isstavanger.no, or 51 55 43 28. The Primary School Track practice dates are as follows: April 10 April 17 April 24 May 8 May 15 May 22 *April 26 is the Siddisløpet run around Stokka. This is optional and entries are paid by the ISS Athletic department. The JV Boys basketball team showing off their medals from the Aberdeen Tournament www.isstavanger.no The Informer 27 February 2008 · 15 ISS Sports News Middle School/High School Track and Field Grade 6-12 students interested in the track and field/athletics program are invited to train Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 15:30 to 17:30; season runs late March through May. Students will prepare for two local meets in addition to the NECIS track and field tournament. Students selected to travel to the NECIS tournament will travel to Sigtuna Sweden 22-25 May. The meet is on Friday and Saturday 23-24 May. K-8 Youth Baseball Boys and girls in grades K-8 are eligible to participate in the youth baseball program. Students will practice Friday nights and participate in Saturday games. The program will be organized and administered by Ross Vandrey and other parent volunteers. Detailed information will be communicated with parents through handouts, the ISS Athletics website, and the Informer closer to the February/March registration date. The activity runs April through May. Please contact Ross Vandrey for more information. Parent volunteers are also needed for this activity. Middle School/High School Coed Softball Students in grades 6-12 are invited to practice with the ISS softball team. The team practices mid-March through May, Monday and Thursday afternoons from 15:30 to 17:00. Although local games consist of informal matches with teachers and parents, Nick Varley in action during a basketball match in the Aberdeen Invitational 16 · The Informer 27 February 2008 the students are invited to compete in the NECIS Softball tournament 23-25 May in Rotterdam. Ms. Judy Oram and Mr. Kevin Christensen will be the coaches for this sport. Middle School/High School Rugby Boys in grades 7-12 are encouraged to participate in the ISS Green Goats Rugby team. The Green Goats will train Monday and Thursday afternoon’s from 15:30 to 17:30. Students participate in local matches and are invited to compete in the NECIS Rugby tournament 23-24 May in Copenhagen. Specific times and dates of local matches will be announced in February. The ISS season runs March through May. Coaches are Jean Pierre Duc and Mark Knudsen. There are many rugby activities planned for this year. The International School of Stavanger will host a NECIS Rugby training weekend April 26-27. Please check back for more upto-date information concerning the possibilities for helping out. As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me at cvaught@isstavanger.no or by phone at 51 55 43 28. In Sport, Crystal Vaught Athletics Director www.isstavanger.no Parent Association News Volunteers Needed!!! Volunteers are needed to help make this year’s Orienteering Event an even bigger success than last years! Please contact Sheila Percy by email at sheila.percy@ getmail.no if you are interested in helping to plan the event, organize door prizes, or help on event day with set up, ticket sales, and handing out maps and instructions. www.isstavanger.no The Informer 27 February 2008 · 17 Parent Association News International Friendship Group SWEC – YEPA SWEC are planning an Easter Egg Raffle again this year. YOUR PA NEEDS YOU!!!!! Tickets will be on sale at lunch times during the first two weeks in March. kr 10 for 3. Will you be a lucky winner? The money raised from the raffle will be sent to Action Aid to fund chicken-breeding programmes in Malawi. This gives needy families the opportunity to build a flock, sell eggs and provide for their children’s future. The ISS Parent Association is starting to look for volunteers for next years’ Board. Help us to help them! Happy Easter! Could it be YOU??? The Board members bring all sorts of skills to the PA, which in turn, brings huge benefits to ISS. With