Communication software for a blimp
Communication software for a blimp
Autonomous Systems Lab Prof. Roland Siegwart Bachelor-Thesis Communication software for a blimp Spring Term 2012 Supervised by: Laurent Kneip Konrad Rudin Author: Matthias Burri Declaration of Originality I hereby declare that the written work I have submitted entitled Communication software for a blimp is original work which I alone have authored and which is written in my own words. Author(s) Matthias Burri Supervising lecturer Roland Siegwart With the signature I declare that I have been informed regarding normal academic citation rules and that I have read and understood the information on ’Citation etiquette’ ( The citation conventions usual to the discipline in question here have been respected. The above written work may be tested electronically for plagiarism. Place and date Signature ii Preamble Thanks to Laurent Kneip and Konrad Rudin for all the given support for this thesis and the whole Project Skye. Thanks to Lorenz Meier and the Pixhawk crew for the support while implementing the flight management unit of Skye and the debugging of the IMU operating system. Without this valuable help, Skye would not be flying yet. Thanks to Markus Achtelik for the ROS camera-driver, the Wi-Fi equipment generously placed at our disposal and numerous hours of support. Thanks to Andreas Schaffner, Anton Ledergerber, Christina Grob, Claudio Ruch, Daniel Meier, Fiona Sartori, Johannes Weichart, Luca Müri, Lukas Gasser, Lukas Mosimann, Matthias Krebs, Miro Käch, Nicolas Vuilliomeret, Randy Michaud and Simon Laube. It was amazing to work with you, thanks a lot! iii Contents Abstract vii 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Global Structure 1 3 2.1 Overview of Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Wireless Communication Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 Wired Communication Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 Low Level Communication 7 3.1 Piloting and Telemetry Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Realisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2.1 Software Low Level Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2.2 Xbee Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2.3 RC Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.3 4 Image Handling Software 15 4.1 Image Handling Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2 Realisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.2.1 The Cameras on Skye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.2.2 Image Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2.3 Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.2.4 UDP Mavlink ROS Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.3 5 Results 5.1 Wireless Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 5.1.1 Stress Test Xbee 868 MHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.1.2 Range Test Xbee 2.4 GHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.1.3 Wi-Fi Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Image Handler Write Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.2.1 Comparison in Terms of Image Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.2.2 Comparison Rosbag versus Image Handler Code . . . . . . . 26 5.3 Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.2 6 Conclusion and Outlook 6.1 6.2 Conclusion 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1.1 Image Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1.2 UDP Mavlink ROS Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1.3 Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1.4 Low Level Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.1.5 Whole System Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 A Manuals 31 A.1 Instruction RC for SKYE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Calculations 32 33 B.1 Needed Bandwidth for Low Level Communication . . . . . . . . . . C Code 34 35 C.1 Camera Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 C.1.1 Detailed Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 C.1.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 39 C.1.3 Member Function Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 C.1.4 Member Data Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 C.2 Modus Struct Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 C.2.1 Detailed Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 C.2.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 50 C.2.3 Member Function Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 C.2.4 Member Data Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 C.3 Mavlink_UDP_link Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 C.3.1 Detailed Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 C.3.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 55 C.3.3 Member Function Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 C.3.4 Member Data Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 C.4 Converter Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 C.4.1 Detailed Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 C.4.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 64 C.4.3 Member Function Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 C.4.4 Member Data Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 D Measurements 75 D.1 Xbee 868MHz Stress Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 D.2 Xbee 2.4GHz Rangetest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 D.3 Available Wi-Fi Bandwidth in Function of Distance . . . . . . . . . . 78 D.4 Achieved Image Saving for 3 Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 D.5 Image Handler versus Rosbag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 D.6 Bandwidth Adaptation Demonstration Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 E Datasheets 85 E.1 Xbee Pro 868 MHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 E.2 Xbee Laird Techologies 2.4 GHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 E.3 Prosilica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 E.4 MV Blue Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Bibliography 93 vii Abstract This project deal with the implementation of reliable wireless communication and data-logging channels between a flying blimp and a ground-station. Different channels exist: the low-level board can communicate telemetry and control commands via a radio modem as well as RC commands over a standard 2.4 GHz RC link. On the other hand, the high-level board employs a driver for the camera along with onboard down-sampling and compression. Time-varying bandwidth limitations form a special challenge when it comes to the choice of suitable communication protocols. This thesis was part of the Focus project Skye that developed and constructed a small, unmanned, and highly agile spherical blimp. Acronyms and Abbreviations ETH D-MAVT D-ITET ASL ZHdK DRZ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Departement für Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering Departement für Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Autonomous Systems Lab Zürcher Hochschule der Künste Zürich University of the Arts Disney Research Zürich Technical Acronyms IMU FMU CCD HLB LLB GS UAV MAV Mavlink UDP TCP IP UART PPM DoF GUI HMI ROS 3D GPS CAD CPU VGA Inertial Measurement Unit Flight Management Unit Charge Coupled Device High Level Board Low Level Board Ground-Station Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Micro Aerial Vehicle Micro Aerial Vehicle Communication Protocol User Datagram Protocol Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Pulse Position Modulation Degree of Freedom Graphical User Interface Human Machine Interface Robot Operating System Three Dimensional Global Positioning System Computer Aided Design Central Processing Unit Video Graphics Array 1 Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter gives an introduction to the UAV communication problematic and shortly presents the focus project Skye that integrates modules developed in this work. 1.1 Motivation The focus project Skye had the goal to develop an agile blimp that could record high quality images from air. The difference from existing quadrocopter solutions should be the possibility to stay in air for minimum four times longer and be save enough to fly over crowd. The team had the vision of a “flying eye”. This lead to a spherical design of the hull and a tetrahedral motor alignment. Why do we need communication with the blimp? The blimp is semi-autonomous, it is intended to provide intuitive control from a ground-station as if the user would simply move a “flying eye”. Figure 1.1 shows the system. For more details about every component and the concept of Skye please refer to the final report [4]. Figure 1.1: Overview of the system Skye Chapter 1. Introduction 2 Focus project Skye is based at the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) lead by Prof. Siegwart. The initial input to the project was jointly given to the students by Disney Research Zurich (DRZ), a research lab of “The Walt Disney Company”, and ASL in form of a product development idea. This bachelor-thesis takes place in the context of the entire project and deals with the communication software and the on-board image handling. Even if the software is intended for use on a blimp, the work done could also be used on similar unmanned aerial vehicles and/or with over camera configurations. Figure 1.2: Problem Description For communication different channels had to be implemented for telemetry, control commands and image streaming. For image handling the challenges were the adaptation to the bandwidth that changes over time with the position of the UAV. 3 Chapter 2 Global Structure This chapter gives an overview of the communication structure of Skye. Even if all the code was implemented for this project, it could easily be ported to similar flying platforms. The chapter goes on with describing the entire software implementation, and closes with a short summary. 2.1 Overview of Data Flow The piloting signals given by the user could reach the blimp via three ways. (See 2.1) The first is through a laptop with the QGroundControl program as interface over Wi-Fi. This is the normal way for all user signals regarding camera settings, and in the opposite direction for streamed images. The second way also is through the laptop and QGroundControl, however over an Xbee-Link. This is the normal way for all navigation commands and the telemetry signals. The last way is a standard RC. This way is planned as backup if Xbee communication fails. Figure 2.1: Overview Communication Structure Chapter 2. Global Structure 4 A single board computer - the so called High Level Board - manages all the image processing. It receives images from the cameras, saves them on the hard disk and compresses them for live streaming down to ground-station. In the case of Skye, there are three cameras on board but the same structure would work with one single camera. The flight management runs on a micro controller integrated in the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) board. It functions as a bridge to the different sensors and actuators types. The flight management unit processes all the commands needed for navigation and telemetry. It fulfils three tasks: It receives the navigation commands, feeds them to the right controller, and collects all interesting parameters of our system. 2.2 Wireless Communication Channels As seen in the beginning of this chapter, Skye uses three wireless communication channels. The Low Level Board receives and sends data over an Xbee-chip. This communication is limited to a few kilobits per second but is quite stable, which is needed for controlling a flying object. In case the Xbee communication fails, a standard RC-link is connected to the flight management unit, so that the blimp could be controlled by normal RC-commands. The existence of this third channel also has legal reason.1 . In Switzerland you are not allowed to fly fully autonomously. This means that you must always have the possibility to take control over your remote aircraft and are not allowed to fly out of the line of sight. The High Level Board sends and receives data over common Wi-Fi. This is somewhat risky, because Wi-Fi is quite limited in distance, but the advantage is a large bandwidth for short distances, so that images in low quality can be streamed at high frequency. Communication Data transmitted Limitation Advantage Wi-Fi Pictures Short Range Large Bandwidth Xbee Navigation Commands and Telemetry Limited width Good Reliability RC-Link Navigation Commands Unidirectional Communication Band- High Reliability Table 2.1: Overview of Communication Channels 2.3 Wired Communication Channels Beside the wireless connection from ground-station to the blimp, there are also wired connection on the blimp. The high level board is connected to the cameras via USB and Gigabit Ethernet. A serial UART allows communication between high level and low level board. Finally the IMU is connected to radio chip, GPS module and the motor platforms over UART. The wired connections are presented here for completeness. This thesis only does the communication from the ground-station until the flight management unit (FMU) 1 Verordnung des UVEK über Luftfahrzeuge besonderer Kategorien, 1. April 2011 5 2.4. Summary and communication of the high level board with the cameras. The communication of the FMU with the motor-platforms was an own semester project [1]. Wired nel Chan- Data transmitted Connection Gigabit Ethernet High Resolution Images HLB to Prosilica Camera USB Low Resolution Images HLB to Bluefox Camera Sata Pictures HLB to SSD UART FMU FMU Commands and Telemetry FMU FMU to to to to Xbee Motor Platforms HLB GPS Table 2.2: Overview of Wired Communication Channels 2.4 Summary This chapter gave an overview over the communication and image-handling structure of an image capturing remote aerial vehicle like a blimp. The data ways of images and steering commands as well as telemetry were shortly described and the arguments for each channel were presented. In the next chapter the high level part of the software will be engrossed. Chapter 2. Global Structure 6 7 Chapter 3 Low Level Communication This chapter contain the work done on the low-level part of the system. This is the part of communication that handles the transmission of control commands and telemetry. For the transmission of images please read chapter 4. First comes a detailed explanation of concept and structure with an overview on used software and protocols, then a section about the realisation of the Xbee Link, after that a few words about the RC link, and finally a short summary. 3.1 Piloting and Telemetry Concept The concept of Skye envisages that on the blimp a micro controller would do the flight management.1 The advantage of micro controllers are that they are embedded and weight only few grams. Furthermore, separating flight management from image handling on distinct processors keeps the system more modular. Fly with a different payload than a camera system would be possible without major difficulties. The second important part of the steering concept was pretty intuitive the groundstation. That the solution would have to contain a laptop was pretty intuitive, because using only a remote control makes it nearly impossible to receive feedback from the blimp. A touch-screen and a 3D mouse were selected as input devices in order to ensure a user-friendly and intuitive control of the 6 DoF system Skye2 . The decision of implementing a standard remote control was taken for the sake of security. The RC allows to bypass the laptop signal if this fails or to interrupt autonomous flights and manually take over the UAV if it behaves in an abnormal way. In the RC mode Skye takes over control of two degrees of freedom and presents itself as a non-holonomic vehicle to the user. This finally allows to control the blimp in a air-plane-like fashion. The RC transmitter sends analog PPM signal and an own receiver feeds them directly to the microprocessor on the IMU board. This is the most sure communi1 The flight management consists in receiving commands, process them and then sends the right signal to the right motors. In the other direction sensor values are to be read out, processed and sent to ground station. 