2009-2010 - Northern Illinois University


2009-2010 - Northern Illinois University
Volume 2, Number 1
Summer 2010
The Northern Political Scientist
Newsletter of the Department of Political Science at Northern Illinois University
Greetings from the Chair
Table of Contents:
Greetings from the
Faculty Awards &
In the Spotlight
Program News
Graduate Program
Department Commencement and
Awards Ceremony
Faculty News
and Notes
Alumni News
Photo Gallery
Photo Courtesy of Virginia Altmaier
This past year provided opportunities for the Department of Political Science to celebrate its proud past. Within the pages that follow, you will
encounter eight successful, distinguished alumni and three outstanding
retired faculty members who were honored by the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences on the occasion of its golden anniversary. You will also learn
more about one of our former Ph.D. students, L. Tammy Duckworth, a
decorated military officer and top-ranking official in the Obama administration, who was awarded an honorary doctorate at the Graduate School’s
commencement ceremony in May. In addition, you will read about our
excellent office manager, April Davis, who marked her twentieth year of service at NIU. We are
pleased and fortunate that April has spent all those years in the department’s main office. Also,
two longstanding faculty members moved up the administrative ranks. Professor Daniel Kempton,
who served as department chair for seven years, was named director of the University Honors
Program, and our assistant chair, Professor Michael Peddle, was appointed associate dean for academic administration within the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. I am very grateful to Mike for
his time, hard work, and dedication over the last two and a half years.
The 2009-2010 academic year also offered signs that the department’s future remains bright. Professor Brendon Swedlow earned tenure and promotion to associate professor. We welcomed two
promising new colleagues, Professor Scot Schraufnagel and Professor Kheang Un, and hired Professor Aaron Hoffman of Purdue University to fill a key faculty vacancy in international relations.
Professor Hoffman will begin his appointment this August, as will Michael Buehler, whom we hired
in late 2008. Michael, who is an expert in Southeast Asian politics, completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia University this past year. Impressively, four of our assistant professors – Ross
Corbett, Rebecca Hannagan, Andrea Radasanu, and Kheang Un – secured significant external
grants or fellowships; and, as this newsletter was going to press we learned a fifth assistant professor, Kikue Hamayotsu, had done the same. Professor Hamayotsu’s award will be featured in next
year’s newsletter. It is important to note the faculty as a whole enjoyed a strong year in the area
of scholarship.
Engaged learning continues to be a top priority. With the supervision and mentorship of our faculty, many of our graduate students were actively involved with teaching duties and presenting
their original research at professional conferences. It was also a banner research year for our undergraduates. Two students participated in the College’s Undergraduate Research and Artistry
Program; two others competed successfully in a university-wide selection process and were
awarded Undergraduate Special Opportunities in Artistry & Research (USOAR) awards; another
political science major won the University Honors Program’s capstone excellence award; and still
another student finished second in the social sciences, humanities and arts category at NIU’s inaugural Undergraduate Research Day. Other good news included an expansion of the congressional
internship program, a college-level commitment that Political Science will participate annually in
the NIU at Oxford program, special recognitions for the Model United Nations Club at two regional
competitions, and the establishment of a new undergraduate leadership development seminar.
My colleagues and I are proud of our dynamic, student-centered research department; and we
greatly appreciate your interest, welcome your engagement, and thank you for your support. We
are especially grateful to our alumni and friends who have assisted our students and made financial contributions to support our programs. If you plan to come to NIU, please let the Political Science Department know by contacting April Davis at 815.753.1012 or adavis1@niu.edu.
We would very much like to connect with you. The Department of Political Science will also mark its fiftieth anniversary in f all 2011. If
you wish to be involved in an event that commemorates this significant milestone, please contact me at cmjones@niu.edu.
Lastly, I want to thank Professor Art Ward and Mrs. Pam Kombrink for taking the lead in helping me assemble this newsletter and Mrs.
April Davis and Mrs. Sarah Lindell for their special assistance.
Best wishes,
Christopher M. Jones, Chair
The department continues to undergo a number of
changes. As we reported last year, well over half of the
faculty are new with the appointments we have made in
the last five years. This past year, Scot Schraufnagel, an
assistant professor in American government, and Kheang
Un, assistant professor in comparative politics, joined the
faculty. Both Scot and Kheang are featured below as well
as in our “Faculty News & Notes” section later. Michael
Buehler (comparative politics) and Aaron Hoffman
(international relations) will be joining us in August 2010
and will be featured in next year’s issue.
New Faculty Profiles:
Professor Scot Schraufnagel
The department is pleased to welcome
Scot Schraufnagel, who began his appointment as an assistant professor in
August 2009. Scot earned his Ph.D. from
Florida State University and comes to NIU
from the University of Central Florida.
He is a specialist in the U.S. Congress,
political parties, elections, and the U.S.
presidency, with an emphasis on promoting a civil, representative, and effective legislative process in
the United States. He has a broad interest in institutional effectiveness and policy making, with a particular academic focus
on legislative innovation. His published works have dealt with
specific public policy innovations, institutional arrangements
that promote effective elections (worldwide), partisan difference in the U.S. Congress, and the factors associated with a
productive U.S. legislature. His publications have appeared in
such journals as the American Journal of Political Science, Political Science Quarterly, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Congress
and the Presidency, and White House Studies. Scot has been
recognized for teaching excellence by his previous university,
earning a university-wide teaching award, and by the National
Institute for Staff and Organizational Development. This past
year, Scot served as the department’s internship coordinator
and offered undergraduate courses on the U.S. Congress, introductory American Government and Politics, and Government in
Metropolitan Areas, as well as a graduate seminar on Legislative Behavior. “We are delighted to have Scot on the faculty,”
said Department Chair Christopher Jones. “He comes with a
proven track record as a successful scholar and teacher of
American politics. The department will benefit from his experience as it continues to undergo a period of transition. Scot’s
presence also brings our American Government field to a staffing level that we have not enjoyed for several years.”
Professor Kheang Un
Kheang Un joined the department as an
assistant professor and Assistant Director
of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
Kheang earned his Ph.D. from NIU. His
teaching and research interests include
democracy, democratization, human
rights, nongovernmental organizations,
and political economy focusing on Cambodia and the developing world. Before
joining the department in August 2009, he was a visiting research fellow at the University of Louisville’s Center for Asian
Democracy. He has consulted on issues of political economy,
governance reform and democracy for the World Bank, the
Department of International Development of the United Kingdom, AusAid, UNDP/the Cambodia Development and Resource
Institute, and the U.S. Department of State. Kheang also serves
as research advisor to the Cambodia Development Resource
Institute and as a Board Member of Build Cambodia, a U.S.based non-profit organization. He is an affiliate with the Center
for Advanced Studies, Cambodia where he serves as In-Country
Coordinator for Tracking Development, a multidisciplinary and
multi-country project based at Leiden University, examining
the trajectory of development in Southeast Asia and SubSaharan Africa. Through this project Kheang is developing
comparative analysis of the politics and political economy of
Uganda and Cambodia. “Kheang is a great addition to our faculty,” said Department Chair Christopher Jones. “He is an experienced teacher and promising scholar with a truly global
profile. Moreover, Kheang’s presence expands and strengthens our longstanding strength in Southeast Asian politics. The
department now has four Southeast Asian experts (Michael
Buehler, Kikue Hamayotsu, Kheang Un, and Danny Unger),
which is something few political science programs in the world
can claim.”
Faculty Awards and Recognition
Corbett Awarded Templeton Fellowship
Ross Corbett, who joined the department in
2007 and specializes in political theory, was
awarded second prize in the junior faculty
division of the 2009 Sir John M. Templeton
Fellowships Essay Contest. Ross’ awardwinning essay was entitled, “Liberal Education for Liberal Democracy” (http://
article.asp?id=2626). As part of the award,
Ross received a $5,000 cash prize and the
honorary title of Templeton Fellow for the 2009-2010 academic
year. Impressively, the refereed competition sponsored by the
Independent Institute drew applicants from around the world.
Hannagan Awarded National Science
Un Awarded Dutch Research Fellowship
Kheang Un, who began a tenure track appointment in the
department this year, was awarded a research fellowship at
the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies in Leiden, The Netherlands, for summer
2010. Founded in 1851, the Institute’s mission is to advance the study of the anthropology, linguistics, social sciences, and history of Southeast Asia, the Pacific Area, and
the Caribbean. Its unique collection of books, manuscripts,
prints, and photographs attracts visiting scholars from
around the world. Kheang, who specializes in comparative
politics and Southeast Asia, will participate in the Institute’s
Tracking Development Program, contribute to another research group, conduct archival research, and deliver a presentation to the Institute’s Work in Progress Seminar Series.
The award is worth approximately $8,000.
