OsCommerce - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
OsCommerce - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
OsCommerce CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA Albert Tort Pugibet Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) esquemaconceptual OsCommerce [ ÍNDEX ] 1 2 SCHEMA PRESENTATION...............................................................2 1.1 THE osCommerce SYSTEM ...................................................................................2 1.2 THE osCommerce CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA .........................................................2 STRUCTURAL SCHEMA ..................................................................4 2.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................4 2.2 OVERVIEW DIAGRAM ...........................................................................................5 2.3 MAIN DOMAIN CONCEPTS ...................................................................................6 2.4 STORE CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................7 Store Data ...............................................................................................................7 Minimum and maximum values .............................................................................10 Customer details configuration ..............................................................................12 Shipping and Packaging configuration ..................................................................13 Download configuration .........................................................................................14 Stock configuration ................................................................................................15 Payment methods..................................................................................................16 Shipping methods ..................................................................................................18 Languages.............................................................................................................20 Currencies .............................................................................................................22 Location & Taxes ...................................................................................................24 2.5 STORE ADMINISTRATION...................................................................................28 Products ................................................................................................................28 Product attributes and options ...............................................................................32 Product categories.................................................................................................35 Specials .................................................................................................................38 Manufacturers........................................................................................................40 Banners .................................................................................................................42 Newsletters ............................................................................................................45 2.6 CUSTOMERS........................................................................................................48 Customers .............................................................................................................48 2.7 ONLINE CATALOG ...............................................................................................52 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce Reviews .................................................................................................................52 Shopping carts.......................................................................................................54 Orders....................................................................................................................58 3 BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA .................................................................66 3.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................66 3.2 USE CASE DIAGRAM...........................................................................................66 3.3 USE CASE SPECIFICATION ................................................................................72 Change store data .................................................................................................72 Assign minimum values .........................................................................................73 Assign maximum values ........................................................................................73 Change shown customer details ...........................................................................74 Assign shipping and packaging configuration values ............................................74 Change download configuration values.................................................................75 Change stock configuration values........................................................................75 Install a payment method ......................................................................................76 Uninstall a payment method ..................................................................................77 Change payment method values ...........................................................................77 Install a shipping method .......................................................................................78 Uninstall a shipping method ..................................................................................79 Change shipping method values ...........................................................................79 Add a language .....................................................................................................80 Edit a language......................................................................................................80 Delete a language .................................................................................................81 Set the default language........................................................................................81 Add a currency ......................................................................................................82 Edit a currency.......................................................................................................82 Delete a currency ..................................................................................................82 Update currencies .................................................................................................83 Set the default currency.........................................................................................83 Add a country ........................................................................................................84 Edit a country.........................................................................................................84 Delete a country ....................................................................................................84 Add a zone ............................................................................................................85 Edit a zone.............................................................................................................85 Delete a zone ........................................................................................................86 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce Add a tax zone.......................................................................................................86 Edit a tax zone .......................................................................................................86 Delete a tax zone...................................................................................................87 Add a tax class ......................................................................................................87 Edit a tax class ......................................................................................................87 Delete a tax class ..................................................................................................88 Add a tax rate ........................................................................................................88 Edit a tax rate ........................................................................................................89 Delete a tax rate ....................................................................................................89 Add a product ........................................................................................................89 Add a product option .............................................................................................90 Edit a product option..............................................................................................91 Delete a product option .........................................................................................91 Add a product option value ....................................................................................91 Edit a product option value ....................................................................................92 Delete a product option value ................................................................................92 Add a product attribute ..........................................................................................93 Edit a product attribute ..........................................................................................93 Delete a product attribute ......................................................................................94 Edit a product ........................................................................................................94 Delete a product ....................................................................................................95 Move a product......................................................................................................95 Link a product ........................................................................................................96 Add a product category .........................................................................................96 Edit a product category..........................................................................................96 Move a product category .......................................................................................97 Delete a product category .....................................................................................97 Add a special .........................................................................................................98 Edit a special .........................................................................................................98 Delete a special .....................................................................................................98 Add a manufacturer ...............................................................................................99 Edit a manufacturer ...............................................................................................99 Delete a manufacturer .........................................................................................100 Add a banner .......................................................................................................100 Edit a banner .......................................................................................................100 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce Delete a banner ...................................................................................................101 Add a banner group .............................................................................................101 Edit a banner group .............................................................................................102 Delete a banner group .........................................................................................102 Send an email......................................................................................................102 Create a newsletter .............................................................................................103 Edit a newsletter ..................................................................................................103 Delete a newsletter..............................................................................................104 Lock a newsletter.................................................................................................104 Unlock a newsletter .............................................................................................104 Send a newsletter................................................................................................105 Create a customer ...............................................................................................105 Change password................................................................................................106 Change customer details .....................................................................................106 Administrate address book ..................................................................................106 Administrate subscriptions...................................................................................107 Edit a customer....................................................................................................108 Delete a customer ...............................................................................................108 Open session.......................................................................................................109 Finish session ......................................................................................................109 Log in...................................................................................................................110 LogOut.................................................................................................................110 Change the current language ..............................................................................111 Change the current currency ...............................................................................111 Add a review ........................................................................................................111 Edit a review ........................................................................................................112 Delete a review ....................................................................................................112 Place an order .....................................................................................................113 Cancel an order ...................................................................................................114 Add an order status .............................................................................................115 Edit an order status .............................................................................................115 Delete an order status .........................................................................................116 Change the status of an order .............................................................................116 Set cancelled order status ...................................................................................117 Set default order status .......................................................................................117 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce Show a banner ....................................................................................................117 Click a banner......................................................................................................118 Read a review......................................................................................................118 Download a product.............................................................................................118 Show manufacturer’s web ...................................................................................119 Show products under stock .................................................................................119 Show expected products .....................................................................................119 Show orders of a customer..................................................................................120 Show previous orders ..........................................................................................120 Show best viewed products .................................................................................120 Show best products purchased ...........................................................................121 Show customer’s orders total ..............................................................................121 Online customers.................................................................................................121 Show specials......................................................................................................122 Show products of a category ...............................................................................122 Show products of a manufacturer........................................................................122 Show new products .............................................................................................123 Show reviews of a product ..................................................................................123 Tell to a friend......................................................................................................123 Generate an invoice ............................................................................................124 Generate a packaging slip ...................................................................................124 3.4 EVENTS SPECIFICATION..................................................................................125 AddProductToShoppingCart................................................................................125 AddressBookEntriesMaximumChange ................................................................126 AllowCheckoutStockConfigurationChange ..........................................................127 AllowGuestToTellAFriendChange .......................................................................127 AttributeChange...................................................................................................128 CancelOrder ........................................................................................................128 CheckLevelStockConfigurationChange ...............................................................129 CityMinimumChange ...........................................................................................129 ClickBanner .........................................................................................................130 ClickManufacturer................................................................................................130 CompanyCustomerDetailChange ........................................................................131 CompanyNameMinimumChange.........................................................................131 CountryChange ...................................................................................................132 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce CountryShippingConfigurationChange ................................................................132 CreditCardNumberMinimumChange ...................................................................133 CreditCardOwnerNameMinimumChange ............................................................133 CurrencyStatusChange .......................................................................................134 CustomerStatusChange ......................................................................................134 DateOfBirthCustomerDetailChange.....................................................................135 DateOfBirthMinimumChange...............................................................................135 DaysExpiryDelayDownloadConfigurationChange ...............................................136 DefaultSearchOperatorChange ...........................................................................136 DeleteBanner.......................................................................................................137 DeleteBannerGroup.............................................................................................137 DeleteCategory....................................................................................................138 DeleteCountry......................................................................................................139 DeleteCurrency....................................................................................................140 DeleteCustomer...................................................................................................140 DeleteCustomerAddress .....................................................................................141 DeleteLanguage ..................................................................................................142 DeleteManufacturer .............................................................................................142 DeleteNewsletter .................................................................................................143 DeleteOrderStatus ...............................................................................................144 DeleteProduct ......................................................................................................145 DeleteProductAttribute ........................................................................................145 DeleteProductNotificationSubscription ................................................................146 DeleteProductOption ...........................................................................................146 DeleteProductOptionValue ..................................................................................147 DeleteReview ......................................................................................................148 DeleteSession .....................................................................................................148 DeleteSpecial ......................................................................................................149 DeleteTaxClass ...................................................................................................149 DeleteTaxRate.....................................................................................................150 DeleteTaxZone ....................................................................................................151 DeleteZone ..........................................................................................................151 DisplayCartAfterAddingProductChange ..............................................................152 DisplayPricesWithTaxChange .............................................................................152 EditAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod........................................................................153 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce EditBanner...........................................................................................................154 EditBannerGroup .................................................................................................155 EditCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod ..................................................................155 EditCategory ........................................................................................................156 EditCheckMoneyPaymentMethod .......................................................................157 EditCountry ..........................................................................................................158 EditCreditCardPaymentMethod ...........................................................................158 EditCurrency ........................................................................................................159 EditCustomer.......................................................................................................160 EditCustomerAddress..........................................................................................161 EditCustomerDetails ............................................................................................163 EditDownloadableAttribute ..................................................................................164 EditFlatRateShippingMethod ...............................................................................165 EditGlobalNotifications ........................................................................................166 EditIPaymentPaymentMethod .............................................................................166 EditLanguage ......................................................................................................167 EditManufacturer .................................................................................................168 EditNewsletter .....................................................................................................169 EditNochexPaymentMethod ................................................................................169 EditOrderStatus ...................................................................................................170 EditPayPalPaymentMethod .................................................................................171 EditPerItemShippingMethod ................................................................................172 EditProduct ..........................................................................................................173 EditProductNotification ........................................................................................174 EditProductOption ...............................................................................................174 EditProductOptionValue ......................................................................................175 EditPSiGatePaymentMethod ...............................................................................176 EditReview...........................................................................................................177 EditSECPaymentMethod .....................................................................................178 EditSpecial...........................................................................................................179 EditTableRateShippingMethod ............................................................................180 EditTaxClass .......................................................................................................181 EditTaxRate .........................................................................................................181 EditTaxZone ........................................................................................................182 EditTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod......................................................................183 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce EditUSPostalServiceShippingMethod..................................................................184 EditZone ..............................................................................................................185 EditZoneRatesShippingMethod ...........................................................................185 EMailAddressChange ..........................................................................................186 EMailAddressMinimumChange ...........................................................................187 EMailFromChange...............................................................................................187 EnableDownloadConfigurationChange ...............................................................188 ExpectedSortFieldChange...................................................................................188 ExpectedSortOrderChange .................................................................................189 FirstNameMinimumChange .................................................................................189 GenderCustomerDetailChange ...........................................................................190 IncrementAndSignAttributeChange .....................................................................190 InstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod ....................................................................191 InstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod ...............................................................191 InstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod ....................................................................192 InstallCreditCardPaymentMethod........................................................................192 InstallFlatRateShippingMethod............................................................................193 InstallIPaymentPaymentMethod ..........................................................................194 InstallNochexPaymentMethod .............................................................................194 InstallPayPalPaymentMethod..............................................................................195 InstallPerItemShippingMethod.............................................................................195 InstallPSiGatePaymentMethod............................................................................196 InstallSECPaymentMethod..................................................................................197 InstallTableRateShippingMethod.........................................................................197 InstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod ..................................................................198 InstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod ..............................................................198 InstallZoneRatesShippingMethod........................................................................199 LastNameMinimumChange .................................................................................200 LinkProduct..........................................................................................................200 LockNewsletter ....................................................................................................201 LogIn....................................................................................................................201 LogOut.................................................................................................................202 NameChange ......................................................................................................203 MaximumNumberDownloadConfigurationChange ..............................................203 MaximumPackageWeightShippingConfigurationChange ....................................204 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce MoveCategory .....................................................................................................204 MoveProduct .......................................................................................................205 NewBanner ..........................................................................................................205 NewBannerGroup ................................................................................................206 NewCategory .......................................................................................................207 NewCountry.........................................................................................................208 NewCurrency .......................................................................................................209 NewCustomer ......................................................................................................210 NewCustomerAddress.........................................................................................212 NewDownloadableProductAttribute .....................................................................214 NewLanguage .....................................................................................................215 NewManufacturer ................................................................................................216 NewNewsletter ....................................................................................................217 NewOrderStatus ..................................................................................................217 NewProduct .........................................................................................................218 NewProductAttribute............................................................................................219 NewProductNotification .......................................................................................220 NewProductNotificationSubscription ...................................................................221 NewProductOption ..............................................................................................222 NewProductOptionValue .....................................................................................223 NewReview..........................................................................................................224 NewSession.........................................................................................................224 NewSpecial..........................................................................................................225 NewTaxClass ......................................................................................................225 NewTaxRate ........................................................................................................226 NewTaxZone .......................................................................................................227 NewZone .............................................................................................................228 OrderConfirmation ...............................................................................................229 OwnerChange .....................................................................................................231 PasswordChange ................................................................................................231 PasswordMinimumChange..................................................................................232 PercentageIncreaseForLargerPackagesShippingConfigurationChange .............232 PostCodeMinimumChange..................................................................................233 PostCodeShippingConfigurationChange .............................................................233 PrimaryCustomerAddressChange .......................................................................234 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce ProductAttributeStatusChange ............................................................................235 ProductDownload ................................................................................................235 ProductOptionAttributeChange............................................................................237 ProductOptionValueAttributeChange ..................................................................237 ProductStatusChange .........................................................................................238 ReadProductInfo..................................................................................................238 ReadReview ........................................................................................................239 ReorderLevelStockConfigurationChange ............................................................239 RestorePreviousShoppingCart ............................................................................240 ReviewTextMinimumChange...............................................................................241 SendExtraOrderEmailChange .............................................................................241 SendNewsletter ...................................................................................................242 SetCancelledOrderStatus ....................................................................................242 SetCurrentCurrency.............................................................................................243 SetCurrentLanguage ...........................................................................................243 SetDefaultCurrency .............................................................................................244 SetDefaultLanguage ............................................................................................245 SetDefaultOrderStatus ........................................................................................245 ShowBanner ........................................................................................................246 ShowBestPurchasedProducts .............................................................................246 ShowBestViewedProducts ..................................................................................247 ShowCustomersOrdersTotal ...............................................................................247 ShowExpectedProducts ......................................................................................248 ShowNewProducts ..............................................................................................249 ShowOnlineCustomers ........................................................................................249 ShowOrdersOfCustomer .....................................................................................250 ShowProductsOfCategory ...................................................................................251 ShowProductsOfManufacturer ............................................................................252 ShowReviewsOfProduct ......................................................................................253 ShowSpecials ......................................................................................................253 ShowUnderStockProducts...................................................................................254 StateCustomerDetailChange ...............................................................................255 StateMinimumChange .........................................................................................255 StatusPaymentMethodChange............................................................................256 StatusShippingMethodChange ............................................................................256 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX esquemaconceptual OsCommerce StoreAddressAndPhoneChange .........................................................................257 StreetAddressMinimumChange...........................................................................257 SubstractStockConfigurationChange ..................................................................258 SuburbCustomerDetailChange............................................................................258 SwitchToDefaultLanguageCurrencyChange .......................................................259 TaxDecimalPlacesChange ..................................................................................259 TelephoneMinimumChange ................................................................................260 TypicalPackageTareWeightShippingConfigurationChange.................................260 UnInstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod................................................................261 UninstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod...........................................................261 UninstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod................................................................262 UninstallCreditCartPaymentMethod ....................................................................262 UninstallIPaymentPaymentMethod......................................................................263 UninstallNochexPaymentMethod.........................................................................264 UninstallPayPalPaymentMethod .........................................................................264 UninstallPerItemPaymentMethod ........................................................................265 UninstallPSiGatePaymentMethod .......................................................................265 UninstallSECPaymentMethod .............................................................................266 UninstallTableRatePaymentMethod ....................................................................267 UninstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod ..............................................................267 UninstallUSPostalServicePaymentMethod..........................................................268 UninstallZoneRatesShippingMethod ...................................................................268 UninstallFlatRateShippingMethod .......................................................................269 UnlockNewsletter.................................................................................................270 UpdateCurrencyValueChange.............................................................................270 UpdateOrderStatus..............................................................................................271 UpdateShoppingCart ...........................................................................................272 ZoneChange ........................................................................................................273 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ÍNDEX SCHEMA PRESENTATION conceptualschema 1 OsCommerce 1 SCHEMA PRESENTATION 1.1 THE osCommerce SYSTEM E-commerce allows people exchanging goods and services with no barriers of time or distance. Surfing the net, you can easily find online shops where you can buy almost anything you need, at any time and without leaving home. Electronic commerce changes the way of business operate. Nowadays, it is possible to start a 24 hours opened online store with lower costs than traditional establishments. The idea of small local shops has no sense for e-commerce: online stores are international accessible since they start operating. osCommerce is an e-commerce solution available as free software under the GNU General Public License. osCommerce project was started in March 2000 in Germany and since then, it has become the base of thousands of online stores around the world. 1.2 THE osCommerce CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA The main purpose of this work is giving a conceptual schema of the osCommerce system as a result of a reverse engineering process. This conceptual schema is specified using standard UML and OCL with some extensions to improve expressivity. The osCommerce conceptual schema is shown in chapters 2 and 3. It has been made up using the public documentation of the system (sometimes limited and imprecise), experimenting as a user with the current version and analysing the database schema. We publish this work and we make it accessible for the community. It can be a complementary documentation of the system and a detailed specification of its knowledge and behaviour. It can be useful for engineers who are going to develop online stores based on osCommerce and for everyone interested on it. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 2 STRUCTURAL SCHEMA conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2 STRUCTURAL SCHEMA 2.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter we develop the structural schema of the osCommerce information system. The main purpose of the osCommerce structural schema is providing a description of the conceptualization of the osCommerce domain. The structural schema is too large to be presented without partitioning it. For that reason, this chapter begins with an UML general view diagram with the most important conceptual entity types and their relationship types. Afterwards, the whole schema is structured in several more detailed diagrams in order to make it more understandable. Each diagram corresponds to a part of the whole detailed schema and groups some related concepts which can be seen as a set of knowledge about the information system. Entities which participate in relationships of a structural schema fragment but are full specified in other conceptual grouping diagrams are drawn without showing their attributes. Moreover, these “external” entities have a reference which links them to the page where its complete specification can be found. Each fragment of the whole structural schema diagram is represented in UML and it is introduced by a brief textual overview. Derived types and integrity constraints are specified in OCL. The structural schema specification uses standard UML with some extensions (specification of derived types and constraints by OCL operations, constant and permanent stereotypes…) explained in Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems [Oli07] written by Antoni Olivé. In addition, a detailed description about the schema fragment and example instantiations of it, improve comprehension. Some of the example instantiations are inspired from real online shops based on osCommerce which can be found in the osCommerce website (www.oscommerce.com). Others are made up from real life experiences. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 4 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2.2 OVERVIEW DIAGRAM The next diagram represents a simplified conceptual schema which gives an overview of the main concepts in the osCommerce domain. More details about each concept are given in the next section, where the whole schema is fully specified. Category * Manufacturer 0..1 ProductAttribute Option * * Review * * Product 1 * * * Attribute * 1 * 0..1 TaxClass Value * * OrderLine 1 * OrderLineAttribute 1 Customer 1..* 1 PaymentMethod * 1 Order * ShippingMethod * 0..1 * 1 1 1..* Currency Zone 1 0..1 * * 1 Address * 1 * 1 0..1 Session * 1 Country Language 0..1 0..1 ShoppingCart PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA Newsletter Banner 5 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2.3 MAIN DOMAIN CONCEPTS The products in the store are manufactured by manufacturers, are grouped into categories and belong to a tax class. Moreover, customers can write reviews of a product. osCommerce is a multilingual system able to deal with any number of languages. Likewise, osCommerce allows working with different tax classes and currencies. Products may have attributes. An attribute is an option/value pair which is used to offer multiple varieties of a product without needing to create many separate but very similar products. The price of a product is increased or decreased depending on the chosen attributes. The price variation produced by an attribute is indicated, for each product, by product attribute entity types. Customers have one or more addresses. Each address is located in a country. If the country has zones (states or provinces) then the address must be located in one of its zones. Every use of the online store is conceptually represented by a session. Sessions can be anonymous or belong to a customer. Moreover, every session has always a current currency and a current language. In the context of sessions, users can surfing the online store. Shopping carts contain one or more selected items (not shown in the figure) each of which is a quantity of a product with a set of attributes. When a customer confirms that he wants to buy the contents of his shopping cart the system generates an order. An order is made by a customer using a payment method. Furthermore, order prices are expressed in a specified currency and take into account the shipping costs, according to the chosen shipping method. An order contains one or more order lines, each of which is a quantity of a product with a set of attributes. Finally, osCommerce offers some administration tools like banners, used to customize the online advertisements in the store, and newsletters, used to send information by email to customers. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 6 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2.4 STORE CONFIGURATION Store Data Overview osCommerce keeps general data about the store and some other information which is used to customize the behaviour of the system. Conceptual Diagram Store {<<Constant>>} Languages 20 Language 1 * defaultLanguage Currency 1 defaultCurrency * Currencies 22 name : String [0..1] owner : String [0..1] eMailAddress : EMail [0..1] eMailFrom : EMail [0..1] expectedSortOrder : SortOrder expectedSortField : SortField sendExtraOrderEMail : NameEMail [*] displayCartAfterAddingProduct : Boolean allowGuestToTellAFriend : Boolean defaultSearchOperator : Operator storeAddressAndPhone : String [0..1] taxDecimalPlaces : Natural displayPricesWithTax : Boolean switchToDefaultLanguageCurrency : Boolean * * 1 defaultStatus 1 cancelledStatus OrderStatus Orders 58 <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> SortOrder Operator SortField ascending descending and or productName expectedDate <<dataType>> <<dataType>> NameEMail EMail name : String eMail : EMail eMail : String PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 7 Location & Taxes 24 0..1 1 Country 1 * 0..1 0..1 Zone Location & Taxes 24 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Constraints [1] There is only one instance of Store context Store::alwaysOneInstance: Boolean body : Store.allInstances() -> size() = 1 [2] The store’s zone is part of the country where the store is located. context Store::zoneIsPartOfCountry: Boolean body : self.zone -> notEmpty() implies self.country.zone -> includes (self.zone) Description There is only one instance of Store which is created and initialized on installation. It stores the general data of the store and some other customizable properties: • Name: The store’s name. • Owner: The store owner’s name. • Email address: The store’s email address. • Email from: The email address used to send emails. • Country: The country where the store is located. • Zone: The state, zone or province where the store is located. • Expected sort order: Specifies how products are listed, either in ascending or descending order. • Expected sort field: Specifies which field is used to sort products. • Send extra order e-mail: This is a set of NameEmail entities. It stores the email addresses where orders will be received. There can be several email addresses for backups. • Display cart after adding a product: Specifies whether the shopping cart will be shown automatically by the system after adding a product. • Allow guest to tell a friend: Specifies whether users can send an e-mail to a friend with information about the store. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 8 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce • Default search operator: Specifies which operator is used in searches. • Store address and phone: The store owner’s name, phone, and other public information that will be shown to customers. • Tax decimal places: Sets how many decimal places are used in taxes. • Display prices with tax: Indicates whether prices are shown with taxes or not. • Switch to default language currency: Specifies whether the system automatically changes the currency when the language is changed. • Default language: Specifies the language used by default. • Default currency: Specifies the currency used by default. • Cancelled status: The OrderStatus used to indicate that an order is cancelled. • Default status: The OrderStatus assigned when an order is created. Example Gaudisc is a classical music online shop based on osCommerce. This is a possible instantiation of Store for this shop: gaudisc : Store spanish : Language defaultLanguage euro : Currency defaultCurrency cancelado : OrderStatus cancelledStatus pendiente : OrderStatus name = "Gaudisc" eMailAddress = "info@gaudisc.com" eMailFrom = "gaudisc@gaudisc.com" expectedSortField = productName expectedSortOrder = ascending sendExtraOrderEMail = "orders@gaudisc.com, backup@gaudisc.com" displayCartAfterAddingProduct = true allowGuestToTellAFriend = true defaultSearchOperator = or storeAddressAndPhone = " C/Historiador Mayans, 7 08026 Barcelona Tel.934 355 441 " taxDecimalPlaces = "2" displayPricesWithTax = false switchToDefaultLanguageCurrency = false defaultStatus PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 9 spain : Country barcelona : Zone conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Minimum and maximum values Overview osCommerce allows defining the minimum and maximum length for some String attributes. Structural Schema <<utility>> MinimumValues firstName : PositiveInteger lastName : PositiveInteger dateOfBirth : PositiveInteger eMailAddress : PositiveInteger streetAddress : PositiveInteger companyName : Natural postCode : PositiveInteger city : PositiveInteger state : PositiveInteger telephoneNumber : PositiveInteger password : PositiveInteger creditCardOwnerName : PositiveInteger creditCardNumber : PositiveInteger reviewText : Natural <<utility>> MaximumValues addressBookEntries : Natural Description MinimumValues sets the minimum length of the following customer attributes: • First name • Last Name • Date of birth • Email From • Street address • Company • City and postal code PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 10 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce • State • Telephone number • Password • Owner’s credit card name • Credit card number Moreover, MinimumValues specifies the minimum length of: • Product reviews text Finally, MaximumValues specifies the maximum number of: • Address book entries permitted for each customer. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 11 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Customer details configuration Overview The system allows specifying whether some customer attributes are shown and required when creating, editing or showing an account. Structural Schema <<utility>> CustomerDetails gender : Boolean dateOfBirth : Boolean company : Boolean suburb : Boolean state : Boolean Description CustomersDetails allows configuring whether the following customer attributes are shown or not: • Gender • Date of birth • Company name • Suburb • State Customer attributes which are not shown, are not required when creating or editing an account, even if they are mandatory customer attributes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 12 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Shipping and Packaging configuration Overview The system allows setting up some configuration values used in shipping costs calculation. Structural Schema <<utility>> ShippingAndPackaging postCode : PostalCode [0..1] maximumPackageWeight : Decimal typicalPackageTareWeight : Decimal percentageIncreaseForLargerPackages : Decimal Location & Taxes 24 0..1 1 Country countryOfOrigin <<dataType>> PostalCode postalCode : String Constraints [1] The package tare weight must be less than the maximum package weight. context ShippingAndPackaging::tareIsLessThanMaximumWeight: Boolean body : self.typicalPackageTareWeight < self.maximumPackageWeight Description The postal code and the country of origin are used for the system to calculate shipping quotes in some shipping methods. Maximum package weight is the maximum weight permitted for a single package. Package tare weight is the typical weight of shipping box and packing material and it is added to the weight of products when computing postage. Larger packages increase their weight as indicated in the percentage increase for larger packages attribute instead of using the typical package tare weight. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 13 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Download configuration Overview The system allows customizing the most important general downloadable product properties. Structural Schema <<utility>> Download enableDownload : Boolean daysExpiryDelay : Natural maximumNumberOfDownloads : Natural Description There is a special type of product Option which allows customers downloading it. The general properties of downloadable products can be customized setting up the following attributes: • Enable download: Determines whether it is possible to download products. • Expiry delay: Specifies the maximum number of days the downloadable file of a product will be available. • Maximum number of downloads: Sets the maximum number of times the customer will be able to download the same product. These values are used as default when creating a downloadable product attribute, although it can be redefined then. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 14 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Stock configuration Overview The system allows configuring some options about the stock administration. Structural Schema <<utility>> Stock checkStockLevel : Boolean substractStock : Boolean allowCheckout : Boolean stockReOrderLevel : Natural Description Checking the stock level can be enabled or disabled by changing the value of check stock level attribute. Moreover, it is possible to indicate whether the system has to decrease the stock when a product is purchased, setting up the attribute subtract stock. The store owner can allow customers checking out products even if there is insufficient stock by activating the Boolean attribute allow checkout. Finally, the attribute stock reorder level specifies the minimum inventory that indicates the stock needs to be reordered. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 15 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Payment methods Overview The system allows operating with different payment methods. Structural Schema Orders 58 Location & Taxes 24 PaymentMethod OrderStatus 0..1 * * status : Status 0..1 TaxZone Currencies 22 AuthorizeNet Nochex CashOnDelivery CheckMoney CreditCard splitCreditCardToMail : EMail <<enumeration>> makePayableTo : String * Currency TwoCheckOut PSiGate SECPay IPayment PayPal login : String mode : TransactionMode merchantNotification : Boolean merchantID : String mode : PSiGateMode type : PSiGateType creditCardCollection : PSiGateCollection merchantID : String mode : SECPayMode account : Natural user : String password : String eMail : EMail <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> TransactionMode TransactionMethod PSiGateMode PSiGateType PSiGateCollection SECPayMode test production creditCard eCheck production alwaysGood alwaysDuplicate alwaysDecline * eMail : EMail username : String key : String mode : TransactionMode method : TransactionMethod notification : Boolean <<enumeration>> SpecificCurrencyPaymentMethod sale preAuth postAuth local remote alwaysSuccessful alwaysFail production <<enumeration>> Status enabled disabled Constraints [1] There is at least one enabled payment method context PaymentMethod::AtLeastOneEnabled: Boolean body : PaymentMethod.allInstances() -> select (pm | pm.status=Status::enabled) -> size() >= 1 Description The system allows customers paying through different payment methods, which can be enabled or disabled by the store administrator. Some of the payment methods, like Authorize.net, iPayment, Nochex, PayPal, 2Checkout, PSiGate or SECPay, involve an external company for credit card processing. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 16 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce There are also a few methods that simply store information for off-line processing. There are also modules available for handling cash, money order and check payments, which do not involve an external merchant. Therefore, all the payment methods have specific information about all the necessary data to process the payment. If the payment method has an associated TaxZone, it is only enabled in zones included in the specified TaxZone. If the payment method specifies an OrderStatus, the status of the orders paid through it, is automatically setup to this status. In addition, some payment methods have a set of associated currencies. In this case, payment methods are only enabled for operating with these currencies. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 17 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Shipping methods Overview The system allows operating with different shipping methods. Structural Schema Location & Taxes 24 * ShippingMethod 0..1 TaxClass status : Status Location & Taxes 24 ZoneRates TaxZone 0..1 * SpecificZoneMethod items : ShippingTableItem [*] HandlingFeeMethod handlingFee : Money * * Country Location & Taxes 24 <<dataType>> ShippingTableItem FlatRate cost : Money cost : Money <<dataType>> TableRate USPostalService items : ShippingTableItem [*] method : ShippingTableMethod <<enumeration>> Money number : Natural cost : Money PerItem userID : String password : String server : USPSServer <<enumeration>> USPSServer Status test production enabled disabled <<enumeration>> ShippingTableMethod weight price Constraints [1] There is at least one enabled shipping method. context ShippingMethod::AtLeastOneEnabled: Boolean body : ShippingMethod.allInstances() -> select (sm | sm.enabled) -> size() >= 1 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 18 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Description osCommerce allows customizing shipping methods which are available at checkout time. During the checkout process, the chosen method is used to calculate the final shipping and packaging costs for the order. Depending on the selected method, the price can be affected by how many products have been ordered, how much they weight or other criteria: • Flat rate: A single price is used on all orders, regardless of how many items are bought, how much everything weights, etc… • Per Item: A single price is multiplied by the number of items in the customer’s basket. A flat handling cost may also be added. • Table Rate: Table rate charging sets the price for shipping based on the total weight or the total cost of the products ordered. The weight or price is looked up in a table to find the matching range, and then that price is applied. This is similar to Flat Rate charging, but with different levels. • United Parcel Service (UPS): The UPS shipping method interacts with the UPS website to calculate the total price. • United States Postal Service (USPS): The USPS shipping method interacts with the USPS website to calculate the total price. • Zone Rates: Zone rates shipping method is similar to Table Rate method. The total weight of the customer's order is looked up in a table, and that price is used as the shipping cost. If the shipping method has an associated TaxClass, it will be applied in the shipping cost. Specific zone methods can have an associated TaxZone. In this case, the payment method is only applicable in zones included in the specified TaxZone. Similarly, the associated countries for Zone Rates method represents the countries where it is applicable. Finally, like payment methods, shipping methods can be enabled or disabled as desired. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 19 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Languages Overview osCommerce is a multilingual system able to deal with any number of languages. Structural Schema Currencies 22 Language name : String code : String image : File [0..1] directory : String sortOrder : Natural * 0..1 defaultCurrency Currency Constraints [1] A language is identified by its name and by its code context Language::codeAndNameAreUnique: Boolean body : Language.allInstances() -> isUnique(name) and Language.allInstances() -> isUnique(code) Description Languages can be added or deleted as desired and are identified by a name and a code. The directory indicates to the system the name of the directory which contains its configuration files. Languages are listed taking into account the sort order number. A language can have an image, which is used to identify it visually. Moreover, languages can have a default currency. If the Store attribute SwitchToDefaultLangaugeCurrency is true, when a language becomes the current language, its default currency becomes the current currency. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 20 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Examples l1 : Language l2 : Language l3 : Language l4 : Language name = "English" code = "EN" name = "Deutsch" code = "DE" name = "Español" code = "ES" name = "Català" code = "CAT" defaultCurrency defaultCurrency dollar : Currency euro : Currency defaultCurrency PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA defaultCurrency 21 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Currencies Overview osCommerce allows working with different currencies. Structural Schema Currency title : String code : String symbolLeft : String [0..1] symbolRight : String [0..1] decimalPlaces : Natural value : Decimal lastUpdate : DateTime [0..1] status : Status <<enumeration>> Status enabled disabled Constraints [1] A currency is identified by its title and by its code. context Currency::codeAndTitleAreUnique: Boolean body : Currency.allInstances() -> isUnique(title) and Currency.allInstances() -> isUnique(code) Description Currencies can be added or deleted as desired by the store owner and are identified by a title and a code. The product's price is multiplied by the attribute value in order to allowing conversion between currencies. For example, if the value of Euros is 1.0000 and the value of Dollars is 1.3286, we can assume that product prices are saved by the system in Euros. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 22 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce If the current currency is changed to Dollars, all the prices will be multiplied by 1.3286 in order to be expressed in Dollars. Finally, the status of a currency indicates if the online store can currently operate with it. Examples osCommerce, by default, allows dealing with two different currencies: Euros and U.S. Dollars. This is the instantiation of these currencies: c1 : Currency c2 : Currency title = "Euro" code = "EUR" decimalPlaces = "2" value = "1.0000" symbolRight = "€" title = "U.S.Dollar" code = "USD" decimalPlaces = "2" symbolLeft = "$" value = "1.3286" PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 23 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Location & Taxes Overview In order to supply a flexible use of taxes, product prices are stored tax free. This allows calculating the final price of products depending on the customer's location and the tax class applied to it. Structural Schema Country Products 28 TaxClass name : String isoCode2 : String isoCode3 : String name : String description : String [0..1] rate : Natural priority : Natural description [0..1] * * Zone Product * TaxRate * 1 name : String code : String 0..1 TaxZone * * name : String description : String [0..1] Constraints [1] A Country is identified either by its name or its ISO codes. context Country::nameAndCodesAreUnique: Boolean body : Country.allInstances() -> isUnique (name) and Country.allInstances() -> isUnique (isoCode2) and Country.allInstances() -> isUnique (isoCode3) [2] A Zone is identified either by its name and country or its code and country. context Zone::nameAndCountryAndCodeAndCountryAreUnique: Boolean body : Zone.allInstances() -> isUnique (Tuple{n:name, c:country}) and Zone.allInstances() -> isUnique (Tuple{n:code, c:country}) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 24 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce [3] A TaxZone is identified by its name. context TaxZone::nameIsUnique: Boolean body : TaxZone.allInstances() -> isUnique (name) [4] A TaxClass is identified by its name context TaxClass::nameIsUnique: Boolean body : TaxClass.allInstances() -> isUnique (name) Description The final price of products is calculated depending on the customer's location and the tax class applied to a product. In order to be a customizable solution, osCommerce allows setting up different types of taxes and different tax zones where they can be applied. Tax Classes identify a particular type of tax. Tax Zones are required to calculate the appropriate tax rate value based on where the purchase is coming from and group Zones with the same tax regulation. Tax Rates specify the tax percentage that is used in a Tax Zone for a TaxClass. Priorities play an important role in a Tax Class as they state how multiple tax rates in the same class are treated; either adding each rate together when the priorities are the same, or compounding the rates together in the defining priority order. Examples The Value Added Tax (VAT) in the European Union is a general and indirect consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services. Actually, rates are applied vary between Member States and between certain types of products. In Spain, for example, there are three types of VAT: general VAT (16%), reduced VAT (7%) and super-reduced VAT (4%). The following instantiation allows dealing with the three types of VAT for a Spanish online store: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 25 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce esptz : TaxZone name = "Spain" z1 : Zone z2 : Zone name = "Barcelona" name = "Tarragona" z3 : Zone z4 : Zone name = "Lleida" name = "Girona" z5 : Zone z7 : Zone name = "Albacete" name = "Sevilla" tr1 : TaxRate priority = "1" rate = "16%" description = "VAT 16%" esptz : TaxZone tc1 : TaxClass name = "Spain" name = "General products" tr2 : TaxRate description = "VAT 7%" priority = "1" rate = "7%" tc2 : TaxClass name = "Reduced products" tr3 : TaxRate description = "IVA 4%" priority = "1" rate = "4" tc3 : TaxClass name = "Super-reduced products" Otherwise, customers located in Quebec must pay a federal tax rate of 7% and a compounded local tax rate of 7.5%. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 26 ... conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Note that for a product bought in Quebec, you should pay a 7% and 7.5% compounded tax. That is, you should add to your product’s price a 15,025% of taxes (1.075 x 0.07 + 0.075 = 0.15025). The following instantiation allows dealing with Canadian Federal Tax and Quebec Local Tax: cantz : TaxZone name = "Canadian Federal Tax Zone" z2 : Zone ... name = "Newfoundland" z3 : Zone name = "Ontario" z4 : Zone name = "Quebec" z5 : Zone name = " Yukon Territory " quetz : TaxZone name = "Quebec Local Tax Zone" tr1 : TaxRate priority = "1" rate = "7%" description = "Federal Tax 7%" cantz : TaxZone tc1 : TaxClass name = "Canadian Federal Tax Zone" name = "Canadian Federal Tax" tr2 : TaxRate priority = "2" rate = "7.5%" description = "Local Tax 7.5%" quetz : TaxZone tc2 : TaxClass name = "Quebec Local Tax Zone" name = "Quebec Local Tax" PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 27 ... conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2.5 STORE ADMINISTRATION Products Overview The system must know the information about the products offered by the online store. Structural Schema Product status : ProductStatus available : DateTime [0..1] netPrice : Money /specialNetPrice [0..1] /grossPrice : Money quantityOnHand : Integer /quantityOrdered : Natural model : String [0..1] imagePath : String [0..1] weight : Decimal {<<constant>>} /added : DateTime /lastModified : DateTime [0..1] * 0..1 * * Category Product categories 35 * * Language Languages 20 Manufacturer ProductInLanguage name : String description : String [0..1] url : URL [0..1] viewed : Natural <<enumeration>> <<dataType>> <<dataType>> ProductStatus Money URL inStock outOfStock Operations context Product def: addTaxes(z:Zone, basePrice:Money) : Money = let appliedTaxRates:Set(TaxRate)= z.taxZone.taxRate -> select (tr | tr.taxClass = self.taxClass) in let priorities:Set(Natural) = if appliedTaxRate -> isEmpty() then set{} else appliedTaxRates -> sortedBy(priority).priority -> asSet() endif in PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 28 Manufacturers 40 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce if priorities -> isEmpty() then basePrice else priorities -> iterate (p:Natural; res:Money = 0 | res + (((appliedTaxRates -> select (tr | tr.priority = p).rate -> sum()) / 100)+1)*basePrice) endif Derivation Rules [1] Product::grossPrice is the product’s netPrice taking into account the applied taxes. context Product::grossPrice(): Money body : self.addTaxes(Store.allInstances() -> any(true).zone, self.netPrice) [2] Product::specialNetPrice is the special price, if the product is an active special. context Product::specialNetPrice(): Money body : if self.oclIsTypeOf(Special) then if self.oclAsType(Special).specialStatus=Status::enabled and self.oclAsType(Special).expiryDate < Now() then self.oclAsType(Special).specialPrice else set{} endif else set{} endif [3] Product::added is the DateTime of product creation. context Product::added(): DateTime body : Now() Constraints [1] A product is identified by a name in a language. context Language::nameIsUnique(): Boolean body : self.productInLanguage -> isUnique(name) Description OsCommerce saves the following information about products: • Status: Indicates whether the product is either in stock or out of stock. • Available: The date since the product will be available. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 29 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce • Net price: The product's price without taxes. • Gross price: The product's price taking into account the taxes applied in the zone of the store. Derived attribute. • Special net price: If the product has an active special offer, the current product price is the special price. Otherwise, this attribute is empty. Derived attribute. • Quantity on hand: The product’s quantity in stock. • Quantity ordered: This attribute is updated by the system and keeps how many products have been sold. • Model: An additional information field for products. It can be used, for example, for specifying the product model number. • Image path: Every product can be associated to an image, which is located in the file indicated by this attribute. • Weight: The product's weight. It is used for calculating the shipping costs in some shipping methods. • Added: The DateTime when the product was created. Derived attribute. • Last modified: The last time when the product was modified. • Manufacturer: The product’s manufacturer. • Category: Products are classified into categories. Therefore, products can belong to categories. In case that a product is not associated to a category, it is assumed that it belongs to the top of categories hierarchy. Moreover, the following attributes of a product can have different values in each language: • Name: The name which identifies the product. • Description: The product’s description. • URL: The web page where founding more information about the product. • Times viewed: It is updated by the system and gives information about how many times the product has been viewed. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 30 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Example Nowadays, there are some online shops, based on osCommerce, which offers music and entertainment products, like DVD’s. The next one is an example instantiation of a film, sold on DVD, which can be found as a product in some of those shops: theDaVinciCode : Product status = inStock available = "25/10/2006 00:00" netPrice = "11,95" grossPrice = "13,86" quantityOnHand = 130 quantityOrdered = "51" imagePath = "/images/dvd/davincicode.jpg" weight = "0,15" added = "20/10/2006 12:34" sonyPictures : Manufacturer dvd : Category p1 : ProductInLanguage name = "The Da Vinci Code" url = "www.sonypictures.com/movies/thedavincicode/" english : Language p2 : ProductInLanguage name = "El código Da Vinci" url = "www.elcodigodavinci-lapelicula.com" spanish : Language PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 31 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Product attributes and options Overview osCommerce allows defining several attributes for each product. Product attributes are used to offer multiple options of a product without needing to create many separate but very similar products. Structural Schema HasOptionName Option 0..1 * Products 28 1 * Product * Attribute String 1 ProductAttribute optionName valueName * 0..1 Value increment : Money sign : Sign statuts : Status HasValueName Downloadable filename : File expiryDays : Natural maximumDownloadCount : Natural <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> <<dataType>> <<dataType>> Sign Status File Money plus minus enabled disabled Constraints [1] In each language, each product option has a unique name. context Language::optionNameIsUnique(): Boolean body : self.hasOptionName -> isUnique(optionName) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 32 * optionLanguage Language Languages 20 * valueLanguage conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce [2] In each language, each product value has a unique name. context Language::valueNameIsUnique(): Boolean body : self.hasOptionValue -> isUnique(valueName) Description Usually, there are products which are sold in different options. An attribute is an option/value pair such as, for example, Size/Small, Size/Medium, Color/Red or Color /Yellow. Product attributes can be enabled or disabled setting up the attribute status. Moreover, the “base price” of products goes up or goes down according to the attributes chosen by the customer. The amount of money incremented or decremented by choosing a product attribute can be specified by setting up: • Sign: The sign of the increment (plus or minus). • Increment: The amount of money incremented or decremented. There is a specific type of product attribute which allows products being downloadable. In this case, the system requires information about: • File Name • Expiry days: How many days, since the product was ordered, the download will be enabled. • Maximum downloads: How many times the customer can download the product. Remember that there are configuration properties which specify a general value for this downloadable product attributes. Finally, options and values can have different names in each language. Examples This is an instantiation of a typical product offered by fashion shops: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 33 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce A T-Shirt which can be bought in two sizes: large or small. pa1 : ProductAttribute increment = "5" sign = plus large : Value largeSize : Attribute size : Option FashionT-Shirt : Product smallSize : Attribute pa2 : ProductAttribute small : Value increment = "2" sign = minus PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 34 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Product categories Overview Products are grouped into categories which are arranged hierarchically. Structural Schema String 0..1 parent categoryName 1 Category imagePath : String [0..1] child sortOrder : Natural /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} * lastModified : DateTime [0..1] /subcategories : Natural /products : Natural Languages 20 0..1 * Language HasCategoryName Operations context Category def: allParents() : Set(Category) = self.parent -> union(self.parent.allParents()) Derivation Rules [1] Category::added is the DateTime of category creation. context Category::added():DateTime body : Now() [2] Category::subcategories is the number of subcategories owned by the category. context Category::subcategories(): Natural body : self.child -> size() [3] Category::products is the number of products owned by the category. context Category::products(): Natural body : Category.allInstances() -> select(c | c.allParents() -> includes(self)).product -> size() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 35 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Constraints [1] In each language, each category has a unique name. context Language::categoryNameIsUnique(): Boolean body : self.hasCategoryName -> isUnique(name) [2] There are no cycles in category hierarchy. context Category::isAHierarchy(): Boolean body : not self.allParents() -> includes(self) Description OsCommerce groups products into categories which are arranged hierarchically. Categories are identified by a name in each language and have the following attributes: • Image path: Categories can be associated to an image, which is located in the file specified by this attribute. • Sort order: The categories of the same hierarchical level are displayed as indicated by their sort order. In case that the sort order is the same, these are displayed alphabetically ordered. • Added: The DateTime when the category was created. Derived attribute. • Last modified: The last time when the category was modified. • Subcategories: The quantity of subcategories. Derived attribute. • Products: The quantity of products contained in the category. Examples L’ Isola dei bambini is an Italian toys shop based on osCommerce. The following is a real example which shows the instantiation of some product categories from that shop. There are three categories: Wooden toys, Games and Trains. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 36 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Like products, categories can have different names in each language. In the example, we assume that there are two languages: Italian and English. Italian : Language woodenToys : Category english : Language categoryName categoryName str4 : String str1 : String value = "Giocattoli di legno" value = "Wooden toys" Italian : Language games : Category english : Language categoryName categoryName str5 : String str2 : String value = "Giochi di società" value = "Games" Italian : Language trains : Category english : Language categoryName categoryName str6 : String str3 : String value = "Trenini" value = "Trains" Wooden toys are at the top of the categories hierarchy and Games and Trains are subcategories of wooden toys. woodenToys : Category imagePath = "/images/categories/wood.jpg" sortOrder = "1" added = "16/12/2003 19:21" lastModified = "18/12/2003 16:35" subcategories = "2" products = "3" parent parent child child games : Category trains : Category imagePath = "/images/categories/games.jpg" sortOrder = "1" added = "16/12/2003 20:01" subcategories = "0" products = "2" imagePath = "/images/categories/trains.jpg" sortOrder = "2" added = "17/12/2003 10:35" subcategories = "0" products = "1" fourInARow : Product PFCAlbert tort domino : Product UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA motorrailTrain : Product 37 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Specials Overview osCommerce allows offering specials. That is, lower prices for a set of products can be offered during a specific time period. Structural Schema Product Products 28 Special specialPrice : Money expiryDate : DateTime [0..1] /specialAdded : DateTime {<<constant>>} specialLastModified : DateTime [0..1] specialStatus : Status dateStatusChanged : DateTime [0..1] <<enumeration>> <<dataType>> Status Money enabled disabled Derivation Rules [1] Special::added is the DateTime when the special was created context Special::added():DateTime body : Now() Description Specials are products which are sold, during an interval of time, in a lower price. The information kept by the system about specials is: • Special price: The product’s price during the special offer. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 38 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce • Expiry date: The date until the special offer is active. • Added: The DateTime when the Special was created. Derived attribute. • Last modified: The last time when the Special was modified. • Status: Specials can be enabled or disabled by setting this attribute. • Date status changed: The system updates automatically the last time when the status of the Special was modified. Examples Egyptian Jewellery Online is an online shop based on osCommerce. This is an instance corresponding to one of their special offers: goldWingedHorusNecklace : Special status = inStock available = "25/10/2006 00:00" netPrice = "1740" grossPrice = "2018,40" quantityOnHand = 2 quantityOrdered = "1" imagePath = "/images/necklaces/gen01.jpg" weight = "0,15" added = "20/10/2006 12:34" specialPrice = "1400" specialStatus = enabled specialAdded = "17/02/2007 15:32" PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 39 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Manufacturers Overview In osCommerce, the products in the store are manufactured by manufacturers. Structural Schema Manufacturer name : String imagePath : String [0..1] /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} lastModified : DateTime [0..1] Languages 20 * * Language ManufacturerInLanguage <<dataType>> URL url : URL urlClicked : Natural lastClick : DateTime [0..1] Derivation Rules [1] Manufacturer::added is the DateTime when the Manufacturer was created. context Manufacturer::added():DateTime body : Now() Constraints [1] A manufacturer is identified by its name context Manufacturer::nameIsUnique(): Boolean body : Manufacturer.allInstances() -> isUnique(name) [2] Each manufacturer must have a URL in each language context Manufacturer::aURLInEachLanguage(): Boolean body : self.language ->size() = Language.allInstances() -> size() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 40 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Description OsCommerce keeps the following information about manufacturers: • Name: The manufacturer’s name. • Image path: Manufacturers can be illustrated by an image, which is located in the file specified by this attribute. • Added: The DateTime when the manufacturer was created. Derived attribute. • Last modified: The system updates automatically the last time when the manufacturer information was modified. Moreover, for each language, each manufacturer must have a URL, in order to allow customers to obtain information about it. The system updates automatically how many times the URL has been clicked and when the last clicked was. Example Vinoverde is a German wine online shop. This based on osCommerce online store sells wines of the Penedès guarantee of origin, among others. This is a real instantiation of one of the manufacturers of this famous wine region, whose products are sold in the example store: spanish : Language ml1 : ManufacturerInLanguage url = "www.albetinoya.com/cast/index.html" urlClicked = "5" lastClick = "14/03/2007" albetinoya : Manufacturer name = " Albet i Noya " imagePath = "/images/penedes/albetinoya" added = "16/12/2006 12:36" ml2 : ManufacturerInLanguage url = " www.albetinoya.com/eng/index.html " english : Language PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 41 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Banners Overview osCommerce allows administrating banners published in the online store. Structural Schema BannerGroup name : String 1 * Banner title : String url : URL [0..1] imagePath : String html : HtmlText [0..1] expires : Date [0..1] /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} scheduled : Date [0..1] statusChanged : DateTime [0..1] status : Status * * <<dataType>> Date BannerHistory shown : Natural clicked : Natural <<dataType>> <<dataType>> <<enumeration>> HtmlText URL Status enabled disabled Derivation Rules [1] Banner::added is the DateTime when the banner was created. context Banner::added():DateTime body : Now() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 42 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Constraints [1] A Banner is identified by its title. context Banner::titleIsUnique: Boolean body : Banner.allInstances() -> isUnique(title) [2] A Banner Group is identified by its name. context BannerGroup::nameIsUnique: Boolean body : BannerGroup.allInstances() -> isUnique(name) Description Banners are images which are shown in the online store. osCommerce allows administrating the current banners and adding new banners. The system saves the following information about them: • Title: A name which identifies the banner. • URL: The URL where a customer is redirected when the banner is clicked. • Image path: The file where the banner is located. • Size: The banner’s size (width and height). • Title: A name which identifies the banner. • Html: HTML based banners can be defined by this attribute. • Expires: When the expiry date is reached, the banner is automatically disabled. • Added: The DateTime when the banner was created. Derived attribute. • Scheduled: A future date when the banner is to become active. If no scheduled date is defined, the banner is automatically published when it is created. • Status changed: The system updates automatically the last time when the banner status was modified. • Status: The banner can be enabled or disabled. Banners grouped into the same BannerGroup are shown iteratively in the same place. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 43 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Moreover, the system maintains historical information about how many times the banner has been shown or clicked every day. Example This is a possible instantiation of a banner used as an advertisement during the sales: bg : BannerGroup bh1 : BannerHistory name = "Top banners" clicked = "2" shown = "4" bh2 : BannerHistory clicked = "1" shown = "1" b1 : Banner d1 : Date PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA title = "SaleAdvertisment" url = "http://oscommerce/specials.html" imagePath = "/images/banners/sale.jpg" status = enabled added = "18/6/2006 19:32" 44 d2 : Date conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Newsletters Overview osCommerce allows store owners sending emails and product notifications to customers. Structural Schema Newsletter title : String content : String /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} sent : DateTime [0..1] status : NewsletterStatus Products 28 ProductNotification global : Boolean Product * explicitRelatedProduct * / relatedProduct * explicitNotifications * / notifications <<enumeration>> NewsletterStatus locked unlocked Derivation Rules [1] ProductNotification::notifications is the set of implied products in the notification. context ProductNotification::notifications():Set(Product) body : if self.global then Product.allInstances() else self.explicitNotifications endif [2] ProductNotification::added is the DateTime when the newsletter was created. context Newsletter::added():DateTime body : Now() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 45 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Constraints [1] A Newsletter is identified by its title. context Newsletter::titleIsUnique: Boolean body : Newsletter.allInstances() -> isUnique(title) Description Newsletters are used to send emails to the customers who gave their email address when they created his account. The system saves the following information about newsletters: • Title: A name which identifies the newsletter. • Content: The e-mail's content. • Added: The DateTime when the newsletter was created. Derived attribute. • Sent: The System sets up, automatically, the date when the newsletter was sent. • Status: Newsletters can be locked or unlocked. If a Newsletter is locked, it cannot be modified by any administrator. Only if the newsletter is locked, it can be sent. • Status: The banner can be enabled or disabled. Newsletters are sent to all the customers who selected to receive newsletters upon creating their user account. However, there is a specific type of newsletter, called ProductNotification. This particular type of newsletter is sent only to customers who selected to be notified about product updates included in the list of products implied in the notification. The list of products involved in the notification is represented by the derived association notifications. New implied products are specified through the association explicitNotifications. attribute global is true, all products are implied in the product notification. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 46 If the conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Example Catalan culture will be the guest of honour at the 2007 Frankfurt Book Fair considered to be the most important event in the world of publishing. Imagine that the administrator of an online bookshop wants to send a newsletter to customers who bought books like L’auca del senyor Esteve or Tirant Lo Blanc, famous Catalan books, to inform them about this event: pn1 : ProductNotification title = "Frankfurt 2007" content = "Catalan culture will be the guest of honour at the 2007 Frankfurt Book Fair. Visit our online catalan books section." global = false added = "23/04/2007 12:00" status = unlocked PFCAlbert tort aucaSenyorEsteve : Product explicitNotifications /notifications tirantLoBlanc : Product explicitNotifications /notifications UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 47 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2.6 CUSTOMERS Customers Overview osCommerce keeps information about customers and their addresses, one of which is the primary address. Structural Schema Customer gender : Gender [0..1] firstName : String lastName : String dateOfBirth : Date [0..1] eMailAddress : EMail phone : String fax : String [0..1] newsletter : Boolean password : String /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} lastModified : DateTime [0..1] lastLogon : DateTime [0..1] numberOfLogons : Natural globalNotifications : Boolean status : Status /subscriber * * <<dataType>> Address gender : Gender 1..* firstName : String {ordered} lastName : String company : String [0..1] street : String suburb : String [0..1] 1 postCode : PostalCode primary city : String {subsets address} state : String [0..1] * * primaryAddressCustomer {<<constant>>} explicitNotificationsSubscriber Products 28 * explicitNotifications * /notifications * * {<<constant>>} 0..1 Zone Location & Taxes 24 Product * 1 1 Country Location & Taxes 24 <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> Gender Status male female PFCAlbert tort enabled disabled UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 48 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Derivation Rules [1] Customer::notifications is the set of subscriptions to product notifications. context Customer::notifications():Set(Product) body : if self.globalNotifications then Product.allInstances() else self.explicitNotifications endif [2] Customer::added is the DateTime of the customer creation. context Customer::added():DateTime body : Now() Constraints [1] Customers are identified by their email address. context Customer::eMailIsUnique(): Boolean body : Customer.allInstances() -> isUnique(eMailAddress) [2] Addresses have zone if needed. context Country::addressesHaveZoneIfNeeded(): Boolean body : self.zone -> notEmpty() implies self.address -> forAll (a | a.state = a.zone.name and self = a.zone.country) Description osCommerce has the following information about Customers : • Gender • First Name • Last Name • Date of Birth • Email address • Phone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 49 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce • Fax • Password The System also maintains the DateTime of the last modification, the DateTime of the last logon and the customer’s number of logons. There is a derived attribute (added) which indicates when the Customer was created. Additionally, Customers can be subscribed to product notifications. This fact is represented by the association role explicitNotifications. If the attribute globalNotifications is true, then the customer will receive notifications for all the products of the store. The derived association notifications, keeps the active subscriptions to product notifications associated to the customer, taking into account the explicit notifications and the attribute globalNotifications. Customers, in osCommerce, have one or more addresses, one of which is the primary. The primary address is the default shipping and delivering addresses for the orders placed in the store. The status of a customer indicates if the customer is currently active. osCommerce has the following information about Addresses: • Gender • First Name • Last Name • Company • Street • Suburb • Postal Code • City • State PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 50 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Moreover, Addresses are located in a Country. If the Country has zones, the address must be located in a zone whose name is the same as the name of the state, and the country of the zone must be the same as the country of the address. Examples The following instantiation is an example of a customer with two address book entries. The customer can choose, for each order, which one is the shipping and the billing address: addr1 : Address gender = male firstName = "Albert" lastName = "Tort Pugibet" postCode = "08731" street = "Serra de Dalt" city = "Sant Martí Sarroca" state = "Barcelona" c1 : Customer gender = male firstName = "Albert" lastName = "Tort Pugibet" dateOfBirth = "16/12/1984" eMailAddress = "atort@lsi.upc.edu" phone = "+34 93 899 XX XX" newsletter = false password = "p087654" added = "25/04/2005" numberOfLogons = "5" lastLogon = "31/03/2007" globalNotifications = false BCN : Zone ESP : Country code = "BCN" name = "Barcelona" isoCode2 = "ES" isoCode3 = "ESP" name = "España" addr2 : Address gender = male firstName = "Antoni" lastName = "Olivé Ramón" company = "Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya" postCode = "08034" street = "Jordi Girona" city = "Barcelona" state = "Barcelona" PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 51 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2.7 ONLINE CATALOG Reviews Overview In order to allow users reading evaluations of a product, customers can write reviews. Structural Schema Review review : String rating : Rating /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} lastModified : DateTime [0..1] timesRead : Natural * * * 1 1 1 Language Product Customer Languages 20 Products 28 Customers 48 <<enumeration>> Rating oneStar twoStars threeStars fourStars fiveStars Derivation Rules [1] Review::added is the DateTime of the review creation. context Review::added():DateTime body : Now() Description Reviews are customer evaluations of a product and are written in a language. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 52 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce osCommerce takes into account the following information about reviews: • Review: The customer’s opinion about the product. • Rating: The rating for the product. • Added: The DateTime when the review was created. Derived attribute. • Last modified: The system updates automatically the last time when the review information was modified. • Review read: The system updates automatically how many times a review has been read. Examples osCommerce is a solution used in some travel and tours online shops. In these online shops, travel packages are sold as products. Usually, in this kind of shops, users write reviews about their impression about the hotels where they stayed during travels. While they are surfing the online store, customers can read the reviews in order to obtain more information about products. rw1 : Review english : Language review = "Very easy to find the hotel near Notting Hill gate. Generally very polite and helpful people in the area." rating = fourStars timesRead = "2" added = "08/10/2006" c1 : Customer hotelcomfort : Product rw2 : Review rating = twoStars review = "Muy bien localizado en Londres, al lado del mercado de Porto Bello. És un hotel con una distribución extraña al ocupar varios edificios lo que hace que el laberinto de pasillos sea de lo más divertido.El personal és distante." added = "25/01/2007" PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA c2 : Customer spanish : Language 53 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Shopping carts Overview Customers can add or remove products from their shopping carts while they are surfing the online store. Structural Schema Products 28 Languages 20 Currencies 22 Language currentLanguage 1 ShoppingCartItem Currency 1 currentCurrency 1..* * * sessionID : Natural {constant} expiry : DateTime {constant} ipAddress : String {constant} timeEntry : DateTime {constant} timeLastClick : DateTime [0..1] lastPageURL : URL [0..1] 1 {redefines session} 0..1 Product * Attribute {<<constant>>} * {<<constant>>} {ordered} Product attributes and options 32 {<<constant>>} 0..1 Session 0..1 quantity : PositiveInteger /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} /price : Money * 1 1 0..1 ShoppingCart {disjoint, complete} AnonymousShoppingCart CustomerShoppingCart 0..1 Customer 0..1 1 {<<constant>>} Customers 48 Derivation Rules [1] ShoppingCartItem::price is the net price for an item taking into account the selected product attributes. context ShoppingCartItem::price():Money body : let netPriceWithSpecial:Money = if self.product.specialNetPrice ->notEmpty() then self.product.specialNetPrice else self.product.netPrice endif in if self.attribute -> isEmpty() then self.product.netPriceWithSpecial else self.attribute.productAttribute -> select (pa | pa.product = self.product) -> collect (if sign = Sign::plus PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 54 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce then increment else –increment endif) -> sum() + self.product.netPriceWithSpecial endif [2] ShoppingCartItem::added is the DateTime when the item was created. context ShoppingCartItem::added():DateTime body : Now() Constraints [1] If a customer shopping cart exists in the context of a session then its customer is the customer of the session context CustomerShoppingCart::sameCustomer(): Boolean body : self.session.customer -> notEmpty() implies self.session.customer = self.customer [2] The shopping cart item specifies the selected product attributes, which must be a subset of all the product attributes. context ShoppingCartItem::productHasTheAttributes(): Boolean body : self.product.attribute -> includesAll(self.attribute) [3] The shopping cart item specifies only one attribute per option. context ShoppingCartItem::onlyOneAttributePerOption(): Boolean body : self.attribute -> isUnique(option) [4] Sessions are identified by its sessionID. context Session::sessionIDIsUnique(): Boolean body : Session.allInstances() -> isUnique (sessionID) Description Shopping carts contains the products chosen by customers from the online catalog. A shopping cart is anonymous until de customer logs in. At this moment, if the customer didn’t have a previous CustomerShoppingCart, it becomes a CustomerShoppingCart. If the customer had a previous customer shopping cart, the anonymous shopping cart is removed from the system and their products are added to the previous CustomerShoppingCart. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 55 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce In summary, if a customer leaves a session with a non-empty customer shopping cart, then the cart will be automatically restored in his next session. Anonymous shopping carts can only exist in the context of a session, and they are automatically removed when its session expires. A shopping cart contains a sequence of one or more ShoppingCartItem, each of which is a quantity of a product. If the product has attributes then the shopping cart item specifies the selected attributes of the product. Moreover, there is a derived attribute which calculates the net price for the shopping cart item, taking into account the net price of the product and the increments or decrements of the attributes. Note that the net price of the product is the special net price if it is an active special offer. When an order, corresponding to a shopping cart, is confirmed, the shopping cart is removed from the system. State Transition Diagram The state of ShoppingCart entities can be conceptually modelled by using a state transition diagram. [CustomerIsLoggedIn and SessionDoNotHaveAShoppingCart] AddProductToShoppingCart / PreviousShoppingCartIsRestored [CustomerIsNotLoggedIn and SessionDoNotHaveAShoppingCart] AddProductToShoppingCart LogOut AnonymousShopping Cart [NoPreviousCustomer ShoppingCart] LogIn FinishSession [Previous Customer ShoppingCart] LogIn / AnonymousContents AreAddedToPrevious CustomerShoppingCart PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA OrderConfirmation 56 CustomerShoppingCart conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Examples These are two example instantiations of an anonymous shopping cart and a customer shopping cart in the context of a session. The first example represents an anonymous shopping cart: size : Option small : Value sci1 : ShoppingCartItem quantity = "3" price = "18" added = "26/02/2007" catalan : Language at1 : Attribute FashionT-Shirt : Product s1 : Session asc : AnonymousShoppingCart sci2 : ShoppingCartItem euro : Currency quantity = "1" hotelcomfort : Product The second example represents a customer shopping cart which will not disappear when the session expires. Thanks to it, the shopping cart will be restored when the customer initiates a new session. size : Option small : Value sci1 : ShoppingCartItem quantity = "3" price = "18" added = "26/02/2007" at1 : Attribute FashionT-Shirt : Product csc : CustomerShoppingCart sci2 : ShoppingCartItem quantity = "1" s1 : Session PFCAlbert tort c1 : Customer UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 57 hotelcomfort : Product conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Orders Overview Orders are the confirmation that a customer wants to buy the contents of his shopping cart. Structural Schema Customers 48 Customer Product attributes and options 32 1 * 1 {<<constant>>} * OrderLine Order {<<Permanent>>} Shipping methods 18 ShippingMethod 1 Payment methods 16 PaymentMethod 1 Currencies 22 Currency 1 * {<<constant>>} /name : String /option : String * /value : String 1 /model : String [0..1] {<<constant>>} {<<constant>>} /price : Money [0..1] /increment : Money /sign : Sign 1..* /tax : Decimal {ordered} /finalPrice : Money quantity : PositiveInteger /basePrice : Money 1 * {<<constant>>} OrderDownload Products 28 downloadCount : Natural 1 Product OrderStatusChange /added : DateTime {<<constant>>} comments : String [0..1] {<<permanent>>} 1..