pirit S Proudly serving Bryan, Effingham and West and South Chatham Counties! WWW.THESPIRITNEWSPAPER.COM Thursday, November 22 - November 28, 2012 FREE* *Please, take one, two, or three papers at no charge. Additional papers are $100 each. See Brag Box on bottom of Page 2 for details. Newspapers “It is not good enough for things to be planned - they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation.” ~Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan (1916 - 2004) Police Reports Garden City • An Officer was waiting to make a left hand turn onto Dean Forest Road, checking the oncoming traffic when he noticed the blue Ford Explorer in the left hand lane moving very slowly. The driver then came to a complete stop, then finally proceeded. The driver kept his eye on the Officer as he creeped past at 30mph in the 45mph zone. The Officer pulled out behind it to make a traffic stop and see if the driver was having mechanical trouble, also wary of the suspicious driver. He plugged the Explorer’s license plate into his on-board computer and found that the SUV was stolen. By now, another Officer had joined the slow pursuit, so the Officer hit his blue lights. The driver slowed again, tapping his brakes as they approached the intersection with I-16, and then the man ran the red light and accelerated as he turned onto eastbound I-16. The Officer followed at a safe distance and saw the Explorer coast into the emergency lane and run off the road, the driver jumping out and fleeing on foot into the wood line. The Officers pursued and caught him as he entered the woods, ordering him to get on the ground and drawing their weapons as the man took a defensive stance. Sadly realizing he’d brought fists to a possible gun fight, he surrendered. The man was searched and the Officers located his crack pipe in his right pocket. (Was there any doubt?) They also found a paycheck written out to another man in his pocket. The man said he’d found the check in the truck. Next, they found a woman’s wallet beneath a blue jacket on the passenger seat. There were also several notes in the man’s pocket, black writing on white pieces of paper. Those notes were instructions to the bank teller, for example, “Do not trip the alarm. No dye packs. Unband the money. Give me the 100, 50, 20, 10.” The man, now seated in the rear seat of the patrol car, said “That’s my bank-robbing note.” He admitted he was planning on robbing a bank in Rincon as well as several Wells Fargo banks, and that he ____________________________________ Continued on page A3 Steve’s Shorts.................................2 Allison’s Desk.................................3 Recipe..........................................4 Obituaries.................................. 6-7 Professional Services.......................7 Fruits of the Vine.............................8 Vol. 13, Issue No. 18 Church Directory..............................9 Health & Wellness Directory............. 10 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Village A Success By Ashley Engleford G.L.O.W. Ministries held their 3rd annual Thanksgiving Village on the morning of Saturday November 17th, providing 210 families with the goods necessary to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving feast. These families received various assistances from the non-profit ministry over the past year and were invited to the village. They were driven to the ‘Fruits of the Spirit” farmers market via wagons. Each one of the 210 families went home with a basket loaded with fresh fruit, vegetables, rice, potatoes, and a turkey! At the last tent of the market they were given fresh pastries and home baked goods. After all, what’s Thanksgiving dinner without some sweets!? The children had the opportunity to roast hotdogs and marshmallows on an open pit fire, as well as have their face painted. Along with tending to the physical needs of the families, G.L.O.W. volunteers met spiritual needs by being an example of Christ’s character, sharing the love of God, and by praying over each family. In the words of G.L.O.W. Founder Wendy Turner, “We have shared life together with these families, we have cried together, and had great times together and now is the time to bless others with the abundance that we have been given….. We seek to be the hands and feet of Christ” A variety of Effingham County churches and individuals contributed to the success of this year’s event and without them it simply would not have been possible. With the economy still in disarray, many people out of work, and numerous families struggling to keep a roof over their head and put food in their stomachs, now is the time as Mrs. Wendy said for those of us blessed with more (even if it is only a little) to share that abundance with those less fortunate. Don’t look at the people struggling as though they are beneath you because they are not and always remember this… ’There but by the grace of God go I’. Our lives can be turned upside down in a single second and it could be you or I who has to seek assistance from such groups as G.L.O.W. to get us through a difficult time in our lives. Whether it is a home to live in, money to pay an electric bill, food to feed your children, family who love you just 7 Questions That Will Determine the Success or Failure Of Barack Obama’s Second Term by John Hawkins When British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was asked what might knock his administration off course, he famously responded, “Events, dear boy, events.” There’s a lot of truth to that. At any point in time, an unexpected event can throw the political world into turmoil. However, more often than not, it’s not the blindside hit that gets you so much as the freight train you’ve seen coming for miles. When Barack Obama came into office, he had a number of serious challenges to deal with and not only has he effectively addressed very few of them, many of them have worsened on his watch. In fact, the thing Barack Obama has proven most adept at in his first term is pointing the finger elsewhere. He may have been able to shift the blame from himself to George Bush, the filibuster, the Supreme Court, Republicans in Congress, Rush Limbaugh, ATM machines, the economy in Europe and everything under the sun, but after four years and counting in office, more and more of the American people are going to be interested in results rather than Claude Sanks, MD Growing Internal Medicine as you are, or eternal life with Jesus, there is plenty to be thankful for. What are you thankful for this year? If you are interested in volunteering with G.L.O.W. contact them at 826-3966. excuses. How Barack Obama handles those issues may not only determine how he’s viewed by the American people, it could conceivably impact the reputation of the Democratic Party for decades. 1) When does the economy recover? At some point, you have to think that the natural vitality of the economy will reassert itself and get the country moving again. On the other hand, just as FDR’s tinkering caused the Great Depression to extend out for over a decade, Obama’s socialistic policies could continue to stall economic growth. Obama’s determination to increase taxes, expand government, take over new industries and generally make war on productive industries and people -- along with the impact of our debt, the soft housing market, the implementation of Obamacare and the hundreds of billions of dollars in new regulations he’ll impose -- will all be drags on economic growth. Can the economy recover and start pumping out jobs at a decent clip despite all of Obama’s handicaps? Your job may depend on it. 2) What happens in the Middle East? Barack Obama embraced the Arab Spring that’s throwing the Middle East into turmoil. That means if Egypt and Libya fall apart, Obama gets the blame. If Egypt were to end its peace treaty with Israel, Obama would also be at fault. Then there’s Iraq and Afghanistan. He put timelines in place in both nations, which was a very risky strategy. An implosion in either country would reflect badly on him. Additionally, our relationship with Pakistan, which is a highly unstable, nuclear armed nation, has deteriorated significantly on Obama’s watch. We also can’t forget that Iran is still pursuing nuclear weapons, which would be a terrifying prospect for Israel and could create a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Barack Obama may be great at managing the media, but he isn’t effectively managing any of these issues right now and the potential is there for things to quickly spiral out of control. 3) Will there be key Supreme Court vacancies? There are four Supreme Court Justices that are over seventy years of age including Antonin Scalia (76) and Anthony Kennedy (76). Unlike the conservatives on the court, the liberal justices slavishly vote based on what serves liberalism, not the ____________________________________ Continued on page A4 At Effingham Health System, we work to build partnerships with physicians who have specialized training, experience and a vision to always deliver the best care possible. Claude Sanks, M.D., the newest member of our medical team and an internal medicine specialist, is committed to the prevention and treatment of adult diseases. We want you to feel confident knowing that specialized care is closer to home. No referral is needed. For an appointment, please call (912) 826-6000. 100 Goshen Rd., Rincon, Georgia Always Committed to Caring Page A4 • Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 What Are You Thankful For? What I’m thankful for this year ... This year I have so much to be thankful for, I am not sure where to start. In August my dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer and had to have his bladder removed. Then a week later my husband was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had to have his thyroid and lymph nodes removed. Until then I had never really had to experience the Big “C’ with anyone close to me and now the two most favorite men in my life were both having life changing experiences with radiation and possibly chemo. Just the going back and forth for tests, doctor visits, helping with my mom while my dad was sick, taking care of my husband, and trying to work full time was so overwhelming. But I just prayed and asked God for the strength to help get me through this. God had a plan for me to help me, but I had no idea what it was going to be. Then right dab in the middle of my crisis, my biological daughter, who I had never met, called and told me that she wanted to come to Savannah and meet me. Oh my gosh, I was so excited, this could not have come at a better time in my life. You see God put her in my life just at the perfect time. Some- John Hawkins Continued from page A1 ____________________________________ law. What that means is that if Obama were able to replace one or both of those retiring justices, it’s not an exaggeration to say that the Constitution would for all intents and purposes cease to exist because there would be five liberal votes for almost anything that the Left wants to do. 4) Will we have any large scale terrorist attacks in the United States? Al-Qaeda is certainly degraded, but it’s not spent, the border is still wide open, the Obama Administration doesn’t seem to take Homeland Security all that seriously, and the remnants of Bin Laden’s organization would love nothing better than to show that it’s still a powerful force by launching a large scale attack in the United States. In the wake of a serious terrorist attack, there could certainly be a rally-round-the-flag effect, but the American people have become very complacent at this point and are assuming the government has it all handled. If that turns out not to be true when the perception is that this isn’t a big issue for Obama in the first place, the reaction could be savage. 5) Does Obama get caught up in any scandals? Obama is not a “letter of the law” sort of guy. He plays it fast and loose, lies if he gets in trouble and assumes the times we just have to sit and be patient and all things will turn out if we have faith. As of date my dad is cancer free, my husband is cancer free and my reunion with my biological daughter went great and we are now communicating on a regular basis (many thanks to Ty at Holiday Inn Express in Pooler for making our reunion a success!). I have a great church family and my own family to be thankful for in my life. Susan Edwards My Special Blessings ... I have so much to be thankful for. First of all, I’m thankful for God, who sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross at Calvary for my sins. I’m thankful for my church family, friends and neighbors. I’m thankful for my husband, Tim, and pooch, Pebbles. Holidays can be sad for me since I lost my dad, mom and brother. I’m thankful for my freedom to worship my Lord. I’m thankful for good health, a nice home, my car and food to eat. I feel like I am blessed in so many ways. God is so good to me and my family. God said to be faithful to Him, and ask and you shall press will cover for him. That has already produced Fast and Furious and the Benghazi cover-up -- two scandals with body counts. Neither Fast and Furious nor Benghazi has reached its apex and you can be sure that there will be other significant scandals in the works just because of Obama’s habitual try, lie and deny way of tackling issues. Then the question becomes, how aggressive will the Republicans be and will there be any major mainstream media organizations aside from Fox that have enough integrity to go after Obama? Although it’s unlikely that Obama would be impeached, realizing that Obama makes Nixon look like a choir boy would be no small matter. 6) How bad will our debt crisis get? Republicans seem to be more willing to consider tax increases, but Democrats still don’t seem to have any interest in tackling entitlement reform and their willingness to make other significant cuts to the budget seems to be extremely limited as well. On the other hand, although it could just be a negotiating posture, the early indications seem to be that the Democrats’ strategy is to go over the fiscal cliff and then try to blame Republicans for the slowdown. The good news is that would undoubtedly help a great deal with the size of the deficit, but it could also slow down the economy. Unfortunately, unless Obama receive. I feel like I have so many blessing to last me a lifetime. God is good all the time! So, believe in Him and He will take care of the things that matter most in your life. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Live your life today to the fullest! God Bless America! Virginia Griffin Rincon I am thankful for my doctor, Dr. Sliker, at the Southcoast Medical Group in Pooler, and Curves in Pooler (I lost 21 pounds), walking every day, diet and exercise. Thank you Curves and Dr. Sliker for helping me. Mary Frawley Pooler First, I am so thankful to have the Lord Jesus in my life. I know He is with me and my family everyday. I am very thankful for my children and their spouses, and my five grandchildren. I am also thankful for all my family and friends. Rachel Marsh Savannah has a change of attitude, it could conceivably be the one opportunity for large spending cuts in the next four years. If that turns out to be the case, expect our credit rating to slide even further. If Western Europe gets its spending issues under control and investors feel more comfortable in putting their money back in those countries, it’s even possible that our full transformation into Greece could start before the end of Obama’s second term. 7) How difficult will the implementation of Obamacare become? While working to get Obamacare passed, the Democrats just said anything and everything that people wanted to hear about Obamacare. Now, there are a lot of people who are expecting a nearly free, well-run medical care system that covers everyone and allows people to keep whatever they like about the current system. Instead, they’re going to see tax increases, a decrease in the number of available doctors, businesses dropping insurance because of Obamacare, delays, uneven implementation, and price increases among a plethora of other problems. In other words, it’s going to be a Hurricane Sandy for the American medical system. John Hawkins is a professional writer who runs Right Wing News, Linkiest, and PicaQuote. He’s also the co-owner of the The Looking Spoon. Being Green At the store checkout line the young girl cashier suggested to the older woman customer that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags were bad for the environment. The woman apologized and confessed, “We didn’t have this green thing when I was your age.” The young clerk replied, “That’s what is causing our problems today. Your generation did not care enough to save the environment for future generations.” She is right... our generation didn’t have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed, sterilized and refilled, so the same bottles could be used over and over. They really were “recycled”. But we didn’t have the green thing back in our day. We took our groceries home in brown paper bags, that we reused for many purposes. Most memorable, besides household garbage bags, was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our schoolbooks. This was to ensure that public property, (the books provided for our use by the school) were not defaced by our scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown paper bags. But too bad we didn’t do the green thing back then. We walked up stairs because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked most places and didn’t climb behind the wheel of a 300-horsepower vehicle whenever we had to go two blocks. But she is right. We didn’t have the green thing in our day. Back then we washed the baby’s diapers because we didn’t have the throwaway kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up hundreds of watts... we used wind and solar power to dry our clothes back in those days. Kids wore hand-medowns from their brothers or sisters instead of getting brand-new clothes all the time. But that young lady is right; we didn’t have the green thing back in our day. Back then, we had one TV or radio in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen we blended and stirred our food by hand because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send by mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then we didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on muscle power. We exercised so much by working that we didn’t need to go to a health club and run on treadmills operated by electricity. But she’s right; we didn’t have the green thing back then. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we wanted a drink of water. We refilled fountain pens with ink instead of buying a new ones and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole thing just because the blade got dull. But we didn’t have the green thing back then. People took the streetcar or bus to go downtown and kids walked or rode their bikes to school instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint. But isn’t it nice of the current generation to point out how wasteful we old folks were because we didn’t have the green thing back then? Please forward this on to another selfish old person who needs a lecture from a smart young person... We don’t like being old in the first place, so it doesn’t take much to anger us! Looking for something different this year? CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM STATESBORO AND 30 MINUTES FROM POOLER Saturday, November 24th 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. During this 4-hour celebration we will have: • Wonderful price reductions throughout the Mall up to 75% Off! • Santa arrives at 5:00 p.m. – Bring the kids! • Refreshments • Door prizes: Free merchandise • Gift certificates 67 Antique Mall “Look for the Big Red Building” • Hwy. 67 (Fair Rd.) at I-16, Exit #127 • 10 minutes from Statesboro Call us at (912) 839-2167 for more info HOLIDAY HOURS: OPEN EVERYDAY! Try our new restaurant, 2 doors down – ‘Bay South’ Whatcha’ Got Cookin’? “If God would have intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn’t have given us grandmothers.” ~ Linda Henley THE PERFECT TURKEY! 1 (12 Lb.) Fesh Turkey 4 Sprigs of Fresh Thyme 1 Lemon, quartered 1 Large Onion, quartered 1 Head Garlic, halved crosswise 4 Tbls. Butter, softened Salt & Pepper Take the giblets out of the turkey and wash the turkey inside and out. Remove any excess fat and leftover pinfeathers and pat the outside dry with paper towels. Place the turkey in a large roasting pan. Liberally salt and pepper the inside of the turkey cavity. Stuff the cavity with the thyme, lemon, onion, and the garlic. Rub outside of the turkey with the butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Tie the legs together with string and tuck the wing tips under the body of the turkey. Cover the turkey with foil for 1 1/2 hours and then remove the foil and continue baking until the juices run clear when you cut between the leg and the thigh, approximately another 1-1 1/2 hours.. Remove the turkey to a cutting board and cover with foil and let it rest for 20 minutes before carving. Send your favorite recipe along with your name, address and phone number to: Spirit Newspapers P.O. Box 33 • Pooler, Georgia 31322 or fax to 748-0490 Charles Donnie GatCh, P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW • Family • Custody • Real Estate • Trusts • Wills • Incorporations • Probate • Guardianships • Business 912-354-8086 7805 Waters Avenue, Ste 5 Savannah Life • Health • Retirement 215 W. Collins Street • Pooler ReStore helps the community by offering new and used items, which are donated, at greatly reduced prices to the public! Save 50% to 60% below regular retail prices! Income from ReStore helps pay for the ReStore space, it’s staff, and it generates funding for building more homes in Effingham County. Stop by today and browse through our shop... Invest in Your Community... SHOP • DONATE • VOLUNTEER 3605 Highway 21 South • Rincon • 912-826-1476 Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 • Page A5 Please Join Us For Our ANNUAL CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Your one-stop holiday shop for unique gifts and home accents. Friday, Nov. 30th & Saturday, Dec. 1st 10am-6pm Buy 2 Charms Get Bracelet Free Holiday Collectibles Artificial Trees Purchase $75 & Get Free Gift Garland & Wreaths Tree Accessories NCAA Gifts HH Refreshments • Spin the Wheel to Win HH CURIOSITY SHOPPE JEWELERS 826-4261 210 N. Columbia Avenue • Rincon • 826-5885 Monday-Saturday, 9-6 Hwy. 21 • Rincon (Next to Choo Choo Mart) Stephanie B. Long, Owner © 2012 Merle Norman Cosmetics, Inc. FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST! “Your Hometown Toy Store” M E R L E N O R M A N .CO M HOLIDAY GIFTS TOYS TO EDUCATE AND ENTERTAIN PlasmaCar Laser Pegs Pickup your toy catalog in the store for coupons! 826-1101 Business Hours Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios have been independently owned and operated since 1931. Holiday Gifts 2012 Ad Slick 69-1611 S.A.U. system: 3 columns x 7" (6-7/16" x 7") Mary Jane Brinson, Studio Name Owner Address 163 Commercial Drive • Rincon Phone Number Teach RighT! Educational Resources & More 912-826-1681 586 S. Columbia Ave., Unit 11 • Rincon • Behind Subway Monday-Friday, 10-6 • Saturday, 10-2 R E S I Z I N G A N D C U S TO M I Z I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S A clear zone of 1/2 the height of the logo must be maintained as shown below. No text or graphic elements can appear in this clear zone. Logo and tagline may not be stretched or manipulated in any way. Choose from a variety of styles, from dining for two to the whole family. Great prices just in time for the holidays! 6 Weeks for $69 Call Today! (New Students Only. Cannot Be Combined.) HWY. 21 NORTH RINCON 826-2932 Call Today 912.748.4505 ATA Martial Arts • 22 Coleman Blvd • It’s the most Perfect Gift For the Chef On Your List! WONDERFUL time of the year 10% OFF 95 ALL GRILLS IN STOCK! B&M Pool Spa & Patio 9 $ 17 0 17 r S a M 6” B 1 Quality • Service • Reliability RINCON 6020 Hwy. 21S (Across from Springfield Ford) 826-1997 METTER 10 N. Leroy Street 685-5411 Get the ultimate stocking stuffer. For product information: For a Dealer near you: © 2011 STIHL Gnann’s Fix-It Shop 1015 S Laurel St • Springfield • 754-3745 All prices MSRP. Available at participating Dealers. Page A6 • Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 Let Us Remember... Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. -Psalm 116:15 Wanda Berndt BLOOMINGDALE – Mrs. Wanda Berndt, 65, passed away Thursday, November 15, 2012. She is preceded in death by her husband, Fred Berndt, Sr. and son, Fred Berndt, Jr. She is survived by her daughter, Tammy Wieczorek (Timothy Hoover); granddaughter, Miranda Wieczorek; mother, Susie Ford; three brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 1pm in the funeral home chapel with burial at Gravel Hill Cemetery in Bloomingdale. Friends may sign the online register book at Thomas C. Strickland & Sons Funeral Homes, West Chatham Chapel, was in charge of all arrangements. and Mona and Don Schumpert of Ellabell; thirteen grandchildren, Valerie, Robert, Jr., Kenny, George (Hoss), Jim III, Lori, Charles, Maegen, Jennie, Frankie, Jess, Jessica and Brannen; great-grandchildren, Kali, Clayton, Sierra, Hadley, Ansley, Austyn, Harley, Evan, Kinleigh, Patrick, Julian, Keegan, Jacob, Easton and Jacquelyn; brother, Harold Brannen and his wife, Iris, of Statesboro. A thank you to sister and brother-in-law, Mary & Pete Hargroves of Savannah and niece, Linda Parker, for all of their support and help. A special thanks to Krista & Brian Moore, Rhonda Bland and many loving nieces and nephews and other relatives and friends. Thank you to all the caregivers, Dr. Robert F. Brown, Kristen Johnson NP, and staff of Island Hospice. The funeral was at 3pm Tuesday in the chapel of the Thomas C. Strickland & Sons Funeral Home in Pooler with burial at Ellabell Baptist Church Cemetery. Friends may sign the online register book at Thomas C. Strickland & Sons Funeral Homes, West Chatham Chapel, was in charge of all arrangements. Gladys Mae Brannen Sullivan Ellabell-Mrs. Gladys Mae Brannen Sullivan, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, died peacefully at home November 16, 2012 surrounded by her family. She was born July 22, 1922 to the late James Robinson (Rob) and Rosa Lee Brannen of Statesboro, GA. She was also preceded in death by her husband of 55 years, Rev. Jim H. Sullivan, Sr.; sister, Rosetta Parrish; brother, Bobby Brannen and daughter-in-law, Gail Sullivan. Mrs. Gladys was very active in her husband’s ministry and church. She held many degrees in Theology and Bible Doctrines from Mercer University, Georgia Southern, and Armstrong College. She was a very loving mother to five children. She is survived by five children, Jim Sullivan, Jr. of Black Creek, Robert Sullivan, Sr. of Ellabell, Maggie and Tom Clark of Castro Valley, CA, Becky and Dale Lewis of Ellabell Jean C. Ney Jean C. Ney (Jeannie), 88, passed away November 16 after a long siege with Alzheimer’s. She leaves behind Jerome B. New, her husband of 60 years, a son, William Ney and his wife Judi, two daughters, Llona Clausen and Vera Berry and her husband Douglas, seven grandchildren, Eileen Posandy, Douglas, Jr., Michael, Ashley, Christian, and Lisa Berry, step granddaughter Sarah Hicks, four great grandchildren, Luke, Megan, and Emily Miller, Samarah Posandy, and one step great grandson Conner Hicks. She had a career in music and art. After being choir director and organist at Faith Lutheran Church, she became the music director and organist at the Lutheran Church of the Ascension. During the same In Loving Memory of Buddy Redd November 27, 2007 We will carry your heart, We will carry it in our hearts. We love you and miss you always. ~ Mom, Toni, Debbie and Jimmy period she taught music and art, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church where the spring musical presentations are still remembered. One of her favorite assignments was playing the piano for the Wilmington Island Presbyterian Preschool. After retiring from Ascension, she substituted on the organ at many churches in the area. Many people still have her hand designed Christmas cards. She also painted portraits and landscapes. There will be a memorial service at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 51 Wilmington Island Road, on November 29, at 12 Noon, visitation with the family from 10:30am to 11:30am. No flowers please. In lieu of flowers, please send a donation to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, 5582 Peachtree Road, Chamblee, Ga 30341, Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind, 5626 Laura Walker Road, Waycross, Ga 31503, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 51 Wilmington Island Road, Savannah, Ga 31410, or support your church’s music program. Fairhaven Funeral Home, Garden City Chapel, was in charge of all arrangements. Inez Stark Inez Stark, born Rena Inez Cannon, on 1 Dec 1921, died on 19 Nov. 2012. She was born in Memphis, TN and had lived in Jackson, MS, for most of her life. She moved to Savannah, GA, in 2009. Her husband of 50 years, Charles Stark, died in 1993. She is survived by her sons, Carey Stark of Savannah, and Warren Stark of Newark, DE, two daughters-in-law, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She will be buried in Jackson, MS. In lieu of flowers, the family requests gifts to Riverwood Bible Church, 5228 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211. Fairhaven Funeral Home, Hubert Baker Chapel, was in charge of all local arrangements. Charles Thomas Morgan Pembroke- Charles Thomas Morgan, 69, passed away Thursday, November 15, 2012 at Candler Hospital in Savannah, Georgia. Mr. Morgan was a native of Effingham County, worked for Great Dane Trailer, was a veteran of U. S. Army during the Korean Conflict and had attended Ardsley Park Baptist Church. Survivors include: his wife, Thelma Morgan of Pembroke; children, Shelia (Don) Scott of Rincon, Sherri (Robert) Muller of Virginia, William (Billy) Morgan of Springfield and Wendy (Lewis) Blasé of Hinesville; one sister Mailyn McCreery of Flint Michigan; grandchildren, Marissa Muller, Alyassa Calderon, Seth Cubbedge, Alice Blasé, Chris Morgan, Charles Blase, Rebecca Hurley, Traci Hurley, Alston Blase, Billie Hurley, Jessica Hurley, Bethany Hurley, Shane Scott and Shelby Scott and one great grandchild, Malaya Scott. Pallbearers: Lewis Blase, Don Scott and Jason Slater Visitation was held Saturday, November 17, 2012 from 10am until 12 noon with funeral services following at 12 noon in the chapel of Riggs Funeral Home. Interment followed in the Ryall Cemetery. Riggs Funeral Home was in charge of all arrangements. Charles Eugene Hodges Guyton- Mr. Charles Eugene Hodges, 64, passed away November 9, 2012 at Effingham County Hospital. Mr. Hodges was a native of Miami, Florida but lived in Guyton for a number of years. Survivors include: step-daughter Sherry McDonald of Guyton; stepson Bryan McDonald of Guyton; two brothers Jerry Hodges and Bobby Hodges; two step-grandchildren and two step-great grandchildren. Memorial Services were held Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 11am from Guyton Christian Church. Riggs Funeral Home was in charge of all arrangements. Clyde T. McFearin “Tom Tom” Springfield- Clyde T. McFearin “Tom Tom” passed away Friday, November 16, 2012 at age 22. He fought a long battle with Muscular Dystrophy. He is survived by his father, Clyde T. McFearin Sr. of Springfield, Georgia; his mother, Donna B. Pollard of Rincon, Georgia; three sisters, Nicole McFearin of Savannah, Georgia, Leslie McFearin of Rincon, Georgia, and Taylor McFearin of Ellabell, Georgia; three brothers, Michael Bryan of Savannah, Georgia, Joshua McFearin of Springfield, Georgia and David Lambert of Ellabell, Georgia; two aunts, Carolyn Schmidt of Clyo, Georgia and Dottie Bryan of Rincon, Georgia; three nieces, Alexis Young of Savannah, Georgia, Stephanie McFearin and Jessica McFearin of Rincon, Georgia; one nephew, Alex McFearin; care taker, Dennis Wienser and a very beloved friend Troy Williams. Visitation was held Monday, November 19, 2012 from 6pm – 8pm. Funeral Services were held Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. in the chapel of Riggs Funeral Home with interment following in Corinth Baptist Church Cemetery. You will be missed. We love you! Riggs Funeral Home was in charge of all arrangements. Emily Vaughn Rahn Williams Rincon- Mrs. Emily Vaughn Rahn Williams, 77, passed away Saturday, November 10, 2012 at East Georgia Regional Medical Center in Statesboro, Georgia. Mrs. Williams was a nurse, a