Foundation Grant
During the spring semester, Rebecca Hannagan was awarded a prestigious National
Science Foundation (NSF) grant worth
nearly $85,000. Rebecca’s project is entitled “RAPID: Collaborative Research: Gendered Composition and Decision Making:
The Impact of HF243.” According to the
project description, “The State of Iowa has
required gender balance on state-level
board and commissions for many years
under Iowa Code section 69-16A. The
Iowa General Assembly recently passed legislation (HF243) that
applies this requirement to the local level. This bill, signed into
law on May 26, 2009, requires all local boards and commissions to be gender balanced by January 1, 2012. The predetermined policy intervention date creates a natural field experiment with a pre/post-test design. The grant will be used to
test hypotheses, via a field experiment, regarding whether
gender composition has an impact on decision making processes and outcomes.” Rebecca joins a small group of NIU political scientists who have secured NSF funding, including retired faculty members, Robert Albritton, Paul Kleppner, and
the late James Schubert.
Radasanu Awarded Earhart Grant
Andrea Radasanu, who joined the department in 2006 and specializes in political
theory, was awarded a grant for more
than $13,000 from the Earhart Foundation in support of her book project provisionally titled Montesquieu on Liberalism
Abroad. Andrea’s manuscript seeks to
contribute meaningfully to the neglected
international dimension of Montesquieu’s
thought. It aims to apply Montesquieu’s
insights to contemporary international relations with an emphasis on the theoretical and practical dilemmas related to the
appropriate posture of liberal democracies.
Kempton Named University Honors Director
Professor Daniel Kempton, a
specialist in international
relations and a former department chair (1999-2006),
was appointed director of the
University Honors Program in
summer 2009 after a national
search was conducted for this
important position. Daniel’s
vision for the program includes promoting increased
cooperation between the University Honors Program and
departmental honors programs, establishing incentives for
faculty to develop more active and creative projects for
honors students enrolled in “mini-sections” of classes, expanding engaged learning opportunities, promoting overseas study for honors students, and expanding fundraising
activities. “It is an ambitious agenda, but one that Kempton
is capable of moving forward,” said Vice Provost Earl “Gip”
Seaver. “Daniel is very dedicated to students and to the
Honors Program,” Seaver said. “I think he brings a vision to
the program that will strengthen it and help it grow.”
Nancy Castle, who has filled the role of Honors Program
director on an interim basis during the 2008-09 academic
year, said “Daniel is a great fit for the job. He connects very
well with students; he’s an excellent teacher and an outstanding researcher. He is well-known and respected across
campus, and his years of experience as chair of political science will be invaluable.”
Streb Helps NIU Athletics Secure NCAA
James Banovetz
Professor Emeritus James Banovetz served
Northern Illinois University as Director of the
Division of Public Administration and as Senior
Research Scholar in the Center for Governmental Studies. His contributions to the advancement of the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences have been based upon his commitment to excellence, opportunity, public service, and national
After an 18-month, campus-wide effort
to study its intercollegiate athletics program as part of the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I
athletics certification program, NIU received the highest classification of
“certified” for the third time and with a
significant contribution from Political
Science Professor Matthew Streb.
Certification means the university operates its athletics program in substantial conformity in all operating principles set
forth by the NCAA: governance and commitment to rules
compliance, academic integrity, fiscal integrity, and equity,
welfare and sportsmanship. “I’m obviously thrilled to have
this NCAA ‘stamp of approval’ on the way we are doing business in our department of athletics,” NIU President John
Peters said. “I want to thank the Steering Committee, led by
Matt Streb and Tom Krepel, for all of their hard work
throughout this very thorough process. Athletics certification is an important benchmark for our program and a valuable exercise for any institution.” NCAA Division I institutions
are currently certified once every 10 years.
Former Department Chairs Banovetz, Monat,
and Wit Honored by College
NIU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences honored 10 distinguished faculty and staff with Golden Anniversary Faculty/Staff
Awards as part of its year-long 50th anniversary celebration.
Selected from a large group of peers nominated for the award,
the 10 honorees distinguished themselves by making a strong,
positive difference in the development, growth and stature of
the college during the last 50 years. “The Golden Anniversary
Faculty/Staff Awards recognize individuals who provided outstanding leadership and service to the college – in teaching,
research, service, administration, program development and
expansion,” said Dean Christopher K. McCord. “Their achievements are very much in evidence today, in the Departments of
Computer Science, English, Foreign Languages & Literatures,
Geography, Mathematical Sciences, Political Science and Physics; the Division of Public Administration; and the Center for
Southeast Asian Studies.”
The Department of Political Science is very pleased to announce that three former chairs of the department -- James
Banovetz, William Monat, and Daniel Wit – were selected for
this honor. These gentlemen made exceedingly important
contributions to the Department, the Division of Public Administration, the College, the University, and the world beyond
NIU. We extend hearty congratulations to our colleagues and
friends, Jim, Bill, and Dan, on this impressive recognition.
Excellence: U.S. News & World Report currently ranks Northern Illinois University’s M.P.A. program third nationally in the
specialty field of city management and urban policy, placing
NIU well ahead of many other leading universities. This distinction as one of the nation’s top-ranked public administration programs would not have been possible without the extraordinary effort, leadership, and commitment of Professor
Banovetz, who first joined the faculty in 1963.
Opportunity: The M.P.A. program provides an excellent education, a nationally recognized degree, and access to a massive
professional network – a world of opportunity for students
with commitment, talent, and dreams. The program has produced about one-third of all city managers in Illinois.
Public Service: The M.P.A. program has drawn hundreds of
students to public service, and this continues today. This is
both a wonderful legacy from the first 50 years of the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a steadfast commitment to
the future as long guided by Jim Banovetz.
National Impact: What says more about nearly 50 years of
development than national recognition for excellence, opportunities for students and alumni, and public service? By committing to quality, Jim helped to develop a premier academic
program that has changed lives, improved communities, and
brought widespread national acclaim and international recognition to the College and University.
In addition to his academic appointments, including Chair of
the Department of Political Science in the 1970s, Jim served on
innumerable administrative committees within the College
and the University. When the Northern Illinois University
Foundation celebrated its 75th anniversary, it recognized him
for “Outstanding Service to Higher Education,” the only person
so honored.
William Monat
Regency Professor Emeritus William Monat
served the College as Chair of the Department of Political Science from 1969 to 1971
before becoming Vice President for Academic Affairs (1976-78), President of the
University (1978-84), and Chancellor of the
Regency System (1984-86), of which NIU
was then a part.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences enjoyed strong development during his time in administrative office. It
launched three Ph.D. programs and many other academic
initiatives, including the Department of Computer Science
and the Social Science Research Institute. Bill also expanded facilities available to the College; the former Rice
Hotel (now named the William Monat Building) and the
Hoffman Estates Education Center were acquired through
his personal efforts.
Throughout his administrative assignments, Bill remained a
committed teacher, serving on student advisory committees and offering at least one course each year. From 198384 and again from 1987-97, he taught an interdisciplinary
upper-division course in American public policy in the University’s undergraduate Honors Program. The course drew
students from departments other than Political Science in
the College, and from other colleges. Even while living and
working as Chancellor in Springfield, he returned to DeKalb
each week during the fall semesters to teach government
finance administration in the M.P.A. curriculum.
Bill also regularly served on doctoral dissertation committees and was routinely engaged in developing and disseminating new ideas. While an administrator, he authored a
monograph on the Executive Article of the 1970 Illinois Constitution for the Illinois Commission on Intergovernmental
Cooperation (1987), published chapters in two books and
two articles in refereed journals, and co-authored the Report of the Permanent Panel on Illinois State Government
Reorganization in 1977. At the University’s request, he also
researched and wrote The Achieving Institution: A Presidential Perspective on Northern Illinois University, a book published by the Northern Illinois University Press in 2001.
His record of accomplishment at NIU is augmented by his
many public-service contributions at the national, state,
and community levels. Directorships in the DeKalbSycamore area have included the DeKalb County Voluntary
Action Center, the Ben Gordon Community Mental Health
Center, the Ben Gordon Center Foundation, and the Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra.
Daniel Wit
Professor Emeritus Daniel Wit strongly and
positively influenced the development of
the NIU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
since its early days.
During his eight years as Head of the newly
formed Department of Political Science,
from 1961-1969, he developed and organized the undergraduate and graduate curricula into five key areas of specialization: American government and public law, public
administration, political theory and philosophy, international relations, and comparative politics. He subsequently
founded its pre-professional graduate program in public
administration; designed, secured approval for, and established the Department’s doctoral program in political science; and secured funding to launch the Center for Governmental Studies.
Equally important, he built the Department’s faculty, recruiting over 40 new faculty members, including senior
persons to lead each of the five divisions. His appointments included two persons who went on to become university presidents, one whose writings were quoted in case
decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, two who became internationally respected experts in Southeast Asian studies,
an internationally respected American political philosopher, and a public administration specialist who was
elected as a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration established by the U.S. Congress. Dan also
moved quickly in those early years to establish distinctive
specialty programs within the political science curriculum.
Building on his experience in Thailand, he teamed with the
Head of the Department of History, Norman Parmer, who
had experience in Malaysia, in securing contracts from the
U.S. government to train Peace Corps volunteers for service in Southeast Asian countries. The contracts became
the basis for the establishment of the College’s interdisciplinary Center for Southeast Asian Studies. By the late
1970s, the Center was labeled, by an external team reviewing the University’s accreditation status, as the foremost
center for Southeast Asian studies in the western hemisphere.
