Registration Form
Registration Form
Registration Form 2014-2015 Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm Walking – 24 months 25 months – 36 months 37 months – 48 months 49 months – 5 yrs Child’s Full Name____________________________________________________________________ Age______________________ Child’s Sex____________ Birth Date ________/________/________ Preferred Name_______________________________________ Parents/Guardians_______________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City______________________________________________________ State ______________ Zip___________________________ Home Phone _________________________Mom’s Cell __________________________ Dad’s Cell___________________________ E-Mail_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mom’s Occupation ______________________________________Work Phone ___________________________________________ Dad’s Occupation_______________________________________ Work Phone____________________________________________ Emergency Contacts: Name _____________________________________Relationship to Child____________________ Phone_______________________ Name _____________________________________Relationship to Child____________________ Phone_______________________ Child’s Doctor________________________________ Phone________________________ Hospital Choice _____________________ In the event of an emergency, may we take your child to the doctor you have designated if none of the above can be reached? _______________________ May we take your child to the hospital? ____________________________________________________ Does your child have special needs regarding health or allergies? ___________ if yes, please list ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List Characteristics of your child that you think would be helpful to care-givers ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 Additional Emergency Contacts & Persons to whom we may release your child. (Optional) Photo I.D. will be required for alternate pickup persons Authorized to Pick-up Child Relationship to Child Name Phone Please make checks payable to Stepping Stones PDO. The Non-Refundable Summer $85 / Fall $100 Registration Fee is payable at the time a completed registration is submitted. Summer Monthly Tuition: $185 (2-day program) Fall Monthly Tuition: $175 (2-day program) Conditions of Enrollment th All tuition must be paid monthly by the 10 of each month in order to avoid a late fee, unless alternative arrangements have been th made with the office. If not received by the 10 there will be a $10 late fee. All children must be able to adjust to separation from a parent/guardian and follow basic directives given by a teacher. Any irreconcilable differences between parents and the program guidelines/restrictions may result in relinquishment of a position within the program. _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature of parent Date For Office Use Only: Date Received_______________________ Check #__________________ Amount___________________ Class_________________ Date of tour____________________ Sate Summary Received__________________Comments_______________________________ Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 Liability Release 2014-2015 RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS – FILLED OUT BY PARENTS OR GUARDIAN On behalf of my child participant if said child is not 21 years of age or older) do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless Tusculum Hills Baptist Church and the directors thereof from any and all liability, claims or demands for personal injury, sickness , as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and the child-participant that occur while said child is participating in the above described camp and activities. Furthermore, we (I) [and on behalf of our (my) child-participant if under the age of 21 years] hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, damage and expense as a result of participation in recreation and work activities involved therein. Further, authorization and permission is given to said church to furnish any necessary food and lodging for this participant. The undersigned further hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify said church, its directors, employees and agents, for any liability sustained by said church as the result of the negligent, willful or intentional acts of said participant, including expenses incurred attendant thereto. (If the participant has not attained the age of 21 years): We (I) are (am) the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of this participant, and hereby grant our (my) permission for him/her to participate fully in said trip, and hereby give our (my) permission to take said participant to a doctor or hospital and hereby authorize medical treatment, and assume the responsibility of all medical bills, if any. Further, should it be necessary for the participant to return home due to medical reasons, disciplinary action or otherwise, we (I) hereby assume all transportation costs. Name of Participant: ____________________________________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Names: ____________________________________________________ Phone Number(s): (______) __________________ (H) (______) ____________________ (W) In case of emergency, contact: _________________________ (_____) ____________________ Insurance Company: ____________________________________________________________ Policy number: ________________________________________________________________ Physician’s Name: ________________________ Phone # (______) _______________________ Any Allergies? ________ if yes, please list: __________________________________________ Are you presently on medication? _________ if yes, please list: _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Please list any medical conditions that we need to be aware of: _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Father/Legal Guardian_____________________________________ Date_________________ Mother/Legal Guardian____________________________________ Date_________________ Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 Please read each section. Sign and date where applicable. Your registration will not be valid until these forms are signed. Financial Obligations In the event a student has registered and has been accepted, but fails to pay the first month’s tuition on the first day of school, the student’s registration will become void and the opening in the class filled with the first available applicant on the waiting list. The registration fee cannot be refunded. All withdraws must be made in writing to the office and shall be effective when such notice is delivered to the school. Tuition is calculated on the basis