Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der


Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der
Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der
Russlandmennoniten auf Englisch
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nur einige Publikationen dazu gefügt und mit mir bekannten Publikationen im Internet verlinkt. Diese Publikationen befassen sich hauptsächlich mit der Geschichte der
Russlandmennoniten, teilweise Preußen, von wo sie kamen und Amerika, wohin viele
ausgewandert sind. Theologisches, über Mission oder literarisches Schrifttum wurde hier
nicht erfaßt, obwohl so eine Trennung oft sehr schwierig ist. Wir sind weit davon entfernt,
zu behaupten, daß, diese Listen vollständig sind. Meiner Meinung nach ist die russische Liste
diesem Ziel am nächsten, an zweiter Stelle die deutsche Liste, (z. B. sind hier Artikel aus
mennonitischen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften kaum erwänt), und am schlechtesten ist die
englische - da wir beide grosse Probleme mit dieser Sprache haben.
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Die hier vorgestellte „Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten
auf englisch“ hat insgesamt (2.011 Einträge); davon Bücher (499); Echo Verlag (11);
Genealogy (786); Artikel (508); Nachschlagewerke (5); Periodika (5); CD – DVD (8); Katie
Peters unpublished genealogies (177); Video (19); Materialen von Konferenzen (14).
233Links zu kompletter Publikation oder einem Auszug davon im Internet, 4 davon sind nicht
mehr erreichbar. Zuletzt am 6.08.2015 aktualisiert.
Die Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung:
Publikationen die wir haben.
Publikationen, von dem wir wissen, wo sie sich befinden oder die wir bis jetzt noch
garnicht versucht haben zu finden.
Publikationen die wir suchen.
(4) In Klammern Zahl der Einträge in diesem Abschnitt.
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
A. Bücher (Books) (499)
1835 Molotschna census. Goessel, KS: Cindy Schroeder, [1995]. 2 v. English translation of
the Russian 1835 census of the Molotschna villages. [Winnipeg]: Genealogy Committee of the
Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1995.
A report on the Christian refugee problem at Harbin, China. Ed. by Central Bureau for Relief
of the Evangelical Churches of Europe. New York, N.Y. [1931]. 7 S.
Abe J. Moving beyond secession: defining Russian Mennonite Brethren mission and identity,
1872-1922. Ausgabe 13 von Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought. Kindred
Productions, 1997. Pp. 179.
Aberle, George R, From the Steppes to the Prairies, Dickinson (ND) 1963.
Adrian, Marlin Wayne. "Mennonites, Missionaries, and Native Americans." Ph. D.
dissertation, University of Virginia, 1989.
An introduction to Mennonite history. Hg. v. Cornelius J. Dyck. Scottdale. Pennsyl.: Herald
Press 1967. 324 S.
Barrett, Lois. The Vision and the Reality: The Story of Home Missions in the General
Conference Mennonite Church. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1983.
Bartlett, Roger P.: Human Capital. The settlement offoreigners in Russia, 1762-1804. New
York: Cambridge University Press. 1979.
Bartsch, Franz. Our Trek to Central Asia. Translated by Elizabeth Peters and Gerhard Ens.
Band 5 von Echo historical series. Verlag CMBC Publications, 1993. Pp. 142.
Becker, Jakob P., Origin of the Mennonite Brethren Church, Hilsboro (KS) 1973.
Bean Esther Mennonites in the Netherlands and Russia. Guy Mills, PA: Faith Builders
Resource Group. 2011 Pp. 60. ISBN 9781935972051
Belk, Fred Richard. The great trek of the Russian Mennonites to Central Asia, 1880-1884.
(Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history; no. 18) Kitchener, Ontario: Herald Press, 1976.
251 pp. / Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. Pp. 251. ISBN 9781579105068.
Berg, Wesley. From Russia with music: a study of the Mennonite choral singing tradition in
Canada. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press Ltd., 1985. Pp. 152.
Bergen, Henry. Chortitza Colongy atlas: Altkolonie = Mennonite Old Colony. Saskatoon,
SK: Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatcheway, 2004. Pp. 116.
Bergen, Peter. History of the Sommerfeld Mennonite Church: that is the background and first
hundred years of the Sommerfeld Mennonite Church. Altona, MB: Sommerfeld Mennonite
Church ; Altona, MB: Friesens Corp., 2001. Pp. 308.
Bekker, J. P. Origin of the Mennonite Brethren Church Übers, v. D.E. Pauls und A.E. Janzen.
Hillsboro (Hillsboro, Kansas, 1973). 215 S.
Berg, Wesley. From Russia with music: a study of the Mennonite choral singing
tradition in Canada. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press Ltd., 1985. Pp. 152.
Birdsell, Sandra. The Russländer. Toronto: McClelland & Stuart, 2001. Pp. 350. ISBN
Block, Alvina. Changing attitudes: relations of Mennonite missionaries with native North
Americans, 1880-2004. University of Manitoba, 2006. Pp. 302.
Boese, John Albert. Book Committee, Patchwork of Memories Wymark (Wymark 1985),
1088 Seiten.
Braght, T. J. van, Martyrs mirror (Scottdale, Pa., 1938).
Brandt, Edward R. and Adalbert Goertz. Genealogical guide to East and West Prussia (Ostund Westpreussen): records, sources, publications & events with an appendix on the Netze
District by R. Reuben Drefs. Rev. ed. Minneapolis, MN: Brandt, 2002. Pp. 477.
Braun, Frank, The History of Winkler (Altona 1973).
Breneman, Janet Marie. Guatemalan Mennonite women at prayer: religious heritages and
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
social circumstances shape the prayers of Ladina and Q'eqchi' women. Lancaster Theological
Seminary, 2004. Pp. 279.
Brucks, Jacob H. and Hooge Henry P. Neu-Samara: A Mennonite Settlement East of the
Volga - published 2000 by Jackpine House (Softcover, 196 pp) - New English translation
released 2002 (originally compiled by Brucks and Hooge in 1964).
Bush, Perry J. Drawing the Line: American Mennonites, the State, and Social Change, 19351973. Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 1990.
Camden Laura L., Duarte Susan Gaetz Mennonites in Texas: The Quiet in the Land. 2006
133 Pages
Chipman, Josephine. The Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine: 1918- 1919. Thesis (M.A.),
1988. Pp. 217.
Church book of the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church: in the Molotschna Colony of South
Russia. Verlag Mennonite Immigrant Historical Foundation, 1987. Pp. 149.
Church records of the old flemish or groningen mennonisten societaet in Przechowko, West
Crawford Michael H. Different seasons: biological aging among the Mennonites of the
midwestern United States. Band 21 von University of Kansas publications in anthropology.
University of Kansas, 2000. Pp.178.
Derksen, Seymor A. My Father's House. Langham, Saskatchewan: S.A. Derksen, 1980
Derksen, Wilma L., Tym Elias, and Brenda Suderman. Unsettled weather: how do I
forgive? Waterloo, ON ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 80.
Dick, William O. Espelkamp on the German frontier. [Austin, TX]: Ruth Anne Abraham,
2005. Pp. 172.
Dick Nicholas W. Church, state and schismatics: Molotschna, 1860. Veröffentlicht 1959. Pp.
Dick, J.J. From Exile in Russia into Mission work in India. Dick, J.J., Gretna, Manitoba,
1940. Pp. 20. S.
Dirks, Phyllis Amoth. The meadowlark's song: growing up Mennonite in 1930s North
Dakota. Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2005. Pp. viii, 573.
Doell, Leonard and Jacob G. Guenther, editors, Hague Osler Mennonite Reserve 1895 1995
(Saskatoon 1995), 728 Seiten.
Doell, Leonard, Mennonite Homesteaders on the Hague-Osler Reserve (Saskatoon 1999), 536
Douglas, Ab. No Dancing God: Mennonite Stories. Kelowna, B.C.: Rutgers Publication,
Driedger, Jack. Growing up in Blumenheim, Saskatchewan: life in an Old Colony Mennonite
village during the thirties and forties. [Saskatoon: Author, 2001]. Pp. 47.
Driedger Leo At the Forks. Mennonites in Winnipeg ISBN 978-1-926599-16-8 473 pages
Driedger, Leo. Mennonites in the Global Village. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.
Pp. 264.
Driedger, Leo. Mennonites in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, MB; Hillsboro, KS: Kindred Press, 1990.
Dueck Abe J. Moving beyond secession: defining Russian Mennonite Brethren mission and
identity, 1872-1922. Band 13 von Moving Beyond Secession. Verlag Kindred Productions,
1997. Pp.179.
Dueck Abe J., Canadian Mennonites and the challenge of nationalism. Verlag Manitoba
Mennonite Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 207.
Dueck, Arden, Loewen, Myron, Plett, Eddie, Plett, Leslie, editors, Quellen Kolonie
(Jagueyes, Mex. 1998), Pp. 302.
Dueck, David. And When They Shall Ask. Winnipeg, Man.: Dueck Film Productions, 1983.
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Dyck, Arnold. Lost in the Steppe. Trans. H.D. Dyck, Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers,
1974. Pp. 354
Dyck Arnold, Doerksen, G. Victor (Victor Gerard), Werke. Band 2 von Werke, Arnold
Dyck. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1985. Pp. 508.
