Worship - The Mining Journal
Worship - The Mining Journal
4C The Mining Journal Saturday, May 14, 2016 Worship A View from the Pew Learning to trust in Paul’s words about the Spirit T here are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:47,12-13) This Sunday, the Church celebrates Pentecost — the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles as Jesus promised before his ascension into Heaven. As you might expect, the readings concern the nature and ELLEN SARGENT power of the Spirit. The passage above, from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, is probably familiar. In it, he uses the image of the human body to portray the Church, God’s people. The idea of the church as Christ’s body, present today and working to bring the kingdom is a common theme in Christian teaching. There’s one line in the passage though that I think bears closer examination; “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” Each individual. That means you, that means me. The body of Christ is made up of individuals, unique creations of God. I would believe then that the Holy Spirit works in our lives uniquely as well. According to Merriam-Webster, a manifestation is: 1. A sign that shows something clearly or, 2. One of the forms that something has when it appears or occurs. Paul tells us that at baptism we become part of one body but with the Holy Spirit working in us individually. I don’t know about you, but there are days when the “sign that shows something clearly” part doesn’t seem to be working. The appearing and occurring thing seems out of reach some days as well. I would love to know exactly what part I am to play in bringing the kingdom. It would be great if every morning there was an e-mail, or maybe a text, from the Holy Spirit telling me my Body of Christ assignment for the day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen that way. Although there have been times in my life when I have very clearly felt that God was leading me in a certain direction or requiring a specific action those periods seem to be the “mountain top” moments; awe inspiring, but rare. I spend most of the time in the valley just plodding along the path, trying to enjoy the scenery as I go. I think what’s important to remember is the Spirit is with me as I plod along, if every day I pray for guidance then I must believe that I am being guided. I try to be open to that guidance. Maybe there’s going to be a little nudging today to make an extra effort on something. Maybe someone I haven’t thought of in years will pop into my mind randomly. For a while now, I’ve been using that opportunity to say a small prayer for them. What are they in need of that I am praying for? No clue. But that’s the whole point I think. We are a part, not the whole. We can only pray, trust, and believe in the words of Paul that the Spirit is manifesting in us for “some benefit,” even if we don’t always understand what that might be. God Bless. EDITOR’S NOTE: Ellen Sargent is a long-time resident of the Marquette area and member of the Catholic Church. She is married to Mining Journal Managing Editor Bud Sargent. Church Briefs Yvonne Blake to perform in concert ISHPEMING — Yvonne Blake, gospel singer, songwriter and instrumentalist from Ontonagon, will present a concert at Hope Free Lutheran Church in west Ishpeming at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 22. Everyone is invited to attend — a free-will offering will be taken. The Mining Journal Church page deadline is Wednesday The deadline for submitting items for the Saturday Church Page is noon Wednesday for both news items and the advertising portions of the page. Mail items to: The Mining Journal, Page, P.O. Box 430, Marquette, MI 49855; fax to 228-2617. To reach the advertising department, send fax to 228-3273, or email churchpage@miningjournal.net. Changes to the Saturday listings will not be taken by phone. We can also be reached by email through the Virtual Newsroom on The Mining Journal’s website, www.miningjournal.net. Worshipping This Week M ARQUETTE FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Reverend Kristi Hintz Reverend Christopher Hintz 111 E. Ridge St. • 225-1344 (Corner of Front & Ridge) fumc@fumcmarquette.org www.fumcmarquette.org 9:00am Traditional Worship Child Care Available 10:15am Sunday School 11:15am New Day Worship Child Care Available WHY WORRY? 