October 2014 - National Service Dogs


October 2014 - National Service Dogs
October 2014
“The NSD Scoop”
“Enriching the quality of life and enhancing the independence of
individuals and families living with special needs.”
October is Autism Awareness Month
NSD has partnered once again with Petland stores across Western Canada to spread
awareness of autism and raise funds for NSD’s Paws for Autism program
National Service Dogs PAWS program is an in-store giving campaign designed to raise funds and community
awareness of NSD and our programs.
Beginning in 2007, Petland stores across Western Canada have shown their support to numerous children on
the NSD waiting list to receive a Certified Service Dog for Autism. Petland employees and customers have
raised nearly $140,000 over the past seven years. In 2013, Petland supported seven children in their local communities. Two of those children received their dogs in the Spring of this year, Jonah was matched with NSD
Louis and Jake was matched with NSD Neptune. The others are still waiting. The need is great and the wait list
is long. Thank you to Petland in Western Canada for your continuing support of NSD, our clients and communities touched by a National Service Dog. Petland’s October Paws for Autism campaign launched on October 1
and will finish on October 31. Be sure to visit a Petland store in your community this month.
NSD Spotlight
Dear Autism Service Dog,
Are your ready for this? Can you handle falling madly in love with a little girl who will love you like no other? You've never
had a friend like this, dog. You've never been as utterly and authentically adored as you will be now. She knows you are
coming, you know. We've told her she will soon have a furry friend to help keep her safe and calm. We have read lots of
books and have been reading Cesar Millan's training videos to get ready. She answers the same each time: "My dog is my
brudder." We laugh, because of course she is confused about this, but I bet you disagree.
Our family is so very excited to meet you. We are busily preparing for your arrival. We've saved what little money isn't
spent on therapies for our girl to make sure you have all the comforts a dog should. If I am being honest, it's been our
pleasure. Cozy beds and blankets for you to sleep in and toys and snacks for you to enjoy around the house. How fun it is
to prepare your place in our home. If only, every dog got a chance to be adopted and rescued so they could receive such a
welcome. Surely, there are many dogs who would take great pride in training to be a service dog for a special child like Kate.
We consider you very special and we know how much hard work you've put in over the last two years as you've trained to
become a service dog for Miss Kate. Your breed is obedient by nature, but that puppy in you must have wanted to escape
just a little bit of that training to chew up a few expensive shoes or dig a hole through the drywall to see what's on the
other side. I hope you had those experiences. If not, we'll find a way to fit them in once you arrive. You should know we
will make sure you have lots of downtime to run and play free like any other dog. You'll be walking Kate's dad each night,
too. I hope you don't mind. He needs you almost as much as Kate and I'm betting you'll need him, too.
So, I guess I just wanted to write to prepare you for your life here. Can you manage a few rib-cracking hugs now and
then? Can you outrun a tiny blonde tornado as she makes her way to the road? Can you stand tall and proud as you lead
your girl around the grocery store? Are you ready to sit at her feet as she takes in a movie in the theatre? There will be
spilled popcorn, no doubt. Are you ready to drive beside her in the van as we make our way to countless therapies and
appointments? Are you ready to meet your girl?
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •
Spotlight Continued
I know what you are thinking. They call this work? It will be my pleasure to spend my days with this little girl. Yes dog, it
will be wonderful, but this position also comes with great responsibility. We are entrusting you with the care of our littlest
girl. Even though she seems rough and tumble and tough as nails, she is really as delicate as they come. She struggles to
navigate this strange world and with your help, we hope she can manage just a little bit easier. You will mean everything to
her and for that you will mean everything to us.
I want you to know we love you already.
Come home.
Kate's Mom
By Shanell Mouland. Shanell is a mother, teacher and writer from New Brunswick, Canada. Her daughter, Kate,
is an NSD client, who is awaiting the arrival of her National Service Dog. Visit goteamkate.com to learn more
about Kate’s journey.
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •
Puppy Program Update
With summer over and the cooler weather arriving, two of our lovely broods came into season. Both Golden
Retrievers, Tali and Equoia have visited Vito up in Breslau and hopefully we’ll hear the patter of tiny feet9.and
lots of them!
For Equoia this is a reunion as her other litter to Vito was a great success. The “P” litter is well known in NSD
circles for their stunning colour, good looks and fabulous calm temperaments.
This will be Tali’s second litter and hopefully her tryst with Vito will produce some lovely Lab x Goldens. Tali’s first
litter was shared with Dog Guides of Canada and our own two puppies, Ryder and Roobee went on to be
wonderful companion dogs.