of the entire school year; therefore, no reductions can be made for vacations or school holidays. Reductions cannot be made for tuition for absence during the school year. If a student leaves the school for any reason during the school year, or enters after the school year has begun, charges are pro-rated according to the actual number of days enrolled. Tuition must be turned in to the teacher on the first school day of each month. A late fee of $10 will be added to your child’s tuition th after the 10 day of each month. If your child is absent during the first week, you must make arrangements with the director to avoid late fees. I/We agree to uphold the financial obligations as stated above. We also agree to follow the guidelines and regulations as stated in the Student/Parent Handbook. ________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________ Date Permission to Participate in School Activities & to Receive Emergency Medical Care I hereby grant permission for my child to use all of the play equipment and participate in all of the activities of the school. I hereby grant permission for the teacher or director to take whatever steps may be necessary to obtain emergency medical care if warranted. These steps may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Attempt to contact a parent or guardian. 2. Attempt to contact the child’s physician. 3. Attempt to contact the child’s parent or guardian through any of the persons listed on any part of the application. 4. If we are unable to contact you or your child’s physician. We will do any or all of the following: a. Call another physician. b. Call an ambulance. c. Have the child taken to an emergency hospital in the company of a staff member. Signature of Father/Legal Guardian________________________________ Date____________ Signature of Mother/Legal Guardian_______________________________ Date____________ Medical Release Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 I, ___________________________________, hereby give permission for Stepping Stones Parents Day Out to call a physician, secure necessary medical care, including the administration of anesthesia if surgery is advised by a physician and to otherwise act on my behalf when I cannot be reached and/or when delay would be dangerous, in order to protect my child, in case of illness or accident. _____________________________________________ Parent Signature Date __________________________________________ Parent Signature Date Emergency Medication Authorization In the event that your child should need to receive medication in an emergency situation please provide the following information along with your written consent. Student’s name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Medication to be given: _____________________________ Dosage to be given: ________________________ Any potential side effects: ____________________________________________________________________ Doctor’s name and phone number: _____________________________________________________________ I hereby give permission for Stepping Stones staff to administer the stated medication and dosages as listed above. I hereby agree to uphold the Illness Policy as stated in the Parent Handbook. ______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ____________________________________ Date Photo Waiver Periodically, Stepping Stones would like to use photos of the children for our Web Pages, Blog, Slide Presentations or Printed Materials. Please sign the waiver and indicate if you do or do not authorize us to use your child’s image. I hereby grant/do not grant Stepping Stones Parent’s Day Out & Tusculum Hills Baptist Church full rights to Circle one Copyright, exhibit, and publish in any medium including, but not limited to, promotion, advertising, or Internet photographs taken by the Stepping Stones Parent’s Day Out & Tusculum Hills Baptist Church of my child __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of child being photographed) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 *All information is required and must be completed by the parent(s) or legal custodian(s)/ if unknown use N/A or non until it can be added later and initialed.* Child’s Information: Child’s birth date__________________________________________________________ Date of Admission ____________________ Full name of child_______________________________________________ Preferred name _________________________________ Parent’s Information: Mother’s Name________________________________________ Father’s Name___________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Phones: Home___________________ Work _________________ Home_____________________ Work _____________________ Where Employed: _______________________ Hours________ Where Employed_______________________ Hours__________ Misc. Information_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Custodial Parent if divorced________________________________ (provide the child care a copy of the custody order) Y____ N____ Persons authorized to pick up and transport the child other than parent or custodian: [give full name and phone number of the person to whom the child may be released. They must be listed below to insure the child’s safety. A phone call is not acceptable permission of the parent(s) or custodians(s). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Information: 1) Name of person(s) and the phone numbers, other than the child care staff, authorized to act for parent in an emergency ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________ Home Phone________________________ Work Phone________________________ Employer_______________________________________________ Work Hours __________________________________________ 2) Name of person(s) and the phone numbers, other than the child care staff, authorized to act for parent in an emergency ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________ Home Phone________________________ Work Phone________________________ Employer_______________________________________________ Work Hours __________________________________________ Name of Physician: ________________________________ Office Phone______________ Home___________ Medical Association and Address_________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special written doctor’s instructions for care or medical treatment given the child are______________________________________ To whom any medical training and/or instruction and permission given__________________________________________________ Any food, environmental, and/or medical allergies___________________________________________________________________ Other children and members of the family: Birth Date School/Work ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________ Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 