Cowboys fringants show
Cowboys fringants show
Cowboys fringants show Un arbre pour tous April 26, at the Centre de la nature | Page 20 spring 2015 Ville de Laval’s municipal news bulletin Laval Newsbriefs Highlights of 2015 Budget Municipal Agenda Ville de Laval’s budget for 2015 was adopted last December. It is a balanced budget of $784.5 million that will make it possible to support economic growth, while improving municipal facilities, parks, green spaces and recreational infrastructures. Developed within a difficult economic situation, this budget exercise has provided the City with an opportunity to revise certain processes in order to cut costs, and yet continue to offer the population the same quality of services. City Council Meetings On Tuesdays, April 7, May 5 and June 2, at 7 p.m. Key points Registration at day camps April 14 (page 16) Start of flushing operations on water system April 6 Summer schedule at construction and demolition debris sites April 6 (sites closed on Friday, April 3) • The City will finance long-neglected municipal facilities, by means of available cash assets, and not from loans. Deadline for dismantling temporary car shelters April 15 • Starting in 2015, residents will see improvements to their living environment—in green spaces and wooded areas, arenas and pools, in particular. Opening of bicycle paths April 15 • Mass transit continues to be free for 65-year-olds and over. Special fares will be offered to youngsters during the summer and service will be improved for everyone. Earth Week April 20 to 26 (pages 4 and 20) World Book and Copyright Day April 23 (page 23) • A first responder service will be implemented to increase everyone’s safety. End of seasonal parking period April 30 • The City is once again looking after trees within the public right-of-way. Bibliovente (library sale) May 8-9 (page 23) Collection of Hazardous Household Waste (HHW) May 9 at City Hall Investments in infrastructures (in million dollars) Hosia awards, tribute to volunteers May 12 Watering regulations enforcement date May 15 2015 Total 2015 - 2017 Green spaces 19 53 Environmental fair May 16, at Centre de la nature Centre de la nature 4 5.2 Waterfronts – 12 Compost sale May 16, at City Hall Libraries 1.4 30 Pools 0.9 42 6 25 Bicycle paths 4.3 20 Community centres 1.4 16.6 Sewage overflows 6.8 18.9 Traffic calming measures 0.4 2.5 Water, sewage infrastructures 60 207.5 Road system repairs and development 75.9 229 Val-Martin 3.4 15 Arenas 2 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 Spring flowers giveaway May 23 (page 7) Laval sports awards May 26 (page 30) Firefighters’ Grande Fête May 29-31 (page 33) Public consultations – Review of development plan Early June One Birth, One Tree Tree giveaway, June 7 (page 6) A Book for Baby Starting June 8 (page 6) — 311 Municipal News section ............................................... 3 .. ............................................................................... 4 . . ..................................................................................... 6 Green Scene Family Life Residents’ Participation Volunteering . . ......................................... 8 . . ............................................................................. 9 Laval in Action The Mayor’s Message Dear Residents: We are here at last! We have reached 2015… The year that provides us with an opportunity to celebrate Laval’s 50th anniversary is already well under way. I hope you have had the opportunity to take part in a number of activities during the winter and that you will join us for the celebrations yet to come. In fact, in addition to the major events planned to mark Laval’s golden anniversary, many organizations and residents are offering you an impressive list of activities in which you are invited to take part. You will find a preview of these “Residents’ Projects”, in the centrefold 50th Anniversary program insert in this issue. Join the celebrations! . . ................................................................... 10 History and Heritage . . .............................................. 11 Living Safely in Laval ............................................... 12 ....................................................... 14 Municipal Services 50th Anniversary Program .. ................................ Culture and Leisure section Your City Council 17 . . ............................ 21 .................................................................. 34 MUNICIPAL NEWS INDEX Handy Phone Numbers .. ............................................ 35 Keep this issue of Vivre à Laval until June 20. Enjoy reading it! Last December, we tabled the 2015 budget, which is enabling us to take stock of our situation, in addition to setting guidelines for the year to come. For 2015, four objectives have oriented our decisions in our budget planning: keeping our spending in line with what residents can afford to pay, controlling debt, improving services and planning our revenues and expenditures within a threeyear horizon. On page 2, we are presenting you some of the highlights of the 2015 budget. Further details may be found at Moreover, I invite you to follow me on Facebook, under Marc Demers Maire de Laval. Enjoy reading this issue and happy 50th anniversary! Marc Demers Mayor of Laval JOIN THE FESTIVITIES May 29-31, 2015 FETEDESPOMPIERS.LAVAL.CA SEE PAGE 33 Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 3 Green Scene © Sylvain Majeau Laval Earns Flowerets! Canadian Urban Forest Conference In 2016, Laval will play host to the 12th Canadian Urban Forest Conference (CUFC). Since Tree Canada made this announcement last October in Victoria, British Columbia, the first meeting was held in the presence of representatives from Tree Canada, Tourisme Laval, the Corporation du bois de l’Équerre and Ville de Laval. This meeting provided various opportunities, including a chance to establish guidelines for future collaborative efforts between the stakeholders and to define the objectives of the project. The next step—signing the agreement—has been scheduled for March. B r i n gi n g to g e t h e r s e a s o n e d s p e c i a l i s t s, t h e C U F C encourages knowledge sharing between professionals and community groups with regard to innovative, optimal management practices and research, strategies, policies and technologies. Every second edition of this conference is held in Eastern Canada. At the time of this event, dedicated groups and guest speakers present their knowledge and accomplishments with regard to the environmental functions of Canadian urban forests. Last fall, the City was awa rd e d a 4 t h f l owe re t (fleurons) out of a possible five, in accordance with the horticultural classification of the program of the Corporation des Fleurons du Québec. The purpose of this system of classifying cities’ beautification efforts is to spotlight the municipalities that improve their environment by means of horticultural landscapes. The accreditation received is valid for a period of three years. In the Community Initiatives and Sustainable Development category, Laval was given a perfect score. The community planting that was carried out on Laval territory over the past few years impressed the judges, who noted the omnipresence of trees, for example. The judges stressed the positive impact of the business and industrial sector on Laval’s community, and particularly the accomplishments of the Centropolis and Armand-Frappier park, which add vitality to the urban scene through their outstanding landscapes. As for the Institutional category, the efforts of the places of worship and schools as well as financial and government institutions were praised for the quality of the landscaped spaces. Ville de Laval intends to pursue its efforts and continue to rally the population around beautifying the Laval landscape. It should also be mentioned that this marked the Corporation’s third visit to Laval, as our city was honoured with 3 fleurons in 2006 and 2010. A New Forest for Laval Earth Week Once again this year, Laval has chosen to celebrate Earth Day all week long, April 20-26. To mark the 2nd edition of Semaine lavalloise de la Terre (Laval Earth Week), Ville de Laval will be planting over 10,000 trees and shrubs, which will form the new 3.3-hectare urban forest at the Centre de la nature. This major planting operation will take place following the concert (Un arbre pour tous) by the Québec group called Les Cowboys fringants that will bring Semaine lavalloise de la Terre to a close on April 26. Surrounded by a strip of shrubs and divided into five forest areas representative of southern Québec, the future forest will be criss-crossed by walking trails for cross-country skiing and hiking, among other enjoyable activities. This planting project comes within the festivities of the 50th anniversary of Laval. Laval residents will also be able to celebrate this theme week by taking part in the activities offered every day by a number of Laval organizations and partners. Further details may be found online at: 4 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 In April 2014, Laval launched the first edition with an eco-artistic video by sand artist Bluto, on a soundtrack composed by Laval pianist Karine Bétournay. A blend of various genres that takes a look at the major environmental topics that are near and dear to our hearts—water, air, soil, sustainable development, wildlife and plant life— and that perfectly depict Laval’s landscapes. You can see this video at or How is Tap Water Produced? To increase the community’s awareness about reducing the consumption of drinking water, Ville de Laval and the Centre d’interprétation de l’eau (C.I.EAU) are organizing tours of the drinking water production and treatment facilities. During these tours, visitors will learn more about the techniques for treating and distributing drinking water as well as about how sewage is treated. © Vincent Girard Did you know that containers of beauty, health and household products are accepted in the recycling collection? Or that you don’t have to remove the labels on jars and cans before placing them in the blue bin? To perfect your knowledge and contribute toward increasing the amount of waste diverted from the landfill site, read the Environment, Recycling and Collections section at or, where Recyc-Québec provides information on recyclables... and all in a fun way! Green Rebates The City is offering Laval residents two green rebates for gardening ecologically and economically. The first rebate enables you to obtain a refund of up to $50 on the purchase of a backyard composter. Compost is an excellent natural fertilizer. It provides plants with the essentials for their growth, in addition to improving soil structure and aeration. By making your own compost, you save money, while reducing the amount of waste sent to the landfill site. The second rebate consists of a $70 refund when you purchase a rain barrel. These barrels supply plants with chlorine-free water that is neither too warm nor too cold and therefore perfect for gardens and flowerbeds. Check the eligibility requirements at — 450 963-6463 semaine TERRE de © Vincent Girard Recyclables la ACK T n A R G n E E GR ograms pr 70 E UP TO $ RECEIV CASH B ? 