Ranchi - The Pioneer
Ranchi - The Pioneer
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The legislators from the ruling party also flagged their concern before Chief Minister :UHVWOHUV-LWHVK DQG6XPLWVSLNHG IRRGVD\V:), 1$'$YHUGLFWRQ GRSHFDVHWRGD\ ?=BQ =4F34;78 Bd__[T\T]cPah 1dSVTc_PbbTS arsingh Yadav’s hopes of N participating in the Rio Olympics next month is not entirely over as the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) revealed the names of the two fellow wrestlers who are alleged to have spiked Yadav’s food with banned substance. Furthermore, with Narsingh’s three-and-a-half-hour intense National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) hearing adjourned till Thursday, the wrestler’s camp is hopeful that they can get a positive response to his case by Thursday. According to sources, Jitesh, who fights in the 75kg category, and Sumit, who competes in the 120kg category, were said to have spiked Narsingh’s food samples at the Sonepat SAI centre. “We suspect Jitesh, who fights in the 75kg category, and Sumit. Both of them live in Chhatarsaal. And one of them has admitted to spiking Narsingh’s food. I can’t say on the conspiracy and can’t say whether they did this on their own or on someone’s instruction. We cannot investigate this but we support Narsingh’s demand for a CBI enquiry,” said WFI presi- ?=B Q A0=278 C FaTbc[Ta=PabX]VWHPSPeR^\Tb ^dc^UcWT=030^UUXRTX]=Tf 3T[WX^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 dent Brij Bhushan. Narsingh, who was selected ahead of Sushil Kumar in the 74kg category, had filed an FIR at the Sonepat Police Station and persisted with his demand for a CBI probe. “I have always maintained that there has been a conspiracy against me. If I am cleared of the charges, I will go to Rio. I have identified the boy who was seen contaminating my food. I have given a detailed complaint to the police,” Narsingh. Continued on Page 2 >]T^UcWT\WPb PS\XccTSc^b_XZX]V =PabX]VW´bU^^S8 RP]´cbPh^]cWT R^]b_XaPRhP]SRP]´c bPhfWTcWTacWThSXS cWXb^]cWTXa^f]^a ^]b^\T^]T´b X]bcadRcX^]FT RP]]^cX]eTbcXVPcT cWXbQdcfTbd__^ac =PabX]VW´bST\P]S U^aP218T]`dXah F58_aTbXST]c 1aXY1WdbWP] CRZ_YV]adT``]S`Z]Z_X<RdY^Zc &XUIHZUHLPSRVHG WRWKZDUWPDUFK E\VHSDUDWLVWV :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A ain aided law-enforcing R authorities briefly in Kashmir on Wednesday as the Valley remained generally calm and protesters stayed indoors even as curfew and restriction on the assembly of more than four people continued in most parts. Curfew was reimposed in parts of Kashmir including five police station areas of the city to thwart a separatist march to Kulgam district even as mobile services were partially restored in the Valley which has been rocked by violence since July 8. The much-awaited rainfall began early in the morning and prevented even morning walkers from coming out. This brought some respite to the police and paramilitary personnel manning the streets and bylanes of the capital Srinagar where massive protests were held a day before, forcing the ontinuous din and disruptions resulted in the passage of 1st Supplementary Budget amounting C4382.49 crore without any discussion. Speaker Dinesh Oraon tried to start discussion on it on Wednesday but continuous sloganeering from JMM members forced him to call for voice vote and declaring it approved. tinued to remain paralyzed for the 19th consecutive day as schools, business establishments and Government offices remained shut and there was no traffic on the roads except in some localities of uptown Srinagar. Minor clashes occurred in a few areas in south Kashmir’s Kulgam and Shopian besides Khanyar area of downtown Srinagar in the evening. A peaceful demonstration was also held in Anantnag town. Meanwhile, a joint statement issued by Geelani, Mirwaiz and Yasin Malik called upon the people to hold pro-India politi0YPfP]X]BaX]PVPaPbcWTRdaUTffPbaTX\_^bTSX]_Pacb^U:PbW\Xa^] FTS]TbSPh ?C8 cal parties “accountable, answerable and pressurize them to authorities to revisit the decision protests erupted in Kashmir in vacate”. The people have been to lift curfew after 17 days. the wake of killing of Hizbul asked to “ostracize them and The protests resulted in Mujahideen commander boycott them at all levels, socialinjuries to more than a dozen Burhan Wani on July 8. ly and publicly.” This is the first people and compelled the Syed Ali Geelani and direct threat to mainstream poliauthorities to re-impose curfew. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, leaders of ticians from their separatist couThe protesters had defied the two factions of Hurriyat nterparts and is likely to have an separatists’ call to allow free Conference attempted to break impact. Last week, protesters movement of people after 2 pm. the police cordon around their attacked PDP legislator from On Wednesday, the sepa- respective residences to lead a Pulwama Khalil Bandh who ratists had called for a march march towards Kulgam. was trying to reach Srinagar towards south Kashmir’s Kulgam However, they were taken into under the cover of darkness. He district where several people custody and lodged in nearby has been admitted to hospital have been killed and injured after police centers. Normal life con- with multiple fractures. Ad[X]V_Pach[TPSTab_a^cTbcPVPX]bc>__^bXcX^]_PacXTb^dcbXST9WPaZWP]S0bbT\Q[hSdaX]V^]V^X]V<^]b^^]BTbbX^]X] AP]RWX^]FTS]TbSPh APcP];P[k?X^]TTa Raghubar Das on Wednesday. The objections of the BJP members namely Shivshankar Oraon, Bimla Pradhan, Ram Kumar Pahan, Gangotri Kujur and few others, who are also the members of the Tribal Advisory Committee, the apex advisory body over tribal matters, were centered around the process to amend the Act. “We are appalled the way things have happened. In the TAC meeting any agenda should come at least a week before which was not followed in this case. Mere our presence there is perceived as our consent. Also, certain clauses which were approved during the meeting have been left out in the draft Ordinance. Appropriate procedure (to amend the CNT-SPT Act) has not been followed in this case,” said Shivshankar Oraon before 2^dabTb^]_[PccTaU^a _a^bTRdcTS\X]^aXch Ua^\?PZ1P]V[PSTbW >ZXcR_ede`SVViV^aeVU Wc`^^VUZTR]V_XZ_VVcZ_X V_ecR_TVViR^Z_ReZ`_d 4`hgZXZ]R_eVd¶ ReeRT\`_h`^V_ TRccjZ_XSfWWR]` ^VRec`T\dCD ?=BQ =4F34;78 pposition BSP and the Congress created O uproar in the Rajya Sabha, protesting against beating up of two Muslim women at Mandsaur ?=BQ =4F34;78 n order to allow greater access to eduIminority cation to the persecuted religious migrant groups from Bangladesh and Pakistan, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has decided to permit them to take admissions in medical, engineering, pharmacy and other professional courses under selffinancing schemes. This means a persecuted religious migrant, mostly Hindus, from these countries can take admission in premier institutions like AIIMS, Lady Hardinge Medical College, CMC Vellore among others. The MEA already runs a selffinancing scheme for foreign nationals of developing countries for admissions in MBBS/BDS/BE/B Pharmacy/ Diploma in Engineering and Pharmacy in institutions in India against seats allotted by Ministries of Human Resource Development and Health and Family Welfare. The same facility will now be extended from the current academic session 2017-18 to the persecuted religious minority migrant groups. However, these students will be exempted from taking the Central Entrance Exam (NEET), All India PMT, or any other entrance examination. “They will be selected on the basis of academic merit,” the MEA said in a statement on Wednesday. Accordingly, for MBBS/BDS/ Pharmacy/Engineering courses, a stu- heading for a meeting with the Chief Minister. Oraon, almost echoing JMM’s Hemant Soren’s allegation that the legislators were kept in dark over the all important amendments having direct bearings on tribal land, further added that the TAC members were unaware that the Ordinance had been sent for the presidential assent. Continued on Page 2 dent must have minimum 60 per cent marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths (for engineering) and at least 50 per cent marks in English in any qualifying examination equivalent to CBSE/ICSC 10+2 level. Eligible students need to apply to MEA by August 19, 2016, along with relevant documents. The decision comes after Mashal, a Pakistani Hindu migrant girl living in Jaipur, was not allowed to take the AllIndia Pre-Medical test on the grounds that she is a foreign national and rules do not permit. Only NRIs and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) are allowed to take the exam. Mashal, whose both parents are doctors, had scored 91 per cent in her CBSE Class XII examination this year. She and her family are in India on a long-term visa. Mashal had urged External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to intervene and she had assured her help. Mashal, who had moved from Hyderabad in Pakistan to Jaipur along with her parents, was later given a medical seat in a Karnataka college after Swaraj’s intervention. railway station in Madhya Pradesh for allegedly possessing beef whereas veterinary test showed that the meat seized from the women was of buffalo. No sooner had listed papers been laid on the table of the House, BSP chief Mayawati raised the issue, linking it with similar assault on Dalits by ‘Gau Raksha’ groups in Gujarat. She alleged that the incident at the Mandsaur railway station occurred in presence of the police which remained a mute spectator. The BSP supremo charged the BJP that while it talks of protecting the girl child and giving dignity and honour to women but it has no qualms about unleashing goons on them in the name of cow protection. Mayawati asked Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi to respond to targeting of women of his community in the name of cow protection. As she completed her submission, the BSP members trooped into the Well of the House, shouting antiGovernment slogans. The Congress members too joined them in the well. Deputy Leader of Opposition Anand Sharma asked why Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not responded to attacks on Dalits in name of ‘Gau Raksha’. “He has done ‘chai-pe-charcha’ (talk over tea) and ‘mann-ki-baat’ (straight talk from heart) but why not on this issue,” he asked. Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien said derailing Zero Hour, where 13 members have given notices was not right and if members wanted a discussion on the subject, they should give notice. Leader of the Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad said his Congress party was not principally against cow protection but was against targeting of Dalits and Muslims in name of Gau Raksha. &HQWUHSD\VWULEXWHWR0LVVLOH0DQZLWKOLIHVL]HVWDWXH ?=BQ 274==08=4F34;78 life-size statue of former A President APJ Abdul Kalam was unveiled on Wednesday at Peikarumbu in Chennai as a tribute to the ‘Missile Man’ on his first death anniversary. The Modi Government also announced inclusion of his hometown Rameswaram under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) by relaxing the eligibility norms under the Central scheme. Union Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu unveiled the statue of Bharat Ratna Kalam at an event at Peikarumbu which was attended by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and MoS Road Transport and Highways Pon Radhakrishnan among many other dignitaries. Naidu said the Centre has decided to include Rameswaram in AMRUT by relaxing norms as a tribute to the ‘People’s President’. Usually cities with a population of one lakh and above are included in the scheme, however, Prime Minister Modi included Rameswaram, with a population of 45,000, as a tribute to Kalam. The PM tweeted, “It’s been a year since our beloved Dr APJ Abdul Kalam left us & created a void that is irreplaceable (sic). My tributes to this great personality.” Naidu said the Centre has approved projects worth Rs 48 crore for Rameswaram under AMRUT. Of this, Rs 45 6^ecc^X]R[dST:P[P\´bW^\Tc^f] AP\TbfPaP\d]STa0cP[<XbbX^]U^a ATYdeT]PcX^]P]SDaQP]CaP]bU^a\PcX^]Qh aT[PgX]VcWT]^a\b^UT[XVXQX[Xchd]STacWT 2T]caP[bRWT\T crore would be used to improve sewerage networks and the rest on developing parks and open spaces. “This is a token of the minimum we could do for the memory of Dr Kalam”, he said. Naidu said it’s difficult still to believe that Kalam has passed away. “Dr Kalam will live forever in our minds and hearts. His thoughts continue to be with us all the time,” he said. Kalam passed away on July 27 last year after suffering a massive cardiac arrest while delivering a lecture at IIM- Shillong in Meghalaya. Naidu thanked Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa for allotting the land to construct the memorial in memory of the former President. “When I met her last week, she assured me that whatever needs to be done for a befitting memorial would be done by the State Government,” he said. “The vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is federal cooperation where the Centre and States work in harmony. Continued on Page 2 D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^aDaQP]3TeT[^_\T]cET]ZPXPW=PXSdP]SD]X^]<X]XbcTaU^a3TUT]RT<P]^WPa?PaaXZPa_PhbW^\PVTc^ U^a\Ta?aTbXST]c0?90QSd[:P[P\X]AP\TbfPaP\^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 ]PcX^]! A0=278C7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % 4V_ecVaRjd From Page 1 This memorial is an example of his vision. I thank the Chief Minister for her cooperation,” Naidu said. Recollecting Kalam’s ascension to presidency, Naidu said as the then BJP chief he was associated with discussions when the NDA Government, led by AB Vajpayee considered the matter. “Quite a few were not sure if a hardcore scientist with no experience of public life or even public interaction could be the right choice, but...Our decision in his favour, subsequently proved to be the best one. He emerged as the most loved president of our country,” he said. On the memorial, Naidu said it would be a grand monument to perpetuate the memory of Kalam “who lived not for himself but for all us and the country” and a small tribute to him. A sand sculpture of the former president, depicting only his face, was unveiled by one of Kalam’s family members. Naidu urged all political parties to cooperate and work towards completion of the memorial as Kalam “belonged to the nation and not any political party”. Parrikar, who laid a wreath as a tribute to the former president, recalled Kalam’s visit to Goa when he was the Chief Minister of the State. “When I was Chief Minister of Goa, he visited us. We had a very long discussion on his vision of India in 2020,” he said. On the memorial being set up by the DRDO, Parrikar said its design was in the final stage and the work was expected to commence in the coming months. “The memorial will be completed in record time. The concept of completing a project in time was the highest priority of Dr Kalam”, he said. µ0DQRQD0LVVLRQ¶SODQVWR SODQWODNKWUHHVE\ ?=BQ A0=278 oved by the hardships of famine he witnessed in his M childhood days, Kaushal Kishore Jaiswal, a social worker from Palamu, has now dedicated his life to protect the environment and encourage others to recognise the need for it. Jaiswal was in Ranchi on his journey to plant trees in five states, starting from Siwan in Bihar and ending at Uttar Kannad district of Karnataka, to commemorate the 47th anniversary of his environment-saving revolution. Coming from the arid district of Palamu, Jaiswal believes environmental crisis to be one of the biggest problems in world today, which can be countered only by planting trees. “A serious food shortage ravaged the then undivided Bihar in 1966. Sustenance was hard to come by. During this phase, I heard my father talking to the villagers that this calamity was caused due to trees being felled. Learning from this, I decided that I will not allow any forests to be cut down,” Jaiswal recounted. Acting on this decision, he planted trees on his land sprawled over 7.72 acres at his ancestral village Dali in 9V^R_eTYR_e From Page 1 “I came to know about this not before the matter raised in the House,” he claimed After meeting the CM, Oraon told The Pioneer that wordings of the Ordinance differed from the Cabinet note. “In the Cabinet note there is a provision of consent to be taken from the tribal land losers. But the Ordinance, which is being brought to add Clause-C in the Section-49 of the CNT Act, has no mention of that. We also have objection over provision of transferring the land to the industrialists which is not right. Ownership should not change,” said the Sisai MLA, clarifying CTPRWTabP]SbcdST]cb^U?[dbCf^7XVWBRW^^[18C<TbaPcPZTcWT6aTT]?[TSVT fXcWWTPS^UEP]aPZWX<^eT\T]c:PdbWP[:XbW^aT9PXbfP[X]A0]RWX^]^] CdTbSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Chhatarpur Block of Palamu in 1968. Along with it, Jaiswal encouraged farmers of his village to plant trees, but they had reservations about it. “In the beginning, the farmers were apprehensive of turning their farmlands into forests as the government can assert claims to their lands. I had to convince them that planting trees will create assets for them in the form of forest resources,” Jaiswal said. In 1970, Jaiswal started the Vanrakhi Movement in a bid to make environment protection appeal to the religious nature of people. “Forests cannot be protected with force alone. The objective of environment pro- tection will be difficult to achieve unless it is joined with religion,” he said. Jaiswal has also worked alongwith well-known environmentalist Sunder Lal Bahuguna during Chipko Movement and later in Appiko Movement. The movement he started from his native place has now spread to 18 states of India and beyond national boundaries to Nepal and Bhutan. In his 47 years of service to the nature, Jaiswal has never taken any aid from either the government or non-government organisations. Family has supported me in my endeavours; apart from that, no one came forward to help nor I asked for any help, he said. that there was no issue regarding lands being acquired for basic infrastructural purposes such as road, school, canal etc. Similar sentiments were expressed by Gangotri Kujur who, however, rapped the JMM for stalling the House instead of facilitating discussion. She said that the suggestions of the TAC members had not found place properly in the Ordinance. “This may be the fault of the officials. But it has happened. These things could have come into fore had the JMM allowed discussion to take place in the House,” said she. Since there was no copy of the Ordinance with the Government another meeting of the members would take place on Thursday. As feared, the House could not function on its third consecutive day as the JMM persisted with its demand to recall the Ordinance. “This is the issue of utmost importance. Are we here just to pass Budgets and nod our heads with the Government? How can we keep mum when an issue concerning majority of the population here is at hand,” retorted the Leader of Opposition, pressing for Adjournment Motion in the House when it met briefly on three occasions on Wednesday. Later, speaking outside with the media, Soren feeling vindicated from the echo coming from BJP quarters, termed it an issue attached to culture and custom of tribal. “People in the >QbcY^WXµc From Page 1 Narsingh’s world came crashing down last Sunday when it was revealed that the wrestler from Uttar Pradesh failed a dope test. It is learnt that Narsingh, already under provisional suspension for failing a June 25 dope test, has also flunked the second test done on both his A and B samples taken on July 5. His chances became even slimmer on Monday, when the WFI named Pravenn Rana for the replacement slot in order to preserve the country’s Olympic quota in the74kg category. However, the WFI president said Rana’s name was sent on July 25 only because it was the last date for naming replacements to secure the Olympic quota. “Rana’s name was sent to secure country’s Olympic quota and the proposal was accepted on July 26. If we wouldn’t have recommended Rana’s name, we would have missed our quota,” Singh said. Even though WFI have not ruled out Narsingh’s participation, Brij Bhushan said it is now up to the wrestler to prove his innocence in the NADA hearing. “His road to the Olympics has not completely ended. Now, it’s up to Yadav to prove his innocence. Once given clean cheat, he will go for the Olympics,” he said. In Wednesday’s hearing here, Yadav’s lawyers put forth their argument in front of the NADA panel and remained hopeful that the wrestler will clear his case still in time to travel to Rio. “We have put Narsingh’s argument. We have full faith in the NADA panel. We are trying to convince them. We are hopeful he will be exonerated. NADA panel is helpful. We have presented our argument today and panel was very patient and we had a very fair hearing. NADA will present their case tomorrow,” Narsingh’s lawyer Vidushpat Singhania. Government are also concerned about that. It is a burning issue which can even disturb law and order situation of the State. The Government would have to take this back in any case,” said he in a veiled threat. Hemant’s rhetoric that did not spare the CM when he termed him ‘mauni baba’ while commenting over his consistent silence despite daily disruptions. It instigated members of JMM to troop into the well and stall the proceeding. This also saw tempers going high when Ministers Saryu Roy and Neelkant Singh Munda blamed JMM for hijacking the Assembly unilaterally. Where Roy affirmed that the Government wanted to run the House and charged the Opposition for being hell-bent and for flagging different issues on daily basis, Munda, commenting on ‘death of democracy’ barb of Hemant, twisted it as ‘death of JMM’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·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cP[" A0=278C7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % BCA4=6C74=8=68=5A0BCAD2CDA41A8368=6A4E4=D460?C>??A8>A8C84B 6_VcXj5VaeScRTVdW`c^R[`cYZ\VZ_a`hVceRcZWW ?=BQ A0=278 onsumers facing uninformed power cut for hours C on daily basis across the State must get ready to bear another major ‘shock’ in days to come. The government has already started an exercise to revise the electricity tariff increasing it to the tune of at least three times of the current rate. Addressing media persons in press conference here on Wednesday Additional Chief Secretar y of Energy Department RK Srivastava said that a revision request of power tariff in State has already been sent to the concerned authority, which if approved may rest at anywhere around 3 times of current electricity tariff for domestic use. Srivastava said that the current electricity tariff for domestic use at base price is 2DAA4=C4;42CA828CH C0A8555>A3><4BC82 DB48BC ('?4AD=8C F7827BD<BD?F8C7 38554A4=CC0G4BC> A4BC0C;8CC;4>E4A C"?4AD=8C 0SSXcX^]P[2WXTUBTRaTcPah 4]TaVh3T_Pac\T]cA: BaXePbcPePfXcW9DE=;<3 APWd[?dafPaSdaX]VP ?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPcBdRW]P 1WPfP]X]AP]RWX^] FTS]TbSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa C 1.98 per unit, which sums up with different taxes to rest at little over C3 per unit. But the purchase price of electricity is C5 per unit in Jharkhand. “The difference in purchase price and selling price results in some C2,500 crore yearly. No State can keep funding this for a long time. This is why we have sent our proposal for revision of electricity tariff with calculations to Jharkhand State Electricity Regulator y Commission (JSERC), which is expected to take appropriate decision soon. We want new tariff to be purchasing cost added by at least 15 per cent profit,” said Srivastava. If this is accepted, the base price for electricity will be around C6 per unit, resulting in more than C8 per unit after adding certain taxes to end-users. However, JSERC in its recent meeting opined that power tariff hike was not an issue of simple arithmetic and Commission needed to look at multiple issues related to it before fixing new price. It said that tariff increase was not to take place at the will of one particular board or company alone. Srivastava also added that the final call regarding this was to be taken by JSERC itself. Srivastava said that a sum of C14,000 crore each would be invested on developing infrastructure of transmission and distributions separately by 201819. Plans are on cards to arrange these funds. JUVNL and JBVNL MD Rahul Purwar said that meeting of resource gap and an uninterrupted power supply to all consumers in State has been targeted by 2018-19. He said that a joint venture company called Patratu Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited for adding up 4,000 MV electricity production has already been floated under agreement of JBVNL and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) on October 15 last year. Land acquisition for new thermal plant under this has been successfully done and land transfer is in process. Srivastava said that transmission of electricity and bill recovery from consumers remained one of the major challenges in the State. “There are 35 sub-stations 8`geSVXZ_dd`ceZ_X 'HOD\HG52%DGGVWRFRPPXWHUV¶ZRHVDW%LUVD&KRZN acVdVcgZ_XacVTZ`fd ^RadSc`fXYeWc`^3ZYRc T E8E4:?D=9Q A0=278 >UURXP[bd][^PS\P_bUa^\PcadRZPbXc aTPRWTSAP]RWXUa^\1XWPa^]CdTbSPh [PcT]XVWc ?X^]TTa_W^c^ <D:4B7A0=90=Q A0=278 s over 3,200 maps of Government and private A lands reached here from Bihar on Tuesday late evening, it will be now easier for the State officials to do justice with the disputes related to land as they would now be able to tally the claimed map with the authentic government maps available with them. Revenue and Land Reforms Department is also making arrangements to keep at least one copy of each of the maps with it at the headquarters, making them available to the concerned district or block. “Our primary concern is to ensure that these maps are properly protected then we will send them to the concerned districts and blocks after keeping at least a copy of it at the headquarters,” said Revenue and Land Reforms Minister Amar Kumar Bauri. With this, it will become easier for the officials to do justice with the land disputes arising due to lack of maps available with the State Government, he said. “We did not have maps of several places due to which it was being managed somehow by borrowing maps on rent from those having it. Measurement of most of the land was done after borrowing maps from someone, against which no one was there to counter as there were no authentic map available with the Govt,” said Bauri. Now, all these maps coming from Bihar, could be made available for the public after taking some amount from them as soon as they reaches to the concerned district or block, he said. “As there were no authentic maps available with the state government, we were not able to challenge claimants map as we had nothing to tally. Now, as maps are available with us, officials will now be able to do more justice in cases related to land disputes in the State,” said the Minister. Officials of Revenue and Land Reforms Department are also happy that they will not have to feel embarrassed in case someone demands any particular map from them. “Today we had a discussion how to keep them protected and arranged……as of now it has been decided to protect them inside the special racks which will be made available by a particular private company,” said District Settlement Officer Chandra Kishore Mandal. To make these maps available to the public, complete set up will be required including a large scanner, generator and manpower etc, said the official. Chief Minister Raghubar Das also thanked Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh for the act. Remarkably, a meeting of Eastern Zonal Council was held in Ranchi where a consensus was reached to return those maps to Jharkhand. The meeting was also attended by Bihar CM. Minister for Revenue and land Reforms also thanked Das and said that due to regular efforts made by Chief Minister, Jharkhand has ensured to get these maps back from Bihar. Maps which reached here on Tuesday evening includes maps of — Simdega, Ghahra, Sonahatu, Karra, Silli, Mandar, Balumath, Nirsa, Manoharpur, Govindpur, Ranchi, Ranchi Municipal, Kharsawan, Ormanjhi, Kudu, Kolebira, Palkot, Chainpur, Sisai, Basia, Torpa, Tamar, Bishunpur, Bero, Lohardaga, Mahuataand, Tundi, Ghatshila and Bundu. he second railway over bridge proposed between HEC area and Birsa Chowk to ease the travellers’ troubles during Assembly sessions will be of no help to the travellers as construction work on it is behind schedule. Drivers and pedestrians alike have to cross the railway tracks adjacent to Birsa Chowk as the only way to the junction – an old railway over bridge – is closed when the Assembly is in session to check advances from protestors staging dharnas here. This bridge is on the way from Birsa Chowk to Harmu Bypass Road and Dhurwa via Jharkhand Assembly. Apart from that, people going to Hatia Railway Station or Birsa Munda Airport have to take a much longer route through Hinoo as streets to Birsa Chowk are closed. With State’s lawmakers deliberating over policies in Assembly and pressure groups staging assemblies of their own at Birsa Chowk, commuters are forced to take the uncomfortable detour to get to the significant roundabout which leads to all major landmarks of the State capital. “Presently we are working on the foundation of the railway over bridge (ROB). As of now, work is going on at HEC end. We faced a fold up at Birsa Chowk end in the form of some pipelines in the way of the excavation work for the foundation,” informed a South Eastern Railway official, requesting anonymity. We are trying to get the pipelines out of the way before resuming work at Birsa Chowk, he further added. Monsoon is also hindering work to some extent. With rains he Government on Wednesday made T announcement that families lashing the city, floor cutting for the foundation is not gaining speed, said the SER official. “We were supposed to complete floor cutting before rains but it has been delayed. We are trying to complete it as soon as possible,” he said. A joint venture between Ranchi Division of South Eastern Railway and government, this project was meant to ?T^_[TRa^bbcWTaPX[fPhcaPRZ\P]hfXcWcWTXacf^fWTT[Tab]TPa1XabP2W^fZX] AP]RWX^]FTS]TbSPhCWXbRPdbTbSXbad_cX^]^UcaPX]\^eT\T]cPbcWT\PX]a^PS ]TPa9WPaZWP]SEXSWP]BPQWPWPbQTT]R[^bTScT\_^aPaX[hSdTc^cWT^]V^X]V <^]b^^]BTbbX^]^UcWT9WPaZWP]S0bbT\Q[h APcP];P[k?X^]TTa easy thoroughfare to commuters when gates to Birsa Chowk are closed during Assembly sessions. The new over bridge will be built parallel to the old one that passes by Birsa Chowk. “The girders to be used in constructing the railway over 6^ecc^cPZTd_aXeTaSTT_T]X]VTgTaRXbT bridge have been delivered to us. Although we were supposed to finish work by December this year, it seems we will not be able to fulfil that deadline with the progress made so far. Even so, we will try to complete the bridge as soon as possible,” said the railway official. of the children getting drowned in dovas would be paid C50,000 as compensation. Rural Development Minister Neelkant Singh Munda responding to the concern expressed by BJP MLA Biranchi Narayan also said in the House on Wednesday that adequate measures to alert DCs and BDOs about the accidents happening have been taken. He called for spreading awareness about the precautions among the people. 8=1A845 <0A0=38?A4B834B70992><<8CC44<44C8=6 FT[UPaT<X]XbcTa;dXb<PaP]SX^]FTS]TbSPh_aTbXSTS^eTaP] X\_^acP]c\TTcX]V^U9WPaZWP]SBcPcT7PYY2^\\XccTTP]S^cWTa ST_Pac\T]cbPbb^RXPcTSc^WPYYPRcXeXcXTbBWTSXaTRcTSP[[R^]RTa]TSc^ T]bdaTPWPbb[TUaTTWPYYU^a9WPaZWP]S_T^_[TBWTbPXSc^aTRcXUh bW^acR^\X]Vb^U_aTeX^dbhTPaP]Sc^_a^eXSTWPYYV^TabPb\dRW UPRX[XcXTbPb_^bbXQ[T<;0P]S<T\QTa^UBcPcT7PYY2^\\XccTT 0[P\VXa0[P\aT`dTbcTSc^R^]bcadRc7PYY7^dbTPccWTTPa[XTbc ³:0C70?0F0B´C>1>>BC78=38;8C4A0CDA4 FT[[Z]^f]faXcTabP]SRaXcXRb^U7X]SXUa^\P[[^eTa8]SXPfX[[VPcWTa PcAP]RWXU^aPcWaTTSPh]PcX^]P[bT\X]Pa:PcWP?PfPbc^SXbRdbb cWTePaX^dbPb_TRcb^Ubc^ahfaXcX]VX]cWT[P]VdPVTCWXbXbcWTUXabc cX\TbdRWP]TeT]cXbQTX]V^aVP]XbTSU^acWTUXabccX\TQh9WPaZWP]S 6^eTa]\T]cbcPcTS2d[cdaP[3XaTRc^aPcT3XaTRc^a0bW^Z:d\PaBX]VW SdaX]VP_aTbbR^]UTaT]RT^]FTS]TbSPh 2WXTU<X]XbcTaAPVWdQPa3PbP[^]VfXcWAdaP[3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTa=X[ZP]cWBX]VW<d]SPW^[SbP\TTcX]VfXcWbT]X^a^UUXRXP[bPc?a^YTRcQdX[SX]VX]AP]RWX^] FTS]TbSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ?=BQ A0=278 ollowing the rejuvenation and deepening work taken up for old ponds and F reservoirs the Government has decided to replicate it on rivers. Chief Minister Raghubar Das in a meeting of Rural Development Department directed the officials to take steps in this direction. The decision to deepen the rivers flowing in the State has been taken in order to improve their water retention capacity and flowing pattern. “Dovas are being constructed around the State on mass level besides deepening ponds etc. The Government would now take-up river deepening exercise from the next year. This apart, the CM has also called for using mine water and more and more plantation around the water bodies,” said an official after the meeting the Employment Guarantee Council on Wednesday. In the meeting Rs 1000 crore of revolving fund for MGNREGA was also approved to facilitate more the schemes in taking up more meaningful works. All the accounts with post offices would be transferred to the banks. The CM also directed the officials to ensure payment of labourers within seven days and find out other glitches in the rural job scheme so that the Center can be appraised about that. On agriculture front the CM directed the official to work on mission mode for encouraging and making farmers aware about double and multi-cropping and equip them with modern machines along with making them skilled. This apart, 4000 anganwadi centers would be built across ?=BQ A0=278 fforts of making Jharkhand a tourist-friendly State seem E to have started paying, at least 0QaTPcWcPZX]VeXTf^UcWT?PcaPcdEP[[Th^]cWTAP]RWX?PcaPcdA^PS!Z\bPfPhUa^\BcPcT2P_XcP[CWTXR^]^UcWTBcPcTWPb QTR^\TPW^cb_^cU^a[^RP[c^daXbcbX]cWT[PbcR^d_[T^UhTPab requirements of tourism sector. All these have started bearing fruits,” said Bauri. ATSaTbb U^a3^eP STPcWb ?=BQ A0=278 the State. The CM also told for ensuing toilets to every Indira Awas along with water facility. Besides the CM, Rural Development Minister Neelkant Singh Munda, Agriculture Minister Randheer Singh, Principal Secretary NN Sinha, MGNREGA Commissioner Siddharth Tripathi, Labour Secretary SKG Rahate, Water Resources Secretary Sukhdeo Singh, Agriculture Secretary NM Kulkarni and Secretary to the CM Sunil Barnwal were present in the meeting. The CS, in the meeting, gave a vivid picture of development work in the State, especially in the field of PRI strengthening, agriculture, health and nutrition, attracting investment in State, improvement in education system, employment generation, upgradation and revival of the energy sector etc. C^daXbcX]U[^fVa^fbQh#U^acWTUXabccX\T in numbers. Official data reflect that the inflow of tourists has increased by 40 per cent in last two years. Revenue, Land Reforms, Art and Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Amar Kumar Bauri said that Jharkhand has jumped on the bandwagon of fast growing states in terms of tourism. Bauri said that the Department of Tourism has taken lots of initiatives under strong leadership and guidance of CM Raghubar Das to make Jharkhand a tourist-friendly State. He said that Das has targeted to develop tourism as an industry. “New tourism spots are being marked and developed to attract tourists. New tourism policies and plans are being carried out. Government is also providing training to the youth especially in sync with in function in State and we are in process of constructing at least 67 more, most probably by year end itself. Whereas the bill recovery is concerned, we will recruit Urja Mitras. There will be one Urja Mitra on every 1,000 domestic consumers, who will not only remind them of their pending bills but will also assist them in paying the dues,” said Srivastava. He added that the computerization of entire process of monitoring from electricity production to bill payment and is also on cards and this is expected to take place by 2018-19. “One of the major issues of electrification of villages is of forest clearance. It is noticed that it has consumed four years to get one forest clearance in a number of cases and places. Land acquisition is another issue in terms of availability of usable land. Bauri added that every citizen of State is a brand ambassador of Jharkhand in himself and whenever he goes outside Jharkhand, he must encourage and invite others to visit this beautiful state at least once. He said that coming year will be year of employment and tourism. Meanwhile, the Tourist Information Centres setup by Jharkhand Tourism Department at Shravani Mela 2016 is working efectively for the tourists. More than 27,000 tourists have taken various information from 7 TICs installed at Deoghar so far. The tourists seems to be satisfied with the facility of on spot hotel bookings, bus services and bookings to visit different tourist destinations with route map etc provided to them by Jharkhand Tourism Dept . Minister, Tourism, Art and Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Amar Kumar Bauri said that Jharkhand is a beautiful tourist destination and is endowed with natural beauty in terms of hilly terrains, forest etc. Jharkhand houses several magnificently-built places of worship and spiritual spaces. Deoghar, the sprawling complex that has 22 temples and one of the 12 jyotirlingas, is thronged by lakhs of visitors each year who come to pay obeisance to Baba Baidyanath’s shrine. This year we have made 11 TICs for the convenience of tourist. Their safety is our priority. Welcoming the Kanwariyas to Babadham Bauri said we believe in the tradition of ‘Atithi devo bhava’. Approximately 5 lakh pilgrims have offered prayers at the temple so far. The district administration is maintaining law and order and has its eyes on smooth movement of pilgrims in and around the temple premises. Crowd management is another challenge for them. Six jalarpan counters have been placed outside the Shiva temple and CCTV cameras have been stalled across the temple complex to prevent from crowd disaster. B08;24C24;41A0C4B"$C70==8E4AB0AH B08;³bX]W^dbTR^]bd[cP]c2T]caTU^a4]VX]TTaX]VP]SCTRW]^[^Vh 24CRT[TQaPcTSXcb"$cW5^d]SPcX^]3Ph^]FTS]TbSPhCWT U^d]SPcX^]SPh_a^VaP\\TbcPacTSfXcWcWTRTaT\^]XP[[XVWcX]V^U [P\_Qh43=TTaPY<PcWdaP]S^cWTaSXV]XcPaXTb ;0=3CA034A6D==433>F=8=70C80 ;P]SSTP[Ta4cfP?PWP]fPbbW^cSTPSQhcWaTTd]XST]cXUXTSPbbPX[P]cb ^]FTS]TbSPh\^a]X]V4cfPfPbbXccX]V^dcbXSTWXbW^dbTfWT] cWaTT\T]^]P\^c^aRhR[TP__a^PRWTSWX\>]T^UcWT\UXaTScWaTT a^d]SbPcWX\Ua^\R[^bTaP]VTP]ScWT]cWThU[TS 2770CC8B60A72>?BC>C0:4?0AC8=830H?0A034 5^acWTUXabccX\TX]cWT7Xbc^ah^U9WPaZWP]Sd]STa_[Pc^^]TgRWP]VT _a^VaP\\TfXcWcWT2WWPccXbVPaW6^eTa]\T]cP_[Pc^^]Ua^\ 2WWPcXbVPaWfX[[_PacXRX_PcTX]cWT8]ST_T]ST]RT3Ph_PaPSTX]AP]RWX fWX[T^]T^U^da_[Pc^^]bfX[[_PacXRX_PcTX]cWT\PX]_PaPSTX]APX_da YWPaZWP]S# A0=278C7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % ;G>e`Y`]UT`_Wc`_eReZ`_URje`URj 8[[TVP[caP]bUTa^U6^ec[P]S)#$[P]S ?=BQ A0=278 he Jharkhand Vikas Morcha will observe confrontation day on Thursday against the “anti-people policies of the State Government where it is trying to manipulate with the CNT and SPT Act passed long back to protect the identity of the tribal community”. Talking to the media persons at JVM headquarters in Ranchi, former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi today said that the party has also planned to stage a day long dharna at district headquarters on August 3 across the state. “Tomorrow, our party will observe confrontation day by burning the effigies of the state government and burning the copies of the proposal sent to the centre,” said Marandi. Even then, if the State Government does not get alerted then will march towards the state capital along with the affected people, he added. Marandi said that the BJP A424=C;HC74BC0C46>E4A=<4=CB4=C0 ?A>?>B0;C>C7424=CA4C7A>D670= >A38=0=24C><0:4270=64B8=2=C0=3 B?C02C¨<H?0ACH>??>B4BC78B<>E4 >5C74BC0C46>E4A=<4=C T 5^a\Ta2<P]S9E<2WXTU1PQd[P[<PaP]SXP[^]VfXcW<;0?aPSTT_HPSPePcP ?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPc9E<^UUXRTX]AP]RWX^]FTS]TbSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa Government has started a campaign to illegally acquire the land of poor people in the state. “Recently, the State Government sent a proposal to the Centre though an ordinance to make changes in CNT and SPT Act…my party opposes this move of the state government,” said the JVM chief. “By making corrections in CNT and SPT Act, this government intends to hand it over to the corporate houses as it will be easier to sale and purchase them after making corrections to them,” said Marandi. Marandi said that the tribals will be ruined and become landless and there will be heavy losses in farming. “My party opposes it completely and hence has decided to come out on the streets, said Marandi. Marandi said that land displacement has been a big problem since beginning for the state where as many as 35 lakh people have already been displaced due to various projects. In such circumstances, the tribal lands are more or less safe in the state, but with the corrections which the government is trying to make in the CNT and SPT Act, the tribal community will be completely ruined, he said. “Land acquisition should be done according to the provisions of Land acquisition act of 2013,” said Marandi. ^f]TabbTaeTSTeXRcX^]^aSTab]^cXRTb 0B78BB8=70Q 1>:0A> of illegal transof Government’s land to Ithenferconnection locals, 4,500 land owners have been served eviction order and notice for cancellation of their land’s mutation across the Bokaro district. The district administration served notice for cancel- lation of land’s mutation which was found illegally transferred to the locals; the land actually belongs to the Government, said Jugnu Minz, Additional Collector Bokaro. In an ongoing probe (SIT) at least 48 thousand cases of illegal transfer of 86,422 acres of government land to the locals with succession-mutation documents has been unearthed across the Bokaro district, he said. Our investigation is still continuing and very soon next 20,000 land owners would be served the cancellation notice, said an official. Only at Chas block 35 land mutations were cancelled while 275 were served the notice to vacate by till date”, added the official. In ongoing SIT probe for illegal transfer of government’s lands, the district administration prepared a combined detailed report of nine blocks of Bokaro district reveals that 86,422 acres of government land were illegally transferred to the locals with successionmutation documents. The concerned CO’s of all blocks of the districts also submitted certificates stating that beside their reports there is no more government lands found which were illegally transferred in their areas. Beside others several big companies including industries have to face the hard time as they too were having illegally transferred land in Bokaro district. Based on fake documents then COs had done the mutation of the forest land and government land, which was later sold at higher rates to the residents and several big industries to erect their plants, said a district administration official. ,OOHJDOOLTXRUVWRNH 6aPQ^__^acd]XchS^]³cfPXc IRXQGIURPSLFNXSYDQ U^aXcbPhbTgRWXTU^U218 LQ*LULGLK¶V%HQJDEDG BDA4B7=8:70AQ 68A8387 he Giridih Police seized illicit liquor in huge quantity following a tip off while they were being smuggled on a Tata pick-up van (JH 045895) from Bengabad to Madhupur via Giridih under the Bengabad police station on Wednesday afternoon at 4pm. Three persons identified as Mukhtar Ansari belonging to Paljora village in Deoghar ,Raj Kumar Prasad and Sanjay Kumar Gupta a resident of Saranparsona village of Chapra district in Bihar while one other from Rahani Jasidih Deoghar ,who were in the pick –Up van, arrested by Bengabad police . According to Police Inspector Ram Lal Ram, on tip off ,a police team led by officer in-charge of Bengabad police station along with sub inspector B.K. Singh were deployed on Bengabad –Giridih road for checking vehicles . After a few hours ,a Tata T 6^eTa]^a3aPd_PSX<da\daTRTXeTbPQ^d`dTcUa^\P9WPaZWP]S7XVW2^dac9dbcXRT3=?PcT[PcAPY1WPeP]X]AP]RWX^]FTS]TbSPh =Q_Ycd`_cdUbcRQ^^Ubc V_e^TY^2_[Qb_ BDA4B7=8:70AQ 14A<>68A8387 okaro Thermal police have B launched extensive patrolling along with Jharkhand jaguar police force to keep track of Maoists, who are observing Martyrs Week in the pocket of Nawadih block. The Bokaro Superintendent of Police, YS Ramesh has also directed the police stations to remain on maximum alert. “The officers have been directed to maintain a tight vigil and tap their respective information network that can lead us to the Naxals squads,” stated Ramesh. While Bokaro Thermal Officer-in charge cum Inspector Rajesh Kujur told The Pioneer that we have begun an extensive search operation in our jurisdiction as there are possibilities that the police personnel might have taken refuge in our area and probably lost their way in the dense jungle. In villages close to Nawadih block, a search operation was being led by Officer-in charge Rajesh Kujur who stated that on Monday several Maoists posters have been found pasted in different localities of Bokaro Thermal, Naya basti, Kanjkiro, Pillpillo besides Upperghat villages area. The posters give and inkling of their intension to enter in urban area of Bermo sub-division. Officer in charge Rajesh Kujur said that some banners were also placed in different locations but the police removed them. Sources said Maoists ultras were observing mourning day to condole the death of their fellow cadres who died for cause of the organisations. However, no report of any untoward incident was reported from any place till late on Wednesday evening. ?X^]TTa_W^c^ FWT]cWT_^[XRT RWTRZTScWT eTWXR[TcWTh U^d]SPa^d]S RPac^^]b R^]cPX]X]V X[[XRXc[X`d^a^U SXUUTaT]cQaP]Sb Pick-Up van on high speed by seen coming from Bengabad .But suddenly the pick-up van stopped a little distance away from the policemen near Dak-Banglow and three persons hurriedly came out of it and run away. But police runway on same direction and arrested all of them . When the police checked the vehicle they found around 100 cartoons containing illicit liquor of different brands . Later police seized the vehicle and recovered the all cartoons, said Ram. An FIR (168/16) in this connection has been registered with Bengabad police station and interrogation is on. 5^a\Ta218RWXTU9^VX]STaBX]VWX]P_a^VaP\\T^aVP]XbTSQh0ahP]b6a^d_^U 2^[[TVTbX]AP]RWX^]FTS]TbSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa ?=BQ A0=278 eople have their versions of being successful. However, P former CBI Director Joginder Singh believes whatever the versions of success might be, one should rather go grab it and don’t wait for it. Addressing a group of students including those 25 selected by Aryans Group of Colleges (Chandigarh) for up to 50 per cent scholarship in its different courses, Singh said that there was no short cut to success. The event was organised in the memory of first death anniver- sary of late President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Distributing scholarships to these 25 students from Jharkhand and Bihar, Singh said, “I come from a family where I didn’t even know that there are three meals a day at the time I was in age of yours. Scholarships are just opportunities; you must use it at the fullest.” Aryans Group of Colleges Chairman Anshu Kataria said that some 400-500 students were availing scholarships, more than 50 per cent in certain cases, in different courses of Aryans. ?CA_aT_PaTb_P\_W[Tcb 4YbUSd_b@Y^dUbQSdcgYdX U^a8]cTa]PcX^]P[CXVTa3Ph ´33<;U<Q\µQ^T´33<;Y<QT\Yµ Daltonganj: Many people in Palamu or in Jharkhand may not be knowing that tigers in tiger reserve Palamu are of Royal Bengal species. DFO Core of the PTR Anil Kumar Mishra said very emphatically on Wednesday July 27 “Our tigers are Royal Bengal ones”. There should not be any confusion in this regard, he reiterated. On International Tiger Day going to be celebrated this July 29 the PTR officials have prepared a pamphlet in Hindi which will reach to the public on Thursday July 28 and Friday July 29 the tiger day. Mishra said there used to be eight sub species of tigers but now three sub species have gone extinct and three others are facing extreme peril. Our Royal Bengal tiger in Palamu is as precious and vulnerable as any other tiger in the world. Features of our tiger are different from other tigers like size, length, body built face outlines etc.On being asked as to why a common man who has not seen any tiger in the jungle or who spends a few hundred rupees, finds leisure time for himself and his family visits national park Betla with the sole hop of coming across the big cat but returns sighting farmers’ cows and buffaloes grazing right inside the tiger reserve and aimless langurs and monkeys jumping from one branch to the other DFO Core said, ‘tigers are very essential for forest to live on besides it in a way help in climate change as forests having no tiger are more prone to human invasion than others and in eco system the tiger retains its top position’. PNS ?=BQ A0=278 irector (Personal), Central D Coalfields Ltd (CCL), RS Mahapatro on Wednesday met students of ‘CCL Ke Lal’ and ‘CCL Ke Ladli’ to mark the beginning of new session of 2016-18 at Gandhinagar, Ranchi. Altogether 36 students (25 boys and 11 girls) will be trained for next two years apart from regular schooling at CCL DAV Gandhinagar in Ranchi. During the first interactive session, Mahapatro motivated each student to work hard to lay the foundation of their bright future in next two years. He ensured that all basic facilities and co-operation will be provided to them by the company. Under the CSR programme CCL has been continuously working for the uplift of the poor and downtrodden in the State. One such scheme among many is ‘CCL Ke Lal’. In this scheme, free educational support along with boarding and lodging facilities to meritorious students of economically weaker section from Project Affected Areas (PAPs), CCL employees etc, is being provided to give them opportunity to compete at national level. Following the success of ‘CCL Ke Lal’, Gopal Singh, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, CCL, has extended this scheme for girls under the name of ‘CCL Ki Ladli’, whose first batch has started this year with 11 girls. G;A8bcdST]cbb_aTPSf^aS^]R[TP][X]TbbcWa^dVWfP[[_PX]cX]Vb Dg_WYb\cdeTU^dc_V;C=C Y^ZebUTY^b_QT]YcXQ` T ?=BQ 90<B743?DA he students of XLRI enthusiastically participating in the cleanliness drive on Wednesday undertaken as part of the cultural and sports fest Valhalla. The spirit of giving back to the streets was clearly visible in myriad hues at various spots in Sakchi, Jamshedpur. Colourful road-side walls stood out as students of XLRI cleaned spots around the city and painted them as part of their cleanliness mission. The tax office and MGM Hospital were the chosen spots where students cleaned the streets and surrounding walls and painted the walls as part of their initiative of spreading the messages of: giving back to the streets, keeping it clean and spreading social messages by means of wall paintings. There was also a street play by the students of XLRI to promote road safety awareness as part of their efforts to make the streets a safer place for all. “Valhalla promises to bring out the best in people as they strive to emerge victorious and claim their rightful place in Valhalla, the House of Warriors. This year it is about who we are and what we can do for the greater good. The streets are calling @ Valhalla, XLRI” said a member of the organizing committee. About 30 students associated with SIGMA (Social Initiative Group for Managerial Assistanc) was a part of this project today. The activities were a part of their initiative of spreading messages of giving back to the streets, keeping it clean and spreading social messages by means of wall paintings. The campaign started at around 1 pm and continued till 3:30 pm. The brigade of 30 painted social messages on saving the girl child, women empowerment and road safety. “The Street are Calling have many messages like using streets for social good, taking streets as a platform for social and health awareness and many such social drive. In fact students will also organise a street dance after the event kicks off on July 29,” said a second year business management student. Students of XLRI also organised a flash mob in Bistupur on July 24 where about 50 students danced on peppy Bollywood numbers. This is the first time that XLRI students are taking up so many activities on the streets as per the cultural fest theme. Valhalla that stepped on its sixth edition is an inter B school cultural and sports festival hosted by XLRI every year on the last week of July. About 10 management institutes across the country participates in the fest that organises a number of cultural events as well as sports events. Valhalla encompasses over 50 events and witnesses footfall of over 3000 with participation from some of the best BSchools in India including IIM-Calcutta, FMS, XIMB and many more. ?=BQ 90<B743?DA n a road mishap, two girl students of Kerala Samajam IModel School were injured, one of them seriously when the scooter they were riding was hit by an auto-rickshaw on the busy Sakchi-Bistupur Road near Garamnallah under Sakchi police station area on Wednesday afternoon. The students identified as Priyanka Rawat (16) and Priyanka Kumari (16) were rescued by passers-by and r ushed to Tata Main Hospital’s emergency. They were soon admitted in the hospital and shifted to the surgical wards, where condition of Priyanka Rawat was stated to be serious. According to hospital sources, both the victims sustained head injuries, but Priyanka Rawat has sustained multiple injuries on her left hand and left leg. Both Rawat and Priyanka BcdST]cb XST]cXUXTSPb ?aXhP]ZPAPfPc %P]S ?aXhP]ZP :d\PaX % fTaTaTbRdTS Qh_PbbTabQh P]SadbWTSc^ CPcP<PX] 7^b_XcP[ Kumari are residents of Tinplate and Baridih respectively and are students of Class XI. Officer-in-charge, Sakchi thana Anjani Kumar Tiwary said the mishap took place due to the rash driving by an unidentified auto-rickshaw. He said both the students were not wearing helmets. Tiwary said the cops posted at the Tata Main Hospital camp police station will take a statement of the injured students and would also ask them why were they going towards Bistupur instead of returning to their homes. He said that hunt was on to detect the guilty autorickshaw driver who would be prosecuted if caught. One of the injured, Priyanka Kumari, who was in a condition to speak said “I am in state of shock and everything happened in a second. We were going towards Bistupur and as we were crossing the Garamnallah stretch, auto-rickshaw hit us from behind and fled the spot,” said Priyanka while talking to newsmen. Principal, Kerala Samajam Model School, Nandini Shukla said Wednesday was the last day of the first term examination of the XIth graders.” The girls might have wanted to go to Bistupur market. But they should have been more careful while riding on a two-wheeler,” said Shukla. ]PcX^]$ A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % =D`\RjdR^V_U^V_ee`=`\aR]2Te 2SSSUHVVXUHRQ*RYWWR ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Lok Sabha on Wednesday T approved an amendment to the Lokpal Act through voice vote to allow extension in the deadline for filing asset declaration beyond July 31 by 50 lakh Central Government employees and NGOs receiving Government funds. While the House provided immediate relief by approving the amendment to Section 44 of the Act, the provision will be examined in detail by a Parliamentary Standing Committee, which will submit its report before the next session of Parliament. Moving the amendment for consideration, Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said the Government has received representations from MPs and other stakeholders and on July 25 a del- ABbcPacb SXbRdbbX^]^] 20<?01X[[ ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Rajya Sabha on Wednesday started disT cussion on the Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning Authority Fund (CAMPA) Bill. Initiating the discussions on the Bill, erstwhile UPA Government’s Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh moved an amendment. “I would’ve been happier if the Bill is referred to a select committee,” Ramesh said as he tried to convince the House about his amendment, which provides for using CAMPA funds only in consonance with Forest Rights Act. “Forests Rights Act (FRA) of 2006 has been ignored in the CAMPA Bill. We are doing byepass surgery in the Forest Rights Act. Minister for tribal affairs should’ve been present here, but his absence shows the disconnect between the Environment Ministry and the Ministry of tribal affairs,” Ramesh said. He added there was no mention of community-led afforestation and the panels proposed in the new Bill are packed with bureaucrats instead of experts. Ramesh claimed the norms of the FRA have been violated to favour mining companies and cited a guideline by the Environment Ministry of August 11, 2015 for private participation in forest areas. “This was an example how FRA has been violated,” he said. He even mentioned Maharashtra saying the State has diluted the role of the gram sabha. “The anchor of the FRA is the gram sabha,” Ramesh said. children on March 31 every year or on before July 31 of that year. In April, the Government had extended the date of filing returns by public servants from April 15 to July 31. This is the fifth extension in the deadline since the Act came into force in January 2014. As per rules, organisations receiving more than Rs 1 crore in Government grants and donations above Rs 10 lakh from abroad fall under the ambit of Lokpal. Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge supported Government’s move of introducing the Bill, saying there are no two opinions that the amendments are urgent. He, however, said the provisions of 5X]P]RT<X]XbcTa0ad]9PXc[Thb_TPZbX]cWT;^ZBPQWPX]=Tf3T[WX^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 the Act should not be diluted as common people would say egation of MPs had met Prime is overcome, the deadline with tion of assets of public servants that MPs came together to dilute the Lokpal Act. Minister Narendra Modi regard to Government ser- and NGOs can be deferred. “Certainly it is not the As per the rules notified demanding deletion of the vants can be deferred,” Singh said as he moved amendments under the Lokpal and intention or design to dilute provision. Lokayuktas Act 2013, every the provision of Act. We are The amendment pertains to the Act. Singh said the Standing public servant shall file decla- ready to make it even more to Section 44 of the Lokpal Act, which deals with decla- Committee would give its rec- ration, information and annu- stringent. We are just giving ration of assets and provision ommendation before the next al returns pertaining to his an opportunity for another of making the assets public, he session of Parliament and till assets and liabilities as well as thought to it,” Jitendra Singh said. “Till the present impasse then the deadline for declara- for his spouse and dependent said. ?a^QTb^dVWcX]=PabX]VWS^_TRPbT ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 rom Narsingh Yadav’s failed dope test to denial of scholF arships to four lakh minority students in Bengal, a slew of issues were raised in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. Alleging a conspiracy to disqualify Indian medal hopefuls from the Rio Olympics, Congress MP Pramod Tiwari demanded a probe if wrestler Narsingh Yadav and two other athletes were found to have been given banned drug-spiked food without their knowledge. Raising the issue during Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha, he alleged the banned substance was mixed in ‘dal fry’ in the Sports Authority of India (SAI) kitchen and a thorough probe has to be carried out to get to the root of the issue. Tiwari said if the banned substance was consumed by the athlete unknowingly, then he should be given a fair chance to represent. Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien said it was a very relevant issue. “If there is a conspiracy, it needs to be investigated,” he said. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said he will make the concerned Minister aware of the feelings of the House. Mohd Nadimul Haque (TMC) raised the issue of four lakh minority students in West Bengal being denied scholarships due to a technical glitch in the National Scholarship portal. Replying on this issue Naqvi said as many as 56.27 lakh students were given Rs 37 crore worth of scholarships in 2015-16 and Government will take action if any shortcoming is pointed out JD(U) and SP members alleged that OBC candidates in the UPSC were being discriminated against in the name of ‘creamy layer’, a charge refuted by the government which said there was no change in the reservation policy. FKHFNULVLQJIRRGSULFHV ?=BQ =4F34;78 pposition parties on Wednesday sought to O pressurise the Government to bring down food prices, reduce the number of cess and pass on the benefits of low petroleum prices to the consumers. During a short duration discussion on price rise in the country in Rajya Sabha, the Opposition charged the Government with burdening the common man with more taxes and higher prices of essential commodities and medicines while pocketing the benefits of low petroleum prices in international market. The Government, however, passed the buck on the State Governments for not procuring food items directly from the farmers, or lifting the material from Centre’s godowns. Minister for Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan, in response to the discussion, blamed States for not cracking down on the hoarders and blackmarketeers, who were creating artificial crisis. “The State Governments have more responsibility in checking rising food prices. We are giving Dals to 81 crore people under the PDS. When we provide subsidised food material to States why don’t they pass on the benefits to the consumers?” Paswan said. The Minister added that despite a global fall in production of Dal from 75 million metric tonnes in 2012 to 71 million MT last year, the Government has imported huge quantity of Dals. He said the latest agreement with Mozambique on Dal procurement will also help. Prabhat Jha of the BJP defended the Government claiming that contrary to Opposition’s allegations, price rise was prevalent in the 10 years of UPA rule. He and some other treasury bench members quoted steps taken by the BJP- #%% S_`c"# )SYfY\YQ^c Y^ZebUTY^cd_^U`U\dY^WY^:; =`\DRSYRaRddVd3Z]]e` TYVT\SV_R^ZecR_dRTeZ`_d ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 s many as 3,550 security force personnel and 2,309 A civilians have been injured in he L ok Sabha on Wednesday passed the T amendments to the Benami 1029 incidents of severe stone pelting in Jammu & Kashmir till July 25 this year compared to 886 personnel and 240 civilians in 730 incidents in 2015. While 48 civilians and two security personnel have been killed so far in 2016, last year saw the death of five civilians, the Government informed the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. Replying a written question, Minister of State for Home Hansraj Ahir said that various Transactions Bill, envisaging stringent provisions on confiscation and wider definitions on the benami purchases. Debating on the Bill, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley assured that genuine religious trusts will be kept out of the purview of the legislation. Moving the B enami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Bill 2015 for the consideration and passage, the Minister said the legisla- steps have been taken by the police authorities which include organising police-public meetings to avoid such incidents. Security forces were also advised to strictly adhere to the SOP and resort to use of non- 2^_bRP]´c_a^QT_aXePcTSTUP\PcX^] RPbTPVPX]bcAPWd[6P]SWX)B2 ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he fate of the defamation case against Congress vice-president Rahul T Gandhi took an unexpected turn on Wednesday after the Supreme Court faulted the Magistrate’s decision to involve Maharashtra cops to probe the defamation case. The Court said the Magistrate cannot ask the police to investigate a private criminal defamation complaint as it is the complainant who needs to prove the case. The development is significant as the court can set aside the summons issued to Rahul Gandhi and direct rehearing of the complaint by the Magistrate court. The Congress scion has been accused of making a speech at a political rally in Sonale, Maharashtra on March 6, 2015 where he made a sweeping comment against the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) accusing them of having a hand in killing Mahatma Gandhi. Just a week ago, the Court lashed out on Gandhi for making a “collective denunciation” of the RSS and asked him to tender an apology or face trial. The Court even asked Gandhi’s counsel to file a response in this regard. But on Wednesday, the hearing took a different turn as the Bench of Justices Dipak Misra and Rohington F Nariman said that under the law on defamation, the Magistrate could not have asked police to enquire into a private defamation complaint and later act upon it to summon the petitioner. “If the process of taking cognizance is erroneous then the matter may be remanded back to Magistrate,” the Bench observed. The Bench told senior advocate Kapil Sibal appearing for Gandhi and senior advocate UR Lalit appearing for the complainant, one Rajesh Mahadev Kunte, CWT2^]VaTbbbRX^] WPbQTT]PRRdbTS^U \PZX]VPb_TTRWPcP _^[XcXRP[aP[[hX]B^]P[T <PWPaPbWcaP^]<PaRW %! $fWTaTWT\PST PbfTT_X]VR^\\T]c PVPX]bccWTAPbWcaXhP BfPhP\bTePZBP]VW ABBPRRdbX]VcWT\^U WPeX]VPWP]SX]ZX[[X]V <PWPc\P6P]SWX to assist on this legal question and posted the matter for hearing on August 23. The court said that in its recent judgment upholding the constitutional validity of defamation in the Indian Penal Code, it made reference to this fact and held that in a private criminal defamation complaint the complainant has to satisfy the Court and police will have no role in a criminal defamation case. Both Sibal and Lalit sought time to prepare on this point before next date. lethal weapons while handling law and order situations. Ahir said there were 152 incidents of terrorist violence in the state till July 17 this year in which 30 security force personnel lost their lives. tion was predominately an anti-black money measure and its purpose is to seize benami property and prosecute those indulging in such activities. “A lot of people who have unaccounted money buy benami property in the name of fictitious persons ... These transactions have to be discouraged,” he said. On concerns expressed by certain members about religious properties or those owned by deities or religious institutions, Jaitley said the government under this Bill will exempt such bonafide entities. ruled States to curb price rise. However, the unrelenting Opposition kept comparing present rates of goods with the past. Both sides traded charges and quoted figures with some even accusing the Government of fudging numbers and calculations on inflation to suit itself. Initiating the discussion, TMC leader Derek O’Brien said it is worse to be vegetarian in India than a non-vegetarian because even though prices of meat and fish seems to be under-controlled, the prices of vegetables and Dals are all time high. “Fudging of numbers and calculations is not what people of India want,” he said. CPI-M member Sitaram Yechury urged the Government to immediately ban the futures and forward trading in all essential items and stop cess @bY_bYdid_XU\`TYcdbUccUT 9^TYQ^cQRb_QT*CecX]Q ?=BQ =4F34;78 xternal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on E Wednesday said the NDA Government has given the highest priority to provide help and assistance to distressed Indians abroad, including those who are defrauded in marriage. In the Lok Sabha, in reply to a supplementary related to community-wise break-up of distressed Indians, Swaraj said her Ministry has been receiving petitions from Indian women stating that their non-resident Indian spouse has hidden the fact that he is already married or has a partner. She said such complaints pertain to abandonment of the Indian women either in India or in the foreign country by the NRI spouse after the marriage. Since the NRI spouse resides outside India, following legal and other constraints are &%,QRZIRFXVLQJRQPRQH\WUDLO ?=BQ =4F34;78 n the AgustaWestland helicopter deal bribery case, the CBI is now focusing on the money trail involving kickbacks worth 50 million Euros spread across eight countries. The agency has so far received complete compliance report of Letters Rogatory from Italy and part compliance from Tunisia, UK, Switzerland and British Virgin Islands. The agency has not received any response to the Letters Rogatory (judicial request) from Mauritius, United Arab Emirate (UAE) and I an Italian court, in connecSingapore. tion with its probe, CBI offiA two-member CBI team had earlicials maintained silence er this month visited Italy and got the relbut they said the visit evant information in the has given a “new impeAugustaWestland VVIP Helicopter deal tus” to the probe. case f rom key 06DBC0F4BC;0=3B20< The case is now being probed police and legal officials, who had probed the graft allega- by a SIT headed by an Additional Director of the agency. tions there. The CBI had sent Letters Rogatory to eight On a question whether CBI has also recorded the statements of former countries — Italy, the United Kingdom, Finmeccanica Chief Giuseppe Orsi and former British Virgin Island, Tunisia, Switzerland, CEO of Bruno Spagnolini, both convicted by Singapore, the UAE and Mauritius. :_UZRdZX_dUVR]W`cW`fc^`cVA`dVZU`_a]R_Vd New Delhi: India on Wednesday signed an over $1 billion deal with American defence and aerospace major Boeing for procuring four additional ‘Poseidon-8I’ long-range maritime surveillance and antisubmarine warfare aircraft. The contract is a follow-on order to eight P-81 planes already bought by India in a direct deal with the firm worth USD 2.1 billion, defence sources said. The contract was inked during the ongoing visit of US Under Secretary for Defence on Acquisition Frank Kendall, and is seen as a sign of growing Indo-US defence ties, they said. India had last year signed a $3 billion contract with the US through Foreign Military Sales route for 22 Apache and 15 Chinook helicopters. With today’s deal, the total value of defence deals signed with the US in the last one decade comes to around USD 15 billion. India is also working on a deal 8]SXPWPS[PbchTPabXV]TSP" QX[[X^]R^]caPRcfXcWcWTDB cWa^dVWU^aTXV]\X[XcPahbP[Tb a^dcTU^a!!0_PRWTP]S $ 2WX]^^ZWT[XR^_cTab to get 145 pieces of M777 lightweight howitzers from the US, the sources said. The acquisition of additional ‘P-8I’ will be a shot in the arm of the Indian Navy as the country has been building up its naval surveil- 5X[T_W^c^ lance capabilities. Armed with deadly Harpoon missiles, lightweight torpedoes, rockets among others, the Navy is extensively using the P-8I to keep a strict vigil over the Indian Ocean, which has seen numerous Chinese submarine forays, including docking of a nuclear sub in Sri Lanka. The Navy will also be able to and excise duty hike in order to provide relief to common people. Asserting that fuel prices and several kinds of cess have burdened consumers, Yechury attacked the Centre for raising excise duty on petrol and diesel and not passing the benefits of the fall in global crude prices to consumers. Yechury further said imposition of several types of cess and hike in service tax to 14 per cent has led to inflationary situation in many essential items. “All cess put together, these are extra burden on the consumers, leading to price rise,” he said, noting that the NDA Government was earning revenue from cess and excise duty on petroleum items. Yechury said unemployment was also hitting the people hard and blamed the Government for not creating enough jobs in the country. drop and monitor sonobuoys, being used in the search for the missing AN32 aircraft of the Indian Air Force, they said. Incidentally, India was ‘P-8’’s first international customer and was also Boeing’s first military sale to India. The P-8I fleet is based at the Naval Air Station Rajali in Tamil Nadu. PTI faced while addressing this complex issue, she said. Swaraj said inspite of all these constrains, the External Affairs Ministry is taking various steps to provide assistance to the aggrieved women. “Our government has given highest priority to provide help and assistance to distressed Indians abroad, irrespective of their castes, creed and religion,” she said. She pointed out that since the launch of her Ministry’s grievance redressal portal ‘MADAD’ on February 2015, as many as 246 grievances under “marital dispute” category have been received of which 172 have been addressed. Since January 2016, the External Affairs Ministry has received another 362 petitions by post and email related to NRI marriages of which 344 have been addressed, she said. 8=B7>AC 8=3801´34B75>DAC7 7<;4E4;C0;:BC>30H =Tf3T[WX) CWTU^dacW7^\T <X]XbcTa[TeT[cP[ZbQTcfTT] 8]SXPP]S1P]V[PSTbWfX[[bcPac WTaT^]CWdabSPhCWTcP[ZbPaT Tg_TRcTSc^UdacWTabcaT]VcWT] P]ST]WP]RTcWTTgRT[[T]c R^^_TaPcX^]QTcfTT]cWTcf^ R^d]caXTb^]bTRdaXchP]SQ^aSTa \P]PVT\T]c\PccTab 0bPSdiiP\P]:WP]cWT7^\T <X]XbcTa^U1P]V[PSTbWXb [TPSX]VPWXVW[TeT[ST[TVPcX^]c^ 8]SXP3daX]VcWXbeXbXccWT 1P]V[PSTbWXST[TVPcX^]fX[[RP[[ ^]cWT?aTbXST]cP]S?aX\T <X]XbcTa^U8]SXP =>?A>?>B0;5>AC0;:B F8C7D;508=351B =Tf3T[WX)CWTaTXb]^_a^_^bP[ Pc_aTbT]cc^W^[ScP[ZbfXcWcf^ 0bbP\QPbTS^dcUXcb?PaTbW 1PadP[TSD;508^a=351B PbcWThWPeTT]VPVTSX]eX^[T]c PRcXeXcXTb6^eTa]\T]cbPXS^] FTS]TbSPh3daX]VcWT @dTbcX^]7^daX]APYhPBPQWP <X]XbcTa^UBcPcTU^a7^\T:XaT] AXYXYdT\_WPbXbTScWPccWT V^eTa]\T]cXb^_T]c^cP[ZbfXcW P[[X]bdaVT]cVa^d_bfWXRWPaT °bX]RTaT±X]cWTXaX]cT]cX^]c^ VXeTd_Pa\bP]SY^X]cWT \PX]bcaTP\ &C7?0H?0=4;)24=CA4 B44:BBC0C4B´2><<4=CB =Tf3T[WX)0[[BcPcTbfTaT^] FTS]TbSPhPbZTSc^bT]ScWTXa R^\\T]cb^]cWT_a^_^bTS aTR^\\T]SPcX^]bQhBTeT]cW 2T]caP[?Ph2^\\XbbX^]aT[PcTS c^WXZTX]bP[PaXTb^U80BP]S8?B ^UUXRTab8]P[TccTac^RWXTU bTRaTcPaXTb^UP[[BcPcT ]PcX^]% A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % 9VRgjcRZ_T]RZ^d$]ZgVdZ_;R^^f 2PbX]^b\Phb^^]SXRcPcTfW^ Xb6^Pb2<<X])2^]VaTbb 1B5\PX]cPX]bcXVWceXVX[ P[^]VcWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ 1^aSTaTb_TRXP[[hPRa^bb fPcTa[^VVTSbcaTcRWTbc^ _aTeT]cP]hX]UX[caPcX^]QXS <0H017DB70=Q ?0=098 ays after Jaydev Mody’s Deltin Corp, which operD ates three offshore casinos in the <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D ormal life was crippled N across Jammu region on Wednesday following this season's heaviest rainfall in which two minor girls were washed away while another civilian was buried under the debris of his home in Chingus area of Rajori. Due to incessant rains in the higher reaches of Jammu region, which continued over night, several rivers including mighty Chenab was flowing close to the danger mark. District administration has also sounded alert in Jammu following flash floods in river Tawi. Similar is the fate of Basantar and Ujh rivers in Samba and Kathua districts. Udhampur, Ramban and Reasi districts also witnessed continuous rainfall disrupting traffic on the national highway for some time. BRO workers managed to clear the landslides and debris at several places to make way for the vehicular traffic. BSF authorities are also maintaining tight vigil along the International border especially across water logged stretches to prevent any infiltration bid from across the BcXRZc^\hbcPcT\T]c cWPcBP[\P]ZX[[TS 2WX]ZPaP)3aXeTa New Delhi: The man who was driving the jeep used by Bollywood star Salman Khan during an alleged deer hunt in Rajasthan in 1998 on Wednesday stuck to his claim that the actor had shot the animal. The statement by Harish Dulani, who was reported to be "missing", came two days after the 50-year-old actor was acquitted by the Rajasthan High Court in two cases related to poaching of Chinkaras in Jodhpur in 1998. Dulani also maintained that he was not absconding but was only under fear due to threats. "I stick to the statement I made before the magistrate 18 years ago that Salman got off the car and shot the deer. I was not absconding but I was scared due to several threats received by me and my father," he told NDTV. "Due to fear I went away to my relatives' place in Jodhpur. We had asked for protection but did not get it. If I had police protection, I could have given a statement. That was what I always intended," he added. The High Court had held that the pellets recovered from the Chinkaras were not fired from Khan's licensed gun. Dulani, the prosecution's only witness in the poaching cases, was reported missing since 2002, which weakened the prosecution's case against the movie star. PTI ETWXR[Tb\^eTcWa^dVWPU[^^STSbcaTTcSdaX]VWTPehaPX]UP[[X]9P\\d^] FTS]TbSPh border. Water boats have been deployed for round the clock patrolling in the forward areas. Several BSF posts are located in low lying areas and get submerged during rainy season affecting barbed wire fencing. Meanwhile, helicopter services from Katra base camp to the holy cave shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi remained disrupted due to bad weather conditions even as devotees were allowed to trek the 13 km long route on foot with warnings to avoid the vulnerable stretches hit by shooting stones. In Jammu city several residential areas were flooded with water following heavy 0? downpour. Local residents staged demonstrations at several places accusing the civic authorities of not carrying out necessary desilting works and allowing rampant encroachment blocking the natural water channels. Traffic movement remained disrupted across the city during peak hours while many areas went without power due to snapping of power lines. Government Medical College also witnessed crisis situation as it remained without power for about 12 hours. Power back up was judiciously used to run emergency and essential services ATbXST]cbaT\^eTU[^^SfPcTaUa^\cWTXaW^\TbPUcTaWTPehaPX]bX]9P\\d^] FTS]TbSPh ?C8 including Operation theatres. According to official sources two school going girls identified as Meenakshi (9 years) and Sakshi Sharma (7 years) were washed away in Janipur area after they lost balance and fell in a drain. Eyewitness report claimed a group of three girls were crossing the water logged street when one of them stepped back wards to make way for a private vehicle. As it was raining heavily one of the girls feel in a drain and two others lost balance. A local youth managed to drag one of the girls while the remaining two were washed away. The densely populated street, housing the office of a leading State daily, was flooded with water due to breach in the nearby embankment of a local nullah. State BJP Chief Satpal Sharma, also a local MLA visited the members of the aggrieved families along with senior district officials. "A sum of C4 lakh was sanctioned for the next of kin of deceased girls", Deputy Commissioner Jammu Simrandeep Singh told reporters. Another civilian was killed in house collapse in Chingus area of Rajouri, official sources said. coastal State, bought a 65 per cent stake in ISL franchise FC Goa, a Congress Legislator alleged in the State Legislative Assembly, that casinos operators would soon decide the Chief Minister and Government Ministers in the near future. Speaking during a debate on budgetary demands, Opposition Legislator Pandurang Madkaikar also said that the rapid growth of the casino industry in the State could have made it the third largest casino destination in the world after Las Vegas and Macau. “Salgaocar and Dempo, who are considered among the richest in Goa, could not manage FC Goa, but a casino owner has taken over FC Goa now. Tomorrow they will take over Goa. Jaydev Mody will decide who will be a Minister and a Chief Minister. In ten years, casinos will take over Goa and all of us. Irrespective of whether we are from BJP or Congress, we will all be responsible for this,” Madkaikar told the Goa Legislative Assembly. Goa-based businessmen Shrivinas Dempo and Dattaraj Salgaocar, who were formerly co-owners of FC Goa, along with Videocon's Venugopal Dhoot and Indian test captain H3dVV\d8:eRX`_]j 6aP\bPQWPbQTT\_^fTaTSc^ `_3V_XR]CRd`X`]]R U^a\P]cX[X`d^ab`dPSb)7PiPaT _`T`_W]ZTehZeY@UZdYR C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 Kolkata: Amidst a tussle with Odisha over the origin of the famous sweetmeat 'Rasgulla', West Bengal has clarified that they are not seeking claim over the dessert but only over 'Rasogolla', a particular variety prepared in the State. Officials of the State science and technology department has clarified that they have sought Geographical Indications (GI) tag only for 'Rasogolla'. "There is no conflict with Odisha. What we want is to protect the identity of our Rasogolla. Their product is different from ours both in colour, texture, taste, juice content and method of manufacturing," an official said. In a recent letter to the Geographical Indications Registry office in Chennai, the state department of food processing industries and horticulture said the way the dessert is made in the State is different from that of other states. "The preparation of light sugar syrup is unique and it contributes towards the taste of Rasogolla. Light syrup adds to the unique mouth-fill characteristic which is traditional in nature and well documented in different books unlike other similar products," the letter said, adding the quality of the dessert from West Bengal is unique. oted Gandhian crusader Anna Hazare on N Wednesday rooted for gram- Even during its original application before the Intellectual Property office last year, the State Government had sought the GI tag on what they call it as "Banglar Rasogolla" (Bengal's Rasgulla). "For example we have Darjeeling Tea and Himachal has Kangra Tea. Both are tea but the taste is different. Both can have GI tags," officials said. Odisha has claimed that the sweetmeat originated from the Jagannath Temple in Puri, where it is a part of the religious rituals since the 12th century. Odisha calls it 'Pahala Rasgulla'. In West Bengal, confectioner Nobin Chandra Das is widely known as the one, who created Rasgulla in the 1860s. Bengal has told the GI registrar office that the one inOdisha is a different variety. The Bengal one is off white or light cream coloured, spherical in shape while in other states, it varies from brown to other colours. sabhas in Maharashtra being vested with power to form their squads to combat the menace of alcoholism, which has contributed to disputes and sexual crimes in many villages across the State. Talking to media persons after meeting Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis whom he urged to consider total prohibition in the State, Hazare said that the gram-sabhas be allowed to “gram-rakshak dal” or “gram sanrakshak dal” comprising local residents to combat the menace of alcoholism. Hazare said that Fadnavis, whom he met at the Vidhan Bhavan, said, “The Chief Minister was positive in his response. He assured me that the State Government would come out with a draft legislation in this regard. Queried as to what should be the anti-liquor squad proposed by him, Hazare said, “The strengths of the dals to be formed by the villages could be 11, 13 or 15. Let the State Government work on this and decide on the strength of the each of proposed squad. What is important is that the Chief Minister considered my proposal”. Hazare, who has strictly 2PbX]^b WPeT WT[_TS 6^P fWT]cWT BcPcTfPbUPRX]V PUX]P]RXP[ Rad]RWQdc8 WPeT]TeTa bd__^acTScWT\ ¯ 6>02< Virat Kohli, quit the venture after differences with the ISL. "It is to the credit of both, Salgaocar and Dempo, that this has happened. They showed wisdom and a pioneering spirit in their stewardship of the club, which comes from a deep love for the game. We hope to walk the same path and try and take the team to the next level,” Mody said in a Press statement after becoming the new coowner of FC Goa last week. Ahead of the 2012 State Assembly poll, the BJP had promised that if voted to power, its Government would shift the offshore casinos anchored in the River Mandovi into the Arabian sea. However, after becoming Chief Minister, Parrikar, now Union Defence Minister asked for four years to complete the task. 78=3D;4034AB0;;464B 2>=B?8A02H1478=330;8CB 2>=E4AB8>=C>8B;0< :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 indu Makkal Katchi, a H Hindu political outfit and Chennai based Vedic Science B^RXP[f^aZTa0]]P7PiPaTX]cTaPRcbfXcWbcdST]cbPbWTeXbXcbEXSWP]1WPeP]X] <d\QPX^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 enforced prohibition in his native village of Ralegan Siddhi in Ahmednagar district, said, “In my village, there were 40 liquor distillation units in the past. We closed down all of them and for the past 20 years, no one in my village drinks alcohol, or consumes tobacco”. “If the people’s will is strong and the Government gives support, it is possible to implement total prohibition,” the Gandhian said. On whether he was for Maharashtra going the way of Bihar and Kerala where there is paritial ban on liquor, Hazare said, “There are other ways also. After all, the Excise department contributes C23,000 crore to the State exchequer. This is a huge amount, you cannot lose it.” The Gandhian said that in villages where 25 per cent women write to Collector seeking ban on liquor, the authorities should ask the Excise department and local Tehsildar to seek referendum from people on banning liquor in villages concerned. “Liquor is a major problem. In several villages where liquor is freely available, the incidence of disputes and fights is on the increase. There have been incidents of molestation and sexual assault by people under influence of liquor in these villages,” Hazare said. Goa currently has five operational offshore casinos and nine onshore casinos operating from five star hotels, which attract hundreds of thousands of gamblers to the State annually. The financial clout of the casino industry, Madkaikar believes, will call the shots in the State in the years to come. “Goa is the largest third destination for casinos in the world. The same dealers in Las Vegas and Macau are invested in casinos in Goa,” Madkaikar said. “The Chief Minister should go to Las Vegas and Macau. Macau also has large casinos and is dominated by the casino lobby. The identity of Macau is finished. It is ruled by the casino mafia,” he also said. Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar however disputed the claims made by Madkaikar, while also blaming the erstwhile Congress Governemnt for ushering in casinos into the State. "The casinos are a gift of the Congress party, which first amended the law to allow casino operations in Goa and gave licences left, right and centre. We have actually not granted any new licence to casinos," Parsekar said. "Casinos have helped Goa when the State was facing a bad financial crunch, but I have never supported them," Parsekar said. Research Centre charged on Wednesday that the conversion of Dalits to Islam at Vedaranyam and Karoor are being masterminded by a political party and supported by agencies which are getting foreign funds. “This is part of an international conspiracy. The local administration is hand in glove with the proselytisers operating at Vedaranyam and Karoor,” Rama Ravi Kumar, general secretary, Hindu Makkal Katchi, told The Pioneer over telephone from Vedaranyam. Ravi Kumar has been camping at Vedaranyam and discussing with Dalit leaders and local community representatives to resolve the impasse. R avi Kumar and N Senthil (union secretary, VCK, a Dalit political outfit) said no Dalits in Vedaranyam have converted to Islam though the leaders of Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath had visited the village and distributed beautifully printed Holy Quran to the villagers. Senthil said if the district administration fails to meet the demand of the Dalits that they should be given the rights to offer prayers in the Bhadrakali Amman Temple during the five day festival, then they would seriously consider of embracing Islam. “What is the point in continuing as a Hindu when you are discriminated against and denied the right to offer prayers in the temple? The TNTJ leaders had told us to read the Quran and understand the religion before getting converted,” said Senthil. Abdul Rahman, TNTJ had told The Pioneer that six families had already converted to Islam and 50 Dalit youths have come forward to convert to Islam. S enthil said the Bhadrakali Amman temple stood on land belonging to the Dalits though they do not have any documentary evidence. But the executive officer of the temple said there was no mention of it in the local history and hence could not be believed. Ravi Kumar said the local administration was behaving strangely and has not taken any initiative to sort out the issues through discussions. “In fact the local police and government officials were preventing me from meeting the Dalit leaders. There is no issues here which could not be sorted out through discussion ,” said Ravi Kumar. .ULVKQD:LOVRQZLQ =>74;<4C=>5D4;AD;45>ACF>F744;4AB 0DJVD\VD\$ZDUG <PWP_Tca^[SXTbT[aTcPX[^dc[TcbcWaTPcT] :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 outh India’s leading music showman and activist TM Krishna and Bezwada Wilson, who has been campaigning for the abolition of manual scavenging system have been selected for this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Award, Asia’s premier international honour. Krishna, the 40-year-old Carnatic musician from Chennai has been honoured with the Magsaysay Award for “social inclusiveness in culture”. Krishna is the fourth Chennaite to be honoured with this award. The others from Chennai who have been awarded the Magsaysay Prize in the past are Dr V Shanta (oncologist), TN Seshan (former chief election commissioner), MS Swaminathan (agricultural scientist). Krishna, a versatile singer and showman, is known for his antiestablishment stance on all issues, whether it be against Sangh Parivar or the Hindutwa forces. Last year he sprang a sensation with his declaration that he would not participate in the annul music and dance festival in Chennai and would perform only for propagating music among the less privileged in the society. S 3PZbWPhP]XP]'%hTPa^[ST[T_WP]cbTcc^T]cTa6dX]]Tbb1^^Z^UATR^aSbQTX]VUT[XRXcPcTSQhCaPeP]R^aT 3TePbf^\1^PaSPcPUd]RcX^]X]CWXadeP]P]cWP_daP\^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 The citation by the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation too underlines this aspect of Krishna for selecting him for this year’s award. “He saw that his was a castedominated art that fostered an unjust, hierarchic order by effectively excluding the lower classes from sharing in a vital part of India’s cultural legacy. He questioned the politics of art; widened his knowledge about the art of the Dalits and non-Brahmin communities and declared he would no longer sing in ticketed events at a famous annual music festival in Chennai to protest the lack of inclusiveness. Recognising that dismantling artistic hierarchies can be a way of changing India’s divisive society, Krishna devoted himself to democratising the art as an independent artist, writer, speaker and activist”. Bezwada Wilson, the fifty-yearold national convenor of the Safai Karmachari Andolan too has been awarded the Magsaysay Award for 2016. He was selected for asserting the inalienable right to a life of human dignity. Bezwada played a crucial role in ensuring the liberation of 3,00,000 manual scavengers from the 6,00,000 manual scavengers in India, said the citation of the RMAF. c^SXbR^]cX]dTbd__[hUa^\0dVdbc ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q <D<108 ll petrol and diesel retail outlets across Maharashtra on A Wednesday threatened to shut down their establishments from August 1, if the Maharashtra Government did not withdraw its recent ‘no helmet-no fuel’ rule for two-wheelers in the State. Announcing his organisation’s plan to enforce a shutdown of petrol and diesel retail outlets in the State, Federation of All Maharashtra Petrol Dealers Association (FAMPEDA) president Uday Lodh said, “As part of our proposed agitation, we will not pick up or stocking petrol/diesel at the 4,500 pumps in the State, including 500 in Mumbai, from August 1, when the new rule comes into effect. We will write letters to all the oil marketing companies of their proposed move to stop buying-stocking of the fuel”. The decision to shut down petrol and diesel retail outlets was taken at a meeting of all the 25 member-associations from the 35 districts in the state convened on Wednesday to discuss the situation arising out of the State Government’s new directive. “We also intend to move the Bombay High Court seeking the annulment of the`no helmet-no fuel’ rule for two-wheelers in the State,” Lodh said. “The Government directive is flawed in nature because it expects the petrol-diesel retailers to perform the duties of the law-enforcing authorities…We are not the police, so it is not our job to implement the laws of the land. If we refuse to provide petrol-diesel to anybody, we can be beaten up, especially at nights when drunken or lumpen elements come to refill,” Lodh said. It may be recalled that on July 21, Maharashtra Transport Minister Diwakar Raote had made the announcement of the new rule in the legislature to promote road safety and save lives lost in accidents. “Supplying fuel to riders not wearing helmets is seen as encouraging riding two-wheelers without helmets,” Raote had said. As many as 146,133 people were killed in 501,423 road accidents in the country, of which those involving twowheelers accounted for 144,391 accidents — or nearly 28 percent — with 36,803 deaths. According to statistics provided in "Road Accidents in India, 2015" released in June by Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari, Mumbai topped the national accidents chart Among 50 cities in the million-plus population category, with 23,468 accidents last year. Maharashtra ranked second (after Tamil Nadu) in the country with 63,805 road accidents in 2015. On their part, the Mumbai Police had earlier this month — in an effort to check the increasing number of road mishaps — announced its plant to implement the ‘no helmet-no fuel’ directive strictly from August 1. ]PcX^]& A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % 7cVdYcVSV]]Z`_Z_3DA #>=2ddfdaV_UVU &%,5(*,67(56&$6(62)/2$1)5$8' ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q ;D2:=>F C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 0VPX]bcU^a\Ta bT]X^aQP]Z ^UUXRXP[b_aXePcT <;0bP[[TVT\^]ThU^acXRZTcST\P]Sbdb_T]STS UXa\^f]Tab ahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has suspended two Legislators — Har vinder Sahani alias Romi Sahani and Brajesh Verma for revolting against the Party and banned them from attending any party function. Party's State unit president Ramachal Rajbhar in a statement issued on Wednesday said both the MLAs have been suspended from the Party. Replying to the charges leveled by both the MLAs, earlier in the day, Rajbhar said the Assembly tickets of both the leaders were refused due to which they made wild charges against the Party leadership. "While Romi was only interested in his business in Lucknow and was not giving attention in his Paliament Assembly segment in Lakhimpur Kheri and thus denied the ticket, and Brajesh was refused as he was involved in just promoting his family members in the just concluded rural local bodies polls," he CBI on Wednesday registered four cases in which T loans taken by private entre- B preneurs during 2012 and 2013 in the name of different companies against properties were diverted for purposes other than the ones for which they were sanctioned resulting in their accounts becoming on Performing Assets (NPAs). The CBI booked cases against three then bank officials and three persons belonging to private firms based in Pune and Baramati, following searches conducted at the official and 1B?<;0bA^\XBPW]XP]S1aXYTbWETa\P;?PSSaTbbP_aTbbR^]UTaT]RT aTVPaSX]Vb[^VP]TTaX]VPVPX]bcTg_T[[TS19?[TPSTa3PhPbWP]ZPaBX]VWbUP\X[hX] ;dRZ]^f^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 Rajbhar clarified while denying charges of demanding any money. This was the second time both the Legislators were thrown out of the BSP. Earlier, they were expelled in June last but were re-inducted after they tender written apology. Earlier Romi and Brajesh alleged that Mayawati had demanded C4 crore to C5 crores from them for the Assembly tickets which they refused. 40<24C88\PhQTRP]RT[[TSPb283UX]Sb R[dTb^U[TPZPVT^U`dTbcX^]_P_Ta ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 ith the Crime Investigation Department W of Telangana establishing that the EAMCET II question paper was leaked from a printing press in New Delhi, the State Government was planning to cancel the common entrance test and order a fresh entrance. CID has arrested three suspects in connection with the alleged leak following the allegations that some of the coaching centers had received the leaked question paper in advance to help their students. What had aroused the suspicions of a paper leak was the surprisingly better performance by some of the students in the EAMCET II compared to the EAMCET I. Eamcet is a common entrance test for the admission in medical, engineering and agri- culture courses in Telangana. As the Government has already conducted the test twice putting a lot of pressure on the students, the parents were now opposing any move to cancel the second test and conduct a third test. As part of their investigation the CID officials visited parts of Warangal district on Wednesday and questioned the students who had secured high ranks in the EAMCET II held on July 9. Parents of some of the students who gathered in Hyderabad to meet the medical and health education minister Lakshma Reddy demanded that string punishment should be meted out to those responsible for the leakage of question papers but not to make the students suffer. They wanted the government to start the counseling process immediately to admit the meritorious students. against then Assistant General Manager & Branch Head of BoM, Karve Road branch, Pune and then Director of Baramati (Maharashtra) based private firm, it was alleged that the Baramati-based private firm entered into a criminal conspiracy with the then bank official and availed loan amount of C4.45 crore in December 2012 for trading and services, under the Loan Against Property (LAP) scheme on the basis of ineligible mortgaged properties. The borrower, who diverted the loan amount for some other purpose, did not pay back the loan and the account became NPA, thereby causing an alleged loss of C5.16 crore, including the interest due thereon to the Bank of Maharashtra. In the second case registered against then Assistant General Manager & Branch FWhP_PaP[[T[_^[XRT_a^QTX] bdQYdSXRT=PaPSPRPbT)72 B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 he Calcutta High Court on Wednesday asked quesT tions on whether the Kolkata Police could hold parallel investigation in a matter already being heard by the Court. The Court was hearing a petition from Narada News CEO Mathew Samuels in which his lawyers drew the attention of the Court saying the Kolkata Police had started investigations in the Narada case at a time when the matter was already being heard by the Court. The Judges immediately asked the Government lawyers as to whether it was proper to start parallel investigation in a case which was already being heard by the Court. The Government will explain its decision on August 9, the next date of hearing. Earlier senior advocate Arunabha Ghosh representing Samuels said “the police action is beyond their jurisdiction as they cannot start par- allel investigation in a case which is subjudice. It is improper and so we drew the attention of the Court which asked as to why the Police were investigating the case when it was already being heard by it.” The police had earlier issued summons to Mathew Samuels in the Narada video case which showed a host of senior Trinamool Congress leaders including Ministers and MPs accepting wads of cash from a journalist faking as a prospective investor in lieu of future promise. MPs like Suvendu Adhikary (now a Minister), Sougato Roy, Sultan Ahmed, Kakoli Ghoshdastidar and Ministers like Subroto Mukherjee, Firhad Hakim and Kolkata Mayor Spovan Chatterjee were shown accepting money in the Narada News tape which was aired just before the Bengal Assembly elections causing a great deal of embarrassment for the Trinamool Congress. The High Court is hearing a PIL demanding a CBI probe into the Narada video case. And the materials with which the film was shot had been sent to a central forensic laboratory at Chandigarh for examination. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee when she roared back to power did the first thing to order a probe into the Narada case alleging foreign money was involved in the case and her party was being maligned. The police promptly picking the message initiated proceedings and issued summons to Samuels who then pleaded that he had already submitted in the High Court the laptop, I-Phone and other instrument with which the video was shot and hence his appearance before the police would be of no use. The police then moved a lower court seeking a magisterial order asking him to appear at the earliest. Samuel’s lawyers immediately petitioned the High Court against the “police plans to arrest me.” Head of BoM, Karve Road branch, Pune and then Director of another private firm based at Baramati, the functionary of the private firm entered into criminal conspiracy with the then bank official and availed loan amount of C5 crore in December 2012 for trading & services, under the Loan Against Property (LAP) scheme on the basis of ineligible mortgaged properties. Like in the first case, the borrower did not pay back the loan and the account became NPA, thereby causing an alleged loss of C5.80 crore, including the interest due thereon to the Bank. The loan amount was allegedly diverted by the said firm towards commercial real estates, for a purpose other than the one for which the same was sanctioned. Similarly, the CBI registered the third case against then Assistant General Manager & Branch Head of BoM, Model Colony branch, Pune and then Proprietor of Baramati-based private firm, while the agency booked Assistant General Manager & Branch Head of Bank of Maharashtra, Model Colony branch, Pune and then Proprietor of Baramati based private firm in the fourth case. In the third case, the private firm borrowed C5 crore in February 2013 for trading & services, under the Loan Against Property (LAP), did not pay back substantial loan amount and the account became NPA, thereby causing an alleged loss of C4.59 crore including the interest due thereon to the Bank. The loan borrowed in the fourth case was C4.52 crore in February 2013. The borrower’s became NPA, thereby causing an alleged loss of C5.36 crore, including the interest. BfZeA24a`deW`c=7+4`_X 9ZXY4`^^R_Ue`3Yf_ZR :^[ZPcP) CWT2^]VaTbb7XVW 2^\\P]SWPbaT_^acTS[hPbZTS U^a\Ta1T]VP[?aPSTbW2^]VaTbb _aTbXST]cP]S<;0<P]Pb1Wd]XP c^aTbXV]Ua^\cWT_^bc^U?02 2WPXa\P]b^cWPcXcRP]QT^UUTaTS c^cWT2?8<fWXRWWPSY^X]c[h R^]cTbcTScWT1T]VP[0bbT\Q[h T[TRcX^]b CW^dVW1Wd]XPfW^^] FTS]TbSPh\TcAPWd[6P]SWX f^d[S]^cR^\\T]cWX\bT[U b^daRTbbPXSWTWPSQTT]PbZTSc^ R^\_[hfXcWcWTWXVWR^\\P]S³b STRXbX^] CWTT]cXaT1T]VP[?aPSTbW 2^]VaTbbP]ScWT2^]VaTbb ;TVXb[PcdaT?PachWPS^QYTRcTSc^ 1Wd]XP³bSTRXbX^]c^PRRT_ccWT _^bc^UUTaTSc^WX\QhB_TPZTa 1X\P]1P]TaYTTR[^bT^]cWTWTT[b ^UP\TTcX]VQTcfTT]cWT 2^]VaTbb<;0P]S2WXTU<X]XbcTa <P\PcP1P]TaYTT CWT>__^bXcX^]2^]VaTbb X\\TSXPcT[hbPfX]XcPWXSST] _[P]^UcWT2WXTU<X]XbcTac^ T]VX]TTaPSXeXbX^]X]cWT 2^]VaTbb 1Wd]XPfW^Xb]^cX]V^^ScTa\b fXcW>__^bXcX^];TPSTa0QSd[ <P]]P]PRRT_cTScWT?02 2WPXa\P]bWX_fWXRWcWT2^]VaTbb WPS[TUcU^acWT2?8<?02XbcWT ]Tgc\^bcX\_^acP]c>__^bXcX^] _^bcPUcTacWPc^UcWT>__^bXcX^] ;TPSTa 1Wd]XPWPScWdbUPaaTUdbTSc^ aTbXV]aPXbX]VUTPab^UWXbY^X]X]V cWTCaX]P\^^[2^]VaTbb 0UcTacWTFTS]TbSPh³b\TTcX]V fXcWAPWd[6P]SWX¯ fWT]WT fPbaT_^acTS[hPbZTSc^aTbXV]WXb _^bc¯ P\TTcX]VWPbQTT]UXgTS ^]0dVdbc(fWT]0QSd[<P]]P] 1T]VP[2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]c0SWXa 2W^fSWdahP]S1Wd]XPfX[[b^ac ^dccWT\PccTab^daRTbbPXS ?=B NOTICE INVITING TENDER The National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) would like to invite sealed bids as per the details given below:Details of tender Availability of tender/ Bid Documents (during working hours) MOU/agreement/Contract for: From 1st August 2016 (Monday) at 10:00 hours Till 05thAugust 2016 (Friday) 16:00 hours (i) TV production of the National and International Target Shooting Championship Competitions from 1st September 2016 to 31st December 2017 and (ii)Consultancy to the NRAI in relation to its promotion, marketing, sponsorship, sales, content management and marketing requirements from 1st September 2016 to 31st December 2017 3a^_RWPaVTbPVPX]bc BWPa\X[PST\P]Sb 0\]Tbch8]cTa]PcX^]P[ Kolkata: International human rights organisation Amnesty International has appealed to the Manipur Government to drop charges against activist Irom Chanu Sharmila before she ends her 16-year-old fast on August 9. In a statement, it said the State Government must immediately and unconditionally release the 44-year-old activist and drop all charges against her. Arijit Sen, project manager at Amnesty International India, said Sharmila's iconic fight against the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) was bound to take a new course with her decision which was announced on Tuesday. Amnesty has described her as a "Prisoner of Conscience" as she has been under arrest for her fast which is seen by the police as an attempt to commit suicide. "This also comes at a time when the Supreme Court has ordered 1,528 cases of alleged extra-judicial execution in Manipur over the last two decades to be investigated. Now the Government needs to do its part to pave the way for the repeal of AFSPA," Sen said. The "Iron Lady" of Manipur on Tuesday said she would end her fast on August 9, get married and take the political route to fight for the repeal of AFSPA. She will fight as an Independent candidate from Malom constituency in the state Assembly polls due next year. PTI residential premises of the accused. During the searches, the investigators seized incriminating documents relating to case. They also either attached or seized various movable & immovable assets, including two flats, 3 vehicles and certain bank accounts/investments from the premises of then AGM, Bank of Maharashtra (BoM) Model Colony Branch, Pune. Of the bank officials booked in the four cases, Ajit Gokhale, the then Assistant General Manager & Branch Head of BoM, Model Colony branch, Pune figures in two cases. The three persons belonging to private firms booked in connection with the four cases were identified as Nitin Marutrao Kale, who figures in two cases, Sunil Dattarraya Madane and Vinod Yeshwant Rupanwar. In the first case registered Last Date for Submission of Bid Opening of Technical Bid 11th Aug 2016 12th Aug 2016 (Thursday) (Friday) 16:00 hours 11:00 hours Opening of Commercial Bid 13th Aug 2016 (Saturday) 11:00 hours Tender documents containing evaluation criteria and other relevant details may be collected (during office hours, as above), on submission of a written request on individual's/company's letterhead, and on payment of Rs. 500/- plus VAT @ 12.5% thereon totaling Rs. 563/- (Non-Refundable), through cash or pay order/demand draft in the name of "NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF INDIA", payable at New Delhi. This advertisement is available on the web-site of the NRAI (www.thenrai.in). The Address for submission and venue for opening of Tender Documents is as under: The Secretary, The National Rifle Association of India NRAI House, 51-B, Institutional Area, Tughlakabad, New Delhi 110062 India Tel: 91-11-29964091/92/93 www.thenrai.in ?T^_[TfP[ZfXcWaPX]bSdaX]Vc^aaT]cXP[aPX]bX]0VaP^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 0bbP\6^ecc^bT]STg_TaccTP\c^QaX]V QPRZbcaP]STST[T_WP]cUa^\1´STbW 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 ssam Government is sending an expert team to bring A back an elephant from Bangladesh, which was washed away by Brahmaputra river to the neighbouring country, by early next month. Assam’s Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) Bikash Brahma said this on Wednesday while adding that the Government has already got the required clearance from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of the Government of India. The elephant was spotted by some locals in Kurigram district of Bangladesh and intimated the forest department there. The Bangladesh Government intimated this to the Assam Government following which the Assam Government approached the MEA for necessary permission. The forest department here believe that the elephant belongs to Kaziranga national park in Assam, which was washed away in June this year and taken to Kurigram district along Indo-Bangladesh border — covering a distance of over 500 kms. The Assam Government had constituted a three-member expert committee comprising a senior retired forest official, a serving Divisional Forest Officer and a serving Veterinarian to bring back the pachyderm. “We got the MEA clearance and hope that the visa formalities will be completed shortly. Our plan is to sent the three to Bangladesh by August 3 or before that. On their arrival in the country, they would study on the best suitable way to bring back the animal,” said Brahma while adding that the elephant is reportedly in good health now. “It was spotted in a sandbar of the river. It got stressed out initially as the villagers chased the animal fearing that it might destroy their paddy fields. However, the forest officials in Bangladesh are monitoring the animal now,” Brahma said. On asked about how to bring the animal back, Brahma, however, said it is difficult to comment as the matter could be decided by the expert team only after reaching the country and studying the situation. “I have no idea as of now on how to bring it back. The three persons in the expert committee are well experienced to handle this kinds of situation and they would only take a call after studying the situation and interacting with Bangladesh forest officials,” he said. The easiest way to transport anything from Bangladesh to India is using the river route. However, the experts here are not very sure whether they would be able to tranquilize the animal for three to four days in case they agree to transport it back through river route in ship. Secretary General - NRAI 28th July 2016 ^_X]X^]' A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ 2TeZgZd^e`cVR]a`]ZeZTd ,URP6KDUPLOD¶VVWUXJJOHWDNHVDQHZWXUQ a^\BWPa\X[P2WP]dbSTRXbX^]c^QaTPZWTa %hTPabWXbc^aXRUPbcWPb^]RT PVPX]WXVW[XVWcTScWT_^fTa^UcWTaTbX[XT]RT^U8]SXP]ST\^RaPRhP]ScWTPSP_c PQX[Xch^U^daUTSTaP[UaP\Tf^aZfXcWX]fWXRWfTP[[RP]bTPaRWU^ab^[dcX^]b TeT]U^acWT\^bcX]caPRcPQ[T_a^Q[T\b^UcWT]PcX^]?^_d[Pa[hZ]^f]PbcWT ²8a^];PSh^U<P]X_dafW^U^dVWcPVPX]bccWTaT_TP[^UcWTSaPR^]XP]0a\TS 5^aRTbB_TRXP[?^fTab0Rc05B?0 ($'bX]RT=^eT\QTa!cX[[SPcTWPb UX]P[[haTP[XbTScWPcbWTRP]UX]SP_[PdbXQ[Tb^[dcX^]QhQTX]VP_Pac^UcWT8]SXP] _^[XcXRP[bhbcT\7TaX]S^\XcPQ[Tb_XaXc_PcXT]RTP]SR^daPVTc^UXVWc\dbcQT P__aTRXPcTS7^fTeTaWTaP]]^d]RT\T]cc^Y^X]_^[XcXRbP]SbcPacX]VP]^a\P[ [XUTWPbRPdVWc\P]hQhbda_aXbTX]R[dSX]VWTa^f]UP\X[h\T\QTabP]SWTa R[^bTPbb^RXPcTb7Ta\^eT\T]cc^aT_TP[P[Pf[XZTcWT05B?0X]SXbcdaQTSPaTPb ^U=^acW4Pbc_PacXRd[Pa[hX]<P]X_daS^Tb]^cPdVdafT[[fXcWcWT8]SXP]bTRd aXchU^aRTbfW^f^aZ^]cWTVa^d]SP]SUPRTSTPcWc^ST]XP[X]TeTah_PbbX]V SPh1dcWTaPccT\_cc^T\_WPbXbTcWT²TgRTbbTb^UcWT0a\TS5^aRTbSdaX]V cWTXa^_TaPcX^]bPVPX]bccWTRXeX[XP]bX]cWTbTPaTPb\dbcQTRWTRZTS 8cXbfT[[d]STabc^^ScWPc[XUcX]V^UcWT05B?0RP]RTacPX][hQTR^]bXSTaTS ST_T]SX]V^]cWTbTRdaXchaXbZP]SUaTT\^eT\T]c^UcWTRXeX[XP]_^_d[PcX^]X] PRaXcXRP[[hSXbcdaQTSPaTP1dccWT_a^ eXbX^]b^UcWT05B?0P]T\TaVT]Rh [PfcWPcT\_^fTab^da0a\TS5^aRTb \dbc R^]cX]dT c^ aT\PX] ^] cWT bcPcdcT Q^^Z VXeT] cWT X]RaTPbX]V[h eX^[T]cP]SSTPS[hcTaa^acWaTPccWPccWT R^d]cahXbUPRX]VTeTahSPhDbX]VcWT 05B?0PbcWT[PbcX]bcad\T]cc^_aT eT]cP]SR^]ca^[eX^[T]RTfa^dVWcQh P]cX]PcX^]P[T[T\T]cbfWX[T\PZX]V P]TUU^acc^QaX]VQPRZ]^a\P[Rh\dbc QT _aTbTaeTS 8]bcX[[X]V P bT]bT ^U _TPRTP]SbTRdaXchcWa^dVWcWTPVT] RXTb^UcWT6^eTa]\T]cP[fPhb[TccWT ^aSX]Pah_T^_[TUTT[cWPccWTXa[XUTP]S [XQTachXb]^cX]SP]VTaCWdbcWTb^e TaTXV]bcPcTaTPbbTacbXcb_^fTaP]S PdcW^aXchPbcWT[PbcP]ScWT\^bc[TVXc X\PcTbPeX^da^UcWTR^\\^]_T^_[T X]RPbT^UcWTSTcTaX^aPcX^]^UcWT]^a \P[[PfP]S^aSTabXcdPcX^]8cXbX]cWXbbT]bT05B?0\dbcQTRP[[TSX]c^PRcX^] T[bT_^d]SX]V^]^da^f]RXcXiT]bU^a]^aTPb^]RP]WPaS[hQTYdbcXUXTS CWT^UcaT_TPcTSST\P]SU^aaT_TP[X]VcWT05B?0QhBWPa\X[PP]ScWT²<TXaP ?PXQXbcWT\^cWTab³^aVP]XbPcX^]fWXRWWPbQTT]cWTbd__^acbhbcT\X]cWT\^aT cWP]PSTRPSTP]SWP[UbcadVV[T^UWTab\dbcQTR^]bXSTaTSPUcTacWaTPSQPaT P]P[hbXb^UQ^cWcWTbh\_c^\b^UaTP[cWaTPcP]SXcb_TaRT_cX^]X]cWTSXbcdaQTS i^]Tb^UcWTR^d]cahbcPacX]VUa^\9P\\d:PbW\Xac^b^\T_Pacb^UcWT=^acW 4PbcTa]BcPcTbCWTPRcXeXbcbfW^[TScWTBPeTBWPa\X[P2P\_PXV]cW^dVWbda _aXbTSQhWTaSTRXbX^]fT[R^\TSWTa\^eTc^_dabdTcWTbcadVV[TcWa^dVW_^[ XcXRbFWPcb^TeTaXc\PhQTXcXbcX\T]^fc^U^RdbQTh^]ScWTaTVd[Pa]PaaP cXeTbPa^d]ScWT05B?0P]S[^^ZX]c^cWTST_[^h\T]c^UcWT5^aRTbP__[XRPcX^] ^UcWT0RcP]ScWTRXaRd\bcP]RTbd]STafWXRWXcWPbcPZT]bdRW\P\\^cW]TV PcXeTR^]]^cPcX^]bX]cWT_dQ[XRThTC^QT_aTRXbT05B?0S^Tb]^c_aTeT]c_TPRT Ud[SXP[^VdTP]SXcXbP__[XTS^][hcWa^dVW[TVXcX\PcTbTRdaXchPVT]RXTbBWPa\X[Pb cX\TWPbR^\Tc^eXbdP[XbTcWT05B?0Ua^\PaTP[XbcXR_Tab_TRcXeT0[^]VbXST cWT05B?0bdaT[h]TTSbPRPaTUd[bRadcX]h 8 5`aZ_XXf_WZcVUReCfddZR 0F/DUHQUHSRUWLVQ¶WHQRXJKIRUDEODQNHWEDQ ^_X]VXbP_a^Q[T\PQXV_a^Q[T\X]AdbbXP¯P]STeT]cWTAdbbXP]bbPh b^cWT\bT[eTb3^TbcWXbcWT]\TP]cWPccWT<R;PaT]aT_^acR^\\XbbX^]TS QhcWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[>[h\_XR2^\\XccTTc^X]eTbcXVPcTcWTTgcT]c^US^_ X]VX]AdbbXP]b_^acbXb]^cQTX]VdbTSQh<^bR^f³baXeP[bc^bX]V[T^dcP]S bWP\TAdbbXP^]cWTf^a[SbcPVTVXeT]cWPc\P]h^cWTa]PcX^]bWPeTUPRTScWXb _a^Q[T\QdcfXcW^dcbdRWWPabW_T]P[cXTb.CWTP]bfTaXbQTbcd]STabc^^ScWa^dVW 6T^aVT>afT[[bSTbRaX_cX^]^UX]cTa]PcX^]P[b_^acbPb°fPa\X]dbcWTbW^^cX]V± CWXbXbTb_TRXP[[hcWTRPbTX]AdbbXPP]S\^aTb^?aTbXST]cE[PSX\Xa?dccX]³b AdbbXPfWTaTb_^acb_TaU^a\P]RTXbP]X]caX]bXR_Pac^UcWT]PcX^]P[SXbR^dabT ^]_PcaX^cXb\P]S_aXST0_dcS^f]^UAdbbXP^]cWTf^a[Sb_^acbbcPVT¯fWXRW XbTgPRc[hfWPccWT<R;PaT]aT_^acWPbS^]T¯XbcWTaTU^aT`dXcTPQXVfX]U^a AdbbXPbPSeTabPaXTbTeT]cW^dVWXc\Ph]^cbTT\b^PcUXabcV[P]RTCWTaT_^ac _aT_PaTSQh2P]PSXP][PfhTaAXRWPaS<R;PaT]P]SaT[TPbTSX]C^a^]c^[PbcfTTZ STcPX[b]^c^][hW^fX]SXeXSdP[AdbbXP]b_^acb_Tab^]bc^^ZSadVbc^T]WP]RT cWTXa_TaU^a\P]RTQdcP[b^Tg_^bTSW^fcWTAdbbXP]6^eTa]\T]cbd__^acTScWT\ P]SPRcXeT[h_PacXRX_PcTSX]cWXbSXach PUUPXaSdaX]VcWT! #B^RWXFX]cTa >[h\_XRb P]S _^bbXQ[h QTU^aT cWPc CWT aT_^ac ]^cTb cWPc cWT <^bR^f P]cXS^_X]V RT]caT fPb _Pac ^U cWT bcPcTad]\TRWP]Xb\cWPc_a^cTRcTS AdbbXP] PcW[TcTb fW^ fTaT S^_X]V* cWPc cWT P]cXS^_X]V [PQ^aPc^ah X] B^RWXP[b^bfP__TScPX]cTScTbcbP\ _[TbfXcWR[TP]^]TbCWTaT_^acP[b^ X\_[XRPcTbcWTAdbbXP]b_^acb<X]Xbcah fWXRWP[[TVTS[hWPeTXcbQ[TbbX]VU^a bdRW \P]X_d[PcX^] P]S R^^aSX]PcTS fXcW ^cWTa 6^eTa]\T]c PVT]RXTb c^ ZTT_cWTS^_X]V\TRWP]Xb\^]caPRZ 8]UPRc_Tab^]]T[Ua^\cWTAdbbXP] 5TSTaP[ BTRdaXch BTaeXRT bX\_[h Z]^f]PbcWT5B1fTaTP[b^P[[TVTS [h X]e^[eTS fXcW cWT cP\_TaX]V Pc <^bR^fP]SB^RWX6XeT]cWTbRP[T P]SbR^_T^UcWTP[[TVPcX^]b\PSTX]cWT<R;PaT]aT_^accWTaTfPb\dRW_aTb bdaT^]cWT8>2c^X\_^bTPQ[P]ZTcQP]^]AdbbXPU^acWTAX^>[h\_XRb CWXbf^d[SWPeTQTT]PWdVTQ[^fc^AdbbXPP]Sc^?dcX]PbfT[[QdccWT 8>2STRXSTSPVPX]bcXcP]S^]Bd]SPhP]]^d]RTScWPcXcfPbP[[^fX]VcWTUTS TaPcX^]bcWPcV^eTa]TPRWb_^acc^STRXST^]cWT_PacXRX_PcX^]^UX]SXeXSdP[AdbbXP] PcW[TcTbPccWTAX^VP\Tb4g_TRcTS[hcWXbSTRXbX^]WPbQTT]STaXSTSQhAdbbXP QPXcTabPbR^fPaS[hP]SaTU[TRcXeT^UcWT>[h\_XRPdcW^aXcXTbX]PQX[Xchc^bcP]S d_c^?dcX]HTcXU^]TcPZTb^UUcWTXaVT^_^[XcXRP[[hcX]cTSV[PbbTbXcf^d[SQT R[TPacWPcbdRWPSTRXbX^]XbPRcdP[[hUPXaP]SfXcWX]aTPb^]PQ[T[X\XcbAdbbXP] PcW[TcTbPaTP[aTPShUPRX]V\^aTbTeTaTcTbcX]VcWP]^cWTabP]ScW^bTfXcW_aT eX^dbaTR^aSb^US^_X]VWPeTQTT]ZT_c^dcTeT]XUcWThPaT]^[^]VTad]STa bP]RcX^]bC^]^fX\_^bTPQ[P]ZTcQP]^]cWTT]cXaTAdbbXP]ST[TVPcX^]f^d[S WPeTQTT]SXb_a^_^acX^]PcT[hWPabW5^abdRWP]PRcX^]PUPa\^aTSTcPX[TSQa^PS QPbTSP]ScW^a^dVWX]`dXahXb]TTSTS 3 2I,QGLDQWDQNVDQG &KLQHVHLQYHVWPHQWV 2;0D340A?8 CWTST_[^h\T]c^U8]SXP]cP]Zb]TPacWT8]SXP2WX]PQ^aSTaWPbWdaccWT2WX]TbTP]ScWT[PccTaXbQ^d]Sc^Qd[[h Xcb]TXVWQ^da8]SXPWPbc^cPZT\TPbdaTbc^R^d]cTacWT<XSS[T:X]VS^\´bcPRcXRbX]eTbc\T]c^a]^X]eTbc\T]c hey were furious after the announcement of the verdict of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The International Tribunal in The Hague had given its ruling on a reference by the Philippines over the South China Sea: China has no historic ‘rights’ over the natural resources in most of the areas of the South China Sea; further any right must not exceed what’s permitted by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Now, China is upset again. This time because the Indian Press reported the deployment of T-72 battle tanks in Ladakh. Quoting official sources, The Tribune, whose correspondent visited Ladakh, spoke of a possibility for China and Pakistan to launch a collusive two-front war against India: “In the past four-five years, ground troops have been added to pre-positioned locations along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), or the de facto border, that is not marked on the ground.” Since the past 36 months, ground forces and artillery guns have been backed by T-72 Russianorigin tanks and another tank unit is slated to move to eastern Ladakh facing China: “This adds a new dimension to any future war in the area that is marked by an average height of 14,000 feet, where oxygen is scarce,” says The Tribune. According to Daily Excelsior, published from Jammu, for the Indian Army “the move is part of the winter drill to validate the capability of the tanks at such heights and is not an inimical move against China.” Colonel Vijay Dalal, Commanding Officer of the tank regiment explained: “What we have done is that we have procured special additives and lubricants for high altitude terrain such as winter grade diesel and additives for the lubrication system, which prevents it from freezing in the tank.” The Colonel added: “While the tanks and crew have acclimatised, they have not been able to test their fire power in the heights here due to lack of firing ranges. There is a need to verify their firing capacity at higher altitudes.” The Global Times objected to this move: “Deploying tanks on the Indo-China border hinders potential for Chinese investment.” How can protecting the Indian borders ‘hinder’ Chinese investments? Are the Chinese doing India a favour by investing? The Global Times links the deployment of the Indian forces on T the border to Chinese business investments in India: “A media report stating that nearly 100 Indian tanks have been positioned near the Indo-China border to counter any possible threat grabbed people’s attention as more Chinese firms are looking to increase their investment in India.” Then it quotes statistics of the China’s Ministr y of Commerce: “Chinese outbound investment (in India) increased by 58.7 per cent in the first half of the year, as the country (India) has sought to further integrate itself into the world economy.” Probably referring to the announcement by Delhi of a new foreign direct investment (FDI) policy, opening up several sectors, including defence, to 100 per cent equity, The People’s Daily says: “the Modi administration has recently promoted a second round of reforms to attract more overseas investment by allowing foreign firms to increase their shareholding in local enterprises.” It, however, adds that “it is puzzling that while deploying tanks near China’s border, India still strives to woo Chinese investment.” What have the tanks to do with the investment policy? You may call this ‘logic with Chinese characteristics’, especially at a DXUTU]Q^TV_bE^YV_b] 3YfY\3_TUYcQS\_Q[V_b Y]`_cY^W8Y^Te@Ubc_^Q\ <QggXYSXYcQSdeQ\\i TUU`\iQ^dYg_]U^Q^T XQcRUU^]QTU`b_WbUc cYfU\i]_bU`b_g_]U^ CU^Y_b3 3_^WbUcc\\UQTUb ±:QYbQ]BQ]UcX 0<0I8=68=6;H278=0 70B34E4;>?438CB 3D0;DB4 8=5A0BCAD2CDA4>= C74C814C0=?;0C40D 0C0E4AHA0?83 ?0241DC=>F8C >1942CBC>8=380 3>8=6B>>=8CB>F= C4AA8C>AH0=3 C0:8=6=424BB0AH <40BDA4BC>3454=3 8CB1>A34AB time China is behaving badly and illegally the South China Sea. Though it sounded like a threat, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Kang was more courteous; Lu just said: “There have been a series of significant agreements and consensus reached between China and India on upholding stability of the border area. …The two countries should abide by relevant agreements and consensus, work in concert to maintain peace and tranquillity of the border area and create a favourable environment for improving bilateral mutual trust and bolstering the proper settlement of the boundary question.” He further pointed out: “The China-India border area has long been peaceful and stable.” To come back to The Global Times article, it paternalistically explains: “In an index on the ease of doing business, from the World Bank, India currently ranks 130 out of 189. Despite India’s stated goal to rise to within the top 100 this year, the nation has its work cut out for them.” In other words, it tells Delhi, ‘forget about your borders, make business easier for us’. What is amazing is that China has developed its dual-use infrastructure on the Tibetan plateau at a very rapid pace during the last B>D=318C4 9Q]aeYdUUbbQdYSY^]i TUSYcY_^c9T_^dV_\\_g Q^icUd`QdX9Q]aeYdU \Y[UdXU`_[U]_^c9Q] Q\gQic_^dXUbe^ few decades, but now it objects to India occupying its own territory and taking necessary measures to defend its borders. Further, China recently raised the level of the Tibet Military Command’s (TMC) authority. China Military Online admitted: “China continues to strengthen its military presence in the autonomous region and aims to allow the military command to shoulder more combat assignments. The TMC’s political rank will be elevated to one level higher than its counterpart provinciallevel military commands, and will come under the leadership of the People’s Liberation Army.” It added that the promotion marks a “new journey for the Tibet military command’s construction.” Zhao Zhong, deputy director of the Political Work Department of the TMC told the PLA website: “The elevation of the authority level is not only an improvement for the troops’ designation, but also an expansion of their function and mission.” Song Zhongping, a Beijingbased military expert, told The Global Times that the TMC “bears great responsibility to prepare for possible conflicts between China and India, and currently it is difficult (for the TMC) to secure all the military resources they need.” So why make so much fuss for a few Indian tanks at a time when China moved its 15th Airborne Corps to Tibet? The Global Times’ conclusion is that deploying tanks near the Indo-China border “may hit a nerve within the Chinese business community, causing investors to weigh the threat of political instability when they make investment decisions.” According to the same principle, Delhi should stop doing business with China because Beijing has illegally (according to the La Hague Tribunal) occupied most of the South China Sea, where it has built infrastructures, even on ‘rocks’? This is one more example of Chinese double standards. But Delhi has probably touched a raw nerve. After the announcement of the verdict of the PCA, a PLA commentator wrote: “The great rejuvenation of Chinese nation is an unstoppable historical trend that won’t be diverted by the will of any individual country or person.” A rejuvenated China is bound to bully its neighbours and economic partners. India has to take all measures to counter the Chinese tactics, investment or no investment. DXUbU\QdY_^cXY`RUdgUU^ 9^TYQQ^T@Q[YcdQ^SQ^^_d RUbUc_\fUTRici]R_\YS WUcdebUcDXUbUXQcd_RU Q]QZ_bcXYVdY^QddYdeTUc_V R_dXdXUS_e^dbYUc 6_b]Ub@ @Q[YcdQ^ 1]RQccQT_bdd_ddXUE EC ±8ecQY^8QaaQ^Y 1Sd_b ±FQbe^4XQgQ^ ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A DUb]Y^QdU]U]RUbcXY` Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Bhagwant’s faux pas” (July 27). Had Bhagwant Maan, an MP from the Aam Aadmi Party, not been expelled from the Lok Sabha, it would not only have set a dangerous precedent for the members, but would have also exposed the dual standards of parliamentarians, especially of the members of the secular parties. Earlier too, an ethics committee in 2005 had terminated the membership of 11 MPs after finding them guilty after a sting operation allegedly showing them accepting bribe. Now, since charges against Maan have been proved and the matter relates to the security of Parliament, his membership must be terminated. Jai Prakash Gupta Ambala Cantt E^YdUTgQb Sir — This refers to the article, “The troika of India’s economic troubles” (July 26) by Sudip Bhattacharyya. The author has rightly observed that the three concerns for the Government are: Rising inflation, high interest rates and increasing corporate lending. >R__^fdeSVaV_R]ZdVU hZeY`feR_j^VcTj C WXbaTUTabc^cWTTSXc^aXP[°1WPVfP]cbUPdg_Pb±9d[h!&>]TcW^dVWc cWPcPUcTaaTP[XbX]VWXbU^^[XbW]TbbX]cWTUPRT^UP[[_PachR^]ST\]PcX^] U^aWXb\^bcXaaTb_^]bXQ[Td]_aTRTST]cTSPRc^UUX[\X]V?Pa[XP\T]cbbTRd aXchP]S^cWTa_a^RTSdaTbP]SP_^[^VXbX]Vc^cWTB_TPZTaP]S?Pa[XP\T]c0P\ 0PS\X?Pach00?<?1WPVfP]c<P]]f^d[Scda]P]TfRWP_cTa7^fTeTa X]bcXVPcTSQhcWT00?[TPSTabWX_<P]]bdSST][hWPSP]PVVaTbbXeTSTb_XRP Q[Tb^\TabPd[c<P]]d][TPbWTSP]P]cX<^SXRPR^_W^]hRP[[X]VU^aP_a^QT PVPX]bccWT?aX\T<X]XbcTaU^aR^\\XccX]V² \^aTbX]b³cWP]WX\ FWPcRP]^]TbPhPQ^dccWT[d]PRh^UcWXbZX]S.7^fRP]cWT;^ZBPQWP R^\\XccTTU^a\TSQhcWTB_TPZTac^STP[fXcWcWT<?bVaPeTST_PacdaTUa^\ cWT_a^_TaSXV]XUXTS_Pa[XP\T]cPahR^]SdRcPS^_cPbh\_PcWTcXRP]SU^aVXe X]VP__a^PRW.7XbPaa^VP]cRWP[[T]VX]VQTWPeX^da\dbcQT_T]P[XbTSTUUTR cXeT[hfXcW^dcP]h\TaRh7XbTg_d[bX^]Ua^\cWT7^dbT^aPc[TPbcP[^]V bdb_T]bX^]f^d[SQTTgT\_[PahP]SbPcXbUhcWT]TTSb^UYdbcXRT <APcP] EXPT\PX[ The biggest losers are retired persons who have invested their savings in various forms. As interest rates are higher than inflation rates, the value of their savings goes down year after year. For example, if the inflation rate is seven per cent per year and the interest rate is five per cent, the real value of savings will be reduced by two per cent every year. The Union Government must coordinate with the State Governments to fight a united war against inflation. PN Saxena Via email CXe^TYcSbY]Y^QdY_^ Sir — This refers to the report, “From Aug 15, MP to bear tuition fee of talented college students” (July 26). Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan must be applauded for not discriminating one against the other on grounds of caste, community and gender. Unable to bear high cost of tuition in colleges, many meritorious students, who suffer from economic backwardness, are deprived of education. Chouhan has set a good precedent. Other States too must follow the same. KV Seetharamaiah Hasaan GU\S_]U]_fU Sir — The Union Government’s decision to not give annual increment to non-performing Government employees was long overdue. However, this will not only improve the working conditions of Government offices, but will also create a healthy atmosphere among the staff. Annual increment, promotion and financial upgradation is not the birth right of an employee, but it is a reward and, therefore, it should certainly be linked with the performance of the employee. Gulab Shanker Singh Lucknow E^V_bde^QdUUhYd Sir — This refers to the brain stromer, “Why an old phone company bought a new-age tech giant?” (July 26). The departure of the global giant from the web world is unfortunate. The main reason for its exit was because it could not re-invent itself to equip itself with pressures from Google and another web giants. NR Nagranjan Via web BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D 2WWPccXbVPaWXbcPZX]VfPcTaUa^\cWT<PWP]PSX^][h PUcTaVTccX]VP]^SUa^\cWT2T]caP[FPcTa2^\\XbbX^] FTWPeTcWTaXVWcc^cPZT\^aTfPcTa °2WWPccXbVPaW2WXTU<X]XbcTa A0<0=B8=67 EYV4YZ_VdVeYVRecVZ_<RdY^Zc 58ABC 2>;D<= BX]VWbbcPcT\T]cXbd]U^acd]PcT8ceX^[PcTbcWT RPaSX]P[S^RcaX]T^UX]cTaBcPcTaXeTafPcTabWPaX]V QTcfTT]R^QPbX]BcPcTbP]S^daUTSTaP[V^eTa]P]RT °>SXbWP2WXTU<X]XbcTa =0E44=?0C=08: 78A0=<0H:0A;4:0A 4`^SReZ_XeVcc`cZd^ Z_3R_X]RUVdY 8UET]ZPXPW=PXSdaTP[XbTScWPccWT8]SXP]\X[XcPahXb]^cUPRX]VPcf^Ua^]cQdcPcWaTTUa^]cfPacWaTPcWTf^d[S]³cWPeTbPXScWPc8]SXP ]TTS]^ccP[ZfXcW?PZXbcP]c^aTb^[eTcWT:PbW\XaXbbdT¯U^acWXbfX[[VT]TaPcT]TfcWaTPcbP]SaT`dXaT\PbbXeT\X[XcPah_aT_PaTS]Tbb W 0]hTUUTRcXeTbcaPcTVhc^R^d]cTacTaa^aXb\X]1P]V[PSTbW WPbc^QTV[^QP[X]bR^_T0[b^3WPZP\dbcR^d]cTacWT f^a[SfXSTb\TPaRP\_PXV][Pd]RWTSQhcWT9P\PPc cXbQh]^fR[TPacWPccWT1P]V[PSTbW6^eTa]\T]cbTPa[XTaPbbTbb \T]ccWPccTaa^aXb\^]Xcbb^X[fPb°W^\TVa^f]±fPb^][h_Pa cXP[[haXVWcD]S^dQcTS[h\^bc^UcW^bTRPaahX]V^dccWTPccPRZb PbfT[[PbcWT]X]TZX[[TSX]P_^[XRTaPXS^]P\X[XcP]cbWXST^dcX] 3WPZP^]CdTbSPhWPeTQTT]1P]V[PSTbWXbQhQXacW>UcWTcf^ ^dcUXcbPRcXeTX]cWTR^d]cah0]bPaP[8b[P\¯Pb0]bPad[[PW1P]V[P CTP\WPbQTT]aTX]RPa]PcTS¯aTRadXcbUa^\^aVP]XbPcX^]b[XZT 9P\PPcd[<dYPWXSTT] 1P]V[PSTbW 0W[T 7PSXcW 1P]V[PSTbW 7TUPiPcT8b[P\ 1P]V[PSTbW P]S \PSPabbPb 0 1P]V[PSTbWX 2P]PSXP]fW^RP[[bWX\bT[UBWPhZW0Qd8QaPWX\0[7P]XUWTPSb P]^aVP]XbPcX^]fWXRW^_TaPcTbX]cWT]P\T^UcWT8b[P\XRBcPcT P]SSaPfbXcbaTRadXcbUa^\cWTaP]Zb^U_WhbXRXP]bT]VX]TTabcTRW ]^[^VXbcbPaRWXcTRcbP]STSdRPcTSbTRcX^]bX]1P]V[PSTbW CWTX]cTa]PcX^]P[[X]Zb^UcTaa^aXb\X]1P]V[PSTbWQTR^\TR[TPa ^]aTRP[[X]VW^fR^aaTRc[hcWT8b[P\XRBcPcTaT_^acTScWTPccPRZ^] cWT7^[Th0acXbP]ATbcPdaP]cPbXcd]U^[STS^]cWT]XVWc^U9d[h c^9d[h!P]SW^f\P]h^UcWTh^dcWfW^WPeTSXbP__TPaTSUa^\ cWTXaW^\TbWPeTY^X]TSXcbaP]ZbX]BhaXPCWTcWaTTh^d]V\T] fW^PaTbW^f]X]PeXST^aT_^acTS[haT[TPbTSQhcWT8b[P\XRBcPcT [PdSX]VcWTPccPRZ^]9d[h P]ScWaTPcT]X]V\^aTcTaa^abcaXZTb X]1P]V[PSTbWPaTX]cWPcR^d]cah1TbXSTb<P[PhbXPbTT\bc^WPeT QTR^\T P] X\_^acP]c bcPVX]VRd\X]S^RcaX]PcX^] PaTP U^a 1P]V[PSTbWXTgcaT\Xbcb=XQaPb8b[P\^]T^UcWT_Ta_TcaPc^ab^U cWT7^[Th0acXbP]1PZTahPccPRZWPSbcdSXTSPccWT<P[PhbXP]RP\ _db^U0dbcaP[XPb<^]PbWD]XeTabXch*b^WPSCPfbXU7^bbPX]P R[^bTUaXT]S^U=XQaPbfW^[TUcW^\T^]cWTbP\TSPhPbWX\ 5TQadPah"7Xb]P\TUTPcdaTbX]cWTUXabcX]U^a\PcX^]aT_^acUX[TS d]STa1P]V[PSTbWb0]cXCTaa^aXb\0RcPc3WPZPbBWPWQPV_^[XRT bcPcX^]^]5TQadPah(PVPX]bc=XQaPbP]SbTeTaP[^cWTab 5XeT_Tab^]bad]]X]V\X[XcP]c]Tcf^aZbX]1P]V[PSTbWPaTQPbTS X]<P[PhbXPP]S^]TX]?PZXbcP]BX]VP_^aTWPbbT]cT]RTSU^da 1P]V[PSTbWXf^aZTabc^cf^c^UXeThTPab^UX\_aXb^]\T]cU^a_[P] ]X]V c^ Y^X] cWT 8B P]S aPXbX]V \^]Th U^a cTaa^aXbc PccPRZb X] 1P]V[PSTbWCWTaTPaT^cWTaTgP\_[Tb0]hTUUTRcXeTbcaPcTVhc^ R^d]cTacTaa^aXb\X]1P]V[PSTbW\dbccWTaTU^aTQT]^cYdbcB^dcW P]SB^dcW4Pbc0bXP]QdcV[^QP[X]bR^_TCWXbfX[[aT`dXaTTgRWP]VT ^UX]cT[[XVT]RTR^^aSX]PcTS_[P]]X]VP]SY^X]c^_TaPcX^]bfXcWP]cX cTaa^aXb\P]S]PcX^]P[bTRdaXch^aVP]XbPcX^]b^UR^d]caXTb[XZT8]SXP <hP]\Pa =T_P[ P]S 1WdcP] B^dcW4Pbc 0bXP] R^d]caXTb [XZT <P[PhbXPP]SCWPX[P]SPbfT[[PbcWTD]XcTSBcPcTb BX\d[cP]T^db[h3WPZPWPbc^bdRRTbbUd[[hR^d]cTacWTRP\ _PXV] ¯ b_TPaWTPSTS Qh [^QQhXbc UXa\b [PeXbW[h Ud]STS Qh 9P\PPcbUa^]c^aVP]XbPcX^]b¯c^_a^YTRccWT_a^RTSdaTb^UcWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[ 2aX\Tb CaXQd]P[ 3WPZP TbcPQ[XbWTS Qh cWT 1P]V[PSTbW6^eTa]\T]cPbeX^[PcXeT^UcWT_aX]RX_[Tb^UUPXacaXP[ B_TfX]VWd\P]aXVWcb_[PcXcdSTb[PfhTabaTcPX]TSQhcWT[^Q QhXbcbPbfT[[PbWd\P]aXVWcb^aVP]XbPcX^]bfXcWX\_PXaTSeXbX^] WPeTP[b^QTT]R^]ST\]X]VPbcaPeTbcXTb^UYdbcXRTcWTR^dacb eTaSXRcb [TPSX]V c^ cWT TgTRdcX^] ^U bTeTaP[ 9P\PPc P]S 1P]V[PSTbW=PcX^]P[Xbc?Pach[TPSTabP]ScWTbT]cT]RX]V^UPR^d _[T^U^cWTabc^STPcW^aX\_aXb^]\T]cU^aRaX\TbPVPX]bcWd\P] XchR^\\XccTSSdaX]VcWT (& [XQTaPcX^]fPa=^cbda_aXbX]V[h cWTh PaT bTTZX]V c^ _a^YTRc cWT b_dac X] cTaa^aXbc bcaXZTb X] 1P]V[PSTbWPbPaTPRcX^]c^cWTTgTRdcX^]bP]SX\_aXb^]\T]cb P]Sc^VTcR^d]caXTb[XZTcWTD]XcTSBcPcTbc^_aTbbdaT3WPZPc^ V^b[^f^]cWTcaXP[bP]ScWTX\_[T\T]cPcX^]^UcWTeTaSXRcb CWTbTT[T\T]cbQaPiT][hXV]^aTcWTUPRccWPccWTcaXP[bPaT_dQ [XR^_T]c^cWT\TSXPaT[PcXeTb^UcWTPRRdbTSP]SSX_[^\PcbP]S _a^eXSTcWTaXVWcc^P__TP[c^cWTBd_aT\T2^dac4eT]cWT\^aT aTRT]cX]cTa]PcX^]P[caXP[bWT[SU^afPaRaX\TbX]HdV^b[PeXPP[[^fTS P]P__TP[^][hc^cWTcaXQd]P[XcbT[UCWThP[b^XV]^aTcWTUPRccWPc P]h^]TUP\X[XPafXcWcWT_a^VaTbb^UcWT[XQTaPcX^]fPaX] (& Z]^fbcWPccW^bTfW^WPeTQTT]bT]cT]RTSWPSPRcdP[[hR^\\Xc cTScWTRaX\TbcWThWPSQTT]RWPaVTSfXcW D]U^acd]PcT[h 1P]V[PSTbW WPb ]^c QTT] eTah bdRRTbbUd[ X] R^d]cTaX]VbdRW^aRWTbcaPcTS_a^_PVP]SP5^acWXbXc]TTSbc^_d[[ d_Xcb5^aTXV]<X]XbcahP]SbTeTaP[^UXcbZThWTPSb^U\XbbX^]fW^ WPeT\XbTaPQ[hUPX[TSc^TUUTRcXeT[h_aTbT]cXcbeTahbca^]VRPbT CWT\PccTabW^d[SQTcPZT]d_PbdaVT]c[hP]SPbbXSd^db[hPbXcb aTeP\_TSfPaPVPX]bccTaa^aXb\ riting in a leading newspaper, Union Minister for Urban Development M Venkaiah Naidu said that Pakistan has unleashed a proxy war, which might affect the ‘unity and integrity of our country.’ Quoting MJ Akbar, he argued that Kashmir is an ideological problem which has little to do with geography. While rejecting the ‘grand bargain’ spoken of by former Union Home Minister P Chidambaram, the Minister believes that ‘ultimately Kashmiriyat will triumph.’ The unsaid message is that India need not talk with Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue. So, what would Pakistan do? It could continue with the proxy war which the security forces, especially the Army is trained to counter. What if it raises the stakes for India by another attempt of grabbing territory by force? Unlike what Akbar thinks, the Kashmir problem is as much about ideology (Muslim population) as it is about territory — the wars over Kashmir bear testimony to this. Moreover, in all wars that Pakistan has fought with India after India’s 1962 debacle, it has sought to increase its common border with China. As Pakistan’s former Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri pointed out in his book, Neither A Hawk Nor A Dove, “Pakistan has serious strategic interests in the area (Gilgit Baltistan) because it adjoins China (Xinjiang). There is no way that we could countenance the presence of any troops (read Indian) other than our own in the region.” Pakistan’s wish of increased common border was reciprocated by China in December 2010 when it announced that it did not have a border with India in Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir). Neither then, nor now has India reacted to China’s major policy tilt suggesting that India’s Ladakh is Pakistan’s territory. The military implication of China’s unilateral move has been lost on India because unlike Pakistan and China, it is a status quo nation which believes that a credible military muscle is not necessary for a robust foreign policy. Pakistan, whose India policy is governed by Rawalpindi, could make the following military assessment: Kashmiris, under the Modi Government, stand alienated. This was borne out by the defiance of thousands of people who participated in Burhan Wani’s funeral. Thus in case of a war, Indian Army’s internal communication lines for the movement of troops and war logistics would be dangerously vulnerable. Since most of the Army would be compelled to leave its present job of counter-insurgency operations and move forward to defend the Line of Control, with no other security force trained enough to replace the Army, the India Army would be fighting a two front war — within Kashmir and on the border with Pakistan. This is not all. There is a big question mark over India’s military preparedness for a land-air war. Media reports routinely decry the lack of capabilities with the Army and the Air Force. Then, there are issue about Army’s training for war by itself and with the Air 8 ?A0E8=B0F7=4H 8]cWTTeT]c^U8]SXP ?PZXbcP]fPa2WX]P fX[[bd__^ac ?PZXbcP]fXcW d]aTbcaPX]TSfPa \PcTaXP[bXcbPbbTcb X]b_PRTRhQTa T[TRca^\PV]TcXR S^\PX]bXcb _[TcW^aP^URadXbT \XbbX[TbP]SPa\TS d]\P]]TSeTWXR[Tb CWdbPccWTcWTPcaT [TeT[2WX]PfXcW^dc bW^fX]VXcbWP]S f^d[S^_T]cWTcWXaS Ua^]cPVPX]bc8]SXP ^]cTaaXc^ahXcbPhb QT[^]Vbc^Xcb P[[h?PZXbcP] Force. Two Army Chiefs, Generals VP Malik and VK Singh have spoken about the Army’s lack of war preparedness. This crucial input for Pakistan’s Army planning was exposed by Operation Parakram (the 10-month military stand-off between India and Pakistan) where India’s Army conventional war capabilities got blunted, and in the aftermath of 26/11 attacks in Mumbai when, despite a grave provocation, India took no military action against Pakistan. Writing in her book, No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington, former US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice said that India’s National Security Advisor Brajesh Mishra sought her help to avert the war in May-June 2002 when it appeared imminent that Pakistan was militarily braced to confront India’s challenge head-on. The Vajpayee Government which had launched Operation Parakram and was the first to blink when things spiraled out of control in May-June 2002 explained this by saying that Indian Army’s mobilisation was not for war but for military coercion. In reality, Operation Parakram exposed two major chinks in Indian armour. One, since the political leadership did not understand military power and role of nuclear weapons, it hesitated to go to war with Pakistan. This was borne by India’s reaction to 26/11 and, unfortunately, this is the situation now as well. And two, the Indian Army was completely out of its depth — how and why has been explained in General VK Singh’s book, Courage and Conviction. Over 1,000 soldiers’ lives were lost during Operation Parakram without the Indian Army firing a shot. The situation today has deteriorated with the unnecessary raising of 17 mountain corps (90,000 troops) for China which has depleted Army’s war reserves, and by Army’s insistence of continuing with counter-insurgency operations in Kashmir. Let’s now turn to China and what military threat it poses to India. While the political leadership has left this vital assessment to the military, the Army, being the boots on ground has assessed it wrong. The Army believes that it would be a replay of the 1962 war, where tactics overshadowed operations or theatre campaigns. For this reason, the Army recently took a few greenhorn journalists to eastern Ladakh in June and thoughtlessly exposed its vulnerability to China. As part of preparedness, senior officers told media people that the Army had increased its numbers to three brigades (each with 3,500 men) and would have over 100 tanks in the area, which would help stop a Chinese attack. If this was not enough, officers disclosed that their tanks could not do firing training as there were no firing ranges there. Since tanks are no more than moving guns, what good are they if they lack calibration in rarified atmosphere of eastern Ladakh for accurate firing? Bragging about infrastructure, commanding officer of 16 Garhwal Rifles reportedly said that the 255km road Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie (meant to provide round the clock and easy road movement) would be ready by 2022. )RUHVWU\LVNH\WRIRRGVHFXULW\ 8]RaTPbX]VRa^__a^SdRcXeXchXU_PXaTSfXcWSXaTRcU^aTbc_a^cTRcX^]\TPbdaTbRP]X]RaTPbTQ^cW PVaXRd[cdaP[_a^SdRcX^]P]SU^aTbcR^eTaBdbcPX]PQ[TU^aTbc\P]PVT\T]cXbcWTaTU^aTRadRXP[ he sustainable development goals for the next 15 years, adopted by countries in September 2015, envision ending hunger by 2030 by ensuring sustainable food production. In the face of rising population and consequently an increasing demand for food, amid worsening climate change, there is an urgent need to perceive agriculture differently. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the Paris agreement on climate change, recognises the imperative need to address food security in correlation with the management of natural resources. The same is also reflected in the latest edition of the State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) report, which emphasises on the relationship between agriculture and forestry for a food-secure future. The SOFO report stresses T on the capability of agriculture to feed world’s population, but also highlights the fact that agriculture is one of the main causes for deforestation globally. This is due to the current agricultural practices that work in isolation and do not account for efficient management of natural forest resources. As a result of this, forests are increasingly being cleared in pursuit of increasing agricultural productivity. Forests ensure food security for millions of people worldwide, as they are important sources of food, energy and income. Compromising on forest cover to increase agricultural productivity cannot be a sustainable solution to ensure food security. Well-managed natural resources, particularly forests have the capacity to achieve many of the sustainable development goals such as attaining food security, energy, clean water and health. There is an inherent connect between forests and agriculture as forests can support sustainable agriculture by stabilising soils and climate, regulating water flow, providing shade and shelter and providing a habitat for pollinators and natural predators of agricultural pests. When integrated judiciously into agricultural landscapes, trees can increase agricultural productivity. Moreover, increasing crop productivity, if paired with direct forest protection measures, can increase both agricultural production and forest cover. Deforestation was most prevalent in temperate climatic domain until the late 19th century and is now greatest in the tropical climatic domain. In fact, the tropics are losing an area of forest the size of Portugal every year. Temperate countries on the other hand are aggressively protecting their primary forests and have also increased their agricultural productivity while halting and reversing deforestation. For instance, since 2004, Brazil has reduced deforestation in the Amazon by 80 per cent while increasing soy production by 65 per cent and beef production by 21 per cent. Brazil could achieve this mainly through restrictive measures such as protected areas, strict enforcement of forest laws and moratoria on clearing. Additionally, an increased agricultural productivity also played a significant role too. Besides playing a supportive and complimentary role for agriculture, forests can have a multifunctional role as they can combat climate change, provided emissions from deforestation and forest degradation are reduced. According to studies, deforestation contributes more than 10 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions annually, but it only expands the world’s agricultural land by around onetenth of a per cent a year. Given this, it crucial to have sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks as this can not only help combat climate change but also ensure food security. In the present context, India has pledged to increase 25 million hectares of forest cover from the current 17.2 million hectares by 2030 and has been trying to put 33 per cent of its geographical area under forest, but according to current estimates, it is yet to reach the 22 per cent mark. India must concentrate on increasing food productivity while preserving and, if possible, increase forest cover. In order to ensure this, India This was when in Delhi, the director general military operations was reportedly against building roads close to the Chinese border for security reasons (the Chinese could use it to move fast inside Indian territory once war was joined). Indian Generals have failed to comprehend that China, with its excellent infrastructure and technology (which has kept pace with war-fighting ideas) would fight a non-contact war at the theatre level. Given China’s military power, tactics of the 1962 vintage is passé — there will no longer be tank battles or troops charging to secure ground. By itself, China’s massive military capacity is not meant for tactical encounters, but for two other purposes: To exercise coercive diplomacy to deter India, and to provide muscle for its aggressive foreign policy. In the event of India-Pakistan war, China would support Pakistan with unrestrained war materials, its assets in space, cyber, electromagnetic domains, its plethora of cruise missiles and armed unmanned vehicles, and by keeping the pressure on Chinese front with threat of troops’ insertion by vertical envelopment. Thus, at the theatre level, China, without showing its hand, would open the third front against India on territory it says belongs to its ally, Pakistan. The Indian military is not up against a two-front but a three-front war threat. Wonder if Naidu understands this. If he did he should know that not talking with Pakistan requires massive military preparedness to meet the increased threats. (The writer is editor, FORCE newsmagazine) WKLQN QRZ :>C0BA8A09 must work on bottom-up approach in which the local communities must be involved in initiative such as forest land allocation programme and forest protection contracts entered into with the local households. The respective State forest departments can also announce initiatives wherein the local farmers are provided with incentives to plant trees and supports forest conservation. These efforts can increase forest banks and prevent loss of forest cover to agriculture. Natural resources such as water bodies, forests and wetlands have their own unique role to play in the environment. Their influence on the ecosystem and particularly agriculture cannot be replicated; hence, the need to conserve these natural resources in the best interests of environment and for increased agricultural productivity. 5 ^acW^bTfW^QT[XTeTX]6^S \^bc^UcWTQXV`dTbcX^]bPaT P]bfTaTS1dcU^acW^bT^Udb fW^RP]caTPSX[hPRRT_ccWT6^S U^a\d[PcWTQXVP]bfTabS^]c aT\PX]bc^]TfaXccT]FTPSYdbcc^ ]TfR^]SXcX^]bP]SSXbR^eTaXTb FTPaT_[XPQ[T;^eT]TTS]^cQTP R^\\P]S]^aUPXcWPSXRcd\8P\ \h^f]V^SFTPaTWTaTc^ d][TPa]cWTcTPRWX]Vb^UcWT RWdaRWbcPcTP]S^daTSdRPcX^]P[ bhbcT\FTPaTWTaTc^[PdVWPc cWT^SSbP]S[XeT^da[XeTbb^fT[[ cWPc3TPcWfX[[caT\Q[Tc^cPZTdb °2WPa[Tb1dZ^fbZX 0\TaXRP]_^Tc]^eT[XbcP]S bW^acbc^ahfaXcTa \^]Th A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % CWThTPaWPbQTVd]fT[[fXcW aTeT]dTVa^fcW^U "_TaRT]c H^HP]SR^]cX]dTSaTeT]dT \PaZTcbWPaTVPX]b8]R^]cX]dPcX^] ^U^da?a^YTRc;TP_P]]^d]RT\T]c fTWPeT]^fcaP]b_PaT]c[h^_T]TS d_^daT]cXaT\^QX[T]Tcf^aZc^^da Rdbc^\Tab 170AC808AC4;<30=324> 5>A8=3800=3B>DC70B80 6>?0;E8CC0; 2EJJ 6B?= 3?B@?B1D5C 8]U[PcX^]WPbR^\TS^f]c^bdRW P[^f[TeT[]^f4eT]V^]TQT[^f $_TaRT]cQdc]^fXcXbX]RWX]V QPRZB^PRWXTeX]V#_TaRT]c X]U[PcX^]cPaVTcQh9P]dPah! 'Xb V^X]Vc^QT`dXcTRWP[[T]VX]V 5>A<4AA4B4AE410=: 6>E4A=>A3DEEDA8BD110A0> DRYRcRdafc_d"$SZ]]Z`_ GHFOLQHVWRCFU %KDUWL$LUWHO4SURILW _Vh`WWVcW`c`gVcdVRdY`eV]d ?C8Q ;>=3>==4F34;78 mbattled Sahara group on Wednesday spurned a $1.3 billion offer for its three prized overseas hotels, including Grosvenor House and Park Plaza, terming it as a “devious attempt” to lower the price even as the suitor maintained the proposal is “very compelling”. The offer was made by a consortium of family office investors, comprising Jesdev Saggar-led 3 Associates of the UK and others from the Middle East, for acquiring Sahara’s majority stake in three marquee hotel properties -- the famed Grosvenor House in London, as well as the Park Plaza and Dream Downtown in New York. Amid speculation that the fresh offer may trigger a bidding war as Sahara was already in talks with a few others including some Qatarbased investors for these hotels, the group was quick to spurn the proposal saying it was an attempt to ruin the market and disturb existing bidders at market value that E was “much higher”. Saggar, Managing Director of 3 Associates which termed its offer as the “largest hotel bid in the UK history”, said the consortium has made a “very compelling offer” and it was a long-term investment opportunity for them. In a strongly-worded reaction, a Sahara spokesperson however termed it “a malicious and non-serious act of some wrong people”. “The said proposal is baseless. It is a devious attempt to benchmark the price much lower than the actual market value of the properties in order to ruin the market and disturb the sentiment of the actual bidders who are bidding at market value which is much higher,” the spokesperson said. Sahara group, whose chief Subrata Roy was in jail for over two years in connection with a long-running dispute with markets regulator Sebi and is now out on parole, has been trying hard to raise funds, including through refinancing of loans on its over- seas hotels. Responding to Sahara’s rejection of the $1.3 billion offer, Saggar said: “We have followed the process and submitted in a compliant manner. If the bid is rejected then they should use the same process to communicate. “ This is a long-term investment opportunity for us. We have submitted a very compelling offer. It is now up to the Supreme Court and the Roy family. Seeking to raise funds, the b eleaguered Saharas arealready in talks with Qatar-based investors for a potential deal for the three hotels. Last year, the group was also in discussions with US-based Mirach Capital but the talks fell through amid a public spat between the two sides. As per the website of 3 Associates, its founders and Multi Family office network have completed over 314 million pounds worth transactions since 2014, including hotels and commercial offices in the UK, the UAE and India. It also claims to have “access to one of the largest pools of family office equity in the Middle East”. Grosvenor House, a landmark on London’s Park Lane and designed by acclaimed architect Sir Edwin Lutyens, was bought by Saharas in 2010. The two US hotels were purchased later. The three hotels were acquired between 2010-2012 at an estimated valuation of $1.55 billion. The 110-year-old Plaza in New York is situated off Central Park and its ownership has changed hands several times. Currently, Sahara has about 75 per cent and remaining 25 per cent is with Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia. In March last year, Bank of China had put Grosvenor House under “administration” for recovery of its loans from Sahara after declaring “an event of default” on the US loans due to some technical breaches in the financial covenants. The loan on Sahara’s three hotels -- Grosvenor House in the UK and the two prime hotels in New York -- from Bank of China was “cross collateralised and cross guaranteed”. Subsequently, Sahara reached a $850 million (C5,500 crore) refinancing deal with India-born billionaire brothers David and Simon Reuben and averted the ‘default-triggered’ sale of Grosvenor House hotel property. The past owners of Plaza hotel in New York include realty tycoon and US Presidential candidate Donald Trump, who married his second wife Marla Maples in this hotel. The hotel, which has 282 rooms in addition to several condos, restaurants and shops, had hosted the famous Plaza Accord to devalue the US dollar in 1985. Sahara group has been engaged in a legal battle with Sebi for long over a case involving raising of funds from investors to the tune of over C24,000 crore. Sahara, however, claims it has already repaid 95 per cent of the investors’ money directly. ?=B Q =4F34;78 elecom major Bhar ti T Airtel on Wednesday announced around 31 per cent decline in its consolidated net profit at C1,462 crore for the first quarter of 2016-17 mainly due to high capital expenditure during the period. The company had reported a net profit of C2,113.2 crore in the same period a year ago. “Net Income for the quarter stands at C1,462 crore compared to C2,113 crore in corresponding quarter last year. Q1’16 Net Income of C2,113 crore has been reinstated to Ind-AS from previously reported IFRS figures which includes an exceptional gain of C556 crore on account of this reinstatement,” Airtel said in a statement. As per IFRS format, the net profit was C1,554.3 crore in April-June 2015-16. Total consolidated income from operations of Airtel in the reported quarter increased by 7.9 per cent to C25,572.9 crore f rom C23,680.8 crore in the yearago period. The consolidated revenues in the reported quarter grew on an underlying basis, adjusted for Africa divested operating unit and tower assets sale, the statement said. Consolidated mobile data revenues at C4,640 crore grew by 34.1 per cent on year-onyear basis. Its capital expenditure spiked 23 per cent year-onyear to C4,925 crore in the quarter under review. Airtel said that its India revenues for in the reported quarter grew by 10.3 per cent at C19,155 crore compared to corresponding period of 2015-16 due to healthy growth of 9.1 per cent in Mobile, 11 per cent in Homes Services, 22.2 per cent in Digital TV and 10.4 per cent in Airtel Business on yearly basis. “The year has begun well with revenue growth of 10.3 per cent Y-o-Y and continued revenue market share gains. In continuation of our Project Leap announcement, we have now transparently opened up our entire mobile network to our customers,” Bharti Airtel MD and CEO for India and South Asia Gopal Vittal said. The company’s consolidated net debt excluding the deferred payment liabilities to the Department of Telecom and finance lease obligations decreased to C46,534.92 crore ($6,891 million) from C50,316.6 crore ($7,451 million) in the previous quarter. The net debt of the company at the end of June 30, 2015 was C68,134.5 crore. However, there was increase in net interest cost. “Net interest costs of Cs 1,631 crore have risen from C1,124 crore in the corresponding quarter last year – largely due to higher spectrum interest costs,” Airtel said. Mobile Data revenues of Airtel in India grew by 35.1 per cent to C3,500 crore from C3,525 crore in a year led by increase in the data customer base by 19.1 per cent and traffic by 54.9 per cent. Mobile Broadband customers increased by 68.3 per cent to 36.6 million from 21.7 million in the corresponding quarter last year. The company reported customer base of over 255 million in India at end of April-June 2016 quarter. *RYHUQPHQWIL[HV'HFHPEHU &DELQHWGURSVDGGLWLRQDOWD[IURP*67%LOO GHDGOLQHIRUUHWURWD[VHWWOHPHQWSODQ =4F 34;78) Government has fixed December 31, 2016 as the deadline for companies like Vodafone and Cairn Energy Plc to settle their retrospective tax disputes. The one-time offer to settle tax issues by waiving of interest and penalty, if the companies paid up the principal tax amount, had opened on June 1 this year. Nearly two months after the offer opened, none of the companies have come forward and now the Government wants to have a deadline for the scheme, sources privy to the development said. After the scheme closes, the Income Tax Department will go ahead with tax demands and pursue legal course including arbitration, they said. Sources said the government had asked Income Tax Department not to take any coercive action during the time the scheme is open. Weeks before the scheme was announced by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his budget speech on February 29, the Income Tax Department had issued Vodafone a reminder over its C14,200-crore tax demand and threatened to seize assets in case of non-payment. UK oil explorer Cairn Energy is facing a tax demand of C10,247 crore on alleged capital gains made in a 2006 business reorganisation it carried out in its India unit before getting it listed. The total tax due after including interest comes to over C29,000 crore. British telecom giant Vodafone is also facing a total demand of C14,200 crore in tax, interest and penalty with regard to its $11 billion acquisition of 67 per cent stake in the mobilephone business owned by Hutchison Whampoa in 2007. Both firms raised their concerns over the tax demands and challenged the matter by initiating international arbitration. Sources said that in case any of the companies decides toavail the tax settlement scheme, it needs to provide a proof of withdrawal of “any proceeding for arbitration, conciliation or mediation or any notice thereof under any law for the time being in force or under any agreement entered into by India with any other country or terri- tory outside India whether for protection of investment or otherwise”. The company will also have to furnish an undertaking waiving its right to seek or pursue any remedy or any claim in relation to the specified tax which may otherwise be available to it under any law or under an agreement with any country. A firm availing of the offer would have to pay the principal tax amount within 30 days of the designated authority determining the amount payable by the declarant. Also any amount paid in pursuance of a declaration shall not be refundable under any circumstances. Announcing the one-time scheme of Dispute Resolution for companies which are facing tax demand for retrospective amendment to I-T Act, Jaitley had in his Budget speech said: “They can settle the case by paying only the tax arrears, in which case liability of the interest and penalty shall be waived.” Sources said the Government was of the view that the arbitrations are not just time consuming but were also costing the government a lot besides getting India a bad name. The settlement scheme was proposed to put an end to all of that. ?C8 ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Cabinet on Wednesday cleared changes in the GST T Constitutional Amendment Bill, dropping 1 per cent manufacturing tax and providing guarantee to compensate states for any revenue loss in the first five years of rollout of the proposed indirect tax regime. The Cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, decided to include in the Constitutional Amendment Bill that any dispute between states and the Centre will be adjudicated by the GST Council, which will have representation from both the Centre and states. With states on board and the Cabinet approving the amendments, the Government is hopeful of passage of the long-pending Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill in the ongoing monsoon session of Parliament, which ends on August 12. The GST Bill, with the changes approved by the Cabinet, could come up in the Rajya Sabha as early as this week, but certainly by next week. The changes approved by the Cabinet are to the Constitutional Amendment Bill that was approved by the Lok Sabha in May last year. )RUHLJQFRPSDQLHVFDQKROG LQVWRFNFRPPRGLW\H[FKDQJHV ?=B Q=4F34;78 n a move to attract more overseas capital, the IGovernment on Wednesday allowed a foreign company to own up to 15 per cent in the domestic stock or commodity exchanges as against 5 per cent currently. The decision regarding this was taken at a Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “The Cabinet has given its approval for raising foreign shareholding limit from 5 per cent to 15 per cent in Indian stock exchanges,” an official spokesperson said in a tweet. The Cabinet has also cleared the proposal to allow foreign portfolio investors to acquire shares through initial allotment in stock exchanges. The move would help in global competitiveness of Indian stock exchanges by adoption of the latest technology and global best practices, the spokesperson said. The decision is aimed at attracting more foreign inflows in stock exchanges like BSE and the National Stock Exchange. The approval is a followup to the announcement made by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his 2016 Budget speech. “Investment limit for foreign entities in Indian stock exchanges will be enhanced from 5 per cent to 15 per cent on par with domestic institutions. This will enhance global competitiveness of Indian stock exchanges and accelerate adoption of best-in-class technology and global market practices,” he had said.” The Union Cabinet has given its approval for raisingforeign shareholding limit from 5 per cent to 15 per cent in Indian Stock Exchanges for a stock exchange, depository, banking company, an insurance company and a commodity derivative exchange,” an official statement said. The Cabinet has also approved the proposal to allow foreign portfolio investors to acquire shares through initial allotment, besides secondary market, in the stock exchanges. “The move will help in enhancing global competitiveness of Indian stock exchanges by accelerating/facilitating the adoption of the latest technology and global best practices, which will lead to overall growth and development of the Indian capital market,” it said. Once the Rajya Sabha approves the legislation, the amended Bill will have to go back to the Lok Sabha again for approval. “The amendments to the GST Constitutional Amendment Bill have been cleared,” a top official said after the meeting of the Union Cabinet chaired by Modi. The amendments were taken up by the Cabinet after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s assurance to state finance ministers to include in the Bill the mechanism of compensating states for all the loss of revenue for five years. The Bill, in its present form, provides that the Centre will give 100 per cent compensation to states for first three years, 75 per cent and 50 per cent for the next two years. However, the Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha had in its report recommended 100 per cent compensation for probable loss of revenue for five years. As per the amendments, the Centre will now constitutionally guarantee states any loss of revenue from the GST subsuming all indirect taxes, including VAT, in the first five years of introduction. By doing away with the 1 per cent inter-state tax over and above the GST rate, the Government has met one of 9574=eUB"_Ve ac`WZefa#(e` C#(*(Tc`cV =4F 34;78) The country’s largest mor tgage player HDFC Ltd on Wednesday reported 26.86 per cent increase in consolidated net profit at C2,796.92 crore helped by receipts from stake sale in its general insurance arm. Its consolidated net profit during the April-June quarter of the previous fiscal stood at C2,204.29 crore. HDFC Ltd’s total income (rpt) total income rose to C13,516.99 crore for the first quarter ended June 30, 201617 as against C11,397.29 crore in the year-ago period. During the quarter under review, company sold 12.33 crore shares in HDFC Ergo General Insurance to Ergo International Ag, resulting in pre tax gain of C871.35 crore. HDFC Ltd scrips closed 1.48 per cent up at C1,387.85 on BSE. ?C8 built a broad consensus with the states that the rate should not be mentioned in the Constitution and instead could figure in GST law. It was also assured that the tax rate in the new regime, which is to be decided by the GST Council, will be less than what it is at present. “The amendments will pave the way for political consensus and early passage of the Bill in the monsoon session,” EY National Leader (indirect tax) Harishanker Subramaniam said. In the new regime, there will be one Central GST or CGST and State GST or S-GST. States levy sales tax or VAT on goods sold within their jurisdiction and get a Central Sales Tax (CST) on sales made outside their territories. This CST will no longer be available in the new regime and a 1 per cent additional tax was proposed to make up for that. GST being a constitutional amendment requires to be passed by Parliament with twothirds majority and after that, 50 per cent of state assemblies will have to pass the legislation. Thereafter, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha will have to pass the central GST Bill and the states have to pass their own GST Bills. After the legislative proce- dure gets over, the GST Council, which will be the decision-making body on all issues, including rates of the new tax, will come into play. The Council will be chaired by Union Finance Minister, but Centre’s voting share will be one-third and all decisions of the council would be taken by 75 per cent majority. Terming compensation guarantee as a very big development, Chairman of the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers Amit Mitra had yesterday said appropriate wordings on compensation would give confidence to the states regarding the Centre’s intention. “I cannot go into details of the wordings, I can only give you spirit of it. States are satisfied that in the constitutional amendment, the wording (will be provided) by which states will be guaranteed five years of compensation if there is any loss of revenue,” Mitra said. The GST Bill, which intends to convert 29 states into a single market through a new indirect tax regime, was earlier planned to be introduced from April 1 this year, but the deadline was missed as the legislation to roll it out remains in limbo in the Opposition-dominated Rajya Sabha. $,WRUHFUXLWSLORWV JVd3R_\B"_Ve [f^ad$$,e` V_eVc>7SfdZ_Vdd the three key demands over which Opposition Congress has been blocking the Bill in the Upper House. The other demands of including GST rate in the statute and a Supreme Court judge-headed dispute resolution body has not been accepted. It remains to be seen if meeting of its demands halfway will persuade the Congress to support the legislation. There is a talk of mentioning the GST rate in one of the two supporting legislations that need to be passed after the Constitution is amended, a move that may pacify the Congress. The government plans to roll out GST by April 1, 2017, and is working overtime to build consensus to get the Bill passed in the ongoing session. With the Congress demand of getting GST rate capped in the Bill delaying its passage, the Centre yesterday FDELQFUHZLQQH[W\HDUV 7H34A0103)Air India may recruit about 500 pilots and over 1,500 cabin crew in next two to three years to meet the requirement as the fleet size is expected to increase considerably, a senior official has said. “We are planning to have 700 more pilots in the next two to three years keeping in view the fleet expansion. From last August till now, we have already recruited 250 pilots. So about 500 more pilots we are going to recruit. Advertisement for 400 pilots has already been floated,” AI’s General Manager (Operations) N Sivaramakirshnan told the news agency. Last year, Air India had sought to recruit 200 trainee pilots (senior trainee pilot license holders who come with A320 endorsement). However, it could select only 78. Now all those pilots are flying on various routes, he said. Nearly 150 pilots are expected to complete their training by December this year. According to him, the present strength of pilots is 858 and the beleaguered airlines lost about 100 pilots during the last two years. “We have plans to have cabin crew of 3,000 personnel. Besides the existing number, we are planning to take 1,500 more in the next two to three years,” he said. The official said Air India envisaged fleet expansion of another 100 aircraft in the next four years’ time. On training facilities for pilots, the official said currently they have three simulators in Hyderabad and four in Mumbai. The simulators in Hyderabad belong to A320 while the four in Mumbai belong to Boeing family. “We are planning to order one more simulator for training on ATR aircraft in Hyderabad. RFI (Request for Information) has already been floated. By January next year we hope that it would be operational,” he said, ?C8 ?=BQ=4F34;78 es Bank on Wednesday announced a 33 per cent Y rise in June quarter net profit at C732 crore on higher noninterest income, even as bad loans spiked, and announced that it will enter asset management business early next fiscal. Like peers HDFC Bank and Axis Bank, the mid-sized private lender of late has started feeling the heat on the asset quality front, with its gross non-performing assets jumping to 0.79 per cent, from 0.46 per cent. Accordingly, its provisions more than doubled to C206 crore, but CEO and MD Rana Kapoor said a bulk of it was due to loanbook growth. Its slippages rose C300 crore during the quarter and came from iron and steel, electricity and engineering, procurement and construction space. \^]Th A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % DaVTecf^T`R]R]]`TReZ`_hRd µeR^aVcVUhZeY¶dRjd4G4S`dd O 2QO\FDOOGURS FRPSODLQWVPDGHLQ ODVW\UVVD\V6LQKD ?>738@3<]QicU\\cdQ[UY^=B@< d_S_]`\igYdX`eR\YSX_\TY^W^_b]c ut of over 100 crore subscribers, only 906 complaints have been made on call drops in the last three and a half years, with Bharti Airtel and Vodafone facing the maximum number of grievances on the issue. Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha shared data on complaints received by sector regulator Trai, which show that 906 grievances related to call drops have been made since 2013. Around 87 per cent of this were made in 2015 and till June-end 2016. While 450 complaints were received by the Telecom Regulator y Authorityof India in 2015, 338 have been made till June 2016. In 2015, Vodafone received 129 call drop complaints and Airtel 120. It is followed by Reliance Communications (58), Idea Cellular (43), BSNL (40), Aircel (22), Tata Teleservices (13), MTS (8), Telenor (7) and Videocon (3). NEW DELHI: State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) and Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL) may sell a part of their stake in Mangalore Refiner y and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) to comply with regulations on minimum public holding. Public shareholding in the Mangalore-based refiner is currently just 11.42 per cent, not even half of the mandatory 25 per cent public float required by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for listed companies. PSUs have been asked by SEBI to comply with the public shareholding requirement by August next year. The Board of MRPL will meet on August 1 for approval options to raise public shareholding up to 25 per cent as per SEBI directive, senior official said. The options before the board is either the promoters divest a part of their share- ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?C8Q=4F34;78 he allocation process of coal blocks and 2G spectrum T was ‘tampered with’ leading to ineligible people becoming beneficiaries and this has been ‘universally accepted’, Central Vigilance Commissioner KV Chowdary said today on the alleged scams under the UPA. “If we look at two most controversial matters of recent times -- allocation of spectrum and allocation of coal, as of today there has not been a conclusive proof of X giving money to Y. The matter is under trial. What has been universally accepted is that the process was tampered with,” he said at a function. Later talking to PTI, Chowdary said the tampered processes led to ‘ineligible people getting the allocation and CWTcP\_TaTS_a^RTbbTb[TSc^ ³X]T[XVXQ[T_T^_[TVTccX]VcWT P[[^RPcX^]P]ScWT\^aTT[XVXQ[T _T^_[T\XbbX]VcWT^__^acd]Xch´ 218Xb[^^ZX]VX]c^P[[TVPcX^]b^U R^aad_cX^]X]P[[^RPcX^]^U bTR^]SVT]TaPcX^]!6 b_TRcad\c^cT[TR^\R^bQTbXSTbR^P[ Q[^RZP[[^RPcX^]8cXbTbbT]cXP[cWPcP[[ R^]SXcX^]bPaT[PXSS^f]_a^_Ta[hX]cWT cT]STaS^Rd\T]cbP]ScT]STaX]V _a^RTbbTbPaTcaP]b_PaT]c 2E2EXVX[P]RT2^\\XbbX^]Ta:E2W^fSPah the more eligible people missing the opportunity’. CBI is looking into allegations of corruption in allocation of second generation (2G) spectrum to telecom companies, besides coal block allocation. He said it is essential that all conditions are laid down prop- 6Yb]c\Y[U\id_RU`U^Q\YcUT V_bTYcSbU`Q^SYUcY^ce``\YUc _VTUVU^SUW__TccUbfYSUc ?C8Q =4F34;78 he Air Force is strongly considering a procedure where firms may be penalised for qualitative and quantitative discrepancy in supplies of goods and services. Addressing an event here on Wednesday, Air Vice Marshal M Baladitya said there is a need to further improve upon arbitration and dispute resolution consultancy mechanism being followed by the force. “We are very strongly considering a green-channel procedure for dealing with established vendors and are considering very seriously with the government for doing away with any kind of inspection in between, it will only be self-certification and there would be a penalty clause in case there is a qualitative or quantitative discrepancy in the supplies,” he said. This will be a major step in ensuring ease of doing business and speeding up the procurement process, Baladitya said. Stressing upon the need to increase the confidence level in the field, he said that it will not only help in getting better value for money but the kind of infrastructure India has in various fields can help in getting much better products and achieve Government’s dream of Make in India in a big way. The officer was speaking during ‘10th public procurement summit on enhancing transparency, efficiency and accountability’, organised by industry body Assocham. Baladitya said that blacklisting of firm is a ‘very very extreme step. “Rather than you take the step of blacklisting, we need to come out with a bet- T 1[PRZ[XbcX]V^UUXa\Xb P³eTaheTahTgcaT\T bcT_APcWTacWP]h^d cPZTcWTbcT_^U Q[PRZ[XbcX]VfT]TTS c^R^\T^dcfXcWP QTccTafPhc^bc^_ STP[X]VfXcWcWPcUXa\ X]P\^aT^aVP]XbTS \P]]TabPhb0XaEXRT <PabWP[<1P[PSXchP ter way to stop dealing with that firm in a more organised manner,” he said. Baladitya said that the Air Force for the first time has decided to conduct "reverse auction" for procurement of goods and services through tendering to help country save money. In this kind of auction, the role of a buyer and seller is reversed with the primary objective to compete purchase prices downwards. Several bidders participate in it to offer competitive price. The Air Force does procurement worth about Rs 2,000 crore approximately in an year, he said, adding that the amount keep fluctuating. Baladitya said that Air Force has moved towards e-procurement mode from late last year for select categories of goods and services that has no relation with the country's security. He said so far this year 27 tenders have been floated through online mode and there has been saving of 20 per cent administrative week time. “We have migrated to e-tendering for foreign procurements from July 1,” the officer said. Baladitya said there is a need to have consultancy services for three things-legal, arbitration and dispute resolution mechanism. erly in the tender documents and tendering processes are transparent. He was speaking at the '10th public procurement summit on enhancing transparency, efficiency and accountability', organised by industry body Assocham. He said about 30 per cent $LU,QGLD5DLOZD\V¶ WROGWRXVHNKDGLLQ RUGHUWRSURPRWHLW of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is about Rs 25 lakh crore, comes out of tendering of goods and services being procured by the Government. The CVC noted that tendering processes in a few cases take one to three years which need to be cut down. Chowdary said there was a need to apply certain checks on the issue of L1 or a lowest bidder in any tendering process. “By and large, it is believed that L-1 is the best. But there may be several other issues,” he said, suggesting that the authorities need to look at other aspects of this provision. Chowdary said that the Commission is in the process of finalising a discussion paper to look into all the aspects of tendering and recommend a comprehensive guidelines. ?C8Q <D<108 banks are: Bank of Baroda (C5 crore), Punjab National Bank (C3 crore), Syndicate Bank (C3 crore), UCO Bank (C2 crore), HDFC Bank (C2 crore), Allahabad Bank (C2 crore), Canara Bank (C2 crore), IndusInd Bank (C2 crore), SBBJ (C2 crore), Bank of India (C1 crore), Corporation Bank (C1 crore), RBL Bank (C1 crore) and SBM (C1 crore). The RBI further said that eight other banks -- Axis Bank, Federal Bank, ICICI Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, OBC, Standard Chartered Bank, SBI and Union Bank of India -- have been ‘advised to put in place appropriate measures and review them from time to time to ensure strict compliance with KYC requirements and FEMA provisions on an ongoing basis’. “In respect of eight other banks. Based on written and 2USKDQVZLWKGHIRUPLW\ WRJHW SHQVLRQEH\RQG\HDUVRIDJH 4R^\\TaRTR^d[S RaTPcT !\]Y^Qb ^eTa hab)7B12 ²=TfX]ecbX]Pdc^bTRc^a bc^__TS_^bcSXTbT[QP]³ NEW DELHI: To revive the khadi industry, Indian Railways and Air India are being encouraged to use products made up of the fabrics in trains and aeroplanes even as the KVIC’s sales grew 24 per cent in 2015-16, Parliament was on Wednesday informed. “Yes Sir. Indian Railways and Air India are being encouraged to use khadi fabrics in order to promote Khadi industries,” Minister of State in the MSME Ministry Giriraj Singh said in a written reply in RS to a query on whether the Govt is taking any steps to promote khadi in these two entities. The Minister informed that orders worth C77.67 crore were received from Indian Railways in 2015-16 whereas those received from Air India were of C8.29 lakh. PTI NEW DELHI: Orphans who are disabled or suffer from ‘disorder of mind’ will continue to get pension under Employees’ Pension Scheme even after attaining the age of 25 years. “Labour Ministry has notified the amendment in the scheme to extend the orphan pension beyond the age of 25 years in case they are suffering from disorder of mind or physically crippled or disabled,” a senior official told PTI. The official said: “The Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) headquarters has already issued an order in this regard to its over 120 regional offices to implement the scheme as per new provision.” As per the Employees' Pension Scheme 1995 India in May, had discussed issues including manufacturing and setting up retail stores in the country with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “On a personal note, during the past quarter I visited China and India, and I am very encouraged about our growth prospects in those countries," he said. Recently the government issued new norms allowing single-brand retail trading and exemption from local sourcing for 'state-of-the-art' and "cutting edge" technology with a waiver for three years, and the option to extend it for five years. Sources had said Apple may have to submit a fresh application for the same. The Cupertino-based tech giant had yesterday reported its revenues rising to $ 42.4 billion in the third quarter, driven by markets including India, Russia, Brazil, Turkey and Canada. PTI hinese smartphone maker Xiaomi on Wednesday C rolled out its first laptop, testing the waters in a market that has been flooded with premium tablets. The laptop Mi Notebook Air, runs on Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system, sells for 4,999 yuan (around $749 ) for a 13.3-inch display. A slimmed-down version for office use is also available for 3,499 yuan. The laptop is priced at a discount compared to many models with similar specifications from leading brands such as Lenovo, Dell, HP and Apple. It is the Beijing-based firm's latest attempt to press ahead with its strategy of releasing topspec devices at low prices. “Xiaomi will continue to roll out budget devices with key components in the same league as those on premium devices,” Xiaomi co-founder Lei Jun said during product launch in Beijing. The company also launched a new phone under its budget smartphone line RedMi. The RedMi Pro is powered by MediaTeK's flagship processor Helio X25 and sells for between 1,499 and 1,999 yuan depending on specifications. Xiaomi's chief domestic rival, Huawei, rolled out a tablet computer with Windows 10 and a detachable keyboard earlier this year. Global PC shipments have declined for seven consecutive quarters as of the second quarter this year, according to tech in the internal control systems, management oversight and violation of certain regulatory guidelines. The weakness was revealed in non-adherence to KYC requirements like customer identification and risk categorisation, instructions on monitoring of transactions in customer accounts and the guidelines issued under the FEMA provisions. Based on the findings, the Reserve Bank had issued a show-cause notice to 21 banks. The Central Bank came to the conclusion that ‘some of the violations of serious nature were substantiated’ and warranted imposition of monetary penalty on 13 banks, as the failure on the part of these banks to take timely remedial measures had aggravated the seriousness of the contraventions. oral submissions, it was decided to advise them to put in place appropriate measures and review the same from time to time to ensure strict adherence to KYC/AML requirements as well as FEMA provisions on an ongoing basis,” the RBI said. It, however, added that ‘this action’ is based on deficiencies in regulatory compliance and ‘is not intended to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction or agreement entered into by the bank and its customers’. The scrutiny in the 21 banks examined the alleged irregularities in opening and monitoring of accounts including violations under FEMA provisions. The RBI also looked into the effectiveness of systems and processes for implementation of KYC norms/AML standards. The findings, the apex bank said, revealed weaknesses IZR`^Zc`]]d`feWZcde]Rae`aeR\Vd`_=V_`g`2aa]V ?C8Q 14898=6 Aditya Birla Group were equal partners in MRPL with 37.4 per cent stake each; the remaining 25.2 per cent was with the public. Post ONGCsponsored restructuring of the then loss-making MRPL, HPCL’s stake fell to 16.9 per cent. Lenders to MRPL also agreed to the Debt Restructuring Package (DRP) proposed by ONGC, which included conversion up to Rs 365 crore of their loans into equity. This led to lenders holding about 20.8 per cent in MRPL while public holding came down to 11.3 per cent. Subsequently, ONGC acquired equity allotted to the lenders pursuant to DRP raising its holding in MRPL to 71.62 per cent. The official said MRPL board on August 1 will also consider raising up to C3,000 crore as part of capex plans through issuance of non-convertible debentures or bonds. PTI B29c\Q`cC"'Sb`U^Q\di_^!#RQ^[cV_b65=1fY_\QdY_^c n a major crackdown for Ilapses, FEMA violations and KYC the RBI has imposed C27-crore penalty on 13 public and private sector banks, including PNB and HDFC Bank, while asking eight others including SBI and ICICI Bank to ensure strict compliance with guidelines. On the basis of inputs received from a public sector bank, the Reserve Bank had undertaken a scrutiny on advance import remittances in 21 banks in October and November 2015. In a statement issued on Wednesday, the RBI said it has imposed monetary penalty on 13 banks for ‘violation of regulatory directions/instructions/guidelines, among other things, on KYC norms’. These C74<8=8<D<>A?70= ?4=B8>=D=34AC74 B274<48BC&$?4A <>=C71DCC74A4 2>D;31420B4F74A4 0<>D=CF8;;1478674A 34?4=38=6>=C74 2>=CA81DC8>=<0341H C74BD1B2A814AB run by EPFO, the monthly children pension is payable until they attains the age of 25 years. EPFO decision is significant in view of its implementation of minimum monthly pension of C1,000 from September 1, 2014. It had modified the scheme which provides for the minimum monthly CWTA18RP\Tc^cWTR^]R[dbX^] cWPc³b^\T^UcWTeX^[PcX^]b^U bTaX^db]PcdaTfTaTbdQbcP]cXPcTS´ P]SfPaaP]cTSX\_^bXcX^]^U \^]TcPah_T]P[ch^] "QP]ZbPb cWTUPX[daT^]cWT_Pac^UcWTbT QP]Zbc^cPZTcX\T[haT\TSXP[ \TPbdaTbWPSPVVaPePcTScWT bTaX^db]Tbb^UcWTR^]caPeT]cX^]b pension of C1,000 for widows and C250 for children. Similarly the minimum pension entitlement for orphans has was fixed at C750 per month under the scheme. The official said: “The minimum orphan pension under the scheme is C750 per month. But there could be case where amount will be higher depending on the contribution made by the subscribers.” He further said that ‘though the minimum monthly entitlement for orphans under the scheme is C750, it can be increased by Government depending upon the contribution made in future and increase in cost of living index’. EPFO has around 5 million pensioners and about 4 crore subscribers. PTI $SSOH&(2/RRNLQJIRUZDUG ²=^bfXcRWhTcUa^\4?5 WRRSHQLQJUHWDLOVWRUHVLQ,QGLD c^=?B*]TTS6^ecR[PaXch³ NEW DELHI: Apple CEO Tim Cook has said the tech giant is ‘looking forward’ to setting up retail stores in India to tap into the booming smartphone market here. “India is now one of our fastest growing markets. In the first three quarters of this fiscal year, our iPhone sales in India were up 51 per cent year-on-year,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said on an investor call. He added the company has announced setting up of a design and development accelerator to support Indian developers creating innovative applications for iOS and opened a new office in Hyderabad to accelerate maps development. “We're looking forward to opening retail stores in India down the road, and we see huge potential for that vibrant country,” he said without disclosing further details. Cook, who visited holding through an offer for sale (OFS) or MRPL issues fresh shares through a public offer, he said. ONGC currently holds 71.63 per cent stake in MRPL while HPCL has 16.96 per cent. As much as 23.2 crore shares will have to be sold through on OFS if the two promoters were to sell part of their stake. The offer size will be much larger if the company decides to go for an OFS by issuing fresh shares, he said. Even in case of fresh shares, shareholding of the two promoters, who currently between them hold 88.58 per cent of MRPL, will come down. ONGC had in 2003 bought Aditya Birla Group’s 37.4 per cent stake in MRPL for C59.43 crore at C2 a share and infused additional C600 crore capital. The buyout and additional capital infusion raised its stake to 51 per cent. Originally, HPCL and consultancy Gartner. Lenovo, the world's top PC maker, reported a drop in shipments of 2.2 per cent in the second quarter, while Apple, ranked fifth, posted a 4.9-per cent drop in the same period. On the Chinese mainland, shipments slid 6.4 per cent as a slowing economy bit into demand for PCs by both businesses and consumers, Gartner said. Analysts have attributed part of the decline in the PC market to a shift to tablet computers that can handle productivity needs. Devices such as the Microsoft Surface tablet and Apple's iPad Pro have sought to replace PCs for consumers who seek a combination of productivity and mobility, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. NEW DELHI: Not a single migration has taken place yet from EPF pension plan to NPS even after a year of government allowing the one-time switch as modalities are yet to be worked out, PFRDA chairman said on Wednesday. The Finance Ministry has made a statement last year allowing one time change from EPF to NPS. But the modalities are still to be worked out, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority of India (PFRDA) Chairman Hemant G Contractor told PTI. “We expect some clarity by Government. Last year it had said that they will permit switch from Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to National Pension System (NPS). But how that is going to happen is something which has not been clearly spelt out. So that's the clarity that we are awaiting from the Government,” Contractor said. On whether any such switch has happened so far, Contractor said: “Nothing has happened so far, no migration has happened.” In the proposed amendment made by Government last year, employees have been given one time option to join NPS in lieu of EPF, which is run by retirement fund body EPFO. NPS is run by PFRDA.PTI NEW DELHI: E-commerce in India is expected to see a significant uptrend in the coming days and could lend a helping hand to the country's job landscape, which needs as many as 80 million new jobs in the next decade, says a report. “Already employing just under a million Indians, e-commerce could be a new source of service sector jobs,” global financial services major HSBC has said. Young population, rapid smartphone adoption and a digital payments revolution could support the rise of e-commerce. Moreover, India is lagging behind China by more than seven years, in terms of Internet penetration and online purchases, e-commerce could experience a similar takeoff. PTI NEW DELHI: New investments in India’s auto sector have stopped in the last 6 months in view of directions by courts and tribunals to ban big diesel engine vehicles, Parliament was informed on Wednesday. It seems the auto industry is skeptical on the sustenance of the existing policies of the Government in the light of the direction of High Courts and Tribunals, Minister of State Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Babul Supriyo said in a written rely in the Rajya Sabha. “Decisions on new investment in the entire automotive sectors across the country has certainly stopped for the last six months as it seems auto industry is skeptical on the sustenance of the existing policies of the Government in the light of the recent direction by Hon'ble Courts and Tribunals,” the Minister said. He said the Department of heavy Industries had submitted an affidavit to the Supreme Court, which had on December 16, 2015 banned sale and registration of new diesel vehicles of engine capacity of more than 2,000 cc, to modify the order. The Minister further said the department had also submitted to the apex court that BS IV emission norms in the most stringent norms in the country and to ban a category of vehicle which is meting the stringent emission regulations and all other laws and regulations of the country is unjustified. PTI PRASAR BHARATI (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Doordarshan News 7(1'(5)255(6($5&+683325772'225'$56+$11(:6&+$11(/ NOTICE Reference advertisement for NIT in Mail today, The Pioneer , Dainik jagran, Punjab Kesari in Delhi and Business Standard in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkatta on 13/06/2016. The last date of submission of bids has been extended till 05/08/2016 upto 1500 hrs. Doordarshan News invites electronic tenders/proposals from experienced agencies to provide Research Support for DD News-Round the clock 24x7 for a period of three years. The tenders are invited on two bid basis comprising of Technical (Pre -qualification) and Financial Bid. The details of the tender document is available on www.tenderwizard.com/PB from where they can be downloaded. The bidders may submit 1he processing fee and EMD physically in the office of the Sr. Administrative Officer, Doordarshan News, Room no 434, 4th floor, Doordarshan Bhavan, Tower B, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi. The last date for uploading the electronic tenders was 27/06/2016 upto 1500hrs. Now the same has been extended upto 05/08/2016 upto 1500 hrs which will be opened on 08/08/;2016 at 1200 hrs in the presence of such addressee or their agents as who may choose to attend. For further enquires you may contact on the following 'phone numbers 23097606 and 23097609 from Monday to Friday from 1000 hrs to 1800 hrs. davp 22532/11/0002/1617 f^a[S ! A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % 9Z]]Rcj^R\VdYZde`cj hZeYFD AcVk_`^Z_ReZ`_ Q BWT³bcWTQTbcSPa]RWP]VT\PZTa8³eTTeTa\Tc±bPhb1X[[2[X]c^] Q 2T[TQaPcX^]b\PaaTSQhfP[Z^dcQhb^\T^UBP]STab³bd__^acTab BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= ifty years after India had a F woman at its helm in the person of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the United States may finally be catching up by trying to put its first woman in the White House Oval Office as the Democratic Party took the first concrete step on Tuesday by nominating Hillary Clinton as its nominee for the 2016 presidential race. American media outlets went gushing with stories of Clinton making history as the country’s first-ever female presidential nominee of a major political party, while the candidate herself emerged in a video by cracking a glass ceiling, literally and figuratively, amid scenes of wild jubilation at the party convention in Philadelphia. “What an incredible honour that you have given me, and I can’t believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet,” Clinton said via satellite from New York while a video montage showed the faces of all 44 male presidents so far in the 228-year history of American elections. She will be delivering her formal address of acceptance on Thursday night. “This is really your victory. This is really your night. If there are any little girls out CWXbXbaTP[[hh^da eXRc^ahCWXbXbaTP[[h h^da]XVWc8UcWTaTPaT P]h[Xcc[TVXa[b^dc cWTaTfW^bcPhTSd_ [PcTc^fPcRW[Tc\T YdbcbPh8\PhQTR^\T cWTUXabcf^\P] ?aTbXST]c1dc^]T ^Uh^dXb]Tgc 2;8=C>=AA4<0A:43> >= C742 2>=E4=C8>=55;>>A there who stayed up late to watch, let me just say I may become the first woman President. But one of you is next,” Clinton remarked as celebrations broke out on the convention floor. At hand for the occasion was her husband and America’s 42nd President, Bill Clinton, who took the podium and embarked on a sentimental journey, beginning with the couple’s courtship as students at Yale in 1971 and hailing Hillary as “the best darn change-maker I’ve ever met in my entire life”. Clearly, that was meant to trash Republican rival Donald Trump’s depiction of her wife as “Secretary of Status Quo”. In remarks that were aimed to “humanise” his wife and project her “personable” qualities at a time when polls point to her high unfavourables, Bill Clinton said: “Hillar y is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities and reduce the risks we face….You could drop her into any trouble spot, pick one, come back in a month and somehow, some way she will have made it better. That is just who she is.” The celebrations on the convention floor were briefly marred by a protest walk-out from a section of supporters of Bernie Sanders, not reconciled to Clinton’s nomination that was preceded by a formal roll call of votes. Outside the convention venue that had been turned into a well-protected fortress, a large number of Sanders supporters and an assortment of other groups kept up their protests. Having already conceded defeat and endorsed Clinton, Sanders himself asked convention officials to suspend the process and nominate his erstwhile rival by acclamation. In the roll call, Clinton secured 2,842 delegates as against Sanders’ 1,865 delegates. 0DVVLYH,6,6ERPE 7X]Sdh^dcWZX[[TSX]?PZXbcP]X] R^\\d]P[cT]bX^]^eTaQ[Pb_WT\h DWWDFNNLOOVLQ ;^RP[[TPSTab^U 6\ULD¶V4DPLVKOL A cWT7X]Sd ?C8Q :0A0278 ?T^_[TX]b_TRcSP\PVTbPUcTacfX]Q^\QX]VbbcadRZ:daSXbWc^f]^U@P\XbW[X^] FTS]TbSPh 0? 05?Q @0<8B7;8BHA80 massive bomb blast claimed A by the ISIS group killed at least 44 people and wounded dozens on Wednesday in the Kurdish-majority Syrian city of Qamishli. It was the largest and deadliest attack to hit the city since the beginning of Syria's conflict in March 2011. Syrian state media gave a toll of 44 dead and 140 injured in the bombing, which hit a western district of the city where several local Kurdish ministries are located. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor gave a toll of 48 dead, adding that children and women were among those killed. Kurdish officials said the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber driving an explosives-laden truck. The blast was initially described as a double bombing, but local officials and the Observatory said the bomb had detonated a nearby fuel container, leading to reports of a second explosion. One man running along the streets was completely covered in blood, his shirt drenched red. He was gripping the arm of a small boy whose face was grey and red with blood and dust. They ran past a hysterical woman who was crying and screaming, her clothes torn. A girl and boy stood next to her, apparently in shock. Children could be heard screaming as smoke rose from small fires that continued to burn amongst the rubble. Hindu youth was on Wednesday shot dead as communal tension gripped a district in Pakistan's Sindh province following alleged desecration of a holy book by a man from the minority community who was arrested for blasphemy. Tension ran high in Mehran Samejo village in Ghotki district after a Hindu man, Amar Lal, who was said to be mentally unstable, allegedly desecrated a holy book yesterday. According to reports, Amar, who has been arrested, was a drug addict and was living in a mosque after converting to Islam a few months ago. After the incident, local religious leaders along with he latest terror attack T where two ISIS militants stormed a church and killed an 84-year-old priest in Normandy, France, on Tuesday, has rattled the nerves of millions in the Europe and beyond, reinforcing the impression that the region was in the cross hair of terrorists. The police unit specialising in hostage situations responded quickly after receiving a call from an escaped nun. The terrorists were gunned down by the police as they tried to flee the church, Xinhua news agency reported. Despite low number of casualties, the attack still shocked France and the Europe as it hit a small town far from bustling cities like Paris and Nice, prompting fears that terrorists have managed to penetrate deeper into the region. One of the attackers was identified as 19-year-old Adel Karmic, arrested twice in 2015 for trying to travel to Syria using false identity card, Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said. Afterward, he was under house arrest and made to wear an electronic tag allowing the police to trace him. However, the device was deactivated for a few hours every morning, Molins said. The identification of the second attacker was not known yet, the prosecutor said. 0? Q A010C orocco's Interior Ministry says it has M arrested 52 people suspected of being part of a cell linked to the ISIS group. A Ministry statement on Wednesday said the arrests were made July 19, and represented the largest group detained among numerous suspected cells dismantled in recent years. The statement says suspects were from throughout the country and were planning attacks on various sites President Francois Hollande rushed to the scene shortly after the incident. He condemned the attack as a "heinous crime" and pledged to use all means in the war against terrorism. Hollande also called for national unity, saying what these terrorists want was to divide the nation. The President earlier this month announced that he would send artillery to Iraq to reinforce local forces battling the ISIS. <RdY^Zcµf_WZ_ZdYVURXV_UR`WF?+DYRcZW Islamabad: Describing Kashmir as "unfinished agenda" of the United Nations, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday vowed to raise the issue at every international platform and provide all sort of support to Kashmiris. Sharif made the remarks here while talking to newly elected lawmakers of Pakistanoccupied Kashmir (PoK) after his party Pakistan Muslim L e ague-Nawaz (PML-N) won majority seats in July 21 elections to from the new government. "The issue of Kashmir is unfinished agenda of the UN and Pakistan would continue to support the several agitated people took to streets. During a protest, some men riding on motorbikes fired at two Hindu youths who were sitting outside a tea stall in Mirpur Mathelo area. In the attack, one of the youths, Dewan Sateesh Kumar, >`c`TT`RccVded&#dfdaVTeVU ^Z]ZeR_edW`Z]dReeRT\d 5aP]RTRWdaRWPccPRZX]cT]bXUXTbcTaa^aXb\UTPaX]4da^_T 80=B Q ?0A8B R^\\d]XchWPeT ST\P]STS _a^cTRcX^]^U cWTXa[XeTbP]S _a^_TacXTbX]cWT fPZT^UcWT cT]bX^]b people of Kashmir morally and diplomatically," he said. "Right of self-determination is the basic right of the people of Kashmir under UN resolutions and we will raise this issue at every international platform," he said. He claimed that the people of PoK were "lucky as they enjoy full freedom" and vowed to support people of Kashmir. PTI inside and outside Morocco, including music festivals. No further information was provided about the individuals. Authorities say they seized weapons, manuals describing how to make explosives and chemical weapons, books about suicide bombings, and ISIS group flags. The statement says the investigation established links between the suspects and "jehadis in Tindouf and the Sahel," a reference to refugee camps in southern Algeria and sub-Saharan Africa. <VccjTR]]dW`c cVdecRZ_e`gVc D`feY4YZ_RDVR Manila: US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday urged China and the Philippines to exercise restraint and reduce tensions over their maritime dispute in the South China Sea. He was speaking during a oneday visit to the Philippines. Kerry, in a joint press conference with Philippines Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay, praised the Government's measured response to the verdict by the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, that favoured Manila in its territorial spat with Beijing. Kerry, who is expected to meet the country's new president Rodrigo Duterte, said the Philippines' responsible and restrained response to the PCA ruling was very significant. The Beijing-Manila conflict culminated on July 12 when the PCA verdict came out in favour of the latter; while China refused to accept the verdict, the Philippines welcomed it but called for restraint and sobriety. IANS 17, was killed while another was critically injured, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Masood Ahmed Bangash said. Satesh was a businessman. Local leaders of the Hindu community have demanded protection of their lives and properties in the wake of the tensions. Bangash said that police with the help of Rangers are trying to diffuse the tense situation. According to reports, all towns of the Ghotki district remained closed today. Leaders of local religious parties have demanded severe punishment for Amar, who has been booked for blasphemy and shifted to an undisclosed location by police. Sindh has the biggest population of Hindus in Pakistan. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 ?>BC2>D?2A02:3>F= =>C>E4A)CDA:4H?< 0]ZPaP)CdaZThb?aX\T<X]XbcTa ^]FTS]TbSPhfPa]TScWPccWT RaPRZS^f]U^[[^fX]VPUPX[TS R^d_fPb]^c^eTaPbPdcW^aXcXTb XbbdTSPaaTbcfPaaP]cbU^a S^iT]b^UU^a\Ta]Tfb_P_Ta bcPUU $#:8;;438==4?0;0B A08=CA8664AB5;>>3B :PcW\P]Sd) 0c[TPbc$#_T^_[T WPeTQTT]ZX[[TSP]SbTeTaP[ ^cWTab\XbbX]VPbU[^^SbP]S [P]Sb[XSTbcaXVVTaTSQhWTPeh \^]b^^]aPX]faTPZTSWPe^R X]=T_P[SXb_[PRX]VcW^dbP]Sb ^U_T^_[TBR^aTb^UW^dbTb P]SQaXSVTbWPeTQTT]bfT_c PfPhX]bTeTaP[_Pacb^UcWT R^d]cah ?0:?A>14BD:F><0=B 0;;4643³7>=>DA:8;;8=6 ;PW^aT)?PZXbcP]X_^[XRTWPeT [Pd]RWTSP_a^QTPUcTa aTVXbcTaX]VP\daSTaRPbT PVPX]bc_PaT]cbP]SaT[PcXeTb ^UP1aXcXbW?PZXbcP]Xf^\P] fW^SXTSd]STa\hbcTaX^db RXaRd\bcP]RTbSdaX]VWTaeXbXc c^cWTR^d]cahaPXbX]V bdb_XRX^]bcWPcbWTfPbP eXRcX\^UW^]^daZX[[X]V C7>DB0=3B>5ADBB80= 60C74A8=:84E <^bR^f)CW^dbP]Sb^UAdbbXP] >acW^S^g2WaXbcXP]_X[VaX\b^] FTS]TbSPhaTPRWTScWTRT]caT ^UDZaPX]TbRP_XcP[P]SUX]XbWTS cWTXa_a^RTbbX^]c^cWTRXchb \^bcaTeTaTS\^]PbcTahPUcTa cWTXa\PaRWfPbSXbad_cTSPSPh TPa[XTa ?>?408348=E4BC860C43 5>A>I278;3B4G01DB4 BhS]Th) EPcXRP]UX]P]RTRWXTU 6T^aVT?T[[XbQTX]V X]eTbcXVPcTSQh0dbcaP[XP] _^[XRT^eTaRWX[SbTgdP[ PQdbTP[[TVPcX^]bPaT_^acQh cWT]PcX^]P[Qa^PSRPbcTabPXS ^]FTS]TbSPhPbcWT [TPSX]V2PcW^[XRR[TaXR ST]^d]RTScWTR[PX\bPb c^cP[[hd]cadT 3¶UVdYYf_ed <P^Xbcc^QaX]VP[[ :eR]jViaV]d:^R^ WfXZeZgVRdZe _PacXTb^]Q^PaSc^ hY`_R^VU ac`SVd:D:D]Z_\d U^a\6^ecX]=T_P[ URfXYeVc;VYRU Dhaka: Bangladesh on Wednesday launched a hunt for the survivor of a police raid on an extremist hideout which killed nine suspected Islamists who claimed to belong to the Islamic State group. Investigators hope the escaped extremist and another man who was arrested during the major gunfight in Dhaka yesterday will shed light on the group's proclaimed ties with the ISIS. "We've alerted all checkpoints in the capital in a bid to arrest him (the escapee)," deputy commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, Masud Ahmed said. AFP Kathmandu: Nepal's Maoist party led by Prachanda on Wednesday decided to initiate discussions and dialogue with all political parties, including the Madhesis, having representation in the Parliament to form a national consensus Government. The central committee meeting of the CPN-Maoist Centre took a decision to initiate dialogue with all political parties including the agitating Madhesi parties and call them to join the national consensus Government being formed under the leadership of Maoist chairman Prachanda, according to the party sources. PTI Rome: Italian authorities have deported on national security grounds a radical Moroccan cleric who called one of his daughters Jehad. Mohammed Madad was collected by police from his home in the northeast town of Noventa Vicentina and put on a flight for Morocco from Rome's main airport late Tuesday. Madad, a 52-year-old father of four, was banned from reentering Italy for the next 15 years. The firebrand cleric's sermons became increasingly violent and anti-Western with the aim of indoctrinating youngsters with radical Salafite ideology, according to anti-terrorism investigators. IANS/AKI 1aPiX[bA^dbbTUU;d[Pc^Q^hR^cc >[h\_XR^_T]X]VRTaT\^]h 05?Q A8>3490=48A> razil's suspended President Dilma Rousseff and her B predecessor and left-wing ally Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will boycott the opening ceremony at the Rio Olympics, officials have said. Their absence at the August 5 ceremony highlights the political crisis in Brazil, with Rousseff facing possible removal from office in an impeachment trial shortly after the Games end. Lula, who as president was instrumental in Rio's winning bid as Olympic host, faces serious corruption allegations. "She will not go," said a source from Rousseff 's office at the Alvorada Palace residency in the capital Brasilia. "Lula will not go," echoed Jose Chrispiniano, a spokesman at the Lula Institute in Sao Paulo. Rousseff, who was first elected in 2010, is on trial in the Senate on allegations of breaking Government budget laws. A judgment vote is scheduled for late August and could see her removed from her post. The leftist leader says the impeachment process is a coup in disguise mounted by her former Vice President, Michel Temer, who has been acting President ever since Rousseff 's suspension in May. If she is removed permanently Temer would retain the presidency until 2018. eXePRXch " A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % CTPab^UY^h a^[[TSS^f] 1XV1P]VCWT^ah bcPa:D=0; =0HH0A WPb^_T]TSd_PQ^dcWXb X]RaTSXQ[T[XUT7Tc^[SW^fWT[TUc W^\TPc 'c^U[hc^0\TaXRPfWTaT WXbPRcX]VSaTP\bRP\TcadTCWT "$hTPa^[SXbUP\TSU^a\PZX]V _T^_[T[PdVWQdcWTaTeTP[TSU^a cWTUXabccX\TW^fWTP]S WXbUP\X[hfTaTX]cTPab^] cWT_W^]TPUcTaWT[P]STS cWT[XUTRWP]VX]Va^[T^U APYX]cWTWXcDBbXcR^\ 0XacaPeT[WPb_[PhTSP _Xe^cP[_PacX]WXb[XUT P]SRPaTTaWTbPXS °<h_PaT]cbaTP[[h X]b_XaTS\Tc^ [TPeTW^\T8 cWX]ZcWThU^d]S XcfPbeTahV^^S U^a\Tc^Va^f PbPWd\P] QTX]V0]S8 fPb]cbRPaTSPb \dRWPb8fPb TgRXcTSc^QTW^]Tbc 8fPb 'P]S8fPb V^X]Vc^P]Tf R^d]cah±7T R^]cX]dTS°>]1XV 1P]VCWT^ahXcc^^Z bXgfTTZbU^a\Tc^UX]S ^dc8WPSV^ccWPca^[T B^cWThfTaT_aTbT]c cWa^dVW^dccW^bTbXg fTTZbTeTahSPhfWT]8 fPbRP[[X]VcWT\ UaTPZX]V^dc8f^ZT cWT\d_Pc")"X]cWT \^a]X]VP]Sc^[ScWT\ PQ^dcXcRahX]V± 8S^]cbPRZ _T^_[T1TX]VP UX[\\PZTa8 \TTcSXUUTaT]c \dbXR R^\_^bTabP]S WTPacWTXa R^\_^bXcX^]b8V^fXcW fW^TeTaXbcWTQTbcP]S XbPePX[PQ[TfXcWX]cWT cX\T[X]T^UP_PacXRd[Pa _a^YTRc °70=B0;<47C0 1TX]VcP[Z^UcWT cX]bT[c^f]U^a WTabch[T bcPcT\T]ccWT 1^[[hf^^SQTPdch B>=0<:0?>>A WPbQTT]b_^ccTS bW^^cX]VU^aPCE2P[^]VfXcW 1^[[hf^^SWTPaccWa^Q7A8C78: A>B70=[^^ZX]VSP__TaPb P[fPhbFWPcfX[[QTX]cTaTbcX]V WTaTXbc^bTTW^fcWTRWT\Xbcah^U 7aXcWXZP]SB^]P\QaX]Vb[XUTc^ cWTCE2P]S[XVWcbd_cWTbRaTT] 2P[eX]7PaaXb V^X]V_[PRTb BX]VTa94==854A;>?4I P]S BR^ccXbW3920;E8=70AA8B WPeT aT_^acTS[hSXbRdbbTSP_^bbXQ[T \dbXRR^[[PQ^aPcX^]7PaaXbfW^ Qa^ZTd_fXcWbX]VTaCPh[^a BfXUc[Pbc\^]cWPccT]STS ;^_Tib#&cWQXacWSPh _PachX];PbETVPb^eTa cWTfTTZT]S°9T]]XUTa P]S2P[eX]SXbRdbbTSP _^bbXQ[T\dbXRR^[ [PQ^aPcX^]SdaX]V WTaQXacWSPh_Pach± Pb^daRTbPXS °CWThSXbRdbbTS cWTch_Tb^U\dbXR cWThQ^cW[^eT 2P[eX]fPbTgRXc TSc^QTPccWT _PachWP]VX]V ^dcfXcW9T]]XUTa P]SRWPccX]VfXcW 1T]]h<TSX]P ;^_Tib\P]PV Ta±cWTb^daRTPSSTS 7PaaXbP[b^_PacXTSfXcW aTP[XchCE_Tab^]P[Xch :X\:PaSPbWXP]1TU^aT WP]VX]V^dcfXcWcWT aTP[XchbcPa7PaaXb[X_ bh]RTSWTaaP__TaWdb QP]S:P]hTFTbcb CWPc_Pac ^] B]P_RWPc ³CWTSPh8]SXPbcPacb^aVP]XbX]VXcbT[U* 2WX]PfX[[QTR^\TPSXbcP]cR^dbX]´ ashion designer Sabaysachi Mukherjee has been comfortable in his skin ever since he took to the drawing board, rescuing our designs and textile traditions and making them contemporary enough for us to strut about in. Today brand Sabaysachi is a most sought after lifestyle benchmark, be it sari, jacket, bedspreads or jewellery. Little wonder then that he is the most equipped to talk about Make in India. As he said, “The most important thing is to address your social and cultural roots because if you want to create a global identity, the first identity that you have to create is nationalism. Make in India can never be successful if Indians don’t understand the importance of being Indian today. If India paid as much attention to its social and cultural roots rather than just religion, it would be a different country. The day India starts organising itself; China will become a distant cousin.” “Indian traditional handicrafts and handmade textiles represent the country’s unique cultural mosaic and identity to the world. Our rich heritage supported by the right policies could provide economic potential for women and fashion designers at all levels and across all sectors. India has everything it can give to the world,” said Mukherjee. He was speaking at the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) discussion Make in F 5PbWX^]STbXV]TaB010HB0278<D:74A944 b_^ZTPQ^dccWT X\_^acP]RT^UbcXRZX]Vc^b^RXP[P]SRd[cdaP[a^^cbD==0C8 9>B78 aT_^acb rom being known as the marathon F boy at the age of four to now being a regular 14 - year - old student at DAV Public school, Bhubaneswar, this is Budhia Singh for you all. The four - year - old Budhia burst into the limelight in 2006 and entered the Limca Book of Records by running the whole of 65 km from Puri to Bhubaneswar. While Budhia became a legend, his coach Biranchi Das became the eye of a controversy as he was accused of exploiting the child for money and recognition. The film Budhia Singh - Born to Run is not just another sports biopic.Was Biranchi ambitious or altruistic? An answer that veteran actor Manoj Bajpayee attempts in the film. “I try to do films with subjects that can touch the audience. Subjects which no one has ever heard about or experienced,” said Bajpayee. The film is a lot more than just about Budhia who comes from a challenged background and finds support from his coach, Biranchi. It’s also about how all of this turns into a tragedy which makes it a story that deserves to be heard. “About nine years ago, I followed Budhia Singh and Biranchi Das’s story completely. I used to surf all news channels just to be updated with this. Many opinions were formed about Biranchi Das. However, according to me, Biranchi Das was someone who was least understood by everyone,” shared the actor. On being asked how important is it CA189D;0;cWT\X]S QTWX]S8]SXP³bUXabc^UUXRXP[ BPeTcWTCXVTaUTPcdaTUX[\ <XbbX^]CXVTa b_^ZTc^ CTP\EXeP Aayog who was the chief guest, said, “India is an innovative society and this was demonstrated by the fact that over 1,500 international companies had set up global innovation centers in India. It is the youngest start-up nation with most of the founder women and young entrepreneurs below 35 years.” Encouraging women, he said, “Women entrepreneurs hold the key to achieve double-digit growth rate in the country.” “Worldwide, women contribute to 40 per cent to GDP while in India their contribution is 17 per cent so. If women’s share in India’s GDP rises to 40 per cent, the country would be able to add $700 billion to its GDP by 2025,” he said, and cited references of former US President Bill Clinton who in one of the speeches said, “The best thing that has happened to my life and that will happen to America is Hillary Clinton.” The key highlight of the interactive session was recognition of women achievers from the Indian fashion industry who have been rallying behind the cause of handmade textiles. The list of awardees had eminent designer Asma Hussain for skilling India and reviving legacy of Awadh, Choti Tekam from Madhya Pradesh for revitalising the Gond form of tribal art and Anavila Misra for innovative designs and popularising the linen saree. India: Handmade in India. Explaining the event Vinita Bimbhet, President, FLO said, “Handlooms and handmade textiles are sub-sectors which have achieved its recognition and glory in the internal arena. Harnessing of skills, design intervention and access to credit will play a big role in forging the global luxury industry ahead. This is the only sector that offers the promise and potential to preserve and promote India’s cultural identity. With more active promotion, additional financing and tax breaks for the handloom industry, India could provide the finest hand makers of the world.” Amitabh Kant CEO, NITI 8c³b]^cPfaP_ *DPHRI7KURQHV VHDVRQWR EHJLQSURGXFWLRQWKLVVXPPHU inter is finally here on Game of Thrones and the storyline is moving fast. With W Season Six having come and gone just like the Winds of Winter here in India – short, crisp and long gone, the extensive, dreadful winters in Westeros is just around the corner. Now that Season Seven is on its way, Casey Bloys, President, HBO Programming, has announced that Game of Thrones will begin shooting the season later this summer. Production of the seven - episode seventh season will be based in Northern Ireland, while additional portions will be filmed in Spain and Iceland, with debut slated for summer 2017 on HBO internationally and Star World Premiere HD in India. “Now that winter has arrived on Games of Thrones, executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss felt that the storylines of the next season would be better served by starting production a little later than usual, when the weather is changing,” said Bloys. “Instead of the show’s traditional spring debut, we’re moving the debut to summer to accommodate the shooting schedule.” With that being said, more details about the show have been revealed. The Season Seven directors will include Mark Mylod, Jeremy Podeswa, Matt Shakman and Alan Taylor. Locations for shooting in Spain will include Sevilla, Caceres, Almodovar del Rio, Santiponce, Zumaia and Bermeo. Game of Thrones has received 23 Primetime Emmy® nominations for its Season 6, the most of any nominee for the third year in a row. For those who missed the exciting last season can catch up S6 on Star World Premiere. $SHUHQQLDOSDVVLRQ <0=>9109?0H44 b_^ZTc^0=0=H0 B70A<0 PQ^dcWXba^[TX]1dSWXP BX]VW°1^a]c^Ad] P]SW^fcWTRWPaPRcTaX]b_XaTSWX\ to have a mentor, he said, “It is extremely important. Some people are lucky enough to have them but some people are not. A mentor’s role is to guide his 8YTTU^dYWUb 5ZgVcdZejZ_c`]Vd 3TQX]P1^]]TaYTTb_^ZTc^60=8C0 PQ^dcWTaU^acWR^\X]V bW^f3a<PSWd\PcX^]3dch s shown in filmy avtars in movies like Kaal, the tiger goes au natural A in Mission Tiger, a movie based on the ebina Bonnerjee is going to be seen as a hot and sexy doctor on a new D show Dr. Madhumati on Duty on Sab TV. real life experiences of Indian Forest Service Officer T R Bijulal, who turns writer for the movie slated for release on International Tiger Day. Beginning from an incident of a man-eating tiger killing a woman in the Surai Forest range in Haldwani district to instances of poaching, the movie runs the gamut showing what actually happens inside the forests with a central theme of depicting mananimal conflict. “The story is mine. During my training period a woman was killed by a man-eater tiger in Surai Forest range in Khatima of Haldwani district. I have also met a lot of forest officers,” shared T R Bijulal. It is the only save tiger movie based on real field experience in his own words. He went forward, “Aiming to increase awareness against poaching, the movie depicts undercover operations taken to stop poaching, the way the forest department does normally.” Narrating incidents to his friend Director Dipu Karunakaran during a visit in Badrinath, Bijulal sparked the interest of the Kerala - based director, who then created the script and screenplay before beginning to make Mission Tiger in various phases. Incorporating shots with real animals and large amounts of stock scenes, overall “She has had a very sad past, hence she is quite strict. Overall it’s a romantic comedy, where the boy goes to the hospital to look for her and then the romance flows in with a lot of comedy elements,” she said. A show with a similar name, Dr Bhanumati on Duty, starring Kavita Kaushik was on air. But unhappy with her role, she had quit midway. When asked if she has ever watched the show starring Kavita, Debina said, “I haven’t watched the show, because honestly we don’t get much time to watch television, even though we work in the fraternity.” She never spoke to Kavita before getting into the show, because she thinks that Dr Madhumati on duty is a show with a totally different story line and concept. When asked if people will compare her and Kavita, she responded, “I am not worried about comparisons as such between us, as the characters are different, costumes are different, characterisation is different and even the show names are different. Hence there isn’t much of a connection, so there shouldn’t be much comparison either.” Showing her excitement for the new role, she said, “I am pretty much excited for the show to be honest. As I have always played a very serious character or an absolutely brainless type, but shooting of the movie took place over a period of two to three years, shot extensively in Nainital. “Shooting a wildlife movie is not that easy as you have to get permission from various government departments, forest departments and procure wildlife animal clearance, and these permissions take time,” explained Bijulal. Monsoon Wedding fame Vijay Raaz played the lead along with other actors from National School of Drama, Delhi and from the Kerala film fraternity. The entire professional crew and shooting unit were also assembled from Kerala, homeland of both the director and Bijulal. “Maybe for the first time the world will come to know what mysterious operations are happening inside the forest,” expressed Bijulal. Mission Tiger, having received blessings from Maharashtra Save the Tiger brand ambassador Amitabh Bachchan, is likely be released internationally in the first week of October known as Wildlife Week after dubbing in South Indian and International languages. followers and keep encouraging them. A mentor helps you through all the challenges and is there for you. But sadly, a very few of us can afford to say that we have a mentor,” answered Bajpayee. The reel life Biranchi Das says that he is grateful to his mentors for spotting his talent and encouraging him to be an actor. He says it was his acting guru Barry John who believed in his dreams and passion. Budhia Singh was taken away by the authorities from the care of his mentor Biranchi when he was four years old. For the past ten years, officials have made him study and also run sprints. Sadly, Budhia hasn’t excelled in either. Worse still, Biranchi Das was murdered in 2008. Bajpayee recently met the real Budhia Singh and tells us that his passion is still the same. “His dream is to represent India in the 2020 Olympics. He needs a Biranchi Das in his life, once again,” said the actor. “When the whole controversy of Budhia and Biranchi took place over nine years ago, I had told myself that if I ever got the chance to play Biranchi Das in a movie, I would do it without giving it a second thought,” he said. “Today, Budhia Singh is 14 years old and if because of this film, he gets the right guidance and help that he needs to fulfill his dream of representing India at the Olympics, that would definitely be the biggest success for all of us,” said Bajpayee. this character has a balance of every element. From serious, to comic and romantic, and looking beautiful of course. Since it is a comedy show, it definitely won’t be like a daily soap, where everybody is known to shed tears.” eXePRXchjdb_l # A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % DX_cUgX_cdQ^T_ed 3XGXFKHUU\WUDFHVWKH WUDFNVRIGHYHORSPHQW ?^fTa6aXS2^a_^aPcX^]^U8]SXP;X\XcTSQPVbcf^_aXiTbPcB2>?42^a_^aPcT2^\\d]XRPcX^] 4gRT[[T]RT0fPaSb! %U^aRaXbXbWP]S[X]VP]SbZX[[STeT[^_\T]c he Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) has been awarded 2nd Prize at SCOPE Corporate Communication Excellence Awards 2016 for case study of crisis management in the category of ‘Crisis Handling.’ and 2nd Prize at Corporate Communication Excellence Awards in the category of ‘Innovative Stakeholder Interface’ i.e. our skill development initiatives under CSR. The POWERGRID case study on crisis communication was adjudged as the 2nd best paper highlighting the measures for handling and managing one of the worst crisis by Team C orporate Communications in terms of communication management during grid failure in July 2012. The case study emphasized on techniques on how to handle the crises with meticulous planning and major factors that contributed to tackle the crisis. The panel of judges comprising of SK Chaturvedi, Chairman, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission and former, CMD, POWERGRID, Deepak Sandhu, former Principal, DG PIB and former Chief Information Commissioner of India and Sarthak Behuria, Executive Director, CNG and LPG Adani Group, former CMD, IOCL and former Chairman, SCOPE deliberated on July15 he Hon’ble Lieutenant T Governor Kiran Bedi called on the Hon’ble Prime Minister T and unanimously decided the awards based on evaluation of the entries received from PSEs by the SCOPE. Awards were presented during the inaugural session of the SCOPE Corporate Communication Summit 2016, held on July 21. Atul Trivedi, ED(E&SM,CSR &LAC), Chetan Verma, GM(CC) and Naresh Kumar, Assistant GM(CC) received the award from the Chairman of SCOPE Nirmal Sinha in the presence of Director General of SCOPE UD Choubey, Padamshri KK Agar wal, Editor and Business Head of ZEE News Sudhir Chaudhary and other dignitaries. Bca^ZTb^U\hbcXRXb\ ratiksha Apurv, P a well-known c o nt e mp o r a r y Indian painter, showcased her Mystical Moments series of artworks at Rashtrapati Bhawan Museum. Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the museum on July 25, in the presence of President Mukherjee, Vice President Hamid Ansari and other dignitaries. Mystical Moments series narrates stories of a seeker’s life on the canvas. With meditation as center of her existence, this new series of paintings are expression of Pratiksha’s own journey as a seeker and is based on the eternal truths embedded within the Sutras of our spiritual and mystical tradition and the science of meditation. Mystical Moments explores the vast range of subjects with lyrical expression. One such work, Beyond Senses oil on canvas, touches upon the interesting aspect of our five senses that we have been told about since the childhood. This painting is an attempt to convey that our journey must not ignore the inner world that exists beyond senses. We do not need to destroy the senses but create a balancing act by re-directing them to inner world that would take oneself beyond the senses. The silence 3UDWLNVKD$SXUY¶VVKRZ0\VWLFDO0RPHQWV H[SUHVVHGKHUMRXUQH\DVDGLYLQHVHHNHUWKURXJK PHGLWDWLRQDQGVSLULWXDOLW\7KHH[KLELWLRQZDV LQDXJXUDWHGE\3ULPH0LQLVWHU1DUHQGUD0RGLLQ WKHSUHVHQFHRI3UHVLGHQW3UDQDE0XNKHUMHH and stillness blended in the colors on canvas evokes a sense of mysterious moments, here and now. Splendour of Compassion, one of her paintings of Mystical Moments, series describes the Karuna through Avalokiteshvara BcPhUXc P]SWTP[cWh >A57TP[cW5^ad\U^RdbbTS^]cWT ]PcX^]P[STeT[^_\T]cPVT]SPc^ X\_a^eTcWT[XeTb^U_T^_[T who with several heads and eyes ensures watch on people suffering and requires immediate help. In Buddhism, compassion or karuna is described as a seed that is born out of deep meditation and its flourishing is important to attain Bodhisatva. Mahayana, a school of Buddhism, which emphasises Buddha’s life, focuses on feeling and compassion. Mahayana Sutra says a seeker Bhikshus and Bhikshunis - must recite the mantra and bring forth a heart of kindness and compassion for all living beings. “I believe everything comes from that meditative energy. When I put the brush to canvas, I’m total into it. The outer world doesn’t matter to me at all. I don’t need to see the greenery, hills or sea to paint. I do not find the process as technical but liberating, a process of decoding the hidden treasure,” said Pratiksha. The series has rich offerings from Upanishad’s, wisdom from Gita and deep insights of Kabir as well as vision of Gautam Buddha. Mystical Moments also has a set of three paintings on Tantra - eternal orgasm, Mahamudra and Synchronicity- visually depicting the sexual energy and its inner journey that goes beyond the mind. Pratiksha’s ten paintings titled Divine Art were selected for Soul of Asia section of 44th International Film Festival of India. IFFI was held from November 20 to November 30, 2013 in Goa. The show was inaugurated by the Hollywood star Susan Sarandon. She said, “When I met Pratiksha, I was delighted to see the breathtaking candour of her personality.” :LSHRIIWKHGLUW CWTcTP\Ua^\7hSTaPQPS[TSQhT\X]T]c_Tab^]P[XcXTb eXbXcTS=Tf3T[WX<d]XRX_P[2^d]RX[c^aTeXTfcWTbcT_b cPZT]c^PRWXTeTcWTV^P[b^UBfPRWW1WPaPc<XbbX^] s part of the Observer Research Foundation’s work on the Sustainable Development A Goals, a kickoff event of the ORF Health Forum was held at the Taj Mahal Hotel. Giving his inaugural address, Dr Bibek Debroy, member of the NITI Aayog, shared with the audience how the national development agenda will aim to improve Indian lives. The agenda will have a 15-year vision, a seven year strategy, and a three year action plan. Social sectors, physical connectivity, law and order and security are going to be important components. Dr Debroy said that while the plans are not final yet, NITI Aayog will soon come out will a set of indicators to monitor progress towards attaining the objectives. NITI Aayog will not benchmark the states according to their health outcomes. Instead, the states will be asked what they will achieve in terms of district level health outcomes, and then will be held to task based on actual performance. However, the availability of data for some of these indicators may be an issue. Silos within the health sector lead to inefficiencies in the public health expenditure. These need to be overcome. The session had Sunil Nandraj, Advisor (Clinical Establishment Act), MoHFW giving an address on the possibilities of engaging the private sector for data through regulation. Dr Krishna Kumar, Deputy Director General, MoPIS, who represents India at the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators explained the global processes, and methodological issues. team from Hyderabad visited New Delhi Municipal Council A on receiving positive inputs and feedback from ASCI Team who had visited in June 2016 to validate the Swachh Bharat initiative carried out by NDMC for consideration of Swachh Bharat Urban Award by ASCI in the category of “Solid Waste Management”. Consequent to the visit by ASCI team and positive inputs and feedback, Minister, Government of Teleangana, KT Rama Rao evinced keen interest in getting a firsthand exposure to the NDMC efforts, particularly in the areas of sanitation, maintenance of public toilets/community toilets, parks, bus shelters and footpaths. The team from Hyderabad was led by Minister Ramachandru Tejawat, Ram Mohan, Mayor, Hyderabad, Janardhan Reddy, IAS, Commissioner, GHMC, Chief Engineer of GHMC, Professor S Chary and Major Shiv Kiran from ASCI. The meeting with the team was conducted in Council Room where good practices for Smart City were discussed. NDMC shared its best practices on site in respect of Sanitation, Road and PTUs maintenance, Multi Level Parking and maintenance of Bus-Q-Shelters. The Hyderabad team appreciated the standard of sanitation in NDMC area, modalities of e-governance included in newly launched NDMC 311 App, maintenance of footpath and PTUs in NDMC area. RFP and Concession Agreement for Solid Waste Management, Bus-Q-Shelters and PTUs were shared with them. In Hyderabad 1100 garbage collection points have been converted in art areas by painting and rangoli etc. Narendra Modi and sought his support for the budget for Puducherry for the year 201617 as proposed by the Chief Minister V Narayanasamy. She called on the Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs, Rajnath Singh who assured his support on matters related to the budget and security. Kiran Bedi also met with Union Minister for Railways, Suresh Prabhu to discuss better rail connectivity for Puducherry. Suresh Prabhu assured his support for starting the Main line Electrical Multiple Units (MEMU) and Alc Chair Car services between Puducherry-Villupuram and Puducherry-Chennai within this year. Further, he said that he would give expedited consideration for starting Shatabdi Train Services between Puducherry and Chennai by early next year. Kiran Bedi met with the Union Minister for Rural Development, Narendra Singh Tomar to discuss the Open Defecation Free mission. Tomar said that he would personally visit Puducherry in September to review the progress made. Earlier in the day, the Lieutenant Governor met with the CEO of Niti Aayog, Amitabh Kant, who offered to develop a detailed plan of action for the Union Territory with a focus on improving health and nutrition, education, water management and industries. He offered to send an Advance Planning Team to hold dialogues with key stakeholders. 1dX[SX]VQ[^RZb 7\_RQ\[YdSXU^ EXQaP]c8]SXP! %Qa^dVWcc^VTcWTacWTQTbc^U ZXcRWT]fPaTP]SW^\TP__[XP]RTb^]^]T_[PcU^a\ uilding Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC), a promoB tion Council under Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, has been promoting appropriate building materials and construction technologies so as to have cost effective sustainable and safe construction. In this endeavor, BMTPC organised a Sensitization cum Capacity Building Programme on traditional roofing system prevalent in Western Uttar Pradesh and Haryana known as Shallow Masonry Dome Construction (DAAT KI CHAAT) on July 21 at Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Joint Secretary (Housing), Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India in presence of Shailesh Kumar Agrawal, Executive Director, BMTPC, Sandeep Virmani, Associate Vice President, Hunnarshala Foundation and KS Jagdish, Emeritus Professor Indian Institute of Science. The highlight of the programme was an hour long interaction between the delegates and the master masons of UP and Haryana. It was attended by more than 70 participants. meeting between BSNL and team of delegation from A Bangladesh led by Hon’ble Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Tarana Halim was held. Md. Monwar Hossain, Managing Director, Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited, Bangladesh was also present in the meeting. On this occasion, Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL and BSNL Board Directors welcomed the delegation from Bangladesh. CMD BSNL said, “Bangladesh is best neighbor and best friend, with so many similarities between two countries it will only help in building a formidable partner- ndia’s biggest integrated IAppliances Housewares and Home Trade Fair-Vibrant India 2016 concluded with grand success at Pragati Maidan. The show was full of visitors, exhibitors and traders, had a good time trading their products. During the show an ‘award night ceremony’ was also organised in which the stalls with best cookeries and utensils were honored with the awards. During the ceremony a ‘dance programme’ was also performed by a group of dancers. On the occasion of award ceremony Narendra Diwakar organiser of Vibrant India said, “I am very pleased with the success of this show and I thank all the exhibitors,traders and the supporters for their whole hearted participation in the show and also for making it a big success.” He added, “India is the fastest emerging market for houseware, kitchenware and home appliances or second largest growing economy in the world after china”. The first edition of the expo spread over 8000 sq meter attracted over 350 national and international exhibitors displaying their products and providing insights into the latest trends in utensils, kitchen appliances and household goods with focus on stainless steel. 1^]Sb^Uc^VTcWTa]Tbb ship”. It was appreciated that the recently commissioned 10 G Internet Link from Agartala to Cox Bazaar in Bangladesh is being utilized very effectively to improve the internet connectivity of North East Region of India. The payment for 1st quarter since the commissioning of link i.e. 08-02-2016 was handed over by CMD BSNL to H.E. Tarana Halim in the meeting. Minister for Posts and Telecommunications, Bangladesh Tarana Halim said in her speech that Bangladesh is always grate- ful for contribution / support getting from India since their freedom. She said that she has a vision for the Mobile phone for each women of Bangladesh to empower them. She also made the point that her purpose of visit was to enhance the co-operation for Telecommunications with India specially with BSNL. Meeting was concluded in very conducive atmosphere to enhance the co-operation between both countries. 1d`QbgYdXWb_gdX IS jointly with South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) B organised an awareness programme on regional standardization at BIS Headquarters, New Delhi. SARSO is the regional standards body for SAARC Member States. The programme was attended by around 60 participants representing industry, government bodies, testing laboratories, regulators, trade promotion bodies, research institutions and academia etc. Alka Panda, Director General, BIS delivered the keynote address and Dr. Syed HumayunKabir, DG SARSO outlined the activities of SARSO. P M Pantulu, DDG (Standardization), BIS, Dr. Sanjeevan Bajaj, FICCI, Dr. MuraliKallummal, Centre for WTO Studies and InduBikram Joshi, SARSO participated as speakers. CWT<X]XbcTa^UBcPcTU^aH^dcW0UUPXabP]SB_^acb82FPcTa ATb^daRTbAXeTa3TeT[^_\T]cP]S6P]VPATYdeT]PcX^]EXYPh 6^T[\TTcX]VcWTF^a[SATR^aSW^[STa9PeT[X]cWa^fTa=TTaPY 2W^_aPX]=Tf3T[WX^]9d[h!&! % b_^ac $ A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % >@C6CFDD:2?D32??65:?C:@E@== 1dX\UdUc^e]RUbbYcUcd_! (QVdUb!)b_gUbc^_dQ\\_gUTd_S_]`UdUY^?\i]`YSc 05?Q ;0DB0==4 inteen more Russian rowers were banned from the Olympics, taking the toll of the nation's athletes suspended from Rio to 108 after explosive revelations of state-run doping across Russian sport. As the list of supsended Russians grew, the International Olympic Commitee continued to face fierce criticism for failing to ban Russia outright. Germany's Olympic discus champion Robert Harting launched a savage verbal attack on IOC president Thomas Bach, calling his compatriot "part of the doping system not the anti-doping system". Bach fired back that the decision to leave individual sports federations to decide which Russians could compete "respects the right of every clean athlete around the world." Bach noting that would-be Russian Olympians must clear "the highest hurdles" to be green-lighted for the Games, which start on August 5. Five canoeists and two modern pentathletes were barred, with the number of Russians banned since Sunday standing at 41. They are in addition to 67 track and field athletes already banned by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). While there was good news for Russian athletes competing in judo, equestrian, tennis and shooting, World Rowing (FISA) came down hard, banning 22 of Russia's 28 rowers. FISA said that those banned were "not at all considered to have participated in doping" but were being excluded as they "do not meet the conditions established by the IOC". "This is a humiliation" Russian rowing federation president Veniamin But told the R-Sport agency. "I am in shock, but we won't stop the battle. Our Olympic Committee is holding discussions with the IOC on our behalf." With just six rowers Russia can only compete with one boat in Brazil, a men's coxless four, after qualifying five boats. Pavel Sozykin was the competitor banned by World Sailing, with the other six Russian sailors allowed to compete, and a replacement for Sozykin will be allowed. The International Canoe Federation (ICF) said it had taken "swift action" to N ?dcX]c^\TTcAdbbXPb S^_TcPX]cTSAX^cTP\ 05? Q <>B2>F resident Vladimir Putin will meet members P of Russia's Olympic team on Wednesday as the list of its athletes banned from the Rio Games remove five canoe sprint paddlers from Rio after the release of additional information naming those implicated in the McLaren report. The report by Canadian law professor Richard McLaren for the World AntiDoping Agency (WADA) detailed an elaborate doping system in Russia directed by the sports ministry that affected more than 30 sports. The banned five included Alexey Korovashkov, a five-time world champion who won a bronze medal in London four years ago, and Alexander Dyachenko, who took gold in a doubles kayak sprint. "This is a bitter blow for the Olympic movement and we are saddened that our sport is implicated. We have taken swift action and removed all offending athletes where doping evidence exists," said ICF secretary general Simon Toulson. Modern pentathlon's governing body said Maksim Kustov and Ilia Frolov had been implicated in the McLaren report and were being booted from Rio. The report linked both to the socalled "Disappearing Positive $XVVLHVEXLOGXSOHDGRYHU6/ 05?Q ?0;;4:4;4 ustralia removed Sri Lankan opener Kusal Perera cheaply after building up an 86-run first innings lead over their hosts as they took firm command today of a low-scoring Test here. Perera fell to the last ball of the day, with the umpires once again forced to call a premature halt to proceedings following a downpour at the picturesque ground on the outskirts of Kandy. Australia were all out for 203 in reply to Sri Lanka's first innings total of 117, with spinner Lakshan Sandakan taking four wickets on his debut. The early loss of Perera on the second day of the first Test was another bitter blow for the struggling hosts. Perera fell for just four when he was lbw to paceman Mitchell Starc, leaving Sri Lanka wobbling on six for one at close of play. The downpour initially prompted the umpires to call an early tea break, but they were later forced to abandon play early for the second day running. Veteran Sri Lankan left-arm spinner Rangana Herath and the 25-year-old rookie Sandakan had earlier taken four wickets apiece as ngland all-rounder Ben Stokes E has been ruled of next week's third Test against Pakistan at the Australian batsman also struggled to cope with a turning pitch. Adam Voges top-scored for the Australians with 47, meaning no player from either side managed to score a half-century in the first innings. The 38-year-old Herath, who has hinted that he may soon retire from Test cricket, was the pick of the bowlers and was unlucky not to record a five-wicket haul. He dismissed both overnight batsmen — skipper Steve Smith and Usman Khawaja — in successive overs and had a third wicket in the morning session when wicketkeeper Peter Nevill was caught at mid-on. After lunch, wicketkeeper Perera dropped a chance off Josh Hazlewood, denying Herath what would have been his 24th fivewicket haul. While Herath was providing captain Angelo Mathews both the attacking and containing options, Sandakan ran through the lower order to finish with four for 58. Seamer Nuwan Pradeep finished with two wickets, including that of the resolute Voges who was brilliantly caught by Kusal Mendis at gully. Voges, who faced 115 deliveries and hit three fours, added 60 for the fifth wicket with Mitchell Marsh, who was among Sandakan's victims. B6<bWXUcTSc^ A`deD4gVcUZTe+<Y`UR]Z\V]j 3T[WXUa^\<d\ e`YRgVacV^RefcVViZe =4F34;78) The BCCI top brass is yet to "formally inform" the Supreme Court appointed Lodha Committee about the scheduled meeting that is going to take place on the implementation of the reforms post the apex court verdict. In another development, the Special General Meeting that was convened on August 5 in Mumbai has been shifted to Delhi as the Parliament is in session at the moment which means that BCCI president and BJP parliamentarian Anurag Thakur along with Congress MP Rajeev Shukla need to be in the capital. "There are reports in the media about August 9 being the date when BCCI official is going to meet the panel but there has been no official intimation till date. Also it must be mentioned that there were two emails sent to the office-bearers regarding the implementation of SC verdict but none of the BCCI top officials replied to the two emails sent," a source close to the Panel said. No agenda has been fixed for the marketing committee meeting, it was learnt. PTI Bc^ZTb^dc^U cWXaSCTbceb?PZ 05?Q ;>=3>= A ?C8Q =4F34;78 he Supreme Court verdict on Justice RM Lodha comT mittee's landmark reforms for BCCI is all set to affect the senior national selection committee's composition as selector Gagan Khoda will have to make an early exit. A major rejig in the selection committee could be on cards with current chairman Sandeep Patil along with Vikram Rathour and Saba Karim ending their four-year-tenure in September and the new selection committee is expected to be a three-member panel. The other two in the panel are Central Zone's Gagan Khoda and South's MSK Prasad, who were appointed in October 2015 and as per earlier rules would have continued till 2019. As per Lodha Committee recommendations, "Only former Players who have repre- sented the Senior National Team in Test matches shall be eligible to be appointed to this committee, provided that they have retired from the game at least five years previously. The senior-most Test cap among the members of the Committee shall be appointed as the Chairperson." A source close to the Supreme Court-appointed panel said that as per directives, Khoda will have to eventually vacate his position as national selector but the BCCI probably will keep him for six months knowing that it is the stipulated time to set the house in order. "Since the constitution will change as per reforms suggested by the panel and verdict passed by the Apex Court, BCCI can take six months of time. So perhaps BCCI will try to keep the selectors in question (Khoda) till that time but eventually, they will need to follow the rule," a source close to the panel said. her ban from the Rio Olympics. Her inclusion is actually backed by the IAAF and many anti-doping officials, who have praised her whistleblowing efforts, but was nixed by an IOC ethics commission. Matthieu Reeb, CAS secretary general, told AFP in an email it had yet to receive the appeal. Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko — a key figure in the McLaren report who has been banned from Rio — has voiced confidence that the "majority" of the country's 387-member team would be declared eligible for Rio. Methodology", meaning their positive drug tests at a Moscow laboratory in 2014 were never reported. Time was running out for federations to scrutinize Russian competitors, some of whom are already in Brazil. In addition to the ban on Russia's entire track and field team over doping, seven swimmers, two weightlifters and a volleyballer have also been barred. Yuliya Stepanova, the Russian 800m runner who lifted the lid on systematic doping and corruption in Russian athletics, is making one last-gasp appeal of Edgbaston with a torn right calf, the England and Wales Cricket Board said on Wednesday. Durham paceman Stokes suffered the injury midway through bowling his sixth over on the fourth day of the second Test at Old Trafford on Monday, when England completed a 330-run win to level the four-match series at 1-1. A scan revealed the extent of Stokes's injury and the 25-yearold's fitness will be reviewed by the England medical team next week, with the squad assembling in Birmingham on Monday. In addition to the remaining 10 fit players who featured at Old Trafford, England have selected Nottinghamshire paceman Jake Ball, who made his Test debut in a 75-run defeat by Pakistan in the series opener at Lord's. Also in a 13-man squad is Middlesex fast bowler Steven Finn, who also played in that match, and Yorkshire leg-spinner Adil Rashid. over revelations of state-run doping soared above 100. An AFP journalist at the Kremlin said the athletes to meet Putin included banned track and field stars Yelena Isinbayeva, Sergey Shubenkov and Maria Kuchina, who are barred from competing next month in Rio. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) sparked fierce criticism on Sunday when it resisted a blanket ban in favour of allowing individual sports federations to make the call on which Russians can go to Rio. International sports federations are now scrambling to vet Russian athletes as time ticks down to the start of the Games on August 5. Putin, who has made sporting success a priority in a bid to harness national pride, is set to meet 49 athletes, including those approved for Rio and those set to miss out, at a ceremony in the Kremlin. Russia's track and field team — including Isinbayeva and Co — was already banned from Rio over state-sponsored doping, but its Olympic Committee last week optimistically named a 387strong squad for the Games. Since the IOC decision at the weekend, the number of Russian competitors allowed to take part has steadily decreased. Rowing's international governing body FISA was the latest to get tough with Russia, announcing late on Tuesday that 22 of 28 Russian competitors had been banned under strict criteria imposed by the IOC. That took number of Russian athletes banned since Sunday to 41, in addition to the 67 track and field athletes already banned by International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). <hQTbcVP\TfPb 2^]UXST]c X]8]SXP)APQPSP 8]SXPPaaXeT X]:X]Vbc^] L ?C8Q 9>70==4B1DA6 ess than a year after making a stunning debut for the Proteas, 21-yearold Kagiso Rabada hit the record books for a six when he was named South African's youngest ever Cricketer of the Year and also scooped up five other awards at a gala hosted by Cricket South Africa. Rabada became the first South African player to win six individual awards, beating the record of five held by teammates Hashim Amla and AB de Villiers. After receiving the top accolade, Rabada was asked what his best moment in his short career so far, and his response was: "We play so many games, but when we won the series in India." Besides the top award, Rabada was named Test Cricketer of the Year and ODI Cricketer of the Year, and was not nominated in the third category, as the T20 International Cricketer of the Year award went to Pakistan-born Imran Tahir. Rabada was also honoured by his peers for being named SA Players' Player of the Year and by the 60,000 fans who voted in a contest to find the SA Fans Player of the Year. ?C8Q :8=6BC>= confident Indian cricket team arrived here for the A second Test against hosts West Rabada's sixth award was for the Delivery of the Year, which he bowled to England's Jason Roy in the T20 International at the Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg. His international statistics are remarkable with 24 wickets in only 6 matches at an average of 24.70 and 37 wickets in 20 ODIs at an average of 21.45 with an economy rate of 4.78. Stephen Cook, who made a century on his Test debut, was named International Newcomer of the Year while the new national captain, Dane van Niekerk, was named Momentum Women's Cricketer of the Year. Indies starting July 30, hoping to carry on the momentum it gained with an innings victory in the series opener in Antigua. The morale of Virat Kohli and his men is high after the record innings and 92-run thrashing of the hosts. Indulging in a bit of recreational activities, opener Shikhar Dhawan, who scored 84 in the first innings of opening Test, enjoyed with his playstation. Dhawan posted a video where they he is seen enjoying a FIFA football game with Kohli, Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Wriddhiman Saha among others. The West Indies team also reached the Jamaican City aiming to overcome their loss. =ebQ\Yd_RUY^TeSdUTY^d_9338Q\\_V6Q]U ?C8Q 3D108 Lankan spin legend Muralidaran, SalongriMuttiah with three others, will be inducted into the International Cricket Council's Hall of Fame later this year. "The International Cricket Council today announced that Muttiah Muralidaran, Karen Rolton, Arthur Morris and George Lohmann will be inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame later this year," the ICC said in a statement. Record-breaking offspinner Muralidaran becomes the first Sri Lankan player to be inducted along with twice ICC Women's World Cup winner and former Australia captain Karen Rolton, her compatriot Arthur Morris, a member of Don Bradman's 'invincibles' and England's George Lohmann, the 19th century fast bowler who took 100 wickets in just 16 Tests. The four iconic cricketers were voted by the ICC Cricket Hall of Famers as well as members of the media. They will be presented with commemorative caps honouring their contribution to the game to mark their induction. Family members will represent Lohmann and Morris at the presentations. ICC Chief Executive David Richardson congratulated the four, saying: "The ICC Cricket Hall of Fame recognises some of the truly great players from cricket's long and illustrious history, and this year's inductees thoroughly deserve to be in this highly prestigious group. "Muralidaran has been one of the greats of the modern era. His guile and consistency over the years helped Sri Lanka develop as a very competitive side in both Tests and ODI cricket. "We have in the list some very famous names of different eras. Lohmann and Morris were outstanding performers during their times and are part of cricket folk-lore, while Rolton's performances have been recent and came during an era when women's cricket became very competitive." Muralidaran, whose last international fixture was the final of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 in Mumbai finished his career with 800 wickets in Tests, 534 wicket in One-Day Internationals and 13 wickets in 12 T20Is. Lohmann, an exponent of swing bowling in the late 19th century and rated by his contemporaries as the most difficult opponent, will be the 27th Englishman in the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame list. He raced to 100 Test wickets in 16 matches but tuberculosis shortened his career and he died at the age of 36 in 1901. In an 18-Test career from 1886 to 1896, Lohmann took 112 wickets, including nine for 28 against South Africa at the Old Wanderers, and also scored 213 runs. Morris, a stylish left-hander of the 1940s and 50s who scored 12 centuries and 12 fifties in 46 Tests between 1946 and 1955, will be the 22nd Australia cricketer in the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame. Morris scored a total of 12,614 runs in 162 first-class matches, including 3,533 runs in Tests. Head coach Anil Kumble, Kohli and Dhawan also paid tribute to the Indian soldiers on the occasion of Kargil Diwas. Kohli tweeted, "60 Days, Operation Vijay. I was in school during the Kargil War. I remember how every family shared the pain of the soldiers. "We prayed for them & felt proud of being an Indian. To the soldiers & their families, you are the real heroes of India #JaiHind." b_^ac % A0=278kC7DAB30H k9D;H !'! % ?25225;@FC?D962C:?8E@E9FCD52J FXcW=PabX]VW³bAX^W^_TbWP]VbQhcWaTPSfaTbc[TaR^d[S[TPa]WXbUPcTc^SPh ?C8Q =4F34;78 arsingh Yadav's Olympic fate will be known on Thursday after the National Anti-Doping Agency's disciplinary panel adjourned its hearing on the dope scandal surrounding the wrestler even as he failed a second dope test and lodged a police complaint against two fellow grapplers. In a hearing which lasted three and half hours, Narsingh and his battery of lawyers presented their case in front of the NADA committee, which will pronounce its verdict tomorrow. "We have put Narsingh's argument. We have full faith in the NADA panel. We are trying to convince them. We are hopeful he will be exonerated. NADA panel is helpful. We have presented our argument today and panel was very patient and we had a very fair hearing. NADA will present their case tomorrow," Narsingh's lawyer Vidushpat Singhania. "The NADA panel has completed the hearing, the decision will be taken tomorrow. Nothing has been decided. It has been adjourned till tomorrow. We are very confident. There will be another discussion at 4pm tomorrow," added his promoters JSW Sports' MD Mustafa Ghouse. Amid scenes of complete pandemonium at the NADA headquarters, Narsingh was accompanied by not just lawyers but also his supporters, who shouted slogans demanding justice for him. The wrestler has alleged that he has been framed in the doping scandal by rivals, who spiked his food and supplements to stop him from going to Rio. However, his supplements have reportedly been found to be clean. Narsingh filed an FIR at the Sonepat Police Station naming two fellow wrestlers, one of them a 17-year-old, and persisted with his demand for a CBI probe into the scandal that has sent shockwaves into the Indian sporting fraternity. The Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) also continued to back Narsingh but announced that Parveen Rana would replace him in the squad for Rio de Janeiro, a move that was approved by the sport's world governing body -- United World Wrestling. "I have always maintained that there has been a conspiracy against me. If I am cleared of the charges, I will go to Rio. I have identified the boy who was seen contaminating my food. I have given a detailed complaint to the police," Narsingh told reporters after filing his complaint. "I feel even officials are involved because I am not being provided the CCTV footage," he added. Narsingh himself desisted from taking names but WFI President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh revealed the alleged saboteurs while talking to the media. "We suspect Jitesh, who fights in the 75kg category, and Sumit, both of them live in Chhatarsaal. And one of them has admitted to spiking Narsingh's 7PahP]PWPb]^R^]ca^[ ^eTaB082T]caT)EXY N ?C8Q 270=3860A7 aryana Sports Minister Anil Vij on Wednesday claimed the state government H had no control over the activities of the Sports Authority of India (SAI) centre at Rai in Sonipat even as the state police has been asked to complete its probe into the doping scandal surrounding wrestler Narsingh Yadav. "SAI centres are looked after by the SAI authorities and we have no control over them," he said, terming the doping incident involving Narsingh, which allegedly took place at the Sonipat SAI centre, "a very serious matter". "We have instructed the Haryana Police to go into the depth of the case and find out the truth. Since an FIR has been lodged and it is a legal matter, the police would take appropriate action, including filing the case in a local court," Vij said, adding that the state government has already asked the police to complete its probe "as soon as possible". "We will definitely investigate, go into the depth of the case and the police will bring out the truth," he said. Vij said since the incident (contamination of Narsingh's food) allegedly took place at a SAI centre in the state, the local authorities too were looking into it. food. I can't say on the conspiracy and can't say whether they did this on their own or on someone's asking. We cannot investigate this but we support Narsingh's demand for a CBI inquiry," Brij Bhushan Sharan said here. Sports Minister Vijay Goel, on the other hand, stuck to his stand that the government will abide by international rules when it comes to deciding on Narsingh's trip to Rio in the aftermath of the controversy. Narsingh's hopes of competing in the Olympics had faded further after the wrestler failed a second dope test which was conducted on him on July 5. It is learnt that Narsingh, already under provisional suspension for failing a June 25 dope test, has also flunked the second test done on both his 'A' and 'B' samples taken on July 5. "It's the same substance that was found in the first test. It was unlikely that it would go out of the system," a Wrestling Federation of Indian source said referring to banned anabolic steroid methandienone. Earlier, the WFI sent Rana's name to replace Narsingh, putting an end to the speculation surrounding double-Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar's chances. Narsingh had been picked ahead of Sushil after he won the quota place with a bronze medal in the World Championships. Freestyle wrestler Rana had earlier won a gold medal in the 74kg category at the Dave Schultz Memorial wrestling tournament in USA in 2014. "United World Wrestling informed the Indian Olympic Association last week that since the positive test occurred outside of the qualification event they would be allowed replace Yadav with another wrestler, or else vacate the qualification spot," the United World Wrestling said in a statement. "The Indian Olympic Association informed United World Wrestling of their desire to enter Parveen RANA as their nation's replacement at 74kg in men's freestyle," it added. Goel said that doors are almost shut for Narsingh and it is time for the conspiracy theories to stop. )HGHUHUWRPLVVUHVWRIVHDVRQ 0?Q BF8CI4A;0=3 oger Federer is sitting out the rest of this season, including the R Rio de Janeiro Olympics and U.S. 9deT]cdbbXV] 7XVdPX]U^a('(\ 80=BQ CDA8= talian football champions Juventus have announced the historic signing of Napoli's Argentine striker IGonzalo Higuain in a five-year deal for a third most costliest transfer fee of 90 million euros ($98.9 million). "Juventus Football Club can confirm that it has purchased the registration rights of Gonzalo Higuain for 90 million euros, payable in two financial years," the Serie A giants said in a statement on Tuesday. The 28-year-old's departure from Napoli has been surrounded by great expectations and controversy as Juventus are their historical rival. Moreover, Higuain scored 36 goals in 35 Serie A games — breaking Gunnar Nordahl's 66-year-old record in the process last season. Higuain, who joined Napoli from Real Madrid in 2013, also had two years remaining on his contract in Naples. Now, Higuain becomes the biggest ever signing for an Italian club, the most expensive Juventus player of all time and the third costliest transfer in club football history. He is currently third only to Welsh forward Gareth Bale, who joined Real Madrid for 100 million euros ($109.7 million) in the summer of 2013 and Portuguese superstar Cristiano Ronaldo, who joined Real for 94 million euros ($103.1 million) from Manchester United in July 2009. Open, to protect his surgically repaired left knee. Federer wrote on his Facebook page Tuesday that he needs "more extensive rehabilitation following my knee surgery earlier this year." "The doctors advised that if I want to play on the ATP World Tour injury free for another few years, as I intend to do, I must give both my knee and body the proper time to fully recover," Federer said. The owner of a record 17 Grand Slams titles turns 35 on Aug. 8, so the reference to "another few years" might give his fans increased hope of seeing Federer continue to wield a racket for quite some time. His agent, Tony Godsick, wrote in an email to The Associated Press that Federer's plan is to "be ready for the start of next year." Federer is the first member of tennis' so-called "Big 4" - a group that also includes No. 1-ranked Novak Djokovic, 14-time major champion Rafael Nadal and 2012 gold medalist Andy Murray — to pull out of the Rio Games, where that sport'scompetition starts on Aug. 6, a day after the opening ceremony. Federer often has spoken about how much the Olympics mean to him, in part because he met his wife, Mirka, when both were athletes at the 2000 Sydney Games. Federer won a silver medal in singles for Switzerland four years ago in London, and he teamed up with Stan Wawrinka to win a gold medal in doubles at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. In Brazil, Federer was expected to play singles, doubles with Wawrinka, and mixed doubles with Martina Hingis. He is the second big draw who will be missing from the Rio tennis tournament: Five-time major cham- pion Maria Sharapova won't be there because she is serving a twoyear doping ban. The arthroscopic procedure Federer had on his knee in February, repairing torn cartilage, was the first operation of his lengthy and accomplished career. So after participating in every single Grand Slam tournament from the 2000 Australian Open through the 2016 Australian Open, Federer will be sitting out two of the last three this year. He is a five-time champion at the U.S. Open and was the runner-up there to Djokovic last year. Federer, who has spent more weeks at No. 1 than anyone in the history of the ATP computerized rankings, currently sits at No. 3, having gone 21-7 this season. Depending on how other players fare, of course, Federer's ranking will tumble over the course of the rest of the year. He hasn't played since losing to Raonic in the Wimbledon semifinals early this month. Federer fell awkwardly during that match, winding up face-down on the Centre Court grass, and had a trainer come out to check on his left knee afterward. @XY\^_dS\_cUd_RUY^W_fUbbe^^Ube` 0?Q B?A8=6584;3 you thought two weeks was time for Phil Mickelson to Igetfenough over his second-place finish in the British Open duel with Henrik Stenson, guess again. Lefty said it's going to take a long time to get over the British Open, probably longer than any of his other excruciating losses in a major. The hurt and disappointment wasn't because Mickelson missed out on either his sixth major or his first win since the 2013 British Open. This was the first time the 46-year-old Mickelson played his best, and it wasn't good enough. The 40-year-old Stenson won his first major with a record-shattering 20-under total. Mickelson's 267 final total would have won every previous British Open except in 1993, when Greg Norman shot 267 at Royal St. George's. "I think it's one of those things where I'll look back over time and my disappointment will probably <P]RWTbcTaD]XcTS2[dQ0\QPbbPS^aP]SU^a\TabcPaU^^cQP[[Ta^UcWT increase, because I think it's the first R[dQ3fXVWcH^aZT;TUc_[PhX]VfXcWcWTQdSSX]VU^^cQP[[TabSdaX]VP time in my career that I have played U^^cQP[[R[X]XRPc22522P[RdccP2aXRZTcP]S5^^cQP[[2[dQX]:^[ZPcP to that level of golf and not had it be ^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 enough to win a tournament," Mickelson said at a practice to prepare for the PGA Championship at Baltusrol Golf Club. "That's a disappointing thing because I would have loved to have added another claret jug." Jordan Spieth, who played a practice round with Michelson on Tuesday, walked over to his playing partner Tuesday and told him it was fun to watch him, and that he was unlucky not to win. "And that's when he said, 'Hey, I've been on that side of things (lately), Masters in '15, and Troon even more so two weeks ago," Spieth said. "But then he's seen himself on the other side of things where no one is running away with it and he wins in a close battle or he wins by a lot, whether it's in a major or regular tour event." Mickelson believes he will win again. He feels his game is improving, his swing is back and he likes the course. He validated his first major - the 2004 Masters - by capturing the 2005 PGA here with a 72nd hole birdie. His goal this week is to play as well as he did at Troon. "I don't believe that there is a small window," Mickelson said of winning again. "I think there's a really big window of opportunity to add to my resumé, to continue to compete in big events, for the simple reason that the feel and sensitivity of hitting shots; the ability to play golf courses a certain way, to visualize, to make birdies, to pull shots off, that has not diminished." Mickelson said the key at Baltusrol is to drive the ball straight and putt well on greens that have a lot of contours. "There's a lot of little rolls and knolls," said Mickelson, noting the greens are going to roll a lot faster than Troon. "You can see multiple lines and only one of them is correct, and it's sometimes hard to see." "It's one of those things, it doesn't really strike you when you're in the middle of it," Stenson said "But afterward, with the 63 and the 20under and the way we played, we pushed each other to the limit, both of us, for 36 holes more or less, and trading punches and blows all the way around the golf course for two days. That certainly is what made us play so well. We both wanted it badly and we performed so well because of each other." "Under the code of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), NADA also works and Narsingh was found positive after a test conducted by NADA and he was provisionally suspended. All these conspiracy theories which are floating, unless all these things come to our notice, we can't do any investigation or take any step regarding that," he said. "But I don't think it is a debatable issue because whatever be the reason of doping, not only us but the whole world is also watching it and I think it will be extremely difficult for him to go to Rio. "There is no proof of these rumours and I want all these suspicions of foul play to stop and our antidoping agency will give a final report within a few days and we have also tested his food supplement." Asked about Narsingh's demand for an CBI investigation, Goel said: "When the federation will write to us only then the government will see, similarly as it sees any other issues." Another Rio Olympics qualified athlete Inderjeet Singh, a shot putter, also failed a dope test after his 'A' sample returned positive for a banned substance. 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