WIELAND 2015 price book Volume 132 | Effective January 2015 2 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. contents qu ic k r e f e r e n ce Vinyl Table Edge Colors....................................................... 13 Braun.................................................................................. 47 Quick Reference.................................................................... 6 Wood Finishes..................................................................... 13 Modular Seats................................................................ 49 Finishes Guide...................................................................... 8 Custom Products and Materials.......................................... 14 Modular Arms................................................................. 50 Customer's Own Materials.................................................. 14 Modular Tables............................................................... 51 te r m s a n d c o n d i ti on s Stack Chairs....................................................................... 14 Freestanding Tables....................................................... 52 Contact Information............................................................ 10 Glide Options...................................................................... 14 Bridge................................................................................. 53 Definitions..................................................................... 10 Interlock Options................................................................. 14 Auburn........................................................................... 53 General Terms..................................................................... 10 Custom Height Charges...................................................... 14 Garrett........................................................................... 55 Authorized Dealers......................................................... 10 Laser Cut and Custom Color Fill Charges........................... 14 Lafayette........................................................................ 56 Applicable Law............................................................... 10 Government Regulations................................................ 10 w a rr a n t y Prices & Payment Terms..................................................... 10 Wieland Warranty................................................................ 15 Prices............................................................................. 10 Wieland Fabric Warranty..................................................... 15 Taxes.............................................................................. 10 Invoicing........................................................................ 10 Terms of Payment, Security Interest & Lien Rights........ 10 Title & Risk.................................................................... 10 Ordering and Lead Time...................................................... 11 Ordering......................................................................... 11 Order Acknowledgement................................................. 11 Change Orders............................................................... 11 Cancellations................................................................. 11 o rd e r c h e c k list General Information............................................................ 16 Seating Units...................................................................... 16 Modular Seating.................................................................. 16 Tables................................................................................. 16 COM Fabric......................................................................... 16 Specials.............................................................................. 16 Contracts............................................................................ 16 Mitchell.......................................................................... 57 Rockport......................................................................... 58 Freestanding Tables....................................................... 60 Cannon............................................................................... 61 Modular Seats and Tables.............................................. 62 Modular Arms................................................................. 63 Freestanding Tables....................................................... 64 Capital................................................................................ 65 Arm Chairs............................................................... 65, 68 Benches......................................................................... 67 Wallsavers..................................................................... 71 Patient Chairs................................................................ 72 Modular Seats................................................................ 73 Lead Time...................................................................... 11 p ro d u c t p r ic in g Modular Arms................................................................. 74 Custom Products and Materials..................................... 11 Allay®................................................................................. 18 Modular Tables............................................................... 78 Arm Style Options.......................................................... 18 Lounge........................................................................... 79 Base Options.................................................................. 18 Lounge Modular Seats................................................... 81 Leg Styles....................................................................... 18 Lounge Modular Arms.................................................... 82 Back Styles.................................................................... 18 Lounge Modular Tables ................................................. 83 Metal Surface Finish Options......................................... 18 Freestanding Tables....................................................... 84 Wood & Thermoform Finish Options............................... 18 Hip Chair........................................................................ 85 Specification Worksheet................................................. 19 Gliders........................................................................... 86 Sleep Sofa...................................................................... 20 Recliners........................................................................ 89 Arc....................................................................................... 24 Sleep Chairs................................................................... 91 Modular Seats and Arms................................................ 26 Cavetto............................................................................... 93 Customer’s Own Material............................................... 11 Product Design, Compliance & Safety................................. 11 Product Design............................................................... 11 Compliance.................................................................... 11 California Air Resources Board (CARB) Comp................ 11 GreenGuard Certification............................................... 11 Freight & Delivery................................................................ 12 Freight........................................................................... 12 Minimum Shipping and Handling Charge...................... 12 Delivery.......................................................................... 12 Storage Fees.................................................................. 12 Returns & Claims................................................................ 12 Returns.......................................................................... 12 Damage Claims............................................................. 12 Other Claims.................................................................. 12 Or de r in g I n f or m at i on Dimensions and Weights..................................................... 13 Left vs. Right Specifications............................................... 13 Fabric Zones....................................................................... 13 Fabric Grades...................................................................... 13 Thermoform Colors.............................................................. 13 Urethane Colors.................................................................. 13 Soft Edge Colors.................................................................. 13 wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND Large Scale Seating....................................................... 27 Chair................................................................................. 93 Large Scale Wallsaver and Freestanding Table.............. 29 Cove.................................................................................... 94 Large Scale Modular Seats and Arms............................ 30 Patient Chairs................................................................ 96 Arris.................................................................................... 31 Modular Seats................................................................ 97 Modular Seats................................................................ 35 Modular Arms................................................................. 98 Modular Arms................................................................. 36 Lounge........................................................................... 99 Modular Tables............................................................... 39 Freestanding Tables..................................................... 100 Freestanding Tables....................................................... 40 Recliners...................................................................... 101 Bariatric......................................................................... 41 Patient Recliners.......................................................... 102 Bariatric Modular Seats................................................. 43 Orthopedic Recliners.................................................... 103 Recliners........................................................................ 44 Sleep Recliners............................................................ 104 Sleep Chairs................................................................... 45 Orthopedic/Sleep Recliners.......................................... 105 Autumn............................................................................... 46 Trendelenburg Recliners............................................... 106 3 conte n t s p ro duct pr ic in g, Base Options................................................................ 156 4500 Series Radius Corner Top Tables......................... 216 Curie................................................................................. 107 Finish Options.............................................................. 157 4600 Series Tables....................................................... 217 Modular Seats and Tables............................................ 108 Specification Worksheet............................................... 158 4700 Series Tables....................................................... 218 Modular Arms............................................................... 109 Classic......................................................................... 159 50A Freestanding Tables.............................................. 219 Freestanding Tables..................................................... 110 Classic Virtual Family Room®..................................... 160 Arris Freestanding Tables............................................ 221 Deli................................................................................... 111 Custom........................................................................ 161 Bridge Freestanding Tables......................................... 221 Duroply ............................................................................ 112 Custom Virtual Family Room®..................................... 162 Capital Freestanding Tables........................................ 221 Flow.................................................................................. 113 Tetra.................................................................................. 163 Cove Freestanding Tables............................................ 221 Modular Tables, Freestanding Tables........................... 115 Modular Seats ............................................................. 168 E Series Freestanding Tables....................................... 221 Grille................................................................................. 116 Modular Arms............................................................... 171 Flow Tables.................................................................. 222 Horizon ............................................................................ 117 Modular Tables............................................................. 173 Reflect Freestanding Tables........................................ 222 Kidz................................................................................... 118 Bariatric....................................................................... 174 Trace Occasional Tables.............................................. 222 Kindred............................................................................. 119 Bariatric Modular Seats............................................... 176 Versant Freestanding Tables....................................... 222 Laurelwood........................................................................ 120 Trace................................................................................. 178 20C Cylinder Tables..................................................... 223 Mid Back...................................................................... 121 Metal Waiting............................................................... 178 20R Cube Tables with Radius Corners......................... 224 Bariatric....................................................................... 123 Wood Waiting............................................................... 179 Cube and Cylinder Tables............................................ 226 Bariatric Mid Back....................................................... 124 Metal Patient............................................................... 180 Table Top and Base Information........................................ 227 Benches and Accessories............................................. 125 Wood Patient................................................................ 181 Table Tops.................................................................... 229 Loop.................................................................................. 126 Occasional Tables........................................................ 182 Wood Table Bases........................................................ 237 Modular Seats.............................................................. 126 Transom .......................................................................... 183 Metal Table Bases........................................................ 238 Mission............................................................................. 128 Versant.............................................................................. 185 Table Accessories.............................................................. 244 Parlor................................................................................ 130 Arm Chairs................................................................... 185 Side Chairs.................................................................. 130 Wallsavers................................................................... 187 Bar Stools.................................................................... 131 Patient Chairs.............................................................. 188 Planar............................................................................... 132 Wallsaver Patient Chairs.............................................. 189 Plyfold............................................................................... 134 Modular Seats.............................................................. 190 Accessories ................................................................. 135 Modular Arms ............................................................. 191 Plylok................................................................................ 136 Modular Tables ........................................................... 193 Upholstered Seat ........................................................ 136 Lounge......................................................................... 194 Wood Seat.................................................................... 137 Freestanding Tables..................................................... 195 Back Styles ................................................................. 138 Glider........................................................................... 196 Accessories.................................................................. 139 Recliners...................................................................... 200 Bar Stools, Counter Stools........................................... 140 Patient Recliners.......................................................... 201 Plylok Jr........................................................................ 141 Orthopedic Recliners.................................................... 202 Portal................................................................................ 142 Sleep Recliners............................................................ 203 Large Scale ................................................................. 143 Orthopedic Sleep Recliners.......................................... 204 Rally.................................................................................. 144 Trendelenberg Recliners............................................... 205 Modular Lounge........................................................... 144 Sleep Chairs................................................................. 206 Reflect.............................................................................. 148 Wedgewood....................................................................... 207 Wide Scale................................................................... 152 Mid Back...................................................................... 208 Freestanding Tables..................................................... 153 Bariatric....................................................................... 210 Regal III............................................................................ 154 Bariatric, Benches and Accessories............................. 211 c o n t inued Scroll................................................................................. 155 SleepToo®......................................................................... 156 Sleep Sofa.................................................................... 156 Arm Cap Options.......................................................... 156 Leg Styles..................................................................... 156 4 t a sk c h a ir s Encore-G ......................................................................... 246 Trey®-G............................................................................. 247 c h a p e l fu r n it u r e Vantage............................................................................. 250 Vantage SE.................................................................. 251 Accessories.................................................................. 252 Oaklok-Paragon................................................................ 253 Frontals........................................................................ 254 Accessories.................................................................. 255 Unity................................................................................. 257 Accessories ................................................................. 260 Chancel............................................................................. 261 Series ll........................................................................ 262 Series lll....................................................................... 265 Series lV....................................................................... 269 Series Vl....................................................................... 271 Additional Chapel Product Accessories............................. 274 Index................................................................................. 276 t a b l es Tables............................................................................... 214 1030 Freestanding Tables............................................ 214 3600 Series Occasional Tables.................................... 214 4500 Series Tables....................................................... 215 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. qu i c k r e f e r e n c e wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 5 q uick r e f e r e nc e lounge guest modular patient Allay® 20 Arc 24 26, 30 25, 27, 29 31, 32 35, 43 34, 42 arris autumn bariatric 20 20 41 46 braun 47 bridge 53 cannon 61 capital 65, 68, 79 Cavetto cove curie 49 47 62 73, 81 72 68, 70-72 93 94, 99 107 97 96, 102 94 108 107 deli 111 duroply 112 flow 113 115 Grille 116 horizon 117 Kidz 118 Kindred 119 laurelwood 120 loop 126 122 123 126 mission 128 parlor 130 planar 132 plyfold 134 plylok 141 136 portal 142 rally 144 reflect 148 regal iii 136, 137 154 scroll 155 SLEEPTOO® 159 tetra 163, 165 TRACE 178, 179 transom versant wedgewood 159 159 168, 176 174 180, 181 178, 179 183 185, 194 190 188, 189, 201 207 209 210 Stackable 6 Available with casters Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. qu i c k r e f e r e n c e recline sleep 20 glide/rock dine occasional tables benches 29 25, 28 44 45 40 46 52 60 64 89 9186 84 67 101 104 100 111 112 115 116 117 110 118 119 122 125 128 131 136 , 140 153 148, 150, 151 154 159 164, 166 182 183 200203196 Stackable 195 209 211 Available with casters wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 7 finis h g u i de •* • • • • gunmetal laminate solid surface thermoform cherry mdf • • bronze • • • blonde gold • silver Arris Autumn • black • metal khaki brown 064 • • urethane espresso 059 • Arc non-wood black 300 Allay® beech maple oak wood • • • • Braun • Bridge • • Capital • • Cavetto • • Chancel • • Cove • • Cannon • • • • • • Curie • • • • Deli • Duroply • Flow • • Grille • Horizon • Kindred • Laurelwood • • • • • • • • • • • • Loop Mission • Oaklok • • Paragon • • Parlor • • • Planar • • Plyfold • Plylok • Portal • • • • • • Scroll • • Tetra • • Rally • Reflect Regal III • sleepToo® Trace • Transom Unity • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Vantage •† • • • • Wedgewood 1030 Tables • • ® Versant • • • • • • • • • • • 3600 Tables • 4500/4600 Tables • 4700 Tables • • • • • 50A Tables • • Cube/Cylinder Tables • • Dining Tables • • • • • • • * Metal finish is natural aluminum and is a warmer tone than silver † Metal finish is chrome 8 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. t e r ms a n d c o n d i t io n s wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 9 terms a n d c o n d it i o n s CONTACT INFORMATION PERFORMANCE BONDS Please contact Wieland with questions or for assistance. Wieland P.O. Box 1000, Grabill, IN 46741 888.WIELAND (943.5263) | Fax 260.627.6496 wielandhealthcare.com | sales@wielandhealthcare.com If a bond is required the cost shall be 1% of the total Contract. If a bond is not specifically listed on the Contract it is not included. If a bond is purchased, the bond will only cover substantial completion of the project plus one year of the warranty period. Wieland is a brand of Sauder Manufacturing Co. All sales are subject to sales tax unless a valid sales tax exemption certificate or, resale certificate for the ship-to state, accompanies the order. DEFINITIONS In these Terms and Conditions, unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter: “Company” means Sauder Manufacturing Co., its subsidiaries, servants, employees and agents; “Purchaser” means the party described as purchaser; “Goods” means the items which are described as goods on the Order Acknowledgement. GENERAL TERMS AUTHORIZED DEALERS Possession of these terms and conditions, product information and/or price list does not imply the right to purchase products illustrated and priced therein. Sales are confined to accounts with credit approval only. A minimum of 30 percent down payment is required on all orders until credit is established. APPLICABLE LAW The Contract shall in all respects be construed in accordance with and governed by the substantive laws of the State of Ohio, without reference to its choice of law rules. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS Customer shall comply with all applicable governmental laws, codes, and regulations, including building and fire codes applicable to this purchase and including design, type of material and installed arrangement thereof. PRICES & PAYMENT TERMS PRICES Published prices are list, FOB Destination, per zone destination. Prices do not account for special delivery situations, including the following, which are the responsibility of the Purchaser: • Dedicated delivery appointments • Multiple drops on site per shipment • Multiple shipments per order (that could be accommodated by one delivery) • Lift gate • Charges for cartons, packaging, and crating, beyond the normal company shipping methods • Storage or insurance claims • Sales and other taxes • Local delivery, uncrating, and installation (if applicable) Prices on order acknowledgements are net. Company reserves the right to change prices prior to order acknowledgement without notice. Company reserves the right to increase prices by one-half percent per month, or any part thereof, if Purchaser delays delivery of the furniture in excess of 12 weeks beyond the approximate delivery time specified on the original order. 10 TAXES INVOICING Product will be invoiced at the time of shipment, or as designated by the order acknowledgment. If a partial order is shipped and a backorder is created, Purchaser will be invoiced for the portion that shipped. TERMS OF PAYMENT, SECURITY INTEREST AND LIEN RIGHTS Credit will be established based upon Company’s determination of credit worthiness. A deposit or prepayment may be required on certain accounts after credit review. Credit terms are 30 days net from date of invoice and/or as designated by the order acknowledgement. Company may cancel or change credit terms at its discretion and may request advance payment at any time. No order will be released for production without a credit approval from the Credit Department. Company may at its option, and without notice, raise or allow charges in excess of any credit limit granted. The applicant understands and agrees they (the purchaser) are responsible for all charges on the account. All payments due to Company shall be paid without any set-off or claim. Applicant agrees to pay a service charge of 1.5 percent per month or as allowed by law on all past due accounts. A past due account is an account that remains unpaid for more than thirty (30) days. Until such time that an account and/or an order is paid in full to the Company, Company shall retain a security interest in and lien on all materials, merchandise, furnishings, and/ or goods manufactured, provided, delivered or otherwise on said account and/or order. Company reserves and may exercise any and all rights and remedies with respect to said materials, merchandise, furnishings, and/or goods against the Customer and/or any individual or entity in possession of or claiming an interest in said materials, merchandise, furnishings and/or goods, including but not limited to demanding assembly of the goods at the direction of Company, re-taking possession and selling and applying proceeds of any sale toward the account, and/or filing suit. All charges are payable according to these terms and conditions unless otherwise prearranged and agreed to in writing by Company. Applicant agrees that any lawsuit to enforce the rights and/or obligations of the parties in this relationship must be brought in the State of Ohio, County of Fulton and no other forum. In addition, should the parties be required to instigate litigation, applicant shall be responsible for collection of agency fees, court costs, reasonable attorney fees incurred by Company and pre-judgment interest as set forth above. TITLE & RISK Title to all Goods shall pass from Company to the Purchaser upon Company’s receipt of payment in full under this Contract or any change thereof. Risk of loss or damage to the Goods becomes the responsibility of the Purchaser upon delivery. Unless otherwise specified in writing, Company will determine the method of shipment and carrier. If products are shipped via the Purchaser’s choice of carrier, Company is not responsible for damage in shipment. Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. The Purchaser will insure the Goods against all insurable risks in the name of the Purchaser and also in the name of Sauder Manufacturing Co. as the unpaid vendor for their full insurable value. ORDERING & LEAD TIME ORDERING A signed purchase order or contract received via mail, fax or email is required before an order is processed. In addition, credit applications, credit references and/or advance payments may be required for newly established accounts. Orders are not scheduled in production nor materials purchased until all details are received. ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Orders are not binding until the order acknowledgement is delivered. Any error or discrepancy on the acknowledgement must be reported to Company in writing within three (3) working days from the receipt of the acknowledgement. All modifications to the acknowledgement must be reconfirmed and signed by the Company. Cashing a down payment check does not constitute acceptance. The Company’s Terms and Conditions will serve as the final expression of the agreement between Purchaser and Company, and supersedes all prior oral and written statements regarding the order. Any proposal for additional or different terms, or any attempt by Purchaser to vary in any degree any of the terms in buyer’s acceptance is hereby objected to and rejected. CHANGE ORDERS The order as shown on the Order Acknowledgement can be modified only by a written communication or reconfirmation signed by Company. Company may, at its discretion, accept reasonable change orders with the following conditions: • The request for change must be submitted in writing and received before order specific parts have been purchased and/or the manufacturing process has begun. • Changes may be subject to additional charges for material, labor, restocking and administrative costs. • Changes may result in an extended delivery date. CANCELLATIONS Any deposit made with respect to the order is non-refundable. The Company reserves the right to cancel any order, with notice to purchaser, due to breach of obligation or contract. Additionally, if an order is cancelled after order specific materials have been purchased and/or production has started, the customer will be responsible for the cost associated with those materials or production. Any Customer’s Own Material (COM) supplied will be returned “as-is’’, this applies to any fabric that has been cut, wood parts with a finish applied, and all laminates. A cancellation or restocking charge of 1/3 of the net sale is applicable on orders cancelled. CUSTOM PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS All nonstandard designs and materials are subject to a surcharge; contact Company for approval and pricing. The use of nonstandard designs and/or materials may cause extended delivery times and reduced warranty coverage. CUSTOMER’S OWN MATERIAL Company reserves the right of preliminary approval for all COM, prior to order acceptance. Even after such preliminary approval, Company reserves the right to reject COM if, upon physical inspection of the material, it proves unacceptable for use on Company products. When COM is accepted, Company assumes no responsibility for appearance, durability, color fastness, or any other quality after it is upholstered on a Company product. Orders with COM are not scheduled into production until all materials are received and inspected. At Company’s discretion, additional yardage, labor charges, or handling surcharges may be required as a condition of COM acceptance. COM delivered to Company without proper identification can be refused, and Company shall have no responsibility for loss or any other claims. PRODUCT DESIGN, COMPLIANCE & SAFETY PRODUCT DESIGN Company reserves the right to make changes in design and construction or discontinue products without prior notice. COMPLIANCE Products offered by Company do comply with the requirements of local, state and national fire codes. The products offered as a base are manufactured with any resilient filling materials and textiles in compliance with California Technical Bulletin TB117-2013. However, any verification of compliance of COM materials with TB117-2013 is the responsibility of the person specifying the COM material. Many of the products offered, if ordered or specified to comply with CA TB133, can be produced to comply with this standard. See Price Book for CA TB133 product availability and any additional item up-charge. Additional fabric may be required to comply with CA TB133, please contact Company for yardage requirements. CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD (CARB) COMP. Products offered do comply with the Air Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) 93120 Phase 2, from the state of California. GREENGUARD® CERTIFICATION Company has achieved GREENGUARD® Certification. GREENGUARD certified products are certified to GREENGUARD standards for low chemical emissions into indoor air during product usage. For more information, visit ul.com/gg or contact Company for a complete list of all our GREENGUARD certified products. LEAD TIME Lead times will vary based on specifications chosen and available manufacturing capability. Consult your authorized sales representative or the home office when placing your order to determine estimated ship date. wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 11 terms a n d c o n d it i o n s FREIGHT & DELIVERY RETURNS & CLAIMS FREIGHT RETURNS Unless otherwise arranged in writing, all Company shipments are made on a site-to-site basis (back of trailer). Unless otherwise specified in writing, we will determine the method of shipment and carrier. All weights and dimensions provided in product literature are approximate. See map below for zone identification within the continental United States. Contact your authorized sales representative for pricing in Alaska, Hawaii and outside the United States. No merchandise may be returned to the Company without prior written consent from Company, and any returns must be in accordance with Company’s shipping instructions. If approved, returns for reasons other than valid warranty claims will be subject to shipping and handling charges, and must be made, FOB the Company. In addition, restoration and restocking charges may be charged to Purchaser. DAMAGE CLAIMS Freight terms are F.O.B. Destination. Risk of loss, damage or destruction from and after delivery is the responsibility of Purchaser it being agreed and understood that loss, damage or destruction of goods from and after delivery does not relieve the Purchaser of its payment obligations to Company. Purchaser is advised to inspect the shipment and note any damage on the bill of lading. Notification of damage discovered after delivery must be given to Company within 10 days immediately following delivery. When products are shipped via the Purchaser’s choice of carrier, Company is not responsible for damage in shipment. Purchaser should carefully inspect all items at time of delivery and note any obvious damage on the delivery receipt. For the Purchaser’s protection, such obvious or subsequently discovered concealed damage must be reported in writing to the carrier in accordance with applicable regulations and time limits. Company does not assume any responsibility for damage that occurs during storage. MINIMUM SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGE Orders that weigh less than 200 lb. will require an additional shipping and handling charge. See the chart below to determine the net charge based on total order weight. Prices are net. 0-10 lbs 11-20 lbs 21-50 lbs 51-100 lbs 101-199 lbs ZONE 1 $20$40 $60$80$100 ZONE 2 $25 $50 ZONE 3 $30 ZONE 4 $35 $75 $100 $125 $60 $90 $120 $150 $70 $105 $140 $175 OTHER CLAIMS All claims against Company other than valid warranty claims, including claims for shortages and errors, must be made in writing within 10 days after delivery. The facts on which the claim is based must be directed in writing to the warranty service coordinator. Failure to make any such claim against terms and conditions to the Company within such 10-day period shall constitute acceptance of the merchandise and waiver of any such shortages, errors, or other claims of any type or nature. The cost of field repairs or adjustments, performed by any non-company personnel, will not be reimbursed unless previously authorized in writing by Company. DELIVERY Company shall not be liable for delays in delivery of furniture caused by fire, strikes, weather or from causes beyond its control. The Goods may arrive in cardboard boxes. Unless otherwise specified, it is the Purchaser’s responsibility to arrange for the disposal of the boxes. STORAGE FEES If Goods are ready for shipment according to the terms of the order acknowledgement or subsequent change order, and the Customer cannot receive as stated, the Goods may, at our discretion, be shipped to storage facilities, or put in storage at the Purchaser’s expense. The Company reserves the right to deny storage of the Goods due to lack of available space. Storage fees are 2% of purchase price per month. These charges can, at Company’s option, be added to the order total amount due or invoiced separately and issued monthly. If invoiced separately, it is required to be paid before shipment. All risk of damage, destruction, theft or loss while in storage shall be the responsibility of Purchaser. 12 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. ordering informa ti on DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS bordeauxSE38 cordovan SE08 The dimensions and weights used throughout all of Wieland’s materials are approximate. This Price Book contains the most accurate information. If you are working on a specification which calls for close tolerances, please call the home office for the precise measurements. cool grey SE34 pewter SE32 light purple SE13 navy SE15 spectrum blue SE16 blue grey SE17 LEFT VS. RIGHT SPECIFICATIONS deep green SE20 teal grey SE26 Specify left- or right-side when facing the front of the chair, unless otherwise specified. moss grey SE31 grey SE30 FABRIC ZONES (Available on dining tables only) Fabric zoning (using different fabrics for seat, back, etc.) is available without an additional charge. When multiple fabric grades are selected, unit price is based on the highest fabric grade selected. Zoning worksheets must be submitted for lounge products. brownSE35 black SE05 Vinyl Table Edge Colors blackwhite brown greyalmond FABRIC GRADES (Available on recliner flip tables and dining tables only) Fabric pricing for patterns listed that are greater than J are available from your representative by quote. THERMOFORM COLORS WOOD FINISHES Due to natural variations beyond Wieland’s control, all items including but not limited to fabric, leather, wood, steel, glass or marble are sold subject to variations or irregularities of color, grain and texture. Because of these variations, Wieland’s samples may not exactly match that of the finished product. sugarloaf maple 58873 finesse 58898 honey alder 16150 blossom cherry 58893 solara oak 58665 clove 58732 cherry blossom 44060 palos mahogany 12382 verismo 59994 monterey 62033 73 natural 77 henna 81 walnut pepperdust 72784 dark grey 52002 74 amber 78 urban cherry 82 molasses chololate72010 beige 72005 75 honey 79 mahogany 83 black calcutta black brushed aluminum 59988 76 nutmeg 80 sepia 52000 Urethane Colors mortar 388 woodstone361 brownstone 006 steel grey 312 slate grey 385 graphite 008 sand 387 *khaki brown 064 *black 300 *espresso059 (Available on Versant tables) (* Available on arm caps) Soft Edge Colors white SE10 saffronSE03 maplenutSE41 toast pebbleSE45 beige SE42 concreteSE43 fog red burgundySE09 SE06 Prices quoted in this Price Book are based on Wieland’s standard wood finishes listed below: Wood finish names describe the color only, not the wood species. Stains are applied to the specific product’s standard wood type such as maple, beech or oak. Different kinds of wood, and sometimes pieces of the same wood of varying grain, take the same stain differently. Therefore, Wieland cannot guarantee absolute color uniformity. Custom finishes are available at an additional $546 list charge per order. Customer provides a sample for the color match and must approve the custom finish match before the order can be scheduled for production. It is recommended that furniture being ordered for placement near existing products have a custom finish match. Color variances may occur between orders without a custom finish match. Custom finish matches for any standard Wieland finish are available at no additional charge. SE44 SE33 wine SE07 purpleSE11 wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 13 order i n g i n f o r m a t io n CUSTOM PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS INTERLOCK OPTIONS All nonstandard designs and materials are subject to a surcharge. Contact the home office for approval and pricing. The use of nonstandard designs and/or materials may cause extended delivery times and reduced warranty coverage. 7074129 Straight Metal Interlock is available on Duroply, Horizon, Plyfold, 4-leg Plylok side chairs, Kindred, Regal III arm chairs, Vantage and Unity side chairs, oaklok/paragon side chairs, at an additional $6. The female interlock is mounted on the right leg and the male interlock is mounted on the left leg (as sitting). • Within our standard offering, an upcharge may be applied if a premium pattern or finish is selected. This may also cause extended lead times. • Standard laminates other than Formica™, Nevamar™, Pionite™, and WilsonArt™ result in a 5% list up-charge per item. Premium patterns and finishes will require an additional upcharge and extended lead times. • With signed approval, custom finishes are available for a $546 list up-charge per order. CUSTOMER’S OWN MATERIAL (FABRIC) Please contact Wieland on all COM fabrics. A sample of the COM fabric is required to be submitted to Wieland for approval and yardage estimate prior to placing an order. The sample should be large enough to indicate a repeat if applicable. 7074129 INTERLOCK, METAL, STRAIGHT Female Interlock mounted on right leg. Male Interlock mounted on left leg. WT: 0.5 lb. $6 7074130 Radius Metal Interlock is available on Duroply, Horizon, 4-leg Plylok side chairs, Plylok "L" arm chairs, Kindred, Regal III arm chairs, Vantage and Unity side chairs, at an additional $25. The female interlock is mounted on the right leg and the male interlock is mounted on the left leg (as sitting). 7074130 INTERLOCK, METAL, RADIUS Male Interlock mounted on left leg. Female Interlock mounted on right leg. WT: 0.5 lb. $25 All printed yardages listed in the price book are based on plain 54" wide fabrics (based on non-matched fabric). COM less than 54 inches wide, or patterned COM, requires additional yardage. If a fabric is directional, it will be applied vertically unless specific instructions are given to the contrary. If a horizontal application is desired, please inform Wieland as additional yardage or special production techniques may be required. At the customer’s request, Wieland may, in its discretion, for non-Wieland program fabrics handle the purchase of the COM fabric for a charge of 15 percent of the fabric list price. Orders with COM are not scheduled into production until all materials are received and inspected. Refer to the checklist on page 16 to ensure the proper handling of COM fabrics. If partial shipment entry is required, indicate on purchase order, or forward orders with standard products and COM products on separate purchase orders. STACK CHAIRS The following products are inherently stackable: KIDZ, PLYFOLD, PLYLOK, REGAL III, VANTAGE, OAKLOK, AND PARAGON. GLIDE OPTIONS Additional glide types are available on the following products: AUTUMN, DELI, DUROPLY, GRILLE, HORIZON, KINDRED, LAURELWOOD, MISSION, PLYFOLD, PLYLOK, REGAL III, VANTAGE, UNITY, OAKLOK, PARAGON AND WEDGEWOOD. Glide options from Company are Plastitack Glides, Chrome Rubber Cushion Glides and Non-Skid Rubber Cushioned Plastitack Glides. Replacement glides are $6 for a set of four. To order with optional glides, specify at the time of ordering. CUSTOM HEIGHT CHARGES Chairs: Available on any 4-leg chair and ottoman. Not available on sledbase, 2- and 3-position chairs. Maximum cut-off is 2 inches. Tables: Available on Wood Corner Leg Table Bases and Kidz Table Base. Specify the leg height (distance from floor to bottom of table) when ordering. • Kidz Table Base (701-1070) Height Range: 6"—23" • Wood Corner Leg Table Bases (701-1089 and 701-1090) Height Range: 12"—27.75" Prices Per Unit (set of four legs): $22 LASER CUT AND LASER CUT WITH COLOR FILL Wieland offers a unique and distinctive way to personalize and identify a facility’s chairs with a laser cut of its logo or seal on the back and/or front of any all-wood chair or back of a wood back chair with upholstered front. Simply provide your sales representative with a desired location, digital file (TIF, GIF or JPG) and the finish size (standard sizes are 2.5" x 4.5" or 4.25" diameter; non-standard sizes are available at an additional charge). Available on deli, duroply, Horizon, Kindred, mission, parlor, Plyfold, Plylok and transom. 7100001 Laser Cut $41 list per chair and $176 list set-up charge per design. 7144000 Plastitack Glides, SET OF FOUR WT: 0.5 lb. $6 (for replacement glides) 7144012 CHROME RUBBER CUSHIONED GLIDES, SET OF FOUR WT: 0.5 lb. 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill Contact the home office for color choices. $54 list per chair and $176 list set up charge. $6 (for replacement glides) To order with optional glides, specify at the time of ordering (no upcharge). 7144013 NON-SKID RUBBER CUSHIONED Plastitack Glides, SET OF FOUR WT: 0.5 lb. $6 (for replacement glides) To order with optional glides, specify at the time of ordering (no upcharge). 14 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. wa rra n ty WIELAND WARRANTY All Wieland products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship and against structural damage incurred through normal use for the periods noted below. years under warranty product years under warranty 25 product Allay® X Arc years under warranty 25 accessory Tetra X Allay® Ottoman Mech X X Trace X Cove Recliner Mech X Arris X Versant X Braun X Autumn X sleepToo Ottoman Mech X Bridge X Deli X X Duroply X X Cannon sleepToo® Table and Table Mech Capital X Encore-G X Versant Recliner Mech X Cavetto X Grille X Arris Sleep Chair Mech X Capital Sleep Chair Mech X SmartRail® X 1 2 3 5 10 1 2 3 5 10 1 2 Horizon X Cove X Kidz X Curie X Laurelwood X Flow X Mission X Kindred X Oaklok X Loop X Paragon X Planar X Parlor X Plylok X Plyfold X Portal X Plylok Jr X Reflect X Regal III X Allay® Drawer Slides X Rally X ® Trey -G X Arris Recliner Mech X Unity X X Scroll sleepToo® X Vantage X Tables X Wedgewood Transom This warranty covers the structure of the furniture: the laminated veneer or solid wood frame, the construction of the arms, table legs and stretchers, and all fasteners. This warranty also covers the foam against defects in its manufacture and composition for this same 25-year period. Under this warranty, Company will, at its option, either replace or repair furniture returned to it or will supply the Customer with replacement parts. Any labor required to upgrade the units may or may not be covered under our warranty without prior consent in writing by Wieland. Any work performed by a non-approved 3rd party will void the warranty. All freight charges for returns or replacements will be paid by Company during the 25-year warranty period. Fabrics, finishes, COM–and all items beyond the control of Company are not covered by this warranty. WIELAND FABRIC WARRANTY Wieland has assembled an extensive graded-in offering featuring a wide selection of fabrics, woven Cryptons®, and vinyls selected for their performance in healthcare environments. These fabric patterns sampled by Wieland through Architex, C.F. Stinson, Maharam, & Momentum fabric cards are warranted, if purchased through Company, for a period of five (5) years, 24/7 usage. All other fabric patterns from Architex, C.F. Stinson, Maharam, and Momentum, if purchased through Wieland, are warranted for a period of three (3) years, single shift usage. Company warrants these textiles to perform under normal conditions as furniture upholstery and when cared for according to cleaning and maintenance guidelines provided by the textile supplier. X 5 10 ® X Chancel 3 sleepToo Pneumatic Cylinder X sleepToo® Nylon Back Fabric X ® Tablet Arms, Casters and Brakes X sleepToo® Drawer X Slides Capital Recliner Mech Power Unit - 120V/USB 25 X X X 3. Furniture that’s been unduly exposed to the elements such as water, light radiation, etc. 4. Damage caused in storing/moving products or furniture after delivery and prior to installation – when stored at customer request. 5. Damage caused by on-site construction process, other contractors or subcontractors, or the work of such contractors or subcontractors, including drywall dust. 6. Damage as the result of accident, fire, flood, civil disorder, strike, Act of God, abuse, misuse or any cause outside of ordinary usage. 7. Scratching or natural wearing of finishes on chairs and tables. 8. Any responsibility for the effects the chairs have on flooring. 9. Damage caused from shipping. General Information: A. We have agreements with our upholstery suppliers to assure that all products meet Association of Contract Textiles standards for bow and skew. We also further eliminate pattern variability in our cutting process. However, you may still notice some irregularities that are within industry standards and are not covered under our product warranty. B. Wieland agrees to replace, repair or refund, at its discretion, defective parts in material or workmanship. C. To receive benefits under the terms of this warranty, the purchaser must: Proper care and cleaning is imperative for maximizing textile performance on Wieland products. However, in the unlikely event that one of these fabrics, woven Cryptons®, or vinyls does not perform in accordance with manufacturing specifications when used and maintained under normal conditions and the user has not misused, cleaned or attempted to clean the fabric or vinyl using cleaning agents or procedures not suggested or approved by the textile supplier, Company will replace the fabric free of charge. 1. Notify Wieland of the defect. The following are specially excluded from the warranty: E. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state. 1. Any custom components that are not a part of the Wieland standard line. This would include, but not be limited to, custom-designed parts or customer specified components, such as fabric, vinyl, foam, etc., that are not a part of the standard Wieland line. 2. Accessories such as light bulbs that are considered consumables. wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 2. Fill out Wieland service request form, which will be sent to you, and provide a description of the defect. 3. Submit completed form along with applicable photos. D. Any disputes over the provisions of this warranty will be mutually reviewed by representatives of the purchaser and Wieland. F. All other expressed or implied warranties, made by any sales representative, agent or other representative, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, are hereby excluded. 15 order c h e c k l i s t lease use this checklist to assure that you are giving us the necessary P information to accurately process your order. Correct information assures better lead times. If you have any questions, please contact your Wieland sales representative or call our Customer Care department toll free at 888. WIELAND (888.943.5263). Thanks! General Information Bill To COM Fabric For approval and yardage estimate: 8" x 8" fabric memo sample (Qty: 2) Fabric vendor name and contact information Fabric pattern & color Fabric width Fabric direction for application Fabric selvage information (side or front) Ship To Project Name / Enduser Information Submitting fabric for production: Job name, city and state Phone Number to Call for Questions Purchase order number Contact Name Send fabric directly to the address below, with the above information clearly marked on the roll Unit Prices Discount Used Wieland Price List Number Freight and Carrier Information Wieland / Attn: COM Fabric #XXXXXX (insert PO number) 13101 Main Street, Grabill, IN 46741 Specials Is the Special clearly noted on the Purchase Order? Is the Special Pricing reflected on the Purchase Order? Tagging Information Requested Delivery Date Contracts Contract Number Seating Units Special notes associated with the contract Model Number Fabric Vendor Fabric Patterns Fabric Colors Wood Species Wood Finish Flammability Up-charge if applicable (CA TB133/Boston Fire Code) Zoning Diagram, if applicable Modular Seating Drawing of the Furniture Layout Tables Wood Species Wood Finish Laminate Name, Color and Finish Type Base Finish Edge Profile (if applicable) Edge Color (if applicable) Dining Top Size 16 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. pr o du c t p r ic in g a n d s p ecifications wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 17 Allay ® sleep sofa Arm Styles Fully Upholstered, Soft Top 600 Series Upholstered, Wood Cap 601 Series Recessed Upholstered Panel, Wood Cap 602 Series Recessed Wood Panel, Wood Cap 603 Series Base Options Open Base (Standard) Drawer, no ottomans (Upholstered panels provided in place of ottomans) Continuous Panel (No drawer or ottoman) +$76 list +$235 list Specify right, left, or dual ottomans (Upholstery panels provided when only one ottoman is specified). Ottomans, no drawer (Wood panel provided in place of drawer) +$587 list each Note: when urethane arm cap is specified, ottoman handle will be urethane also. Thermoform available +$235 list. Leg Styles Wood Leg (Standard) Metal Leg** Plinth Base* +$273 list +$273 list *Plinth base cannot be used with ottomans and open base. Casters +$273 list **Metal legs are only available in 600 and 601 leg styles. ***Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. ****Ottomans 14" from ground when extended. Back Styles Pull Back (Standard) Straight Back Metal Surface Finish Options Specify Natural Aluminum or Black Rear View Sleep Pull Drawer Pull (if drawer is specified) Metal Leg Back Support Brackets Wood Surface Finish Options Specify wood species and finish for leg assembly (required). Selection also applies to back support panel, drawer front, wood arm cap, and ottoman handle, when specified. See diagram below. Thermoform is available for back support panel and drawer front only +$235 list. See chart below for complementary Thermoform colors. NOTE: Wood arm caps and leg assembly are not available in Thermoform. Wieland Maple Finish natural 73 amber 74 honey 75 nutmeg 76 henna 77 urban cherry 78 mahogany79 sepia 80 walnut 81 molasses82 black 83 Thermoform Coordinate Wieland Oak Finish sugarloaf maple 58873 natural 73 honey alder 16150 amber 74 solara oak 58665 honey 75 cherry blossom 44060 nutmeg 76 finesse 58898henna 77 blossom cherry 58893 urban cherry 78 clove 58732 mahogany 79 palos mahogany 12382 sepia 80 NO MATCH walnut 81 verismo 59994 molasses 82 calcutta black 52000 black 83 Thermoform Solids & Textures monterey 62033 dark gray 52002 pepperdust 72784 chocolate 72010 18 beige 72005 calcutta black 52000 Thermoform Coordinate No MATCH honey alder 16150 solara oak 58665 cherry blossom 44060 finesse 58898 blossom cherry 58893 clove 58732 palos mahogany 12382 NO MATCH verismo 59994 calcutta black 52000 brushed aluminum 59988 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. sleep sofa Specification Worksheet Allay ® List Price Product Number Wood Species required (no upcharge) *oak or maple Wood Finish required (no upcharge) *see pg. 18 Armcap required (no upcharge) *wood or urethane Metal Finish *natural aluminum or black required (no upcharge) Fabric vendor, pattern and color required (no upcharge) Back Style Option required (no upcharge) *required (no upcharge) *pull or straight Thermoform *optional +$235 list + Ottoman (Left facing) +$587 list Base Options *if open base is desired, leave this section blank Storage Drawer (Center) +$235 list Upcharges Ottoman (Right facing) +$587 list + (or) + Continuous Panel +$76 list Leg Style Options *if a wood leg assembly is desired, leave this section blank Wood Leg Assembly (standard) Metal Leg Assembly** +$273 list Plinth Base* +$273 list *natural aluminum or black Casters +$273 list *black only *Plinth base is only available with a continuous panel base Total List **Metal Leg Assembly is only available on the 600 and 601 arm styles. Example Specification Worksheet Product Number Wood Finish required (no upcharge) 74 Amber *see p. 18 Armcap Urethane required (no upcharge) Natural Alum. required (no upcharge) Maharam Chime Sterling required (no upcharge) Straight required (no upcharge) *wood or urethane Metal Finish *natural aluminum or black *required (no upcharge) Back Style Option *pull or straight 16150 Honey Alder Thermoform *optional +$235 list *if open base is desired, leave this section blank 5199 required (no upcharge) Maple *oak or maple Base Options List Price 60169 Wood Species Fabric vendor, pattern and color Ottoman (Left facing) +$587 list Storage Drawer (Center) +$235 list 587 + Ottoman (Right facing) +$587 list 235 *if a wood leg assembly is desired, leave this section blank Wood Leg Assembly (standard) Metal Leg Assembly** +$273 list *Plinth base is only available with a continuous panel base **Metal Leg Assembly is only available on the 600 and 601 arm styles. *natural aluminum or black 235 Upcharges + (or) 822 + Continuous Panel +$76 list Leg Style Options + Plinth Base* +$273 list Casters +$273 list *black only Total List + 273 6529 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 19 Allay ® sleep sofa 60066 SLEEP SOFA, SOFT TOP ARM, 66" SEAT W: 74" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 66" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 23.5" W: 171 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4309 4404 4500 4596 45394819 51255584 6043 46344914 52205679 6138 47305010 53165775 6234 48265106 54125871 6330 648969487395 658470437490 668071397586 677672357682 60069 SLEEP SOFA, SOFT TOP ARM, 69" SEAT W: 77" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 69" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4375 46054885 51915650 6109 4473 47034983 52895748 6207 4569 47995079 53855844 6303 4668 48985178 54845943 6402 W: 177 lb. 655570147461 665371127559 674972087655 684873077754 60072 SLEEP SOFA, SOFT TOP ARM, 72" SEAT W: 80" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 72" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4441 4539 4638 4736 46714951 52575716 6175 47695049 53555814 6273 48685148 54545913 6372 49665246 55526011 6470 W: 183 lb. 662170807527 671971787625 681872777724 691673757822 60075 SLEEP SOFA, SOFT TOP ARM, 75" SEAT W: 83" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 75" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4507 47375017 53235782 6241 4606 48365116 54225881 6340 4708 49385218 55245983 6442 4808 50385318 56246083 6542 W: 189 lb. 668771467593 678672457692 688873477794 698874477894 60078 SLEEP SOFA, SOFT TOP ARM, 78" SEAT W: 86" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 78" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" When ordering specify: Product number, p.18 Wood species (oak or maple) p.18 Wood finish, p.18 Arm cap, p.18 Metal finish, p.18 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.18 Thermoform color, p.18 Base options, p.18 Leg style option, p.18 Back style option, p.18 20 1: 2: 3: 4: 4571 4675 4777 4878 48015081 53875846 6305 49055185 54915950 6409 50075287 55936052 6511 51085388 56946153 6612 aerial view COM: 12.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$510 COM: 12.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$510 COM: 12.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$510 General Information: AH: 23.5" W: 195 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$510 General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 12.75 yd. ♦ 675172107657 685573147761 695774167863 705875177964 COM: 12.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$510 SSH- Sleep surface height 22.5" SSD- Sleep surface depth 30.5" SSD SH SSH SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW W W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. sleep sofa 60166 SLEEP SOFA, UPHOLSTERED ARM W/CAP, 66" SEAT W: 74" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 66" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4608 4711 4813 4917 48425128 54405908 6376 49455231 55436011 6479 50475333 56456113 6581 51515437 57496217 6685 W: 175 lb. 683172997754 693474027857 703675047959 714076088063 60169 SLEEP SOFA, UPHOLSTERED ARM W/CAP, 69" SEAT W: 77" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 69" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4675 49095195 55075975 6443 4777 50115297 56096077 6545 4882 51165402 57146182 6650 4986 52205506 58186286 6754 W: 181 lb. 689873667821 700074687923 710575738028 720976778132 60172 SLEEP SOFA, UPHOLSTERED ARM W/CAP, 72" SEAT W: 80" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 72" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4738 4845 4950 5057 49725258 55706038 6506 50795365 56776145 6613 51845470 57826250 6718 52915577 58896357 6825 W: 187 lb. 696174297884 706875367991 717376418096 728077488203 60175 SLEEP SOFA, UPHOLSTERED ARM W/CAP, 75" SEAT W: 83" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 75" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4806 50405326 56386106 6574 4911 51455431 57436211 6679 5020 52545540 58526320 6788 5128 53625648 59606428 6896 W: 193 lb. 702974977952 713476028057 724377118166 735178198274 60178 SLEEP SOFA, UPHOLSTERED ARM W/CAP, 78" SEAT W: 86" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 78" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4871 4981 5090 5199 51055391 57036171 6639 52155501 58136281 6749 53245610 59226390 6858 54335719 60316499 6967 W: 195 lb. 709475628017 720476728127 731377818236 742278908345 aerial view CA TB133: +$520 COM: 13 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$520 COM: 13 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$520 COM: 13 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$520 General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 13 yd. ♦ General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 13 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$520 SSH- Sleep surface height 22.5" SSD- Sleep surface depth 30.5" SSD SH SSH SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW W ® General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Allay W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. When ordering specify: Product number, p.18 Wood species (oak or maple) p.18 Wood finish, p.18 Arm cap, p.18 Metal finish, p.18 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.18 Thermoform color, p.18 Base options, p.18 Leg style option, p.18 Back style option, p.18 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 21 Allay ® sleep sofa 60266 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM, UPH PANEL, 66" SEAT W: 74" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 66" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" General Information: W: 175 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4794 4901 5008 5117 50155284 55786019 6460 51225391 56856126 6567 52295498 57926233 6674 53385607 59016342 6783 688973307759 699674377866 710375447973 721276538082 60269 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM, UPH PANEL, 69" SEAT W: 77" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 69" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4861 4970 5079 5187 50825351 56456086 6527 51915460 57546195 6636 53005569 58636304 6745 54085677 59716412 6853 695673977826 706575067935 717476158044 728277238152 60272 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM, UPH PANEL, 72" SEAT W: 80" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 72" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4924 5036 5146 5257 51455414 57086149 6590 52575526 58206261 6702 53675636 59306371 6812 54785747 60416482 6923 701974607889 713175728001 724176828111 735277938222 60275 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM, UPH PANEL, 75" SEAT W: 83" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 75" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4992 5103 5216 5329 52135482 57766217 6658 53245593 58876328 6769 54375706 60006441 6882 55505819 61136554 6995 708775287957 719876398068 731177528181 742478658294 60278 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM, UPH PANEL, 78" SEAT W: 86" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 78" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" When ordering specify: Product number, p.18 Wood species (oak or maple) p.18 Wood finish, p.18 Arm cap, p.18 Metal finish, p.18 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.18 Thermoform color, p.18 Base options, p.18 Leg style option, p.18 Back style option, p.18 22 1: 2: 3: 4: 5057 5171 5286 5398 52785547 58416282 6723 53925661 59556396 6837 55075776 60706511 6952 56195888 61826623 7064 aerial view COM: 12.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$490 COM: 12.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$490 COM: 12.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$490 General Information: W: 195 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$490 General Information: W: 193 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: W: 187 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: W: 181 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 12.25 yd. ♦ 715275938022 726677078136 738178228251 749379348363 COM: 12.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$490 SSH- Sleep surface height 22.5" SSD- Sleep surface depth 30.5" SSD SH SSH SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW W W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. sleep sofa 60366 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM W/CAP, WOOD PANEL, 66" SEAT W: 74" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 66" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" W: 175 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4782 4891 4998 5106 49945252 55345957 6380 51035361 56436066 6489 52105468 57506173 6596 53185576 58586281 6704 679172147626 690073237735 700774307842 711575387950 60369 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM W/CAP, WOOD PANEL, 69" SEAT W: 77" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 69" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" W: 181 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4851 4959 5069 5176 50635321 56036026 6449 51715429 57116134 6557 52815539 58216244 6667 53885646 59286351 6774 686072837695 696873917803 707875017913 718576088020 60372 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM W/CAP, WOOD PANEL, 72" SEAT W: 80" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 72" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" W: 187 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4914 5025 5136 5247 51265384 56666089 6512 52375495 57776200 6623 53485606 58886311 6734 54595717 59996422 6845 692373467758 703474577869 714575687980 725676798091 60375 SLEEP SOFA,RECESSED ARM W/CAP, WOOD PANEL, 75" SEAT W: 83" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 75" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" W: 193 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4980 5092 5206 5318 51925450 57326155 6578 53045562 58446267 6690 54185676 59586381 6804 55305788 60706493 6916 698974127824 710175247936 721576388050 732777508162 60378 SLEEP SOFA, RECESSED ARM W/CAP, WOOD PANEL, 78" SEAT W: 86" D: 34" H: 38" SW: 78" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" W: 195 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 5046 5160 5275 5388 52585516 57986221 6644 53725630 59126335 6758 54875745 60276450 6873 56005858 61406563 6986 705574787890 716975928004 728477078119 739778208232 aerial view General Information: WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$470 General Information: COM: 11.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$470 General Information: COM: 11.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$470 General Information: COM: 11.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$470 General Information: COM: 11.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$470 SSD- Sleep surface depth 30.5" SH SSH SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW W ® COM: 11.75 yd. ♦ SSH- Sleep surface height 22.5" SSD Allay W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. When ordering specify: Product number, p.18 Wood species (oak or maple) p.18 Wood finish, p.18 Arm cap, p.18 Metal finish, p.18 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.18 Thermoform color, p.18 Base options, p.18 Leg style option, p.18 Back style option, p.18 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 23 Arc 21111 CHAIR, WOOD ARM W: 21.5" D: 24.5" H: 31" General Information: SW: 19" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 39 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1397 1424 1457 1493 1547 1601 1429 145614891525 15791633 1463 14901523 15591613 1667 1494 15211554 15901644 1698 1654 1708 1760 1686 17401792 172017741826 17511805 1857 21112 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM W: 40.5" D: 24.5" H: 31" SW: 38" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2604 2665 2726 2786 SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 45 lb. 26492704 27642854 2944 27102765 28252915 3005 2771 2826 2886 2976 3066 2831 2886 2946 3036 3126 30323122 3209 30933183 3270 3154 3244 3331 3214 3304 3391 21113 SOFA, WOOD ARM W: 59.5" D: 24.5" H: 31" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3652 3738 3821 3906 3720 3806 3889 3974 3802 3888 3971 4056 SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 56 lb. 3892 3978 4061 4146 4027 4113 4196 4281 4162 4248 4331 4416 4293 4379 4462 4547 4428 4514 4597 4682 4560 4646 4729 4814 21110-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM W: 41.75" D: 24.5" H: 31" SW: 19" SD: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2626 2687 2749 2809 2671 2732 2794 2854 2726 2787 2849 2909 AH: 24.5" WT: 51 lb. 2786 2847 2909 2969 2876 2937 2999 3059 2966 3027 3089 3149 3054 3115 3177 3237 3144 3205 3267 3327 3231 3292 3354 3414 21110-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM W: 62" D: 24.5" H: 31" SW: 19" SD: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3786 3875 3963 4051 3854 3943 4031 4119 3936 4025 4113 4201 AH: 24.5" WT: 68 lb. 4026 4115 4203 4291 4161 4250 4338 4426 4296 4385 4473 4561 4427 4516 4604 4692 4562 4651 4739 4827 4694 4783 4871 4959 21101-OT FOOTSTOOL, WOOD ARM W: 24.5" D: 18" H: 9.5" When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 24 1: 2: 3: 4: 707 722 738 755 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 730757 787832 877 745772 802847 892 761788 818863 908 778805835880925 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 General Information: WT: 20 lb. COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$60 General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SW: 57" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 18.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ 921966 1010 936981 1025 952997 1041 9691014 1058 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$50 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Arc 21122 2 SEAT BENCH, WOOD ARM W: 40.5" D: 24.5" H: 20.5" SW: 38" SD: 22.25" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 20.5" WT: 39 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1342 1373 1404 1435 13741412 14541517 1580 14051443 14851548 1611 14361474 15161579 1642 14671505 15471610 1673 164117041766 167217351797 170317661828 173417971859 21123 3 SEAT BENCH, WOOD ARM W: 59.5" D: 24.5" H: 20.5" SW: 57" SD: 22.25" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 20.5" WT: 47 lb. COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 1813 1856 1898 1939 18581913 19732063 2153 19011956 20162106 2196 19431998 20582148 2238 19842039 20992189 2279 224123312418 228423742461 232624162503 236724572544 21151 CHAIR, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 21.5" D: 25" H: 37" SW: 19" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1505 15411585 16331705 1777 1540 15761620 16681740 1812 1574 16101654 17021774 1846 1609 16451689 17371809 1881 184719191989 188219542024 191619882058 195120232093 21152 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 40.5" D: 25" H: 37" SW: 38" SD: 18.5" Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 24.5" WT: 47 lb. 28602920 29863085 3184 29252985 30513150 3249 29913051 31173216 3315 30563116 31823281 3380 328033793476 334534443541 341135103607 347635753672 21153 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 59.5" D: 25" H: 37" SW: 57" SD: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3963 4056 4148 4239 AH: 24.5" WT: 58 lb. 40444143 42514413 4575 41374236 43444506 4668 42294328 44364598 4760 43204419 45274689 4851 473348955052 482649885145 491850805237 500951715328 21171 PATIENT CHAIR, WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 21.5" D: 25" H: 42" SW: 19" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1604 1641 1678 1715 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 16401684 17321804 1876 16771721 17691841 1913 17141758 18061878 1950 17511795 18431915 1987 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 43 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2 yd. ♦ General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ 2810 2875 2941 3006 CA TB133: +$100 194620182088 198320552125 202020922162 205721292199 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 25 Arc modular seats and arms 21011-M 1 SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 24.5" H: 31" General Information: SW: 19" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 27 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 853 873 893 913 880 900 920 940 913 933 953 973 949 1003 969 1023 989 1043 10091063 1057 1077 1097 1117 1110 11641216 1130 11841236 1150 12041256 1170 1224 1276 COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$60 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21012-M 2 SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 24.5" H: 31" General Information: SW: 38" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 33 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2118 2170 2219 2267 21632218 22782368 2458 22152270 23302420 2510 22642319 23792469 2559 23122367 24272517 2607 254626362723 259826882775 264727372824 269527852872 COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21013-M 3 SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 24.5" H: 31" General Information: SW: 57" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 44 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3219 32873369 34593594 3729 3294 33623444 35343669 3804 3368 34363518 36083743 3878 3444 35123594 36843819 3954 386039954127 393540704202 400941444276 408542204352 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21110-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.25" COM: n/a ♦ D: 20.5" H: 24.5" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 308 315 323 329 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21110-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.25" COM: n/a ♦ D: 20.5" H: 24.5" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 308 315 323 329 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21110-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.25" D: 20.5" Price by Shipping Zone W: 1.25" D: 20.5" COM: n/a ♦ When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout 26 Zone H: 24.5" H: 24.5" WT: 6 lb. WT: 6 lb. 1 2 3 4 308 315 323 329 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. large scale seating 21141 CHAIR, WOOD ARM W: 23" D: 25.25" H: 31" SW: 20" General Information: SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 53 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1706 1745 1787 1826 17331766 18021856 1910 17721805 18411895 1949 18141847 18831937 1991 18531886 19221976 2030 196320172069 200220562108 204420982150 208321372189 21142 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM W: 43" D: 25.25" H: 31" SW: 40" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3142 3214 3289 3363 SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 84 lb. 31923252 33183417 3516 32643324 33903489 3588 33393399 34653564 3663 34133473 35393638 3737 361237113808 368437833880 375938583955 383339324029 21143 SOFA, WOOD ARM W: 63" D: 25.25" H: 31" SW: 60" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18" 4374 44464534 46304774 4918 4476 45484636 47324876 5020 4579 46514739 48354979 5123 4679 47514839 49355079 5223 AH: 24.5" WT: 122 lb. 505852025342 516053045444 526354075547 536355075647 21140-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM W: 43.75" D: 25.25" H: 31" SW: 20" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3249 3325 3401 3476 SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 90 lb. 32993359 34253524 3623 33753435 35013600 3699 34513511 35773676 3775 35263586 36523751 3850 371938183915 379538943991 387139704067 394640454142 21140-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM W: 65" D: 25.25" H: 31" SW: 20" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4701 4810 4922 5032 SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 134 lb. 47734861 49575101 5245 48824970 50665210 5354 49945082 51785322 5466 51045192 52885432 5576 538555295669 549456385778 560657505890 571658606000 21181 PATIENT CHAIR, WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 23" D: 25.75" H: 44" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1910 1955 2000 2044 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 19461990 20382110 2182 19912035 20832155 2227 20362080 21282200 2272 20802124 21722244 2316 COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 56 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$60 General Information: SD: 19" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 19" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 19" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ General Information: SD: 19" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Arc 225223242394 229723692439 234224142484 238624582528 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 27 Arc large scale seating 21132 2 SEAT BENCH, WOOD ARM W: 43" D: 25" H: 20" SW: 40" SD: 23.75" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 20.5" WT: 53 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1589 1626 1664 1701 16211659 17011764 1827 16581696 17381801 1864 16961734 17761839 1902 17331771 18131876 1939 188819512013 192519882050 196320262088 200020632125 21133 3 SEAT BENCH, WOOD ARM W: 63" D: 25" H: 20" SW: 60" SD: 23.