
at Wine & Dine reflect the
sensibili1es of the next evolu1on of
des1na1on services, when people seek
to move beyond merely seeing the sights
or ge?ng away from it all, and are in
pursuit of moments of discovery and
meaning. In our experience, these occur when
people feel free from the limita1ons of
their day-to-day lives and leap into the
nuances of their chosen des1na1on. We don't promise to change your life,
but we do promise to offer an
opportunity where such moments of
magic and aliveness can occur. WINE COUNTRY
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
The Heads Network
February 2016
v Roundtriptransporta.onfromtheMeritageResortandSpa
v Winerytourandtas.ngatFloraSpringsWinery&Vineyard
v Winetas.ngintheidyllicgardenatSullivanVineyard
v Roundtriptransporta.onfromtheMeritageResortandSpa
v Winerytour,,andart-walkatArtesaVineyardandWinery
v Winetas.ngandprivatetouroftheartcollec.onatHessCollec.onWinery
v Roundtriptransporta.onfromtheMeritageResortandSpa
v AhistoricaltouroftheCIAincludingtheCorkscrewMuseumandtheHerbGarden
v TimeforshoppingintheCIASpiceIslandMarketplace
v TheBakeryCafébyIlly.AllmealsservedinthecaféarepreparedbyCIAstudents.
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
The Heads Network
February 2016
Napa Valley
Round Trip Transport
ion from t
he Merit
age Resort & Spı
Luxury Transporta1on for your aHernoon ac1vi1es
From The Meritage Resort and Spa, guests will board luxury touring coaches and a Wine & Dine host will be
aboard each vehicle. Sit back, relax, and enjoy what is surely to be an aHernoon in Wine Country no one will
soon forget!
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
The Heads Network
February 2016
Napa Valley
y Opt
ion 1 – Wine Tast
ing Deluxeı
Flora Springs Estate for private tour & tas1ng
Flora Springs is a family endeavor that epitomizes hard work, dedica1on and teamwork. It all began over 20
years ago, when Jerry and Flora Komes bought the first vineyard—a vineyard with lots of history, great soils, two
ghost wineries and an ever-flowing spring. Their re1rement project became a life1me passion for son, John, and
daughter Julie and their families. The family has over 500 acres of vineyards in 8 dis1nct loca1ons in the Napa
Valley which gives them the unique advantage of beginning their winemaking process from the ground up selec1ng the site, the varietal, the plan1ng method, and every detail that is vital to obtaining great fruit each
year. Your visit will include a private tour of their caves, and a tas>ng of their diverse and well-respected wines.
v Tourandwinetas.ngatFlora
v Winetas.ngintheidyllicgardens
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
The Heads Network
February 2016
Napa Valley
y Opt
ion 1 – Wine Tast
ing Deluxeı
Wine Tas1ng at Sullivan Vineyards
Wine & Dine specializes in gourmet Wine Country experiences at private “off the beaten path” bou1que
wineries and we are certain you will enjoy this aHernoon's visit to Sullivan Vineyards. Located in the Rutherford
appella1on of the Napa Valley, this tucked away, small family winery is known for their “big” red wines and has
been Rutherford’s Cabernet hideaway for over 35 years. Founded By Jim and Joanna Sullivan in 1978 the
vineyard is known for its limited number of high quality wines and in>mate guest atmosphere. Sullivan
Vineyards is commifed to producing a limited number of wines reflec1ve of the estate’s soils and climate. The
estate includes 23 of acres of vineyards, sales and tas1ng room, and a reflec1on pond. The group will enjoy a
tas>ng of premium Sullivan Vineyard wines.
v Tourandwinetas.ngatFlora
v Winetas.ngintheidyllicgardens
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
The Heads Network
February 2016
Napa Valley
y Opt
ion 2 – The Art & Wine Duoı
Artesa Winery
scenic drive through the bucolic region of Carneros brings you to Artesa Winery. Carneros, which spans both
Napa and Sonoma Valleys, has a unique, somewhat cooler microclimate because of its proximity to
the San Francisco Bay. This area produces wonderful Chardonnay and Pinot Noir which becomes sparkling wine.
Avant-garde yet elegant, Artesa is poised atop a hill, which affords panoramic vistas of Napa Valley, Carneros
and the San Francisco Bay. Guests reach the Visitor Center by a sweeping staircase bordered by cascading
waterfalls, ascending past beau1ful fountains, reflec1ng pools and sculpture. Inside is a spectacular modernist
interior, full of rich woods, expanses of glass and dozens of smooth columns. The building is oKen compared to
an art museum, and indeed, its walls and vast spaces are filled with works by the celebrated Ar>st-in-Residence,
Gordon Huether. Here, the group will enjoy a tas>ng of Artesa wine and a private tour, while taking in the
beau>ful surrounding artwork. TheArtandWineDuo
v Winerytour,,andart-walkat
v Winetas.ngandprivatetourofthe
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
The Heads Network
February 2016
Napa Valley
y Opt
ion 2 – The Art & Wine Duoı
Hess Collec1on Winery
One of the best kept secrets in Napa Valley, The Hess Collec>on WInery is located just five miles from busy
Highway 29, yet it's a world away from the hustle and bustle. The historic stone winery, da1ng back to 1903, is
situated on Mount Veeder among majes1c firs, redwoods and a courtyard garden. Donald Hess leased the
winery buildings from the Chris1an Brothers in 1986, and, aHer a two-year renova1on, opened the visitor
center to the public. The Hess Collec>on Winery offers visitors an opportunity to experience Donald's shared
passions—art and wine. There are more than 13,000 square feet of contemporary pain>ngs and sculpture on
display. Hess Collec1on wines display the unique character of grapes from their estate vineyards high atop Mt.