2 Skye is designed to fly without any connection between translation and rotation. Therefore the moving direction and the camera direction can be arbitrary chosen unlike a fixed camera on an over UAV. Chapter 3. Low Level Communication 8 cation way since it will always be possible to control the system as long as the IMU and the receiver have power.3 The possibility to bypass the laptop was realised by directly checking inside the controller app whether regular control is allowed. If the switch on the remote is put in the right position, this mode is prohibited and all control input messages sent by the ground-station are ignored. The flight management unit then falls back to a basic, well-tested and reliable manual control mode. Figure 3.1 shows the detailed structure of the low level part of Skye.4 On the top we see the structure of one of the four motor-platforms. They are all identical and fixed in a tetrahedral arrangement to the spherical hull of Skye. Below the motor-platform we see the IMU board with the different apps running in the autopilot and an SD card for logging. At the foot of the figure we can see on the left side the laptop and on the right side the remote. 3 More reliability would only be possible if a redundant communication system would be added and to really be redundant this would also need a power source with redundant circuits. Such a solution makes sense for space mission, but for the developing of an unmanned air vehicle this would be an overkill. 4 Even if this document only threats the communication from ground-station to the UAV rest of system is shown to allow better understanding. 9 3.2. Realisation Figure 3.1: Detailed Low Level Software Structure 3.2 Realisation The following section handles the software chosen for the realisation of the low level communication concept. 3.2.1 Software Low Level Communication At the informatics department of ETH Zürich, project Pixhawk tackles quite similar tasks as Skye. For different UAVs a complete and exhaustive software communication framework were developed. This set of tools include a GUI program called QGroundControl, a communication protocol called Mavlink and different autopilots running on the platform for flight managements. On the hardware side the pxIMU board was developed that integrated all the needed sensors for the inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a microprocessor. Chapter 3. Low Level Communication 10 In other words, the aimed solution pre-exists for quadrocopters and coaxial mini helicopters. To reinvent the wheel was not the goal and as the team developing the human machine interface had chosen QGroundControl as a graphical user interface, and the team developing the electronic the pxIMU, two first reasons for using the Mavlink protocol were given. The next good reason was that Mavlink was specially designed for micro and unmanned aerial vehicles in comparison to most commonly used internet protocols. In comparison to the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the generated overhead is substantially smaller since the header uses only eight bytes instead of the usual sixty-four in UDP packages. Compared to an other very common protocol, the transmission control protocol (TCP), the Mavlink protocol had the advantage of not retransmitting damaged messages. This is important in order to ensure that always the freshest control commands arrive at the system, and no buffering delays are going along with increasing rate of broken packages. This is important because any delay could possibly conduct to loss of control or even a crash of the UAV. 3.2.2 Xbee Link Requirements A wireless module with the following properties had to be chosen for the physical transmission of any information: • Safe and reliable • Transmitting a least 1.5 kB/s and ideally 3 kB/s. Both requirements are related to the data transmitted over this channel. First the operator has to constantly be able to take over control of the unmanned vehicle5 the unmanned vehicle, and and this requires a reliable connection. The second requirement follows from an estimation of the messages size that has to be transmitted (see table 3.1)), followed by an estimation of the continuously available bandwidth (see Appendix B.1). The result shows that a minimum of 500 B/s from ground-station to blimp and 985 B/s in the over direction was required. The bandwidth requirement of sporadic messages mainly needed at take-off, for changing flight mode, and at the end of a mission are negligible in this evaluation. First solution: Xbee Pro 868 MHz The first envisaged solution that theoretically fulfills the requirements was a XBeePRO 868 long-range embedded RF module. According to the data sheet (see Appendix E.1) this radio module is able to transmit 24 kb/s. This is for bidirectional communication and would give 1.5 kB/s in each direction. The line-of-sight range was indicated to be up to 40 km, so even with not optimal antennas a range of some kilometres would be assured. As the UAV has to be operated in line-of-sight, the probability to lose connection should be negligible. 5 “Wer ein Modellluftfahrzeug mit einem Gewicht bis 30 kg betreibt, muss stets direkten Augenkontakt zum Luftfahrzeug halten.” Verordnung des UVEK über Luftfahrzeuge besonderer Kategorien[5], Art.17 “User of a model air craft with a weight less of 30 kg, have always direct sight contact to the air craft.” 11 Direction Ground-station to UAV UAV to ground-station 3.2. Realisation Contained Information Frequency of use Control Input Set Mode Set Parameter Waypoints Always Specific moment Specific moment Before an autonomous flight Position Attitude Battery Status Heartbeat Get Mode Get Parameter Get Waypoints Always Always Always Always Specific moment Specific moment Specific moment Table 3.1: Used Messages So the bandwidth requirement seams fulfilled. When the ordered modules arrived, we started off with a connection test, and everything seemed to be in best order first. On the final platform, however, the communication fails randomly after some seconds to half an hour of operation time, which seriously complicated the entire testing phase. One of the problems that could soon be identified was the transmission power. If this is greater than the minimum 6 the modules need at least a distance of 10 m in between in order to operate well. The next problem with XBee-PRO 868 modules was harder to identify: the operating system of the FMU board had a configuration lack so that writing on more than one serial devices lead to a crash. Finding this out took a couple of weeks since the problem was erroneously searched in the MavLink app, the configuration of the Xbee module and the design of the motherboard7 . After knowing the first two problems and still having connection breakdowns a stress test was made. (see section 5.1.1 and appendix D.1) It turned out that the modules stopped working after maximally 170 kB of received data and only restart to work after a complete shut-down has been performed. The exact reason for this problem has not been determined yet, because it was more convenient to try out another module. Possible reasons could be a desired shutdown caused by overheat protection, a hard-to-see damage on the hardware layer during the assembly or simply a defect chip. Final solution: Xbee Laird Technologies 2.4 GHz After the problems with the XBee-PRO 868 team-decision to search and buy new chips was taken. The alternative found was a Laird Technologies 2.4 GHz Wireless Module that has the same Xbee footprint as the XBee-PRO 868. This means that integration on Skye would cause minimal problems. 6 The minimum transmit power was 1 mW and for longer range the modules were configured to 25 mW 7 This board was also developed for Fokus Project Skye. For more information please see the relative semester [1]. Chapter 3. Low Level Communication 12 Following the data sheet (see Appendix E.2) this radio module is able to transmit 500 kb/s and has a range of 240 m indoor and up to 2.4 km outdoor if the modules are within in line-of-sight. The baud rate of the serial devices of the IMU was configured to 115200 b/s so that the modules only could transmit about 14.375 kb/s. For more details about the available bandwidth and the achieved ranges with Skye please see section 5.1.2 and appendix D.2. The major drawback of this solution was the limited range but this range is still big enough to trust in these chips, that worked perfectly from on the first day. 3.2.3 RC Link The RC channel was realised with a 7 channel Futaba remote control. From the seven channels available three channels are used to control the orientation of Skye and one channel to give thrust in camera direction. The fifth channel is used to enable and disable the control over Xbee and the sixth to switch between the two different control modes8 . The last channel is a trim channel that is used to set the altitude the blimp should hold. This would allow the user to focus on steering the blimp in the right direction since he had not to care about the altitude. Table 3.2 gives an Overview of the RC setup. For further information how to fly Skye with RC see the manual in the Appendix A.1. Channel Functionality Observation 1 ROLL 2 Nick/Pitch 3 Throttle 4 Yaw 5 Link ON/OFF If ON the ground station can do nothing over Xbee 6 Controller 1/2 Switch between controllers 7 Elevation control Trim button Table 3.2: Overview of RC channels 3.3 Summary This chapter handles the communication concept between ground-station and UAV and the RC link. For normal operation the user will control the UAV over an 8 While testing the first control mode was a “direct control” and the second an “assisted control” mode. The assisted control mode is stabilising t rotation of Skye. Since the blimp is spherical and the center of buoyancy and gravity are at the same point, the system is only Lyapunov stable. Together with the fact that a sphere has nearly zero resistance against rotation, the system is not easily controllable over remote without the angular velocity controller if it is already rotating. For further information about the control modes please refer to the bachelor-thesis about the Human Machine Inteface [2]. More information about the different implemented controllers see the bachelor-thesis related [3]. 13 3.3. Summary Xbee link. For emergency, a standart remote control allows to take over manual control and safely come back to earth. Then the chosen software for realisation of the concept were presented with the Mavlink protocol for transmission of data and QGroundControl as GUI. After that the realisation of the radio connection and the occurred problems with XBee-PRO 868 were discussed. Last but not least, the concept and realisation of the RC link was presented. In the next chapter the image handling on the high level part of the system will be handled also as the image transmission and adaptation to the bandwidth. Chapter 3. Low Level Communication 14 15 Chapter 4 Image Handling Software This chapter contains the work done on the high level part of the system. First comes the concept of the image handling, in the second part you will find details about realisation with the used software, the image handling features and communication to ground-station. At the end you will find a short summary. The final project concept of Focus project Skye1 , planned the blimp with two main functions: fly agile movements and record high quality images. On the level of communication all needed to fly is basically integrated in the embedded communication (see chapter 3). Let’s now show the whole image handling done on the high level part of the system presenting the payload of Skye. 4.1 Image Handling Task The basic principle of any digital camera involves three steps: Images are recorded by a CDD chip that converts light into a discrete signal. The second step consists of converting this data into the desired format. The last one consists of transmitting the image to memory medium or displaying it on the screen, in order to save or show it to the user, respectively. For a filming UAV the challenges of these tasks are that the images are not taken at the place at which the operator is, that the amount of data that can be transmitted over wireless is in general lower than those over cable and that the connection is less sure against suddenly interruption. The concept chosen for Skye was to separate the image recording, processing and saving on different hardware components, instead of having them all integrated in a single component (see figure 4.1). For image recording Skye carries different cameras that are connected to a computer. From this processor the images are then sent to a hard disk on-board and a downsized and compressed version of the image is sent to the ground-station. 1 see the final report for details [4], pp. 45-50. Chapter 4. Image Handling Software 16 Figure 4.1: Concept Image Handling This solution was chosen because it is an ambivalent. The same computer could be used for different cameras or even for something completely different i.e. running a controller. The external hard disk has the advantage of being able to be removed very fast. This is important for in field use and the project goal to not have to pause more than five minutes before restarting with exchanged battery and new storage place2 . Saving images on-board on a hard disk is also a good protection of data losses due to bad connection. For the cameras DRZ demands a camera resolution of about 5 mega pixels and a global shutter to prevent disturbances caused by any rolling shutter for computer vision. It occurs that a single camera could not fulfil all requirements (see section 4.2.1). Therefore a second, low resolution camera was installed. To expand the field of possible application to generation of 3D reconstruction a second low resolution camera was added to the concept. Live view from an operating UAV was a big goal since the begin of the project, and the developers of the human machine interface3 needed it for the navigating mode with the touch-screen. Unfortunately Wi-Fi bandwidth often drops if sender or receiver are moving, causing delays in the image transmission. To minimize this effects the decision to implement a dynamic bandwidth adaptation in the image handler node was taken. 4.2 Realisation For the realisation of the image handling, project supervisors highly recommended the use of the Robot Operation System(ROS)4 , since ROS had prior been used for similar projects with good results. It has the benefit of coming with preimplemented nodes for some camera types. After choosing ROS, an Ubuntu version was preferred as operation system for the laptop and High Level Board. The fact that Disney wanted a touch-screen tablet PC for piloting had caused some trouble in the beginning. Tablet PCs have not yet been on the market for very long, and thus it was difficult to find a good enough driver to really use the touch-screen technology. In the end, the touch-screen is working well on Ubuntu 11.10, but because of a missing driver for 11.10 the high level board is working with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. 2 For Project goals, please refer to the final project report [4], pp. 45-50 the related bachelor-thesis for further information [2]. 4 This software is a meta operating system, meaning it runs within another operation system. In ROS, it is possible to define single nodes and have them intercommunicate. Each node is a program by itself, which can send and receive messages. As example one camera node publishes images, and a second node receives the message that contains all the data. ROS is supported on Ubuntu, while versions for Windows and Mac are not supported. 3 See 17 4.2. Realisation In this section you will first find a part informing about the camera system installed on Skye, and then sections handling in details the realisation of the image handler node, the dynamic bandwidth adaptation and the UDP Mavlink ROS bridge. In figure 4.2 you see how the concept was realised. Figure 4.2: Overview Image Handling 4.2.1 The Cameras on Skye The following section is a summary of the camera system on Skye. For more information, please refer to the final report [4] or the data-sheets of the cameras (See E.3 and E.4). The blimp finally carried three cameras. Let’s have a look why: DRZ demands a camera resolution of around 5 mega pixel and a global shutter5 to prevent disturbances caused by any rolling shutter for computer vision. This lead to the choice of the Prosilica board level camera. The recording modes defined in table 4.1 set additional requirements to the system. 5 This means that the value of any pixel is acquired at the same moment. Most of the cameras read out the sensor line by line this leads to deformed images. Chapter 4. Image Handling Software High quality images Resolution 5 MP Global shutter must 18 Prosilica GB 2450 C Matrix Vision BlueFOX MLC200wC yes yes no no yes yes yes no 54 g 115 g 54◦ H x 41.9◦ V 14 g 3g 138◦ H recording modes frame rate min 24 fps @ 0.3 MP min 2 fps @ 5 MP general information Weight camera Weight lens Angle of view Table 4.1: Camera system One can see that all the must-have demands could be fulfilled by Prosilica. But due to technical reasons, it would not be possible to take high quality as well as low quality images for the live stream at the same time. Therefore, Skye had to carry a second camera with low resolution to enable live stream. Installing two identical low resolution cameras provided additional information for 3D reconstruction in post fly processing. 