Prayer for Peace - Toms River - St. Joseph Parish | Toms River
Prayer for Peace - Toms River - St. Joseph Parish | Toms River
August 24, 2014 21st Sunday i n Ordinary Time Prayer for Peace 1883-2014 Lord Jesus Christ, We praise You: Bring peace into the world By bringing Your peace into the hearts of all. Help us to turn away from sin And to follow You in love and service. Glory be yours, and honor, For ever and ever. Amen. Pastor: Reverend G. Scott Shaffer Parochial Vicars: Reverend Carlos Aguirre Reverend Pierre -Michel Alabre Reverend Garry Koch Mass Schedule Weekdays: 7:00am & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon 5:00pm (Teen Music Ministry) 6:30pm (Mass in Spanish)—La Misa en Espanol Deacon Romeo D. Aquino Deacon Francis J. Babuschak Deacon Robert M. Barnes Deacon Thomas A. Genovese Deacon Gerard Luongo Deacon Frank J. McKenna Deacon Patrick J. Stesner, Sr. Deacon Michael A. Taylor Devotions: Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Novenas: Tuesday 9:00am Holy Hour for Life:: 2nd Sunday 3:00pm Holy Hour for Priests: 4th Sunday 3:00pm Prayer in the Presence: 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Holy Days: Mass times to be announced Parish Office Hours: 9:00am - 3:30pm M-F 685 Hooper Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732-349-0018 ext. 2204 Fax: 732-286-7064 Email: St. Gertrude, Island Heights: (Summer Months) Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 9:00am Reconciliation/Confessions: Saturday: 4:00-4:45pm & 6:00-6:30pm Parish Schools: St. Joseph Grade School (SJGS) Michele Williams, Principal, 732-349-2355 Donovan Catholic Dr. Edward Gere, Principal, 732-349-8801 What’s in your heart? When you go hiking you probably look for a path with a solid foundation for your feet to proceed to your destination. You need that “rock”-like support and you’re grateful when you choose a path that gets you there safely. What does your path look like: overgrown, dark, unsure? Is your path too short or doesn’t take you where you want to be? Seek, know, and find Christ. He is your life-path now and forever. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 2 MASS INTENTIONS FROM THE PASTOR ... My Dear Parish Family, This is the week that so many of our recent graduates from high school are heading back to college. As you go, know that we send you with our prayers for safety, good fun and good grades. Be happy, work hard and know that your church family at home cares for you and wishes you all good things. Make sure to say your prayers and get to Mass. You’ll be surprised how many of your friends may be just waiting for someone to invite them to go with them to Church. Be that one! A very special thank you to all who supported the efforts of the Comboni Missionaries in last week’s annual Missionary cooperative Appeal. Fr. Daniele Moschetti was touched by your many kindnesses you showed to him after mass. Please pray for him and all missionaries as they answer that special call to spread God’s love in foreign lands. Fr. Daniele, who was making his first visit ever to the United States enjoyed our Sunday afternoon visit to Seaside Heights, the boardwalk and some great pizza! I am sure that some of you have heard rumors about the 7pm Mass Saturday evenings. Earlier in the year we had decided to discontinue the mass for the summer season. I know this was difficult for some of you who were regular in your attendance at that time. Change always presents challenge. I have decided, after much prayerful deliberation and consultation with my brother priests and staff, not to bring back the 7pm Saturday liturgy. Please understand and invite God into this change. God bless you all. Fr. Scott MONDAY—August 25 7:00 Paul Scolaro—Terry Leavy 9:00 Patricia & James Jansen—Suskevich Family TUESDAY—August 26 7:00 Robert Holtz—Fred & Joan Lindsay 9:00 Rose Schmidt—Yvette Kelbash WEDNESDAY— August 27 7:00 Gordan Raymond McGill—Family 9:00 Carmine Torres—Family THURSDAY—August 28 7:00 Theresa Kloby—Brian, Cindy & Family 9:00 Gloria Walls—Bailey, Stoms & Tambini Families FRIDAY— August 29 7:00 Antonia Cutul—Nephew, Joseph 9:00 Lena & Michael Rogers—Family SATURDAY—August 30 8:00 Elizabeth