Dyck, Cornelius J.: Twelve Becoming, Biographies of Mennonite Disciples from the
Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century, Newton Kansas 1973
Dyck, Cornelius J. ed. An Introduction to Mennonite History: A Popular History of the
Anabaptists and the Mennonites. Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1981
Dyck, Harvey L. and Epp Ingrid I Recovering an Inheritance: The Peter J. Braun Russian
Mennonite Archive, 1803-1920. Toronto: Conrad Grebel College/University of Toronto
Research Program in Russian Mennonite Studies, 1993. Pp. 277.
Dyck Harvey L. and Konrad Anne. Mennonites in the Soviet Inferno. Pandora Press
Dyck, J.J. Am Trakt. Typed manuscript. Hawarden, 1929.
Dyck Johannes J., Surukin W. E. Am Trakt: a Mennonite settlement in the Central Volga
region. Ausgabe 6 von Echo Historical Series. Verlag C M B C Publications Canadian
Mennonite Bible College, 1995. Pp. 92.
Dyck, John, editor, Working Papers of the East Reserve (Steinbach, Man. 1990), 229 Seiten.
Dyck, John, editor Historical Sketches of the East Reserve (Steinbach, Man. 1994), 722
Dyck, John, editor Bergthaler Gemeinde Buch (Steinbach, 1993), 439 Seiten.
Dyck, John and William Harms, eds., Reinländer Gemeindebuch (Winnipeg, Man. 1995),
525 Seiten.
Dyck, John and William Harms, eds., 1880 Village Census of the Mennonite West Reserve
(Winnipeg, 1998), 500 Seiten.
Dyck, John P. ed. Troubles and Triumphs, 1914-1924: Excerpts from the Diary of Peter J.
Dyck Ladekopp, Molotschna Colony, Ukraine. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Regehr’s
Printery, 1981.
Dyck, Paul I. and Henry D. Goerzen. 100th anniversary celebration, 2003, Bergthal
Mennonite Church: spiritual trails in the west country. [Didsbury, AB:.: Bergthal Mennonite
Church, 2003]. Pp. 136.
Dyck Peter and Elfieda Up from the Rubble 384 pages,
Dyck, Sarah, trans. ed. The Silence Echoes: Memoirs of Trauma and Tears. Kitchener, Ont.:
Pandora Press, 1997.
Edict of Friedrich Wilhelm concerning the Mennonites, the history of Chortitza, family
lists, letter and articles (July 30, 1789) Friedrich Wilhelm (King of Prussia)
Ediger, Tina Block. Window to the world: extraordinary stories from a century of overseas
mission, 1900-2000. Newton, KS ; Winnipeg, MB: Faith & Life Press, 1999. Pp. 180.
Enns, Mary Madeleine. Mia: The Story of a Remarkable Woman. Winnipeg: Christian Press,
Enns, Luella Marie. Preacher's kids on the homestead. Belleville, ON: Guardian Books,
2005. Pp. 176.
Ens, Adolf: "Mennonite Education in Russia," in John Friesen, ed. Mennonites in Russia.
Winnipeg, 1989, S.83-84;
Ens, Adolf. Subjects or Citizens? The Mennonite Experience in Canada, 1870-1925. Ottawa:
University of Ottawa Press, 1994.
Ens, Adolf. Becoming a national church: a history of the Conference of Mennonites in
Canada. Winnipeg, MB: CMU Press, 2004. Pp. 258.
Ens Adolf, Unger Henry, Martens Martha, Sommerfeld Gemeinde Buch: registers of the
church at West Lynne, 1881-1935. Band 4 von West Reserve historical series. Manitoba
Mennonite Historical Society, 2004. Pp. 530.
Ens Adolf, Braun Ernest N., Fast Henry N., Settlers of the East Reserve: Moving In,
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Moving Out, Staying. Band 4 von East Reserve historical series. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite
Historical Society, 2009. Pp. 328.
Ens, Gerhard J., The Rural Municipality of Rhineland 1884 1984 Volost & Municipality
(Altona 1984), 302 Seiten.
Ens, Henrlque: The schoolorganisatlon among the Menonltes in Brazll, (Facharbeit) Elkhart,
Indiana, 1965.
Epp, David H. Sketches from the Pioneer Years of the Industry in the Mennonite Settlements
of South Russia. (articles from Der Bote, translated by Jacob Penner). Leamington, Ontario.
1972. 80 pp.
Epp, David H. Johann Cornies. Winnipeg: Published jointly by CMBC Publications and
Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, Band 3 von Echo Historical Series. Verlag CMBC
Publications, 1995. Pp. 137.
Epp, Frank H.: Mennonites in Canada, 1920-1940. A People 's Strugglefor Survival.
Toronto, 1982.
Epp, Frank H. An analysis of Germanism and National Socialism in the Immigrant
newspaper of a Canadian minority group, the Mennonites, in the 1930's. Unpublished Ph. D.
thesis. University of Minnesota, 1965.
Epp, Frank, H. Mennonite exodus; the rescue and resettlement of the Russian Mennonites
since the Communist Revolution Altona (Canada): Altona Manitoba 1962 Friesen,
1962/1966. Pp. 571.
Epp, Frank H Mennonites in Canada 1786-1920: the history of a seperate people (Toronto
Macmillan of Canada, 1974), 480 Seiten.
Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1920-1940: a people's struggle for survival
Epp, Frank H.: Your Neighbour as Yourself. A Study on Respnsibility in Immigration, publ.
by MCC, Winnipeg 1968
Epp, George K., Russian Patriotism Among the Nineteenth-Century Russian Mennonites. In:
Journal of Menn. Studies 4 (1986), 120-134.
Epp, Georg K.: The Educational Policies of Catherine II. Peter Lang. Frankfurt. 1984.
Epp, George K.: "Urban Mennonites in Russia," in J. Friesen, ed. Mennonites in Russia,
Winnipeg, 1989,
Epp Irmgard Constantinoplers: Escape from Bolshevism. Trafford Publishing, 2006. Pp. 372.
ISBN 1412053250
Epp, Marlene G. Women without men: Mennonite immigration to Canada and Paraguay after
the Second World War. University of Toronto, 1996. Pp. 498
Epp, Marlene. Women Without Men: Mennonite Refugees of the Second World War. Band
12 von Studies in gender and history.Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000 Pp. 275
Epp, Maureen and Carol Ann Weaver, eds. Sound in the land: essays on Mennonites and
music. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 220.
Epp, Peter G. Agatchen: A Russian Mennonite Mother’s Story. Translated and edited by
Peter Pauls. Winnipeg: Hyperion Press, 1986.
Epp, Reuben. The Story of Low German and Plautdietsch: Tracing a Language across the
Globe. Hillsboro, KS: Reader's Press, 1993. Pp. 133.
Epp-Thiessen, Esther, Altona. The Story of a Prairie Town (Altona 1982), 373 Seiten.
Ethno-Confession in the Soviet State: Mennonites in Siberia, 1920 - 1989: Annotated List
of Archival Documents. Fresno, 2008. Edition by A.I. Savin. Publisher: Center for Mennonite
Brethren Studies.
Ewert, Marvin H. "Russian Immigrants 1874-80." Student paper, Bethel College, 1949. (lists
of immigrant heads of families and their destinations, compiled from Zur Heimat and other
Fast, Henry. Gruenfeld (now Kleefeld), 1874-1910: first Mennonite village in western
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Canada. [Steinbach, MB]: Henry Fast, 2006. Pp. 370.
Fast, Natalie, "Abschied von Chortitza und Rosental." Unpublished manuscript. Niagara on
the Lake, Ont., 1978 (a).
Fast, Peter. We must adapt = Wir muessen uns schicken: the Schroeder-Fast letters 19301988: Learning to live in Stalinist Russia: a collection of fifty letters from Russia written by
members of the Peter Schroeder and Johann Fast families. Prepared for publication by
members of the David and Agatha Fast family. Winnipeg: Members of the David and
Agatha Fast family, 2012. Pp. 296 + 1 CD-ROM.
Feeding the hungry. Russia famine 1919-1925. American Mennonite relief operations under
the auspices of Mennonite Central Committee. Hg. v. P.C. Hiebert - Orie O. Miller.
Scottdale, Pennsyl.: Mennonite Central Committee 1929. 465 S.
Fehderau, Nicholas J. A Mennonite estate family in southern Ukraine, 1904-1924. Translated
by Margaret Harder and Elenore Fehderau Fast; edited by Anne Konrad. (Tsarist and Soviet
Mennonite studies) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2013. Pp. 340.
Fleming, Alice Mulcahey. The King of Prussia and a Peanut Butter Sandwich. New York:
Scribner, 1988.
Fleming, John A. and Michael J. Rowan. Folk furniture of Canada's Doukhobors, Hutterites,
Mennonites and Ukrainians. Photographs by James A. Chambers. Edmonton: University of
Alberta Press, 2004. Pp. 155.
Francis, E.K. In Search of Utopia: The Mennonites in Manitoba (Altona 1955) Steinbach.
MB: Crossway Publications, 2001. Dieses Buch konnte man (bis 2007) von als .pdf Datei runterladen, wurde jetzt aber
Franz, J.J.: Brief history of the Prussian-Russian Mennonites. Chicago 1928. 143 Pp. Unpub.
B. D. thesis, Northern Baptist Theological Seminar.
Fretz, Joseph Winfield: Pilgrims in Paraguay. Scottdale, Pennsyl. 1953.
Friedmann, Robert: Mennonite Piety through the Centimes, 1949.