member of Oak Grove Church of Christ and she worked with the March of Dimes and the United Way. She is preceded in death by her husband, James Williams; a son, Harold Rahn and a daughter, Renee Kellam. Survivors include: her children, Lynette Rahn Phillips, Winnie Kaye Rahn Hunt and Michael Corey Rahn Sr. all of Rincon; three brothers, William Bill Vaughn of Sacramento, CA, Ken Vaughn of Amarillo, TX and Bennette Vaughn of Pennsylvania; one sister, Joyce Rahn of Rincon; 10 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Visitation was held Tuesday, November 13, 2012 from 6pm – 8pm. Funeral services were held Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 11am from Oak Grove Church of Christ. Interment was private. Riggs Funeral Home was in charge of all local arrangements. Brandon Arnold Thomas C. sTriCkland & sons Funeral homes 2460 Hwy. 21S Rincon 754-6421 901 Hwy. 80W Pooler 748-2444 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1971 Bloomingdale- Brandon Arnold, 23, passed away Friday, November 16, 2012. Brandon was born in Tifton, Georgia but lived in Bloomingdale for a number of years. He was landscaper. Survivors include: his parents, David and Diane Arnold of Bloomingdale; a sister, Loyce Arnold of Guyton; a brother-in-law, Jeremiah Richardson of Guyton; two nephews, Brian Holley of Bloomingdale and David Richardson of Guyton and one niece, Katherine Diane Bailey Richardson of Guyton. Visitation was held Wednesday, November 21, 2012 from 10am till 12 noon. Funeral Services followed at 12 noon in the chapel of Riggs Funeral Home. Interment will be private. Riggs Funeral Home was in charge of all local arrangements. Mary Elizabeth Aldhizer Boatright Mary Elizabeth Aldhizer Boatright, passed peacefully from this life on November 19, 2012 at Spanish Oaks Retreat. Mary was born April 23, 1926 in Augusta County, VA. She joined the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corp at age 17, and then served as a nurse in the U.S. Air Force, attaining the rank of Captain. She practiced nursing in hospitals including Redding, PA, Metter, GA and Roanoke, VA before retiring from Memorial Hospital in Savannah after 43 years of serving her patients. She was married to the late Rev. Guy R. Boatright, serving with him in churches in VA, GA and NC. Mary sang, played the piano and organ, and loved sacred music. She served as choir director to adults, youth, and children and especially loved to work with the infants and toddlers in the church nursery. She sewed all of her own clothes, gardened, canned her own food and liked to try new recipes. She was devoted to studying her Bible. She was a member of Southside Baptist Church. Mary is survived by a daughter, Tina Boatright West and son-inlaw Tommy (Bubba), two granddaughters, Sarah Elizabeth and Katelyn Marie West, of Savannah; sister Alice A. Ward and brother James (Elaine) Aldhizer, both of New Hope, VA; brother-in-law Earl (Wanda) Boatright, sister-in-law Bessie B. Maddox and numerous nieces and nephews. Many thanks to the staff and volunteers at Spanish Oaks Retreat and Hospice for their loving care of Mary and her family. Visitation: 5pm – 7pm Wednesday, at Fairhaven Funeral Home, Hubert C. Baker Chapel. Graveside Services: 11am Friday in Hillcrest West Cemetery. Remembrances: The Gideon’s International, 32 East Montgomery Crossroads, Savannah, Ga 31406, phone: 912 – 927-9777. Fairhaven Funeral Home, Hubert Baker Chapel, was in charge of all arrangements. Police Reports Continued from page A3 ____________________________________ clocked a car coming off I-516 into Garden City at 60mph in the 45mph zone. He made a traffic stop and smelled the odor of burnt marijuana coming from the car. The Officer searched the car and found three pipes with marijuana residue in them, and the driver was on his way to jail on possession of drug related objects charges. Effingham County Sheriff’s Office • At 1:30am, a Deputy noticed a blue Mitsubishi eastbound on Blue Jay Road with no illuminated tail lights. He began to follow the driver and made a note that the man crossed the fog line several times before he made the traffic stop. While waiting for the man to find his license, the Deputy smelled the odor of alcohol. The driver was arrested on DUI charges and taken to jail. • Deputies were dispatched to a road rage incident in Guyton where a father in a Toyota Tundra was chasing his daughter and her boyfriend in their Honda Accord, reaching speeds over 110mph on Hwy 17 North. Fueled by a recent Nascar race, they even traded paint, sideswiping each other while racing along the highway. When the Deputies got them stopped, the Dad explained that he thought his daughter may have taken his wife’s mother’s 4 carat diamond ring. The daughter on hearing that, explained that if it’s the ring she’s thinking of, it’s inside her jewelry box. Dad was cited for having an expired tag, but no other charges were filed. ____________________________________ Continued on page A7 Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 • Page A7 Veterinary Services Legal Services Insurance Services Your “Other” Family Doctor! REAL ESTATE LAW We Specialize in Personal your H Renovate •A Injury Law L •H homeowners B Your Home Purchase Is The Most Important Decision You’ll Ever Make! Let Us Help You! We’ll Protect Your Interests!! • Internal Medicine • Dentistry • Soft Tissue Surgery • Cardiology • Orthopedic Surgery • Boarding • Dermatology • Grooming • AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY SERVICE WEBB ANIMAL CLINIC 826-1830 • Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 8am-6pm • Tuesday & Thursday, 8am-8pm • Saturday, 8pm-12pm • Early Drop-Off Service Monday-Friday at 7pm 3612 Highway 21 North • Rincon (On the North side of Rincon) Telecommunications 912-748-1204 130 Canal Street, Suite 303 Pooler We can install or repair your phone system! We sell phone systems by Avaya, Nortel, Meridian, Norstar, and Panasonic We service ALL Brands! Nothing’s too large! 843-815-6655 Office 843-227-5511 Cell Seth Bennett Musical Instrument Repair/Lessons RANDY WOOD GUITARS GUITARS ~ BANJOS ~ MANDOLINS • Professional lessons on most stringed instruments! • Most complete repair shop on the east coast! • The home of the “Pickin Parlor” concert hall! 1304 E. Hwy 80 • Bloomingdale 912-355-1109 7370 Hodgson Memorial Drive, Suite B-11 Savannah RINCON STATESBORO Renovate your 5877 Hwy. 21 23657 Hwy. 80 South homeowners Unit D 826-5264 policy.489-2838 Continued from page A6 ____________________________________ • A juvenile came home from school and found the garage door open to their home. He went to the front porch to see if the key was still in it’s hiding place, and it wasn’t. He went inside and retrieved his cell phone, then went back outside to call Mom. He was hiding behind a tree in the front yard when a man came running out of the house. Fortunately, nothing appeared to be missing due to the interrupted burglary. (That’s a young hero...) • A Deputy was dispatched to a Springfield area residence and saw the children walking towards Hwy 21 from the home. He stopped to find out what had happened, and the brother and sister explained that the offender had gotten mad because the sister had spilled the baby’s milk. The older sister ended up grabbing a garden hoe and began throwing things inside the house, so they left to avoid injury. (No sense fighting over spilled milk...) • Deputies were dispatched to the Kroger parking lot where a man and his wife had gotten into a physical argument over food. The husband was scratched up pretty bad, so the wife was taken into custody on family violence charges. (The closest I’ve ever come to a fight over food was when I’ve said something about my wife’s cooking.) • A Deputy was parked on Standard Lane due to a seperate incident and was monitoring traffic in the area around 10:30pm. He noticed a white car with no tag light Insurance Services Veterinary Services Barber Shop The Barber Post Clay Clark, Agent 8102 Old Highway 21 Wentworth, ClayPort Clark, Agent GA 31407 Dogs • Cats • Horses • exotiCs 8102 Old Highway 21 Bus: 912-966-2688 Port Wentworth, GA 31407 Providing 912-966-2688 Located nearLow yourates. Great insurance. on Hwy. 21N in Pt. Renovate your Remodeling your home can GreatWentworth. insurance. Low rates. 1-1/2 miles homeowners Remodeling your homeProtect increase value. it north ofitsI-95 &can 2itmiles increase its value. Protect policy. by taking new lookyour at your of Rincon. Mobile Veterinary Services by taking asouth newa look at homeowners insurance. to Effingham & Surrounding homeowners insurance. Like a good neighbor, counties. a good neighbor, StateLike Farm is there. Clay Clark, Agent Great insurance. Low rates. CALL ME TODAY. 8102 Old Highway 21 State Farm is there. Morris Port Wentworth, GA 31407 Remodeling your home can Bus: 912-966-2688 increase its value. Protect it CALL MEa new TODAY. Veterinary by taking look at your Super Tuesday & Thursday Haircuts 12 $ ® ® Services homeowners insurance. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. 772-5594 0901136 Computer Repair COMPUTER REPAIR ® Postal Services State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL 0901136 State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL • VIRUS REMOVAL • LAPTOP REPAIRS • NETWORKING SOLUTIONS FOR HOME & SMALL BUSINESSES Monday-Friday, 9-6 • Saturday, 9-2 504 W. HWY. 80 • POOLER (Next to the Post Office) 912-748-5119 Cellular Phone Repair Cracked Screen? No Problem! Cellular Etc. is Your iPhone Repair Center! We Build Custom Computers To Your 0901136 State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL Specific Needs... like video gaming! • Screen replacement • Water Damage • Charger Ports • Color Changes • Used Replacement phones • And More Not just the Best in Computer Repair... also the Best Prices on Computer Repair! Effingham Computer Services 1214 N. Columbia Ave. • Rincon (Next to Audio Link) 912-376-1628 Say ‘Gadget Fix’ for 10% OFF Your Repair Bill! 1105 Hwy. 80E • Pooler Commons • 912-988-1691 Police Reports Raymond dickey 826-2500 policy. Thomas J. McNamara J. Craig Adams Mary McNamara Adams Joseph Morris, Jr. DVM Moving Your Business? (912) 748-1930 ome uto ife eALtH usiness McNamaraAdams Attorneys & Counselors at Law Legal Services pass by and made a traffic stop for the violation. The woman handed over her limited permit license which allows her to drive to and from work, to and from doctor’s visits, and to and from school. “Where you coming from this time of night?” he asked. “Burger King... I wanted a Whopper...” She was taken to jail. • Around 8pm, Deputies responded to another domestic dispute that began because a man had been drinking and was becoming disorderly, threatening everybody else in the house. The Deputies explained to him that he just can’t act that way towards other people and he’d have to go to bed if he couldn’t behave himself. He agreed he wouldn’t cause any more problems that night and went to bed. (Gotta call Deputies to convince a grown man to behave! Give him his teddy bear and tell him Night-Night!) • A Deputy spotted a man walking down a side street from Sandhill Road. The man was clearly under the influence of some kind of drug, and admitted that he’d taken some pills with another man earlier. A woman was with the man and convinced the Deputy he could stay at her house and he wouldn’t be a problem any more that night. The Deputy warned the man that he’d go to jail if he was caught walking the streets again that night. Sure enough, about an hour later, the Deputy spotted the man standing on the fog line on Sandhill Road, swaying in the breeze in a circular motion. The man could barely speak, slurring his words and mumbling in response to the Deputy’s questions. The Deputy then reminded the man of his warning earlier and told him to put his hands behind his back and lean against the ____________________________________ Continued on page A10 (Next to Guererro’s) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Regarding Our “Trash Paper”... Dear Editor, We like to read small town newspapers, however, your newspaper has become a “trash” paper. Most of us are intelligent enough to enjoy current events, local news, entertainment and Home and Garden. Your paper is “old politics” and poor editorials, and who cares about Police Reports? We are tired of writers who give personal opinions on negative political issues. I realize it’s your paper - but, perhaps the businesses who buy advertisements (you have plenty of them!) would like a better format, also. The paper has such poor articles that most of us put it down before reading the ads. Thank goodness it’s free!! And please, don’t insult the people of South Georgia again. Some of us are less fortunate than others, but we deserve our retirement checks. We love our country and God loves us all. Thank you for allowing my thoughts. Just Venting, Anna H. (an 80 year old, white, professional lady) Dear Anna, Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know what a crappy newspaper we publish. Please, don’t sugarcoat it; tell us how you really feel! I don’t think Thanksgiving would be the same without your letter. The reason we have Police Reports in the paper is because that was the only thing I could find to write about that was purely local, that didn’t require a degree in journalism to accomplish, and we wanted to keep our readers informed as to the criminal element that lives amongst us. Not to mention that if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard “I love your Police Reports,” I could retire and let you publish this newspaper! I would also like to correct the one final point you made about insulting the people of South Georgia. I assume that was a reference to the opinion column written by Gene White, our guest “liberal” columnist who pointed out last week that the people of the Old South need to get in step with the social issues, like gay marriage, abortion, and support an immigration policy that’s “fair.” He wasn’t just referring to South Georgia but to the Old South states that voted for Romney rather than Dear Leader. Again, thank you for taking the time to write to us. We’ll try to do better in the coming new year! Page A8 • Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 Fruits Vine of the For a more complete listing of churches, visit The Flat Tire My tire had a staple in it. Of all times for this to happen -- a flat tire. But when is a good time for a flat tire? Not when you are wearing a suit and you have been traveling for nearly five hours and, adding to this bleak picture, nightfall is approaching. Wait; did I mention that I was on a country road? Okay, now you have the picture. There was only one thing to do: call AAA. Yeah, right. The cell phone I bought for security and protection in moments like this isn’t in range to call anyone. “No Service” it says. No kidding! I sat for a few minutes moaning and complaining. It’s a male thing. Then I began emptying my trunk so that I could get at the tire and tools needed to get the job done. I carry a large plastic container filled with what I call “just-in-case-stuff.” When I am training or speaking, I love to have props with me. I hate leaving anything home so I bring everything...just in case. Cars buzz by me. A few beep sarcastically. I hear the horn saying “ha ha!” I say, “You’ll get yours!” Darkness begins to settle in. It’s becoming a bit difficult to see. The tire is on the passenger side, thank God, away from all the traffic, but making it difficult to benefit from the headlights of passing cars. Suddenly a car pulls off the road behind me. In the blinding light, I see a male figure approaching me. “Hey, do you need any help”? “Well, it certainly isn’t easy doing this with a white dress shirt and suit on,” I said. Then he steps into the light. I literally was frightened. This young guy was dressed in black. Nearly everything imaginable was pierced and tattooed. His hair was cropped and poorly cut. He had leather bracelets with spikes on each wrist. “How about I give you a hand”? he said. “Well, I don’t know . . . I think I can . . . “ “Come on, it will only take me a few minutes.” He took right over. While watching him, I happened to look back at his car and noticed for the first time someone sitting in the passenger seat. That concerned me. I suddenly felt outnumbered. Thoughts of car jackings and robberies flashed through my mind. I really just wanted