National Leadership Conference
National Leadership Conference
National Leadership Conference of the American Student Dental Association Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus Nov. 2-4, 2012 Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza Chicago, Ill. American Student Dental Association National Leadership Conference of the American Student Dental Association Your Direct Path to the Next Generation of Leaders Get in Front of the Future of Organized Dentistry • • • • • • Become an event sponsor Rent a table top at the exhibit fair Purchase a print ad in the meeting program Host a breakout session Advertise with a mobile app banner ad Distribute information via a guest room delivery WHY ASDA ? Who is ASDA? The American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests and welfare of students pursuing careers in dentistry. It introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy. Why Host a Leadership Conference? In dental school, students receive in-depth training in general and specific areas of dentistry – including dental ethics, treatment options and patient care. Upon graduation, they leave with the technical skills needed to be good dentists. However, the “life skills” they need to be successful business owners, team leaders and people managers may not always be developed. The National Leadership Conference will provide leadership training to dental students across all years. Attendees can create customized schedules based on their personal knowledge, experience and interests, in order to benefit them as dental students and future practitioners, as well as leaders in organized dentistry. What Draws Students to Attend? Current and future leaders from across the country will come together to achieve the following goals: • Attend seminars on people management, public speaking and presenting, personal finance, practice negotiations, mentoring others and more • Build leadership skills that will be beneficial throughout their dental careers • Increase understanding of key issues in dentistry and dental education • Build relationships with exhibitors to fulfill current and post-graduation needs 2 National Leadership Conference of the American Student Dental Association Sponsorship Opportunities Platinum Sponsor—$9,000 • Logo on registration bags, jump drives or notebooks provided to attendees • 5-minute podium time on Friday, Nov. 2 (time determined by ASDA) • Early opportunity to reserve a discounted breakout session • Premium tabletop location (determined by ASDA) • Full-page, 4-color ad in meeting program (priority placement) • Logo on meeting signage • Sponsor designation on name badge holders • Two representatives invited to lunch on Friday, Nov. 2 • Logo in ASDA News and meeting program • Logo on National Leadership Conference sponsor and exhibitor website page • Preliminary registration list provided by Oct. 12 • Final attendee mailing list provided by Nov. 16 Gold Sponsor—$6,000 Silver Sponsor—$4,250 • • • • • • • Premium tabletop location (determined by ASDA) Full-page, 4-color ad in meeting program Logo on meeting signage Sponsor designation on name badge holders Two representatives invited to lunch on Friday, Nov. 2 Logo in ASDA News and meeting program Logo on National Leadership Conference sponsor and exhibitor website page • Preliminary registration list provided by Oct. 12 • Final attendee mailing list provided by Nov. 16 Constituent and Component Society Sponsor—$500 (minimum) • Recognition on meeting signage • Recognition in ASDA News and meeting program • Recognition on National Leadership Conference sponsor and exhibitor website page • Final attendee mailing list provided by Nov. 16 • 5-minute podium time on Saturday, Nov. 3 (time determined by ASDA) • Early opportunity to reserve a discounted breakout session • Premium tabletop location (determined by ASDA) • Full-page, 4-color ad in meeting program • Logo on meeting signage • Sponsor designation on name badge holders • Two representatives invited to lunch on Friday, Nov. 2 • Logo in ASDA News and meeting program • Logo on National Leadership Conference sponsor and exhibitor website page • Preliminary registration list provided by Oct. 12 • Final attendee mailing list provided by Nov. 16 3 National Leadership Conference of the American Student Dental Association Breakout Session Sponsorship & More Breakout Session During ASDA’s breakout sessions, your organization can connect with the newest leaders of organized dentistry to share industry trends and expertise. The National Leadership Conference offers four one-hour sponsored breakout sessions that run concurrently on Friday, Nov. 2. Session content must be educational (non-commercial). Platinum and gold sponsors have the first opportunity to reserve a breakout session (through July 1, 