OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH 15444 Nordhoff Street, N. Hills, Ca 91343 Phone: 818-894-1176 Administrator Rev. Mike Perucho Associate Pastor Rev. William A. Gil In Residence Fr. Kenneth Chukwu In Residence Fr. Victor Ozoufuanya Retired In Residence Rev. Peter Ha Son Le Deacon Doug & Dolores Jones Deacon Rey & Lally Guiao Deacon Celso & Agnes Roxas Deacon Gilberto & Maria Hernandez Martha Barraza, Parish Secretary Maribel Carrillo, Bulletin Editor Virtus Coordinator Receptionists John Bonaduce, Music Ministry: 818.262.8375 or Christine Hart, Facilities Manager 747.234.8441 Rectory Office Hours Horario de Oficina Monday -Friday 9-7:30 pm Saturday 9-3:00 pm Closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM for lunch Sunday Closed Fax: 818-894-3838 Ext. 202 frperucho@olpeace.org Ext. 203 frgil@olpeace.org Ext. 601 Ext. 204 Ext. 201 Ext. 216 Ext. 200 Ext. 214 dcnjones@olpeace.org dcnguiao@olpeace.org dcnroxas@olpeace.org dcnhernandez@olpeace.org secretary@olpeace.org bulletin@olpeace.org olpvirtus@olpeace.org receptionists@olpeace.org music@olpeace.org facilities@olpeace.org February 21, 2016 -Second Sunday of Lent 21 de febrero de 2016—Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma Mass Schedule Weekday - English Mon.-Sat. 8:30am& 5:30pm, Vietnamese in Chapel Wed.7:30pm Vigil Saturday 5:30pm - English Sunday Mass in English 8:30am~10:00am~6:00pm Misa en Español del Domingo 7:00am~12:00pm~2:00pm Mass in Vietnamese 4:00pm Filipino Mass 1st Saturday of the Month 7:00pm Holy Day Vigil: 5:30pm English Day: English 8:30am & 5:30pm Español 7:00pm Vietnamese 8:30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday ~ Primer Viernes 9:00am to 5:30pm & 6:00pm to 7:00pm Sacrament of Penance Sacramento Penitencial Tuesdays / Thursdays martes/jueves 6:15pm - 7:00pm Monthly Adoration Meditación Adoración Second Tuesday of the Month 7:00pm in the church. Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 1st Saturday following 8:30am Mass Daily following 8:30am Mass Scriptural 2nd Saturday Following 8:30am Mass Unity in Diversity We the community of Our Lady of Peace Parish are a welcoming Catholic family, richly diverse in culture and language, who have chosen to come together because of our common faith in Jesus Christ. Grounded in Baptism, in Word, and Eucharist, we are committed to give ourselves in service to share the Gospel message of hope and new life, and to support one another in living our faith in the world. Sunday Reflection Brothers and sisters in Christ, Last week, 24 of our catechumens became the Elect. The 24 men, women and children will receive the sacraments of initiation this coming Easter Vigil. As part of their process, the season of Lent becomes a Period of Purification and Enlightenment as they prepare to become members of the Church. These happen in a special way during the Scrutiny which will occur on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday of Lent. Let us continue to pray for our Elect. Today, I want to go deeper into the spiritual practice of fasting. During this 40 day journey of Lent, the Church invites us to fast on two specific days – Ash Wednesday and Good Friday – where we are to eat only 1 meal or 2 smaller meals. The Church also invites us to abstain from meat on those days as well as all Fridays of Lent. The act of fasting and abstaining from meat is a long tradition of the Church and it has always been a sign of penitence that invites us to renew our relationship with God. When we look at fasting, we see the first act of breaking a fast in Adam and Eve when they ate of the forbidden fruit. They failed to put God first knowing that God is the one satisfies our “appetites.” The act of fasting was redeemed through Christ who in last weekend’s Gospel fasted for 40 days reminding us of the importance of placing God first and depending upon God in our lives always. And so, when we fast, we do not give things up for ourselves. Rather, we give ourselves to God. Giving up meat on Fridays or sweets, or soda or fast food or fried food or video games or TV or social media, whatever it is, this invites us to allow our desires and wants to turn to God and allow