Woram—Family 5:00 Pietro, Rose & Steven Appignani—Family St. Gertrude—Island Heights 5:30 William F. Meyer—Wife & Family SUNDAY—August 31 7:30 Guido Bernoni—Family 9:00 Carmine Dragotta—Wife & Family 10:30 Jay Hughes—Nancy & Mark Cornelius 12:00 Robert Pizziarelli—D’Anton Family 5:00 Gene Daquilo—Costa Family 6:30 Parishioners — (Mass in Spanish) St. Gertrude—Island Heights 9:00 Hartnett & Gajano Families—Fran Gajano The Parish Office will close at 12:30pm on Fridays during the month of August. PRIEST/CELEBRANT Subject to Change Aug. 30/31 Fr. Pierre Fr. Tom Fr. Garry Fr. Carlos Fr. Scott Fr. Garry Fr. Pierre Fr. Scott Fr. Carlos 5:00pm 5:30pm St.. Gertrude 7:30am 9:00am 9:00am St. Gertrude 10:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm 6:30pm ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 3 MARRIAGES IN MEMORIAM Couples wishing to marry in the Church, please call to make arrangements one year prior to marriage date at 732349-0018 ext. 2202. Are you planning a destination wedding? Call us first to discuss your options. Please remember in your prayers those who have died: Joseph Kelly Brenda Daly Caligaris Mario Papa Christine Taylor BANNS OF MARRIAGE And for all the deceased members of our parish, the souls in purgatory and those who died in the service of our country. May God grant them eternal rest. Amen. I I II Brian O’Leary and Lindsey Harrigan Francisco Castrotones and Faista Vargas Gordon Sutherland and Ara Lynn Reynolds BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30pm BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS for Parents is held on the First Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Church. Parents please call the parish office to register ext. 2202. We welcome the newest members of our parish family who were baptized here at Saint Joseph’s Church. Ashley Campos Vidal Andrea Breton Abdiel Mexquititla ADORATION CHAPEL ADORERS ARE NEEDED FOR THESE HOURS: Mon 8:00pm—9:00pm Tues 11:00am—12:00noon Wed 3:00am—4:00am Wed 9:00am—10:00am Sat 1:00am—2:00am Sat 6:00pm—7:00pm Call John & Peggy 732-581-9463 or Ann 732-473-9727 Memorial Opportunities Flowers and/or Sanctuary Candles If you wish to reserve flowers for the sanctuary or have the tabernacle lamp burn in honor/memory of a loved one, please call 732-349-0018 ext. 2202 The Tabernacle Lamp burns the week of August 25 thru August 31, 2014 in memory of Antoinette Gallucci requested by Joan Albanese. Be a light wherever you stand and whenever you stand...Be an example of truth, kindness and justice. Be a reflection of the Savior.—Justin Steckbauer READINGS FOR MASSES THIS WEEK Sunday: Is 22:19-23/Ps 138:1-3,6-8/Rom 11:33-36/Mt 16:13-20 Monday: 2Thes 1:1-5,11-12/Ps 96:1-5/Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday: 2Thes 2:1-3a,14-17/Ps 96:10-13/Mt 22:23-26 Wednesday: 2Thes 3:6-10,16-18/Ps 128:1-2,4-5/Mt 23:27-32 Thursday: 1Cor 1:1-9/Ps 145:2-7/Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1Cor 1:17-25/Ps 33:1-2,4-5,10-11/Mk 6:17-29 Saturday: 1Cor 1:26-31/Ps 33:12-13,18-21/Mt 25:14-30 Sunday: Jer 20:7-9/Ps 63:2-6,8-9/Rom 12:1-2/Mt 16:21-27 ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 4 FAITH FORMATION 7th and 8th Grade Sunday Session News and graders attending the Sunday evening session will begin on Sunday September 21, 2014. A letter with details and a full calendar will be mailed home this week. 7th 8th Tuesday Session (grades 1 to 8) and Wednesday Session (Grades 1 to 6) Children attending Religious Education classes on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings will begin class on October 7, 2014 and October 8, 2014. Letters will be mailed home this week with details and a calendar. Please call Nancy at extension 2225 with any questions! _________ Am I worthy of Love? Explore the truth and meaning of human sexuality. “The Rich Gift of Love” Join Totus Tuus, Women’s Faith Sharing Group as we follow Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel as she discusses the nature of love, marriage and family according to Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. First meeting is Thursday, September 4, 2014 7pm at 16 Lafayette Avenue. All women are welcome! Contact