2012) for a flat rate of $3,500. After July 1, silver sponsors and exhibitors can reserve a breakout session for $4,500. Deadline to reserve a breakout is Aug. 1. Audiovisual equipment will be provided for these sessions, but sponsors must supply their own laptop. Note: non-exhibitors cannot reserve a breakout session. Breakout sessions cannot be shared by multiple organizations. All breakout session sponsors will receive: • LCD projector, screen and podium with microphone in the meeting room • Logo in ASDA News and meeting program • Logo on National Leadership Conference sponsor and exhibitor website page Important Note About Logos All sponsors must send hi-res logos (.jpg or .eps) and 50-word session description to ASDA for inclusion in the meeting program, website and signage by Aug. 31. Further instructions to follow. Other Advertising Opportunities Mobile App Banner Ad – $2,000 (three spaces available) ASDA will promote a National Leadership Conference mobile application for attendees’ smart phones. Purchase a banner ad that rotates on the home page of the application. When clicked, the banner ad opens to a full-screen landing page of your design. Advertiser is responsible for art design. For a nominal additional fee of $150, you can have your ad and landing page created by the mobile app developers. Deadline to send mobile banner and landing page artwork is Oct. 1. Guest Room Delivery – $2,000 per night (two spaces available per night) Deliver your message direct to each student’s door with a customized flier! This is a novel way to engage students. Each room will have as many fliers delivered as guests staying in the room. Advertiser supplies flier and chooses night of distribution. Deadline to reserve is Aug. 31. For further information on any of these opportunities, please contact: Barton Lewin, sales and marketing manager 312-440-7602 4 National Leadership Conference of the American Student Dental Association Exhibit Fair & Meeting Program Advertising Exhibit Fair ASDA has reserved space to accommodate up to 53 participating companies and organizations. Earn a $100 discount if reserved and paid by Aug. 1. Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 5 p.m.- 7 p.m. Setup begins at 2:30 p.m. Exhibitors receive the following benefits: • Complimentary attendance at the Exhibit Fair for two people from your organization • One skirted 6-foot table with two chairs • Recognition in the meeting program • Recognition on National Leadership Conference sponsor and exhibitor website page • Preliminary registration list provided by Oct. 12 • Final attendee mailing list provided by Nov. 16 All exhibitors must send their company contact information and 50-word description to ASDA for inclusion in the meeting program by Aug. 31. Further instructions to follow. Interactive Exhibitor Listing All exhibitors receive a free listing within the National Leadership Conference mobile app. Upload your company logo and as many .pdf brochures as you’d like. Students can access these documents by clicking on your exhibitor profile. Deadline to upload PDFs is Oct. 1. Meeting Program Advertising Maximize your exposure at the National Leadership Conference with an advertisement in the meeting program. Fulland half-page, color or black and white ads available. Advertisements must be a high resolution (300 dpi) TIF or JPG file, or press-quality Adobe.pdf file. All artwork and art inquiries should be sent to Communications Editor Kim Schneider at Deadline to reserve ad space is Aug. 1. Advertising artwork is due by Aug. 31. Dimensions of the ads are as follows: Full-page trim: 6 x 9 in. Half-page trim: 5 x 4 in. (no bleed) Bleed: .125 in. Live .25 in. 5 National Leadership Conference of the American Student Dental Association Terms and Conditions 1. ASDA reserves the right to exercise its sole discretion in the acceptance or refusal of applications. Applications will be reviewed in order of receipt and, insofar as possible, sponsorship opportunities will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event of a conflict regarding exhibit space or an opportunity or other imperative conditions, ASDA shall have the right to assign space, or opportunities to the applicant or rearrange the floor plan and/or relocate any exhibit at any time before or during the National Leadership Conference. 2. Subletting of space or opportunities by the applicant, sharing or other use of the space not specifically authorized by ASDA is prohibited. 3. Applicants shall abide by and observe all laws, rules, and regulations of the hotels. Applicants shall observe and abide by additional regulations made by ASDA for the efficient or safe operation of the National Leadership Conference. 