to get this over and survive it. Then, without warning, it began to pour. The night sky had hidden the approaching clouds. It hit like a waterfall and made it impossible to finish the tire change. “Look, my friend, just stop what you’re doing. I appreciate all your help. You better get going. I’ll finish after the rain stops,” I said. “Let me help you put your stuff back in the trunk. It will get ruined,” he insisted. “Then get in my car. We’ll wait with you,” he insisted. “No, really. I’ll take care of everything,” I said. “You can’t get in your car with the jack up like that. It will fall. Come on. Get in,” he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the car. Crack! Boom! Lightning and thunder roared like a freight train. I literally jumped in his car. “Oh, God, protect me!” I thought to myself. Wet and tired, I settled into the back seat. Suddenly a small frail voice came from the front seat of the car. “Are you all right”? she said as she turned around to face me. “Yes, I am,” I replied with much relief seeing the old woman there. It must be his Mom. “My name is Beatrice and this is my neighbor Jeff,” she said. “He insisted on stopping when he saw you struggling with the tire.” “I am grateful for his help,” I said. “Me, too!” she said with a laugh. “Jeff takes me to visit my husband. We had to place him in a nursing home and it’s about 30 minutes away from where we live. So, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we have a date.” She laughed and shook her head. “We’re the remake of the Odd Couple,” Jeff said as he joined in laughing.” “Jeff, that’s incredible what you do for her. I would never have guessed, well, ah, you know I . . .” I stumbled with the words. “I know. People who look like me don’t do nice things,” he said. Silence. I really felt uncomfortable. I never believed that I judged people by the way they dressed. I was angry with myself for being so stupid. “Jeff is a great kid. I’m not the only one he helps. He’s a volunteer at our church. He also works with the kids in the learning center at the low income housing unit in our town,” said Beatrice. “I’m a tutor,” Jeff said quietly as he stared at my car. Silence again played a part now in a moment of reflection rather than the uncomfortable feeling that I had insulted someone. He was right. What he wore on the outside was a reflection of the world as he saw it. What he wore on the inside was the spirit of giving, caring and loving the world he wanted to see. The rain stopped and Jeff and I changed the tire. I tried to offer him money and, of course, he refused it. As we shook hands I began to apologize for my stupidity. He said, “I experience that same reaction often. I actually thought about changing the way I look. But then I saw this as an opportunity to make a point. So I’ll leave you with the same question I ask everyone who takes time to know me. If Jesus returned tomorrow and walked among us again, would you recognize Him by what He wore or by what He did? By Barbara P. and passed along by Have You Sharpened Your Axe? A young man approached the foreman of a logging crew and asked for a job. “That depends,” replied the foreman. “Let’s see you fell this tree.” The young man stepped forward and skillfully felled a great tree. Impressed, the foreman exclaimed, “You can start Monday.” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday rolled by. Thursday afternoon the foreman approached the young man and said, “You can pick up your paycheck on the way out today.” Startled, the young man replied, “I thought you paid on Friday.” “Normally we do,” said the foreman. “But we’re letting you go today because you’ve fallen behind. Our daily felling charts show that you’ve dropped from first place on Monday to last place today.” “But I’m a hard worker,” the young man objected. “I arrive first, leave last and even have worked through my coffee breaks!” The foreman, sensing the young man’s integrity, thought for a minute and then asked, “Have you been sharpening your axe?” The young man replied, “No sir, I’ve been working too hard to take time for that!” Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to “sharpen the ax.” In today’s world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever but less happy than ever. Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp? There’s nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But God doesn’t want us to get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like taking time to pray, to read and study scripture or to listen to “the still small voice of God.” We all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow. If we don’t take time to sharpen the axe, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness. Take time today to sharpen your axe! By David Langerfeld and passed along by A Thanksgiving Day Prayer By Scott Wesemann Lord, so often times, as any other day When we sit down to our meal and pray A young boy was lying on his back by a stream holding a string in his hand. A stranger walked up to him and asked, “What are you doing?” “I am flying a kite,” came the reply. “But I don’t see any kite,” said the man. “I don’t either,” said the boy. “But I know it’s there. I can feel the tug on my string.” Like the boy, we are here on this earth. But, our Lord, like the kite, is beyond us in heaven. The string that binds our hearts to our Father in heaven is our faith. And the Holy Spirit is the One who connects us to Him and gives power to our prayers. We may not see God all of the time, but through faith we know that He is there - above us, beyond us, connected to us, waiting on us to call upon Him and feel His “tug.” God wants us to stay in touch with Him through our faith in Him and feel His presence in our lives. Visit us at We hurry along and make fast the blessing Thanks, amen. Now please pass the dressing We’re slaves to the olfactory overload We must rush our prayer before the food gets cold But Lord, I’d like to take a few minute more To really give thanks to what I’m thankful for For my family, my health, a nice soft bed My friends, my freedom, a roof over my head I’m thankful right now to be surrounded by those Whose lives touch me more than they’ll ever possibly know Thankful Lord, that You’ve blessed me beyond measure Thankful that in my heart lives life’s greatest treasure That You, dear Jesus, reside in that place And I’m ever so grateful for Your unending grace So please, heavenly Father, bless this food You’ve provided And bless each and every person invited Amen! The Church Bulletin Board • On Sunday, December 2nd at 7:30pm, guitarist Jeff Bianchi will give a one-hour classical guitar concert in the sanctuary at Guyton Christian Church to help raise assistance for The Fillin’ Station, Guyton’s Community Food Pantry. Audience members are asked to bring canned and dry goods to help stock the food pantry. Peanut butter and canned meats are especially helpful. • JOY and HOPE Christmas SIMULCAST event featuring Francis Chan and Jack Graham is being held at Grace Community Church in Rincon on Friday, November 30th. Tickets will be available at the door for a cost of $10 per person. Slated for Friday, Nov 30, from 8pm to 10:30pm, this particular event is open to Men and Youth. Get your tickets and come participate in worship led by Kari Jobe, Anthem Lights, Point of Grace and others! The messages from Francis Chan and Jack Graham will be on JOY and HOPE. Who couldn’t use a fresh dose of both of those from the Lord! Let’s enter into the Christmas season with His praise on our lips and a determination that HIS will be done in and through us! Scholarships are available. Childcare is not available at the church but we will do our best to help arrange childcare for those who have difficulty making those arrangements. Call Grace Community Church at 826-4204 for more information. • BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Enjoy a visit with Santa Claus, along with a delicious breakfast, Saturday, December 1st, 9am at Rincon United Methodist Church. The jolly fellow will greet young and old and get everyone into the holiday spirit. Tickets: under 3, free; 3 – 9, $4; 10 and up and adults, $6. Tickets available at the church office, 826-5796 or call 912-547-6218. Seating is limited, so get your tickets early. Cut-off date is Nov. 28th. Rincon UMC is located at 107 Savannah Avenue. Join us for all the fun, and don’t forget your camera! • Guyton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), invites you to join us as we embark on a new Sunday School curriculum, “Seasons of the Spirit.” As the holiday season approaches, we’ll be learning about Advent, Christmas and the Epiphany. Join us at 9:45am each Sunday in the Christian Center, located at 105 Third Street in Guyton. Classes are available for pre-k and kindergarten, a multi-age group ages 6 to 16, young adults age 17 - 20 something, and two adult classes. Come join us! • Gifted Gospel Singer/Songwriter/Recording Artist taking bookings in your area for Gospel Concerts and December Christmas Concerts. Concerts based on love offerings and CD sales. Go to and call (912) 863-3738 for more information. • The Liberty County Community & Area Mass Choir will be presenting at least two Christmas concerts on Saturday, December 15th. Come and join singers in the community and area as they present MARY DID YOU KNOW. All ages are welcome. The mass choir has been presenting free music programs to the community and area since 2003. Join us on Tuesday evenings for rehearsals at 7pm to 8pm. The First United Methodist Church in Hinesville has provided the rehearsal venue for the mass choir. Get your book and rehearsal CD by contacting Eleanor Hudson, music coordinator in Hinesville, at or call (912) 876-7610. You may also contact the director Ronald Calhoun at lcca. • Manna House food pantry and thrift store hours are Monday, noon-2:30pm and Thursday, 10am - 2:30pm. It is closed all other days. The food pantry and thrift store are open to the public. Donations are always appreciated and can be dropped off at any time. Manna House is at 1210 Patriot Park Drive across from the Effingham YMCA. • Zion Cafe @ Zion Lutheran... New Times!! Open Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7am-9am, Zion Cafe is a breakfast ministry of Zion Lutheran Church provided to our Effingham County Community. We are offering a variety of egg, sausage, and bacon biscuits along with coffee, juice, and water. Everything we offer is free. We know mornings are hectic, and we want to help our neighbors get their day off to the right start. All are welcome..., yes you! So stop in, grab a quick bite, and have a blessed day! Also, be sure to join us for Movie Nights! Call 728-3430 for movie titles. • Samaritan House Food Pantry, 748-5847, please call for an appointment for food assistance. Helping the Pooler, Faulkville, Bloomingdale and Garden City areas. • The Band of Brothers is a Christian group of men who meet every Friday morning at 6:30am for a delicious breakfast at the Masonic Lodge in Garden City, and every other Monday morning, same time, at the Salvation Army office on Bee Road at Washington Avenue in Savannah. Our Westside group now meets at the Fellowship Assembly at 5224 Augusta Avenue in Garden City, next to the old Gaster Lumber. (We’ve simply outgrown the Masonic Lodge.) The next Eastside meeting will be on November 26th. Pastor Kenny Grant brings an intense Bible Study to every meeting, and you’re certain to be blessed by it. Please join us. Visit Brother Kenny’s website at • RECOVER YOUR LIFE! LifeSpring Worship Center is hosting Addiction Recovery Classes every Thursday evening at 7pm. Christian Counselors are available. 1105 East Hwy 80 in Bloomingdale. For more information, please call 330-0450. Page A10 • Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 Health & Wellness Directory Dentistry Pharmacy Immediate Care Walk-Ins Always Welcome! • Adult/Pediatric Urgent Care (9 months+) • Worker’s Comp • Company Physicals • DOT Physicals • Sports Physicals • Lacerations • Drug Screens • X-Ray Services • EKG • Minor Illness & Injury • Audiograms Uninsured Rates: $85 Office Visit 1/2 OFF Any Additional Testing, X-Rays or Procedures brian beaudreau, dmd, mba • comprehensive family dental care NEW PATIENT OFFER – $50 OFF* Any Procedure! *Restrictions apply. Call for details. IMMEDIATE CARE 912.330.4545 4704 AUGUSTA ROAD • GARDEN CITY 125 southern junction blvd • pooler “As You Think... So Shall You Be.” Individual Therapy (child, adolescent, adult) Family Therapy • Group Therapy Couples Therapy • Christian Counseling Substance Abuse & Mental Health Assessments Fees Are On A Sliding Scale NOW ACCEPTING MEDICAID, AMERIGROUP, PEACHCARE, TRICARE, WELLCARE, CIGNA, UNITED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CORE and IFI PROVIDER Durden Consulting Services, LLC Kenneith Durden, Ed.D., LPC 912-988-3649 5910 Ga. Hwy. 21 South, Unit 6 • Rincon 6014 McCall Road (McCall Plaza) Family Practice Family Dentistry Monday-Friday, 8am-7pm • Saturday, 8am-4pm Physical Therapy Consultation Services 1203 Gandy Dancer • Hwy. 144 459-2230 • 459-2240 Effingham 135 Goshen Road Ext. Suite 206 Rincon 826-3797 Islands 22 W. Oglethorpe Ave. 443-1400 119 Charlotte Drive Suite G Wilmington Island 898-7714 1000 Towne Center Drive Suite 503 Pooler, Georgia 31322 Hinesville 740 Gen. Stewart Way Suite 109 Hinesville 912-368-1078 Monday through Friday: Call 912-748-1999 8:00 a.m.Steven to Bischof, 6:00D.O.p.m. Personal Wellness Dr. Steven Bischof is a board certified, DoloresFamily Foley, M.D.physician. Georgia licensed, Practice He received his medical degree from Kansas Family Practice City University in Kansas City, Missouri. He Dolores Foley, M.D. completed his residency in Family Practice Monday through Friday: Family Practice Dolores Foley, M.D. at the University of Nebraska Medical 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Foley, Center inDolores Omaha. isDolores a member of the M.D. FamilyHe Practice Foley, M.D. American Academy of Family Practice, Monday through Friday: Family Practice Family Practice Dolores Foley,ofM.D. Georgia Academy Family Physicians, 1000 Towne Center Drive Monday through Friday: Dolores Foley, M.D. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Family Practice of Georgia and Medical Association Suite 503 8:30 a.m. to 5:00Friday: p.m. Monday through Monday through Friday: Family Practice American College ofFoley, Physician Dolores M.D.Executives. 50% OFF 423 S. Columbia Avenue For A Limited Time. Call For Details. Russell L. Sliker, MD Richard R. Hightower, Jr., MD Michelle L. Wilson, D.O., FACP Michael R. Cohen, D.O. The Bod Pod is the new scientific way of measuring your body composition of fat and fat-free mass in adults and children in just 3 minutes! 