1700 US 41 West 9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Sunday Church Service Wednesday 7:00pm Bible Class Kevin G. Thew Forrester, PhD Ministry Developer/Rector High and Ridge St. www.stpaul.dioup.org 10:30am Holy Eucharist Service Tuesday 8:00am Mindfulheart Meditation ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 325 Pine St. (Downtown) Fr. Larry Van Damme Saturday Mass 4:30pm Sunday Mass 9:00am MESSIAH LUTHERAN ELCA 305 W. Magnetic St. 225-1119 M e s s i a h LutheranMQT.org Dave Van Kley, Senior Pastor Amanda Kossow, Associate Pastor Saturday Worship 5:00pm Sunday Worship 8:45 and 10:30am Nursery Available Sunday School 10:30am Service Broadcast on Sunny 101.9 FM at 8:45am CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH CLC 450 W. Ohio Street • 226.9372 www.clclutheran.org/calvary 9:30am Sunday Worship 10:45am Bible Class and Sunday School Wednesday 7:00pm Bible Class FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 120 N. Front Street 226-6587 Rev. Nicholas Cammarata www.firstpresmqt.org office@firstpresmqt.org Sunday Worship Schedule 8:00am Worship in the Library 10:00am Worship (Nursery 9:50 - 11:15am) Thursday 11:15am-12:15pm Prayer Services Photo Credit Istockphoto.com/juanjodda T he Creator gave the seagull wings to fly, the most exactly engineered beak with which to eat, and feet designed for sand or water; He didn’t leave out anything. We are as significant as the gull; God certainly gives us all we need. But we humans seem to worry a lot. Why worry? Why not let God be in control? He takes care of all His creatures. Visit your house of worship and learn more about the Creator who takes care of us. Ezekiel 1:1-2:1 Exekiel 2:2-10 Weekly Scripture Reading Ezekiel Joel Joel 37:1-28 1:1-20 2:1-17 Sunday Mass 8:00 and 10:30am, 6:00pm Weekday Mass 8:00am and 5:15pm Confession Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm; other times by appointment OF Interested in world peace, prayer, elimination of prejudice? Devotiona, classes for children, youth and adults; call 906.361.1844, lsamarquette@gmail.com or Baha’i faith website www.bahai.org 1.800.228.6483 Masses: Saturday 4:30pm, Sunday 9:00 and 11:15am Confessions Saturday 3:30 - 4:00pm or anytime by appointment UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST Affirming the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Everyone! M-28 E, 2.5 miles E of US41/28 intersection 249.9450 • www.mqtuu.org 11:00am Sunday Service All Are Welcome! Child Care Available S KANDIA 6847 US 41South 249.1870 Green Garden Saturday 3:30pm Sunday School 4:30pm Worship QUAKER MEETING Worship Alternate Sundays 11:30am at 4050 US41S. 249.1527 or 475.7582 for info. Rev. Christopher Hintz, Pastor Worship Service and Sunday School 9:00am NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH ST. CHRISTOPHER CATHOLIC CHURCH 2372 Badger Street Masses: Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 10:00am Tuesday - Friday 12:10pm ST. MARK’S L UTHERAN C HURCH ELCA 1318 Presque Isle Avenue (Off Fair Ave.) 906.226.6857 stmarksmqt@att.net Rev. William Payne Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee and Fellowship Follows NEW LIFE CHURCH CONTEMPORARY Corner of Fisher and Third 226-2333 www.newlifechurchmqt.com Pastor Lew Pizzala Sunday School 9:15am Worship and Children’s Church 10:30am Wednesday Service 6:30pm All programs for nursery through adult FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 728 W. Kaye Ave 226-2014 Pastor John Karvonen 9:30am Sunday Bible Class 10:30am Worship Service Tuesday 6:30pm Tasty Treats & Teaching Wednesday 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Friday Food, Fun, Fellowship 11:30am UNITY OF INNER PEACE A Spirituality Study Group 104 W. Ridge Street Women’s Federation Clubhouse www.unityofinnerpeace.org 906.869.4702 Sunday Service 10:00am L ITTLE L AKE HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11:00am Holy Eucharist Call 942.7178 for location. G WINN ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC CHURCH 401 W. Kaye Ave. (corner of Kaye and Presque Isle Avenues) Fr. Greg Heikkala, Pastor Fr. Brandon Oman, Associate Pastor Saturday Mass 5:00pm Sunday Masses 8:30 & 10:30am 7:00pm Campus Ministry Mass when NMU is in session. Monday, Thursday, Friday Mass 8:00am Tuesday, Wednesday Mass 5:15pm Confession 11:00am–Noon Saturday or by appointment. Joel 3:1-21 Scriptures Selected by the American Bible Society SKANDIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1702 Kimber Ave 226.3427 9:15am Children’s Sunday School 10:30am Service Wednesday Programs vary, call for info. Joel 2:18-32 ©2016, Keister-Williams Newspaper Services, P.O. Box 8187, Charlottesville, VA 22906, www.kwnews.com ST. PETER ST. LOUIS T RAUNIK THE KING CATHEDRAL L IFE HAS MANY 311 W. Baraga Avenue CATHOLIC CHURCH CHOICES ETERNITY Msgr. Michael Steber, Pastor 264 Silver Creek Road HAS ONLY TWO Saturday Mass 4:00pm Rev. Fr. Glenn Theoret, Pastor BAHA’IS MARQUETTE ST. PAUL’S L UTHERAN C HURCH WELS CHURCH ELCA Join Us On The Journey 715 Mather Ave. 486-4351 www.bethanyishpeming.org The Rev. Warren Geier, Pastor Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship with Holy Communion 10:30am Followed by Fellowship Hour Nursery Care Provided APOSTOLIC LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH BETHANY LUTHERAN GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMS 1700 W. Fair Ave. 228-9883 www.redeemermqt.org Rev. Steve A. Hulke Rev. Chad Ott Deaconess Betty Knapp Anna Dauffenbach, DCE Contemporary Worship Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am Traditional Worship Sunday 10:45am Holy Communion First and Third Weekends Nursery Available Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 10:45am Educational Opportunities Saturday 5:00pm King’s Kids Sunday 9:30am-All Ages Radio Ministry: “A Word of Hope” Saturday, 5:00pm and Sunday, 10:00am 101.9 