APICS San Gabriel Valley Chapter President`s Report I. Board


APICS San Gabriel Valley Chapter President`s Report I. Board
APICS San Gabriel Valley Chapter
President’s Report
Southwest District
August, 2009
Tucson, AZ
The APICS San Gabriel Valley Chapter report as submitted by Chuck E. Jones
and presented by Doug Howardell, former COB of our Chapter..
I. Board Members
♦ Risk Assessment: Low
ƒ During the past six months, we have retained all the past Board
members and have added three new members. We reshuffled duties
based on past interest, passion and execution. The previous 6 members
have performed most of the different Chapter duties. The transition was
handled during June and July 2009.
ƒ Found to be missing were the positions’ Standard Operating Procedures
and various hat writeups to perform duties. We have a priority list and
will accomplish that this year.
ƒ Other key missing issues have also been documented.
ƒ We are establishing a collaboration tool (Microsoft Shared Services) to
maintain both documents and tasks. The Board can then track both the
documents and the timely task completions. This will keep a full history
of documents, tasks and notes. With the tool on the Internet, members
can always see the latest documents and task status without having to
keep track of them on their own personal computers. The tool enables
several people to work on a project at once.
ƒ There is now one Board member dedicated to tracking all performance
metrics. This includes the timely execution of tasks, class attendance and
other Chapter actions.
ƒ In November, 2008, the Chapter received the Silver Star rating for its CBAR accomplishments. We expect to retain that Star this year.
II. Educational Offerings
♦ Risk assessment: High
ƒ The Marketing Director was off post due to illness for the initial 6
months of the year. This was a major cause for the low class attendance.
ƒ Investigation for root causes showed 16 previously-successful actions
which had been dropped out that had been assigned to various Chapter
Box 660012 Arcadia, CA 91066-0012
ƒ We are correcting these actions and have returned to our regular
successful program.
ƒ We are doing a BSCM class and one CPIM class each quarter. These are
held on the same night in a divided room so the rent is shared between
ƒ We have not had to cancel any classes for lack of attendance.
ƒ We have “captured” 4 to 5 new students from other organizations which
had cancelled their offerings just before the class was to have started.
This was especially noticeable in several Junior Colleges.
ƒ Onsite training has excelled with 12 future classes to be delivered. In the
past 6 months we have delivered 6 onsite classes.
ƒ One Board member has taken the single role as Education Administrator.
He tracks all the attendance and fees paid, administers and tabulates the
surveys (3 each class) and other non-teaching functions. He also mentors
students on possible career issues and can get immediate feedback from
the class. This frees up the instructor to instruct. Provides constant
feedback from the students.
ƒ We are currently investigating the Lean Workshop marketplace depth.
See attachment for later review. I personally feel Lean is vital knowledge
and methodology to assist the United States in the current economic
condition. Getting this knowledge delivered and put into effect will
make a significant improvement.
III. Publicity and Marketing
♦ Risk assessment: Medium
ƒ This area is vital to a Chapter’s survival and if it goes out, the possibility
for growth diminishes drastically.
ƒ We have taken corrective action so the dropped-out actions are put back
into place and cannot fall out again in the future.
ƒ Some of the critical areas include:
o Upgrade the formal SOPs, tasks and hats writeups for each Board
position, starting with the standard descriptions from National.
o State of California (ETP) funding for training. This might well be a
deal-maker for some onsite training.
o Upgrade the apics-sgv.org web site so it has a greater drawing power
and higher Internet rating.
o Establish a liaison activity program between existing corporate clients
and the Chapter, known as Corporation Coordination. This will
ensure they are being offered what they actually need and want.