Developmental Health History (Infants-young children) Eating Habits: At what time does the child eat breakfast? _________________ Dinner/lunch? _______________ Dinner/Supper? _______________ Between mean snack? ______________________________ feeds themselves? ___________________________________________ What is the child’s general attitude toward eating? __________________________________________________________________ Does the child refuse to eat? __________________ How is this handled and by whom? _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The child’s favorite foods: ______________________________________________________________________________________ [If your child is an infant, use the space below for information about the formula, bottle schedule, etc. The parent must work closely with the child care facility while introducing new baby foods and table foods to the child.] Potty Training: Is your child potty trained? ________________________ Does your child need assistance using the bathroom? ________________ Physical History: What health problem has your child had in the past? _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What health problems does your child have now? ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other than what you listed above: Does your child have any allergies? If so, to what? ___________________________________________________________________ How severe? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child take any medication regularly? If so, what and when? ___________________________________________________ Has your child ever been hospitalized? If so, when and why? __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any recurring chronic illness or health problems? Please list: ______ Asthma ______Cerebral palsy ______Developmental delay ______ Seizure disorder ______ Diabetes ______Frequent earaches ______Hemophilia ______ Other If medically diagnosed, what is the name of the doctor who diagnosed the illness or health problem? _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any other concerns about your child’s health? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Developmental (compared to children this age) Does your child have any problems with talking or making sounds? Please explain _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any problems walking, running or moving? Please explain ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any problems seeing? Please explain ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any problems hearing? Please explain ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any problems using his or her hands (such as puzzles, small building pieces)? Please explain ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 Daily Living: What is your child’s typical eating pattern? _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is your child on any special diet? Please describe. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Write N/A (non-applicable) if your child is too young for the following questions to apply. How well does your child use table utensils (cup, fork, spoon)? _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How does your child indicate bathroom needs? _____________________________________________________________________ Word(s) for urination? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Word(s) for bowel movement? __________________________________________________________________________________ Special words for body parts? ___________________________________________________________________________________ What are your child’s regular bladder and bowel patterns? Do you want us to follow a particular plan for toileting? ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For toddlers, please describe use of diapers or toileting equipment (such as potty, toilet seat adapter) _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your child’s regular sleeping patterns? ______________________________________________________________________ Awakes at ______________________ Naps at ______________________________ goes to bed at ___________________________ What help does your child need to get dressed? _____________________________________________________________________ Social Relationships/Play: What ages are your child’s most frequent playmates? ________________________________________________________________ Is your child friendly? _____________ Aggressive? _________________Shy? _______________ Withdrawn? ___________________ Does your child play well alone? _________________________________________________________________________________ What is your child’s favorite toy? _________________________________________________________________________________ Is your child frightened by (circle all that apply) Animals? Rough Children? Loud Noises? The dark? Storms? Anything else? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who does most of the disciplining? _______________________________________________________________________________ What is the best way to discipline your child, EXCLUDING physical punishment? ___________________________________________ With which adults does your child have frequent contact? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child use a special comforting item? (such as a blanket, stuffed animal, doll?) ____________________________________ Is there any other information that you wish to share that would assist in meeting your child’s needs? _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706 Note: The content of this health history has been taken from “Healthy Young Children: A Manual for Programs”, a publication of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. NAEYC, 1509 16th Street, N. W., Washington, DC 20036-1426 Telephone numbers (202) 232-87777 (800) 424-2460 FAX (202) 324-1846 Please initial the following I have received a summary of the program requirements. ____________________________________ I visited the child care facility prior to enrolling my child. _____________________________________ I understand any changes in the above information must be entered immediately and initialed. ____ The above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) signature _______________________________________________________________ Date child is enrolled __________________________ Date child was withdrawn _______________________ Reason for withdrawal_______________________________________________________________________ Special notes for child care facility or parent/custodian: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Stepping Stones PDO * Revive Church * 7198 Nolensville Rd. Nolensville, TN 37135 * (615) 776-5057 or (615) 426-1706