Strike Out Arthritis!


Strike Out Arthritis!
of Alpha Omicron Pi
March 2014
Iota Theta Chapter/Monmouth University
in this issue
Letter from Julie Bishop,
AOII Properties Board
Save the Dates
UIFI Scholarships
Leadership Institute 2014
Become an AOII Volunteer
Strike Out Arthritis!
Walk to Cure Arthritis
AOII Foundation News
AOII Foundation News, cont. P6
AOII EduSentials
The 411 on AOII’s
Investment Fee Fund
Have you heard of the Investment Fee Fund (IFF)? The IFF is a fund that is available to any corporation that does not have sufficient savings, however, needs monies to fulfill an immediate need.
The IFF is funded annually through collegiate member dues. Ten dollars of each member’s dues
is allocated to the fund. A corporation may request funds to purchase ritual equipment, complete
housing repairs or update furnishings. The funds may also be utilized to update wiring or install
sprinkler systems.
Since the inception of the IFF in 2004, $350,000 has been either loaned or granted to numerous
corporations. The funds have assisted with remodeling of living room areas, purchasing new
furniture and even afforded a corporation the opportunity to hire an interior decorator with their
renovation. With AOII Properties commitment to provide safe, secure and competitive housing,
the Investment Fee Fund has provided immediate financial relief to AOII corporations. In one case
a loan was extended to assist with the building of a chapter room. As another chapter had planned
a large anniversary weekend with many alumnae in attendance, they were in dire need of common
area renovations. With the funds provided, the project was completed with the assistance of one of
AOII’s favorite interior decorators just in time for the chapter to celebrate their 50th Anniversary.
AOII Properties strives to provide many financial avenues for our corporations’ use. If your corporation finds it may benefit from the Investment Fee Fund, please reach out to your Corporation RA
or your Corporation Relations Manager.
Julie Csizmadia Bishop
AOII Properties Board Director
< < Leadership Institute 2014
“In Focus”
UIFI Scholarship Applications
Mark your calendars for June 27th
– 29th and start recruiting now for
your AOII friends to join you. With
the variety of educational programming available, Leadership Institute
is designed for all AOIIs - whether
alumna or collegian, officer or enthusiastic member. We look forward
to welcoming you to Music City for
#AOIILI2014! Registration is coming
soon - the registration deadline for
members of Council is April 15 and
the general registration deadline is
April 30.
The Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute® (UIFI®) brings together fraternity
men and sorority women from across North America to create opportunities to
explore, define, and enhance their leadership skills, personal awareness, commitment to their fraternity or sorority, and grow to expect values-based action from
themselves and those they lead. Through a grant from the AOII Foundation, Alpha
Omicron Pi offers scholarships to members interested in attending. This year’s
applicants are due from Chapter Advisers on March 19 - please contact Director of
Chapter Services Andrea Theobald at with questions and completed applications!
Become an AOII volunteer!
The Human Resources Committee always accepts applications. To speak to a
member of the HRC team, e-mail To complete a
volunteer application, visit > Alumnae > Volunteer Opportunities.
The following positions are currently open:
• Human Resources (HRC) committee
member and HR Ambassadors for
Networks #4, #5, and #6
• Public Relations Committee
• Network #1 Network Specialist - Leadership
• Network #2 Network Specialist - Alumnae
• Network #3 Network Specialist - Leadership
• Network #4 Network Specialist - Recruitment
• Network Specialist - Development/Alpha Rho
(Oregon State University)
• Network Specialist - Development/Upsilon
(University of Washington)
Applications for open positions are reviewed on a rolling basis. Apply now to
ensure your application receives full consideration!
Save the Dates!
Chapter/AAC relationship
March 11
UIFI Scholarship
applications due
March 19
Senior Challenge
donations due
April 15
Strike Out Arthritis! Event
Report Forms due
May 9
AOII Leadership Institute
June 27 - 29
Strike Out Arthritis!
