THE VETTE SETTE - Classic Glass Corvette Club
THE VETTE SETTE - Classic Glass Corvette Club
Volume XVIII Issue 4 April , 2008 THE VETTE SETTE A Monthly Publication For The Members of The Classic Glass Corvette Club Volume XVIII April, 2008 I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. We are now into spring and you know what that means…yes it is supposed to rain. Well I know those days that we have had between the rain drops the roof was off of my Vette and down the road I went. I hope everyone has had the time to enjoy the same. Looking at our event calendar there is enough offered for all and starting here in March the club will get into full swing. We have had our first planning meeting for Super Vette Saturday and this included planning also for Bogeys. Our second cruise of the year is coming up to Warner Robins Air Force Museum with 46 people signed up. This looks like another great year for putting the rubber to the road, tops down and hands out the window as we all wave to those that are lucky enough to be driving the finest sports car ever made. During the past year as I was attending the meetings and events as a general member, I thought I was seeing everyone having a good time enjoying the company of others in the club and supporting the cause we are in this club for, the preservation of the Corvette history. Now that I have the pleasure of being on the elected board I am seeing things a little differently. So far there have been heated discussions during our board meetings and general members voice their complaints without coming up with a fix. During these fast moving 3 months I have come to notice that it is very hard to get people to accept nominations to our elected offices but it is not hard to voice their dissatisfaction of the way things are being handled by those that are elected. If you are one of those that have concerns I hope to see your name announced during next years nominations. To have this club in its silver anniversary year proves that the dedication through the years of all the members have given us all something to be proud of. With the President and Vice President of the club only having 16 months each in the club, this club needs to get more new people involved in the leadership and give those always involved a well deserved rest. We need to have our founding members and previously elected officers available for guidance but have a fresh turn over in the elections each year. To make it clear, I understand that you can’t make everyone happy all the time but for those of you that are not happy with the way things are going come up with a fix instead of a complaint. I look forward to seeing you all at the up coming meetings and events, there are enough scheduled over the year to satisfy all. Don (What year Vette is pictured above? Answer somewhere in the newsletter) Officers: President: Don Jones - 770-578-9786 VP at Large: Darrell Gunter – 678-283-2370 VP Activities: vacant VP Membership: Larry Yon – 678-283-9949 Director: Carl Etter – 770-427-3572 Director: Jack Kreger – 678-938-9262 Director: Barry Tomlinson – 770-753-0307 Director: Joe Owens – 678-427-8767 Secretary: Sherry Yon – 770-974-2763 Treasurer: Terri Martel – 770-421-0351 NCM Amb.: Fred & Glenda Hale 770-422-6206 Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 1 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 Webmaster: Chaz Cone – 770-394-2663 Newsletter Ed.: Bill Majoros – 678-521-7402 Club Store: Nancy Alexander & Toni Etter Monthly Meeting Minutes March 11, 2008 7:30 P.M. Don Jones, President Don called the meeting to order, welcomed members and guests. He advised members and guests that in Darryl’s absence tonight Joe Owens would be giving away the monies from the 50/50 raffle ticket sales. Classic Glass has received several thank you notes; one from Toys for Tots for the generous donation that Classic Glass made in two thousand seven, and two from Wendell Strode the Executive Director with the NCM for two separate donations that the club has made. Don thanked the members for their generous donations in the Heart to Heart Bottoms Down Campaign. Classic Glass members donated several large boxes of underwear to the Foster Care Foundation at the February meeting. 7:35 P.M. Guest Reese Cox – MTI Racing Reece reminded members and guests that the first race of the year has been scheduled for the weekend of March 14th – 16th at Road Atlanta. Four hundred teams will be participating including a number of corvettes. He encouraged everyone to attend the cost is only ten dollars for the day at this premier US facility. Reese reminded members that in addition to high end racing products that MTI also provides basic services such as oil and filter changes, brake service, air conditioning service, etc. He introduced Stephen Johnstone whom has recently joined MTI working in the front office. Reese provided details on several items that MTI has developed not only for the high-end market but also the streetcar market. He hopes to schedule a Dyno Testing for Classic Glass members later this year as well. He encouraged everyone to visit MTI’s website; anyone with questions or that requires additional information see him after the meeting. 