social events, reading schemes, financial donations, the running of the kiosk and much more, the PA plays a vital role within the school. As such, the parents involved in the PA have the chance to become better acquainted with the school itself, as well as meeting a huge range of staff, students and other parents. What’s more, the PA is FUN! So if you have a little time to spare, and if you fancy becoming involved, we would love to hear from you, whatever your background or interests. We are gathering names of interested people right now, so leave your name at the kiosk or contact a current board member if you are interested. Nearly New Sale Please be reminded that the date for this is Saturday, 26th April. Bookings for tables are starting now. kr 300 per table (one family per table). Please let us know before Wednesday, 12th March (Informer deadline) so that we can confirm the sale in the next Informer which will be published on 26th March. This sale is always well advertised and well attended by the local community. It’s a great way to recycle all the wonderful things which you no longer need but someone else would love to have. Take the opportunity! Thank you Leap Year Ceilidh We regret that, unfortunately, this event had to be cancelled. IFG are looking for some kind people who would be willing to take a bag of used spectacles with them next time they go to the UK! SpecSavers outlets collect used specs for Sight Savers International and there are SpecSavers in most towns. If you would like to help us out in this way please e mail ckemp@isstavanger.no for more details. Thank you! JOIN IN! IT’S FUN! 18 · The Informer 27 February 2008 www.isstavanger.no R acket Stringing Y Competitive prices O Unique in N o rway! The lineage o f Krishnamacharya/ D esikachar/ S riram So called This Yoga Tradition is based upon the YogaSutra of Patanjali, an ancient theory of the human psyche and the philosophical aspects of mind and consciousness explaining the causes of suffering, showing ways out and how to unite ones consciousness. G Fast service Telephone: 476 36 830 I do house cleaning in private homes. Please contact Stella 404 88 816 David Smith Podiatrist VINIYO GA A The body postures are practised gradually step by step and in a dynamic way. The interaction between contraction and relaxation ensures a gentle training of your body, strengthening muscles and smoothening joints and ligaments. Moving in unison with your breath focuses the activities of your mind and a deep relaxation arises. Conscious breathing promotes your sensitivity and fosters your self-awareness. The lessons impart the Yoga tools of asana (bodypostures), pranayama (breathing exercises) and dharana (concentration exercises and meditation) gradually and always adapted to the students needs and capacities. Yog a Scho o l Sunde Malthaugkroken 10 4046 Hafrsfjord 5189 4143 KlaudiaAchWe@online.no BSc(hons) MchS HPC Registered &SAFH Aut. Fotterapeut The teacher Do you suffer with pain in the heels, feet, legs, knees, lower back or have tired aching feet call and arrange an appointment today! • Callus and Corn removal, Nail Trimming • Specialised Insoles •Biomechanical Assessments • Treatments for sports related injuries • Treatment of Verrucae and Ingrowing toenails. • Distributor of Forever Living Aloe Vera Products. 51 65 21 66 Plei Meg Parfymeri & Clinic Klaudia Achenbach-Wege certified Yoga Teacher BDY/ EYU (670 hrs) certified by R. Sriram in a continuing education (254 hrs) to impart Yoga lessons and individual training in the tradition of Krishnamacharya. New courses start in March! Y oga basic s Thursday March 6 th 9:00 - 10:30 Learning the fundamental principles of Yoga. 1 0 sessions for 1 2 0 0 N O K. Y oga and Vedic chanting Thursday March 6 th 1 1 : 0 0 - 1 2 : 3 0 Fotpleie, Hudpleie, Aromaterapi, Frizør, Spraybrun, Negledesign Solakrossen 13 4050 Sola Email the_footman@hotmail.com Chanting is a good mean to deepen your breath, to calm down the activities of your mind and to lift your spirits. Yoga combined with Vedic chanting gives you a new kind of a deepened experience within your Yoga practise. This course is suitable for beginners and advanced. 