Friesen Abraham In Defense of Privilege: Russian Mennonites and the State Before and
During World War I Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions. 2006 Pp. 520
Friesen Abraham The Marxist interpretation of the Reformation. Stanford 1967. University
Microfilms, 1971. Pp. 1336.
Friesen Abram J., Loewen Abram J., Escape across the Amur River: a Mennonite village
flees (1930) from Soviet Siberia to Chinese Manchuria. Band 2 von Echo Historical Series.
Übersetzt von Victor Gerard Doerksen. CMBC Publications, 2001. Pp. 60.
Friesen, Aileen. Religious policy in the Russian borderlands: the 1860s Mennonite schism.
Thesis (M.A.) B University of Alberta, 2007. Pp. 113.
Friesen, Dora. Bueños dias señorita: stories of Mexico. Edited by Martha Kroeker. Rosenort,
MB: Published by Dora Friesen & family, 2005 (Rosenort, MB: Printed by Country Graphics
& Printing). Pp. 288.
Friesen, Helena Goossen. Daydreams & Nightmares: Life on the Wintergruen Estate.
Translated by Neta Enns. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1990.
Friesen, Helene Sarah Treasured schooldays: the Mennonite Mädchenschulen in the Russian
empire, 1874-1920. A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master Of Arts Departments of History
University of Winnipeg and University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba. Helene Sarah
Friesen., 1997
Friesen, John, Mennonite Churches and Religious Developments in Russia 1789-1850, in:
Friesen, John. (Hrsg.), Mennonites in Russia, Winnipeg 1989.
Friesen, John, ed.: Mennonites in Russia: Essays in honour of Gerhard Lohrenz CMBC
Publications, Winnipeg 1989, 386 S.
Friesen, John. Against the Wind: The Story of Four Mennonite Villages. (Gnadental,
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Gruenfeld, Neu-Chortitza and Steinfeld) in Southern Ukraine, 1872-1943. Winnipeg,
Manitoba: Henderson Books, 1994. Pp. 165.
Friesen, John, ed. Mennonites in Russia, 1788-1988: Essays in Honour of Gerhard Lohrenz.
Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1989.
Friesen, John. Mennonites through the Centuries: from the Netherlands to Canada. Steinbach,
Man.: Mennonite Heritage Village, 1985.
Friesen, Josephine. Breaking ground: three generations of Mennonite women in the Canadian
West. 2nd ed. Surrey, BC: Ocean Park Publications, [2006]. Pp. 183.
Friesen, Leonard G. Rural revolutions in southern Ukraine: peasants, nobles, and colonists,
1774-1905. (Harvard series in Ukrainian studies) Cambridge, MA: Distributed by Harvard
University Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 2008. Pp. vii, 325. ISBN
Friesen, Martin W. New homeland in the Chaco wilderness. Translated by Jake Balzer.
Loma Plata: Historical Committee of the Menno Colony, 2009. Pp. 474. Originally published
as: Neue Heimat in der Chacowildnis. [Asuncion, Paraguay: Chortitzer Komitee, 1987].
Friesen, Peter M., The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia A history of the early years of the
Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia from 1789 to 1910. (Fresno, Ca., 1978), 1065 Seiten
(Bemerkung: Nur Teil I ist ins Englische übersetzt worden).
Friesen, Rudy P. and Sergey Shmakin. Into the Past: Buildings of the Mennonite
Commonwealth. Winnipeg: Raduga Publications, 1996.
Friesen, Rudy P. and Edith Elisabeth Friesen. Building on the past: Mennonite architecture,
landscape and settlements in Russia/Ukraine. Winnipeg: Raduga Publications, 2004. Pp. 752.
Friesen, P. M. The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia (1789-1910). Fresno, CA: Board of
Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978.
Friesen, Steve. A Modest Mennonite Home. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1990.
Friesen, Ted and Elisabeth Peters, ed.: Memories of Grigorievka A history of the village of
Grigorievka and the people who lived there.. Winnipeg, 1998.
Gailbraith, John F., The Mennonites in Manitoba 1875-1900 (Morden 1900), 48 Seiten.
Gerbrandt, Henry J.: Adventure in Faith: the Background in Europe and the
Development in Canada of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba. Altona, 1970.
Gering, John J. After Fifty Years: A Brief Discussion of the History and Activities of the
Swiss-German Mennonites from Russia who Settle in South Dakota in 1874. Freeman, SD:
Pine Hill Printery, 1924.
Giesinger Adam From Catherine to Khruschchev. The Story of Russian´s Germans. Canada,
Winnipeg 1974. Pp. 443
Gislason, Leona Wiebe. Rückenau: The History of a Village in the Molotschna Mennonite
Settlement of South Russia: From its Founding in 1811 to the Present. Winnipeg: Windflower
Communications, 2000. Pp. 260
Goertzen, Peggy. Emigration of Mennonites from Russia to Marion County, Kansas, 18741875: based upon 1875 Kansas State Agricultural Census. Hillsboro, KS: Center for
Mennonite Brethren Studies, Tabor College, 2000. Pp. 51.
Goerz, Heinrich. Mennonite Settlements in Crimea. Trans. John B. Toews. Ausgabe 13 von
Echo Historical Series. Winnipeg: Published jointly by CMBC Publications and Manitoba
Mennonite Historical Society, 1992. Pp. 65
Goerz, Heinrich. The Molotschna Settlement. Ausgabe 7 von Echo historical series.
Winnipeg: Published jointly by CMBC Publications, Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society,
1993. Pp. 252
Goerz, Heinrich, Eric Enns, Memrik: a Mennonite settlement in Russia. Band 10 von Echo
Historical Series. CMBC Publications, 1997. Pp. 103.
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Goertz Reuben Princes, Potentates, and Plain People: the saga of the Germans from
Russia. Sioux Falls, SD: Center for Western Studies, 1994. Pp. 232.
Goossen, Rachel Waltner. "Conscientious Objection and Gender: Women in Civilian Public
Service during the Second World War." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kansas, 1993.
Goossen, Benjamin W. Into a great nation: Mennonites and nationalism in imperial Germany,
1871-1900. Honors history thesis--Swarthmore College, 2013. Pp. 194.
Görtz, H. The Molotschna Settlement. CMBC Publications and MMHS, Winnipeg, 1993.
Hamm, Oscar H. Memoirs of Ignatyevo in the Light of Historical Change. Saskatoon: Ruth
F. Hamm, 1984.
Haxthausen, August von: Studies on the Interior of Russia. Edited by S. Frederick Starr,
transl. E. L. M. Schmidt. The University of Chicago Press. 1972.
Harder, Hans (Johannes). No Strangers in Exile: A Novel. Al Reimer, trans. and ed.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Hyperion Press, 1979.
Harder John A., From Kleefeld with Love. Pandora Press, 2003.Pp.198.
Harder, M. S. The origin, philosophy and development of education among the Mennonites
(Ph.D Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1949).
Harms William, Dyck John, 1880 village census of the Mennonite West Reserve, Manitoba,
Canada. Band 2 von West Reserve historical series. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical
Society, 1998. Pp. 500.
Harms William, Dyck John, Martens Martha, Penner John, Reinländer (Old Colony)
Gemeinde Buch: 1880-1903, Manitoba, Canada. Band 5 von West Reserve historical series.
Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 2006. Pp. 502.
Harshbarger, Eva Geiger. "The status of Mennonite women in Kansas in their church and
home relationships." M.S. thesis, Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science,
Hartzler, Jonas Smucker. Mennonites in the World War or Nonresistance under Test.
Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House. 1922
Hartzier, J. E.: Education among the Mennonites of America, 1925.
Haury, David A. Index to Mennonite Immigrants on United States Passenger Lists, 18721904. North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Library and Archives, 1986.
Hein, Gerhard, ed. Ufa: The Mennonite Settlements (Colonies) in Ufa 1894-1938; Reunion
of Former Residents Ufa in Clearbrook, BC, 1975. Translated from the German by Mary
Enns. Steinbach, Manitoba, 1977. 176 pp.
Heinrichs, Daniel. Adventures of a Mennonite: From the Dirty Thirties out Into the World.
Winnipeg: Henderson Books, 1996.
Herman, Esther Dirks. As a Mennonite of Pioneer Ancestry. Riverton, Neb.: Herman, 1976.
Hiebert, Clarence, Brothers in Deed to Brothers in Need A Scrapbook about Mennonite
Immigrants from Russia 1870-1885. Newton, Faith and Life, 1974. 469 pp..
Hiebert, P. C., Miller Orie O.: Feeding the Hungry: Russia Famine, 1919-1925. American
Mennonite relief operations under the auspices of Mennonite Central Committee. Scottdale,
1929. 465 pp.