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2150 2200 2249 2300 AH: 20.5" WT: 73 lb. 22002260 23262425 2524 22502310 23762475 2574 22992359 24252524 2623 23502410 24762575 2674 262027192816 267027692866 271928182915 277028692966 21161 CHAIR, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 23" D: 25.75" H: 36" SW: 20" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 24.5" WT: 54 lb. 1813 18491893 19412013 2085 1856 18921936 19842056 2128 1898 19341978 20262098 2170 1941 19772021 20692141 2213 215522272297 219822702340 224023122382 228323552425 21162 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 43" D: 25.75" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 86 lb. 3342 33963462 35343642 3750 3420 34743540 36123720 3828 3498 35523618 36903798 3906 3577 36313697 37693877 3985 385539634068 393340414146 401141194224 409041984303 21163 SOFA, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 63" D: 25.75" H: 36" SW: 60" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4684 4795 4904 5013 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 125 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$70 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ 47654864 49725134 5296 48764975 50835245 5407 49855084 51925354 5516 50945193 53015463 5625 545456165773 556557275884 567458365993 578359456102 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 28 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wallsaver and freestanding table 21741 PATIENT CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, LOW BACK W: 23" D: 28.5" H: 31" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" General Information: WT: 53 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1759 1799 1842 1882 17911829 18711934 1997 18311869 19111974 2037 18741912 19542017 2080 19141952 19942057 2120 205821212183 209821612223 214122042266 218122442306 21761 PATIENT CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 23" D: 28.5" H: 36" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1857 1900 1943 1986 18931937 19852057 2129 19361980 20282100 2172 19792023 20712143 2215 20222066 21142186 2258 219922712341 224223142384 228523572427 232824002470 21781 PATIENT CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 23" D: 28.5" H: 44" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1963 20042053 21072188 2269 2008 20492098 21522233 2314 2054 20952144 21982279 2360 2100 21412190 22442325 2406 21110-FS TABLE, 16.75H 40.5W 20.25D W: 40.5" D: 20.25" H: 16.75" WT: 33 lb. Zone 1 2 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 234824292508 239324742553 243925202599 248525662645 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: WT: 56 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ General Information: WT: 54 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Arc 3 4 1161 1188 12181244 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a When ordering 2 1110-FS specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 29 Arc large scale modular seats and arms 21041-M 1 SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 25.25" H: 31" General Information: SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1131 11581191 12271281 1335 1156 11831216 12521306 1360 1184 12111244 12801334 1388 1210 12371270 13061360 1414 138814421494 141314671519 144114951547 146715211573 COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$60 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21042-M 2 SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 25.25" H: 31" General Information: SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 72 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2639 2702 2763 2825 26892749 28152914 3013 27522812 28782977 3076 28132873 29393038 3137 28752935 30013100 3199 310932083305 317232713368 323333323429 329533943491 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21043-M 3 SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 25.25" H: 31" General Information: SW: 60" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 110 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3938 40104098 41944338 4482 4029 41014189 42854429 4573 4121 41934281 43774521 4665 4214 42864374 44704614 4758 462247664906 471348574997 480549495089 489850425182 COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21140-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.25" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24.5" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 326 334 342 349 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21140-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.25" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24.5" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 326 334 342 349 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 21140-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.25" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24.5" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout 30 Zone 1 2 3 4 326 334 342 349 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Arris 37211 CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP W: 26" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" WT: 52 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1690 17531830 19142040 2166 1728 17911868 19522078 2204 1767 18301907 19912117 2243 1805 18681945 20292155 2281 228924152537 232724532575 236624922614 240425302652 37212 LOVESEAT, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP W: 46" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2791 2856 2921 2985 28772981 30953266 3437 29423046 31603331 3502 30073111 32253396 3567 30713175 32893460 3631 WT: 73 lb. 360337743941 366838394006 373339044071 379739684135 37213 SOFA, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP W: 66" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 60" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3878 3968 4058 4147 39824108 42464453 4660 40724198 43364543 4750 41624288 44264633 4840 42514377 45154722 4929 WT: 100 lb. 486150685270 495151585360 504152485450 513053375539 37292 LOVESEAT, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP, 1-PIECE BACK W: 46" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" WT: 73 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2872 2938 3006 3071 29533052 31603322 3484 30193118 32263388 3550 30873186 32943456 3618 31523251 33593521 3683 364238043961 370838704027 377639384095 384140034160 37293 SOFA, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP, 1-PIECE BACK W: 66" D: 26" H: 33" SW: 60" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3970 4062 4154 4245 40694190 43224520 4718 41614282 44144612 4810 42534374 45064704 4902 43444465 45974795 4993 CA TB133: +$140 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$230 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 General Information: WT: 100 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: AH: 25.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: AH: 25.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ 491151095301 500352015393 509552935485 518653845576 COM: 5.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$220 1-piece sofas are manufactured with an articulated middle back. Contrasting fabric panel on back and seat is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirements for contrasting panel is 2.75 yd. Articulated fabric panel* When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 31 Arris 37210-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP W: 49" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" General Information: WT: 87 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3020 3089 3158 3228 31243250 33883595 3802 31933319 34573664 3871 32623388 35263733 3940 33323458 35963803 4010 400342104412 407242794481 414143484550 421144184620 37210-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP W: 72" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4278 4376 4473 4573 44274608 48065103 5400 45254706 49045201 5498 46224803 50015298 5595 47224903 51015398 5695 568959866275 578760846373 588461816470 598462816570 37411 CHAIR, WOOD ARM W: 23.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 32 lb. 1680 17121750 17921855 1918 1720 17521790 18321895 1958 1758 17901828 18701933 1996 1798 18301868 19101973 2036 197920422104 201920822144 205721202182 209721602222 37412 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM W: 43.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2785 2848 2914 2978 SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 55 lb. 28392905 29773085 3193 29022968 30403148 3256 29683034 31063214 3322 30323098 31703278 3386 329834063511 336134693574 342735353640 349135993704 37413 SOFA, WOOD ARM W: 63.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 60" CA TB133: +$230 COM: 8.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$330 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 General Information: SD: 20" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 20" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: WT: 128 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 General Information: SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 82 lb. COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 3873 3964 4053 4144 39504043 41454298 4451 40414134 42364389 4542 41304223 43254478 4631 42214314 44164569 4722 460047534902 469148444993 478049335082 487150245173 CA TB133: +$170 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 32 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Arris 37492 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, 1-PIECE BACK W: 43.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 55 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2869 2936 3003 3071 29192979 30453144 3243 29863046 31123211 3310 30533113 31793278 3377 31213181 32473346 3445 333934383535 340635053602 347335723669 354136403737 37493 SOFA, WOOD ARM, 1-PIECE BACK W: 63.5" D: 26" H: 33" SW: 60" SD: 20" 1: 2: 3: 4: WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 82 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ 3954 40174094 41784304 4430 4047 41104187 42714397 4523 4138 42014278 43624488 4614 4232 42954372 44564582 4708 455346794801 464647724894 473748634985 483149575079 COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 1-piece sofas are manufactured with an articulated middle back. Contrasting fabric panel on back and seat is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirements for contrasting panel is 2.75 yd. Articulated fabric panel* 37410-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM W: 45.25" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3023 3091 3162 3233 30823153 32313348 3465 31503221 32993416 3533 32213292 33703487 3604 32923363 34413558 3675 357936963810 364737643878 371838353949 378939064020 37410-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM W: 67" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 92 lb. COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 4279 4380 4480 4579 43604459 45674729 4891 44614560 46684830 4992 45614660 47684930 5092 46604759 48675029 5191 504952115368 515053125469 525054125569 534955115668 CA TB133: +$180 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 33 Arris 37711 CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM W: 23.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 32 lb. COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 1762 1804 1845 1886 17941832 18741937 2000 18361874 19161979 2042 18771915 19572020 2083 19181956 19982061 2124 206121242186 210321662228 214422072269 218522482310 37771 PATIENT CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 23.5" D: 28" H: 40.5" SW: 20" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" CA TB133: +$70 General Information: WT: 40 lb. COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 1851 1894 1936 1979 18921941 19952076 2157 19351984 20382119 2200 19772026 20802161 2242 20202069 21232204 2285 223623172396 227923602439 232124022481 236424452524 37401-OT FOOTSTOOL, WOOD ARM W: 18.5" D: 18" H: 11.5" CA TB133: +$90 General Information: WT: 12 lb. COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 845 864 884 903 868 887 907 926 895 914 934 953 925 970 944 989 964 1009 983 1028 1015 1034 1054 1073 1059 11041148 1078 11231167 1098 11431187 1117 11621206 CA TB133: +$50 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 34 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular seats 37111-M 1 SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 23 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 774 792 810 827 806 824 842 859 844 862 880 897 886 949 904 967 922 985 939 1002 1012 1030 1048 1065 Arris 1073 11361198 1091 11541216 1109 11721234 1126 11891251 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37112-M 2 SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 46 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1932 19862052 21242232 2340 1977 20312097 21692277 2385 2022 20762142 22142322 2430 2068 21222188 22602368 2476 244525532658 249025982703 253526432748 258126892794 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37113-M 3 SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 60" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 73 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3076 3147 3219 3289 31533246 33483501 3654 32243317 34193572 3725 32963389 34913644 3797 33663459 35613714 3867 380339564105 387440274176 394640994248 401641694318 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37192-M 2 SEAT, 1-PIECE BACK, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 46 lb. General Information: COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 2010 2059 2104 2151 20552110 21702260 2350 21042159 22192309 2399 21492204 22642354 2444 21962251 23112401 2491 243825282615 248725772664 253226222709 257926692756 CA TB133: +$100 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37193-M 3 SEAT, 1-PIECE BACK, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 33" SW: 60" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 73 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3156 3228 3302 3375 32243306 33963531 3666 32963378 34683603 3738 33703452 35423677 3812 34433525 36153750 3885 379739324064 386940044136 394340784210 401641514283 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 1-piece sofas are manufactured with an articulated middle back. Contrasting fabric panel on back and seat is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirements for contrasting panel is 2.75 yd. General Information: COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Articulated fabric panel* When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 35 Arris modular seats 37411-M 1 SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 20" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 23 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 774 792 810 827 806 824 842 859 844 862 880 897 886 949 904 967 922 985 939 1002 1012 1030 1048 1065 1073 11361198 1091 11541216 1109 11721234 1126 11891251 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37412-M 2 SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 46 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1932 1977 2022 2068 19862052 21242232 2340 20312097 21692277 2385 20762142 22142322 2430 21222188 22602368 2476 244525532658 249025982703 253526432748 258126892794 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37413-M 3 SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 60" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 73 lb. COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 3076 31533246 33483501 3654 3147 32243317 34193572 3725 3219 32963389 34913644 3797 3289 33663459 35613714 3867 380339564105 387440274176 394640994248 401641694318 CA TB133: +$170 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37492-M 2 SEAT, 1-PIECE BACK, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – General Information: WT: 46 lb. COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 2013 2062 2107 2154 20632123 21892288 2387 21122172 22382337 2436 21572217 22832382 2481 22042264 23302429 2528 248325822679 253226312728 257726762773 262427232820 CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37493-M 3 SEAT, 1-PIECE BACK, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – Articulated fabric panel* When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout 36 D: 26" H: 33" SW: 60" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – General Information: WT: 73 lb. COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 3153 3225 3299 3372 32163293 33773503 3629 32883365 34493575 3701 33623439 35233649 3775 34353512 35963722 3848 375238784000 382439504072 389840244146 397140974219 CA TB133: +$140 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 1-piece sofas are manufactured with an articulated middle back. Contrasting fabric panel on back and seat is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirements for contrasting panel is 2.75 yd. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular arms 37210-LA LEFT ARM, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 504 516 527 537 536574 616679 742 548586 628691 754 559597 639702 765 569607 649712 775 803866928 815878940 826889951 836899961 Arris WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37210-RA RIGHT ARM, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 504 536574 616679 742 516 548586 628691 754 527 559597 639702 765 537 569607 649712 775 803866928 815878940 826889951 836899961 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37210-CA CENTER ARM, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR D: 25.25" W: 3" H: 25.5" WT: 14 lb. COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 504 516 527 537 536574 616679 742 548586 628691 754 559597 639702 765 569607 649712 775 General Information: 803866928 815878940 826889951 836899961 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37210-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 504 516 527 537 536574 616679 742 548586 628691 754 559597 639702 765 569607 649712 775 803866928 815878940 826889951 836899961 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37210-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 504 516 527 537 536574 616679 742 548586 628691 754 559597 639702 765 569607 649712 775 803866928 815878940 826889951 836899961 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 37 Arris modular arms 37410-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.75" COM: n/a ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25" WT: 5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 495 506 518 530 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37410-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.75" COM: n/a ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25" WT: 5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 495 506 518530 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37410-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.75" COM: n/a ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25" WT: 5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 495 506 518 530 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37410-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.75" COM: n/a ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25" WT: 5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 495 506 518 530 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37410-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.75" COM: n/a ♦ D: 25.25" H: 25" WT: 5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 495 506 518 530 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout 38 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular tables 37100-ST SPANNER TABLE, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 20" COM: n/a ♦ D: 17.25" H: 16" WT: 14 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 628 642 657 673 Arris WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 37400-ST SPANNER TABLE, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 18.25" D: 17.25" COM: n/a ♦ H: 16" WT: 14 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 628 642 657 673 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 37100-LET LEFT END TABLE, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 20" COM: n/a ♦ D: 17.25" H: 17.25" WT: 15 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1259 1290 13201351 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 37400-LET LEFT END TABLE, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: 18.25" D: 17.25" H: 17.25" WT: 15 lb. WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ 3 4 1259 1290 13201351 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 37100-RET RIGHT END TABLE, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 20" COM: n/a ♦ D: 17.25" H: 16" WT: 15 lb Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1259 1290 13201351 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 37400-RET RIGHT END TABLE, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 18.25" D: 17.25" COM: n/a ♦ H: 16" WT: 15 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1259 1290 13201351 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 37100-CT CORNER TABLE, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: 37.5" D: 20" H: 16" Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 17 lb. 1 2 3 4 959 982 1005 1026 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 37400-CT CORNER TABLE, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 37.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 20" H: 16" WT: 17 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 959 982 1005 1026 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 39 Arris free standing tables 37-212020 END TABLE, 21H 20W 20D W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1561 1629 16671706 37-162040 COFFEE TABLE, 16H 20W 40D W: 40" D: 20" H: 16" WT: 30 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 19 lb. 3 4 1863 1907 19511996 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish 40 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. bariatric 37211B30 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP W: 36" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2444 2501 2558 2612 25162604 27002844 2988 25732661 27572901 3045 26302718 28142958 3102 26842772 28683012 3156 312832723412 318533293469 324233863526 329634403580 37211B40 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP W: 46" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" WT: 78 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2792 2857 2921 2985 28732972 30803242 3404 29383037 31453307 3469 30023101 32093371 3533 30663165 32733435 3597 356237243881 362737893946 369138534010 375539174074 37411B30 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 33.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" WT: 46 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2438 2493 2550 2607 24882548 26142713 2812 25432603 26692768 2867 26002660 27262825 2924 26572717 27832882 2981 290830073104 296330623159 302031193216 307731763273 37411B40 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 43.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2783 2847 2912 2977 28332893 29593058 3157 28972957 30233122 3221 29623022 30883187 3286 30273087 31533252 3351 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 General Information: WT: 55 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Arris 325333523449 331734163513 338234813578 344735463643 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 41 Arris bariatric 37711B30 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM W: 33.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 46 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2562 2623 2683 2742 26122672 27382837 2936 26732733 27992898 2997 27332793 28592958 3057 27922852 29183017 3116 303231313228 309331923289 315332523349 321233113408 37711B40 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WALLSAVER, WOOD ARM W: 43.5" D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 55 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2923 2991 3059 3127 29733033 30993198 3297 30413101 31673266 3365 31093169 32353334 3433 31773237 33033402 3501 339334923589 346135603657 352936283725 359736963793 37771B30 BARIATRIC PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 33.5" D: 28" H: 40.5" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 51 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2684 2746 2810 2871 27382804 28762984 3092 28002866 29383046 3154 28642930 30023110 3218 29252991 30633171 3279 319733053410 325933673472 332334313536 338434923597 37771B40 BARIATRIC PATIENT LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 43.5" D: 28" H: 40.5" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3064 3135 3206 3277 31233194 32723389 3506 31943265 33433460 3577 32653336 34143531 3648 33363407 34853602 3719 362037373851 369138083922 376238793993 383339504064 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 42 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. bariatric modular seats 37111B30-M BARIATRIC 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, FOR UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 36 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1120 1146 1171 1198 11651220 12801370 1460 11911246 13061396 1486 12161271 13311421 1511 12431298 13581448 1538 154816381725 157416641751 159916891776 162617161803 Arris General Information: COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37111B40-M BARIATRIC 1 SEAT, 40" SEAT FOR UPHOLSTERED ARM, WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1930 1977 2022 2066 19802040 21062205 2304 20272087 21532252 2351 20722132 21982297 2396 21162176 22422341 2440 240024992596 244725462643 249225912688 253626352732 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37411B30-M BARIATRIC 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 36 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1123 11731233 12991398 1497 1149 11991259 13251424 1523 1174 12241284 13501449 1548 1201 12511311 13771476 1575 159316921789 161917181815 164417431840 167117701867 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 37411B40-M BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26" H: 31.25" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1930 1977 2022 2066 19802040 21062205 2304 20272087 21532252 2351 20722132 21982297 2396 21162176 22422341 2440 240024992596 244725462643 249225912688 253626352732 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 43 Arris recliners 37981 RECLINER, UPHOLSTERED ARM W: 26" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 21.25" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 94 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 2987 3055 3124 3193 1: 2: 3: 4: 30823197 33233512 3701 31503265 33913580 3769 32193334 34603649 3838 32883403 35293718 3907 388540744258 395341424326 402242114395 409142804464 37W981 RECLINER, WIDE, UPHOLSTERED ARM W: 28.5" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 23" SD: 21.25" 3238 3313 3387 3462 1: 2: 3: 4: 33373458 35903788 3986 34123533 36653863 4061 34863607 37393937 4135 35613682 38144012 4210 AH: 25" WT: 96 lb. 417943774569 425444524644 432845264718 440346014793 37981W RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 26" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 20.5" 3148 3220 3292 3365 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 94 lb. 32433358 34843673 3862 33153430 35563745 3934 33873502 36283817 4006 34603575 37013890 4079 404642354419 411843074491 419043794563 426344524636 37W981W RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 28.5" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 23" SD: 21.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3401 3479 3557 3635 CA TB133: +$210 COM: 5.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$220 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 96 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 21.25" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ 35003621 37533951 4149 35783699 38314029 4227 36563777 39094107 4305 37343855 39874185 4383 434245404732 442046184810 449846964888 457647744966 COM: 5.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$220 37900-RM REPLACEMENT RECLINING MECHANISM WT: 10 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 321 328 334 342 RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 64” RBH- Reclined back height 35” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 20” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options 44 Accessories Casters, 5 lb. +$273 37900-LC Pushbar, 1.25 lb. 37900-PB Foley-bag Hook, 0.125 lb. 37900-BH +$38 Specify left or right side (as facing). Standard IV-pole, 7 lb. 37900-VI +$231 Specify left or right side (as facing). Trigger IV-pole, 8 lb. +$420 37900-V2 Specify left or right side (as facing). Stainless IV-pole, 8 lb. +$497. 37900-V3 Specify left or right side (as facing). Flip Table, 10 lb. Flip Table is 14"d x 12-1/2"w. +$340 37900-FTL or R Specify left or right side (as facing). +$117. Specify left or right side for Foley Bag Hook, IV-poles and Flip Table (while facing front of chair). Flip Table is 14"d x 12-1/2"w. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. sleep chairs 37841 SLEEP CHAIR W: 30" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" General Information: SW: 24" SD: 21" SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 113 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 3513 3594 3676 3756 1: 2: 3: 4: 36173743 38814088 4295 36983824 39624169 4376 37803906 40444251 4458 38603986 41244331 4538 449647034905 457747844986 465948665068 473949465148 37W841 SLEEP CHAIR, WIDE W: 36" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 30" SH: 18" 3775 39064065 42394500 4761 3862 39934152 43264587 4848 3947 40784237 44114672 4933 4034 41654324 44984759 5020 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25" WT: 131 lb. 501552765530 510253635617 518754485702 527455355789 37841W SLEEP CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 24" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3674 3757 3844 3928 SD: 21" SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 113 lb. 37783904 40424249 4456 38613987 41254332 4539 39484074 42124419 4626 40324158 42964503 4710 465748645066 474049475149 482750345236 491151185320 37W841W SLEEP CHAIR, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 36" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 30" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3936 4025 4115 4206 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$230 COM: 7.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$290 COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$230 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 131 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ General Information: SD: 21" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Arris 40674226 44004661 4922 41564315 44894750 5011 42464405 45794840 5101 43374496 46704931 5192 517654375691 526555265780 535556165870 544657075961 COM: 7.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$290 Accessories Casters, 5 lb. 37800-LC Fitted Sheets, 2 lb. 37800-FS +$273 +$62 SS wall CR SS- Sleep surface 74” CR- Clearance required to open sleep surface when placed against a wall is 10” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Sleep chair options ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 45 Autumn 7029800 SIDE CHAIR W: 20.5" D: 25.25" H: 37.5" General Information: SW: 19.75" SD: 17.75" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 20 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 848 869 889 908 870 891 911 930 896 917 937 956 925 968 946 989 966 1009 985 1028 1012 1033 1053 1072 COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ 1054 10971139 1075 11181160 1095 11381180 1114 11571199 MOIS. BARR: +$8 CA TB133: +$48 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. 7329800 ARM CHAIR W: 24.5" D: 25.25" H: 37.5" General Information: SW: 19.75" SD: 17.75" SH: 18.5" AH: 26.5" WT: 23 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 958 979 1002 1023 980 10061035 10781122 10011027 10561099 1143 10241050 10791122 1166 10451071 11001143 1187 COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ MOIS. BARR: +$8 116412071249 118512281270 120812511293 122912721314 CA TB133: +$48 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Accessories 7144002 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144001 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. 7144004 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144003 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option 46 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Braun 41141 CHAIR, OPEN ARM W: 25.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 38 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1204 12361274 13161379 1442 1232 12641302 13441407 1470 1261 12931331 13731436 1499 1287 13191357 13991462 1525 150315661628 153115941656 156016231685 158616491711 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41142 LOVESEAT, OPEN ARM W: 46" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 41" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 57 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1830 1873 1915 1957 18841950 20222130 2238 19271993 20652173 2281 19692035 21072215 2323 20112077 21492257 2365 234324512556 238624942599 242825362641 247025782683 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41143 SOFA, OPEN ARM W: 66.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 61.5" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 80 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2454 25312624 27262879 3032 2511 25882681 27832936 3089 2568 26452738 28402993 3146 2623 27002793 28953048 3201 318133343483 323833913540 329534483597 335035033652 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41140-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, OPEN ARM W: 48.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 66 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2220 2270 2324 2373 22742340 24122520 2628 23242390 24622570 2678 23782444 25162624 2732 24272493 25652673 2781 273328412946 278328912996 283729453050 288629943099 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41140-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, OPEN ARM W: 71.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 98 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3178 3251 3325 3399 32553348 34503603 3756 33283421 35233676 3829 34023495 35973750 3903 34763569 36713824 3977 390540584207 397841314280 405242054354 412642794428 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41181 PATIENT CHAIR, OPEN ARM, MID BACK W: 25.5" D: 24.5" H: 37" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 39.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1300 1331 1362 1391 13361380 14281500 1572 13671411 14591531 1603 13981442 14901562 1634 14271471 15191591 1663 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 164217141784 167317451815 170417761846 173318051875 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 47 Braun 41161 CHAIR, OPEN ARM, ROUND BACK W: 25.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 36.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1252 1283 1311 1340 12881332 13801452 1524 13191363 14111483 1555 13471391 14391511 1583 13761420 14681540 1612 159416661736 162516971767 165317251795 168217541824 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41162 LOVESEAT, OPEN ARM, ROUND BACK W: 46" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 41" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 57 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1925 1970 2014 2059 19842055 21332250 2367 20292100 21782295 2412 20732144 22222339 2456 21182189 22672384 2501 248125982712 252626432757 257026872801 261527322846 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41163 SOFA, OPEN ARM, ROUND BACK W: 66.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 61.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 81.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2588 2648 2707 2768 26692768 28763038 3200 27292828 29363098 3260 27882887 29953157 3319 28492948 30563218 3380 335835203677 341835803737 347736393796 353837003857 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41160-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, OPEN ARM, ROUND BACK W: 48.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" General Information: WT: 66 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2317 2372 2424 2478 23802457 25412667 2793 24352512 25962722 2848 24872564 26482774 2900 25412618 27022828 2954 291630423164 297130973219 302331493271 307732033325 COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 41160-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, OPEN ARM, ROUND BACK W: 71.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" General Information: WT: 99.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3319 3396 3470 3547 34093519 36393819 3999 34863596 37163896 4076 35603670 37903970 4150 36373747 38674047 4227 417443544529 425144314606 432545054680 440245824757 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish 48 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular seats 41041-M 1 SEAT, MODULAR W: 20.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 21 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 655 670 686 700 Braun 687725767830893 702740782845908 718756798861924 732770812875938 9541017 1079 9691032 1094 9851048 1110 9991062 1124 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41042-M 2 SEAT, MODULAR W: 41" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 41" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 40 lb. COM: 3 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 1312 1343 1373 1402 13661432 15041612 1720 13971463 15351643 1751 14271493 15651673 1781 14561522 15941702 1810 182519332038 185619642069 188619942099 191520232128 CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41043-M 3 SEAT, MODULAR W: 61.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 61.5" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 63 lb. COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 1969 2015 2059 2104 20462139 22412394 2547 20922185 22872440 2593 21362229 23312484 2637 21812274 23762529 2682 269628492998 274228953044 278629393088 283129843133 CA TB133: +$170 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41061-M 1 SEAT ROUND BACK, MODULAR W: 20.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 19.5 lb. COM: 2 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 710 726 742 757 7467908389109821052 1124 1194 7628068549269981068 1140 1210 778 822 870 942 1014 1084 11561226 793 837 885 957 1029 1099 11711241 CA TB133: +$80 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41062-M 2 SEAT ROUND BACK, MODULAR W: 41" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 41" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 40 lb. COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 1413 1444 1476 1509 14721543 16211738 1855 15031574 16521769 1886 15351606 16841801 1918 15681639 17171834 1951 196920862200 200021172231 203221492263 206521822296 CA TB133: +$130 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41063-M 3 SEAT ROUND BACK, MODULAR W: 61.5" D: 24" H: 31.75" SW: 61.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 64.5 lb. COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 2114 21952294 24022564 2726 2161 22422341 24492611 2773 2209 22902389 24972659 2821 2257 23382437 25452707 2869 288430463203 293130933250 297931413298 302731893346 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. CA TB133: +$180 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 49 Braun modular arms 41110-LA LEFT ARM, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22" H: 24.5" WT: 9 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 303 308 317 325 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41110-RA RIGHT ARM, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22" H: 24.5" WT: 9 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 303 308 317 325 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41110-CA CENTER ARM, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22" H: 24.5" WT: 9 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 303 308 317 325 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41110-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22" H: 24.5" WT: 9 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 303 308 317 325 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 41110-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22" H: 24.5" WT: 9 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 303 308 317 325 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Finish Room layout 50 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular tables 41200-ST SPANNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 19.25" D: 21" COM: n/a ♦ H: 15" WT: 21 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone Braun 1 2 3 4 581 595 609 622 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 41200-CT CORNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 27.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27.5" H: 15" WT: 30 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1001 1026 10491074 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 41200-ET END TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 14.25" D: 21" COM: n/a ♦ H: 15" WT: 13 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1001 1026 10491074 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 51 Braun freestanding tables 40A-212020L END TABLE, ARC TOP, LAMINATE W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" WT: 25 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 975 1000 1023 1046 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40A-161938L COFFEE TABLE, ARC TOP, LAMINATE W: 38" D: 19" H:16" COM: n/a ♦ WT:37 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 1056 1080 11051131 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40S-212020L END TABLE, SQUARE TOP, LAMINATE W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" WT: 25 lb. COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: WOOD SPECS: MDF 1 2 3 4 975 1000 1023 1046 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40S-161938L COFFEE TABLE, SQUARE TOP, LAMINATE W: 38" D: 19" H: 16" WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 40 lb. 1 2 3 4 1056 1080 11051131 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Finish 52 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. auburn C30-1 AUBURN CHAIR W: 33" D: 33" H: 33.5" General Information: SW: 22" SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1830 1870 1912 1953 19252040 21662355 2544 19652080 22062395 2584 20072122 22482437 2626 20482163 22892478 2667 272829173101 276829573141 281029993183 285130403224 C30-2 AUBURN LOVESEAT W: 55" D: 33" H: 33.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3071 3140 3210 3281 SW: 44" SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 86 lb. 31933341 35033746 3989 32623410 35723815 4058 33323480 36423885 4128 34033551 37133956 4199 422544684705 429445374774 436446074844 443546784915 C30-3 AUBURN SOFA W: 77" D: 33" H: 33.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 105 lb. 3718 39034128 43744743 5112 3801 39864211 44574826 5195 3886 40714296 45424911 5280 3970 41554380 46264995 5364 547158406199 555459236282 563960086367 572360926451 C30-OT AUBURN OTTOMAN W: 34" D: 26" H: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 679 695 709 725 733 749 763 779 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 COM: 6.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$270 799 815 829 845 871 979 887 995 901 1009 917 1025 COM: 10.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$410 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WT: 29 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SW: 66" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Bridge 1087 1103 1117 1133 1192 13001405 1208 13161421 1222 13301435 1238 13461451 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 53 Bridge auburn C30W-1 AUBURN CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 33" D: 33" H: 33.5" SW: 22" SD: 21" General Information: SH: 19.25" AH: 25" WT: 56 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1983 2028 2074 2119 20782193 23192508 2697 21232238 23642553 2742 21692284 24102599 2788 22142329 24552644 2833 288130703254 292631153299 297231613345 301732063390 C30W-2 AUBURN LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 55" D: 33" H: 33.5" SW: 44" SD: 21" 3226 3298 3372 3445 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 19.25" AH: 25" WT: 77 lb. 33483496 36583901 4144 34203568 37303973 4216 34943642 38044047 4290 35673715 38774120 4363 438046234860 445246954932 452647695006 459948425079 C30W-3 AUBURN SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 77" D: 33" H: 33.5" SW: 66" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3874 3961 4048 4136 AH: 25" WT: 99 lb. 40594284 45304899 5268 41464371 46174986 5355 42334458 47045073 5442 43214546 47925161 5530 562759966355 571460836442 580161706529 588962586617 C30-OT AUBURN OTTOMAN W: 34" D: 26" H: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 679 695 709 725 733 749 763 779 799 815 829 845 871 979 887 995 901 1009 917 1025 CA TB133: +$210 COM: 6.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$270 COM: 10.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$410 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WT: 29 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SH: 19.25" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ 1087 1103 1117 1133 1192 13001405 1208 13161421 1222 13301435 1238 13461451 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Accessories Tablet Arm Options Tablet Arm Self-edge tops available Weight capacity on tablet arm is 50 lbs. Tablet Style Options $389 Tablet style - please specify laminate and wood finish color. Includes a standard laminate surface and finished edge (specify each). Kidney, self edge Kidney, finished wood edge Oval, self edge Oval, finished wood edge Available on chair (1 per arm), love seats and sofas. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Optional tablet 54 When ordering specify: Shape Left or right handed (while sitting in chair) Edge style Wood finish Laminate Quantity (when ordering loveseat or sofa)" ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. garrett C01-1 GARRETT CHAIR W: 40" D: 34" H: 33" General Information: SW: 22" SD: 22.5" SH: 19.75" AH: 25" WT: 61 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1793 1832 1872 1912 19102053 22092443 2677 19492092 22482482 2716 19892132 22882522 2756 20292172 23282562 2796 290531393366 294431783405 298432183445 302432583485 C01-2 GARRETT LOVESEAT W: 62" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 44" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2990 3057 3126 3193 SD: 22.5" SH: 19.75" AH: 25" WT: 80 lb. 31393320 35183815 4112 32063387 35853882 4179 32753456 36543951 4248 33423523 37214018 4315 440146984987 446847655054 453748345123 460449015190 C01-3 GARRETT SOFA W: 84" D: 34" H: 33" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3600 3681 3762 3843 SW: 66" SD: 22.5" SH: 19.75" AH: 25" WT: 106 lb. 37804000 42404600 4960 38614081 43214681 5041 39424162 44024762 5122 40234243 44834843 5203 531056706020 539157516101 547258326182 555359136263 C01-OT GARRETT OTTOMAN W: 34" D: 26" H: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 678 696 709 723 737 755 768 782 808 826 839 853 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $260 COM: 8.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Poplar MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $330 886 1003 904 1021 917 1034 931 1048 COM: 10 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Poplar MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $400 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WT: 29 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Poplar General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Bridge 1120 1138 1151 1165 1234 13511465 1252 13691483 1265 13821496 1279 13961510 WOOD SPECS: Poplar MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $130 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 55 Bridge lafayette C06-1 LAFAYETTE CHAIR W: 40" D: 34" H: 33" General Information: SW: 22" SD: 22.5" SH: 19.75" AH: 25" WT: 65 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1729 1766 1805 1844 18421979 21292354 2579 18792016 21662391 2616 19182055 22052430 2655 19572094 22442469 2694 279830233242 283530603279 287430993318 291331383357 C06-2 LAFAYETTE LOVESEAT W: 62" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 44" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2899 2965 3029 3096 SH: 19.75" AH: 25" WT: 91 lb. 30393209 33953674 3953 31053275 34613740 4019 31693339 35253804 4083 32363406 35923871 4150 422445034775 429045694841 435446334905 442147004972 C06-3 LAFAYETTE SOFA W: 84" D: 34" H: 33" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3486 3564 3643 3722 SD: 22.5" SH: 19.75" AH: 25" WT: 112 lb. 36623876 41104461 4812 37403954 41884539 4890 38194033 42674618 4969 38984112 43464697 5048 515355045846 523155825924 531056616003 538957406082 C06-OT LAFAYETTE OTTOMAN W: 34" D: 26" H: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 679 695 709 725 733 749 763 779 799 815 829 845 CA TB133: $250 COM: 7.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $310 871 979 887 995 901 1009 917 1025 COM: 9.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $390 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WT: 29 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SW: 66" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: n/a General Information: SD: 22.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ 1087 1103 1117 1133 1192 13001405 1208 13161421 1222 13301435 1238 13461451 WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $120 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish 56 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. mitchell C09-1 MITCHELL CHAIR W: 33" D: 34" H: 33.5" General Information: SW: 22" SD: 22" SH: 19.25" AH: 25" WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1793 1832 1872 1912 19102053 22092443 2677 19492092 22482482 2716 19892132 22882522 2756 20292172 23282562 2796 290531393366 294431783405 298432183445 302432583485 C09-2 MITCHELL LOVESEAT W: 55" D: 34" H: 33.5" SW: 44" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2985 3053 3119 3187 SD: 22" SH: 19.25" AH: 25" WT: 75 lb. 31293305 34973785 4073 31973373 35653853 4141 32633439 36313919 4207 33313507 36993987 4275 435346414921 442147094989 448747755055 455548435123 C09-3 MITCHELL SOFA W: 77" D: 34" H: 33.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3600 3681 3761 3842 SD: 22" SH: 19.25" AH: 25" WT: 97 lb. 37854010 42564625 4994 38664091 43374706 5075 39464171 44174786 5155 40274252 44984867 5236 535357226081 543458036162 551458836242 559559646323 C09-OT MITCHELL OTTOMAN W: 34" D: 26" H: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 678 696 709 723 737 755 768 782 808 826 839 853 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $260 COM: 8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Poplar MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $320 886 1003 904 1021 917 1034 931 1048 COM: 10.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Poplar MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $410 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WT: 29 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Poplar General Information: SW: 66" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Bridge 1120 1138 1151 1165 1234 13511465 1252 13691483 1265 13821496 1279 13961510 WOOD SPECS: Poplar MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: $130 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 57 Bridge rockport C07-1 ROCKPORT CHAIR W: 33" D: 33" H: 33.5" General Information: SW: 22" SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 55 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1886 1929 1970 2013 19942126 22702486 2702 20372169 23132529 2745 20782210 23542570 2786 21212253 23972613 2829 291231283338 295531713381 299632123422 303932553465 C07-2 ROCKPORT LOVESEAT W: 55" D: 33" H: 33.5" SW: 44" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3174 3243 3316 3387 SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 76 lb. 33323524 37344049 4364 34013593 38034118 4433 34743666 38764191 4506 35453737 39474262 4577 467049855292 473950545361 481251275434 488351985505 C07-3 ROCKPORT SOFA W: 77" D: 33" H: 33.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3839 3926 4010 4097 SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 98 lb. 40514309 45915014 5437 41384396 46785101 5524 42224480 47625185 5608 43094567 48495272 5695 584862716683 593563586770 601964426854 610665296941 C07-OT ROCKPORT OTTOMAN W: 34" D: 26" H: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 679 695 709 725 733 749 763 779 COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 871 979 887 995 901 1009 917 1025 COM: 11.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$470 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WT: 29 lb. 799 815 829 845 CA TB133: +$240 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SW: 66" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 21" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 6 yd. ♦ 1087 1103 1117 1133 1192 13001405 1208 13161421 1222 13301435 1238 13461451 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 58 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. rockport C07W-1 ROCKPORT CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 33" D: 33" H: 33.5" SW: 22" SD: 21" General Information: SH: 19.25" AH: 25" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 2045 2090 2137 2181 1: 2: 3: 4: 21532285 24292645 2861 21982330 24742690 2906 22452377 25212737 2953 22892421 25652781 2997 307132873497 311633323542 316333793589 320734233633 C07W-2 ROCKPORT LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 55" D: 33" H: 33.5" SW: 44" SD: 21" 3334 3409 3484 3561 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25" WT: 85 lb. 34923684 38944209 4524 35673759 39694284 4599 36423834 40444359 4674 37193911 41214436 4751 483051455452 490552205527 498052955602 505753725679 C07W-3 ROCKPORT SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 77" D: 33" H: 33.5" SW: 66" SD: 21" 4005 4095 4185 4274 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25" WT: 105 lb. 42174475 47575180 5603 43074565 48475270 5693 43974655 49375360 5783 44864744 50265449 5872 601464376849 610465276939 619466177029 628367067118 C07-OT ROCKPORT OTTOMAN W: 34" D: 26" H: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 679 695 709 725 733 749 763 779 871 979 887 995 901 1009 917 1025 CA TB133: +$240 COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 COM: 11.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$470 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WT: 29 lb. 799 815 829 845 MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 19.25" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 6 yd. ♦ General Information: SH: 19.25" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Bridge 1087 1103 1117 1133 1192 13001405 1208 13161421 1222 13301435 1238 13461451 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Accessories Tablet Arm Options Tablet Arm Self-edge tops available Weight capacity on tablet arm is 50 lbs. Tablet Style Options $389 Tablet style - please specify laminate and wood finish color. Includes a standard laminate surface and finished edge (specify each). Kidney, self edge Kidney, finished wood edge Oval, self edge Oval, finished wood edge Available on chair (1 per arm), love seats and sofas. When ordering specify: Shape Left or right handed (while sitting in chair) Edge style Wood finish Laminate Quantity (when ordering loveseat or sofa)" When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Optional tablet ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 59 Bridge freestanding tables C200-212226 END TABLE, 21H 22W 26D, LAMINATE TOP W: 22" D: 26" H: 21" Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1086 1113 11371164 C200-182042 COFFEE TABLE, 18H 20W 42D, LAMINATE TOP W: 20" D: 42" W: 20" D: 42" Price by Shipping Zone Zone H:18" H: 18" 1 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT:25 lb. WT: 25 lb. 2 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 17 lb. 3 4 1177 1204 12341260 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish 60 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Cannon 43141 CHAIR W: 24" D: 24.25" H: 31.5" General Information: SW: 20.5" SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: 27.25" WT: 40.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1251 1280 1310 1337 12831321 13631426 1489 13121350 13921455 1518 13421380 14221485 1548 13691407 14491512 1575 155016131675 157916421704 160916721734 163616991761 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 43142 LOVESEAT W: 44.5" D: 24.25" H: 31.5" General Information: SW: 41" SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: 27.25" WT: 61 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1911 1955 1999 2043 19652031 21032211 2319 20092075 21472255 2363 20532119 21912299 2407 20972163 22352343 2451 242425322637 246825762681 251226202725 255626642769 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 43143 SOFA W: 65" D: 24.25" H: 31.5" General Information: SW: 61.5" SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: 27.25" WT: 83 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2571 2630 2689 2749 26482741 28432996 3149 27072800 29023055 3208 27662859 29613114 3267 28262919 30213174 3327 329834513600 335735103659 341635693718 347636293778 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 43140-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM W: 47" D: 24.25" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" General Information: SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: 27.25" WT: 71 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2323 2377 2432 2484 23772443 25152623 2731 24312497 25692677 2785 24862552 26242732 2840 25382604 26762784 2892 283629443049 289029983103 294530533158 299731053210 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. 43140-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM W: 69.5" D: 24.25" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" General Information: SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: 27.25" WT: 103 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3325 34023495 35973750 3903 3403 34803573 36753828 3981 3480 35573650 37523905 4058 3558 36353728 38303983 4136 405242054354 413042834432 420743604509 428544384587 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 61 Cannon modular seats and tables 43041-M 1 SEAT MODULAR W: 20.5" D: 22.5" H: 31" General Information: SW: 20.5" SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 20.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 693 709 724 740 725763805 868931 9921055 1117 741779821 8849471008 1071 1133 756794836 8999621023 1086 1148 772810852 9159781039 1102 1164 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 43042-M 2 SEAT MODULAR W: 41" D: 22.5" H: 31" General Information: SW: 41" SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1383 14371503 15751683 1791 1415 14691535 16071715 1823 1446 15001566 16381746 1854 1478 15321598 16701778 1886 189620042109 192820362141 195920672172 199120992204 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 43043-M 3 SEAT MODULAR W: 61.5" D: 22.5" H: 31" General Information: SW: 61.5" SD: 18.25" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2077 2124 2170 2218 21542247 23492502 2655 22012294 23962549 2702 22472340 24422595 2748 22952388 24902643 2796 280429573106 285130043153 289730503199 294530983247 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 43200-ST SPANNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 19" COM: n/a ♦ D: 16" H: 17.75" WT: 14.5 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 583 596 612 624 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 43200-CT CORNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 24.75" D: 24.75" COM: n/a ♦ H: 17.75" WT: 18 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1003 1029 10531077 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 43200-ET END TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 17.75" D: 20" COM: n/a ♦ H: 17.75" WT: 18 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1003 1029 10531077 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout Finish 62 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular arms 43110-LA LEFT ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 27.25" WT: 10 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone Cannon 1 2 3 4 314 321 327 335 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 43110-RA RIGHT ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 27.25" WT: 10 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 314 321 327 335 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 43110-CA CENTER ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 2" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 27.25" WT: 10 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: MDF 1 2 3 4 314 321 327 335 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 43110-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 2" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 27.25" WT: 10 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 314 321 327 335 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 43110-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 2" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 27.25" WT: 10 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 314 321 327 335 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides and urethane arm caps available in black only. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 63 Cannon freestanding tables 40A-212020L END TABLE, ARC TOP, LAMINATE W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" WT: 25 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 975 1000 1023 1046 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40A-161938L COFFEE TABLE, ARC TOP, LAMINATE W: 38" D: 19" H: 16" WT: 37 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 1056108011051131 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40S-212020L END TABLE, SQUARE TOP, LAMINATE W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" WT: 25 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 975 1000 1023 1046 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40S-161938L COFFEE TABLE, SQUARE TOP, LAMINATE W: 38" D: 19" H: 16" COM: n/a ♦ WT: 40 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 1056 1080 11051131 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Finish 64 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. arm chairs 32241L CHAIR, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 25.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 40 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1734 1771 1811 1851 17881854 19262034 2142 18251891 19632071 2179 18651931 20032111 2219 19051971 20432151 2259 224723552460 228423922497 232424322537 236424722577 32242L LOVESEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 45.75" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 41" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2378 2431 2486 2540 24552548 26502803 2956 25082601 27032856 3009 25632656 27582911 3064 26172710 28122965 3118 310532583407 315833113460 321333663515 326734203569 32243L SOFA, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 66.25" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 61.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3022 3091 3160 3231 31123222 33423522 3702 31813291 34113591 3771 32503360 34803660 3840 33213431 35513731 3911 AH: 24.75" WT: 86 lb. 387740574232 394641264301 401541954370 408642664441 32641L CHAIR, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG W: 25.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1734 1771 1811 1851 17881854 19262034 2142 18251891 19632071 2179 18651931 20032111 2219 19051971 20432151 2259 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: WT: 40 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3 yd. ♦ General Information: WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 224723552460 228423922497 232424322537 236424722577 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32642L LOVESEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG W: 45.75" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 41" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2378 2431 2486 2540 24552548 26502803 2956 25082601 27032856 3009 25632656 27582911 3064 26172710 28122965 3118 310532583407 315833113460 321333663515 326734203569 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32643L SOFA, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG W: 66.25" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 61.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 86 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3022 31123222 33423522 3702 3091 31813291 34113591 3771 3160 32503360 34803660 3840 3231 33213431 35513731 3911 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 387740574232 394641264301 401541954370 408642664441 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 65 Capital arm chairs 32240-2TL 2 SEAT TANDEM, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 48.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 72 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3107 3177 3248 3320 31933297 34113582 3753 32633367 34813652 3823 33343438 35523723 3894 34063510 36243795 3966 391940904257 398941604327 406042314398 413243034470 32240-3TL 3 SEAT TANDEM, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 71.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4390 4493 4593 4695 44944620 47584965 5172 45974723 48615068 5275 46974823 49615168 5375 47994925 50635270 5477 WT: 104 lb. 537355805782 547656835885 557657835985 567858856087 32640-2TL 2 SEAT TANDEM, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP LONG LEG W: 48.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 72 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3107 31933297 34113582 3753 3177 32633367 34813652 3823 3248 33343438 35523723 3894 3320 34063510 36243795 3966 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ 391940904257 398941604327 406042314398 413243034470 COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$230 General Information: COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32640-3TL 3 SEAT TANDEM, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP LONG LEG W: 71.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 104 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4390 4493 4593 4695 44944620 47584965 5172 45974723 48615068 5275 46974823 49615168 5375 47994925 50635270 5477 537355805782 547656835885 557657835985 567858856087 General Information: COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$230 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 66 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. benches 32292L 2 SEAT BENCH, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 45.75" D: 23.75" H: 18.5" SW: 41" SD: 23.75" SH: 18.5" AH: 18.5" General Information: WT: 39 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1798 18431898 19582048 2138 1840 18851940 20002090 2180 1881 19261981 20412131 2221 1923 19682023 20832173 2263 222623162403 226823582445 230923992486 235124412528 32293L 3 SEAT BENCH, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 66.25" D: 23.75" H: 18.5" SW: 61.5" SD: 23.75" SH: 18.5" AH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2189 2241 2291 2342 22482319 23972514 2631 23002371 24492566 2683 23502421 24992616 2733 24012472 25502667 2784 274528622976 279729143028 284729643078 289830153129 32692L 2 SEAT BENCH, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG W: 45.75" D: 23.75" H: 18.5" SW: 41" SD: 23.75" SH: 18.5" AH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1798 1840 1881 1923 18431898 19582048 2138 18851940 20002090 2180 19261981 20412131 2221 19682023 20832173 2263 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: WT: 39 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ General Information: WT: 51 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 222623162403 226823582445 230923992486 235124412528 COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32693L 3 SEAT BENCH, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG W: 66.25" D: 23.75" H: 18.5" SW: 61.5" SD: 23.75" SH: 18.5" AH: 18.5" General Information: WT: 51 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2189 2241 2291 2342 22482319 23972514 2631 23002371 24492566 2683 23502421 24992616 2733 24012472 25502667 2784 274528622976 279729143028 284729643078 289830153129 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 67 Capital arm chairs 32441W CHAIR, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 24.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 36 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1725 1765 1806 1846 17571795 18371900 1963 17971835 18771940 2003 18381876 19181981 2044 18781916 19582021 2084 202420872149 206421272189 210521682230 214522082270 32441WB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 34" D: 24 " H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2128 2178 2228 2278 21732228 22882378 2468 22232278 23382428 2518 22732328 23882478 2568 23232378 24382528 2618 WT: 43 lb. 255626462733 260626962783 265627462833 270627962883 32442W LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 44.75" D: 24 " H: 31.5" SW: 41" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2372 24262492 25642672 2780 2426 24802546 26182726 2834 2483 25372603 26752783 2891 2536 25902656 27282836 2944 WT: 58 lb. 288529933098 293930473152 299631043209 304931573262 32443W SOFA, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 65.25" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 61.5" SD: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3020 3089 3160 3229 CA TB133: +$70 COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 76 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: AH: 24.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ 30973190 32923445 3598 31663259 33613514 3667 32373330 34323585 3738 33063399 35013654 3807 374739004049 381639694118 388740404189 395641094258 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 68 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. arm chairs 32440-2TW 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 48.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 64.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3102 3175 3247 3320 31563222 32943402 3510 32293295 33673475 3583 33013367 34393547 3655 33743440 35123620 3728 361537233828 368837963901 376038683973 383339414046 32440-3TW 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 71.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4396 4499 4602 4705 44734566 46684821 4974 45764669 47714924 5077 46794772 48745027 5180 47824875 49775130 5283 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 89 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 512352765425 522653795528 532954825631 543255855734 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 69 Capital arm chairs 32441U CHAIR, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 24.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 36 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1725 1765 1806 1846 17571795 18371900 1963 17971835 18771940 2003 18381876 19181981 2044 18781916 19582021 2084 202420872149 206421272189 210521682230 214522082270 COM: 1.75 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32441UB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 34" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 43 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2128 2178 2228 2278 21732228 22882378 2468 22232278 23382428 2518 22732328 23882478 2568 23232378 24382528 2618 255626462733 260626962783 265627462833 270627962883 COM: 2.5 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32442U LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 44.75" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 41" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2372 24262492 25642672 2780 2426 24802546 26182726 2834 2483 25372603 26752783 2891 2536 25902656 27282836 2944 288529933098 293930473152 299631043209 304931573262 COM: 3 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32443U SOFA, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 65.25" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 61.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 76 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3020 3089 3160 3229 30973190 32923445 3598 31663259 33613514 3667 32373330 34323585 3738 33063399 35013654 3807 374739004049 381639694118 388740404189 395641094258 COM: 4.25 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32440-2TU 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 48.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 64.