748-2280 New Patients Welcome Most Insurances Accepted In-House Laboratory and X-ray Rincon, GA 31326 You’ll get a Personal Wellness Profile detailing your... • Disease Risks • Nutrition and Fitness Status • Stress and Safety Levels 1000 Towne Center Blvd, Suite 701 • Pooler Pooler, Georgia 31322 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. through Friday: 1000 Towne Center Drive Dolores Foley, M.D. Family Practice Accepting New Patients CallMonday 912-826-8860 Monday through Friday: 1000 Towne Center Drive 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Suite 503 Family Practice 1051000 Grand Central BlvdTowne - Drive Suite Center 107 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Towne Center 1000 Drive Suite 503 Call 912-748-1999 Monday through Friday: Pooler, Georgia 31322 Pooler, Georgia 31322 Suite 503 Suite 107 105 Grand Central Blvd. Pooler, Georgia 31322 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 Friday: p.m. Monday through 1000 Towne Center Drive Call 912-748-1999 Pooler, Georgia 31322 Pooler, Georgia 31322 Suitea.m. 503 8:30 to 5:00 SuiteCenter 503 p.m. 1000 Towne Drive Call 912-748-1999 Pooler,Call Georgia 31322 912-748-1999 Pooler, Georgia 31322 Suite 503 Call 912-748-1999 Call 912-748-1999 1000 Towne Center Drive Pooler, Georgia 31322 Call 912-748-1999 Suite 503 IMMEDIATE CARE 4704 AUGUSTA ROAD • GARDEN CITY 912.966.2366 Monday-Friday, 8am-7pm • Saturday, 8am-4pm Health Services Jacqueline Caffrey, MD Diane Donnelly, MD Paul Liang, MD Family Practice At our two Specialty Physicians’ Centers, located on our main campus in Springfield, we provide access to a variety of experienced doctors and surgeons. Healthcare can be complicated. We’re making it more convenient for you, close to home. Growing Specialty Physicians • Cardiology • Gastroenterology • General Surgery • Nephrology • Neurology • Orthopedic Surgery Call 912-826-8860 629.6262 1692 Chatham Parkway Savannah, GA 31405 Permit #025-003 SKILLED ELECTRICAL SERVICE PRESSURE WASHING & HOME MAINTENANCE • Electrical repairs • Pressure Washing • Project Manager Available for Remodels & Additions Free Estimates! Call Wayne Whitley, Jr., 508-8512 Whitley’s Southern Home Solutions Customer Satisfaction is a must! Serving Chatham County and surrounding areas • • • • • • • • • Ankle Pain Arthritic Joints Bunions Flat Feet Hammer Toes Heel Pain Ingrown Nails Sports Injuries Sprains/Fractures • Children’s Foot Conditions • Diabetic Neuropathy • Diabetic Feet Conditions • Tendon Injuries • Warts/Skin Lesions THE FOOT & ANKLE CENTER, PC 1000 Towne Center Boulevard Building 500, Suite 505 330-8885 Gynecology, Bio-Identical 459 GA HWY 119 S •Hormones Springfield Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Urinary Incontinence Correction Midwifery Care & Centering Pregnancy® In-Office Procedures Tubal Ligation Endometrial Ablation (for heavy periods) Now Accepting New Pregnant and Gyn Patients for Tania Morgan-Bowen M.D., M.P.H. All Locations Board Certified – OB-GYN * Graduate of Harvard University, Tufts University & Emory University Christine Cope MSN, FNP-BC * Amanda McVay, C.N.M. Obstetrics,Infertility In-Office Procedures Gynecology,Bio-IdenticalHormones 5354 TubalLigation Most Reynolds St. Suite 303 RoboticLaparoscopicHysterectomy Insurance 11909A McAuley Dr. Plaza C EndometrialAblation Accepted 114 Canal St. Suite 503 Pooler UrinaryIncontinenceCorrection (forheavyperiods) ® MidwiferyCare&CenteringPregnancy Tania Morgan-Bowen M.D., M.P.H. Board Certified – OB-GYN * Graduate of Harvard University, Tufts University & Emory University Christine Cope MSN, FNP-BC * Amanda McVay, C.N.M. Most Insurance Accepted Goodwill Donation and Recycling Event This is your opportunity to clean out your home and business of all your unwanted items and recycle unusable computer and electronic equipment, saving them from going to the landfill, at no cost. The Dell- Reconnect recycling program accepts, computers, monitors, printers, keyboards, scanners, copiers, television sets, cell phones, CD and DVD players, even toner and ink cartridges . Donate clothes, blankets, coats, shoes, belts, purses, book bags, kids toys, cooking and kitchen items, usable furniture, books, We Can Help With: Office Will Open August 21st Obstetrics, Infertility Birthing Services The only free-standing birth center in Georgia for the last 25 years. • Nationally Accredited • Foot & Ankle Appointments Available HEALTH SYSTEM family planning • Menopause care and management • Pregnancy and birth • Ultrasounds • Birth center delivery • Area hospital delivery • Water births • Pain management during labor 1000 Towne Center Blvd., Bldg. 100, Suite #101 Pooler, GA 31322 748-8585 • 748-8505 Fax Announces New Pooler Office Our Springfield Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Women’s Health Care 423 S. Columbia Avenue • Annual exams • Preconception planning Rincon, GA 31326 • Contraception and Matthew J. allen, D.D.S. RonalD a. toSto, D.D.S. e. tait CaRpenteR, D.M.D. ALL WOMEN’S HEALTH ALL WOMEN’S HEALTH Growing Specialty Care Always Committed to Caring Visit for a complete listing of visiting specialists or call (912)754-MYDR(6397). Brighten your smile for Spring with Professional teeth whitening! OB/GYN Care • Plastic Surgery • Podiatry • Pulmonology • Sleep Medicine • Surgical Oncology 459 Hwy 119 S, Springfield, GA 31329 As part of their sustainable initiatives, Marchese Construction is proud to sponsor a Goodwill donation and recycling event. 826-0250 Jacqueline Caffrey, MD Now Offering 5 Locations! Diane Donnelly, MD Dolores Foley, M.D. PHYSICAL THERAPY Family Practice Welcomes PERSONAL TRAINING Paul Liang, MD WEIGHT TRAINING Monday through Friday: RICHMOND HILL DOWNTOWN Family 8:30 Practice a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Family Medicine FA M I LY M E D I C I N E We’ve Moved! 912.966.2366 CDs, DVDs’and players, working small- appliances, washers and dryers, Working televisions, computer equipment and cell phones. Goodwill will provide donors with a tax receipt at the time of donations. Anyone can drop-off equipment and donations at this locally-sponsored event being held on November 30th between 10am and 3pm, at the Marchese Construction office located at 45 Columbia Drive, in the Westside Business Park across from Spanky’s on Highway 80 in Pooler. Do good. Donate. 352-7902 5354 Reynolds St., Suite 303 • Savannah Effective 5/16/12, our new address in Pooler will be: 1000 Towne Center Blvd., Suite 305 • Pooler 459 Hwy. 119 South • Springfield Police Reports Continued from page A7 ____________________________________ hood of his patrol car. Instead, the man turned in the Deputy’s direction taking a defensive stance. (I love the next line from the actual Incident Report!) “I placed the subject on the hood of my patrol unit in a pain compliance technique.” The man responded by putting his hands behind his back like he’d been told to do. He was taken to jail. Pooler • WalMart security personnel were watching the Eden man in the jewelry section as he concealed a watch and then walked around the store. They stopped him before he could get to the parking lot, and he denied trying to steal it, explaining he’d set it down in another part of the store. He added that he’d picked it up to get a pretty girl’s attention. WalMart decided not to press charges against him, ____________________________________ Continued on page B1 Thursday, November 22 - November 28, 2012 Police Reports Continued from Page A10 ____________________________________ but did serve him with a criminal trespass notice to ban him from all WalMarts. (This guy has been in the Police Reports at least three times recently! Let’s pray he’ll realize that if he continues down this path, a life behind bars, which ain’t much of a life, is what’s in his future. And how sad is it that he thinks shoplifting a watch will impress the pretty girls?) • An Officer was patrolling along Hwy 80 convenience stores when he was notified a clerk had caught a shoplifter at one of them. He responded and found a group of teenage girls, and one finally admitted she’d gotten the others to distract the clerk while she stuck a Mike’s Hard Cranberry Lemonade wine cooler in her purse. Realizing the Police had been called and were on the way, she hid the wine cooler behind the Goodwill donation box in the parking lot of a second nearby convenience store. The 17 year old was arrested and taken to jail on shoplifting charges. • Just after noon, an Officer ran a license plate check on a Cadillac DeVille and found that the car was not insured. He made a traffic stop and asked the driver for his license and insurance. The Savannah man handed over an ID card and admitted his driver’s license was ____________________________________ Continued on page B4 Police Reports................................1 Dining Guide..................................2 Sports....................................... 2-5 Celebrations...................................3 Public Service Announcements............4 Automotive Services.........................7 Home Improvement Services...............5 Classified Ads.............................. 6-8 A Runaway Bride Guyton Resident Takes the Cake at Mighty Eighth 5K; Campbell top finisher By Stephen Prudhomme Kristen Bowers visited the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum in Pooler twice last Saturday, once running, the other time walking. Both times, she was flying high. Bowers, a resident of Guyton, was one of 202 runners competing in the third annual B-17 Flying Fortress 5K. The race benefits restoration of a World War II B17plane, the City of Savannah. The top overall finisher was Jesse Campbell, 18, of Guyton, who ran a 17:02. Francine Nzilampa, 30, ran an 18:24 to top the women’s field, edging 16-year-old Zachary Jones by 1 second to place second overall. Bowers, wearing a bridal veil and skirt, finished in 25:04 minutes. Later that day, she returned to the museum to marry Jeremy Turner, a football and baseball coach at South Effingham High. Per tradition, Turner was not at the race. Even if he had been, he wouldn’t have been running. “He has bad knees,” Bowers says. “He’s probably at Waffle House. He’ll be doing boy things with his friends.” Turner is no stranger to races, however. Last year, at the Savannah Rock-n-Roll Marathon, he proposed to Bowers after she crossed the line finish of the 26.2-mile race. “This kind of ties it all together,” says Bowers, adding that she wasn’t nervous right now (after finishing the 5K). “They waived the running fees after finding out I was getting married here. They kind of catered to me.” Bowers defintely proved she’s the fastest runner in her family, finishing ahead of her mother and sister. She says she heard plenty of encouraging words during the race. Campbell, who’s also from Guyton, likewise heard plenty of encouraging words as he left the field behind and defended his title. A member of the track and cross country teams at Effingham High School who wants to run in college, he says he probably could have finished in around 16 minutes if there had been closer pursuers. Campbell notes it was a little cold at first but was great weather for running. The course is very flat and offers a nice view around the pond on the JCB property, he adds. Campbell is a member of Air Force JROTC at his school and visits the museum twice a year. He likes the idea of the race benefiting restoration of the B-17, saying it makes him want to do it even more. Jones also runs track in high school, at Richmond Hill. He says Kristen Bowers visited the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum twice last Saturday, once as a running bride-to-be, the second time to exchange vows. Nzilampa caught up with him in the numbers are comparable to the the last mile and passed him as they two previous years. She describes made their way to the finish line. “I the course as very scenic and nice tried for second,” says Jones, who and flat and says JCB is so geraattributed his higher finish from cious in allowing the race to be run last year’s race to better training. “I on its property. was getting tired. She earned it.” Restoration of the City of Sa Placing third overall on the vannah began in January 2009 men’s side was Andy Tedesco, 56, and is scheduled to be completed who finished in 18:43. In a dash by December 2014. Grismer refers to the finish line, Jillian O’Malley, to the plane as a “national artifact 29, captured second place overall and important part of our history.” among the women with a time of Noting the presence of several 22:15, while Brianna Thayer, 39, World War II veterans at Saturday’s finished a second behind to take race, she says it’s nice to see the resthird in 22:16. toration project completed in their Race director Jane Grismer says lifetime. Custom Homes at Unbeatable Quality, Service & Price Plus Up To $10,000 Manchester ~ 3,113 sq ft * $177,996 - $186,163* 4 Bedrooms ~ 3.5 Baths in Free Upgrades Savannah Building Center 1108 E Hwy 80, Pooler, GA 912-335-2669 *Price is Inland-Coastal base price only and does not include land or site improvements to land. Picture may show upgrades not included in price. $10,000 offer good for a limited time only and may be discontinued at any time without notice. Some restrictions apply. Call your AHP Building Consultant for details. Page B2 • Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 OUTDOOR TRUTHS (Editor’s Note: Outdoor Truths is a weekly sportsman’s article that appears in newspapers and regional magazines across 13 states in the South, and Midwest. It is a blend of observations and experiences that have come over time from being in God’s great outdoors. We’re proud to offer this column for the outdoor sportsmen in our area.) Get into radio control action FLY! HOVER! RACE! airplanes, cars, trucks, boats, heli’s Come by today and see the best selection of R/C products in the area! 129 E. HWY. 80 • POOLER 748-0847 Great RC Gifts For the FUN of it! Layaway Now for Christmas! BREAKFAST BUFFET 6am-10am Weekdays • 7am-11am Weekends Buy 1, Get 1 FREE 20% automatic gratuity added to each check (with coupon) Reg. $9.95. Includes beverage. Only with this coupon thru November 29th. at the Hilton Garden Inn at Savannah Airport Take Pooler Parkway East across I-95 (Turn towards golf course, right to Clyde Martin Drive) 912-964-5550 I just spent the last several days traveling from Missouri to Kentucky trying to time my arrival at each place so that the deer season were either in prime rut or just before. Even though one can be pretty certain as to when these times come, the weather and other conditions also affect how productive these times actually are. For instance, a couple of years ago, the rain had been so plentiful, the soybeans and corn were still not harvested when I arrived. This made hunting extremely difficult because there were so many places for the bucks to hide. Heat also makes a difference. It seems the warmer the weather, the less active the rut can be. All in all, much like the weather itself, it’s not a perfect science and definitely not a sure thing. There are, however, occasions when you are there when all the DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS $ $ 7- 10 Monday thru Friday, 11am while they last! Happy Hour: Mon-Fri, 3pm-7pm Banquet Room Available 912-748-8188 stars line up and that’s when it’s really fun. This year my timing was not only pretty good away from home, but I’ve found a way to be back at home just when things are getting good here. I guess one could say that right now hunters are simply trying to chase the rut; to be where it is happening. It’s not much different than my friends who fish for stripers. They know pretty much from day to day where these fish have moved to and the simply move to where the fish are. What a concept! – to move where the action is. In Henry Blackaby’s best-selling book called Experiencing God; Knowing and Doing the Will of God, he gives some simple advice; find where God’s at work and join Him. In deer hunting terms we might say, “Find where the deer are rutting and hunt there.” In fishing terms we might say, “Find where the fish have moved and fish there.” Again, what a concept! Too many times in our spiritual life we spend too much time asking God what He wants us to do, where He wants us to go, where are we to invest our resources, and just why He isn’t doing something in our lives. What Blackaby tells us to do Gary Miller is look around and see what God is doing in other places and in other people and when we discover that, it is our invitation to be involved. Find where God’s at work and join Him. Let me ask you... Do you think God is at work in our world? If you do, ask Him to show you where He wants you involved. Remember, when He reveals it to you, it will be His invitation to you to join Him where the action is. Make sure you’re ready. SPORTS BRIEFS • The City of Port Wentworth Youth Basketball 2013 will be holding registration on October 17th - December 17th (Practice for ages 6 to12 begins beginning of Dec TBA) (Games start in January and end in March). Ages 8 under, 10 under, 12 under Girls and Boys Teams. Practice days and times will be announced after child is registered and placed on team. Fees: Port Wentworth Resident $20 for one child and $30 for family; NonPort Wentworth Resident $45 a child. Ages 3, 4 & 5 year old “Smart Start Basketball” will begin January 7th. All practices will be on Mondays at 6pm. There will be four practices and four games! Same Fees. If you are interested in volunteering coaching please contact us! If you have any questions please call 966-7428 or register at City Hall, 305 South Coastal Highway in Port Wentworth. Visit our website, Voted Savannah’s BEST Golf Course 1221 E. Hwy 80 • Pooler (Between Pine Barren Road and Food Lion) Offer Good 11/26/12 - 12/2/12 WHY COOK? We’ll make you feel right at home with a madeto-order meal and warm, friendly service. Buy Any Entree & 2 Beverages, Get the Second Entree FREE * *Second entree must be of equal or lesser value and cannot be combined with any other coupon, special or discount. Offer good 11/26/12 - 12/2/12. The Pig’s Picks! 