In 1969, Dan was appointed the first Director of the University’s International Programs. That office was later transformed under his leadership into the Division of International and Special Programs, and his administrative title
was elevated to Dean. His work in this capacity, until his
retirement in 1992, significantly enriched the College’s academic programs and earned NIU national recognition as
one of the nation’s top ten universities in international
study and programming.
Staff Recognition: April Davis Honored for 20
Years of Service
The department’s longtime office manager, April Davis, reached an important
milestone in spring 2010 – 20 years of outstanding professional service at NIU. A
surprise reception and gift presentation
was held in April’s honor to thank her for
her hard work, dedication, and many contributions to the department’s faculty,
students, and programs. In addition to serving as manager of
the main office, April has been the primary administrative assistant to five department chairs – Lettie McSpadden, Clark
Neher, Andrea Bonnicksen, Daniel Kempton, and Christopher
Jones. Before serving as office manager, April was the department’s graduate studies secretary. We extend hearty congratulations to April for her two decades of excellent service.
In the Spotlight:
Department Launches Leadership
Development Seminar
During the spring semester, the Department of Political Science
established a new leadership development seminar for its most
accomplished undergraduate students. Thirteen students were
invited to participate based on their grade point averages and
leadership inside and outside the classroom. The one-credit
hour course, which was conceived by Department Chair Christopher Jones and directed by Jones and Director of Undergraduate Studies Matthew Streb, exposed the students to outstanding leaders in law, academia, government and business. The course was designed to help students recognize traits
that seem to be universally accepted as necessary for strong
leadership, understand the strengths and weaknesses of different leadership styles, comprehend how effective leadership
may change depending on the situation and the profession,
and assess their own qualities as a leader and begin to develop
a personal leadership model. Guest presenters included Dr.
Jennifer L. Rosato, Dean, College of Law, Northern Illinois University; Dr. John G. Peters, President, Northern Illinois University; U.S. Representative Donald Manzullo (R-Illinois); and Mr.
Nicholas Rosa, CEO and Managing Director, Sandbox Industries
and former CEO and President of NutraSweet Company.
Undergraduate Program News
Our undergraduate program, led by Director of Undergraduate Studies Matt Streb and supported by undergraduate
studies administrative assistant Pam Kombrink, completed
another successful year. They were aided by undergraduate
advisor Andrea Messing-Mathie who regularly met with
students about their courses of study. After two years of
outstanding service, Andrea is stepping down and Johnathan Peterson, a recent graduate of our undergraduate program, will be taking over this important role. We thank Professor Streb, Pam, and Andrea for their many contributions
during the 2009-10 academic year.
Undergraduate Congressional Interns
Rewarded with Scholarships
They worked long days, experienced the inner workings of U.S.
government and rubbed shoulders with the likes of U.S. House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Sen.
Arlen Specter and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader.
For the three political science
students who interned this past
summer in Washington, D.C., the
experience did not disappoint.
What’s more, the Illinois State
Society awarded scholarships for
the current school year to each of
the NIU seniors. Hunter Huffman
and Nma “Winnie” Okafor both
were awarded $750, while the
society gave its $1,500 Paul Simon
Award to Matthew Venaas.
The Paul Simon Award is given to
the top intern from Illinois, selected from a pool of at least 50
Illinois college students who
worked in D.C. this summer.
Matthew Streb and Christopher Jones worked with President
John Peters and Vice President for University Relations Kathryn
Buettner to establish the congressional internship program.
After a competitive application and interview process, the selected students receive $5,000 scholarships to defray the costs
associated with working and living in Washington, D.C. Given
its successful first year, the program will be expanded to five
internship positions in summer 2010. Jaclyn Curtis, Leigh
Owano, Meagan Szydlowski, Nomeda Tautkute, and David
Thomas have been chosen to participate.
Students Awarded Undergraduate
Research Grants
The Undergraduate Special Opportunities in Artistry & Research Program (USOAR) is a highly competitive grant process
that allows a select group of NIU students to carry out selfdesigned research projects in conjunction with faculty members. In order to be eligible for this grant, students must first
submit a proposal to The Committee on the Undergraduate
Academic Environment (CUAE), where it undergoes a rigorous
screening process. Ultimately, only twenty students are chosen for a portion of the $50,000 of financial support awarded
each year.
Impressively, two undergraduate political science majors received USOAR awards for the 2009-2010 academic year. With a
proposal entitled “Reactions to Politicians’ Involuntary Signals
of Contempt,” Megan Geyer has proposed a research design
that identifies whether or not emotional displays of contempt
by politicians affect an observer’s perception of that politician.
To conduct this inquiry, she has created an experiment that
involves participants viewing video clips of politicians. Participants’ emotional responses to these clips will then be evaluated through a sophisticated coding system. Megan’s faculty
advisor is Professor Rebecca Hannagan.
The department’s second recipient, Kathryn Green, will complete a study titled “U.S.-Iranian Relations in the Obama Era:
Are Sanctions the Best Option?” It will examine contemporary
U.S.-Iranian relations. Specifically, the project’s objective is to
research and write an original case study that explores the utility of using economic sanctions to respond to Iranian foreign
policy behavior and advance U.S. national security interests. As
the centerpiece of her study, Kathryn intends to interview
members of the State and Defense Departments. She also
hopes to interview at least one member of Iran’s United Nations delegation. Kate’s faculty advisor is Professor Christopher
Model UN Club Wins Conference
NIU’s Model United Nations Club, sponsored by
the Political Science Department, attended both
the annual American
Model United Nations
conference in Chicago in
November 2009 and the
Model UN Presidents (l-r): Shehzad
50th annual Midwest
Merchant (2007-10), Michael Utech
Model United Nations
(2006-07, and Richard Walsh (2010-)
Conference in St. Louis,
Missouri, in February 2010. The students involved in both trips
participated with enthusiasm and dedication and did an excellent job representing the club, department, and NIU. As a
result of the students’ high level of preparation and excellent
performance at the intense four day conferences, NIU’s delegations were recognized with one award at the Chicago conference and five awards at the St. Louis conference. In Chicago, Shehzad Merchant won the prestigious Outstanding
Delegate Award for his participation on the World Food Committee. In St. Louis, Shehzad Merchant and Jorge Barroso, The
Netherlands’ representative to the 3rd Committee of the General Assembly on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural issues, and
Veronica Martin, The Netherlands’ representative to the Commission on the Status of Women, were awarded honorable
mentions for their excellent work and active participation. Eric
Boetje, the representative to the Historical Security Council
for The Netherlands, won a delegate’s choice award from the
other delegates on his committee. The General Assembly
committee, which consisted of Shehzad Merchant, Jorge Barroso, Robert Kollas, Jake Enders, Fanus Woldegebriel, Richard Walsh and Cory Kazonovitz, also won an honorable mention award for their exceptional participation during joint plenary sessions. Finally, Phillip Librojo, won the most coveted
award at the conference, the Outstanding Delegate award for
his work in the World Food Program. A special note of thanks
goes out to Professor Andrea Radasanu who serves as the
club’s faculty advisor and Andrea Messing-Mathie who accompanied the students to the conferences. Congratulations
to NIU’s Model UN Club for a truly outstanding year!
Members of the Model U.N. Club caucusing at a mini-conference.
Students Participate in West Point
David Thomas
and Matthew
Venaas were
NIU’s delegates to the
61st annual
Student Conference on
United States
(SCUSA) at the
U.S. Military
David Thomas (L) and Matthew Venaas at
Academy at
Eisenhower Hall, U.S. Military Academy
West Point in
November 2009. The theme of the conference was
“Advancing as a Global Community: Scarcity, Instability, and
Opportunity.” The conference involved 250 outstanding undergraduates from 125 schools throughout the United States
and Canada, and 49 international delegates representing 25
countries. Additionally, approximately 50 U.S. Military Academy cadets participated as delegates and another 100 cadets
assisted in organization, logistics and administration of the
conference. The four-day conference, which is the largest and
most prestigious conference of its kind, is designed to provide
a premier educational experience for undergraduates. It offers
students the opportunity to interact both individually and in
group settings with foreign policy experts and to learn from
each other. The goal is that when delegates depart West
Point, they do so with a greater understanding of the complexities surrounding foreign policy development. In addition,
the conference offers an excellent forum for the development
of networking relations that can be valuable resources for
participants for many years to come.
Fuentes Receives 2010 Capstone
Excellence Award
The Department of Political Science
congratulates Stella Mae Fuentes
who was awarded the 2010 Capstone Excellence Award at the Honors Recognition Ceremony on April
18. Established in 2001, the Capstone Excellence Award is presented annually to at least one
student who has completed a distinguished project in the preceding year. Projects are reviewed for quality of the research or artistry conducted and in
terms of the formal presentation of the research or artistry.
Fuentes’ capstone, “The Tone of Media Coverage and How It
Affects the Voters’ Assessments on Political Candidates,” was
directed by Political Science Professor Rebecca Hannagan, and
was called an exemplary undergraduate research project with
a significant original research contribution and a clear and
thoughtful presentation.
Venaas Serves on NIU Board of
As the student representative on the NIU
Board of Trustees, Matthew Venaas held
more than a vote at the Board meetings.
He also worked behind the scenes to ensure that students’ voices were heard.