Carrie Colonno at with questions. Interfaith Hospitality Network of Ocean County provides shelter, meals and assistance to homeless families. St. Joseph’s Parish will host families the week of August 24, 2014. Please join us in welcoming them by assisting in meal preparation, food shopping, set up, or sleepovers. Call Kevin at 732-286-1877 if interested. There will be a meeting Sunday, August 31 at 1:00pm at 409 Lexington Avenue for all members of Interfaith and any other interested parishioners for a discussion and feedback on the visit. St. Joseph’s Social Concerns Volunteers will be in the gathering space following each Mass next weekend August 30/31 accepting donations toward the Sunday Supper Program. Sunday Suppers are held once each months usually the fourth Sunday of the month at Donovan Catholic Cafeteria. Last year this ministry served over 1500 meals to those in need. Please help us keep this ministry in operation. Consolation Ministries Calendar—2014 Bereavement Groups will meet 8 consecutive Tuesday evenings 7:00pm to 8:30pm September 2,9,16,23,30 and October 7,14, 21. There is also a Bereavement Group that meets 8 consecutive Thursday mornings 10:00am to 11:30am September 4,11,18,25 and October 2,9,16,23. Any questions please call Mary in Pastoral Care 732-349-0018 ext. 2223. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 5 FROM FROM DONOVAN MSGR. DONOVAN CATHOLIC... HIGH SCHOOL ... FROM FROM SAINT JOSEPH SAINT GRADE JOSEPH’S SCHOOL... GRADE SCHOOL... New Family Orientation Getting Ready for School JUMPSTART PROGRAM August 25th – 29th Students report from 8:30 am to 2:15 pm All new families to SJGS are invited to an Orientation on Tuesday, August 26 at 10AM. International Student Orientation Monday, September 1, 2014 9:00 am Welcome Back to School Freshmen Report September 3, 2014 Early Dismissal All Students September 4, 2014 Full Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saint Joseph Grade School begins the 2014-2015 School Year on Wednesday, September 3 with an Open House between 9-11AM. Families are welcome to visit the school and meet the teachers! Grades 5-8 return for the first day of school on Thursday, September 4 and we welcome our Kindergarten - Grade 4 on Friday, September 5. We anticipate an exciting new school year! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEALTH PHYSICALS ALL students enrolled in Donovan Catholic must have a current up-to-date health physical on file in the health office. The NJSIAA requires an annual physical examination for sport participants. Sports physicals must be turned in prior to summer workouts, tryouts and season participation. Access the physical examination form on the school website: Athletics Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms has relocated. New Address is: 2145 Route 35 Holmdel, NJ 07733 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save the Date The 4th Annual Spartan 5K will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014. Enjoy a nice run, jog, or walk through scenic Toms River, the course is flat with some hills. 1 Mile FUN RUN @ 9:30AM 5K @ 10AM Donovan Catholic Track ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 6 PARISH NEWS Saint Joseph’s Rosary Altar Society “Super Summer Raffle” Friday, September 5, 2014. If you have not already returned your raffle tickets, please do so as soon as possible. Rosary Altar Society Membership Drive is in progress! All women of the parish are invited to join us in devotion to the Blessed Mother and the Rosary. Meetings are the first Sunday of the month September through May following the 9:00am mass in Donovan Catholic dining hall. September 7, 2014 is our next meeting. Contact Theresa 732-505-2858 for more information. Save the Date….Rosary Society’s 26th Annual Fall Art & Craft Festival November 1, 2014 9:00am to 3:00pm at Donovan Catholic. Interested artists and crafters please contact Christina at 732-557-9290. DO YOU LIKE TO READ? Please join our Book Discussion! Here is what we will be reading this fall. September 9 Gift from the Sea by Anne Marrow Lindebrgh and The Paris Wife: A Novel by Paula McLain. October 14 The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht; November 