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3102 3175 3247 3320 31563222 32943402 3510 32293295 33673475 3583 33013367 34393547 3655 33743440 35123620 3728 361537233828 368837963901 376038683973 383339414046 COM: 3 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32440-3TU 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 71.5" D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 89 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 70 Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4396 4499 4602 4705 44734566 46684821 4974 45764669 47714924 5077 46794772 48745027 5180 47824875 49775130 5283 512352765425 522653795528 532954825631 543255855734 COM: 4.25 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wallsavers 32741W CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 24.5" D: 27" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 36 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1814 1857 1899 1941 18461884 19261989 2052 18891927 19692032 2095 19311969 20112074 2137 19732011 20532116 2179 211321762238 215622192281 219822612323 224023032365 32741WB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 34" D: 27" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 43 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2450 2508 2565 2622 24952550 26102700 2790 25532608 26682758 2848 26102665 27252815 2905 26672722 27822872 2962 287829683055 293630263113 299330833170 305031403227 32741U CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 24.5" D: 27" H: 31.5" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1814 1857 1899 1941 18461884 19261989 2052 18891927 19692032 2095 19311969 20112074 2137 19732011 20532116 2179 COM: 1.75 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 General Information: COM: 2.5 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 General Information: WT: 36 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 211321762238 215622192281 219822612323 224023032365 COM: 1.75 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32741UB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 34" D: 27" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 43 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2450 2508 2565 2622 24952550 26102700 2790 25532608 26682758 2848 26102665 27252815 2905 26672722 27822872 2962 287829683055 293630263113 299330833170 305031403227 General Information: COM: 2.5 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 71 Capital patient chairs 32781W PATIENT CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 24.5" D: 27" H: 42" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 38 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1911 1955 2000 2043 19522001 20552136 2217 19962045 20992180 2261 20412090 21442225 2306 20842133 21872268 2349 229623772456 234024212500 238524662545 242825092588 32781WB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 34" D: 27" H: 42" SW: 42" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2533 2592 2652 2711 25922663 27412858 2975 26512722 28002917 3034 27112782 28602977 3094 27702841 29193036 3153 308932063320 314832653379 320833253439 326733843498 32781U PATIENT CHAIR, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 24.5" D: 27" H: 42" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 38 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1911 1955 2000 2043 19522001 20552136 2217 19962045 20992180 2261 20412090 21442225 2306 20842133 21872268 2349 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 General Information: WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.25 yd. u 229623772456 234024212500 238524662545 242825092588 COM: 3.25 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: COM: 2.25 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32781UB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 34" D: 27" H: 42" SW: 30" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2533 2592 2652 2711 25922663 27412858 2975 26512722 28002917 3034 27112782 28602977 3094 27702841 29193036 3153 308932063320 314832653379 320833253439 326733843498 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. u WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32251L FOOTSTOOL, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG W: 18.7" D: 18.75" H: 11" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 825 844 863 881 861 880 899 917 905 924 943 961 953 1025 972 1044 991 1063 10091081 General Information: COM: 2 yd. u WT: 21 lb. 1097 1116 1135 1153 1167 12391309 1186 12581328 1205 12771347 1223 1295 1365 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or Maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 72 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular seats 32041-M 1 SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 24" H: 31.5" General Information: SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 22 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 796 815 832 852 828 847 864 884 866 885 902 922 Capital 908 971 927 990 944 1007 964 1027 1034 1053 1070 1090 1095 11581220 1114 11771239 1131 11941256 1151 12141276 COM: 1.75 yd. u WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32041B30-M 30" SEAT, WIDE SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 24" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 34 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1426 1459 1492 1525 14711526 15861676 1766 15041559 16191709 1799 15371592 16521742 1832 15701625 16851775 1865 185419442031 188719772064 192020102097 195320432130 COM: 2.5 yd. u WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32042-M 2 SEAT, MODULAR D: 24" W: – H: 31.5" SW: 41" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1478 15321598 16701778 1886 1512 15661632 17041812 1920 1546 16001666 17381846 1954 1581 16351701 17731881 1989 199120992204 202521332238 205921672272 209422022307 COM: 3 yd. u WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32043-M 3 SEAT, MODULAR D: 24" W: – H: 31.5" SW: 60.5" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 68 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2155 2203 2254 2303 22322325 24272580 2733 22802373 24752628 2781 23312424 25262679 2832 23802473 25752728 2881 288230353184 293030833232 298131343283 303031833332 COM: 4.25 yd. u WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 73 Capital modular arms 32210L-LA LEFT ARM, UPH, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 521 533 546 529551 575611 647 539561 585621 657 551573 597633 669 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32210L-RA RIGHT ARM, UPH, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 529551 575611 647 521 539561 585621 657 533 551573 597633 669 546 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32210L-CA CENTER ARM, UPH, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 529551 575611 647 521 539561 585621 657 533 551573 597633 669 546 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32210L-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, UPH, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 521 533 546 529551 575611 647 539561 585621 657 551573 597633 669 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32210L-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, UPH, WOOD CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 529551 575611 647 521 539561 585621 657 533 551573 597633 669 546 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout 74 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular arms 32410W-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 Capital General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410W-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410W-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410W-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410W-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 75 Capital modular arms 32410U-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410U-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410U-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410U-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32410U-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR W: 2.5" D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 506 518 530 541 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout Urethane cap color 76 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular arms 32610L-LA LEFT ARM, UPH, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 521 533 546 529551 575611 647 539561 585621 657 551573 597633 669 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 Capital WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32610L-RA RIGHT ARM, UPH, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 521 533 546 529551 575611 647 539561 585621 657 551573 597633 669 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32610L-CA CENTER ARM, UPH, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 529551 575611 647 521 539561 585621 657 533 551573 597633 669 546 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32610L-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, UPH, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 521 533 546 529551 575611 647 539561 585621 657 551573 597633 669 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 32610L-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, UPH, URETHANE CAP, LONG LEG, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 21.75" H: 24.75" WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 511 521 533 546 529551 575611 647 539561 585621 657 551573 597633 669 564586 610646 682 682718753 692728763 704740775 717753788 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 77 Capital modular tables 32100-ST SPANNER TABLE, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 19" COM: n/a ♦ D: 18.75" H: 20" WT: 11 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 613 627 642 657 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 32400-ST SPANNER TABLE, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 19" COM: n/a ♦ D: 18.75" H: 20" WT: 11 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 613 627 642 657 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 32100-ET END TABLE, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 19" COM: n/a ♦ D: 18.75" H: 20" WT: 13 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 841 863 881 902 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 32400-ET END TABLE, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 19" COM: n/a ♦ D: 18.75" H: 20" WT: 13 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 841 863 881 902 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 32100-CT CORNER TABLE, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 25.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 25.5" H: 20" WT: 18 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1204 1233 12611290 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 32400-CT CORNER TABLE, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR General Information: W: 25.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 25.5" H: 20" WT: 18 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1204 1233 12611290 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout 78 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. lounge 35211 CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 27.75" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" General Information: SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 55 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2233 2283 2335 2387 23012383 24732608 2743 23512433 25232658 2793 24032485 25752710 2845 24552537 26272762 2897 287430093141 292430593191 297631113243 302831633295 35212 LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 50.25" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 45" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3750 3837 3923 4009 SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 82 lb. 38493970 41024300 4498 39364057 41894387 4585 40224143 42754473 4671 41084229 43614559 4757 469148895081 477849765168 486450625254 495051485340 35213 SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 72.75" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 67.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5060 5176 5294 5412 SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 114 lb. 51865340 55085760 6012 53025456 56245876 6128 54205574 57425994 6246 55385692 58606112 6364 625765096754 637366256870 649167436988 660968617106 35210-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 52.8" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3948 4039 4130 4222 SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 96 lb. 40654208 43644598 4832 41564299 44554689 4923 42474390 45464780 5014 43394482 46384872 5106 506052945521 515153855612 524254765703 533455685795 35210-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 77.9" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" SD: 20" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5675 5806 5937 6068 CA TB133: +$150 COM: 5.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$220 COM: 7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$280 COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$260 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 142 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 20" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ General Information: SD: 20" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 58426045 62676600 6933 59736176 63986731 7064 61046307 65296862 7195 62356438 66606993 7326 725775907914 738877218045 751978528176 765079838307 COM: 10 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$370 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 79 Capital lounge 35221 CHAIR, WOOD CAP, WITH FRONT EDGE W: 27.75" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" SD: 20" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2267 2320 2369 2422 23442437 25392692 2845 23972490 25922745 2898 24462539 26412794 2947 24992592 26942847 3000 299431473296 304732003349 309632493398 314933023451 35222 LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP, WITH FRONT EDGE W: 50.25" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 45" SD: 20" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3824 39284054 41924399 4606 3913 40174143 42814488 4695 4002 41064232 43704577 4784 4089 41934319 44574664 4871 AH: 24.5" WT: 88 lb. 480750145216 489651035305 498551925394 507252795481 35223 SOFA, WOOD CAP, WITH FRONT EDGE W: 72.75" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 67.5" SD: 20" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5189 5309 5429 5549 53295499 56855964 6243 54495619 58056084 6363 55695739 59256204 6483 56895859 60456324 6603 WT: 114 lb. 651467937065 663469137185 675470337305 687471537425 35220-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP, WITH FRONT EDGE W: 52.8" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" SD: 20" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4136 4232 4326 4421 42584406 45684811 5054 43544502 46644907 5150 44484596 47585001 5244 45434691 48535096 5339 AH: 24.5" WT: 102 lb. 529055335770 538656295866 548057235960 557558186055 35220-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP, WITH FRONT EDGE W: 77.9" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5954 6091 6228 6365 61346354 65946954 7314 62716491 67317091 7451 64086628 68687228 7588 65456765 70057365 7725 COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$230 COM: 7.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$310 COM: 6.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$270 General Information: WT: 142 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$170 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: AH: 24.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ 766480248374 780181618511 793882988648 807584358785 COM: 10 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$400 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 80 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. lounge modular seats 35211-M 1 SEAT, MODULAR W: 22.5" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" General Information: SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 30 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1237 1263 1293 1321 Capital 12781327 13811462 1543 13041353 14071488 1569 13341383 14371518 1599 13621411 14651546 1627 162217031782 164817291808 167817591838 170617871866 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35212-M 2 SEAT, MODULAR W: 45" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 45" General Information: SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 52 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2907 29753057 31473282 3417 2976 30443126 32163351 3486 3044 31123194 32843419 3554 3109 31773259 33493484 3619 354836833815 361737523884 368538203952 375038854017 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35213-M 3 SEAT, MODULAR W: 67.5" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 67.5" General Information: SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 74 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4061 4157 4250 4344 41564271 43974586 4775 42524367 44934682 4871 43454460 45864775 4964 44394554 46804869 5058 495951485332 505552445428 514853375521 524254315615 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35221-M 1 SEAT, WITH FRONT EDGE, MODULAR W: 22.5" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 22.5" SD: 20" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 34 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1329 1360 1389 1420 13701419 14731554 1635 14011450 15041585 1666 14301479 15331614 1695 14611510 15641645 1726 171417951874 174518261905 177418551934 180518861965 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35222-M 2 SEAT, WITH FRONT EDGE, MODULAR W: 45" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 45" SD: 20" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3092 3165 3236 3308 31693262 33643517 3670 32423335 34373590 3743 33133406 35083661 3814 33853478 35803733 3886 381939724121 389240454194 396341164265 403541884337 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35223-M 3 SEAT, WITH FRONT EDGE, MODULAR W: 67.5" D: 28.25" H: 30" SW: 67.5" SD: 20" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 86 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4341 4441 4542 4641 44494581 47254941 5157 45494681 48255041 5257 46504782 49265142 5358 47494881 50255241 5457 536755835793 546756835893 556857845994 566758836093 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. COM: 6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$240 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 81 Capital lounge modular arms 35210-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.6" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 27" H: 24.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 503 514 525 536 535573 615678 741 546584 626689 752 557595 637700 763 568606 648711 774 802865927 813876938 824887949 835898960 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35210-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.6" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 27" H: 24.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 503 514 525 536 535573 615678 741 546584 626689 752 557595 637700 763 568606 648711 774 802865927 813876938 824887949 835898960 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35210-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR W: 2.6" D: 27" H: 24.5" General Information: COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 503 535573 615678 741 514 546584 626689 752 525 557595 637700 763 536 568606 648711 774 802865927 813876938 824887949 835898960 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35210-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.6" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 27" H: 24.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 503 514 525 536 535573 615678 741 546584 626689 752 557595 637700 763 568606 648711 774 802865927 813876938 824887949 835898960 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 35210-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.6" COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ D: 27" H: 24.5" WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 503 514 525 536 535573 615678 741 546584 626689 752 557595 637700 763 568606 648711 774 802865927 813876938 824887949 835898960 CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout 82 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. lounge modular tables 35100-ST SPANNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 22.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 24" H: 20" WT: 18 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 847 869 889 910 Capital WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 35100-CT CORNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 30.6" COM: n/a ♦ D: 30.6" H: 20" WT: 28 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1499 1534 15701607 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 35100-ET END TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 22.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 24" H: 20" WT: 19 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1133 1162 11881214 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 83 Capital freestanding tables 32-201919 END TABLE W: 19" D: 19" H: 20" General Information: WT: 15 lb. COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1025 1049 10731099 32-161938 COFFEE TABLE W: 38" D: 19" H: 16" Zone 1 2 3 4 35-202121 END TABLE D: 21" H: 20" Zone 1 2 3 4 35-161941 COFFEE TABLE D: 19" H: 16" Zone 1 2 CA TB133: n/a WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a General Information: WT: 27 lb. COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone MOIS. BARR: n/a COM: n/a ♦ 1105 1130 11561184 W: 41" WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: WT: 17 lb. Price by Shipping Zone CA TB133: n/a COM: n/a ♦ 1113 1141 11671193 W: 21" MOIS. BARR: n/a General Information: WT: 23 lb. Price by Shipping Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple 3 4 1194 1221 12491278 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish 84 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. hip chair 32441H22W HIP CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 26.5" D: 25" H: 41.5" SW: 22" SD: 17.5" SH: 25.5" AH: 32.25" General Information: WT: 47 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1957 2005 2051 2096 19932037 20852157 2229 20412085 21332205 2277 20872131 21792251 2323 21322176 22242296 2368 229923712441 234724192489 239324652535 243825102580 32441H24W HIP CHAIR, 24" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 28.5" D: 25" H: 41.5" SW: 24" SD: 17.5" SH: 25.5" AH: 32.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2028 2076 2123 2172 20642108 21562228 2300 21122156 22042276 2348 21592203 22512323 2395 22082252 23002372 2444 WT: 49 lb. 237024422512 241824902560 246525372607 251425862656 32441H22U HIP CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 26.5" D: 25" H: 41.5" SW: 22" SD: 17.5" SH: 25.5" AH: 32.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1957 2005 2051 2096 19932037 20852157 2229 20412085 21332205 2277 20872131 21792251 2323 21322176 22242296 2368 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 General Information: WT: 47 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 229923712441 234724192489 239324652535 243825102580 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32441H24U HIP CHAIR, 24" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 28.5" D: 25" H: 41.5" SW: 24" SD: 17.5" SH: 25.5" AH: 32.25" General Information: WT: 49 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2028 2076 2123 2172 20642108 21562228 2300 21122156 22042276 2348 21592203 22512323 2395 22082252 23002372 2444 237024422512 241824902560 246525372607 251425862656 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 85 Capital gliders 32151G20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 56 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2210 2262 2312 2361 22782360 24502585 2720 23302412 25022637 2772 23802462 25522687 2822 24292511 26012736 2871 285129863118 290330383170 295330883220 300231373269 32151G22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2303 2356 2411 2463 AH: 24.75" WT: 59 lb. 23712453 25432678 2813 24242506 25962731 2866 24792561 26512786 2921 25312613 27032838 2973 294430793211 299731323264 305231873319 310432393371 32151G24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 62 lb. 2401 24732561 26572801 2945 2457 25292617 27132857 3001 2511 25832671 27672911 3055 2567 26392727 28232967 3111 308532293369 314132853425 319533393479 325133953535 32251G20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2394 2451 2505 2561 WT: 56 lb. 24622544 26342769 2904 25192601 26912826 2961 25732655 27452880 3015 26292711 28012936 3071 303531703302 309232273359 314632813413 320233373469 32251G22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" GR 1: 2: 3: 4: wall WT: 59 lb. 25532635 27252860 2995 26112693 27832918 3053 26692751 28412976 3111 27272809 28993034 3169 312632613393 318433193451 324233773509 330034353567 32251G24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP CR GR- Glider range from forward point to rear point is 41” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 7” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 86 2485 2543 2601 2659 W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2564 2624 2683 2743 WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 SH: 18.5" 26322714 28042939 3074 26922774 28642999 3134 27512833 29233058 3193 28112893 29833118 3253 COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ General Information: AH: 24.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$150 General Information: AH: 24.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: n/a General Information: SH: 18.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ 320533403472 326534003532 332434593591 338435193651 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. gliders 32651G20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2394 2451 2505 2561 24622544 26342769 2904 25192601 26912826 2961 25732655 27452880 3015 26292711 28012936 3071 Capital 303531703302 309232273359 314632813413 320233373469 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32651G22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 61 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2485 2543 2601 2659 25532635 27252860 2995 26112693 27832918 3053 26692751 28412976 3111 27272809 28993034 3169 312632613393 318433193451 324233773509 330034353567 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32651G24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 64 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2564 26322714 28042939 3074 2624 26922774 28642999 3134 2683 27512833 29233058 3193 2743 28112893 29833118 3253 320533403472 326534003532 332434593591 338435193651 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32151LG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2361 2417 2472 2526 24292511 26012736 2871 24852567 26572792 2927 25402622 27122847 2982 25942676 27662901 3036 300231373269 305831933325 311332483380 316733023434 32151LG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2460 2515 2572 2629 25282610 27002835 2970 25832665 27552890 3025 26402722 28122947 3082 26972779 28693004 3139 WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 General Information: WT: 61 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ 310132363368 315632913423 321333483480 327034053537 COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 GR wall 32151LG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 64 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2551 2609 2669 2727 26232711 28072951 3095 26812769 28653009 3153 27412829 29253069 3213 27992887 29833127 3271 323533793519 329334373577 335334973637 341135553695 COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CR GR- Glider range from forward point to rear point is 41” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 7” CA TB133: +$160 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 87 Capital gliders 32251LG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2550 2607 2666 2725 26182700 27902925 3060 26752757 28472982 3117 27342816 29063041 3176 27932875 29653100 3235 319133263458 324833833515 330734423574 336635013633 32251LG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 61 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2634 2695 2757 2817 27022784 28743009 3144 27632845 29353070 3205 28252907 29973132 3267 28852967 30573192 3327 327534103542 333634713603 339835333665 345835933725 32251LG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 64 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2715 2777 2840 2902 27832865 29553090 3225 28452927 30173152 3287 29082990 30803215 3350 29703052 31423277 3412 335634913623 341835533685 348136163748 354336783810 32651LG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2550 2607 2666 2725 26182700 27902925 3060 26752757 28472982 3117 27342816 29063041 3176 27932875 29653100 3235 319133263458 324833833515 330734423574 336635013633 General Information: COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 General Information: COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 General Information: COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 General Information: COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32651LG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 61 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone GR 1: 2: 3: 4: 2634 2695 2757 2817 27022784 28743009 3144 27632845 29353070 3205 28252907 29973132 3267 28852967 30573192 3327 327534103542 333634713603 339835333665 345835933725 General Information: COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. wall 32651LG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LOCKING MECHANISM CR GR- Glider range from forward point to rear point is 41” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 7” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 88 W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 64 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2715 27832865 29553090 3225 2777 28452927 30173152 3287 2840 29082990 30803215 3350 2902 29703052 31423277 3412 335634913623 341835533685 348136163748 354336783810 General Information: COM: 3.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$150 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. recliners 32981 RECLINER W: 26" D: 34" H: 43.75" General Information: SW: 20.5" SD: 21.25" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 89 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 2893 29793083 31973368 3539 2959 30453149 32633434 3605 3026 31123216 33303501 3672 3093 31793283 33973568 3739 1: 2: 3: 4: 370538764043 377139424109 383840094176 390540764243 32W981 RECLINER, WIDE, UPH ARM W: 28.5" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 23" SD: 21.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3173 3246 3321 3393 SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 91 lb. 32683383 35093698 3887 33413456 35823771 3960 34163531 36573846 4035 34883603 37293918 4107 407142604444 414443334517 421944084592 429144804664 32981W RECLINER, WOOD CAP D: 34" W: 26" H: 43.75" SW: 20.5" SH: 18.5" 3077 31633267 33813552 3723 3148 32343338 34523623 3794 3221 33073411 35253696 3867 3291 33773481 35953766 3937 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25" WT: 89 lb. 388940604227 396041314298 403342044371 410342744441 32W981W RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 28.5" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 23" SD: 21.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3351 3427 3506 3581 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 91 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 21.25" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 34463561 36873876 4065 35223637 37633952 4141 36013716 38424031 4220 36763791 39174106 4295 424944384622 432545144698 440445934777 447946684852 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 RL RBH Accessories wall Casters, 5 lb. 32900-LC +$273 Pushbar, 1.25 lb. 32900-PB +$117. Foley-bag Hook, 0.125 lb. 32900-BH +$38 Specify left or right side (as facing). Standard IV-pole, 7 lb. 32900-V1 +$231 Specify left or right side (as facing). Trigger IV-pole, 8 lb. 32900-V2 +$420 Specify left or right side (as facing). Stainless IV-pole,8 lb. 32900-32900-PB3 +$497. Specify left or right side (as facing). Flip Table, 10 lb. Flip Table is 14"d x 12-1/2"w. 32900-FTL or R +$340 Specify left or right side (as facing). Specify laminate. Specify left or right side for Foley Bag Hook, IV-poles and Flip Table (while facing front of chair). CR RL- Reclined length 64” RBH- Reclined back height 35” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 20” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 89 Capital recliners 32981U RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 26" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 21.25" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 89 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 3077 3148 3221 3291 1: 2: 3: 4: 31633267 33813552 3723 32343338 34523623 3794 33073411 35253696 3867 33773481 35953766 3937 388940604227 396041314298 403342044371 410342744441 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32W981U RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 28.5" D: 34" H: 43.75" SW: 23" SD: 21.25" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 91 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3351 3427 3506 3581 34463561 36873876 4065 35223637 37633952 4141 36013716 38424031 4220 36763791 39174106 4295 424944384622 432545144698 440445934777 447946684852 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32900-HR RECLINER HEAD REST W: – D: – H: – General Information: COM: 1 yd. ♦ WT: 1 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 119 121 125 127 137159 183219 255 139161 185221 257 143165 189225 261 145167 191227 263 290326361 292328363 296332367 298334369 WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$40 32W900-HR RECLINER HEAD REST, WIDE General Information: W: – COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ D: – H: – WT: 1.25 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 124 127 130 132 147174 204249 294 150177 207252 297 153180 210255 300 155182 212257 302 338383427 341386430 344389433 346391435 32900-RM REPLACEMENT RECLINING MECHANISM MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$50 General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 10 lb. WOOD SPECS: n/a Price by Shipping Zone WOOD SPECS: n/a Zone 1 2 3 4 339 348 356 365 MOIS. BARR:n/a CA TB133: n/a RL RBH wall Accessories Casters, 5 lb. 32900-LC +$273 Pushbar, 1.25 lb. 32900-PB +$117. Foley-bag Hook, 0.125 lb. 32900-BH +$38 Specify left or right side (as facing). CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 20” Standard IV-pole, 7 lb. 32900-V1 +$231 Specify left or right side (as facing). Trigger IV-pole, 8 lb. 32900-V2 +$420 Specify left or right side (as facing). Stainless IV-pole,8 lb. 32900-32900-PB3 +$497. Specify left or right side (as facing). When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color Flip Table, 10 lb. Flip Table is 14"d x 12-1/2"w. 32900-FTL or R +$340 Specify left or right side (as facing). Specify laminate. CR RL- Reclined length 64” RBH- Reclined back height 35” 90 Specify left or right side for Foley Bag Hook, IV-poles and Flip Table (while facing front of chair). ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. sleep chairs 32841 SLEEP CHAIR W: 30" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" General Information: SW: 24" SD: 21" SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 110 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 3459 3539 3620 3699 1: 2: 3: 4: 35543669 37953984 4173 36343749 38754064 4253 37153830 39564145 4334 37943909 40354224 4413 435745464730 443746264810 451847074891 459747864970 32W841 SLEEP CHAIR, WIDE W: 36" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 30" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3737 3824 3910 3997 SD: 21" SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 128 lb. 38453977 41214337 4553 39324064 42084424 4640 40184150 42944510 4726 41054237 43814597 4813 476349795189 485050665276 493651525362 502352395449 32841W SLEEP CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 24" 3644 3729 3813 3898 1: 2: 3: 4: SD: 21" SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 110 lb. 37393854 39804169 4358 38243939 40654254 4443 39084023 41494338 4527 39934108 42344423 4612 454247314915 462748165000 471149005084 479649855169 32W841W SLEEP CHAIR, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 36" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 30" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3921 4012 4102 4193 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 COM: 6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$240 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 128 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Capital 40294161 43054521 4737 41204252 43964612 4828 42104342 44864702 4918 43014433 45774793 5009 494751635373 503852545464 512853445554 521954355645 COM: 6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$240 Accessories Casters, 5 lb. 32800-LC +$273 Fitted Sheets, 2 lb. 32800-FS +$62 SS wall CR SS- Sleep surface 74” CR- Clearance required to open sleep surface when placed against a wall is 10” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Sleep chair options ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 91 Capital sleep chairs 32841U SLEEP CHAIR, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 24" SD: 21" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 110 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 3644 3729 3813 3898 1: 2: 3: 4: 37393854 39804169 4358 38243939 40654254 4443 39084023 41494338 4527 39934108 42344423 4612 454247314915 462748165000 471149005084 479649855169 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 32W841U SLEEP CHAIR, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 36" D: 33.5" H: 33.25" SW: 30" SD: 21" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 128 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3921 4012 4102 4193 40294161 43054521 4737 41204252 43964612 4828 42104342 44864702 4918 43014433 45774793 5009 494751635373 503852545464 512853445554 521954355645 COM: 6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$240 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Accessories Casters, 5 lb. 32800-LC +$273 Fitted Sheets, 2 lb. 32800-FS +$62 SS wall CR SS- Sleep surface 74” CR- Clearance required to open sleep surface when placed against a wall is 10” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Sleep chair options Urethane cap color 92 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. chair 59111HC CHAIR W: 35.5" D: 34" H: 32.5" General Information: SW: 22" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 16.5" WT: 60 lb. 2177 2226 2275 2324 1: 2: 3: 4: 22722387 25132702 2891 23212436 25622751 2940 23702485 26112800 2989 24192534 26602849 3038 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Cavetto 307532643448 312433133497 317333623546 322234113595 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Available without welt as an option (no upcharge). 59112HC LOVESEAT W: 57.5" D: 34" H: 32.5" General Information: SW: 44" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 16.5" WT: 82 lb. WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3682 3767 3851 3934 38264002 41944482 4770 39114087 42794567 4855 39954171 43634651 4939 40784254 44464734 5022 COM: 8 yd. ♦ 505053385618 513554235703 521955075787 530255905870 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$320 Available without welt as an option (no upcharge). 59113HC SOFA W: 79.5" D: 34" H: 32.5" General Information: SW: 66" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 16.5" WT: 104 lb. WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4461 4563 4664 4765 46504881 51335511 5889 47524983 52355613 5991 48535084 53365714 6092 49545185 54375815 6193 COM: 10.5 yd. ♦ 625766357002 635967377104 646068387205 656169397306 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$420 Available without welt as an option (no upcharge). Accessories Mobility Option Tablet Arm Options Available on 59111HC only. Includes 2 front casters, wood legs and back handle. Add +$178 list per chair for wood legs Add +$218 list per chair for metal legs Tablet Arm Side - Please specify location by adding suffix below to the product's model number. TL - left hand sitting, right facing TR - Right hand sitting, left facing Specify wood or metal legs for rear of chair. TB - left and right hand sitting, facing (available on loveseat and sofa only). Handle available in black only. Weight capacity on tablet arm is 100 lbs. Metal Legs $506 $506 $1012 Tablet Style Options Available on chairs, loveseat, and sofa. Add +$82 list per unit. Metal legs are available in aluminum only. Tablet style - please specify laminate and wood finish color. Pennon, self edge. Pennon, finished wood edge. 12" W x 19" L Round, self edge. Round, finished wood edge. 14" diameter When ordering tablet specify: Shape Left or right handed (while sitting in chair) Edge style Wood finish Laminate Quantity (when ordering loveseat or sofa)" When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Optional tablet ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 93 Cove 53411WB22 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 27" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1705 1746 1786 1825 17411785 18331905 1977 17821826 18741946 2018 18221866 19141986 2058 18611905 19532025 2097 204721192189 208821602230 212822002270 216722392309 53411WB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 35" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2259 2311 2362 2416 23092369 24352534 2633 23612421 24872586 2685 24122472 25382637 2736 24662526 25922691 2790 WT: 54 lb. 272928282925 278128802977 283229313028 288629853082 53411WB40 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 45" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" 2574 26242684 27502849 2948 2635 26852745 28112910 3009 2694 27442804 28702969 3068 2754 28042864 29303029 3128 1: 2: 3: 4: 304431433240 310532043301 316432633360 322433233420 53410-2TW 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 52.25" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3093 3163 3236 3308 31563233 33173443 3569 32263303 33873513 3639 32993376 34603586 3712 33713448 35323658 3784 AH: 25" WT: 77 lb. 369238183940 376238884010 383539614083 390740334155 53410-3TW 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 77" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4385 4486 4588 4690 44754585 47054885 5065 45764686 48064986 5166 46784788 49085088 5268 47804890 50105190 5370 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 General Information: AH: 25" WT: 118 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$80 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: WT: 64 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: AH: 25" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2 yd. ♦ 524054205595 534155215696 544356235798 554557255900 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Accessories Boots +$53 per pair. Specify black, sand or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 94 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Cove 53411UB22 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 27" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1705 17411785 18331905 1977 1746 17821826 18741946 2018 1786 18221866 19141986 2058 1825 18611905 19532025 2097 1: 2: 3: 4: 204721192189 208821602230 212822002270 216722392309 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53411UB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 35" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 54 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2259 2311 2362 2416 23092369 24352534 2633 23612421 24872586 2685 24122472 25382637 2736 24662526 25922691 2790 272928282925 278128802977 283229313028 288629853082 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53411UB40 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 45" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 67 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 2574 2635 2694 2754 1: 2: 3: 4: 26242684 27502849 2948 26852745 28112910 3009 27442804 28702969 3068 28042864 29303029 3128 304431433240 310532043301 316432633360 322433233420 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53410-2TU 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 52.25" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 81.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3093 3163 3236 3308 31563233 33173443 3569 32263303 33873513 3639 32993376 34603586 3712 33713448 35323658 3784 369238183940 376238884010 383539614083 390740334155 COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53410-3TU 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 77" D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 124 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4385 4486 4588 4690 44754585 47054885 5065 45764686 48064986 5166 46784788 49085088 5268 47804890 50105190 5370 524054205595 534155215696 544356235798 554557255900 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Accessories Boots +$53 per pair. Specify black, sand or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 95 Cove patient chairs 53471WB22 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 27" D: 30.5" H: 41" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1861 1904 1948 1991 1: 2: 3: 4: 19021951 20052086 2167 19451994 20482129 2210 19892038 20922173 2254 20322081 21352216 2297 224623272406 228923702449 233324142493 237624572536 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53471WB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 35" D: 30.5" H: 41" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 59 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 2428 24872558 26362753 2870 2485 25442615 26932810 2927 2541 26002671 27492866 2983 2599 26582729 28072924 3041 1: 2: 3: 4: 298431013215 304131583272 309732143328 315532723386 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53471UB22 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 27" D: 30.5" H: 41" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1861 1904 1948 1991 1: 2: 3: 4: 19021951 20052086 2167 19451994 20482129 2210 19892038 20922173 2254 20322081 21352216 2297 224623272406 228923702449 233324142493 237624572536 General Information: COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53471UB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 35" D: 30.5" H: 41" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 59 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2428 2485 2541 2599 24872558 26362753 2870 25442615 26932810 2927 26002671 27492866 2983 26582729 28072924 3041 298431013215 304131583272 309732143328 315532723386 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Accessories Boots +$53 per pair. Specify black, sand or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 96 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular seats 53411B22-M 1 SEAT, 22" SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 22" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 29 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 801 819 836 856 837 855 872 892 881 899 916 936 929 1001 947 1019 964 1036 984 1056 Cove 1073 1091 1108 1128 1143 12151285 1161 12331303 1178 12501320 1198 12701340 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 53411B30-M 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 30" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 42 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1380 1413 1443 1476 14301490 15561655 1754 14631523 15891688 1787 14931553 16191718 1817 15261586 16521751 1850 185019492046 188319822079 191320122109 194620452142 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 53411B40-M 1 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 27.5" H: 32.5" SW: 40" SD: 29" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 52 lb B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1711 1751 1790 1829 17611821 18871986 2085 18011861 19272026 2125 18401900 19662065 2164 18791939 20052104 2203 218122802377 222123202417 226023592456 229923982495 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 97 Cove modular arms 53410WB-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.75" D: 25.75" COM: n/a ♦ H: 25" AH: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 493 505 518 529 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 53410WB-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.75" D: 25.75" COM: n/a ♦ H: 25" AH: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 493 505 518 529 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 53410WB-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.75" D: 25.75" COM: n/a ♦ H: 25" AH: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 493 505 518 529 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 53410UB-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.75" D: 25.75" COM: n/a ♦ H: 25" AH: 25" WT: 7.5 Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 493 505 518 529 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53410UB-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.75" D: 25.75" COM: n/a ♦ H: 25" AH: 25" WT: 7.5 Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 493 505 518 529 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53410UB-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.75" D: 25.75" COM: n/a ♦ H: 25" AH: 25" WT: 7.5 Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 493 505 518 529 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout Urethane cap color 98 Accessories Boots +$53 per pair. Specify black, sand or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. lounge 53L411W CHAIR, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 32.5" H: 32.5" SW: 24" SD: 21" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2197 22422297 23572447 2537 2250 22952350 24102500 2590 2299 23442399 24592549 2639 2351 23962451 25112601 2691 262527152802 267827682855 272728172904 277928692956 53L412W LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 54" D: 32.5" H: 32.5" SW: 48" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3227 3302 3376 3452 33083407 35153677 3839 33833482 35903752 3914 34573556 36643826 3988 35333632 37403902 4064 WT: 95 lb. 399741594316 407242344391 414643084465 422243844541 53L413W SOFA, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 76" D: 32.5" H: 32.5" SW: 72" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3985 4077 4167 4261 SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 128 lb. 40984235 43854610 4835 41904327 44774702 4927 42804417 45674792 5017 43744511 46614886 5111 505452795498 514653715590 523654615680 533055555774 53L411U CHAIR, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 32.5" H: 32.5" SW: 24" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2197 2250 2299 2351 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 22422297 23572447 2537 22952350 24102500 2590 23442399 24592549 2639 23962451 25112601 2691 COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 General Information: AH: 24" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ General Information: AH: 24" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Cove 262527152802 267827682855 272728172904 277928692956 COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$100 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53L412U LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 54" D: 32.5" H: 32.5" SW: 48" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24" WT: 95 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3227 3302 3376 3452 33083407 35153677 3839 33833482 35903752 3914 34573556 36643826 3988 35333632 37403902 4064 399741594316 407242344391 414643084465 422243844541 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53L413U SOFA, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 76" D: 32.5" H: 32.5" SW: 72" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 24" WT: 128 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3985 4077 4167 4261 40984235 43854610 4835 41904327 44774702 4927 42804417 45674792 5017 43744511 46614886 5111 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 505452795498 514653715590 523654615680 533055555774 COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Laminate ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 99 Cove freestanding tables 53-222424 END TABLE, 22H, 24W, 24D W: 24" D: 24" H: 22" WT: 24 lb. COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1181 1207 12371265 53-162442 COFFEE TABLE, 16H, 42W, 24D W: 42" D: 24" H: 16" WT: 41 lb. Zone 1 2 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a General Information: COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone General Information: 3 4 1247 1277 13071337 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Laminate 100 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. recliners Cove Arm Cap Models Wood Cap Arm Options Urethane Cap Specify black, khaki or espresso. Transfer Arm (53900-TA) +$525 Specify right or left or both (facing front). Specify wood finish. Transfer arm is only available with the straight back option. Back Options Standard Back Straight Back Pushbar (53900-PB) Pushbar Cover (53900-PBC) +$220 +$113 Specify standard or wide Tables Full-flip Table (53900-FT) Half-flip Table (53900-FTP) Fold-down Tablet (53900-FDT) +$320 +$320 +$693 Available right side only (facing front). 3 mm vinyl or self-edge standard. Full-flip tables cannot be used with a foley-bag hook. Full-flip table is 13.5"D x 20"W. Available right side only (facing front). 3 mm vinyl or self-edge is standard. Half-flip table is 13.5"D x 13.25"W. Specify right or left (as facing). Fold-down tablet is 12 5/8"D x 191/8"W. Accessories Footrest (53900-FR) Standard IV-pole (53900-V1) Trigger IV-pole (53900-V2) Stainless IV-pole (53900-V3) +$220 +$231 +$420 +$497 Specify right or left (facing front). Not available on transfer arm side when specified. Arm Restraint Cap Foley Bag Hook (53900-BH) +$26 +$38 Not available when ordering urethane arm cap models or transfer arm option. Specify right or left (facing front). Not available on transfer arm side when specified. Specify right or left (facing front). Not available on transfer arm side when specified. Available right side only (facing front). ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 101 Cove patient recliners 53981W PATIENT RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" General Information: SH: 19" AH: 24.75" WT: 137 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3632 3716 3801 3885 37223832 39524132 4312 38063916 40364216 4396 38914001 41214301 4481 39754085 42054385 4565 448746674842 457147514926 465648365011 474049205095 53W981W PATIENT RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3944 4033 4126 4217 40344144 42644444 4624 41234233 43534533 4713 42164326 44464626 4806 43074417 45374717 4897 AH: 24.75" WT: 145 lb. 479949795154 488850685243 498151615336 507252525427 53981U PATIENT RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3632 3716 3801 3885 37223832 39524132 4312 38063916 40364216 4396 38914001 41214301 4481 39754085 42054385 4565 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 COM: 5 yd ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 137 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5 yd ♦ 448746674842 457147514926 465648365011 474049205095 COM: 5 yd ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53W981U PATIENT RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 145 lb. COM: 5 yd ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 3944 4033 4126 4217 40344144 42644444 4624 41234233 43534533 4713 42164326 44464626 4806 43074417 45374717 4897 479949795154 488850685243 498151615336 507252525427 CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 68” RBH- Reclined back height 31” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 24” A 12" clearance is required from edge of chair when optional table is extended. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color 102 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. orthopedic recliners 53H981W ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" General Information: SH: 21" AH: 26.75" WT: 143 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3889 3978 4069 4159 39844099 42254414 4603 40734188 43144503 4692 41644279 44054594 4783 42544369 44954684 4873 478749765160 487650655249 496751565340 505752465430 53WH981W ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21" AH: 26.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4200 4296 4393 4491 42954410 45364725 4914 43914506 46324821 5010 44884603 47294918 5107 45864701 48275016 5205 509852875471 519453835567 529154805664 538955785762 53H981U ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3889 3978 4069 4159 39844099 42254414 4603 40734188 43144503 4692 41644279 44054594 4783 42544369 44954684 4873 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 General Information: AH: 26.75" WT: 143 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ General Information: WT: 151 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Cove 478749765160 487650655249 496751565340 505752465430 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53WH981U ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21" AH: 26.75" General Information: WT: 151 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4200 4296 4393 4491 42954410 45364725 4914 43914506 46324821 5010 44884603 47294918 5107 45864701 48275016 5205 509852875471 519453835567 529154805664 538955785762 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 73” RBH- Reclined back height 32” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 24” A 12" clearance is required from edge of chair when optional table is extended. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 103 Cove sleep recliners 53981WP SLEEP RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" General Information: SH: 19" AH: 24.75" WT: 139 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4015 4110 4201 4295 41054215 43354515 4695 42004310 44304610 4790 42914401 45214701 4881 43854495 46154795 4975 487050505225 496551455320 505652365411 515053305505 53W981WP SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4325 4425 4526 4626 44154525 46454825 5005 45154625 47454925 5105 46164726 48465026 5206 47164826 49465126 5306 AH: 24.75" WT: 147 lb. 518053605535 528054605635 538155615736 548156615836 53981UP SLEEP RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4015 4110 4201 4295 41054215 43354515 4695 42004310 44304610 4790 42914401 45214701 4881 43854495 46154795 4975 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: SH: 19" AH: 24.75" WT: 139 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 19" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5 yd. ♦ 487050505225 496551455320 505652365411 515053305505 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53W981UP SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" General Information: AH: 24.75" WT: 147 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4325 4425 4526 4626 44154525 46454825 5005 45154625 47454925 5105 46164726 48465026 5206 47164826 49465126 5306 518053605535 528054605635 538155615736 548156615836 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 73” RBH- Reclined back height 27” The back angle is 168 degrees CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 21” A 12" clearance is required from edge of chair when optional table is extended. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color 104 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. orthopedic/sleep recliners 53H981WP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21" AH: 26.75" General Information: WT: 148 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4270 4370 4469 4569 43654480 46064795 4984 44654580 47064895 5084 45644679 48054994 5183 46644779 49055094 5283 516853575541 526854575641 536755565740 546756565840 53WH981WP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21" AH: 26.75" COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 General Information: WT: 156 lb. COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 4580 4687 4793 4900 46754790 49165105 5294 47824897 50235212 5401 48885003 51295318 5507 49955110 52365425 5614 547856675851 558557745958 569158806064 579859876171 53H981UP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21" AH: 26.75" CA TB133: +$210 General Information: WT: 148 lb. COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 4270 4370 4469 4569 43654480 46064795 4984 44654580 47064895 5084 45644679 48054994 5183 46644779 49055094 5283 Cove 516853575541 526854575641 536755565740 546756565840 CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53WH981UP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 45" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21" AH: 26.75" WT: 156 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4580 4687 4793 4900 46754790 49165105 5294 47824897 50235212 5401 48885003 51295318 5507 49955110 52365425 5614 547856675851 558557745958 569158806064 579859876171 General Information: COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 73” RBH- Reclined back height 29” The back angle is 168 degrees CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 21” A 12" clearance is required from edge of chair when optional table is extended. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 105 Cove trendelenburg recliners 53981WPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 145 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4135 4232 4327 4423 42254335 44554635 4815 43224432 45524732 4912 44174527 46474827 5007 45134623 47434923 5103 499051705345 508752675442 518253625537 527854585633 53W981WPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: WT: 153 lb. COM: 5 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 4447 4550 4653 4756 45374647 47674947 5127 46404750 48705050 5230 47434853 49735153 5333 48464956 50765256 5436 530254825657 540555855760 550856885863 561157915966 53981UPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 29.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 145 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4135 42254335 44554635 4815 4232 43224432 45524732 4912 4327 44174527 46474827 5007 4423 45134623 47434923 5103 CA TB133: +$200 499051705345 508752675442 518253625537 527854585633 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 53W981UPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 31.25" D: 34.75" H: 43" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" WT: 153 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4447 4550 4653 4756 45374647 47674947 5127 46404750 48705050 5230 47434853 49735153 5333 48464956 50765256 5436 530254825657 540555855760 550856885863 561157915966 General Information: COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 73” RBH- Reclined back height 23.5” The back angle is 172 degrees CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 22” A 12" clearance is required from edge of chair when optional table is extended. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color 106 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Curie 42141 CHAIR OPEN ARM W: 23.5" D: 24.5" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 25.5" WT: 35 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1071 1096 1122 1147 11031141 11831246 1309 11281166 12081271 1334 11541192 12341297 1360 11791217 12591322 1385 137014331495 139514581520 142114841546 144615091571 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Glides available in black only. 42142 LOVESEAT OPEN ARM W: 44" D: 24.5" H: 31.75" SW: 41" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 25.5" WT: 54 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1725 1764 1804 1844 17791845 19172025 2133 18181884 19562064 2172 18581924 19962104 2212 18981964 20362144 2252 223823462451 227723852490 231724252530 235724652570 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Glides available in black only. 42143 SOFA OPEN ARM W: 64.5" D: 24.5" H: 31.75" SW: 61.5" General Information: SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: 25.5" WT: 77 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2381 24582551 26532806 2959 2436 25132606 27082861 3014 2490 25672660 27622915 3068 2545 26222715 28172970 3123 310832613410 316333163465 321733703519 327234253574 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Glides available in black only. 42140-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM OPEN ARM W: 45.5" D: 24.5" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25.5" WT: 61 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2023 2070 2116 2164 20772143 22152323 2431 21242190 22622370 2478 21702236 23082416 2524 22182284 23562464 2572 253626442749 258326912796 262927372842 267727852890 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Glides available in black only. 42140-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM OPEN ARM W: 67.5" D: 24.5" H: 31.75" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25.5" WT: 91 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2929 2995 3064 3131 30063099 32013354 3507 30723165 32673420 3573 31413234 33363489 3642 32083301 34033556 3709 365638093958 372238754024 379139444093 385840114160 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Glides available in black only. 42181 PATIENT CHAIR OPEN ARM, MID BACK W: 23.5" D: 24.5" H: 37" SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25.5" WT: 36.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1162 1190 1216 1243 Glides available in black only. 11981242 12901362 1434 12261270 13181390 1462 12521296 13441416 1488 12791323 13711443 1515 150415761646 153216041674 155816301700 158516571727 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 107 Curie modular seats and tables 42041-M 1 SEAT MODULAR W: 20.5" D: 24.25" H: 31.75" General Information: SW: 20.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 21 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 695 710 727 742 727765807 870933 9941057 1119 742780822 8859481009 1072 1134 759797839 9029651026 1089 1151 774812854 9179801041 1104 1166 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: MDF CA TB133: +$70 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 42042-M 2 SEAT MODULAR W: 41" D: 24.25" H: 31.75" General Information: SW: 41" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 40 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1379 1411 1442 1473 14331499 15711679 1787 14651531 16031711 1819 14961562 16341742 1850 15271593 16651773 1881 189220002105 192420322137 195520632168 198620942199 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 42043-M 3 SEAT MODULAR W: 61.5" D: 24.25" H: 31.75" General Information: SW: 61.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2072 2118 2165 2213 21492242 23442497 2650 21952288 23902543 2696 22422335 24372590 2743 22902383 24852638 2791 279929523101 284529983147 289230453194 294030933242 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 42200-ST SPANNER TABLE, MODULAR W: 19.25" D: 21" H: 15" General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 21 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 582 595 610 622 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Metal table rails available in black only. 42200-CT CORNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 27.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27.5" H: 15"" WT: 30 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1002 1027 10501074 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Metal table rails available in black only. 42200-ET END TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 14.25" D: 21" COM: n/a ♦ H: 15" WT: 13 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1002 1027 10501074 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Metal table rails available in black only. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Laminate Room layout 108 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular arms 42110-LA LEFT ARM, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 31.5" WT: 7 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone Curie 1 215 2 3 4 219 224 230 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 42110-RA RIGHT ARM, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 31.5" WT: 7 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 215 2 3 4 219 224 230 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 42110-CA CENTER ARM, OPEN ARM, MODULAR W: 1.5" D: 22.5" H: 31.5" WT: 7 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 215 2 3 4 219 224 230 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 42110-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 31.5" WT: 7 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 215 2 3 4 219 224 230 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 42110-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, OPEN ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.5" H: 31.5" WT: 7 lb. WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 215 2 3 4 219 224 230 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 109 Curie freestanding tables 40A-212020L END TABLE, ARC TOP, LAMINATE W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 25 lb 1 2 3 4 975 1000 1023 1046 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40A-161938L COFFEE TABLE, ARC TOP, LAMINATE W: 38" D: 19" H: 16" WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 37 lb 1 2 3 4 1056 1080 11051131 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40S-212020L END TABLE, SQUARE TOP, LAMINATE W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 25 lb. 1 2 3 4 975 1000 1023 1046 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. 40S-161938L COFFEE TABLE, SQUARE TOP, LAMINATE W: 38" D: 19" H: 16" WOOD SPECS: MDF Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 40 lb. 1 2 3 4 1056 1080 11051131 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Glides available in black only. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Finish 110 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Deli 7021430 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 16.5" D: 18.25" H: 32" SW: 16" SD: 15.5" SH: 19.25" AH: – General Information: WT: 13 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Fabric Grade and Shipping Zone 303 310319 328343 357 309 316325 334349 363 316 323332 341356 370 323 330339 348363 377 371386400 377392406 384399413 391406420 MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7021431 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 16.5" D: 18.25" H: 32" SW: 16" SD: 15.75" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: – WT: 13 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone COM: n/a ♦ Zone 1 2 3 4 305 312 319 326 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastitack glides. 7121430 BAR STOOL, UPHOLSTERED SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 16.5" D: 18.25" H: 43.25" SW: 16" SD: 15.5" SH: 30.75" AH: – General Information: WT: 18 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 407 414 423 434 COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Fabric Grade and Shipping Zone 414423 432447 461 421430 439454 468 430439 448463 477 441450 459474 488 475490504 482497511 491506520 502517531 MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7121431 BAR STOOL, WOOD SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 16.5" D: 18.25" H: 43.25" SW: 16" SD: 15.75" General Information: AH: – WT: 18 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone SH: 29.75" Zone 1 2 3 4 411 423 432 441 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastitack glides. Accessories 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 111 Duroply 7328765 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK WITH WOOD BACKSIDE W: 21.5" D: 23" H: 34" SW: 19" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.25" WT: 17 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 561 574 587 599 574589 606631 657 587602 619644 670 600615 632657 683 612627 644669 695 681706731 694719744 707732757 719744769 General Information: COM: 0.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$28 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7328775 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK W: 21.5" D: 23.25" H: 34" SW: 19" SD: 17.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24.25" WT: 18 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 567 580 593 605 1: 2: 3: 4: 585607 631667 703 598620 644680 716 611633 657693 729 623645 669705 741 738774809 751787822 764800835 776812847 COM: 1 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$40 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7329065 SLEDBASE ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK WITH WOOD BACKSIDE W: 21.5" D: 23" H: 33.75" SW: 19" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 19 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 640 657 671 687 653668 685710 736 670685 702727 753 684699 716741 767 700715 732757 783 760785810 777802827 791816841 807832857 7329075 SLEDBASE ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK W: 21.5" D: 23.25" H: 33.75" SW: 19" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: 24" 1: 2: 3: 4: 646 663 678 693 664686 710746 782 681703 727763 799 696718 742778 814 711733 757793 829 COM: 0.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$28 General Information: WT: 20 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone General Information: 817853888 834870905 849885920 864900935 COM: 1 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$40 Accessories For additional accessories see Chapel section. 7144002 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. $65 Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144001 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. Custom CNC Back Rout +$36 list per chair +$481 list set-up charge per design Call Customer Care for information. Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. 7144004 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144003 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option 112 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Flow 27111 CHAIR, SQUARE ARM, HORIZONTAL CLEANOUT W: 22.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" General Information: WT: 42 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1322 1353 1384 1415 13541392 14341497 1560 13851423 14651528 1591 14161454 14961559 1622 14471485 15271590 1653 162116841746 165217151777 168317461808 171417771839 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Black frame is standard. 27110-2 2 SEAT TANDEM, SQUARE ARM, HORIZONTAL CLEANOUT W: 43.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 75 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2454 25042564 26302729 2828 2512 25622622 26882787 2886 2569 26192679 27452844 2943 2626 26762736 28022901 3000 292430233120 298230813178 303931383235 309631953292 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Black frame is standard. 27110-3 3 SEAT TANDEM, SQUARE ARM, HORIZONTAL CLEANOUT W: 64.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 108 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3555 3637 3719 3802 36273715 38113955 4099 37093797 38934037 4181 37913879 39754119 4263 38743962 40584202 4346 423943834523 432144654605 440345474687 448646304770 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Black frame is standard. 27121 CHAIR, SQUARE ARM, SHORT SEAT, VERTICAL CLEANOUT W: 22.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 42 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1322 1353 1384 1415 13541392 14341497 1560 13851423 14651528 1591 14161454 14961559 1622 14471485 15271590 1653 162116841746 165217151777 168317461808 171417771839 General Information: COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Black frame is standard. 27120-2 2 SEAT TANDEM, SQUARE ARM, SHORT SEAT, VERTICAL CLEANOUT W: 43.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 75 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2457 2515 2572 2629 25112577 26492757 2865 25692635 27072815 2923 26262692 27642872 2980 26832749 28212929 3037 297030783183 302831363241 308531933298 314232503355 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Black frame is standard. 27120-3 3 SEAT TANDEM, SQUARE ARM, SHORT SEAT, VERTICAL CLEANOUT W: 64.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 108 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3561 3643 3725 3807 Black frame is standard. 36423741 38494011 4173 37243823 39314093 4255 38063905 40134175 4337 38883987 40954257 4419 433144934650 441345754732 449546574814 457747394896 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood finish Metal finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 113 Flow 27211 CHAIR, ROUND ARM, HORIZONTAL CLEANOUT W: 22.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" General Information: WT: 42 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1322 1353 1384 1415 13541392 14341497 1560 13851423 14651528 1591 14161454 14961559 1622 14471485 15271590 1653 162116841746 165217151777 168317461808 171417771839 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Black frame is standard. 27210-2 2 SEAT TANDEM, ROUND ARM, HORIZONTAL CLEANOUT W: 43.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 75 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2454 2512 2569 2626 25042564 26302729 2828 25622622 26882787 2886 26192679 27452844 2943 26762736 28022901 3000 292430233120 298230813178 303931383235 309631953292 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Black frame is standard. 27210-3 3 SEAT TANDEM, ROUND ARM, HORIZONTAL CLEANOUT W: 64.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 108 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3555 36273715 38113955 4099 3637 37093797 38934037 4181 3719 37913879 39754119 4263 3802 38743962 40584202 4346 423943834523 432144654605 440345474687 448646304770 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Black frame is standard. 27221 CHAIR, ROUND ARM, SHORT SEAT, VERTICAL CLEANOUT W: 22.