Him to fill our void. One of the great fasts that we should be partaking every time we go to mass is the Eucharistic fast where we do not eat one hour before Mass. Why? Because our hunger will be satisfied by our Lord, Jesus Christ who is truly present in the Eucharist. May our acts of prayer, fasting and almsgiving draw us closer to God these Lenten season. Finally, note that our Lenten Mission will be the week of March 7th – 12th. This will include spiritual talks on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, our Lenten Penance Service on Thursday, our Stations of the Cross and Fish Fry on Friday, and a Pilgrimage to one of the Holy Doors on Saturday. Save these dates as we make this great journey during Lent. Our Lady of Peace… pray for us. Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, La semana pasada, 24 de nuestros catecúmenos se convirtieron en Elegidos. Los 24 hombres, mujeres y niños recibirán los sacramentos de iniciación en la próxima Vigilia Pascual. Como parte de su proceso, la estación de Cuaresma se convierte en un Periodo de Purificación y Alumbramiento mientras ellos se preparan para convertirse en miembros de la Iglesia. Esto sucede en una manera especial durante el Escrutinio el cual ocurrirá en el tercer, cuarto y quinto domingo de cuaresma. Sigamos orando por nuestros Elegidos. El día de hoy, quiero profundizar en la práctica espiritual del ayuno. Durante estos 40 días de jornada de Cuaresma, la Iglesia nos invita a ayunar en dos días específicos-Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo- donde solo tomamos una comida fuerte y dos comidas ligeras. La Iglesia también nos invita a la abstención de carne en esos días igual que todos los viernes de Cuaresma. El acto de ayunar y la abstención de carne es una vieja tradición de la Iglesia y siempre ha sido un signo de penitencia que nos invita a renovar nuestra relación con Dios. Cuando miramos el ayuno, vemos el primer acto de rompimiento de Adán y Eva de mantenerse firmes cuando comieron la fruta prohibida. Ellos fallaron poner a Dios primero sabiendo que Dios es el que satisface nuestros “apetitos.” El acto de ayunar fue redimido por medio de Cristo quien en el Evangelio de la semana pasada ayuno por 40 días recordándonos la importancia de poner a Dios primero y depender de Dios en nuestras vidas siempre. Por lo tanto, cuando ayunamos, no lo hacemos por nosotros. Al contrario, nos entregamos a Dios. Dejar de comer carne los viernes o dulces, o soda, o comida rápida, juegos de video, televisión o las redes sociales, lo que sea, esto nos invita a permitir nuestros deseos para volver a Dios y permitir que El llene nuestro hueco. Uno de los más importantes ayunos sería que tomásemos tiempo cada vez que vamos a misa es el ayuno Eucarístico en donde no comemos una hora antes de la Misa. Porque? Porque nuestra hambre estará saciada por nuestro Señor Jesucristo quien está verdaderamente presente en la Eucaristía. Que nuestros actos de oración, ayuno y dar limosna nos acerquen mas a Dios en esta estación de Cuaresma. Por último, tomen nota que nuestra Misión Cuaresmal será la semana del 7 al 12 de marzo. Esta incluirá las platicas espirituales el lunes, martes y miércoles, nuestro Servicio Penitencial será el jueves, nuestro Viacrucis y cena de pescado frito el viernes y una visita a una de las Puertas Santas el Sábado. Reserven estas fechas para esta gran jornada durante la Cuaresma. Thank you for supporting our parish with your weekly offering. You may sign-up for an online gift-giving at www.parishpay.com. Don't forget to include OLP in your will or in memory of your loved one. For more information or wish to register as an OLP Parishioner, please call the Rectory at 818-894-1176. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The Lord made a covenant with his faithful servant, Abram, saying, “To your descendants I give this land” (Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18). Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27). Second Reading — We await the Lord Jesus, who will change us to conform with his glorified body (Philippians 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]). Gospel — Peter, James, and John witness the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain (Luke 9:28b-36). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 Alternate readings (Year A): Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42] SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Friday: Second Sunday of Lent The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle; Washington’s Birthday St. Polycarp Abstinence Jr. Joseph Donovan, M.M., is a Maryknoll Missionary Priest for 36 years. He has worked among the indigenous populations of Peru, in the capital city of Lima and Andean highlands. Father Donovan has developed leadership training programs and networks of Basic Christian Communities. Within these communities he has also worked with his parishioners in social & economic projects. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, February 20 5:30 p.m. Pantavee Chaiyakarn Deceased Sunday, February 21 7:00 a.m. All souls in Purgatory 8:30 a.m. Gaudencio Cena Sr. Deceased 10:00 a.m. People of the Parish 12:00 p.m. Jesus Quintanilla Deceased 2:00 p.m. Osvaldo Ruelas Sp. Intention 4:00 p.m. Vietnamese 6:00 p.m. Milagros Sales Deceased Monday, February 22 8:30 a.m. Ming Dilera Sp. Intention 5:30 p.m. Ana Granillo Deceased Tuesday, February 23 8:30 a.m. Rebecca Lintay Deceased 5:30 p.m. Zoilo Boyit Paloma Deceased Wednesday, February 24 8:30 a.m. T.I.M. Sp. Intention 5:30 p.m. Javier & Lourdes Vega Sp. Intention Thursday, February 25 8:30 a.m. Ellen Rosello Sp. Int. 5:30 p.m. Ronnie Armando Sanchez Deceased Friday, February 26 8:30 a.m. Carmelita S. Balngi Sp. Intention 5:30 p.m. Miguel & Mhayvie Roselle Diaz Deceased Saturday, February 27 8:30 a.m. Socorro Flores Racadio Deceased LENTEN REGULATION REGULACIONES PARA CUARESMA Catholics in the United States are obliged to abstain from eating meat on all Fridays during the season of Lent. They are also obliged to fast on Good Friday. Self-imposed observance of fasting on all weekdays of Lent is strongly recommended. The law of fasting bind adults up to their 59th birthday. The law of abstinences applies to those 14 and older. Los Católicos de los Estados Unidos obliga la abstinencia de comer carnes todos los viernes durante el tiempo de Cuaresma. Están obligados a ayunar el Viernes Santo. Se recomienda de observar el ayuno durante toda la semana de Cuaresma. La ley de ayunar es para los adultos hasta la edad de 59 años. La ley de abstinencia de 14 años y mayores. Sponsors workshop for our Adult Confirmation class with Sister Grace and our Catechists Faustino Jimenez and Julio Gonzalez.2.14.2016 Our New Elect with their Sponsors and our English RCIA Catechists after the Rite of Elect on 2.14.2016 James Li our new Elect was signing in the Book of Elect of our Church. La clase del Estudio Bíblico empezó una nueva clase, EL PADRE NUESTRO donde se analizaran cada uno de los versículos de esta oración. los interesados pueden comunicarse al tel. (818) 624-1868 ya que se tienen que mandar encuadernar los libros de estudio. Valley Care Community en Colaboración con el Ministerio de Salud de la Iglesia Nuestra Señora De La Paz Los invita a las Clases de Nutrición & Actividad Física ¿Quiere tener buena salud para usted y su familia? ¿Quiere tener más energía para lidiar con su día? ¿Quiere reducir el riesgo de serios problemas como la obesidad, diabetes tipo 2, enfermedades del corazón, derrames cerebrales y algunos tipos de cáncer? Si contesto sí! Hay dos cosas sencillas que usted puede hacer todos los días: Hacer por lo menos 30 minutos de actividad física. Comer diferentes frutas y vegetales. Iglesia Nuestra Señora De La Paz 2/27/16 Compartiendo el Regalo de Frutas Y Vegetales & 15444 Nordhoff St. Ejercicio 3/5/16 Frutas y Vegetales dan más Energía! & Ejercicio North Hills, CA 91345 3/12/16 Una Vida Sana y más Saludable/ Sea Activo a su Informacion: Amelia Tena Manera For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP-Ed, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit www.CaChampionsForChange.net for healthy tips. VOLUNTEER ESL TEACHER/COORDINATOR NEEDED Would you like to make a difference in the community? The ESL Program of OLP needs a teacher coordinator to continue