311w.lAVAl.CA ww lavalloise APRIL 2O - 26 FOLLOW THE TREND SEMAINEDELATERRE.LAVAL.CA #SDLTLAVAL Rd BACKyAOSTER COmP TER RAInwA El BARR Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 5 © Lise Garon © René Journault Family Life In June 2014, the Sainte-Rose branch of the BMO Bank of Montreal was honoured with an Access award at the Gala Reconnaissance Laval – Visages d’art. Gala Visages d’art The 8th Gala Reconnaissance Laval – Visages d’art will take place on June 2 at Maison des arts. If you employ the disabled or if you make sure they are able to take part in the activities you offer to the general public, we invite you to submit your nomination. The Committee is also looking for entertaining acts for the show. — 450 668-2354 A Birth, A Tree, A Book La Relance: Get-togethers and Active Life for Seniors The Groupe de loisirs La Relance offers seniors who want to remain active, both intellectually and physically, a variety of courses and activities that meet their needs: sports activities, philosophy or language courses, a little trip to New York… Community lunches are also organized once a month, providing an opportunity for discussions and get-togethers that are always very enjoyable. Join La Relance to benefit from an active, dynamic life! — 450 661-4276 The annual A Birth, A Tree event is back on Sunday, June 7, at City Hall. Registration is required by May 15 at the very latest (by filling out the online form) and children must be born between June 2014 and May 2015 to benefit from the program and receive a free tree. In addition, discover the Book for Baby program, which aims to initiate tiny tots in the enjoyment of reading: In registering your baby as a library member, you will receive a wonderful gift, starting June 8. under Environment, Recycling and Collections/Tree New Premises Customized for Stimul’Arts Les Ateliers adaptés Stimul’Arts, which works with the multiply disabled, have inaugurated their new premises. The organization will continue to provide the community with an opportunity to enjoy new creative and sensory experiences, and particularly through painting, arts and crafts, thanks to its close cooperation with the Commission scolaire de Laval. The employees are already able to note the benefits of the renovations on the clientele: Not only do people move around more freely on the premises, but the very different layout of the two buildings makes it possible to offer a wider range of services and to better meet the participants’ needs. — 450 668-8226 6 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 SUMMER 2015 Keep an eye out for our next contest, made to measure! Online starting June 23, 2015 © Vincent Girard © Vincent Girard Family Activities at Centre de la nature The Centre de la nature is an ideal place for enjoying good times in the outdoors. And why not take the opportunity to visit the farm or the tropical greenhouse? Everything is free of charge, including the two family activities presented below… Fishing Festival Spring Flowers Giveaway May 16-18, you will have a chance to fish for free, without a licence, as part of the 19th Fishing Festival. For the occasion, the lake will be enriched with thousands of trout! The catch limit will be five trout per person, per day. This activity has been organized to teach families how to fish. Over 10,000 visitors are expected. You may rent fishing gear on site (depending on availability) and buy bait at the rental shop. On May 23, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., the traditional spring flowers giveaway will be held. Upon presentation of proof of residence (driver’s licence, electricity bill or telephone bill), each resident will receive two small boxes of annual flowers, two pots of perennials and a bag of compost. As for the children, they will receive a lavatera plant, the floral emblem of Laval. There will also be horticultural information booths and a repotting workshop as well as face painting for the children. Everyone is welcome! May 16-17 For 17-year-olds and under: 8 a.m. - noon For the general public: noon – 3 p.m. May 18 For the general public: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. © Vincent Girard Specially for Teens Many services and activities are offered to Laval teens. To find everything in two clicks, visit the Young Adults section on the City’s Internet site. Public transit, student jobs and summer jobs, training sessions, free activities, sports and recreational pastimes, educational institutions and services, youth movements—it’s all there!, under Young Adults Centre de la nature de Laval 901 avenue du Parc — 450 662-4942 90U0DENT ST JOBS BLE... AVAILA D E E N WE YO U ! Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 7 © Vincent Girard Residents’ Participation Laval Listening to Residents The Rethinking Laval process, which aims to gradually provide the City with a strategic vision over the next 20 years, was launched in January 2014. This operation is based on the will to plan Laval’s development in consultation with all local players: residents, organizations and the business community. To do so, marketing research (a total sample of 1700 people), three days of work with major partners and a series of consultations with residents were all carried out. The first two phases—marketing research and work days with partners—made it possible to identify an overall portrait that served as a framework for residents’ consultations. At these discussion workshops, potential development options were submitted to nearly 700 residents, who had the opportunity to express their opinions on the City’s proposals and their vision of the Laval of 2035. The report on these consultations may be found online at Land-Use Planning and Development Plan Within the continuation of strategic vision efforts, public consultations on the revision of the land-use planning and development plan will be held in early June. In this way, the City wants to consider more in depth, with all the local players, the various topics related to land-use planning: The environment, agriculture, urban growth, the economy, the living environments and mobility will therefore be at the heart of the discussions. As it may be recalled, the land-use planning and development plan is the most important official document on territory planning for Laval. It guides the City and all the local players toward a common, consistent vision of the physical organization of the territory, within a sustainable development perspective. Laval Residents Satisfied With Services Offered by City Between May 28 and June 11, 2014, a telephone survey was conducted among 500 Laval residents age 18 and over with regard to their satisfaction of the services offered by Ville de Laval. Here is an overview of the results: Almost all respondents said they were satisfied with public services. More particularly, nearly 93% feel that Laval offers a good quality of life for families, whereas 83% feel that it provides the services efficiently. In addition, more than 80% of respondents expressed their satisfaction over Laval’s fire safety and police services. The other aspects that satisfy a large percentage of Laval residents are the quality of the drinking water (93%), recycling and the household waste collection (90%) as well as the general cleanliness of the City (89%). More than nine Laval residents out of ten are satisfied with the 311 service and the libraries’ services. And lastly, 79% of respondents are satisfied with the recreational, sports or cultural activities offered in Laval. Laval Residents’ Satisfaction With Services Offered by Their City 1% 10% 21% Very satisfied Quite satisfied 68% Not satisfied Not at all satisfied Did you know that… The rate of response to this survey was an outstanding 50.2%! In general, the average rate of response to telephone surveys is 20-30%. In answering a Ville de Laval survey, you contribute toward its development. We thank all of you who take part! And we hope a lot more of you will… 8 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 © Vincent Girard Volunteering Objectif Zénith: The Winners Are…. The drawing of Objectif Zénith prizes was held on February 15 at the Cinéma Colossus, within a special morning event in which Mayor Marc Demers took part, as patron of the fund-raising campaign. All in all, 16 prizes, totalling $25,000, were drawn at random. Here are the results of the drawing: 1st prize Car rental (of a Smart Fortwo Coupe) for one year* Pierre Bilotto 2nd prize Travel credit, compliments of Vacances Sunwing* Claire Lenoir 3rd prize Travel credit, compliments of Vacances Sunwing* Marlyne Morin 4th prize HD television Michel David 5th prize Wine cellar Keamos Barbara 6th prize Camera with lens Sylvie Côté 7th prize RRSP or TFSA, compliments of the National Bank Véronique Girard 8th prize iPad (4th generation) (128 GB) Hoda Fayed 9th prize iPad (4th generation) (128 GB) Bouchra Fanah 10th prize Expresso coffee machine Denise Bastien 11th prize Vacation package at Spa & Hôtel Le Finlandais Senoun Karim 12th prize Vacation package at Spa & Hôtel Le Finlandais Athina Priftis 13th prize Vacation package for 2 nights’ stay at Marriott’s Residence Inn Mont Tremblant Manoir Labelle* Nathalie Morin 14th prize Vacation package for 2 nights’ stay at Marriott’s Residence Inn Mont Tremblant Manoir Labelle* Diane Cayer 15th prize Vacation package for 2 nights’ stay at Quebec City Marriott Downtown* Constantina Antonopoulos 16th prize Vacation package for 2 nights’ stay at Quebec City Marriott Downtown* Line Coulombe * Certain conditions apply., under Tribute and Mutual Aid Free School Support Program Diapason-Jeunesse, created in 1997, has adopted the mission of preventing school drop-outs among 12-17-year-olds. This Laval organization offers various free programs and services to supervise, help and support youngsters. These programs are designed to promote—among youngsters who are failing in basic school subjects—an awareness of both their abilities and their responsibilities. Supported by qualified volunteers, the