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 42 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1322 1353 1384 1415 13541392 14341497 1560 13851423 14651528 1591 14161454 14961559 1622 14471485 15271590 1653 162116841746 165217151777 168317461808 171417771839 General Information: COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$70 Black frame is standard. 27220-2 2 SEAT TANDEM, ROUND ARM, SHORT SEAT, VERTICAL CLEANOUT W: 43.75" D: 24" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 75 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2457 2515 2572 2629 25112577 26492757 2865 25692635 27072815 2923 26262692 27642872 2980 26832749 28212929 3037 297030783183 302831363241 308531933298 314232503355 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Black frame is standard. 27220-3 3 SEAT TANDEM, ROUND ARM, SHORT SEAT, VERTICAL CLEANOUT W: 64.75" D: 24" When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood finish Metal finish 114 H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 19" AH: 25.5" WT: 108 lb. General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 3561 3643 3725 3807 36423741 38494011 4173 37243823 39314093 4255 38063905 40134175 4337 38883987 40954257 4419 433144934650 441345754732 449546574814 457747394896 CA TB133: +$180 Black frame is standard. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular and freestanding tables 27000-ST SPANNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 17" COM: n/a ♦ D: 17" H: 16" WT: 18 lb WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone Flow 1 2 3 4 480 490 501 512 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Black frame is standard. 27000-ET END TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 17" COM: n/a ♦ D: 17" H: 16" WT: 20 lb WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 821 841 861 880 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Black frame is standard. 27000-CT CORNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 16" WT: 22 lb. WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 821 841 861 880 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Black frame is standard. 27-161717 END TABLE, 16H 17W 17D W: 17" D: 17" H: 16" WT: 20 lb COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 785 804 823 841 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Black frame is standard. 27-161734 COFFEE TABLE, 16H 34W 17D W: 34" D: 17" H: 16" WT: 28 lb COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: 1 2 3 4 1101 1126 11541181 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Black frame is standard. Accessories Silver finish +$231 per order When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Wood finish Metal finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 115 Grille 7021420 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 18.25" D: 20" H: 32.25" SW: 17.25" SD: 16.5" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: – WT: 22 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 330 336 347 354 337346 355370 384 343352 361376 390 354363 372387 401 361370 379394 408 398413427 404419433 415430444 422437451 COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7021421 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 18.25" D: 20" H: 32.25" SW: 17.25" SD: 16.5" SH: 17.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 22 lb. Zone COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone 1 2 3 4 333 342 349 356 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastitack glides. 7121420 BAR STOOL, UPH SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 17.25" D: 20.5" H: 43" SW: 17.25" SD: 16.5" SH: 30.75" General Information: AH: – WT: 32 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 440 450 461 470 447456 465480 494 457466 475490 504 468477 486501 515 477486 495510 524 508523537 518533547 529544558 538553567 COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7121421 BAR STOOL, WOOD SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 17.25" D: 20.5" H: 43" SW: 17.25" SD: 16.5" Zone General Information: AH: – WT: 32 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone SH: 29.75" 1 2 3 4 450 460 471 481 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastitack glides. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option 116 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Horizon 7324765 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK WITH WOOD BACKSIDE W: 21.5" D: 23" H: 34" SW: 19" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 17 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 598 613 626 641 1: 2: 3: 4: 611626 643668 694 626641 658683 709 639654 671696 722 654669 686711 737 718743768 733758783 746771796 761786811 General Information: COM: 0.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$28 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7324775 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK W: 21.5" D: 23" H: 34" SW: 19" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 18 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 604 619 633 647 622644 668704 740 637659 683719 755 651673 697733 769 665687 711747 783 775811846 790826861 804840875 818854889 COM: 1 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$40 Price includes Plastitack glides. Accessories 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7190010 WOOD UNDERSEAT PANEL W: 18" D: 19" H: – WT: 1 lb. $56 Panels with vinyl or crypton uhpholstered seats will be drilled for ventilation. 7144002 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, CARPET SURFACE 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144001 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Custom CNC Back Rout +$36 list per chair +$481 list set-up charge per design Call Customer Care for information. Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. 7144004 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144003 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 117 Kidz 7020712 CHAIR, 12" SEAT HEIGHT, STACKING W: 12.75" D: 10.5" H: 22" SW: 12.75" SD: 11.25" General Information: SH: 12" AH: – WT: 7 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 418 430 439 448 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Rubber Boot. Available in beige only. Seats most children 4 - 7 years old. Can be stacked 6 high for storage. 7020714 CHAIR, 14" SEAT HEIGHT, STACKING W: 14.5" D: 12.75" H: 25.5" SW: 14.5" SD: 13" General Information: SH: 14" AH: – WT: 12 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 450 461 473 484 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Rubber Boot. Available in beige only. Seats most children 6 - 9 years old. Can be stacked 6 high for storage. 7020716 CHAIR, 16" SEAT HEIGHT, STACKING W: 15.5" D: 14.5" H: 28" SW: 15.5" SD: 15" General Information: SH: 16" AH: – WT: 13 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 556 569 582 595 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Rubber Boot. Available in beige only. Seats most children 8 - 12 years old. Can be stacked 6 high for storage. 7020718 CHAIR, 18" SEAT HEIGHT, STACKING W: 16.5" D: 16" H: 31" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 14 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 675 689 708 723 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Rubber Boot. Available in beige only. Seats most children 11+ years old. Can be stacked 6 high for storage. 7011070 KIDZ TABLE BASE W: – D: – H: 19" WT: 17 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 375 385 392 403 Set of 4 legs. Standard base height is 19". Custom heights are available at an additional charge, refer to Terms & Conditions for Custom Height charges. Specify height set of 4 legs (6"-23") when ordering. A 19" table height is recommended for use with the 0712 and 0714 seat models. A 23" table height is recommended for use with the 0716 and 0718 seat models. See 7050001 for table top options. 7050001 3/4" THICK LAMINATED HARDWOOD TOP (AVAILABLE ONLY WITH KIDZ BASE) Available for Kidz table base (7011070). See Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Finish Laminate for top only 118 dimensions 24" 24" 30" 30" W x 30" L W x 36" L W x 36" L W x 48" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L shape weight Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square 30 lb. 36 lb. 45 lb. 60 lb. 19 lb. 29 lb. 42 lb. 58 lb. 24 lb. 38 lb. 54 lb. 74 lb. zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 439451461 471 491504516 526 537549562 576 638653667 685 454465475 486 552567579 591 667685700 716 800818836 857 397406414 424 481492504 516 576589603 616 685699716 731 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Kindred 7028763 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK W: 19" D: 22.75" H: 32.5" SW: 19" SD: 18.25" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 13 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 369 376 385 393 387409 433469 505 394416 440476 512 403425 449485 521 411433 457493 529 540576611 547583618 556592627 564600635 COM: 1 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$40 Nonstacking. Chrome Rubber Cushioned glides are standard. 7028764 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, WOOD BACK W: 19" D: 22.75" H: 32.5" SW: 19" SD: 18.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 14 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 358 364 375 383 367378 390408 426 373384 396414 432 384395 407425 443 392403 415433 451 444462479 450468485 461479496 469487504 COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 Nonstacking. Chrome Rubber Cushioned glides are standard. 7023763 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, WOOD BACK W: 19" D: 22.75" H: 32.5" SW: 19" SD: 18" General Information: SH: 17" AH: – COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone WT: 15 lb. Zone 1 2 3 4 349 356 365 373 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nonstacking. Chrome Rubber Cushioned glides are standard. Accessories 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design 7070010 WELT CORD WT: 1 lb. COM Reg 0.1 yd. $22 See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7070005 DECORATIVE THRU BOLT AND NUT 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design WT: 1 lb. $25 Available for chairs with all-wood backs. Bronze only. See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 119 Laurelwood 7324001 CHAIR, WOOD ARM, LOW BACK W: 24" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 27 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 802 819 838 857 1: 2: 3: 4: 829 846 865 884 862 879 898 917 898 952 915 969 934 988 953 1007 1006 1023 1042 1061 1059 11131165 1076 11301182 1095 11491201 1114 11681220 7324011 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, LOW BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1522 1557 1591 1626 15741638 17071812 1916 16091673 17421847 1951 16431707 17761881 1985 16781742 18111916 2020 WT: 48 lb. 201821222224 205321572259 208721912293 212222262328 7324012 SOFA, WOOD ARM, LOW BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25.75" WT: 69 lb. 2211 22902387 24922651 2809 2262 23412438 25432702 2860 2312 23912488 25932752 2910 2363 24422539 26442803 2961 296331223276 301431733327 306432233377 311532743428 7324015 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS, LOW BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 50 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1582 1620 1655 1690 1: 2: 3: 4: 16341698 17671872 1976 16721736 18051910 2014 17071771 18401945 2049 17421806 18751980 2084 207821822284 211622202322 215122552357 218622902392 7324018 SOFA, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS, LOW BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2424 2480 2536 2591 CA TB133: +$60 COM: 2.9 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$14 CA TB133: +$116 25032600 27052864 3022 25592656 27612920 3078 26152712 28172976 3134 26702767 28723031 3189 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$176 General Information: COM: 2.9 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$14 CA TB133: +$116 General Information: WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: +$8 General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: AH: 25.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ 317633353489 323233913545 328834473601 334335023656 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$176 Accessories When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color 120 Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$116 +$175 +$233 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. mid back 7324002 CHAIR, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 24" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" General Information: SD: 18.75" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 30 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 857 876 896 916 884 903 923 943 917 936 956 976 953 1007 972 1026 992 1046 10121066 1061 1080 1100 1120 1114 11681220 1133 11871239 1153 12071259 1173 1227 1279 7324013 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" 1723 1761 1801 1841 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25.75" WT: 52 lb. 17771843 19152023 2131 18151881 19532061 2169 18551921 19932101 2209 18951961 20332141 2249 223623442449 227423822487 231424222527 235424622567 7324014 SOFA, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" 2500 25792676 27812940 3098 2559 26382735 28402999 3157 2615 26942791 28963055 3213 2672 27512848 29533112 3270 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25.75" WT: 75 lb. 325234113565 331134703624 336735263680 342435833737 7324022 LOVESEAT, SHORT CENTER ARMS, MID BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1784 1824 1864 1906 SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 54 lb. 18381904 19762084 2192 18781944 20162124 2232 19181984 20562164 2272 19602026 20982206 2314 229724052510 233724452550 237724852590 241925272632 7324025 SOFA, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS, MID BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2709 2773 2834 2897 CA TB133: +$60 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$8 CA TB133: +$120 27882885 29903149 3307 28522949 30543213 3371 29133010 31153274 3432 29763073 31783337 3495 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$176 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$120 General Information: WT: 77 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: +$8 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Laurelwood 346136203774 352536843838 358637453899 364938083962 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$176 Accessories Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$116 +$175 +$233 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 121 Laurelwood 7324003 PATIENT CHAIR, WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 24" D: 25.5" H: 43" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25.75" WT: 32 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 929 969 1017107011491229 951 991 1039109211711251 970 10101058 11111190 1270 992 10321080 11331212 1292 130613851462 132814071484 134714261503 136914481525 7324007 MOTION CHAIR, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 25" D: 26.5" H: 39" SW: 20.25" SD: 18.25" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1371 1402 1434 1465 14111459 15121591 1671 14421490 15431622 1702 14741522 15751654 1734 15051553 16061685 1765 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$8 CA TB133: +$88 General Information: AH: 25.75" WT: 49 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.2 yd. ♦ 174818271904 177918581935 181118901967 184219211998 COM: 2.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$88 Leg extensions are not available on motion chairs. Casters (7144002) are available on rear legs only. Casters must be locking. Non-skid slides are provided on the front legs. 7324008 MOTION PATIENT CHAIR, WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 25" D: 26.5" H: 45" SW: 20.25" SD: 18.25" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" General Information: WT: 51 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1413 14531501 15541633 1713 1446 14861534 15871666 1746 1481 15211569 16221701 1781 1512 15521600 16531732 1812 179018691946 182319021979 185819372014 188919682045 COM: 2.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$88 Leg extensions are not available on motion chairs. Casters (7144002) are available on rear legs only. Casters must be locking. Non-skid slides are provided on the front legs. 7024007 OTTOMAN, 10" HEIGHT W: 19" D: 16" H: 10" General Information: COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 540 553 565 580 1: 2: 3: 4: W: 19" 547556 565580 594 560569 578593 607 572581 590605 619 587596 605620 634 608623637 621636650 633648662 648663677 MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$16 7024008 OTTOMAN, 18" HEIGHT General Information: D: 16.75" COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ H: 18" WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech 1: 2: 3: 4: 540 553 565 580 547556 565580 594 560569 578593 607 572581 590605 619 587596 605620 634 608623637 621636650 633648662 648663677 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$16 Accessories When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color 122 Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$116 +$175 +$233 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. bariatric 7324057 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 20" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 24" D: 25.5" H: 35" SW: 20" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25.75" WT: 27 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 857 876 896 916 884 903 923 943 917 936 956 976 953 1007 972 1026 992 1046 10121066 1061 1080 1100 1120 1114 11681220 1133 11871239 1153 12071259 1173 1227 1279 7324051 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 25" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 29" D: 24.75" H: 35" SW: 25" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1205 1234 1261 1288 12461297 13521435 1517 12751326 13811464 1546 13021353 14081491 1573 13291380 14351518 1600 AH: 25.75" WT: 34 lb. 159816811761 162717101790 165417371817 168117641844 7324052 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 34" D: 24.75" H: 35" SW: 30" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" 1287 1316 1345 1375 1: 2: 3: 4: 13281379 14341517 1599 13571408 14631546 1628 13861437 14921575 1657 14161467 15221605 1687 AH: 25.75" WT: 38 lb. 168017631843 170917921872 173818211901 176818511931 7324053 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 44" D: 24.75" H: 35" SW: 40" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1383 1416 1448 1479 14321491 15561653 1751 14651524 15891686 1784 14971556 16211718 1816 15281587 16521749 1847 MOIS. BARR: +$8 CA TB133: +$60 COM: 2.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$92 AH: 25.75" COM: 2.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$92 General Information: WT: 44 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Laurelwood 184519422037 187819752070 191020072102 194120382133 COM: 2.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$108 Accessories Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$116 +$175 +$233 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 123 Laurelwood bariatric mid back 7324060 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 25" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID-BACK W: 29" D: 24.75" H: 39" SW: 25" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" General Information: WT: 37 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1265 1293 1324 1352 1: 2: 3: 4: 13101365 14251515 1605 13381393 14531543 1633 13691424 14841574 1664 13971452 15121602 1692 169317831870 172118111898 175218421929 178018701957 7324061 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID-BACK W: 34" D: 24.75" H: 39" SW: 30" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" 1346 1376 1408 1438 1: 2: 3: 4: W: 44" 13911446 15061596 1686 14211476 15361626 1716 14531508 15681658 1748 14831538 15981688 1778 WT: 43 lb. 177418641951 180418941981 183619262013 186619562043 MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$100 COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$100 7324062 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID-BACK General Information: D: 24.75" COM: 2.7 yd. ♦ H: 39" SW: 40" SD: 18.75" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 49 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ 1: 2: 3: 4: 1440 1474 1506 1540 14891548 16131710 1808 15231582 16471744 1842 15551614 16791776 1874 15891648 17131810 1908 190219992094 193620332128 196820652160 200220992194 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$108 Accessories When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color 124 Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$116 +$175 +$233 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. benches and accessories 7011101 BENCH - 2 SEAT, WOOD LEG W: 44" D: 19.5" H: 19" SD: 18.75" General Information: COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ WT: 34 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1122 1148 1176 1201 11491182 12181272 1326 11751208 12441298 1352 12031236 12721326 1380 12281261 12971351 1405 137914331485 140514591511 143314871539 145815121564 7011102 BENCH - 3 SEAT, WOOD LEG W: 60" D: 19.5" H: 19" SD: 18.75" 1216 1245 1273 1301 1: 2: 3: 4: WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: $60 General Information: WT: 50 lb. COM: 2 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Laurelwood 12521296 13441416 1488 12811325 13731445 1517 13091353 14011473 1545 13371381 14291501 1573 155816301700 158716591729 161516871757 164317151785 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$30 CA TB133: $80 Accessories 7070009 LEG EXTENSIONS (SET OF FOUR) WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 $245 2 $250 3 $259 4 $265 Price includes glides. Adjusts height from 1" to 5". Standard color is Champagne Bronze. Available on all Laurelwood and Wedgewood chairs. Leg extensions are not available on motion chairs. 7144002 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144001 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 7144022 ACCESSSORIES PLASTIC CAPS FOR 4012 GLIDE WT: 0.5 lb. $4 Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps available at an additional charge. Not available on benches. +$116 +$175 +$233 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. 7144004 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144003 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 125 Loop modular seats 1801-M STRAIGHT SEAT, MODULAR W: 23" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 23" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 32 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1280 1309 1338 1365 13391410 14881605 1722 13681439 15171634 1751 13971468 15461663 1780 14241495 15731690 1807 183619532067 186519822096 189420112125 192120382152 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. 1801-IW-M INSIDE WEDGE SEAT, MODULAR W: 10.5" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 10.5"* SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 23 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1145 1170 1196 1224 11991265 13371445 1553 12241290 13621470 1578 12501316 13881496 1604 12781344 14161524 1632 165817661871 168317911896 170918171922 173718451950 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Front edge is 10.5". Wedge width ranges from 10.5" - 20". Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. 1801-OW-M OUTSIDE WEDGE SEAT, MODULAR W: 22.5" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 22.5"* SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 21 lb B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1148 1175 1200 1226 11981258 13241423 1522 12251285 13511450 1549 12501310 13761475 1574 12761336 14021501 1600 161817171814 164517441841 167017691866 169617951892 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Front edge is 22.5". Wedge width ranges from 22.5" - 13.5". Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. 1801-LE STRAIGHT SEAT, LEFT END, MODULAR W: 23" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 23" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 32 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1280 1309 1338 1365 13391410 14881605 1722 13681439 15171634 1751 13971468 15461663 1780 14241495 15731690 1807 183619532067 186519822096 189420112125 192120382152 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. 1801-IW-LE INSIDE WEDGE SEAT, LEFT END, MODULAR W: 10.5" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 10.5"* SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 23 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1145 1170 1196 1224 11991265 13371445 1553 12241290 13621470 1578 12501316 13881496 1604 12781344 14161524 1632 165817661871 168317911896 170918171922 173718451950 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Front edge is 10.5". Wedge width ranges from 10.5" - 20". Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. 1801-OW-LE OUTSIDE WEDGE SEAT, LEFT END, MODULAR W: 22.5" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 22.5"* SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – General Information: WT: 21 lb B/COM CDEFG HIJ When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout 126 Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1148 1175 1200 1226 11981258 13241423 1522 12251285 13511450 1549 12501310 13761475 1574 12761336 14021501 1600 161817171814 164517441841 167017691866 169617951892 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Front edge is 22.5". Wedge width ranges from 22.5" - 13.5". Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular seats W: 23" 1801-RE STRAIGHT SEAT, RIGHT END, MODULAR General Information: D: 27.75" COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ H: 33" SW: 23" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 32 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1280 1309 1338 1365 13391410 14881605 1722 13681439 15171634 1751 13971468 15461663 1780 14241495 15731690 1807 183619532067 186519822096 189420112125 192120382152 Loop WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. 1801-IW-RE INSIDE WEDGE SEAT, RIGHT END, MODULAR W: 10.5" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 10.5"* SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – General Information: WT: 23 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1145 1170 1196 1224 11991265 13371445 1553 12241290 13621470 1578 12501316 13881496 1604 12781344 14161524 1632 165817661871 168317911896 170918171922 173718451950 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Front edge is 10.5". Wedge width ranges from 10.5" - 20". Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. 1801-OW-RE OUTSIDE WEDGE SEAT, RIGHT END, MODULAR W: 22.5" D: 27.75" H: 33" SW: 22.5"* SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: – General Information: WT: 21 lb B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1148 1175 1200 1226 11981258 13241423 1522 12251285 13511450 1549 12501310 13761475 1574 12761336 14021501 1600 161817171814 164517441841 167017691866 169617951892 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Loop products available in modular configurations only. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Front edge is 22.5". Wedge width ranges from 22.5" - 13.5". Contrasting fabric panel on back is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting panel is 0.75 yds. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 127 Mission 7020140 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, WOOD BACK W: 22" D: 24.75" H: 33" SW: 18.5" SD: 19" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: 20.25" WT: 16 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 974 997 1021 1045 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a A solid wood back is standard if no back style is specified. Price includes Plastitack glides. 7020142 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, WOOD BACK W: 22" D: 24.75" H: 33" SW: 18.5" SD: 19" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: 20.25" WT: 16 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 909 932 953 975 916925 934949 963 977992 1006 9399489579729861000 1015 1029 960 969 978 993 1007 1021 10361050 982 991 10001015 1029 1043 1058 1072 COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 A solid wood back is standard if no back style is specified. Price includes Plastitack glides. 7020144 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK W: 22" D: 24.75" H: 33" SW: 18.5" SD: 19" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: 20.25" WT: 18 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 978 991 10061023 10481074 1000 10131028 10451070 1096 1023 10361051 10681093 1119 1045 10581073 10901115 1141 109811231148 112011451170 114311681193 116511901215 COM: 0.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$28 A solid wood back is standard if no back style is specified. Price includes Plastitack glides. Mission Back Styles: Mission–Vertical Design Mission–Radial Design Mission–Horizontal Design When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option Back Style 128 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Mission 7320140 ARM CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, WOOD BACK W: 22" D: 24.75" H: 33" SW: 18.5" SD: 19" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: 26" WT: 16 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a 1020 1045 10681093 A solid wood back is standard if no back style is specified. Price includes Plastitack glides. 7320142 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, WOOD BACK W: 22" D: 24.75" H: 33" SW: 18.5" SD: 19" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: 26" WT: 16 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 955 977 1000 1023 962 971 980 995 1009 984 993 10021017 1031 10071016 10251040 1054 10301039 10481063 1077 1023 10381052 1045 1060 1074 106810831097 109111061120 COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 A solid wood back is standard if no back style is specified. Price includes Plastitack glides. 7320144 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK W: 22" D: 24.75" H: 33" SW: 18.5" SD: 19" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: 26" WT: 18 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1021 1044 1068 1092 10341049 10661091 1117 10571072 10891114 1140 10811096 11131138 1164 11051120 11371162 1188 114111661191 116411891214 118812131238 121212371262 COM: 0.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$28 A solid wood back is standard if no back style is specified. Price includes Plastitack glides. Accessories 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design 7144002 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144001 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. 7144004 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, HARD SURFACE See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. Custom CNC Back Rout +$36 list per chair +$481 list set-up charge per design Call Customer Care for information. Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144003 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option Back Style ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 129 Parlor side chairs 7021500 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT/SEDONA BACK W: 17" D: 18.75" H: 34.25" SW: 17" SD: 16" SH: 17.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 20 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 338 348 354 362 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. 7021502 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 17" D: 18.75" H: 31" SW: 17" SD: 16" SH: 17.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 20 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 338 348 354 362 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. 7021504 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT/LADDER BACK W: 17" D: 18.75" H: 31" SW: 17" SD: 16" SH: 17.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 20 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 338 348 354 362 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. 7021506 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT/DOT BACK W: 17" D: 18.75" H: 31" SW: 17" SD: 16" General Information: AH: – WT: 20 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone SH: 17.5" Zone 1 2 3 4 338 348 354 362 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. Accessories 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. When ordering specify: Product number Wood finish Metal finish 130 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. bar stools 7121500 BAR STOOL, WOOD SEAT/SEDONA BACK W: 17" D: 19.25" H: 44.25" SW: 17" SD: 16" SH: 28.75" General Information: AH: – WT: 24 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Parlor Zone 1 2 3 4 457 469 478 489 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. 7121502 BAR STOOL, WOOD SEAT/WOOD BACK W: 17" D: 19.25" H: 41" SW: 17" SD: 16" SH: 28.75" General Information: AH: – WT: 24 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 457 469 478 489 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. 7121504 BAR STOOL, WOOD SEAT/LADDER BACK W: 17" D: 19.25" H: 41" SW: 17" SD: 16" SH: 28.75" General Information: AH: – WT: 24 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 457 469 478 489 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. 7121506 BAR STOOL, WOOD SEAT/DOT BACK W: 17" D: 19.25" H: 41" SW: 17" SD: 16" General Information: AH: – WT: 24 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone SH: 28.75" Zone 1 2 3 4 457 469 478 489 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastic Tube glides. Frame available in a black finish. Accessories 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. When ordering specify: Product number Wood finish Metal finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 131 Planar 261 CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 32.5" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 24" General Information: SD: 21" SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 79 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2277 2329 2380 2431 23672477 25972777 2957 24192529 26492829 3009 24702580 27002880 3060 25212631 27512931 3111 313233123487 318433643539 323534153590 328634663641 262 LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 56.5" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 48" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3788 3876 3963 4050 SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 112 lb. 39054048 42044438 4672 39934136 42924526 4760 40804223 43794613 4847 41674310 44664700 4934 490051345361 498852225449 507553095536 516253965623 263 SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 80.5" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 72" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4842 4954 5064 5175 SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 145 lb. 49915172 53705667 5964 51035284 54825779 6076 52135394 55925889 6186 53245505 57036000 6297 625365506839 636566626951 647567727061 658668837172 260-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 60.75" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 24" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4376 4477 4579 4679 AH: 24.25" WT: 134 lb. 45204696 48885176 5464 46214797 49895277 5565 47234899 50915379 5667 48234999 51915479 5767 574460326312 584561336413 594762356515 604763356615 260-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 89" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 24" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 6021 6160 6298 6436 COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$260 COM: 8.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$330 COM: 8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$320 General Information: SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 189 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$200 General Information: SH: 17" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 21" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 21" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5 yd. ♦ 62196461 67257121 7517 63586600 68647260 7656 64966738 70027398 7794 66346876 71407536 7932 790282988683 804184378822 817985758960 831787139098 COM: 11 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$440 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Optional skid rail Optional tablet 132 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Planar 281 CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 32.5" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 24" General Information: SD: 21" SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 76 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2108 2155 2204 2250 21982308 24282608 2788 22452355 24752655 2835 22942404 25242704 2884 23402450 25702750 2930 296331433318 301031903365 305932393414 310532853460 282 LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 56.5" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 48" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3619 3702 3785 3868 SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 109 lb. 37323869 40194244 4469 38153952 41024327 4552 38984035 41854410 4635 39814118 42684493 4718 468849135132 477149965215 485450795298 493751625381 283 SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 80.5" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 72" WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: SD: 21" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5 yd. ♦ COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 General Information: SD: 21" SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 142 lb. COM: 8.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 4673 48225003 52015498 5795 4780 49295110 53085605 5902 4887 50365217 54155712 6009 4995 51445325 55235820 6117 608463816670 619164886777 629865956884 640667036992 280-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 60.75" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 24" SD: 21" General Information: SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 128 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 4121 4214 4308 4403 1: 2: 3: 4: 42614431 46174896 5175 43544524 47104989 5268 44484618 48045083 5362 45434713 48995178 5457 544657255997 553958186090 563359126184 572860076279 280-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 89" D: 33" H: 29.5" SW: 24" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5668 5798 5928 6058 COM: 7.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$310 General Information: SH: 17" AH: 24.25" WT: 180 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$330 58576088 63406718 7096 59876218 64706848 7226 61176348 66006978 7356 62476478 67307108 7486 746478428209 759479728339 772481028469 785482328599 COM: 10.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$420 Accessories Tablet Arm Options Tablet Arm Self-edge tops available Weight capacity on tablet arm is 50 lbs. Tablet Style Options $389 Tablet style - please specify laminate and wood finish color. Includes a standard laminate surface and finished edge (specify each). Kidney, self edge Kidney, finished wood edge Oval, self edge Oval, finished wood edge Available on chair (1 per arm), love seats and sofas. When ordering Tablet specify: Shape Left or right handed (while sitting in chair) Edge style Wood finish Laminate Quantity (when ordering loveseat or sofa)" When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Optional skid rail Optional tablet ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 133 Plyfold 7023201 FOLDING CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, WOOD BACK, STACKING W: 19" D: 22.75" H: 32.5" Zone 1 SW: 16.25" Zone 2 SD: 18" SH: 18" Zone 3 AH: – General Information: WT: 15 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Zone 4 MOIS. BARR: n/a 506519530 543 CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastitack glides. 7028201 FOLDING CHAIR, UPH SEAT AND BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 19" D: 22.75" H: 32.5" SW: 16.25" SD: 18" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 435 444 455 464 444455 467485 503 453464 476494 512 464475 487505 523 473484 496514 532 521539556 530548565 541559576 550568585 General Information: COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$20 Price includes Plastitack glides. Back edge wall guard is standard. W: 21" 7028202 FOLDING CHAIR, UPH SEAT AND BACK WOOD BACKSIDE, 2" WIDER, STACKING General Information: D: 22.75" COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ H: 32.5" SW: 16.25" SD: 18" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 447 456 468 476 456467 479497 515 465476 488506 524 477488 500518 536 485496 508526 544 533551568 542560577 554572589 562580597 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$20 Price includes Plastitack glides. Back edge wall guard is standard. 7028204 FOLDING CHAIR, UPH SEAT, WOOD BACK, STACKING W: 19" D: 22.75" H: 32.5" SW: 16.25" SD: 18" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 472 484 493 505 481492 504522 540 493504 516534 552 502513 525543 561 514525 537555 573 558576593 570588605 579597614 591609626 COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 Price includes Plastitack glides. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option 134 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. accessories Plyfold Accessories 7190004 UNDERSEAT PANEL,PLYFOLD STANDARD WIDTH WT: 1 lb. $53 7170003 SMARTRAIL® W: 23.5" Beech D: 3" H: 5" WT: 3 lb. $121 Panels with vinyl or Crypton uhpholstered seats will be drilled for ventilation. Not available for chairs with all-wood seats. 7190012 UNDERSEAT PANEL, PLYFOLD WIDER WIDTH WT: 1 lb. $55 No additional hardware is needed. SmartRail ® requires no additional hardware to hang the chair. All wall fasteners are included with the SmartRail ®. 7" Beech Panels with vinyl or Crypton uhpholstered seats will be drilled for ventilation. Not available for chairs with all-wood seats. 22 3/4" 7034126 DOLLY FOR PLYFOLD CHAIRS W: 21" $789 W: 21" +$169 D: 49" H: 53" WT: 63 lb. D: 49" H: 65" WT: 63 lb. 38 3/4" Dolly extension (7034003) Dolly extension (7034003) is available. Plyfold chairs stack 16 high with the dolly and 20 high with the dolly extension. 16" 7034127 4 WHEELED DOLLY 2" WIDER W: 23" $802 W: 23" +$169 D: 49" H: 55" WT: 63 lb. D: 49" H: 65" WT: 63 lb. Dolly extension (7034003) Plus desired height from floor Dolly extension (7034003) is available. Plyfold chairs stack 16 high with the dolly and 20 high with the dolly extension. 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. Custom CNC Back Rout +$36 list per chair +$481 list set-up charge per design Call Customer Care for information. When ordering specify: Product number Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 135 Plylok upholstered seat 7028742 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, STACKING W: 20" D: 22.25" H: 32.75" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 18 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 339 346 353 362 353371 390419 447 360378 397426 454 367385 404433 461 376394 413442 470 475504532 482511539 489518546 498527555 COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$32 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Plylok chairs without arms stack 8 high. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7028744 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, 2" NARROWER, STACKING W: 18" D: 22" H: 32.25" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 18 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 339 346 353 362 353371 390419 447 360378 397426 454 367385 404433 461 376394 413442 470 475504532 482511539 489518546 498527555 COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$32 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Plylok chairs without arms stack 8 high. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7028749 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, 2" WIDER, STACKING W: 22.25" D: 23" H: 33.75" SW: 18.75" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 20 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 366 375 384 391 382402 423456 488 391411 432465 497 400420 441474 506 407427 448481 513 520552584 529561593 538570602 545577609 COM: 0.9 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$36 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Plylok chairs without arms stack 8 high. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7328748 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT, STACKING W: 24" D: 22.25" H: 32.75" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.5" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25" WT: 22 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 453 464 473 483 467485 504533 561 478496 515544 572 487505 524553 581 497515 534563 591 589618646 600629657 609638666 619648676 COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$32 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Plylok arm chairs stack 7 high. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7328749 ARM CHAIR,UPH SEAT, 2" WIDER, STACKING W: 26.25" D: 23" H: 33.75" SW: 18.75" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 24 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 480 487 497 506 496516 537570 602 503523 544577 609 513533 554587 619 522542 563596 628 634666698 641673705 651683715 660692724 COM: 0.9 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$36 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Plylok arm chairs stack 7 high. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7028843 SLEDBASE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, NONSTACKING W: 20" D: 22.25" H: 32.5" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 23 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option Back style 136 Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 401 412 420 429 415433 452481 509 426444 463492 520 434452 471500 528 443461 480509 537 537566594 548577605 556585613 565594622 COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$32 Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wood seat 7023711 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, STACKING W: 18" D: 22.25" H: 33.75" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.25" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 19 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 333 340 347 356 342353 365383 401 349360 372390 408 356367 379397 415 365376 388406 424 Plylok 419437454 426444461 433451468 442460477 COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$20 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Plylok chairs without arms stack 8 high. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7023712 SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, 2" NARROWER, STACKING W: 16" D: 22" H: 33.25" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.25" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 18 lb B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 333 340 347 356 342353 365383 401 349360 372390 408 356367 379397 415 365376 388406 424 419437454 426444461 433451468 442460477 COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$20 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Plylok chairs without arms stack 8 high. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7023715 SLEDBASE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, NONSTACKING W: 22.25" D: 22.5" H: 33.5" SW: 18.75" SD: 17.25" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 24 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 397 408 416 425 406417 429447 465 417428 440458 476 425436 448466 484 434445 457475 493 483501518 494512529 502520537 511529546 COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$20 Nonstacking. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option Back style ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 137 Plylok bar stools, counter stools 7128744 BAR STOOL, UPH SEAT W: 17.5" D: 23" H: 43.25" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.5" General Information: SH: 29" AH: – WT: 21 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 624 638656 675704 732 637 651669 688717 745 651 665683 702731 759 667 681699 718747 775 760789817 773802830 787816844 803832860 COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$32 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7123712 BAR STOOL, WOOD SEAT W: 17.5" D: 23" H: 43.25" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.25" General Information: SH: 28" AH: – WT: 23 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 618 631 645 660 627638 650668 686 640651 663681 699 654665 677695 713 669680 692710 728 704722739 717735752 731749766 746764781 COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$20 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7228744 COUNTER STOOL, UPH SEAT W: 17.5" D: 23" H: 38.25" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.5" General Information: SH: 24" AH: – WT: 20 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 621 635 648 663 635653 672701 729 649667 686715 743 662680 699728 756 677695 714743 771 757786814 771800828 784813841 799828856 COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$32 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. 7223712 COUNTER STOOL, WOOD SEAT W: 17.5" D: 23" H: 38.25" SW: 16.75" SD: 17.25" General Information: SH: 23" AH: – WT: 22 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 615 629 642 657 624635 647665 683 638649 661679 697 651662 674692 710 666677 689707 725 701719736 715733750 728746763 743761778 COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$20 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. Multiple back style options are available at no additional charge, refer to Back Styles section for more details when ordering. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option Back style 138 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. jr. 7578702 JR. CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK WITH WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 16.75" D: 20" H: 28.75" SW: 13.75" SD: 15" SH: 16.5" AH: – WT: 11 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 366 373 382 389 373382 391406 420 380389 398413 427 389398 407422 436 396405 414429 443 434449463 441456470 450465479 457472486 Plylok General Information: COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$16 Price includes Plastitack glides. Plylok Jr. chairs without arms stack 3 high. 7578400 JR. CHAIR, UPH SEAT, WOOD BACK, STACKING W: 16.75" D: 20" H: 28.75" SW: 13.75" SD: 15.5" SH: 16.5" AH: – General Information: WT: 11 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 364 371 380 387 369376 383394 404 376383 390401 411 385392 399410 420 392399 406417 427 415426436 422433443 431442452 438449459 COM: 0.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$12 Price includes Plastitack glides. Plylok Jr. chairs without arms stack 3 high. 7573701 JR. SIDE CHAIR, WOOD SEAT, WOOD BACK, STACKING W: 16.75" D: 19.5" H: 28.75" SW: 13.75" SD: 15.25" Zone AH: – General Information: WT: 10 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone SH: 15.5" 1 2 3 4 357 365 374 381 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Price includes Plastitack glides. Plylok Jr. chairs without arms stack 3 high. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 139 Plylok back styles Upholstered Front and Back UFUBS Square UFUBR Round UFUBT Tapered UFWBS Square** UFWBR Round** UFWBT Tapered** UFWBRF Round Top w/ Fan Back UFWBTF Tapered Top w/ Fan Back UFWBTO Tosca AWBS Square* AWBR Round* AWBT Tapered* AWBRH Round with Handhold* AWBRF Round Top w/ Fan Back AWBTF Tapered Top w/ Fan Back AWBL Ladder Back AWBM Mission Back AWB3S 3-Slot Back AWB6S 6-Slot Back Upholstered Front, Wood Back UFWBRH Round with Handhold** Wood Front and Back *Custom CNC Back Rout and/or Laser Cut available. **Laser Cut available. 140 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. accessories Plylok Accessories 7144022 ACCESSSORIES PLASTIC CAPS FOR 4012 GLIDE 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design WT: 0.5 lb. set of 4 $4 See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7032000 UNIVERSAL 2-WHEEL CART WT: 37 lb. Zone 1 $606 2 $621 3 $637 4 $650 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design 7070005 DECORATIVE THRU BOLT AND NUT WT: 1 lb. See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. $25 Available for chairs with all-wood backs. Custom CNC Back Rout +$36 list per chair +$481 list set-up charge per design 7070010 WELT CORD WT: 1 lb. COM Reg 0.1 yd. $22 Call Customer Care for information. 7070011 plastic leg protectors WT: 1 lb. $21 $42 2" High Extended Seat Pad set of 2 - product number 7070018 set of 4 Extended Pad is available at an additional charge. Only available on 2" wider models. +$37 7144014 T MOLD RUNNER list per chair Plylok chairs with the extended seat pad do not stack. WT: 0.5 lb. $22 Available for sledbase chairs. 7190005 UNDERSEAT WOOD PANEL, PLYLOK MODELS WT: 1 lb. $53 Panels with vinyl or crypton uhpholstered seats will be drilled for ventilation. Available for standard width Plylok chairs only. 7190006 UNDERSEAT WOOD PANEL, PLYLOK 2" NARROWER MODELS WT: 1 lb. $53 Panels with vinyl or crypton upholstered seats will be drilled for ventilation. Available for 2" narrower Plylok chairs only. 7074330 TABLET ARM, FOLDING RIGHT 11.75" WIDE, ALLOWS STACKING, FOR PLYLOK MODELS WT: 8 lb. Zone 1 $266 2 $271 3 $277 4 $284 Right-handed tablet (located on the left side when facing the chair). Specify a laminate for the tablet arm when ordering. Available for standard and wide width chairs. We recommend stacking no more than 4 high. 7074332 TABLET ARM, FOLDING RIGHT 14" WIDE, ALLOWS STACKING, FOR PLYLOK MODELS WT: 9 lb. Zone 1 $297 2 $304 3 $312 4 $319 Right-handed tablet (located on the left side when facing the chair). Specify a laminate for the tablet arm when ordering. Available for standard and wide width chairs. We recommend stacking no more than 4 high. 7074334 TABLET ARM, RIGID RIGHT, 17" WIDE, FOR PLYLOK MODELS WT: 8 lb. Zone 1 $297 2 $304 3 $312 4 $319 Right-handed tablet (located on the left side when facing the chair). Specify a laminate for the tablet arm when ordering. Available for standard and wide width chairs. 7074331 TABLET ARM, FOLDING LEFT, 11.75" WIDE, ALLOWS STACKING, FOR PLYLOK MODELS WT: 8 lb. Zone 1 $266 2 $271 3 $277 4 $284 Left-handed tablet (located on the right side when facing the chair). Specify a laminate for the tablet arm when ordering. Available for standard and wide width chairs. We recommend stacking no more than 4 high. 7074333 TABLET ARM, FOLDING LEFT, 14" WIDE, ALLOWS STACKING, FOR PLYLOK MODELS WT: 9 lb. Zone 1 $297 2 $304 3 $312 4 $319 Left-handed tablet (located on the right side when facing the chair). Specify a laminate for the tablet arm when ordering. Available for standard and wide width chairs. We recommend stacking no more than 4 high. 7074335 TABLET ARM, RIGID LEFT, 17" WIDE, FOR PLYLOK MODELS WT: 8 lb. Zone 1 $297 2 $304 3 $312 4 $319 Left-handed tablet (located on the right side when facing the chair). Specify a laminate for the tablet arm when ordering. Available for standard and wide width chairs. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 141 Portal 51131 CHAIR, ROUND BACK W: 32.75" D: 34.5" H: 33" SW: 20.5" General Information: SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" WT: 65 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1812 18982002 21162287 2458 1852 19382042 21562327 2498 1892 19782082 21962367 2538 1934 20202124 22382409 2580 262427952962 266428353002 270428753042 274629173084 51132 LOVESEAT, ROUND BACK W: 53.25" D: 34.5" H: 33.5" SW: 41" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3007 3074 3143 3212 AH: 23.5" WT: 80 lb. 31243267 34233657 3891 31913334 34903724 3958 32603403 35593793 4027 33293472 36283862 4096 411943534580 418644204647 425544894716 432445584785 51133 SOFA, ROUND BACK W: 73.75" D: 34.5" H: 34" SW: 61.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3624 3704 3788 3868 SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" WT: 105 lb. 38044024 42644624 4984 38844104 43444704 5064 39684188 44284788 5148 40484268 45084868 5228 533456946044 541457746124 549858586208 557859386288 51171 CHAIR, SQUARE BACK W: 32.75" D: 35.75" H: 37.75" SW: 20.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1882 1924 1965 2009 SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" WT: 71 lb. 19722082 22022382 2562 20142124 22442424 2604 20552165 22852465 2645 20992209 23292509 2689 273729173092 277929593134 282030003175 286430443219 51172 LOVESEAT, SQUARE BACK W: 53.25" D: 35.75" H: 38" SW: 41" SD: 21" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3115 3185 3257 3328 AH: 23.5" WT: 91 lb. 32413395 35633815 4067 33113465 36333885 4137 33833537 37053957 4209 34543608 37764028 4280 431245644809 438246344879 445447064951 452547775022 51173 SOFA, SQUARE BACK W: 73.75" D: 35.75" H: 38.25" SW: 61.5" When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 142 1: 2: 3: 4: 3750 3835 3920 4004 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$260 COM: 10 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$400 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 COM: 7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$280 General Information: SD: 21" SH: 18.5" AH: 23.5" WT: 110 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ General Information: SH: 18.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$190 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 21" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ 39354160 44064775 5144 40204245 44914860 5229 41054330 45764945 5314 41894414 46605029 5398 550358726231 558859576316 567360426401 575761266485 COM: 10.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$410 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. large scale 51161 CHAIR, LARGE SCALE, ROUND BACK W: 35" D: 34.5" H: 33" SW: 23" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 23.5" WT: 72 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2004 2051 2095 2139 20942204 23242504 2684 21412251 23712551 2731 21852295 24152595 2775 22292339 24592639 2819 285930393214 290630863261 295031303305 299431743349 51162 LOVESEAT, LARGE SCALE, ROUND BACK W: 58" D: 34.5" H: 33.5" SW: 46" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3357 3433 3510 3586 34883647 38214082 4343 35643723 38974158 4419 36413800 39744235 4496 37173876 40504311 4572 WT: 92 lb. 459748585112 467349345188 475050115265 482650875341 51163 SOFA, LARGE SCALE, ROUND BACK W: 81" D: 34.5" H: 34" SW: 69" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4048 42284448 46885048 5408 4137 43174537 47775137 5497 4230 44104630 48705230 5590 4323 45034723 49635323 5683 AH: 23.5" WT: 111 lb. 575861186468 584762076557 594063006650 603363936743 51181 CHAIR, LARGE SCALE, SQUARE BACK W: 36.5" D: 35.75" H: 37.75" SW: 23" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2200 2249 2300 2349 22862390 25042675 2846 23352439 25532724 2895 23862490 26042775 2946 24352539 26532824 2995 AH: 23.5" WT: 75 lb. 301231833350 306132323399 311232833450 316133323499 51182 LOVESEAT, LARGE SCALE, SQUARE BACK W: 58" D: 35.75" H: 38" SW: 46" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3682 3766 3850 3933 38083962 41304382 4634 38924046 42144466 4718 39764130 42984550 4802 40594213 43814633 4885 WT: 96 lb. 487951315376 496352155460 504752995544 513053825627 51183 SOFA, LARGE SCALE, SQUARE BACK W: 81" D: 35.75" H: 38.25" SW: 69" SD: 21" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4422 4524 4622 4724 46114842 50945472 5850 47134944 51965574 5952 48115042 52945672 6050 49135144 53965774 6152 COM: 7.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$290 COM: 10 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$400 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 COM: 7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$280 General Information: AH: 23.5" WT: 115 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$200 General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5 yd. ♦ General Information: AH: 23.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Portal 621865966963 632066987065 641867967163 652068987265 COM: 10.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$420 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 143 Rally modular lounge Arm Styles Aspire Indulge Embrace Compose Leg Options Round Metal (Standard) Wood Leg (Standard) Square Metal (Standard) Metal feet available in silver color only. Sledbase Mobility $66 $138 64341HC$132 64141HC $99 64241HC $99 64341HC$282 64141HC$212 64241HC$212 Power Options USB/120V outlet 120V/120V outlet USB/120V double outlet +$445 +$375 +$890 OR +$750 OR For Models 64341HC and 64-OT w/low top, must specify black or silver. For Models 64141HC, 64241HC, and 64500, must specify black or silver. Cord length is 9'. Arm and Back Options Ottoman Options Arm Cap Back Caps +$183 (pair) or +$92 (single) +$59 (single) Models 64241HC, 64311HC & 64111HC Thermoform only. 120V/120V double outlet Upholstered (Standard) All models except mid back. 64441HC $164 Low Table Top +$304 H: 15" WT: 55 lb. Mid-back Option Mid-back +$89 Overall height: 35" COM Yds: Add .25 yds Mid-back corner 64441HC +$178 Overall height: 35" COM Yds: Add .5 yds Fabric zoning not recommended for use with Indulge arm. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Leg option Thermoform color Power option and color Wood option only Finish Oak or Maple 144 Ganging Option For models 64131HC, 64121HC $38 For model 64311HC $60 For model 64111HC $60 For model 64241HC $60 (part no 7071121) (part no 7070031) (part no 7070030) (part no 7070021 and 7070030) For models 64341HC, 64141HC, 64401HC and 64441HC For model 64-CT-OT For model 64-OT $60 (part no 7070022) $108 $108 (part no 7070023) (part no 7070023) ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular lounge 64331HC ASPIRE CHAIR W: 34.25” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” General Information: SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: 26.5” WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1808 1850 1891 1932 Rally 19212058 22082433 2658 19632100 22502475 2700 20042141 22912516 2741 20452182 23322557 2782 287731023321 291931443363 296031853404 300132263445 COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. Cannot be ganged. 64131HC ASPIRE CHAIR WITH 1 UPHOLSTERED ARM W: 28.75” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” SD: 21.5” SH: 18” General Information: AH: 26.5” WT: 49 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1662 1700 1739 1777 17481852 19662137 2308 17861890 20042175 2346 18251929 20432214 2385 18631967 20812252 2423 247426452812 251226832850 255127222889 258927602927 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 When ordering, specify arm location (right or left) as facing the unit. Please use code RA (right arm) or LA (left arm). Ganging is available (7070021). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64311HC EMBRACE CHAIR W: 30” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” General Information: SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: 26” WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1792 19002032 21762392 2608 1833 19412073 22172433 2649 1873 19812113 22572473 2689 1914 20222154 22982514 2730 281830343244 285930753285 289931153325 294031563366 COM: 6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$240 Ganging is available (7070031). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64111HC EMBRACE CHAIR WITH 1 UPHOLSTERED ARM W: 26.5” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: 26” General Information: WT: 49 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1649 1687 1725 1763 17351839 19532124 2295 17731877 19912162 2333 18111915 20292200 2371 18491953 20672238 2409 246126322799 249926702837 253727082875 257527462913 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 When ordering, specify arm location (right or left) as facing the unit. Please use code RA (right arm) or LA (left arm). Ganging is available (7070030). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Leg option Thermoform color Wood option only Finish Oak or Maple ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 145 Rally modular lounge 64321HC INDULGE CHAIR W: 34” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” General Information: SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: 23.5” WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1786 1827 1867 1908 18852006 21382336 2534 19262047 21792377 2575 19662087 22192417 2615 20072128 22602458 2656 272729253117 276829663158 280830063198 284930473239 COM: 5.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$220 See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. Cannot be ganged. 64121HC INDULGE CHAIR WITH 1 UPHOLSTERED ARM W: 28.5” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: 23.5” General Information: WT: 49 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1646 1684 1722 1760 17271826 19342096 2258 17651864 19722134 2296 18031902 20102172 2334 18411940 20482210 2372 241625782735 245426162773 249226542811 253026922849 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 When ordering, specify arm location (right or left) as facing the unit. Please use code RA (right arm) or LA (left arm). Ganging is available (7070021). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64341HC COMPOSE CHAIR W: 46” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” General Information: SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: 26” WT: 116 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3323 34363573 37233948 4173 3400 35133650 38004025 4250 3477 35903727 38774102 4327 3554 36673804 39544179 4404 439246174836 446946944913 454647714990 462348485067 COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 Specify thermoform color when ordering. Ganging is available (7070022). Power is available on both arms. See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64141HC COMPOSE CHAIR WITH 1 TABLE ARM W: 34.5” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” SD: 21.5” SH: 18” General Information: AH: 26" WT: 77 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2273 2326 2378 2432 23592463 25772748 2919 24122516 26302801 2972 24642568 26822853 3024 25182622 27362907 3078 308532563423 313833093476 319033613528 324434153582 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 When ordering, specify arm location (right or left) as facing the unit. Please use code LART (left arm, right table) or LTRA (left table, right arm). Specify thermoform color when ordering. Ganging is available (7070022). Power is available. See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64241HC COMPOSE CHAIR WITH 1 TABLE ARM AND 1 EMBRACE ARM W: 38” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: 26" WT: 89 lb. General Information: COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 2700 2761 2824 2886 28132950 31003325 3550 28743011 31613386 3611 29373074 32243449 3674 29993136 32863511 3736 376939944213 383040554274 389341184337 395541804399 CA TB133: +$250 When ordering, specify arm location (right or left) as facing the unit. Please use code LART (left arm, right table) or LTRA (left table, right arm). Specify thermoform color when ordering. Ganging is available (7070021). Ganging is available (7070030). Power is available. See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Leg option Thermoform color Power option and color Wood option only Finish Oak or Maple 146 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular lounge 64401HC CHAIR ARMLESS W: 23” D: 31.5” H: 31” SW: 23” General Information: SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: n/a WT: 38 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1226 1255 1282 1311 Rally 12891366 14501576 1702 13181395 14791605 1731 13451422 15061632 1758 13741451 15351661 1787 182519512073 185419802102 188120072129 191020362158 COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 Ganging is available (7070022). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64441HC CHAIR, CORNER UNIT W: 31” D: 31” H: 31” SW: 23” General Information: SD: 21.5” SH: 18” AH: n/a WT: 65 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1853 1895 1938 1980 19432053 21732353 2533 19852095 22152395 2575 20282138 22582438 2618 20702180 23002480 2660 270828883063 275029303105 279329733148 283530153190 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Ganging is available (7070022). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64500 INTEGRATED TABLE QTY 1-4 W: 22.75” D: 28.5” H: 26.75” SW: n/a SD: n/a General Information: SH: n/a AH: n/a WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2091 21232126 22032266 2329 2140 21722210 22522315 2378 2190 22222260 23022365 2428 2239 22712309 23512414 2477 239024532515 243925022564 248925522614 253826012663 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$70 Table must be permanently attached to 2 units (armless on connection side). Must send in a layout with the order. Casters are not available. Specify thermoform color when ordering. Power is available. See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64500 INTEGRATED TABLE QTY 5+ W: 22.75” D: 28.5” H: 26.75” SW: n/a SD: n/a General Information: SH: n/a AH: n/a WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1273 1302 1332 1362 13051343 13851448 1511 13341372 14141477 1540 13641402 14441507 1570 13941432 14741537 1600 157216351697 160116641726 163116941756 166117241786 COM: 1.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$70 Table must be permanently attached to 2 units (armless on connection side). Must send in a layout with the order. Casters are not available. Specify thermoform color when ordering. Power is available. See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64-OT OTTOMAN H: 18” D: 31” W: 31” General Information: SH: 18” SD: n/a SW: n/a AH: n/a WT: 47 lb. COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 870 890 910 930 929 10001078 11951312 949 10201098 12151332 969 10401118 12351352 989 10601138 12551372 142615431657 144615631677 146615831697 148616031717 CA TB133: +$130 Ottoman with low table top is available at an additional charge, see beginning of section for details. Specify thermoform color when ordering. Ganging is available (7070023). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. 64-CT-OT COFFEE TABLE OTTOMAN H: 20.75” D: 31” W: 31” SH: n/a SD: n/a General Information: SW: n/a AH: n/a WT: 75 lb. COM: 2 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak or Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 2087 2137 2186 2235 21232167 22152287 2359 21732217 22652337 2409 22222266 23142386 2458 22712315 23632435 2507 242925012571 247925512621 252826002670 257726492719 Specify thermoform color when ordering. Ganging is available (7070023). See beginning of section for details on standard and optional items and pricing. CA TB133: +$80 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Leg option Thermoform color Power option and color Wood option only Finish Oak or Maple ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 147 Reflect 2611 CHAIR, ARCING ARM W: 29.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 20" General Information: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1927 1971 2014 2059 20082107 22152377 2539 20522151 22592421 2583 20952194 23022464 2626 21402239 23472509 2671 269728593016 274129033060 278429463103 282929913148 2612 LOVESEAT, ARCING ARM W: 49.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 40" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3402 3481 3559 3638 SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 92 lb. 35153652 38024027 4252 35943731 38814106 4331 36723809 39594184 4409 37513888 40384263 4488 447146964915 455047754994 462848535072 470749325151 2613 SOFA, ARCING ARM W: 69.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 60" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 124 lb. 4678 48275008 52065503 5800 4783 49325113 53115608 5905 4890 50395220 54185715 6012 4999 51485329 55275824 6121 608963866675 619464916780 630165986887 641067076996 26122 2 SEAT BENCH W: 49" D: 21.5" H: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1693 1733 1770 1809 SW: 40" SD: 21.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 38 lb. 17521823 19012018 2135 17921863 19412058 2175 18291900 19782095 2212 18681939 20172134 2251 224923662480 228924062520 232624432557 236524822596 26123 3 SEAT BENCH W: 69" D: 21.5" H: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2233 2283 2334 2386 COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 COM: 8.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$330 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: SW: 60" SD: 21.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 49.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$180 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 19.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 19.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ 23052393 24892633 2777 23552443 25392683 2827 24062494 25902734 2878 24582546 26422786 2930 291730613201 296731113251 301831623302 307032143354 COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 148 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Reflect 2621 CHAIR, SLOPING ARM W: 29.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 20" General Information: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2030 2077 2124 2169 21112210 23182480 2642 21582257 23652527 2689 22052304 24122574 2736 22502349 24572619 2781 280029623119 284730093166 289430563213 293931013258 2622 LOVESEAT, SLOPING ARM W: 49.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 40" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3501 3582 3662 3743 SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 92 lb. 36143751 39014126 4351 36953832 39824207 4432 37753912 40624287 4512 38563993 41434368 4593 457047955014 465148765095 473149565175 481250375256 2623 SOFA, SLOPING ARM W: 69.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 60" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4775 4885 4994 5105 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 General Information: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 124 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ 49285115 53195625 5931 50385225 54295735 6041 51475334 55385844 6150 52585445 56495955 6261 622965356832 633966456942 644867547051 655968657162 COM: 8.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$340 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 149 Reflect 2631 CHAIR, BULLNOSE ARM W: 29.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 20" General Information: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 60 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2126 2174 2221 2270 22032296 23982551 2704 22512344 24462599 2752 22982391 24932646 2799 23472440 25422695 2848 285330063155 290130543203 294831013250 299731503299 2632 LOVESEAT, BULLNOSE ARM W: 49.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 40" SD: 19.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3601 3682 3765 3848 AH: 24.5" WT: 92 lb. 37093841 39854201 4417 37903922 40664282 4498 38734005 41494365 4581 39564088 42324448 4664 462748435053 470849245134 479150075217 487450905300 2633 SOFA, BULLNOSE ARM W: 69.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 60" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 124 lb. 4865 50055175 53615640 5919 4977 51175287 54735752 6031 5090 52305400 55865865 6144 5201 53415511 56975976 6255 619064696741 630265816853 641566946966 652668057077 26322 2 SEAT BENCH W: 49" D: 21.5" H: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1864 1905 1948 1992 SW: 40" SD: 21.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 38 lb. 19231994 20722189 2306 19642035 21132230 2347 20072078 21562273 2390 20512122 22002317 2434 242025372651 246125782692 250426212735 254826652779 26323 3 SEAT BENCH W: 69" D: 21.5" H: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2460 2517 2573 2629 COM: 6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$240 COM: 7.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$310 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: SW: 60" SD: 21.5" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 49.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$170 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 19.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ 25372630 27322885 3038 25942687 27892942 3095 26502743 28452998 3151 27062799 29013054 3207 318733403489 324433973546 330034533602 335635093658 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 150 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Reflect 2641 CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 29.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 20" General Information: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2176 2226 2276 2326 22572356 24642626 2788 23072406 25142676 2838 23572456 25642726 2888 24072506 26142776 2938 294631083265 299631583315 304632083365 309632583415 2642 LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 49.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 40" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3647 3730 3816 3898 SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 94 lb. 37603897 40474272 4497 38433980 41304355 4580 39294066 42164441 4666 40114148 42984523 4748 471649415160 479950245243 488551105329 496751925411 2643 SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 69.