our sponsorship information pack.


our sponsorship information pack.
54 Miles : 24 hours : Perthshire : SCOTLAND
Sponsorship & Employee Engagement
The Yomp has been a catalyst to bring
everybody across the company together.
It has been a source of inspiration to us
all and the best team building we have
ever been involved in.
Katherine Garrett-Cox
Chief Executive, Alliance Trust PLC
F un, challenging and exhausting… a great
experience for the ING team to get away
from London for the weekend. The Cateran
Yomp 2015 was a fantastic event, which
pushed the team to its limits!
Matthew Glen
ING Bank
• Founded in 2011, The Yomp – military slang for a long distance march – is an epic
adventure challenge that pushes people to their limits both mentally and physically.
• Featuring hundreds of teams – military, civilian and corporate – which take on up to
54 miles in 24 hours.
• The route goes through some of the most stunning, rugged and remote parts of the
Perthshire and Angus glens.
• Brings together military and civilians; elite athletes and first timers; young and old;
in a unique environment – fun, challenging and exhausting – which helps to foster a
terrific camaraderie amongst all the teams.
• Organised in partnership with the title sponsor Alliance Trust and developed and run
by Wildfox Events.
• Raises vital funds for ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, supporting our soldiers, veterans
and their immediate families in times of need; and the Alliance Trust Foundation,
which supports local charities in Scotland.
CP2 Bronze (22 miles)
Spittal of Glenshee
• Teams of 3-6 people take part in either a 54
(Gold), 36.5 (Silver) or a 22 (Bronze) mile route.
• Situated along the route are 4 checkpoints
and 8 waterstops where teams will be refuelled
by tasty hot food, snacks and drinks, have a
massage and receive access to the highest
quality medical and marshal support.
• Starting with the pre-event pasta party, the route
features activities and surprises including; clay
pigeon shooting, a zip wire and archery, a breathtaking fireworks display at midnight, and even a
DJ in the woods.
CP3 Silver
(36.5 miles)
Kirkton of
• From registration right through to the finish line
participants will receive exceptional support and
resources including; participant packs, training
plans, event t-shirt, goody bag, finisher’s medal and
much more.
• A number of prizes are awarded – Top Fundraiser,
Fastest Corporate Team etc – and are presented at
an Awards Ceremony in November.
Bridge of
of Cally
Start/Gold Finish
(54 miles)
Sponsorship & Employee
Engagement Opportunities
• The Alliance Trust Cateran Yomp offers a number of excellent
opportunities to promote your products, services and brand
to our audience.
• The opportunities that are available at the Cateran Yomp
are listed on the back page and these can be purchased
individually or can be combined as part of a bespoke package
based on your specific marketing and sponsorship objectives. • There are two sponsorship tiers available based on your
overall investment:
– Major Sponsor: investment of £5,000 or more
– Supporting Sponsor: investment of £1,000 or more
• Sponsorship benefits include full page Event Programme
advert*, entry for one team* (up to 6 people), logo on the
event micro-site, logo and thank you in the event programme
and an insert in the event goody bag.
• The Yomp also offers a unique employee engagement
and team building experience. Places in the event could
be included as part of a sponsorship package or we can
create a standalone team package based on your specific
Age range (2015)
*Major Sponsorship Tier only
Participants (2015)
Male: 70%
Female: 30%
Military (2015)
Military (including retired)
• In 5 years the Yomp has raised £1.83 million and more than 2,000
people have taken part.
• Grown from 240 participants across 60 teams in 2011 to 600
participants across 119 teams in 2015.
• Registration fee of £99* per person that covers food, drink & camping
(*early bird and military discount available).
• Each participant is set a fundraising target of £400, which the vast
majority far exceeds. In 2015 the top fundraiser raised £12,290, with an
average raised per person of £791.
• Previous Sponsors have included: Artemis, Bircham, Blackrock, Bright
Solid, Dyson Bell, EMC, Finsbury, GBST, HSBC, PWC, Sainsbury’s,
Seric, Shepherd and Wedderburn, SLI365 and Thomson Reuters.