FM BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 829 W. Grove St. 228-7589 1 block west of McClellan Ave. www.bethelmarquette.com Dr. Brian Oberg, Senior Pastor Hank Steede, Associate Pastor 8:30am Morning Worship 10:00am Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowships 11:15am Morning Worship (Nursery care available during each time slot.) Children’s Church During 11:15am Service 5:30pm Senior High Youth Group Monday 6 : 3 0 p m Junior High Youth Group H ARVEY PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA 555 Riverside Rd. (on E. M-28) 249-3122 Rev. Jim Duehring, Pastor 8:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion 10:45am Youth Sunday School and Fellowship Nursery Available ELCA 558 W. M-35 • 346-3156 Andrew Plocher, Pastor 8:30am Adult Bible Study 10:00am Worship Service Children’s Sunday School K.I. S AWYER VICTORY LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMS 315 Explorer 346-7405 victorysawyer@charterinternet.com 11:15am Worship Service 12:00pm Community Meal M UNISING SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Corner of Elm Ave. & Jewell St. Rev. Chris Gardiner Mass Times Monday 6:00pm Tuesday - Thursday 8:00am Friday 12:10pm Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 10:00am Confession Times Monday 5:00 - 6:00pm Friday 11:00am - 12:00pm Saturday 2:30 - 3:30pm T RENARY ST. RITA’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Jacek S. Wtyklo Sunday Mass 9:00am Confessions: Half Hour Before Mass www.onlyjesussavesyou.com N2506 ET Road Evangelist William L. Roberts 24/7 Via the Website A U T RAIN ST. THERESE CATHOLIC MISSION Rev. Chris Gardiner Mass Sunday Noon Confessions Sunday Following Mass B IG B AY COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:30am Worship C HAMPION M ICHIGAMME OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMC Champion 10:30am Worship Sunday School, Discipleship/Confirmation Classes Follow Service SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH W ESLEY U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH 801 Hemlock St. • 486.4681 www.ishpemingwesley.org Jeremiah J. Mannschreck, Pastor 9:00 and 11:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH GARBC 615 North Lake Dr. 485-4653 www.ishpemingbiblebaptist.org Pastor Ben Marx 10:15am Worship Service Wednesday 6:30pm AWANA Kids Club UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 112 E. Euclid Street 485-5111 Rev. Leon G. Jarvis Worship 10:30am Followed by Coffee Fellowship Holy Communion First and Third Sundays of the Month CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 440 Stoneville Rd. 485-4432 www.christking-ish.org Hearing Assistance Available Rev. Dwain Thomsen, Pastor DCE Amanda Stacy Sunday 8:30am Early Service 9:30am Fellowship 10:45am Late Service LAESTADIAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 567 Washington 485-1791 www.ishpemingllc.org 11:00am Morning Service 6:30pm Evening Service Holy Communion First Sunday No Evening Service Last Sunday HOPE F R E E E VANGELICAL L UTHERAN CHURCH AFLC 795 North Lake Drive 485-5714 www.hopefreelutheran.org 9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Sunday School Holy Communion First and Third Sundays Wednesday 6:30pm Bible Study Champion Sunday Mass 11:00am WOODLAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH US41 East, Michigamme Pastor Rev. James Fegan Sunday School 9:30am Worship 11:00am R EPUBLIC ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 574 Kloman Ave. 376-8475 Saturday 7:00pm BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Rev. Kevin Kaiser 9:00am Sunday School/ Confirmation Classes 10:00am Coffee/Fellowship 10:30am Worship/HC Monday 7:00pm Worship/HC I SHPEMING BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA 333 E. Ridge Street www.bethelish.org Pastor Lauri Maki Saturday, May 14 6:30pm Worship with Holy Communion Sunday, May 15 8:00am Worship with Holy Communion Broadcast o n WJPD 92.3 FM 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Worship and Confirmation TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA O u r 1 4 4 t h Ye a r 414 E. Ridge 486-6791 Kenneth Lahners, Pastor 8:15am Early Worship with Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday School 9:30am Adult Education 10:30am Late Worship with Holy Communion 10:30am worship is Broadcast on 9 7 . 5 F M N EGAUNEE BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 550 Cherry St. 475-9533 Rev. Tamra Harder, Pastor 9:30am Worship Sunday School Class Day 10:30am Coffee Fellowship and Sunday School E ASTWOOD A POSTOLIC LUTHERAN CHURCH 121 Sunset Drive 475-4850 Pastor Dale Niskanen www.eastwoodalc.org 7:30am WJPD Radio Message 9:00am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Service ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH All Are Welcome. No Exceptions. Teal Lake & Main 475-4012 10:00am Holy Eucharist and Sunday School IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 520 US41E 475.9161 office@immanuelnegaunee.org Pastor Steve Solberg Pastor Marcia Solberg Sunday 8:30 and 11:00am Worship Service 9:45am Sunday School Monday 6:00pm Worship Service