Volume 31, No. 2 March 2011


Volume 31, No. 2 March 2011
Volume 31, No. 2
March 2011
Inside This Issue:
Commodore Mark Leeds
View from the
Officers and Staff
Contact Info
2011 HYC Board
Welcome to a New
Safety First
A Special Gift
Mardi Gras
Super Bowl
The Restoration of
Darts Award Dinner
Coming Events
Winter seems to be breaking its hold on us and the winds
are becoming warmer, leading to thoughts of Boating
season. My HYC helpers have been busy getting the
Club ready and I wanted to use this space to thank them
for their efforts. In no particular order they are:
The hardest working Board in the yacht club
business, for having my back, taking on their responsibilities head on and making working
together so much fun,
My bride Marcia, for her superb handling of International Night under very challenging
conditions (and for all the rest),
Art Cancro, for his unwillingness to say no to any of my requests,
Peter Trunfio, for reestablishing the Membership Committee to tackle the thorny issues of
retaining and attracting members and doing so in a thoughtful and collaborative way,
Dave Eldridge, for reinventing the Restaurant Committee and bringing several
different factions into the equation,
Ev Schneider, for her redesign of the Log,
Steve Lochner, for his "electrifying" supervision of our various projects. (get well soon big
Roy Smith, for keeping us technologically up-to-date and for his work as Race
Committee Chair,
Bob Richardson, for his jack-of-all-trades approach to helping us wherever we need it,
Brain Hendricks, for his behind-the-scenes work that keeps the computer systems up-todate,
Jill Rubenstein and the two Daves (Standridge and Volkman), for orchestrating
Bob & Laura Fleno, Rowena Lochner and Bill Clancy, for fixing up the second floor
bathroom and to Bob and Laura for a Super Super Bowl party,
Ken Rossner, for stepping up to help with this year's Club Cruise,
The HYC Book Clubbers, for keeping our minds engaged twelve months a year,
All those HYC'ers who took the time to show their support and attend the Open
House February 27,
For all those who have given me words of encouragement, advice and even criticism
as they help me define my role,
Anyone else whose efforts I might have forgotten to mention.
COMING UP – Darts (Fridays in March), Membership Meeting/St Patrick’s
Day Dinner (March 19), Open Houses (March 13, 27), Cruise Meeting (March 27),
RESTAURANT OPENS (April 1) . Details included in the articles that follow, on our
webpage, our FaceBook page and my blast e-mails.
See you out there,
Mark Leeds, Commodore
Officers and Staff:
Flag Officers:
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Mark Leeds
Art Cancro
Steve Lochner
Mark Cetta
Dana Lauria
In addition to those shown in last month’s
Board photo, the following members are
serving on this year’s Board. Steve Odierna
(left) continues as Finance Chair, and
Bob Richardson is serving as Launch and Moorings Chair.
Food, Beverage
& Catering
Grounds & Lockers
Launch & Moorings
Dave Volkman
Steve Odierna
Dave Eldridge
Ken Rossner
Dan McElwreath
Bob Richardson
Jeep Califano
Peter Trunfio
Fleet Captain
Fleet Surgeon
Race Chairman
Log Editor
Roger Karlebach
Dr. Chin Ju Li, MD
Nancy Curtiss
Evelyn Schneider
Roy Smith
George Ross
Roy Smith
Evelyn Schneider
Catering Manager
Office Administrator
Debbie Smith
Johanna Paciullo
HYC Contact Information:
HYC Office & Catering
HYC Launch House
HYC Office Fax
HYC Website
HYC monitors:
(718) 885-3078
(718) 885-3235
(718) 708-5768
VHF 72
Log Submissions Deadline: 15th of the Month
Vincent A. Pirone
Vince Pirone is a recent member
of the Harlem Yacht Club. Hailing
from Roseland, New Jersey, Vince
is unmarried with two married
daughters. He is a practicing
Sailing his 17-foot sunfish on the
lakes of Pennsylvania over the
years, he purchased Adagio, a
Beneteau 343, in 2006. “It’s been
quite a transition for me and I’m
truly a novice when compared to
most of the captains in HYC.”