* OrderStatus * * status : Status OrderStatusInLanguage name : String <<enumeration>> <<enumeration>> <<dataType>> Sign Status Money enabled disabled <<dataType>> EMail eMail : String Operations context ShippingMethod def: addTaxes(z:Zone, basePrice:Money) : Money = let appliedTaxRates:Set(TaxRate)= z.taxZone.taxRate -> select (tr | tr.taxClass = self.taxClass) in let priorities:set(Natural) = PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA {<<constant>>} OrderLineAttribute {<<constant>>} /id : PositiveInteger {<<constant>>} * /name : String {<<constant>>} /phone : String [0..1] {<<constant>>} /eMail : EMail{<<constant>>} delivery : Address {<<constant>>} billing : Address {<<constant>>} * /creditCardType : String [0..1] {<<constant>>} /creditCardOwner : String [0..1] {<<constant>>} /creditCardNumber : String [0..1]{<<constant>>} /creditCardExpires : Date [0..1] {<<constant>>} /currencyValue : Decimal {<<constant>>} * /purchased : DateTime {<<constant>>} /lastModified : DateTime [0..1] /total : Money {<<constant>>} plus minus Attribute 58 Language Languages 20 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce in if appliedTaxRate -> isEmpty() then set{} else appliedTaxRate -> sortedBy(priority).priority -> asSet() endif if priorities -> isEmpty() then basePrice else priorities -> iterate (p:Natural; res:Money = 0 | res + (((appliedTaxRates -> select (tr | tr.priority = p).rate -> sum()) / 100)+1)*basePrice endif context ShippingMethod def: shippingCosts(totalWeight:Decimal, totalPrice:Money, quantity:PositiveInteger): Money = 0 context FlatRate def: shippingCosts(totalWeight:Decimal, totalPrice:Money, quantity:PositiveInteger): Money = self.cost context PerItem def: shippingCosts(totalWeight:Decimal, totalPrice:Money, quantity:PositiveInteger): Money = self.cost*quantity context TableRate def: shippingCosts(totalWeight:Decimal, totalPrice:Money, quantity:PositiveInteger): Money = if self.method = ShippingTableMethod::weight then self.items -> select (i | i.number <= (totalWeight*quantity)) -> sortedBy(number) ->last().cost else self.items -> select (i | i.number <= (totalPrice*quantity)) -> sortedBy(number) ->last().cost endif context USPostalService def: shippingCosts(totalWeight:Decimal, totalPrice:Money, quantity:PositiveInteger): Money = calculateFromUSPS (self.userID, self.password, self.server, totalWeight, totalPrice, quantity) context TableRate def: shippingCosts(totalWeight:Decimal, totalPrice:Money, quantity:PositiveInteger): Money = if self.method = ShippingTableMethod::weight then self.items -> select (i | i.number <= (totalWeight*quantity)) -> sortedBy(number) ->last().cost endif Derivation Rules [1] Order::id identifies the order and it is assigned automatically. context Order::id():PositiveInteger body : if Order.allInstances() -> size() = 0 then 0 else Order.allInstances() -> sortedBy(id) -> last().id + 1 endif [2] Order::primary address of an order is that of its customer. context Order::primary():Address body : self.customer.primary PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 59 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce [3] Order::eMailAddress of an order is that of its customer. context Order::eMailAddress():EMail body : self.customer.eMailAddress [4] Order::phone of an order is that of its customer. context Order::phone():String body : self.customer.phone [5] Order::purchased is the DateTime when the order was created context Order::purchased():DateTime body : Now() [6] Order::lastModified is the last DateTime when the status order was modified context Order::lastModified():DateTime body : self.orderStatusChange -> sortedBy(added) -> last().added [7] Order::statuts is the current status of the order context Order::status():OrderStatus body : self.orderStatusChange -> sortedBy(added) -> last().orderStatus [8] Order::total gives the total amount of an order context Order::total():Money body : let totalWithoutShippingCosts:Money = self.orderLine -> collect(finalPrice*quantity) -> sum() let totalWeight:Decimal = self.orderLine -> collect(product.weight*quantity) -> sum() let quantity:PositiveInteger = self.orderLine.quantity -> sum() let handlingFee:Money = if self.shippingMethod.oclIsTypeOf(HandlingFeeMethod) then self.shippingMethod.oclAsType(HandlingFeeMethod).handlingFee else 0 endif in let totalWeightIncreased:Decimal = if totalWeight* (ShippingAndPackaging.percentageIncreaseForLargerPackages/100) > ShippingAndPackaging.typicalPackageTareWeight then totalWeight * (1 +totalWeight* ShippingAndPackaging.percentageIncreaseForLargerPackages/100) else totalWeight + ShippingAndPackaging.typicalPackageTareWeight endif in totalWithoutShippingCosts + self.shippingMethod.shippingCosts (totalWeightIncreased, totalWithoutShippingCosts, quantity) + handlingFee PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 60 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce [9] OrderStatusChange::added is the DateTime when the change is done. context OrderStatusChange::added():DateTime body : Now() [10] OrderLine::name is that of its product in the default language context OrderLine::name():String body : self.product.productInLanguage ->select(pil | pil.language = Store.allInstances() -> any(true).defaultLanguage).name [11] OrderLine::model is that of its product context OrderLine::model():String body : self.product.model [12] OrderLine::basePrice is the net price of the product without taking into account the selected attributes. context OrderLine::basePrice():Money body : if self.product.specialNetPrice ->notEmpty() then self.product.specialNetPrice else self.product.netPrice endif [13] OrderLine::price is the net price of the product with the selected attributes context OrderLine::price():Money body : if self.orderLineAttribute -> isEmpty() then self.basePrice else self.orderLineAttribute -> collect (if sign = Sign::plus then increment else –increment endif) -> sum() + self.basePrice endif [14] OrderLine::finalPrice is the price of the product with the selected attributes and taking into account the shipping costs and the taxes context OrderLine::finalPrice():Money body : if self.billing.zone -> notEmpty() then self.product.addTaxes(self.billing.zone, self.price) else self.price endif [15] OrderLineAttribute::option is the option name in the default language context OrderLineAttribute::option():String body : self.attribute.option.hasOptionName -> select (hon | hon.optionLanguage = Store.allInstances() -> any(true).defaultLanguage).optionName PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 61 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce [16] OrderLineAttribute::value is the option value in the default language context OrderLineAttribute::value():String body : self.attribute.value.hasValueName -> select (hvn | hon.valueLanguage = Store.allInstances() -> any(true).defaultLanguage).valueName [17] OrderLineAttribute::increment is the increment applied in the product price by the attribute context OrderLineAttribute::increment():Money body : self.attribute.productAttribute -> select (pa | pa.product = self.orderLine.product).increment [18] OrderLineAttribute::sign is the sign of the increment applied in the product price by the attribute context OrderLineAttribute::sign():Sign body : self.attribute.productAttribute -> select (pa | pa.product = self.orderLine.product).sign Constraints [1] A specific zone shipping method with a specific tax zone can only be applied if the delivery address zone is included in the tax zone. context Order::ApplicableZoneShippingMethod: Boolean body : self.shippingMethod.oclIsTypeOf(SpecificZoneMethod) and self.shippingMethod.oclAsType(SpecificZoneMethod).taxZone -> notEmpty implies self.shippingMethod.oclAsType(SpecificZoneMethod).taxZone.zone -> includes(self.delivery.zone) [2] The Zone Rates shipping method can only be applied in the specified countries. context Order::ApplicableZoneRatesShippingMethod: Boolean body : self.shippingMethod.oclIsTypeOf(ZoneRates) implies self.shippingMethod.oclAsType(ZoneRates).country -> includes(self.delivery.country) [3] Payment methods with a specified tax zone can only be applied in orders with a billing address located in a zone included in the tax zone. context Order::ApplicableZonesPaymentMethod: Boolean body : self.paymentMethod.taxZone -> notEmpty() implies self.paymentMethod.taxZone.zone -> includes(self.billing.zone) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 62 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce [4] Payment methods with a specified set of applicable currencies can only be applied if the current currency is included in that set. context Order::ApplicableCurrenciesPaymentMethod: Boolean body : self.shippingMethod.oclIsTypeOf(SpecificCurrenciesMethod) implies self.shippingMethod.oclAsType(SpecificCurrenciesMethod).currency -> includes(self.currency) [5] Orders are identified by its id context Order::IDIsUnique: Boolean body : Order.allInstances() -> isUnique(id) [6] Order status are identified by its name context Order::NameIsUnique: Boolean body : OrderStatus.allInstances() -> isUnique(name) Description When the customer confirms that he/she wants to buy the contents of his shopping cart, the system generates an order. Orders have the following information: • Id: Identifies an order. It is assigned automatically. Derived Attribute. • Billing address • Delivery address • Email Address: A copy of the customer’s email. Derived Attribute. • Phone: A copy of the customer’s phone. Derived Attribute. • Purchased: The DateTime when the order was created. Derived Attribute. • Last Modified: The last time the order was changed. Derived Attribute. • Status: The current status of the order. Derived Attribute. • Total: The total price of the order, taking into account the shipping costs and the taxes. An order is made by a customer during check out process, and can be in different OrderStatus during time. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 63 conceptualschema 2/ STRUCTURAL SCHEMA OsCommerce An order is composed by order lines which represents a quantity of a product. The information about order lines is: • Name: A copy of the product’s name. Derived Attribute. • Model: The current status of the order. Derived Attribute. • Total: The total price of the order, taking into account the shipping costs and the taxes. Likewise, order lines can have order line attributes, which represents the product attributes chosen for an order line product. Order line attributes which corresponds to downloadable product attributes have an specific attribute, called downloadCount that maintains how many times the product has been download by the customer. Example The Vienna Mozart Orchestra plays concerts in Vienna in the most famous concert halls, including the Golden Hall in the Musikverein, a well-known building where takes place the most popular New Year’s concert. Imagine that we would like to implement a ticket online shop based on the osCommerce solution. The following would be a possible instantiation of an order: zubin : Customer mozartConcert26/05/07 : Product superiorCategory : Attribute or : Order fr : FlatRate cost = "2" cd : CashOnDelivery ola : OrderLineAttribute id = "15236" name = "Zubin Metha" eMail = "zubin@philarmonicconductor.at" purchased = "31/01/2007 13:43" total = "227,04" ol : OrderLine name = " Mozart Concert 26/05/2007 " price = "97" finalPrice = " 112,52 " quantity = "2" tax = "16" basePrice = "55" euro : Currency osc : OrderStatusChange added = "31/01/2007 13:43" pending : OrderStatus PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 64 increment = "42" option = "category" sign = plus value = " superior " BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 3 BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA 3.1 INTRODUCTION In the next sections we develop the behavioral schema of the osCommerce system. The main purpose of the osCommerce behavioral schema is specifying the valid changes in the domain state, as well as the actions that the osCommerce system can perform. Firstly, we show an overview use cases diagram which gives a general view of the most important functionalities of the system. Include relationships are not shown for clarity. Afterwards, we specify each use case textually, as an interaction of activities between the primary actors and the system. Use cases specification contains the mapping of use cases with the most important events of the system using textual references. Events of the system are presented alphabetically, in order to improve search. Each event is represented by an UML diagram, and its effect and constraints are specified using OCL operations. 3.2 USE CASE DIAGRAM Change store data Change stock configuration values Assign minimum values Assign maximum values Change download configuration values System Administrator Assign shipping and packaging configuration values PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 66 Change shown customer details esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Install a payment method Uninstall a payment method Change payment method values Install a shipping method Uninstall a shipping method Change shipping method values Add a language Edit a language Delete a language Set the default language Add a currency Edit a currency Store Administrator Delete a currency Update currencies Set the default currency Add a country Edit a country Delete a country Add a zone Edit a zone Delete a zone Add a tax zone Edit a tax zone Delete a tax zone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 67 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Add a tax class Edit a tax class Delete a tax class Add a tax rate Edit a tax rate Delete a tax rate Add a product Add a product option Edit a product option Delete a product option Add a product option value Edit a product option value Delete a product option value Store Administrator Add an attribute Edit an attribute Delete an attribute Add a product attribute Edit a product attribute Delete a product attribute Edit a product Delete a product Move a product Link a product PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 68 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Add a product category Edit a product category Move a product category Delete a product category Add a special Edit a special Delete a special Add a manufacturer Edit a manufacturer Delete a manufacturer Add a banner Edit a banner Store Administrator Delete a banner Add a banner group Edit a banner group Delete a banner group Send an email Create a newsletter Edit a newsletter Delete a newsletter Lock a newsletter Unlock a newsletter Send a newsletter Edit a customer Delete a customer PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 69 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Edit a review Delete a review Cancel an order Add an order status Edit an order status Delete an order status Store Administrator Change the status of an order Set cancelled order status Set default order status Show products under stock Show orders of a customer Show customer’s orders total Online customers Generate an invoice Generate a packaging slip Show reviews of a product Show expected products Show new products Store Administrator Show best viewed products Show best products purchased Show products of a category Show products of a manufacturer Customer Show specials PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 70 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Create a customer Change password Change customer details Administrate address book Administrate subscriptions Open session Finish session LogIn LogOut Change the current language Change the current currency Add a review Place and order Customer Click a banner Read a review Show manufacturer’s web Tell to a friend Show previous orders Download a product Show a banner System PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 71 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 3.3 USE CASE SPECIFICATION Use case Change store data Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the initial values of the store data. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the current values of the store data. 2. The system administrator provides a new value for one of the store attributes: [ÆMameChange] [ÆOwnerChange] [ÆEMailAddressChange] [ÆEMailFromChange] [ÆExpectedSortOrderChange] [ÆExpectedSortFieldChange] [ÆSendExtraOrderChange] [ÆDisplayCartAfterAddingProductChange] [ÆAllowGuestToTellAFriendChange] [ÆDefaultSearchOperatorChange] [ÆStoreAddressAndPhoneChange] [ÆTaxDecimalPlacesChange] [ÆDisplayPricesWithTaxChange] [ÆSwitchToDefaultLanguageCurrencyChange] [ÆCountryChange] [ÆZoneChange] 3. The system validates that the value is correct. 4. The system saves the new value. 5. The system displays the new values of the store data. The system administrator repeats steps 2-5 until he is done. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 72 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Assign minimum values Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the minimum values of some attributes. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the current minimum values. 2. The system administrator provides a new value for one of the minimum values: [ÆFirstNameMinimumChange] [ÆLastNameMinimumChange] [ÆDateOfBirthMinimumChange] [ÆEMailAddressMinimumChange] [ÆStreetAddressMinimumChange] [ÆCompanyNameMinimumChange] [ÆPostCodeMinimumChange] [ÆCityMinimumChange] [ÆStateMinimumChange] [ÆTelephoneMinimumChange] [ÆPasswordMinimumChange] [ÆCreditCardOwnerNameMinimumChange] [ÆCreditCardNumberMinimumChange] [ÆReviewTextMinimumChange] 3. The system validates that the value is correct. 4. The system saves the new value. 5. The system displays the new current minimum values. The system administrator repeats steps 2-5 until he is done. Use case Assign maximum values Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the maximum number of address book entries permitted for each customer. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 73 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The system displays the current maximum number of address book entries for each customer. 2. The system administrator provides the new maximum value: [ÆAddressBookEntriesMaximumChange] 3. The system validates that the value is correct. 4. The system saves the new value. 5. The system displays the new current maximum value. Use case Change shown customer details Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change whether some customer attributes are shown. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the current values of customer details configuration (shown or not shown). 2. The system administrator provides the new value for one of the customer details: [ÆGenderCustomerDetailChange] [ÆDateOfBirthCustomerDetailChange] [ÆCompanyCustomerDetailChange] [ÆSuburbCustomerDetailChange] [ÆStateCustomerDetailChange] 3. The system validates that the value is correct. 4. The system saves the new value. 5. The system displays the new current values of customer details configuration. The system administrator repeats steps 2-5 until he is done. Use case Assign shipping and packaging configuration values Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the shipping and packaging configuration values. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 74 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The system displays the current shipping and packaging configuration values. 2. The system administrator provides the new value for one of the shipping and packaging configurable options: [ÆPostCodeShippingConfigurationChange] [ÆMaximumPackageWeightShippingConfigurationChange] [ÆTypicalPackageTareWeightShippingConfigurationChange] [ÆPercentageIncreaseForLargerPackagesShippingConfigurationChange] [ÆCountryShippingConfigurationChange] 3. The system validates that the value is correct. 4. The system saves the new value. 5. The system displays the new current shipping and packaging configuration values. The system administrator repeats steps 2-5 until he is done. Use case Change download configuration values Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the download configuration values. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the current download configuration values. 2. The system administrator provides the new value for one of the download configuration options: [ÆEnableDownloadConfigurationChange] [ÆDaysExpiryDelayDownloadConfigurationChange] [ÆMaximumNumberDownloadConfigurationChange] 3. The system validates that the value is correct. 4. The system saves the new value. 5. The system displays the new current download configuration values. The system administrator repeats steps 2-5 until he is done. Use case Change stock configuration values Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the stock configuration values. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 75 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the current stock configuration values. 2. The system administrator provides the new value for one of the stock configuration options: [ÆCheckLevelStockConfigurationChange] [ÆSubstractStockConfigurationChange] [ÆAllowCheckoutStockConfigurationChange] [ÆReorderLevelStockConfigurationChange] 3. The system validates that the value is correct. 4. The system saves the new value. 5. The system displays the new current stock configuration values. The system administrator repeats steps 2-5 until he is done. Use case Install a payment method Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The payment method is not installed yet. Trigger: The store administrator wants to install a payment method. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows all the available payment methods and which of they are installed. 2. The store administrator selects a non installed payment method. 3. The store administrator provides the data of the payment method: [ÆInstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallCreditCardPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallIPaymentPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallNochexPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallPayPalPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod] [ÆInstallPSiGatePaymentMethod] [ÆInstallSECPaymentMethod] 4. The system validates that the data is correct. 5. The system uninstalls the new payment method. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 76 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Uninstall a payment method Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The payment method is installed. Trigger: The store administrator wants to uninstall a payment method. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows all the payment methods and which of they are installed. 2. The store administrator selects an installed payment method. [ÆUninstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallCreditCardPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallIPaymentPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallNochexPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallPayPalPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallPSiGatePaymentMethod] [ÆUninstallSECPaymentMethod] 3. The system uninstalls the selected payment method. Extensions: 2a. The payment method is used in an existing order: 2a1. The system warns the store administrator that the payment method is used in the information of existing orders and that is only possible to disable the payment method. 2a2. The system changes the status of the payment method to disabled: [ÆStatusPaymentMethodChange] 2a3. The use case ends. Use case Change payment method values Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: The payment method is installed. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the configuration values of an installed payment method. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 77 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the installed payment methods. 2. The customer selects an installed payment method. 3. The system displays the current values of the payment method. 4. The system administrator provides the new values for the configurable attributes of the payment method: [ÆEditAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod] [ÆEditCreditCardPaymentMethod] [ÆEditCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod] [ÆEditIPaymentPaymentMethod] [ÆEditCheckMoneyPaymentMethod] [ÆEditNochexPaymentMethod] [ÆEditPayPalPaymentMethod] [ÆEditTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod] [ÆEditPSiGatePaymentMethod] [ÆEditSECPaymentMethod] 5. The system validates that the new values are correct. 6. The system saves the new values. 7. The system displays the new values of the payment method. Use case Install a shipping method Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The shipping method is not installed yet. Trigger: The store administrator wants to install a shipping method. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows all the available shipping methods and which of they are installed. 2. The store administrator selects a non installed shipping method. 3. The store administrator provides the data of the shipping method. [ÆInstallZoneRatesShippingMethod] [ÆInstallFlatRateShippingMethod] [ÆInstallPerItemShippingMethod] [ÆInstallTableRateShippingMethod] [ÆInstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod] 4. The system validates that the data is correct. 5. The system creates an instance of the new shipping method. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 78 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Uninstall a shipping method Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The shipping method is installed. Trigger: The store administrator wants to uninstall a shipping method. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows all the available shipping methods and which of they are installed. 2. The store administrator selects an installed shipping method. [ÆUninstallZoneRatesShippingMethod] [ÆUnistallFlatRateShippingMethod] [ÆUninstallPerItemShippingMethod] [ÆUninstallTableRateShippingMethod] [ÆUninstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod] 3. The system deletes the instance of the selected shipping method. Extensions: 2a. The shipping method is the shipping method used in an existing order: 2a1. The system warns the store administrator that the shipping method is used in the information of existing orders and that is only possible to disable the shipping method. 2a2. The system changes the enabled attribute of the shipping method to false: [ÆStatusShippingMethodChange] 2a3. The use case ends. Use case Change shipping method values Primary Actor: System administrator Precondition: The shipping method is installed. Trigger: The system administrator wants to change the configuration values of an installed shipping method. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the installed shipping methods. 2. The customer selects an installed shipping method. 3. The system displays the current values of the selected shipping method. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 79 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 4. The system administrator provides the new values for the configurable attributes of the shipping method: [ÆEditZoneRatesShippingMethod] [ÆEditFlatRateShippingMethod] [ÆEditPerItemShippingMethod] [ÆEditTableRateShippingMethod] [ÆEditUSPostalServiceShippingMethod] 5. The system validates that the new values are correct. 6. The system saves the new values. 7. The system displays the new values of the shipping method. Use case Add a language Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a new language. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new language: [ÆNewLanguage] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new language. Use case Edit a language Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a language. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the language to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected language: [ÆEditLanguage] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 80 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Delete a language Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: There are at least two languages. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a language. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the language to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the language: [ÆDeleteLanguage] 3. The system deletes the language. Extensions: 2a. The deleted language is the default language of the store. 2a1. The system sets any of the available languages as the default language: [ÆSetDefaultLanguage] 2b. The deleted language is the current language of any active session. 2b1. The system sets any of the available languages as the current language: [ÆSetCurrentLanguage] Use case Set the default language Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to change the default language. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the language which will become the default language. 2. The system updates the default language: [ÆSetDefaultLanguage] PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 81 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Add a currency Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a new currency. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new currency: [ÆNewCurrency] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new currency. Use case Edit a currency Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a currency. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the currency to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected currency: [ÆEditCurrency] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a currency Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: There are at least two currencies. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a currency. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the currency to be deleted. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 82 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the currency: [ÆDeleteCurrency] 3. The system deletes the currency. Extensions: 2a. The deleted currency was the default currency. 2a1. The system sets any of the available currencies as the default currency: [ÆSetDefaultCurrency] 2b. The deleted currency is the current currency of an active session. 2b1. The system sets any of the available currencies as the current currency: [ÆSetCurrentCurrency] 2c. The currency is the currency of an order: 2c1. The system changes the status of the currency to disable. [ÆCurrencyStatusChange] 2c2. The use case ends. Use case Update currencies Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to update automatically via Internet the change values for currencies. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system connects to the change information server. 2. The value change is automatically updated for all the currencies: [ÆUpdateCurrencyValueChange] Use case Set the default currency Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to change the default currency. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 83 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The store administrator selects the currency which will become the default currency. 2. The system updates the default currency: [ÆSetDefaultCurrency] Use case Add a country Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a country. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new country: [ÆNewCountry] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new country. Use case Edit a country Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a country. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the country to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected country: [ÆEditCountry] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a country Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The country is not the location of any address. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 84 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a country. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the country to be deleted. 2. The system warns the store administrator of the number of zones which are part of the country to be deleted. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the country and their zones: [ÆDeleteCountry] 4. The system deletes the country and their zones. Use case Add a zone Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a zone. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new zone: [ÆNewZone] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new zone. Use case Edit a zone Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a zone. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the zone to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected zone: [ÆEditZone] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 85 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Delete a zone Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The zone is not the location of any address. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a zone. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the zone to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the zone: [ÆDeleteZone] 3. The system deletes the zone. Use case Add a tax zone Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a tax zone. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new tax zone: [ÆNewTaxZone] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new tax zone. Use case Edit a tax zone Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a tax zone. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the tax zone to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected tax zone: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 86 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce [ÆEditTaxZone] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a tax zone Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a tax zone. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the tax zone to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the tax zone: [ÆDeleteTaxZone] 3. The system deletes the tax zone and all the associated tax rates. Use case Add a tax class Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a tax class. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new tax class: [ÆNewTaxClass] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new tax class. Use case Edit a tax class Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a tax class. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 87 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the tax class to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected tax class: [ÆEditTaxClass] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a tax class Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a tax class. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the tax class to be deleted. 2. The system informs the store administrator about how many products are associated to the deleted tax class. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the tax class: [ÆDeleteTaxClass] 4. The system deletes the tax class and all the associated tax rates. Extensions: 2a. The store administrator don’t want to delete the tax class. 2a1. The use case ends. Use case Add a tax rate Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a tax rate. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new tax rate: [ÆNewTaxRate] PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 88 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new tax rate. Use case Edit a tax rate Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a tax rate. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the tax rate to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected tax rate: [ÆEditTaxRate] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a tax rate Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a tax rate. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the tax rate to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the tax rate: [ÆDeleteTaxRate] 3. The system deletes the tax rate. Use case Add a product Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a product to the store catalog. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 89 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product category. 2. The store administrator provides the product data: [ÆNewProduct] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the new product. 5. The store administrator provides a product attribute: [ÆNewProductAttribute] 6. The system validates that the product attribute is correct. 7. The system saves the new product attribute. The store administrator repeats steps 5-7 until he is done. Extensions: 5a. The product does not have product attributes: 5a1. The use case ends. 5b. The product option is new: 5b1. Add a product option. 