5 Lunch Specials for only $6! Rusty Pig Meal Deal only $6 After-Tax Includes a Side and a Beverage Half Chicken Salad Wrap Two of Rusty's Ribs Paired Smoke Leg Quarter Half Chicken Finger Wrap The “Redneck Taco” * *Our Corn Pancake with Pork & Slaw Open Tuesday–Saturday • 10:30 a.m.–9 p.m. 630 S. Columbia Ave. • Rincon, GA 31326 ABERCORN @ I-95, EXIT 94 (HWY. 204) 912-961-0424 (912) 826-4233 Join Us On Facebook • Visit our Rincon Store! NIGHT GOLF The lights on the Par 3 golf course at Crosswinds will be running till 9:30PM every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. We will also have the Driving Range Lights running until 9:30PM all three nights. We will continue to run the lights on these days and during these times until we see a change in the usage. Please call to make a tee time. (912)966-1909. PAR 3 RATES All you can play walking $15 All you can play riding $20 Please note that the last tee time for the Par 3 golf course is 7:30PM. Please note that range balls can be purchased until 9:00PM. 966-1909 Just East of I-95, Exit 104 (Towards the Airport on the right) LUNCH SPECIAL BBQ Sandwich with One Side & Tea $6 LUNCH BUFFET $5.99 Monday-Friday Choose from Potato Salad, Green Beans, Corn on the Cob Howard’s Seafood & BBQ Take-Out With this coupon Hwy 21 • Rincon Call Ahead For Takeouts 230 Hwy. 80 • Pooler 748-5396 (At Rincon Transmission) 912-826-1613 DEBIT CARD Great Selection Awesome Prices Making The World A Burger Place. Wednesday Nights are Visit Any Of Our 4 Locations And Try A Delicious Breakfast Melt Sandwich! KID’S NIGHTS 5pm-10pm $1.99 Kid’s Meals! 5710 OGEECHEE ROAD In the Kroger Shopping Center at Berwick Plantation Ask About Our Thanksgiving Specials SALES, SERVICE AND PARTS GREAT DEALS! Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 • Page B3 CELEBRATIONS! ________________________ ________________________ Happy Birthday Mrs. Sybill Tillman! “Best dressed lady I know ... down to the shoes”! I still practicing! Love, Rhonda Pippin ________________________ The Pooler Senior Citizen Center would like to thank everyone who came by our Bake Sale last weekend and that because of you, our sale was a success! Most of all many thanks to Buddy Carter of Carters Pharmacy for allowing us to have it at his Pooler Pharmacy location. Thanks again! ________________________ Happy Birthday to, Megan Foskey, 11/22 Miriam Johnson, 11/26 Love, Family & Friends Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving! ________________________ Happy Birthday Joy Padgett! Love, Allison ________________________ Happy Birthday Darlene! Love, A High School Sports By C. Edward Wilson High School Basketball Review With the 2012-2013 basketball season upon us, some of the area teams will showcase their talents over the Thanksgiving Holiday. New Hampstead High out of Pooler open their high school season against Islands High on Friday afternoon in the first game of the Coaches versus Cancer Gregory Oliver Tournament, which was organized by Jenkins High Athletic Director Yvette Rushing. Oliver coached the Warriors through the 2011 season before succumbing to cancer. The Classic takes place over a two-day period at the Savannah Civic Center. For New Hampstead, this will be their introduction into the Georgia High School Association’s Class-AAA action. The team holds the distinction of having the first female coach of a boy’s team for the Savannah/Chatham County Public School System. She is not the first female coach of a boy’s team in the state of Georgia, according to Earl Etheridge of the Georgia High School Association. The Phoenix open the tournament up against Karl DeMasi’s Island High Sharks. School: New Hampstead High Coach: Tonya Mackey Years at School: 1st 2011-2012 record: School is in first year of existence Nickname: Phoenix Key players: Spencer Goodine, junior, 6-3, forward; Jaleel Daniels, senior, 5-6, guard; Djuan Gaston, senior, 6-1, forward; Russell Clanton, freshman, 6-1, forward. A Year of Firsts for New Hampstead By C. Edward Wilson The newest addition to the Savannah-Chatham Public School System is Hampstead High located in Pooler. With a mascot called the Phoenix, look for the team to rise from the ashes and make a name for itself in the annals of area sports competition immediately. In their first year of high school basketball, the school opted to immediately start varsity sports competition. They are in the region 3-AAA. In another first, the head coach is female. Head Coach Tanya Mackey is a Savannah native. She is the first female head boys high school basketball coach in Georgia. Her most recent job was that of head women’s basketball coach at Mid-eastern Athletic Conference member, South Carolina State University. Her father Thomas Mackey was the long-time equipment manager for Savannah State University. She brings a storied history with her as a good solid coach. To help her get off on the right track, she hired one of the best former coaches in the area to be her top assistant. Former basketball coach and Principal James Green accepted the call when Mackey came looking for help. Green, who won a state championship with Johnson High in 1992, is one of only two local coaches that have pulled off the feat of winning it all in the state of Georgia on the hardwood. The other is Savannah High Coach Tim Jordan. “This is going to be an interesting season,” said Mackey. “A lot of the players came from different schools and haven’t played together before,” she added. The boy’s team has players from Groves, Windsor Forest, Beach and Savannah High. They have six senior, three juniors and sophomores each, and one freshman. Rebels Will Have to Depend on Quickness Head Coach: Jeff Grimes 2011-2012 Record: 14-11 Years at School: 4th Players to watch: Brandon Bostic, senior, 5-11, guard; Jabari Bell, senior, 5-10 guard; Zy Carter, junior, 6-1, guard. The Groves boys’ basketball team will be small this season, but have enough experience to go 10 deep on its bench, according the Head Coach Jeff Grimes. “We will have the ability to outwork other teams,” said Grimes. “We have some extreme quickness on this team and we can’t make any excuses for our lack of size.” To prepare for this season, the Rebels attended the Savannah State University summer camp, and played in the summer league at Beaufort and Metter. “We will have to be competitive and try to put ourselves in position to win the region this year,” Grimes added. School: Effingham County Coach: Donnie Arrington 2011-2012 record: 26-3 Years at school: 5 years Nickname: Rebels Players to watch: Jakeenan Gant, junior, 6-8, center/forward; Jay Wright, senior, 5-10, guard; Ryan Wilkins, senior, 6-2, forward; J.J. Johnson, senior, 6-5, forward; Deaundray Rhett, senior, 6-4, forward; Jakeel Bartly, senior, 5-8, guard; Mondre Green, senior, 6-3, forward; Ontonio Johnson, senior,6-2, forward; Hunter Morris, junior, 6-1, small forward. State Championship or Bust for Rebels By C. Edward Wilson Effingham County has only one goal this season and that is to win it all and bring home a state championship trophy from the Georgia High School Association post-season tournament. Head Donnie Arrington has been in coaching for the past 32 years. The last five have been at Effingham County and he feels his club is ready for the challenge presented to him this year. He felt last year that his ball club didn’t play well down the stretch and it cost the team from advancing further in the post-season. That won’t be a problem this year as three of his starters return from a team, which suffered only three losses in 29 games. The key returning player will be 6-8 junior forward/center Jakeenan Gant. According to Arrington, every school in the Southeastern Conference has inquired about the player and a couple has all ready asked for a commitment from him. So far this year, the coach has said that senior Ryan Wilkins may stay close to home and play for Savannah State University. Coach Horace Broadnax of SSU won’t confirm, nor deny that the school has recruited the 6-2, outside shooting phenom. Another hot property for the Rebels is 5-11 point guard Jay Wright. Probably one of the best pure guards in the area, he has the capability to be one of the best players in the region and state this upcoming season. “All of the players played for us during the summer,” said Arrington. “The day after we lost our last game last year, the players were at the gym getting ready for this season. We are going to play as many kids as possible, because we have a very deep bench,” he added. CLUES ACROSS 1. Buttery salad lettuce 5. Xtreme sport term “Shred the ___” 9. Superior of an abbey 14. R____y: prayer beads 15. Unaccompanied & apart 16. ___ and Diu, Indian 17. Norway’s capital 18. Notice of someone’s death 19. High above 20. 2012 London Games 23. Optic covering 24. Mrs. Nixon 25. Turkish title of respect 26. Eyelid hair 31. Degraded 35. Saudi peninsula 36. Small fry 37. Back talk 38. Disposed to inflict pain 41. Put in advance 43. Landed properties 45. Zedong 46. Shellac resin 47. Awaken from sleep 51. Naval signalling system 56. Ancient Semitic gods 57. Fleur-de-lys 58. Stomach of an animal 59. Separates seating areas 60. 100 = 1 Samoan tala 61. Fante edwo, yam 62. Jubilant delights 63. Extinct ratite birds 64. Coarse file 2. One periodical 3. Mild and pleasant 4. Cheatgrass or downy 5. Rejoiced 6. Person of no influence 7. Plant source for indigo 8. Key in again 9. Compatibility device 10. Indonesian jewelry island 11. Big man on campus 12. Stumblebums 13. Explosive 21. Dresden River 22. Mexican Indian 27. Emit coherent radiation 28. Arab overgarments 29. VI or six 30. Thou ____ sinned 31. French abbot 32. Prevents entry 33. Be next to 34. Stalk of a moss capsule 39. Books of maps 40. Jump upward or forward 41. Can’t move 42. Covers a building 44. Division into factions 45. Boat area 48. Lesion 49. Bonitos genus 50. Good gosh! 51. Cruise 52. State of comfort 53. Young woman (French) 54. 100-year-old-cookie 55. Exchange 56. Shopping receptacle CLUES DOWN 1. Negative cheers Quality Car Care It’s our job to make car care easy, affordable and convenient for our customers, and we take that responsibility seriously. That’s why we offer low prices, guaranteed repairs and personalized service for you and your car. THE DIFFERENCE IS THE SERVICE. Oil Change 23.95* $ Wheel Alignments FREE* *Most cars. *Most cars. With purchase of oil change. 59.95* $ *Most cars. Up to 5 qts. Limited time. BRAKE INSPECTION • TUNE-UPS • OIL CHANGES • BRAKES • A/C • TIRE ROTATIONS • MORE! G.D.K. Car Care Center 224 E. Hwy. 80 • Pooler 748-2550 George & Donna Kelley, Owners Check us out on FREE* TIRE ROTATION FOR LIFE *With purchase of 4 tires. Tournament Schedule: Friday, Nov. 23, 2012 Islands vs. New Hampstead girls play at 4pm, boys at 5:30pm Jenkins vs. Johnson girls play at 7pm, boys at 8:30pm Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012 Groves vs. Windsor girls play at 4pm, boys at 5:30pm Savannah vs. Beach girls play at 7pm, boys at 8:30pm Eternity? Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Allen Pevey Michelle Heather Melton and Jeffrey Allen Pevey were married on September 29, 2012 Michelle is the daughter of Samuel and Cindy Melton. Jeffrey is the son of Michael Pevey and Jennifer Sylvester. Both families feel blessed to accept their new family members. Page B4 • Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Nov. 27 Tuesday • The Goshen Real Estate Investor Group will meet Tuesday, Nov. 27th, 7pm at Carey Hilliard’s on Hwy 21 in Garden City. Trapper Griffith of The Coastal Bank will discuss the local bank’s role in your investment plan. First visit is free; $5 for non-members. For more information, please visit our website, Nov. 30 Friday • American Legion Auxilliary Post #209, Springfield, Georgia, on Laurel Street next to Gnann’s Fix-It Shop, is having Bingo on Friday night, November 30th at 6:30pm. Starting Jan., 2013, we’ll have Bingo every fourth Thursday night at 6:30pm. • One of the biggest names in contemporary bluegrass is returning to the Pickin’ Parlor on Nov. 30th!! GRASSTOWN!!! These guys, fronted by mandolin master Alan Bibey, are a regular sell-out for us and never fail to put on a tremendously musical and entertaining show!! Make plans now for a great after Thanksgiving event the entire family will enjoy!! The Pickin’ Parlor at Randy Wood’s Guitars is located at 1304 E. Highway 80 in Bloomingdale. For tickets or more information, please call 665-2082 or 748-1930. Dec. 1 Saturday • BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Enjoy a visit with Santa Claus, along with a delicious breakfast, Saturday, December 1st, 9am at Rincon United Methodist Church. The jolly fellow will greet young and old and get everyone into the holiday spirit. Tickets: under 3, free; 3 – 9, $4; 10 and up and adults, $6. Tickets available at Police Reports Continued from page B1 ____________________________________ suspended for child support obligations. He also handed over an expired insurance card, and a call to the insurance agency confirmed that the policy was cancelled due to non-payment. To top it off, dispatch advised the Officer that the driver had a warrant out for his arrest. He was taken to jail. • Officers responded to a local hotel where a couple from Summerville, South Carolina had tried paying their room bill with a couple of counterfeit hundred dollar bills. They looked good, but both had the same serial number. • A woman told Officers she was allowing her son to drive the car home from picking him from high school when another woman began an incident of road rage, driv- the church office, 826-5796 or call 912-547-6218. Seating is limited, so get your tickets early. Cut-off date is Nov. 28. Rincon UMC is located at 107 Savannah Avenue. Join us for all the fun, and don’t forget your camera! Dec. 2 Sunday • EFFINGHAM COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA HOLIDAY CONCERT AND HOMEMADE COOKIE SALE Effingham Community Orchestra will present its Sixth Annual Holiday Concert and Homemade Cookie Sale on Sunday, December 2nd at 3pm at the Effingham County Rec. & Parks Dept. Gym, 808 Hwy. 119 South, Springfield, GA. Admission to the concert is FREE. The Cookie Sale begins immediately following the concert. For information about the Orchestra, visit the web site at • The Garden City Beautification Committee is pleased to announce it’s 2012 Christmas Tour of Homes & Churches. Beautiful churches and lovely homes, decked in holiday finery, invite you to come inside and celebrate the joys of the season! This event will be held on Sunday, December 2, 2012, 2pm - 4pm, cost $5 per person. Tickets may be purchased at the Garden City Senior Center, 78 Varnedoe Avenue on the day of the tour. After the tour, join us at City Hall, 100 Central Avenue for light refreshments and drawing of door prizes! We look forward to seeing you there! Dec. 7 Friday • Port Wentworth “Annual Tree Lighting” Ceremony and Festivities will be held on Friday, December 7th at 6:30pm in downtown Port Wentworth held at City Hall. Food, Fun and Festivities directly following ceremony at the P.B Edwards Jr. Gymnasium. Come ing recklessly around their car. Officers arrived just as Mom was approaching the other woman’s car with a baseball bat. Unfortunately, they stopped her before she could commence to swinging. Port Wentworth • A little after 3pm, an Officer was on Hwy 21 near Hendley Road when he noticed smoke from a large fire in the woods. He was flagged down by a woman who told him she’d seen a car crash through the gate to the property and the car was now burning. The Officer first checked to make sure no one was still inside the car, a BMW 330i. The Fire Department soon arrived and extinguished the fire, but the car was a total loss. They were able to trace the VIN number to a Bluffton resident, but Bluffton Police said the woman had moved from her last know registered residence and they had no forwarding address to check. The remains of the vehicle were towed to the wrecker’s yard. • Around 3am, an Officer ob- out and see the “New Reveal of the Gymnasium Renovations”! For more information call the Leisure Service Department 966-7428. Dec. 8 Saturday • Fort McAllister Historic State Park is hosting Winter Muster and Battle on Saturday, December 8, 2012, 8am - 6pm. Fort McAllister State Historic Park is located at Georgia Spur 144/ Fort McAllister Road in Richmond Hill (Directions: I-95, exit #90, then east on GA Hwy. 144, look for signs). Adults $6.50, children $3.75. Spend the day at the fort as Union and Confederate forces prepare for the climactic battle of Sherman’s March to the Sea. Guests will be able to witness the final assault battle for control of the fort at 5pm. For more information, call 727-2339. Dec. 18 Tuesday • The team at your local Badcock & More have joined with First Baptist Church in Rincon to help spread some Christmas cheer to the local children of Effingham County. With your help, we can put some smiles on the faces of local children. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy to our store between now and December 18th. Thanking you in advance for your generosity. ☛ Anytime • Lift up your voice to help children in our community who have been victims of abuse and neglect. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Ogeechee Circuit, a local nonprofit organization that trains community citizen volunteers to speak on behalf of foster children’s safety and well-being and in their best interests in court, will hold an orientation for our next training session that will begin in January. The orientation will be held on Tuesday, November 27th, from 6pm 7:30pm. Please email joincasa@ or contact the office of CASA Ogeechee Circuit at 764-4849 for more information. • YOGA Classes will be held in Port Wentworth on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm at the Ed Young Senior Center, 103 Turnberry Street. Certified Yoga Instructor Lee Ann Manale will work with you on connecting Health, Wellness and Wisdom to help create a better healthier you! Make the connection improve your flexibility, strength, concentration, posture and breathing! If you have any questions please call Leisure Services Department at 966-7428. • The Pooler Senior Citizens Center has a bowling league each Monday morning, starting at 10:30am at Frames ‘n Games in Pooler. Anyone is welcome to join us, you donot have to be a member of the senior center to come out and have a great time with us. For our group price of $10 you can bowl 2 games (shoes & ball provided) and have lunch. Or if you have your own ball and shoes, you can bowl for $1 per game on Mondays and not eat lunch. It is great exercise for seniors. Come join in on the Fun, Food and Fellowship. For this and other great activities call the Pooler Senior Citizens Center at (912) 748-0912. • Effingham County Navigator Team, a support group for families of Children with Special Needs has their Monthly Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at The Learning Treehouse, 250 Goshen Road in Rincon. If your hands or heart is touched by a child with a disability, you need to come. Resources, Education, Recreation. For more info contact: Pauline Shaw at Effingham@p2pga. org. 912-295-5460. • The Effingham County Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10:30am at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 155 Goshen Road in Rincon. served as a white Dodge Caravan came off the northbound I-95 exit ramp and make a wide left hand turn onto Hwy 21. The driver quickly turned into the Wendy’s parking lot with his tires spinning. The Officer hit his blue lights and the driver tried to exit back onto Hwy 21, but was blocked by another Officer who’d just turned in. The driver pulled to the gas pumps of the Circle K convenience store and stopped. The Officer advised the man with his P.A. system to exit the van. The driver wouldn’t answer any questions until the Officer removed the man’s wallet and found his driver’s license and asked if he was Charles. He finally admitted he was Charles, and when he spoke, the Officer recognized the odor of alcohol. The Officer had Charlie submit to the field sobriety tests, but stopped them when the man couldn’t keep his balance and nearly fell twice. I’m guessing it was the heel-to-toe test and the raise-your-foot-six-inches-off-theground-and-wobble-there-for-a- This group is open to family caregivers. It provides education and support. These meeting usually run one hour in length. No reservations needed. For more information regarding Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, please call the local Alzheimer’s Association office at 1-800-272-3900. • Have you always wanted to help children? Are you willing to participate in 30 hours of training and 10 hours of Courtroom observation in order to become a volunteer? Then you might be interested in becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)! A CASA Volunteer is a “Powerful Voice in a Child’s Life®.” After training, CASA Volunteers are appointed by a judge to recommend the best possible outcome for an abused or neglected child’s future. Our goal is to ensure that every child has a safe, permanent home as quickly as possible. Call 912-764-4849 now for more information on our pretraining meet-and-greet or email us at • Foster Grandparent Program Needs Volunteers The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) is in need of volunteers to share their time and talents in their communities. We are looking for seniors age 60 and older to volunteer their time in educational facilities, Day Cares and other social service agencies 20 hours per week, working four or five days per week. FGP offers a modest stipend and assistance with transportation fee. For more information, call Linda Fields 2347842 or 238-2960, ext 123. • For information on Classes at the Family Health and Birth Center please call 8260764. Classes are free for Birth Center clients, whether planning to deliver at the Center or the hospital. A nominal fee is charged for all other attendees. • Personal Disability Voice Chat is now meeting every Thursday night from 4:30-8:30pm at Rincon First Christian Church on Hwy 21 South. minute test. He was arrested and taken to jail on DUI charges. On the way there, he asked the Officer if he grew up in Hilton Head or went to high school there. The Officer told him he was in Chatham County in Port Wentworth, Georgia. At jail, the jail staff asked him how much he’d had to drink, just making conversation with him, and the man replied “Too much!” • A little before 7am, an Officer noticed a man crawling across an open field near Bonnybridge Baptist Church. The Officer immediately had dispatch send EMS out to check on the man, then rode out to question him. The man said he’d jumped off the train and was from Maryland. The Officer told him he had EMS on the way to check him out, and the man became disorderly with him and cursed him. The Officer told him he wasn’t going to tolerate that kind of language from some kind he found crawling across an open field. The man cursed him again, so the Officer handcuffed him and took him to jail on disorderly con- duct charges. (I admire an Officer that won’t take that kinda crap from some bum he’s trying to help.) • An Officer was southound on Hwy 21 approaching the traffic light at Dean Forest Road when he ran a license plate check on the black Cadillac in front of him and found that the license plate didn’t belong on a Cadillac. He made a traffic stop and asked the woman for her license and insurance. She handed over her license and the Officer ran it through dispatch and found that it was suspended for child support. When he walked back to the woman, she was talking on a cell phone. She hung up as the Officer asked her to step out of her car. She looked up and asked if she was going to jail, and the Officer confirmed her fears. That’s when she launched into a verbal assault that the Officer was racially profiling her. Now, traffic was zipping by as it was about 2:30pm and the road was busy at that time of day. He had to threat____________________________________ Continued on page B5 Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 • Page B7 ————————————— Guitar Lessons... at Randy Woods Guitar, Hwy 80 in Bloomingdale. Give us a call for more information, 748-1930. ————————————— ————————————— Alcohol Problem? There’s help! Effective medication with Vivitrol with counseling in private Doctor’s office. Call today, 507-5225. tfnah wanted Night time babysitter/nanny... I am looking for a semi part time or full time night time nanny position. I am CPR and first aid certified and I’m great with all ages and my rate is extremely affordable. Please call 657-8895 if interested. 122012 ————————————— Piano Teacher wanted to teach my grandchildren how to play! 11 and 8 years old. Have piano at my home or will come to yours. Call 312-5168. 110712 ————————————— The Bloomingdale History Society has begun accepting donations and/or contributions of artifacts and memoribilia reflecting any of the history of The City of Bloomingdale, Georgia. The items will be placed in the newly renovated Museum located at #205 East Hwy 80. For more information, please contact Jerry or Myra Crosby at 748-0186 or Barbara Aldrige at 704-3395. tfn1212 ————————————— Buying phonograph record collections. Larger quantities preferred. 45’s, 33’s and 78 rpm. All types of music wanted. Local private collector. Top prices paid. Dan, 313-9099. tfn0313 ————————————— LIFE, Inc. is now taking donations of gently used infant and children’s clothing up to size 16 for resale in their up coming resale store in Guyton. Call Nina Dasher for drop off site at 7484415, or 826-5300 Ext. 26. Only clean and pressed clothes will be taken. Thank you for donating to a non profit. LIF stuff for sale 3-Piece Weight Set... $100. Call 412-9625. 011012 ————————————— Blue plaid Broyhill Loveseat. Excellent condition. Serious inquiries only, e-mail pic. $65. Call 330-9428. 122012 ————————————— Very nice stack-type FRIGIDAIRE LAUNDRY CENTER WASHER/DRYER combo unit. White. With supply and drain hoses. 76”x27”w x 31.5”d Pics available. New about $1200. Yours for $550. Call 912-660-6275. tfnMJP ————————————— Broyhill Loveseat. Light green on off-beige motiff. Excellent condition. Serious inquiries only, e-mail pic. $65. Call 3309428. 122012 ————————————— Lesco Truck bed spray rig, 200 gallon tank, one year old and in great condition! $3000. Call Steven, 663-7316 cell. 122912 ————————————— Snapper Rear Engine Rider Mower for sale... 30” cut, 12 hp, $650, good condition. Call Steven, 663-7316 cell. 122012 ————————————— Bricks and Blocks, $25; Wood fence post, $25; Fat lighter pole, $75. Call 659-9870. 121312 ————————————— New 7 x 18 Car Hauler Trailer... 2-3500 lb. axles, electric brake, full steel floor with tiedown rings, ramps, $2425. Call 912234-3348. tfnbbb ————————————— Baseball cards for sale 19901992 never opened in box call 912-772-3055. 120612 ———————————— Rincon... 3.47 acres for sale by owner. Close to schools, deep well, septic tank and power. Ready to move on. $70,000. Located off of Old Augusta Road. Call 754-3131. 122012 ————————————— Land... Affordable 2009 Fox Go Kart, 150 CC, Full Suspension. Runs Great! Just $1600. Can see it at Quality Golf Cars, 5550 Mccall Road in Rincon. Call 912-826-5350 ————————————— GE Electric Range, 30”, 4 burner, $60; Washer, heavy duty, stainless steel drum, $60; Older electric dryer, needs cord, $20; Call 728-5298. 112912 ————————————— 2 Spindle-backed Oak Chairs with cane bottoms, $25 each, firm. Over 100 years old. 8569406. 112912 ————————————— New 7 x 20 5 ton trailer, 2-5200 pound axles, brake axle, spring assist ramps, $2600. Call 912234-3348. tfnbbb ————————————— 8’ Brunswick Pool Table, excellent condition! $1000. Call 7543060 or 912-665-0831. tfnHM ————————————— TORO COMMERCIAL GRADE ZERO TURN MOWER. Z MASTER MODEL 74077. 44” CUT. 20HP Kohler engine. Runs great, no smoke. Ready to mow. New battery. Dual gas tanks. This is a real time saver. New about $9000. Save a bundle at $2475. Pics available. Call Mark, 912660-6275. tfnMJP ————————————— BROKEN WASHER OR DRYER IN YOUR WAY? Call Eddie for FREE pickup, 4292248. tfnEd ————————————— Utility 5x10 trailer, with spare tire. New metal floor, never used! $699. Call 912- 433-7662. ————————————— 1993 Force Mercury 70HP, runs good, $600. Call 210-6365. ————————————— Tell them you found it in The Spirit!! ————————————— Need Extra $? Sell your unwanted items through The Spirit! We’ll run items under $100 for 6 weeks for FREE! Call us today, 7483567. Guyton... 1.5 acres, $10,000, Zoned AR-2 Clyo... 5.34 acres with existing foundation and framing. Plans available. $35,000. Courthouse Road... 12 acres, wooded. $45,900. Snooks Realty Call Jimmie! 912-663-9836 ————————————— North Carolina Land For Sale... 2.9 acres in gated community with underground utilities, paved roads and a newly completed 35 acre lake with picnic facilities. All of this with a great view of the mountains in this community of Marion, North Carolina (approximately 7 miles off of I-40)! All of the above for only $80,000. Call 772-6074 for more information and map to the property or email: crojoe@ 112912 ————————————— Waterfront 118.27 Acres - 1000’ frontage on Lower Ebenezer Creek. Timber and hunting tract. $168,000 ($1,420.48 per acre). Timberland - 83.5 acres ready for harvest. Call for details. Call Jimmy at 912-663-9836. ————————————— Rivercrest Plantation, in south Bulloch County close to the Ogeechee... five to seven acre tracts of beautiful land, homes only, horses welcome, starting at $30,000 to $60,000. Call Matt Cramer for details, 658-5099. comm. property - sale Best Deal on Office Space in Godley Station... Approximately 1000 sq. ft. includes four offices, reception area, kitchenette & bathroom. $135k (will consider lease option) Call 772-3298. homes - sale ————————————— Ardsley Park area... 3 bedroom, 2 bath home for sale. Living room, dining room, den with fireplace, eat-in kitchen, appliances included. 2 car carport with attached storage/chop (10’X20’). Beautifully landscaped yard. Near Candler and Memorial Hospitals, 3 blocks from Jacob G. Smith Elementary School and 3 blocks from Habersham Village Shopping Center. Must see to appreciate. Call 912-482-0030 or 660-3000. 050313 ————————————— Town Home For Sale by owner... 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1400 square foot town home for sale by owner in Berwick Plantation, Stonelake Town Homes. Asking $149,500. Showings by appt. only. *Hardwood entryway *Large master bedroom, master bath with duel sinks, garden tub and stand-up shower *Upgraded cabinets *Upgraded carpet *Walk-in closets *Vaulted ceilings through out *Pool and Trash compactor *Large walk in laundry room *Outside storage, patio area and a view over a large lagoon*Smoke Free Home Contact Jay at 912-3123858 or email: jaymjr@gmail. com. tfn013113 ————————————— Minutes for Gulfstream... Newly constructed cottage home just minutes from Gulfstream in Garden City. 1700 sq feet, brick front, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, bonus room above garage, large shaded back yard on 3/4 acre lot, priced at just $145,000. Call 912-844-1326. 121312 ————————————— Port Wentworth... near Gulfstream, Port, and Sugar Refinery, brick, 1700 square feet, three bedrooms, two baths, super closets, screened porch, fenced back yard. Roof and heating and a/c system in excellent condition. $119,500. Call 912-964-9654. tfn1212 land for sale Investment Property for Sale 2 doublewide and 1 single wide mobile homes on 3 separate lots with well and septic tank on all 3. Property currently bringing in $1750-$2000 per month rent. Would like to sell, $168,000. Owner financing possible with 10% down, $1200 per month payments plus 3% interest. Call 210-6342 or 386-9619558. 022313 ————————————— 10 Acres Stilson... 10 Acres located on Mud Road in between Hwy 119 & Hwy 80. High land, private drive. Convenient to Pooler, Statesboro, and Guyton. Just minutes from I-16. No Restrictions!!! Bring the horses or four wheelers or whatever you want. Build your dream home and hunt in the backyard. $68,000/obo. Call 912-596-0279. If no answer, please leave message. tfn021413 Roommates Roommate Wanted... Furnished upstairs townhome, fully furnished, kitchen priviliges, 2 rooms and a bath. All utilities included. Call for more information, 912-306-5111. 112912 OverHaulin TransmissiOn Transmissions, Drive Shafts, Axles, Differentials Over 25 Years Experience 912-395-8808 215-B Hwy. 80 • Garden City (Right behind Auto Intensive Care at the Old Traffic Circle) Savannah... 3 bedroom, 1 bath home for rent, 5201 Habersham Street. $875 per month, $875 security deposit. 1 year lease, application and credit report required. Great school district. Call 657-5227. 031513 ————————————— Bloomingdale... 