Box 660012 Arcadia, CA 91066-0012
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Several Board members have specific companies which they will
follow. We have not done this well before and we should duplicate
the success of some outstanding Chapters such as San Diego.
o Possible upgrade of the postcard-mailing database to reflect new
companies. The last update was 2-1/2 years ago.
o Improve the purchasing process with APICS National. Currently, we
often cannot seem to match invoices with paids.
o The web site host now has the capability of on-line polls/surveys and
self-test examinations. We have used the on-line poll successfully for
one of our corporate clients; we also use it to tabulate the public
course surveys.
o The Chapter has developed an Instructor Matrix to provide the best
instructor available for each class in each of the five modules.
o Based on survey results, we find high interest and rating with the
exhibits and samples that we hand out to the students. These facilitate
change in the students’ workplaces with savings and high marks by
their employers and themselves. The collaboration tool (Shared
Services) will have these available so if a “new” instructor teaches a
particular class, he will have them available immediately.
o We have not done enough to promote the Chapter through standard
local media resources.
IV. Financial Report
♦ Risk Assessment: Low
ƒ We continue to be solvent with cash available over $21,000.
ƒ We have a greater profit from the onsite courses. By continuing to
develop this area, it will improve our financial condition even more.
ƒ The bi-monthly budget review should catch any problems before they
become serious.
ƒ Will do Budget vs. Actual review every two months.
V. Membership
♦ Risk Assessment: High
ƒ We have been recognized nationally as a winner in the new member
category in the 2009 – 2nd Quarter Chapter Incentive Program which
recognizes chapters for increased presence of APICS in their local
markets. This was mainly due to the influx of new members from a
corporate client. We have not handled this problem – our members are
not participating – due to lack of viable offerings and constant PDM
Box 660012 Arcadia, CA 91066-0012
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ƒ The PDM Director developed a very successful relationship with other
professional societies so that even though we couldn’t fill PDMs with our
members, we were able to do so with these societies. We had wellattended events; some of the best attendances were 3 City of Hope
events and JPL.
ƒ An estimated 15% our members have not renewed their membership.
ƒ We will reach out more to our current membership with polls and
requests for enhancing the Chapter’s worth to them.
Box 660012 Arcadia, CA 91066-0012
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President's Report
Inland Empire Chapter
August 2009
We are pleased with the progress of our chapter.
is 150, which is 16% lower than a year ago (170) - although this is
reasonable with the economic turbulence
discuss ways to improve our attrition
Highlights include:
and the membership dues increase, we will
rate at our Board's strategic planning session
Education - an excellent year. We exceeded our revenue and offerings by 25% while
maintaining our revenue/ expense ratio. This was the key component to exceeding
2008-9 budget expectations.
Programs - significant progress and success in 2008-9. Not only did we meet our
programs goals in terms of # of offerings and attendance goals during turbulent
economic times but we also expanded our offerings to include webinars and "out-ofthe-box" type subjects such as creative thinking skills and interviewing/
skills. We are constantly trying to understand which subjects are of the most value to
our membership and searching for quality speakers and tours.
Budget - our net income was $12,702, which was almost $12,000 better than budget,
mainly due to expanded education offerings and a reduction in some expense
Board members - we have an excellent / quality Board - the reason we achieved not
only excellent financial performance
but also provided significant value to our
in a time when it is needed even more than usual. Our largest issue is that
we need to recruit additional Board members, provide training/
key positions.
We'll discuss further at our strategic planning meeting.
• ••
August in, 2009
To: Southwest District Board of Directors & Chapter Presidents
From: Orange County, Chapter President - Paul Montesano
Subject: Presidents' Meeting, Tuscon, Arizona
What is right with our chapter:
All functional areas have a solid foundation. So far, we have been fortunate to have a very large board,
with 6 functional & returning Vice Presidents and 9 active Board of Directors. The challenge has been to keep
everybody busy, focused, and contributing. We are looking at holding quarterly committee meetings with each
VP as we can review what haS been accomplished and what we are looking at for the next quarter.
Membership level is approximately 377 members. This is off by almost 100 from this time last year. Publicity
is producing excellent monthly e-blasts. These cover everything from our PDM's to our educational offerings.
Programs have locked in speakers through the end of the calendar year. We are looking at having two joint
meetings this year. One with ISM and the second with ASQ. We also working on scheduling 3 plant tours this
year. Financials for the chapter is very healthy, and affording us the luxury of continuing to trying some new
things, from advertising in the Orange County Business Journal to offering all 6 certification classes during the
year. Education is going full speed ahead once again. The public seminars scheduled through the end of June
2010. We have an aggressiv~ schedule offering all 6 classes again with some being offered on Saturdays. This
was successful this past year and we are going to continue with it again. The on-site classes have fallen off quite
a bit due to the economic conditions everyone is currently facing.