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 60" 1: 2: 3: 4: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 126 lb. 4913 50575233 54255713 6001 5025 51695345 55375825 6113 5138 52825458 56505938 6226 5250 53945570 57626050 6338 628165696849 639366816961 650667947074 661869067186 26422 2 SEAT BENCH, WOOD CAP W: 49" D: 21.5" H: 18" SW: 40" SD: 21.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1905 1949 1995 2038 AH: – WT: 39.5 lb. 19642035 21132230 2347 20082079 21572274 2391 20542125 22032320 2437 20972168 22462363 2480 246125782692 250526222736 255126682782 259427112825 26423 3 SEAT BENCH, WOOD CAP W: 69" D: 21.5" H: 18" SW: 60" SD: 21.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2523 2581 2639 2697 COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 COM: 8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$320 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: SH: 18" AH: – WT: 51 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$180 General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ 26002693 27952948 3101 26582751 28533006 3159 27162809 29113064 3217 27742867 29693122 3275 325034033552 330834613610 336635193668 342435773726 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Optional mobility ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 151 Reflect wide scale 2641L CHAIR, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 31.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 22" General Information: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 79 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2254 2306 2357 2408 23352434 25422704 2866 23872486 25942756 2918 24382537 26452807 2969 24892588 26962858 3020 302431863343 307632383395 312732893446 317833403497 2642L LOVESESAT, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 53.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 44" SD: 19.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3910 3999 4090 4180 AH: 24.5" WT: 109 lb. 40274170 43264560 4794 41164259 44154649 4883 42074350 45064740 4974 42974440 45964830 5064 502252565483 511153455572 520254365663 529255265753 2643L SOFA, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 75.5" D: 29" H: 29.5" SW: 66" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5251 5372 5492 5613 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$260 General Information: SD: 19.75" SH: 18" AH: 24.5" WT: 141 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ 54045591 57956101 6407 55255712 59166222 6528 56455832 60366342 6648 57665953 61576463 6769 670570117308 682671327429 694672527549 706773737670 COM: 8.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$340 Accessories Mobility Option Tablet Style Options Includes 2 front casters and back handle Price: $196 Available on chair models 2641 and 2641L only. Tablet style - please specify laminate and wood finish color. Kidney, self edge Kidney, finished wood edge Handle is available in aluminum only. Oval, self edge Oval, finished wood edge Tablet Arm Options Tablet Arm Side - Please specify location by adding the suffix below to the model number. TL- Left hand sitting, right facing $496 TR- Right hand sitting, left facing $496 TB- Left and right hand sitting, facing $992 Available on loveseat and sofa only. Tablet style - please specify laminate and wood finish color. Available on chair (1 per arm), love seats and sofas. When ordering specify: Shape Left or right handed (while sitting in chair) Edge style Wood finish Laminate Tablets available on wood cap versions only. Weight capacity on tablet arm is 50 lbs. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Optional Mobility 152 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. freestanding tables 26-1630 COFFEE TABLE, 16H 30W 30D W: 30" D: 30" H: 16" Zone WOOD SPECS: Maple 1 2 3 4 1337 1369 14011432 26-162754 COFFEE TABLE, 16H 54W 27D W: 54" D: 27" H: 16" Zone MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 50 lb. WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 37 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Reflect 1 2 3 4 1641 1680 17191758 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 153 Regal III 7326054 ARM CHAIR, UPH SEAT AND BACK W: 22.25" D: 25" H: 32.5" SW: 20" SD: 18.25" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 24" WT: 21 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 829 848 867 886 852 871 890 909 881 900 919 938 912 959 931 978 950 997 969 1016 1005 1024 1043 1062 1051 10981143 1070 11171162 1089 11361181 1108 11551200 COM: 1.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$8 CA TB133: +$52 Price includes Plastitack glides. Regal III chairs stack 6 high. 7026053 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, UPH BACK W: 22.25" D: 25" H: 32.5" SW: 17.5" SD: 18.25" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 21 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 808 829 847 866 8318608919389841030 1077 1122 852 881 912 959 1005 1051 10981143 870 899 930 977 1023 1069 11161161 889 918 949 996 1042 1088 11351180 COM: 1.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$8 CA TB133: +$52 Price includes Plastitack glides. Regal III chairs stack 6 high. Accessories 7032000 UNIVERSAL 2-WHEEL CART WT: 37 lb. Zone 1 $606 2 $621 3 $637 4 $650 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Moisture barrier option 154 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Scroll 52111 CHAIR W: 35.5" D: 33" H: 31.75" General Information: SW: 22" SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 67 lb. COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ B/COM CDEFG HIJ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included 1: 2: 3: 4: 2166 2214 2263 2311 22792416 25662791 3016 23272464 26142839 3064 23762513 26632888 3113 24242561 27112936 3161 323534603679 328335083727 333235573776 338036053824 CA TB133: +$250 Contrasting fabric panel on arm cap is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting arm caps is 1.75 yds. 52112 LOVESEAT W: 57.5" D: 33" H: 32.25" General Information: SW: 44" SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 90 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3607 3689 3771 3852 37653957 41674482 4797 38474039 42494564 4879 39294121 43314646 4961 40104202 44124727 5042 510354185725 518555005807 526755825889 534856635970 COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 Contrasting fabric panel on arm cap is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting arm caps is 1.75 yds. 52113 SOFA W: 79.5" D: 33" H: 32.75" General Information: SW: 66" SD: 21" SH: 19.25" AH: 24.5" WT: 112 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4594 4698 4803 4908 47654974 52025544 5886 48695078 53065648 5990 49745183 54115753 6095 50795288 55165858 6200 621965616893 632366656997 642867707102 653368757207 COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$380 Contrasting fabric panel on arm cap is available, refer to Fabric Zone details for more information. COM fabric requirement for contrasting arm caps is 1.75 yds. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 155 sleepToo® sleep sofa Classic (full front) without Table with Table 621T Series Arm Cap Options Upholstered (no upcharge) Wood (no upcharge) Solid Surface (contact Customer Care) Urethane (no upcharge) Thermoform (no upcharge) Leg Styles Wood Leg (Standard) Metal Leg* list +$273 PlinthCasters Base* +$235 list +$273 Plinth Base list +$273 *When metal legs are specified, there is no wood trim rail. Ottoman and Drawer Base options not available on Classic Models Custom (seat cushion/base options) without Table with Table 622 Series 622T Series Arm Cap Options Upholstered (no upcharge) Wood (no upcharge) Solid Surface (contact Customer Care) Urethane (no upcharge) Thermoform (no upcharge) Note: when urethane arm cap is specified, ottoman handle will be urethane also. Leg Styles Wood Leg* (Standard) Metal Leg list +$273 Casters list Housekeeping Casters +$273 list +$273 Caster Locations = casters = foot = table base Specify wood or metal center feet *There is no wood trim rail on custom models Base Options - FOR CUSTOM STYLES ONLY Blank Panel fabric - no upcharge (specify left, middle or right) wood or thermoform +60 list Drawer fabric, wood or thermoform (specify left, middle or right) +$235 list Ottoman (specify left or right) +$587 list Specify left, middle or right ottomans (Upholstered panel is provided when only one ottoman is specified). Note: specify left, middle or right as facing for all base options Power Options USB/120V outlet 120V/120V outlet USB/120V double outlet 120V/120V double outlet +$445 +$375 +$890 +$750 OR OR Available in black or silver. Usable cord length is 9'. 156 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. sleep sofa sleepToo® Finish Options Metal Finishes Wood Finishes Woodgrain Thermoform Coordinates Solid Thermoform Coordinates (select when metal legs are specified or for table release lever when a table model is ordered) (select when wood is specified for arm caps, feet, drawer, blank panel, ottoman handle, or column skirt cap) (select when thermoform arm caps, drawers, blank panel, column skirt cap or table are specified) (select when thermoform arm caps, drawers, blank panel, column skirt cap or table are specified) silver gunmetal blonde gold bronze black natural 73 amber74 honey75 nutmeg76 henna77 urban cherry 78 mahogany79 sepia80 walnut81 molasses82 black83 sugarloaf maple honey alder solara oak cherry blossom finesse blossom cherry clove palos mahogany NO MATCH verismo calcutta black monterey62033 pepperdust72784 dark gray 52002 chocolate72010 beige72005 calcutta black 52000 brushed aluminum59988 * refer left for coordinating wood finish Sleep Release Button (silicone cover) light grey dark bronze black 58873 16150 58665 44060 58898 58893 58732 12382 59994 52000 Urethane (select when urethane arm caps or urethane ottoman handle is specified) khaki espresso black Power black, silver Options Legend Table Thermoform Solid Surface Sleep Release Button* Dark Bronze Light Grey Black (contact your representative) (specify right or left) *right is default unless otherwise specified Arm Cap Upholstered Wood Thermoform Urethane Solid Surface* Ottoman Handle Wood Urethane *allow 4" to overall width for clearance of handle *contact your rep Leg Style Wood Metal Plinth* (black only) Casters *not available on custom models OR Column Skirt Cap Wood Thermoform Solid Surface* *contact your rep 120V Power Outlet USB/120V Power Outlet Space-saver plug is standard. Usable cord length is 9'. Table Release Lever Metal only Base Options - For Custom Styles Only Ottoman (26" width) Drawer (fabric, wood or Thermoform) Blank Panel (fabric, wood or Thermoform) (specify right, middle and left) Warranty 25 years with the following exceptions: • Sleep surface fabric - 5 years • Table top and table mechanism - 10 years • Drawer slides - 2 years • Ottoman mechanism - 10 years • Casters - 2 years • Pneumatic back cylinder - 5 years • Nylon Back Fabric - 5 years wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 157 sleepToo® sleep sofa Specification Worksheet For Classic or custom Models List Price Product Number fabric grade Upholstered (standard) Armcap (solid surface is an upcharge) Wood (standard) Thermoform (standard) Solid Surface (upcharge) Urethane (standard) fabric same as below + *contact your rep for pricing Fabric vendor, pattern and color required (no upcharge) required Wood Leg Assembly (standard) Leg Style if a wood leg assembly is desired, leave this section blank Metal Leg Assembly +$273 Plinth Base* +$273 Casters +$273 Housekeeping Casters +$273 + *black only Wood Species required (no upcharge) Wood Finish required (no upcharge) Metal Finish required (no upcharge) Sleep Release Button required (no upcharge) oak or maple required for table models and metal feet when specified see p. 157 for finish options specify left or right (as facing) specify finish For TABLE Models Thermoform (standard) Table Material* Solid Surface (upcharge) Wood (standard) Column Skirt Cap Power Thermoform (standard) USB/120V outlet +$445 120V/120V outlet +$375 *contact your rep for pricing + Solid Surface (upcharge) USB/120V double outlet +$890 *contact your rep for pricing 120V/120V double outlet +$750 + + For custom Models Base Options for Custom Models only (622 and 622T Series) Left as facing Ottoman** Drawer +235 list (fabric, wood or Thermoform) +235 list (fabric, wood or Thermoform) Right as facing Middle Drawer +587 list Blank Panel (fabric - no upcharge) Add for wood or Thermoform +60 list + Blank Panel (fabric - no upcharge) Add for wood or Thermoform +60 list +60 list * Plinth base is not available with ottomans or drawers. ** Specify wood or urethane pull lever. + (fabric, wood or Thermoform) (fabric - no upcharge) Add for wood or Thermoform Blank Panel Ottoman**+587 list Drawer +235 list + Total List Example Specification Worksheet For Classic or custom Models List Price 62272T, zone 3, grade F Product Number fabric grade Upholstered (standard) Armcap (solid surface is an upcharge) Wood (standard) Thermoform (standard) Solid Surface (upcharge) Urethane (standard) fabric same as below 7947 + *contact your rep for pricing CF Stinson, Capreni Tupelo Fabric vendor, pattern and color required Wood Leg Assembly (standard) Leg Style if a wood leg assembly is desired, leave this section blank Metal Leg Assembly +$273 Plinth Base* +$273 required (no upcharge) Casters +$273 Housekeeping Casters +$273 + *black only Maple Wood Species oak or maple Natural Wood Finish Metal Finish required required (no upcharge) Blonde Gold Left (facing) - light grey required for table models and metal feet when specified see p. 157 for finish options Sleep Release Button specify left or right (as facing) specify finish 273 required (no upcharge) (no upcharge) required (no upcharge) For TABLE Models Thermoform (standard) Table Material* Solid Surface (upcharge) 508873 Sugarloaf Maple Wood Thermoform (standard) (standard) Column Skirt Cap Natural Power USB/120V outlet +$445 120V/120V outlet +$375 *contact your rep for pricing Solid Surface (upcharge) USB/120V double outlet +$890 + *contact your rep for pricing 120V/120V double outlet +$750 + + - For custom Models Base Options for Custom Models only (622 and 622T Series) Left as facing Ottoman** Drawer (fabric, wood or Thermoform) +235 list Drawer (fabric, wood or Thermoform) +60 list +235 list Blank Panel (fabric - no upcharge) Add for wood or Thermoform Blank Panel (fabric - no upcharge) Add for wood or Thermoform Right as facing Middle +587 list Ottoman**+587 list Drawer +235 list (fabric, wood or Thermoform) +60 list + Blank Panel (fabric - no upcharge) Add for wood or Thermoform +60 list Total List 158 + + 587 235 9042 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. classic 62166 SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, 66" SLEEP SURFACE W: 74" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 66" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4877 4989 5099 5212 50355227 54375752 6067 51475339 55495864 6179 52575449 56595974 6289 53705562 57726087 6402 AH: 24.5" WT: 172 lb. 637366886995 648568007107 659569107217 670870237330 62169 SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, 69" SLEEP SURFACE W: 77" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 69" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4941 5054 5170 5281 50995291 55015816 6131 52125404 56145929 6244 53285520 57306045 6360 54395631 58416156 6471 WT: 178 lb. 643767527059 655068657172 666669817288 677770927399 62172 SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, 72" SLEEP SURFACE W: 80" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 72" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5008 5121 5237 5353 51665358 55685883 6198 52795471 56815996 6311 53955587 57976112 6427 55115703 59136228 6543 WT: 184 lb. 650468197126 661769327239 673370487355 684971647471 62175 SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, 75" SLEEP SURFACE W: 83" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 75" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5073 5189 5305 5422 52315423 56335948 6263 53475539 57496064 6379 54635655 58656180 6495 55805772 59826297 6612 AH: 24.5" WT: 190 lb. 656968847191 668570007307 680171167423 691872337540 62178 SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, 78" SLEEP SURFACE W: 86" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 78" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5139 5256 5376 5492 52975489 56996014 6329 54145606 58166131 6446 55345726 59366251 6566 56505842 60526367 6682 WT: 196 lb. 663569507257 675270677374 687271877494 698873037610 aerial view CA TB133: +$350 COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 General Information: AH: 24.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: AH: 24.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ General Information: AH: 24.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 SSH- Sleep surface height 25" SSH SSD AH SSD- Sleep surface depth 30" SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW TW W SW ® General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone sleepToo W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. When ordering specify: Product number Arm-cap style, p.156 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.156 Leg style, p.156 Thermoform color (optional), p.157 Urethane color (optional), p.157 Wood species, p.157 (oak or maple) Wood finish color, p.157 Metal finish color, p.157 Sleep release button (left or right - color and location), p.157 USB/Power option, p.157 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 159 sleepToo ® classic virtual family room® 62166T SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, WITH TABLE, 66" SLEEP SURFACE W: 74" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 216 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6616 6768 6921 7075 67696956 71607466 7772 69217108 73127618 7924 70747261 74657771 8077 72287415 76197925 8231 807083768673 822285288825 837586818978 852988359132 62169T SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, WITH TABLE, 69" SLEEP SURFACE W: 77" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 221 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6684 6838 6994 7148 68377024 72287534 7840 69917178 73827688 7994 71477334 75387844 8150 73017488 76927998 8304 813884448741 829285988895 844887549051 860289089205 62172T SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, WITH TABLE, 72" SLEEP SURFACE W: 80" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 226 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6752 69057092 72967602 7908 6909 70627249 74537759 8065 7065 72187405 76097915 8221 7222 73757562 77668072 8378 820685128809 836386698966 851988259122 867689829279 62175T SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, WITH TABLE, 75" SLEEP SURFACE W: 83" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 231 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6819 69727159 73637669 7975 6977 71307317 75217827 8133 7136 72897476 76807986 8292 7294 74477634 78388144 8450 827385798876 843187379034 859088969193 874890549351 62178T SLEEP SOFA, CLASSIC FRONT, WITH TABLE, 78" SLEEP SURFACE W: 86" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 236 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone When ordering specify: Product number Arm-cap style, p.156 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.156 Leg style, p.156 Thermoform color (optional), p.157 Urethane color (optional), p.157 Wood species, p.157 (oak or maple) Wood finish color, p.157 Metal finish color, p.157 Sleep release button (left or right - color and location), p.157 USB/Power option, p.157 160 1: 2: 3: 4: 6890 7050 7210 7369 70437230 74347740 8046 72037390 75947900 8206 73637550 77548060 8366 75227709 79138219 8525 aerial view 834486508947 850488109107 866489709267 882391299426 General Information: COM: 8.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$340 General Information: COM: 8.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$340 General Information: COM: 8.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$340 General Information: COM: 8.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$340 General Information: COM: 8.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$340 SSH- Sleep surface height 25" SSH SSD AH SSD- Sleep surface depth 30" SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW TW W SW W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. custom 62266 SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, 66" SLEEP SURFACE W: 74" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 66" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4892 5005 5117 5229 50635272 55005842 6184 51765385 56135955 6297 52885497 57256067 6409 54005609 58376179 6521 AH: 24.5" WT: 174 lb. 651768597191 663069727304 674270847416 685471967528 62269 SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, 69" SLEEP SURFACE W: 77" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 69" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4959 5072 5186 5299 51305339 55675909 6251 52435452 56806022 6364 53575566 57946136 6478 54705679 59076249 6591 WT: 180 lb. 658469267258 669770397371 681171537485 692472667598 62272 SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, 72" SLEEP SURFACE W: 80" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 72" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5025 51965405 56335975 6317 5138 53095518 57466088 6430 5254 54255634 58626204 6546 5369 55405749 59776319 6661 WT: 186 lb. 665069927324 676371057437 687972217553 699473367668 62275 SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, 75" SLEEP SURFACE W: 83" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 75" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5090 5206 5322 5439 52615470 56986040 6382 53775586 58146156 6498 54935702 59306272 6614 56105819 60476389 6731 AH: 24.5" WT: 192 lb. 671570577389 683171737505 694772897621 706474067738 62278 SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, 78" SLEEP SURFACE W: 86" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 78" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 5156 5273 5392 5510 53275536 57646106 6448 54445653 58816223 6565 55635772 60006342 6684 56815890 61186460 6802 WT: 198 lb. 678171237455 689872407572 701773597691 713574777809 aerial view CA TB133: +$380 COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$380 COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$380 COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$380 General Information: AH: 24.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: AH: 24.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ General Information: AH: 24.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$380 SSH- Sleep surface height 25" SSH SSD AH SSD- Sleep surface depth 30" SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW TW W SW ® General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone sleepToo W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. When ordering specify: Product number Arm-cap style, p.156 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.156 Leg style, p.156 Left base as facing, p.156 Centerbase as facing, p.156 Right base as facing, p.156 Thermoform color (optional), p.157 Urethane color (optional), p.157 Wood species, p.157 (oak or maple) Wood finish color, p.157 Metal finish color, p.157 Sleep release button (left or right - color and location), p.157 USB/Power option, p.157 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 161 sleepToo ® custom virtual family room® 62266T SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, WITH TABLE, 66" SLEEP SURFACE W: 74" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 220 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6622 6774 6929 7081 67806972 71827497 7812 69327124 73347649 7964 70877279 74897804 8119 72397431 76417956 8271 811884338740 827085858892 842587409047 857788929199 62269T SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, WITH TABLE, 69" SLEEP SURFACE W: 77" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 225 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6691 6847 7001 7156 68497041 72517566 7881 70057197 74077722 8037 71597351 75617876 8191 73147506 77168031 8346 818785028809 834386588965 849788129119 865289679274 62272T SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, WITH TABLE, 72" SLEEP SURFACE W: 80" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 230 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6759 69177109 73197634 7949 6916 70747266 74767791 8106 7072 72307422 76327947 8262 7228 73867578 77888103 8418 825585708877 841287279034 856888839190 872490399346 62275T SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, WITH TABLE, 75" SLEEP SURFACE W: 83" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 235 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6828 6985 7144 7303 69867178 73887703 8018 71437335 75457860 8175 73027494 77048019 8334 74617653 78638178 8493 832486398946 848187969103 864089559262 879991149421 62278T SLEEP SOFA, CUSTOM FRONT, WITH TABLE, 78" SLEEP SURFACE W: 86" D: 34" H: 33" SW: 22.5" SD: 21.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 240 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone When ordering specify: Product number Arm-cap style, p.156 Fabric vendor, pattern and color, p.156 Leg style, p.156 Thermoform color (optional), p.157 Urethane color (optional), p.157 Wood species, p.157 (oak or maple) Wood finish color, p.157 Metal finish color, p.157 Sleep release button (left or right - color and location), p.157 USB/Power option, p.157 162 1: 2: 3: 4: 6896 7055 7216 7375 70547246 74567771 8086 72137405 76157930 8245 73747566 77768091 8406 75337725 79358250 8565 aerial view 839287079014 855188669173 871290279334 887191869493 General Information: COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 General Information: COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 General Information: COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 General Information: COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 General Information: COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 SSH- Sleep surface height 25" SSH SSD AH SSD- Sleep surface depth 30" SH- Seat height SW- Seat width SW TW W SW W- Overall width *Add 4" to overall width when ottomans are specified. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Tetra 9111 CHAIR, WOOD ARM W: 23" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" General Information: SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 53 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1544 1581 1615 1651 15801624 16721744 1816 16171661 17091781 1853 16511695 17431815 1887 16871731 17791851 1923 188619582028 192319952065 195720292099 199320652135 9112 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM W: 43" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2830 2897 2963 3028 SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 84 lb. 28842950 30223130 3238 29513017 30893197 3305 30173083 31553263 3371 30823148 32203328 3436 334334513556 341035183623 347635843689 354136493754 9113 SOFA, WOOD ARM W: 63" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 60" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 122 lb. 3988 40694168 42764438 4600 4080 41614260 43684530 4692 4173 42544353 44614623 4785 4267 43484447 45554717 4879 475849205077 485050125169 494351055262 503751995356 9110-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM W: 44.5" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2943 3012 3078 3148 AH: 24" WT: 90.5 lb. 29973063 31353243 3351 30663132 32043312 3420 31323198 32703378 3486 32023268 33403448 3556 345635643669 352536333738 359136993804 366137693874 9110-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM W: 66" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4266 4365 4463 4564 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 SD: 19" COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 135 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$80 General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SD: 19" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2 yd. ♦ 43474446 45544716 4878 44464545 46534815 4977 45444643 47514913 5075 46454744 48525014 5176 503651985355 513552975454 523353955552 533454965653 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 163 Tetra 9112-SC LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS W: 44.5" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" General Information: WT: 89 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3123 3198 3270 3343 31773243 33153423 3531 32523318 33903498 3606 33243390 34623570 3678 33973463 35353643 3751 363637443849 371138193924 378338913996 385639644069 9113-SC SOFA, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS W: 66" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4580 4688 4793 4900 46614760 48685030 5192 47694868 49765138 5300 48744973 50815243 5405 49815080 51885350 5512 WT: 132 lb. 535055125669 545856205777 556357255882 567058325989 9122 2 SEAT BENCH, WOOD ARM W: 43" D: 25.25" H: 20" SW: 40" SD: 25.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 20" WT: 53 lb. 1437 14781527 15811662 1743 1470 15111560 16141695 1776 1502 15431592 16461727 1808 1535 15761625 16791760 1841 182219031982 185519362015 188719682047 192020012080 9123 3 SEAT BENCH, WOOD ARM W: 63" D: 25.25" H: 20" SW: 60" SD: 25.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1958 2004 2049 2094 CA TB133: +$120 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 20" WT: 73 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: AH: 24" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3 yd. ♦ 20172088 21662283 2400 20632134 22122329 2446 21082179 22572374 2491 21532224 23022419 2536 251426312745 256026772791 260527222836 265027672881 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 164 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Tetra 9151 CHAIR, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 23" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 20" SD: 19" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 54 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1601 1637 1675 1712 16371681 17291801 1873 16731717 17651837 1909 17111755 18031875 1947 17481792 18401912 1984 194320152085 197920512121 201720892159 205421262196 9152 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 43" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2942 3012 3078 3147 AH: 24" WT: 86 lb. 30013072 31503267 3384 30713142 32203337 3454 31373208 32863403 3520 32063277 33553472 3589 349836153729 356836853799 363437513865 370338203934 9153 SOFA, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 63" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 60" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4157 4254 4351 4447 SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 125 lb. 42434347 44614632 4803 43404444 45584729 4900 44374541 46554826 4997 45334637 47514922 5093 496951405307 506652375404 516353345501 525954305597 9911 CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 26" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1867 1911 1954 1996 SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 70 lb. 19261997 20752192 2309 19702041 21192236 2353 20132084 21622279 2396 20552126 22042321 2438 242325402654 246725842698 251026272741 255226692783 9912 LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 46" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 104 lb. 3159 32403339 34473609 3771 3230 33113410 35183680 3842 3305 33863485 35933755 3917 3377 34583557 36653827 3989 392940914248 400041624319 407542374394 414743094466 9913 SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 66" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 60" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4319 4421 4521 4622 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 General Information: SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 142 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ General Information: SD: 19" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$80 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2 yd. ♦ 44234549 46874894 5101 45254651 47894996 5203 46254751 48895096 5303 47264852 49905197 5404 530255095711 540456115813 550457115913 560558126014 COM: 5.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$230 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 165 Tetra 9910-2T 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 49" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 119 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3347 3425 3500 3579 34423557 36833872 4061 35203635 37613950 4139 35953710 38364025 4214 36743789 39154104 4293 424544344618 432345124696 439845874771 447746664850 9910-3T 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD CAP W: 72" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 24" WT: 172 lb. 4811 49515121 53075586 5865 4922 50625232 54185697 5976 5033 51735343 55295808 6087 5144 52845454 56405919 6198 613664156687 624765266798 635866376909 646967487020 9922 2 SEAT BENCH, WOOD CAP W: 46" D: 25.25" H: 20" SW: 40" SD: 25.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1628 1665 1702 1739 SH: 18" AH: 20" WT: 71 lb. 16871758 18361953 2070 17241795 18731990 2107 17611832 19102027 2144 17981869 19472064 2181 218423012415 222123382452 225823752489 229524122526 9923 3 SEAT BENCH, WOOD CAP W: 66" D: 25.25" H: 20" SW: 60" SD: 25.25" 1: 2: 3: 4: CA TB133: +$210 COM: 7.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$310 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 20" WT: 91 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ 2157 22292317 24132557 2701 2206 22782366 24622606 2750 2256 23282416 25122656 2800 2305 23772465 25612705 2849 284129853125 289030343174 294030843224 298931333273 COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 166 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Tetra 9951 CHAIR, WOOD CAP, MID BACK W: 26" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 20" SD: 19" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 71 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1925 1970 2015 2058 19882065 21492275 2401 20332110 21942320 2446 20782155 22392365 2491 21212198 22822408 2534 252426502772 256926952817 261427402862 265727832905 9952 LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP, MID BACK W: 46" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3274 3349 3426 3501 SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 106 lb. 33643474 35943774 3954 34393549 36693849 4029 35163626 37463926 4106 35913701 38214001 4181 412943094484 420443844559 428144614636 435645364711 9953 SOFA, WOOD CAP, MID BACK W: 66" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 60" SD: 19" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4480 4586 4689 4793 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 145 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ 45934730 48805105 5330 46994836 49865211 5436 48024939 50895314 5539 49065043 51935418 5643 554957745993 565558806099 575859836202 586260876306 COM: 6.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$250 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 167 Tetra modular seats 9111-M 1 SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 40 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1035 1060 1083 1106 10711115 11631235 1307 10961140 11881260 1332 11191163 12111283 1355 11421186 12341306 1378 137714491519 140214741544 142514971567 144815201590 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9112-M 2 SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 74 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2383 2439 2494 2550 24372503 25752683 2791 24932559 26312739 2847 25482614 26862794 2902 26042670 27422850 2958 289630043109 295230603165 300731153220 306331713276 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9113-M 3 SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 60" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 109 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3600 3686 3769 3853 36813780 38884050 4212 37673866 39744136 4298 38503949 40574219 4381 39344033 41414303 4465 437045324689 445646184775 453947014858 462347854942 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9911-M 1 SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 40 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1035 1060 1083 1106 10711115 11631235 1307 10961140 11881260 1332 11191163 12111283 1355 11421186 12341306 1378 137714491519 140214741544 142514971567 144815201590 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9912-M 2 SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 74 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2383 2439 2494 2550 24372503 25752683 2791 24932559 26312739 2847 25482614 26862794 2902 26042670 27422850 2958 289630043109 295230603165 300731153220 306331713276 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9913-M 3 SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 60" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: – WT: 109 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout 168 Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3600 3686 3769 3853 36813780 38884050 4212 37673866 39744136 4298 38503949 40574219 4381 39344033 41414303 4465 437045324689 445646184775 453947014858 462347854942 COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular seats 9151-M 1 SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1092 1116 1142 1165 11281172 12201292 1364 11521196 12441316 1388 11781222 12701342 1414 12011245 12931365 1437 Tetra 143415061576 145815301600 148415561626 150715791649 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9152-M 2 SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 76 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2499 2558 2615 2674 25582629 27072824 2941 26172688 27662883 3000 26742745 28232940 3057 27332804 28822999 3116 305531723286 311432313345 317132883402 323033473461 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9153-M 3 SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 60" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 112 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3776 38623966 40804251 4422 3863 39494053 41674338 4509 3951 40374141 42554426 4597 4038 41244228 43424513 4684 458847594926 467548465013 476349345101 485050215188 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9951-M 1 SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1092 1116 1142 1165 11281172 12201292 1364 11521196 12441316 1388 11781222 12701342 1414 12011245 12931365 1437 143415061576 145815301600 148415561626 150715791649 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9952-M 2 SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 76 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2499 2558 2615 2674 25582629 27072824 2941 26172688 27662883 3000 26742745 28232940 3057 27332804 28822999 3116 305531723286 311432313345 317132883402 323033473461 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9953-M 3 SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR D: 27" W: – H: 36" SW: 60" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 112 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3776 3863 3951 4038 38623966 40804251 4422 39494053 41674338 4509 40374141 42554426 4597 41244228 43424513 4684 458847594926 467548465013 476349345101 485050215188 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 169 Tetra modular seats 9012-SC 2 SEAT, WITH SHORT CENTER ARMS, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: 41.5" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 80 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2675 2738 2800 2862 27292795 28672975 3083 27922858 29303038 3146 28542920 29923100 3208 29162982 30543162 3270 318832963401 325133593464 331334213526 337534833588 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9013-SC 3 SEAT, WITH SHORT CENTER ARMS, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: 63" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 20" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 123 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4188 4285 4382 4480 42694368 44764638 4800 43664465 45734735 4897 44634562 46704832 4994 45614660 47684930 5092 495851205277 505552175374 515253145471 525054125569 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout 170 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular arms 9110-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 293 300 306 315 Tetra WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9110-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 293 300 306 315 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9110-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 293 300 306 315 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9110-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 293 300 306 315 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9110-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD, MODULAR General Information: W: 1.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 6.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 293 300 306 315 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 171 Tetra modular arms 9910-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 437 447 456 467 464497 533587 641 474507 543597 651 483516 552606 660 494527 563617 671 694748800 704758810 713767819 724778830 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$60 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9910-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 437 447 456 467 464497 533587 641 474507 543597 651 483516 552606 660 494527 563617 671 694748800 704758810 713767819 724778830 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$60 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9910-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 437 464497 533587 641 447 474507 543597 651 456 483516 552606 660 467 494527 563617 671 694748800 704758810 713767819 724778830 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$60 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9910-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 437 464497 533587 641 447 474507 543597 651 456 483516 552606 660 467 494527 563617 671 694748800 704758810 713767819 724778830 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$60 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9910-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 3" COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 24" WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 437 447 456 467 464497 533587 641 474507 543597 651 483516 552606 660 494527 563617 671 694748800 704758810 713767819 724778830 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$60 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout 172 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular tables 9010-ST-20 SPANNER TABLE, 20" WIDE, MODULAR General Information: W: 20" COM: n/a ♦ D: 21.5" H: 21" WT: 28 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 399 408 416 426 Tetra WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 9010-ST-24 SPANNER TABLE, 24" WIDE, MODULAR General Information: W: 24" COM: n/a ♦ D: 21.5" H: 21" WT: 33 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 503 515 527 538 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. 9010-CT CORNER TABLE, MODULAR General Information: W: 27.375" D: 21.5" COM: n/a ♦ H: 21" WT: 42 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 725 742 758 777 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 173 Tetra bariatric 9111B30 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 33" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 19" SH: 18" General Information: AH: 24" WT: 57 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2482 2541 2599 2657 25322592 26582757 2856 25912651 27172816 2915 26492709 27752874 2973 27072767 28332932 3031 295230513148 301131103207 306931683265 312732263323 9111B40 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 43" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2832 28822942 30083107 3206 2897 29473007 30733172 3271 2963 30133073 31393238 3337 3029 30793139 32053304 3403 330234013498 336734663563 343335323629 349935983695 9151B30 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 33" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 30" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2577 2638 2696 2757 26312697 27692877 2985 26922758 28302938 3046 27502816 28882996 3104 28112877 29493057 3165 WT: 61 lb. 309031983303 315132593364 320933173422 327033783483 9151B40 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 43" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 75 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2941 3010 3076 3146 29953061 31333241 3349 30643130 32023310 3418 31303196 32683376 3484 32003266 33383446 3554 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: WT: 71 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ 345435623667 352336313736 358936973802 365937673872 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 174 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. bariatric 9911B30 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD CAP W: 36" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 19" General Information: SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 74 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2769 2834 2898 2962 28412929 30253169 3313 29062994 30903234 3378 29703058 31543298 3442 30343122 32183362 3506 345335973737 351836623802 358237263866 364637903930 9911B40 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD CAP W: 46" D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3162 32393332 34343587 3740 3236 33133406 35083661 3814 3310 33873480 35823735 3888 3381 34583551 36533806 3959 AH: 24" WT: 88 lb. 388940424191 396341164265 403741904339 410842614410 9951B30 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD CAP, MID BACK W: 36" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 30" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2865 2931 2996 3063 29423035 31373290 3443 30083101 32033356 3509 30733166 32683421 3574 31403233 33353488 3641 359237453894 365838113960 372338764025 379039434092 9951B40 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD CAP, MID BACK W: 46" D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: 24" WT: 92 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3271 3348 3423 3500 33523451 35593721 3883 34293528 36363798 3960 35043603 37113873 4035 35813680 37883950 4112 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 General Information: WT: 78 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Tetra 404142034360 411842804437 419343554512 427044324589 COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 175 Tetra bariatric modular seats 9111B30-M BARIATRIC 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 44 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2092 2139 2189 2236 21422202 22682367 2466 21892249 23152414 2513 22392299 23652464 2563 22862346 24122511 2610 256226612758 260927082805 265927582855 270628052902 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9111B40-M BARIATRIC 1 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, FOOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2384 2438 2493 2550 24342494 25602659 2758 24882548 26142713 2812 25432603 26692768 2867 26002660 27262825 2924 285429533050 290830073104 296330623159 302031193216 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9911B30-M BARIATRIC 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 30" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 44 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2092 2139 2189 2236 21422202 22682367 2466 21892249 23152414 2513 22392299 23652464 2563 22862346 24122511 2610 256226612758 260927082805 265927582855 270628052902 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9911B40-M BARIATRIC 1 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 26.5" H: 31.5" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 58 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2384 24342494 25602659 2758 2438 24882548 26142713 2812 2493 25432603 26692768 2867 2550 26002660 27262825 2924 285429533050 290830073104 296330623159 302031193216 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout 176 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. bariatric modular seats 9151B30-M BARIATRIC 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 30" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 48 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2190 2240 2291 2342 22442310 23822490 2598 22942360 24322540 2648 23452411 24832591 2699 23962462 25342642 2750 270328112916 275328612966 280429123017 285529633068 Tetra General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9151B40-M BARIATRIC 1 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, MID-BACK, FOR WOOD ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2498 2557 2614 2673 25522618 26902798 2906 26112677 27492857 2965 26682734 28062914 3022 27272793 28652973 3081 301131193224 307031783283 312732353340 318632943399 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9951B30-M BARIATRIC 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, MID BACK, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 30" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 48 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2190 2240 2291 2342 22442310 23822490 2598 22942360 24322540 2648 23452411 24832591 2699 23962462 25342642 2750 270328112916 275328612966 280429123017 285529633068 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 9951B40-M BARIATRIC 1 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, MID-BACK, FOR WOOD CAP ARMS, MODULAR W: – D: 27" H: 36" SW: 40" SD: 19" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2498 2557 2614 2673 25522618 26902798 2906 26112677 27492857 2965 26682734 28062914 3022 27272793 28652973 3081 301131193224 307031783283 312732353340 318632943399 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$120 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 177 Trace metal waiting 6351122 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, METAL FRAME W: 26" D: 24.5" H: 32.75" SW: 22" SD: 18" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 33 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1302 1333 1364 1394 13341372 14141477 1540 13651403 14451508 1571 13961434 14761539 1602 14261464 15061569 1632 160116641726 163216951757 166317261788 169317561818 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$90 Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6351130 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, METAL FRAME W: 34" D: 24.5" H: 32.75" SW: 30" SD: 18" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 40 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1531 1567 1602 1638 15671611 16591731 1803 16031647 16951767 1839 16381682 17301802 1874 16741718 17661838 1910 187319452015 190919812051 194420162086 198020522122 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$90 Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6351140 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, METAL FRAME W: 44" D: 24.5" H: 32.75" SW: 40" SD: 18" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 50 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1635 1674 1712 1750 16711715 17631835 1907 17101754 18021874 1946 17481792 18401912 1984 17861830 18781950 2022 197720492119 201620882158 205421262196 209221642234 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$90 Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. Accessories Urethane arm caps* specify black, khaki or espresso +$164 per pair Thermoform arm caps* See page 13 for color options +$164 per pair Fully upholstered seat/ottoman call for COM yardage No upcharge Fully upholstered outer back call for COM yardage +$181 6350707 Metal ganging assembly one required between seats +$104 each Upholstered seat w/wood underseat panel Fully upholstered seat (standard) (no upcharge) When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood finish Back style Seat style Arm cap style Arm cap color 178 Wood and urethane arm cap profile * Wood arm cap is standard Thermoform arm cap profile Upholstered back w/wood outer back panel Fully upholstered outer back (standard) (upcharge) Ganging assembly Adds 1.75" between chairs ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wood waiting 6341122 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD FRAME W: 26" D: 24.5" H: 32.75" SW: 22" SD: 18" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 33 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1302 1333 1364 1394 Trace 13341372 14141477 1540 13651403 14451508 1571 13961434 14761539 1602 14261464 15061569 1632 160116641726 163216951757 166317261788 169317561818 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$90 COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6341130 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD FRAME W: 34" D: 24.5" H: 32.75" SW: 30" SD: 18" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 40 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1531 1567 1602 1638 15671611 16591731 1803 16031647 16951767 1839 16381682 17301802 1874 16741718 17661838 1910 187319452015 190919812051 194420162086 198020522122 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$90 COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6341140 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD FRAME W: 44" D: 24.5" H: 32.75" SW: 40" SD: 18" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 50 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1635 1674 1712 1750 16711715 17631835 1907 17101754 18021874 1946 17481792 18401912 1984 17861830 18781950 2022 197720492119 201620882158 205421262196 209221642234 COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$90 COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. Accessories Urethane arm caps* specify black, khaki or espresso +$164 per pair Thermoform arm caps* See page 13 for color options +$164 per pair Fully upholstered seat/ottoman call for COM yardage No upcharge Fully upholstered outer back call for COM yardage +$181 6350707 Metal ganging assembly one required between seats +$104 each Upholstered seat w/wood underseat panel Fully upholstered seat (standard) (no upcharge) Wood and urethane arm cap profile * Wood arm cap is standard Thermoform arm cap profile Upholstered back w/wood outer back panel Fully upholstered outer back (standard) (upcharge) Ganging assembly Adds 1.75" between chairs When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood finish Back style Seat style Arm cap style Arm cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 179 Trace metal patient 6357122 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, METAL FRAME, HIGH BACK W: 26" D: 24.5" H: 43" SW: 22" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 37 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1515 1550 1586 1621 15471585 16271690 1753 15821620 16621725 1788 16181656 16981761 1824 16531691 17331796 1859 181418771939 184919121974 188519482010 192019832045 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$130 Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6357130 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, METAL FRAME, HIGH BACK W: 34" D: 24.5" H: 43" SW: 30" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 48 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1968 2014 2060 2106 20092058 21122193 2274 20552104 21582239 2320 21012150 22042285 2366 21472196 22502331 2412 235324342513 239924802559 244525262605 249125722651 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$130 Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6350100 OTTOMAN, METAL FRAME W: 18.5" D: 17" H: 13" General Information: COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ WT: 10 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 658 673 688 704 685718 754808 862 700733 769823 877 715748 784838 892 731764800854908 915969 1021 930984 1036 945999 1051 9611015 1067 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$60 Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. Accessories Urethane arm caps* specify black, khaki or espresso +$164 per pair Thermoform arm caps* See page 13 for color options +$164 per pair Fully upholstered seat/ottoman call for COM yardage No upcharge Fully upholstered outer back call for COM yardage +$181 Contrasting headrest panel call for COM yardage (shaded area above on line art) +$88 6350707 Metal ganging assembly one required between seats +$104 each Upholstered seat w/wood underseat panel Fully upholstered seat (standard) (no upcharge) When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood finish Back style Seat style Arm cap style Arm cap color 180 Wood and urethane arm cap profile * Wood arm cap is standard Thermoform arm cap profile Upholstered back w/wood outer back panel Fully upholstered outer back (standard) (upcharge) Ganging assembly Adds 1.75" between chairs ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wood patient 6347122 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD FRAME, HIGH BACK W: 26" D: 24.5" H: 43" SW: 22" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 37 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1515 1550 1586 1621 15471585 16271690 1753 15821620 16621725 1788 16181656 16981761 1824 16531691 17331796 1859 Trace 181418771939 184919121974 188519482010 192019832045 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$130 COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6347130 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD FRAME, HIGH BACK W: 34" D: 24.5" H: 43" SW: 30" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 48 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1968 20092058 21122193 2274 2014 20552104 21582239 2320 2060 21012150 22042285 2366 2106 21472196 22502331 2412 235324342513 239924802559 244525262605 249125722651 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$130 COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. 6340100 OTTOMAN, WOOD FRAME W: 18.5" D: 17" H: 13" General Information: COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ WT: 10 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 658 673 688 704 685718 754808 862 700733 769823 877 715748 784838 892 731764800 854908 915969 1021 930984 1036 945999 1051 9611015 1067 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$60 COM yardage includes standard wood reveal seat and wood outer back only. COM yardage is based on plain, non-zoned 54" wide upholstery. Accessories Urethane arm caps* specify black, khaki or espresso +$164 per pair Thermoform arm caps* See page 13 for color options +$164 per pair Fully upholstered seat/ottoman call for COM yardage No upcharge Fully upholstered outer back call for COM yardage +$181 Contrasting headrest panel call for COM yardage (shaded area above on line art) +$88 6350707 Metal ganging assembly one required between seats +$104 each Upholstered seat w/wood underseat panel Fully upholstered seat (standard) (no upcharge) Wood and urethane arm cap profile * Wood arm cap is standard Thermoform arm cap profile Upholstered back w/wood outer back panel Fully upholstered outer back (standard) (upcharge) Ganging assembly Adds 1.75" between chairs When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood finish Back style Seat style Arm cap style Arm cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 181 Trace occasional tables 6300001 WOOD END TABLE W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" General Information: WT: 27 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone thermoform 1: 2: 3: 4: laminate top/wood edge 674 690 705 722 948 971 993 1016 veneer top/wood edge 1058 1080 1102 1126 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Available with thermoform, laminate or wood veneer top. 6300002 WOOD COFFEE TABLE W: 40" D: 20" H: 16" General Information: WT: 42 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Shipping Zone Thermoform edge Zone Zone Zone Zone thermoform 1: 2: 3: 4: laminate top/wood edge 844 864 884 904 1184 1212 1239 1268 veneer top/wood edge 1353 1382 1409 1438 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Available with thermoform, laminate or wood veneer top. 6300051 METAL END TABLE Wood edge W: 20" D: 20" H: 21" WT: 20 lb. General Information: Price by Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: n/a ♦ thermoform 1: 2: 3: 4: laminate top/wood edge 674 690 705 722 948 971 993 1016 veneer top/wood edge 1058 1080 1102 1126 FINISH: Metal powdercoat MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. Available with thermoform, laminate or wood veneer top. 6300052 METAL COFFEE TABLE W: 40" D: 20" H: 16" General Information: WT: 33 lb. COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone thermoform 1: 2: 3: 4: 844 864 884 904 laminate top/wood edge 1184 1212 1239 1268 veneer top/wood edge 1353 1382 1409 1438 FINISH: Metal powdercoat MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. Available with thermoform, laminate or wood veneer top. When ordering specify: Product number Wood finish 182 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Transom 2831 ARRAY PATTERN CHAIR, STACKING W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 31" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 13.5 lb. Zone COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone 1 2 3 4 418 427 437 448 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Standard chairs stack 12 high. Black frame is standard. 2831B ARRAY PATTERN BAR STOOL W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 43.5" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 28.5" AH: – WT: 17 lb. Zone COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone 1 2 3 4 643 657 672 689 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nonstacking. Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Black frame is standard. 2831C ARRAY PATTERN COUNTER STOOL W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 38.25" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 23" AH: – WT: 16 lb. Zone COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone 1 2 3 4 630 645 658 673 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nonstacking. Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Black frame is standard. 2821 PENDULUM PATTERN CHAIR, STACKING W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 31" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" SH: 18.25" General Information: AH: – WT: 13.5 lb. Zone COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone 1 2 3 4 418 427 437 448 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Standard chairs stack 12 high. Black frame is standard. 2821B PENDULUM PATTERN BAR STOOL W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 43.5" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 28.5" AH: – WT: 17 lb. Zone COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone 1 2 3 4 643 657 672 689 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nonstacking. Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Black frame is standard. 2821C PENDULUM PATTERN COUNTER STOOL W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 38.25" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" Zone General Information: AH: – WT: 16 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone SH: 23" 1 2 3 4 630 645 658 673 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nonstacking. Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Black frame is standard. When ordering specify: Product number Black or Chrome Base Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 183 Transom 2811 WINDOW PATTERN CHAIR, STACKING W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 31" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 13.5 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 418 427 437 448 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Standard chairs stack 12 high. Black frame is standard. 2811B WINDOW PATTERN BAR STOOL W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 43.5" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 28.5" AH: – WT: 17 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 643 657 672 689 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nonstacking. Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Black frame is standard. 2811C WINDOW PATTERN COUNTER STOOL W: 19.25" D: 21.25" H: 38.25" SW: 16.5" SD: 16.5" General Information: SH: 23" AH: – WT: 16 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: Maple Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 630 645 658 673 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Nonstacking. Nylon glides are standard and only glide available. Black frame is standard. Accessories 28-D DOLLY W: 19" D: 27" General Information: H: 32" WT: 30 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a 1109 1134 11621188 Stacks 12 - 15 chairs high. 28-GG GANGING GLIDE (PAIR) W: 3" D: 3" H: 0.25" General Information: WT: 0.5 lb. COM: n/a ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 MOIS. BARR: n/a 53 54 55 56 CA TB133: n/a 7100001 Laser Cut +$41 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design chrome base Chrome Base is available at an additional charge. +$21 +$76 list per chair list per stool See Ordering Information for Laser Cut information. 7100002 Laser Cut with Color Fill +$54 list per chair +$176 list set-up charge per design See Ordering Information for Laser Cut with Color Fill information. When ordering specify: Product number Finish Black or Chrome Base 184 Custom CNC Back Rout +$36 list per chair +$481 list set-up charge per design Call Customer Care for information. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. arm chairs 54411WB22 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 26" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1676 1712 1753 1791 1: 2: 3: 4: 17121756 18041876 1948 17481792 18401912 1984 17891833 18811953 2025 18271871 19191991 2063 201820902160 205421262196 209521672237 213322052275 54411WB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 34" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2272 2323 2376 2429 23222382 24482547 2646 23732433 24992598 2697 24262486 25522651 2750 24792539 26052704 2803 AH: 25" WT: 54 lb. 274228412938 279328922989 284629453042 289929983095 54411WB40 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 44" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2587 2649 2708 2769 26372697 27632862 2961 26992759 28252924 3023 27582818 28842983 3082 28192879 29453044 3143 AH: 25" WT: 64 lb. 305731563253 311932183315 317832773374 323933383435 54410-2TW 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 51.5" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" 3012 30753152 32363362 3488 3082 31453222 33063432 3558 3153 32163293 33773503 3629 3221 32843361 34453571 3697 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25" WT: 77 lb. 361137373859 368138073929 375238784000 382039464068 54410-3TW 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 76" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4260 4357 4457 4557 43504460 45804760 4940 44474557 46774857 5037 45474657 47774957 5137 46474757 48775057 5237 CA TB133: +$80 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 General Information: AH: 25" WT: 118 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Versant 511552955470 521253925567 531254925667 541255925767 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Accessories Optional Plastic Foot Plastic Foot available at an additional charge. +$112 +$168 +$224 list per chair or loveseat list per 2 seat tandem list per 3 seat tandem When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 185 Versant arm chairs 54411UB22 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 26" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 44 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1676 1712 1753 1791 1: 2: 3: 4: 17121756 18041876 1948 17481792 18401912 1984 17891833 18811953 2025 18271871 19191991 2063 201820902160 205421262196 209521672237 213322052275 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54411UB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 34" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 57 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2272 23222382 24482547 2646 2323 23732433 24992598 2697 2376 24262486 25522651 2750 2429 24792539 26052704 2803 274228412938 279328922989 284629453042 289929983095 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54411UB40 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 44" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 67 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2587 2649 2708 2769 26372697 27632862 2961 26992759 28252924 3023 27582818 28842983 3082 28192879 29453044 3143 305731563253 311932183315 317832773374 323933383435 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54410-2TU 2 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 51.5" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 81.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 3012 3082 3153 3221 1: 2: 3: 4: 30753152 32363362 3488 31453222 33063432 3558 32163293 33773503 3629 32843361 34453571 3697 361137373859 368138073929 375238784000 382039464068 COM: 3.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$140 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54410-3TU 3 SEAT TANDEM, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 76" D: 28" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 124 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4260 4357 4457 4557 43504460 45804760 4940 44474557 46774857 5037 45474657 47774957 5137 46474757 48775057 5237 511552955470 521253925567 531254925667 541255925767 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Accessories Optional Plastic Foot Plastic Foot available at an additional charge. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 186 +$112 +$168 +$224 list per chair or loveseat list per 2 seat tandem list per 3 seat tandem *Not available on wallsavers. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wallsavers 54711WB22 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 26" D: 30" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 41 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1758 1799 1840 1879 17941838 18861958 2030 18351879 19271999 2071 18761920 19682040 2112 19151959 20072079 2151 210021722242 214122132283 218222542324 222122932363 54711WB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 34" D: 30" H: 33" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 54 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2380 2437 2492 2547 24302490 25562655 2754 24872547 26132712 2811 25422602 26682767 2866 25972657 27232822 2921 285029493046 290730063103 296230613158 301731163213 54711WB40 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 44" D: 30" H: 33" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 64 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2714 2780 2843 2906 27642824 28902989 3088 28302890 29563055 3154 28932953 30193118 3217 29563016 30823181 3280 318432833380 325033493446 331334123509 337634753572 54711UB22 CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 26" D: 30" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 44 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1758 1799 1840 1879 17941838 18861958 2030 18351879 19271999 2071 18761920 19682040 2112 19151959 20072079 2151 210021722242 214122132283 218222542324 222122932363 Versant General Information: COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 General Information: COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54711UB30 CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 26" D: 30" H: 33" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 57 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2380 2437 2492 2547 24302490 25562655 2754 24872547 26132712 2811 25422602 26682767 2866 25972657 27232822 2921 285029493046 290730063103 296230613158 301731163213 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54711UB40 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 44" D: 30" H: 33" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 67 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2714 2780 2843 2906 27642824 28902989 3088 28302890 29563055 3154 28932953 30193118 3217 29563016 30823181 3280 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 318432833380 325033493446 331334123509 337634753572 General Information: COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 187 Versant patient chairs 54471WB22 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 26" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" General Information: WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1828 1872 1914 1955 18691918 19722053 2134 19131962 20162097 2178 19552004 20582139 2220 19962045 20992180 2261 221322942373 225723382417 229923802459 234024212500 54471WB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 34" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" 2446 2503 2558 2616 1: 2: 3: 4: 25052576 26542771 2888 25622633 27112828 2945 26172688 27662883 3000 26752746 28242941 3058 WT: 62 lb. 300231193233 305931763290 311432313345 317232893403 54471UB22 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 26" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1828 18691918 19722053 2134 1872 19131962 20162097 2178 1914 19552004 20582139 2220 1955 19962045 20992180 2261 1: 2: 3: 4: WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ 221322942373 225723382417 229923802459 234024212500 COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54471UB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 34" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2446 2503 2558 2616 25052576 26542771 2888 25622633 27112828 2945 26172688 27662883 3000 26752746 28242941 3058 300231193233 305931763290 311432313345 317232893403 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Accessories Optional Plastic Foot Plastic Foot available at an additional charge. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 188 +$112 +$168 +$224 list per chair or loveseat list per 2 seat tandem list per 3 seat tandem *Not available on wallsavers. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wallsaver patient chairs 54771WB22 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 26" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1918 1963 2007 2054 19592008 20622143 2224 20042053 21072188 2269 20482097 21512232 2313 20952144 21982279 2360 230323842463 234824292508 239224732552 243925202599 54771WB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, WOOD CAP W: 34" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2565 26242695 27732890 3007 2625 26842755 28332950 3067 2683 27422813 28913008 3125 2743 28022873 29513068 3185 312132383352 318132983412 323933563470 329934163530 54771UB22 PATIENT CHAIR, 22" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 26" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 22" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1918 1963 2007 2054 19592008 20622143 2224 20042053 21072188 2269 20482097 21512232 2313 20952144 21982279 2360 230323842463 234824292508 239224732552 243925202599 Versant General Information: COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 General Information: COM: 2.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$90 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54771UB30 PATIENT CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WALLSAVER WOOD ARM, URETHANE CAP W: 34" D: 31" H: 41" SW: 30" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" AH: 25" WT: 62 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2565 2625 2683 2743 26242695 27732890 3007 26842755 28332950 3067 27422813 28913008 3125 28022873 29513068 3185 312132383352 318132983412 323933563470 329934163530 General Information: COM: 3.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$130 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 189 Versant modular seats 54411B22-M 1 SEAT, 22" SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 28" H: 33" SW: 22" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 29 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 760 776 794 811 796 812 830 847 840 856 874 891 888 960 904 976 922 994 939 1011 1032 1048 1066 1083 1102 11741244 1118 11901260 1136 12081278 1153 12251295 COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$80 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 54411B30-M 1 SEAT, 30" SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 28" H: 33" SW: 30" SD: 20" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 42 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1385 1416 1448 1479 14351495 15611660 1759 14661526 15921691 1790 14981558 16241723 1822 15291589 16551754 1853 185519542051 188619852082 191820172114 194920482145 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. 54411B40-M 1 LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, MODULAR W: – D: 28" H: 33" SW: 40" SD: 20" SH: 18.5" General Information: AH: – WT: 52 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1717 1756 1797 1836 17671827 18931992 2091 18061866 19322031 2130 18471907 19732072 2171 18861946 20122111 2210 218722862383 222623252422 226723662463 230624052502 COM: 2.