4.2.2 Image Handler This section presents more details on the development of the image handler node, which is the main software piece to be created for the High Level Board since the camera driver nodes are already existing. First step for realisation of a code was to define the parameter of the node and the structure to store it. Then came the implementation of all functions needed for sending and saving. Finally the code was extended with a dynamic bandwidth adaptation (see 4.2.3). Choice of the available parameters For image recording it was necessary to give the possibility to choice the format and corresponding compression. These are important points because format has a great influence on the amount of storage place needed and compression would highly influence the time needed to save an image. If algorithms should reprocess images later for 3D reconstruction, it is important that the images there not compressed or only compressed lossless. A format that supports lossless compression is for example the PNG-format. Another use of the node could be to grasp images published with a high frequency and save them in order to later generate a Video. In this case you need a good compression that allows you to record longer sequences. An optimal format for this case is the JPEG-format. JPEG compressed not only much more data than PNG, the compression is also quite faster. A third scenario is that the image data should be conserved raw. The data stream generated by the camera contains more information than the saved image. For 19 4.2. Realisation example the raw image is often a few bits larger than the final image, due to the used colour interpolation algorithms. The raw image format is in general different for any camera model, but one format that also saves raw images is the TIFF format. Further to format and corresponding compression, a path6 to the folder where the image should be saved and a image name was needed. For uniqueness of any image a time stamp will be added automatically. The last parameter needed for image saving was save percent7 , that allows to save only a fraction of the incoming images. To reduce the image size below the limit that could be transmitted with the Mavlink protocol and for convenience, the possibility of resizing and rotating images was added to the image handler node. The last part that had to be configurable was the image sending. With send percent the percentage of sent images could be set like the percentage for saving and a topic name for publishing can be specified. The described parameters in table 4.2 are that is configurable in the image handler node. The node is capable to store multiple modus so that for example a first modus could be used for saving images at high frequency with high resolution and a second to save a frame every few seconds with low resolution to have a preview. To enable and disable efficiently the image saving or sending function that are not always needed the boolean save image and send image there also implemented. Functionality Summary of the options Save Resize Rotate Send Supported Formats: JPEG,PNG and TIFF Resize the image to be less or equal the maximal high and width Possible range: 0 - 360◦ but optimized for 90◦ ,180◦ and 270◦ Possibility to publish the image to different nodes Table 4.2: Summary Functionalities Image Handler Configuration Communication The image handler node could be reconfigured in three ways. The first implemented was with a ROS message containing the fields of the configuration struct. This solution would function but if the message was updated, all over nodes communicating with the image handler had also to be adapted. An improved solution was the use of the ROS parameter server : The parameter server stores the parameters of all running nodes in the same way, and allows loading the parameter from a configuration file while starting the node or could be reconfigured with a GUI package(see figure 4.3). 6 Finally this was realised with two parameters on the ROS server: rootpath and path. This separation allows for example having the same folder structure and path on the file system and an external hard disk. To save the images on the external hard disk instead of the local one only the rootpath had to be changed. 7 Only fraction of the type 1 are possible values. Any other value will be rounded to the nearest n fraction. Chapter 4. Image Handling Software 20 Figure 4.3: Dynamic Reconfigure GUI of Image-Handler So the configurations like destination folders and image formats are loaded from configuration files then launched, and the reconfigure tool allows the user to adapt quite easy to actual wishes while the system is running. 4.2.3 Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation Let’s now discover the dynamic bandwidth adaptation . Even if the code is implemented inside the same class that the image handling, the concept merits to have its one section. The image transmission from the UAV to the ground is done over Wi-Fi. The argument for this technology were • Wi-Fi is widely-used support and cheap hardware • Wi-Fi transmits enough data for live stream in VGA resolution • Wi-Fi frequencies are available all over the world8 . 8 This is i.e. not the case for the Xbee: The frequency band of 868 MHz is only available in European Union and for flying in the United States another module working 900 MHz is needed. 21 4.2. Realisation The first big issue was to find a way to get information about the actual bandwidth. The chosen strategy had three points: 1. Remember the size of the sent image 2. Measure how many bytes were not transmitted 3. Calculate the actual bandwidth and adapt the image stream The first point was easy since the node anywhere is treating the image data. The second point was a bit more complicated, since the desired information were on a different layer than the ROS nodes. First try was to measure the data in the send buffer of the socket sending the image. Measurements were done in the UDP Mavlink ROS node but comes out that send buffer is not dynamic. The next step was then to try out several network monitors, because this one got the dynamic information. Goal was to find a monitoring tool that could be run from command line to launch it with system function in C++. Further it should be possible to execute it without super-user rights. The need of root rights was the main problem for most of the networking tools but with ss9 a program that fulfils the requirements was found. To calculate the actual bandwidth need a low pass filtering for the received measurements, because measured values very often make big jumps. So the measured values are average with the last n there n is the window size of the filter. The dynamic bandwidth adaptation is implemented with a state machine. First the actual bandwidth is estimated twice and the percentage of sent image adapted to it in the first mode of the modus vector10 . After that the node tries the next f ind_limit images to increase the stream if the send queue gets smaller and reduce it in the other case. Finally the node assumes that correct bandwidth was found and the next keep_state images it does not adapt the stream. Figure 4.4: Dynamic Bandwidth Adaption For the details of implementation please see the Appendix C. In section 5.3 you will find the results of working software. 9 Stands for Socket Statistics is assumed that only one image mode of the stream modes in the image handler is sending over Wireless. 10 It Chapter 4. Image Handling Software 4.2.4 22 UDP Mavlink to ROS Bridge On the high level board all the whole image handling is done with ROS code. The system of ROS with the each program in a node is programmed in a way that it does not matter if the nodes are running on the same machine or not. The condition to launch a system other multiple machines is only that they have a secure shell (SSH) connection. For developing and testing of Skye it is a good way to have the ground station as well as the high level board working on ROS. The main disadvantage of ROS is that it is only supported for Ubuntu unlike QGroundControl used as human machine interface. The way to get rid of this dependency in future is to have a ROS node on the Linux machine that communicates with the ground-station with the UDP protocol. The reason is that UDP is one of the two most important protocol used in Internet and therefore all operating system understand it. The node is structured is in three threads11 running in parallel. (See table 4.3) The treads allows that images are streamed to ground-station while Mavlink messages are received. The node is able to read values from the ROS parameter server and send them to the parameter and calibration widget of QGroundControl. It is also possible to write parameter values from the ground-station in the node. At the moment the received values were not written systematically written on the ROS parameter server and but it is enough to configure the image stream. Thread Task(s) Heart-Beat Mavlink Receive Bandwidth Measure Show that system is alive and transmission of parameters Read the incoming bytes and decode Mavlink messages Measure UDP socket send queue length Table 4.3: Overview Threads UDP Mavlink ROS Bridge 4.3 Summary This chapter gave you an idea of available features for the image handling part of the UAV. First was shown the concept, then the focus was on the realisation with a side step to the on-board camera system. The configuration options of the image-handler node there described with possible scenarios of use. Last was shown the connection node between the ROS world and the human machine interface. Let’s now have a look at the performance achieved with the implemented system in the next chapter. 11 Threads are basically program that runs in parallel but share for example some data. 23 Chapter 5 Results This chapter will give you an overview of the achieved results with the developed software for this thesis. After the realisation of the code the interesting was the performance that could be achieved on a real system. If not mentioned otherwise all the tests were done one the single board computer1 flying on Skye. For range tests a laptop2 as ground-station was further used. 5.1 Wireless Communication For wireless communication three test there done. The first was to find out the problem with the 868 MHz modules. The second was made to have an estimation of the distance the user could have to the UAV before connection is dropping. The last test was the same as the third but for Wi-Fi instead of Xbee. 5.1.1 Stress Test Xbee 868 MHz The stress test was made indoor and the modules were at 15 m in a line-of-sight. The configuration was the standard one until the transmitter power was higher with 25 mW. The used software was hterm and both modules were sending with the same frequencies a message of a give size. (See Appendix D) While testing the modules blocked in the best case after 170’000 B(see figure 5.1). Once the modules blocked the modules only send again after powering them off completely. After these measurements the decision was taken in the team that new Xbee chips have to be bought. 1 For TM D510 Processor. R interested readers it is a LP-170 PICO-ITX Board with an Intel Atom TM R ThinkPad T400 with an Intel 2 Duo processor 2 Lenovo Chapter 5. Results 24 Figure 5.1: Xbee Stress Test 5.1.2 Range Test Xbee 2.4 GHz The goal of this test was to get an idea of the range that Skye will be under control if the steer it with a2.4 GHz Xbee, since the 868 MHz Xbee had much higher range according to datasheets. The test was done indoor at ETH Hönggerberg in big hall 100 m long. The outdoor test was also made at ETH Hönggerberg along the Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse. The street is 400 m long but there are building and threes so that only 160 m were available for testing. As you can see in figure 5.2, the bandwidth drops a bit fast in the building as outdoor. Outdoor you see quite well then the module arrives near buildings, the connection drops. If you show in the appendix D.2 you will see in the measured data that at almost 400 m a few bytes passed again, but connection get lost again. This has to do with the reflection of the radio waves, and it seems that it had a wall that strengthened the signal. Figure 5.2: Xbee Range Test Indoor and Outdoor 5.1.3 Wi-Fi Test This test was done on the roof top of the CLA building at ETH Centrum. The router and the high level board were both posed on the ground. The test gave a very pessimistic result: the Wi-Fi connectivity gets lost after only 45 m to 50 m (see figure 5.3 ). Indeed it comes out that the Wi-Fi is not so bad. A 25 5.2. Image Handler Write Performance week later testing dynamic bandwidth adaptation and having the router on a meter over ground and carrying the high level board on the arms, connectivity was still available after 102 m. So the not optimal placement of the antennas has a lot of influence on your testing results. So the test brings out that in line-of-sight 100 m are still possible even if there is no live stream but only some images per second. If you have not perfectly a line-ofsight as on the ground, this range drops to 40 m and if you want to have live view around a corner only a few meters are possible. Figure 5.3: Wi-Fi Bandwidth Limit in Function of Distance 5.2 Image Handler Write Performance Two tests were made for the save speed of the image handler. The first was to compare the limit of images that could be saved any second for the different formats the system supports. (See table 5.1) The second test was to compare the image handler to an existing product: ROSBAG. This package is part of the ROS system and designed to save the messages that are sent between the ROS nodes. The recording function does not any conversion of the data and save the entire message in its own format so that the images had to be extract later on. The idea of these two tests was to allow future user to choice the right configuration. 5.2.1 Comparison in Terms of Image Format In table 5.1 you can see the result of the first test and we can say that the limit of the system is around 23 frames per second VGA images. The first proposed explication is the limited CPU on the system. Since this is a challenge if all three cameras are running at the same time on Skye, it is not the only limiting factor. Another is that the imwrite function3 used in the code to write the image to disk is working in a blocking mode. That means that every time an image is saved, time is lost waiting on confirmation that image is written correctly to disk. 3 This function is part of the OpenCV library Chapter 5. Results Saved Images per Second Saved Images per Second 26 Resolution PNG JPEG TIFF 0.3 MP 5 MP 21.58 1.63 18.69 1.05-1.24 22.98 2.42 Table 5.1: Achieved Image Saving Speed for 3 Formats The test results lead to not subscribe the image of all cameras in a single node but have an image handler node for any camera running. A possible future issue to improve the speed would be to treat incoming image in several parallel threads so that blocking of one thread does not block processing of a new message. 5.2.2 Comparison Rosbag versus Image Handler Code The result of the second test is shown in figure 5.4. This test was made on the laptop with an image publishing node that published a series of images of a precedent flight. The test goals were to find the maximal save rate and to become an idea of how many images were lost if the system is running at its limits of CPU and read-write speeds. The result was that the image handler is able to save more images per second than rosbag but those rosbag losses less images. Save fewer images but lose no image sounds contradictory, in fact it is not. rosbag save as much data as possible every second and the data that comes more is buffered. The Image Handler on the over hand has only a callback queue of ten images. This means that only ten images received are buffered to be saved. If the node receives more images that it is able to save, the last received images are discarded. Figure 5.4: Comparison Image Handler and Rosbag So rosbag is better if you will be sure to get all images, but be aware that if a buffer is going greater and greater this can be quite dangerous and even lead to a system crash. The Image Handler has the advantage of saving with a higher rate. Further the images have already a format that could be open on any computer while the images in the rosbag-file has first to be extract and uses about 2.5 times the space on disk. 5.3 Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation The aim of dynamic bandwidth adaptation was to note overload the network by sending to much data. In figure 5.5 you see the resulting behaviour of the image 27 5.4. Summary handling system. The principle is working and the adaptation takes place, even if there are many jumps in the curve. This jump are nearly impossible to avoid do to the discrete nature of the send per cent parameter in the image handler. For example if the node sends every image instead of ever second, this is an augmentation of 100 Figure 5.5: Working Bandwidth Adaptation The ways to avoid such jumps could be to change the frame rate of the camera instead of changing the fraction of saved images. This will be a bit more linear but had the disadvantage image are also recorded not regularly. A much simpler way would be a switch steered by the send queue. If the send queue is empty the switch allows image publishing in the image handler node otherwise images are not transmitted. This enforces that the send queue is empty from time to time and would help avoiding delays in image transmission. 