Hildebrand, Marjorie, comp. Reflections of a Prairie community: a collection of stories and
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Bergen – A Bergen Collection. 18 separate genealogies with starting dates ranging from 1769
to 1930. (a) Descendants of Bernhard Baergen (1769–1809) and Katharina Penner (1773–
1809) from Gr. Lichtenfelde, Prussia who settled in Chortiza in 1789. Typescript. 164 p. (b)
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Klassen (1827–1870). (d) Descendants of Knals Bergen (1839–1921) and Anna Friesen. (e)
Descendants of Anna Bergen (1856–1913) and Aron Thiessen (1852–1924). (f) Descendants
of Agatha Bergen (1867–1948) and Franz Thiessen (1869–1920). (g) Descendants of Judith
Bergen (1872–1938) and Dietrich J. Klassen (1872–1919). (h) Descendants of David Bergen
(1873–1937) and Katharina Redekopp (1875–1896) and Elizabeth Friesen (1875–1957). (i)
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Hermann Bergamann (1850–1919) married to Helena Heinrichs (1853–1925) and Abraham
Bergamann (1853–1920) married to Susanna Janzen (1854–1902). (b) Descendants of Gerhard
Bergmann (1854–1944) and Maria Stobbe (1859–1944) who lived in the Kuban Settlement in
S. Russia. Information taken from the Stobbe book. (c) Descendants of Cornelius Bergmann
(1861–1933) and Katharina Peters (1861–1893). (d) Descendants of Maria Bergmann (1872– )
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from P. Paetkau, Sperling, MB. Typescript. 120 p.
Boese – Descendants of Gottlieb Boese (ca. 17??) 2 Volumes. Information from Martha
Tschetter and also John A. Boese, Freemann, SD with reference to a Boese book compiled in
1956. Typescript. 270, 181 p.
Brandt – A Brandt Collection. (a) Descendants of Klaas Brandt (ca. 1809–1857) and Maria
Reimer (1814–ca. 1848) who lived in Tiege and later Conteniusfeld, Molotschna. Information
from Brandt Reunion July 21, 1962 and Family Tree by D.P. Reimer,, Blumenort, MB,
1963. Typescript. 183 p. (b) Descendants of Johann Brandt (1891–1972) and Anna Thiessen
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
(1897– ) of Chilliwack, BC. Typescript. 7 p.
Bornn – Descendants of Peter Bornn (1817–1869) and Anna Wall (1816–1873). Manuscript.
132, 20 p. indexed.
Braun – A Braun/brown Collection. (a) Descendants of Jakob Braun (1834–1903) and Maria
Fast (1834–1914). Typescript. 109, 10 p. indexed. (b) Descendants of Gerhard Braun (17 ?).
Brucks – A Brucks Collection. (a) Descendants of Heinrich Bruck and Anna Esau who lived
in Ladekopp, Molotschna, specifically their sons, Heinrich (1880– ) and Jakob (1889– ). (b)
Descendants of Bernhard Brucks (1862–1934) and Eliese Dueck (1863–1940) who died in
Kansas. (c) Descendants of Aganetha Brucks (1883–1916) and Henry E. Mierau (1877–1953).
(d) 2 shorter Brucks genealogies.
Buhr – A Buhr Collection. (a) Descendants of Jacob Buhr Family (1805–1977) by Helen E.
Regier. Typescript. 187 p. (b) Descendants of Kornelius Erdman Buhr of Bergthaler Colony,
Russia. 7p. (c) Descendants of Erdman Bauer (1754– ) Information from Bergthaler Colony
Church Records. (d) Descendants of Peter Buhr (1816– ). Information from Bergthaler Colony
Church Records.
Buller – A Buller Collection. (3 Volumes). Manuscript. Includes over 70 shorter Buller
Cornies – Descendants of Johann Cornies (1789–1848) and Agnes Klassen (1792–1847).
Cornies was the founder of the Agricultural Association of the Mennonite Colonies. Some
descendants of the siblings of Johann Cornies are also included. Typescript. 187 p.
De Fehr – Descendants of Benjamin De Fehr including various pedigrees in the De Fehr
Family. Manuscript/typescript. 66 p.
Dirks – A Dirks Collection. (a) Descendants of David Dirks and Maria Voth who lived in
Gnadenfeld, Molotschna, who son Heinrich Dirks (1842–1915) was a missionary to Sumatra.
pp. 1–70 (b) Various Dirks families. pp. 72–101. Index, pp. 1–13.
Doell – A Doell Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Johann Doell and Aganetha
Siemens/Brauel. 48 p. (b) Descendants of Anna Doell (1833–1914) and Franz Dyck (1823–
1897) who came to Canada in 1876. 130 p. (c) Descendants of Jacob Doell (1911–1972) and
Sara Plett (1912– ) of Winkler, MB. 3 p. (d) Descendants of Agatha Doell and Abraham P.
Doerksen (1904– ) (e) 5 shorter Doell genealogies.
Duerksen – Genealogy of David Derksen (1733–1973). (published?) Descendants of David
Derksen (ca 1733) of Tiegenhagen, Prussia who migrated to Chortiza in 1795. Typescript. 212
p. indexed.
Duerksen – Genealogy of Abraham Doerksen (1805–1960). Descendants of Abraham
Doerksen (1805–1871) and Regina Hoeppner (1804–1831) and Helena Schmidt ( – ).
Typescript. 148,6p. indexed.
Duerksen – Descendants of Johann Duerksen (1750–1840) who lived in Marienwerder &
Koenigsberg, Prussia and migrated to Russia settling in Alexanderthal, Molot. 3 Volumes.
136,655,36p. indexed. Also included are 3 shorter Duerksen genealogies which may or may
not be related to this family.
Dyck – Familienchronik der zweiten Maria Dyck, verehel. Martens meinem Enkel Wilhelm
Schulz und seiner Ehegattin . . . gewidment. (Winnipeg, MB: private publication, 1943) This
volume consists of the pedigree of Maria Dyck going back to such persons as Heinrich Hesse
(1787–1868), Abram Riediger (1782–1820), and Heinrich Dyck (1781–1819).
Dyck – Genealogy of Berend Dyck. 1st ed. Typescript. 208 p. This item traces the
descendants of Berend Dyck of Pastwa, Prussia and his wife Anna Braun. Some descendants
migrated to Russia in 1858 to the Trakt Settlement. Some migrated to the USA IN THE 1880s.
Dyck – Genealogy of Berend Dyck. 2nd ed. Mimeographed publication by K. Peters. 198 p.
Dyck – Genealogy von Dyck. Descendants of Jacob von Dyck, Claas von Dyck (1722– ),
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Anna von Dyck (1727– ) and Helene von Dyck (1733– ). Typescript. 180 p. indexed.
Dyck – Genealogy of Peter van Dycke (1633–1696) and Anna Snyder ( –1692). 3 collections
consisting of information from Mrs. Dietrich Warkentin, Blumenort, MB, John J. Dick,
Leamington, ON, and Jacob P. Dick, Waterloo, ON. Typescript. 182 p.
Dyck – Descendants of Klaas Dueck (ca 1743) and Greeta Kroeker of Fuerstenauerweide,
Prussia who settled in Muntau, Molot. Based on several published and unpublished works.
Includes the Descendants of Jakob L. Dueck (1839–1893) and Maria Rempel (1840–1917)
who migrated from S. Russia to Manitoba in the 1870s based on Stammbuch der Voreltern . . .
published in 1955. Includes the descendants of his cousin Jacob Dueck (1826–1914) and
Agatha Berg (18??–1855) and Mrs. Katharina Rempel (1828–1891) who died in Ladekopp,
Molot. based on information published by J.P. Dyck, Springstein, MB in 1981.
Dyck – Descendants of Johann Dueck (1797–1875) and Liese Fast of Halbstadt, Molotschna.
Information from John J. Dick, Leamington, ON. Typescript. 168 p.
Dyck – Genealogical Register of the descendants of Peter Dyck, Neuenburg, Choritiza by R.P.
Kerber, Saskatoon, SK. Typescript. 264 p.
Dyck – Descendants of Derk Dyck and Maria Gossen and Maria Bolein (1773–1844).
Dyck – Descendants of Jacob Dick (1747–1811). Handwritten. no pagination. The widow of
Jacob Dick came to Russia in 1819 and settled in Gnadenheim, Molotschna.
Eck – Descendants of Zacharias Eck (1774– ) of Volhynia. Based on book compiled by Lydia
Eck Cooper, Salt Lake City, UT. Contains many of the descendants who settled in Kansas in
the 1870s. Typescript. 318 p.
Ediger – Genealogy of Johann Ediger (1775–1970), Montauerweider, W. Prussia who settled
in Schardau, Molotschna. Typescript. 243 p. indexed.
Engbrecht – An Engbrecht Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of David Engbrecht and
Maria Dick compiled by Nita M. Engbrecht and Evangeline Engbrecht, 1983. (b) Descendants
of Peter Engbrecht and Justina Willems. (c) Descendants of Peter D. Engbrecht (1879–1953)
and Katharina Heinrichs (1881–1960) of Steinbach, MB. (d) Descendants of Anna Engbrecht (
–1887) and Kornelius Unrau (1843–1902). (e) Descendants of Margaretha Engbrecht (1853–
1892) and Peter Unrau (1853– ) of Liebenau, Molotschna. (f) Descendants of Dietrich
Engbrecht (1831– ) and A. Janzen of Gnadenheim, Molotschna. (g) 3 shorter Engbrecht
Enns – An Ens/enns/entz Collection. Typescript. (a) Descendants of Peter Entz (ca. 16??) of
Schoensee, Gr.Werder, Prussia. 91 p. (b) Descendants of Gerhard Enns (1784–1846) and
Maria Wiens (1790–1850) who settled in Schoenhorst, Chortiza in 1788. 23 p. (c)
Descendants of Isaak Jacob Enns (1843–1917) and Katharina Bartsch (1836–1876).
Information from Mrs. Susan Klassen, Winnipeg, MB. 21 p. (d) Descendants of Johann
Johann Enns (1827– ) and Katharina Warkentin (1828–1889) of Muensterberg, Molotschna.