AOII Fraternity Events for 2014
Alpha Omicron Pi’s collegiate and alumnae chapters are dedicated to “Striking Out” arthritis, and we are amazed each
year by the success of our chapter events. Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity began expanding on our chapter-level events in
2011 with a Strike Out Arthritis! event with the Atlanta Braves, and the response has been incredible! We are now planning over 15 Fraternity Strike Out Arthritis! events for 2014. Check this list to see if an event is being planned near you,
and email Assistant Director of Public Relations Rachel Boison at with any questions.
Mark your calendars for:
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Los Angeles Dodgers - Saturday, April 5
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Cincinnati Reds - Wednesday, April 30
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Chicago White Sox - Saturday, May 10
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Seattle Mariners - Thursday, May 29
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the San Diego Padres - Friday, June 20
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Nashville Sounds - Thursday, August 21
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Indianapolis Indians - Friday, August 22
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Memphis Redbirds - Friday, August 22
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Atlanta Braves - Thursday, September 25
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Boston Red Sox - Thursday, September 25
Strike Out Arthritis! with AOII & the Philadelphia Phillies - Saturday, September 27
Events are also being scheduled with the Chicago Cubs, Miami Marlins, Tampa Bay Rays, Pittsburgh Pirates, Texas Rangers, Colorado Rockies, Kansas City Royals, and the New York Yankees.
Start planning now!
The time is NOW to start planning for your chapter’s involvement in this year’s Walk to Cure
Arthritis series. Setting up a team is easy, once you know the location of your closest Walk! Just
visit and navigate to Special Events > Walk to Cure Arthritis > Walk Locations
to find the event nearest you.
Why is walking so significant in the fight against arthritis? For the men, women and children
struggling with arthritis, walking easily and without pain is sometimes the biggest challenge.
That’s why people with and without arthritis get together to either overcome that challenge
themselves, or to walk in honor of someone else who cannot. So lace up your walking shoes,
get your team started and set your fundraising goals - Go Team AOII!
< <
Use the navigation
shown here to find
this page online at!
Foundation News
Foundation 2014-2017 Strategic Plan
Mission Statement: The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is committed to enhancing the lives of our members and Securing the Future of our Fraternity through leadership
development, scholarships and philanthropic endeavors.
Goal 1: Stewardship: Develop a comprehensive and measurable development plan to ensure the future sustainability of the Foundation.
Objective 1: Train board members and alumnae volunteers to develop new and sustain current relationships with alumnae and
collegians that will provide diverse funding sources.
Objective 2: Increase new donors by 5%, Loyalty Fund giving by 15% and donor retention by 25%.
Objective 3: Increase major gifts by 10% annually.
Objective 4: Develop and implement innovative ways to educate and engage collegians and young alumnae in sustainable giving practices.
Goal 2: Volunteer Leadership: Build and train an exceptional, results-oriented volunteer pool committed to high achievement and responsible stewardship of resources.
Objective 1: Achieve 100% participation by all board members in annual giving campaign and in cultivation and stewardship of donors.
Objective 2: Develop strategies to recruit new board members and other alumnae volunteers focusing on a connection between skills and strategic priorities,
competencies and spheres of influence.
Objective 3: Effectively train and manage Foundation board members and Foundation alumnae volunteers to actively participate in the achievement of fund
development goals.
Objective 4: Continue to revise bylaws and governance processes to focus on policy, oversight and fund development activities.
Goal 3: Operations: Build and promote a culture that emphasizes best practices and transparency and promotes innovation, expertise and professionalism.
Objective 1: Continue to sustain a balanced budget and provide regular financial reports.
Objective 2: Implement a new database management system to develop more strategic analytics for use in planning and implementation of development objectives.
Objective 3: Explore staff and volunteer roles to reach fund development goals more effectively.
Objective 4: Expand the number of scholarships offered by 15% and increase the size of scholarships by at least 25%.
Goal 4: Communications: Continue enhancing the Foundation brand and broadening communications efforts to reach all members of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Objective 1: Create a library of Foundation success stories to educate members and donors.
Objective 2: Use a variety of traditional and social media sources to further engage members and donors.
Objective 3: Develop a communications plan to educate collegians on the importance of giving to the Foundation.