5.4 Summary In this chapter the results of the different tests done for this thesis were presented. The first test presented was the Xbee 868 MHz stress-test that lead to order the Xbee 2.4 GHz modules (see chap 3). The next two tests show the available bandwidth in function of distance for the Xbee 2.4 GHz and the Wi-Fi. After the wireless test come to performance test of the Image-Handler. They look at the influence of format type on the image write performance and compare the image-handler to rosbag. Last but not least, the behaviour of the dynamic bandwidth adaptation was presented. Let’s now get to the conclusion. Chapter 5. Results 28 29 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Outlook This chapter should give you an overview of that was achieved and learned, and give an Outlook of that could further be integrated to the developped software. 6.1 6.1.1 Conclusion Image Handling The image handler is working and at least a fourth million images were already recorded during test and demo flights. The required image saving rates could be achieved and the quality of the entire framework has been gradually improved during the intensive testing phases. Only, the fact that the save rate of the image handler is just under 25 Hz is a little disappointing. In general, the image handler represents a useful and modular tool for live streaming, and the real-time resize and rotate functions were quite handy features. 6.1.2 UDP Mavlink ROS Bridge A similar node was existing for serial interfaces. With this example code and good documentation [6] basic communication from ROS to QGroundControl and image transmission was implemented quite quick. It is a good basic for future features. Especially the handling of the parameter should be extended from some parameters to a generic solution. This solution will then allow to dynamically reconfigure the parameter server on a system running ROS over Mavlink from a ground-station that does not know ROS. 6.1.3 Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation The idea of the bandwidth adaptation turned out to be good, but the realisation quite tricky. Available bandwidth is difficult to predict especially in and around buildings due to reflections. This way, a displacement of a couple of meters can cause sudden jumps in the available bandwidth. The implemented solution more or less follows the available bandwidth but, in the worst case, even a tree or a rotation of the blimp can already lead to the next jump in the stream rate. The easiest solution would have been to simply implement a non-buffering transmission for the Chapter 6. Conclusion and Outlook 30 images. If the send queue is not empty, the image is simply dropped instead of adding it to the transmit buffer. 6.1.4 Low Level Communication The integration of the Xbee was a lot more difficult than expected. The main problem here was not that the module would have been to complicated to operate, but the complex context of an entire integrated system complicating the error search. The main lesson of this experience: be careful with out-of-the-box solutions. They mostly work, but a time buffer needs to be previewed for all unexpected eventualities. The transmission of the navigation commands is now working stably and reliably up to 180 m. Longer ranges with the module on the blimp are certainly possible, as long as it stays within line-of-sight and does not go too close to the ground. For security it is advised to make a range test before starting any outdoor flight at least prior to the first take-off. 6.1.5 Whole System Performance Working live view allows to navigate Skye like a eye in the Air. The user sees what is in front of the camera, gives inputs over touch-screen, the Blimp flies in the desired direction and the images are recorded on-board. With the 2.4 GHz Xbee system control loss due to communication problems has never occurred up to now, and the indoor flight over a big crowd at in the main building of ETH Zürich was a great success and proof of reliability. The hole blimp is still a prototype and it is still a long way to become a real market product. But after the year of Focus project , the project continues and , and will for sure lead to other blimp prototypes. 6.2 Outlook The communication software for the Blimp is set up and all the functions are working. As of now, issue will be to make the use of the camera system simpler to use for people that are not familiar with software development. On the image handling side it would be interesting to do more than only sending and saving. Going further and for example doing motion detection or collision avoidance are only two options of what could implemented next on the powerful high-level processor. 31 Appendix A Manuals 32 APPENDIX A. MANUALS RC Control THROTTLE (3) Y A W (4) NICK / PITCH (2) Y A W R O L L THROTTLE R O LL (1) NICK / PITCH Switches Switch Channel To User Away from User Note B 7 Enable Controller Disable Controller Controller stabilises the angular velocities. D intern exp(-20%) No exp() 5 RC Link ON RC Link OFF A E G Link OFF: QgroundControl has the control over Skye H Trimm Channel (6) Not used yet. Set the vertical velocity. Turn left to let Skye sink and right to let Skye go up. Note: To prevent turn the power switch on and off in the proper sequence 1. Pull throttle stick to idle position 2. Turn on the transmitter power 3. Confirm the proper model memory has been selected (normaly nothing to do) 4. Test all controlls 5. Make a range check 6. After flying bring throttle stick to idle positition and engage the kill switch to disarm the motors 7. Turn off the transmitter Power 33 Appendix B. Calculations 34 Appendix B Calculations B.1 Needed Bandwidth for Low Level Communication Command Fields Size Frequency Bandwith Control Input Header 3D vector direction 3D vector orientation Checksum 25 B 20 Hz 500 B/s Position Header Timestamp Latitude Longitude Altitude 3D vector speed Compass heading Checksum 28 B 5 Hz 140 B/s Attitude Header Timestamp 3D vector orientation Orientation quaterion Checksum 32 B 25 Hz 800 B/s 12 B 3 Hz 36 B/s 9B 1 Hz 9 B/s Header Accu ID 4 Cell Voltages Battery Status Current Battery Battery remaining Checksum Heartbeat Header System Identity System Status Operating Mode Checksum Table B.1: Estimation Needed Low Level Bandwidth 35 Appendix C Code The hole code implemented for image handling on Skye is contained in three ROS packages. The first is called skye_msgs and only contains the ROS messages that were needed on Skye. The second is called Video and contains the image handling nodes that does the work on the UAV and an image player that can republishes recorded images of a real flight. All the image handling code is available on “”. C.1 Camera Class Reference #include <camera.h> Public Member Functions • void add_modus (std::vector< Modus > &modi_to_add) Add new modus to the modi that are already in use. • void band_apt_refresh_data (const skye_msgs::ConnectionStatePtr &con_state) Write the incoming new data about the connection in the state. • void callback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image) Callback for images published without Camera ( p. 35) information. • Camera (ros::NodeHandle &nh, CamID cam_id, Verbosity_t verbos=VERBOSITY_EVENTS, bool long_timestamp=false) Camera ( p. 35) Constructor. • void configure_modus (Video::CameraConfig &config, uint32_t level) Update the modus and changes it if changes are wanted by the dynamic reconfigure gui. • void optimize_to_bandwidth () Choose the optimal modus adapted to the actual Bandwidth. Appendix C. Code 36 • void update_camera_info (const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info) • void update_modus_ros (const skye_msgs::ImagehandlerModusConstPtr &msg) Update the modus and changes it if changes are wanted in the form of a ROS message. Public Attributes • image_transport::ImageTransport it The node handle for the ROS image transport. Private Member Functions • void band_apt_find_limit () This functions checks the length of send queue. If this one is filling up, the numbers of sent images is reduced else we will try to send one more image. • void band_apt_guess_bandwidth () Knowing how many messages were sent and how many are in the send queue, a guess of the available send percentag is made. • void band_apt_init () Prepare the variable need for bandwidth estimation and set state to WAIT_MEASUREMENTS. • void band_apt_send_data () • void change_send_rate (Modus &modus, int send_every_XXX_image) Change the amount of sent images of the modus. • int pos_pub_of_topic (std::string topic) Gives position of the topic in the publisher vector and return -1 if the publisher isn’t declared. • bool resize_image (cv::Mat &image, Modus &modus, double &fx, double &fy) resize image to be smaller or equal the max high and width • bool rotate_image (cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dest, Modus &modus) Rotate the image. The function is very efficient for rotating 90,180 and 270 degrees and primarily implemented to switch images that there upside down do the camera fixation on the UAV. • bool save_image (cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr info, Modus modi) Save an image with the settings specified in the modus. cvImageP, sensor_- 37 C.1. Camera Class Reference • bool send_image modi) (cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cvImageP, Modus Send an image with the wished parameters. • void show_all_pub_topic () Show all the topic the publisher vector contains. • uint64_t time_stamp () Time stamp used for saving images to avoid overwriting files with the same name. Private Attributes • BandwidthAdaptationsState_t bandwidth_state The actual state of the bandwidth adaptation. adaptation for the possible states. See the method bandwidth_- • CamID_t camera_id The private node handle of the camera. • long int counter Counts handled images. • int counter_find_limit Counter of the how many steps are done. • int counter_same_state Counter of how many cycles with assumed same bandwidth were done. • int find_limit Constant that defines how many step is done to approach the nearest the real bandwidth. • boost::format g_format Needed for the assembling of the image name to save with the time stamp and the path. • std::deque< unsigned long int > guessed_available_bandwidth Sample container memorising the available bandwidth for the last steps. • int keep_state Constant that defines how many images the bandwidth has to be assumed equal after an estimation cycles. • std::deque< ros::Time > last_stamps Sample container to memorise the moment when the bytes were sent. • uint64_t last_time_stamp Contains time info of the last saved image and is needed to avoid saving to image with the same timestamp. Appendix C. Code 38 • double max_step Indicates the maximum factor that the new send percentage could be greater than the old. If set to two, the bandwidth adaptation is not allowed to send all images if before only 25% were sent, because the factor would be four and by this higher than the maximum step. • double mean_available_bandwidth The average of bytes the could be sent per seconds. If no limit is present the number simply indicates the used bandwidth. • double mean_queue_len The average of bytes retained in the send queue of the udp_mavlink_ros_node calculated with the information of the connection state messages. • std::deque< unsigned long int > message_size Sample container for memorise how many bytes were sent. • std::vector< Modus > modi Container with all active modes. This makes possible to handle the same image in different ways. I.e it could be saved in two different formats or republished with with different topics to different nodes. • double old_mean_queue_len The average of bytes retained in the send queue of the step before. This information is need to now if the send queue is growing up or decreasing. • ros::NodeHandle prn The ROS subscriber that will subscribe Modus ( p. 48) messages. Is here to allow over node to reconfigure the node with ROS messages. • std::vector< image_transport::Publisher > pub The vector of publisher contains a single publisher for any active Modus ( p. 48) and makes possible to publish the handled images under different topics. For example the normal /cam_namespace/single_shotand cam_namespace/image_stream. • ros::Publisher pub_bandwidth The ROS publisher that will publishes the used bandwidth and the percentage of images that are sent. • bool pub_initialized Boolean value to check if the publisher for the Bandwidth messages is already initialised. If the camera instance never received a feedback from the udp_mavlink_ros_node, the image are probably not streamed to an over machine, and bandwidth estimation and adaptation will not be started. • dynamic_reconfigure::Server< server_ Video::CameraConfig > reconfigure_- The reconfigure server makes possible do dynamicly reconfigure the image handler node containing an instance of the camera class. • std::deque< unsigned long int > send_queue_lengths 39 C.1. Camera Class Reference Sample container for the data need to calculate mean_queue_len. • ros::Subscriber sub_Command The ROS subscriber that will subscribe Modus ( p. 48) messages. Is here to allow over nodes to reconfigure the node with ROS messages. • ros::Subscriber sub_connect The ROS subscriber that will subscribe ConnectionState messages. Is here to receive feedback from the udp_mavlink_ros about how many image could be sent. • Verbosity_t verbosity The verbosity level of the image handling functions. • int window_size This number indicates how many old states are remembered before being discarded. • bool yyyymmdd_enabled Switches for the time stamp after the image name. If true a long time stamp of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS∗∗ is used. If false only a time stamp of the format HHMMSS∗∗ is appended to the filename. C.1.1 Detailed Description Definition at line 60 of file camera.h. C.1.