11 Elizabeth Street by Laurie Fabiano. We meet 7pm at 16 Lafayette Avenue. All are welcome. The Prison Ministry of St. Joseph’s which originated 12 years ago and has been serving the spiritual needs of inmates at the Ocean County Jail is looking for women who will join us to share faith and journey spiritually with the women population of the jail. For additional information please call the Parish Office ext. 2204. AROUND TOWN Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey need volunteers. They have an unusually high volume of requests and the agency is experiencing an extreme shortage of volunteers. The primary need is for drivers to take seniors to medical appointments or pick-up groceries from the supermarket. If you have a few hours or minutes that you can spare, call Mary Malagiere at 732-505-2273 or email Mark Your Calendars: Crop Walk Sunday, October 19, 2014. The funds raised help to shelter and feed homeless families through the Interfaith Hospitality Network. Join us—Array of Hope, a Catholic multimedia musical concert featuring nationally acclaimed Christian artist, Matt Maher, September 19, 2014 at 8:00pm at the Strand Theater, 400 Clifton Avenue, Lakewood. Bring your friends and family to this wonderful evening of music, entertainment and faith. To purchase tickets 1-800-965-9324. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 7 HORARIO DE MISAS MENSAJE DEL PASTOR … Mi Querida Familia Parroquial, Durante esta semana muchos de nuestros graduados de secundaria empezaran la Universidad. A medida que avanzan en esta nueva etapa de sus vidas, queremos que sepan que los estamos enviando con nuestras bendiciones para que no les pase nada, para que tengan una experiencia única y para que saquen las mejores notas. Queremos que estén contentos, y trabajen duro y que sepan que su familia parroquiana desde acá se preocupa por cada uno de ustedes y les desea lo mejor. Asegúrense de orar e ir a misa. Se sorprenderán con la cantidad de amigos y compañeros que están esperando que alguien los invite a ir a misa con ellos. Se esa persona! Un agradecimiento muy especial a todos los que apoyaron la semana pasada los esfuerzos del grupo misionero Comboni en la recolecta misionera anual. El padre Daniele Moschetti fue tocado por tantos gestos de generosidad después de cada misa. Por favor oremos por él y por todos los misioneros que responden al llamado de propagar el Amor de Dios en tierras extranjeras. El padre Daniele, en su primera visita a los Estados Unidos disfruto ir a Seaside Heights, y a su sendero. También disfruto de una deliciosa pizza. Estoy seguro que muchos de ustedes han escuchado el rumor acerca de la misa de las 7:00pm los sábados. A principios del año se había decidido descontinuar esta misa durante el verano. Sé que esto fue difícil para los que asistían a ella. Los cambios siempre representan un desafío. Después de reflexionar mucho por medio de la oración y consultar con mis hermanos sacerdotes y los empleados de la iglesia, he decidido no retomar la liturgia de los sábados a las 7:00pm. Les pido comprensión y también que inviten a Dios en este cambio. Dios Los bendiga. Fr. Scott En la Semana: 7:00 am & 9:00 am. Todos los días de la semana ( inglés). Sábado: 8:00 am, 5:00 & 7:00 pm ( inglés) Domingo: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm ( ingles) Domingo: 6:30 pm español SACRAMENTOS Bautizos (en español): El Sacramento del Bautismo se celebra el 1ro, 2do y 4to domingo del mes, en la Misa de 6:30 pm. Para mayor información, llamar a la oficina parroquial. Unción de los Enfermos: Comunicarse con la oficina parroquial. Reconciliación/Confesión: De lunes a Jueves 9:30am-3:00 pm. Por Favor pedir cita 732-3490018 ext.. 2221. Matrimonios: Las parejas que piensen contraer matrimonio deben solicitar primero una cita con el Padre Carlos. Para mayor información comuníquese con la oficina parroquial.. Registro parroquial: Todos los feligreses deben registrarse en la Parroquia. Cualquier cambio en su dirección por favor notificarnos. Para mas información llamar al 732- 349-0018 ext. 2226. Clases de Educación Religiosa (CCD): Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial con Celine Fowler al 732-349-0018 ext. 2224 . Grupo Juvenil en inglés: Actividades durante todo el año para los jóvenes que cursan del grado 7-12. Para más información lcomunicarse con Catherine Werner 732- 349-0018 ext. 2229 ( habla español ). Rito De La Iniciación Cristiana De AdultosEs un proceso para adultos que deseen por primer vez recibir los sacramentos de iniciación en la fe católica o han sido bautizados en otra fe cristiana. También permite para las personas que han sido bautizados y les falta el Sacramento de Comunión y Confirmación. Este proceso también se hace disponible para los jóvenes de escuela secundaria (High School). Si usted está interesado o conoce alguien, por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Marge. Teléfono 732-349-0018 ext. 2236 . ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 8 ANUNCIOS DE VIDA COMUNITARIA OFICINA HISPANA: “POR PRIMERA VEZ LOS HISPANOS PODREMOS SENTIRNOS COMO EN CASA” Por primera vez tendremos en las oficinas de la parroquia un espacio para nosotros los hispanos, donde recibiremos ayuda en nuestro propio idioma, el cual es el medio de expresión de nuestra cultura y de nuestra fe. Nuestra oficina hispana será el centro de coordinación para todas las actividades pastorales y litúrgicas a nivel parroquial y diocesano. Además, nos brindará la oportunidad de recibir todo tipo de información para bautizos, primeras comuniones, confirmaciones, quinceañeros, matrimonios, renovación de promesas matrimoniales y todas las actividades de cada uno de los ministerios; o si necesitas una bendición a tu casa, visita, guía espiritual, confesión, etc. Te invitamos a participar de esta gran oportunidad. Puedes comunicarte con nuestra oficina a cargo de Juliana Moreno al 732-349-0018 ext.2213 o al correo electrónico RETIRO PARA PAREJAS: “Fortalece tu relación y ratifica tu amor”, ven y participa de este encuentro para parejas donde tendrán la oportunidad de disfrutar de un tiempo juntos, lejos de las distracciones y tensiones de la vida cotidiana, a fin de reafirmar los lazos de amor, amistad y protección conyugal. El retiro estará dividido en dos grupos (por pareja solo tendrán que participar en un grupo): Grupo 1: Septiembre 7 y 14 de 2:30 pm en adelante. Grupo 2: Septiembre 21 y 28 de 2:30 pm en adelante. El retiro no tendrá ningún costo y habrán sorpresas al final. El lugar del retiro será en la casa detrás de la iglesia 16 Lafayette Toms River, NJ 08753. CATEQUESIS PARA TODOS: Recuerden que en el momento de ponernos de rodillas durante la Misa debemos asegurarnos de que al bajar los reclinatorios no hagan ruido. En la Iglesia no se corre, ni se grita es la casa de Dios. Si su usted tienes niños que se ponen inquietos durante la misa, recuerde que tenemos el cuarto donde se puede escuchar y ver la Santa Misa, allí puedes prepararlos a vivir la Eucaristía con el respeto que se merece. FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE: Como sabemos la fiesta de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es el 12 de diciembre del presente año, aunque todavía falten algunos meses tenemos que prepararnos para esta gran celebración. Este año los encargados de preparar y elaborar la fiesta será un comité al que TODOS están cordialmente invitados a participar. Si tú estas interesado en dar ideas, ayudar con la preparación, colaborar con los diferentes platos y trajes típicos, hacer una donación o simplemente quieres colaborar con lo que te pongan hacer, comuníquese con el Padre Carlos Aguirre al 732-349-0018 ext.2221; o con Juliana Moreno al 732-349-0018 ext.2213 o al correo electrónico ¡De toda la comunidad depende el éxito de nuestra celebración! LA HERMANDAD DEL SEÑOR DE LOS MILAGROS: Invita a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad hispana a seguir al Señor por medio de la Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros, recuerda que Cristo murió en la cruz por ti y por mi. Rinde un homenaje a Jesús Crucificado perteneciendo a la Hermandad. CAPILLA DE ADORACIÓN PERPETUA: El Santísimo Sacramento del Altar está abierto todos los días de la semana y las 24 horas del día, todos están invitados a adorarlo. La capilla esta ubicada