7:46 P.M. – Don Jones Don thanked Reese stating that a few members attended the Dyno Testing last year. He reminded the group that Harriette Majoros has resigned her office as Vice President of Activities. Later in the meeting members will be requested to nominate at least two members to fill the vacated office; then during the April meeting members will be requested to elect one of the nominees. 7: 49 P.M. Sherry Yon, Secretary Sherry requested a motion to accept the minutes from the February meeting as published in the newsletter. A motion was made, seconded and accepted by the club. 7:50 P.M. Terri Martell, Treasurer Terri provided the following summary of the Treasurer’s report and asked for a motion to accept the report as given. A motion was made, seconded and accepted by the club. Below is the financial summary report: February 2008 Summary Beginning Balance: $ 5,093.42 Receipts 625.00 Disbursements: ( 809.24) Ending Balance: $ 4,909.18* * Includes $2,000.00 Rainy-Day Fund 7:51 P.M. Larry Yon, Vice President of Membership Classic Glass currently has one hundred ninetyfour members including several that joined tonight. Ninety-two members and seven guests are present. Larry thanked the members and guests for attending the meeting. Larry introduced the guests to members requesting they each provide the group with some information about themselves and their cars. Christa Krawczyk was the lucky recipient of the ninety-two dollars tonight. 8:00 P.M. Jennifer Still Jennifer with Day’s Chevrolet reminded the group that Day’s currently has promotional pricing available for Classic Glass members. In addition, Day’s Chevrolet has partnered with Chevy Youth Baseball in an effort to raise funds for local baseball associations. In doing so, Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 2 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 Jennifer and Day’s Chevrolet has learned that Cobb County does not have a baseball facility for Special Needs Children. Therefore, Day’s Chevrolet in an effort to raise money has raffle tickets for sale for a 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe which one hundred percent of the proceeds will be donated to special needs children. After the meeting members can purchase these raffle tickets for five dollars each. All donations will be appreciated. event. Jerry stated he would email participants with the final details later in the week. 8:02 P.M. Fred Hale, NCM Ambassador Fred reminded members of the upcoming C5/C6 Bash April 24th – 27th. A few rooms at the Hampton Inn are still available for this event. Participants will have an opportunity to attend the Official NCM Building ground breaking ceremony, commemorating the muchanticipated NCM expansion. Images of the expansion can be viewed on the NCM’s web site; in addition hexagonal pavers that will line Corvette Boulevard are available for purchase. Jack Kreger reminded members of the upcoming Riverstone Cruise-in. Sunday March 16th will be the pre-season event with the regular season beginning in April. During the regular season participants will meet at the Varsity at Town Center and cruise as a group to Canton. In addition, Jack reminded members of the Year One Experience at Road Atlanta May 16th – May 18th; this is always a fun event. On Friday May 16th participants have the opportunity to drive on the track. The cost is one hundred seventy-five dollars. Only five spots are available; anyone interested please contact Jack. The volunteer work weekend scheduled for May 31st and June 1st will be a fun event; participants will dine on chocolate gravy at the Pig Diner in Pig, Kentucky. Fred reminded members that the expenses incurred during the work weekend are tax deductible because the NCM is a 501C nonprofit organization. He is looking forward to the upcoming events at the museum. 8:05 P.M. Tonie Etter and Nancy Alexander, CGCC Store Tonie invited members and guests to stop by and shop. The store currently has a number of hats, and the popular silkscreen tee shirt. The Garrett Middle School Math Team placed seventh out of nineteen participating teams. Classic Glass is a partner in education with Garrett and also provided monetary support to the math team in two thousand seven. 