1 0 sessions for 1 2 0 0 N O K. FFoooottccaarree iiss ffoorr lliiffee!! www.isstavanger.no Individual training on request The Informer 27 February 2008 · 19 Wellbeing Increase contentment! Flourish! Live your potential! Make sense of where your life is headed - find the patterns and themes that help you thrive and from that perspective, make good choices. Wanted! Experienced and patient artist Wanted: Experienced a in watercolor to provide le watercolor to provide lessons to two enthusiastic beginners. enthusiastic beginners. Hours & $$&flexible. Hours $$ flexible. Please at 92 Please call Bente atcall 926 45Bente 715 Use counselling to support yourself through difficulties like; stress, depression, bereavement, moves, relationships, negative behaviour patterns or family dynamics, etc. Discover what they mean and how to respond positively. John Gibbs is a UKCP- registered psychotherapist, works with adults, couples and children, and runs courses and seminars for groups. Tel; 51 89 33 37, mob. 938 87 473 email: welbeing@frisurf.no Balloon time B a l l o o n s fo r a l l o cc a s i o n s . F o r all y our ball o on requirem ents, Just c ontact, Tlf: 51 69 00 35 Mob: 922 11 331 See, w w w .b a l l o o nt im e.n o 20 · The Informer 27 February 2008 www.isstavanger.no Chef: Jean-Pierre Duc Lunch Menu In addition to the daily HOT MEAL and the soup of the day, the cafeteria also offers a vegetarian option for lunch Wed Feb 27 Theme Day Thur Feb 28 Beef Stroganoff Fri Feb 29 Baked salmon Mon Feb 4 Tues Feb 5 Wed Feb 6 Thurs Feb 7 Fri Feb 8 Tortellini with Garlic, Parmesan, Walnuts & Pesto Fish Nuggets with Baked Potato Theme Day Tacos Bacalao Mon Feb 11 Tues Feb 12 Wed Feb 13 Thurs Feb 14 Fri Feb 15 Fried Rice with Chicken Pasta Bolognese Theme Day Lapskaus Fish au gratin Mon Feb 18 – Fri Feb 21 WINTER WEEK Mon Feb 25 Tues Feb 26 Wed Feb 27 Thurs Feb 28 Fri Feb 29 Rice porridge Chili con Carne Theme Day Beef Stroganoff Baked Salmon Mon Mar 3 Tues Mar 4 Wed Mar 5 Thurs Mar 6 Fri Mar 7 Egg Benedictine on Toast Pasta Carbonara Theme Day Hamburger in Gravy with Mashed Potatoes & Vegetables Wolf Fish roasted with a Red Pepper Cream. Mon Mar 10 Tues Mar 11 Wed Mar 12 Thurs Mar 13 Fri Mar 14 Pizza Lasagna & Baguette served with salad Theme Day Chicken Korma and Nan Bread Kaptein Sabeltann Fish Sticks Tues Mar 25 Wed Mar 26 Thurs Mar 27 Fri Mar 28 Pancakes Refried beans and nachos Meatballs Salmon teriyaki with jasmine rice Mon Mar 31 Tues Apr 1 Wed Apr 2 Thurs Apr 3 Fri Apr 4 Mon Apr 7 Tues Apr 8 Wed Apr 9 Thurs Apr 10 Fri Apr 1 Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese Pasta and Italian meatballs tomato stew Chicken Run - roasted chicken leg and roasted potatoes Hot dogs and mashed potatoes Breaded sole fish with potatoes and lemon sauce TexMex Gratin (tacos filled with meat and vegetables, gratinated in the oven) Rottatouille pancakes (filled pancakes with chicken and mango salad) Theme Day ….. Mors kjøttkaker - classic Norwegian meatballs in gravy Pasta and Seafood all’Italiana - a nice tomato sauce with a lot of fresh fish and shell fish Mon Apr 14 Tues Apr 15 Wed Apr 16 Thurs Apr 17 Fri Apr 18 Eggs and bacon served on toast Chili con carne and Doritos Theme Day Moussaka served with Greek salad. Cod & Lime, breaded and served with tomato rice Mon Apr 21 Tues Apr 22 Wed Apr 23 Thurs Apr 24 Fri Apr 25 Pizza. Greek kebab and pita served with tzatziki. Theme Day Thai Chicken in green curry and coconut milk. Boiled Salmon with hollandaise sauce. Future issues of the Informer in the school year 2007-2008 are due the following Wednesdays: 26.03., 23.04. and 21.05. NB! Deadline is one week before (- in a few cases it is longer due to holidays), namely: 12.03., 16.04. and 14.05. To have CLASSIFIED ADS published in The Informer, please e-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.no. The editor reserves the right to edit ads to fit the space requested by you. Prices: Companies1 Private persons2 ISS Teachers/and Students3 Full page (260 x 180mm) NOK 2400 NOK 1200 NOK 600 1/2 page (130 x 180 mm): NOK 1200,- NOK 600,- NOK 300,- 1/4 page (125 x 88 mm): NOK 800,- NOK 400,- NOK 200,- 1/8 page (60 x 88 mm): NOK 400,- NOK 200,- NOK 100,- 1/16 of a page (28,5 x 88 mm): NOK 200,- NOK 100,- NOK 50,- 1 If you run a business/company/activity that makes your living, you are a “company” price-wise. 2 If you have a small activity, a non-profit foundation, organise a charity, advertise your belongings for sale, insert small personal ads, etc., you are charged a “private person” price. 