participants have the opportunity to take part in personalized workshops and other activities to develop skills that are conducive to academic success. — 450 668-8839 Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 9 Laval in Action Place Bell STL News: Now… or Coming Soon Construction work on the new Place Bell amphitheatre is advancing well. Passersby near the Montmorency metro station, within the area bounded by boulevard de la Concorde and boulevard Le Corbusier as well as rue Claude-Gagné and rue Lucien-Paiement, can in fact see the cranes there. The official opening is scheduled for the fall of 2017. The Société de transport de Laval (STL) offers you various high-tech ways of planning your travels in Laval in real time. • STL Synchro: These applications enable you to have your schedule at your fingertips. • Save your favourite STL, STM and other stops in your My STL account or use the itinerary planners. • Chronobus: To find out the next times that your bus will be passing, phone 450 686-1000, followed by the five digits of the Chronobus number of your stop. • Texting: Send the Chronobus number of your stop to 511STL (511785) and receive information on the next times that your bus will be passing. • Newsletter: To make sure you don’t miss anything, subscribe to the STL’s Newsletter. • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn: Check out the conditions of the network and discover contests and promotions. Follow the Construction in Real Time IUR: A New Fresco in Chomedey Would you like to follow the work progress in the comfort of your own home? Visit the Internet site of the Cité de la culture et du sport de Laval to see the worksite in real time, thanks to a camera that provides an impressive overall view of the site. © Patrice Angéli Place Bell INFO-WORK line 514 359-6033 Would you like to obtain construction-related information or make a comment? Phone the Info-work line, set up and operated by Pomerleau, construction contractor for Place Bell. Just like the Centre communautaire Jean-Paul-Campeau, which will soon have its own, Les immeubles Val-Martin have been enhanced with several frescos. To conclude the neighbourhood beautification project initiated in 2014 by the partners in the Integrated Urban Revitalization (IUR) process in Chomedey, Centre communautaire Jean-Paul-Campeau will be enhanced with its own fresco at the end of May. To illustrate the neighbourhood, we will be including an archive image there. It will make the north side of the building more attractive, while life in Chomedey in 2015 will be represented by a recent photo submitted by a resident and integrated into this work of art. You have until April 10 to submit your photo of the Chomedey of 2015 or to become a member of the Selection Committee. — Patrice Angéli at 438 938-5826 News from the CSDL: Choose a DEP, What a Good Idea! Since a number of specialized jobs will need to be filled over the coming years, vocational training can be a very attractive option, making it possible to obtain—in less than two years’ time—a vocational diploma (diplôme d’études professionnelles) (DEP) issued by the Québec government’s Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. With the numerous fields of study offered at the eight vocational training centres of the Commission scolaire de Laval (CSDL), there is no doubt that everyone can find his passion. Firefighter, mechanic, florist, electrician, plumber, esthetician, bookkeeper, etc.: these are just some examples of the jobs that can be found. Will you choose the DEP? 10 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 © Ville de Laval archives © Centre d’archives de Laval History and Heritage History and Heritage at Centre Alain-Grandbois Laval Showcases Its History on the Internet Centre Alain-Grandbois, the former site of the Chomedey library, is home today to the Société d’histoire et de généalogie de l’île Jésus as well as to the Centre d’archives de Laval. These two non-profit organizations are dedicated, each in its own way, to preserving and disseminating the historical heritage of île Jésus. As part of its 50th anniversary, Laval is opening its archives to the public in order to share with the general population the history of its districts, from the discovery of île Jésus to today, including the establishment of the City in 1965. All this information will be available online (at in a new section dedicated to Laval’s history and heritage. The pages of the Internet site will be illustrated with photos of archives, videos and documents—most revealed for the very first time. The major heritage sites as well as the history of many Laval street names will also be listed there. For more information, follow the historical capsules published all year long on social media or go to, starting this May. At all times, the Laval population may take advantage of the many resources found there—over 9,000 books and other publications mainly devoted to regional, national and international history. A number of parish registers and other reference books are also available there for those who are interested in genealogy, in addition to a few databanks and a big collection of microfilms (newspapers, old documents, notarial deeds, etc.). Moreover, on appointment, numerous archive holdings as well as an impressive collection of photos and objects are accessible to the public and to researchers. Société d’histoire et de généalogie de l’île Jésus In addition to its day-to-day activities and its historical research service, the Société d’histoire et de généalogie de l’île Jésus offers various courses in genealogy every year as well as a series of talks on the history of Laval and Québec in general. Centre d’archives de Laval or Everything on my mobile The Centre d’archives de Laval, at the same time as its mandate of acquisition, processing and preservation of historical archives, offers a consulting service in document management to organizations, businesses and individuals wanting to improve the organization and preservation of their documents and archives. Centre Alain-Grandbois 4300 boulevard Samson — 450 681-9096 Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 11 © Vincent Girard © Jacques Gratton A Safe Environment Coffee With a Police Officer Watch Out on Water Courses Would you like to discuss a problem experienced in your neighbourhood, pass on some relevant information or merely exchange views about certain topics with the police? The Café avec un policier activity, which will take place April 23, 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m., provides you with an opportunity to do so in a casual atmosphere, at a restaurant in your neighbourhood. In the spring, venturing out onto the water courses is always a dangerous initiative: the mild temperatures may quickly thin out the ice. Be careful if you venture out on frozen rivers. Stay on the marked trails, which are checked on a regular basis by qualified people, and keep far away from layers of thin ice. Find out about the thickness of the ice at This initiative, created about three years ago by the police department in Hawthorne, California, where it is called “Coffee With a Cop”, aims at bridging the gap between residents and police officers. Since its beginnings, a number of municipalities, including Laval, have adopted this concept. So make it a date! At Tim Hortons 825 boulevard Vanier The new municipal bylaw L-12137 makes it compulsory to install a carbon monoxide (CO) detector in your home if you have a combustion system o r direc t ind oor access to your garage. Carbon monoxide, an odourless, colourless, nonirritant gas that comes from incomplete combustion of certain fuels, may have harmful effects on health and may even result in death. The detector is the only device that can sense it. Install one near the bedrooms in your home to hear the alarm while you are sleeping and place one on each floor of your house. You may buy a CO detector at hardware stores and superstores. 12 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 DO YOU HAVE your 72CY hour © Annie Poirier CO Detectors a Must EMERGEN KIT ? © Thinkstock © Vincent Girard Bylaw on Pools Outdoor Fires A swimming pool in your yard is the key to relaxation and enjoyment! But such an installation also entails a major safety-related responsibility. When the summer arrives, it is tempting, in the evening, to relax in your backyard around a bonfire. Since 2010, Ville de Laval has been setting more restrictive standards with regard to the installation of new pools and spas. These regulations deal with their location on the grounds and the type of fence or railing surrounding the protection area, among other concerns. The requirements regarding the protective enclosure vary depending on the type of installation (in-ground pool, above-ground pool or spa). Anyone wanting to install a pool or spa 45 centimetres deep or more must first obtain a certificate of authorization from Ville de Laval. 311 — Counter at Service de l’urbanisme (1333 boulevard Chomedey) However, in Laval, outdoor fires are allowed only in exterior fireplaces that are in keeping with regulations. It is important to know and comply with the installation restrictions relating to these appliances. So inquire before you buy one. Fireworks: Please Note! Although it is possible to buy fireworks on Laval territory, it is strictly prohibited to use them without first obtaining authorization to do so from the fire department (Service de sécurité incendie). Service de sécurité incendie: 450 662-4450 Recourse offered to residents to assert their municipal rights UNBIASED, CONFIDENTIAL AND FREE Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 13 Municipal Services New Work Supervision Team Welcome to 1333! Did you know that you can go to the ground floor of 1333 boulevard Chomedey to obtain information on many different topics or to obtain official documents? Municipal employees welcome you there to answer all your questions. Come visit them! Here are some of the topics dealt with at each of the counters: Residents’ Relations Counter • Oaths (certificates of existence and residency, solemn affirmations)* • Parking permits* • Application for a fishing cabin permit • Application for a snow removal permit Municipal Tax Counter • ID tags for dogs • Payment of municipal taxes and statements of offence (before the deadline) • Lawn watering permits • Verification of property tax Property Assessment Counter • Verification of property assessments • Meeting with an assessor • Copy of extracts from the property assessment roll • Assistance in filling out an assessment review application form • Copies of cadastral compilation