Annual Report - Society of Economic Geologists


Annual Report - Society of Economic Geologists
7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874
Student Chapter Annual Report Form
This form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to document the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and to
keep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggested below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriate
for publishing on our website.
Submission Deadline: September 30th
Submit to:
October 2015
September 2016
Month/Year Reported: From _______________________(mm/yyyy)
– To _______________________(mm/yyyy)
SEG- Student Chapter UNS
Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Chapter E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter Facebook: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled):
Geraldine Luna
Emiliano Bauer
Vice President: __________________________________________
Carolina Soledad Meschini
María Celeste D´Annunzio
Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing):
Eduardo Domínguez
San Juan 679. Bahia Blanaca. Argentina
Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution):
Danilo Silva
Paraná 275 piso 3 apartment. 6. Buenos Aires Argentina
Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): _________________________________________________________________
Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member).
2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1.
On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities:
1. Regular meetings, lectures
2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, number of participants, sponsors, benefits for students).
Note: this is not the place for a detailed field trip
report that is required from a chapter who has received
funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund.
3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R.
Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actual
accounting of how chapter funds were spent/used.
4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short
courses (theme, number of participants, benefits
for students)
5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short
courses (theme, number of participants from the
chapter, benefits for students)
6. Fund-raising programs
7. Other programs
8. Future plans
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Student Chapter Executive Committee (from October 2015 to September
President: Geraldine Lilén Luna.
Vice President: Emiliano Bauer.
Secretary: Carolina Meschini.
Treasurer: María Celeste D’Annunzio.
List of the Student Chapter members:
Graduate Students
01- Angeletti Melisa (PhD Student)*
02- Bouhier Verónica (PhD Student)*
03- Cocola María Agustina (PhD Student)*
04- Corredera Candela*
05- D´Annunzio María Celeste (PhD Student)*
06- Maydagán Laura (Post-doc Student) *
07- Madsen Lenis (PhD Student)
08- Pavon Pivetta Cecilia (PhD Student)*
Undergraduate Students
09- Abelaira Alan
10- Bauer Emiliano*
11- de Azevedo Natalia*
12- Di Lorenzo Mercedes
13- Frías Saba Rocío del Cielo
14- Geramani Juan Ignacio
15- Jara Evelin
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
16- Luna Geraldine Lilén*
17- Meschini Carolina *
18- Miraglio Verónica *
19- Perez Silvina Raquel*
20- Rodriguez Matias
21- Vijande Khalil
22- Villa Rocío del Cielo
23- Villoldo Facundo Nahuel
*SEG Student Members
Elected Student Chapter Executive Committee (from October 2016 to
September 2017):
President: Cecilia Pavón Pivetta.
Vice President: María Agustina Cócola.
Secretary: Silvina Raquel Perez.
Treasurer: Natalia de Azevedo.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Summary of annual activities
(From October 2015 to September 2016)
1. Regular Meetings.
We made two meetings per month (some more when it was necessary) to organize
the activities of this period. During these regular meetings we assigned to every member of
our Student Chapter specific tasks to reach. During this period we organized a very successful
field trip (see point 2) and two members of our Student Chapter defended their PhD thesis
(see point 3). We deal with the formal endorsement of Argentinian Geological Association
(see point 4). Two members of our student chapter received grants to participate in
prestigious courses organized by the Society of Economic Geologists SEG (see point 5).
Actually we are organizing a field trip to epithermal deposits in Patagonia and several courses
for the next period (see point 6).
2. Field Trip to “Copahue Geothermal Field, Neuquen Province”
The five-day field trip to Copahue Volcano and Geothermal Field, Neuquén province
was part of the “Copahue geothermal field. Renewable alternative energy resource and actual
hydrothermal system” course that was held between 1st and 5th February, 2016. The field trip
was organized by members of the SEG Student Chapter UNS and was guided by Dr. Luis
Carlos Mas (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina). A group of 16 people
participated in this field trip, 11 members of our Student Chapter, 4 members of the Student
Chapter of Universidad Nacional de La Plata and 1 driver. The purpose of this field trip was
that the students acquire practical hands-on knowledge of renewable energies and actives
hydrothermal systems to compare the flow path, mineralogical associations and alteration
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
zones with epithermal deposits. During the trip we visited the Copahue geothermal field. In
some areas we measured the pH and temperature of the water and associated with different
mineralogy. For example, the presence of alunite indicates low pH of the fluids, the pH is
between 2 and 5 with temperatures between 49°C and 95°C. It was very satisfying and
interesting to see alteration processes directly and how these are related to volcanic processes
in this active geothermal field.
Fig. 1. Class in the Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Fig. 2. Left: alteration zone. Right: mud spot developed in the cavities.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Fig. 3. All participants in the field trip and the Copahue Volcano in the background.
Fig. 4. Mud spot and native sulphur precipitation.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
3. Organized Conferences.
Exposition of PhD Thesis.