Venaas previously served in student government before assuming his role on the
Board of Trustees and described the tranPhoto by David
sition as “humbling.” He estimated that
Grzeslo, Northern Star
his work on the Board--which primarily
consisted of talking with students--took up between ten and
twenty hours each week, the equivalent to a six or nine credithour class. Venaas had long been involved in university leadership serving as vice president and president of the Douglas
Hall council, Student Association Senator, and SA Speaker of
the Senate. NIU President John Peters described Venaas’ contribution as “fantastic” and praised him for working with students and bringing their concerns to the Board.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Program News
POLS Secures a Permanent Presence in the
NIU at Oxford Program
For four decades,
NIU and Oxford University’s Oriel College
have partnered to
offer an exciting fiveweek summer program of courses at
one of the world’s
premier educational
institutions. Courses
Members of the political science student are designed to take
group who studied in England with
advantage of the
Professor Art Ward in summer 2009.
unique resources of
the British setting, including Oxford University, nearby London, and other field trip sites of historical, cultural, and political significance. Faculty members live and dine in the same
halls as students so formal class meetings can be supplemented by individual tutorials and informal conversations. In
summer 2009, Professor Art Ward made his second trip to
England to participate in the program. Professor Ward’s students completed coursework and field trips under the theme,
“Law & Courts in Comparative Perspective: Social Change.”
Since 2003, the department has competed successfully within
the College of Liberal Arts for a summer faculty position within
this excellent study abroad program. Based on successful participation in the program over the last several years, Dean
Christopher K. McCord awarded the department a permanent
NIU at Oxford faculty position, beginning summer 2010. Political Science joins English and Biological Sciences as the departments that participate in the program annually. “I am thrilled
about this development,” said Department Chair Christopher
Jones. “My colleagues and I have worked very hard on behalf
of the Oxford program and our annual presence will advance
our strong commitment to both international education and
engaged learning. This summer, Professor Daniel Kempton is
making his third trip to England to participate in the program.
Professor Kempton’s group of students will complete coursework and field trips under the theme, “International Relations,
Theories of International Relations, and Global Terrorism.” In
summer 2011, Professor Christopher Jones will direct an Oxford program of study entitled “U.S.-British Relations – Exploring America and Britain’s Special Relationship: Past, Present
and Future.”
Graduate Program News
Professor Barbara Burrell completed her second year as director of graduate studies and was ably assisted by graduate studies administrative assistant Sarah Lindell. Throughout the
year, they worked on behalf of the department’s 100 M.A. and
Ph.D. students who take graduate seminars, write starred research papers, sit for comprehensive exams, and complete
dissertation work. Chairing the department’s graduate committee, Professor Burrell handles curriculum issues and oversees the admission of new graduate students. The department
is fortunate to have both Professor Burrell and Sarah in these
important roles and we offer our thanks for their service to the
Theresa Eckard Wins National Award
from U.S. Air Force
Theresa Eckard, a doctoral candidate in the department of Political Science specializing in comparative politics and international relations, was
selected as "FY09 Air
Force Outstanding Junior
NCO Individual Reservist
of the Year." This is a major national award from the U.S.
Department of the Air Force. Theresa, who is a TSgt
(Technical Sergeant), is now authorized to wear the distinguished Air Force Recognition Ribbon. She was chosen for
this award based on her outstanding service during her recent tour to Iraq as well as her civilian achievements, including her doctoral work in political science at NIU. The department thanks Theresa for her service to our country and congratulates her on this impressive accomplishment.
Incoming Graduate Student Recognized
for Thesis
Congratulations to Johnathan Peterson,
recent Political Science graduate, whose
senior thesis entitled, “Secular Realignment
in New England” won second place in the
social science, humanities and arts category
at NIU’s inaugural Undergraduate Research
Day. Peterson’s advisor was Professor Matthew Streb, director of undergraduate studies. Peterson serves as Undergraduate Advisor for the Department of Political Science. He begins his M.A. studies in
August. His primary area of interest is American politics.
Four Students Honored at Graduate
School Event
Pictured left to right: Scott LaDeur, Ben Gross, Andrea MessingMathie, and Halima Khan at the Outstanding Graduate Student
Recognition Ceremony.
Each spring semester the Graduate School at Northern Illinois
University honors the work of excellent M.A. and Ph.D. students. This year’s Outstanding Graduate Student Recognition
Ceremony was held on April 21 in the Duke Ellington Ballroom
of Holmes Student Center. Four political science students were
recognized. Scott LaDeur won an Outstanding Graduate Student Award at the Ph.D. level and Benjamin Gross received the
award at the M.A. level. Halima Khan and Andrea MessingMathie won awards to support the completion of their dissertation writing. In addition, entering M.A. student Matthew
Venaas received a University Fellowship.
Tammy Duckworth Awarded Honorary
Department Commencement and
Awards Ceremony
On May 7, 2010, NIU
presented an honorary
doctoral degree to L.
Tammy Duckworth, a
decorated Black Hawk
helicopter pilot whose
severe combat wounds
in Iraq cost her both of
her legs and who now
serves as a top ranking
official in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Duckworth
had been pursuing a Ph.D. in Political Science at NIU before she
was deployed to Iraq. “Tammy Duckworth is a model citizen
and a true American hero,” NIU President John Peters said.
“She served her country with valor, and six years ago nearly
lost her life when her helicopter was struck by a rocketpropelled grenade. Despite a long road to recovery and great
adversity, Tammy never surrendered. She has risen to become
a leading advocate for U.S. veterans and for people with disabilities.”
President Barack Obama nominated Duckworth to serve as the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Assistant Secretary for
Public and Intergovernmental Affairs. She was confirmed by
the Senate and sworn in April 24, 2009. As assistant secretary,
Duckworth represents and advises the secretary of Veterans
Affairs on matters relating to media and public affairs. She
directs departmental communications and oversees programs
relating to intergovernmental relations, homeless veterans,
consumer affairs and the department’s six national rehabilitative special event programs.
A major in the Illinois Army National Guard, she declined medical retirement to continue her service. In 2008 and 2009,
Duckworth completed the Chicago Marathon on a handcranked bicycle. She has also resumed flying as a civilian pilot.
“Tammy is an inspiration to millions of Americans,” said NIU
political science Chair Christopher Jones, who on behalf of his
Department, nominated Duckworth for the honorary degree.
“We felt that she was a meritorious candidate for the honorary
degree because of her outstanding public service, national
prominence, powerful personal story, commitment to civil
rights and social justice, and connection to NIU and the State of
Illinois,” he said. “She epitomizes the values of NIU and is a
wonderful role model for our students.”
Read Tammy Duckworth’s entire story at http://www.niu.edu/
Pictured left to right: Meagan Szydlowski, Matthew Venaas, and
Leslie Clark at the annual department graduation ceremony.
Our annual commencement and awards ceremony is always a
highlight of the spring semester. Political Science students who
have earned a B.A., B.S., M.A., or Ph.D. were recognized in a
personalized ceremony led by the department faculty. Department Chair Christopher Jones kicked off the event with a welcome address to the students and their family and friends.
Graduating political science majors with cumulative grade
point averages of 3.0 to 3.49 were recognized as “Political Science Scholars” and those with cumulative grade point averages
of 3.5 and above were honored as “Political Science Students
of Distinction.” Eligible undergraduates were inducted into Pi
Sigma Alpha: the National Political Science Honor Society. In
addition, a number of department awards and scholarships
were presented. What follows is an overview of the award
recipients from the May 2010 ceremony. A special note of
thanks goes to Pam Kombrink for her superb job in overseeing
the event. The assistance of April Davis, Sarah Lindell, Andrea
Messing-Mathie, and Marv Kombrink is also gratefully acknowledged.
At the undergraduate level, Brad Broughton, Johnathan Peterson, and Matt Venaas graduated with department honors.
Brad Broughton received the Dean’s Award, which goes to the
graduating senior who has achieved both a strong record of
scholarship and outstanding contributions to the university
community. Adam Maguire was presented with the Joe R.
Wilkinson Award. This memorial award honors the graduating
senior majoring in political science with the highest cumulative
grade point average. Meagan Szydlowski received an NIU Outstanding Woman Student Award. The John G. and Barbara C.
Peters Scholarship for Outstanding Public Service is awarded to
students who have made an outstanding contribution to public
service through their work in an internship, political campaign,
government agency, or student government position. Hugo
Jacobo and Leigh Owano were recipients of these $1,000
scholarships. Hunter Huffman was honored with the Kevin
McKeough Award for Outstanding Participation in the Political
Process, which is awarded to the political science major or
minor who has made an outstanding contribution through
work in political campaigns, interest groups, governmental
agencies, or election to public office. Brandon Parkinson won
the Inez H. Nelson Family Scholarship in International Relations
and received a $5,000 tuition scholarship for the coming academic year. He is required to complete a major research paper on a topic related to the role of small countries in international relations. Jaclyn Curtis, Leigh Owano, Meagan
Szydlowski, Nomeda Tautkute, and David Thomas were recognized as the Washington, D.C. Congressional Internship
Scholars. Through a generous contribution by NIU President
John G. Peters, each student receives a $5,000 scholarship to
help defray costs as they spend the summer working on Capitol Hill for members of the U.S. Congress under the universitysponsored congressional internship program. A number of
students were initiated into NIU’s Epsilon Zeta chapter of the
Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society, which promotes the
study of political science in the United States through the encouragement and recognition of excellence in scholarship.
