Bulletin - Josephites
Bulletin - Josephites
St. Francis Assisi OF OCTOBER 26, 2014 • 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 610 NORTH MAIN STREET BREAUX BRIDGE, LOUISIANA 70517 MASS SCHEDULE PHONE: 337-332-2250 • FAX: 337-332-5026 EMAIL: campion.joseph@aol.com WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Rev. Joseph J. Campion, S.S.J., Pastor Sunday: 7:00 a.m. & 9:30 a.m. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m.–12 noon WEEKDAY MASS Monday–Saturday: 7:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS: Monday through Saturday: 7:30–8:00 a.m.; Saturday: 3:45–4:15 p.m.; Sunday: 8:45–9:15 a.m. and any time upon request. BAPTISMS: If you are seeking information about Baptisms please contact Mrs. Melazie Jacobs at 332-1788. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes September through April for grades 1 –6: Sundays 8:00–9:00 a.m. and for grades 7–11: Sundays 10:45.–11:45 a.m. In the Rectory Chapel Friday, 8:00 a.m. to Friday 6:00 p.m. PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Alma Alexander Janice Demouchet Leo Pitte Raymond Auguillard Dr. George Diggs, Jr. Shirley Thibodeaux Edwin Jean Batiste Ricky Gary, Sr. Eddie Wiltz Melazie Jacobs THE JOSEPHITES ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH BREAUX BRIDGE, LA BLESSING OF THE GRAVES We will have our annual Blessing of the Graves after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, November 2nd , the Feast of the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls). We are reminded of the spiritual practice of praying for all souls in purgatory and for ALL the faithful departed. We also give dignity to the dead by cleaning the graves and having a blessing as well. We will also have baked chicken dinners for sale after the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Please support the church and save yourself the time NEWLY MARRIED We congratulate Ceola Potier and DeQuincy Calais who entered into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on October 18, 2014 at St. Francis of Assisi Church. May all of us pray for Mr. and Mrs. Calais as they give witness of their love for each other. As Christ has loved His Bride the Church, so may DeQuincy cherish his wife and may Ceola stay devoted to DeQuincy. PRAY FOR SOULS As we celebrate All Souls Day next Sunday (November 2), we ask you to keep in mind all of the deceased from St. Francis of Assisi Church. In a special way, we pray for those who have died since last All Souls Day. They are: Kurney Lewis St. Julien, Delores Wiltz, Alfred Joseph Potier, Sr., Sidney Anthony Gus, Kendall Alexander, Lemere ledet, Joyce Ann Landry, Gloria Ann Randall, Mary Nell Davis, Emmett Wiltz, Gilbert Sam, Jr., Alma Myra Ledet, Joseph Larry St. Julien, Enola Edmond Ledet, Malone Hamilton, Joseph gaston John, Sr., David Clyde Thibodeaux, Clinton Joseph Sylvester, Wilson Alexander, Cordelia Ledet, Rita Alexander, Mary Ann Cyprien, Leroy Joseph Wiltz, Barbara Williams, Anna Jean batist, Rose Davis, Cathy Ebow, Gladys Bordelon, Josephine Joseph, Melvin Lewis, Alton Andrew benoit, Sr., Ricky Francis Landry, Alice Margaret Huddleston, Charlene Marie Potier, Peter Barber, Casey Alexander, Geneva Matthews, and Whitney Thibodeaux. HAPPY REPOSE Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Whitney Thibodeaux, who passed on to eternal life on October 18, 2014 and whose Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on October 25, 2014. Please pray for the comfort and consolation of the family in their time of loss. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. SICK AND HOMEBOUND Please keep in your prayers all of our sick and homebound parishioners.: Alice Alexander, Annabelle Alexander, Fannie Alexander, Robert Alexander, Agnes Amest, Fr. Daniel Bastianelli, SSJ, Beatrice Broussard, Alvirda Calais, Amydel Calais, Lily Calais, Rita Calais, William Calais, Thelma Celestine, Rose Charles, Stephanie Cormier, Beatrice Derouselle, Helen Derouselle, Bunice Elaire, Elsie Foster, Ozema Goodie, Emily James, Mary Ann Jeanbatiste, Bobby John, Marjorie John, Mary Louis Landry, Dorothy Lewis, Irving Lewis, James Lewis, Lucille Mallery, Janet Mercier, Anna Mae Metoyer, A’Mani Marie Noel, Irene B. Noel, Matthew Noel, Robert Noel, Rose Noel, Aledea Pete, Mrs. Clifton Pete, Clifton & Bell St. Julien, Daisy Sylvester, Genevieve Thibodeaux, Whitney P. Thibodeaux, Amy Thompson, Doris Washington, Mable Williams and Willie Mae Wiltz. 33 DAYS TO MORNING GLORY Making your Consecration to Mary during the Advent Season is a beautiful way of drawing closer to Jesus through Mary. The daily preparation is done in the home through short readings, meditation and prayer. During the 33 Days, we will meet once a week for and hour and a half to view a video. After the 4 meetings, we will make a personal and group consecration at St. Francis Church on January 1, 2015, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. PLEASE SIGN YOUR NAME TO THE LIST LOCATED IN CHURCH. MASS ATTENDANCE OCTOBER 18 4:30 P.M. 136 OCTOBER 19 700 A.M. 130 OCTOBER 19 9:30 A.M. 239 TOTAL 505 COLLECTION—10/12/14 $3,343.00 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOTRE DAME PARISH FAIR Notre Dame Church in St. Martinville will have its annual Church Fair on the weekend of October 31 thru November 2, 2014. Great food will be sold each day at Noon. Drinks, cotton candy, candy apple, popcorn, fast food & fries, game booths, rides, refreshments, zydeco music and fun for all. PRAYER FOR PRIESTS “Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. October 26—Rev. John Schroder, SJ October 27—Rev. Robert Seay, OFM October 28—Rev. Clinton Sensat October 29—Rev. Augustinus Seran, SVD October 30—Rev. Brice Sibley October 31—Rev. Gregory Simien November 1—Pope Francis November 2—Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI TEURLINGS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL All parents and students who are considering Teurlings Catholic High School for the 2015-16 school year are invited to join us for TCH Open House—Thursday, November 6th in the school gym. Tours begin at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Maria Hanes in the Admissions Office at 235-5711, Ext. 1 or mhanes@tchs.net BIRTHDAYS October 26-—Marie Lecompte, Wilbert Demouchet October 27—Percy Williams, Jr., Debra Landry, Kimberly Calais October 28—Mary Ann Sylvester, Leroy Wiltz, Eva Mae Batiste October 29—Kiandra Lewis, Barry Lawrence, Jr., Cicely Ozen, Lames Demouchet, Angelina Celestine, Tanisha Clement October 30—Gilbert Wiltz, Merley benoit October 31—Delores Babineaux, Richard Davis October—Marjorie Galantine, Kelton Harrison, Nicolette Batiste, Nicholas Batiste November 1—Travis Calais November 2—Charee Williams, Bernadine Broussard OCTOBER 26, 2014 FROM THE PASTOR: The Synod on the Family just concluded last weekend. Many people were anxiously awaiting some type of earth shattering decisions from the Pope and Bishops regarding sensitive issues like divorced and re-married people and those with same-sex attractions. It is important for everyone to get a new perspective. The Synod was not intended to solve all of these issues in two short weeks. The process continues into next year when the Pope and Bishops are expected to gather in Philadelphia, PA. and then meet again back in Rome a year from now. Perhaps some people were hoping that doors would be opened up to the Sacraments—particularly Holy Communion. The issues are too complex to make such an abrupt change. Until then, one should consider seeking a Declaration of Nullity from a previous marriage. What is most important is that one remains close to the life of the Church—its worship and praise, its Sacraments and its familial bonds flowing from the Blessed Trinity. Pope Francis, in his closing remarks on the Synod, reminds us that the Church must always open it’s doors to everyone. Too many times our churches are busy judging others and making them feel as outsiders. Pope Francis tells us that we cannot just be a Church that welcomes people—we must be a church that goes out to find people and invite them in. May St. Francis of Assisi Church hear the words of Pope Francis. May his words find their way into the mission of our Church. WEEKLY BULLETIN “And this is the Church, the vineyard of the Lord, the fertile Mother and the caring Teacher, who is not afraid to roll up her sleeves to pour oil and wine on people’s wounds; who doesn’t see humanity as a house of glass to judge or categorize people. This is the Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and composed of sinners, needful of God’s mercy. This is the Church, the true bride of Christ, who seeks to be faithful to her spouse and to her doctrine. It is the Church that is not afraid to eat and drink with prostitutes and publicans. The Church that is not ashamed of the fallen brother and pretends not to see him, but on the contrary feels involved and almost obliged to lift him up and to encourage him to take up the journey again and accompany him toward a definitive encounter with her Spouse, in the heavenly Jerusalem.” FOTI’S—THE FRUIT STAND May our Church radiate the mercy and love of Jesus toward everyone. St. Francis of Assisi Church is grateful to all of our bulletin sponsors. Please help show your appreciation by supporting our sponsors. —Fr. Joe