sheets* • Location of plots of land • Searches for name of a building owner or land owner Engineering Counter • Connection permits for sewage and water supply systems as well as for driveways* Urban Planning Counter • Information on construction bylaws and zoning • Construction and renovation permits • Homeownership and residential renovation grants • Verification of construction possibilities on a plot of land *Upon payment of applicable charges — 311 14 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 From now on, in order to supervise infrastructure work, the Service de l’ingénierie has a new team made up of five engineers and three technicians. These team members are called upon to work on various projects (rehabilitation of water supply and sewage systems, installation of backflow lines, roadway reconfigurations, structures, paving, curbs and lighting). In addition to once again relying on internal expertise, the creation of this team makes it possible to directly control quality and costs as well ensure more efficient contact with residents, among other advantages. Revision of Permit Application Forms The Service de l’urbanisme is currently revising all forms for permit and certificate applications. These new forms will make it possible to speed up the processing of such applications, in addition to more precisely indicating the documents required. These revised forms will soon be available at Let’s Take Care of Our Sewage System Did you know that cooking oil poured down the toilet or sink accumulates and transforms into hard balls of grease? This solid waste, similar to soap bars, causes major blockages in sewage pipes, and even cause backflows inside homes or strong, nauseating odours. Each person must do his or her share to put an end to this bad practice. © Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles © Normand Lacasse Major Renovations at Aréna Yvon-Chartrand Aréna Yvon-Chartrand, located in the Saint-Vincent-dePaul district, will be getting a facelift during this spring and summer. The building, constructed in 1976, will be undergoing major renovations totalling $6 million in order to better meet today’s ice sports needs. To comply with environmental standards, the Freon refrigeration system will be replaced with a more efficient ammonia-based one. The concrete slab, the boards and the seating areas (bleachers) will also be replaced as well as the lighting system. The interior finishes and the furnishings will be updated and the lobby will be modified in order to improve accessibility. And lastly, the arena will get a new roof and a new heating system will be installed in the players’ changing rooms and in the bleachers. The arena should be ready to reopen to the public sometime this fall. Public Right-of-Way Restrictions and Grass Repairs Make sure you comply with the municipal bylaw when landscaping the public right-of-way on your grounds. The bylaw stipulates, among other requirements, that the owner must plant grass and maintain that part of the grounds at his own expense. However, installing concrete blocks, a low wall, a fountain, a tree, shrubs, a hedge or any other decorative option that may well interfere with eventual municipal work projects is prohibited. And so is asphalting the roadbed shoulders and modifying the slopes of road ditches. Have your grounds been damaged by snow clearance operations? You have until May 15 to file a claim. But take note: If your landscaping doesn’t comply with the bylaw, your repair claims won’t be accepted., under Citizens / Filing claims Emerald Ash Borers Closely monitoring the detection of emerald ash borers, Laval is continuing its plan to eradicate this destructive insect, by conducting an inspection—which it began doing last October—of all public ash trees as well as by establishing a diagnosis for each tree: treatment, cutting down the tree or debarking test. The Centre de la nature de Laval is involved in the process and marking operations are almost completed there. Between June 1 and the end of August, over 1,000 public trees located at the infestation centre will be treated with TreeAzin, an ecological insecticide. The wood that is cut down will be shipped to a depot site for subsequent waste reclamation and to ensure that this insect pest is neutralized. The City is also making a selection of the trees where a detection trap will be installed and will carr y out a preventive debarking of branches. How to Subscribe to Notifications on Facebook Ville de Laval’s Facebook page is updated every day (or almost!). There you will find suggestions of activities and contests as well as loads of information on a very wide variety of topics... and much more! Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t automatically send out all our publications to all our followers. To make sure you don’t miss anything and that you receive a notification each time we publish new content, just follow these few easy steps: 1.If you haven’t already done so, find us and “like” our page ( 2.Place your curser on the Like button. 3.Select Receive Notifications. Looking forward to chatting with you! Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 15 Day Camps and Tennis Lessons: Register Online! Good news! Starting this summer, registrations for day camps and tennis lessons will be online. In this way, you will be able to: How it works • Easily register a member of your family in the activities offered by the City, thanks to safe, instant online transactions. • Starting April 7, go to to create your family file. Take note of your access codes. You will need them for the next steps. • Access your family file at all times. • Take note of the following dates before accessing access the Internet site again to complete your registration: • Get your receipts, Relevé 24 tax slips and Federal tax credits in a few clicks, just when you need them. • Receive full information by email on the activities in which a member of your family is registered. – – Day camps: starting April 14, at noon – – Tennis lessons: starting April 28, at noon Don’t delay... Places are limited! — 311 s P M a C Y a D anD ten ni s register onLine as of aPriL 14 16 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 L’AUTRE HISTOIRE s S T RESIDEN OJ E t 2015 Fes ie i vit CT S in partnership with R P ’ Residents’ Projects VISUAL ARTS Here is a preview of the 42 residents’ projects to be held within Laval’s 50th Anniversary. Details: SPORTS & RECREATION Classique hivernale de Hockey Laval January 17 It is at the Centre de la nature that Hockey Région Laval presented the very first Classique hivernale Chevrolet GM 440 Hockey Laval, featuring teams representative of minor hockey in Laval. THE COUREURS DE BOISÉS CELEBRATE LAVAL School break week Les Coureurs de boisés cross-country skiing club organized a special program of activities during school break week, at the Centre communautaire Philémon-Gascon. ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO! Spring The CPE Force vive is offering families and tiny tots various outdoor activities in the Duvernay, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul and Saint-François districts. Le Tour de l’Est May 24 Le Tour de l’Est, organized by Jeun’Est en forme: a 25-km bike ride along with funfilled activities for a magnificent family day. Leaving from the Centre de la nature. DISCOVERY RALLY IN SAINTE-DOROTHÉE September 19 The Association pour la protection du boisé Sainte-Dorothée is presenting a cycling-walking rally that will make it possible to discover the forest and the wonderful rural landscapes that surround it. GRAND SCOUTING REUNION August 29-30 The Laval scout troops are inviting families to follow the traces of the past 50 years of the scout movement in Laval, by taking part in a grand reunion during a festive week that will be held at the Centre de la nature. TRAVELLING EXHIBITION: LA VIE À LAVAL VUE PAR DES PERSONNES AYANT SUBI UN AVC April – December AVC-Aphasie Laval will give you a chance to discover what a stroke victim can accomplish, through a travelling exhibition of 20 paintings created by aphasics. IN SAINT-VINCENT-DE-PAUL Starting in May Three frescos will be created by a Laval artist. In December, the Relais de quartier de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul will be providing entertainment in this district, with amusing activities on the history of the district and the day-to-day life of the past, through magical decor. Verticale Tempo May, August and October The Centre d’artistes Verticale, which has opted to hold activities off premises, will prove—with its Verticale Tempo project—that the City itself is a fertile breeding ground. Artistic works will circulate under a Tempo shelter with a characteristic visual identity, and a performance will take place in Des Prairies park on August 15. La Triple Célébration June La Triple Célébration will highlight, at the same time, the 50th anniversary of Laval, the 20th anniversary of Maison des jeunes in Sainte-Dorothée and the launch of the Culture beautification project, based on the principles of sustainable development. Le Symposium de peinture et de sculpture de Sainte-Rose July 23-26 The Symposium de peinture et de sculpture du Vieux-Sainte-Rose will be enhanced by a number of activities: an exhibition, a mosaic, a painting workshop and more… La galerie itinérante des Passionnés In 2015 All throughout the 50th anniversary festivities, the Passionnés des arts visuels will be holding a street art activity: On a mobile column, painters will represent the Laval of another era, while actors will relate to passers-by the stories that inspired these paintings. Vois-tu ce que j’entendais ? In 2015 Laval photographer Julien PerronGagné has produced this audio-visual exhibition Vois-tu ce que j’entendais ?, together with people who have a visual disability. The participants will enjoy a rewarding experience that will help them overcome the barrier of their handicap. Dates and locations to be confirmed. É vé N EIGHBOURHOOD FESTIVITIES Rivière en fête June 13 Éco-Nature is inviting families to come and discover the splendour of the river at a big gathering in Rivière-des-Mille-Îles park. Many activities will be held on the water and along the waterfront. YOUR MAISON DES ENFANTS IS 20 YEARS OLD, YOUR CITY IS 50: COME CELEBRATE WITH US! June 13 To celebrate its 20th anniversary and Laval’s 50th, Maison des enfants Le dauphin is organizing a writing contest and a Facebook “reunion” contest that will enable participants to win passes drawn at random for grand festivities that will be held in Labelle park. LAVAL’S 50TH AND SAINTE-ROSE’S 275TH June, July and August Laval’s 