5c. The product option value is new: 5c1. Add a product option value. Use case Add a product option Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a product option to the store catalog. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the product option data: [ÆNewProductOption] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new product option. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 90 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Edit a product option Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a product option. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product option to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected product option: [ÆEditProductOption] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a product option Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The product option has not products or values linked to it. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a product option. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product option to be deleted. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the product option: [ÆDeleteProductOption] 4. The system deletes the product option. Use case Add a product option value Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a value to a product option. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 91 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The store administrator selects the product option. 2. The store administrator provides the product option value data: [ÆNewProductOptionValue] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the new product option value. Use case Edit a product option value Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a product option value. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product option value to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected product option value: [ÆEditProductOptionValue] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a product option value Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The product option value has not products linked to it. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a product option value. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product option value to delete. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the product option value: [ÆDeleteProductOptionValue] 4. The system deletes the product option value. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 92 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Add a product attribute Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to assign an attribute to a product. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product. 2. The store administrator provides the attribute and the product attribute data (increment and sign): [ÆNewProductAttribute] [ÆNewDownloadableProductAttribute] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the new product attribute. Extensions: 2a. The product option is new: 2a1. Add a product option. 2b. The product option value is new: 2b1. Add a product option value. Use case Edit a product attribute Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a product attribute. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product attribute to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details for the product attribute: [ÆAttributeChange] [ÆIncrementAndSignAttributeChange] [ÆEditDownloadableAttribute] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. The system repeats steps 2-4 until he is done. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 93 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Delete a product attribute Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a product attribute. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product attribute to be deleted. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the product attribute: [ÆDeleteProductAttribute] 4. The system deletes the product attribute. Extensions: 3a. The product attribute is part of an existing order line: 3a1. The system changes the status of the product attribute to disable. [ÆProductAttributeStatusChange] 3a2. The use case ends Use case Edit a product Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a product. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new values for the attributes of the product: [ÆEditProduct] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 94 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Delete a product Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a product. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product to be deleted. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the product: [ÆDeleteProduct] 4. The system deletes the product and their product attributes. Extensions: 3a. The product is part of an order: 3a1. The system changes the status of the product to disable. [ÆProductStatusChange] 3a2. The use case ends. Use case Move a product Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to change the category of a product. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product to be moved. 2. The store administrator indicates the new category of the selected product, if any: [ÆMoveProduct] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the new placement. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 95 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Link a product Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to link a product to another category. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product to be linked. 2. The store administrator indicates the new category of the selected product, if any : [ÆLinkProduct] 3. The system links the product. Use case Add a product category Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a category. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new product category, including its parent category, if any: [ÆNewCategory] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new category. Use case Edit a product category Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a category. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the category to be edited. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 96 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected category: [ÆEditCategory] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Move a product category Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to change the placement of a category in the category hierarchy. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the category to be moved. 2. The store administrator indicates the new parent category, if any: [ÆMoveCategory] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the new placement. Use case Delete a product category Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a category. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the category to be deleted. 2. The system warns the store administrator of the number of subcategories and products linked to the category to be deleted. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the category: [ÆDeleteCategory] 4. The system deletes the selected category and its subcategories. The products linked to the deleted category or its subcategories are removed from the system if they do not participate in any orders. The system changes the status of the products which participate in orders to out of stock. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 97 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Add a special Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a special. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the product which will be offered in a special price. 2. The store administrator provides the details of the special: [ÆNewSpecial] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the new special. Use case Edit a special Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a special. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the special to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected special: [ÆEditSpecial] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a special Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a special. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 98 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The store administrator selects the special to be deleted. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the special: [ÆDeleteSpecial] 4. The system deletes the special. Use case Add a manufacturer Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a manufacturer. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new manufacturer: [ÆNewManufacturer] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new manufacturer. Use case Edit a manufacturer Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a manufacturer. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the manufacturer to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected manufacturer: [ÆEditManufacturer] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 99 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Delete a manufacturer Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a manufacturer. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the manufacturer to delete. 2. The system warns the store administrator of the number of products linked to the manufacturer to be deleted. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the manufacturer: [ÆDeleteManufacturer] 4. The system deletes the manufacturer and, if requested, changes the status of the products manufactured by it to out of stock. Use case Add a banner Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a new banner. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new banner: [ÆNewBanner] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new banner. Use case Edit a banner Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a banner. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 100 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The store administrator selects the banner to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected banner: [ÆEditBanner] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a banner Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a banner. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the banner to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the banner: [ÆDeleteBanner] 3. The system deletes the banner. Use case Add a banner group Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a new banner group. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new banner group: [ÆNewBannerGroup] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new banner. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 101 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Edit a banner group Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a banner group. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the banner group to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected banner group: [ÆEditBannerGroup] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a banner group Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The banner group doesn’t contain any banners. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a banner. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the banner group to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the banner group: [ÆDeleteBannerGroup] 3. The system deletes the banner. Use case Send an email Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to send an email to customers. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 102 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The store administrator selects the addressee customer, or one of the predefined set of addressee customers (all the customers or all the newsletter subscribers). 2. The store administrator specifies the sender address. 3. The store administrator provides the subject and the message. 4. The store administrator confirms that he wants to send the email. 5. The system sends the email. Use case Create a newsletter Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to create a new newsletter. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the type of the newsletter (newsletter or product nofitification). 2. The store administrator provides the title and the content of the newsletter: [ÆNewNewsletter] [ÆNewProductNotification] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the newsletter. Use case Edit a newsletter Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The newsletter is unlocked. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a newsletter. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the newsletter to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected newsletter: [ÆEditNewsletter] [ÆEditProductNotification] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 103 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Delete a newsletter Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The newsletter is unlocked. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a newsletter. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the newsletter to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the newsletter: [ÆDeleteNewsletter] 3. The system deletes the newsletter. Use case Lock a newsletter Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The newsletter is unlocked. Trigger: The store administrator wants to indicate to the other administrators that a newsletter is pending to be delivered. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the newsletter to be locked. [ÆLockNewsletter] 2. The system saves the change. Use case Unlock a newsletter Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The newsletter is locked. Trigger: The store administrator wants to indicate to the other administrators that a newsletter ceases to be locked. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the newsletter to be unlocked. [ÆUnlockNewsletter] PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 104 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2. The system saves the change. Use case Send a newsletter Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The newsletter is locked. Trigger: The store administrator wants to send a newsletter. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the newsletter which will be sent. 2. The system sends the newsletter to all the newsletter subscribers. 3. The system saves that the newsletter has been sent. [ÆSendNewsletter] Extensions: 2a. The newsletter is a product notification. 2a1. The store administrator selects which products are implied in the notification. 2a2. The systems sends the newsletter to customers who are subscribed to some of the notificated products. 2a3. The use case continues at step 3. Use case Create a customer Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer wants to open an account in the store. Main Success Scenario: 1. The customer provides the required customer data: [ÆNewCustomer] 2. The system validates the customer data. 3. The system saves the new account. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 105 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Change password Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: The customer is logged in. Trigger: A customer wants to change his password. Main Success Scenario: 1. The customer provides the old password. 2. The customer provides the new password twice. [ÆPasswordChange] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Change customer details Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: The customer is logged in. Trigger: A customer wants to change its customer details. Main Success Scenario: 1. The customer provides the new customer details. [ÆEditCustomerDetails] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the changes. Use case Administrate address book Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: The customer is logged in and the number of addresses is less than the maximum number of address entries permitted. Trigger: A customer wants to view or change the address book. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 106 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The system displays the current address book entries of the customer. 2. The customer selects an address book entry to be edited : [ÆEditCustomerAddress] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes and displays the new address book. The customer repeats steps 1-4 until he is done. Extensions: 2a. The customer doesn’t want to change the address book: 2a1. The use case ends. 2b. The customer wants to add a new address book entry: 2b1. The customer provides the required data: [ÆNewCustomerAddress] 2b2. The use case continues at step 3. 2c. The customer wants to delete an address book entry: 2c1. The customer selects the address book entry: [ÆDeleteCustomerAddress] 2c2. The use case continues at step 3. 2d. The customer wants to change the default address book entry: 2d1. The customer selects the new default address book entry: [ÆPrimaryCustomerAddressChange] 2d2. The use case continues at step 3. Use case Administrate subscriptions Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: The customer is logged in. Trigger: A customer wants to view or change their product notification subscriptions. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system displays the details of the current product notification subscriptions of the customer. 2. The customer adds a new product subscription: [ÆNewProductNotificationSubscription] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes and displays the new product notification subscriptions. The customer repeats steps 1-4 until he is done. Extensions: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 107 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 2a. The customer doesn’t want to change their product notification subscriptions: 2a1. The use case ends. 2b. The customer wants to be subscribed or unsubscribed to all product notifications: [Æ EditGlobalNotifications] 2c. The customer wants to delete a product notification subscription: 2c1. The customer selects the product: [ÆDeleteProductNotificationSubscription] 2c2. The use case continues at step 3. Use case Edit a customer Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a customer. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the customer to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected customer: [ÆEditCustomer] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a customer Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a customer. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the customer to be deleted. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the customer: [ÆDeleteCustomer] 4. The system deletes the customer and their addresses, reviews, notification subscriptions and shopping carts. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 108 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Extensions: 3a. The customer has orders: 3a1. The system changes the status of the customer to disable. [ÆCustomerStatusChange] 3a2. The system deletes customer's addresses, reviews, notification subscriptions and shopping carts. 3a3. The use case ends. Use case Open session Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer starts using the system. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system creates an anonymous session : [ÆNewSession] Use case Finish session Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer finishes using the system. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system deletes the current session. [ÆDeleteSession] Extensions: 1a. The customer is logged in and the session has a non empty shopping cart. 1a1. The shopping cart is saved. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 109 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Log in Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: The customer is not logged in yet. Trigger: A customer logs in the system. Main Success Scenario: 1. The customer introduces their identification data. 2. The system validates the identification data. 3. The customer becomes the owner of the current session. [ÆLogIn] Extensions: 3a. The customer has a shopping cart from a previous session. 3a1. The previous shopping cart is restored. [ÆRestorePreviousShoppingCart] Use case LogOut Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: The customer is logged in. Trigger: A customer logs out from the system. Main Success Scenario: 1. The current session becomes anonymous. [ÆLogOut] Extensions: 1a. The customer has a non empty shopping cart. 1a1. The shopping cart is saved. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 110 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Change the current language Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer wants to change the current language of the session. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the language which will become the current language. 2. The system updates the current language. [ÆSetCurrentLanguage] Use case Change the current currency Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer wants to change the current currency of the session. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the currency which will become the current currency. 2. The system updates the current currency. [ÆSetCurrentCurrency] Use case Add a review Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer wants to write a review of a product. Main Success Scenario: 1. The customer selects a product. 2. The customer provides the content and the rate of the review: [ÆNewReview] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 111 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 4. The system saves the review. Extensions: 2a. The customer is not logged in: 2a1. The customer logs in: [ÆLogIn] 2a2. The use case continues at step 2. Use case Edit a review Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit a review. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the review to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the modified text and the new rating of the selected review. [ÆEditReview] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. Use case Delete a review Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete a review. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the review to be deleted. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the review: [ÆDeleteReview] 4. The system deletes the review. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 112 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Place an order Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer wants to place and order. Main Success Scenario: 1. At any time before step 10 the customer logs in: [ÆLogIn] The system adds the contents of the anonymous shopping cart to the customer shopping cart. 2. The system displays the contents of the shopping cart. 3. The customer browses the product catalog. [ÆReadProductInfo] 4. The customer selects a product to buy: [ÆAddProductToShoppingCart] 5. The system adds the product to the shopping cart. 6. The system displays the contents of the shopping cart. 7. The customer changes the contents of the shopping cart: [ÆUpdateShoppingCart] 8. The system updates the shopping cart. 9. The system displays the contents of the updated shopping cart. The customer repeats steps 3,4 and 7 as necessary to build his order. 10. The customer checks out the order. 11. The system shows the shipping address and the available shipping methods. 12. The customer selects the preferred shipping method. 13. The system shows the billing address and the available payment methods. 14. The customer selects the preferred payment method. 15. The system displays a summary of the order. 16. The customer confirms the order: [ÆOrderConfirmation] 17. The system saves the order. 18. The system sends an email to the customer and to the store extra order emails with the information about the order. Extensions: 1a. The customer is new: 1a1. Create customer. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 113 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 5a. The configurable option Display cart after adding a product is disabled The customer repeats steps 3 and 4 as necessary. 5a1. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 9. 16a. The customer wants to change the contents of the shopping cart: 16a1. The customer changes the contents of the shopping cart: [ÆUpdateShoppingCart] 16a2. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 11. 11a, 16a. The customer wants to change the shipping address: 11a1. The system shows the know addresses of the customer. 11a2. The customer selects a different shipping address. 11a3. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 11. 13a, 16b. The customer wants to change the billing address: 13a1. The system shows the know addresses of the customer. 13a2. The customer selects a different billing address. 13a3. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 13. 16c. The customer wants to change the shipping method: 16c1. The customer selects the new shipping method. 16c2. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 13. 16d. The customer wants to change the payment method: 16d1. The customer selects the new payment method. 16d2. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 15. 11a2a,16a2a. The customer wants to define a new shipping address: 11a2a1. The customer gives the new address: [ÆNewCustomerAddress] 11a2a2. The system saves the address. 11a2a3. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 11. 13a2a,16b2a. The customer wants to define a new billing address: 13a2a1. The customer gives the new address: [ÆNewCustomerAddress] 13a2a2. The system saves the address. 13a2a3. The customer continues with the checkout procedure at step 13. Use case Cancel an order Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to cancel an order. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 114 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the order to be cancelled. 2. The system asks for the confirmation of the store administrator. 3. The store administrator confirms that he wants to cancel the order: [ÆCancelOrder] 4. The system sets the order status to cancelled. Use case Add an order status Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to add a new order status. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator provides the details of the new order status: [ÆNewOrderStatus] 2. The system validates that the data is correct. 3. The system saves the new order status. Use case Edit an order status Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to edit an order status. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the order status to be edited. 2. The store administrator provides the new details of the selected order status: [ÆEditOrderStatus] 3. The system validates that the data is correct. 4. The system saves the changes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 115 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Delete an order status Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The deleted order status is not the current status of any order. Trigger: The store administrator wants to delete an order status. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the order status to be deleted. 2. The store administrator confirms that he wants to delete the order status: [ÆDeleteOrderStatus] 3. The system deletes the order status. Extensions: 2a. The order status has been an status of an order: 2a1. The system changes the status of the order status to disable. [ÆProductStatusChange] 2a2. The use case ends. Use case Change the status of an order Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to change the status of an order. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the orders and their status. 2. The store administrator selects the order which will be edited. 3. The system shows the applicable order status. 4. The store administrator selects the new status. [ÆUpdateOrderStatus] 5. The system validates that the data is correct. 6. The system saves the changes. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 116 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Set cancelled order status Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The order status is not yet the cancelled status. Trigger: The store administrator wants to indicate to the system which order status is used to indicate that an order is cancelled. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects an order status. 2. The system register that the selected order status represents cancelled orders. [ÆSetCancelledOrderStatus] Use case Set default order status Primary Actor: Store administrator Precondition: The order status is not yet the default status. Trigger: The store administrator wants to indicate to the system which order status is assign when an order is created. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects an order status. 2. The system register that the selected order status is the default order status. [ÆSetDefaultOrderStatus] Use case Show a banner Primary Actor: System. Precondition: None. Trigger: The system shows a banner. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows a banner. [ÆShowBanner] PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 117 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Use case Click a banner Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: The customer clicks on a banner. Main Success Scenario: 1. The customer clicks on a banner. [ÆClickBanner] 2. The system redirects the online store to the banner’s web page. Use case Read a review Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer wants to read a review of a product. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows a summary of the reviews of the product. 2. The customer selects a review. [ÆReadReview] 3. The system shows the selected review. Use case Download a product Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: The customer is logged in. The customer purchased the product. Download is enabled by the system. The download is not expired and the number of download has not been exceeded. Trigger: A customer wants to download a purchased product. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 118 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The customer selects the purchased product to be downloaded. [ÆProductDownload] 2. The system allows the customer downloading the product. Use case Show manufacturer’s web Primary Actor: Customer Precondition: None. Trigger: A customer wants to be redirected to the manufacturer’s web page. Main Success Scenario: 1. The customer selects a manufacturer. [ÆClickManufacturer] 2. The customer is redirected to the the manufacturer’s web page. Use case Show products under stock Primary Actor: Store administrator. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to obtain which products have to be reordered. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the set of products under stock : [ÆShowUnderStockProducs] Use case Show expected products Primary Actor: Store administrator, Customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator or the customer wants to obtain which products will be in stock soon. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 119 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The system shows the set of expected products: [ÆShowExpectedProducs] Use case Show orders of a customer Primary Actor: Store administrator. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to obtain the orders of a customer. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the list of customers. 2. The store administrator selects a customer. 3. The system shows the orders of the selected customer: [ÆShowOrdersOfCustomer] Use case Show previous orders Primary Actor: Customer. Precondition: The customer is logged in. Trigger: A Customer wants to visualize their orders. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the previous orders made by the customer: [ÆShowOrdersOfCustomer] Use case Show best viewed products Primary Actor: Store administrator, Customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator or the customer wants to visualize the most viewed products. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 120 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The system shows the products in stock ordered by the number of times which has been visualized by the customers. [ÆShowBestViewedProducts] Use case Show best products purchased Primary Actor: Store administrator, Customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator or the customer wants to visualize the most purchased products. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the products in stock ordered by the number of times which has been purchased by the customers. [ÆShowBestPurchasedProducts] Use case Show customer’s orders total Primary Actor: Store administrator. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to visualize the total amount of money spent by each customer in the online store. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the customers and the total price of their orders. [ÆShowCustomersOrdersTotal] Use case Online customers Primary Actor: Store administrator. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to visualize the customers who are online. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 121 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The system shows the online customers. [ÆShowOnlineCustomers] Use case Show specials Primary Actor: Store administrator, Customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator or the customer wants to visualize products on offer. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the products on offer. [ÆShowSpecials] Use case Show products of a category Primary Actor: Store administrator, customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator or the customer wants to visualize the products contained in a category. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator or the customer selects a category. 2. The system shows the products of the selected category. [ÆShowProductsOfCategory] Use case Show products of a manufacturer Primary Actor: Store administrator, customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator or the customer wants to visualize the products produced by a manufacturer. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 122 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The store administrator or the customer selects a manufacturer. 2. The system shows the products manufactured by the selected manufacturer. [ÆShowProductsOfManufacturer] Use case Show new products Primary Actor: Customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The customer wants to visualize the last launched products. Main Success Scenario: 1. The system shows the last products on sale. [ÆShowNewProducts] Use case Show reviews of a product Primary Actor: Store administrator, customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator or the customer wants to visualize the reviews of a product. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator or the customer selects a product. 2. The system shows the reviews of the selected product [ÆShowReviewsOfProduct] Use case Tell to a friend Primary Actor: Customer. Precondition: None. Trigger: A Customer wants to send the current web page to a friend with a comment by email. Main Success Scenario: PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 123 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 1. The customer provides his name, his friend’s name, his friend’s email and the message about the web page. 2. The system sends the email with a link to the current web page. Use case Generate an invoice Primary Actor: Store administrator. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to generate an invoice corresponding to an order. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the order. 2. The system shows a printable invoice. Use case Generate a packaging slip Primary Actor: Store administrator. Precondition: None. Trigger: The store administrator wants to generate a packaging slip of an order. Main Success Scenario: 1. The store administrator selects the order. 