Objective 4: Develop more targeted messaging to produce stronger connectivity with members and donors.
Foundation News
AOII Foundation receives record number
of scholarship applications!
We are proud to announce that we received a record number of scholarship
applications this year! Thank you to everyone who submitted an application.
All applicants will be notified in May as to whether they received a Foundation scholarship.
AOII Foundation 2012-2013 Annual Report
Recently, the AOII Foundation asked our donors to tell us what they thought of the Foundation,
the work we are doing and where we need to be going. We learned so much from the responses
- most importantly, we learned that members want to know how their donations are making an
impact on the lives of sisters across the US and Canada.
We’re pleased to share with you the AOII Foundation Annual Report for the fiscal year July 1,
2012 to June 30, 2013. In it you will find stories about sisters who have benefited from grants and
scholarships from the Foundation, a listing of the remarkable women who received scholarships
from the Foundation and the financial report for the fiscal year. And you can check out the listing
of donors by chapter to see how your chapter sisters are supporting Alpha Omicron Pi.
Visit our website at and click on News & Events to view an electronic
flip-book version of the report!
New resources now available on the ORL
With the help of many Network Specialists, advisers, officers, and HQ staff, the
Education Committee recently produced
several revised resources. Read on to
learn about their changes - these manuals will be available in the Officer Resource
Library by March 30th!
Several supporting documents accompany the revised manual in the
ORL, including an Academic Assessment
Worksheet, Sample Individual Educational
Plan, Individual Goals Worksheet, Professional Development Guide, and Academic
Workshops Guide.
Alumnae Relations Manual
To make the CCOM more user-friendly,
the resource’s editors decided to focus on
chapter operations and move officer duties to Individual Officer Manuals. During
this, the Education Committe noticed a
need to improve these Individual Officer
Manuals for every office. The Alumnae
Relations Manual was the first resource
created out of these changes just in time
for Leadership Academy.
Chapter Finance Manual
Chapter Treasurers and Financial Advisers
asked for an updated handbook, and the
Education Committee is happy to provide
it! The Chapter Treasurer Handbook was
renamed to the Chapter Finance Manual to
reflect that Financial Advisers should utilize
the manual as well.
What was previously just four pages
of officer duties and communication
tips turned into 22 pages detailing how
to collaborate with others, plan time in
office, explain alumnae initiatives, build
relationships with alumnae, maintain
updated alumnae contact information,
and more! This manual can be found in
the “Manuals” tab of the ORL.
Academic Development Manual
The previous version of the Academic
Development Manual contained helpful
information about all-things academic
and scholastic to share with members,
but at 104 pages, it needed some TLC to
make it more useful to VPs of Academic
Development and their advisers. Much of
the content remains, but there is added
emphasis on offering individualized help
for members needing it.
Readers will notice that Billhighway
how-to’s are missing from the manual.
Instead, a Billhighway Administrator Guide
has been uploaded to the ORL to offer an
all-encompassing resource. Billhighway also
provided a Billing Hints and Tips resource
that can also be found in the “Finance” tab.
The volunteers and staff working on the
Chapter Finance Manual expanded information about working with other officers,
using prepaid cards, and how to handle
delinquent accounts, as well as updating
existing content.
Alumnae Chapter Operations Manual
When surveying our alumnae chapter
officers, we noticed that most officers
hardly used the ACOM, and it could be due
to its outdated content. The team working
on its revisions made sure the ideas and
information are fresh and ready to be used
in alumnae chapters.
The Education Committee greatly appreciates the Ritual, Traditions, & Jewelry
Committee for providing Ritual context for
each resource in its introduction.
Thank you for reading April’s
EduSentials! This addition to The
Piper, presented by the Education
Committee, aims to inform our
members of AOII’s educational
updates and opportunities for
personal development.
To contact the Education Committee,
please email:
Resources in Production:
• Chapter Standards Manual
• Chapter President Manual
• Vice President of Administration
• Social Chairman Manual
• Officer Transition Workshop
• AAC Transition Workshop
• Parents Club Handbook
• Heart of Health Resources
For questions about resources, email: