A Perfect Day for All Kinds of Winterfest Fun!
A Perfect Day for All Kinds of Winterfest Fun!
NI LE TTE R YO U OFFIC A UR L CO M M www.pbpca.ca The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Palliser•Bayview•Pump Hill Community Association TY NE WS March 2013 A Perfect Day for All Kinds of Winterfest Fun! W e had an especially great, sunny day for our Winterfest on February 3rd. We wish to extend our sincere gratitude to our wonderful team of rink volunteers who ensured we had ice to skate on for the event, and to all the other volunteers who helped to make the event a great success! The provision of the Skate Shack by KidSport Calgary ensured those without skates could still participate, and it was used by many. The addition of a fire pit and roasting marshmallows added to the fun of the various outdoor and indoor activities this year.G More photos on page 13… INSIDE: PBP CA News, 3; Names & Numbers, 4; Education News, 6; Neighbourhood News, 8; Classifieds, 12; Constituent News, 14. Deer Neighbour is the monthly newsletter of the Palliser•Bayview• Pump Hill Community Association and is distributed to all community residents (circ: approx. 1850). No issue July or August. Publisher: Newsletters & More. Submissions & ads should be directed to Kathryn Chan, Newsletters & More, 43 Bayview Dr. SW, Calgary T2V 3N9; ph/fax 403-251-6201; newsletters andmore@telus.net. Website: www.newslettersandmore.ca. PRINTED by Quick Print Graphic Services (403-242-3113). Disclaimer The opinions expressed within any published article, report, submission or advertisement are those of the author and do not reflect those of the Palliser•Bayview•Pump Hill Community Association or Newsletters & More. Deadlines Next deadline: March 10th for the April issue. www.pbpca.ca • 3 PBP CA News Call for Volunteers! secretary, social director, grants director and directors at large. he PBP Community Association is seeking volunteers to serve on our executive and board of directors. Can you help out? Time commitments are minimal and flexible. Meet your neighbours and have some fun! T If you would like to get involved and help out your community association please call Janine at 403-2811908 or email pbpcam@telus.net. Or attend a board meeting (2nd Tuesday of each month, 7pm, PBP Community Hall) for casual discussion on how you can help. The next meetings are March 12th and April 9th.G Volunteering benefits you as well as your community: Saturday, June 1, 9am–1pm Your Help is Wanted • learn new skills • meet a diverse range of people • be part of your community • discover new interests & hobbies • build self-confidence & feel valued PBP Community Association is now accepting volunteers. Positions available include president, vice-president, facility maintenance (occasional), PBP Community Clean Up & Recycling Event D 1pm). rop off your unwanted items to the PBPCA parking lot at 2323 Palliser Dr SW (adjacent to Nellie McClung School) on June 1st (9am– PBPCA thanks the City of Calgary, Waste & Recycling Services and Animal & Bylaw Services for cosponsoring this event. City of Calgary trucks will be on 4 • www.pbpca.ca Names & Numbers* PBP Community Association EXECUTIVE & DIRECTORS President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Past-President Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Sandra Bryant sandrabryant@dartbryant.com Volunteer Needed Jens Hornbruch 587-433-5218 Jens_Hornbruch@shaw.ca Directors Bldg. Maintenance Civic Affairs Grants Preschool Liaison Planning Social Ice Rink Coordinator Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Krista Semmens Jen Fowler Gerri van Baal Volunteer Needed Tracee Collins 453-9211 Membership & Hall Rentals Janine Revay chris.semmens@shaw.ca jfowler@shaw.ca vanbaalgcm@hotmail.com traceecollins@shaw.ca 281-1908 pbpcam@telus.net PBP Facility manager (Office Hours: Mon, Tues & Thurs, 10am–3pm) Janine Revay 281-1908 pbpcam@telus.net site to haul away your unwanted items. This year we will arrange for: • • • • • Electronics and Metals Recycling Paper Shredding Paint Disposal Clothing and Small Appliance Donations Bottles & Cardboard Check future issues of Deer Neighbour for further details, including what is and is not acceptable for drop off. PBPCA is seeking volunteers to assist with this event on June 1st. If you can help please contact Janine Revay at 403-281-1908 or pbpcam@telus.net.G Chess Club A re you interested in playing chess? We will be meeting in the PBP Community Center at mutually agreed upon times. Children and adults welcome. Please email