“In 2007 I sailed the Long Island
Sound for the first time and realized
that the boat ‘belonged’ there. The
waters are wide open and there are
so many places to visit and stay. It
was only a matter of time before I
made the obvious decision that the
Harlem Yacht Club was the perfect
destination for me. Not only are its
members active, committed and
friendly, you can feel the sense of
history the minute you walk through
the front door.”
We’re all rooting for Rear Commodore Steve Lochner, who has been
struggling with Guillain Barre syndrome, and has returned to Valley
Hospital for additional treatment. Our thoughts and prayers are with
you, Steve & Rowena.
We’re glad to hear that Donnie Cahn is up and about after her bypass
and heart valve surgery. We’ll be glad to see her sunny face back at the
club when the weather warms up.
And wishes for a speedy recovery go to Mike Solomon who recently
underwent an angioplasty and the successful placement of a stent.
... To Bill Clancy, for the lovely new carpeting in the Second Floor Ladies
Lounge, it looks great!
Safety Tips
Tia Zorne
If you notice a person experiencing sudden and severe headache,
dizziness or confusion --- Think F.A.S.T.!
Often called a “brain attack,” a stroke is a blockage of blood flow to part of the brain due to a blood
clot or a ruptured artery in the brain. It can cause permanent damage if blood flow is not restored.
Face – have the person smile to check for weakness on one side of the face.
Arm – instruct them to lift both arms to test for weakness on one side of the body.
Speech – Ask them to repeat a short sentence to determine if their speech is slurred.
Time – Call 9-1-1 and tell them what time the symptoms began.
Today, medical treatments are available that can reduce or even prevent the long-term effects of a
stroke but it is vital to give these treatments as soon as possible after a stroke has occurred. The
emphasis should be on calling 9-1-1 if you suspect someone is having a stroke.
Many of us have long admired the wall hanging which graces our second floor ballroom, but not that many of us know how it
got there. Not knowing all the details myself, I approached the person responsible for it—P.C. Dick Lassman—for his story
of how it came to be. Here is how he tells it:
Hi Ev,
I would love to give you the history of the rug on the wall but let me first explain about the company. Edward Fields,
Inc. was the company I worked for which produced fine custom area rugs and wall to wall carpet in their factory in
Queens, NY. Edward was a renowned person with the major designers and design firms in the country. He started to
produce carpets for the White House in 1962. Under the direction of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, he produced the
carpet for the Diplomatic Reception Room and subsequently did the Oval Office and Air Force One. The years I
worked there, which was in the 80’s and 90’s, we also did the White House residence, and all the RED runners you
now see whenever the President is approaching for a Press Conference, so they are still there. All of Edward Fields’
carpets were 100% wool and produced in custom sizes and shapes by hand.
Another time honored job was the carpeting in the Twin Towers. All of the lobbies, elevators and Sky Lobbies were
Edward Fields carpet. I own a piece of that carpet which is wall to wall in my sunroom in Morristown, NJ.
The inspiration and history of the HYC wall rug in the upstairs dining room came about in this way: it was our [HYC’s]
100 year anniversary and I wanted to produce and donate to the club a memorable gift. I approached Jack Fields at
that time the President of Edward Fields, Inc. for help. He told me to go ahead with my idea for a custom wall rug—at
no cost. I worked with our head artist in our NY office and created the artwork for the rug. I then presented that
artwork to the [HYC] board which I was a member of at the time. It took, after approval, approximately 6 months to
produce the rug. We unveiled it at the GOC of 1983. There was at that time a small plaque with my name on it right
below the rug. Not sure whatever happened to that.
Thanks and send our best to all.
Dick and Elle on the Summer Wind
Dick and Elle Lassman are cruising in Florida on their motor yacht, the
Summer Wind. In April they will begin a 6,000 mile year-long cruise of the
Great Loop, going from Florida up the East Coast through the NY canal
system to the Great Lakes, then down the Midwest river system and
the Mississippi River to the Gulf and back over to Florida.