serving our non-English-speaking community members. If you're willing to commit 3 days a week for 3 hours each session (6-9 PM), with English skills, organized (for some administration/coordination work), please come forward and call Blanca at 818.894-1456. Classes are scheduled to start March 2. Super Bowl Sunday, February 7 was also the date of the 15th Annual UCLA –OLP Health Fair. Two hundred fifty-five people took advantage of the opportunity to get free health screenings, enroll in health insurance and learn of health improvement classes they could take. Thank you to everyone here at OLP who worked to make the health fair such a success: Melissa Veluz, who was the bridge between UCLA and OLP for the 15th time; Deacon Doug, who distributed several thousand flyers to area schools; RCIA ,which provided the parking attendants; Chris Hart, who was there to answer our questions before and during the day; our parish nurses, Esther Stanton Chin, Naty Matitu, and Imelda de los Santos, and Providence nurses, Berenice Avelar, Lorena Soria, and Marlene Naumann who took blood pressures and did whatever else was needed; Chris Rojas, Asuncion Guzman, Imelda and JoJo Siojo who helped direct participants to where they needed to go; and Gary Boyd, general problem-solver. We also want to thank all of the parishioners who had to deal with the parking shortage. And, of course, Fr. Mike, who gave us encouragement and support from start to finish. May God bless and keep all of you. The table of produce the students had gotten donated from stalls at the LA Farmers Market at 4:30 am Saturday. They sorted through it, tossed the overripe items and brought the rest to the fair at 6:30 am Sunday. All the UCLA volunteers and directors present after the fair was finished and the hall was cleaned. Beth and Gary Boyd and Providence nurse Marlene Naumann are on the left in the front row. the they scans the had UCLA students supervising participants who were getting donated produce. This year’s health fair flyer. UCLA students and Deacon Doug distributed thousands to local schools, businesses and at OLP. Produce for participants after finished their health and visited organizations who tables at the event. Valley Care staff members Nurse consultation table where participants learned what to do about their health findings. The health fair in operation at the end of the day. UCLA students setting up the registration area. Nia Ferrer, the Health Fair Director, is in the center of the photo. All the UCLA student Directors of the health fair Beth and Gary Boyd with overall director, Nia Ferrer PARISH DIRECTORY SCHOOL OFFICE School Principal: Lourdes Jasso Pre-school Director: Rosalie Lemos School Office Mgr . - Irene Contreras School Office Asst. - Cathy Hernandez www.facebook.com/OLPeaceParish www.facebook.com/OLPeaceSchool 818-894-4059 Principal@olpeace.org Rlemos@olpeace.org office@olpeace.org chernandez@olpeace.org PHONE: 818-894-1176 FAX 818-894-3838 Youth Choir: Pablo de Lazaro Ext. 214 SCHOOL ADDRESS 9022 Langdon Street, N.H. 91343 School : 818.894.4059 Pre-School: 818.891.4227 Mon. - Thur. 7:30am - 3:30pm Friday - 7:30am - 1:00pm FAITH FORMATION 818-891-3578 Mon. Wed. Fri. & Sat. 8am - 1:30pm Tue. 3pm-8pm Thu. 8am-8pm Religious Ed. Dre.: Ma. Dolores Ruelas srdolores@olpeace.org Office Assistant: Martha Escobar mescobar@olpeace.org RCIA: Sister Grace Yip. Ext 215 sryip@olpeace.org RICA: Jesus Moreno 818.754.7653 Confirmation Stephanie Gomez Adult Confirmation Marylin McCafferty Youth Ministry Krysta Paalisbo Ext. 205 BAPTISM ~ BAUTIZO English: Children must be registered at the Rectory two months in advance and bring child’s Birth-Certificate. Baptisms are the “Last Saturday” of the month, 10:00am. The pre-Baptismal Session is the first Wednesday of the VOCATIONS month at 7:00pm. in Convent. Interested/Discerning Priesthood, Diaconate, or Religious Life, Español: Los niños necesitan ser registrados en la Rectoría please contact Fr. Mike Perucho. www.lavocations.org con 2 meses de anticipación y traer el acta de nacimiento. Los FILIPINO COMMUNITY bautizos son el “Tercer Sábado” del mes a las 10:00am. La Filipino Council: Christine Hart 818.612.5060 clase Pre-Bautismal es el primer viernes del mes a las 6:45pm. Filipino Choir: Sonny Guirnela 818.648.5877 en el salón parroquial. VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY MARRIAGE ~ MATRIMONIOS General info-from Parish to VC: Duc Pham Call Martha Barraza at the Parish Rectory at ext. 200 for an VN School Info. & OLP Environment: Thanh Tran 818.429.6537 appointment 6 months prior to marriage. 