2. The system shows a printable packaging slip. PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 124 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce 3.4 EVENTS SPECIFICATION Event AddProductToShoppingCart Event diagram Session 1 SessionEvent DomainEvent AddProductToShoppingCart Attribute * 1 quantity : PositiveInteger Product effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context AddProductToShoppingCart::AttributesAreFromProduct(): Boolean body : self.product.attribute -> includesAll(self.attribute) context AddProductToShoppingCart::AttributesAreOfDifferentOptions(): Boolean body : self.attribute -> isUnique(option) Effect context AddProductToShoppingCart::effect() post ShoppingCartItemIsCreated : sci.oclIsNew and sci.oclIsTypeOf(ShoppingCartItem) and sci.quantity = self.quantity and sci.product = self.product and sci.attribute = self.attribute and if self.session.shoppingCart -> notEmpty() then --The session has a shopping cart self.session.shoppingCart.shoppingCartItem -> includes(sci) else --The session does not have a shopping cart if self.session.customer -> isEmpty() then --The session is Anonymous sc.oclIsNew() and sc.oclIsTypeOf(AnonymousShoppingCart) and PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 125 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce self.session.shoppingCart = sc and sc.shoppingCartItem -> includes(sci) else --The customer has logged in if self.session.customer.customerShoppingCart -> notEmpty() then --The customer has a previous shopping cart self.session.shoppingCart = self.session.customer.customerShoppingCart and self.session.shoppingCart.shoppingCartItem -> includes(sci) else --The customer does not have a previous shopping cart csc.oclIsNew() and csc.oclIsTypeOf(CustomerShoppingCart) and self.session.shoppingCart = csc and csc.shoppingCartItem -> includes(sci) endif endif endif Event AddressBookEntriesMaximumChange Event diagram DomainEvent AddressBookEntriesMaximumChange newMaximum : Natural effect() Effect context AddressBookEntriesMaximumChange::effect() post : MaximumValues.addressBookEntries = self.newMaximum PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 126 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event AllowCheckoutStockConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent AllowCheckoutStockConfigurationChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context AllowCheckoutStockConfigurationChange::effect() post : Stock.allowCheckout= self.newValue Event AllowGuestToTellAFriendChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore AllowGuestToTellAFriendChange newAllowGuestToTellAFriend : Boolean effect() context StoreEvent::myStore():Store body : Store.allInstances() -> any(true) Effect context AllowGuestToTellAFriendChange::effect() post : myStore.allowGuestToTellAFriend = self.newAllowGuestToTellAFriend PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 127 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event AttributeChange Event diagram ProductAttribute 1 ExistingProductAttributeEvent 1 newValue Value DomainEvent AttributeChange effect() 1 newOption Effect context AttributeChange::effect() post : self.productAttribute.attribute.value = self.newValue and self.productAttribute.attribute.option = self.newOption Event CancelOrder Event diagram Order 1 ExistingOrderEvent DomainEvent CancelOrder effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 128 Option esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context CancelOrder::effect() post: self.order.orderStatusChange -> sortedBy(added) -> last().orderStatus = Store.allInstances() ->any(true).cancelledStatus Event CheckLevelStockConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent CheckLevelStockConfigurationChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context CheckLevelStockConfigurationChange::effect() post : Stock.checkStockLevel= self.newValue Event CityMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent CityMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 129 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context CityMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.city = self.newMinimum Event ClickBanner Event diagram DomainEvent 1 ExistingBannerEvent ClickBanner effect() Effect context ClickBanner::effect() post : BannerHistory.allInstances() -> one (bh | bh.banner = self.banner and bh.date = Today() and bh.clicked = bh@pre.clicked + 1) Event ClickManufacturer Event diagram Manufacturer 1 ExistingManufacturerEvent DomainEvent ClickManufacturer 1 Language effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 130 Banner esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context ClickManufacturer::effect() post : let manufacturerLanguageRead:ManufacturerInLanguage = ManufacturerInLanguage.allInstances() -> select (mil | mil.manufacturer = self.manufacturer and mil.language = self.language) in manufacturerLanguageRead.urlClicked = manufacturerLanguageRead@pre.urlClicked + 1 and manufacturerLanguageRead.lastClick = Now() Event CompanyCustomerDetailChange Event diagram DomainEvent CompanyCustomerDetailChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context CompanyCustomerDetailChange::effect() post : CustomerDetails.company = self.newValue Event CompanyNameMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent CompanyNameMinimumChange newMinimum : Natural effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 131 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context CompanyNameMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.companyName = self.newMinimum Event CountryChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent Store 1 /myStore CountryChange 1 newCountry effect() Country Effect context CountryChange::effect() post : myStore.country = self.newCountry Event CountryShippingConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent CountryShippingConfigurationChange 1 effect() Country newCountryOfOrigin Effect context CountryShippingConfigurationChange::effect() post : ShippingAndPackaging.countryOfOrigin = self.newCountryOfOrigin PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 132 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event CreditCardNumberMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent CreditCardNumberMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context CreditCardNumberMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.creditCardNumber = self.newMinimum Event CreditCardOwnerNameMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent CreditCardOwnerNameMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context CreditCardOwnerNameMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.creditCardOwnerName = self.newMinimum PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 133 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event CurrencyStatusChange Event diagram Currency 1 ExistingCurrencyEvent DomainEvent CurrencyStatusChange newStatus : Status effect() Effect context CurrencyStatusChange::effect() post : self.currency.status = self.newStatus Event CustomerStatusChange Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent CustomerStatusChange newStatus : Status effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 134 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context CustomerStatusChange::effect() post : self.customer.status = self.newStatus Event DateOfBirthCustomerDetailChange Event diagram DomainEvent DateOfBirthCustomerDetailChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context DateOfBirthCustomerDetailChange::effect() post : CustomerDetails.dateOfBirth = self.newValue Event DateOfBirthMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent DateOfBirthMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 135 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context DateOfBirthMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.dateOfBirth = self.newMinimum Event DaysExpiryDelayDownloadConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent DaysExpiryDelayDownloadConfigurationChange newValue : Natural effect() Effect context DaysExpiryDelayDownloadConfigurationChange::effect() post : Download.daysExpiryDelay= self.newValue Event DefaultSearchOperatorChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore DefaultSearchOperatorChange newDefaultSearchOperator : Operator effect() Effect context DefaultSearchOperatorChange::effect() post : myStore.defaultSearchOperator = self.newDefaultSearchOperator PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 136 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteBanner Event diagram Banner 1 ExistingBannerEvent DomainEvent DeleteBanner effect() Effect context DeleteBanner::effect() post : not self.banner@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteBannerGroup Event diagram BannerGroup 1 ExistingBannerGroupEvent DomainEvent DeleteBannerGroup effect() Initial Integrity Constraints PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 137 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce context DeleteBannerGroup::BannerGroupIsEmpty():Boolean body : self.bannerGroup.banner -> isEmpty() Effect context DeleteBannerGroup::effect() post : not self.bannerGroup@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteCategory Event diagram Category 1 DomainEvent ExistingCategoryEvent DeleteCategory effect() Effect context DeleteCategory::effect() post deleteCategoryAndSubcategories: not self.category@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) and not self.category@pre.child@pre -> forAll(c | c.oclIsKindOf(OclAny)) post deleteProductsOfCategory: self.category@pre.product@pre -> forAll(p | if p.orderLine -> notEmpty() then p.status = ProductStatus::outOfStock else p@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) endif ) post deleteProductsOfChildCategory: self.category@pre.child@pre.product@pre -> forAll(p | if p.orderLine -> notEmpty() then p.status = ProductStatus::outOfStock else p.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) endif ) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 138 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteCountry Event diagram Country 1 ExistingCountryEvent DomainEvent DeleteCountry effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteCountry::CountryIsNotALocation():Boolean body : Store.allInstances() -> any(true).country <> self.country and Address.allInstances().country -> excludes(self.country) Effect context DeleteCountry::effect() post : not self.country@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 139 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteCurrency Event diagram Currency 1 ExistingCurrencyEvent DomainEvent DeleteCurrency effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteCurrency::AtLeastTwoCurrencies(): Boolean body : Currency.allInstances() -> size() >= 2 Effect context DeleteCurrency::effect() post: not self.currency@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteCustomer Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent DeleteCustomer effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 140 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context DeleteCustomer::effect() post deleteCustomer: not customer@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) post deleteReviewsAndShoppingCart: not customer@pre.review@pre -> forAll (r | r.oclIsKindOf(OclAny)) and customer@pre.customerShoppingCart->notEmpty() implies not customer@pre.customerShoppingCart@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny)) Event DeleteCustomerAddress Event diagram <<dataType>> Customer Address 1 1 ExistingAddressEvent DomainEvent ExistingCustomerEvent DeleteCustomerAddress effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteCustomerAddress::AddressOfCustomer(): Boolean body : self.customer.address -> includes(self.address) context DeleteCustomerAddress::AtLeastTwoAddresses(): Boolean body : self.customer.address.size() >= 2 Effect context DeleteCustomerAddress::effect() post : self.customer.address -> excludes(self.address) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 141 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteLanguage Event diagram Language 1 ExistingLanguageEvent DomainEvent DeleteLanguage effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteLanguage::AtLeastTwoLanguages(): Boolean body : Language.allInstances() -> size() >= 2 Effect context DeleteLanguage::effect() post: not self.language@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteManufacturer Event diagram Manufacturer 1 DomainEvent ExistingManufacturerEvent DeleteManufacturer deleteProds : Boolean effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 142 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context DeleteManufacturer::effect() post deleteManufacturer: not self.manufacturer@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) post changeProductsToOutOfStock: deleteProds implies manufacturer@pre.product@pre -> forAll(status = ProductStatus::outOfStock) Event DeleteNewsletter Event diagram Newsletter 1 ExistingNewsletter DomainEvent DeleteNewsletter effect() Effect context DeleteNewsletter::effect() post : not self.newsletter@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 143 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteOrderStatus Event diagram OrderStatus 1 ExistingOrderStatusEvent DomainEvent DeleteOrderStatus effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteOrderStatus:: IsNotTheCurrentStatusOfAnyOrder(): Boolean body : Order.allInstances() -> forAll (o | o.orderStatusChange -> sortedBy(added) -> last().orderStatus <> self.orderStatus) Effect context DeleteOrderStatus::effect() post : not self.orderStatus@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 144 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteProduct Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent DomainEvent DeleteProduct effect() Effect context DeleteProduct::effect() post: not product@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteProductAttribute Event diagram ProductAttribute 1 ExistingProductAttributeEvent DomainEvent DeleteProductAttribute effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 145 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context DeleteProductAttribute::effect() post: not productAttribut@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteProductNotificationSubscription Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent DeleteProductNotificationSubscription 1 Product deletedSubscribedProduct effect() Effect context DeleteProductNotificationSubscription::effect() post : customer.explicitNotifications -> excludes(self.deletedSubscribedProduct) Event DeleteProductOption Event diagram Option 1 ExistingOptionEvent DomainEvent DeleteProductOption effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 146 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteProductOption::HasNotProductsOrValues():Boolean body : self.option.value -> isEmpty() and self.option.attribute.product -> isEmpty() Effect context DeleteProductOption::effect() post : not self.option@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteProductOptionValue Event diagram Value 1 ExistingValueEvent DomainEvent DeleteProductOptionValue effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteProductOptionValue::HasNotProducts():Boolean body : self.value.attribute.product -> isEmpty() Effect context DeleteProductOptionValue::effect() post : not self.value@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 147 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteReview Event diagram Review 1 ExistingReviewEvent DomainEvent DeleteReview effect() Effect context DeleteReview::effect() post : not self.review@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DeleteSession Event diagram Session 1 ExistingSessionEvent DomainEvent DeleteSession effect() Effect context DeleteSession::effect() post : not self.session@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 148 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteSpecial Event diagram Special 1 ExistingSpecialEvent DomainEvent DeleteSpecial effect() Effect context DeleteSpecial::effect() post : special.oclIsTypeOf(Product) and not special.oclIsTypeOf(Special) Event DeleteTaxClass Event diagram TaxClass 1 ExistingTaxClassEvent DomainEvent DeleteTaxClass effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 149 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context DeleteTaxClass::effect() post deleteTaxClass: not self.taxClass@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) post deleteAssociatedTaxRates: self.taxClass@pre.taxRate@pre -> forAll(tr | tr.oclIsKindOf(OclAny)) Event DeleteTaxRate Event diagram TaxRate 1 ExistingTaxRateEvent DomainEvent DeleteTaxRate effect() Effect context DeleteTaxRate::effect() post : not self.taxRate@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 150 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event DeleteTaxZone Event diagram TaxZone 1 ExistingTaxZoneEvent DomainEvent DeleteTaxZone effect() Effect context DeleteTaxZone::effect() post deleteTaxZone: not self.taxZone@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) post deleteAssociatedTaxRates: self.taxZone@pre.taxRate@pre -> forAll(tr | tr.oclIsKindOf(OclAny)) Event DeleteZone Event diagram Zone 1 ExistingZoneEvent DomainEvent DeleteZone effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 151 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context DeleteZone::ZoneIsNotALocation():Boolean body : Store.allInstances() -> any(true).zone <> self.zone and Address.allInstances().zone -> excludes(self.zone) Effect context DeleteZone::effect() post : not self.zone@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event DisplayCartAfterAddingProductChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore DisplayCartAfterAddingProductChange newDisplayCartAfterAddingProduct : Boolean effect() Effect context DisplayCartAfterAddingProductChange::effect() post : myStore.displayCartAfterAddingProduct = self.newDisplayCartAfterAddingProduct Event DisplayPricesWithTaxChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore DisplayPricesWithTaxChange newDisplayPricesWithTax : Boolean effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 152 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context DisplayPricesWithTaxChange::effect() post : myStore.displayPricesWithTax = self.newDisplayPricesWithTax Event EditAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone status:Status EditAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod newUsername : String newKey : String newMode : TransactionMode newMethod : TransactionMethod newNotification : Boolean effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : AuthorizeNet.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm:AuthorizeNet = AuthorizeNet.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.username=self.newUsername and pm.key=self.newKey and pm.mode=self.newMode and pm.method=self.newMethod and pm.notification=self.newNotification and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.status=self.status and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 153 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce EditBanner Event diagram Banner 1 ExistingBannerEvent DomainEvent EditBanner newTitle : String newUrl : URL [0..1] newImagePath : String newHtml : HtmlText [0..1] newExpires : Date [0..1] newScheduled : Date [0..1] newStatus : BannerStatus effect() Effect context EditBanner::effect() post : self.banner.title = self.newTitle and self.banner.url = self.newUrl and self.banner.imagePath = self.newImagePath and self.banner.html = self.newHtml and self.banner.expires = self.newExpires and self.banner.scheduled = self.newScheduled and self.banner.status = self.newStatus post : self.banner@pre.status <> self.newStatus implies self.banner.statusChanged = Now() Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 154 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce EditBannerGroup Event diagram BannerGroup 1 ExistingBannerGroupEvent DomainEvent EditBannerGroup newName : String effect() Effect context EditBannerGroup::effect() post : self.bannerGroup.name = self.newName Event EditCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 status:Status EditCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 155 TaxZone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context EditCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : CashOnDelivery.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm:CashOnDelivery = CashOnDelivery.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.status=self.status and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone Event EditCategory Event diagram String 1 name Category Language HasNewName * CategoryNameEvent 1 DomainEvent EditCategory Category 0..1 parent imagePath : String [0..1] sortOrder : Natural Effect context EditCategory::effect() post : self.category.imagePath = self.imagePath and self.category.sortOrder = self.sortOrder and self.category.parent = self.parent and Language.allInstances() -> forAll(l| PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 156 ExistingCategoryEvent esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce self.hasNewName->select(language=l).name= self.category.hasCategoryName->select(language=l).categoryName) post : self.category.lastModified = Now() Event EditCheckMoneyPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone status:Status EditCheckMoneyPaymentMethod newMakePayableTo : Natural effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditCheckMoneyPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : CheckMoney.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditCheckMoneyPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm: CheckMoney = CheckMoney.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.makePayableTo=self.newMakePayableTo and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.status=self.status and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 157 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditCountry Event diagram Country 1 ExistingCountryEvent DomainEvent EditCountry newName : String newIsoCode2 : String newIsoCode3 : String effect() Effect context EditCountry::effect() post : country.name = self.newName and country.isoCode2 = self.newIsoCode2 and country.isoCode3 = self.newIsoCode3 Event EditCreditCardPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent status:Status EditCreditCardPaymentMethod newSplitCreditCardToMail : EMail effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 158 0..1 TaxZone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context EditCreditCardPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : CreditCard.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditCreditCardPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm:CreditCard = CreditCard.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.splitCreditCardToMail=self.newSplitCreditcardToMail and pm.status=self.status and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone Event EditCurrency Event diagram Currency 1 ExistingCurrencyEvent DomainEvent EditCurrency newTitle : String newCode : String newSymbolLeft : String [0..1] newSymbolRight : String [0..1] newDecimalPlaces : Natural newValue : Decimal effect() Effect context EditCurrency::effect() post : currency.title = self.newTitle and currency.code = self.newCode and currency.symbolLeft = self.newSymbolLeft and currency.symbolRight = self.newSymbolRight and currency.decimalPlaces = self.newDecimalPlaces and currency.value = self.newValue PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 159 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditCustomer Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent EditCustomer newGender : Gender [0..1] newFirstName : String newLastName : String newDateOfBirth : Date [0..1] newEMailAddress : EMail newPhone : String newFax : String [0..1] newNewsletter : Boolean newPassword : String newGlobalNotifications : Boolean effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditCustomer::firstNameRight(): Boolean body : self.newFirstName.size() >= MinimumValues.firstName context EditCustomer::lastNameRight(): Boolean body : self.newLastName.size() >= MinimumValues.lastName context EditCustomer::dateOfBirthRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.dateOfBirth implies self.newDateOfBirth->notEmpty() and self.newDateOfBirth.size() >= MinimumValues.dateOfBirth context EditCustomer::genderRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.gender implies self.newGender->notEmpty() context EditCustomer::eMailRight(): Boolean body : self.newEMailAddress.size() >= MinimumValues.eMailAddress context EditCustomer::telephoneRight(): Boolean body : self.newTelephone.size() >= MinimumValues.telephoneNumber Effect PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 160 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce context EditCustomer::effect() post : customer.gender = self.newGender and customer.firstName = self.newFirstName and customer.lastName = self.newLastName and customer.dateOfBirth = self.newDateOfBirth and customer.eMailAddress = self.newEMailAddress and customer.phone = self.newPhone and customer.fax = self.newFax and customer.newsletter = self.newNewsletter and customer.password = self.newPassword and customer.globalNotifications = self.newGlobalNotifications and post : customer.lastModified = Now() Event EditCustomerAddress Event diagram <<dataType>> Customer Address 1 1 ExistingAddressEvent DomainEvent ExistingCustomerEvent EditCustomerAddress newAddress : Address effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditCustomerAddress::AddressOfCustomer(): Boolean body : self.customer.address -> includes(self.address) context EditCustomerAddress::firstNameRight(): Boolean body : self.newAdress.firstName.size() >= MinimumValues.firstName context EditCustomerAddress::lastNameRight(): Boolean body : self. newAdress.lastName.size() >= MinimumValues.lastName context EditCustomerAddress::genderRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.gender implies self. newAdress.gender->notEmpty() context EditCustomerAddress::suburbRight(): Boolean PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 161 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce body : CustomerDetails.suburb implies self. newAdress.suburb->notEmpty() context EditCustomerAddress::streetAddressRight(): Boolean body : self.newAdress.street.size() >= MinimumValues.streetAddress context EditCustomerAddress::companyRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.company implies self.newAdress.company -> notEmpty() and self.newAdress.company.size() >= MinimumValues.companyName context EditCustomerAddress::postCodeRight(): Boolean body : self.newAdress.postCode.size() >= MinimumValues.postCode context EditCustomerAddress::cityRight(): Boolean body : self.newAdress.city.size() >= MinimumValues.city context EditCustomerAddress::stateRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.state implies self.newAdress.state -> notEmpty() and self.newAdress.state.size() >= MinimumValues.state context EditCustomerAddress::addressesHaveZoneIfNeeded(): Boolean body : self.newAdress.zone -> notEmpty() implies self.newAdress.state = self.newAdress.zone.name and self.newAdress.country = self.newAdress.zone.country Effect context EditCustomerAddress::effect() post : self.customer.address -> excludes(self.address) and self.customer.address ->includes(self.newAddress) Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 162 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce EditCustomerDetails Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent EditCustomerDetails newGender : Gender [0..1] newFirstName : String newLastName : String newDateOfBirth : Date [0..1] newEMailAddress : EMail newPhone : String newFax : String [0..1] newNewsletter : Boolean effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditCustomerDetails::firstNameRight(): Boolean body : self.newFirstName.size() >= MinimumValues.firstName context EditCustomerDetails::lastNameRight(): Boolean body : self.newLastName.size() >= MinimumValues.lastName context EditCustomerDetails::dateOfBirthRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.dateOfBirth implies self.newDateOfBirth->notEmpty() self.newDateOfBirth.size() >= MinimumValues.dateOfBirth context EditCustomerDetails::genderRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.gender implies self.newGender->notEmpty() context EditCustomerDetails::eMailRight(): Boolean body : self.newEMailAddress.size() >= MinimumValues.eMailAddress context EditCustomerDetails::telephoneRight(): Boolean body : self.newTelephone.size() >= MinimumValues.telephoneNumber Effect PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 163 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce context EditCustomerDetails::effect() post : customer.gender = self.newGender and customer.firstName = self.newFirstName and customer.lastName = self.newLastName and customer.dateOfBirth = self.newDateOfBirth and customer.eMailAddress = self.newEMailAddress and customer.phone = self.newPhone and customer.fax = self.newFax and customer.newsletter = self.newNewsletter Event EditDownloadableAttribute Event diagram Downloadable 1 ExistingDownloadableEvent DomainEvent EditDownloadableProductAttribute newFilename : File newExpiryDays : Natural newMaximumDownloadCount : Natural effect() Effect context EditDownloadableProductAttribute::effect() post : self.downloadable.filename = self.newFilename and self.downloadable.expiryDays = self.newExpiryDays and self.downloadable.maximumDownloadCount = self.newMaximumDonwloadCount Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 164 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce EditFlatRateShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent ShippingMethodEvent 0..1 TaxClass status : Status SpecificZoneShippingMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone EditFlatRateShippingMethod newCost : Money effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditFlatRateShippingMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : FlatRate.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditFlatRateShippingMethod::effect() post : let sm: FlatRate= FlatRate.allInstances() -> any(true) in sm.cost=self.newCost and sm.taxZone=self.taxZone and sm.taxClass=self.taxClass and sm.status = self.status Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 165 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce EditGlobalNotifications Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent EditGlobalNotifications newGlobalNotifications : Boolean effect() Effect context EditGlobalNotifications::effect() post : self.customer.globalNotifications = self.newGlobalNotifications Event EditIPaymentPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone status : Status EditIPaymentPaymentMethod newAccount : Natural newUser : String newPassword : String * Currency effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 166 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context EditIPaymentPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : IPayment.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditIPaymentPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm:IPayment = IPayment.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.account=self.newAccount and pm.user=self.newUser and pm.password=self.newPassword and pm.status=self.status and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone Event EditLanguage Event diagram Language 1 ExistingLanguageEvent DomainEvent EditLanguage newName : String newCode : String 0..1 newDefaultCurrency Currency effect() Effect context EditLanguage::effect() post : self.language.name = self.newName and self.language.code = self.newCode and self.language.defaultCurrency = self.newDefaultCurrency PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 167 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditManufacturer Event diagram Language * HasURL Manufacturer 1 url ManufacturerURLEvent <<dataType>> URL 1 ExistingManufacturerEvent DomainEvent EditManufacturer name : String imagePath : String [0..1] effect() Effect context EditManufacturer::effect() post : self.manufacturer.name = self.name and self.manufacturer.imagePath = self.imagePath and Langauge.allInstances() -> forAll(l| self.hasURL->select(language=l).url= self.manufacturer.manufacturerInLanguage-> select(language=l).url) post : self.manufacturer.lastModified = Now() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 168 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditNewsletter Event diagram Newsletter 1 ExistingNewsletter DomainEvent EditNewsletter newTitle : String newContent : String effect() Effect context EditNewsletter::effect() post : newsletter.title = self.newTitle and newsletter.content = self.newContent Event EditNochexPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 status:Status EditNochexPaymentMethod newEMail : EMail effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 169 TaxZone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context EditNochexPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : CheckMoney.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditNochexPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm: Nochex = Nochex.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.eMail=self.newEMail and pm.status=self.status and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone Event EditOrderStatus Event diagram OrderStatus 1 ExistingOrderStatusEvent DomainEvent EditOrderStatus newName : String effect() Effect context EditOrderStatus::effect() post : self.orderStatus.name = self.newName PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 170 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditPayPalPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone status:Status EditPayPalPaymentMethod newEMail : EMail * Currency effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditPayPalPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : PayPal.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditPayPalPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm: PayPal = PayPal.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.eMail=self.newEMail and pm.status=self.status and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 171 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditPerItemShippingMethod Event diagram HandlingFeeMethodEvent DomainEvent handlingFee : Money ShippingMethodEvent SpecificZoneShippingMethodEvent EditPerItemShippingMethod newCost : Money effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditPerItemShippingMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : PerItem.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditPerItemShippingMethod::effect() post : let sm: PerItem= PerItem.allInstances() -> any(true) in sm.cost=self.newCost and sm.handlingFee=self.handlingFee and sm.taxZone=self.taxZone and sm.taxClass=self.taxClass and sm.status = self.status PFCAlbert tort 0..1 TaxClass status : Status UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 172 0..1 TaxZone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditProduct Event diagram String 1 name Product Language HasNewProductName * 1 ProductNameEvent DomainEvent ExistingProductEvent EditProduct status : ProductStatus available : DateTime [0..1] netPrice : Money quantityOnHand : Integer model : String [0..1] imagePath : String [0..1] weight : Decimal 0..1 * Category 0..1 TaxClass effect() Effect context EditProduct::effect() post : self.product.status = self.status and self.product.available = self.available and self.product.netPrice = self.netPrice and self.product.quantityOnHand = self.quantityOnHand and self.product.model = self.model and self.product.imagePath = self.imagePath and self.product.weight = self.weight and self.product.manufacturer = self.manufacturer and self.product.category = self.category and self.product.taxClass = self.taxClass and Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasNewProductName -> select(language=l).name = self.product.productInLanguage->select(language=l).name) post : self.product.lastModified = Now() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 173 Manufacturer esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditProductNotification Event diagram DomainEvent EditProductNotification ProductNotification 1 * newGlobal : Boolean newExplicitNotifications effect() Effect context EditProductNotification::effect() post : self.productNotification.global = self.newGlobal and self.productNotification.explicitNotifications = self.newExplicitNotifications Event EditProductOption Event diagram String 1 name Option Language * HasNewOptionName ProductOptionNameEvent 1 DomainEvent EditProductOption effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 174 ExistingOptionEvent Product esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context EditProductOption::effect() post : Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasNewOptionName -> select(language=l).name = option.hasOptionName->select(language=l).optionName) Event EditProductOptionValue Event diagram String 1 name Value Language * HasNewValueName ProductValueNameEvent 1 DomainEvent ExistingValueEvent EditProductOptionValue 1..