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$110 Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Arms MUST be ordered separately from seat and back cushions - please note the product descriptions on this page. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Room layout 190 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular arms 54410WB-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 Versant WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 54410WB-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 54410WB-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 54410WB-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. 54410WB-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, WOOD CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 6 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Accessories Optional Plastic Foot Plastic Foot available at an additional charge. +$56 list per arm When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 191 Versant modular arms 54410UB-LA LEFT ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 7.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54410UB-RA RIGHT ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 7.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54410UB-CA CENTER ARM, WOOD, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 7.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54410UB-LT LEFT ARM TO TABLE, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 7.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54410UB-RT RIGHT ARM TO TABLE, URETHANE CAP, MODULAR General Information: W: 2.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 27" H: 25" WT: 7.5 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 498 510 521 534 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Seat and back cushions MUST be ordered separately from arms - please note the product descriptions on this page. Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Accessories Optional plastic foot. Optional Plastic Foot Plastic Foot available at an additional charge. +$56 list per arm When ordering specify: Product number Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout Urethane cap color 192 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. modular tables 54400-ST SPANNER TABLE, FOR WOOD ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 21" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 16" WT: 21 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 742 760 778 796 Versant WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. 54400-STNR SPANNER TABLE, NO ROUTE, FOR WOOD ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 21" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 16" WT: 21 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 742 760 778 796 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. 54400-ET END TABLE, FOR WOOD ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 18.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 16" WT: 19 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1020 1044 1068 1091 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. 54400-ETNR END TABLE, NO ROUTE, FOR WOOD ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 18.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 16" WT: 19 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1020 1044 1068 1091 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. 54400-CT CORNER TABLE, FOR WOOD ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 32" COM: n/a ♦ D: 32" H: 16" WT: 33 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1295 1326 1357 1389 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. 54400-CTNR CORNER TABLE, NO ROUT, FOR WOOD ARM, MODULAR General Information: W: 32" COM: n/a ♦ D: 32" H: 16" WT: 33 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 1295 1326 1357 1389 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Shaded portion of the illustration indicates the product being described. Modular seating orders must include a layout to ensure proper configuration. Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Urethane edge color Oak or maple wood Finish Room layout ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 193 Versant lounge 54L211W CHAIR, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 33" H: 32" SW: 24" General Information: SD: 22" SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2084 2130 2177 2225 21702274 23882559 2730 22162320 24342605 2776 22632367 24812652 2823 23112415 25292700 2871 289630673234 294231133280 298931603327 303732083375 54L212W LOVESEAT, WOOD CAP W: 54" D: 33" H: 32" SW: 48" 1: 2: 3: 4: 3119 3191 3263 3334 SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 101 lb. 32363379 35353769 4003 33083451 36073841 4075 33803523 36793913 4147 34513594 37503984 4218 423144654692 430345374764 437546094836 444646804907 54L213W SOFA, WOOD CAP W: 76" D: 33" H: 32" SW: 72" 1: 2: 3: 4: SD: 22" SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 133 lb. 3887 40454237 44474762 5077 3975 41334325 45354850 5165 4064 42224414 46244939 5254 4152 43104502 47125027 5342 538356986005 547157866093 556058756182 564859636270 54L211U CHAIR, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 33" H: 32" SW: 24" 1: 2: 3: 4: 2084 2130 2177 2225 CA TB133: +$190 COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$260 SD: 22" COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SD: 22" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ 21702274 23882559 2730 22162320 24342605 2776 22632367 24812652 2823 23112415 25292700 2871 289630673234 294231133280 298931603327 303732083375 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54L212U LOVESEAT, URETHANE CAP W: 54" D: 33" H: 32" SW: 48" SD: 22" General Information: SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 101 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3119 3191 3263 3334 32363379 35353769 4003 33083451 36073841 4075 33803523 36793913 4147 34513594 37503984 4218 423144654692 430345374764 437546094836 444646804907 COM: 6.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$260 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54L213U SOFA, URETHANE CAP W: 76" D: 33" H: 32" SW: 72" General Information: SD: 22" SH: 18.5" AH: 24" WT: 133 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish 194 Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3887 3975 4064 4152 40454237 44474762 5077 41334325 45354850 5165 42224414 46244939 5254 43104502 47125027 5342 538356986005 547157866093 556058756182 564859636270 COM: 8.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$350 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. freestanding tables 54-2023 END TABLE, 20H, 23DIA W: 23" D: 23" H: 20" General Information: WT: 24 lb. COM: n/a ♦ Price by Shipping Zone Zone Versant 1 2 3 4 1319 1351 1381 1413 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. 54-2023NR END TABLE, NO ROUT, 20H, 23W, 23D W: 23" D: 23" H: 20" WT: 24 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ 1 2 3 4 1319 1351 1381 1413 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail on the side support rails. 54-162440 COFFEE TABLE, 16H, 40W, 24D W: 40" D: 24" H: 16" WT: 41 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ 1 2 3 4 1751 1793 1834 1877 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout (NR) detail on the side support rails. 54-162440NR COFFEE TABLE, NO ROUT, 16H, 40W, 24D W: 40" D: 24" H: 16" WT: 41 lb. Price by Shipping Zone Zone General Information: COM: n/a ♦ 1 2 3 4 1751 1793 1834 1877 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: n/a Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout (NR) detail on the side support rails. Accessories Optional Plastic Foot Plastic Foot available at an additional charge. +$112 list per table When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Urethane edge color Oak or maple wood Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 195 Versant glider 54151WG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, SHORT SKIRT W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2408 2465 2519 2574 24802568 26642808 2952 25372625 27212865 3009 25912679 27752919 3063 26462734 28302974 3118 309232363376 314932933433 320333473487 325834023542 54151WG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, SHORT SKIRT W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 66 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2507 2565 2622 2681 25792667 27632907 3051 26372725 28212965 3109 26942782 28783022 3166 27532841 29373081 3225 319133353475 324933933533 330634503590 336535093649 54151WG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, SHORT SKIRT W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2616 2678 2737 2798 26932786 28883041 3194 27552848 29503103 3256 28142907 30093162 3315 28752968 30703223 3376 334334963645 340535583707 346436173766 352536783827 54151UG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, SHORT SKIRT W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2408 2465 2519 2574 24802568 26642808 2952 25372625 27212865 3009 25912679 27752919 3063 26462734 28302974 3118 309232363376 314932933433 320333473487 325834023542 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54151UG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, SHORT SKIRT W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 66 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone GR 1: 2: 3: 4: 2507 2565 2622 2681 25792667 27632907 3051 26372725 28212965 3109 26942782 28783022 3166 27532841 29373081 3225 319133353475 324933933533 330634503590 336535093649 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. wall 54151UG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, SHORT SKIRT CR GR- Glider range from forward point to rear point is 41” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 7” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 196 W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2616 2678 2737 2798 26932786 28883041 3194 27552848 29503103 3256 28142907 30093162 3315 28752968 30703223 3376 334334963645 340535583707 346436173766 352536783827 General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. glider 54151WLG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, SHORT SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 65 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2561 2620 2678 2737 26332721 28172961 3105 26922780 28763020 3164 27502838 29343078 3222 28092897 29933137 3281 324533893529 330434483588 336235063646 342135653705 54151WLG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, SHORT SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 68 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2666 2727 2788 2850 27382826 29223066 3210 27992887 29833127 3271 28602948 30443188 3332 29223010 31063250 3394 335034943634 341135553695 347236163756 353436783818 54151WLG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, SHORT SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 71 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2782 28592952 30543207 3360 2845 29223015 31173270 3423 2909 29863079 31813334 3487 2976 30533146 32483401 3554 350936623811 357237253874 363637893938 370338564005 54151ULG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, SHORT SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 65 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2561 2620 2678 2737 26332721 28172961 3105 26922780 28763020 3164 27502838 29343078 3222 28092897 29933137 3281 324533893529 330434483588 336235063646 342135653705 Versant General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54151ULG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, SHORT SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 68 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2666 2727 2788 2850 27382826 29223066 3210 27992887 29833127 3271 28602948 30443188 3332 29223010 31063250 3394 335034943634 341135553695 347236163756 353436783818 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 GR Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. wall 54151ULG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, SHORT SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 71 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2782 2845 2909 2976 28592952 30543207 3360 29223015 31173270 3423 29863079 31813334 3487 30533146 32483401 3554 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 350936623811 357237253874 363637893938 370338564005 CR General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ GR- Glider range from forward point to rear point is 41” WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 7” MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 197 Versant glider 54251WG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG SKIRT W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2444 2500 2557 2613 25162604 27002844 2988 25722660 27562900 3044 26292717 28132957 3101 26852773 28693013 3157 312832723412 318433283468 324133853525 329734413581 54251WG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG SKIRT W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 66 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2548 2606 2666 2724 26252718 28202973 3126 26832776 28783031 3184 27432836 29383091 3244 28012894 29963149 3302 327534283577 333334863635 339335463695 345136043753 54251WG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG SKIRT W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2658 27392838 29463108 3270 2719 28002899 30073169 3331 2780 28612960 30683230 3392 2842 29233022 31303292 3454 342835903747 348936513808 355037123869 361237743931 54251UG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG SKIRT W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 63 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2444 2500 2557 2613 25162604 27002844 2988 25722660 27562900 3044 26292717 28132957 3101 26852773 28693013 3157 312832723412 318433283468 324133853525 329734413581 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54251UG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG SKIRT W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 66 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone GR 1: 2: 3: 4: 2548 2606 2666 2724 26252718 28202973 3126 26832776 28783031 3184 27432836 29383091 3244 28012894 29963149 3302 327534283577 333334863635 339335463695 345136043753 General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. wall 54251UG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG SKIRT CR GR- Glider range from forward point to rear point is 41” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 7” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color 198 W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 69 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2658 2719 2780 2842 27392838 29463108 3270 28002899 30073169 3331 28612960 30683230 3392 29233022 31303292 3454 342835903747 348936513808 355037123869 361237743931 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. glider 54251WLG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 65 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2598 2657 2718 2778 26702758 28542998 3142 27292817 29133057 3201 27902878 29743118 3262 28502938 30343178 3322 328234263566 334134853625 340235463686 346236063746 54251WLG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 68 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2708 27852878 29803133 3286 2771 28482941 30433196 3349 2833 29103003 31053258 3411 2896 29733066 31683321 3474 343535883737 349836513800 356037133862 362337763925 54251WLG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, WOOD CAP, LONG SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 71 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2824 2890 2955 3020 29053004 31123274 3436 29713070 31783340 3502 30363135 32433405 3567 31013200 33083470 3632 359437563913 366038223979 372538874044 379039524109 54251ULG20 GLIDER, 20" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 27.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 20" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 65 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2598 2657 2718 2778 26702758 28542998 3142 27292817 29133057 3201 27902878 29743118 3262 28502938 30343178 3322 328234263566 334134853625 340235463686 346236063746 Versant General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 General Information: COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 General Information: COM: 4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$160 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54251ULG22 GLIDER, 22" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 29.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 22" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 68 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2708 2771 2833 2896 27852878 29803133 3286 28482941 30433196 3349 29103003 31053258 3411 29733066 31683321 3474 343535883737 349836513800 356037133862 362337763925 General Information: COM: 4.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$170 GR Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. wall 54251ULG24 GLIDER, 24" SEAT, UPH ARM, URETHANE CAP, LONG SKIRT, LOCKING MECHANISM W: 31.5" D: 30" H: 42" SW: 24" SD: 19.5" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75" WT: 71 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2824 2890 2955 3020 29053004 31123274 3436 29713070 31783340 3502 30363135 32433405 3567 31013200 33083470 3632 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 359437563913 366038223979 372538874044 379039524109 General Information: CR COM: 4.5 yd. ♦ GR- Glider range from forward point to rear point is 41” WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 7” MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$180 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 199 Versant recliners Arm Options Wood Cap Back Options Urethane Cap Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Urethane Pushbar (54900-PB) +$220 Specify standard or wide Tables Full-flip Table (54900-FT) Half-flip Table (54900-FTP) +$320 +$320 Available right side only (facing front). 3 mm vinyl or self-edge standard. Full-flip tables cannot be used with a foley-bag hook. Full-flip table is 13.5"D x 20"W. Available right side only (facing front). 3 mm vinyl or self-edge is standard. Half-flip table is 13.5"D x 13.25"W. Accessories Footrest (54900-FR) Standard IV-pole (54900-V1) Trigger IV-pole (54900-V2) Stainless IV-pole (54900-V3) +$220 +$231 +$420 +$497 Specify right or left (facing front). Arm Restraint Cap Foley Bag Hook (54900-BH) +$26 +$38 Not available when ordering urethane arm cap models. 200 Specify right or left (facing front). Specify right or left (facing front). Available right side only (facing front). ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. patient recliners 54981W PATIENT RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" General Information: SH: 19.5" AH: 25" WT: 125 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4022 4115 4211 4304 41084212 43264497 4668 42014305 44194590 4761 42974401 45154686 4857 43904494 46084779 4950 483450055172 492750985265 502351945361 511652875454 54W981W PATIENT RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 19.5" 4329 44194529 46494829 5009 4431 45214631 47514931 5111 4531 46214731 48515031 5211 4630 47204830 49505130 5310 AH: 25" WT: 130 lb. 518453645539 528654665641 538655665741 548556655840 54981U PATIENT RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4022 4115 4211 4304 SH: 19.5" 41084212 43264497 4668 42014305 44194590 4761 42974401 45154686 4857 43904494 46084779 4950 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: AH: 25" WT: 125 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Versant 483450055172 492750985265 502351945361 511652875454 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. 54W981U PATIENT RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19.5" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 130 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4329 4431 4531 4630 44194529 46494829 5009 45214631 47514931 5111 46214731 48515031 5211 47204830 49505130 5310 518453645539 528654665641 538655665741 548556655840 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 65” RBH- Reclined back height 33.5” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 24” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 201 Versant orthopedic recliners 54H981W ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 46" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" General Information: SH: 21.5" AH: 27" WT: 128 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4269 4368 4467 4566 43594469 45894769 4949 44584568 46884868 5048 45574667 47874967 5147 46564766 48865066 5246 512453045479 522354035578 532255025677 542156015776 54WH981W ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 46" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21.5" AH: 27" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4574 4681 4788 4894 46694784 49105099 5288 47764891 50175206 5395 48834998 51245313 5502 49895104 52305419 5608 547256615845 557957685952 568658756059 579259816165 54H981U ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 46" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4269 43594469 45894769 4949 4368 44584568 46884868 5048 4467 45574667 47874967 5147 4566 46564766 48865066 5246 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 General Information: AH: 27" WT: 128 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: WT: 133 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5 yd. ♦ 512453045479 522354035578 532255025677 542156015776 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. 54WH981U ORTHOPEDIC RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 46" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21.5" AH: 27" General Information: WT: 133 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4574 4681 4788 4894 46694784 49105099 5288 47764891 50175206 5395 48834998 51245313 5502 49895104 52305419 5608 547256615845 557957685952 568658756059 579259816165 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 73” RBH- Reclined back height 31” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 23” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color 202 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. sleep recliners 54981WP SLEEP RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" General Information: SH: 19.5" AH: 25" WT: 140 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4408 4511 4613 4716 44944598 47124883 5054 45974701 48154986 5157 46994803 49175088 5259 48024906 50205191 5362 522053915558 532354945661 542555965763 552856995866 54W981WP SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4714 4824 4934 5045 SH: 19.5" 48044914 50345214 5394 49145024 51445324 5504 50245134 52545434 5614 51355245 53655545 5725 AH: 25" WT: 145 lb. 556957495924 567958596034 578959696144 590060806255 54981UP SLEEP RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 19.5" 4408 44944598 47124883 5054 4511 45974701 48154986 5157 4613 46994803 49175088 5259 4716 48024906 50205191 5362 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: AH: 25" WT: 140 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Versant 522053915558 532354945661 542555965763 552856995866 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. 54W981UP SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19.5" General Information: AH: 25" WT: 145 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4714 4824 4934 5045 48044914 50345214 5394 49145024 51445324 5504 50245134 52545434 5614 51355245 53655545 5725 556957495924 567958596034 578959696144 590060806255 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 73” RBH- Reclined back height 31” Back angle is 168 degrees CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 21” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 203 Versant orthopedic sleep recliners 54H981WP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 46" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21.5" AH: 27" General Information: WT: 148 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4654 4763 4870 4979 47444854 49745154 5334 48534963 50835263 5443 49605070 51905370 5550 50695179 52995479 5659 550956895864 561857985973 572559056080 583460146189 54WH981WP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 46" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21.5" AH: 27" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4744 4855 4964 5075 48394954 50805269 5458 49505065 51915380 5569 50595174 53005489 5678 51705285 54115600 5789 WT: 150 lb. 564258316015 575359426126 586260516235 597361626346 54H981UP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 46" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21.5" AH: 27" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4654 4763 4870 4979 47444854 49745154 5334 48534963 50835263 5443 49605070 51905370 5550 50695179 52995479 5659 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 General Information: WT: 148 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 5 yd. ♦ 550956895864 561857985973 572559056080 583460146189 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. W: 32" 54WH981UP ORTHOPEDIC SLEEP RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP General Information: D: 34.75" COM: 5.25 yd. ♦ H: 46" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 21.5" AH: 27" WT: 150 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4744 4855 4964 5075 48394954 50805269 5458 49505065 51915380 5569 50595174 53005489 5678 51705285 54115600 5789 564258316015 575359426126 586260516235 597361626346 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$210 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 73” RBH- Reclined back height 31” Back angle is 168 degrees CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 21” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color 204 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. trendelenberg recliners 54981WPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, WOOD CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" General Information: WT: 148 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4441 4546 4649 4753 45274631 47454916 5087 46324736 48505021 5192 47354839 49535124 5295 48394943 50575228 5399 525354245591 535855295696 546156325799 556557365903 54W981WPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, WIDE, WOOD CAP W: 32" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4742 4853 4965 5073 48324942 50625242 5422 49435053 51735353 5533 50555165 52855465 5645 51635273 53935573 5753 559757775952 570858886063 582060006175 592861086283 54981UPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, URETHANE CAP W: 30" D: 34.75" H: 44" SW: 21.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 4441 4546 4649 4753 45274631 47454916 5087 46324736 48505021 5192 47354839 49535124 5295 48394943 50575228 5399 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 COM: 5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 General Information: WT: 148 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ General Information: WT: 150 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone Versant 525354245591 535855295696 546156325799 556557365903 COM: 4.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$190 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. W: 32" 54W981UPT TRENDELENBURG RECLINER, WIDE, URETHANE CAP General Information: D: 34.75" COM: 5 yd. ♦ H: 44" SW: 23.5" SD: 20.5" SH: 19" AH: 24.75" WT: 150 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4742 48324942 50625242 5422 4853 49435053 51735353 5533 4965 50555165 52855465 5645 5073 51635273 53935573 5753 559757775952 570858886063 582060006175 592861086283 WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$200 Urethane arm caps and pushbar available in black, khaki or espresso. RL RBH wall CR RL- Reclined length 65” RBH- Reclined back height 28” CR- Clearance required when placed against a wall is 24” When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Recliner options Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 205 Versant sleep chairs 54841W24 SLEEP CHAIR, 24" SEAT, WOOD CAP W: 32.5" D: 39" H: 31.25" SW: 24" SD: 21.75" General Information: SH: 17.5" AH: 24.5" WT: 130 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 3944 4035 4125 4216 1: 2: 3: 4: 40664214 43764619 4862 41574305 44674710 4953 42474395 45574800 5043 43384486 46484891 5134 509853415578 518954325669 527955225759 537056135850 54841W30 SLEEP CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD CAP W: 38.5" D: 39" H: 31.25" SW: 30" SD: 21.75" 4290 44614670 48985240 5582 4389 45604769 49975339 5681 4486 46574866 50945436 5778 4583 47544963 51915533 5875 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 24.5" WT: 148 lb. 591562576589 601463566688 611164536785 620865506882 54841W48 SLEEP CHAIR, 48" SEAT, WOOD CAP W: 56.5" D: 39" H: 31.25" SW: 48" SD: 21.75" 4945 5056 5169 5282 1: 2: 3: 4: 51255345 55855945 6305 52365456 56966056 6416 53495569 58096169 6529 54625682 59226282 6642 AH: 24.5" WT: 202 lb. 665570157365 676671267476 687972397589 699273527702 54841U24 SLEEP CHAIR, 24" SEAT, URETHANE CAP W: 32.5" D: 39" H: 31.25" SW: 24" SD: 21.75" 3944 4035 4125 4216 1: 2: 3: 4: SH: 17.5" 40664214 43764619 4862 41574305 44674710 4953 42474395 45574800 5043 43384486 46484891 5134 CA TB133: +$270 COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$380 COM: 10 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$400 General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 133 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: included General Information: SH: 17.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple General Information: SH: 17.5" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 6.75 yd. ♦ 509853415578 518954325669 527955225759 537056135850 COM: 6.75 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$270 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54841U30 SLEEP CHAIR, 30" SEAT, URETHANE CAP W: 38.5" D: 39" H: 31.25" SW: 30" SD: 21.75" SH: 17.5" General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 151 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone L SS 44614670 48985240 5582 45604769 49975339 5681 46574866 50945436 5778 47544963 51915533 5875 591562576589 601463566688 611164536785 620865506882 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$380 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. 54841U48 SLEEP CHAIR, 48" SEAT, URETHANE CAP wall W: 56.5" CR D: 39" H: 31.25" SW: 48" SD: 21.75" SH: 17.5" General Information: AH: 24.5" WT: 205 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ SS- Sleep surface 77” CR- Clearance required to open sleep surface when placed against a wall is is 0” L- Overall length is 92" When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Oak or maple wood Finish Sleep chair options Urethane cap color 206 4290 4389 4486 4583 1: 2: 3: 4: COM: 9.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4945 5056 5169 5282 51255345 55855945 6305 52365456 56966056 6416 53495569 58096169 6529 54625682 59226282 6642 665570157365 676671267476 687972397589 699273527702 COM: 10 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$400 Urethane arm caps are available in black, khaki or espresso. Accessories Casters, 5 lb. $273 Fitted Sheets, 2 lb. When 48" unit is ordered with casters: (2) slides are provided on the front and (2) locking casters are provided on the back. $60 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Wedgewood 7324004 CHAIR, WOOD ARM, LOW BACK W: 24" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: – General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 28 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1114 1141 1166 1191 1: 2: 3: 4: 11411174 12101264 1318 11681201 12371291 1345 11931226 12621316 1370 12181251 12871341 1395 137114251477 139814521504 142314771529 144815021554 7324029 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, LOW BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: – SH: 18" 2111 2161 2209 2257 1: 2: 3: 4: 21632227 22962401 2505 22132277 23462451 2555 22612325 23942499 2603 23092373 24422547 2651 WT: 50 lb. 260727112813 265727612863 270528092911 275328572959 7324030 SOFA, WOOD ARM, LOW BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: – 3037 3107 3177 3248 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25.75" WT: 71 lb. 31163213 33183477 3635 31863283 33883547 3705 32563353 34583617 3775 33273424 35293688 3846 378939484102 385940184172 392940884242 400041594313 7324033 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS, LOW BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: – SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 52 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 2194 2247 2297 2348 1: 2: 3: 4: 22482314 23862494 2602 23012367 24392547 2655 23512417 24892597 2705 24022468 25402648 2756 270728152920 276028682973 281029183023 286129693074 7324036 SOFA, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS, LOW BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 33" SW: 20" SD: – 1: 2: 3: 4: 3332 3410 3486 3563 CA TB133: +$60 COM: 2.9 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$14 CA TB133: +$116 SH: 18" AH: 25.75" 34113508 36133772 3930 34893586 36913850 4008 35653662 37673926 4084 36423739 38444003 4161 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$176 General Information: COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$14 CA TB133: +$120 General Information: WT: 75 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: +$8 General Information: SH: 18" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: AH: 25.75" B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ 408442434397 416243214475 423843974551 431544744628 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$176 Accessories Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$130 +$195 +$260 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 207 Wedgewood mid back 7324005 CHAIR, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 24" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: – General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 31 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1167 1193 1222 1249 11941227 12631317 1371 12201253 12891343 1397 12491282 13181372 1426 12761309 13451399 1453 142414781530 145015041556 147915331585 150615601612 7324031 LOVESEAT, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: – 1: 2: 3: 4: 2342 2398 2452 2506 SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 54 lb. 23962462 25342642 2750 24522518 25902698 2806 25062572 26442752 2860 25602626 26982806 2914 285529633068 291130193124 296530733178 301931273232 7324032 SOFA, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: – SH: 18" 3367 34463543 36483807 3965 3446 35253622 37273886 4044 3522 36013698 38033962 4120 3601 36803777 38824041 4199 1: 2: 3: 4: AH: 25.75" WT: 77 lb. 411942784432 419843574511 427444334587 435345124666 7324040 LOVESEAT, SHORT CENTER ARMS, MID BACK W: 46" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: – SH: 18" AH: 25.75" 2429 2485 2541 2599 1: 2: 3: 4: 24832549 26212729 2837 25392605 26772785 2893 25952661 27332841 2949 26532719 27912899 3007 294230503155 299831063211 305431623267 311232203325 7324043 SOFA, WOOD ARM, SHORT CENTER ARMS, MID BACK W: 68" D: 25.5" H: 39" SW: 20" SD: – 1: 2: 3: 4: 3685 3770 3858 3943 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$14 CA TB133: +$120 SH: 18" AH: 25.75" 37643861 39664125 4283 38493946 40514210 4368 39374034 41394298 4456 40224119 42244383 4541 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$176 COM: 3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$14 CA TB133: +$120 General Information: WT: 81 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$60 General Information: WT: 56 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: +$8 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ 443745964750 452246814835 461047694923 469548545008 COM: 4.4 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$22 CA TB133: +$176 Accessories When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color 208 Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$130 +$195 +$260 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Wedgewood 7324006 PATIENT CHAIR, WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 24" D: 25.5" H: 43" SW: 20" SD: – SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25.75" WT: 33 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1231 1260 1288 1317 12711319 13721451 1531 13001348 14011480 1560 13281376 14291508 1588 13571405 14581537 1617 160816871764 163717161793 166517441821 169417731850 7324009 MOTION CHAIR, WOOD ARM, MID BACK W: 25" D: 26.5" H: 39" SW: 20.25" SD: – SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1656 1694 1734 1772 16961744 17971876 1956 17341782 18351914 1994 17741822 18751954 2034 18121860 19131992 2072 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$8 CA TB133: +$88 General Information: AH: 25.75" WT: 50 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.2 yd. ♦ 203321122189 207121502227 211121902267 214922282305 COM: 2.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$88 Leg extensions are not available on motion chairs. 7324010 MOTION PATIENT CHAIR, WOOD ARM, HIGH BACK W: 25" D: 26.5" H: 45" SW: 20.25" SD: – SH: 18" AH: 25.75" General Information: WT: 52 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1710 17501798 18511930 2010 1748 17881836 18891968 2048 1787 18271875 19282007 2087 1828 18681916 19692048 2128 1: 2: 3: 4: 208721662243 212522042281 216422432320 220522842361 COM: 2.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$88 Leg extensions are not available on motion chairs. 7024007 OTTOMAN, 10" HEIGHT W: 19" D: 16" H: 10" General Information: COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WT: 9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 540 553 565 580 1: 2: 3: 4: W: 19" 547556 565580 594 560569 578593 607 572581 590605 619 587596 605620 634 608623637 621636650 633648662 648663677 MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$16 7024008 OTTOMAN, 18" HEIGHT General Information: D: 16.75" COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ H: 18" WT: 15 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech 1: 2: 3: 4: 540 553 565 580 547556 565580 594 560569 578593 607 572581 590605 619 587596 605620 634 608623637 621636650 633648662 648663677 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$16 Accessories Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$130 +$195 +$260 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 209 Wedgewood bariatric 7324058 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 20" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 24" D: 24.75" H: 35" SW: 20" SD: – SH: 18" General Information: AH: 25.75" WT: 30 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1167 1193 1222 1249 11941227 12631317 1371 12201253 12891343 1397 12491282 13181372 1426 12761309 13451399 1453 142414781530 145015041556 147915331585 150615601612 7324054 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 25" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 29" D: 24.75" H: 35" SW: 25" SD: – SH: 18" 1493 1528 1562 1597 1: 2: 3: 4: 15341585 16401723 1805 15691620 16751758 1840 16031654 17091792 1874 16381689 17441827 1909 AH: 25.75" WT: 36 lb. 188619692049 192120042084 195520382118 199020732153 7324055 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 34" D: 24.75" H: 35" SW: 30" SD: – SH: 18" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1576 1613 1651 1686 16171668 17231806 1888 16541705 17601843 1925 16921743 17981881 1963 17271778 18331916 1998 AH: 25.75" WT: 40 lb. 196920522132 200620892169 204421272207 207921622242 7324056 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM W: 44" D: 24.75" H: 35" SW: 40" SD: – SH: 18" 1663 1702 1741 1778 1: 2: 3: 4: 17121771 18361933 2031 17511810 18751972 2070 17901849 19142011 2109 18271886 19512048 2146 AH: 25.75" WT: 46 lb. 212522222317 216422612356 220323002395 224023372432 7324063 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 25" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID-BACK W: 29" D: 24.75" H: 39" SW: 25" SD: – SH: 18" AH: 25.75" 1: 2: 3: 4: 1552 1587 1623 1659 15971652 17121802 1892 16321687 17471837 1927 16681723 17831873 1963 17041759 18191909 1999 COM: 2.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$92 COM: 2.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$92 COM: 2.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$108 General Information: WT: 39 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$60 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: +$8 General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ 198020702157 201521052192 205121412228 208721772264 COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$100 Accessories When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color 210 Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps +$130 +$195 +$260 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. Available in black, khaki or espresso. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. bariatric, benches and accessories 7324064 BARIATRIC CHAIR, 30" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID-BACK W: 34" D: 24.75" H: 39" SW: 30" SD: – SH: 18" AH: 25.75" General Information: WT: 45 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: W: 44" 1634 1672 1709 1748 16791734 17941884 1974 17171772 18321922 2012 17541809 18691959 2049 17931848 19081998 2088 206221522239 210021902277 213722272314 217622662353 MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$100 D: 24.75" COM: 2.7 yd. ♦ 1: 2: 3: 4: SW: 40" SD: – SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 51 lb. 1718 1757 1798 1837 17671826 18911988 2086 18061865 19302027 2125 18471906 19712068 2166 18861945 20102107 2205 218022772372 221923162411 226023572452 229923962491 7011101 BENCH - 2 SEAT, WOOD LEG W: 34" WOOD SPECS: Beech General Information: B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 2.5 yd. ♦ 7324065 BARIATRIC LOVESEAT, 40" SEAT, WOOD ARM, MID-BACK H: 39" D: 24.75" H: 39" SW: 30" SD: – Wedgewood WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$16 CA TB133: +$108 General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 34 lb. COM: 1.5 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech B/COM CDEFG HIJ MOIS. BARR: +$22 Zone Zone Zone Zone CA TB133: +$60 1: 2: 3: 4: 1122 11491182 12181272 1326 1148 11751208 12441298 1352 1176 12031236 12721326 1380 1201 12281261 12971351 1405 137914331485 140514591511 143314871539 145815121564 7011102 BENCH - 3 SEAT, WOOD LEG W: 44" D: 24.75" H: 39" SW: 40" SD: – General Information: SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 50 lb. COM: 2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1216 12521296 13441416 1488 1245 12811325 13731445 1517 1273 13091353 14011473 1545 1301 13371381 14291501 1573 1: 2: 3: 4: 155816301700 158716591729 161516871757 164317151785 MOIS. BARR: +$30 CA TB133: +$80 Accessories 7070009 LEG EXTENSIONS (SET OF FOUR) WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 245 2 250 3 259 4 265 Price includes glides. Adjusts height from 1" to 5". Standard color is Champagne Bronze. Available on all Laurelwood and Wedgewood chairs. Leg extensions are not available on motion chairs. 7144002 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144022 ACCESSSORIES PLASTIC CAPS FOR 4012 GLIDE WT: 0.5 lb. $4 Urethane Arm Caps Urethane Arm Caps available at an additional charge. +$130 +$195 +$260 2 arms 3 arms 4 arms Available in black, khaki or espresso. 7144001 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, CARPET SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. 7144004 CASTERS, SET OF TWO, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 0.5 lb. $65 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Specify locking or non-locking for front or rear legs when ordering. 7144003 REAR LOCKING CASTERS, FRONT NON LOCK SET OF FOUR, HARD SURFACE Stem Size: 50 mm WT: 1 lb. $79 Caster Size: 2" Load Cap: 110 lb. per caster Includes two front non-locking casters and two rear locking casters. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish Leg extension option Moisture barrier option Urethane cap color ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 211 212 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. o c c a si o n a l t a b le s, d ining tops and bas es pr i c i n g a n d s p e c if i c a tions wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 213 Tables 1030 series and 3600 series 1030 Tables General Information: WOOD SPECS: Oak, Maple product number 1030-162036 1030-162048 1030-162448 1030-212424 1030-212626 1030-213030 dimensions 16" H x 20" W 16" H x 20" W 16" H x 24" W 21" H x 24" W 21" H x 26" W 21" H x 30" W weight x 36" L x 48" L x 48" L x 24" L x 26" L x 30" L 47 58 64 43 47 56 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 lb. 127813091339 1370 lb. 151415491587 1622 lb. 159216301670 1707 lb. 116711941223 1250 lb. 124612761306 1335 lb. 140414371471 1503 When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Oak or maple wood Finish 7013614 END TABLE, 17H 24W 24D, 3/4" HARDWOOD LAMINATE TOP W: 23.625" D: 23.625" H: 17", 20.75" WT: 16 lb. General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 560 574 4 587 600 Specify 17" or 20.75" table height. Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. 7013615 COFFEE TABLE, 16H 46W 24D, 3/4" HARDWOOD LAMINATE TOP W: 46.25" D: 23.625" H: 15.5" WT: 25 lb. General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 637 653 4 666 682 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. 7013616 CORNER TABLE, 21H 30W 30D, 3/34" HARDWOOD LAMINATE TOP W: 29.75" D: 29.75" H: 20.75" WT: 23 lb General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 583 596 3 4 610 625 Price includes Chrome Rubber cushioned glides. When ordering specify: Product number Table height Laminate vendor/name and number Finish 214 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 4500 series 7014500 END TABLE, 18W 24D, SQUARE CORNERS W: 18" D: 24" H: 17", 22" Tables General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 31 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 925 948 970 992 veneer top wood edge grade A 1082 1108 1133 1159 1059 1084 1109 1134 solid surface grade B grade C 1110 1137 1163 1190 1185 1212 1241 1269 grade D 1236 1266 1295 1325 Specify 17" or 22" table height. Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014501 END TABLE, 22H 24W 24D, SQUARE CORNER W: 24" D: 24" H: 22" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 37 lb. Top-edge style #10 Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 972 996 1020 1041 veneer top wood edge grade A 1165 1194 1221 1248 1160 1187 1214 1242 solid surface grade B grade C 1283 1314 1344 1375 1337 1369 1401 1433 grade D 1407 1441 1474 1508 Top-edge style #20 Price includes Plastitack glides. Top-edge style #30 7014502 CORNER TABLE, 22H 30W 30D, SQUARE CORNERS W: 30" D: 30" H: 22" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 50 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1147 1174 1201 1230 veneer top wood edge grade A 1487 1523 1557 1594 1384 1417 1450 1483 solid surface grade B grade C 1495 1531 1566 1602 1679 1718 1758 1798 Top-edge style #40 grade D 1796 1840 1882 1925 Top-edge style #50 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014503 COFFEE TABLE, 17H 42W 24D, SQUARE CORNERS W: 42" D: 24" H: 17" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 51 lb. Top-edge style #60 Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1202 1233 1261 1290 veneer top wood edge grade A 1437 1473 1505 1541 1728 1770 1811 1852 solid surface grade B grade C 1909 1954 1999 2045 2170 2223 2274 2326 grade D 2346 2403 2459 2514 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014504 COFFEE TABLE, 17H 42W, 42D, SQUARE CORNERS W: 42" D: 42" H: 17" General Information: WT: 73 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1627 1667 1707 1744 veneer top wood edge grade A 1960 2007 2052 2099 2085 2135 2185 2234 solid surface grade B grade C 2265 2319 2373 2427 2607 2669 2732 2793 grade D 2703 2767 2831 2895 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014505 CONSOLE TABLE, 29H 48W 18D, SQUARE CORNERS W: 48" D: 18" H: 29" General Information: WT: 52 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1277 1309 1339 1369 Price includes Plastitack glides. veneer top wood edge grade A 1500 1535 1570 1606 1852 1895 1939 1984 solid surface grade B grade C 1972 2020 2066 2114 2147 2198 2248 2300 grade D 2264 2318 2372 2426 When ordering specify: Product number Table height Laminate vendor/name and number or solid surface color Edge style Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 215 Tables 4500 series radius corner top 7014520 END TABLE, 18W 24D, ROUNDED CORNERS W: 18" D: 24" H: 17", 22" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 31 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 946 967 990 1012 veneer top wood edge grade A 1100 1127 1153 1179 1079 1105 1131 1157 solid surface grade B grade C 1131 1158 1185 1211 grade D 1205 1234 1263 1292 1257 1286 1316 1346 Specify 17" or 22" table height. Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014521 END TABLE, 22H 24W 24D, ROUNDED CORNERS W: 24" Top-edge style #10 D: 24" H: 22" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 37 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Top-edge style #20 laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 991 1015 1037 1062 veneer top wood edge grade A 1183 1212 1240 1268 1178 1207 1235 1263 solid surface grade B grade C 1250 1280 1310 1340 grade D 1355 1387 1420 1452 1426 1460 1494 1527 Price includes Plastitack glides. Top-edge style #30 7014522 CORNER TABLE, 22H 30W 30D, ROUNDED CORNERS W: 30" D: 30" H: 22" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 50 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Top-edge style #40 Zone Zone Zone Zone Top-edge style #50 laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1165 1194 1221 1248 veneer top wood edge grade A 1505 1542 1577 1614 1402 1435 1469 1502 solid surface grade B grade C 1522 1559 1595 1632 grade D 1696 1738 1778 1818 1814 1857 1900 1944 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014523 COFFEE TABLE, 17H 42W 24D, ROUNDED CORNERS Top-edge style #60 W: 42" D: 24" H: 17" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 51 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1220 1248 1277 1307 veneer top wood edge grade A 1456 1491 1526 1561 1746 1787 1829 1870 solid surface grade B grade C 1926 1972 2018 2064 grade D 2188 2240 2292 2344 2364 2421 2476 2533 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014524 COFFEE TABLE, 17H 42W 42D, ROUNDED CORNERS W: 42" D: 42" H: 17" General Information: WT: 73 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1646 1685 1723 1762 veneer top wood edge grade A 1978 2025 2073 2119 2103 2154 2203 2254 solid surface grade B grade C 2284 2337 2392 2446 grade D 2625 2688 2750 2813 2721 2786 2851 2916 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014525 CONSOLE TABLE, 29H 48W 18D, ROUNDED CORNERS W: 48" D: 18" H: 29" General Information: WT: 52 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone When ordering specify: Product number Table height Laminate vendor/name and number or solid surface color Edge style Finish 216 Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1298 1328 1359 1389 veneer top wood edge grade A 1517 1554 1591 1626 1873 1917 1962 2006 solid surface grade B grade C 1993 2040 2088 2135 2167 2219 2270 2322 grade D 2285 2338 2393 2447 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 4600 series 7014600 END TABLE, 18W 24D, RADIUS CORNERS W: 18" D: 24" H: 17", 22" Tables General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 32 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1069 1094 1121 1145 veneer top wood edge grade A 1312 1342 1375 1405 1203 1231 1260 1289 solid surface grade B grade C 1255 1284 1314 1344 1329 1361 1392 1423 grade D 1380 1413 1446 1479 Specify 17" or 22" table height. Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014601 END TABLE, 22H 24W 24D, RADIUS CORNERS W: 24" D: 24" H: 22" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 38 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1119 1145 1172 1198 veneer top wood edge grade A 1365 1397 1430 1461 1306 1338 1369 1400 solid surface grade B grade C 1378 1411 1444 1477 1483 1518 1554 1589 grade D 1553 1590 1627 1664 Top-edge style #20 Price includes Plastitack glides. Top-edge style #30 7014602 CORNER TABLE, 22H 30W 30D, RADIUS CORNERS W: 30" D: 30" H: 22" Top-edge style #10 General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 51 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1294 1325 1355 1385 veneer top wood edge grade A 1718 1759 1800 1841 1531 1567 1604 1640 solid surface grade B grade C 1651 1690 1729 1769 1825 1869 1913 1956 Top-edge style #40 grade D 1943 1989 2035 2082 Top-edge style #50 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014603 COFFEE TABLE, 17H 42W 24D, RADIUS CORNERS W: 42" D: 24" H: 17" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 53 lb. Top-edge style #60 Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1312 1342 1375 1405 veneer top wood edge grade A 1610 1648 1686 1725 1839 1883 1926 1970 solid surface grade B grade C 2019 2067 2115 2163 2280 2335 2389 2443 grade D 2457 2514 2573 2632 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014604 COFFEE TABLE, 17H 42W 42D, RADIUS CORNERS W: 42" D: 42" H: 17" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 75 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1730 1771 1812 1853 veneer top wood edge grade A 2159 2210 2262 2314 2188 2240 2292 2344 solid surface grade B grade C 2368 2425 2480 2537 2710 2775 2839 2904 grade D 2806 2873 2940 3007 Price includes Plastitack glides. 7014605 CONSOLE TABLE, 29H 48W 18D, RADIUS CORNERS W: 48" D: 18" H: 29" General Information: WOOD SPECS: Beech WT: 55 lb. Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone laminate top wood edge 1: 2: 3: 4: 1376 1408 1441 1474 Price includes Plastitack glides. veneer top wood edge grade A 1672 1712 1752 1791 1951 1997 2044 2090 solid surface grade B grade C 2071 2121 2170 2220 2245 2299 2353 2406 grade D 2363 2419 2475 2532 When ordering specify: Product number Table height Laminate vendor/name and number or solid surface color Edge style Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 217 Tables 4700 series 4700-01 END TABLE, 22H 24W 24D W: 24" D: 24" General Information: H: 22" WT: 57 lb. FINISH: Metal Powdercoat COLOR: Silver Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone Thermoform top Zone 1 2 3 4 992 1016 1039 1063 4700-03 COFFEE TABLE, 17H 42W 24D W: 42" D: 24" H: 17" General Information: WT: 76 lb. COLOR: Silver Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone FINISH: Metal Powdercoat Thermoform top Zone 1 2 3 4 1213 1243 1271 1300 4700-13 COFFEE TABLE WITH SHELF, 17H 42W 24D W: 42" D: 24" H: 17" WT: 100 lb. FINISH: Metal Powdercoat COLOR: Silver Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone General Information: Thermoform top Zone 1 2 3 4 1627 1665 1704 1743 4700-05 CONSOLE TABLE, 29H 48W 18D W: 48" D: 18" H: 29" General Information: WT: 75 lb. COLOR: Silver Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone FINISH: Metal Powdercoat Thermoform top Zone 1 2 3 4 1268 1298 1329 1358 4700-15 CONSOLE TABLE WITH SHELF, 29H 48W 18D W: 48" D: 18" H: 29" WT: 83 lb. FINISH: Metal Powdercoat COLOR: Silver Price by Material Surface and Shipping Zone General Information: Thermoform top Zone 1 2 3 4 1572 1609 1646 1684 When ordering specify: Product number Thermoform color 218 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 50A freestanding 50A TABLES WITH LAMINATE TOP rectangular 50A-L162048 50A-L202020 50A-L202424 50A-L203030 50A-L242424 50A-L291848 50A-L291854 50A-L291860 round product number 50A-L1618 50A-L1620 50A-L1624 50A-L1630 50A-L1636 50A-L1642 50A-L2018 50A-L2020 50A-L2024 50A-L2030 50A-L2036 50A-L2042 50A-L2418 50A-L2420 50A-L2424 50A-L2430 50A-L2436 50A-L2442 dimensions 16" 20" 20" 20" 24" 29" 29" 29" H H H H H H H H x x x x x x x x 20" 20" 24" 30" 24" 48" 54" 60" 16" H 16" H 16" H 16" H 16" H 16" H 20" H 20" H 20" H 20" H 20" H 20" H 24" H 24" H 24" H 24" H 24" H 24" H W W W W W W W W x x x x x x x x 48" 20" 24" 30" 24" 18" 18" 18" x 18" DIA x 20" DIA x 24" DIA x 30" DIA x 36" DIA x 42" DIA x 18" DIA x 20" DIA x 24" DIA x 30" DIA x 36" DIA x 42" DIA x 18" DIA x 20" DIA x 24" DIA x 30" DIA x 36" DIA x 42" DIA General Information: weight L L L L L L L L Tables 48 24 28 42 32 50 55 60 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 WOOD SPECS: Maple lb. 1791 183518791921 lb. 1183 121212411270 lb. 1238 126612971327 lb. 1291 132013531382 lb. 1527 156516011638 lb. 1647 168617261764 lb. 1812 185418971942 lb. 1976 202320692117 20 lb. 1110 113611651192 21 lb. 1110 113611651192 22 lb. 1527 156516011638 38 lb. 1880 192419692014 54 lb. 2016 206421122160 74 lb. 2620 268327452809 22 lb. 1129 115711821210 23 lb. 1129 115711821210 24 lb. 1222 125012801309 56 lb. 1497 153115681603 76 lb. 2040 209021382186 24 lb. 2646 270827722835 25 lb. 1144 117211991226 26 lb. 1149 117712041233 39 lb. 1239 126712981328 40 lb. 1514 154815851620 58 lb. 2066 211721652213 78 lb. 2670 273527962861 50A Edge Style When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 219 Tables 50A freestanding 50A TABLES WITH VENEER TOP General Information: WOOD SPECS: Maple rectangular 50A Edge Style round product number 50A-V162048 50A-V202020 50A-V202424 50A-V203030 50A-V242424 50A-V291848 50A-V291854 50A-V291860 dimensions 16" 20" 20" 20" 24" 29" 29" 29" H H H H H H H H x x x x x x x x 20" 20" 24" 30" 24" 18" 18" 18" 50A-V1618 50A-V1620 50A-V1624 50A-V1630 50A-V1636 50A-V1642 50A-V2018 16" 16" 16" 16" 16" 16" 20" H H H H H H H 50A-V2020 50A-V2024 50A-V2030 50A-V2036 50A-V2042 50A-V2418 50A-V2420 50A-V2424 50A-V2430 50A-V2436 50A-V2442 20" H 20" H 20" H 20" H 20" H 24" H 24" H 24" H 24" H 24" H 24" H x x x x x x x W W W W W W W W x x x x x x x x 18" 20" 24" 30" 36" 42" 18" 48" 20" 24" 30" 24" 48" 54" 60" DIA DIA DIA DIA DIA DIA DIA x 20" DIA x 24" DIA x 30" DIA x 36" DIA x 42" DIA x 18" DIA x 20" DIA x 24" DIA x 30" DIA x 36" DIA x 42" DIA weight L L L L L L L L zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 48 24 28 42 32 50 55 60 lb. 1936 198220272073 lb. 1291 132013531382 lb. 1379 141214461478 lb. 1433 146815011535 lb. 1667 170717461786 lb. 1796 183818811923 lb. 1973 202120672115 lb. 2154 220522562306 20 21 22 38 54 74 22 lb. 1182 121112401267 lb. 1182 121112401267 lb. 1667 170717461786 lb. 2022 206921192167 lb. 2206 225823102364 lb. 2883 295030203089 lb. 1200 123012581286 23 lb. 1200 123012581286 24 lb. 1306 133813681401 39 lb. 1626 166617051743 56 lb. 2227 228023332388 76 lb. 2908 297730483116 24 lb. 1222 125012801309 25 lb. 1217 124612751304 26 lb. 1324 135513851417 40 lb. 1645 168417231762 58 lb. 2253 230523622414 78 lb. 2933 300230723143 When ordering specify: Product number Finish 220 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. occasional Tables ARRIS SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number 37-212020 37-162040 dimensions weight 21" H x 20" W x 20" L 16" H x 40" W x 20" L zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 19 lb. 156116291667 1706 30 lb. 186319071951 1996 BRIDGE SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number dimensions weight C200-212226 C200-182042 21" H x 22" W x 26" L 18" H x 20" W x 42" L zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 17 lb. 108611131137 1164 25 lb. 117712041234 1260 CAPITAL SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number dimensions weight 32-201919 32-161938 20" H x 19" W x 19" L 16" H x 38" W x 19" L 35-202121 35-161941 20" H x 21" W x 21" L 16" H x 41" W x 19" L zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 15 lb. 102510491073 1099 23 lb. 111311411167 1193 17 lb. 110511301156 1184 27 lb. 119412211249 1278 COVE SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number dimensions weight 53-222424 53-162442 22" H x 24" W x 24" L 16" H x 42" W x 24" L zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 24 lb. 118112071237 1265 41 lb. 124712771307 1337 E SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number 40A-212020L 40A-161938L 40S-212020L 40S-161938L dimensions 21" 16" 21" 16" H H H H x x x x 20" 38" 20" 38" W W W W x x x x 20" 19" 20" 19" weight L L L L 25 37 25 40 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 lb. 975 1000 1023 1046 lb. 105610801105 1131 lb. 975 1000 1023 1046 lb. 105610801105 1131 Glides available in black only. When ordering specify: Product number Wood species (maple/ oak) Laminate vendor and name/number Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 221 Tables occasional FLOW SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number dimensions weight 27-161717 27-161734 16" H x 17" W x 17" L 16" H x 34" W x 17" L zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 20 lb. 785804823 841 28 lb. 110111261154 1181 REFLECT SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number 26-1630 26-162754 dimensions weight 16" H x 30" DIA 16" H x 54" W x 27" L zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 133713691401 1432 37 lb. 164116801719 1758 50 lb. TRACE SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number 6300001 6300002 6300051 6300052 dimensions 21" 16" 21" 16" H H H H x x x x 20" 40" 20" 40" W W W W x x x x 20" 20" 20" 20" weight L L L L 16 27 27 40 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 lb. 105810801102 1126 lb. 135313821409 1438 lb. 105810801102 1126 lb. 135313821409 1438 For 6300001 and 63000002: Available with thermoform or wood veneer top. For 6300051 and 63000052: Metal powdercoat available in silver finish only. Available with thermoform or wood veneer top. VERSANT SERIES FREESTANDING TABLES product number 54-2023 54-2023NR 54-162440 54-162440NR dimensions 20" H x 23" DIA 20" H x 23" DIA 16" H x 40" W x 24" L 16" H x 40" W x 24" L weight 24 24 41 41 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 lb. 131913511381 1413 lb. 131913511381 1413 lb. 175117931834 1877 lb. 175117931834 1877 Versant table tops feature a standard urethane edge available in various colors. Contact Customer Care to request color samples. Versant tables are available with or without a rout detail (NR) on the side support rails. Optional plastic foot available, add +$112 per table. When ordering specify: Product number Wood species (maple/ oak) Laminate vendor and name/number Finish 222 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 20C cylinder Tables 20C Cylinder Tables product number dimensions weight zone laminate 20C-1518 15" H x 18" ø 50 lb. Zone 1 836 135 265 Zone 2 854 139 273 Zone 3 876 142 278 Zone 4 894 145 284 20C-1524 20C-1530 20C-1536 20C-2018 20C-2024 20C-2030 20C-2418 20C-2424 20C-2430 20C-2918 20C-2924 15" H x 24" ø 15" H x 30" ø 15" H x 36" ø 20" H x 18" ø 20" H x 24" ø 20" H x 30" ø 24" H x 18" ø 24" H x 24" ø 24" H x 30" ø 29" H x 18" ø 29" H x 24" ø 0.75" bases and 3" plinths are available in matte black only. 65 lb. 95 lb. 105 lb. 50 lb. 65 lb. 95 lb. 50 lb. 65 lb. 95 lb. 95 lb. 105 lb. 0.75" base up-charge 3" plinth up-charge Zone 1 972 163 336 Zone 2 996 168 345 Zone 3 1018 171 352 Zone 4 1041 174 359 Zone 1 1243 195 403 Zone 2 1272 198 412 Zone 3 1301 203 421 Zone 4 1331 208 432 Zone 1 1433 228 437 Zone 2 1468 233 447 Zone 3 1501 238 456 Zone 4 1535 242 469 Zone 1 876 135 265 Zone 2 896 139 273 Zone 3 918 142 278 Zone 4 937 145 284 Zone 1 1050 163 336 Zone 2 1075 168 345 Zone 3 1099 171 352 Zone 4 1125 174 359 Zone 1 1380 195 403 Zone 2 1414 198 412 Zone 3 1447 203 421 Zone 4 1480 208 432 Zone 1 932 135 265 Zone 2 955 139 273 Zone 3 976 142 278 Zone 4 999 145 284 Zone 1 1144 163 336 Zone 2 1172 168 345 Zone 3 1199 171 352 Zone 4 1226 174 359 Zone 1 1538 195 403 Zone 2 1574 198 412 Zone 3 1612 203 421 Zone 4 1647 208 432 Zone 1 994 135 265 Zone 2 1017 139 273 Zone 3 1040 142 278 Zone 4 1064 145 284 Zone 1 1243 163 336 Zone 2 1272 168 345 Zone 3 1301 171 352 Zone 4 1331 174 359 When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Optional 0.75" base or 3" Plinth ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 223 Tables 20C cube with radius corners 20R Cube Tables with Radiused Corners product number dimensions weight zone 20R-151818 15" H x 18" W x 18" L 70 lb. Zone 1 943 153 298 Zone 2 967 157 305 20R-152424 20R-152448 20R-153030 20R-201818 20R-202424 20R-202448 20R-203030 15" H x 24" W x 24" L 15" H x 24" W x 48" L 15" H x 30" W x 30" L 20" H x 18" W x 18" L 20" H x 24" W x 24" L 20" H x 24" W x 48" L 20" H x 30" W x 30" L 95 lb. 155 lb. 130 lb. 70 lb. 95 lb. 155 lb. 130 lb. laminate 0.75" base up-charge 3" plinth up-charge Zone 3 989 160 312 Zone 4 1011 163 319 Zone 1 1126 176 336 Zone 2 1153 180 345 Zone 3 1178 185 352 Zone 4 1205 188 359 Zone 1 1474 241 416 Zone 2 1508 247 426 Zone 3 1543 252 437 Zone 4 1578 259 446 Zone 1 1317 211 384 Zone 2 1348 216 394 Zone 3 1380 224 403 Zone 4 1411 228 412 Zone 1 994 153 298 Zone 2 1017 157 305 Zone 3 1040 160 312 Zone 4 1064 163 319 Zone 1 1210 176 336 Zone 2 1238 180 345 Zone 3 1266 185 352 Zone 4 1296 188 359 Zone 1 1744 241 416 Zone 2 1785 247 426 Zone 3 1827 252 437 Zone 4 1868 259 446 Zone 1 1457 211 384 Zone 2 1494 216 394 Zone 3 1526 224 403 Zone 4 1563 228 412 0.75" bases and 3" plinths are available in matte black only. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Optional 0.75" base or 3" Plinth 224 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 20C cube with radius corners Tables 20R Cube Tables with Radiused Corners, continued product number dimensions weight zone laminate 20R-241818 24" H x 18" W x 18" L 70 lb. Zone 1 1144 153 298 Zone 2 1172 157 305 20R-242424 20R-242448 20R-243030 20R-291818 20R-292424 24" H x 24" W x 24" L 24" H x 24" W x 48" L 24" H x 30" W x 30" L 29" H x 18" W x 18" L 29" H x 24" W x 24" L 95 lb. 155 lb. 130 lb. 95 lb. 125 lb. 0.75" base up-charge 3" plinth up-charge Zone 3 1199 160 312 Zone 4 1226 163 319 Zone 1 1380 176 336 Zone 2 1414 180 345 Zone 3 1447 185 352 Zone 4 1480 188 359 Zone 1 1923 241 416 Zone 2 1969 247 426 Zone 3 2015 252 437 Zone 4 2061 259 446 Zone 1 1613 211 384 Zone 2 1649 216 394 Zone 3 1688 224 403 Zone 4 1727 228 412 Zone 1 1201 153 298 Zone 2 1231 157 305 Zone 3 1259 160 312 Zone 4 1288 163 319 Zone 1 1457 176 336 Zone 2 1494 180 345 Zone 3 1526 185 352 Zone 4 1563 188 359 0.75" bases and 3" plinths are available in matte black only. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate Optional 0.75" base or 3" Plinth ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 225 Tables cube and cylinder 1050011 Cube Tables with wood edge and 3/4" Plinth dimensions weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 18" L 18" L 24" L 24" L 30" L 48" L x 18" W x 15" H x 18" W x 20" H x 24" W x 20" H x 24" W x 24" H x 30" W x 15" H x 24" W x 15" H 48 lb. 56 lb. 85 lb. 96 lb. 100 lb. 124 lb. 1048 1137 1469 1530 1466 2010 3" plinth up-charge 1073 10991124 1165 11921220 1505 15381574 1566 16021640 1501 15351571 2057 21052154 56 56 62 62 70 87 3/4" plinth base is standard. These tables are also available without plinth. Pricing is the same as the 3/4" plinth pricing. The plinth is black. The table height does NOT change with the 3" plinth. Maple is the standard wood species option. Oak is also available at no upcharge. 1050012 Cylinder Tables with wood edge and 3/4" Plinth dimensions weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 18" 18" 18" 24" 24" 24" 36" ø ø ø ø ø ø ø x x x x x x x 15" 20" 24" 15" 20" 24" 15" H H H H H H H 24 28 30 40 45 49 77 lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 1175 1225 1271 1432 1515 1602 1994 3" plinth up-charge 1202 12301258 1254 12821311 1302 13321362 1466 15001534 1551 15871623 1641 16781716 2041 20882136 52 52 52 59 59 59 87 3/4" plinth base is standard. These tables are also available without plinth. Pricing is the same as the 3/4" plinth pricing. The plinth is black. The table height does NOT change with the 3" plinth. Maple is the standard wood species option. Oak is also available at no upcharge. When ordering specify: Product number Dimensions Wood species (maple/ oak) Laminate vendor and name/number Finish 226 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. table top and base information items to consider when ordering tables table top / base configuration special notes 1. Table Top Edge Style Modified pedestal bases always use larger mounting plates. 2. Table Top Size #1059999, Flip-top Spider: Available for full-pedestal bases and half-pedestal bases with trestle; maximum 54" table top width. 3. Laminate (Formica, Nevamar, Pionite, & WilsonArt standard) Tables 4. Finish for Table Top and Base 15S: Upgrades a 12" spider to a 15" spider at an additional $18 list per base and note as a modification. 5. Base Style Recommended bar- and counter-stool sizes, specify height when ordering: 6. Base Size Bar Stool: 39.75" base height Counter Stool: 34.75" base height Plylok Jr. Chairs: 24.75" height 7. V-channels 8. Wheelchair Height 9. Trestles 10. Level Locks Table tops and bases ship from separate locations and may arrive at separate times. All wood table top edges are made with maple, unless oak is specified when ordering. Finish colors are equivalent to maple or oak finishes. Custom finishes are available at an additional $546 list charge per order. Customer provides a sample for the color match and must approve the custom finish match before the order can be scheduled in production. See page 13 for additional wood finish information. Contact your Wieland sales representative for complete details. table top overview #7050706, Vinyl Edge (page 229) #7050016, Self Edge: WilsonArt Laminates (page 229) #7050536, Half Round Wood Edge (page 230) #7050576, Bullnose Wood Edge (page 230) #7050276, Framed Solid Wood Edge (page 231) #7050530, 0.5" Round Edge, Laminated (page 231) #7050287, SSE 1.25" Standard Square Edge (page 232) #7050292, SSE 1.75" Extended Square Edge (page 232) #7050285, SSE 1.25" Standard Reverse Cove Edge (page 233) #7050283, SSE 1.25" Standard Spill Free Edge (page 233) #7050288, SSE 1.25" Standard Bullnose Edge (page 234) #7050294, SSE 1.75" Extended Bullnose Edge (page 234) #7050296, SSE 1.75" Extended Spill Free Edge (page 235) #7050602, Solid Surface with Integral Edge (page 236-238) ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 227 Tables table top and base information wood table bases table top and base configurations 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 6 4 4 4 6 6-8 full-pedestal base model 7011022/ 7012022 7011022/ 7012022 7011022/ 7012022 7011026/ 22m/ 7012026/ 22m 7011022/ 7012026 7011022/ 7012026 7011026/ 22m/ 7012026/ 22m 7011039/ 22m/ 7012026/ 32 – 7011022/7012026 7011026/ 7012032 7011026/ 7012032 7011039/ 26m – 7011026/ 22m/ 7012032/ 22m qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 5 4 5 4 6 6-7 7012022 7012026 7012032 7011032 7011032 7011039 7011039 7011039 – 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 – – – – – – 7010539 – 7010522 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 – – – – – – 7011232 – – 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 7011089 or 90 – – – – – – – – – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 – 0 7010539 2 7011236 1 – – 0 top size dimensions STG. CAP. 24" diameter 24" x 24" 24" x 30" 24" x 36" 30" diameter 30" x 30" 30" x 36" 30" x 48" 30" x 60" 30" x 72" 36" diameter 36" x 36" 36" x 48" 36" x 60" 36" x 72" 40.75" x 22" 40.75" x 26" 40.75" x 32" 42" diameter 42" x 42" 48" diameter 48" x 48" 54" diameter 60" diameter 60" x 60" half-pedestal base model qty. – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 7010522 2 7010522 2 7010522 2 – 0 – 0 7010526 2 7010526 2 7010526 2 optional trestle corner legs model qty. model – 0 7011089 or 90M – 0 7011089 or 90 – 0 7011089 or 90 – 0 7011089 or 90 – 0 7011089 or 90 – 0 7011089 or 90 – 0 7011089 or 90 7011232 1 7011089 or 90 7011236 1 7011089 or 90 7011242 1 7011089 or 90 – 0 7011089 or 90 – 0 7011089 or 90 7011232 1 7011089 or 90 7011236 1 7011089 or 90 7011242 1 7011089 or 90 v-channel model qty. – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 1052048 2 1052060 2 – 0 – 0 – 0 1052048 3 1052060 3 For elderly application, Wieland recommends four leg tables for stability. metal table bases top size dimensions 24" diameter 24" x 24" 24" x 30" 24" x 36" 30" diameter 30" x 30" 30" x 36" 30" x 48" 30" x 60" 30" x 72" 36" diameter 36" x 36" 36" x 48" 36" x 60" 36" x 72" 42" diameter 42" x 42" 48" diameter 48" x 48" 54" diameter 60" diameter 60" x 60" economy base model 1050029 22x22 22x22 22x22 22x30-4c 22x22 22x22 22x30 22 EB 22 EB 22 EB-4C-15S 30x30-4C 30x30-4C 22 EB-4C 22x30-4C 22x30-4C-15S 30x30-4C-15S 36x36-4C 36x36-4C 36x36-4C 36x36-4C 36x36-4C – qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 standard base model 1050659 18x18 18x18 24x24 22x30 24x24 24x24 22x30 24 EB 24 EB 24 EB 32x32 32x32 32x32 24 EB 24 EB 32x32 32x32 32x32 32x32 40x40 40x40 40x40-3C qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tubular base model 1050669 qty. 22x22 1 22x22 1 22x28 1 22x28 1 22x22 1 22x22 1 22x28 1 22 EB 2 22 EB 2 22 EB 2 28x28 1 28x28 1 22 EB 2 22 EB 2 22 EB 2 36x36 1 36x36 1 36x36 1 36x36 1 36x36-5C 1 36x36-5C 1 36x36-5C 1 domino base model 1050159 qty. 17x17 1 17x17 1 22x22 1 22x22 1 17x17 1 22x22 1 22x22 1 17x17 2 17x17 2 17x17 2 22x22 1 22x22 1 30x30 1 30x30 1 22x22 2 30x30 1 30x30 1 30x30 1 30x30 0 30x30 1 30x30 1 – 0 leveling base model 1050025 18x18 18x18 24x24 22 EB 24x24 24x24 24x24 28 EB 28 EB 28 EB 32x32 32x32 28 EB 28 EB 28 EB 32x32 32x32 32x32 – 18 EB 18 EB 22 EB qty. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 4 4 4 For elderly application, Wieland recommends four leg tables for stability. 228 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. table tops Tables 7050706 Vinyl Bumper edge, 1.25" Thick dimensions shape 24" W x 30" L 24" W x 36" L 30" W x 36" L 30" W x 48" L 30" W x 60" L 30" W x 72" L 36" W x 48" L 36" W x 60" L 36" W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 60" ø Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 60" W W W W W W x x x x x x 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 60" L L L L L L Square Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 268273281 286 30 lb. 291298306 312 36 lb. 366374383 392 45 lb. 447458468 479 60 lb. 543554569 581 75 lb. 616631646 660 90 lb. 571582596 609 72 lb. 697714729 747 90 lb. 817836857 876 108 lb. 258266271 278 19 lb. 337343351 359 29 lb. 462473484 494 42 lb. 578591605 619 58 lb. 744760778 797 75 lb. 109411201144 1171 118 lb. 242249254 260 24 lb. 291298306 312 38 lb. 447458468 479 54 lb. 591606620 634 74 lb. 697714729 747 96 lb. 105610791106 1130 150 lb. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. 7050016 self-edge, 1.25" thick dimensions shape 24" W x 30" L 24" W x 36" L 30" W x 36" L 30" W x 48" L 30" W x 60" L 30" W x 72" L 36" W x 48" L 36" W x 60" L 36" W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L 60" W x 60" L Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 242249254 260 30 lb. 273281286 294 36 lb. 347354364 371 45 lb. 421432440 452 60 lb. 494508519 530 75 lb. 554571582 595 90 lb. 467478489 499 72 lb. 591606620 634 90 lb. 707723743 758 108 lb. 236240247 252 19 lb. 284291297 305 29 lb. 447458468 479 42 lb. 616631646 660 58 lb. 721741756 774 75 lb. 104510701096 1121 118 lb. 214220226 230 24 lb. 273281286 294 38 lb. 421432440 452 54 lb. 543554569 581 74 lb. 666684699 715 96 lb. 101710421066 1092 150 lb. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate vendor and name/number Edge color Dimension Shape ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 229 Tables table tops 7050536 half-round wood edge, 1.25" thick dimensions shape 24" W x 30" L 24" W x 36" L 30" W x 36" L 30" W x 48" L 30" W x 60" L 30" W x 72" L 36" W x 48" L 36" W x 60" L 36" W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 60" ø Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 60" W W W W W W x x x x x x 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 60" L L L L L L weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 391400409 418 30 lb. 447458468 479 36 lb. 488499512 523 45 lb. 643658673 689 60 lb. 777797814 832 75 lb. 916936958 981 90 lb. 744760778 797 72 lb. 892915934 956 90 lb. 104510701096 1121 108 lb. 519530544 554 19 lb. 571582596 609 29 lb. 666684699 715 42 lb. 833852872 892 58 lb. 963 987 1010 1033 75 lb. 136613991432 1465 118 lb. 341349356 366 24 lb. 447458468 479 38 lb. 543554569 581 54 lb. 817836857 876 74 lb. 941962986 1008 96 lb. 134613781410 1441 150 lb. Square Square Square Square Square Square Wood table edges come standard in maple. Oak is available at no upcharge. An optional veneer top is available at an additional charge. Contact Customer Care for details. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. 7050576 bullnose wood edge, 1.25" thick When ordering specify: Product number Laminate vendor and name/number Finish Dimension Shape 230 dimensions shape 24" W x 30" L 24" W x 36" L 30" W x 36" L 30" W x 48" L 30" W x 60" L 30" W x 72" L 36" W x 48" L 36" W x 60" L 36" W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L 60" W x 60" L Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 643658673 689 30 lb. 730746762 777 36 lb. 815833854 872 45 lb. 892915934 956 60 lb. 101710421066 1092 75 lb. 119812291256 1284 90 lb. 941962986 1008 72 lb. 112011451172 1198 90 lb. 129613281359 1389 108 lb. 105610791106 1130 19 lb. 116311901218 1244 29 lb. 126112911320 1350 42 lb. 144114761510 1544 58 lb. 167517141755 1794 75 lb. 206021102159 2207 118 lb. 633647662 678 24 lb. 726745760 778 38 lb. 868889908 930 54 lb. 116311901218 1244 74 lb. 120212321261 1290 96 lb. 167517141755 1794 150 lb. Wood table edges come standard in maple. Oak is available at no upcharge. An optional veneer top is available at an additional charge. Contact Customer Care for details. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. table tops Tables 7050276 0.5" radius framed solid wood edge, 1.25" thick dimensions shape 24" W x 30" L 24" W x 36" L 30" W x 36" L 30" W x 48" L 30" W x 60" L 30" W x 72" L 36" W x 48" L 36" W x 60" L 36" W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L 60" W x 60" L Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 30 lb. 391400409 418 36 lb. 447458468 479 45 lb. 488499512 523 60 lb. 643658673 689 75 lb. 777797814 832 90 lb. 916936958 981 72 lb. 744760778 797 90 lb. 892915934 956 108 lb. 104510701096 1121 19 lb. 519530544 554 29 lb. 571582596 609 42 lb. 666684699 715 58 lb. 833852872 892 75 lb. 963 987 1010 1033 118 lb. 136613991432 1465 24 lb. 341349356 366 38 lb. 447458468 479 54 lb. 543554569 581 74 lb. 817836857 876 96 lb. 941962986 1008 150 lb. 134613781410 1441 Wood table edges come standard in maple. Oak is available at no upcharge. An optional veneer top is available at an additional charge. Contact Customer Care for details. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. 7050530 0.5" round edge laminated hardwood, 1.25" thick dimensions shape 24" W x 30" L 24" W x 36" L 30" W x 36" L 30" W x 48" L 30" W x 60" L 30" W x 72" L 36" W x 48" L 36" W x 60" L 36" W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 30 lb. 629644658 673 36 lb. 717731746 760 45 lb. 763782801 818 60 lb. 793814832 850 75 lb. 130813391370 1403 90 lb. 144114761510 1544 72 lb. 817836857 876 90 lb. 133813691403 1434 108 lb. 147815141549 1585 19 lb. 507519530 543 29 lb. 780799817 835 42 lb. 817836857 876 58 lb. 111111371165 1191 75 lb. 112911561182 1210 24 lb. 611627642 656 38 lb. 707723743 758 54 lb. 780799817 835 74 lb. 107411011126 1153 96 lb. 108811141139 1166 Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate vendor and name/number Finish Dimension Shape ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 231 Tables table tops 7050287 soft edge 1.25" flexible urethane standard square edge, 1.25" thick dimensions 24" 30" 30" 30" 36" W x 30" L W x 48" L W x 60" L W x 72" L W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 54" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L shape Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 670687701 718 30 lb. 901925946 966 60 lb. 119412231250 1279 75 lb. 121712461275 1304 90 lb. 136613991432 1465 108 lb. 660675692 707 19 lb. 748764783 801 29 lb. 892915934 956 42 lb. 976 1000 1022 1045 58 lb. 117512021230 1258 75 lb. 149115271563 1598 95 lb. 158916271664 1703 118 lb. 581595608 623 24 lb. 727746761 779 38 lb. 822843862 883 54 lb. 986 1009 1033 1057 74 lb. 101510401064 1088 96 lb. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. 7050292 soft edge 1.75" flexible urethane extended square edge, 1.25" thick dimensions 24" 30" 30" 30" 36" W x 30" L W x 48" L W x 60" L W x 72" L W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 54" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L shape Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 670687701 718 30 lb. 901925946 966 60 lb. 119412231250 1279 75 lb. 121712461275 1304 90 lb. 136613991432 1465 108 lb. 660675692 707 19 lb. 748764783 801 29 lb. 892915934 956 42 lb. 976 1000 1022 1045 58 lb. 117512021230 1258 75 lb. 149115271563 1598 95 lb. 158916271664 1703 118 lb. 581595608 623 24 lb. 727746761 779 38 lb. 822843862 883 54 lb. 986 1009 1033 1057 74 lb. 101510401064 1088 96 lb. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate vendor and name/number Edge color Dimension Shape 232 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. table tops Tables 7050285 soft edge 1.25" flexible urethane standard reverse cove edge, 1.25" thick dimensions 24" 30" 30" 30" 36" W x 30" L W x 48" L W x 60" L W x 72" L W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L shape Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 705722741 756 30 lb. 948970993 1015 60 lb. 125812891318 1348 75 lb. 127713061337 1367 90 lb. 143714721506 1539 108 lb. 689705721 740 19 lb. 784803821 840 29 lb. 933956980 1001 42 lb. 102910531077 1102 58 lb. 123512641294 1323 75 lb. 166817071746 1786 118 lb. 608623638 652 24 lb. 763782801 818 38 lb. 867887906 928 54 lb. 103310581082 1107 74 lb. 106910961121 1145 96 lb. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. 7050283 soft edge 1.25" flexible urethane standard spill-free edge, 1.25" thick dimensions shape 42" ø 48" ø 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L Round Round Square Square weight 58 75 75 96 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 lb. 100810321057 1079 lb. 121012381268 1296 lb. 101010351059 1082 lb. 104610711097 1122 Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate vendor and name/number Edge color Dimension Shape ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 233 Tables table tops 7050288 soft edge 1.25" flexible urethane standard bullnose edge, 1.25" thick dimensions 24" 30" 30" 30" 36" W x 30" L W x 48" L W x 60" L W x 72" L W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 54" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L shape Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 30 lb. 689705721 740 60 lb. 929951973 995 75 lb. 123412631293 1321 90 lb. 125112811311 1341 108 lb. 141114451478 1511 19 lb. 678694710 726 29 lb. 769787805 825 42 lb. 920942962 986 58 lb. 100810321057 1079 75 lb. 121012381268 1296 95 lb. 153515721608 1645 118 lb. 163516731712 1752 24 lb. 594608623 637 38 lb. 748764783 801 54 lb. 846867887 905 74 lb. 101010351059 1082 96 lb. 104610711097 1122 Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. 7050294 soft edge 1.75" flexible urethane extended bullnose edge, 1.25" thick dimensions 24" 30" 30" 30" 36" W x 30" L W x 48" L W x 60" L W x 72" L W x 72" L 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 54" ø 60" ø 24" W x 24" L 30" W x 30" L 36" W x 36" L 42" W x 42" L 48" W x 48" L shape Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 30 lb. 689705721 740 60 lb. 929951973 995 75 lb. 123412631293 1321 90 lb. 125112811311 1341 108 lb. 141114451478 1511 19 lb. 678694710 726 29 lb. 769787805 825 42 lb. 920942962 986 58 lb. 100810321057 1079 75 lb. 121012381268 1296 95 lb. 153515721608 1645 118 lb. 163516731712 1752 24 lb. 594608623 637 38 lb. 748764783 801 54 lb. 846867887 905 74 lb. 101010351059 1082 96 lb. 104610711097 1122 Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate vendor and name/number Edge color Dimension Shape 234 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. table tops Tables 7050296 soft edge 1.75" flexible urethane extended spill-free edge, 1.25" thick dimensions 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 24" ø 30" ø 36" ø 42" ø 48" ø 54" ø W x 24" W x 30" W x 36" W x 42" W x 48" L L L L L shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Square Square Square Square Square weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 19 lb. 678694710 726 29 lb. 769787805 825 42 lb. 920942962 986 58 lb. 100810321057 1079 75 lb. 121012381268 1296 95 lb. 153515721608 1645 24 lb. 594608623 637 38 lb. 748764783 801 54 lb. 846867887 905 74 lb. 101010351059 1082 96 lb. 104610711097 1122 Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Laminate vendor and name/number Edge color Dimension Shape ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 235 Tables table tops Solid Surface Edge Profiles 1 1/2" Bullnose (A) 7050602 Solid surface Group dimensions shape weight zone grade A grade B grade C grade D 24" ø Round 19 lb. 996 1021 1043 1068 1178 1207 1235 1263 1302 1332 1363 1394 1437 1471 1505 1539 30" ø Round 29 lb. 1190 1217 1246 1274 1432 1466 1500 1534 1594 1634 1672 1710 1775 1818 1859 1902 36" ø Round 42 lb. 1679 1718 1759 1799 2042 2091 2139 2189 2288 2343 2397 2451 2560 2619 2681 2742 42" ø Round 58 lb. 2773 2839 2906 2971 3499 3582 3666 3748 3990 4084 4180 4275 4531 4640 4746 4854 48" ø Round 75 lb. 2940 3010 3081 3150 3666 3753 3841 3927 4158 4255 4356 4455 4699 4810 4922 5035 60" ø Round 118 lb. 3044 3118 3189 3262 3770 3860 3950 4040 4261 4363 4465 4567 4803 4918 5033 5147 24" W x 24" L Square 24 lb. 996 1021 1043 1068 1178 1207 1235 1263 1302 1332 1363 1394 1437 1471 1505 1539 30" W x 30" L Square 38 lb. 1190 1217 1246 1274 1432 1466 1500 1534 1594 1634 1672 1710 1775 1818 1859 1902 36" W x 36" L Square 54 lb. 1679 1718 1759 1799 2042 2091 2139 2189 2288 2343 2397 2451 2560 2619 2681 2742 42" W x 42" L Square 74 lb. 2773 2839 2906 2971 3499 3582 3666 3748 3990 4084 4180 4275 4531 4640 4746 4854 48" W x 48" L Square 96 lb. 2940 3010 3081 3150 3666 3753 3841 3927 4158 4255 4356 4455 4699 4810 4922 5035 24" W x 30" L Rectangle 30 lb. 1094 1120 1145 1171 1305 1336 1367 1398 1447 1481 1516 1551 1606 1644 1682 1720 30" W x 48" L Rectangle 60 lb. 2064 2114 2163 2212 2548 2609 2670 2732 2878 2945 3014 3083 3237 3315 3391 3469 30" W x 60" L Rectangle 75 lb. 2117 2168 2219 2269 2601 2663 2724 2786 2928 2998 3067 3138 3291 3368 3446 3526 30" W x 72" L Rectangle 90 lb. 2541 2601 2662 2721 3120 3195 3268 3343 3514 3597 3681 3765 3948 4042 4135 4229 36" W x 72" L Rectangle 108 lb. zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 2834 2900 2968 3036 3488 3571 3653 3736 3929 4023 4117 4211 4418 4524 4628 4733 3/8" Double Round (B) 1/2" Round Over (C) Top Bevel (D) Double Bevel (E) Spanish (F) When ordering specify: Product number Solid surface color name/number Shape Edge profile 236 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. wood table bases CORNER LEG TABLE BASE part number Tables General Information: maximum top size description wood species dimensions weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 7011090 Without Brace See Page 228 Beech 27.75" H 16 lb. 638 652 668 683 7011080 Without Brace, Wheelchair Height See Page 228 Beech 30.75" H 17 lb. 772 792 809 828 7011089 With Brace See Page 228 Beech 27.75" H 18 lb. 852 871 892 912 7011079 With Brace, Wheelchair Height See Page 228 Beech 30.75" H 19 lb. 988 1011 1035 1059 WOOD SPECS: Beech Set of four legs. Price includes Chrome Rubber Cushioned glides (one glide per leg). V-channels are required with 60" or longer table tops at an additional $67 per channel. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. HALF-PEDESTAL TABLE BASE part number maximum top size wood species dimensions weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 7010522 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 22" S 32 lb. 613 629 642 656 639 653 669 7010526 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 26" S 34 lb. 625 7010532 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 32" S 35 lb. 638 652 668 683 7011039 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 39" S 36 lb. 652 668 684 698 Single base. Price includes Chrome Rubber Cushioned Adjustable glides (two glides per base). FULL-PEDESTAL TABLE BASE part number maximum top size wood species dimensions weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 7011022 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 22" S 34 lb. 848 868 888 909 7011026 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 26" S 37 lb. 891 912 934 954 7011032 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 32" S 41 lb. 940 963 986 1008 7011039 See Page 228 Beech 28" H x 39" S 50 lb. 986 1009 1033 1057 Single base. Price includes Chrome Rubber Cushioned Adjustable glides (four glides per base). BAR HEIGHT FULL-PEDESTAL BASE part number maximum top size wood species dimensions weight zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 7012022 See Page 228 Beech 40.75" H x 22" S 48 lb. 997 1023 1047 1070 7012026 See Page 228 Beech 40.75" H x 26" S 51 lb. 1042 1065 1091 1115 7012032 See Page 228 Beech 40.75" H x 32" S 55 lb. 1091 1116 1144 1169 Single base. Price includes Chrome Rubber Cushioned Adjustable glides (four glides per base). Our metal bases are offered in extended heights for an additional $74 list. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. wheelchair height upcharge per base Half-Pedestal Full-Pedestal 121 121 Extended height upcharge applies to bar and counter height. Extended height options are available for tops up to 42". Recommended wheelchair height is 30.75". When ordering specify: Product number Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 237 Tables metal table bases 1050029 Economy Base spread maximum top size column diameter spider spread weight 22"-EB 30" Rect. 3" 12" S 15 lb. 22"-EB 22" x 22" 22" x 22" 22" x 30" 22" x 30" 30" x 30" 36" x 36" 30" Rect. 30" x 30" 30" x 30" 30" x 42" 30" x 42" 36" x 36" 60" Round 4" 3" 4" 3" 4" 4" 4" 12" S 12" S 12" S 12" S 12" S 12" S 24" S 16 lb. 18 lb. 19 lb. 21 lb. 22 lb. 23 lb. 42 lb. zone black wrinkle finish price powder-coat finish price designer finish price Zone 1 219 372 565 Zone 2 226 380 579 Zone 3 232 391 592 Zone 4 236 399 606 Zone 1 236 390 581 Zone 2 241 399 594 Zone 3 247 407 609 Zone 4 252 417 622 Zone 1 264 494 839 Zone 2 272 508 859 Zone 3 277 517 879 Zone 4 283 529 898 Zone 1 279 511 854 Zone 2 286 522 876 Zone 3 291 535 895 Zone 4 300 547 917 Zone 1 279 567 854 Zone 2 286 581 876 Zone 3 291 594 895 Zone 4 300 608 917 Zone 1 297 583 871 Zone 2 304 599 893 Zone 3 311 611 915 Zone 4 318 627 934 Zone 1 307 594 883 Zone 2 314 609 902 Zone 3 321 622 924 Zone 4 329 637 945 Zone 1 472 779 1087 Zone 2 483 798 1112 Zone 3 494 817 1139 Zone 4 507 836 1165 n/a n/a 117 117 Base height is 28.5". Price includes Plastitack glides. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. adjustable height upcharge per base All 793 23.5" - 35.5" height range. Not available on 2" column or on tops 42" or greater. Only available in matte black. Floor base can be any color. extended and wheelchair height upcharge per table base All 117 Extended height upcharge applies to bar and counter height. Extended height options are available for tops up to 42". Recommended wheelchair height is 30.75". Please note that a 15" spider is necessary for bar height bases with tops 27" or larger. Specify desired base height. 15" footring upcharge per base When ordering specify: Product number Metal Finish Spread Column diameter 238 All 270 270 270 Available for table base heights of 35"-42". ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. metal table bases Tables 1050159 Domino Base spread maximum top size column diameter spider spread weight 17" x 17" 30" x 30" 2" 15" S 27 lb. 22" x 22" 30" x 30" 36" x 36" 60" x 60" 3" 4" 15" S 15" S 42 lb. 92 lb. zone black wrinkle finish price powder-coat finish price designer finish price Zone 1 359 449 687 Zone 2 369 460 705 Zone 3 377 472 721 Zone 4 385 483 736 Zone 1 508 622 931 Zone 2 518 637 954 Zone 3 530 653 975 Zone 4 542 667 998 Zone 1 931 1058 1254 Zone 2 954 1084 1285 Zone 3 975 1109 1314 Zone 4 998 1134 1343 Base height is 29.25". Price includes Chrome Rubber Cushioned Adjustable glides. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. adjustable height upcharge per base All 793 n/a n/a 117 117 23.5" - 35.5" height range. Not available on 2" column or on tops 42" or greater. Only available in matte black. Floor base can be any color. extended and wheelchair height upcharge per table base All 117 Extended height upcharge applies to bar and counter height. Extended height options are available for tops up to 42". Recommended wheelchair height is 30.75". Please note that a 15" spider is necessary for bar height bases with tops 27" or larger. Specify desired base height. 15" footring upcharge per base All 270 270 270 Available for table base heights of 35"-42". When ordering specify: Product number Metal Finish Spread Column diameter ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 239 Tables metal table bases 1050659 Standard Base spread maximum top size column diameter spider spread weight zone 24"-EB 36" x 96" 2" 15" S 19 lb. Zone 1 Zone 2 258 275 416 Zone 3 269 281 425 Zone 4 271 287 436 Zone 1 277 288 491 Zone 2 283 297 505 Zone 3 289 303 515 18" x 18 24" x 24" 32" x 32" 22" x 30" 40" x 40" 24" x 24" 30" x 30" 48" x 48" 30" x 42" 60" x 60" 2" 2" 2" 2" 3" 15" S 15" S 15" S 15" S 24" S 18 lb. 24 lb. 33 lb. 30 lb. 56 lb. black wrinkle finish price powder-coat finish price designer finish price 251 268406 Zone 4 297 310 526 Zone 1 281 299 544 Zone 2 288 306 577 Zone 3 295 313 569 Zone 4 303 320 582 Zone 1 351 371 639 Zone 2 358 379 654 Zone 3 368 390 670 Zone 4 376 398 684 Zone 1 351 371 639 Zone 2 358 379 654 Zone 3 368 390 670 Zone 4 376 398 684 Zone 1 687 735 1149 Zone 2 705 754 1177 Zone 3 721 771 1204 Zone 4 736 790 1233 Base height is 29.25". Price includes Chrome Rubber Cushioned Adjustable glides. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. adjustable height upcharge per base All 793 n/a n/a 117 117 23.5" - 35.5" height range. Not available on 2" column or on tops 42" or greater. Only available in matte black. Floor base can be any color. extended and wheelchair height upcharge per table base All 117 Extended height upcharge applies to bar and counter height. Extended height options are available for tops up to 42". Recommended wheelchair height is 30.75". Please note that a 15" spider is necessary for bar height bases with tops 27" or larger. Specify desired base height. 15" footring upcharge per base All Available for table base heights of 35"-42". When ordering specify: Product number Metal Finish Spread Column diameter 270 270 270 metal table bases Tables 1050669 Tubular 4-Prong Base spread maximum top Size column diameter spider spread weight 16"-EB 18" x 60" 2" 12" S 14 lb. 22"-EB 32"-EB 18" x 18" 22" x 22" 22" x 28" 28" x 28" 36" x 36" 36" x 36" 36" x 60" 36" x 96" 18" x 18" 30" x 30" 30" x 42" 36" x 36" 48" x 48" 60" x 60" 2" 2" (2 col) 2" 2" 2" 2" 3" 3" (5 Col) 15" S 12" S 12" S 12" S 15" S 15" S 24" S 12" S 21 lb. 30 lb. 24 lb. 28 lb. 33 lb. 34 lb. 53 lb. 64 lb. zone black wrinkle finish price powder-coat finish price designer finish price Zone 1 285 299 408 Zone 2 291 306 418 Zone 3 299 313 428 Zone 4 306 320 438 Zone 1 291 310 417 Zone 2 299 317 428 Zone 3 306 324 438 Zone 4 313 331 447 Zone 1 655 683 962 Zone 2 672 698 985 Zone 3 686 716 1008 Zone 4 701 731 1031 Zone 1 445 459 589 Zone 2 454 471 604 Zone 3 466 482 616 Zone 4 476 491 631 Zone 1 450 471 639 Zone 2 461 482 654 Zone 3 473 492 670 Zone 4 484 505 684 Zone 1 514 541 747 Zone 2 525 555 764 Zone 3 538 567 780 Zone 4 550 580 799 Zone 1 563 581 777 Zone 2 577 594 796 Zone 3 590 609 815 Zone 4 604 622 833 Zone 1 846 884 1118 Zone 2 867 904 1143 Zone 3 886 925 1170 Zone 4 907 946 1197 Zone 1 1698 1733 2245 Zone 2 1739 1775 2299 Zone 3 1780 1815 2351 Zone 4 1820 1856 2406 Base height is 28.25". Price includes Chrome Rubber Cushioned Adjustable glides. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. adjustable height upcharge per base All 793 n/a n/a 117 117 23.5" - 35.5" height range. Not available on 2" column or on tops 42" or greater. Only available in matte black. Floor base can be any color. extended and wheelchair height upcharge per table base All 117 Extended height upcharge applies to bar and counter height. Extended height options are available for tops up to 42". Recommended wheelchair height is 30.75". Please note that a 15" spider is necessary for bar height bases with tops 27" or larger. Specify desired base height. 15" footring upcharge per base All Available for table base heights of 35"-42". 270 270 270 When ordering specify: Product number Metal Finish Spread Column diameter ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 241 Tables metal table bases 1050025 Leveling Base spread maximum top Size column diameter spider spread weight 18"-EB 24" x 96" 2" 12" S 12 lb. 22"-EB 28"-EB 18" x 18" 24" x 24" 32" x 32" 24" x 96" 36" x 96" 24" x 24" 30" x 30" 42" x 42" 2" 2" 2" 2" 3" 12" S 15" S 12" S 15" S 15" S 15 lb. 22 lb. 15 lb. 24 lb. 30 lb. zone black wrinkle finish price powder-coat finish price designer finish price Zone 1 288 336 416 Zone 2 297 345 426 Zone 3 303 352 437 Zone 4 310 359 446 Zone 1 330 377 465 Zone 2 337 385 475 Zone 3 346 396 486 Zone 4 353 404 496 Zone 1 420 449 586 Zone 2 431 460 600 Zone 3 442 472 613 Zone 4 450 483 628 Zone 1 381 420 525 Zone 2 392 431 538 Zone 3 400 442 552 Zone 4 409 450 563 Zone 1 478 510 687 Zone 2 489 521 705 Zone 3 501 534 721 Zone 4 513 545 736 Zone 1 602 653 830 Zone 2 615 670 850 Zone 3 630 684 870 Zone 4 644 699 890 Base height is 27.5". Price includes Nylon glides with ABS Plastic Adjustment Knobs. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. adjustable height upcharge per base All 793 n/a n/a 117 117 23.5" - 35.5" height range. Not available on 2" column or on tops 42" or greater. Only available in matte black. Floor base can be any color. extended and wheelchair height upcharge per table base All 117 Extended height upcharge applies to bar and counter height. Extended height options are available for tops up to 42". Recommended wheelchair height is 30.75". Please note that a 15" spider is necessary for bar height bases with tops 27" or larger. Specify desired base height. 15" footring upcharge per base All 270 270 270 Available for table base heights of 35"-42". When ordering specify: Product number Metal Finish Spread Column diameter 242 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. metal table bases Tables 1050020 Fully-Adjustable Series 5 Base spread maximum top size column diameter spider spread weight 37" x 37" 60" x 60" n/a n/a 56 lb. zone black wrinkle finish price brown wrinkle finish price chrome (legs only) Zone 1 2480 2480 2530 Zone 2 2538 2538 2588 Zone 3 2598 2598 2650 Zone 4 2656 2656 2709 Base Height: 28" to 34". Specify black wrinkle, brown wrinkle or chrome finish when ordering. Refer to Items to Consider when Ordering Tables and Table Top and Base Configurations. When ordering specify: Product number Metal Finish Spread Column diameter ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 243 Tables table accessories Accessories 1052000 LEVEL LOCKS 7011232 32" TRESTLE WT: 1 lb. WT: 11 lb. $372 $131 2 sets. 1052802 GLIDE, SELF-LEVELING, CUSHIONED WT: 0.5 lb. $43 Set of four. Not available on domino bases. 7011236 36" TRESTLE WT: 12 lb. $131 1059999 FLIP TOP SPIDER WT: 13 lb. $365 Max 54" table top widths. Available for full- and half-pedestal bases with trestle. Not available for tables with adjustable bases or corner legs. 7011242 42" TRESTLE WT: 14 lb. $131 1052048 48" V CHANNEL WT: 4 lb. $68 7011248 48" TRESTLE WT: 16 lb. $131 1052060 60" V CHANNEL WT: 5 lb. $68 1052072 72" V CHANNEL WT: 6 lb. $68 244 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. t a sk c h a ir s pr i c i n g a n d s p e c if i c a tions wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 245 Encore-G 7320653 ARM CHAIR, GSA W: 19.75" D: 23" H: 32.5" - 35.25" General Information: SW: 19.75" SD: – SH: 18" - 20.75" AH: 24.5" - 30.5" W T: 28 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 525 537 548 559 547573 602645 689 559585 614657 701 570596 625668 712 581607 636679 723 731774816 743786828 754797839 765808850 COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$48 Price includes casters. You must specify a carpet caster or hard-surface caster when ordering. Glides available upon request. 7020653 SIDE CHAIR, GSA W: 19.75" D: 23" H: 32.5" - 35.25" SW: 19.75" General Information: SD: – SH: 18" - 20.75" AH: – WT: 20.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 431 440 450 460 453479 508551 595 462488 517560 604 472498 527570 614 482508 537580 624 637680722 646689731 656699741 666709751 COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$48 Price includes casters. You must specify a carpet caster or hard-surface caster when ordering. Glides available upon request. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Caster option 246 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Trey -G ® 7320651 ARM CHAIR, GSA W: 19.75" D: 23" General Information: H: 32.5" - 35.25" SW: 19.5" SD: – SH: 18" - 20.75" AH: 25" - 30.5" WT: 35.5 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 637 653 666 681 659685 714757 801 675701 730773 817 688714 743786 830 703729 758801 845 843886928 859902944 872915957 887930972 COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$48 Price includes casters. You must specify a carpet caster or hard-surface caster when ordering. Glides available upon request. 7020651 SIDE CHAIR, GSA General Information: W: 19.75" D: 23" H: 32.5" - 35.25" SW: 19.75" SD: – SH: 18" - 20.75" AH: – WT: 27.7 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 550 562 574 587 572598 627670 714 584610 639682 726 596622 651694 738 609635 664707 751 756799841 768811853 780823865 793836878 COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$48 Price includes casters. You must specify a carpet caster or hard-surface caster when ordering. Glides available upon request. 7200651 FLOOR ROCKER WITH ARMS W: 19.75" D: 23" H: 25" SW: 19.75" General Information: SD: – SH: 8" AH: 15" WT: 22.7 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 420 430 438 448 442468 497540 584 452478 507550 594 460486 515558 602 470496 525568 612 626669711 636679721 644687729 654697739 7200650 FLOOR ROCKER W: 19.75" D: 23" 1: 2: 3: 4: 330 336 345 352 WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$48 General Information: H: 25" SW: 19.75" SD: – SH: 8" AH: – WT: 14.9 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ 352378 407450 494 358384 413456 500 367393 422465 509 374400 429472 516 536579621 542585627 551594636 558601643 COM: 1.2 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: n/a MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$48 7110651 BASE/TABLE, GSA General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 23" H: 16.25" - 19" WT: 12.8 lb. WOOD SPECS: n/a Price by Shipping Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 MOIS. BARR: n/a 269 276 281 289 CA TB133: : n/a Price includes casters. You must specify a carpet caster or hard-surface caster when ordering. Glides available upon request. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Caster option ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 247 248 Wieland Price Book 2015, v132. See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information. c h a pe l f u r n i t u r e p r i c i ng and s pecifications wielandhealthcare.com | 888.943.5263 or 888.WIELAND 249 Vantage 7028730 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPHOLSTERED BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 20" D: 22" H: 32" SW: 19.25" SD: 17" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 17 lb. General Information: COM: 0.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 401 410 420 430 414429 446471 497 423438 455480 506 433448 465490 516 443458 475500 526 521546571 530555580 540565590 550575600 MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$28 Lumbar area has fabric only, no foam. 7328730 ARM CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPHOLSTERED BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 22" D: 22" H: 32" SW: 19.25" SD: 17" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 19 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 489 501 512 524 502517 534559 585 514529 546571 597 525540 557582 608 537552 569594 620 609634659 621646671 632657682 644669694 General Information: COM: 0.7 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$28 Lumbar area has fabric only, no foam. 7028731 SIDE CHAIR, UPH SEAT, PARTIALLY UPH BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 20" D: 22" H: 32" SW: 19.25" SD: 17" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 17 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 408 419432 447468 490 419 430443 458479 501 429 440453 468489 511 438 449462 477498 520 511532553 522543564 532553574 541562583 7328731 ARM CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, PARTIALLY UPHOLSTERED BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 22" D: 22" H: 32" SW: 19.25" SD: 17" SH: 18" AH: 24.75" WT: 19 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 499 510 522 535 510523 538559 581 521534 549570 592 533546 561582 604 546559 574595 617 602623644 613634655 625646667 638659680 7028735 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPHOLSTERED BARREL BACK, UPHOLSTERED BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 20" D: 22" H: 32" SW: 19.25" SD: 17" SH: 18" AH: – WT: 17 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 457 468 478 489 480509 540587 633 491520 551598 644 501530 561608 654 512541 572619 665 679726771 690737782 700747792 711758803 General Information: COM: 0.6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$24 General Information: COM: 0.6 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$24 General Information: COM: 1.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$52 Lumbar area has fabric only, no foam. 7328735 ARM CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPHOLSTERED BARREL BACK, UPHOLSTERED BACKSIDE, STACKING W: 22" D: 22" H: 32" SW: 19.25" SD: 17" SH: 18" AH: 25.75" WT: 19 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish 250 Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 548 571600 631678 724 559 582611 642689 735 572 595624 655702 748 584 607636 667714 760 770817862 781828873 794841886 806853898 General Information: COM: 1.3 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$52 Lumbar area has fabric only, no foam. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Vantage SE 7028737 SE SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPHOLSTERED BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING General Information: W: 20" COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 19.5" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 17 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 441 449 460 470 455473 492521 549 463481 500529 557 474492 511540 568 484502 521550 578 577606634 585614642 596625653 606635663 MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$32 7328737 SE ARM CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPHOLSTERED BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, STACKING General Information: W: 22" COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 19.5" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75 WT: 19 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 521 533 546 557 535553 572601 629 547565 584613 641 560578 597626 654 571589 608637 665 657686714 669698726 682711739 693722750 7028739 SE SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPH. BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, 2" WIDER, STACKING W: 22" D: 23" H: 32" SW: 21.5" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: – WT: 20 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 453 463 473 484 467485 504533 561 477495 514543 571 487505 524553 581 498516 535564 592 589618646 599628656 609638666 620649677 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$32 General Information: COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$32 7328739 SE ARM CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, UPH. BARREL BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, 2" WIDER, STACKING General Information: W: 24" COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 21.5" SD: 18" SH: 18.5" AH: 24.75 WT: 22 lb. WOOD SPECS: Beech B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 537 548 561 573 551569 588617 645 562580 599628 656 575593 612641 669 587605 624653 681 673702730 684713741 697726754 709738766 MOIS. BARR: +$5 CA TB133: +$32 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 251 Vantage accessories Accessories 7074129 INTERLOCK, METAL, STRAIGHT Female Interlock mounted on right leg. Male Interlock mounted on left leg. WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1 $6 2 $6 3 $6 7074142 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING, WITH COMMUNION CUP HOLDER WT: 2 lb. 4 $6 Zone 1 $67 7074130 INTERLOCK, METAL, RADIUS Male Interlock mounted on left leg. Female Interlock mounted on right leg. WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1 $26 2 $26 3 $26 4 $26 2 $103 Zone 1 $9 3 $105 4 $109 7070014 BOOKRACK, BACK MOUNTED WT: 1 lb. Zone 1 $58 2 $59 3 $62 WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1 $17 4 $63 2 $65 3 $67 2 $64 3 $65 2 $17 3 $19 4 $19 For barrel back models. Cannot be used with rear-mounted bookrack. Zone 1 $19 4 $69 7074132 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING Zone 1 $63 4 $10 WT: 0.5 lb. For barrel back models, except barrel back chair 7028731. Cannot be used with rear-mounted cup holder accessory. WT: 2 lb. 3 $10 7130341 3-CUP HOLDER, REAR MOUNTED 7070015 BOOKRACK, BACK MOUNTED, WITH COMMUNION CUP HOLDER Zone 1 $64 2 $10 7130340 CARD AND PENCIL HOLDER, REAR MOUNTED For barrel back models, except barrel back chair 7028731. Cannot be used with rear-mounted cup holder accessory. WT: 1 lb. 4 $72 7074302 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, FRONT AND REAR OPENING, WITH COMMUNION CUP 7074340 VANTAGE CHAIR ARMS Zone 1 $101 3 $70 Cannot be used with kneeler 7094027. Use sliding kneeler or kneeler box. WT: 2 lb. WT: 2 lb. 2 $69 2 $19 3 $21 4 $21 For barrel back models. Cannot be used with rear-mounted bookrack. 7130346 CARD, 2-CUP, PENCIL HOLDER, REAR MOUNTED 4 $67 Cannot be used with kneeler 7094027. Use sliding kneeler or kneeler box. WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1 $50 2 $51 3 $52 4 $53 For barrel back models. Cannot be used with rear-mounted bookrack. 7074134 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, WIRE WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 $42 2 $43 3 $43 4 $46 Cannot be used with kneeler 7094027. Use sliding kneeler or kneeler box. Not available on 2" wider SE models. 7094027 KNEELER, VANTAGE, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 16.89" D: 10.5" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ H: 6.25" WT: 3 lb. Price by Fabric Grade and Shipping Zone B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 175 179 184 187 179183 188195 203 183187 192199 207 188192 197204 212 191195 200207 215 210217224 214221228 219226233 222229236 WOOD SPECS: Beech MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$8 Not available on SE models. Use sliding kneeler or kneeler box. 252 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Oaklok-Paragon 2022200 SIDE CHAIR, UPH CONTOURED SEAT, UPH BACK, STACKING W: 20.25" D: 20.5" H: 31.75" SW: 16.5" SD: 18.5" SH: 18" AH: – General Information: WT: 16 lb. B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: COM: 0.6 yd. ♦ MOIS. BARR: +$6 Red Oak 338 346 354 361 349362 377398 420 357370 385406 428 365378 393414 436 372385 400421 443 441462483 449470491 457478499 464485506 CA TB133: +$24 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $30 Rift Red Oak.............. $48 Rift White Oak.......... $32 Cherry......................... $9 Maple.......................... $35 Mahogany.................. $72 Walnut....................... $84 2322200 ARM CHAIR, UPH CONTOURED SEAT, UPH BACK, 33 3/4" HEIGHT, STACKING General Information: W: 23.75" D: 20.5" COM: 0.6 yd. ♦ H: 33.75" SW: 17.5" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: 25.5" WT: 18 lb Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 458 469482 497518 540 468 479492 507528 550 479 490503 518539 561 489 500513 528549 571 561582603 571592613 582603624 592613634 2022300 SIDE CHAIR, UPH CONTOURED SEAT, UPH BACK, STACKING W: 20.25" D: 20.5" H: 31.25" SW: 16.5" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: – B/COM CDEFG HIJ 1: 2: 3: 4: 362 370 379 387 373386 401422 444 381394 409430 452 390403 418439 461 398411 426447 469 CA TB133: +$24 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $34 Rift Red Oak.............. $56 Rift White Oak.......... $45 Cherry......................... $8 Maple.......................... $43 Mahogany.................. $75 Walnut..................... $115 General Information: WT: 17 lb. Red Oak Zone Zone Zone Zone MOIS. BARR: +$6 465486507 473494515 482503524 490511532 COM: 0.6 yd. ♦ MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$24 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $30 Rift Red Oak.............. $48 Rift White Oak.......... $45 Cherry......................... $9 Maple.......................... $35 Mahogany.................. $72 Walnut....................... $97 2322300 ARM CHAIR, UPH CONTOURED SEAT, UPH BACK, 33 1/4" HEIGHT, STACKING General Information: W: 23.75" D: 20.5" COM: 0.6 yd. ♦ H: 33.25" SW: 17.5" SD: 17.5" SH: 18" AH: 24.75" WT: 18 lb Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 513 525 536 549 524537 552573 595 536549 564585 607 547560 575596 618 560573 588609 631 616637658 628649670 639660681 652673694 MOIS. BARR: +$6 CA TB133: +$24 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $34 Rift Red Oak.............. $52 Rift White Oak.......... $44 Cherry......................... $8 Maple.......................... $45 Mahogany.................. $85 Walnut..................... $115 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 253 Oaklok-Paragon frontals 4152101 SINGLE FRONTAL KNEELER, 20 INCHES WIDE (PRIE DIEU) General Information: W: 20.33" COM: 0.3 yd. ♦ WT: 40 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 601 614 629 643 606613 620631 641 619626 633644 654 634641 648659 669 648655 662673 683 652663673 665676686 680691701 694705715 CA TB133: +$12 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak................ $103 Rift Red Oak............ $136 Rift White Oak........ $272 Cherry..................... $136 Maple........................ $136 Mahogany................ $204 Walnut..................... $340 4152102 DOUBLE FRONTAL KNEELER, 40 INCHES WIDE (PRIE DIEU) General Information: W: 40.25" COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ WT: 66 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 828 835844 853868 882 846 853862 871886 900 867 874883 892907 921 886 893902 911926 940 896911925 914929943 935950964 954969983 CA TB133: +$16 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak................ $140 Rift Red Oak............ $187 Rift White Oak........ $376 Cherry..................... $187 Maple........................ $187 Mahogany................ $283 Walnut..................... $470 4152103 TRIPLE FRONTAL KNEELER, 60 INCHES WIDE (PRIE DIEU) General Information: W: 60.33" COM: 0.6 yd. ♦ WT: 84 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1054 1079 1105 1128 10651078 10931114 1136 10901103 11181139 1161 11161129 11441165 1187 11391152 11671188 1210 115711781199 118212031224 120812291250 123112521273 CA TB133: +$24 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak................ $179 Rift Red Oak............ $238 Rift White Oak........ $477 Cherry..................... $238 Maple........................ $238 Mahogany................ $361 Walnut..................... $597 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 254 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. accessories Oaklok-Paragon Accessories General Information: 2072100 BOOKRACK, INTERLOCKING, SINGLE ID L: 11.5" ID D: 4.5" ID W: 2.3" WT: 1 lb. Zone 1234 Oak $43$43$46$47 2072128 BOOKRACK, WOOD, UNDERSEAT, FRONT AND REAR OPENING, CUPHOLDER WT: 2 lb. Zone 1234 Beech WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $6 Maple............................ $9 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $22 Rift White Oak............ $6 Walnut....................... $31 Cherry......................... $8 Use with side chair only. ID D: 9.7" ID W: 2.3" WT: 1 lb. Zone 1234 Oak $87$89$90$93 2072131 BOOKRACK, WOOD, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING, CUPHOLDER W: 13.38" D: 9.25" H: 2" WT: 2 lb. Zone 1234 2072104 BOOKRACK, INTERLOCKING, SINGLE, EXTRA DEPTH SACK ID L: 11.5" WOOD SPECS: See product note* $51$52$53$55 Beech $79$80$83$84 2132101 CARD AND PENCIL HOLDER, REAR MOUNTED OD H: 4" ID W: 3.1" ID D: 0.4" ID H: 3.4" WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1234 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $4 Maple............................ $6 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $17 Rift White Oak............ $4 Walnut....................... $25 Cherry......................... $5 Use with side chair only. Oak $19$19$21$21 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $1 Maple............................ $2 Rift Red Oak................ $2 Mahogany.................... $3 Rift White Oak............ $3 Walnut......................... $4 Cherry......................... $1 2072108 BOOKRACK, INTERLOCKING, DOUBLE ID L: 11.5" ID D: 4.5" ID W: 2.3" WT: 1 lb. Zone 1234 Oak $77$78$80$82 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $11 Maple.......................... $15 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $41 Rift White Oak.......... $11 Walnut....................... $55 Cherry....................... $13 2132102 CARD, 2-CUP, PENCIL HOLDER, REAR MOUNTED OD H: 4" ID W: 3.1" ID D: 0.4" ID H: 3.3" WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1234 Oak $51$52$53$55 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $2 Maple............................ $2 Rift Red Oak................ $2 Mahogany.................... $5 Rift White Oak............ $3 Walnut......................... $8 Cherry......................... $2 2072111 OAKLOK/PARAGON INTERLOCK, WOOD WT: 1 lb. Zone 1234 Oak $27$27$28$28 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $4 Maple............................ $6 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $16 Rift White Oak............ $4 Walnut....................... $23 Cherry......................... $6 Use with side chair only. 2072118 BOOKRACK, INTERLOCKING, SINGLE, ADJUSTABLE RADIUS ID L: 10.5" ID D: 5" ID W: 3.8" WT: 1 lb. Zone 1234 Oak $87$89$90$93 2132103 3-CUP HOLDER, REAR MOUNTED WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1234 Oak $21$21$22$22 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $1 Maple............................ $1 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................... $2 Rift White Oak............ $1 Walnut......................... $3 Cherry......................... $1 2100 Kneeler Holes (without the kneeler) cannot be ordered by itself $4 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $4 Maple............................ $6 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $18 Rift White Oak............ $4 Walnut....................... $26 Cherry......................... $5 Use with side chair only. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 255 Oaklok-Paragon accessories 2090011 KNEELER, WOOD, WITH UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 17.89" D: 11" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ H: 6.25" WT: 5 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 134 137 142 145 138142 147154 162 141145 150157 165 146150 155162 170 149153 158165 173 169176183 172179186 177184191 180187194 Use with side chairs and 2301 arm chairs. CA TB133: +$8 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $11 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Rift White Oak.......... $11 Cherry....................... $13 Maple.......................... $15 Mahogany.................. $39 Walnut....................... $53 2090012 KNEELER, WOOD, WITH UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 18.89" D: 11" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ H: 6.25" WT: 5 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 147 151155 160167 175 149 153157 162169 177 153 157161 166173 181 155 159163 168175 183 182189196 184191198 188195202 190197204 Use with arm chairs except 2301 styles. CA TB133: +$8 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $10 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Rift White Oak.......... $10 Cherry....................... $13 Maple.......................... $15 Mahogany.................. $39 Walnut....................... $54 2090013 KNEELER, WOOD, WITH BOOKRACK, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 17.89" D: 10" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ H: 6.25" WT: 4 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 134 137 142 145 138142 147154 162 141145 150157 165 146150 155162 170 149153 158165 173 169176183 172179186 177184191 180187194 Use with side chairs and 2301 arm chairs. CA TB133: +$8 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $11 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Rift White Oak.......... $11 Cherry....................... $13 Maple.......................... $15 Mahogany.................. $39 Walnut....................... $53 2090014 KNEELER, WOOD, WITH BOOKRACK, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 18.75" D: 10" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ H: 6.25" WT: 4 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 147 149 153 155 151155 160167 175 153157 162169 177 157161 166173 181 159163 168175 183 Use with arm chairs except 2301 styles. 182189196 184191198 188195202 190197204 CA TB133: +$8 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $10 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Rift White Oak.......... $10 Cherry....................... $13 Maple.......................... $15 Mahogany.................. $39 Walnut....................... $54 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 256 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Unity 3306120 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, WOOD BACK, NON-STACKING, 20" General Information: W: 20" COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 17.75" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 24 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 523 534 547 560 532543 555573 591 543554 566584 602 556567 579597 615 569580 592610 628 609627644 620638655 633651668 646664681 Fabric application is selvage front. CA TB133: +$20 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $30 Rift Red Oak.............. $49 Rift White Oak.......... $48 Cherry....................... $12 Maple.......................... $36 Mahogany.................. $76 Walnut..................... $107 3306140 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, WOOD BACK, NON-STACKING, 40" General Information: W: 40" COM: 0.9 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 17.75" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 38 lb. Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 756 772792 813846 878 772 788808 829862 894 790 806826 847880 912 809 825845 866899 931 910942974 926958990 944976 1008 963995 1027 Fabric application is selvage front. MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$36 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $37 Rift Red Oak.............. $58 Rift White Oak.......... $66 Cherry....................... $20 Maple.......................... $44 Mahogany.................. $96 Walnut..................... $134 3306160 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT, WOOD BACK, NON-STACKING, 60" General Information: W: 60" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 60" SD: 17.75" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 55 lb. Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 967 990 1011 1034 Fabric application is selvage front. 985 1007103110671103 10081030 10541090 1126 10291051 10751111 1147 10521074 10981134 1170 113811741209 116111971232 118212181253 120512411276 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$40 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $43 Rift Red Oak.............. $67 Rift White Oak.......... $84 Cherry....................... $28 Maple.......................... $50 Mahogany................ $114 Walnut..................... $159 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 257 Unity 3306420 SIDE CHAIR; UPHOLSTERED SEAT, BACK, AND BACKSIDE; NON-STACKING, 20" General Information: W: 20" COM: 1 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 17" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 24 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 531 542 556 568 549571 595631 667 560582 606642 678 574596 620656 692 586608 632668 704 702738773 713749784 727763798 739775810 Fabric application is selvage front. CA TB133:+$40 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $27 Rift Red Oak.............. $43 Rift White Oak.......... $36 Cherry......................... $5 Maple.......................... $35 Mahogany.................. $70 Walnut....................... $96 3306440 SIDE CHAIR; UPHOLSTERED SEAT, BACK, AND BACKSIDE; NON-STACKING, 40" General Information: W: 40" COM: 1.8 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 17" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 39 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 774 790 808 826 806 846 889 954 1018 1081 11461209 822 862 905 970 1034 1097 11621225 840 880 923 988 1052 1115 11801243 858 898 941 1006 1070 1133 11981261 Fabric application is selvage front. CA TB133: +$72 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $31 Rift Red Oak.............. $45 Rift White Oak.......... $42 Cherry......................... $6 Maple.......................... $41 Mahogany.................. $83 Walnut..................... $111 3306460 SIDE CHAIR; UPHOLSTERED SEAT, BACK, AND BACKSIDE; NON-STACKING, 60" General Information: W: 60" COM: 2.2 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 60" SD: 17" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 55 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 990 1013 1034 1058 Fabric application is selvage front. 10301078 11311210 1290 10531101 11541233 1313 10741122 11751254 1334 10981146 11991278 1358 136714461523 139014691546 141114901567 143515141591 CA TB133: +$88 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $34 Rift Red Oak.............. $48 Rift White Oak.......... $49 Cherry......................... $7 Maple.......................... $47 Mahogany.................. $95 Walnut..................... $125 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 258 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Unity 3306720 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT AND BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, NON-STACKING, 20" General Information: W: 20" COM: 0.8 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 17" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 25 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 546 561 572 585 560578 597626 654 575593 612641 669 586604 623652 680 599617 636665 693 682711739 697726754 708737765 721750778 Fabric application is selvage front. CA TB133: +$32 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $29 Rift Red Oak.............. $46 Rift White Oak.......... $42 Cherry......................... $8 Maple.......................... $37 Mahogany.................. $73 Walnut..................... $102 3306740 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT AND BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, NON-STACKING, 40" General Information: W: 40" COM: 1.4 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 20" SD: 17" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 41 lb. Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 787 8128438769279771026 1077 1126 806 8318628959469961045 1096 1145 825 850 881 914 965 1015 1064 11151164 842 867 898 931 982 1032 1081 11321181 Fabric application is selvage front. MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$56 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $34 Rift Red Oak.............. $52 Rift White Oak.......... $54 Cherry....................... $13 Maple.......................... $44 Mahogany.................. $89 Walnut..................... $122 3306760 SIDE CHAIR, UPHOLSTERED SEAT AND BACK, WOOD BACKSIDE, NON-STACKING, 60" General Information: W: 60" COM: 1.6 yd. ♦ D: 23" H: 32" SW: 60" SD: 17" SH: 18.25" AH: – WT: 58 lb. Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 1001 1025 1047 1070 Fabric application is selvage front. 10301065 11041161 1219 10541089 11281185 1243 10761111 11501207 1265 10991134 11731230 1288 127513321388 129913561412 132113781434 134414011457 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$64 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $39 Rift Red Oak.............. $58 Rift White Oak.......... $66 Cherry....................... $18 Maple.......................... $51 Mahogany................ $105 Walnut..................... $142 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 259 Unity accessories General Information: Accessories WOOD SPECS: See product note* 3080005 BOOKRACK, BACK MOUNT, 20 OD L: 16.9" ID D: 2.1" OD D: 2.8" ID H: 4.9" OD H: 5.9" WT: 1 lb. ID W: 20.1" Zone 1234 Oak $34$36$36$37 3080009 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, FRONT OPENING, 40/60 OD L: 34.8" ID D: 6.5" OD D: 6.5" ID H: 2.1" OD H: 3.5" WT: 2 lb. ID W: 33.1" Zone 1234 $44$45$46$47 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: Oak White Oak.................... $4 Maple............................ $5 Rift Red Oak................ $3 Mahogany.................. $16 Rift White Oak............ $8 Walnut....................... $22 Cherry......................... $4 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $8 Maple............................ 11 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $29 Rift White Oak............ $8 Walnut....................... $40 Cherry......................... $9 For use on 20" Unity. If insert is ordered, it will be offset to one side, leaving a space of 9-1/8" to accommodate one book. For use on 40" and 60" Unity. Cannot be used with a kneeler. 3080001 BOOKRACK, 3-BOOK, BACK MOUNT 3130006 INSERT, CARD, 4-CUP, PENCIL HOLDER OD L: 21.8" ID D: 2.1" OD D: 2.8" ID H: 4.9" OD H: 5.9" WT: 1.5 lb. ID W: 15.3" OD L: 6.1" ID D: 0.4" OD D: 2.2" ID H: 4.1" OD H: 4.1" WT: 0.5 lb. ID W: 4.1" Oak Zone 1234 $35$35$36$37 Zone 1234 Oak $16$16$17$17 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $4 Maple............................ $6 Rift Red Oak................ $4 Mahogany.................. $18 Rift White Oak.......... $11 Walnut....................... $25 Cherry......................... $5 White Oak.................... $1 Maple............................ $2 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................... $3 Rift White Oak............ $1 Walnut......................... $5 Cherry......................... $1 For use on 40" and 60" Unity. If insert is ordered, it will be placed in the middle. The remaining spaces will be 7" each. 3080378 BOOKRACK, 4-BOOK, BACK MOUNT OD L: 35.8" ID D: 2.1" OD D: 2.8" ID H: 4.9" OD H: 5.9" WT: 2 lb. ID W: 34" Zone 1234 Oak $42$43$44$45 3130007 INSERT, CARD & PENCIL HOLDER OD L: 6.1" ID D: 0.4" OD D: 2.2" ID H: 4.1" OD H: 4.1" WT: 0.5 lb. ID W: 4.1" Zone 1234 $15$15$16$16 Oak WOOD SPECIE ADDER: WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $8 Maple.......................... $12 Rift Red Oak................ $8 Mahogany.................. $31 Rift White Oak.......... $15 Walnut....................... $42 Cherry....................... $10 White Oak.................... $1 Maple............................ $2 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................... $3 Rift White Oak............ $1 Walnut......................... $5 Cherry......................... $1 For use on 40" and 60" Unity. If insert is ordered, it will be placed in the middle. The remaining spaces will be 13-15/16" each. 3080006 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING, 20 OD L: 14.8" ID D: 6.5" OD D: 6.5" ID H: 2.1" OD H: 3.1" WT: 1 lb. ID W: 13.1" 3130330 CARD, PENCIL HOLDER OD L: 6.1" ID D: 0.4" OD D: 0.8" ID H: 3.3" OD H: 4.1" WT: 0.5 lb. ID W: 3.1" Oak 1234 Zone $34$36$36$37 Oak WOOD SPECIE ADDER: WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $3 Maple............................ $5 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $16 Rift White Oak............ $3 Walnut....................... $21 Cherry......................... $4 White Oak.................... $1 Maple............................ $2 Rift Red Oak................ $2 Mahogany.................... $3 Rift White Oak............ $3 Walnut......................... $4 Cherry......................... $1 For use on 20" Unity. Cannot be used with a kneeler. Cannot be used with a back-mounted bookrack on a 20" seat unit or with a 3080378 bookrack on a 40" unit. 3080007 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, FRONT OPENING, 20 OD L: 14.8" ID D: 6.5" OD D: 6.5" ID H: 2.1" 1234 Zone $15$15$16$16 OD H: 3.1" WT: 1 lb. ID W: 13.1" 3130336 CARD, 3-CUP, PENCIL HOLDER OD L: 5.1" ID D: 0.4" OD D: 2.1" ID H: 3.3" OD H: 4.1" WT: 0.5 lb. ID W: 3.1" Zone 1234 $20$20$22$22 Oak Zone 1234 $34$36$36$37 Oak WOOD SPECIE ADDER: WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $3 Maple............................ $5 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $15 Rift White Oak............ $3 Walnut....................... $21 Cherry......................... $4 White Oak.................... $3 Maple............................ $3 Rift Red Oak................ $3 Mahogany.................... $6 Rift White Oak............ $4 Walnut......................... $9 Cherry......................... $3 For use on 20" Unity. Cannot be used with a kneeler. Cannot be used with a back-mounted bookrack on a 20" seat unit or with a 3080378 bookrack on a 40" unit. 3080008 BOOKRACK, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING, 40/60 3170001 INTERLOCK OD L: 34.8" ID D: 6.5" OD D: 6.5" ID H: 2.1" OD H: 3.5" WT: 2 lb. ID W: 33.1" Zone 1234 $44$45$46$47 WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1234 $4$4$4$4 Oak WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................... $8 Maple............................ 11 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Mahogany.................. $29 Rift White Oak............ $8 Walnut....................... $40 Cherry......................... $9 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 260 For use on 40" and 60" Unity. Cannot be used with a kneeler. Cannot be used with Unity arm models. 3170002 ANCHOR SET WT: 0.5 lb. Zone 1234 $8$8$8$8 Cannot be used with stacking units. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. Unity 3090015 KNEELER, WOOD, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD, 20 General Information: W: 17.25" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ D: 11.25" H: 6.25" WT: 4 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 115 117 123 125 119123 128135 143 121125 130137 145 127131 136143 151 129133 138145 153 150157164 152159166 158165172 160167174 Cannot be used with underseat rear mounted bookracks. CA TB133: +$8 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $10 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Rift White Oak.......... $10 Cherry....................... $12 Maple.......................... $14 Mahogany.................. $33 Walnut....................... $49 3090016 KNEELER, METAL, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD, 20 General Information: W: 17.25" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ D: 10.5" H: 6.75" WT: 4 lb. WOOD SPECS: n/a Metal B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 111 114 116 119 115119 124131 139 118122 127134 142 120124 129136 144 123127 132139 147 146153160 149156163 151158165 154161168 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$8 Cannont be used with underseat rear mounted bookracks or stacking models. For non-stacking 20" seat. 3090017 KNEELER, WOOD, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD, 40 W: 37.25" D: 11.25" H: 6.25" WT: 4 lb. COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 184 188 191 197 191200 209224 238 195204 213228 242 198207 216231 245 204213 222237 251 General Information: 252267281 256271285 259274288 265280294 Cannot be used with underseat rear mount bookracks. MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$16 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $10 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Rift White Oak.......... $10 Cherry....................... $13 Maple.......................... $18 Mahogany.................. $50 Walnut....................... $70 3090018 KNEELER, METAL, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD, 40 General Information: W: 37.25" COM: 0.4 yd. ♦ D: 10.5" H: 6.75" WT: 4 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Metal B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 167 173 176 179 174183 192207 221 180189 198213 227 183192 201216 230 186195 204219 233 CA TB133: +$16 235250264 241256270 244259273 247262276 Cannont be used with underseat rear mounted bookracks or stacking models. 3090019 KNEELER, WOOD, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD, 60 General Information: W: 57.25" COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ D: 11.25" H: 6.25" WT: 4 lb. Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 230 234 240 244 239250 262280 298 243254 266284 302 249260 272290 308 253264 276294 312 316334351 320338355 326344361 330348365 Cannot be used with underseat rear mount bookracks. MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$20 WOOD SPECIE ADDER: White Oak.................. $17 Rift Red Oak................ $0 Rift White Oak.......... $17 Cherry....................... $22 Maple.......................... $26 Mahogany.................. $66 Walnut....................... $91 3090020 KNEELER, METAL, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD, 60 General Information: W: 57.25" COM: 0.5 yd. ♦ D: 10.5" H: 6.75" WT: 4 lb. WOOD SPECS: n/a Metal B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 210 214 219 226 219230 242260 278 223234 246264 282 228239 251269 287 235246 258276 294 Cannot be used with underseat rear-mounted bookracks. Cannot be used with stacking units. 296314331 300318335 305323340 312330347 MOIS. BARR: n/a CA TB133: +$20 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 261 Chancel series ll 4171305 COLONIAL PULPIT, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 45" WT: 200 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 5247 5371 54975622 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4171705. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4171326 COLONIAL PULPIT, WITH ROUTS, STAINED, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H General Information: W: 28.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 17" H: 45.75" WT: 97 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 9402 9626 985010073 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4171706. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4171309 COLONIAL PULPIT, WITH ROUND TOP ROUT, STAINED, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 45" WT: 200 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 5152 5274 53975518 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4171709. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4111305 COLONIAL LECTERN, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 23"W X 30"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 30" H: 45" WT: 115 lb. Red Oak MOIS. BARR: n/a Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3908 4002 40944187 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4011705. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish 262 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. series ll 4011305 COLONIAL ALTAR, CLOSED, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 30"W X 72"L X 39"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 39" WT: 220 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Chancel Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 4810 4924 50385153 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Available in a painted finish, use product number 4011705. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4041305 COLONIAL COMMUNION TABLE, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 30"W X 60"L X 30"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 60" H: 30" WT: 115 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 4062 4159 42574354 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4011705. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4271305-48 COLONIAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 26" WT: 16 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1843 1887 19311975 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4271705-48. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4271305-72 COLONIAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 26" WT: 26 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2763 2830 28952961 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4271705-72. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 263 Chancel series ll 4271305-96 COLONIAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 96" H: 26" WT: 16 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3686 3774 38623950 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4271705-96. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4321305 COLONIAL CLERGY ARM CHAIR, 25 1/8"W X 19 1/4"L X 42"H General Information: W: 25.13" COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ D: 19.25" H: 42" WT: 45 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4166 41894216 42464291 4336 4264 42874314 43444389 4434 4365 43884415 44454490 4535 4464 44874514 45444589 4634 CA TB133: +$50 438044254469 447845234567 457946244668 467847234767 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4321705. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4021305 COLONIAL CLERGY SIDE CHAIR, STAINED, 25 1/8"W X 19 1/4"L X 39"H General Information: W: 25.13" COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ D: 19.25" H: 39" WT: 37 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 3443 34663493 35233568 3613 3524 35473574 36043649 3694 3605 36283655 36853730 3775 3687 37103737 37673812 3857 CA TB133: +$50 365737023746 373837833827 381938643908 390139463990 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4021705. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4081305 COLONIAL FLOWER STAND, WITH ROUT, STAINED, 11 1/2"W X 11 1/2"L X 24"H W: 11.5" D: 11.5" H: 24" WT: 30 lb. COM: n/a ♦ Red Oak General Information: MOIS. BARR: n/a Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: +$50 1652 1690 17301770 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4081705. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 264 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. series lll 4171338 COLONIAL PULPIT, WITH ROUTS AND FLUTES, STAINED, 17"W X 28 1/2"L X 45 3/4"H General Information: W: 17" COM: n/a ♦ D: 28.5" H: 45.75" WT: 100 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Chancel Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1090411163 11423 11682 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4171138. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4171315 COLONIAL PULPIT, WITH ROUTS AND FLUTES, STAINED, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 45" WT: 200 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 6795 6957 71177281 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4111716. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4171306 COLONIAL PULPIT, WITH ROUT AND FLUTES, STAINED, 58"W X 22 1/4"L X 45"H General Information: W: 58" COM: n/a ♦ D: 22.25" H: 45" WT: 240 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1006510304 10544 10784 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4011715. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4171365 COLONIAL PULPIT, WITH ROUTS, STAINED, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H W: 23" D: 48" H: 45" MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak General Information: COM: n/a ♦ WT: 200 lb. Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 7273 7444 76197792 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4041715. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 265 Chancel series lll 4111315 COLONIAL LECTERN, ROUT AND FLUTE, STAINED, 23"W X 30"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 30" H: 45" WT: 120 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 5078 5199 53215442 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4111715. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4111306 COLONIAL LECTERN, WITH ROUT AND FLUTE, STAINED, 32"W X 21"L X 46"H General Information: W: 32" COM: n/a ♦ D: 21" H: 46" WT: 70 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 9009 9224 94389652 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4111716. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4011315 COLONIAL ALTAR, CLOSED, WITH ROUT AND FLUTES, STAINED, 30"W X 72"L X 39"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 39" WT: 230 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 6812 6973 71367298 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4011715. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4041315 COLONIAL COMMUNION TABLE, WITH ROUT AND FLUTES, STAINED, 30"W X 60"L X 30"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 60" H: 30" WT: 150 lb. Red Oak MOIS. BARR: n/a Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 6264 6413 65636712 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4041715. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish 266 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. series lll 4041306 COLONIAL COMMUNION TABLE, WITH ROUT AND FLUTES, STAINED, 22 1/4"W X 58"L X 32"H General Information: W: 22.25" COM: n/a ♦ D: 58" H: 32" WT: 85 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Chancel Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 6699 6859 70187177 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4041716. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4041307 COLONIAL COMMUNION TABLE, WITH ROUT AND FLUTES, STAINED, 22 1/4"W X 58"L X 32"H General Information: W: 22.25" COM: n/a ♦ D: 58" H: 32" WT: 155 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 8848 9060 92709481 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4041717. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4271315-48 COLONIAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, STAINED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 26" WT: 18 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2209 2262 29122367 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4271715-48. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4271315-72 COLONIAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, STAINED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 26" WT: 28 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3316 3393 43633551 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4271715-72. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 267 Chancel series lll 4271315-96 COLONIAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, STAINED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 96" H: 26" WT: 38 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 4419 4523 58184734 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4271715-96. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4321307 COLONIAL CLERGY ARM CHAIR, STAINED, 25 1/4"W X 19 1/4"L X 54"H General Information: W: 25.25" COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ D: 19.25" H: 54" WT: 45 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 6248 6396 6546 6693 62716298 63286373 6418 64196446 64766521 6566 65696596 66266671 6716 67166743 67736818 6863 CA TB133: +$50 646265076551 661066556699 676068056849 690769526996 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4321717. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4021306 COLONIAL CLERGY SIDE CHAIR, STAINED, 25 1/4"W X 19 1/2"L X 42 3/4"H General Information: W: 25.25" COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ D: 19.5" H: 42.75" WT: 39 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 4702 47254752 47824827 4872 4812 48354862 48924937 4982 4924 49474974 50045049 5094 5036 50595086 51165161 5206 CA TB133: +$50 491649615005 502650715115 513851835227 525052955339 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4021716. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4081315 COLONIAL FLOWER STAND, WITH ROUT AND FLUTE, STAINED, 11 1/2"W X 11 1/2"L X 24"H General Information: W: 11.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 11.5" H: 24" WT: 35 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2006 2054 21002149 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4081715. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4081306 COLONIAL FLOWER STAND, WITH ROUT AND FLUTE, STAINED, 12 1/8"W X 12 1/8"L X 32"H General Information: W: 12.13" COM: n/a ♦ D: 12.13" H: 32" WT: 35 lb. Red Oak MOIS. BARR: n/a Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3679 3767 38543944 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 268 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Also available in a painted finish, use product number 4081716. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. series lV 4173100 TRADITIONAL PULPIT, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 45" WT: 180 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Chancel Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2657 2722 27842847 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4112083 TRADITIONAL LECTERN, PORTABLE, ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT, 19"W X 24"L X 44"-47"H General Information: W: 19" COM: n/a ♦ D: 24" H: 44-47" WT: 50 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2161 2212 22642316 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4113100 TRADITIONAL LECTERN, 23"W X 30"L X 45"H W: 23" D: 30" H: 45" WT: 120 lb. COM: n/a ♦ MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak General Information: Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1882 1925 19712014 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4013100 TRADITIONAL ALTAR, CLOSED, 30"W X 72"L X 39"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 39" WT: 195 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3906 3997 40924185 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4043100 TRADITIONAL COMMUNION TABLE, 30"W X 60"L X 30"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 60" H: 30" WT: 115 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2429 2487 25452601 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4273100-48 TRADITIONAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 26" WT: 16 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1139 1167 11931220 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 269 Chancel series lV 4273100-72 TRADITIONAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 26" WT: 26 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1712 1751 17931832 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4273100-96 TRADITIONAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 96" H: 26" WT: 36 lb. Red Oak MOIS. BARR: n/a Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2283 2335 23902445 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4323100 TRADITIONAL CLERGY ARM CHAIR, 25 1/8"W X 19 1/4"L X 42"H General Information: W: 25.13" COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ D: 19.25" H: 42" WT: 30 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2484 2542 2601 2659 25072534 25642609 2654 25652592 26222667 2712 26242651 26812726 2771 26822709 27392784 2829 CA TB133: +$50 269827432787 275628012845 281528602904 287329182962 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4023100 TRADITIONAL CLERGY SIDE CHAIR, 25 1/8"W X 19 1/4"L X 39"H General Information: W: 25.13" COM: 1.25 yd. ♦ D: 19.25" H: 39" WT: 30 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 2250 2303 2357 2410 22732300 23302375 2420 23262353 23832428 2473 23802407 24372482 2527 24332460 24902535 2580 CA TB133: +$50 246425092553 251725622606 257126162660 262426692713 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4083100 TRADITIONAL FLOWER STAND, 11 1/2"W X 11 1/2"L X 24"H General Information: W: 11.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 11.5" H: 24" WT: 35 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 978 1002 10251049 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 270 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. series Vl 4173300 TRADITIONAL PULPIT, WITH FLAT MOLDING, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 45" WT: 190 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Chancel Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3614 3700 37853871 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4173600 TRADITIONAL PULPIT, ROUND MOLDING, 23"W X 48"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 45" WT: 190 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 4173 4272 43714470 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4112099 TRADITIONAL LECTERN, 22"W X 32"L X 44"H W: 22" D: 32" H: 44" WT: 110 lb. COM: n/a ♦ MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak General Information: Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 4954 5070 51895306 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4113600 TRADITIONAL LECTERN, WITH ROUND MOLDING, 23"W X 30"L X 45"H General Information: W: 23" COM: n/a ♦ D: 30" H: 45" WT: 110 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2612 2676 27372800 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 271 Chancel series Vl 4013600 TRADITIONAL ALTAR, CLOSED, 30"W X 72"L X 39"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 39" WT: 175 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3555 3638 37243808 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4043600 TRADITIONAL COMMUNION TABLE, 30"W X 60"L X 30"H General Information: W: 30" COM: n/a ♦ D: 60" H: 30" WT: 120 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 3124 3200 32723348 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4273600-48 TRADITIONAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 48" H: 26" WT: 16 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1235 1265 12941323 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4273600-72 TRADITIONAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 72" H: 26" WT: 26 lb. Red Oak MOIS. BARR: n/a Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1853 1896 19401984 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish 272 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. series Vl 4273600-96 TRADITIONAL ALTAR RAIL, CLOSED, 5 1/2"W X SPECIFIED LENGTH X 26"H General Information: W: 5.