818.769.9972 VN School Information & RCIA: Dai Ngo Llame a Martha Barraza en rectoría a la ext. 200 para una cita Liturgical Ministry: Anthony Nguyen 818.274.8784 con 6 meses de anticipación. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion : Angie Orfano Lectors: Althea John Altar Society: Lynda Gomez Altar Servers: Troy Cruz Ushers: John Garcia Adoration Ministry: Ramon Tuazon Sacristan: Procer Francisco SPIRITUAL LIFE Holy Name of Jesus Prayer Group: Agnes & Celso, Fridays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm B Legion of Mary: Blanca Nolledo Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm, St. Barbara Rm OUTREACH MINISTRIES Bereavement Ministry: Joe de Leon Homebound Ministry Jaime Herrera Health Ministry: Beth Boyd 818.635.6555 818.780.6172 818.881.4622 818.356.0487 818.892.5348 657.217.7457 818.667-8998 818.894.1456 818.772.9675 818.906.3634 Justice & Peace, Thailand Missioners, Respect Life MEND (Food Program) Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month 9:00-11:00am. Dcn. Doug & Dolores Jones ESL: Blanca Nolledo 818.894.1176 818.894.1456 Mon. Wed. Fri. 6-9pm Room A M.O.M: Chuong & Phuong Knights of Columbus: Vladi Rivera 818.700.2780 818.357.4777 MINISTERIOS LITÚRGICOS Ministerio de Eucaristía: María Mejía Lectores: Tony Ruano Betty Nieto Ministerio de los Enfermos: Guillermo Carrasco Hospitalidad: Mauricio Méndez Monaguillos: José Estévez FORMACIÓN/ VIDA ESPIRITUAL Legión de María Español: Norma Reyes Sábados, 6:30-8:30 pm, St. Bárbara Grupo de Oración Emmanuel: Cristina Carmona Miércoles, 7-9 pm, Salón Parroquial Grupo Familiar Robles de la Paz: Lorena & Pedro Ramírez Lunes, 7-9 pm, Salón Parroquial Encuentro Matrimonial: Feliciano and Marta Hernandez Escuela de la Cruz: Luis Delgado Armando Vargas Lunes, 7-9 pm, Upper Rm Kairos Kai Metanoia: Jaime Manzo Miércoles, 7-9 pm, San Fernando Rm Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Sergio y Rosa Rodríguez Juan y María Calzada Estudio Bíblico: José Casares Martes, 7-9 pm, San Fernando Rm. Divina Misericordia: Orsa Pinto Jueves, 6-8 pm, Capilla Guadalupanos: Isidro Medellín 818.893.0232 818.984.2674 818.317.3588 818.221.9693 818.652.6113 818.390.5841 818.894.2048 818.941.6537 818.201.4436 818-916-1421 818-458-6598 818.849.4524 818.317.5915 805.822.2488 818.364.0348 818.624.1868 818.272.1978 818.310.0255 STATIONS OF THE CROSS During Fridays of LENT at 4:45 PM, we gather in the church to 'walk the Stations of the Cross' at 6:30 pm Bilingual. Please plan on joining us. Durante el tiempo de Cuaresma todo los viernes a las 6:30 pm tendremos las Estaciones de la Cruz en Bilingüe. Todos están invitados a participar. Our Lady of Peace Parish Penance Service March 10, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. St Joseph the Worker Church in Winnetka will be having the Lenten Penance Service Wednesday, February 24 at 7:00 p.m. God’s mercy at work upon us and through us. Monday, March 7th @ 7PM– Deacon Luis Espinoza (English) Tuesday, March 8th @ 7PM– Deacon Luis Espinoza (Spanish) Wednesday, March 9th @ 7PM– Fr. Choung, SBD (Vietnamese) Thursday, March 10th @ 7:15PM – Penance Service Friday, March 11th @ 5PM – 8PM Community dinner –Fish Fry @6:30PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 12 @ 9:30AM Pilgrimage to Holy Doors for Jubilee Year of Mercy LEGION OF MARY INVITES YOU The Legion of Mary at Our Lady of Peace invites you to join this 95-year-old worldwide Marian association of dedicated Catholics serving Jesus through the Blessed Mother Mary. Members meet every Tuesday at 5:30 PM at the parish convent, Santa Barbara Room. Please come as a guest to see the Legion in action. Call Blanca at (818)894-1456. Or, Mayette, (818)582-6161. The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church. - St. John XXIII