Information from Helen and Betty Enns, Winnipeg, MB. (e) Descendants of Aron Ens.
Information from Jacob Klassen, Rosemary, AB. 7p. (f) Descendants of Peter Enns (1805– )
and Maria Telitsky (1809– ). Information from Mrs. Jacob Petkau, Winnipeg, MB. 4 p.
Enns – Descendants of Abraham Enns 1784–1981. The manuscript of K. Peters for Ernie
Enns, Sardis, B.C. 191 p. indexed.
Enns – Descendants of Cornelius Enns (1788–1828) and Susanna Neufeld (1793–1829) who
settled in Fuerstenau, Molot. in 1812. Information from I.G. Neufeld, Fresno, CA and Nettie
Rogalsky, Winnipeg, MB. Typescript/manuscript.
Enns – Descendants of Franz Enns and Katharina Wiebe and Widow Kroeger, who settled in
Mariaswohl, Molotschna in 1857 and moved to Alexandertal in 1874. Information from F.F.
Enns and Anna Epp Ens. Manuscript. 97 p. indexed.
Enns – The Gerhard Enns Family (1977). Compiled by Peter A. Enns, Winnipeg, MB.
Descendants of Gerhard Enns (1787–1855) and Elizabeth Goertz (1815–1862). Typescript.
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Enns – Descendants of Peter Ens (1761) who settled in Einlage, Chortiza ca. 1790.
Information from Johann J. Klassen. Published by Ernest J. Klassen in 1983. 317, 33 p.
indexed. (Note: a second volume with much of the same information consisting of 152pp. and
a 27 p. index is in hand written form.)
Entz – Descendants of Martin Entz and Margarete Regier whose son Johann (1787–1881)
lived and died in Elbing, Prussia.
Epp – Descendants of Cornelius Epp (1728–1805) and Sara Andres. 3 Volumes. The
descendants settled in Rosenthal, Chortiza. Typescript. 567 p.
Epp – Descendants of Johann Epp who migrated from Danzig in 1804 to Molotschna, and the
Descendants of Heinrich Epp and Margaretha Dueck, possibly a brother. 2 Volumes.
Typescript. 477 p.
Epp – Descendants of Franz Epp and Franz Isaac by Mrs. Arlie E. Friesen, Henderson, NE.
Includes descendants of Jacob Epp who settled in Nebreska in 1877. Typescript. 141, 14 p.
Esau – An Esau Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Aron Esau (1783–1845) and
Elizabeth Huebert who came to Russia in 1804. (b) Descendants of Aron Esau and Sara
Siemens who settled in Manitoba in the 1870s or 1880s. (c) Descendants of Heinrich J. Esau
and Margarete Bergman. (d) Descendants of Heinrich Esau (1873– ) and Elizabeth Janzen
(1881– ). (e) Descendants of Jacob Esau and Susanna Regier. (f) Descendants of Johann Esau
(1871–1947) and Sara Wiens ( –1923).
Ewert – An Ewert Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Isaac Ewert (1891–1972) of
Clearbrook, BC and Susanna Neufeld ( –1955). (b) Descendants of David Ewert (1894– ) and
Margaretha Wiebe (1901– ). (c) Descendants of Gerhard Ewert and Maria Dick. (d)
Descendants of Johann H. Ewert (1910– ) and Katharina Thiessen (1919– ). (e) Descendants
of John G. Ewert (1874–1958) and Margarete Fast (1874–1954). (f) Descendants of Tobias
Ewert and Maria Funk of Waldheim, Molotschna who came to Canada in 1928.Katharina
Thiessen (1919– ). (e) Descendants of John G. Ewert (1874–1958) and Margarete Fast (1874–
1954). (f) Descendants of Tobias Ewert and Maria Funk of Waldheim, Molotschna who came
to Canada in 1928.
Falk – A Falk Collection – Manuscript. 11 shorter Falk genealogies. (a) Descendants of
Wilhelm Falk (1797–1872) and Helena Pauls (1802–1849). Information from Bergthaler
Church Records. (b) Descendants of David Falk (1809–1876). Information from Bergthaler
Church Records. (c) Descendants of Heinrich Falk (1799– ) and Maria Janzen (1797–1854).
Information from the Bergthaler Church Records. (d) Descendants of Peter Falk (1803–1844)
and Katharina Dyck (1803). Information from Bergthaler Church Records. (e) Descendants of
David Falk (1867–1942) and Katharina Niessen ( –1910) and Maria Block (1878–1958) who
came to Canada in 1923 and settled in Manitoba. (f) Descendants of Cornelius Falk (1895–
1959) and Katharina Suderman (1903– ) of Steinbach, Manitoba. (g) 5 shorter Falk
Fast – Johann Fast Family Book. 1763–1963. Information from a book compiled by O.J.
Wall, Montana. Includes the descendants of Johann Fast (1784– ) and Anna Ellert (1785– )
who migrated from Prussia to Rudnerweide, Molot. in 1818 and those descendants who settled
in Minnesota in the 1870s. Typescript. 192 p.
Franz – Descendants of Johann Franz (1814–1893) and Elisabeth Janzen. Handwritten. pp. 1–
79, 91–104, pp. 1–11 index. A supplement section contains a collection of other Franz
families in Southern Russia during the 19th century.
Friesen – A Friesen Collection. Typescript. 182 p. (a) Descendants of Bernhard Friesen
(1774– ) of Tiegenhagen, Prussia. Information from David Isaak, Saskatoon, SK. 46 p. (b)
Descendants of Johann Friesen, marine merchant in Palschau. Information from Gerhard
Peters. (c) Descendants of Jacob Jacob Friesen (1826–1913) of Steinfeld, Molot. (d)
Descendants of Isaac Peter Friesen (1843–1899) of Barvenkovo. Information from Heinrich J.
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Friesen, Winnipeg, MB. (e) Descendants of Cornelius Friesen (1762–1848). Information from
Mrs. Peter Friesen nee Thiessen.
Friesen – Descendants of Bernhard Friesen (1826–1913) and Katherine Gerbrandt (1828–
1887) who came to America in 1874. Information from book published by Elsie H. Friesen,
Henderson, NE in 1975. Typescript. 407, 35 p., indexed.
Friesen – Descendants of Abraham von Riesen (1756–1810) and Margargetha Wiebe (1754–
1810). Includes the prominent Kleinegemeinde Friesens. 3 Volumes. Typescript.
64,144,70,393 p.
Friesen – Genealogy of Johann von Riesen compiled for Gerhard I. Peters by K. Peters,
Winnipeg, MB. Descendants of Julius von Riesen (ca. 1780– ) and Anna Kroeker (1781– )
who migrated from Prussia to Muensterberg, Molot. in 1804. Mimeographed publication. 131
p. indexed. 25 charts.
Froese – Descendants of Peter Froese (1755–1806) and Anna Peters (1756–1806) who came
to Russia in 1796. Information from book entitled, Abram Johann Froese Family compiled by
David Redekop, 1973. Typescript. 198 p. indexed.
Froese – Descendants of Cornelius Froese who came from Thiensdorf, Prussia to Kronsweide,
S. Russia in 1793. Manuscript/Typescript.
Funk – Genealogy of Jacob Funk 1788–1962. Information from a publication compiled by
Donna Janzen Neal, Murray UT. The descendants of Jacob Funk lived in Prangenau, Molot.
and migrated to Kansas in the 1870s.
Gaede – The Abraham B. Gaede Family. Information from book published by Jim Gaede,, Fresno, Ca in 1977. Included are the descendants of Johann Gaede (1786) and Katrina
Nickel of Thorn, W. Prussia and whose descendants settled in Liebenau, Molot. and migrated
to America in the 1870s.
Giesbrecht – A Giesbrecht Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Abram P. Giesbrecht
(1884–1964) and Maria Bergen (1889–1973) from Lichtenau, Molot. who came to Manitoba
in 1924. (b) Descendants of Abraham Giesbrecht (1803–1858) and Marg. Ens (1812–1840).
Information from Bergthaler Church Records. (c) Descendants of Abram Giesbrecht and Tina
Janzen who settled in Paraguay ca. 1930. (d) Desc. of Franz Giesbrecht (1790–1860) and Mrs.
Elizabeth Dyck nee Mahnhold (1794–1844). Information from Bergthaler Church Records. (e)
Descendants of Gerhard Abram Giesbrect (1895–1954) and Agnes Thiessen (1904– ) who
moved from Crimea to Manitoba in 1920s. (f) Descendants of Jacob Giesbrecht (1810–1867)
and Katharina Bergen (1808–1848). Information from Bergthaler Church Records. (g)
Descendants of Peter Giesbrecht (1829) and Susanna Driedger (1835). Information from
Osterwick MB Records. (h) Descendants of Peter Giesbrecht (1841–1903) and Anna Thiessen
(1849–1908). Peter Giesbrecht was born in Tiegenhagen, Molot. and lived in Rosenhof. (i)
Descandants of Peter Giesbrecht (1883–1963) and Elizabeth Wittenberg (1886–1959) of
Yarrow, BC. (j) Descendants of Wilhelm B. Giesbrecht (1898) and Helene Martens (1900–
1972) who immigrated to Canada in the 1920s settling in Steinbach, MB.