Though not all of the new members were able to attend the
ceremony, those who were recognized at the event were:
Brad Broughton, Reid Bumber, Thomas Hallock, Brett Long,
Angela Meller, Thomas Pauzuolis, Johnathan Peterson, Daniel
Streed, and Joseph Sweda.
At the graduate level, Andrea Messing-Mathie received the
Gerald S. Maryanov Graduate Student Excellence Award. This
recognition honors those characteristics that Professor Maryanov himself so clearly embodied: intellectual capacity, commitment, and character. Alisa Von Hagel was honored with
the Lawrence S. Finkelstein Graduate Teacher of the Year
Award, which is presented to the graduate student instructor
in political science who has best demonstrated excellence in
undergraduate teaching. Scott LaDeur was the recipient of
the Martin David Dubin Memorial Scholarship in International
Relations. This honor recognizes an outstanding doctoral candidate completing a dissertation in international relations.
Jonathan Warnock won the Thomas C. Wiegele Dissertation
Completion Award. This memorial award is given to a Ph.D.
candidate who is writing an interdisciplinary dissertation that
bridges the social and life sciences.
Left to right,
Steve Iwan,
and Meagan
Faculty News & Notes
May 2008-June 2009
Larry Arnhart continues his appointment as Presidential Research Professor, the university’s highest honor for research
excellence. He published a reprint of his book Darwinian Conservatism in the edited volume, Darwinian Conservatism: A
Disputed Question (Imprint Academic) which combines new
material including comments and criticisms from a number of
authors and his response. He also published a new book chapter “The Bible and Biotechnology,” in Biotechnology: Our Future as Human Beings and Citizens (SUNY Press) and two reprints of previously published works, “Darwinian Conservatism” and “The Darwinian Moral Sense and Biblical Religion,” in
Philosophy After Darwin: Classic and Contemporary Readings
(Princeton University Press). In addition, he presented a paper
at the University of Chicago Basic Program in the Liberal Arts
and at the University of Regina, Canada.
Andrea Bonnicksen published the book Chimeras, Hybrids, and
Interspecies Research: Politics and Policymaking (Georgetown
University Press). She participated in three meetings on “The
Science of Synthetic Biology and a First Look at Nonphysical
Moral Concerns” through a grant funded by the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation and sponsored by the Hastings Center (a bioethics
institute in Garrison, New York) for which she gave a presentation.
Barbara Burrell continued to serve as the department’s director of graduate studies. She published the chapter “Political
Parties and Women’s Organizations: Bringing Women into the
Political Arena” in the 2nd edition of the edited volume Gender
and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics
(Cambridge University Press); the Illinois Policy Study (with Michael Peddle); and a reprint of her co-authored article “The
United States is Not Ready for a Female President” in the edited volume Opposing Viewpoints: Male and Female Roles
(Gale Publishing). In addition, she completed a first draft of
Gender in Campaigns for U.S. Congress at the Millennium
which is under contract with University of Michigan Press; presented papers at the annual meetings of the American and
Midwest Political Science Associations; and gave a public lecture at Prairie State Community College.
Michael Clark continued to serve as the department’s graduate
placement director and worked on NIU’s Marshall Scholarship
Program. He presented the research paper “Which Voting Subconstituencies React To Party-Centered Media Reports and to
Economic Conditions? A Cross-National Analysis of Eight Western European Politics, 1973-2003” at the annual meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association. In addition, he was interviewed by BBC Radio Essex in the United Kingdom regarding
President Obama’s election victory and the likelihood of his
success during the early days of his presidency.
Ross Corbett published “Locke and the Challenges of Crisis
Government” in a symposium on emergency powers in The
Good Society; was awarded second place in the junior faculty
division of the Sir John M. Templeton Fellow competition for
his essay “Liberal Education for Liberal Democracy;” and presented papers at the annual meetings of the American and
Midwest Political Science Associations. He also participated in a
two-week conference at the Jack Miller Center for Teaching
America’s Founding Principles and History.
Gary Glenn (emeritus) published “Whether Strauss’s Ancients/
Moderns Reading of the History of Political Philosophy Unjustly
Depreciates Christianity” in The Catholic Social Science Review
and presented professional papers at the annual meetings of
the American Political Science Association and the Society of
Catholic Social Scientists, as well as at the University of Mississippi Law School. In addition, he gave public lectures on liberal
education at Shimer College, the Constitution Day lecture at
Rockford College, and conducted a two-day seminar for teachers in Milwaukee sponsored by the Bill of Rights Institute.
Lastly, he attended four meetings of the National Council for
the Humanities in Washington, D.C., where he helped spend
several million of our tax dollars to support teaching and research on the Humanities.
Kikue Hamayotsu published “Crises of Identity in PAS and Beyond: Islam and Politics in Post-3/8 Malaysia” in The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs; presented research papers “Beyond Faith and Aliran: Mobilizing Islamic Youth in Democratic Indonesia” at both the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association and the International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies and “The Political Economy of
Islamist Mobilization: Political Ascendancy of PKS in a Democratic Indonesia” at the annual meeting of the Association for
Asian Studies; and lectured on “Islam and Politics in Asia” at
Villanova University and “Does Piety Matter? Islamist Party
Mobilization in Muslim Southeast Asia” at both Cornell University and Cambridge University.
Rebecca Hannagan received a National Science Foundation
grant for “Gender Composition and Decision Making: The Impact of HF243” and published “Does an EMILY’s List Endorsement Predict Electoral Success, or Does EMILY pick the Winners?” in P.S.: Political Science & Politics; “The Causes and
Scope of Political Egalitarianism during the Last Glacial: A Multi
-Disciplinary Perspective” in Biology & Philosophy; and “Does
Gender Composition Affect Group Decision Outcomes? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment” in Political Behavior. She
presented papers at the annual meetings of the Midwest and
Great Plains Political Science Associations and served as ViceChairperson and on the Executive Council for the Association
for Politics and the Life Sciences. She served as the new faculty
advisor to Phi Sigma Zeta, the department’s coeducational academic fraternity.
Christopher Jones completed his fourth year as department
chair, two-term presidency of the Foreign Policy Analysis Section of the International Studies Association (ISA), and two-year
service on ISA’s Governing Council. He will serve on the Foreign
Policy Analysis Section’s Executive Council until March 2011.
He signed book contracts with Routledge and Thomson
Wadsworth and presented papers at the annual ISA convention
and a security studies conference sponsored by ISA and the
American Political Science Association at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. He was named to the editorial board of Foreign Policy Analysis, conducted an external
program review at Kent State University, and served on a number of university-wide committees and working groups, including the Undergraduate Coordinating Committee and the International Programs Advisory Council.
Daniel Kempton was appointed director of the University Honors Program and was selected as the department’s nominee for
the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. He received
the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Fellowship for
which he spent two weeks in Israel and also published a review
essay in Slavic Review.
Michael Peddle continued to serve as the department’s assistant chair. He also continued his service as chair of the Finance
Advisory Committee for the City of DeKalb and the Chair of the
Finance Committee and a member of the Board of Directors of
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois. He co-authored a paper which
was published in Public Budgeting & Finance and another
which is forthcoming in the Journal of Public Affairs Education.
In April, he was named the new associate dean for academic
administration in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He
began his appointment July 2010.
Andrea Radasanu continued to serve as advisor to the department’s award-winning Model United Nations Club. She published the edited book The Pious Sex: Essays on Women and
Religion in the History of Political Thought (Lexington Press) for
which she contributed the introductory chapter and a chapter
on Flaubert. She also published “Montesquieu on Moderation,
Monarchy and Reform” in History of Political Thought and received an Earhart grant for over $13,000 in support of her book
project Montesquieu on Liberalism Abroad.
Scot Schraufnagel served as the department’s internship coordinator and had three articles accepted for publication:
“Testing the Effects of Ballot Access Reform on Non-Major
Party Electoral Fortunes: the Case of Florida’s Revision 11” in
American Review of Politics, “The Partisan Duopoly in US House
Elections: An Analysis of Minor Party Failure” in Representation, and “Testing the Suitability of Mediation of Child Support
Orders in Title IV-D Cases” in Research on Social Work Practice.
He also signed two book contracts with Scarecrow Press and
Routledge and reviewed articles for American Politics Research
and Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Matthew Streb completed his fourth year as the department’s
director of undergraduate studies and chaired NIU’s NCAA
Recertification Steering Committee. He published the 3 rd edition of his text Clued in to Politics: A Critical Thinking Reader
on American Government (Congressional Quarterly Press);
“Conditions for Competition in Low-Information Elections: The
Case of Intermediate Appellate Courts” in Political Research
Quarterly; “Voter Roll-off in a Low-Information Context: Evidence from Intermediate Appellate Court Elections,” in American Politics Research; “The Need for More Individual-Level
Judicial Election Data” in Justice System Journal; and had two
articles reprinted in the edited volumes Male and Female
Roles (Greenhaven Press) and State and Local Government
(Congressional Quarterly Press).