You can follow their adventures on their blog at
By Carolyn Cancro
This year’s Mardi Gras celebration at HYC was, once again, a great party. Jill Rubenstein and David Standridge treated us to their
Mardi Gras specialties, including fried oysters, crab sliders, seafood gumbo, jambalaya, crawfish etouffee, king cakes and more. The
Ted Hefko Jazz Band entertained us with their New Orleans sounds and presided over our mask parade. This year's first place was
won by Lloyd Hardin & Tia Zorne whose clever handmade masks actually incorporated their boat in its design. Doris Campbell placed
second and Sue Hergert, third. The fun, the food and the entertainment have made this an annual event much looked forward to.
Thanks to our Entertainment Chairman, Dave Volkman, and all who made it a great success.
Photos by Art Cancro and Pat McGovern
Bob and Laura Fleno hosted a fantastic Superbowl party. Bob and friend Paul couldn’t be found as they were in the kitchen cooking up
a superlative variety of refreshments. A wide screen TV materialized in the Lounge so that all could enjoy. The football pool organized
by Dave Volkman was won by ...Dave Volkman...what a coincidence! (No collusion implied here—it was all fair and square). Even the
Scrabble players had a great time!
By Evelyn Schneider, HYC Historian
A few years ago when Robin Roberts was here to place two stones at the flagpole in memory of her deceased grandfather
and great-grandfather, she commented to me that she missed seeing the photo of Mopsa, and wondered where it had been
moved to. As we’ve written previously, Robin’s great-grandfather William Williams crewed on the Sullivan Brothers’ Mopsa
when she won the Brooklyn Ocean Race (even though she was the smallest boat in the fleet). At the time, I didn’t even
know we had a picture of Mopsa, much less realize that it was missing. I asked Robin if the boat’s name was on the picture
and she replied that it was. So I pestered quite a few members (apologies to all) to search in odd corners of the club where
pictures might be stored, but ... alas, no Mopsa. I gave up this quest, until recently when I was requested by the historian
researching the history of Frank Sullivan’s boat Witchcraft, to furnish a photo of that vessel. This involved looking on the
front and back of our pictures for this particular boat (which I didn’t find on our walls but on the cover of an old Log),
however I was surprised to turn over one photo and find the name Mopsa penciled onto a piece of tape on the back of its
frame. It had never occurred to me that Robin meant the name was on the back! This was a great find...but, it was in
terrible shape. The photo at upper left shows the condition it was in—complete with grease splot in the lower sail area,
fingerprints, and many missing areas of sky. But Photoshop is a wonderful thing! The other three photos show how its
restoration progressed and the fourth and final version is the one that you will see above our piano in the lounge today.
Dart Czar Walt Tyler (center) congratulates the 2010 winning team, “Lucky 7,”
comprised of Jeep Califano, Joan Richardson, JR Joshnick and Camille Odierna
(the latter two missing from photo).
The Annual Darts Dinner was held in February to honor all the winners during the 2010 season and to
sign up teams for the upcoming tournament that started later that month. A terrific buffet from the
Dinosaur Grill was enjoyed by all, and prizes for the winning teams (representatives of the First Place
Team are shown in the photo), All-Stars, and the coveted "Top-Gun" award were presented. In
second place was “We got Shafted (Scott Joshnick, Jeff Bricker, Ellen Lauria, Roy Smith and Denise
Kritikos). Third place went to “Stick It” (Danny Snyder Jr., Joan Schulman, Carolyn Cancro and Walt
Tyler). Top Gun went to Scott Joshnick with 1133 points—a new record.
Starting this year, the Dinner will be held in the Spring following the tournament so watch for the flyer
and sign up for 2012. For info on the Darts Tournament, call or write to Walt Tyler at
Art Cancro & Walt Tyler contributed to this article
"Waiting for Santa"
Coming Events