Goertz – Descendants of Franz P. Goertz (1860–1920) and Maria Born (1865–1952) from
Alexanderpol, Russia. Information from a family history entitled, Unsere Auswanderung aus
Russland 1929 by Isaac F. Goertz, Winnipeg, MB. Typescript.
Goossen – Descendants of Gerhard Goossen (1811–1854) and Minnie Plett (1815–1864) of
Blumstein, Molotschna, a prominent family in the Kleinegemeinde. Information from a
Goossen Book compiled and published by Victor Goossen, Rosenort, MB. 2 Volumes.
Typescript. 538 p.
Groening – Descendants of Peter Groening (ca. 1768) and Justina Friesen whose grandson,
Franz Groening (1834–1901) moved from Russia to Kansas in the 1870s. Information from
the publication, The Groening–Wiebe Family 1768–1974 by Joel A. Wiebe Typescript.
58 p.
Hamm – A Hamm Collection. Typescript. 163 p. (a) Descendants of Michael Hamm (1724–
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
1744) and Anna Foth (1723–1744) of Danzig, Prussia. (b) Descendants of Martin Hamm
(1742–1806) who migrated from Prussia to Russia and died in Rosenthal, Chortiza.
Information from Martin Hamm, Winnipeg, MB. (c) Descendants of Martin Hamm (1742–
1806) who migrated from Prussia to Russia and died in Rosenthal, Chortiza. Information from
Oscar H. Hamm, Saskatoon, SK. (d) Descendants of Abram Hamm and Maria Braun (1830–
1908) of Chortiza Colony. (e) Descendants of Herman Hamm ( –1940) and Elizabeth Wiebe (
–1932) from Lichtenau, Molotschna. (f) Descendants of David Hamm and Anna Krahn of
Chortiza Settlement. (g) Descendants of Martin Hamm (1898–1974) and Maria Janzen (1897–
Hamm – Descendants of Martin Hamm (1690–1750) and Anna Bergen (1693–1764) of
Tiegenhof, founder and owner of Brewery in Ohrloff. Typescript. 149 p.
Hamm – Descendants of Jacob Hamm (ca. 1690–1741) and Elisabeth Tiessen (ca. 1694–
1734), Danzig. Also includes the descendants of Helene Hamm (1785–1847) of Danzig.
Information from Bartholomaus Tiessen’s book. Manuscript. 48, 125 p. indexed
Harder – A Harder Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Johann Harder (ca. 1779) and
Justina Fast who migrated to Russia in 1811. Information from book entitled, The Harder
Heritage 1974. (b) Descendants of Klaas Harder (1844–1927) and Elizabeth Peters (1850–
1923) who lived in the Zagradovka Colony. (c) Another 26 Harder shorter genealogies or
individual family registers.
Harder – The Descendants of Johann Harder (1765–1826) who came to Russia from Prussia
in 1804 and settled in Blumstein, Molotschna. Typescript.
Harms – A Harms Collection. Typescript. (a) Descendants of Isaak Harms (1833–1888) and
Katharina Froese (?) who immigrated to America in the 1870s and settled in Kansas.
Information from Esther Hiebert Horch. 138 p. (b) Descendants of Isaac Harms (1811–1891)
and Anna Sawatsky (1809– ) and Carolina Friesen nee Plett (1823–1887) who settled in
Jansen, Nebraska in 1874. Information from Maria Kasdorf Janzen. 158 p. (c) Descendants of
Gerhard Peter Harms (ca. 1771) and Maria Fast who emigrated to Russia in 1795, settling first
in Osterwick and moving to the Molotschna Colony in 1804. (“A draft for discussion purposes
only” by Delbert F. Plett 1988) 33 p.
Hesse – Descendants of Heinrich Heese (1787–1868) and Katharina Penner (1791–1833).
This is a publication compiled for E.J. Klassen by K. Peters.
Heide – A Heide Collection. Information from a publication entitled, The Klaas Klaas Heide
Family from Prussia to Russia. The Peter Klaas Heide Family and many more (1820–1972)
from Russia to America. Typescript. 185 p. indexed. (a) Descendants of Klaas Klaas Heide
(1820–1886) and Agatha Fast (1824–1885) of Gnadenheim, Molotschna. (b) Descendants of
Jacob Heide (ca. 1808) and Margareta Funk. (c) Descendants of Martin J. Heide (1833–1916)
and Margareta Wiens. (d) Descendants of Johann Heide (1828–1901) and Anna Friesen
(1830–1879). (e) Descendants of Karl Heide (1831–1905) of Montana. (f) Descendants of
John Jacob Von der Heide (1838–1912). (g) Descendants of Johann Heide who settled in
Canada in 1874/5. (h) Descendants of Klaas Haid (1821–1888) and Helena Peters nee Rempel
Heidebrecht – A Heidebrecht Collection. Over 30 separate genealogies or family registers.
Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Jakbo Heidebrecht. Information compiled by Delbert F. Plett,
Steinbach, MB. (b) Descendants of Helena Heidebrecht (1857–1900) and Peter Janzen (1849–
1902) of Molotschna. 70 p. (c) Descendants of Margareta Heidebrecht ( –1949) and Cornelius
Willms (1859–1923) of Tiege, Molotschna.
Heinrichs – Descendants of Kornelius Heinrichs (1782–1828) and Eva Janzen (1786–1868).
Information from Marianne Janzen, Winnipeg, MB. Typescript. 382, 26 p. indexed.
Hiebert – A Hiebert Collection. Typescript. (a) Descendants of brothers Cornelius Hiebert
(1827) and Claus Hiebert (1834) who came to America in 1875. Information from Esther
Horch. 128 p. (b) Descendants of David Hiebert (1818–1823) and Susanna Funk (1823–1895).
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Information from Dave and Edith Hiebert. (c) Another 10 shorter Hiebert family registers.
Hiebert – Descendants of Abraham Hiebert (1801– ) and Helena Siemens (1804–1869) from
the Bergthaler Colony in Russia. Typescript. 111 p.
Hildebrand – Descendants of Michael Hildebrand (1714–1768). Traces the descendants of
son Peter Hildebrand (1754–1849) who settled on the Insel Chortiza in 1788. Typescript. 306
Hoeppner – A Hoeppner Collection. (a) Genealogy of Jacob Hoeppner (1748–1826) who led
the first group of Mennonites to settle in Russia in 1788. Typescript. 101 p. (b) Descendants of
Jacob Heppner (1792–1857) and Maria Isaac (1791–1850). Information from the Bergthaler
Church Records.
Isaak – Descendants of Kornelius Isaak (1820–1865) and Margareta Schmidt (1821–1891) of
Schoenberg, Chortiza. Information from published book entitled, Franz Kornelius Isaak and
Maria Braun nee Ens. Also includes the descendants of Johann Braun (1832–1918) and
Susanna Thiessen (1833–1906). Typescript. 126 p.
Isaak – An Isaak Collection. (a) Descendants of Jacob Isaak (1813–1881) and Sara Sawatzky
(1816–1894) of Molotschna. Includes the descendants of a grandson, Kornelius Isaak who
settled in Reedley, CA in 1913. (b) Descendants of Abram Isaak (1788– ) and Judith Derksen
(1785). (c) Descendants of Peter Isaak (1828– ) and Anna Andres (1827–1900).
Isaak – Descendants of Philip Isaac (1694–1753) and Maria Reimer (1701– ) of
Burwalderfeld, W. Prussia, whose descendants settled in the Molotschna Colony. Information
from book entitled, A Family Book from 1694 to 1916 and from David Isaac, Saskatoon, Sk.
Janzen – Genealogy of Abraham Janzen 1729–1909 whose descendants came to Russia
in 1793. Compiled for E.J. Klassen by K. Peters. 101 p. indexed.
Janzen – A Janzen Collection Entiled Genealogy Of The Schoenwieser Janzens 1752–1979.
205 p. indexed. (a) Descendants of Heinrich Janzen (1752–1824). (b) Descendants of Heinrich
Janzen (1803–1855) and Helena Krahn (1809–1879). (c) Descendants of Wilhelm Janzen
(1817–1888) and Maria Fleming (1817–1854) and Anna Wiebe (1835–1854). (d) Descendants
of Franz Janzen (1808) and Maria Peters (1830–1907). (e) Descendants of Peter Janzen (1818)
and Anna Neufeld (1814). (f) Descendants of Kornelius Janzen (1873–1920) and Helena
Goertzen (1875–1893). (g) Descendants of Franz Janzen (1818).
Janzen – Descendants of Johann Janzen (1752–1823) and Maria Bergmann (1758–1808) and
Agatha Fast who settled in Petershagen, Molotschna in 1804. Typescript. 416 p. indexed.
Descendants of Julius Jantzen (1836–1905) and Katharina Letkemann (1834– ) who lived in
Schoenhorst, S. Russia.
Janzen – Descendants of Peter Janzen (1789–1862) and Eva Ratzlaff, many of whose
descendants came to U.S.A. in 1879. Information compiled by Kathryn Klassen, Martha
Adrian and Walter Adrian. Typescript. 407 p.
Janzen – Descendants of Dirk Janzen whose descendants settled in Nebraska.
Janzen – Descendants of Peter Jantzen and Maria Unrau who migrated to Rudnerweide,
Molotschna in 1819.
Jantz–Janzen – Descendants of Heinrich Jantz–Janzen 1762–1962). Information from a
publication by Donna Janzen Neal, Murray, Utah. Typescript. 168 p.