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation C.1.2.1 Camera::Camera (ros::NodeHandle & nh, CamID cam_id, Verbosity_t verbos = VERBOSITY_EVENTS, bool long_timestamp = false) Camera (p. 35) Constructor. Parameters nh The nodehandle in which the Camera (p. 35) is used cam_id The ID of the Camera (p. 35) verbos The niveau of verbosity (Silent, Events, Debug) long_timestamp If true, the saved images will have the form: "frame name"+"date"+"time of day" else only "frame name"+"time of day" Definition at line 720 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3 Member Function Documentation C.1.3.1 void Camera::add_modus (std::vector< Modus > & modi_to_add) Add new modus to the modi that are already in use. Appendix C. Code 40 Parameters modi_to_add Vector with all the new modi that should be added Definition at line 584 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.2 void Camera::band_apt_find_limit () [private] This functions checks the length of send queue. If this one is filling up, the numbers of sent images is reduced else we will try to send one more image. Send queue grew up => reduce send percentage Send queue get shorter => send more images Publish the new data Definition at line 332 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.3 void Camera::band_apt_guess_bandwidth () [private] Knowing how many messages were sent and how many are in the send queue, a guess of the available send percentag is made. Published the estimated bandwidth Change Image stream to actual bandwith Definition at line 264 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.4 void Camera::band_apt_init () [private] Prepare the variable need for bandwidth estimation and set state to WAIT_MEASUREMENTS. Fill the queue with zeros. Definition at line 228 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.5 void Camera::band_apt_refresh_data (const skye_msgs::ConnectionStatePtr & con_state) Write the incoming new data about the connection in the state. Parameters con_state Message containing the queue_size of the send and receive buffer, the amount of sent bytes and over connection information. Init publisher to publish measured bandwidth by receiving the first ConnectionState message Write new data in memory Reject the oldest elements Calculate basic statistics for the over functions Activate bandwidth adaptation if allowed 41 C.1. Camera Class Reference Definition at line 365 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.6 void Camera::band_apt_send_data () [private] Definition at line 246 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.7 void Camera::callback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr & image_msg) Callback for images published without Camera (p. 35) information. Parameters image_msg The new received image received from the camera associate to this Object dummy Camera (p. 35) info Pointer to allow to use exactly the same callback loop convert image msg to OPEN CV image Do for any saved Modus (p. 48): 1. Save image if wanted 2, Send image if wanted and if needed resize before and/or rotate optimize our modus to the bandwidth that is available Definition at line 597 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.8 void Camera::change_send_rate (Modus & modus, int send_every_XXX_image) [private] Change the amount of sent images of the modus. Parameters modus The modus how to change send_every_XXX_image the denominator of the the fraction of image to send. If send_every_XXX_image is equal 4, 0.25% of the images are sent. Update the modus Update the server with change to inform over nodes. Definition at line 314 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.9 void Camera::configure_modus (Video::CameraConfig & config, uint32_t level) Update the modus and changes it if changes are wanted by the dynamic reconfigure gui. Parameters config The parameters sent by the reconfigure server Appendix C. Code 42 level Initialise the configurations if not. Take a single shoot of all modus if wanted Add a new modus if user apply changes to the Image Handler node Update reconfigure server with actual values Definition at line 514 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.10 void Camera::optimize_to_bandwidth () Choose the optimal modus adapted to the actual Bandwidth. BAND_ADAPT_DISABLED: The user doesn’t want to adapt dynamically to the bandwidth limits. BAND_ADAPT_INITIALISATION: The state machine is started with BAND_ADAPT_INITIALISATION and the needed queues for statistics initialised. BAND_ADAPT_WAIT_MEASUREMENTS: The node wait for information about the connection before beginning bandwidth adaptation. BAND_ADAPT_GUESS_LIMIT: Calculate how many of the sent bytes could be transmitted. The limit is guessed and the modus adapted to this limit. BAND_ADAPT_GUESS_LIMIT2: Does the same as the state before. The Limit is guessed twice to faster come to the near the right estimation. BAND_ADAPT_FIND_LIMIT: Tries to find the perfect condition with changing only a little around the guessed limit. The problematic is if 1/2 images are sent. So incrementing by one the denominator means double the send bytes. To limit this effect stream every image is only allowed if the send queue is completely empty. BAND_ADAPT_KEEP_LIMIT: Once the limit of bandwidth is known approximately the bandwidth is guessed constant for the number of steps defined in keep_state. After that the cycle begins again with BAND_ADAPT_GUESS_LIMIT. Definition at line 432 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.11 int Camera::pos_pub_of_topic (std::string topic) [private] Gives position of the topic in the publisher vector and return -1 if the publisher isn’t declared. Parameters topic The name of the searched topic Check all existing publisher if one publishes the wanted topic Definition at line 136 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.12 bool Camera::resize_image (cv::Mat & image, Modus & modus, double & fx, double & fy) [private] resize image to be smaller or equal the max high and width 43 C.1. Camera Class Reference Parameters image The image that should be resized modus The modus containing the limits to apply to the image fx The factor of resizing in x direction fy The factor of resizing in y direction Definition at line 154 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.13 bool Camera::rotate_image (cv::Mat & src, cv::Mat & dest, Modus & modus) [private] Rotate the image. The function is very efficient for rotating 90,180 and 270 degrees and primarily implemented to switch images that there upside down do the camera fixation on the UAV. Parameters src The image to rotate dest The rotated image modus The modus containing the settings for rotation Definition at line 176 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.14 bool Camera::save_image (cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cvImage, sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr info, Modus camera_modus) [private] Save an image with the settings specified in the modus. Parameters cvImage Image that has to be saved info Information about the camera settings related to the image camera_modus Modus (p. 48) containing the parameters how to save images. Assembly filename Set parameters depending on format Write image to disk Definition at line 18 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.15 bool Camera::send_image (cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cvImage, Modus modi) [private] Send an image with the wished parameters. Parameters cvImage image to send Appendix C. Code 44 modi The modus in which the images have to be sent. Check if publisher is already existing Define publisher if it is not already existing Publish the image Definition at line 103 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.16 void Camera::show_all_pub_topic () [private] Show all the topic the publisher vector contains. Definition at line 214 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.17 uint64_t Camera::time_stamp () [private] Time stamp used for saving images to avoid overwriting files with the same name. Definition at line 63 of file camera.cpp. C.1.3.18 void Camera::update_camera_info (const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr & info) C.1.3.19 void Camera::update_modus_ros (const skye_msgs::ImagehandlerModusConstPtr & msg) Update the modus and changes it if changes are wanted in the form of a ROS message. Parameters msg The Modus (p. 48) message containing the new parameters. Check if the Command is for this camera Save the new modi Clear old Modus (p. 48) if wanted Definition at line 488 of file camera.cpp. C.1.4 Member Data Documentation C.1.4.1 BandwidthAdaptationsState_t Camera::bandwidth_state [private] The actual state of the bandwidth adaptation. adaptation for the possible states. Definition at line 76 of file camera.h. See the method bandwidth_- 45 C.1.4.2 C.1. Camera Class Reference CamID_t Camera::camera_id [private] The private node handle of the camera. Definition at line 63 of file camera.h. C.1.4.3 long int Camera::counter [private] Counts handled images. Definition at line 96 of file camera.h. C.1.4.4 int Camera::counter_find_limit [private] Counter of the how many steps are done. Definition at line 80 of file camera.h. C.1.4.5 int Camera::counter_same_state [private] Counter of how many cycles with assumed same bandwidth were done. Definition at line 81 of file camera.h. C.1.4.6 int Camera::find_limit [private] Constant that defines how many step is done to approach the nearest the real bandwidth. Definition at line 78 of file camera.h. C.1.4.7 boost::format Camera::g_format [private] Needed for the assembling of the image name to save with the time stamp and the path. Definition at line 100 of file camera.h. C.1.4.8 std::deque<unsigned long int> Camera::guessed_available_bandwidth [private] Sample container memorising the available bandwidth for the last steps. Definition at line 90 of file camera.h. C.1.4.9 image_transport::ImageTransport Camera::it The node handle for the ROS image transport. Definition at line 115 of file camera.h. Appendix C. Code C.1.4.10 46 int Camera::keep_state [private] Constant that defines how many images the bandwidth has to be assumed equal after an estimation cycles. Definition at line 79 of file camera.h. C.1.4.11 std::deque<ros::Time> Camera::last_stamps [private] Sample container to memorise the moment when the bytes were sent. Definition at line 88 of file camera.h. C.1.4.12 uint64_t Camera::last_time_stamp [private] Contains time info of the last saved image and is needed to avoid saving to image with the same timestamp. Definition at line 98 of file camera.h. C.1.4.13 double Camera::max_step [private] Indicates the maximum factor that the new send percentage could be greater than the old. If set to two, the bandwidth adaptation is not allowed to send all images if before only 25% were sent, because the factor would be four and by this higher than the maximum step. Definition at line 83 of file camera.h. C.1.4.14 double Camera::mean_available_bandwidth [private] The average of bytes the could be sent per seconds. If no limit is present the number simply indicates the used bandwidth. Definition at line 86 of file camera.h. C.1.4.15 double Camera::mean_queue_len [private] The average of bytes retained in the send queue of the udp_mavlink_ros_node calculated with the information of the connection state messages. Definition at line 84 of file camera.h. C.1.4.16 std::deque<unsigned long int> Camera::message_size [private] Sample container for memorise how many bytes were sent. Definition at line 89 of file camera.h. 47 C.1.4.17 C.1. Camera Class Reference std::vector<Modus> Camera::modi [private] Container with all active modes. This makes possible to handle the same image in different ways. I.e it could be saved in two different formats or republished with with different topics to different nodes. Definition at line 93 of file camera.h. C.1.4.18 double Camera::old_mean_queue_len [private] The average of bytes retained in the send queue of the step before. This information is need to now if the send queue is growing up or decreasing. Definition at line 85 of file camera.h. C.1.4.19 ros::NodeHandle Camera::prn [private] The ROS subscriber that will subscribe Modus (p. 48) messages. Is here to allow over node to reconfigure the node with ROS messages. Definition at line 64 of file camera.h. C.1.4.20 std::vector<image_transport::Publisher> Camera::pub [private] The vector of publisher contains a single publisher for any active Modus (p. 48) and makes possible to publish the handled images under different topics. For example the normal /cam_namespace/single_shotand cam_namespace/image_stream. Definition at line 70 of file camera.h. C.1.4.21 ros::Publisher Camera::pub_bandwidth [private] The ROS publisher that will publishes the used bandwidth and the percentage of images that are sent. Definition at line 69 of file camera.h. C.1.4.22 bool Camera::pub_initialized [private] Boolean value to check if the publisher for the Bandwidth messages is already initialised. If the camera instance never received a feedback from the udp_mavlink_ros_node, the image are probably not streamed to an over machine, and bandwidth estimation and adaptation will not be started. Definition at line 77 of file camera.h. C.1.4.23 dynamic_reconfigure::Server<Video::CameraConfig> Camera::reconfigure_server_ [private] The reconfigure server makes possible do dynamicly reconfigure the image handler node containing an instance of the camera class. Definition at line 73 of file camera.h. Appendix C. Code C.1.4.24 48 std::deque<unsigned long int> Camera::send_queue_lengths [private] Sample container for the data need to calculate mean_queue_len. Definition at line 87 of file camera.h. C.1.4.25 ros::Subscriber Camera::sub_Command [private] The ROS subscriber that will subscribe Modus (p. 48) messages. Is here to allow over nodes to reconfigure the node with ROS messages. Definition at line 66 of file camera.h. C.1.4.26 ros::Subscriber Camera::sub_connect [private] The ROS subscriber that will subscribe ConnectionState messages. Is here to receive feedback from the udp_mavlink_ros about how many image could be sent. Definition at line 68 of file camera.h. C.1.4.27 Verbosity_t Camera::verbosity [private] The verbosity level of the image handling functions. Definition at line 65 of file camera.h. C.1.4.28 int Camera::window_size [private] This number indicates how many old states are remembered before being discarded. Definition at line 82 of file camera.h. C.1.4.29 bool Camera::yyyymmdd_enabled [private] Switches for the time stamp after the image name. If true a long time stamp of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS∗∗ is used. If false only a time stamp of the format HHMMSS∗∗ is appended to the filename. Definition at line 97 of file camera.h. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: • /home/matthias/ros_workspace/skye/Video/include/Video/camera.h • /home/matthias/ros_workspace/skye/Video/src/camera.cpp C.2 Modus Struct Reference #include <modus.h> 49 C.2. Modus Struct Reference Public Member Functions • void info (std::string name_of_namespace) The Function prints out the information contained in the Modus ( p. 48). • bool known_format (std::string fromat) Returns true if the format is known (JPEG, PNG of TIFF to this day) false else. • Modus (const Video::CameraConfig &config) Constructor to fill a new Modus ( p. 48) with configuration of a CamearaConfig message from the dynamic reconfigure server. • Modus (const skye_msgs::ImagehandlerModusConstPtr &msg) Constructor for incoming ROS Messages. • Modus (bool takeshot=false, bool save_image=false, int save_of_one=25, std::string format="png", int quality=0, std::string frame_name="frame", std::string path="Pictures", bool send_image=true, int send_of_one=1, int max_high=5000, int max_width=5000, bool keep_proportion=true, int rotation=0, std::string topic_pulish="/imh_image") Standart Constructor. • void show (std::string name_of_namespace) Gives out all the values of the modus. This function was needed only for developpement, info() ( p. 51) gives you better readable answers. Public Attributes • std::string format Saving format for the images. By now PNG, JPEG and TIFF are supported. • std::string frame_name Name of the saved frames. A time stamp will be added to make so that any image has an unique name. • bool keep_proportions If true the side ratio will be kept the same through resizing. • int max_high For the maximal high of the image that will not be resized. • int max_width For the maximal width of the image that will not be resized. • std::string path Path where the Pictures has to be saved. • int quality Appendix C. Code 50 Indicates the quality the saved image should have. If the format is JPEG the range is form 0 to 100. For PNG the compression level goes from 0 (No compression) to 9 (Maximal Compression). • int rotations Degrees the images will be rotated. The rotation function is optimised for 90,180 and 270 degrees. • bool save_image If true the received images the fraction of images defined in save_of_one are saved. • unsigned int save_of_one If save_of_one = 4, every 4th image will be saved. • bool send_image If true the received images will be resized and rotated like configured and the published under /namespace_cam/topic_to_publish. • unsigned int send_of_one If send_of_one = 4, every 4th image will be sent. • bool takeshot Set to true for saving one image and automatically reset to zero in the save function of Camera ( p. 35). • std::string topic_publish The image is published under /namespace_cam/topic_to_publish if send_image is true. C.2.1 Detailed Description Definition at line 13 of file modus.h. C.2.