8:07 P.M. Activities Don reminded members that over the next few weeks there are a number of events scheduled. At the request of Don, Jerry Briant reminded participants of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday March 15th. Twenty-three cars with thirty-two participants have signed up for this Don advised members that he has been contacted regarding club participation in the North Marietta Little League Opening Day Parade, which has been rescheduled for March 15th as well. Anyone interested in participating in this parade should contact Don for further details. Carl Etter reminded the group of the Tybee Island gathering May 3rd; a number of members have expressed an interest in attending this event again this year. Information has been provided to Chaz for posting to the website. Anyone interested in attending this event see Carl. March 29th Cruise and Tour Warner Robbins Air Museum with Harriette Majoros as the event manager. Participants will meet at Sidelines at 9:00 a.m., departing at 9:30 a.m. April 12th Poker Run with John and Keelie Sparks. Keelie reminded members this event is to benefit Autism Speaks, which is the largest research foundation for autism. There is not an entry fee to participate in this event, however donations will be graciously accepted. John requested volunteers, there are five stops along the one hundred mile route; currently three members have volunteered to pass out cards. There will be several prize categories. Anyone interested in volunteering please contact either John or Keelie. April 19th Truett Cathy Farm and Car Museum Tour with Harriette Majoros. Due to the number of members – almost 80- that wish to participant Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 3 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 in this event, Harriette has emailed her contact at Truett Cathy requesting an increase to the reservation. She will email members on the waiting list when she has confirmed whether or not this is possible. Joe Owens reminded members of the upcoming Spring Corvette Expo which has moved to the Sevierville Events Center at Bridgemont. This is an inside event with a lot of cars and an auction. 8:20 P.M. Mail Bag Classic Glass received a thank you card from the Foster Care Foundation; Don thanked members for their support. Don, reminded members that Harriette has resigned as Vice President of Activities. Therefore, a minimum of two nominations to fill the vacated position is required tonight. At the April meeting, members will be requested to vote and elect a nominee for this position. 8:21 P.M. Chaz Cone, Webmaster Chaz stated his objective is to keep the website updated with current events and information. He requested pictures for the members’ garage. 8:25 P.M. Wrap Up / New Business Darryl Gunter, Vice President at Large did not attend this meeting. In Darryl’s absence Joe Owens collected monies for the fifty-fifty drawing.Tonight the fifty-fifty drawing netted two hundred eighty-eight dollars. Ninety-four dollars fills the club’s coffers; with the remaining balance split between James Swope and Cindy Cowart. A few members have purchased new cars. Tom Wright has agreed to organize an overnight trip to cruise the Blue Ridge Parkway the weekend of September 26th – 28th. Participants would meet at the Mall of Georgia travel to Little Switzerland north of Asheville and possibly to Grandfather Mountain. Don advised members that the fliers for Bogeys Car Show are available requesting that members pick these up for distribution as they leave the meeting tonight. He provided an overview of Bogey’s for new members and guests. Bogey’s is a Sports Bar located on Towne Lake Parkway. It is the club’s first car show of the season scheduled for May 10th 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Twenty-four trophies will be awarded: Top Twenty, Managers Choice, Best In Show, Crowd Pleaser and a trophy as a thank you presented to Bogey’s management. The following members were nominated and declined: Greg Brooks and Jerry Briant The following members were nominated and accepted: Cindy Owens and Tom Wright A discussion ensued regarding Cindy’s nomination; Don advised members that the bylaws state a member can hold the same office for two consecutive years. The bylaws do not indicate a specific time lapse for that member to be re-elected for the office. Harriette was elected as VP of Activities for the year two thousand eight, thus breaking the two consecutive years that Cindy held the office. With Harriette’s resignation Cindy is once again eligible for election to this office. Don reminded the group to take care of the wait staff at Sidelines. He thanked members and guests for attending tonight’s meeting and reminded members of the board meeting next Tuesday, March 18th at seven o’clock. Everyone is invited to attend. Meeting adjourned 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted Sherry Yon Secretary The first SuperVette Saturday planning meeting will be Thursday March 20th 7:00 at Sidelines. Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 4 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 Cars for SaleFirst car for sale is: Offered by Marilyn Sabadaszka . Contact her at 770-335-2627 or Below is the list of options on the 2005 C6 Convertible.....It's loaded plus a lot of tweaking by Reese Cox of MTI Racing............... 