* effect() Effect context EditProductOptionValue::effect() post : Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasNewValueName -> select(language=l).name = value.hasValueName->select(language=l).valueName) and self.value.option = self.option PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 175 Option esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditPSiGatePaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone status :Status EditPSiGatePaymentMethod newMerchantID : String newMode : PSiGateMode newType : PSiGateType newCreditCardCollection : PSiGateCollection * Currency effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditPSiGatePaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : PSiGate.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditPSiGatePaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm: PSiGate= PSiGate.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.merchantID=self.newMerchantID and pm.mode=self.newMode and pm.type=self.newType and pm.creditCardCollection=self.newCreditCardCollection and pm.status=self.enabled and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 176 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditReview Event diagram Review 1 ExistingReviewEvent DomainEvent EditReview newReview : String newRating : Rating 1 newLanguage effect() Language 1 newProduct Product 1 newCustomer Customer Effect context EditReview::effect() post : self.review.review = self.newReview and self.review.rating = self.newRating and self.review.language = self.newLanguage and self.review.product = self.newProduct and self.review.customer = self.newCustomer post : self.review.lastModified = Now() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 177 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditSECPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone status : Status EditSECPaymentMethod newMerchantID : String newMode : SECPayMode * Currency effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditSECPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : SECPay.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditSECPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm: SECPay= SECPay.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.merchantID=self.newMerchantID and pm.mode=self.newMode and pm.status=self.status and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 178 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditSpecial Event diagram Special 1 ExistingSpecialEvent DomainEvent EditSpecial newSpecialPrice : Money newExpiryDate : DateTime [0..1] newStatus : SpecialStatus effect() Effect context EditSpecial::effect() post : self.special.specialPrice = self.newSpecialPrice and self.special.expiryDate = self.newExpiryDate and self.special.status = self.newStatus post : self.special.lastModified = Now() post : self.special@pre.status <> self.newStatus implies self.special.dateStatusChanged = Now() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 179 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditTableRateShippingMethod Event diagram HandlingFeeMethodEvent DomainEvent handlingFee : Money ShippingMethodEvent EditTableRateShippingMethod newItems : ShippingTableItem [*] newMethod : ShippingTableMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditTableRateShippingMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : TableRate.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditTableRateShippingMethod::effect() post : let sm: TableRate= TableRate.allInstances() -> any(true) in sm.items=self.newItems and sm.method=self.newMethod and sm.handlingFee=self.handlingFee and sm.taxZone=self.taxZone and sm.taxClass=self.taxClass and sm.status = self.status PFCAlbert tort TaxClass status : Status SpecificZoneShippingMethodEvent 0..1 UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 180 0..1 TaxZone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditTaxClass Event diagram TaxClass 1 ExistingTaxClassEvent DomainEvent EditTaxClass newName : String newDescription : String [0..1] effect() Effect context EditTaxClass::effect() post : self.taxClass.name = self.newName and self.taxClass.description = self.newDescription Event EditTaxRate Event diagram TaxRate 1 ExistingTaxRateEvent DomainEvent EditTaxRate TaxClass 1 newTaxClass newRate : Natural newPriority : Natural newDescription : String [0..1] 1 newTaxZone effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 181 TaxZone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context EditTaxRate::effect() post : self.taxRate.rate = self.newRate and self.taxRate.priority = self.newPriority and self.taxRate.description = self.newDescription and self.taxRate.taxClass = self.newTaxClass and self.taxRate.taxZone = self.newTaxZone Event EditTaxZone Event diagram TaxZone 0..1 ExistingTaxZoneEvent DomainEvent EditTaxZone newName : String newDescription : String [0..1] * newZones effect() Effect context EditTaxZone::effect() post : self.taxZone.name = self.newName and self.taxZone.description = self.newDescription and self.taxZone.zone = self.newZones PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 182 Zone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent OrderStatus 0..1 EditPaymentMethodEvent 0..1 TaxZone statuts:Status EditTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod newLogin : String newMode : TransactionMode newMerchantNotification : Boolean effect() context EditTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled() body : TwoCheckOut.allInstances() -> notEmpty() context EditTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod::effect() post : let pm: TwoCheckOut = TwoCheckOut.allInstances() -> any(true) in pm.login=self.newLogin and pm.model=self.newMode and pm.merchantNotification=self.newMerchantNotification and pm.status=self.status and pm.orderStatus=self.orderStatus and pm.taxZone=self.taxZone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 183 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditUSPostalServiceShippingMethod Event diagram HandlingFeeMethodEvent DomainEvent handlingFee : Money ShippingMethodEvent 0..1 SpecificZoneShippingMethodEvent 0..1 EditUSPostalServiceShippingMethod newUserID : String newPassword : String newServer : USPSServer effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context EditUSPostalServiceShippingMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : USPostalService.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditUSPostalServiceShippingMethod::effect() post : let sm: USPostalService= USPostalService.allInstances() -> any(true) in sm.userID=self.newUserID and sm.password=self.newPassword and sm.server=self.newServer and sm.handlingFee=self.handlingFee and sm.taxZone=self.taxZone and sm.taxClass=self.taxClass and sm.status = self.status PFCAlbert tort TaxClass status : Status UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 184 TaxZone esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EditZone Event diagram Zone 1 ExistingZoneEvent DomainEvent EditZone newName : String newCode : String effect() Effect context EditZone::effect() post : self.zone.name = self.newName and self.zone.code = self.newCode Event EditZoneRatesShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent ShippingMethodEvent 0..1 TaxClass * Country status : Status EditZoneRatesShippingMethod newItems : ShippingTableItem [*] effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 185 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context EditZoneRatesShippingMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : ZoneRates.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context EditZoneRatesShippingMethod::effect() post : let sm:ZoneRates= ZoneRates.allInstances() -> any(true) in sm.items=self.newItems and sm.country=self.country and sm.taxClass=self.taxClass and sm.status=self.status Event EMailAddressChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 /myStore EMailAddressChange newEmailAddress : EMail [0..1] effect() Effect context EMailAddressChange::effect() post : myStore.eMailAddress = self.newEmailAddress PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 186 Store esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EMailAddressMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent EMailAddressMinimumChange newMinimum : Natural effect() Effect context EMailAddressMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.eMailAddress = self.newMinimum Event EMailFromChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 /myStore EMailFromChange newEmailFrom : EMail [0..1] effect() Effect context EMailFromChange::effect() post : myStore.eMailFrom = self.newEmailFrom PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 187 Store esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event EnableDownloadConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent EnableDownloadConfigurationChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context EnableDownloadConfigurationChange::effect() post : Download.enableDownload= self.newValue Event ExpectedSortFieldChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore ExpectedSortFieldChange newExpectedSortField : SortField effect() Effect context ExpectedSortFieldChange::effect() post : myStore.expectedSortField = self.newExpectedSortField PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 188 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ExpectedSortOrderChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore ExpectedSortOrderChange newExpectedSortOrder : SortOrder effect() Effect context ExpectedSortOrderChange::effect() post : myStore.expectedSortOrder = self.newExpectedSortOrder Event FirstNameMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent FirstNameMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context FirstNameMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.firstName = self.newMinimum PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 189 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event GenderCustomerDetailChange Event diagram DomainEvent GenderCustomerDetailChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context GenderCustomerDetailChange::effect() post : CustomerDetails.gender = self.newValue Event IncrementAndSignAttributeChange Event diagram ProductAttribute 1 ExistingProductAttributeEvent DomainEvent IncrementAndSignAttributeChange newIncrement : Money newSign : Sign effect() Effect context IncrementAndSignAttributeChange::effect() post : self.productAttribute.increment = self.newIncrement and self.productAttribute.sign = self.newSign PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 190 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event InstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : AuthorizeNet.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(AuthorizeNet) Event InstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : CashOnDelivery.allInstances() -> isEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 191 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context InstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(CashOnDelivery) Event InstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : CheckMoney.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(CheckMoney) Event InstallCreditCardPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallCreditCardPaymentMethod effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 192 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallCreditCardPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : CreditCard.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallCreditCardPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(CreditCard) Event InstallFlatRateShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallFlatRateShippingMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallFlatRateShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : FlatRate.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallFlatRateShippingMethod::effect() post : sm.oclIsNew() and sm.oclIsTypeOf(FlatRate) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 193 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event InstallIPaymentPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallIPaymentPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallIPaymentPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : IPayment.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallIPaymentPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled() post : sm.oclIsNew() and sm.oclIsTypeOf(IPayment) Event InstallNochexPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallNochexPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallNochexPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : Nochex.allInstances() -> isEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 194 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context InstallNochexPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(Nochex) Event InstallPayPalPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallPayPalPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallPayPalPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : PayPal.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallPayPalPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(PayPal) Event InstallPerItemShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallPerItemShippingMethod effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 195 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallPerItemShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : PerItem.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallPerItemShippingMethod::effect() post : sm.oclIsNew() and sm.oclIsTypeOf(PerItem) Event InstallPSiGatePaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallPSiGatePaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallPSiGatePaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : PSiGate.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallPSiGatePaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(PSiGate) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 196 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event InstallSECPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallSECPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallSECPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : SECPay.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallSECPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(SECPay) Event InstallTableRateShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallTableRateShippingMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallTableRateShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : TableRate.allInstances() -> isEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 197 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context InstallTableRateShippingMethod::effect() post : sm.oclIsNew() and sm.oclIsTypeOf(TableRate) Event InstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : TwoCheckOut.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod::effect() post : pm.oclIsNew() and pm.oclIsTypeOf(TwoCheckOut) Event InstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 198 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : USPostalService.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod::effect() post : sm.oclIsNew() and sm.oclIsTypeOf(USPostalService) Event InstallZoneRatesShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallZoneRatesShippingMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context InstallZoneRatesShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsNotInstalled():Boolean body : ZoneRates.allInstances() -> isEmpty() Effect context InstallZoneRatesShippingMethod::effect() post : sm.oclIsNew() and sm.oclIsTypeOf(ZoneRates) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 199 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event LastNameMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent LastNameMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context LastNameMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.lastName = self.newMinimum Event LinkProduct Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent DomainEvent LinkProduct effect() 1 newCategory Category Effect context LinkProduct::effect() post: self.product.category -> includes(self.newCategory) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 200 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event LockNewsletter Event diagram Newsletter 1 ExistingNewsletter DomainEvent LockNewsletter effect() Effect context LockNewsletter::effect() post : self.newsletter.status = NewsletterStatus::locked Event LogIn Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent LogIn 1 Session effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context LogIn::CustomerIsNotLoggedIn (): Boolean body : self.customer.session -> isEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 201 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context LogIn::effect() post : self.session.customer = self.customer post : self.customer.lastLogon = Now() and self.customer.numberOfLogons = self.customer.numberOfLogons@pre + 1 Event LogOut Event diagram Session Customer 1 ExistingSessionEvent 1 DomainEvent ExistingCustomerEvent Logout effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context LogIn::CustomerIstLoggedIn (): Boolean body : self.session.customer = self.customer Effect context LogOut::effect() post : self.session.customer -> isEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 202 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event NameChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore NameChange newName : String [0..1] effect() Effect context NameChange::effect() post : self.myStore.name = self.newName Event MaximumNumberDownloadConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent MaximumNumberDownloadConfigurationChange newMaximum : Natural effect() Effect context MaximumNumberDownloadConfigurationChange::effect() post : Download.maximumNumberOfDownloads= self.newMaximum PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 203 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event MaximumPackageWeightShippingConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent MaximumPackageWeightShippingConfigurationChange newMaximum : Natural effect() Effect context MaximumPackageWeightShippingConfigurationChange::effect() post : ShippingAndPackaging.maximumPackageWeight = self.newMaximum Event MoveCategory Event diagram Category 1 ExistingCategoryEvent DomainEvent MoveCategory effect() 0..1 Category newParent Effect context MoveCategory::effect() post : self.category.parent = self.newParent PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 204 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event MoveProduct Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent DomainEvent MoveProduct effect() 1 oldCategory Category 1 newCategory Effect context MoveProduct::effect() post: self.product.category -> includes(self.newCategory) and self.product.category -> excludes(self.oldCategory) Event NewBanner Event diagram DomainEvent NewBanner title : String url : URL [0..1] imagePath : String html : HtmlText [0..1] expires : Date [0..1] scheduled : Date [0..1] Initial Integrity Constraints PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 205 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce context NewBanner::bannerDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Banner.allInstances() ->exists (b | b.title= self.title) Effect context NewBanner::effect() post : b.oclIsNew() and b.oclIsTypeOf(Banner) and b.title = self.title and b.url = self.url and b.imagePath = self.imagePath and b.html = self.html and b.expires = self.expires and b.scheduled = self.scheduled and b.status = BannerStatus::enabled Event NewBannerGroup Event diagram DomainEvent NewBannerGroup name : String effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewBannerGroup::bannerGroupDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not BannerGroup.allInstances() ->exists (bg | bg.name= self.name) Effect context NewBannerGroup::effect() post : bg.oclIsNew() and bg.oclIsTypeOf(BannerGroup) and bg.name = self.name Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 206 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewCategory Event diagram String 1 Language name HasNewName * CategoryNameEvent DomainEvent NewCategory Category 0..1 parent imagePath : String [0..1] sortOrder : Natural effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewCategory::categoryDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : Language.allInstances() -> forAll ( l | l.hasCategoryName.categoryName -> excludes(self.hasNewName->select(language=l).name)) Effect context NewCategory::effect() post : c.oclIsNew() and c.oclIsTypeOf(Category) and c.imagePath = self.imagePath and c.sortOrder = self.sortOrder and c.parent = self.parent and Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasNewName -> select(language=l).name = c.hasCategoryName->select(language=l).categoryName) Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 207 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewCountry Event diagram DomainEvent NewCountry name : String isoCode2 : String isoCode3 : String effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewCountry::countryDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Country.allInstances() -> exists(c | c.name=self.name and c.isoCode2=self.isoCode2 and c.isoCode3=self.isoCode3) Effect context NewCountry::effect() post : c.oclIsNew() and c.oclIsTypeOf(Country) and c.name = self.name and c.isoCode2 = self.isoCode2 and c.isoCode3 = self.isoCode3 Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 208 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewCurrency Event diagram DomainEvent NewCurrency title : String code : String symbolLeft : String [0..1] symbolRight : String [0..1] decimalPlaces : Natural value : Decimal effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewCurrency::currencyDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Currency.allInstances() -> exists(c | c.title=self.title and c.code=self.code) Effect context NewCurrency::effect() post : c.oclIsNew() and c.oclIsTypeOf(Currency) and c.title = self.title and c.code = self.code and c.symbolLeft = self.symbolLeft and c.symbolRight = self.symbolRight and c.decimalPlaces = self.decimalPlaces and c.value = self.value Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 209 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewCustomer Event diagram DomainEvent NewCustomer eMailAddress : EMail dateOfBirth : Date [0..1] phone : String fax : String [0..1] primary : Address newsletter : Boolean password : String passwordConfirmation : String effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewCustomer::customerDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Customer.allInstances() -> exists (c | c.eMailAddress = self.eMailAddress) context NewCustomer::passwordCorrect(): Boolean body : password = passwordConfirmation context NewCustomer::firstNameRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.firstName.size() >= MinimumValues.firstName context NewCustomer::lastNameRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.lastName.size() >= MinimumValues.lastName context NewCustomer::dateOfBirthRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.dateOfBirth implies self.dateOfBirth -> notEmpty() and self.dateOfBirth.size() >= MinimumValues.dateOfBirth context NewCustomer::genderRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.gender implies self.gender->notEmpty() context NewCustomer::suburbRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.suburb implies self.suburb->notEmpty() context NewCustomer::eMailRight(): Boolean body : self.eMailAddress.size() >= MinimumValues.eMailAddress context NewCustomer::streetAddressRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.street.size() >= MinimumValues.streetAddress context NewCustomer::companyRight(): Boolean body : PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 210 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce CustomerDetails.company implies self.primary.company -> notEmpty() and self.primary.company.size() >= MinimumValues.companyName context NewCustomer::postCodeRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.postCode.size() >= MinimumValues.postCode context NewCustomer::cityRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.city.size() >= MinimumValues.city context NewCustomer::stateRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.state implies self.primary.state -> notEmpty() and self.primary.state.size() >= MinimumValues.state context NewCustomer::telephoneRight(): Boolean body : self.telephone.size() >= MinimumValues.telephoneNumber context NewCustomer::passwordRight(): Boolean body : self.password.size() >= MinimumValues.password Effect context NewCustomer::effect() post : c.oclIsNew() and c.oclIsTypeOf(Customer) and c.gender = self.primary.gender and c.firstName = self.primary.firstName and c.lastName = self.primary.lastName and c.dateOfBirth = self.dateOfBirth and c.eMailAddress = self.eMailAddress and c.phone = self.phone and c.fax = self.fax and c.newsletter = self.newsletter and c.password = self.password and c.numberOfLogons = 0 and c.address = Set{primary} and c.primary = primary Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 211 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewCustomerAddress Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent NewCustomerAddress 0..1 gender : Gender [0..1] firstName : String lastName : String company : String [0..1] street : String suburb : String postCode : PostalCode city : String state : String [0..1] Zone * 1 1 Country effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewCustomerAddress::firstNameRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.firstName.size() >= MinimumValues.firstName context NewCustomerAddress::lastNameRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.lastName.size() >= MinimumValues.lastName context NewCustomerAddress::genderRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.gender implies self.gender->notEmpty() context NewCustomerAddress::suburbRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.suburb implies self.suburb->notEmpty() context NewCustomerAddress::streetAddressRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.street.size() >= MinimumValues.streetAddress context NewCustomerAddress::companyRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.company implies self.primary.company -> notEmpty() and self.primary.company.size() >= MinimumValues.companyName context NewCustomerAddress::postCodeRight(): Boolean PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 212 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce body : self.primary.postCode.size() >= MinimumValues.postCode context NewCustomerAddress::cityRight(): Boolean body : self.primary.city.size() >= MinimumValues.city context NewCustomerAddress::stateRight(): Boolean body : CustomerDetails.state implies self.primary.state -> notEmpty() and self.primary.state.size() >= MinimumValues.state context NewCustomerAddress::addressesHaveZoneIfNeeded(): Boolean body : self.zone -> notEmpty() implies self.state = self.zone.name and self.country = self.zone.country context NewCustomerAddress::numberOfAddressesRight(): Boolean body : self.customer.address -> size() < MaximumValues.addressBookEntries Effect context NewCustomerAddress::effect() post : Address.allInstances() ->exists (a | a.gender = self.gender and a.firstName = self.firstName and a.lastName = self.lastName and a.company = self.company and a.street = self.street and a.suburb = self.suburb and a.postCode = self.postCode and a.city = self.city and a.state = self.state and a.zone = self.zone and a.country = self.country and self.customer.address -> includes(a)) Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 213 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewDownloadableProductAttribute Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent DomainEvent NewProductAttribute increment : Money sign : Sign filename : File expiryDays : Natural [0..1] maximumDownloadCount : Natural [0..1] 1 Option 1 Value effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewDownloadableProductAttribute::productAttributeDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not ProductAttribute.allInstances() -> exists (pa | pa.attribute.option = self.option and pa.attribute.value = self.value and pa.product = self.product) Effect context NewDownloadableProductAttribute::effect() post : dpa.oclIsNew() and dpa.oclIsTypeOf(Downloadable) and dpa.increment = self.increment and dpa.sign = self.sign and dpa.filename = self.filename and dpa.product = self.product and dpa.attribute.option=self.option and dpa.attribute.value=self.value and if self.expiryDays.notEmpty() then dpa.expiryDays = self.expiryDays else self.expiryDays = Download.daysExpiryDelay endif and if self.maximumDownloadCount .notEmpty() then dpa.maximumDownloadCount = self.maximumDownloadCount else self.maximumDownloadCount = Download.maximumNumberOfDownload endif Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 214 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewLanguage Event diagram DomainEvent NewLanguage name : String code : String 0..1 defaultCurrency Currency effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewLanguage::languageDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Language.allInstances() -> exists (l | l.name=self.name and l.code = self.code) Effect context NewLanguage::effect() post : l.oclIsNew() and l.oclIsTypeOf(Language) and l.name = self.name and l.code = self.code and l.defaultCurrency = self.defaultCurrency Event PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 215 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce NewManufacturer Event diagram Language * HasURL 1 url ManufacturerURLEvent <<dataType>> URL DomainEvent NewManufacturer name : String imagePath : String [0..1] effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewManufacturer::manufacturerDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Manufacturer.allInstances() -> exists (m | m.name=self.name) Effect context NewManufacturer::effect() post : m.oclIsNew() and m.oclIsTypeOf(Manufacturer) and m.name = self.name and m.imagePath = self.imagePath and Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasURL -> select(language=l).url = m.manufacturerInLanguage->select(language=l).url) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 216 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event NewNewsletter Event diagram DomainEvent NewNewsletter title : String content : String effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewNewsletter::newsletterDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Newsletter.allInstances() -> exists (n | n.title=self.title) Effect context NewNewsletter::effect() post : n.oclIsNew() and n.oclIsTypeOf(Newsletter) and n.title = self.title and n.content = self.content and n.status = NewsletterStatus::unlocked Event NewOrderStatus Event diagram DomainEvent NewOrderStatus name : String effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 217 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context NewOrderStatus::orderStatusDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not OrderStatus.allInstances() -> exists (os | os.name=self.name) Effect context NewOrderStatus::effect() post : os.oclIsNew() and os.oclIsTypeOf(OrderStatus) and os.name = self.name Event NewProduct Event diagram String 1 Language name HasNewProductName * ProductNameEvent DomainEvent NewProduct status : ProductStatus available : DateTime [0..1] netPrice : Money quantityOnHand : Integer model : String [0..1] imagePath : String [0..1] weight : Decimal 0..1 Manufacturer 0..1 Category effect() 0..1 TaxClass Initial Integrity Constraints context NewProduct::productDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : Language.allInstances() -> forAll ( l | l.productInLanguage.name -> excludes( self.hasNewProductName -> select(language=l).name)) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 218 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context NewProduct::effect() post : p.oclIsNew() and p.oclIsTypeOf(Product) and p.status = self.status and p.available = self.available and p.netPrice = self.netPrice and p.quantityOnHand = self.quantityOnHand and p.model = self.model and p.imagePath = self.imagePath and p.weight = self.weight and p.category = Set{self.category} and p.manufacturer = self.manufacturer and p.taxClass = self.taxClass and Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasNewProductName -> select(language=l).name = p.productInLanguage->select(language=l).name) Event NewProductAttribute Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent DomainEvent NewProductAttribute 1 Option 1 Value increment : Money sign : Sign effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewProductAttribute::productAttributeDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not self.product.productAttribute -> exists(attribute.value=self.value and attribute.option = self.option) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 219 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce context NewProductAttribute::optionValueIsValid(): Boolean body : self.option.value -> includes(self.value) Effect context NewProductAttribute::effect() post : pa.oclIsNew() and pa.oclIsTypeOf(ProductAttribute) and pa.increment = self.increment and pa.sign = self.sign and pa.product = self.product and pa.attribute.option = self.option and pa.attribute.value = self.value Event NewProductNotification Event diagram DomainEvent NewProductNotification title : String content : String global : Boolean * explicitNotifications Product effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewProductNotification::ProductNotificationDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Newsletter.allInstances() -> exists (n | n.title = self.title) Effect context NewProductNotification::effect() post : n.oclIsNew() and n.oclIsTypeOf(ProductNotification) and n.title = self.title and n.content = self.content and n.global = self.global and n.explicitNotifications = self.explicitNotifications and n.status = self.NewsletterStatus::unlocked PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 220 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event NewProductNotificationSubscription Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent NewProductNotificationSubscription effect() 1 Product newSubscribedProduct Initial Integrity Constraints context NewProductNotificationSubscription::ProductIsUnsubscribed(): Boolean body : not self.customer.globalNotifications and self.customer.explicitNotifications -> excludes(self.newSubscribedProduct) Effect context NewProductNotificationSubscription::effect() post : self.customer.explicitNotifications -> includes(self.newSubscribedProduct) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 221 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event NewProductOption Event diagram String 1 Language * name HasNewOptionName ProductOptionNameEvent DomainEvent NewProductOption effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewProductOption::productOptionDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : Language.allInstances() -> forAll ( l | l.hasOptionName.optionName -> excludes(self.hasNewOptionName -> select(language=l).name)) Effect context NewProductOption::effect() post : po.oclIsNew() and po.oclIsTypeOf(Option) and Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasNewOptionName -> select(language=l).name = po.hasOptionName->select(optionLanguage=l).optionName) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 222 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event NewProductOptionValue Event diagram String 1 Language * name HasNewValueName ProductValueNameEvent DomainEvent NewProductOptionValue 1..