50th coincides with the 275th anniversary of Sainte-Rosede-Lima parish. The Festivités du Vieux-SainteRose will highlight the two events with the Pavillon du 50e, set up in Vieux-Sainte-Rose for the entire summer, as well as a special evening scheduled for August 1. Grande Fête champêtre July and August During the months of July and August, the Festivités de l’Ouest are offering a special program for the whole family, including fireworks on August 8 at the Grande Fête champêtre. The activities planned include a photo contest and a permanent historical route (starting in the fall). LOISIRS SAINT-URBAIN OUTDOOR FESTIVITIES August 22 Loisirs Saint-Urbain are inviting families in the district to join in outdoor festivities—a chance to get together and have fun, by taking part in many varied activities and entertainment. n e me MUSIC Ici, le monde ! April and October This musical show written and produced by Grade 5 and 6 students at Saint-Norbert school, under the artistic direction of François Tardif, relates the history of Laval from the viewpoint of these 150 youngsters. Presented in mid-April, it will be followed in October by a collection of stories told by seniors that the youngsters will have visited. AU fil de l’eau: LAVAL IN PICTURES AND MUSIC ($) May 6 The Orchestre symphonique de Laval will be presenting an original creation with a bridge theme. For the occasion, the audience will have an opportunity to watch a video based on this piece. COMMEMORATIVE CONCERT June 16 The Orchestre à cordes des jeunes de Laval is inviting Laval residents to Salle AndréMathieu for an outstanding string concert by 150 musicians at all school levels, from elementary to university. LAVAL BY NIGHT July 11 La Centrale des artistes and Festival musical indépendant Diapason are offering a magical evening under the stars, with a number of original ideas: specially set up areas, theme bars, patios on various levels… A musical show featuring budding performers will be followed by an evening of outdoor dancing hosted by a DJ and a VJ. ALPHABÊTES AND LES CANTIQUES DE L’EAU October 1 At Théâtre Marcellin-Champagnat, composer and Laval choir leader Gilbert Patenaude will be presenting a show combining the words of Laval poets Patrick Coppens and Nancy R. Lange with music and image projections. GRAND OPENING CONCERT: The Golden Touch / La touche d’or October 28 The Golden Touch CD-book will feature British actor Terry Jones, accompanied by 35 professional musicians and a choir of 200 children. Presented by Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board and Panarmonia Atelier musical. Laval frissonnant : HALLOWEEN CONCERT October 31 On Halloween, accompanied by Harmonie Laval and Laval soloist Étienne Cousineau, the Choeur de Laval will be performing classical music to the beat of… terror! ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION WORKSHOPS ON AGRICULTURE AND FOOD PROCESSING Winter, spring and fall La Coopérative de solidarité L’espace gastronome de Laval is inviting Laval residents to take part in workshops on the history of food processing and in sampling fine products developed through the expertise of local artisan producers. PLANTACTION MOVEMENT June 4 This greening project is designed to rally the population around improving a community space in Laval. Some fifty trees will be planted along the paths and playgrounds of Renaissance Park. Big family festivities will be held to mark this accomplishment. À L’HEURE DU CHAMP AND BIOTROUSSE URBAINE Summer Les Clubs 4H du Québec are presenting this project, which aims at enhancing the value of Laval’s agricultural territory among Laval families. Educational activities, entertainment and technology. THE DEVELOPMENT OF LAVAL’S OWN FLAVOURS In 2015 The Table de concertation agroalimentaire de Laval will be producing a portrait of the growth of Laval’s heritage, through its food and horticultural industry, in order to rally residents around the territory’s future and tomorrow’s flavours. HISTORY & HERITAGE DISCOVERING YOUR NEIGHBOURS May – September L’Entraide Pont-Viau and Laval-des-Rapides are presenting a project promoting social mixing and encouraging the discovery of five different communities through various activities (dancing and food sampling) related to their respective traditions. LAVAL’S GREAT ECONOMIC HISTORY: 5 DECADES, 25 PORTRAITS In 2015 In the 2015 issues of its MAG magazine, the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Laval will be presenting a snapshot of the past 5 decades of economic life, in the form of 5 news features and 25 portraits. C’était simplement la vie dans le Laval d’autrefois ! In 2015 Presented by Gaëtan Lavoie, a resident of Laval, this project of 12 videos available online outlines the daily lives of extraordinary people who don’t always have their place in the official history. 10 TELEVISION SHOWS In 2015 Since last December, Télévision régionale de Laval has been broadcasting shows that present the various events within Laval’s 50th anniversary and that relate the municipality’s history. You can watch these shows on the Internet, too. THEATRE CAPTIVATING FOREST STROLL May – September The Corporation pour la mise en valeur du bois de l’Équerre is inviting you on a dramatic stroll through the forest in the form of a theatrical sketch. FESTIVAL DES MOLIÈRES: SPECIAL 50TH EDITION June 3-21 The Festival des Molières will be presenting the best amateur theatre troupes in Québec and outside the province through an original program. Pièces à conviction August 15 Presented at Des Prairies park, this play by Dany Boudreault and produced by Bluff productions will be the outcome of a dramaturgical relay between professional artists and Laval residents, who will reflect together around themes of transmission, recollections, dreams and self-projection in the city. 24 HOURS OF RTA IMPROV November During an encounter that promises to be intense, Rencontre Théâtre Ados will be presenting over 20 improv matches between teams of all calibres and all generations at three different locations, all at the same time. L’histoire sous nos pas In 2015 The dramatic arts department of Curé-Antoine-Labelle school is organizing three activities relating to art, culture and education, with “history and theatre” talks, video capsules and dramatic creations. WRITING & LITERATURE Portrait de famille des 50 ans de Laval February The Société littéraire de Laval is presenting a book of photos and literary creations inspired by 25 Laval personalities, each one twinned with an outstanding resident who describes the places to which he or she is attached. Écrire les lieux : GROUP WRITING PROJECT Winter and fall Poet Nancy R. Lange is offering residents group writing workshops to be held at five libraries. The launch of the collections of texts written by the participants will immortalize the project and make it accessible to one and all. BIG WRITING CONTEST AND WORKSHOPS Summer Les Productions Le p’tit monde are offering writing workshops to elementary school students and are launching a contest, open to the general public, on the theme “Laval, a legendary city!” A collection of the best texts will be published in September. READING YEAR IN LAVAL In 2015 The CPE Les p’tits soleils de Sainte-Dorothée is turning Reading and Writing Month into Reading Year. Talks and shows will be presented at nine libraries. 50TH ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM t oy ens ci s e nt Earth Day Show For Semaine lavalloise de la Terre, the Cowboys fringants will be presenting the Un arbre pour tous show at the Centre de la nature, where 10,000 trees will be planted in 2015 to mark the City’s 50th anniversary! Produced by: Ville de Laval — Communications, March 2015. Photos: All rights reserved. cowboy fringants Sunday, April 26, 2 p.m., at the Centre de la nature The Forêt du 50e will be created in this way. Adding 10,000 trees in Laval comes within the En route vers le 22 avril 2017 project. The objective of this project is to plant 375,000 trees in Greater Montréal’s green belt, and it is being carried out in cooperation with Jour de la Terre Québec, the David Suzuki Foundation and the Fondation Cowboys fringants. It is also thanks to the volunteer involvement of the Cowboys fringants and their friends that this unique event will be held in our city. Demi-marathon de Laval Avril se livre Runners, it’s time to start your training! On May 31, the first Demi-marathon de Laval will be held. This 21.1-km race will leave across from SaintVincent-de-Paul church and end at the Centropolis, right in the midst of the Grande Fête des pompiers. Much of the route will run along the beautiful Rivière des Prairies. All throughout April, Laval’s 50th Anniversary celebrations will be featuring reading and listening: 50 spontaneous public readings will take place at 50 locations well-known to residents. These readings by Laval’s libraries will put the spotlight on Laval’s authors and history. At the busiest places, you will be able to appreciate excerpts of novels, poems, archive documents, plays and youth books. Keep an eye out to enjoy a highly original literary experience! REGISTRATION REQUIRED:, under Course 50 years, 50 readings, 50 places JOIN IN THE FESTIVITIES: Partners: Media partners: .com Culture and Leisure Centre de la nature (page 32) Take out your teen (page 28) INDEX Culture and Leisure section Libraries . . ............................. 21 ........................................................................................... 22 Maison des arts . . ................................................................. Arts and Culture ................................................................ 24 26 Sports and Recreational Activities .... 30 Outdoors .......................................................................................... 