Jantz – Descendants of Peter Jantz. Pages 1–48 in this volume contain the ancestors and
family of the prominent Mennonite leader, Benjamin B. Janz (1877–1964) of Coaldale,
Alberta. Pages 49–102 contain a collection of various other Jantz families. Handwritten and 14
page index.
Janzen – A Janzen Collection. (a) Descendants of Johann Janzen (1766–1847) and Maria
Siemens (1768–1840) of Danzig, Prussia, whose son Abraham came to Russia in 1839,
eventually settling in Tiege, Molotschna. Information from Abraham B. Gaede Book. (b)
Descendants of Aron Janzen (1782– ) from Tiegenhoff, W. Prussia who settled in Schoensee,
Molotschna in 1805 and whose descendants moved to Zagradovka in 1872. Information fomr
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Peter Janzen, Abbotsford, BC. (c) Descendants of Margaretha Janzen (1877–1945) and Johann
Epp (1875–1948). Information from Elizabeth Janzen Epp, Springstein, MB. (d) Descendants
of Heinrich Jantzen (1862–1937) and Marie Jantzen (1870–1938) of Plymouth, NE. (e)
Descendants of Peter Janzen (1845–1918) of Helena Wiebe (1848– ) of Gnadenfeld,
Molotschna. (f) Descendants of Franz Janzen (1798–1881) and Anna Peters (1804–1863)
whose son came to America in 1875.
Kaethler – Descendants of Jakob Kaethler and Anna Wall whose descendants settled in the
Molotschna. Manuscript/Typescript.
Kasdorf – A Kasdorf Collection. Typescript. 115 p. (a) Genealogy of Peter Kasdorf 1811–
1978. Information from Maria Kasdorf Janzen. Includes the descendants of Peter Kasdorf
(1811–1897) and Anna Dirksen (1811–1861). (b) Descendants of Isaak Kasdorf (1735– ) and
Anna Toews (1742– ) who moved from Stolzenberg, Prussia to Neuenburg, Chortiza in 1789
(later Rosental). (c) Descendants of Heinrich Kasdorf who lived in Tiege, Molotschna from
1829 to 1902. (d) Several other shorter Kasdorf genealogies.
Klassen – A Klassen Collection. Typescript. 223 p. (a) Descendants of Jacob Jacob Klassen
(1823–1890) of Elisabethal, Molotschna and Augustine Penner (1826–1905). (b) Descendants
of David Konrad Klassen (1854–1921) and Agatha Sawatsky (1854–1922). (c) Descendants of
Isaak Abram Klassen who came to Russia in 1789 and settled in Neuendorf. (d) Descendants
of Abram Isaac Klassen (1861–1893) and Maria Derksen (1862–1945). (e) Descendants of
Dietrich Klassen (1814–1899) and Helena Friesen (1817–1900). (f) Descendants of Peter
Klassen (1798– ) and Gertruda Wall (1802–1871) who settled in Chortiza Colony.
Klassen – Descendants of Abraham Claahsen (1722–1788) and Catarina Dirks (1724–1779).
Handwritten. 118 pp. 14 pp. index.
Klatt – Genealogy of Peter Klatt and others from Deutsches Geschlechterbuch Vol. 126. 143
Koop – Descendants of John Koop (1831–1897) and Katharina Barkman (1832–1923) who
came to Manitoba in the 1870s as part of the Kleinegemeinde group. Information from The
Koop Family Register 1801–1975. 3 volumes. Typescript/manuscript. 843 p.
Kornelsen – A Kornelsen Collection. (a) Descendants of Abraham E. Kornelson (1845–1893)
and Marie Wiens (1846–1927) who settled in Crimea in 1860 and joined the Kleinegemeinde
in 1868. Information compiled by G. U. Kornelsen and V.H. Kornelsen, Belize, British
Honduras. Typescript. 61 p. indexed. (b) Descendants of Heinrich Kornelsen (1807–1857).
Manuscript for No. 90.
Kornelsen – Genealogy of Heinrich Kornelsen 1807–1975 compiled for Ernst J. Klassen by
K. Peters, Winnipeg. 92 p. indexed.
Koslowsky – Descendants of David Koslowsky (1769– ) and Anna Willms (1792– ) who
migrated to Russia in 1803/4 and settled at Einlage. Information from P. Paetkau, Sperling,
MB. Typescript.
Krahn – Descendants of Johann Krahn (1763– ) who lived in Chortiza Colony.
Kroeker – A Kroeker Collection (A) Descendants Of Abraham Kroeker (1816–1879) And
Katharina Wiebe Who Lived In The Molotschna. (b) Descendants of Cornelius Phillip
Kroeker (1839–1913) and Justina Dirks (1844–1895) from the Molotschna to the Crimea. (c)
Descendants of Peter Franz Kroeker who married Katharina Schroeder in 1869 in Landskrone,
Molotschna. (d) Descendants of Julius Kroeker who came to Russia as an 8 year old boy.
Includes some of the descendants who came to America in the 1870s and other who came to
Canada in 1925.
Kroeker – Genealogy of Jacob Kroeker 1754–1980 compiled for Elsie A. Klassen by K.
Peters, Winnipeg, MB. Descendants of Jacob Kroeker who settled in Fuerstenau, Molotschna
in 1806.
Langemann – A Langemann Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Aaron Langemann
(1879–1945) and Anna Penner (1879– ) who came to Canada in 1925 and settled in
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Leamington, ON. (b) Descendants of Jakob Martin Langemann (1872–1958) and Justina
Wiens (1873–1960) who came to Canada 1925 and settled in Manitoba. (c) Descendants of
Johann J. Langemann (1870– ) and Anna Cornies (1871– ) of Nikolaifeld/Alexanderkrone,
Molotschna (?). (d) Descendants of Abram Peter Langemann (1886–1966) who came to
Canada 1926 and settled in Coaldale, AB. (e) Descendants of Peter Langemann (1891–1965)
who came to Canada 1925 and settled in Leamington, ON. (f) Descendants of Johann
Langemann (1896–1982) and Gertrude Janzen (1891– ). (g) Several other shorter Langemann
family registers and genealogies.
Lehn – A Lehn Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Anna Lehn (1875–1954) and Peter
Schroeder (1872–1927) of Dundurn, SK. (b) Descendants of Helena Lehn (1885–1957) and
Cornelius Friesen (1880–1943) of Alberta. (c) Descendants of Jacob I. Lehn (1899–1967) and
Helene Janzen (1899–1976) of Leamington, ON. (d) A number of shorter Lehn genealogies
and family registers.
Loewen – The Descendants of Isaak Loewen. (ca. 1759) Information from book published by
Solomon L. Loewen, Hillsboro, KS, 1961. 3 Volumes. Typescript. 1381 p.
Loewen – Descendants of Michael Loewen (1606–1710). Information from Mrs. Susanna
Bergen, Winnipeg, MB. Traces the descendants of Johann Loewen (1800–1848) and Helena
Klassen (1801–1851). Typescript.
Lepp – A Lepp Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Johann Lepp and Susanna Friesen
who came to America in the 1870s settling in Mountain Lake, MN. (b) Descendants of
Heinrich Loepp (1868–1947) and Aganetha Wiebe (1870–1966) of Tiege, Molotschna. (c)
Descendants of Johann Lepp (1860– ) and Anna Enns (1865– ) of Winkler, MB. (d)
Descendants of Heinrich Loepp (1967– ) and Agnanetha Wiebe (1870– ) of Tiege,
Molotschna. (e) Several other shorter Lepp family registers.
Martens – A Martens Collection. Typescript. 126 p. (a) Descendants of Peter Martens (1759–
1843) and Maria Braun ( –1802), specifically his son, Peter Martens (1793–1867) and Helena
Andres (1801–1854). (b) Descendants of Johann Martens (1760–1831) and Margaretha
Harder, specifically of son Jacob Martens (1785–1857). (c) Descendants of Johann Martens
(1868– ) and Maria Bergmann (1872– ). (d) Descendants of Franz Paul Martens (1800–1859)
and Maria Schmidt (1807–1855) of Rueckenau, Molotschna. (e) Descendants of William J.
Martens (1898–1972) and Mary Enns (1898–1942).
Martens – Descendants of Johann Martens who settled in Waldheim, Molotschna in 1836.
Handwritten. 65 pp., 13 page index. (There are two slightly different copies of this work.)
Martens – Genealogy of Aron Martens 1754–1977 compiled for Ernest J. Klassen by K.
Peters, Winnipeg, MB. Published. 410 p. indexed.
Matthies – A Matthies Collection. Manuscript/Typescript. (a) Descendants of Abram
Matthies (1792–1860) and Anna Braun (1797–1863). Information from Rudy Friesen. 129 p.
(b) Descendants of Abraham Matthies who left Rudnerweide and settled in Crimea in the
1870s. (c) Descendants of Katharina Matthies (1816–1880) and Nikolai Schmidt (1815– ) who
possibly died in Jerusalem. (d) Descendants of Cornelius Matthies (1878– ) and Susanna
Schmidt (1879–1921) of Rabbit Lake, SK. (e) Descendants of Anna Matthies (1875–1954)
and Gerhard Baerg ( –1919) whose family came to Canada in 1924. (f) Several other Matthies
family registers.
Neudorf – A Neudorf Collection. Typescript. 230, 20 p. (a) Descendants of Abram Neudorf
1761 compiled by Henry John Neudorf. This family resided in Osterwick, Chortiza Colony.