3 This price also includes substitute teachers. www.isstavanger.no Families with children at ISS receive a free copy sent home in their youngest child’s backpack, or - in the case of high schoolers - sent home by mail. Others wishing to subscribe may do so for the annual subscription rate of NOK 250,-. If you are a subscriber and wish to continue your subscription, an invoice will be sent to your address in the fall of 2007. !! If you do not receive your Informer, please check that your family name is clearly marked on your letter box, or else the postman might return the newsletter to ISS!! The Informer is also issued on the ISS web-page: www.isstavanger.no Go to “News” and then to “Informer”, current issue. Editor: Liv Nærland Høie Phone: +47 51 55 43 22 E-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.no The Informer is printed on 100% recyclable ISO 9706 paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council The Informer 27 February 2008 · 21 Important Dates The Informer is published by International School of Stavanger Treskeveien 3 NO-4043 STAVANGER Norway Tel: +47 51 55 43 00 Fax: +47 51 55 43 01 E-mail: info@isstavanger.no www.isstavanger.no High School Office: +47 51 55 43 43 Middle School Office: +47 51 55 43 11 Primary School Office: +47 51 55 43 23 Director: Dr. Linda Duevel Middle/High School Principal: Mr. T. A. Hennard Primary School Principal: Dr. Len Duevel Business Manager: Ms. Brynhild Åsheim IB Coordinator: Ms. Lynn Park High School Counselor: Ms. Carole Schweid Primary/Middle School Counselor: Mr. Matt Armstrong School Nurse: Ms. Heather Melhus The ISS Vision Statement The ISS vision is to prepare students for greater global participation by helping them become responsible, empowered learners. The ISS Mission Statement The International School of Stavanger is dedicated to providing its students with English language education in a supportive, academically stimulating, and multi-cultural environment. We strive to foster a love of learning, the development of individual skills and talents, and an awareness of the value each person has to society. Our goal is to enable students to succeed in continuing educational programs and to live as responsible and contributing citizens in the global community. The International School of Stavanger (ISS), founded in 1966, is an independent, non-profit Norwegian foundation accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of International Schools. The school enrolls students from ages 3 through 18. ISS offers an international university preparatory curriculum that combines the best features of many national educational systems. Both the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education external examinations are available to students. In 2007, the school has an enrollment of approximately 630 students who represent some 42 nationalities, including students from six of the earth’s seven continents. 