32 Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities © Courtesy (Cirque chinois), © Daniel Fortin (Centre de la nature), © Depositphotos (Sors ton ado) Cirque chinois (page 28) 21 Libraries “ All throughout the year, the libraries are taking part in the grand festivities for Laval’s 50th anniversary by offering enriched programs, plus other surprises... © Jacinthe Robillard The Libraries Are Celebrating! One time, it took me seven months to find the right word, she commented. The existential crises that 26 letters can cause are really incredible. ” – Audur Ava Olafsdottir, L’exception Reading Suggestions L’exception L’aube des rêveurs Audur Ava Olafsdottir Zulma, 2014 Mary Doria Russell First, 2009 On being told by her husband: “You are the last w o m a n i n my l i fe,” i n announcing to her that he was leaving her for a man, Maria will have to re-read her story and look after their two-year-old twins. She is suffering, without tears, without becoming hysterical and without condemning the man who wants to live out his homosexuality at last. In this refined, Nordic-style novel, we find the author’s poetic imagination as well as the slightly quirky characters who influence her world… A suggestion from librarian Sandra Alaouz. At the end of the First World War, we witness the emergence of the Roaring Twenties in Cleveland, Ohio. The ups and downs of life prompt the heroine of this novel to visit Egypt. There she hobnobs with many historical figures (W i n s t o n C h u r c h i l l , Lawrence of Arabia and Gertrude Bell), who are busy shaping the outline of new countries in the Near East. A love stor y and a little geopolitical treatise at the same time, with a touch of topicality. A suggestion from librarian Francis Labelle. Le feu de mon père Michael Delisle Boréal, 2014 In this autobiographical n ove l, M i c h a e l D e l i s l e relates his troubled relationship with his father, a violent man who is criminal yet religious. Caught between this insignificant Mafia-like man and a dysfunctional m o t h e r, t h e n a r r a t o r achieves self-discovery through important encounters and life-saving writing. A very powerful, magnificent, disquieting story. A suggestion from librarian Sandra Alaouz. 22 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 For teens C’est la faute à Patrick Roy, tome 4 Luc Gélinas Hurtubise, 2014 Fo l l o w Fé l i x R i o p e l, a young hockey player from Québec, in his efforts to make the National Hockey League. This fourth novel in the ser ies is bound to delight you, as you discover what goes on behind the scenes of a fascinating sport. A suggestion from librarian Sylvie Caron. Regular Schedule (until May 30) Monday: closed Tuesday - Thursday: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday: noon - 9 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: noon - 5 p.m. Summer schedule (May 31 – September 7*) Monday - Thursday: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday: noon - 5 p.m. Sunday: closed * Closed on Monday, June 1, 2015 Library Sale © Annie Poirier Join the 2015 TD Summer Reading Club! The Bibliovente—that gigantic sale of second-hand books and other library m ate r i a l s — i s b a c k a g a i n t h i s ye a r, May 8-9, at Aréna Cartier, 100 montée Major in Laval-des-Rapides. Over 35,000 titles (novels, documentary books, comic s t r i p b o o k s, p e r i o d i c a l s, D V D s a n d CDs),from the libraries’ own weeding o p e ra t i o n s a n d f ro m d o n at i o n s by residents, will be sold for $3/kilo. Bring your bags! This summer, children up to 12 years of age are invited to take part in the TD Summer Reading Club to maintain and develop their reading skills. On registering, participants will receive a reading notebook and will therefore be encouraged to discover various books during their vacation. With a number of activities to select, they will also have a chance to win wonderful prizes! This year’s theme is Play. Registration starting Thursday, June 18, at 6:30 p.m. April 23: World Book and Copyright Day This special day celebrating books all over the world is a golden opportunity to meet a number of authors. These in spir in g, touc h in g an d s om e t i m e s amusing encounters will enable you to discover the work and approach of such writers as Patrick Senécal, Perrine Leblanc and Catherine Mavrikakis. For more information, check out the Winter 2015 cultural program available at all libraries. At the library Les habitués Check out our catalogue at and click on Ressources numériques (Electronic resources), where you will find such titles as… ToutApprendre © Jacinthe Robillard Did you know that your libraries offer you over one hundred online courses? Whether related to computers, multimedia, language or personal development, you will find everything you need on ToutApprendre. Universalis Junior Habitué Éric Côté: age 30 His favourite author: Patrick Senécal That’s the title of the project carried out by photographer Jacinthe Robillard. There are 50 habitués—all of them Laval residents. The youngest is oneyear-old, the oldest, 50: just like Laval itself! To discover these book lovers who enthusiastically took part in this magnificent project, pick up a copy of the 2015 winter brochure or follow the Laval libraries on Facebook. Your libraries also give you access to classic encyclopedias right on the Internet. If you are looking for a source other than Wikipedia to obtain quality content for your school work, consult Universalis Junior. Zinio Surprise! As a member of Laval’s libraries, you can download over 80 digital magazines. No need to subscribe to them! Online, you may borrow such popular titles as Coup de pouce, Les Affaires Plus and National Geographic on our Zinio page. Join up, ? ! it ’s free For more information on the libraries, please refer to the handy phone numbers directory on page 35, visit or call 311 Bibliothèques de Laval — page officielle Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities 23 © Julie Artacho © Michael Slobodian Maison des arts Quotient Empirique Suites curieuses DANCE FESTIVAL PETITS BONHEURS Quotient Empirique Groupe RUBBERBANDance March 28, 8 p.m. Six dancers present a complex demonstration of athletics and precision, while addressing the themes of dependency, rejection, empathy and acceptance, within choreography by Victor Quijada. May 1-10 The not-to-be-missed cultural event for young children up to age 6 is back again for its sixth year! Petits Bonheurs Laval provides an outstanding opportunity to initiate youngsters in the living arts through many stimulating shows and artistic workshops of different kinds. The complete program will be announced online in April at THEATRE Suites curieuses Cas public (age 2 and over) May 3, 11 a.m. (family) May 4-6, 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. (schools) Moi et l’autre Compagnie Fêlé April 13, 7:30 p.m. Talia, a young actress from Egypt, refuses to accept the death of Julie Sirois, her best Québec friend. She therefore decides to change the course of destiny by giving Julie her role. She traces the portrait of a friendship that defies conventions and takes a personal look at immigrant identity. Written by Talia Hallmona and Pascal Brullemans. In a subtle mix-up of comings and goings, three men and one woman proceed to and fro, mischievously and teasingly, to give life to the famous characters of Little Red Riding Hood. Meticulously, elegantly and subtly, this short play has everything it takes to capture the imagination of young children. Eaux Les Incomplètes (age 6 months and over) May 7- 8, 9:30 a.m. (schools) – possibly more performances May 9, 11 a.m. (family) © Nicola Frank Vachon L’augmentation Productions Pas de panique April 30, 7:30 p.m. Based on an organization chart that his friend gave him, the author writes a script that explores all possible ways for an employee to approach his boss in order to get a raise. A simultaneously funny and biting critique of bureaucracy and capitalism on a large scale, this script by Georges Perec has not lost any of its relevance, even 50 years after it was first written. Le carrousel Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui May 13, 7:30 p.m. © Valérie Remise On her way to get to her dying mother’s bedside, the narrator embarks on a quest in a maze of recollections. Happiness wins over all, however, in a last carrousel ride. Written by J e n n i fe r Tre m b l ay a n d performed by the outstanding Sylvie Drapeau. 24 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 Eaux is a genuine sensory trip that surrounds tiny tots in an aquatic world and its poetry. Playing with light, sound and movement, the show is an invitation to rediscover water—so vital and so inspiring as it is. © Jennifer Maclem © Élisabeth Picard États de la matière, Sarah Bertrand-Hamel, Cara Déry and Élisabeth Picard Crépuscule: volet 2, Jennifer Macklem Exhibitions at Alfred-Pellan Sarah Bertrand-Hamel, Cara Déry and Élisabeth Picard États de la matière Curator: Catherine Barnabé Jennifer Macklem Crépuscule: volet 2 Curator: Stefan St-Laurent Until April 19 May 3 – June 28 Vernissage: May 3, 2 p.m. Guided tour: May 24, 2 p.m. États de la matière brings together, for the first time, the works of these three artists, in an exhibition that establishes a connection between their practices. To varying degrees and through singular approaches, organic or natural matter is always present. The notion of landscape is reimagined in the shapes or lines that evoke geographic motifs. The very matter of the work takes on various forms: here, a motif is recurrent; there, the layers are superimposed. The various states of the matter—whether plastic or symbolic—mix and mingle through these inter-relations and offer a striking visual composition. Lobby Exhibitions Ingrid Maria Sinibaldi Gloria 2 Crépuscule: volet 2 is an invitation to enter into supernatural, yet familiar, scenery. Jennifer Macklem creates an experiential atmosphere where echoes of light and obscurity co-exist. Immersed in a futuristic urban scene swept by the wind and the snow, and surprised by the appearance of a comet, visitors are no longer only observers. Sculptures, installations and videos are put together to arouse questioning on notions that are simultaneously tinged with current affairs (climate, social trends) and dreams (celestial geometry). Lobby Exhibition Kim Dufort Mix & Match Maison des arts de Laval, Venue of the Year for 2015! On February 19, Maison des arts de Laval was honoured with the title of Venue of the Year for 2015. This award from RIDEAU (Réseau indépendant des diffuseurs d’événements artistiques unis) recognizes a venue’s daring spirit, ingenuity and excellence in its artistic direction. We thank you for your appreciation of our programs, for frequenting your arts centre, for rediscovering it and for contributing to its fine reputation! Maison des arts DE LAVAL 1395, boulevard de la Concorde Ouest, Laval 450 662-4440 | SALLE ALFRED-PELLAN OPEN Tuesday — Sunday, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. INFORMATION 450 662-4440 TICKETS 450 667-2040 On performance evenings, open until 8 p.m. ADMISSION IS FREE Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities 25 Arts and Culture MUSIC Chœur de Laval Bon-Pasteur church 400 rue Laurier — 450 629-8380 © Denis Germain On May 30 at 8 p.m. Chœur de Laval presents La Messa da Requiem by Gaetano Donizetti. Four soloists, a group of musicians and an 80-member choir, under the direction of Dany