4. Applicant assumes any and all liabilities and/or obligations resulting from its display at the National Leadership Conference caused by, among other things, faulty or improper displays or exhibits, and/or applicant’s failure to abide by any law, rule or regulations and/or such regulations made by ASDA for the efficient or safe operation of the National Leadership Conference. ASDA shall be entitled to close a display at any time for failure by an applicant or any of its officers, agents, employees or other representatives to perform, meet or observe any term or condition set forth in this Contract, and such applicant shall not be entitled to a refund of any part of any fee. 5. An applicant who is unable to participate at the National Leadership Conference, or cancel any exhibit, sponsorship, or advertising opportunity previously contracted for, shall receive a refund less a fifty dollar ($50) processing fee, based upon the cancellation deadlines stated below. All cancellations must be received in writing by 5 p.m. Central time on Sept. 28. An applicant who cancels may request, in writing, that any monies on account with ASDA, less any administration fees, be transferred to another event produced by ASDA. ASDA reserves the right to transfer such monies at its sole discretion and solely to an ASDA-produced event scheduled to be held within one year of the cancellation. The applicant shall not be entitled to a refund of any part of any fee should the applicant for any reason be unable to exhibit, sponsor or advertise at the National Leadership Conference, or cancel any opportunity previously contracted for. No one will be allowed to set-up without advance payment. No exceptions. 6. In the event that because of war, fire, strike, terrorist act, government regulation, public catastrophe, act of God or the public enemy or other cause for any reason whatsoever, the National Leadership Conference or any part thereof is prevented from being held, is canceled by ASDA or the exhibiting, sponsorship, or advertising opportunity applied for herein becomes unavailable, ASDA shall determine and refund the applicant his proportionate share of the balance of the aggregate exhibit fees received which remains after deducting expenses incurred by ASDA and reasonable compensation to ASDA, but in no case shall the amount of refund to the applicant exceed the amount of the fee paid. 7. Neither ASDA, nor its officers, directors, agents, employees or other representatives, nor the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza, nor any of any of their officers, directors, agents, employees or other representatives, shall be held accountable or liable for, and the same are hereby released from accountability or liability for any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or any property of the applicant or any of its officers, directors, agents, employees, or other representatives, resulting from theft, fire, water, accident, or any other cause, and neither ASDA nor the hotels will obtain insurance against any such damage, loss, harm or injury. 8. Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and protect ASDA and the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza against, and hold and save ASDA and the Hotel harmless from, any and all claims, demands, suits, liability, damages, loss, costs, attorney fees and expense of whatever kind or nature (collectively “Claims”) which might arise out of (i) any action or failure to act of the applicant or any of its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives; (ii) damage or loss to property, or injury to the person or any property of the applicant, any of its officers, agents, employees or other representatives, or any third party; and (iii) all Claims relating to or arising from patent, trademark or copyright infringement. In addition to the duty of Applicant to indemnify, ASDA shall also have the right to terminate this Agreement if a Claim arises during or prior to the National Leadership Conference. Applicant represents and warrants that it will not exhibit, sell or otherwise promote any product or service that could give rise to a Claim relating to or arising from patent, trademark or copyright infringement against it or ASDA. 9. Packages cannot be accepted more than three (3) days prior to any function. All packages must be labeled as follows: ASDA NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE FRIDAY, NOV. 2 C/O THE HOLIDAY INN CHICAGO MART PLAZA 350 N. Orleans Chicago, IL 60654 HOLD FOR ARRIVAL: (YOUR NAME AND DATE OF ARRIVAL AT THE HOTEL). All boxes must be marked FOR “INSIDE DELIVERY.” Any boxes/cartons will be charged at $4 per box or $25 per 100lbs by the hotel. Any packages or boxes that need to be shipped out of the Hotel after the Exhibit Fair are the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor and the neither the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza nor ASDA assume any liability for any such shipments. Any items left for shipping after the Exhibit Fair ends will be held for no longer than two weeks at which time the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza will dispose of any such items. The Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza will not assume or accept any responsibility for damage or loss of any merchandise or articles left in the hotel prior to, during or following your function. 