22 · The Informer 27 February 2008 February 2008 29 E-mail signups for parent-student/teacher conferences due date 29 Internet security presentation, Lovelace Theatre, 0900 March 6-7 MS/HS Parent/Student-Teacher Conferences 6-8 MS Narnia Performances, Lovelace Theater 8 Grade 4 family skiing 7-9 MS/HS NECIS Basketball Tournament, Antwerp 10-14 Grade 5 Outdoor Education Week 14 Pre-School 3 Assembly, 0900 12 MS 8th Grade HS Transition andeLeirskole Meeting, Lovelace Theater, 1900 15-24 Easter Break 24/3 - 11/4 Reading Incentive Weeks 29 HS School for Life Candlelight Dinner, Valhall Cafeteria, 1900 30 Grade 5 Family skiing 30/3-4/4 MS 8th Grade Leirskole (Trysil) 31 Substitute Orientation Meeting, Cafeteria, 0900 April 2 End of Third Quarter 4-5 HS STUCO Lock-In at ISS, 1900-0700 8 Grade 4 Assembly, 1030 11-13 MS/HS NECIS Swimming Tournament, Luxembourg 12 ACT, ISS 12 Parent Association Orienteering Event 12 HS SAT, ISS 15-20 HS ISTA Event (Hosted here at ISS) 16 MS Recognition Ceremony, Lovelace Theater, 1345 16 MS/HS Band concert, Lovelace Theater, 1900 23-27 MS Girls Honour Choir Festival 26-27 CIS/SSHL Rugby Weekend (ISS) 26-27 MS 6th Grade Oslo Trip 30 Mid-quarter Quarter 4 May 1 Labour Day/Ascension Day - no school 2 HS IB study leave begins 2 Four Seasons of Norway - Outdoor Art and Kids, 09:00-14:00 2 Kindergarten Field Trip to Lundsvågen 2-4 Primary School Musical The Blue Crystal 3 SAT I, ISS 3 HS SAT Test 3 HS Prom 8-18 MS Hosting Barcelona Exchange Students 9 Primary School Student-Led Conferences 10 MS/HS Invitational Track Meet (ISS) 10 MS Spring Dance, Valhall Cafeteria, 1900 12 Whit Monday - no school 14 MS 5th to 6th Grade Transition Meeting, Lovelace Theater, 1900 17 Norwegian Constitution Day (HALF-DAY OF SCHOOL!) 21 MS/HS Choir Concert, Lovelace Theater, 1900 22 Kindergarten Assembly, 1030 23-24 MS/HS NECIS Rugby, Softball and Track Tournaments 28/5-2/6 HS Final Exams 30 Primary School Field Day 30 MS/HS Athletics Banquet June 3 MS Field Day 3 HS Activity Day 4 Primary School Assembly, 1400 4 HS Awards Assembly, Lovelace Theatre, 0900 4 MS/HS Beach BBQs, 1100-1515 4 HS Baccalaureate Ceremony, 1800 5 End of Fourth Quarter and Last Day of School 5 MS Recognition Ceremony, Lovelace Theater, 1000 5 HS Graduation Ceremony, Lovelace Theater, 1930 www.isstavanger.no School Join us for the for Life Candlelight Dinner Saturday,29 March 2008 Valhall Cafeteria Welcome drinks served at 19:00 Dinner begins shortly after Cost: kr 300 per person 100% ticket sales will be donated directly to School for Life All supplies have been donated by local vendors Entertainment will be provided by ISS students Reserve a few seats or a table with friends. See Ms. Winters in the main office now to reserve your tickets Menu for the charity dinner benefiting SCHOOL FOR LIFE Chiang Mai, Thailand Zakouski and welcome drink. Wild Mushroom Cappuccino served with Parmesan stick. Roasted Salmon Teriyaki w/pastinak stew &steamed pacsoy. Served with wild rice pilaf. Home made Ice nougat and a raspberry coulis. Home made lemonade drink www.isstavanger.no Dear ISS Parent, You are cordially invited to join the ISS-School for Life team for a candlelight dinner at ISS, Saturday, January 26. Please join us for the elegant evening benefiting School for Life. To learn more about School for Life, please visit their website at www.school-for-life.org, or direct your questions to this Email address. In June 2007, five ISS students and three teachers travelled to School for Life in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to teach these inspirational students. A school and an orphanage in Northern Thailand, School for Life creates a family atmosphere for over 150 students who live in poverty situations. In June 2008, seven students from the International School of Stavanger will once again travel to School for Life and experience the lessons such a volunteer experience has to offer. Our benefit dinner last year was a great success, and we invite you to join us in creating the same success this year as well. Please find the invitation below. We look forward to seeing you 29 March! Kindest Regards, ISS-School for Life Team The Informer 27 February 2008 · 23 If you do not wish to receive the Informer any more - or if you have changes to your address, please notify Liv N. Høie at 51 55 43 22 or e-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.no To: Sent by: International School of Stavanger, Treskeveien 3, NO-4043 Hafrsfjord, Norway A snapshot from the Valentine’s Dance
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