traceecollins@shaw.ca with your name and contact information.G Submitted by Tracee Collins LOCAL CONTACTS Deer Neighbour Kathryn Chan 251-6201 newslettersandmore@telus.net Brownies/Guides Therese Miller 281-4036 Shelly Bearss 281-8486 Southfour Sports Roger Bourque 252-0491 Southfour Softball Amy Richards 366-2656 Basketball Ed Malate 640-0012 Curling Joe & Kay Massey 281-0186 Football Rob Perry 251-6556 Hockey Wally Reck 281-0570 Soccer Volunteer Needed C.O.P.S. Cst. Jerry Shannon 974-6150 Cst. Mike Glessing 567-6600 Community Liaison Officer Southwest Communities Resource Centre(SWCRC) 238-9222 Southwood Library Elena Doebele 221-2083 Susan Forest 777-8480 Ecole Chinook Park Ecole St. Gerard Elementary Darlene Wozny 500-2028 Henry Wise Wood High Monty Slim 253-2261 John Ware Junior High Robin Laycock 777-7930 Nellie McClung Gordon Hamby 777-8620 St. Benedict Elementary Pat McMillan 253-1881 Alderman, Ward 11 Brian Pincott 268-2476 MLA Linda Johnson 216-5421 *All phone numbers have 403 area code unless otherwise indicated. Community Association Meetings PBP Community Association meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm, at the community association building attached to Nellie McClung School. You are welcome to attend. The next meetings are March 12th & April 9th Hall Rentals The PBP Community Hall (2323 Palliser Drive, next to Nellie McClung School) has 2 rooms (35 or 75 capacity, with kitchen availability) available for rent. Special rates are available to groups wishing to rent on a regular basis. To book, call Janine Revay at 403-281-1908 or email pbpcam@telus.net (please note that office hours are 10am–3pm, Mon, Tues, & Thurs). A current PBP Community membership ($25 reg., $10 seniors) is required for all hall rentals. Rental rates are: main hall, $30/hr; boardroom, $20/hr; or both rooms, $50/hr. www.pbpca.ca • 5 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Next PBP Casino is August 17 & 18, 2013 Proceeds Fund Your Community Association, Community Enhancements, Events & Preschool his is an easy way to help the community association raise funds, and volunteers find it quite sociable as well. Meals are provided during shifts. T Volunteers Needed For General Managers • Bankers Cashiers • Chip Runners Count Room Supervisors • Count Room Staff Day Shift: 10:30am–7pm Evening/Night: 6pm–2:30am or 10pm–2:30am Please contact: Janine Revay, PBPCA Tel: 403-281-1908 Email: pbpcam@telus.net Office hours: Mon, Tues & Thurs, 10am–3pmG Social Media Guru Wanted T he community association is looking for a social media guru to help increase awareness and encourage participation in various community events and programs. If you are Twitter and/or Facebook savvy, please contact pbpcam@telus.net for more information on how you can help.G Submitted by Tracee Collins 55+ Club T he 55+ Club meets in the community association board room the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 1–3pm. Please drop in and join us for a cup of coffee, cards and a chance to meet some of your neighbours. Please contact Lana Morningstar for more information, 403-251-4506 or lanamorningstar@gmail. com.G Submitted by Lana Morningstar 6 • www.pbpca.ca Education News PBP Co-operative Preschool DISCOVER, EXPLORE, WONDER! At PBP Cooperative Preschool we acknowledge the uniqueness of each child and their need to develop his/her potential socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. We believe early childhood education is best accomplished in an environment of care, trust and respect. F ebruary was all about celebrating books at PBP Preschool. We did an author study on Dr. Seuss and read lots of his funny books. We also made Seuss art, sang silly songs and played many imaginative games. We even had a party for Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2 and made green eggs and ham! We also had a lovely Valentine’s celebration at the preschool. The children had special treats brought in by parents, exchanged Valentine’s cards, and we shared the reasons why we care about our classmates. It was lovely and sweet to see how kind and caring all the children are. Coming up in March, we’ll be diving deep under the ocean to explore the sea! We’ll be learning about things that live in the sea, taking pretend voyages on ships, and lots more. Exciting news for the 2013-2014 preschool year— our morning programs are already FULL! At PBP Preschool our focus is a Learn Through Play educational philosophy. 