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation C.2.2.1 Modus::Modus (bool takeshot = false, bool save_image = false, int save_of_one = 25, std::string format = "png", int quality = 0, std::string frame_name = "frame", std::string path = "Pictures", bool send_image = true, int send_of_one = 1, int max_high = 5000, int max_width = 5000, bool keep_proportion = true, int rotation = 0, std::string topic_pulish = "/imh_image") Standart Constructor. Definition at line 30 of file modus.cpp. 51 C.2. Modus Struct Reference C.2.2.2 Modus::Modus (const skye_msgs::ImagehandlerModusConstPtr & msg) Constructor for incoming ROS Messages. Definition at line 51 of file modus.cpp. C.2.2.3 Modus::Modus (const Video::CameraConfig & config) Constructor to fill a new Modus (p. 48) with configuration of a CamearaConfig message from the dynamic reconfigure server. Parameters config The message from the server with the updated values. Definition at line 147 of file modus.cpp. C.2.3 Member Function Documentation C.2.3.1 void Modus::info (std::string name_of_namespace) The Function prints out the information contained in the Modus (p. 48). Parameters name_of_namespace By giving the namespace of the camera the printed configurations could be better separated. Definition at line 93 of file modus.cpp. C.2.3.2 bool Modus::known_format (std::string format) Returns true if the format is known (JPEG, PNG of TIFF to this day) false else. Parameters format The format you want to now if it is available. Definition at line 122 of file modus.cpp. C.2.3.3 void Modus::show (std::string name_of_namespace) Gives out all the values of the modus. This function was needed only for developpement, info() (p. 51) gives you better readable answers. Parameters name_of_namespace By giving the namespace of the camera the printed configurations could be better separated. Definition at line 72 of file modus.cpp. Appendix C. Code C.2.4 Member Data Documentation C.2.4.1 std::string Modus::format 52 Saving format for the images. By now PNG, JPEG and TIFF are supported. Definition at line 20 of file modus.h. C.2.4.2 std::string Modus::frame_name Name of the saved frames. A time stamp will be added to make so that any image has an unique name. Definition at line 22 of file modus.h. C.2.4.3 bool Modus::keep_proportions If true the side ratio will be kept the same through resizing. Definition at line 28 of file modus.h. C.2.4.4 int Modus::max_high For the maximal high of the image that will not be resized. Definition at line 26 of file modus.h. C.2.4.5 int Modus::max_width For the maximal width of the image that will not be resized. Definition at line 27 of file modus.h. C.2.4.6 std::string Modus::path Path where the Pictures has to be saved. Definition at line 23 of file modus.h. C.2.4.7 int Modus::quality Indicates the quality the saved image should have. If the format is JPEG the range is form 0 to 100. For PNG the compression level goes from 0 (No compression) to 9 (Maximal Compression). Definition at line 21 of file modus.h. C.2.4.8 int Modus::rotations Degrees the images will be rotated. The rotation function is optimised for 90,180 and 270 degrees. Definition at line 29 of file modus.h. 53 C.3. Mavlink_UDP_link Class Reference C.2.4.9 bool Modus::save_image If true the received images the fraction of images defined in save_of_one are saved. Definition at line 18 of file modus.h. C.2.4.10 unsigned int Modus::save_of_one If save_of_one = 4, every 4th image will be saved. Definition at line 19 of file modus.h. C.2.4.11 bool Modus::send_image If true the received images will be resized and rotated like configured and the published under /namespace_cam/topic_to_publish. Definition at line 32 of file modus.h. C.2.4.12 unsigned int Modus::send_of_one If send_of_one = 4, every 4th image will be sent. Definition at line 33 of file modus.h. C.2.4.13 bool Modus::takeshot Set to true for saving one image and automatically reset to zero in the save function of Camera (p. 35). Definition at line 15 of file modus.h. C.2.4.14 std::string Modus::topic_publish The image is published under /namespace_cam/topic_to_publish if send_image is true. Definition at line 34 of file modus.h. The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: • /home/matthias/ros_workspace/skye/Video/include/Video/modus.h • /home/matthias/ros_workspace/skye/Video/src/modus.cpp C.3 Mavlink_UDP_link Class Reference #include <mavlink_UDP_link.h> Public Member Functions • std::string get_connection_state () • int get_recv_queue () Appendix C. Code 54 • int get_send_queue () • int get_size_receive_buffer () • int get_size_send_buffer () • bool getInitialised () GetInitialisation Get if the Mavlink_UDP_link ( p. 53) was already initialised. • void init (int dest_port=14550, std::string dest_host="") Init the UDP Communication. • Mavlink_UDP_link (int dest_port=14550, std::string host="", int local_port=12345, std::string host="") dest_local_- Default constructor the UDP Communication. • void receive_loop () • void receive_mavlink_msg (mavlink_channel_t message_t &msg, bool &stop_condition) chan, mavlink_- Receive bytes and decode one MAVLink messages then returns. • int receive_udp_bytes (mavlink_channel_t chan) Receive one char (uint8_t). • void send_udp_bytes (mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t ∗ch, uint16_t length) Send one char (uint8_t) over a comm channel. • void show_state () Show connection stat. • void update_state () Measure the length of the receive and send queue queue as well as the connection state and write it in the corresponding fields. • ∼Mavlink_UDP_link () Destructor Destructor. Private Member Functions • int connect_retry (int sockfd, const struct sockaddr ∗addr, socklen_t alen) Try to connect until connection or timeout. • int initserver (int type, const struct sockaddr ∗addr, socklen_t alen, int qlen) 55 C.3. Mavlink_UDP_link Class Reference Private Attributes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • sockaddr_in addr_dest sockaddr_in addr_local sockaddr_in addr_sender struct addrinfo ∗ ailist struct addrinfo ∗ aip std::fstream bandwidth_file std::string command_band_measure std::string connection_state std::string dest_host int dest_port socklen_t fromlen struct addrinfo hint bool initilized std::string local_host int local_port int lost_bytes char receive_buffer [BUFFER_SIZE] int receive_socket int received_bytes int recv_queue int send_queue int sent_bytes int size_receive_buffer int size_send_buffer int udp_socket C.3.1 Detailed Description Definition at line 43 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation C.3.2.1 Mavlink_UDP_link::Mavlink_UDP_link (int dest_port = 14550, std::string dest_host = "", int local_port = 12345, std::string local_host = "") Default constructor the UDP Communication. Definition at line 303 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.2.2 Mavlink_UDP_link::∼Mavlink_UDP_link () Destructor Destructor. Definition at line 316 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. Appendix C. Code C.3.3 Member Function Documentation C.3.3.1 int Mavlink_UDP_link::connect_retry (int sockfd, const struct sockaddr ∗ addr, socklen_t alen) [private] Try to connect until connection or timeout. Parameters sockfd Socket addr Socket address alen Length of the socket address Definition at line 26 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.2 std::string Mavlink_UDP_link::get_connection_state () Returns The connection state. Definition at line 110 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.3 int Mavlink_UDP_link::get_recv_queue () Returns Size of the receive queue Definition at line 98 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.4 int Mavlink_UDP_link::get_send_queue () Returns Size of the send queue Definition at line 104 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.5 int Mavlink_UDP_link::get_size_receive_buffer () Returns Size of the receive buffer Definition at line 92 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.6 int Mavlink_UDP_link::get_size_send_buffer () Returns Size of the send buffer. Definition at line 86 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. 56 57 C.3. Mavlink_UDP_link Class Reference C.3.3.7 bool Mavlink_UDP_link::getInitialised () GetInitialisation Get if the Mavlink_UDP_link (p. 53) was already initialised. Definition at line 294 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.8 void Mavlink_UDP_link::init (int dest_port = 14550, std::string dest_host = "") Init the UDP Communication. Parameters dest_host Hostname or IP dest_port Port number Definition at line 208 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.9 int Mavlink_UDP_link::initserver (int type, const struct sockaddr ∗ addr, socklen_t alen, int qlen) [private] C.3.3.10 void Mavlink_UDP_link::receive_loop () C.3.3.11 void Mavlink_UDP_link::receive_mavlink_msg (mavlink_channel_t chan, mavlink_message_t & msg, bool & stay_in_loop) Receive bytes and decode one MAVLink messages then returns. Parameters chan Mavlink channel msg Message to fill in the received message stay_in_loop Boolean to break the loop Definition at line 182 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.12 int Mavlink_UDP_link::receive_udp_bytes (mavlink_channel_t chan) Receive one char (uint8_t). Parameters chan MAVLInk channel to use, usually MAVLINK_COMM_3 = udp_socket Definition at line 151 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.13 void Mavlink_UDP_link::send_udp_bytes (mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t ∗ ch, uint16_t length) Send one char (uint8_t) over a comm channel. Appendix C. Code 58 Parameters chan MAVLink channel to use, usually MAVLINK_COMM_3 = udp_socket ch Pointer to send buffer array length The length of the send buffer array Definition at line 121 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.14 void Mavlink_UDP_link::show_state () Show connection stat. Definition at line 48 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.3.15 void Mavlink_UDP_link::update_state () Measure the length of the receive and send queue queue as well as the connection state and write it in the corresponding fields. Definition at line 59 of file mavlink_UDP_link.cpp. C.3.4 Member Data Documentation C.3.4.1 sockaddr_in Mavlink_UDP_link::addr_dest [private] Definition at line 56 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.2 sockaddr_in Mavlink_UDP_link::addr_local [private] Definition at line 61 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.3 sockaddr_in Mavlink_UDP_link::addr_sender [private] Definition at line 67 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.4 struct addrinfo∗ Mavlink_UDP_link::ailist [private] Definition at line 50 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.5 struct addrinfo ∗ Mavlink_UDP_link::aip [private] Definition at line 50 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.6 std::fstream Mavlink_UDP_link::bandwidth_file [private] Definition at line 76 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. 59 C.3.4.7 C.3. Mavlink_UDP_link Class Reference std::string Mavlink_UDP_link::command_band_measure [private] Definition at line 70 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.8 std::string Mavlink_UDP_link::connection_state [private] Definition at line 75 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.9 std::string Mavlink_UDP_link::dest_host [private] Definition at line 58 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.10 int Mavlink_UDP_link::dest_port [private] Definition at line 57 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.11 socklen_t Mavlink_UDP_link::fromlen [private] Definition at line 64 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.12 struct addrinfo Mavlink_UDP_link::hint [private] Definition at line 51 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.13 bool Mavlink_UDP_link::initilized [private] Definition at line 45 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.14 std::string Mavlink_UDP_link::local_host [private] Definition at line 63 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.15 int Mavlink_UDP_link::local_port [private] Definition at line 62 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.16 int Mavlink_UDP_link::lost_bytes [private] Definition at line 49 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.17 char Mavlink_UDP_link::receive_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] [private] Definition at line 52 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. Appendix C. Code C.3.4.18 60 int Mavlink_UDP_link::receive_socket [private] Definition at line 48 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.19 int Mavlink_UDP_link::received_bytes [private] Definition at line 49 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.20 int Mavlink_UDP_link::recv_queue [private] Definition at line 73 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.21 int Mavlink_UDP_link::send_queue [private] Definition at line 74 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.22 int Mavlink_UDP_link::sent_bytes [private] Definition at line 49 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.23 int Mavlink_UDP_link::size_receive_buffer [private] Definition at line 72 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.24 int Mavlink_UDP_link::size_send_buffer [private] Definition at line 71 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. C.3.4.25 int Mavlink_UDP_link::udp_socket [private] Definition at line 48 of file mavlink_UDP_link.h. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: • /home/matthias/mav/mavlink-ros-pkg/udp_mavlink_ros/include/udp_mavlink_ros/mavlink_UDP_link.h • /home/matthias/mav/mavlink-ros-pkg/udp_mavlink_ros/src/mavlink_UDP_link.cpp C.4 Converter Class Reference #include <converter_mavlink_ros.h> Public Member Functions • void callback (const sensor_msgs::CompressedImageConstPtr &image) Callback done for any compressed ROS image received. 61 C.4. Converter Class Reference • void callback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image) Callback done for any ROS image received. • Converter (ros::NodeHandle &nh, Mavlink_UDP_link &link, std::string subscribe_topic_name, std::string topic, int quality=80) Initialise all the members of the converter instance concerning ROS and the Mavlink Parameter server. The connection will be initialised in the init method. • void handle_mavlink_message (mavlink_message_t &received_msg) Decode the received mavlink message. • void mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string (const char ∗string) Packs a string in a mavlink message and send it. • void mavlink_missionlib_send_message (mavlink_message_t ∗msg) Send any mavlink message. • float mavlink_pm_get_param (std::string key) Get a parameter specified by its name. • float mavlink_pm_get_param (int pos) Get a paramter specified by position. • void mavlink_pm_message_handler ∗msg) (const mavlink_message_t Handle the Mavlink messages relative to the parameter server. • void mavlink_pm_queued_send (void) Send low-priority messages at a maximum rate of xx Hertz. • void mavlink_pm_reset_params () reset all parameters to default • void mavlink_pm_set_param (int pos, float value) Set a parameter specified by its position. • void mavlink_pm_set_param (std::string key, float value) Set a parameter specified by its name. • ∼Converter () Public Attributes • image_transport::ImageTransport it Appendix C. Code 62 Private Member Functions • bool from_mavlink_to_ros (mavlink_data_transmission_handshake_t handshake, std::vector< mavlink_encapsulated_data_t > encapsulated_data) Receive Mavlink images and convert them to ROS images. • bool from_ros_to_mavlink msgs::CompressedImageConstPtr &image) (const sensor_- Send compressed ROS images over Mavlink If the images are always compressed for the ROS transmission this function would avoid to uncompress the image with image transport just to compress it again to sent it over Mavlink. • bool from_ros_to_mavlink (cv::Mat &cvImage) Convert an Image in mavlink images and send it over UDP to QGroundControl. • void measure_udp_connection () Measure the send queue length of the UDP port The measured send queue length is used by the Camera Class of the Video package to adapt dynamically the amount of images that were transmitted. Static Private Member Functions • static void ∗ heartbeat_loop (void ∗ptr) Loop running in own thread and emit an heart-beat-message needed for Mavlink communication Further the node also transmits a parameter from the server in every loop. • static void ∗ receive_mavlink (void ∗ptr) running loop to receive MAVLINK Message Private Attributes • pthread_attr_t bandwidth_measure_attr Thread attributes for the thread measuring the connection state. • pthread_t bandwidth_measure_thread Thread identifier for the thread measuring the connection state. • mavlink_channel_t chan Mavlink channel used for communication. For the project SKYE MAVLINK_COMM_3 was the UPD channel and MAVLINK_COMM_0 the serial. • int counter Counter of the threated images by the Converter ( p. 60). • int error_counter Error counter of the Converter ( p. 60). 