Brendon Swedlow continued to serve as faculty advisor to the
Pre-Law Society and helped to design NIU’s new interdisciplinary Environmental Studies major. He published “Reason for
Hope? The Spotted Owl Injunctions and Policy Change” in Law
& Social Inquiry, “Value Preferences and Ideological Structuring of Attitudes in American Public Opinion” (with Mikel Wyckoff) in American Politics Research, and served as an article
reviewer for American Politics Research and the Journal of
Public Administration Research and Theory.
Kheang Un continued to serve as assistant director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies. He co-edited an issue of Asian
Affairs: An American Review on “Globalization vs. Traditionalism: the Cases of Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia” for which
he published an introductory article as well as “The Politics of
Natural Resources Use in Cambodia.” He also published the
chapter “The Judicial System and Democratization in PostConflict Cambodia” in the edited volume Beyond Democracy:
Political Reconstruction in a Post-Conflict Society (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press) and the article “China’s Foreign
Investment and Assistance: Implications for Cambodia’s Development and Democratization” in Peace and Conflict Studies.
He presented his research at institutes and conferences in
Cambodia, Tanzania, Malaysia, and lectured at University of
Chicago, Columbia University, and at the University of Texas,
Austin. He also presented his research at the workshop on the
“Quality of Democracy in Asia Pacific” at Griffith University in
Danny Unger published “Thaksin’s Time Atop Thailand’s Politics May Be Over” in Asia Pacific Bulletin; “Thailand, the United
States and Remembrance of Things Past (The Way We Were)”
in Refreshing Thai-U.S. Relations (Institute of Security and International Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok);
“Sufficiency Economy and the Bourgeois Virtues” in Asian Affairs: an American Review; and “Managing Performance in a
Context of Political Clientelism: The Case of Thailand” in Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management. He also
made presentations at the Thailand Research Fund, National
Institute of Development Administration, and the Institute of
Security and International Studies. He again played the lead
role in securing a $97,000 grant from the Royal Government of
Thailand to support NIU’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
Art Ward continued to serve as editor of Law & Courts, the
official publication of the Law and Courts section of the American Political Science Association, and served as a faculty member in the NIU at Oxford program. He co-authored “Hiding Behind the Robes: If Law Clerks Do Not Exercise Undue Influence,
Why All the Secrecy?” in the National Law Journal; published
two review essays in the journals Presidential Studies Quarterly
and Congress & the Presidency; presented a research paper at
the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association; and delivered a number of public lectures for the Bill of
Rights Institute in New Mexico, Indiana, and Illinois, as well as
an address at Roosevelt University.
Mikel Wyckoff continued to serve as advisor to the department’s successful Model Illinois Government Club while teaching over six-hundred students during the year in his courses on
American politics and research methods. He served on the department’s undergraduate committee, the university committee on initial teacher certification, and reviewed articles for the
Journal of Politics and American Politics Review.
Alumni News
Alumni Receive Golden Anniversary Awards
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences celebrated its fiftieth
anniversary during the 2009-2010 academic year. The yearlong commemoration included the presentation of distinguished alumni awards to fifty outstanding graduates of the
College. The Department of Political Science is very proud to
announce that eight department alumni were named College
of Liberal Arts & Sciences Golden Anniversary Alumni Award
winners at a gala dinner on the NIU campus on September 25.
The award honors individuals who have distinguished themselves either in professional fields or through involvement in
civic, cultural or charitable service. “The Golden Anniversary
Alumni Award winners span the five decades of the college,
and their accomplishments are a testament to the opportunities that an NIU liberal arts education can provide,” said Christopher McCord, dean of the NIU College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. “These alumni have built on their NIU education to create lives and careers that have contributed to the worlds of
education, science, scholarship, business, law, medicine, philanthropy, community leadership and government service,” he
added. “I salute their individual accomplishments, and the
contributions of the college faculty and staff, both past and
present, who helped them realize their full potential.”
James R. Griesemer
B.A. Political Science, 1966
M.A. Public Affairs, 1971
One of the early graduates of what is now
the M.P.A. program at NIU, Professor Griesemer has achieved national stature both as
a public administrator and city manager, and
then as a teacher, writer, and leader in the
academic community. While still completing
his graduate program, Griesemer was appointed city manager of Lake Park, Florida,
one of the youngest city managers in the U.S. He subsequently
served as the city manager of Pompton Plains, New Jersey
(1970-72), Downers Grove, Illinois (1972-83), and Aurora,
Colorado (1984-90). During his city management career, he
received numerous national and regional awards for excellence, including a National Innovation Award for his work in
public finance. In 1989, he was named Outstanding Public Administrator in Colorado. In 1990, Dr. Griesemer joined the University of Denver as CFO where he helped lead the financial
turnaround of the University. From1994-2004, he served as
Dean of DU’s Daniels College of Business, a period when the
college achieved national stature. He currently is Professor
and Dean Emeritus of the Daniels College and directs the University's Strategic Issues Program. Griesemer is the author of
two books and numerous articles. Among his many community contributions has been his service as a board member of
the Daniels Fund, Colorado's largest foundation; the Iliff
School of Theology; the Colorado Symphony and various civic
committees and task forces.
Raymond G. Smerge
B.S. Political Science, 1967
Ray Smerge holds a special place of distinction among the College’s Golden Anniversary Alumni Honorees not only for his success as a business and civic leader, but for
his generosity to the University. In 2007, the
Smerge Endowed Dean’s Chair at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences was established thanks to a multi-million dollar pledge
from Ray Smerge and his wife, Pat. It was the first endowed
chair in the history of NIU, the largest gift from an individual to
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and also the largest
endowment gift in the history of the university. The Smerges
previously jump-started a fundraising effort for the College’s
Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program and the
Freshman Interest Groups. Throughout his career, Smerge
enjoyed success as a business leader. Shortly after graduating
from Northern, he joined Centex Corporation as a closing offi-
cer in its homebuilding group. While working full time, he attended law school at DePaul University, earning his Juris Doctorate in 1971 and gaining a promotion at Centex to vice president and general counsel. Centex subsequently grew to become a Fortune 500 company and one of the nation’s premier
financial services, construction materials, and homebuilding
concerns. He retired from his post as executive vice president
and chief legal officer in 2004. He currently heads Savrola Development Co. LLC, a real estate development and homebuilding firm that he founded in Dallas, Texas.
Manuel “Manny” Sanchez
B.A. Political Science, 1970
Mr. Sanchez is the quintessential alumnus of
NIU, known for his passion, ambition, intellect, and extraordinary devotion to his alma
mater. After receiving his undergraduate
degree, he completed his formal education
at the University of Pennsylvania, earning
his Juris Doctor degree in 1974. Thirteen
years later, he founded the firm of Sanchez
& Daniels, quickly developing a national reputation as a civil
defense litigator representing many of the country’s largest
corporations. Under his leadership as managing partner, Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman has become the second largest certified minority-owned law firm in the U.S. Sanchez is also a
founding member of the Mexican American Lawyers Association and the Latin American Bar Association. Sanchez is widely
known for his activism on many fronts. He served on candidate
(now President) Barack Obama’s national finance committee
and Chicago’s 2016 Olympic Committee. His service to others
is well-documented through numerous additional board appointments, awards, and honors. What most sets Sanchez
apart, however, is his energetic, enthusiastic, and unrelenting
commitment to Northern. In 1995, he was appointed to the
Board of Trustees and subsequently re-appointed in 2001,
shortly thereafter becoming Chairman. Today he is Vice Chair,
Finance, Facilities and Operations Committee, and member of
the Legislation, Audit and External Affairs Committee. His ongoing contributions to the development of the Center for Latino and Latin American Studies are especially noteworthy.
Jeffrey M. Yordon
B.S. Political Science, 1970
Walk into Huskie Stadium in DeKalb, and the
impact that Jeff Yordon has had on NIU athletics is unmistakable. The Jeffrey and Kimberly Yordon Academic and Athletic Performance Center opened its doors in 2007
and instantly transformed the educational
environment for nearly 500 student-athletes
both on the field and in the classroom. A letter-winner in football and track, Yordon has had an extraordinarily successful
career in the pharmaceutical business over the past 35 years.
Recognized internationally for his knowledge and experience,
he is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Sagent Pharmaceuticals, a specialty manufacturer of quality injectable products, which he founded in 2006. Under his leadership, Sagent
has created a unique, global network of resources, comprising
an advanced development network of more than 30 partners,
an unparalleled breadth and depth in product manufacturing
with more than 60 facilities and access to advanced scientific
resources with more than 2,500 R&D employees worldwide.
The company currently has more than 200 products in development. Before founding Sagent Pharmaceuticals, Yordon
held senior level executive positions with a wide variety of
pharmaceutical companies including American Pharmaceutical Partners, where he was president and chief operating officer. Yordon is an active member of the University’s Foundation Board and NIU Executive Club Board in addition to being
an Alumni Advisor to the Athletic Department. He received a
Distinguished Alumni Award in 2007.