2012-2013 Programs Me 2 Time is a fun and engaging program for children aged 18 months–3 years old. This parented program helps to develop social and cooperative skills of toddlers through play activities. Monday and/or Friday 1–3pm. Monthly fees: $50/1 day, or $90/2 days. Key Skills For Kindergarten Does your 4 or 5 year always ask “why?” and wonders about the world around them? This inquiry-based learning program encourages these young learners to ask questions and seek answers through working collaboratively and cooperatively with others. This unique afternoon program gives parents the opportunity to commit to one, two or three days per week. Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday, 1–3:30pm. Monthly fees: $190/3 days. Student:Teacher Ratio, 6:1. www.pbpca.ca • 7 2013-2014 Programs Me 2 Time is a fun and engaging program for children aged 18 months–3 years old. This parented program helps to develop social and cooperative skills of toddlers through play activities. Monday and/or Friday through working collaboratively and cooperatively with others. This unique afternoon program gives parents the opportunity to commit to one, two or three days per week. Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday 1-3pm. Monthly fees: $55/1 day, or $95/2 day. 1–3:30pm. Monthly fees: $200/3 day, $140/2 day, or $75/1 day. Student:Teacher Ratio, 6:1. Wonder Why? 4&5 Does your 4 or 5 year always ask “why?” and wonders about the world around them? This inquiry-based learning program encourages these young learners to ask questions and seek answers Please check our website at www.pbppreschool.com for a full description of each class and further information about our preschool. Don’t wait! Our classes fill quickly!G Speak to your customers directly… In their community association newsletter…known, read, trusted. CREDIBLE • COST-EFFECTIVE • EASY Publishers of Deer Neighbour… plus 6 other of�icial community newsletters Contact Kathryn Chan at 403-251-6201 or newslettersandmore@telus.net. For all our publications, rates & deadlines visit www.newslettersandmore.ca. 8 • www.pbpca.ca Neighbourhood News HIP — Humanity in Practice, Connecting People to Projects lies on how to take care of their new family member. IPkids offers opportunities for anyone, anywhere to help in a simple and flexible way. Each month, there is a project you can do and drop off at one of five locations that helps a worthwhile cause. Want to know more? Visit www.behip.ca. Our March project is “Walk the dog”! S H We are going to help the foster families who take care of little rescued dogs, feeding and walking them and we can help them with the things they need to do that. (Little Mutts Rescue Society is aimed at saving small breed dogs specifically under 30 lbs. Started in 2009, this volunteer run non-profit has rescued and adopted out over 400 dogs!) You can collect small collars, leashes, poop bags, small towels (to put on the bottom of their crates), blankets, pet store cards, Canadian Tire money or treats. You can also make cards for the adopted fami- If you want to help out you can visit our website (www.behip.ca) or email us at hip@shaw.ca.G Coyotes in the Spring pring, which is just around the corner, is the time when we will start to see more coyotes present in and around our neighbourhoods. The coyote, Canis latrans, and pronounced Ki-yotee, has a foothold in our neighbourhood, moving around the green spaces and community parks and passing through the neighbourhoods to the larger parks close by. The coyote is between 3.5–4.5 feet in length, has a grizzled grey-brown coat, with a bushy, black-tipped tail and large ears. They walk with a light bouncy trot and are smaller than their cousins, the gray wolf (who weigh 20–40lbs). They feed on a large range of insects, mammals (roPlease contact us at (403) 281-1908 2323 Palliser Dr. SW Calgary, Alberta Learn through play Family oriented Small class size ratios Nutritious snack provided Kindermusik spots avaliable for c 2, 3, 4 and 5yr olds! discover explore Wonder www.pbppreschool.com www.pbpca.ca • 9 10 • www.pbpca.ca dents, birds, reptiles), and carrion. In urban areas they will also take a small dog or cat if not properly protected. They provide a service by keeping down mice and also disposing of dead creatures. Coyotes often pair up for life, and usually a couple will mate in late winter or early spring. They can have litters as large as 20 pups, although most times the number are much fewer. Pups are born in late spring or early summer and that is when you will hear a lot more activity during the evenings and night…the long howl followed by