63 C.4. Converter Class Reference • pthread_attr_t heartbeat_attr Thread attributes for the thread send heart-beat an parameters. • pthread_t heartbeat_thread Thread identifier for the thread send heart-beat an parameters. • int image_format The image format following the Mavlink enum in the common messages. (see Mavlink header library). • int image_size Length of the image after compression in Bytes. • image_transport::Subscriber image_sub The node handle for the ROS image transport. • pthread_attr_t mavlink_receive_attr Thread attributes for the thread receiving Mavlink messages. • pthread_t mavlink_receive_thread Thread identifier for the thread receiving Mavlink messages. • std::vector< int > params_jpg Parameters for JPEG compression. • std::vector< int > params_png Parameters for PNG compression. • mavlink_pm_storage pm Storages the parameters of the Converter ( p. 60) and the rosparam server. • ros::NodeHandle prn The ROS subscriber for communicate outside the node where the instance of this class is initialised. • image_transport::Publisher pub The publisher for the images received over Mavlink. • ros::Publisher pub_connection_state The ROS publisher for the ConnectionState-messages. • int quality Indicates the quality the saved image should have. If the format is JPEG the range is form 0 to 100. For PNG the compression level goes from 0 (No compression) to 9 (Maximal Compression). • std::string subscribe_topic_name Name of the image topic the instance of the Class is subscribed to. • std::string topic_name Appendix C. Code 64 Name of the ROS image topic this Class publishes with the received Mavlink images. • Mavlink_UDP_link & udp_link UDP Link with all send and write functions. C.4.1 Detailed Description Definition at line 31 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation C.4.2.1 Converter::Converter (ros::NodeHandle & nh, Mavlink_UDP_link & link, std::string subscribe_topic_name, std::string topic, int quality = 80) Initialise all the members of the converter instance concerning ROS and the Mavlink Parameter server. The connection will be initialised in the init method. Parameters nh The nodehandle in which the Converter (p. 60) is used link The UDP Link instance over whose the communication is done. subscribe_topic_name The name of the image topic to subscribe topic The name of the published images quality The quality of the images to transmit. Check if udp_link is initialised and do it if not Set the Mavlink identidy of the System and his state Send one Heartbeat to enable the ground station to communicate with this node Set image settings Define image compression parameters Start thread that receive mavlink messages Start heartbeat thread Init parameter server Todo Get parameters from rosparam server Definition at line 952 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.2.2 Converter::∼Converter () Definition at line 1017 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. 65 C.4. Converter Class Reference C.4.3 Member Function Documentation C.4.3.1 void Converter::callback (const sensor_msgs::CompressedImageConstPtr & image) Callback done for any compressed ROS image received. Parameters image The received compressed ROS image Warning Never used on real system and therefore no guarantee that the method is working. Definition at line 837 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.2 void Converter::callback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr & image) Callback done for any ROS image received. Parameters image The received uncompressed ROS image Share the image with cv_bridge Convert the image from ROS to Mavlink Measure UDP connection and publish the result in a ROS message Definition at line 814 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.3 bool Converter::from_mavlink_to_ros (mavlink_data_transmission_handshake_t handshake, std::vector< mavlink_encapsulated_data_t > encapsulated_data) [private] Receive Mavlink images and convert them to ROS images. Todo Implement the decompression of the received images Warning Never used on real system and therefore no guarantee that the method is working. Check in how many messages the image has be sent assembly image data Decompress Fill in ROS image and publish it Definition at line 150 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. Appendix C. Code C.4.3.4 66 bool Converter::from_ros_to_mavlink (const sensor_msgs::CompressedImageConstPtr & image) [private] Send compressed ROS images over Mavlink If the images are always compressed for the ROS transmission this function would avoid to uncompress the image with image transport just to compress it again to sent it over Mavlink. Todo Implement read out of the image high and width out of the image header. Definition at line 133 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.5 bool Converter::from_ros_to_mavlink (cv::Mat & cvImage) [private] Convert an Image in mavlink images and send it over UDP to QGroundControl. Parameters cvImage The image that should be send over MAVLINK The image conversion from ROS to Mavlink undergoes the following steps: 1. Do JEPG compression 2. Check in how many messages the image has to be sent 3. Send a handshake to QGroundControl to tell image properties. 4. Send the image packed in 253 bytes messages. Alternatively the same thing can be done with PNG compression instead of JPEG. But while this format is less compressible, only smaller images could be sent. The reason is that the image could maximum be split in 255 messages. Definition at line 20 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.6 void Converter::handle_mavlink_message (mavlink_message_t & received_msg) Decode the received mavlink message. Parameters received_msg mavlink_message_t The encoded mavlink message that should be decoded. Note this function could easily expand to any over mavlink message. Definition at line 855 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. 67 C.4. Converter Class Reference C.4.3.7 void ∗ Converter::heartbeat_loop (void ∗ ptr) [static, private] Loop running in own thread and emit an heart-beat-message needed for Mavlink communication Further the node also transmits a parameter from the server in every loop. Parameters ptr Pointer casted to Converter (p. 60) Class type to allow access of non static member functions of this Class from inside of a thread. Definition at line 204 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.8 void Converter::mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string (const char ∗ string) Packs a string in a mavlink message and send it. Note This Function is copied from Mavlink/Missionlib. For source code see For more information, please visit: (c) 2009-2012 Lorenz Meier <> Definition at line 587 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.9 void Converter::mavlink_missionlib_send_message (mavlink_message_t ∗ msg) Send any mavlink message. Note This Function is copied from Mavlink/Missionlib. For source code see For more information, please visit: (c) 2009-2012 Lorenz Meier <> Definition at line 565 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.10 float Converter::mavlink_pm_get_param (std::string key) Get a parameter specified by its name. Appendix C. Code 68 Parameters key String containing the name of the requested parameter. Returns he value of the parameter or -1 if an invalid position is specified Definition at line 769 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.11 float Converter::mavlink_pm_get_param (int pos) Get a paramter specified by position. Parameters pos Postion of the requested parameter in the array. Returns The value of the parameter or -1 if an invalid position is specified Definition at line 757 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.12 void Converter::mavlink_pm_message_handler (const mavlink_message_t ∗ msg) Handle the Mavlink messages relative to the parameter server. Note This Function is copied from Mavlink/Missionlib. For source code see For more information, please visit: (c) 2009-2012 Lorenz Meier <> Definition at line 620 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.13 void Converter::mavlink_pm_queued_send (void) Send low-priority messages at a maximum rate of xx Hertz. This function sends messages at a lower rate to not exceed the wireless bandwidth. It sends one message each time it is called until the buffer is empty. Call this function with xx Hertz to increase/decrease the bandwidth. Note This Function is copied from Mavlink/Missionlib. For source code see 69 C.4. Converter Class Reference For more information, please visit: (c) 2009-2012 Lorenz Meier <> Definition at line 723 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.14 void Converter::mavlink_pm_reset_params () reset all parameters to default Warning DO NOT USE THIS IN FLIGHT! Note This Function is copied from Mavlink/Missionlib. For source code see For more information, please visit: (c) 2009-2012 Lorenz Meier <> Definition at line 255 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.15 void Converter::mavlink_pm_set_param (int pos, float value) Set a parameter specified by its position. Parameters pos Position of the requested parameter in the array. value New value of the parameter Definition at line 800 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.16 void Converter::mavlink_pm_set_param (std::string key, float value) Set a parameter specified by its name. Parameters key String containing the name of the requested parameter. value New value of the parameter Definition at line 784 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. Appendix C. Code C.4.3.17 70 void Converter::measure_udp_connection () [private] Measure the send queue length of the UDP port The measured send queue length is used by the Camera Class of the Video package to adapt dynamically the amount of images that were transmitted. Definition at line 184 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.3.18 void ∗ Converter::receive_mavlink (void ∗ ptr) [static, private] running loop to receive MAVLINK Message Parameters ptr Pointer casted to Converter (p. 60) Class type to allow access of non static member functions of this Class from inside of a thread. Definition at line 222 of file converter_mavlink_ros.cpp. C.4.4 Member Data Documentation C.4.4.1 pthread_attr_t Converter::bandwidth_measure_attr [private] Thread attributes for the thread measuring the connection state. Definition at line 43 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.2 pthread_t Converter::bandwidth_measure_thread [private] Thread identifier for the thread measuring the connection state. Definition at line 42 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.3 mavlink_channel_t Converter::chan [private] Mavlink channel used for communication. For the project SKYE MAVLINK_COMM_3 was the UPD channel and MAVLINK_COMM_0 the serial. Definition at line 46 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.4 int Converter::counter [private] Counter of the threated images by the Converter (p. 60). Definition at line 49 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.5 int Converter::error_counter [private] Error counter of the Converter (p. 60). Definition at line 50 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. 71 C.4.4.6 C.4. Converter Class Reference pthread_attr_t Converter::heartbeat_attr [private] Thread attributes for the thread send heart-beat an parameters. Definition at line 41 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.7 pthread_t Converter::heartbeat_thread [private] Thread identifier for the thread send heart-beat an parameters. Definition at line 40 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.8 int Converter::image_format [private] The image format following the Mavlink enum in the common messages. (see Mavlink header library). Definition at line 53 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.9 int Converter::image_size [private] Length of the image after compression in Bytes. Definition at line 55 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.10 image_transport::Subscriber Converter::image_sub [private] The node handle for the ROS image transport. Definition at line 30 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.11 image_transport::ImageTransport Converter::it Definition at line 69 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.12 pthread_attr_t Converter::mavlink_receive_attr [private] Thread attributes for the thread receiving Mavlink messages. Definition at line 39 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.13 pthread_t Converter::mavlink_receive_thread [private] Thread identifier for the thread receiving Mavlink messages. Definition at line 38 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.14 std::vector<int> Converter::params_jpg [private] Parameters for JPEG compression. Definition at line 56 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. Appendix C. Code C.4.4.15 72 std::vector<int> Converter::params_png [private] Parameters for PNG compression. Definition at line 57 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.16 mavlink_pm_storage Converter::pm [private] Storages the parameters of the Converter (p. 60) and the rosparam server. Definition at line 36 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.17 ros::NodeHandle Converter::prn [private] The ROS subscriber for communicate outside the node where the instance of this class is initialised. Definition at line 26 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.18 image_transport::Publisher Converter::pub [private] The publisher for the images received over Mavlink. Definition at line 27 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.19 ros::Publisher Converter::pub_connection_state [private] The ROS publisher for the ConnectionState-messages. Definition at line 31 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.20 int Converter::quality [private] Indicates the quality the saved image should have. If the format is JPEG the range is form 0 to 100. For PNG the compression level goes from 0 (No compression) to 9 (Maximal Compression). Definition at line 54 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.21 std::string Converter::subscribe_topic_name [private] Name of the image topic the instance of the Class is subscribed to. Definition at line 32 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. C.4.4.22 std::string Converter::topic_name [private] Name of the ROS image topic this Class publishes with the received Mavlink images. Definition at line 33 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. 73 C.4. Converter Class Reference C.4.4.23 Mavlink_UDP_link& Converter::udp_link [private] UDP Link with all send and write functions. Definition at line 47 of file converter_mavlink_ros.h. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: • /home/matthias/mav/mavlink-ros-pkg/udp_mavlink_ros/include/udp_mavlink_ros/converter_mavlink_ros.h • /home/matthias/mav/mavlink-ros-pkg/udp_mavlink_ros/src/converter_mavlink_ros.cpp Appendix C. Code 74 75 Appendix D Measurements Ground station Airship RF Modul 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 3'600 3'600 3'600 3'600 3'600 3'600 100 1'000 500 500 250 100 0.0 3'600 250 900'000 1 2 360'000 900'000 3 1'800'000 1 360'000 3 3'600'000 2 1'800'000 2 3 3'600'000 2 1'800'000 3 1'800'000 Sent [Bytes] 141432 169138 163738 147014 139166 151416 165874 113536 107764 167737 2'000.0 3'000.0 4'000.0 Sent Bytes per second 1'000.0 Xbee Stress Test A to B B to A 1'250.0 1'250.0 1'666.7 1'000.0 3'333.3 2'500.0 1'250.0 3'333.3 2'500.0 1'666.7 Page 1 392.9 234.9 151.6 408.4 128.9 210.3 230.4 105.1 149.7 155.3 6 12 18 6 18 12 12 18 12 18 Received Send [Bytes Received Duratio [Bytes] / s] [Bytes / s] n [ min] Xbee 868 MHz Stress Test 3'600 3'600 3'600 Repetit Delay ions [x0.1 s] 1'000 500 500 Size of Messge [Bytes] Xbee 868 MHz Stress Test Received Bytes [%] Observation Note The test was made indoor with a line-of-sight of 15 Meters 3.15 5.99 9.32 Stopped to receive after 1600 messages Stopped to receive after 2000 messages and 18.43 receiving again later 40.84 Stopped after maximum 1.5 houur 3.87 8.41 Stopped to receive after ~2000 messages Stopped to receive after 1008 messages and 9.10 receiving again later Stopped to receive after 2000 messages and 18.79 receiving again later 31.43 Stopped after maximum 1.5 houur Transmitted [%] 76 APPENDIX D. MEASUREMENTS 77 D.2 D.2. Xbee 2.4GHz Rangetest Xbee 2.4GHz Rangetest tables with measurements . . . 