al costado de las oficinas parroquiales. Si quieres comprometer una hora a la semana comunícate con John y Peggy al 732-5819463. ¿PUEDES VELAR UNA HORA CONMIGO? Una hora semanal ante el Santísimo, deja tu hoja de compromiso ante el Señor. ST. JOSEPH’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH page 9 St. Joseph’s Parish Directory Main Tel: 732-349-0018 Cantors: Lead congregational singing at masses. For information call Tom ext. 2306 Reverend G. Scott Shaffer, Pastor, Caregivers: Aid to elderly and homebound 732-505-2273 Reverend Carlos Aguirre, Parochial Vicar, Choir : Adult Choir: Meets every Thursday, 7:15 PM in the Church September - June. For information call Tom ext. 2306 Reverend Pierre Alabre , Parochial Vicar, Reverend Garry Koch, Parochial Vicar, Director Faith Formation, Marge Halloran ext. 2236 Director Religious Ed.ucation, Celine Fowler ext.. 2224 Business Administrator: Jacqueline Mack ext. 2216 Carpenter Shop: (Religious Articles Store) Hours Sept. thru June Monday—Friday 9:30AM-3:00PM, Sun. 8:30AM-1:30PM July and August Tuesday & Thursday 9:30AM-3:00PM, Sun 8:30AM-1:30PM 732-914-2457 Church Manager: ext. 2307 Liturgical Music Director: Thomas E. Halpin, ext. 2306, Office Manager: Elizabeth Hemberger, ext. 2202 St. Joseph Cemetery: 732-244-3008 Manager Debra Evans, Parish Ministries & Organizations Adoration Chapel: John/Peggy 732-581-9463; Ann 732-473-9727; or Deacon Romy 732-240-4387 Children’s Choir: Grades 2-6 Meets October to May. For information call Tom ext. 2306 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: call Mary ext. 2223 Flame of Love Prayer Group: Richard/ Doris, 732-349-6860. Prayer meeting every Monday at 7:30 PM, Room G, Church basement Food Collection: First Sunday of each month. Parish van will be in front of Church to accept donations. Other donations may be brought to the Food Pantry 10am-12noon ext. 2207 Greeter Ministry: Eileen 732-914-2008 Hermandad Senor de los Milagros’: 1st Saturday 7:00PM, 16 Lafayette Avenue Hispanic Prayer Group: 7:00PM every Friday, 16 Lafayette Avenue Interfaith Hospitality Network: Assist Parish in helping homeless families Kevin 732-286-1877 Knights of Columbus, Council #4969 732-929-9811 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 8:00 PM At the council home Lay Dominicans: meet 2nd Saturday of each month 8:30AM to 10:30AM call Kelly Murphy 732-914-0041 Pastoral Care Office: Mary ext. 2223 Altar Servers: Deacon Tom Genovese, ext. 2255 Bereavement Support: Mary ext. 2223 Book Club: Mary 732-341-4332 Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM, September June, 16 Lafayette Ave. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Sept-June, 3rd Thurs., 3PM 16 Lafayette Ave., Jean 732288-0022 Pre-Cana: Bill & Lucy 732-473-0071 Prison Ministry: Call Pastoral Care Office ext. 2223 Readers: Deacon Tom Genovese ext. 2255 Teen readers call: Pat 732-341-9459 or Marge 732-349-6410 Respect Life: Mario 732-557-6689. Meets on 2nd Thursday of the month Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): For teens and adults seeking Baptism and/ or Communion and Confirmation. Additional information, call ext. 2236 or RCIA for Children age 7 and older: seeking Baptism Call Marge ext. 2236 or mhalloran Rosary Altar Society: Lorraine Sausa 732279-3292 Meets 1st Sunday of the month, September - May, Donovan Catholic Dining Hall, at 10:00am after the 9:00am Rosary Mass Separated and Divorced: For information call Deacon Michael Taylor ext. 2254 Social Concerns: ext. 2227 or ext. 2233 Meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Sept. June, 4:00 PM Parish Office St. Vincent de Paul Society: ext. 2260 General meeting, 4th Thursday of every month. 7:00 PM, Parish Office Teen Music Ministry: Deacon Gerry 732-473-9727, Grades 7-12 Totus Tuus: Women’s Faith Sharing Group Call Carrie Colonno 732-740-2024 Usher Ministry: To volunteer or for additional info call ext. 2204 Veritas Men’s Faith Sharing Group: meets on the 3rd Monday of each month, 16 Lafayette Ave. Call Dave 732-608-0085 Youth Ministry: High School and Junior High activities all year. All students grades 7 - 12. To join/volunteer or for info, call Catherine at ext. 2229