short yipping barks. Coyotes will find or dig a den, a dug out area left behind by another animal or enlarge skunk dens to fit their families. The City of Calgary does not remove coyotes for the same reason they do not remove skunks: if you remove one family, another will just move in. It is best to avoid contact with the coyote and not to feed them, as this will encourage them closer to human habitation—your good turn could result in their death or an attack on you. They are part of the balance of nature and should be left alone to do their job. Caution is always a good idea and children should be made aware www.pbpca.ca • 11 to not approach a coyote—it could have young pups hidden some where close by and will attack to defend them. There are cases of coyotes attacking humans, mostly occurring in the US, but no young child should be left outside unattended where coyotes are known to roam the area or that have free access to a yard where young children or pets are. Managing Food Sources in Your Yard • Don’t leave bowls of pet food or water outside overnight. • Keep garbage in a sturdy container with a tight-fitting lid. • Compost in enclosed bins instead of exposed piles. • Clean up around bird feeders. • Keep all pets inside at night and watch small dogs while outside, even during daylight hours. • Keep cats indoors. Encounters with Humans Humans tend to intimidate coyotes. On rare occasions, a coyote adapted to human presence as a result of feeding by humans will act aggressively. If you encounter a coyote: • Do not run or turn your back. Instead, calmly back out of an area. • Do not challenge coyotes by looking them directly in the eye. • Make yourself bigger and make loud noises. • Protect small children by standing between them and the coyotes and fight back if attacked. • Use children’s toys that make noise. • Spray the coyote with a water hose.G Submitted by January Stallard, january.stallard@shaw.ca or call PBP at 403-281-1908 Sources: Wikipedia & the Encyclopedia of North American Animals SouthWest Communities Resource Centre (SWCRC) Oakridge Co-op Mall at #42, 2580 Southland Drive • Ph 403-238-9222 • swcrc@telus.net R egister now for the following programs at the SouthWest Communities Resource Centre. Literacy and Parenting Skills Program (LAPS) Thursdays, 9:30–11am, Feb. 21, 28; Mar. 7, 14, 21; April 11, 18, 25 at the SWCRC 12 • www.pbpca.ca Are you a parent who has trouble reading and writing? Do you want to help your young children become good readers and writers? This is the program for you. Guide your children. Help them learn. Improve your own parenting and literacy skills. This program is run by the Further Education Society and offered free of charge. To register, call the SWCRC at 403-238-9222. Baby and You for Moms Thursdays, 1–3pm, April 4, 11, 18 and 25 at the SWCRC Alberta Health Services is offering this 4-week series for new mothers and babies. In these fun and informative classes, you will meet other new moms and discuss topics like infant sleep and crying, toys and games, feeding baby in the first year, caring for baby’s teeth, safety, common illnesses and community resources. Bring your baby to class. Alberta Health Services charges a fee of $50 for these classes which may be waived or subsidized if you are living on a low income. If this is your situation, please call Alberta Health Services Perinatal Education at 403-955-1450 to request a fee waiver or subsidy. Otherwise, to register for classes, please call the SWCRC at 403-238-9222. Mastering the Mouse for Seniors & Front Desk Volunteer Opportunity Call Pati, our Volunteer Specialist, at 403-238-9222, ext. 223, to enquire about these.G Submitted by Melody Wharton Community Memberships The membership year runs Sept 1/12–Aug 31/13. Purchase your membership online at www.pbpca. ca, or mail/drop off this form to PBP Community Association, 2323 Palliser Dr. SW, Calgary AB T2V 3S4. Membership fee: $25/household; $10/seniors. name(s):_______________________________ ______________________________________ address:_______________________________ ______________________________________ postal code:___________________________ phone:________________________________ email:_________________________________ (for membership confirmation) The PBP CA holds many successful functions each year thanks to the tremendous help of our volunteers. If you would like to become involved, please indicate below where you would be interested in volunteering: o Board Member oWinterfest o Garden Maintenance oCasino o Youth Events o Seniors