6 National Leadership Conference of the American Student Dental Association Sponsor, Exhibitor & Advertising Contract Please complete and return this application. Sponsorship recognition items are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will not be processed without payment. Contact Information Contact person___________________________________________________ Title__________________________________________ Company name_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company address_______________________________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________ State_________________________________ Zip code________________ Phone__________________________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________ Sponsorship £ Platinum Sponsor: $9,000 £ Gold Sponsor: $6,000 £ Silver Sponsor: $4,250 £ Constituent & Component Society Sponsor: $500 (minimum) One-hour Breakout Session £ Platinum & Gold Sponsors: $3,500 (priority through July 1, 2012) £ Silver Sponsors & Exhibitors: $4,500 (available after July 1, 2012 upon availability) Exhibits £ One table top: $1,300 (deduct $100 if you apply by July 1, 2012) Meeting Program & Other Advertising £ Full-page, 4-color ad: $1,100 £ Half-page, 4-color ad: $650 £ Mobile banner app ad: $2,000 £ Full-page, black & white ad: $600 £ Half-page, black & white ad: $350 £ Guest room delivery: $2,000 Payment Information Total amount due ____________________________ Payment type ¨ Check ¨ Visa ¨ MasterCard Name on card (print)_____________________________________________ Visa or MC #_ __________________________________________________ _ Fax, e-mail or send this contract to: Barton Lewin, sales and marketing manager American Student Dental Association 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: 312-440-7602 Fax: 312-440-2820 Expiration date_ ________________________________________________ Signature_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ASDA reserves the right to reject any applications based on conflicts with ASDA policies or other reasons determined by ASDA as necessary to preserve the nature of the show or protect the best interests of ASDA. For ASDA use only: Date received_________________ Payment received_________________ Booth(s) assigned______________ Sponsorship(s)____________________ American Student Dental Association Year-round Marketing Exposure There are a variety of print and electronic advertising opportunities for organizations to communicate with ASDA’s 18,000 dental student members. Approximately 87 percent of all U.S. dental students are ASDA members! PRINT ADVERTISING Periodicals • ASDA News, a tabloid-sized newsletter printed 10 times a year • Mouth, a quarterly journal printed four times a year Student Handbooks • Getting into Dental School: ASDA’s Guide for Predental Students, printed biennially • Getting Through Dental School: ASDA’s Guide for Dental Students, printed biennially ELECTRONIC ADVERTISING • Word of Mouth, a monthly e-newsletter which incorporates banner ads • Corporate e-blasts to ASDA membership • Banner ads on ASDA’s award-winning website, MAILING LISTS Organizations and companies are also welcome to rent the member mailing list, which includes names and street addresses of dental students across the United States. For further information on any of these opportunities, please contact: Barton Lewin, sales and marketing manager American Student Dental Association 312-440-7602 News Schoo lboost based hea lth for ora l healt centers ge h t fun Ame January rica 2012 n St Volume 42, u d e n t D Issue 1 e www.ASD n t a l A s Ane so ciat by Nam rata Gup Regiona te, Tuft l Legislat s ’12, East ive Coo rdinator ern Journ al of Denti stry's Game Unive rsity of Chan gers Pacifi c's Dr. Dugon DA'sUnivers i 6 D ity Art r. O'Louof page 10 ADPA ghth line Pa C's D hur A. Dug 13cific purcha r.icaTrift by Jess oni Sc ses a ne Jihee sh ASDA ho Woo, Los au 's Nan n Angse w hom r 20 ol of Den eles ’14 cyNoHv. on tistr y e for will und 22 the ergo at the Pac eyUncu tion dur iversity ific ann $104 ing mil purcha of tt ounced lion ren the nex slated buildin sed a that it22 ovat two to ope seven-s g in The A O years the hea n in new tory offi South rt of of ce A. University summer 201 and is lion. 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