Markos Moulitsas Zuniga
B.A. Political Science, 1996
B.A. Philosophy and Journalism, 1996
Named the “single most successful entrepreneur of the progressive movement” by New
York Times Magazine, Markos Moulitsas is
the founder and publisher of Daily Kos, a
weblog focusing on liberal and Democratic
Party politics. Born the son of a Salvadoran
mother and a Greek father, Moulitsas spent
much of his early life in El Salvador and witnessed the ravages of that country’s civil war. Fleeing threats
on their lives, Moulitsas and his family came to reside permanently in Chicago. After high school, he enlisted in the U.S.
Army and trained as a Multiple Launch Rocket System Fire Direction Specialist. After military service, Moulitsas enrolled at
NIU to use his veteran’s benefits close to home. His exceptional
academic achievement (two B.A.’s in four years with three majors and a minor) formed the basis for his studies at Boston
University, where he earned a J.D. in 1999. Heading west to
San Francisco to “make his dot-com millions,” he worked in a
Web development shop when he founded Daily Kos in 2002,
giving his blog his military nickname of “Kos.” Daily Kos today is
the premier political community in the U.S., with daily traffic
between 2-4 million visits. Moulitsas also is a prolific author in
the print medium. He wrote Taking on the System: Rules for
Radical Change in a Digital Era and co-authored the influential
Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People
-Powered Politics. He contributes a weekly column to The Hill
and was a contributing columnist at Newsweek during the 2008
election cycle.
Noel Mañago Morada
Ph.D. Political Science, 2002
Dr. Morada came to the U.S. on a FulbrightHays Scholarship in 1995 and earned his
Ph.D. in 2002. He is professor of political
science at the University of the Philippines,
Diliman, in Quezon City. A globally and locally engaged scholar and educator, Morada
was very active in working with other scholars in promoting the Philippine Human Development Network,
which published a top-rated and widely quoted report in 2005,
focusing on peace, human security, and human development.
Moreover, Morada has published scholarly works on ASEAN
and its external relations. He also organized the meetings of
the ASEAN People’s Assembly (APA) in Manila in 2003-2007, a
forum for dialogues among government officials, academics
and think tanks, and civil society groups to share and exchange
ideas, views, experiences, hopes, and anxieties in the ASEAN
region. Morada has an important international presence as
well. In 2008, he was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the
Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of The
John Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. He also serves on
the Editorial Board of the Global Responsibility to Protect, a
refereed journal devoted to the protection of peoples against
genocide and mass atrocities around the world, and is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect in Brisbane, Australia.
I Ketut Putra Erawan
Ph.D. Political Science, 2003
Dr. Erawan has made many important contributions to his native Indonesia since attending graduate school at Ohio State University as a Fulbright scholarship recipient,
then at NIU as a Henry Luce Award and
graduate assistantship recipient. In 20052009, he was the Director of Graduate Program of Political Science at one of Indonesia’s most prestigious universities, Gadjah Mada University. He
is also a very active scholar and researcher. He is engaged with
numerous institutions that work tirelessly to make a positive
impact on the country’s democratization processes. He is a
member of the Steering Committee for the Australia and Indonesia Governance Research Partnership and consultant for the
World Bank, World Bank Institute, UNDP and various Indonesian agencies. In 2007, Dr. Erawan was appointed to the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Indonesia as a core member of
the team which designed and revised laws on politics affecting
elections and political parties. Most recently, the Department
of Foreign Affairs appointed Dr. Erawan as the Executive Director of a newly formed Institute for Peace and Democracy
launched by the President of Indonesia. IPD is a truly international institute with ties to Asian countries and comparable
institutions in Australia, Europe and the U.S. Dr. Erawan is also
the Special Advisor for the Minister of Foreign Affairs. At the
relatively young age of 44 years, these appointments are all the
more impressive.
Anies Rasyid Baswedan
Ph.D. Political Science, 2007
Dr. Baswedan is the President of Paramadina
University in Jakarta, Indonesia, a prominent
private university. He is also the Research
Director at the Indonesian Institute for Public Policy Analysis. Previously, he was a Senior Researcher at the Indonesia Survey Institute. All three institutions are among the
most influential in Indonesia and in the region. He was well known as a talented scholar among many
even before he returned to Indonesia after completing his
Ph.D. at NIU. His drive to make an impact on society as an intellectual and public leader is impressive. His position at Paramadina, in particular, has allowed him to stand out for his
commitment to improve higher education through innovation
and to achieve social and political change through education.
He is often heard advocating such issues as eradication of corruption and government accountability, currently top national
agendas among state leaders, and the importance of civil society organizations and foreign aid organizations such as the
World Bank. Baswedan is continually invited to speak on those
issues at national and international forums, in the media, and
by top government leaders including the President of Indonesia. Most notably, in 2008 he was named one of the 100 Top
Public Intellectuals worldwide by Foreign Policy magazine
alongside individuals such as Al Gore, Francis Fukuyama, and
Noam Chomsky. Recently, he was selected as one of the 2009
Young Global Leaders by the World Economic Forum.
More Alumni News
Michael Somers, a former fullback and outside linebacker for Northwestern under
Coach Ara Parseghian and a U.S. Army
bandsman, received his M.A. in 1972. He
worked closely with Professors Morton
Frisch and Gary Glenn. Since moving with his
family to the San Francisco area in 1976,
Mike has juggled a career in major public
works construction management and consulting with a semi-career in music. His retirement in 2007 afforded the opportunity to complete a major book project. Impressively, his epic post-apocalyptic work, Galactic Exodus:
Counterdance of the Cybergods, was named Science Fiction
Novel of the Year 2009 by Premier Books. For the past 15 years,
Mike has also been playing string bass and tuba with various
pianists and bands in venues throughout the Bay Area, including
organizing his own combos, plus appearances as an extra on
contra bass with the North Bay Philharmonic. He has toured in
Europe with the Napa Valley Chamber Singers, and is presently
playing regularly with two Dixieland bands and as bassist with
internationally known pianist/chanteuse Madi Barrena. At present, he is assembling a humanities course called “Cosmology
without Headaches,” based on the wide-ranging research required for writing the book. The class is being designed for the
general education department of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Lectures in progress can be found at
www.somersong.com. Michael invites comments.
Tom Richter earned an M.A. in Political Science in 1993. After
receiving the degree, Tom spent three years on the staff of
Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives Michael Madigan and working for the state Democratic Party. In 1996, he
accepted a position at the American Medical Association as a
research associate. For the past 11 years, he has worked at the
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, a private, nonprofit council that evaluates and accredits medical
residency programs in the United States. Currently, Tom serves
as the Director of Data Systems and Data Analysis. In this position, he is responsible for managing the resident case log system and providing support for other data collection systems.
He has collaborated on research in the area of graduate medical education that has been published in the Journal of the
American Medical Association and Annals of Surgery.
Susan Johnson graduated from NIU with a Ph.D. in Political Science in 1998. She accepted a position at the University of
Wisconsin‑Whitewater in 1997 and continues there as an Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Public Policy and Administration Program and Department Chair. She also co‑directs the
UW‑Whitewater Center for Political Science and Public Policy
Research which partners with local governments to conduct
research and analysis on issues such as planning, economic development and overall citizen satisfaction. Her teaching and
research interests are in American politics and she teaches
courses on the presidency, campaigns and elections, and gender and politics. Past research has focused on areas such as the
media’s coverage of female and minority candidates and position taking in Congress while her current research interest is
anticipatory policymaking. Susan has been awarded the UW‑Whitewater College of Letters and Sciences Award for Excellence in Service (2005) and the UW-Whitewater College of Letters and Sciences Award for Excellence in Academic Advising
(2002). She received a certificate of merit from the National
Academic Advising Association for excellence in academic advising (2003). She also serves on the NIU MPA program advisory
board. Susan lives in Grayslake, Illinois, with her husband Tom
Richter (NIU POLS MA 1993) and their two greyhounds, Clark
and Addison .
Kim Sullivan graduated in 1999 with a Ph.D. She keeps busy by
writing, teaching, and trying to keep up with her teenage son.
Kim’s third book was released in August 2009 by Lerner Publications. Slobodan Milosevic’s Yugoslavia is part of Lerner’s
Dictatorship Series, which is geared toward high school readers. This book follows Kim’s Muammar Al-Qaddafi’s Libya
(Lerner Publications. 2008) and the middle grade fantasy novel
Stones of Abraxas (medallion Press, 2006). Kim teaches political science at Waubonsee College in Sugar Grove, Illinois, and
is a member of the school board for Yorkville Community Unit
School District #115.
Bill Karmia, Jr. graduated from NIU in 2005
earning a Bachelor of Arts in political science
with an emphasis in international politics
and a minor in French. He currently works
as a Jr. Case Analyst and Relief Court Administrator at Glenn Stearns Chapter 13 in Lisle,
IL, a fiduciary mandated by the U.S. Department of Justice. For nearly three years, Bill
has enjoyed working in a diverse and booming sector where he is challenged daily by a mélange of accounting, finance, and law. “My studies in political science
have prepared me to successfully satisfy the duties and responsibilities of my employment.” He aspires to further his
studies in political science and French and would like to work
for an international firm in the future. Bill looks forward to
continuing his involvement with the National Strategy Forum,
a non-profit organization aimed at discussing U.S. national
strategy and security, and plans to join the Alliance Française
of Dupage County, an organization that promotes French language and cultural awareness. In his spare time, he continues
to enjoy reading about international relations and national
security, as well as literature discussing French slang and colloquialisms. Bill’s interests also include playing drums in various
local bands and spending time with his family and girlfriend.