* effect() Option Initial Integrity Constraints context NewProductOptionValue::optionValueDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : Language.allInstances() -> forAll ( l | l.hasValueName.valueName -> excludes(self.hasNewValueName -> select(Language=l).name)) Effect context NewProductOptionValue::effect() post : pov.oclIsNew() and pov.oclIsTypeOf(Value) and Language.allInstances() -> forAll (l| self.hasNewValueName -> select(language=l).name = pov.hasValueName->select(valueLanguage=l).valueName) and pov.option = self.option PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 223 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event NewReview Event diagram DomainEvent NewReview Language 1 review : String rating : Rating effect() Effect context NewReview::effect() post : r.oclIsNew() and r.oclIsTypeOf(Review) and r.review = self.review and r.rating = self.rating and r.customer = self.customer and r.product = self.product and r.language = self.language Event NewSession Customer 1 Product Initial Integrity Constraints context NewReview::reviewRight(): Boolean body : self.review.size() >= MinimumValues.reviewText 1 Event diagram DomainEvent NewSession effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 224 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context NewSession::effect() post : s.oclIsNew() and s.oclIsTypeOf(Session) Event NewSpecial Event diagram DomainEvent NewSpecial specialPrice : Money expiryDate : DateTime [0..1] status : SpecialStatus 1 Product effect() Effect context NewSpecial::effect() post : self.product.oclIsTypeOf(Special) and self.product.oclAsTypeOf(Special).specialPrice=self.specialPrice and self.product.oclAsTypeOf(Special).expiryDate=self.expiryDate and self.product.oclAsTypeOf(Special).status=self.status Event NewTaxClass Event diagram DomainEvent NewTaxClass name : String description : String [0..1] effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 225 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context NewTaxClass::TaxClassDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not TaxClass.allInstances() -> exists (tc | tc.name = self.name) Effect context NewTaxClass::effect() post : tc.oclIsNew() and tc.oclIsTypeOf(TaxClass) and tc.name = self.name and tc.description = self.description Event NewTaxRate Event diagram DomainEvent NewTaxRate TaxClass 1 rate : Natural priority : Natural description : String [0..1] 1 TaxZone effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewTaxRate::TaxRateDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not TaxRate.allInstances() -> exists (tr | tr.taxClass = self.taxClass and tr.taxZone = self.taxZone) Effect context NewTaxRate::effect() post : tr.oclIsNew() and tr.oclIsTypeOf(TaxRate) and tr.rate = self.rate and tr.priority = self.priority and PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 226 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce tr.description = self.description and tr.taxClass = self.taxClass and tr.taxZone = self.taxZone Event NewTaxZone Event diagram DomainEvent NewTaxZone name : String description : String [0..1] * Zone effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewTaxZone::TaxZoneDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not TaxZone.allInstances() -> exists (tz | tz.name = self.name) Effect context NewTaxZone::effect() post : tz.oclIsNew() and tz.oclIsTypeOf(TaxZone) and tz.name = self.name and tz.description = self.description and tz.zone = self.zone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 227 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event NewZone Event diagram DomainEvent NewZone name : String code : String 1 Country effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context NewZone::ZoneDoesNotExist(): Boolean body : not Zone.allInstances() -> exists (z | z.name = self.name and z.country = self.country or z.code = self.code and z.country = self.country) Effect context NewZone::effect() post : z.oclIsNew() and z.oclIsTypeOf(Zone) and z.name = self.name and z.code = self.code and z.country = self.country PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 228 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event OrderConfirmation Event diagram DomainEvent OrderConfirmation delivery : Address billing : Address creditCardType : String [0..1] creditCardOwner : String [0..1] creditCardNumber : String [0..1] creditCardExpires : Date [0..1] comments : String [0..1] 1 CustomerShoppingCart shoppingCart 1 ShippingMethod 1 PaymentMethod 1 Currency effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context OrderConfirmation::ShippingMethodIsEnabled(): Boolean body : self.shippingMethod.status= Status::enabled context OrderConfirmation::PaymentMethodIsEnabled(): Boolean body : self.paymentMethod.status= Status::enabled context OrderConfirmation::CurrencyIsEnabled(): Boolean body : self.currency.status = Status::enabled context OrderConfirmation::CreditCardDetailsNeeded(): Boolean body : self.paymentMethod.oclIsTypeOf(AuthorizeNet) or self.paymentMethod.oclIsTypeOf(CreditCard) or self.paymentMethod.oclIsTypeOf(IPayment) or self.paymentMethod.oclIsTypeOf(TwoCheckOut) or self.paymentMethod.oclIsTypeOf(PSiGate) implies creditCardType.notEmpty() and creditCardOwner.notEmpty() and creditCardNumber.notEmpty() and creditCardExpires.notEmpty() context OrderConfirmation::StockAllowsOrder(): Boolean body : Stock.allowCheckout or not Stock.checkStockLevel or self.shoppingCart.shoppingCartItem.product -> forAll (p | p.quantityOnHand > 0) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 229 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context OrderConfirmation::effect() post theOrderIsCreated: o.oclIsNew() and o.oclIsTypeOf(Order) and o.customer = self.shoppingCart@pre.customer@pre and o.billing = self.billing and o.delivery = self.delivery and o.shippingMethod = self.shippingMethod and o.paymentMethod = self.paymentMethod and o.currency = self.currency and --The initial status of the order is pending osc.oclIsNew() and osc.oclIsTypeOf(OrderStatusChange) and osc.comments = self.comments and osc.orderStatus = Store.allInstances() -> any(true).defaultStatus and osc.order = o and --There is an order line for each shopping cart item shoppingCart@pre.shoppingCartItem@pre->forAll (i|OrderLine.allInstances() -> one (ol|ol.order = o and ol.product = i.product@pre and ol.quantity = i.quantity@pre and i.attribute@pre->forAll (iAtt|OrderLineAttribute.allInstances() -> one (olAtt|olAtt.orderLine = ol and olAtt.attribute = iAtt)))) post theShoppingCartIsRemoved: not self.shoppingCart@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) post updateProductQuantities: let productsBought:Set(Product) = self.shoppingCart@pre.shoppingCartItem@pre.product@pre->asSet() in productsBought -> forAll (p| let quantityBought:PositiveInteger = self.shoppingCart@pre.shoppingCartItem@pre->select (sc | sc.product = p).quantity -> sum() in p.quantityOrdered = p.quantityOrdered@pre + quantityBought and Stock.substractStock implies p.quantityOnHand = p.quantityOnHand@pre – quantityBought) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 230 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event OwnerChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore OwnerChange newOwner : String [0..1] effect() Effect context OwnerChange::effect() post : myStore.owner = self.newOwner Event PasswordChange Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent PasswordChange oldPassword : String newPassword : String effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context ChangePassword::passwordRight(): Boolean body : self.password.size() >= MinimumValues.password PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 231 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce context ChangePassword::OldPasswordIsCorrect(): Boolean body : customer@pre.password = self.oldPassword Effect context ChangePassword::effect() post : self.customer.password = self.newPassword Event PasswordMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent PasswordMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context PasswordMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.password = self.newMinimum Event PercentageIncreaseForLargerPackagesShippingConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent PercentageIncreaseForLargerPackagesShippingConfigurationChange newPercentage : Decimal effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 232 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context PercentageIncreaseForLargerPackagesShippingConfigurationChange::effect() post : ShippingAndPackaging.percentageIncreaseForLargerPackages= self.newPercentage Event PostCodeMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent PostCodeMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context PostCodeMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.postCode = self.newMinimum Event PostCodeShippingConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent PostCodeShippingConfigurationChange newPostCode : PostalCode [0..1] effect() Effect context PostCodeShippingConfigurationChange::effect() post : ShippingAndPackaging.postCode = self.newPostCode PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 233 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event PrimaryCustomerAddressChange Event diagram <<dataType>> Customer Address 1 1 ExistingAddressEvent DomainEvent ExistingCustomerEvent PrimaryCustomerAddressChange effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context PrimaryCustomerAddressChange::AddressOfCustomer(): Boolean body : self.customer.address -> includes(self.address) Effect context PrimaryCustomerAddressChange::effect() post : self.customer.primary = self.address PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 234 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ProductAttributeStatusChange Event diagram ProductAttribute 1 ExistingProductAttributeEvent DomainEvent ProductAttributeStatusChange newStatus : Status effect() Effect context ProductAttributeStatusChange::effect() post : self.productAttribute.status = self.newStatus Event ProductDownload Event diagram Product Customer 1 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent ExistingProductEvent ProductDownload 1 effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 235 Downloadable esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context ProductDownload::DownloadEnabled(): Boolean body : Download.enableDonwload context ProductDownload::ProductWasPurchasedByCustomer(): Boolean body : self.customer.order.orderLine.product -> includes (self.product) context ProductDownload::DownloadableIsFromProduct(): Boolean body : self.product.productAttribute -> select(pa | pa.oclIsTypeOf(Downloadable)) -> includes (self.downloadable) context ProductDownload::DownloadIsNotExpired(): Boolean body : let datePurchased:DateTime = self.customer.order -> select (o | o.orderLine.product -> includes(self.product)) ->sortedBy(purchased)->last().purchased in Now() <= datePurchased + self.downloadable.expiryDays context ProductDownload::DownloadsCountNotExceeded(): Boolean body : let DownloadCountFromProduct:Natural = self.customer.order.orderLine.orderLineAttribute -> select (ola | ola.oclIsTypeOf(OrderDownload) and ola.orderLine.product = self.product) -> sortedBy(orderLine.order.purchased)->last().oclAsType(OrderDownload).downloadCount in DownloadCountFromProduct < self.downloadable.maximumDownloadCount Effect context ProductDownload::effect() post : let OrderDownloadFromProduct:OrderDownload= self.customer.order.orderLine.orderLineAttribute -> select (ola | ola.oclIsTypeOf(OrderDownload) and ola.orderLine.product = self.product) -> sortedBy(orderLine.order.purchased) -> last() .oclAsType(OrderDownload) in let OldOrderDownloadCount:Integer = self.customer.order.orderLine.orderLineAttribute@pre -> select (ola | ola.oclIsTypeOf(OrderDownload) and ola.orderLine.product = self.product) -> sortedBy(orderLine.order.purchased) -> last() .oclAsType(OrderDownload).downloadCount in OrderDownloadFromProduct.downloadCount = OldOrderDownloadCount +1 PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 236 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ProductOptionAttributeChange Event diagram ProductAttribute 1 ExistingProductAttributeEvent DomainEvent ProductOptionAttributeChange 1 Option effect() Effect context ProductOptionAttributeChange::effect() post : productAttribute.attribute.option = self.option Event ProductOptionValueAttributeChange Event diagram ProductAttribute 1 ExistingProductAttributeEvent DomainEvent ProductOptionValueAttributeChange 1 effect() Effect context ProductOptionValueAttributeChange::effect() post : productAttribute.attribute.value = self.value PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 237 Value esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ProductStatusChange Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent DomainEvent ProductStatusChange newStatus : ProductStatus effect() Effect context ProductStatusChange::effect() post : self.product.status = self.newStatus Event ReadProductInfo Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent DomainEvent ReadProductInfo 1 Language effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 238 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context ReadProductInfo::effect() post : self.product.productInLanguage->select(pil | pil.language=self.language).viewed = self.product@pre.productInLanguage@pre->select(pil | pil.language=self.language).viewed + 1 Event ReadReview Event diagram Review 1 ExistingReviewEvent DomainEvent ReadReview effect() Effect context ReadReview::effect() post : self.review.timesRead = self.review@pre.timesRead + 1 Event ReorderLevelStockConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent ReorderLevelStockConfigurationChange newValue : Natural effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 239 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context ReorderLevelStockConfigurationChange::effect() post : Stock.stockReorderLevel = self.newValue Event RestorePreviousShoppingCart Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent DomainEvent RestorePreviousShoppingCart 1 Session effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context RestorePreviousShoppingCart::CustomerHasAPreviousShoppingCart(): Boolean body : self.customer.customerShoppingCart->notEmpty() Effect context RestorePreviousShoppingCart::effect() post : self.session.shoppingCart = self.customer.customerShoppingCart PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 240 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ReviewTextMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent ReviewTextMinimumChange newMinimum : Natural effect() Effect context ReviewTextMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.reviewText = self.newMinimum Event SendExtraOrderEmailChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore SendExtraOrderEMailChange newSendExtraOrderEMail : NameEMail [*] effect() Effect context SendExtraOrderEmailChange::effect() post : myStore. sendExtraOrderEmail = self.newSendExtraOrderEmail PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 241 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event SendNewsletter Event diagram Newsletter 1 ExistingNewsletter DomainEvent SendNewsletter effect() Effect context SendNewsletter::effect() post : self.newsletter.sent = Now() Event SetCancelledOrderStatus Event diagram Store 1 /myStore StoreEvent DomainEvent SetCancelledOrderStatus effect() Effect context SetCancelledOrderStatus::effect() post : self.myStore.cancelledStatus = self.orderStatus PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 242 1 OrderStatus esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event SetCurrentCurrency Event diagram Session 1 ExistingSessionEvent DomainEvent SetCurrentCurrency effect() 1 newCurrentCurrency Currency Effect context SetCurrentCurrency::effect() post : self.session.currentCurrency = self.newCurrentCurrency Event SetCurrentLanguage Event diagram Session 1 ExistingSessionEvent DomainEvent SetCurrentLanguage 1 newCurrentLanguage effect() <<create>> SetCurrentCurrency PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 243 Language esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context ChangeCurrentLanguage::effect() post : session.currentLanguage = self.newCurrentLanguage post : Store.allInstances() -> any(true).switchToDefaultLanguageCurrency and self.language.defaultCurrency -> notEmpty() implies ccc.oclIsNew() and ccc.oclIsTypeOf(ChangeCurrentCurrency) and ccc.session = self.session and ccc.newCurrentCurrency = self.language.defaultCurrency Event SetDefaultCurrency Event diagram Currency 1 ExistingCurrencyEvent DomainEvent SetDefaultCurrency effect() Effect context SetDefaultCurrency::effect() post : Store.allInstances() -> any(true).defaultCurrency = self.currency PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 244 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event SetDefaultLanguage Event diagram Language 1 ExistingLanguageEvent DomainEvent SetDefaultLanguage effect() Effect context SetDefaultLanguage::effect() post : Store.allInstances() -> any(true).defaultLanguage = self.language Event SetDefaultOrderStatus Event diagram Store 1 /myStore StoreEvent DomainEvent SetDefaultOrderStatus effect() Effect context SetPendingOrderStatus::effect() post : self.myStore.defaultStatus = self.orderStatus PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 245 1 OrderStatus esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ShowBanner Event diagram DomainEvent 1 ExistingBannerEvent Banner ShowBanner effect() Effect context ShowBanner::effect() post : BannerHistory.allInstances() -> one (bh | bh.banner = self.banner and bh.date = today() and bh.shown = bh@pre.shown + 1) Event ShowBestPurchasedProducts Event diagram Query ShowBestPurchasedProducts answer 1 Language effect() Effect context ShowBestPurchasedProducts::effect() post : answer = Product.allInstances() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 246 answer: Set(TupleType(product:String, quantity:Natural)) esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce -> sortedBy(quantityOrdered) -> collect (p | Tuple {product = ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = p and pil.language=language).name, quantity = p.quantityOrdered})->asSet() Event ShowBestViewedProducts Event diagram Query ShowBestViewedProducts 1 answer answer: Set(TupleType(product:String, quantity:Natural)) Language effect() Effect context ShowBestViewedProducts::effect() post : answer = Product.allInstances() -> sortedBy(timesViewed) -> collect (p | Tuple {product = ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = p and pil.language=language).name, timesViewed = p.timesViewed})->asSet Event ShowCustomersOrdersTotal Event diagram Query ShowCustomersOrdersTotal answer answer: Set(TupleType(name:String, total:Money)) effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 247 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context ShowCustomersOrdersTotal::effect() post : answer = Customer.allInstances() -> collect (c | Tuple {name = c.firstName.concat(c.lastName), total = c.order.total -> sum()}) -> asSet() Event ShowExpectedProducts Event diagram Query ShowExpectedProducts answer 1 answer: Set(TupleType(product:String, dateAvailable:DateTime)) Language effect() Effect context ShowExpectedProducts::effect() post : answer = Product.allInstances() -> select(p|p.available.notEmpty() and p.available > Now()) -> sortedBy(available) -> collect (p | Tuple {product = ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = p and pil.language=language).name, dateAvailable = p.available}) ->asSet() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 248 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ShowNewProducts Event diagram Query ShowNewProducts 1 answer answer: Set(TupleType(product:String, added:DateTime)) Language effect() Effect context ShowNewProducts::effect() post : answer = Product.allInstances() -> SortedBy(added) -> collect (p | Tuple {product = ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = p and pil.language=language).name, added = p.added})->asSet() Event ShowOnlineCustomers Event diagram Query ShowOnlineCustomers answer:Set(String) answer effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 249 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context ShowOnlineCustomers::effect() post : answer = Session.allInstances().customer -> collect (c | c.firstName.concat(c.lastName))->asSet() Event ShowOrdersOfCustomer Event diagram Customer 1 ExistingCustomerEvent Query answer: Set(TupleType(id:Natural, total:Money, status:OrderStatus)) ShowOrdersOfCustomer answer effect() Effect context ShowOrdersOfCustomer::effect() post : answer = self.customer.order -> collect (o | Tuple {id = o.id, total = o.total status = o.orderStatusChange -> sortedBy(added) -> last()})->asSet() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 250 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ShowProductsOfCategory Event diagram Category 1 ExistingCategoryEvent Query answer:Set(String) ShowProductsOfCategory answer 1 Language effect() Effect context ShowProductsOfCategory::effect() post : answer = Product.allInstances() -> select(p | p.category -> includes(self.category)) -> collect (p | ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = p and pil.language=language).name)->asSet() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 251 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ShowProductsOfManufacturer Event diagram Manufacturer 1 ExistingManufacturerEvent Query ShowProductsOfManufacturer answer 1 Language answer:Set(String) effect() Effect context ShowProductsOfManufacturer::effect() post : answer = Product.allInstances() -> select(p | p.manufacturer=self.manufacturer) -> collect (p | ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = p and pil.language=language).name)->asSet() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 252 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event ShowReviewsOfProduct Event diagram Product 1 ExistingProductEvent Query ShowReviewsOfProduct 1 answer answer: Set(TupleType(review:String, rating:Rating)) Language effect() Effect context ShowReviewsOfProduct::effect() post : answer = self.product.review -> select (r | r.language = self.language) -> collect (r | Tuple {review = r.review rating= r.rating})->asSet() Event ShowSpecials Event diagram Query answer: Set(TupleType(product:String, oldPrice:Money, netPrice: Money)) ShowSpecials answer 1 Language effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 253 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context ShowSpecials::effect() post : answer = Special.allInstances() -> collect (s | Tuple {product = ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = s and pil.language=language).name, oldPrice = s.netPrice newPrice = s.specialPrice})->asSet() Event ShowUnderStockProducts Event diagram Query ShowUnderStockProducts answer 1 answer: Set(TupleType(product:String, quantity:Natural)) Language effect() Effect context ShowUnderStockProducts::effect() post : answer = Product.allInstances() -> select(p | p.quantityOnHand < Stock.stockReorderLevel) -> SortedBy(Store.allInstances()->any(true).sortedBy(expectedSortField) -> collect (p | Tuple {product = ProductInLanguage.allInstances() ->select (pil | pil.product = p and pil.language=language).name, quantity = p.quantityOnHand}) -> asSet() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 254 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event StateCustomerDetailChange Event diagram DomainEvent StateCustomerDetailChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context StateCustomerDetailChange::effect() post : CustomerDetails.state = self.newValue Event StateMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent StateMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context StateMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.state = self.newMinimum PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 255 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event StatusPaymentMethodChange Event diagram PaymentMethod 1 ExistingPaymentMethodEvent DomainEvent StatusPaymentMethodChange newStatus : Status effect() Effect context StatusPaymentMethodChange::effect() post : self.paymentMethod.status = self.newStatus Event StatusShippingMethodChange Event diagram ShippingMethod 1 ExistingShippingMethodEvent DomainEvent StatusShippingMethodChange newStatus : Status effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 256 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context StatusShippingMethodChange::effect() post : self.shippingMethod.status = self.newStatus Event StoreAddressAndPhoneChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 Store /myStore StoreAddressAndPhoneChange newStoreAddressAndPhone : String [0..1] effect() Effect context StoreAddressAndPhoneChange::effect() post : myStore.storeAddressAndPhone = self.newStoreAddressAndPhone Event StreetAddressMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent StreetAddressMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 257 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context StreetAddressMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.streetAddress = self.newMinimum Event SubstractStockConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent SubstractStockConfigurationChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context SubstractStockConfigurationChange::effect() post : Stock.substrackStock= self.newValue Event SuburbCustomerDetailChange Event diagram DomainEvent SuburbCustomerDetailChange newValue : Boolean effect() Effect context SuburbCustomerDetailChange::effect() post : CustomerDetails.suburb = self.newValue PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 258 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event SwitchToDefaultLanguageCurrencyChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent Store 1 /myStore SwitchToDefaultLanguageCurrencyChange newSwitchToDefaultLanguageCurrency : Boolean effect() Effect context SwitchToDefaultLanguageCurrencyChange::effect() post : myStore.switchToDefaultLanguageCurrency = self.newSwitchToDefaultLanguageCurrency Event TaxDecimalPlacesChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 <<Constant>> /myStore Store TaxDecimalPlacesChange newTaxDecimalPlaces : Natural effect() Effect context TaxDecimalPlacesChange::effect() post : myStore.taxDecimalPlaces = self.newTaxDecimalPlaces PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 259 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event TelephoneMinimumChange Event diagram DomainEvent TelephoneMinimumChange newMinimum : PositiveInteger effect() Effect context TelephoneMinimumChange::effect() post : MinimumValues.telephoneNumber = self.newMinimum Event TypicalPackageTareWeightShippingConfigurationChange Event diagram DomainEvent TypicalPackageTareWeightShippingConfigurationChange newValue : Natural effect() Effect context TypicalPackageTareWeightShippingConfigurationChange::effect() post : ShippingAndPackaging.typicalPackageTareWeight = self.newValue PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 260 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event UnInstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : AuthorizeNet.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallAuthorizeNetPaymentMethod::effect() post : AuthorizeNet.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : CashOnDelivery.allInstances() -> notEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 261 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context UninstallCashOnDeliveryPaymentMethod::effect() post : CashOnDelivery.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : CheckMoney.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallCheckMoneyPaymentMethod::effect() post : CheckMoney.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallCreditCartPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallCreditCardPaymentMethod effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 262 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallCreditCardPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : CreditCard.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallCreditCardPaymentMethod::effect() post : CreditCard.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallIPaymentPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallIPaymentPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallIPaymentPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : IPayment.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallIPaymentPaymentMethod::effect() post : IPayment.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 263 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event UninstallNochexPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent InstallNochexPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallNochexPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : Nochex.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallNochexPaymentMethod::effect() post : Nochex.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallPayPalPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallPayPalPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallPayPalPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : PayPal.allInstances() -> isEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 264 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context UninstallPayPalPaymentMethod::effect() post : PayPal.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallPerItemPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallPerItemShippingMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallPerItemShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : PerItem.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallPerItemShippingMethod::effect() post : PerItem.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallPSiGatePaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallPSiGatePaymentMethod effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 265 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallPSiGatePaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : PSiGate.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallPSiGatePaymentMethod::effect() post : PSiGate.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallSECPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallSECPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallSECPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : SECPay.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallSECPaymentMethod::effect() post : SECPay.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 266 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event UninstallTableRatePaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallTableRateShippingMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallTableRateShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : TableRate.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallTableRateShippingMethod::effect() post : TableRate.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod::PaymentMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : TwoCheckOut.allInstances() -> notEmpty() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 267 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context UninstallTwoCheckOutPaymentMethod::effect() post : TwoCheckOut.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallUSPostalServicePaymentMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : USPostalService.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallUSPostalServiceShippingMethod::effect() post : USPostalService.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallZoneRatesShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallZoneRatesShippingMethod effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 268 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallZoneRatesShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : ZoneRates.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallZoneRatesShippingMethod::effect() post : ZoneRates.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) Event UninstallFlatRateShippingMethod Event diagram DomainEvent UninstallFlateRateShippingMethod effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UninstallFlatRateShippingMethod::ShippingMethodIsInstalled():Boolean body : FlatRate.allInstances() -> notEmpty() Effect context UninstallFlatRateShippingMethod::effect() post : FlatRate.allInstances() -> any(true)@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 269 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event UnlockNewsletter Event diagram Newsletter 1 ExistingNewsletter DomainEvent UnlockNewsletter effect() Effect context UnlockNewsletter::effect() post : self.newsletter.status = NewsletterStatus::unlocked Event UpdateCurrencyValueChange Event diagram Currency 1 ExistingCurrencyEvent DomainEvent UpdateCurrencyValueChange newValue : Decimal effect() PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 270 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Effect context UpdateCurrencyValueChange::effect() post : self.currency.value = self.newValue post : self.currency.lastUpdated = Now() Event UpdateOrderStatus Event diagram Order 1 ExistingOrderEvent DomainEvent UpdateOrderStatus comments : String [0..1] 1 OrderStatus newOrderStatus effect() Effect context ChangeOrderStatus::effect() post : osc.oclIsNew() and osc.oclIsTypeOf(OrderStatusChange) and osc.comments = self.comments and osc.order = self.order and osc.orderStatus = self.newOrderStatus PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 271 esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce Event UpdateShoppingCart Event diagram Session 1 SessionEvent ActionRequest DomainEvent ExistingShoppingCartItem RemoveProduct UpdateShoppingCart effect() <<dataType>> LineChange remove : Boolean quantity : PositiveInteger 1..* effect() {ordered} ChangeQuantity quantity : PositiveInteger effect() Initial Integrity Constraints context UpdateShoppingCart::complete(): Boolean body : self.lineChange->size() = self.session.shoppingCart.shoppingCartItem->size() Effect context RemoveProduct::effect() post : not self.shoppingCartItem@pre.oclIsKindOf(OclAny) context ChangeQuantity::effect() post : self.shoppingCartItem.quantity = self.quantity context UpdateShoppingCart::effect() post : self.lineChange ->forAll (lc|let cartItem:ShoppingCartItem = self.shoppingCart.shoppingCartItem-> at(lineChange->indexOf(lc)) in (lc.remove or lc.quantity <> cartItem.quantity) implies PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 272 1 ShoppingCartItem esquemaconceptual 3/ BEHAVIORAL SCHEMA OsCommerce if lc.remove then rp.oclIsNew and rp.oclIsTypeOf(RemoveProduct) and rp.shoppingCartItem = cartItem else cq.oclIsNew() and cq.oclIsTypeOf(ChangeQuantity) and cq.shoppingCartItem = cartItem and cq.quantity = quantity endif ) Event ZoneChange Event diagram DomainEvent StoreEvent 1 /myStore ZoneChange effect() 1 newZone Zone Effect context ZoneChange::effect() post : myStore.zone = self.newZone PFCAlbert tort UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA 273 Store