Events o Rink Maintenance oOther:_______________________________________ Classifieds Classifieds are free to community members for items of a personal nature only. Reliable Master Electrician For all your electrical requirements, big or small, call Campbel Sinclair at 403-397-7141 for your free quotation. Garbage Disposal & Odd Jobs Anything to the dump. Best prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Small moves, delivery and other odd jobs. Specializing in Palliser, Bayview & surrounding areas. Please call Sanil at 403-616-2758 anytime. www.pbpca.ca • 13 More from Winterfest… USE COLOUR FOR MARKETING ...90 Million Parrots Can’t be Wrong! Quick Print GRAPHIC SERVICES 403.243.3113 www.qpcalgary.com 115, 7004 Macleod Tr. SE, Calgary 14 • www.pbpca.ca Constituent News Brian Pincott, Alderman, Ward 11 A s we head into spring, it is time to start thinking about some of the summer programs that are available in your community and across the city. One very successful program is NeighbourWoods. This is a tree stewardship initiative developed by City of Calgary Parks to work with communities for the replenishment, growth and preservation of our urban forest. Each year communities apply to be part of NeighbourWoods. They are then chosen based on the health and condition of the existing urban forest within that community. For 2013, the Ward 11 communities are Bel-Aire, Garrison Green, Lakeview, Mayfair, and North Glenmore Park. This will see 100 trees planted in each community on private property. The City will do all the work of prepping for the tree and assist in the planting. For residents of those communities to apply, please contact 311 or go online calgary.ca/parks by March 31. For more information on the program go to calgary.ca/neighbourwoods. It is also time to think about the annual pathway and river cleanup. This year will be the 46th year of the cleanup and over the years it has grown to see thousands of Calgarians come out to make their city better. This year’s cleanup will be on Sunday, May 5. Groups can register online at calgary.ca/pathwayandriver cleanup by March 31. Not only does this event clean up our pathways and river banks, it also serves to raise awareness about our natural environment and our impact upon it. Nature surrounds us all the time—getting out and exploring it is one of the great opportunities in Calgary. As always, I would like to encourage you to contact me and sign up to receive updates from my office. I send out email updates to let residents of Ward 11 know of upcoming events, city programs and opportunities to have input. You can sign up by emailing my office at ward11@calgary.ca to start receiving our updates, and be sure to visit my website at www.ward11calgary.ca. As well, if there is something that you would like to do in your community, an initiative or an idea that you have, our office can help you out. Many great ideas are brought to me by people who want to make Calgary a better place for everyone. It is all part of being a great community!G Submitted by Brian Pincott Linda Johnson, MLA, Calgary-Glenmore 403-216-5421 • Calgary.glenmore@assembly.ab.ca A208, 1600 – 90 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2V 5A8 A s I write this (in late January) I am spending as much time as possible consulting with the residents of Calgary-Glenmore regarding the upcoming budget. I was elected to represent the interests of all constituents in Calgary-Glenmore and I take that responsibility very seriously. As one of 61 government MLAs, I am part of a dedicated team that is laser-focused on ensuring government spending programs are sustainable and responsive to the needs and aspirations of Albertans. The budget will be tabled in the Legislature on March 7th. I welcome your comments as we navigate these challenging financial times. On March 2nd, I will be holding an open house at the Braeside Community Centre (11024 Braeside Drive SW) from 11am to 2pm. Representatives from Transportation, Health and Human Services will be on hand to answer your questions and provide information about a variety of topics including the SW Calgary Ring Road, Alberta Works programs, healthy living and many other government programs and services. Please take a few minutes to pop in to say hello. As always, please contact me with your concerns or questions. I will do my best to get answers for you and to represent your concerns in the Legislature.G Submitted by Linda Johnson Deer Neighbour is printed by Quick Print Graphic Services qpcalgary.com | 403-242-3113)