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 96" H: 26" WT: 36 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Chancel Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 2467 2526 25852643 Factory installation is recommended. Contact Customer care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. 4083600 TRADITIONAL FLOWER STAND, 11 1/2"W X 11 1/2"L X 24"H General Information: W: 11.5" COM: n/a ♦ D: 11.5" H: 24" WT: 25 lb. MOIS. BARR: n/a Red Oak Zone 1 2 3 4 CA TB133: n/a 1381 1412 14461479 Please note Chancel items require an extended lead time. Contact Customer Care for details. Seven additional wood species are available, including: Rift Red Oak, White Oak, White Oak Rift, Cherry, Maple, Mahogany, and Walnut. Call Customer Care for species pricing and options. When ordering specify: Product number Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 273 Additional Chapel Product accessories 7094031 KNEELER, SLIDING, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 11.25" D: 5.5" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ H: 6.25" WT: 4 lb. Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 153 157 159 164 157161 166173 181 161165 170177 185 163167 172179 187 168172 177184 192 MOIS. BARR: included CA TB133: +$8 188195202 192199206 194201208 199206213 Fits Duroply, Horizon, Laurelwood, Plylok, Regal III, Wedgewood and Vantage SE. 7094005 KNEELER, CUSHION BOX, WITH BOOK BOX General Information: W: 5.5" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ D: 11.25" H: 6.25" WT: 3 lb. MOIS. BARR: included Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 173 176 180 185 CA TB133: +$8 177181 186193 201 208215222 180184 189196 204 211218225 184188 193200 208 215222229 189193 198205 213 220227234 7094038 KNEELER, PLYLOK, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 5.5" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ D: 11.25" H: 6.25" WT: 3 lb. MOIS. BARR: included Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 175 179 184 187 179183 188195 203 183187 192199 207 188192 197204 212 191195 200207 215 CA TB133: +$8 210217224 214221228 219226233 222229236 7094041 KNEELER, REGAL III SIDE, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 5.5" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ D: 11.25" H: 6.25" WT: 3 lb. MOIS. BARR: included Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 181 186 190 194 185189 194201 209 190194 199206 214 194198 203210 218 198202 207214 222 CA TB133: +$8 216223230 221228235 225232239 229236243 7094047 KNEELER, REGAL III ARM, UPHOLSTERED MOLDED FOAM PAD General Information: W: 5.5" COM: 0.2 yd. ♦ D: 11.25" H: 6.25" WT: 3 lb. MOIS. BARR: included Red Oak B/COM CDEFG HIJ Zone Zone Zone Zone 1: 2: 3: 4: 181 186 190 194 185189 194201 209 190194 199206 214 194198 203210 218 198202 207214 222 CA TB133: +$8 216223230 221228235 225232239 229236243 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color Wood specie Finish 274 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. accessories Additional Chapel Product Accessories 7070007 BOOKRACK, Regal III, UNDERSEAT REAR OPEN 7130356 CARD, PLYLOK, 2-CUP, PENCIL HOLDER, REAR MOUNTED WT: 0.5 lb. WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 2 3 $69$72 $73 4 $74 Zone 1 2 3 $50$51 $52 4 $53 Cannot be used with rear-mounted bookrack or on ladder backs. 7070008 BOOKRACK, Regal III, UNDERSEAT REAR OPEN WITH CUP HOLDER WT: 2 lb. W: 18" 2 3 Zone 1 $82$83 $85 4 $87 7070016 BOOKRACK, DUROPLY, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING W: 20" 7190010 WOOD UNDERSEAT PANEL, DUROPLY D: 20" H: 21" WT: 25 lb. Zone 1 2 3 $59$62 $63 D: 19" WT: 1 lb. $56 Panels with vinyl or crypton uhpholstered seats will be drilled for ventilation. 7144014 T MOLD RUNNER WT: 0.5 lb. 4 $64 $22 7070005 DECORATIVE THRU BOLT AND NUT 7070017 BOOKRACK, DUROPLY, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING, WITH COMMUNION CUP HOLDER W: 38" D: 19" H: 16" Available for chairs with all-wood backs. WT: 40 lb. Zone 1 2 3 $67$69 $70 4 $72 7074105 BOOKRACK, PLYLOK, BACK MOUNTED WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 2 3 $70$73 $74 WT: 0.5 lb. $25 4 $77 For use on standard width chairs only. Cannot be mounted with rear cup holder accessory. 7074152 BOOKRACK, PLYLOK, UNDERSEAT, FRONT OPENING 7032000 UNIVERSAL 2-WHEEL CART WT: 37 lb. Zone 1 $606 2 $621 3 $637 4 $650 7074129 INTERLOCK, METAL, STRAIGHT Female Interlock mounted on right leg. Male Interlock mounted on left leg. WT: 0.5 lb. $6 WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 2 3 $59$62 $63 4 $64 Cannot be used with a kneeler. 7074132 BOOKRACK, PLYLOK, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING 7074130 INTERLOCK, METAL, RADIUS Male Interlock mounted on left leg. Female Interlock mounted on right leg. WT: 0.5 lb. $25 WT: 2 lb. 2 3 Zone 1 $63$64 $65 4 $67 Cannot be used with kneeler 7094027. Use sliding kneeler or kneeler box. 7074162 BOOKRACK, PLYLOK, UNDERSEAT, FRONT AND REAR OPENING WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 2 3 $72$74 $77 4 $78 Cannot be used with a kneeler. 7074303 BOOKRACK, PLYLOK, UNDERSEAT, REAR OPENING, WITH COMMUNION CUP WT: 2 lb. Zone 1 2 3 4 $9$10 $10 $10 When ordering specify: Product number Fabric vendor, pattern and color (if applicable) Wood specie Finish ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 275 ind ex 1030-162036 (1030 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 20R-152424 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 21781 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1030-162048 (1030 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 20R-152448 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 2322200 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 1030-162448 (1030 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 20R-153030 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 2322300 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 1030-212424 (1030 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 20R-201818 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 26-162754 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153, 222 1030-212626 (1030 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 20R-202424 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 26-1630 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153, 222 1030-213030 (1030 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 20R-202448 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 260-2T (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 1050011 (Cube Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 20R-203030 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 260-3T (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 1050012 (Cylinder Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 20R-241818 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 225 261 (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 1050020 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 20R-242424 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 225 2611 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 1050025 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 20R-242448 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 225 2612 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 1050029 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 20R-243030 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 225 26122 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 1050159 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 20R-291818 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 225 26123 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 1050659 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 20R-292424 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 225 2613 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 1050669 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 2100 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 262 (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 1052000 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 21011-M (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2621 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 1052048 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 21012-M (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2622 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 1052060 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 21013-M (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2623 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 1052072 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 21041-M (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 263 (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 1052802 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 21042-M (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2631 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 1059999 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 21043-M (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2632 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 1801-IW-LE (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 21101-OT (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 26322 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 1801-IW-M (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 21110-2T (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 26323 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 1801-IW-RE (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 21110-3T (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2633 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 1801-LE (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 21110-CA (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2641 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 1801-M (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 21110-FS (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2641L (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 1801-OW-LE (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 21110-LA (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2642 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 1801-OW-M (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 21110-RA (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 26422 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 1801-OW-RE (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 21111 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 26423 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 1801-RE (Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 21112 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2642L (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 2022200 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 21113 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2643 (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 2022300 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 21122 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2643L (Reflect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 2072100 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 21123 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 27-161717 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115, 222 2072104 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 21132 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 27-161734 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115, 222 2072108 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 21133 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 27000-CT (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 2072111 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 21140-2T (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27000-ET (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 2072118 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 21140-3T (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27000-ST (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 2072128 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 21140-CA (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 27110-2 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 2072131 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 21140-LA (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 27110-3 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 2090011 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 21140-RA (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 27111 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 2090012 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 21141 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27120-2 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 2090013 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 21142 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27120-3 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 2090014 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 21143 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27121 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 20C-1518 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21151 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 27210-2 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 20C-1524 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21152 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 27210-3 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 20C-1530 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21153 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 27211 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 20C-1536 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21161 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 27220-2 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 20C-2018 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21162 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 27220-3 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 20C-2024 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21163 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 27221 (Flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 20C-2030 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21171 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 28-D (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 20C-2418 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21181 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 28-GG (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 20C-2424 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 2132101 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 280-2T (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 20C-2430 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 2132102 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 280-3T (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 20C-2918 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 2132103 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 281 (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 20C-2924 (20C Cylinder Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 223 21741 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2811 (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 20R-151818 (20R Cube Table) . . . . . . . . . . . 224 21761 (Arc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2811B (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 276 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. inde x 2811C (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 32251G24 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 32741W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 282 (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 32251L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 32741WB30 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 2821 (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 32251LG20 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 32781U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2821B (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 32251LG22 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 32781UB30 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2821C (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 32251LG24 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 32781W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 283 (Planar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 32292L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 32781WB30 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2831 (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 32293L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 32841 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 2831B (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 32400-CT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 32841U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 2831C (Transom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 32400-ET (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 32841W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 3080001 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32400-ST (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 32900-HR (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3080005 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32410U-CA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 32900-RM (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3080006 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32410U-LA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 32981 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3080007 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32410U-LT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 32981U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3080008 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32410U-RA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 32981W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3080009 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32410U-RT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 32W841 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 3080378 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32410W-CA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 32W841U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3090015 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 32410W-LA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 32W841W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 3090016 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 32410W-LT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 32W900-HR (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3090017 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 32410W-RA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 32W981 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3090018 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 32410W-RT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 32W981U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3090019 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 32440-2TU (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 32W981W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3090020 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 32440-2TW (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3306120 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 3130006 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32440-3TU (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3306140 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 3130007 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32440-3TW (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3306160 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 3130330 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32441H22U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3306420 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 3130336 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32441H22W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3306440 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 3170001 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32441H24U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3306460 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 3170002 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 32441H24W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3306720 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 32-161938 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 221 32441U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3306740 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 32-201919 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 221 32442U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3306760 (Unity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 32041-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 32443U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 35-161941 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 221 32041B30-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 32441W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 35-202121 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 221 32042-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 32441WB30 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 35100-CT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 32043-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 32442W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 35100-ET (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 32100-CT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 32443W (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 35100-ST (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 32100-ET (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 32610L-CA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 35210-2T (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 32100-ST (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 32610L-LA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 35210-3T (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 32151G20 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 32610L-LT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 35210-CA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 32151G22 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 32610L-RA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 35210-LA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 32151G24 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 32610L-RT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 35210-LT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 32151LG20 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 32640-2TL (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 35210-RA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 32151LG22 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 32640-3TL (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 35210-RT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 32151LG24 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 32641L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 35211 (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 32210L-CA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 32642L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 35211-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 32210L-LA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 32643L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 35212 (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 32210L-LT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 32651G20 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 35212-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 32210L-RA (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 32651G22 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 35213 (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 32210L-RT (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 32651G24 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 35213-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 32240-2TL (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 32651LG20 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 35220-2T (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 32240-3TL (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 32651LG22 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 35220-3T (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 32241L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 32651LG24 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 35221 (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 32242L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 32692L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 35221-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 32243L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 32693L (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 35222 (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 32251G20 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 32741U (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 35222-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 32251G22 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 32741UB30 (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 35223 (Capital Lounge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 277 ind ex 35223-M (Capital) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 37711B30 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 41140-3T (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 37-162040 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 221 37711B40 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 41141 (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 37-212020 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 221 37771 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 41142 (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 37100-CT (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 37771B30 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 41143 (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 37100-LET (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 37771B40 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 41160-2T (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 37100-RET (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 37841 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 41160-3T (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 37100-ST (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 37841W (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 41161 (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 37111-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 37900-RM (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 41162 (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 37111B30-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 37981 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 41163 (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 37111B40-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 37981W (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 41181 (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 37112-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 37W841 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 41200-CT (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 37113-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 37W841W (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 41200-ET (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 37192-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 37W981 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 41200-ST (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 37193-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 37W981W (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4152101 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 37210-2T (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4011305 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 4152102 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 37210-3T (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4011315 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 4152103 (Oaklok-Paragon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 37210-CA (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4013100 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 4171305 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 37210-LA (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4013600 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 4171306 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 37210-LT (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4021305 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 4171309 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 37210-RA (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4021306 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 4171315 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 37210-RT (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4023100 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 4171326 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 37211 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4041305 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 4171338 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 37211B30 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4041306 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 4171365 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 37211B40 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4041307 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 4173100 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 37212 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4041315 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 4173300 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 37213 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4043100 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 4173600 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 37292 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4043600 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 42041-M (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 37293 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4081305 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 42042-M (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 37400-CT (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4081306 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 42043-M (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 37400-LET (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4081315 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 42110-CA (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 37400-RET (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4083100 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 42110-LA (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 37400-ST (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4083600 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 42110-LT (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 37401-OT (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 40A-161938L (E Series Table) . . . . . . . 52, 64, 110, 221 42110-RA (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 37410-2T (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 40A-212020L (E Series Table) . . . . . . . 52, 64, 110, 221 42110-RT (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 37410-3T (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 40S-161938L (E Series Table) . . . . . . . 52, 64, 110, 221 42140-2T (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 37410-CA (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 40S-212020L (E Series Table) . . . . . . . 52, 64, 110, 221 42140-3T (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 37410-LA (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 41041-M (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 42141 (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 37410-LT (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 41042-M (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 42142 (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 37410-RA (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 41043-M (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 42143 (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 37410-RT (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 41061-M (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 42181 (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 37411 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 41062-M (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 42200-CT (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 37411-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 41063-M (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 42200-ET (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 37411B30 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41110-CA (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 42200-ST (Curie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 37411B30-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 41110-LA (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4271305-48 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . 263 37411B40 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41110-LT (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4271305-72 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . 263 37411B40-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 41110-RA (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4271305-96 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . 264 37412 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 41110-RT (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4271315-48 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . 267 37412-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4111305 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 4271315-72 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . 267 37413 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4111306 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 4271315-96 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . 268 37413-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4111315 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 4273100-48 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . 269 37492 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4112083 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 4273100-72 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . 270 37492-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4112099 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 4273100-96 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . 270 37493 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4113100 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 4273600-48 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . 272 37493-M (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4113600 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 4273600-72 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . 272 37711 (Arris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 41140-2T (Braun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4273600-96 (Chancel Series VI) . . . . . . . . . . 273 278 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. inde x 43041-M (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 50A-V1636 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53411WB30 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 43042-M (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 50A-V1642 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53411WB40 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 43043-M (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 50A-V2018 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53471UB22 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 43110-CA (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 50A-V2020 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53471UB30 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 43110-LA (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 50A-V202020 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53471WB22 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 53471WB30 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 43110-LT (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 50A-V2024 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 43110-RA (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 50A-V202424 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53981U (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 43110-RT (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 50A-V2030 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53981UP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 43140-2T (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 50A-V203030 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53981UPT (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 43140-3T (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 50A-V2036 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53981W (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 43141 (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 50A-V2042 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53981WP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 43142 (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 50A-V2418 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53981WPT (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 43143 (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 50A-V2420 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53H981U (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 43200-CT (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 50A-V2424 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53H981UP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 43200-ET (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 50A-V242424 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53H981W (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 43200-ST (Cannon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 50A-V2430 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53H981WP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4321305 (Chancel Series II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 50A-V2436 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53L411U (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4321307 (Chancel Series III) . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 50A-V2442 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53L412U (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4323100 (Chancel Series IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 50A-V291848 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53L413U (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4700-01 (4700 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 50A-V291854 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53L411W (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4700-03 (4700 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 50A-V291860 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53L412W (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4700-05 (4700 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 51131 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 53L413W (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4700-13 (4700 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 51132 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 53W981U (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4700-15 (4700 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 51133 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 53W981UP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 50A-L1618 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51161 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 53W981UPT (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 50A-L1620 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51162 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 53W981W (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 50A-L162048 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51163 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 53W981WP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 50A-L1624 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51171 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 53W981WPT (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 50A-L1630 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51172 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 53WH981U (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 50A-L1636 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51173 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 53WH981UP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 50A-L1642 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51181 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 53WH981W (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 50A-L2018 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51182 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 53WH981WP (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 50A-L2020 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 51183 (Portal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 54-162440 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195, 222 50A-L202020 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 52111 (ScroII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 54-162440NR (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . 195, 222 50A-L2024 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 52112 (ScroII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 54-2023 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195, 222 50A-L202424 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 52113 (ScroII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 54-2023NR (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195, 222 50A-L2030 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53-162442 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, 221 54151UG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 50A-L203030 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53-222424 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, 221 54151UG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 50A-L2036 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410-2TU (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 54151UG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 50A-L2042 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410-2TW (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 54151ULG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 50A-L2418 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410-3TU (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 54151ULG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 50A-L2420 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410-3TW (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 54151ULG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 50A-L2424 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410UB-CA (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 54151WG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 50A-L242424 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410UB-LA (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 54151WG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 50A-L2430 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410UB-RA (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 54151WG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 50A-L2436 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410WB-CA (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 54151WLG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 50A-L2442 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410WB-LA (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 54151WLG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 50A-L291848 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53410WB-RA (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 54151WLG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 50A-L291854 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53411B22-M (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 54251UG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 50A-L291860 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 53411B30-M (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 54251UG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 50A-V1618 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53411B40-M (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 54251UG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 50A-V1620 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53411UB22 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 54251ULG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 50A-V162048 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53411UB30 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 54251ULG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 50A-V1624 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53411UB40 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 54251ULG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 50A-V1630 (50A Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 53411WB22 (Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 54251WG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 279 ind ex 54251WG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 54981UP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 62266 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 54251WG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 54981UPT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 62266T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 54251WLG20 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 54981W (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 62269 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 54251WLG22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 54981WP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 62269T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 54251WLG24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 54981WPT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 62272 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 54400-CT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 54H981U (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 62272T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 54400-CTNR (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 54H981UP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 62275 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 54400-ET (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 54H981W (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 62275T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 54400-ETNR (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 54H981WP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 62278 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 54400-ST (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 54L211W (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 62278T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 54400-STNR (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 54L212W (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 6300001 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, 222 54410-2TU (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 54L213W (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 6300002 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, 222 54410-2TW (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 54W981U (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 6300051 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, 222 54410-3TU (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 54W981UP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 6300052 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, 222 54410-3TW (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 54W981UPT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 634100 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 54410UB-CA (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 54W981W (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 6341122 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 54410UB-LA (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 54W981WP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 6341130 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 54410UB-LT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 54W981WPT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 6341140 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 54410UB-RA (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 54WH981U (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 6347122 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 54410UB-RT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 54WH981UP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 6347130 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 54410WB-CA (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 54WH981W (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 6350100 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 54410WB-LA (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 54WH981WP (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 6351122 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 54410WB-LT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 59111HC (Cavetto) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 6351130 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 54410WB-RA (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 59112HC (Cavetto) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 6351140 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 54410WB-RT (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 59113HC (Cavetto) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 6357122 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 54411B22-M (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 60066 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6357130 (Trace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 54411B30-M (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 60069 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 64-OT (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 54411B40-M (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 60072 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 64-CT-OT (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 54411UB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 60075 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 64111HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 54411UB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 60078 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 64121HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 54411UB40 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 60166 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 64131HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 54411WB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 60169 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 64141HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 54411WB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 60172 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 64241HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 54411WB40 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 60175 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 64311HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 54471UB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 60178 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 64321HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 54471UB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 60266 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 64331HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 54471WB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 60269 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 64341HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 54471WB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 60272 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 64401HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 54711UB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 60275 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 64441HC (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 54711UB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 60278 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 64500 (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 54711UB40 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 60366 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 64500 5+ (Rally) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 54711WB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 60369 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7010522 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54711WB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 60372 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7010526 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54711WB40 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 60375 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7010532 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54771UB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 60378 (AIIay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7010539 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54771UB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 62166 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 7011022 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54771WB22 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 62166T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 7011026 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54771WB30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 62169 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 7011032 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54841U24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 62169T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 7011039 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54841U30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 62172 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 7011070 (Kidz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 54841U48 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 62172T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 7011079 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54841W24 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 62175 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 7011080 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54841W30 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 62175T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 7011089 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54841W48 (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 62178 (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 7011090 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 54981U (Versant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 62178T (sleepToo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 7011101 (Laurelwood, Wedgewood) . . . . 125, 211 280 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. inde x 7011102 (Laurelwood, Wedgewood) . . . . 125, 211 7028202 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 7074333 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7011232 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 7028204 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 7074334 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7011236 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 7028730 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 7074335 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7011242 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 7028731 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 7074340 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7011248 (Table Acc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 7028735 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 7094005 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 7012022 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 7028737 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 7094027 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7012026 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 7028739 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 7094031 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 7012032 (Table Base) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 7028742 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 7094038 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 7013614 (3600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 7028744 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 7094041 (Regal III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 7013615 (3600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 7028749 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 7094047 (Regal III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 7013616 (3600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 7028763 (Kindred) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 7110651 (Trey-G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 7014500 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 7028764 (Kindred) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 7121420 (GriIIe) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 7014501 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 7028843 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 7121421 (GriIIe) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 7014502 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 7029800 (Autumn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 7121430 (Deli) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7014503 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 7032000 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7121431 (Deli) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7014504 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 7032000 (Regal III, Chapel) . . . . . . . . . 154, 275 7121500 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 7014505 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 7034126 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 7121502 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 7014520 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 7034127 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 7121504 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 7014521 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 7050001 (Kidz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7121506 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 7014522 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 7050016 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 7123712 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 7014523 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 7050276 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 7128744 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 7014524 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 7050283 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 7130330 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7014525 (4500 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 7050285 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 7130331 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7014600 (4600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 7050287 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 7130336 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7014601 (4600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 7050288 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 7130340 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7014602 (4600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 7050292 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 7130341 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7014603 (4600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 7050294 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 7130346 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7014604 (4600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 7050296 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 7130356 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7014605 (4600 Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 7050530 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 7144014 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7020140 (Mission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 7050536 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 7144014 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7020142 (Mission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 7050576 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 7144022 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7020144 (Mission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 7050602 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 7144022 (Laurelwood, Wedgewood) . . . 125, 211 7020651 (Trey-G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 7050706 (Table Tops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 7170003 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 7020653 (Encore-G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 7070005 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139, 275 7190004 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 7020712 (Kidz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7070007 (Regal III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7190005 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7020714 (Kidz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7070008 (Regal III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7190006 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7020716 (Kidz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7070009 (Laurelwood, Wedgewood) . . . . 125, 211 7190010 (Duroply, Horizon) . . . . . . . . . 275, 117 7020718 (Kidz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7070010 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7190012 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 7021420 (GriIIe) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 7070012 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7200650 (Trey-G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 7021421 (GriIIe) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 7070013 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7200651 (Trey-G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 7021430 (Deli) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7070014 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7223712 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 7021431 (Deli) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7070015 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7228744 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 7021500 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 7070016 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7320140 (Mission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 7021502 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 7070017 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7320142 (Mission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 7021504 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 7074105 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7320144 (Mission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 7021506 (Parlor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 7074132 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7320651 (Trey-G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 7023201 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 7074134 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7320653 (Encore-G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 7023711 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 7074142 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7324001 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 7023712 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 7074152 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7324002 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 7023715 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 7074162 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7324003 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 7023763 (Kindred) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 7074302 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 7324004 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 7024007 (Laurelwood, Wedgewood) . . . . 122, 209 7074303 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 7324005 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 7024008 (Laurelwood, Wedgewood) . . . . 122, 209 7074330 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7324006 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 7026053 (Regal III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 7074331 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7324007 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 7028201 (Plyfold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 7074332 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 7324008 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. 281 ind ex 7324009 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 9110-2T (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 9951B40-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 7324010 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 9110-3T (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 9952 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 7324011 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 9110-CA (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 9952-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 7324012 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 9110-LA (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 9953 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 7324013 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 9110-LT (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 9953-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 7324014 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 9110-RA (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 C01-1 (Bridge Garrett) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7324015 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 9110-RT (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 C01-2 (Bridge Garrett) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7324018 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 9111 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 C01-3 (Bridge Garrett) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7324022 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 9111-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 C01-OT (Bridge Garrett) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7324025 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 9111B30 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 C06-1 (Bridge Lafayette) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 7324029 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9111B30-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 C06-2 (Bridge Lafayette) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 7324030 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9111B40 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 C06-3 (Bridge Lafayette) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 7324031 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9111B40-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 C06-OT (Bridge Lafayette) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 7324032 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9112 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 C07-1 (Bridge Rockport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7324033 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9112-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 C07-2 (Bridge Rockport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7324036 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 9112-SC (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 C07-3 (Bridge Rockport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7324040 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9113 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 C07-OT (Bridge Rockport) . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 59 7324043 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 9113-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 C07W-1 (Bridge Rockport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7324051 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 9113-SC (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 C07W-2 (Bridge Rockport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7324052 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 9122 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 C07W-3 (Bridge Rockport) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7324053 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 9123 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 C09-1 (Bridge MitcheII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 7324054 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 9151 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 C09-2 (Bridge MitcheII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 7324055 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 9151-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 C09-3 (Bridge MitcheII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 7324056 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 9151B30 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 C09-OT (Bridge MitcheII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 7324057 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 9151B30-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 C200-182042 (Bridge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60, 221 7324058 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 9151B40 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 C200-212226 (Bridge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60, 221 7324060 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 9151B40-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 C30-1 (Bridge Auburn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7324061 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 9152 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 C30-2 (Bridge Auburn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7324062 (Laurelwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 9152-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 C30-3 (Bridge Auburn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7324063 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 9153 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 C30-OT (Bridge Auburn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 54 7324064 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 9153-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 C30W-1 (Bridge Auburn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7324065 (Wedgewood) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 9910-2T (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 C30W-2 (Bridge Auburn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7324765 (Horizon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 9910-3T (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 C30W-3 (Bridge Auburn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7324775 (Horizon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 9910-CA (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 7326054 (Regal III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 9910-LA (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 7328730 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 9910-LT (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 7328731 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 9910-RA (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 7328735 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 9910-RT (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 7328737 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 9911 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 7328739 (Vantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 9911-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 7328748 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 9911B30 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 7328749 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 9911B30-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 7328765 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 9911B40 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 7328775 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 9911B40-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 7329065 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 9912 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 7329075 (Duroply) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 9912-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 7329800 (Autumn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 9913 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 7573701 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 9913-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 7578400 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 9922 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 7578702 (Plylok) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 9923 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 9010-CT (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 9951 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 9010-ST-20 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 9951-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 9010-ST-24 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 9951B30 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 9012-SC (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 9951B30-M (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 9013-SC (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 9951B40 (Tetra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 282 ♦ COM yardage estimate required when fabric is zoned or matched. | See pages 10-16 for additional ordering information | See page 12 for minimum shipping and handling charge. PO Box 1000, Grabill, IN 46741 888.WIELAND f: 260.627.6496 wielandhealthcare.com © 2015 Sauder Manufacturing Co.
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