3 bedroom, 1 bath, home, located at 1402 East Hwy 80 in Bloomingdale. Hardwood floors, central heat and air, wood burning stove in living room. Full dining room. Washer/dryer hookups on backporch. Stove included but renter needs to supply refrigerator. Storage building in backyard. $800 per month plus security deposit. Call 272-0835 to schedule an appointment to see inside. 030813 ————————————— For Rent... 316 N. Rogers St. in Pooler, $900 p/mo. + Deposit. 3 BR-2 Bath, Central H / A, Separate laundry room, Separate office, Sundeck, Large fenced yard, Workshop + additional Tool / Storage building with attached Carport. Great neighborhood with excellent school system. All appliances included. Available December 1st. Call Randy 912-656-3858. tfn031413 ————————————— FOR RENT... 3-bedroom/2-bath brick home w/carport, utility room, & garage/shop in back located in Sharon Park off Hwy. 80 in Garden City. For more info, please call (912) 547-1544. tfn031413 *Personal items for sale only, $100 or less, for 6 weeks. Ads limit,includes includesall allitems itemsininad. ad. *Adsforfor3025words wordsororless, less,$100 $50 limit, week wordsor or less. less. 10¢ word. *Per*Per week forfor2530words 10¢each eachadditional additional word. r We'll YouRun SellCarr! or Truck Your a n Itfor 6 ForC Sale Ru ly We’lllls for on e or until it months S t I ‘Til sells $ for just 20 $25 Sell YourYOUR Car orTRUCK Truck SELL Phone In: 748-3567 Fax In: 748-0490 Mail In: Spirit Newspapers P.O. Box 33 Pooler, GA 31322 Category__________________ withaa with Classified Ad! Ad! Classified Bold Print*__________________ *Only $1 per line, 12-14 characters per line. 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ 6. __________________ 7. __________________ 8. __________________ 9. __________________ 10. _________________ 11.__________________ 12. _________________ 13. _________________ 14. _________________ 15. _________________ 16. _________________ 17. _________________ 18. _________________ 19. _________________ 20. _________________ 21. _________________ 22. _________________ 23. _________________ 24. _________________ 25. _________________ 26. _________________ 27. _________________ 28. _________________ 29. _________________ 30. _________________ 31. _________________ 32. _________________ 33. _________________ 34. _________________ 35. _________________ 36. _________________ 37. _________________ 38. _________________ 39. _________________ 40. _________________ Use additional paper if needed. Name_______________________________ Phone#__________________ Address__________________________________ City________________ How Many Weeks_______ State____ Zip_________ We do not refund ads for items sold after ad has been placed. Automotive GENERAL AUTO REPAIR homes for rent * Front Rear Great fishing spot and within walking distance to the Savannah River... This home features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 sitting rooms, large country kitchen with island, laundry room , and covered front and back porches, on 2.57 acres. Call Bobbie D. Hodges, Coldwell Banker Intercoastal Realty, 912-667-0306, cell, or 912-826-0927 office. ————————————— As a courtesy... If you see or call on an ad and find that the item has already sold, please make your next call is to Spirit Newspapers so we can take that ad out of the paper! Thanks very much! ————————————— Modular Home for Sale... 4 bedroom, 2 bath Homes of Merit on 1/2 acre. Fireplace, excellent condition. One owner. Fenced yard, 2 utility buildings, deep well, located in Harveytown, near Pembroke. $60,000. Call 912-823-2237 or 912-663-2762. mobile homes Free Mobile Home... Needs repair. With purchase of beautiful shaded lot at 144 Blair Way in River Ridge Subdivision in Effingham County. $27,000. Call Jimmie, 912-663-9836. tfnJS ————————————— Portal, near Statesboro... 3 bedroom, two bath doublewide on half acre lot, in excellent condition, $60,000. Owner financing available. Call 748-6831. tfn011713 ————————————— Roommate Wanted... Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Southside in the Sandfly area. No pets, non-smoker. Background check and references required. $150 per week plus $150 deposit (rent includes all utilities). Call 856-9428. 122012 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! Ads for FREE items for or items that are $ 50* Advertise FREE $ For as little as 8.00 7 being sold for $50 or less are FREE!* cemetery lots 4 Cemetery Plots for sale in Hillcrest Abbey East, Memorial Park. $1600 each for a total of $6400 for all 4 plots, plus $81 transfer fee. Call 748-1087. 031313 ————————————— Farm FSBO... 30 minutes to Savannah in North Bryan County. Exit 143 off I-16. 8+ Acres, 2 homes, several original buildings including barn for livestock, half suitable for planting, half wooded, corner parcel with access from 2 different roads, water and electric run to site for motor home/camper; close to school, low taxes, NO OWNER FINANCING. Live in one home, rental of 2nd pays mortgage or move Mama in next door. $143,900, or reasonable offer. Call 912-678-1891. tfn011713 ————————————— 32 Fort Argyle Lane... Great property right on the water! Has a private dock, on a .64 acre lot, property has two homes... Two for the price of One!!! Built in 2000 and 1990, wood floors. Must see! Call today for your showing! Only $250,000. 7487660. Owner financing available. tfn0213 ————————————— Tell them you found it in The Spirit!! Services GENERAL AUTO REPAIR Specializing in: • Custom Exhaust with Flowmasters • Brakes • Tires • Alignments PAUL’S AUTOMOTIVE Hwy. 21 in Rincon Plaza • Rincon 826-5115 GENERAL AUTO REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES FOR CUSTOM EXHAUST! SPECIALS Front End Alignment Four Wheel Alignment $59.95* $69.95* Open Saturdays! A/C Check *Most cars $ Special 6995 Includes 1 lb. Freon 330-0035 Elton Brown, Owner/Operator 1722 E. Hwy. 80 • Bloomingdale (Next to Ann’s Thrift Shop) ADVERTISING Call 748-3567 For Information on Advertising In This Section! Page B8 • Spirit Newspapers • November 22 - November 28, 2012 ————————————— CONDO IN POOLER... 3 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, all appliances, washer & Dryer, Master BR and bath downstairs, Pool, and lawn maintenance included. Harmony Townhomes. $1050 month, and $1050 deposit, 1 year lease. Call Patti, 912-433-8600. ————————————— Port Wentworth... 18 Bearing Circle-Located in The Cove S/D beautiful condo built in 2011 with over 1,700 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, large living room, formal dining, separate utility room, all appliances including washer and dryer. Rent/deposit $975. Call Heritage Properties, 748-4452. tfnHP ————————————— Guyton... 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home for rent in Guyton on 2 acres. New tile and wood flooring. $800 per month plus $800 security deposit. References required. No Pets! Call 659-0588. ————————————— Beautiful home! Nice community - Lake Shore: 6 Allen Brook Dr. in Port Wentworth. 4 Bedrooms/2 bathrooms. 2 Car garage. $1,200/Month. One Month deposit. Please call 305259-4080 or e-mail: Amiraark@ tfn0113 ————————————— Rincon... 3 BR/2BR, All electric, W/D hookup, quiet, safe neighborhood, great retirement area, close to downtown Rincon. $850/month. Call 912-826-1073. ————————————— Garden City... 3 bedroom, 2 bath house on Talmadge Avenue, new floor, freshly painted, huge yard, located in great area! Just $800 per month. Call Neal at 912-210-1648. tfn0113 ————————————— 209 Foxbury/Pooler... Beautiful condo located in Carriage Square Homes off Pooler Parkway has 2,100 sq. ft. living space, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, formal dining, breakfast area in kitchen, fireplace, all kitchen appliances plus a washer and dryer, pool and fitness center ammenities included. A must see! $1,150 rent/deposit. Call Heritage Properties, 748-4452. ————————————— Renovated 3BR/1BA House close to Gulfstream... Garden City, newly renovated 3BR/1BA, central H/A, fenced backyard, rent $775 + security deposit. 225 Chatham Villa Dr. Call Carmen at 912-826-6263. tfn010313 ————————————— As a courtesy... If you see or call on an ad and find that the item has already sold, please make your next call is to Spirit Newspapers so we can take that ad out of the paper! Thanks very much! apartments - rent Garden City Duplex... 2 bedroom, 1 bath, newly remodeled, all appliances, with carport. At the end of a dirt road, very quiet area. $600 per month plus $300 security deposit. Call 667-3968 or 667-1860. 112212 ————————————— Guyton... — References required. Call 659-0588. 022113 ————————————— Eastside Savannah, Daffin Park... 2 bedroom, 1 bath, refrigerator, stove furnished. Central heat & air, washer/dryer connection. Fenced in yard. No cats. 2829 Wicklow Street, #2. $625 per month plus $625 security deposit. Call 657-4538. ————————————— Mobile homes available in Bloomingdale, 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, no pets. Rent starting at $500 with $150 deposit. For more information, please call 912-658-2961. Equal Housing Opportunity. tfnPO ————————————— Effingham County... 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home in excellent condition. $800 per month, $700 deposit. 1450 square feet, fully electric, includes stove, refrigerator and dish washer. Fenced backyard, small storage building. Located in Azelea Point Subdivision, just off of Courthouse Road. Not a section 8 home. Small dog allowed with pet fee. Call 912-663-4276. MH f o r r e n t commercial rentals Effingham County ... 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home in excellent condition. $800 per month, $700 desposit. 1500 square feet. Fully electric, includes stove, refrigerator and dish washer. Fenced in backyard, two small storage buildings. Located in Forest Hills Subdivision, just off of Courthouse Road. Not a section 8 home. Small pet allowed with pet fee. Call 912-663-4276. 032513 ————————————— Foxbow Farms - Eden... 26’X46’ doublewide mobile home for rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 1736 Ridge Road. $700 per month plus $700 security deposit. Call 401-2620. 011013 ————————————— MOBILE HOME GUYTON AREA... Private lot 5+ acres. Two bedrooms. Central H&A, W&D, refrig, appliances, water/garbage collection furnished. One family, No Inside pets. Deposit, references, 12 month lease. $625. Nice place! Jones 912-3540160. Private owners . Commercial Retail Space for rent in Guyton on Hwy 17. $800 per month. Call 659-0588. ————————————— One acre in the heart of Rincon, three offices, plenty of parking, perfect for car lot! For more information, call Brad at 8260167. tfnRT ————————————— Pooler... 150-185 sq ft. office spaces. Four units available. Can combine to create larger space. All utilities included. $300-400 per month. Immediate occupancy. Call 596-5173 for viewing. tfnRC vacation rentals Tybee Island... Refurbished Townhouse, 1 block from pier, sleeps 8. $200 per night on the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), $1000 per week, $150 per night during the week (minimum 3 days). $75 cleaning fee with all rental agreements. Call 754-4403 or 661-1563. 101511 cars 2006 Chrysler 300 Touring... silver, gray leather interior, all power, brand new tires, interior/exterior in excellent condition, one owner. $8000. Call 596-2663. 051512 ————————————— 2005 Nissan Sentra, 4dr, auto, power windows and locks, cruise, blue with tan int. Just $6,987 call Michael 912-3985497 for more information and pictures. tfn122012 ————————————— 20,000 miles. Replica of “Bullitt” from the 1968 Steve McQueen movie “Bullitt”. This is a numbered vehicle. It has an extended warranty-transferrable. Bose stereo system. Lifetime Sirius XM Sat. radio. 6 cd changer. All leather interior, electric windows and seats (heated seats). 5 speed aluminum shifter. Mood lighting. Excellent condition. $28,900. Call 912-7489802 or 912-658-1241. tfn050213 ————————————— 2002 Toyota Solara Convertible, 2002 MITSUBISHI GALANT ES... 4 DOOR SEDAN. loaded, 2.4L 4cyl eng. with ac, at, pwr windows, pwr locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, factory am/fm/ cd. 140k miles. runs and drives great. pics available.clear title. $3775. Call 912-660-6275. tfnmjp ————————————— BAJA DUNE BUGGY... 150CC engine with electric start, reverse, shock absorbers on front and rear, full roll bar, seat belts, and lights. Runs and drives great! Very good condition, and lots of fun! Pics available. Call Mark, 912-313-4235. tfnMJP ————————————— 2000 Cadillac. DTS... 104,000 miles, tires 75%, a/c cold. $3995. Call 433-7662. tfnBJ 3 Oil Changes HASSLE! 3 Scheduled Maintenance 3 Computerized Diagnostics 3 Tune-Ups 3 A/C Service 3 Brake Service 3 Wheel Alignment 3 Engine Repair 3 Engine Replacement 3 Fuel Injection Service 3 Transmission Service HASSLE! 3 Transmission Repair 3 Steering & Suspension Repair 3 Belts & Hoses 3 Transmission Flush 3 Brake System Flush 3 Power Steering Flush 3 Cooling System Flush 3 Radiators 3 Differential Service 3 4WD Service 3 CV Shaft Replacement 3 Clutch Repair/ Replacement Come See Us For All Types of Auto Repair! 2006 Ford F150 Reg-Cab, 5.4L V-8, auto, a/c, cruise. Great work truck. Call John 912-658-2131 for more information and pictures. tfn122012 ————————————— 2009 Silverado 1500 truck, crew cab, 4-door, step rails, bed liner, automatic transmission, 8 cylinder, gray exterior, black and gray interior. EXCELLENT condition! Priced to sell, $22,500 (KBB). Call 912-925-6800 or 404202-8116. 050213 ————————————— 1999 Ford F350 Bucket Truck... 75K original miles, in good condition. Great for Tree Service, Electricians, etc. $17,995. Call 912-927-2803. tfn0413 ————————————— Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo $4,500... 2001 Laredo, good condition, loaded, only 105,000 orig. miles, must see! Call 912429-8461. tfn012413 ————————————— 2008 Ford Expedition XLT... 5.4L, V8, automatic, silver metallic exterior. Charcoal black captains chairs interior. This SUV is like new and garage kept. Only 24K miles and has never been smoked in. $28,500 negotiable. Call 754-4330 for more information. Owner can email pictures. 093012 motorcycles/atvs 2 ATV’s... 2006 Polaris 90 Camo, $1600; 2004 Artic Cat 400, $2400. Call 657-3310. 032013 ————————————— 2006 Harley Davidson custom Tryke... loaded with everything, including cruise control and chromed out! Just 2700 miles. $18,500 firm. Call 912-429-1527 or 912-728-4164. tfn012413 ————————————— 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail... $13600 (South Effingham) Cobalt Blue, Dual Pipes, under 10K Miles, Garage kept in excellent condition. Call Home 912-728-6199 or Cell 912-4142666. tfn120612 campers/rvs/trailers Camper Trailer, 30’, sleeps 6, new tires this year, clean and in good shape, A/C runs good. Asking $2500 or best offer. Call 826-4883. 113012 ————————————— 2010 Rockwood Premiere Popup trailer, 26’, with slide out and a tip out, A/C, heat, hardly used. Asking $12,000. Call 912-7283872. tfn012413 AVOID THE HASSLE! 3 Tire Repairs 3 Tires – New & Used trucks/vans/suvs ————————————— 1995 Z71... Black, leather, all power electric, extended cab, 456 gears, Dana 44 front rear all new chunks, Flowmaster duals, many more extras. 130K miles. Lost job and need to pay off truck loan, asking $7,500 or best offer. (912) 463-2764. tfnah ————————————— Need to sell your truck but don’t want to be hassled with the phone calls and buyers who never show up? Let us sell your truck for you! Just a small fee payable when the truck is sold! Call Joe, 663-5016. tfnEAS Effingham’s Best Pre-Owned Vehicles! We Do It All! 3 Shocks/Struts 2009 Ford Mustang Bullitt ————————————— 2003 Acura TLS... Moonroof, Loaded with power options. Just $8950. Call Joe, 663-5016. 071212 ————————————— Need to sell your car but don’t want to be hassled with the phone calls and buyers who never show up? Let us sell your car for you! Just a small fee payable when the car is sold! Call Joe, 663-5016. tfnEAS ————————————— Tell them you found it in The Spirit!! HASSLE! Let us sell your vehicle on consignment while you relax and avoid all those pesky phone calls! Just a simple, low, low fee, paid only after your vehicle sells! Come See Us! We Buy Cars & Trucks!! EFFINGHAM AUTO SALES HWY. 21 AT MCCALL ROAD • SUITE J • RINCON Locally Owned & Operated 748-7579 135 E. Hwy. 80 Pooler Financing Available! 826-1071 or 663-5016 Financing Available!
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