Wiseman, are bound to fill you with a wide range of emotions at this intense—yet mellow—concert, like the end of spring itself. L’orchestre dans la cité Within Laval’s 50th anniversary celebrations, the Orchestre symphonique de Laval (OSL) is visiting your neighbourhood to present you six free, outdoor concerts all throughout the summer season. Before the shows, take advantage of the entertainment on the patio, the BBQ facilities and the food services on site ($). Or bring your own picnic. © Luc Breton Two unique shows, five districts, 50 musicians and a thousand flavours to treat your senses to a complete experience! This is an invitation to all families! For the young and young at heart: Come enjoy a magical evening with the OSL! Dehors l’orchestre! – Music and Nature Opéra bouffe du Québec, Gala lyrique de Laval Opéra bouffe du Québec Gala lyrique de Laval, 2nd edition Artistic and musical direction: Simon Fournier June 14, 3 p.m., at Maison des arts de Laval This gala will feature a dozen soloists who will perform together on stage, in duets, trios and quartets, along with a pianist and the choir from the Opéra bouffe du Québec. A joyful musical event where a variety of light opera arias will be presented. June 4 – show at 7:30 p.m. – Centre de la nature June 11 – show at 7:30 p.m. – Berge Saint-Maxime June 18 – show at 7:30 p.m. – Des Prairies park Pleine lune – Enchanting Magic August 6 – show at 7:30 p.m. – Centropolis August 13 – show at 7:30 p.m. – Berge aux Quatre-Vents August 16 – show at 2 p.m. – Cité de la santé de Laval — 514 903-1980 THEATRE © Sophie Poliquin Roger, a bowling lanes owner who has had his hours of glory, has incurred a gambling debt that he has to pay back quickly. He finds a partner, Marie, a young graduate in Administration and Arts. Together, with the complicity of a few regulars, they will do their utmost to find the amount owed. However, along the path of their ideas, it’s not only bowling pins that will be tossed about all over the place! Bowling By Josée Fortier Théâtre L’envol Maison des arts May 22-23, 8 p.m. May 24, 3 p.m. 26 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 This play is offered in “audio-described theatre” mode for the blind and amblyopic. For this service—the only one of its kind in all of Québec—Théâtre L’envol was honoured with an award from the Association régionale de loisirs pour personnes handicapées de Laval at the Gala Visages d’art 2014 (see page 6) — 450 937-1300 © Courtesy © Thinkstock EXHIBITIONS Quartier des arts du Cheval blanc At Centre Accès 6500 boulevard Arthur-Sauvé Couleurs du printemps April 25 – May 29 Collectif de l’association du Quartier des arts du Cheval blanc Submit Your Work During Semaine des artisans de Laval Arts and crafts workers as well as artisan agri-food producers who want to take part in Semaine des artisans de Laval, August 5-9 in Vieux-Sainte-Rose, are invited to submit their requests no later than May 14. — 514 833-8718 450 627-1561 Rose-Art At Centre d’art du Vieux-Sainte-Rose 214 boulevard Sainte-Rose Second floor Exhibition by Gérald Trudel and his group of students March 27-29 Vernissage: March 27, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Exhibition by Carole Laurence and her students April 17-19 Vernissage: April 17, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Exhibition by students of Lise Boilard’s workshop May 1-3 Vernissage: May 1, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Quand la couleur parle Oprina Dolea et les amis d’Hermine May 9-10 Vernissage: May 9, noon – 2 p.m. THANKS to our volunteers At Galerie d’art La Vieille Caserne 216 boulevard Sainte-Rose Au son de la vie February 28 – April 11 De branche en branche April 18 – May 30 Les couleurs en chaleur June 6 – July 11 — 450 625-7925 Prix Hosia 2015 under Prix Hosia Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities 27 Arts and Culture VARIETY SHOWS Presented by Salle André-Mathieu Ticket office: 450 667-2040 © Sophie Samson (Joseph Edgar), © courtesy (Oliver Jones and Josée Aidans) Salle André-Mathieu 475 boul. de l’Avenir Maison des arts de Laval 1395 boul. de la Concorde Ouest Théâtre Marcellin-Champagnat 1275 av. du Collège Joseph Edgar Cirque chinois April 12, 3 p.m Salle André-Mathieu Joseph Edgar April 23, 8 p.m. Salle André-Mathieu Ensemble Romulo Larrea April 12, 3 p.m. Théâtre Marcellin-Champagnat Oliver Jones and Josée Aidans April 28, 8 p.m. Salle André-Mathieu Marie-Pierre Arthur April 17, 9 p.m. Salle André-Mathieu Sugar Sammy April 28-29, 8 p.m. Théâtre Marcellin-Champagnat Oliver Jones and Josée Aidans For Teens RTA – RTA - Take Out Your Teen Théâtre Bluff Enjoy a special 2-for-1 discount on the price of tickets! Sors ton ado (Take out your teen) provides parents, seniors and their teens with an opportunity to enjoy a special moment by offering them a high-quality cultural outing at a reduced price. Three plays will be presented this spring, upon the initiative of Rencontre Théâtre Ados and Maison des arts de Laval. Moi et l’autre (Festival RTA) April 13, 7:30 p.m. © Caroline Laberge Album de finissants (Festival RTA) April 20, 7:30 p.m. L’augmentation April 30, 8 p.m. RTA: — 450 687-5654 Ticket office: 450 667-2040 Ados d’un soir benefit evening April 27, 7:30 p.m. Maison des arts de Laval © Depositphotos Celebrating the 25 years of its existence, the Théâtre Bluff will be holding its benefit evening—Ados d’un soir—to pursue its mandate in working with the teenage public. For this occasion, the organization is offering an outstanding event. Based on excerpts from scripts selected from its past plays, Bluff is flinging a challenge to a few well-known figures in Laval: to play a role and defend a script on stage with professional performers. An evening that promises to be an outstanding one, with singing, testimonials and play excerpts. — 450 686-6883, ext. 28 28 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 © C.I.EAU © Armand Frappier Museum Spotlight on Science at Armand Frappier Museum! Spring at the C.I.EAU Here are some of the activities presented this spring at the Centre d’interprétation de l’eau (C.I.EAU). March 6 – April 22: Contes et légendes sur l’eau (water tales and legends) exhibition, based on the creations of participants at the C.I.EAU’s first school break week camp Within the provincial event called 24 Hours of Science, ArmandFrappier Museum is inviting families to discover how light is useful in microbiology laboratories. Two lab experiments are planned that will really dazzle visitors age 5 and over: microscope observations and seeding bioluminescent bacteria. On May 9, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. – noon. Free activities, but reservations are required. — 450 686-5641, ext. 4676 Moon Project at the Cosmodôme March 22, World Water day: storytelling hour about water. Family activity reading tales and legends on the theme of water. May 9-10, for 24 Hours of Science: a guided rally of rivers, including a tour of Sainte-Rose and Auteuil drinking water production plants April 22: Earth Day. Keep an eye out for our program. © Cosmodôme — 450 963-6463 Through “The Impossible Dream” interactive virtual mission and testing a simulator, the Moon Project (Projet Lune) provides an opportunity to experience the Apollo program epic and to train to become an astronaut! In addition to experimenting methods of travelling on the lunar surface, participants will have a chance to visit the space shuttle Endeavour. The activity also includes a guided tour of lodgings reminiscent of the space station, in addition to a sampling of space food. — 450 978-3600 Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities 29 Sports and Recreational Activities On Your Bikes Everyone! Get a copy of the new cycling map… Laval has a Vélo-carte to offer you. It is an entirely redesigned cycling map. Discover Laval’s cycling network as well as its tourist destinations! You can consult the map for all your active transportation, whether you plan on pedalling as a sport or just to have fun or get to work. © Thinkstock Every year, the network is open April 15 - November 14. Pick up a copy of the Vélo-carte at the Multiservice Counter or at BMLs (bureaux municipaux lavallois). Young Cyclists in the Spotlight at the Grand Prix Espoirs Laval-Primeau Vélo The Grand Prix Cycliste Espoirs Laval-Primeau Vélo is one of the biggest cycling competitions in the whole province. Over 350 budding young athletes (ages 5-16) from Québec and Ontario will be competing with one another in various events on Laval territory, May 16-17. Come encourage the stars of tomorrow in these spectacular competitions approved by the Fédération québécoise des sports cyclistes. Ride of Silence in Memory of Deceased Cyclists Drop-in Activities: They’re Free! Take advantage of the arrival of spring to play your favourite sports! Synthetic sports fields provide you with an opportunity to play soccer, football or ultimate frisbee. These sports grounds in Berthiaume-Du Tremblay and Laval-Ouest parks will be accessible starting in late April; the others in June. In addition, some arenas are still offering skating and pick-up hockey time slots. As for indoor swimming pools, you may take advantage of the free swim times until June. Starting in May, the municipal tennis courts will be open. Until lessons begin in July, come have fun with your own racquet and balls every day! In summer, Sundays and Mondays are drop-in practice days. They are free of charge and no reservations are required. Laval Sports Awards For over 25 years, Ville de Laval has been holding Mérite sportif lavallois—an evening of sports awards to highlight the efforts of its ambassadors. Twice a year, a number of medals are awarded to athletes, coaches and officials who have distinguished themselves through their performance. The new Alexandre-Despatie prize, in an amount of $2500, will also be awarded at this gala event. © François Noël The next Mérite sportif lavallois evening will be held on May 26. Sports organizations, athletes, coaches and parents have until April 10 to submit a nomination. The nominees must have performed during provincial, national or international championships between the months of November 2014 and April 2015. Contact your Laval sports organizations. The Fédération québécoise des sports cyclistes invites you to take part in the 5th Ride of Silence, organized in Laval and in over 400 locations throughout the world at the same time. The Centre de la nature will be the starting point of this 21-kilometre ride scheduled to take place on May 20, beginning at 6:30 p.m. — 514 252-3071 30 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 © Thinkstock © Thinkstock Walk for the Cause Be Active Just for Fun! Relay For Life to support the Canadian Cancer Society On May 10, Laval will be organizing a number of activities for National Sports and Physical Activity Day. Make the most of the event and take the time to discover or rediscover the joys of being active and playing sports! After all, the beginning of spring is an ideal opportunity to adopt a physically active lifestyle! The Relay for Life is a family-friendly, night-time walk to raise funds to fight cancer. Date: June 13, 7 p.m. Leaving from: Leblanc high school, 1750 montée Masson, under Activities Provincial Ice Hockey Championships MS Walk for the Multiple Sclerosis Society Come walk to show families affected by multiple sclerosis that they are not alone in facing this disease. Date: May 31, 8 a.m. - noon Leaving from: Des Prairies Park, 5 avenue du Crochet Société de la sclérose en plaques — Laval chapter: 450 663-4911 Youngsters and grown-ups, take part in this Walk for Memories. Choose from 5-km and 2-km routes. Date: May 31, 8 a.m. - noon Leaving from: Père-Vimont school, 2255 boulevard Prudentiel © Thinkstock 10th Walk for Memories in aid of the Laval Alzheimer Society The Provincial Ice Hockey Championship Games (the “Dodge Cup”) are a large-scale event. All in all, 322 teams from doubleletter classifications totalling some 6,000 hockey players will bring the season to a close during these games, which will determine the champions in 24 categories. The female games will be held in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region, while the male championships will take place in two regions: Abitibi and Laval. Hockey Laval, the main organization partner, will be supported by many volunteers to present the games on Laval territory. These games will be played at 8 Laval arenas. Come cheer on the teams April 15-19! Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities 31 © Daniel Fortin © Virginie Angers Outdoors New Gardens at Centre de la nature Talking Trees at Bois de l’Équerre To mark Laval’s 50th anniversary this year, residents will be invited to the Centre de la nature for the inauguration of the 50th celebration temporary garden, which will highlight agriculture on île Jésus and provide a brief overview of the past and present on the island. Lithographs will illustrate the City’s development over the past few decades, while green walls, gardens of potted plants and floral landscapes will form a garden specially created for visitors, based on new gardening trends. The Centre de la nature will also set up an alpine garden with stone planters and a green wall. The erection of this wall, made with stones from our underground, will make it possible to demonstrate the importance of quarries on île Jésus. And lastly, near the Chalet du Nord, a number of borders of annuals will be created in order to form vast and very colourful carpeting. Bois de l’Équerre boasts an impressive variety of tree species, from the rarest to the most common ones. Learn how to identify them and discover what they have to relate about the history of our territory over the past century… On May 23, come discover the giants of our woodlands on a guided tour—by seasoned biologists Virginie-Arielle Angers and Michel Lebœuf—to recognize the main trees in Montréal’s green belt. Wear good walking shoes and bring along a snack to rest and relax at the pretty picnic area! This activity is free of charge. Keep an eye out on our Internet site and our Facebook page for full details! Centre de la nature de Laval 901 avenue du Parc — 450 662-4942 Adopt-a-pet day and microchipping Spring 2015 32 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 ? JOIN THE FESTIVITIES May 29-31 at Centropolis FIRE SAFETY Exhibitions and kiosks House fire simulator CELEBRATION Outdoor shows Vintage fire trucks parade GRANDE FÊTE DES POMPIERS TASTING Cooking demonstrations Original recipes RUNNING New routes: 2 km, 5 km, 10 km and 21.1 km Take advantage of this event to discover the great world of firefighters. We are expecting you at Centropolis, May 29-31 for this one-of-a-kind festival! WWW.FETEDESPOMPIERS.LAVAL.CA Your City Council Mayor Marc Demers 450 662-4140 Electoral Division 1 Saint-François Jacques St-Jean 450 666-2509 Electoral Division 8 Vimont Michel Poissant 514 867-6717 Electoral Division 15 Saint-Martin Aline Dib 514 577-6088 Electoral Division 2 Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Paolo Galati 514 945-7145 Electoral Division 9 Saint-Bruno David De Cotis 514 467-1712 Electoral Division 16 Sainte-Dorothée Ray Khalil 514 825-2493 Electoral Division 3 Val-des-Arbres Chistiane Yoakim 514 245-9878 Electoral Division 10 Auteuil Jocelyne-Frédéric Gauthier 514 515-1293 Electoral Division 17 Laval-les-Îles Nicholas Borne 514 707-6870 Electoral Division 4 Duvernay–Pont-Viau Stéphane Boyer 438 870-1110 Electoral Division 11 Laval-des-Rapides Pierre Anthian 514 973-1717 Electoral Division 18 L’Orée-des-Bois Alain Lecompte 514 686-1044 Electoral Division 5 Marigot Daniel Hébert 514 886-8809 Electoral Division 12 Souvenir–Labelle Jean Coupal 450 934-4131 Electoral Division 19 Marc-Aurèle-Fortin Gilbert Dumas 514 629-2059 Electoral Division 6 Concorde–Bois-de-Boulogne Sandra Desmeules 514 451-0192 Electoral Division 13 L’Abord-à-Plouffe Vasilios Karidogiannis 514 979-2455 Electoral Division 20 Fabreville Michel Trottier 438 884-8942 Electoral Division 7 Renaud Raynald Adams 514 913-9205 Electoral Division 14 Chomedey Aglaia Revelakis 514 242-5761 Electoral Division 21 Sainte-Rose Virginie Dufour 514 712-5261 City Council meetings are held once a month in the Council room at City Hall. The next public meetings will take place on the following Tuesdays: April 7, May 5 and June 2, starting at 7 p.m. Please note that these meetings will soon be broadcast on the Internet. Keep an eye out for the announcement! © Jacques Gratton A number of councillors also hold public meetings in their respective districts. Subscribe to the Cyberbulletin to find out the dates and locations of the next meetings. Visit for full details. 34 Vivre à Laval — spring 2015 Handy Phone Numbers GENERAL INFORMATION Non-urgent calls Non-urgent calls if you are outside Laval Urgent calls (police, fire, ambulance) WHERE TO FIND THE CITY’S SERVICES Multiservice Counter 1333 boulevard Chomedey City Hall 1 place du Souvenir Maison des arts 1395 boulevard de la Concorde Ouest Centre de la nature 901 avenue du Parc 311 450 978-8000 911 311 311 450 662-4440 450 662-4942 BUREAUX MUNICIPAUX LAVALLOIS (BMLs) Duvernay, Saint-François and Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Bureau municipal lavallois #1 450 662-4901 4010 boulevard Saint-Martin Est Bureau municipal lavallois #1 – Satellite 450 662-8422 1245 montée du Moulin Pont-Viau, Renaud-Coursol and Laval-des-Rapides Bureau municipal lavallois #2 450 662-4902 62 rue Saint-Florent Chomedey Bureau municipal lavallois #3 450 978-8903 435 boulevard Curé-Labelle, suite104 Sainte-Dorothée, Laval-Ouest, Les Îles-Laval, Fabreville-Ouest & Laval-sur-le-Lac Bureau municipal lavallois #4 450 978-8904 6500 boulevard Arthur-Sauvé, suite 110 Fabreville-Est and Sainte-Rose Bureau municipal lavallois #5 450 978-8905 2975 boulevard Dagenais Ouest Vimont and Auteuil Bureau municipal lavallois 6 450 662-4906 55 rue de Belgrade Ouest LIBRARIES Émile-Nelligan library 325 boulevard Cartier Gabrielle-Roy library 3505 boulevard Dagenais Ouest Germaine-Guèvremont library 2900 boulevard de la Concorde Est Laure-Conan library 4660 boulevard des Laurentides Marius-Barbeau library 1245 montée du Moulin, suite 100 The Vivre à Laval municipal bulletin is published by Ville de Laval’s Service des communications and is delivered by Canada Post in April, June, August and December, to all homes and companies in Laval. Circulation 177,100 copies Legal deposit Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec Library and Archives Canada ISSN 1712-8676 Vivre à Laval (English ed. Print) ISSN 1712-8684 Vivre à Laval (English ed. Online) Information Tel.: 311 or 450 978-8000 (from outside Laval) email: 450 662-4973 450 978-8909 450 662-4002 450 662-4975 450 662-4005 Multiculturelle library 1535 boulevard Chomedey Philippe-Panneton library 4747 boulevard Arthur-Sauvé Sylvain-Garneau library 187 boulevard Sainte-Rose Yves-Thériault library 670 rue de la Place-Publique 450 978-5995 450 978-8919 450 978-3940 450 978-6599 POLICE Police headquarters 2911 boulevard Chomedey Gendarmerie 3225 boulevard Saint-Martin Est Neighbourhood police station #1 1245 montée du Moulin Neighbourhood police station #2 289 boulevard Cartier Ouest Neighbourhood police station #3 560 – 2 e Rue Neighbourhood police station #4 6500 boulevard Arthur-Sauvé, suite 500 Neighbourhood police station #5 187 boulevard Sainte-Rose Neighbourhood police station #6 5555 boulevard des Laurentides 450 662-4242 450 662-3400 450 662-4310 450 662-7820 450 978-6830 450 662-7140 450 978-6850 450 662-4860 FIRE PREVENTION Information 450 662-4450 other SERVICES Cour municipale de Laval (municipal court) Laval Technopole Ombudsman Office municipal d’habitation de Laval (housing bureau) Palais de justice de Laval (court house) Tourisme Laval 450 450 450 450 450 450 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Agence de santé et de services sociaux de Laval Centre d’écoute de Laval (help line) Info-Aidant Info-Santé (health information) Emergency ambulances TRANSPORTATION Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT ) Société de transport de Laval (STL) 662-4466 978-5959 978-3699 688-0184 686-5001 682-5522 450 978-2000 450 664-2787 1-855-852-7784 811 911 514 287-8726 450 688-6520 S ome municipal buildings are accessible to people with limited mobility. The complete list may be found at under “People with disabilities”. Editorial team Services des communications Manager Marie Gendron Head of Division and Production Manager Nadine Lussier Editor-in-Chief Yvonne Lemay Contributors Carmen Alain, Geneviève Cardinal, Catherine Erazola, Judith Farrell, Véronique Faucher, Stephanie Gadet, Carole Gamache, Sophie Guilbault, Myriam Legault, Yvonne Lemay, Justine Leroux, Valérie Sauvé and Julie Tremblay Cover Page Photo © Jocelyn Michel Computer Graphics Designer 2NSB Design graphique Printer Transcontinental Vivre à Laval — Municipal News 35 Demi-marathon de Laval may 31, 2015 | centropolis Three ways to reach your City Follow us: On the internet by phone (non-urgent calls) Subscribe to the Cyberbulletin 311 or 450 978-8000 (from outside of Laval) Ville de Laval — page officielle in person Multiservice counter 1333 boulevard Chomedey @Laval311
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