Jason Turner graduated in 2005 with a Major in Political Science and a double Minor in Communication and Economics. Subsequent to graduation, he has worked in a family business as well as an airline pilot for American Eagle Airlines. Over
the last few years, Jason has been lucky enough to travel to 29
countries, spanning six of the seven continents. Jason fondly
remembers his days in DuSable Hall. His favorite classes were
Constitutional Law with Professor Ward and National Security
Policy with Professor Jones. Jason hopes to secure a leave of
absence with American Eagle to pursue a Master’s Degree in
Business Administration.
Notrida Baso Mandica graduated in 2006 with a Ph.D. and
Emphasis in Comparative Politics and International Politics.
She is director of the Indonesian Research and Development
Institute in Jakarta, recently ran for a seat in the DPR, the
National House of Representatives, as a candidate from the
Golkar Party in South Sulawesi. Thirty-eight political parties
competed for 560 seats in the April 2009 elections. The province of South Sulawesi has three electoral districts (SS I, SS II,
and SSIII) and 24 DPR seats. There were 464 candidates competing for the seats. Ida, who was unsuccessful in her bid, ran
for one of eight seats in the First Electoral District.
Eric Jones earned a B.A. in 2003 and a M.A.
in 2006. As a graduate student, he concentrated his studies in U.S. national security,
U.S. foreign policy, and contemporary Russian security. After completing his graduate
studies in the department, he enlisted in the
U.S. Army as an intelligence analyst. Upon
completion of his initial training as an intelligence analyst at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, Eric
was posted at 1-32 Infantry Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat
Team, 10th Mountain Division Fort Drum, New York. In January 2009, he deployed with 1-32 Infantry to Kunar and Nuristan Provinces in eastern Afghanistan in support of Operation
Enduring Freedom IX and X. While deployed with 1-32 Infantry
in the most kinetic Area of Operations in Afghanistan, he was
tasked with providing timely enemy assessments and analysis
as the intelligence-operations soldier of the battalion. His tasks
also included management of collection assets and construction of assessments based on analysis of enemy activity in the
province as well as participating in combat operations to identify and destroy enemy personnel and weapons. While still
deployed, Eric re-enlisted in the U.S. Army for an additional
two years and was ordered to report to 500th Military Intelligence Brigade at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, in the spring of
2010. He is currently serving at the unit while continuing to
prepare for his Special Forces Assessment and Selection date
in August in an effort to move into the Special Operations
community of the Army. His future plans include pursuing a
career in the U.S. intelligence community.
Jacqueline Scott graduated in 2007 with a
B.A. and Emphasis in International Politics.
In May, she began service in the U.S. Peace
Corps in Knesha, Bulgaria. She will complete
an 11-week teaching and language training
program, then begin a two-year assignment
as an English instructor in Bulgaria.
Department Photo Gallery
Here we share some of our favorite photos since the last edition of the newsletter.
Professor Barbara Burrell and the
Hon. Tammy L. Duckworth at a
reception celebrating Duckworth’s
honorary doctorate. See story
Department Chair Christopher Jones
talks with students at the annual
Meet the Faculty event held each
spring for admitted students.
The new Mr. and Mrs. Nico Harjanto at
their recent wedding in Jakarta, Indonesia. Nico, who is a Ph.D. candidate in
the department, is joined by fellow doctoral student Srie Ramli and distinguished alumnus Anies Baswedan
(Ph.D., 2007), who serves as president
of Paramadina University.
Professor Danny Unger introduces
Thailand’s ambassador to the United
States, Sihasak Phuangketkeow, who
spoke at NIU in September 2009.
Undergraduate political science
major Brad Broughton at NIU’s
Undergraduate Research Day.
Professors Mike Peddle, Scot Schraufnagel, Matt Streb, and Andrea Radasanu
prepare for the department graduation
Former Department Chairs Dan Wit,
Bill Monat, and Jim Banovetz at a
luncheon where they were honored
with Golden Anniversary distinguished faculty awards. See story
As part of NIU’s study abroad program at Oxford University, Political
Science students visited Buckingham
Department Chair Christopher Jones
with congressional interns Matthew
Venaas, Hunter Huffman, and Winnie
Okafor in Washington, D.C. See story
A Big Thank You to Our
Alumni & Friends!
The faculty, staff, and students of the
Department of Political Science wish
to thank alumni and friends for their
generous support of our program.
Please know that many of our
awards, engaged learning opportunities, and student-centered activities,
which bring real life and value to the
department, simply would not be
possible without the financial assistance of contributors like you. We
are not a resource-rich department or
university. Thus, words cannot adequately express how much we appreciate your kind contribution, especially in this challenging economic
We ask you to please continue to
remember us in the future. Thank
you again.
If you are not a member of the NIU
Alumni Association, please consider
joining. Further details can be found
at www.niu.edu/alumni/
The Northern Political Scientist is published
once a year by the Northern Illinois University Department of Political Science. Northern Illinois University is an equal opportunity/
affirmative action institution and does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, age, marital status, national
origin, disability, status based on the Victims’
Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA)
or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran. Further, the Constitution and Bylaws
of Northern Illinois University provides for
equal treatment regardless of political views
or affiliation, and sexual orientation. Inquiries concerning application of Title IX, Section 504, and other statutes and regulations
may be referred to the Affirmative Action and
Diversity Resources Center, 1515 W. Lincoln Highway, DeKalb, IL 60115, telephone
815-753-1118. Printed by authority of the
State of Illinois. www.niu.edu.
July 2009-May 2010
We are proud to list the alumni and
friends who made gifts to the department during the specified period.
These donors are an important part
of our continued success.
A.V.W. Equipment Co.
Carl Kraft AAA Personnel Department
William and Lisa Abolt
Michael and Peggy Albert
James and Rebecca Alimonos
Moses and Melanie Amidei
Julie and Ted Arnold
Steven and Elizabeth Ayers
Timothy and Laurie Bagby
Jeffrey Ball
Robert Beilfuss
Marvin and Tracy Besch
Wayne Beyer
Barbara Bouie-Scott
Lee and Debbie Brown
Mark and Rosario Bularzik
Franklin and Frances Burkey
David and Marla Carey
Dean and MaryBeth Casper
Robert Ciszewski
Jeff and Karol Cochran
Katie Colby
Christina and John Coleman
William and Mary Denham, III
Robert and Judith Dudley
Emily Ebel
David Emanuelson
Raymond and Sharlene Empereur
Exelon Corporation
Lawrence and Janice Finder
Earnest and Carlene Franklin, Jr.
Robert and Sheila Furjanic
Virginia Garner
Vickie Gillio
Donald Greaney
John Gustafson
Susan Hiller
Lisa Hines
Daniel Hogan
Gerald and Marilou Huchel
Jeremi Hui
Peter and Renee Immel
John and Vicky Johnson
Mark and Betty Johnson
Susan Johnson and Thomas Richter
Karl Kalekauris
David Kalinowski
Daniel and Helen Kempton
Joan Kerwin
Carl and Kathleen Kraft
Vicki Kraft
Sarah McCleary
Craig and Karin McCutcheon
Maureen McKeough
Michael and Nancy Merritt
Gregory Mumm
Dean and Marilyn Oorbeck
John and Barbara Peters
Colleen Petty
Michael and Susan Raymond
Robert E. Franke Real Estate, Inc.
Arthur and Janet Rus
Richard and Jacqueline Schmack
Keith Schoose
Paul and Nancy Scoma
Josh Shirey
Russell W. Smith
Scott and Gina Spears
Patrick A. Stewart
Matt and Page Streb
Wayne and Marjorie Sunderlin
Jay Terry
Emily Thrun
Frank and Dawn Turner
Richard and Julia VanCamp
John and Jeanne Volmer
Anton and Kerry Waser
Carl and Lisa Weitzel
John and Pamela Wells
Anton and Nicole Yi-Wohlers
Your gift to Political Science makes it possible for us to enhance the learning experience for our students. Gifts designated to the Department of Political Science this
year will be used to support graduate student travel to professional conferences,
student awards, our commencement ceremony, and programs in Oxford, U.K. and
Washington, D.C. We will also use contributions to assist our student organizations:
Model United Nations, Model Illinois Government, Pre-Law Society, Phi Sigma Zeta,
and the Political Science Student Advisory Committee. If you would like to make a
difference in the lives of students in the Department of Political Science today you
may give online at www.niufoundation.org/give or by phone at 1-877-GIV-2-NIU (1877-448-2648).
The Northern Political Scientist
Summer 2010
Department of Political Science
Northern Illinois University
1425 W. Lincoln Hwy.
DeKalb, IL 60115-2828
Let us hear from you!
Keep up with your friends and classmates by
sending us some information about yourself.
Send news to The Northern Political Scientist,
Department of Political Science, Northern Illinois
University, 1425 W. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb, IL
60115-2828, or e-mail adavis1@niu.edu.