María Celeste D´Annunzio, who was a PhD Student at the Universidad Nacional del
Sur and active member of our Student, presented his doctoral thesis to get the title of Doctor
in Geology On March 30th. Since April 2011, she has a scholarship from CONICET (National
Council of Science and Technology) to develop the doctoral thesis entitled: “Metallogenetic
Characterization and controls of disseminated gold mineralization in breccias. Gualcamayo
Mining District Central Precordillera of San Juan Province. Argentine.”. The aim of the
PhD thesis is to establish the genesis and controls of mineralization and generate exploration
tools for similar deposits in the Argentinian Precordillera.
Fig. 5. María Celeste D’Annunzio during the exposition.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Fig. 6. After the exposition. Left: with colleagues and friends. Rigth: Dra. Nora Rubinstein,
director of the thesis, Dr. Eduardo Zapettini, thesis jury, María Celeste D’Annunzio; Dr. Luis
Dimieri co-Director of the thesis and Dra. Mirta Garrido, thesis jury.
On March 30th, 2016 Melisa Angeletti, who was a PhD Student at the Universidad
Nacional del Sur, and an active member our Student Chapter presented her doctoral thesis to
get the title of Doctor in Geology. In 2011 she got a scholarship of the CONICET (National
Council of Science and Technology) to do her doctoral thesis entitled "Geological and
petrological study of an area of the Blue Hills (Tandilia) and its relationship with the Mega
Shear of Azul, province of Buenos Aires”. The aim of her PhD thesis was to add more
information to the understanding of the Río de la Plata Craton in Paleoproterozoic times,
from geochemical, geochronological studies and the comparation of the complex “Siempre
Amigos” which is a ignous- metamorphic complex of Tandilia System with the Buenos Aires
complex, which is part of the Río de la Plata Craton, Argentina.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Fig. 7. Analysis of the different facies of igneous-metamorphic rocks studied in the sector.
Fig. 8. Presentation of the thesis. Right in front is the jury and left the directors.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
4. Recognition by the Argentinian Geological Association (AGA).
The Argentinian Geological Association (AGA) gave us the official recognition in all
our activities publishing the courses, conferences, field trips organized by our Student
Chapter into their website, newsletter, facebook and others.
Our Student Chapter is the only one in Argentina with the official recognition of the
Argentinian Geological Association that is the association with more prestige at national
level and brings together many geologist, students, institutions and companies of Argentina,
Chile, Brazil, Peru, USA, Canada, England, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and United
Kingdom. We can emphasize that the journal is one of the most important publications in the
country and it is the source of scientific information to professionals, students and all those
people or organizations interested in Geological Sciences.
Fig. 9. Recognition by the Argentina Geological Association (AGA). Publication in their web
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
5. Fund-Raising Programs.
We are applying to the 2016 Round II Chapter Stewart R. Wallace Student
Chapter Funding. With the help of this grant, we are planning to do a course and field trip
to 3 (three) mines in the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz, Argentina in February 2017.
Two members of our Student Chapter, Luna Geraldine and Dra. Maydagán Laura
received economic support from the SEG to attend to courses in other countries.
Luna Geraldine received economic support for the SEG Foundation and the SEG
Canada Foundation to assist the field trip “Porphyry Systems of Central and Southern
British Columbia” (August 17-25, 2016) and was guided by two leaders James Logan and
Tom Schroeter, and four mentors, Humberto Brockway, Joanna Lipske, Michel Agnew and
Tom Schroeter. The trip transected the central Stikine, Cache Creek and Quesnel terrenes of
British Columbia that host an impressive variety of porphyry Cu-(Au, Mo, Ag) deposits,
especially those from the prolific Late Triassic. Five operating mines and two exploration
properties were visited. Geraldine thanks all the support to realize this excellent field trip.
Fig. 10. New Afton Mine (underground mine). Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. Left:
we were looking some fresh samples for the underground mine. Right: Geraldine Luna into
the mine.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Fig. 11. Copper Mountain Mine. Princeton, British Columbia, Canada. Left: we were
analyzing different cores in the logging place. Right: sample of one core showing the
alteration of the rock and veins.
Fig. 12. Highland Valley Copper Mine. Kamloops, British Columbia. Left: all members of
the field trip with the open pit of Hihland Valley Copper behind us. Rigth: some of us were
looking the open pit.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Maydagán Laura, received a grant from SEG-SGA-UNESCO to participate in the
XXXIV Latin American Course of Metalogeny (CLAM) SEG-SGA-UNESCO 2016
conducted in the Department of Geology of the University of Atacama from 20 to 30 April,
2016, corresponding to 5 days of dissertations with recognized specialists in Ore Deposits as
Jefrey Hedenquist, Kalin Kousmanov, Luis Fontbote, Constantino Mpodozis and Richard
Sillitoe. She also received grants to attend to the course “Porphyry day in the white-board”
dictated by Richard Sillitoe and three days of field trip visiting porphyry, high sulphidation
epithermal and breccia pipe deposits located in the region of Copiapó in the Atacama desert,
Chile. During the course she presented a poster on "Exhumation Pulses and its
Relationship with the Porphyry emplacement in the Altar Region, Main Cordillera, San
Juan, Argentina". Laura thanks very much to the organizers of the CLAM and to the SEGSGA-UNESCO for the grant to attend this excellent course.