• An extensive marketing and promotional campaign is run by Patter PR,
including a media partnership with The Courier newspaper.
Sponsorship & Employee Engagement Opportunities Available
Cost: £7,000
• All participants wear an electronic timing wristband to record their time around the route. They need to check in to the palm-sized control stations at
each checkpoint and water station so their location can be recorded.
• Participants can then view their race time in the timing tent at each of the finishing points.
• Sponsor’s Logo will be displayed on each wristband and all the palm-sized control stations, as well as on the screen displaying the results. There will
also be branding opportunities in the finish timing tent.
Cost: £4,000
• Professional masseurs and physiotherapists – Athletes’ Angels – provide support for participants at all four checkpoints and the Event Village.
• The sponsor will have a number of branding opportunities across all Athletes’ Angels locations on the route.
Checkpoints x 4 available
Cost: From £3,500 per checkpoint
• There are four checkpoints positioned along the route; two of these are the finishing points for the Bronze and Silver distances. At the checkpoints
participants have access to food, drink, medical care and professional masseurs and physiotherapists – Athletes’ Angels. • Participants’ support teams are also able to access the checkpoints.
• Each checkpoint can be sponsored and come, with a number of branding opportunities for the sponsor.
Cost: £3,000
• Every participant is given a participant number which must been worn throughout the event.
• Sponsor’s logo will be displayed on all participant numbers, and sponsors will have a promotional area in the Event Village.
Cost: £3,000
• All participants will receive a medal on completion of the Bronze, Silver and Gold distances.
• Sponsor’s logo will be repeated on all the medal ribbons and will have a promotional area in the Event Village.
AWARD PRIZES x 8 available
Cost: £1,500 per award
• Each year eight prizes are awarded, one to an individual and the rest to teams. Prizes are presented at an Awards evening in November.
– Top Fundraiser
– Fastest Overall Team
– Fastest Ladies Team – Top Fundraising Team – SOLD
– Fastest Corporate Team – Fastest Mixed Team
– Best Dressed Team – Fastest Military Team – SOLD
• Each award can be sponsored and the sponsor will also receive an invite to the Awards evening in Edinburgh.
WATERSTOPS x 8 available
Cost: From £1,000 per water stop
• There are eight waterstops positioned along the route where participants have access to food, drink and medical care. • Each waterstop can be sponsored and comes with a number of exclusive branding opportunities for the sponsor.
Cost: £500 per full page advert
• The colour event programme is given to all participants, event marshals, volunteers and supporters, as well as being put on the event website. 1,000 copies are produced.
Cost: From £7,500
• An opportunity for a company to enter a team of 25 or more members (split into smaller groups of 3-6 participants).
• T
he team will receive a full support team around the route, which includes transporting kit to each checkpoint and travel to/from hotels. There will
also be exclusive team areas at the Event Village and finishing points and an evening drinks reception (Bronze/Silver finishers only).
• An inter-team leaderboard will be set-up with prizes for fastest team and top fundraisers.
• Package cost includes all registration fees, transfers from Edinburgh to event site, 2 x nights’ hotel accommodation for each team member.
Cost: On Application
• Each participant receives an event goody bag when they check-in at the start. These will include items useful to each participant during the Yomp,
i.e. energy drinks/bars, medical supplies, hiking accessories, insect repellent and socks.
• There is an opportunity for companies to supply goods to be inserted into all the goody bags.
To discuss specific or bespoke packages, or for
further information, please contact Bernie Critchley
on 020 7811 3201 or bcritchley@soldierscharity.org
About ABF The Soldiers’ Charity
Formerly The Army Benevolent Fund, The Soldiers’ Charity is the National
Charity of the British Army. They have been helping soldiers, veterans and
their families in need since 1944.
The Alliance Trust Cateran Yomp is sponsored by Alliance Trust PLC and is developed and run by WildFox Events which specialises in organising fundraising events across the UK.
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales (1146420) and Scottish registered charity no. SC039189. Alliance Trust Foundation is a charity registered in Scotland no. SC044113.