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 45 - 50 23 20 15 10 5 23 20 15 10 8 6 5 4 23 20 15 10 5 5 4 3 2 1 23 15 10 2 1 1 0 0 Image Distance Publication [m] [hz] 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 Image Height [Pixel] 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 Image Width [Pixel] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24'365 21'658 16'243 10'829 5'414 24'365 21'658 16'243 10'829 8'663 6'497 5'414 4'332 24'365 21'658 16'243 10'829 5'414 5'414 4'332 3'249 2'166 1'083 24'365 16'243 10'829 2'166 1'083 541 406 271 Theoretic Color Bandwith Channels [KB /s] 7.54 7.27 6.57 6.68 5.04 4.61 5.14 5.21 5.24 5.26 5.89 5.05 4.04 1.95 1.99 1.52 1.25 1.19 2.21 1.94 1.92 2.03 1.03 0.39 0.43 0.39 0.40 0.42 0.45 0.39 0.27 Page 1 8'162 7'875 7'119 7'238 5'463 4'996 5'568 5'643 5'670 5'695 6'381 5'463 4'375 2'114 2'157 1'647 1'350 1'291 2'391 2'103 2'084 2'194 1'116 426 461 424 437 456 492 418 290 7'786 7'514 6'793 6'905 5'212 4'766 5'313 5'384 5'393 5'434 6'089 5'211 4'175 2'018 2'057 1'572 1'288 1'231 2'273 2'007 1'988 2'094 1'064 406 439 404 416 434 470 400 276 Observed Observed Observed Bandwith Bandwidth Rate [hz] [KB/s] 2 [KB/s] Available Bandwidth in Function of Distance WiFi Range Test We are sending below the bandwidth limit Limit of Connection We are sending below the bandwidth limit Network seems allways to switch between 130 and 620 KB/s Network seems allways to switch between 130 and 620 KB/s Network seems allways to switch between 130 and 620 KB/s Network seems allways to switch between 130 and 620 KB/s Network seems allways to switch between 130 and 620 KB/s Network seems allways to switch between 330 and 580 KB/s We are sending below the bandwidth limit We are sending below the bandwidth limit Observation 78 APPENDIX D. MEASUREMENTS Transmitted Byte Stream [KB/s] 0 5'000 10'000 15'000 20'000 25'000 0 5'000 10'000 20'000 Page 2 Emited Byte Stream [KB/s] 15'000 Bandwidth Limits for Different Distances WiFi Range Test 25'000 Published Images 15 Meter 8 Meter 4.2 Meter 41.5 Meter D.3. AVAILABLE WI-FI BANDWIDTH IN FUNCTION OF DISTANCE 79 41.5 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 15 4.2 8 0 Distance [m] Bandwidth [KB/s] 5 10 7598.789304 5630.825797 1925.812815 444.8124594 Mean Bandwidth [KB/s] Bandwidth : Bandwidth 2: 15 25 Page 3 Distance [m] 20 30 35 40 45 Measure 2 Measure 1 Calculated with the image size times observed rate. Calculated by data size recorded on disk. Bandwidth Available in Function of Distance 7249.326347 5369.950455 1836.436232 424.1360993 Mean Bandwidth 2 [KB/s] WiFi Range Test 80 APPENDIX D. MEASUREMENTS 14370900 14381500 14353400 14084300 14161100 14104500 14143800 14211000 14233900 14254800 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 14373602 14385305 14360507 14093200 14170000 14113701 14151101 14215800 14242800 14263901 Stop 27.02 38.05 31.07 49 49 52.01 33.01 58 49 51.01 505 821 714 102 59 85 80 61 79 123 raw8 raw8 raw8 raw8 raw8 raw8 raw8 raw8 raw8 raw8 jpeg png tiff jpeg jpeg png tiff jpeg png tiff - - - 100 0 85 100 0 85 0 204'673 264'178 270'210 941'078 3'344'915 3'131'647 3'961'750 3'294'754 3'145'063 3'903'089 Number Camera Save Compress of Size[Bytes] Format Format ion images 752 752 752 2448 2448 2448 2448 2448 2448 2448 480 480 480 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 360960 360960 360960 5018400 5018400 5018400 5018400 5018400 5018400 5018400 18.69 21.58 22.98 2.08 1.20 1.63 2.42 1.05 1.61 2.41 Save Width High Size [Pixel] Rate [Pixel] [Pixel] [Hz] The prosilica camera was streaming at maximal rate and the imagehandler did not processed the images to send them. Condition 3 The prosilica camera was streaming at maximal rate and the imagehandler processed the images to send them. Condition 2 The bluefox camera was publishing at maximal rate. This was about 46 hz and the imagehandler processed the images to send them. Condition 1 Start Date Duration [s] Achieved Image Saving with Image Handler for 3 Formats Condition 1 Condition 1 Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 2 Condition 2 Condition 2 Condition 3 Condition 3 Condition 3 Condition: D.4. ACHIEVED IMAGE SAVING FOR 3 FORMATS 81 363 169.03 123 114.58 210.04 215.49 9.81 19.46 19.54 13.92 17.07 16.64 3561 3289 2403 1595 3586 3586 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 0 40 Images Sent per Second 20 Rosbag Image Handler Image Losses 60 Observation: @30 Hz and @50 Hz MEMORY was used to 100% 100.00 Rosbag 10 18404400 18464710 30 19060300 19085200 50 19145200 19170500 20 30 50 3586 3586 3586 1595 3586 3586 Page 1 Save Rate [Hz] Image Handler 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0 - 0 0 0 Compression 393'148 395'257 412'651 1'003'135 1'003'904 1'003'904 Images Size [Bytes] 20 752 752 752 752 752 752 Image Width [Pixel] 40 480 480 480 480 480 480 Image High [Pixel] 60 Image Handler Rosbag Image Save Rate png png png sensor_msgs sensor_msgs sensor_msgs Format Images Sent per Second 99.30 91.72 67.01 100.00 100.00 100.00 Images Duration Saverate Saved Sent Received Sent per Start Time Stop Time [s] [Hz] Images Images Percent Second Rosbag versus Image Handler Saved Images [%] Image Handler versus Rosbag 82 APPENDIX D. MEASUREMENTS 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Distance [m] Send percentage 0 0 1.34E+09 1.34E+09 20 Distance [m] 60 80 1.34E+09 1.34E+09 Time Stamp 1.34E+09 Postion in Funciton of Time 40 1.34E+09 1.34E+09 100 120 1.34E+09 Decreasing Distance Increasing Distance Send Percentage in Function of Distance with Working Bandwidth Adaptation Demonstration Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation: Plots D.6. BANDWIDTH ADAPTATION DEMONSTRATION PLOTS 83 Note Bandwidth [Bytes/s] 0 20 60 Distance [m] 40 If you want the data that was used to plot, please take contact. 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 80 100 Decreasing Distance Increasing Distance Estimated Bandwidth in Function of Distance with Working Bandwidth Adapation 84 APPENDIX D. MEASUREMENTS 85 Appendix E Datasheets 86 APPENDIX E. DATASHEETS XBee-PRO® 868 Long-Range Embedded RF Modules for OEMs XBee-PRO 868 modules deliver wireless connectivity with exceptional RF range performance for European applications. Overview XBee-PRO 868 embedded RF modules provide extended-range wireless connectivity to end-point devices. These modules use a proprietary 868 MHz point-to-multipoint protocol for European applications. Capable of 500 mW of EIRP transmit power and -112 dBm receive sensitivity, the XBee-PRO 868 is the most powerful XBee product ever offered. Supporting RF line-of-sight distances up to 40 km, these modules are ideal for challenging environments where RF penetration and transmission distance are critical to the application. Application Highlight As a part of Digi’s XBee® family of RF products, these modules are easy to use, share a common hardware footprint, and are fully interoperable with other XBee products utilizing XBee-PRO 868 technology. They are available in a variety of different protocols to suit different applications, enabling users to substitute one XBee module for another with minimal development time and risk. Digi’s unsurpassed offering of Drop-in Networking products provides users with seamless communication between devices. XBee adapters provide wireless connectivity to electronic devices in wired networks. ConnectPort™ X gateways enable users to access and configure remote devices in a network. Features/Benefits • 868 MHz short-range device G3 band for Europe • No configuration needed for out-of-the-box RF communications • Common XBee footprint for a variety of RF modules • Simple-to-use peer-to-peer or point-to-multipoint topology Related Products • Software selectable transmit power • Outdoor RF line-of-sight range up to 40 km • Multiple antenna options Gateways Development Kits Adapters E.1. XBEE PRO 868 MHZ 87 Platform XBee-PRO® 868 Performance RF Data Rate 24 Kbps (limited to 10% duty cycle) Indoor/Urban Range Up to 1800 ft (550 m) Up to 25 miles (40 km) with dipole antenna (Italy only) up to 10 miles (16 km) with dipole antenna (13.7 dBm) Outdoor/RF Line-of-Sight Range Transmit Power 1 mW (0 dBm) to 315 mW (+25 dBm) Receiver Sensitivity (1% PER) -112 dBm or 500 mW EIRP Features Serial Data Interface 3.3V CMOS Serial UART Configuration Method API and AT commands Frequency Band 868 MHz ISM Interference Immunity Multiple transmissions, acknowledgements Serial Data Rate 1.2 Kbps to 230.4 Kbps (non-standard rates available) ADC Inputs 6 (10-bit) Digital I/O 13 Antenna Options Wired Whip, U.FL connector, RPSMA connector Networking & Security Encryption 128-bit AES Reliable Packet Delivery Retries/Acknowledgments Addressing Options Network ID, 64-bit address Channels Single channel Power Requirements Supply Voltage 3.0 – 3.6VDC Transmit Current 500 mA typical at 3.3V (800 mA max) Receive Current 65 mA typical Power-Down Current 55 uA typical @3.3V Regulatory Approvals FCC (USA) No IC (Canada) No ETSI (Europe) Yes (Italy 25 mW max) C-TICK (Australia) No Telec (Japan) No Point-to-Multipoint / Star Peer-to-peer (top view) (side views) PIN 20 PIN 1 1.297” (32.94mm) PIN 10 shield-to-PCB 0.080” ±0.020 (2.03mm ±0.51) 0.020” (0.51mm) 0.031” 0.110” (0.79mm) (2.79mm) 0.050” (1.27mm) PIN 11 0.866” (22.00mm) 0.960” 0.160” (4.06mm) 0.079” (2.00mm) Visit for part numbers. DIGI SERVICE AND SUPPORT - You can purchase with confidence knowing that Digi is here to support you with expert technical support and a strong five-year warranty. Digi International 877-912-3444 952-912-3444 Digi International France Digi International KK Digi International (HK) Limited +33-1-55-61-98-98 +81-3-5428-0261 +852-2833-1008 © 2008-2011 Digi International Inc. All rights reserved. Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, the Making Wireless M2M Easy logo, ConnectPort, XBee and XBee-PRO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digi International Inc. in the United States and other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information provided is subject to change without notice. 91001490 B2/311 BUY ONLINE • 88 APPENDIX E. DATASHEETS 2.4 GHz Wireless Module LT2510 Innovative Technology for a Connected World THE FASTEST WAY TO WIRELESS Laird Technologies’ fifth generation 2.4GHz FHSS module sets the standard for industrial RF communication. Based on proprietary FlexRF™ technology, this globally-accepted module will exceed most OEM application and performance requirements. Embedded with Laird Technologies’ robust server-client protocol, the LT2510 permits an unlimited number of clients to synchronize to a single server for low latency communications. The server and all clients in a network can communicate with any radio in range via either addressed or broadcast packets. The configuration and test software allows OEMs to design and test networks to suit their applications. Enhanced API commands provide packet routing control and network intelligence. With its field-proven FHSS air interface protocol, the LT2510 rejects RF noise, excels in multipath scenarios, allows for co-located systems, and provides an extremely reliable communication link. It also provides a more robust, but simpler, link than ZigBee for RF applications that do not require a mesh topology. With a throughput of up to 280 Kb/s, LT2510 delivers speedy data rates. In addition, variable output power options (up to +21 dBm) enable communication over distances that aren’t achievable with competing technologies. At the same time, a range of ultra-low power modes plus low Tx/Rx power consumption make the LT2510 ideal for power-restrictive or battery-operated applications. The mini SMT package is well-suited for space-constrained designs and is available in pick-and-place packaging for volume manufacturing. A pluggable version with two single row headers is also available for ease of integration. global solutions: local support USA: +1.800.492.2320 Europe: +44.1628.858.940 Asia: +852.2268.6567 TM FEATURES MARKETS • Very robust in the presence of interference • High throughput • Ultra-low power consumption • Long range capability • Miniature SMT form factor • Global acceptance • Integrated battery monitor, temperature sensor, GPIOs and ADC • Simple integration • Commercial buildings • Field surveillance • Utility management • Recreation • Fleet telemetry E.3. PROSILICA 89 Description 5 Megapixel single-board CCD camera with GigE Vision The 5 Megapixel GB2450 is a very high-resolution CCD single-board camera with Gigabit Ethernet output (GigE Vision®). The GB2450 incorporates the high-quality Sony ICX625 CCD image sensor that provides superior image quality, excellent sensitivity, and low noise. ● ● ● ● Sony ICX625 Progressive Scan CCD 15 fps at full resolution at 2448x2050 Available with optional vertical connector orientation Models: GB2450, 2448x2050, 15 fps, CCD, Mono GB2450C, 2448x2050, 15 fps, CCD, Color GB2450-V, 2448x2050, 15 fps, CCD, Mono, Vertical GB2450C-V, 2448x2050, 15 fps, CCD, Color, Vertical Explanation of model suffixes (-P, -V, -PV, portrait, vertical) ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 1 90 APPENDIX E. DATASHEETS Specifications Prosilica GB Interface 2450 IEEE 802.3 1000baseT Resolution 2448 x 2050 Sensor Sony ICX625 Type CCD Progressive Sensor Size Type 2/3 Cell size 3.45 µm Lens mount C/CS Max frame rate at full resolution 15 fps A/D 14 bit On-board FIFO 16 MB Output Bit depth Mono modes 8/12 bit Mono8, Mono12Packed, Mono16 Color modes YUV YUV411, YUV422, YUV444 Color modes RGB RGB24, BGR24, RGBA24, BGRA24 Raw modes Bayer8, Bayer12Packed, Bayer16 General purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) TTL I/Os 1 input, 1 output Opto-coupled I/Os 1 input, 1 output RS-232 1 Power/Mass/Dimensions/Regulations Power requirements (DC) 5V - 25V Power consumption (12 V) 3.8 V Mass 54 g Body Dimensions (L x W x H in mm) Regulations 51 x 89 (board-size W x L) RoHS, Class A Download Prosilica GB2450 technical drawing (click here) 2 MVProspekt_BlueFOX-MLC_RZ02.qxd 26.05.2010 11:21 Uhr Seite 1 mvBlueFOX-MLC E.4. MV BLUE FOX 91 Tiny single-board USB 2.0 camera series One board – multiple impressions ■ compact industrial camera series with USB 2.0 ■ high quality gray scale and color CMOS sensors ■ 8 Mbyte onboard memory ■ 10 bit ADC ■ hardware LUT 10 bits to 8 bits ■ 55 dB dynamic range / ≤ 110 dB high dynamic range (HDR) mvBlueFOX-MLC The mvBlueFOX-MLC module is a fully featured compact single-board camera perfectly targeted for space and cost sensitive OEM applications. more and up-to-date infos see ▼ A superior image quality in combination with a very high frame rate make the camera ideally suited for embedded applications. ◗ USB 2.0 interface (up to 480 Mbit/s) ◗ CMOS with full frame shutter ◗ pipelined global shutter ◗ very high frame frequency of 90 fps ◗ 8 Mbyte onboard memory for secure image transmission ◗ hardware LUT 10 bits to 8 bits ◗ Micro-PLC for real-time sequencing (HRTC) ◗ digital I/O: 1/1 opto-isolated or 2/2 TTL compliant digital ◗ connectors: Mini-B USB or USB header USB Header digital I/O Software ◗ Linux® and Windows® drivers, 32bit/64bit (mvIMPACT Acquire) ◗ DirectShow® driver ◗ comes with mvIMPACT Base ◗ mvIMPACT and other third-party software supported Recognize A n a ly z e The driver in combination with the FPGA represent a perfect team which reduces the PC load to a minimum. Hardware Available sensors ◗ asynchronous external trigger ◗ S-mount or optional C(S)-mount ◗ ADC resolution: 10 bits ◗ AOI with horizontal and vertical step width of 2 pixels ◗ automatic gain control (AGC) ◗ automatic exposure control (AEC) ◗ high dynamic range mode (110 dB) ◗ bus powered < 2.5 W ◗ size without lens (w x h x l): 35 x 33 x 25 mm ◗ weight without lens: approx. 10 g ◗ permissible ambient temperature 5..55 °C Application areas ◗ machine vision ◗ surveillance ◗ security ◗ life science ◗ medical application Decide MVProspekt_BlueFOX-MLC_RZ02.qxd 26.05.2010 11:21 Uhr Seite 2 mvBlueFOX-MLC 92 APPENDIX E. DATASHEETS Available sensors Model name (CMOS) Model variant mvBlueFOX -MLC200w G C Gray Color 752 x 480 90 Hz full frame 1/3 " 6x6 6 µs - 4 s1) yes USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 Aptina MT9V034 1) depending on pixel clock ◗ resolution of active area ◗ maximum frame rate ◗ transfer type ◗ sensor category ◗ pixel size in [µm] (width x height) ◗ integrations time ◗ overlap capabilities ◗ USB type ◗ sensor manufacturer ◗ sensor name Other sensors to be added on demand Spectral characteristics of sensor (from sensor data sheet w/o filter) Dimensional drawing front view side view back view without S-mount Assembly variants ◗ Mini-B USB connector and digital I/O on pin header 1/1 opto-isolated or 2/2 digital I/O ◗ USB via header without Mini-B USB connector ◗ female board connector instead of pin header ◗ 3 different S-mount depths ◗ C(S)-mount compatibility using mvBlueCOUGAR-X flange Accessories ◗ USB 2.0 cable, USB2-A to USB2-Mini B, length up to 8m ◗ lenses on demand Different connection variants possible. Legal notice: The contents of this brochure are intended to provide information only and to show possible examples. We reserve the right to change technical data and construction at any time without prior notice. The technical specifications of customer systems and of our current products have to be clarified when ordering. Date 05/2010 Recognize A n a ly z e Decide MATRIX VISION GmbH · Talstrasse 16 · DE-71570 Oppenweiler · Phone: +49-71 91- 94 32- 0 · Fax: +49-71 91- 94 32- 288 · 93 Bibliography Bibliography [1] Laube Simon, Gasser Lukas. Design of the electronic systems for an unmanned blimp (draft). Student project work ETH Zürich, Spring Semester 2012. [2] Ledergerber Anton, Krebs Matthias. Human-machine interfaces for operating a blimp (draft). Bachelor’s thesis ETH Zürich, Spring Semester 2012. [3] Meier Daniel, Mueri Luca. Agile blimp controller design (draft). Bachelor’s thesis ETH Zürich, Spring Semester 2012. [4] Team Skye. Final report project skye. Student project final report ETH Zürich, Spring Semester 2012. [5] UVEK. Verordnung des UVEK über Luftfahrzeuge besonderer Kategorien. Das Eidgenössische Departement für Umwelt Verkehr Energie und Kommunikation, 2011. [6] W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. 2nd edition, 2005.