Veeder, and reflect the dedica1on and skill required to mold the powerful mountain fruit into wines of
excep1onal quality. Enjoy wine tas>ng and a private tour of the art collec>on. Ac$vityOp$on2
v Winerytour,,andart-walkat
v Winetas.ngandprivatetourofthe
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
The Heads Network
February 2016
Napa Valley
y Opt
ion 3 – CIA Greyst
A Tour with Lunch of Historic Culinary Ins1tute of America – Culinary Ins1tute of America
One of the Napa Valley’s most historic and majes1c proper1es, the CIA at Greystone, is also one of the world’s
most unique and inspiring campuses for culinary educa1on. Perhaps no other des1na1on in wine country offers
a richer food and wine experience in one loca1on. The CIA at Greystone offers the same innova1ve curriculum
and expert CIA faculty as our world-renowned culinary and baking and pastry arts programs in Hyde Park, NY.
Your tour of the historic Greystone campus will include the Corkscrew Museum, the Breitstein Collec>on, Rudd
Center for Professional Wine Studies, and the Herb Garden. Lunch will be served in the Bakery Café by Illy and
includes 1 glass of wine per person. Ac$vityOp$on3
v AhistoricaltouroftheCIAincluding
v TimeforshoppingintheCIASpice
v TheBakeryCafébyIlly.Allmeals
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
Program Costs Costs Include the following:
Ac1vity Op1on 1
Wine Tas1ng Deluxe
Based on 70 guests
$120 per person Ac1vity Op1on 2
The Art & Wine Duo
Based on 30 guests
$135 per person v Winery tour and tas1ng at Flora Springs Winery &
v Winery tour, tas1ng, and art-walk at Artesa
Vineyard and Winery
v Wine tas1ng in the garden at Sullivan Vineyards
v Wine tas1ng and private tour of the art collec1on at
Hess Collec1on Winery
Ac1vity Op1on 3
A Historical Tour of the Culinary Ins1tute of America followed by lunch
Based on 70 guests
$105 per person
v A historical tour of the CIA including the Corkscrew Museum and the Herb Garden
v  Time for shopping in the CIA Spice Island Marketplace
v The Bakery Café by Illy. All meals served in the café are prepared by CIA students. v Round trip transporta1on from the Meritage Resort & Spa Napa Valley, in a luxury motor coach
v All ac1vi1es as listed v Friendly & Professional Wine & Dine tour hosts and guides
v All taxes, fees, service charges and gratui1es **Priceincludesa3%cash/checkdiscount.
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
Proprietary Statement + Terms & Condi1ons
The ideas and concepts contained in this proposal were developed exclusively by Wine & Dine for the sole purpose of determining whether a client
wishes to engage Wine & Dine to execute this project. These ideas are proprietary assets of Wine & Dine, and will remain so un1l such 1me that they are
implemented via a mutually agreed upon contract or the client chooses not to use the ideas. Wineries and lodging subject to change based on availability at >me of booking. Any overages, including, but not limited to, food, wine or transporta1on (including traffic over1me) are the responsibility of the client and must be paid
within thirty days of the conclusion of the event.
A credit card number is required to book the tour, which guarantees a 50% non-refundable deposit. The deposit can be paid by check or credit card. The balance, based on the guaranteed guest count, is due in full one month before arrival and is 100% non-refundable. **
Date changes are allowed only due to dras1c, unforeseen circumstances, acts of terror, or natural disaster. Any monies paid to Wine & Dine by client must
be used within one year and no monies previously paid will be refunded.
A similar program must be re-booked at the same or a greater price. A $500.00 re-booking fee may be assessed. Any cancella1on fees or penal1es
incurred must be paid by the client and will not be used toward the cost of the rescheduled program.
Program details and pricing could change based on availability and prevailing rates at 1me of re-booking.
Quoted prices include a 3% cash/check discount. When payment is made by credit card,
the discount will not apply.
Changes in the guest count may affect the cost per person. ** Booking the tour, whether verbally or in wri1ng, requires and implies acceptance of these terms, whether or not a wrifen contract is entered into.
** We at Wine & Dine consider it an honor and a privilege to serve our clients and guests. Your enjoyment, comfort and sa1sfac1on are of the utmost importance to us.
We look forward to having you with us!
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .
look forward to this opportunity to provide you with a
memorable Wine Country excursion. For addi1onal inquiries regarding
this program, please contact your salesperson below.
Amaka Nwigwe
707 . 963 . 8930 Cheers!ı
P.O. Box 204 . St. Helena . Ca . 94574 . 707.963.8930 . .