We now have active Marketing Committee, Education Committee, Programs Committee, Membership
Committee, and a Mid Year Audit Committee. Our Administration and Finance VP's do not require
Where we need help:
Membership has been tasked to maintain overall membership numbers as well as trying to significantly
expand our Company Coordinator Program. Maintaining the membership level in this economic time has been
difficult. This also ties into our attendance at PDMs and multi-session classes.
Speakers and topics. Leoking for new speakers and dynamic new topics to get people out to the PDMs.
We are looking to increase our core base of speakers. Could the district or other chapters help here?
Submitted by:
Paul Montesano
APICS - OC Chapter President
11735 Kirwin Circle
.Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708
Tijuana Calatia
Ignacio M Altamirano # 561
CP 22470 Tijuana BC
(664) 661-3892
Chapter Report
August 09
First 2 quarters of the year with very low activity
Nevertheless we could offer 3 certification seminars with low attendance.
We have schedule 2 BSCM, 1 in Ensenada and 1 in Tijuana; 1 DSP sequence recovered from a
competitor due to quality; 1 E&CO
We have at least 2 people certified, 1 in December and 1 in March. They advise us on final test
approved. We are looking to integrate them to the chapter
Get results for our first paper and pencil certification exam. Very good results 9 people attendance
and seems like they all pass.
A second paper and pencil test was performed on Tijuana. We have lower performance than last
time, maybe because attendants have take the courses more than a year ago. We have 13 attendants
and just know of 2 that approve, 6 do not -pass and 5 not known.
Our membership is lower than ever, 12 only
Finances are stable, we have been able to cover expenses and keep our chapter running
CBAR submitted but still not getting enough to be Bronze. Need to keep working
Jon M Ibarreche
Chapter President
P.O. Box 66835
Phoenix, AZ 85082-6835
Phone/Fax: 480.813.2154
Email: info@apicsphoenix.org
Website: www.apicsphoenix.org
Phoenix Chapter
Chapter Status Report: What is working, and challenges/opportunities
for next year:
Overall, I would define the 2008/2009 year as a great success during difficult times. This means that we met or
exceeded most goals in a time when our membership struggled to find APICS in their budget, and our volunteers
struggled to find time in their day.
Things that went well:
o We ended the year in a very strong financial position with total Assets at more than $166K.
o We continue to have a very strong instructor base, and are able to offer a regular schedule of public
CPIM and CSCP courses. We also have finished another year with some very successful private in
house offerings including a very successful course presented to Triumph (Thank you Jack Wetzel for
all the work that went into this!).
Additionally we are having a great transition of VPs in education and we are looking forward
continuing a tradition of excellence in this area.
o We have launched a company coordinator program and have had monthly coordinator meetings
throughout 2009. We are excited to see this program back in action and are looking forward to
transitioning this over to the VP of membership to take this to the next level.
We reinvigorated the newsletter after failing to release it for over a year.
Chapter Management-
o We have a robust and integrated operating system that is completely on-line and utilizes Google Docs
to enable volunteers to manage their strategic goals and objectives.
o Marco Ugarte has brought us a series of fresh PDM speakers and topics. Although we did not meet
our attendance goal of +5% we did demonstrate that we can put on fresh, interesting, educational
offerings. We fully anticipate growth in PDM attendance as we prove that we can offer this month over
for next year:
o Our new VP of Membership Marti Ouellette has great opportunities to succeed this year after having
the position filled in name only for the past two years. Although membership is down from 385 to 329,
we look forward to turning that trend around in the next year with a simple back to the basics
approach to membership retention including making sure we contact each and every lapsed member
via phone, e-mail, and snail mail.
o We continue to struggle to put out a newsletter in a regular and timely manner although much praise
should be given to Gabe and Joyce for getting the newsletter back off the ground last year. Our
member surveys consistently note the desire for a regular newsletter, and we aim to provide that
going forward.
Post Card Marketing Campaign: We still believe that we can bring in new members and new
participants to our classes through well executed post card marketing. Our challenge next year will be
to execute multiple campaigns and be able to demonstrate ROlon the program.
Chapter Management-
o While our operating system is quite robust, we still struggle to fully utilize it to stay on top of our goals
and objectives, which made completing CBAR more difficult than is should have been. Next year's
focus will be on ensuring that we take advantage of the tools that we built to meet chapter goals on
time and on target.
Ryan Perrin
APICS Phoenix President
APICS Tucson Chapter
By Dwight Comer
What Works
Educational offerings - despite down turn in the economy we continue to earn
solid revenue from our various course offering which include fundamentals,
CPIM, CSCP & Lean workshop
Program offerings (PDM's) - even though our membership has dropped to around
90 we still manage to average 39 people for the 10 months of activities that we
offer. That represents 43% of membership showing up for our program events.
What Doesn't
Follow-up on people who allow their membership to lapse. We have replaced that
person with someone else so hopefully we can do a better job of keeping people
as members.
Company coordinators. That function exists in name only. We need to find away
to get those people to be more effective in developing interest in APICS within
their companies.
Development of instructors. We have some very good instructors but we need to
develop a pipe line to develop strong group of instructors in case some of our
current instructors are unavailable.
Ventura County Chapter 101
The Association for
Operations Manaqement
President's Meeting
Tucson, AZ.
7, 2009
The Ventura Chapter is stable and holding its own. Financially the chapter is
Membership is at its lowest point ever hovering around 130 members. As most
of the other chapters; the economy, dues increase with minimal increase in
perceived value, and lack of company support are some on the reasons provided
by the non-renewing members.
Several PDMs have been held jointly with the local ASQ Section. This has
worked out well as both organizations meet on the same night and at times have
similar topics. Although many monthly meetings were planned out, Murphy
appeared and rearranged the schedule starting with the August PDM.
The chapter continues to offer courses through Cal State University Channel
Islands mainly at its off campus location in Thousand Oaks. This appears to be
more convenient for the attendees than meeting at the main campus. The
University offers the Production and Inventory Management courses, whereby
upon the successful completion of all 5 modules a Channel Islands Certificate is
awarded, and the CSCP program.
Challenges for this coming APICS year are:
• increase chapter membership 5 - 10%
• increase attendance at PDMs
add at least 1 new member if not more to the chapter's BOD
introduced APICS to the Ventura and Santa Barbara business
I want to acknowledge the excellent work the board did over the last year. As
always with our chapter, the board members will continue into this APICS year.
We were fortunate to gain a new member to fill the VP of Membership position.
Submitted by Joan Peters, President
Southern Nevada Chapter
What is working:
The Southern Nevada Chapter of APICS has experienced a challenging year in meeting
our objectives.
By collecting feedback at each of our local events, we were able to understand and
respond to the needs of the market. SNV offered open enrollment and customized
certification courses. The Chapter conducted industry relevant professional development
meetings (PDM's) and plant tours that responded to member suggestions.
The PDM's provided a means for our membership to meet their goals and objectives by
adding value to their individual skills, talents, knowledge, and abilities. In addition to
meeting our member's goal, the Chapter offered plant tours that have exceeded all
expectation of attendance.
The Southern Nevada Chapter created alliances with other professional organizations,
most notably the Nevada Development Authority and American Society of Quality
(ASQ) to enhance and expand awareness of APICS. The Chapter is working continue the
relationship in an effort increase membership and networking.
ChaUenges we are facing:
External Factors Contributing to the Performance of the Chapter
Economic factors did have an affect on the local Chapter. The slow down in the economy
created challenges for members participating in PDM's and courses.
The cost of dues for members and with many Corporations cutting their budgets has
limited the number of members continuing their membership with APICS. Our
membership has dropped by 33%.
Due to health and work related issues, some BOD were unable to participate to the level
that they had intended and had to step down. The SNV Chapter was able to overcome this
challenge by enlisting seasoned members to serve in the functional area under duress.
In closing, I would like to praise the SNV Chapter for their commitment in serving on the
Board of Directors. These people generated many ideas that supported the vision and
goals of the chapter:
Darlene Morris
President Southern Nevada APICS
Southwest District - President's Meeting
August, 2009
Tucson, AZ
APICS San Diego Chapter President's Report
The APICS San Diego Chapter report as submitted by Norman Carmichael, CPIM:
.:. Board Members
Risk Assessment:
We are at the beginning of our board year and many of the key positions on the board
are on their second term. Our only key change was our publicity position, but we
have filled that with an existing board member with marketing experience. We
normally carry four to five additional Executive Director positions to help fill gaps on
special projects and sub-committees and currently have only two. We are evaluating
three new candidates for these roles and expect to have them filled in August .
•:. Education.
,.. Risk Assessment:· Medium
We are continuing to offer numerous CPIM certification classes in various locations
around San Diego County. Our registrations for all of the CPIM modules have been
consistent over the past year but our registration for our late summer courses appear
low. We continue to look for and grooming new instructors and are in the process of
developing apprenticeship guidelines which have not been very robust nor written
down. We will be creating a new SOP for this process once the CSCP guidelines are
complete. We still looking into possible online classes, but we need to complete a
technical feasibility review to see if this is even possible on our scale. Our ORM
classes that are offered at California State San Marcos have done well in the past and
we are currently working with a local company to offer an in-house version of this
program. The Back to Basics and CSCP have underperformed our turnout for CPIM.
We have also struggled with the launch of the new Lean Workshop and the Global
Supply Chain Workshop. We have tried to launch Lean, but only had one person
register. We are just now investigating the Global Supply Chain course. Our belief is
that these two offerings are better marketed and sold to companies instead of directly
to members because neither offers a certification. W are using our company needs
assessment we performed last year to target potential corporate customers .
•:. Publicity and Marketing
Risk Assessment:
We need to rethink our approach to marketing and publicity. I believe we have be
more proactive in reaching out to the members of the community that either don't
know what we have to offer, or we have lost touch with over the years. We have
done an excellent job of utilizing new tools to publicize events to our members and
Sqll.lhwest District - President's Meeting
- August, 2009
Tucson, AZ
others on our approved mailing list. We now utilize Constant Contact, a web based
service, to manage our mailing list and create e-mails that have a common theme and
are viewable by all that receive them. We also have an ambassador that has tirelessly
pursued organizations that we can collaborate with on a regular basis. The Chapter
now has several MODs in place and is working toward improving those relationships
on a regular basis. We need to get a better understanding of what APICS is doing to
promote the educational offerings and find a way to leverage this in a creative manner
that persuades our community to take advantage of our valuable offerings .
•:. Program Offerings
This has been our most successful area of the chapter. We hold monthly meetings and
our attendance exceeded our expectations last year. Our current VP of Programs is
continuing from last year and we have an excellent start to the new year. Again we are
trying to maximize our relationships that we have with collaborative companies to try
and mitigate some of the costs associated with these events, but provide the same level
of quality and benefits as if the program were run by our Chapter. We have reached
out to other organizations and held multiple joint meetings over the past year. We
plan to continue this in the coming year. Our first PDM in the fiscal year was a
breakfast meeting, which we have found is a good way to get new people to attend and
has a lower cost that our standard dinner meeting. We are investigating how many
more meetings this year would best fit as a breakfast meeting .
•:. Financial Report:
~ Risk-Low
We are currently in the process of finalizing our budget for 2009-2010. We performed
our initial review at our July transition meeting and just need to close on some of our
expected revenue and expense items for our educational offerings in the coming year.
Last year we overran budget on educational expenses by 50%. This was influenced by
a different mix of course offerings than we had anticipated. We need to make sure we
have a clear understanding of the expected margins on our offerings and try to manage
the mix and make adjustments as required .
•:. Membership:
Membership has been a tough issue for us this year. We have not been successful in
getting any of our expired members to return in the past year. I believe this is
economically driven and we just need to make sure we continue to offer value to our
current members and the community and we should see recovery along with the job