Fig. 13. Left: Laura Maydagán with the recognized Chilean geologist Constantino Mpodozis.
Rigth: “Porphyry Day” dictated by the specialist in porphyry deposits Richard Sillitoe.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
Fig. 14. Left: Field Trip to La Caldera, High sulfidation deposit, Copiapó Region, Chile.
Rigth: Logging porphyry gold Deposits with Jeffrey Hedenquist
Fig. 15. Left: Jeffrey Hedenquist in the field trip to La Caldera, high sulfidation epithermal
deposit. Right: Richard Sillitoe logging porphyry gold deposits.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
6. Future Plans.
We have organized 4 (four) short-courses and 1 (one) course-field trip for the next
The field trip will be held in February 2017 and will consist in the visit of three low
sulphidation epithermal deposits: “La Paloma” (Don Nicolás Mining), “Mina Martha”
and “La Josefina” (Cerro Cazador company). They are all located in the Deseado Massif
in Santa Cruz Province. The field trip will be for a maximum of 15 participants because the
space in the vehicle and it will last 9 days. We are still organizing the field trip course and
itinerary. We are in contact with professors of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and we
hope that they will be the leaders of the trip.
Fig. 16. The 3 (three) mining projects that will be visit. From left to right: Mina Martha, La
Josefina and La Paloma.
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
The first course will be held in March 2017 entitled “Porphyry copper deposits and
associated high sulfidation epithermal deposits. Study of Agua Rica (Catamarca) and Altar
(San Juan) Argentine systems” by Dra. Marta Franchini, from UN Comahue and UN Río
Negro and Dra. Laura Maydagán from our university. Marta Franchini is a CONICET
researcher with more than 30 years of experience in the study of ore deposits of of several
regions of Argentina. Some of her most important contributions include the use of
phyllosilicates in the exploration of porphyry Cu, providing useful information for processing
of metals and the study of porphyry-epithermal transition in world class deposits. The course
will provide knowledge about the transition of porphyry copper systems and epithermal high
sulphidation systems and evolution in the time and space through detailed analysis of two
examples of Argentina: Agua Rica (Catamarca) and Altar (San Juan). The course will be
oriented to graduated geologists and advanced students of the geology career. The modality
of the course is a theoretical and practical, including analysis of drill holes, thin sections,
geological information, and geochemistry of the deposits.
The second short course will be held in April 2017 and is tittle “Analysis of
hydrothermal alteration products and their application to the study of ore deposits” by
the professor Dr. Nora Rubinstein from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a
very recognized scientist in the country and she is specialist in the study of hydrothermal
alterations related to ore deposits and their metallogenetic models. The course will have
lectures about the different hydrothermal alteration types, their products, structural and
chemical controls and their distribution in the field, the physic-chemical characteristics of
the fluids related to the alteration processes and the more accepted genetic models for ore
deposits. It will have also a practical section where the participants will work with thinsections under the petrographic microscope to recognize different paragenessis and
hydrothermal alterations types. The final section of the course will destine to a general
discussion about different metallogenetic models. This will be very important because the
PhD students and also some junior geologist will have the opportunity to present some
SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
San Juan 670, (B8000ICN), Bahía Blanca- Argentina
specific problems and discuss about them with a person who works since many years in the
The third short course will be held in May 2017 and is tittle “Program management
course Quantum Gis 2.10 Pisa” by Lic. Mercedes Barros and Dr. Leonardo Benedetti. It will
include some management techniques to mapping using as a tool the Geographic Information
System known as QGis. It will allow students through the basic functions and add-ons gis,
recognize and mark different geological and geomorphological features to make a complete
geological map.
The fourth short course will be held in August 2017 and is tittle “Techniques in
mining exploration” by the professor Dr. Leonardo Strazere and Dra. María Celeste
D’Annunzio from our University (Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahia Blanca). Both of
them have experience in geological exploration and they are the staff of Mining Geology
cathedra. The course will be oriented to advanced students of geology career who need tools
to work in the private sphere. In the course they will develop theoretical and practical topics
about regional exploration, perforation techniques, 3D reconstruction of mineralized bodies,
analytical techniques for the study of ores, logging of core and cutting and techniques of
mapping and sampling.
We continue with meetings with graduated geologist from Universidad Nacional del
Sur who are working in different mining companies, to give conferences about their
professional experiences and to share with us some of the things they learn in their
professional work. In this sense, some other conferences are planned with professionals for
the next period.