2005 Corvette Convertible (Mileage: 13,423): Exterior Color: Daytona Sunset Orange Metallic Asking Price: $40,000 Interior Leather - Color: Ebony 1SB Option Package Engine: 6 Liter, LS2, V8 SFI Transmission: 6-speed manual Convertible Top: Color: Black AAB Memory Package Air Bags, Frontal and Side-Impact AQ9 Seats, Front Sport Bucket CJ2 Air Conditioning CM7 Convertible Power Top DD0 Mirrors, O/S LH & RH, Remote GU6 Axle: Limited Slip, 3.42 ratio Seats, Heated Steering Column, Power Wheels, Polished Aluminum XM Satellite Radio Instrumentation, Analog OnStar System Homelink Transmitter Sound System w/Navigation Heads Up Display Z51 Performance Package AfterMarket by MTI Racing: C6 Callaway Honker Air Intake Hurst shifter MTI Long Tube Headers, Hi-Flow Cats, X-Pipe MTI S/S 3" exhaust MTI Plug Wires Lo Temp Thermostat Car Lowered and Aligned Dyno Tuned For those who want to know the anniversary edition has already been sold. We have pictures of this car and will send them to you upon request – ed. Note Next car for sale Contact Cindy or Alan Cowart 770-428-4882 regarding this car which is owned by a friend 1980 Corvette for sale has new rebuilt engine with less than 3,000 miles. For more info contact Stanley Carol #256-8780211 who is the owner. Thanks Cindy Cowart (Ed note: if you want to see pictures of this silver targa top Vette, please contact me.) Racing is back in swing Corvette Racing Scores Sixth Sebring 12-Hour GT1 Victory Corvette Racing scored its sixth GT1 class victory in seven years in America's classic endurance race, the Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring. Johnny O'Connell, Jan Magnussen and Ron Fellows drove their No. 3 Compuware Corvette C6.R to an eight-lap victory over their teammates Oliver Gavin, Olivier Beretta and Max Papis in the No. 4 Compuware Corvette C6.R. For the complete release read more at: The next race is scheduled for April 5, 2008, 1:30 p.m. ET, Acura Sports Car Challenge of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Fla. TV: ABC live telecast, 1:30 p.m. ET VP Membership I would like to thank everyone for their patience with me during my illness in the month of February. I am feeling much better now and intend to pickup where I left off. Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 5 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 I would like to welcome the following new members that have joined our club in February and March: Remember to contact Jennifer Stills at Days Chevrolet for your entire Corvette and Chevy needs. Support Days, they support us. Ronald & Deena Lee Frank & Vivian MacCalusso Robert & Debbie Overstreet Jeff Hamilton Natalie Orff Keith & Charlene Kearns Greg & Kathleen Brown Thank you for joining Classic Glass, I look forward to seeing you at future meetings and events. I also would like to thank the guests that have visited one of our meetings and hope to see you again in the future as new members. See everyone at the April Meeting Sincerely, Larry Yon, VP Membership From the Museum: Historic Motorama II Update Planning for Historic Motorama II is underway and will include stops at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Corvette Central. The event will take place September 10-13, and will feature one Corvette from each model year, 1953-2008, on a three-day journey departing from Bowling Green, KY for the arrival in Detroit, MI in time for the kick-off of GM’s 100th Anniversary festivities. We are still taking applications for Motorama participants and our selection will take place on Thursday, May 1. If selected, the cost to participate is $500 per car (2 people per car) and includes 2 event shirts, a commemorative license plate, car flag and event brick with certificate of participation, along with meals and refreshments from various route sponsors. Participants are responsible for lodging and transportation costs. The selection is open to NCM members only – and any remaining slots will be opened to non-members after May 1. Entries must include name and address along with year, photo and info on the entry car – only original or close to stock entries please. Please email Adam Boca at: to be included in the selection process. Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 6 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 7 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 8 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 11/06 Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 9 Volume XVIII Issue1, 2008 Upcoming Activities: March 29 April 12 Museum of Aviation Don’t Bet Your Vette Poker Run Truett Cathy Farm & Museum C-5/C-6 Bash Panama City Beach Run CGCC Volunteer Weekend April 19 April 24-26 May 15-18 Mary 31 & June 1 Warner Robins, GA All over NE GA, ending in Dawsonville Hampton, GA Bowling Green, KY Dothan AL & PCB, FL Bowling Green, KY National Corvette Museum Activities, Bowling Green, KY C5/6 Bash C4 Gathering Alaskan Cruise (Sold out) CGCC Corvette Club Work Week End High Performance Driving Event at VIR 14th Anniversary Celebration/Hall of Fame Z06 Fest R8C/Xperience Reunion GA Crossroads Vette Rendezvous April 24-26 Mary 22-24 May 30-June 6 May 30-31 June 30- July 1 August 28-30 September 11-13 September 25-27 November 6-8 HOTLINE (770) 662-4320 P.O. Box 4936 Marietta, GA 30061 Web Page: Meeting Location Sidelines Grill 1440 Roswell Road Marietta, GA Approx. 1 Mile East of the Big Chicken 2nd Tuesday of Each Month Meeting Time: 7:30 PM Next Meeting: April 8, 2008 THE VETTE SETTE Classic Glass Corvette Club Page 10
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