Still waiting to come into season are Isla, Eden and Ricki.
We are celebrating Tessa’s success for passing her breeding clearances. Tessa is from the Missy/Vito litter. She
is too young to be bred yet but watch out next spring for news on her litter. This brings our breeding program up
to ten females and four males.
Golden Retriever Yoshee retired in June and she leaves her daughter Ricki to carry on this long line of service
dog producers. I believe Ricki is the 6th generation from that line and a lot rests on her right now.
The Puppy Program
We are all looking forward to our puppy camp in early November. This time we’ll be looking at the “U”, ”V” and
“W” litters with a view to assessing some of them for possible breeding dogs. Having the groups of siblings in
together gives a great opportunity to assess the entire litter and compare their behaviours. Although ultimately
only one dog from a litter may be chosen it really depends on how the rest of the litter perform. We look for
breeding dogs from litters that are average and above average in behaviour and temperament. Selecting the best
from the best has helped NSD improve and maintain a reliable source of dogs for advanced training and
In addition some puppy assessments will be done to see if they are on target. Seeing the puppy away from home
gives a great opportunity to see how much of their puppy training they will retain when in a kennel situation and
handled by many different staff and volunteers.
Outings. Now that the children are back in school and things are settling down we are planning an outing for all
puppies. We will let you know in advance but it will be on two regular Monday evenings and most likely be at
Walmart in Sunrise Mall. There’s ample parking and we will work with puppy raisers to help with teaching
handling skills and expectations of behaviour for our puppies when they are out in public. Normally the class
entails an obedience session in Walmart and a short group walk to a local pet store. The pet store experience
gives us a chance to help show raisers how to deal with animal distraction. Please bring high value treats and if
you have a Halti then please bring it. It is an essential piece of equipment for those who have been issued with
For those of you who have been sent puppy bio forms to complete, please send them in ASAP so we can help
you with problems that are highlighted.
Many thanks,
Garry Stephenson, Breeding and Puppy Program Manager
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •
NSD Events
PAWS for Autism
Pet Valu, 50 Market St., S., Brantford
Paulmac’s, 410 Fairview Dr., Brantford
Visit Pet Valu and Paulmac’s in Brantford at the above locations for all your
pet needs and support NSD. Beginning October 1, Pet Valu and Paulmac’s
If you have a couple of hours
will be hosting a PAWS for Autism campaign to support two local children,
once a week, once every two
Brandon and Sandra.
weeks or once in a while, we
can use your help with:
Shopping for a new set of wheels?
Donate your old vehicle to NSD
We need a new set of wheels and we’re not picky. If you have a working
minivan or midsize car we’d love to have it. We can issue a tax receipt for
the book value of the vehicle. Please email Dani@nsd.on.ca or call ext.
Puppy Raising
Help us socialize and train
our puppies-in-training by
welcoming one into your
home for app. 16 months
NSD Merchandise
Okay, Okay, we realize that winter is a dirty word now as we are all enjoying Weekend Sitting
this extended summer weather, but its never too early to plan for the frost
• Help provide a relaxing
and sleet. Last year Chris McArthur's mittens were such a hit, she's
weekend for a dog in
ordered matching scarves for 2014. All proceeds are donated to NSD so if
Advanced Training
you want to be cozy when the snow starts flying, email chris@nsd.on.ca or
call ext. 16 now to order your NSD scarf.
Work with our staff to ensure
the success of various
fundraising events.
Promote Your NSD Fundraiser
Building Maintenance
Are you organizing an event in support of National Service Dogs? Provide
us with all the details and we’ll add it to the next issue of “The Scoop.”
Contact judy@nsd.on.ca or call ext. 10 to promote your event.
Autumn is a great time to visit
Planning a visit to Waterloo Region? Organizing a bus tour? Just curious
to know what we’re all about? Situated on seven acres in the country, our
training facility is a fun and educational experience for dog lovers of any
age. To arrange a tour please contact laura@nsd.on.ca or call ext. 13.
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
Assist with general painting
and repairs, including
building kennels, completing
electrical work and plumbing,
mowing and gardening
Interested in volunteering?
please contact Breana at
• 519-623-4188 •
The Latest
National Service Dogs is growing like never before; this is truly an exciting time in our organization’s history. With the
addition of our Canine Assisted Intervention program and expansion of our Certified Service Dogs for Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD) program, our Training Team has grown. Meet the latest members of the NSD Team.
Karina Weber, Annie Banks and Amy Hucal
Karina Weber: Karina came to NSD in March of 2013 as a co-op student, and immediately fell in love with the
dogs and organization and all they had to offer for people living with special needs. Since then Karina has been
an active and dedicated NSD volunteer, raising both NSD Urban and NSD Daya. Karina has always had a
passion for dogs growing up and knew that somehow she wanted to work with them in the future.
Annie Banks: Annie is thrilled to be part of the dedicated and inspiring team at NSD, where she has found the
unique opportunity to combine her degree in Social Work with her love of animals. She currently works as an
Apprentice Trainer with the Advanced Training Team, as well as alongside the Program Coordinator servicing
clients. In her spare time Annie enjoys performing improv, exploring the outdoors with her partner, and hanging
out with their two feline friends.
Amy Hucal: Amy’s passion for dogs started at a young age, and it was in her early teens that she knew she
wanted to work with them as part of her career. As a sibling to a brother with autism, Amy was drawn to NSD and
all they had to offer to children on the spectrum. After completing her Honours degree in English Literature with a
minor in Psychology, she began volunteering with NSD by raising Mandy. In her spare time Amy likes to read,
swim, scrapbook, watch movies and take puppy in training, NSD Amira, for walks!
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •
2013 Volunteer Awards
On August 24 we celebrated our volunteers at our annual Open House at NSD Headquarters in Cambridge.
Thank you to all our volunteers who dedicate so much time and energy to making our work possible. We truly
could not do this without you!
The winners of the 2013 Volunteer Awards included:
Doug McArthur
NSD Juno Volunteer Award
Karina Weber
Milk-Bone Youth Volunteer Award
Kathy Buckwell
Shade Volunteer Award
Pat Pooley
Purina Pro Plan Volunteer Award
NSD Maggie accepted the NSD Carma Volunteer Award on behalf of the Cotognini Family and the NSD Melody
Volunteer Award on behalf of Jen Chaput
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •
Easter Egg Hunt
NSD’s largest and most anticipated fundraiser has been held in various cities for the past 17 years. I know what
you are thinking. It’s that time already? Well, yes, sort of. We count on our volunteers to help us orchestrate our
most successful fundraiser. We have three key roles to fill at each hunt location; Hunt Coordinator, Hunt
Committee members and Hunt Volunteers. The time is now to get these roles filled.
• The Hunt Coordinator works directly with National Service Dogs and is NSD’s voice on the Hunt Committee.
The Hunt Coordinator is responsible for training, guiding and supporting other committee members and
volunteers in their efforts before, during and after the Hunt. The Coordinator will report on progress,
communicate needs, track volunteer hours in the case of student volunteers and community hours and be
responsible for the financial accounting for the event. You will receive support from NSD Staff.
• Committee Members will work with the Hunt Coordinator in the collection of local prizes, distribution of promo
materials, marketing of the event, and recruitment of volunteers for the day of the event.
• Volunteers will work on specific duties as assigned by the Committee – pre-event prep, set-up, day of event,
We are fortunate to have a committed group of volunteers for the Easter Egg Hunt; volunteers who return year
after year. As you well know, when a task is shared among many, it allows us to maintain focus and energy,
which in turn makes the work fun and easy. If you haven’t experienced an NSD Easter Egg Hunt, maybe this is
your year. Please be in touch if you are interested in knowing more. We are more powerful, stronger and more
effective when we work together.
Best, Judy
Fundraising Coordinator
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •
Around Town
Diane and Jim Oliver with NSD Lady at Quinte West Town Council
Lord and Lady Sprules with NSD Maggie at the
78th Fraser Highlanders Change of Command
NSD Presley and Oakley at Yorkdale TIFF
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •
Purina Pro Plan Select
Look for Purina Pro Plan’s new
The next time you go to pick up your dog’s favourite bag of Purina Pro Plan, look for Select brand,
carefully crafted nutrition-allowing your dog’s natural greatness to fully shine through. Select brand
food is formulated without corn, wheat or soy. It is easily digestible and gentle on the digestive system.
“Since 2003, National Service Dogs (NSD) has been proud to be part of the Nestle Purina family.
Over the years, Purina Pro Plan has fed generations of National Service Dogs. At any given time,
NSD has 100 dogs going through the Service Dog Program and they are all maintained on Pro
Plan Diets.” Danielle Forbes, Executive Director, NSD
• www.nsd.on.ca
• info@nsd.on.ca
• 519-623-4188 •