(b) Descendants of Jakob Neudorf
Neufeld – Descendants of Abraham Neufeld (1777– ) and Katharina Friesen. This family
includes descendants who came to the U.S.A. in 1877. Typescript. 162 p.
Neufeld – A Neufeld–Letkemann Genealogy compiled by Ann Krahn. The genealogy traces
back to Johann Johann Neufeld (1786– ) and Katharina Dueck (1790– ) but specifically
contains the descendants of the children and step children of Johann Peter Neufeld (1862–
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
1936) and Katharina Esau (1868–1906) and widow Katarina Letkemann (nee Wiebe) (1865–
1920). Typescript. 77 p. Also includes descendants of Gerhard Neufeld and Katharina Wiebe,
whose son Gerhard Neufeld (1756–1818) migrated to Russia.
Neufeld – Descendants of Johann Neufeld (17??– ). Information from Mrs. Erma Neufeld,
Dallas, OR. Typescript. 305 p. This genealogy includes some descendants who migrated to the
U.S.A. in THE 1880s and 1890s.
Neufeld – A Neufeld Collection (A) Descendants Of Abram Neufeld ( –1915) And Agatha
Epp (1862–1930), Whitewater, Manitoba. (b)Descendants of Gerhard Neufeld (1872–1943)
and Justina Epp (1877–1964), Whitewater, MB (c) Descendants of Johann Neufeld (1772– ),
father of Abraham Neufeld (1792–1834) who married Katharina Wiebe (1792–1834) (d)
Descendants of Johann Jacob Neufeld ( –1914) and Justine Epp (1885–1912) (e) Descendants
of Maria Neufeld (1882–1966) and Jacob Epp (1883–1961), Boissevain, MB (f) Descendants
of Wilhelm G. Neufeld (1877–1971) and Anna Epp (1885–1963), Winnipeg, MB.
Neuman – A Neuman Collection. (a) Descendants of Jakob Neuman (1785–1858). (b)
Descendants of Johann Neuman (1878–1928) of Port Rowan, Ontario. (c) Descendants of
Dietrich Neuman (1892–1955) of Muensterberg, Molotschna who settled in Leamington,
Ontario after 1926. (d) Descendants of Heinrich D. Neuman (1885–1955) and Sara Wiebe
(1890– ) from Spat, Crimea who came to Canada in 1926. (e) A number of smaller
genealogies and family registers.
Neustadter – A Neustadter Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Abram Neustadter
(1866–1907) and Katharina Heinrichs (1867–1907). Information from the Heinrichs book. (b)
Descendants of Helena Neustadter (1840–1910) and Isaak Heinrichs (1838–1912).
Information from the Heinrich book. (c) Descendants of Abraham Neustadter (1843–1901)
and Helena Peters (1852–1919) of Nikolaipol, S. Russia. (d) Descendants of Abram Johann
Neustadter (1869–1920) and Katharina Peters (1871–1950). (e) Many other shorter
genealogies and family registers.
Nickel – A Nickel Collection. Typescript. 268 p. (a) Genealogy of Jacob Nickel (1817–1908)
and Justina Driedger (1815–1872). Information compiled by Mrs. G.D. Pries, Winkler, MB in
1966. indexed. (b) Descendants of Kornelius Franz Nickel (1823–1891) and Maria Unruh
(1828–1902) of Carolswalde, Poland. Information from Heinrich D. Geddert, Coaldale, AB.
Nickel – The Nikkel–Nickel Family. Prussia, Russia, America and Canada. Information
compiled by John P. Nikel and Gene M. Nikkel. Typescript. 284, 34 p. indexed. 2 Volumes.
Traces the famkly back to Peter Nickel (1744) who came to Kronsweide, S.Russia in 1789,
but primarily focuses on the descendants of a grandson Benjamin Nickel (1813–1903) who
came to Kansas in 1875.
Niebuhr – A Niebuhr Collection. Typescript. (a) Descendants of Jacob Niebuhr (1786–1835)
and Aganetha Wiebe (1780–1848). Information from Mrs. Franz Thiessen, BC and Mrs.
Helen Hamm, Winnipeg, MB. (b) Descendants of Peter Niebuhr ( –1894) and Margaretha
Paetkau (1834–1916). (c) Several other Niebuhr family registers.
Paetkau – Descendants of Jacob Paetkau (1759–1818) and Magdelena Froese (1768–1831)
from Tiegenhagen, Prussia who settled in Russia in 1789. Information from P. Paetkau,
Sperling, MB. Typescript. 179 p.
Petkau – Genealogy of Petkau. 1825–1979. Compiled by Peter A. Petkau. Manuscript. 102 p.
Traces the family back to Johann Jacob Petkau (1825–1922) and Agatha Reimer (1829–1903)
of Osterwick, S.Russia.
Pauls – A Pauls Collection. (a) Descendants of Heinrich Pauls and Katharina Epp (b)
Descendants of Franz Pauls
Pauls – Descendants of Franz Pauls (1827–1897) of Alexanderthal, Russia. Some of this
volume contains the work of Hugo Pauls, Winnipeg.
Pauls – Descendants of Franz Pauls (1774–1848) and Susanna Penner (1779–1851) who lived
in Kronsweide, S. Russia.
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Penner – Peter Penner Genealogy (1816–1973). Typescript. 2 Volumes. 881 p. indexed.
Traces the descendants of Peter Penner (1816–1884) who settled in Manitoba with the
Kleinegemeinde GROUP in the 1870s.
Penner – A Penner Collection (A) Descendants Of Heinrich Penner (1801– ) And Margaretha
Loewen. (2 volumes which contain similar information) In volume 116.1b this genealogy
consists of 144 pages and 14 pages of index. (b) Descendants of David Penner (1836– ) and
Margareta Wieler (In volume 116.1b this consists of pages 1–61 plus a 7 page index.) (c)
Descendants of Peter Johann Penner ( –1937) and Katharina Dahl (1866– ). (In volume 116.1b
this consists of pages 1–28 plus a 4 page index. (d) Descendants of Cornelius Penner (1879–
1939) and Elisabeth Baergen (1887– ). (e) Descendants of Bernhard Penner (1813– ) and
Anna Dyck (1816–1887). (In volume 116.1b this section consists of 91 pages. (f) Various
other Penner families.
Peters – Descendants of Daniel Peters (1794–1879). Information from P. Paetkau, Sperling,
MB. Typescript. 147 p. Traces the descendants of Daniel David Peters (1794–1879) and
Katharina Hamm (1800–1839) and Helena Janzen (1816–1861).
Peters – Genealogy of Gerhard Peters 1772–1978 compiled by K. Peters, Winnipeg, MB. 2nd
Edition. 363, 68 p. indexed. Includes a 1984 supplement.
Peters – From the Roots of Jacob Peters by Elsie Helen Friesen. Henderson, NE: Private
Publication, 1978. 141 p. indexed.
Plenert – Descendants of Heinrich Wilhelm Plenert (1809–1867) and Aganetha Bartel (1810–
1901). Information from P. Paetkau, Sperling, MB.
Plett – The Descendants of Johannes Plett (1730– ) and Anna Schroeder ( –1808) of
Fuerstenwerder, Prussia. 6 Volumes. Manuscript/Typescript. Vol. 1 consists of descendants of
Johann Plett (1786–1854) and Michael Plett (1814–1899) and several shorter collections
related to the various branches of the Plett genealogy. Vol. 2 consists of the descendants of
Anna Plett (1813–1887) and Johann Isaac (1809–1864). Volume 3 consists of the descendants
of Karolina Plett (1823–1887) and Klaas von Riessen (1793–1870). Volumes 4 to 6 consist of
the descendants of Kornelius Plett (1820–1900) and Sara Loewen (1822–1903). For additional
descendants of Johannes Plett (1730– ) also see No. 63, 57, and 154 in this listing for the
descendants of Elizabeth Plett and Johann Harder (1789–1847) and Minna Plett (1815–1864)
and Gerhard Goosen (1811–1854) and Maria Plett (1811–1895) and Johann Toews (1793–
Plett – The Descendants of Johannes Plett (1730– ) (Similar volume to as No. 121 above).
Pries – Descendants of Gerhard G. Pries (1791–1849) and Anna Epp (1797–1826) who lived
in Rosental, Chortiza. Typescript. 235 p.
Quapp – A Quapp Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Johann Quapp and Katharina
Wiebe. (b) Descendants of Peter Quapp and Susanna Funk ( –1947).
Rahn – Descendants of Isbrand Rahn (1712– ) and Anna Neufeld. 2 Volumes. Volume I
consists of 404 pages and a 66 page index. Volume II consists of pages 405–822 with the
same index.
Ratzlaff – The Family Register of Relatives of Erich L. Ratzlaff and his wife Lydia , nee
Ratzlaff, that originate in the Mennonite Community at Deutsch Wymschle, Poland. A
Mimeographed publication by Erich L. Ratzlaff, 1971. Consists of 12 genealogies, tracing
descendants of Brent Ratzlaff (1736), Wilhelm Schroeder (1800), Peter Wohlgemuth (1800),
Jakob Foth (1787–1853), Andreas Ratzlaff (1799), Jakob Ratzlaff (1780), Peter Kliewer
(1803–1869), Andreas Bartel (1821–1885), David Unruh (1780), Andreas Schmidt (1794),
Karl Heier (1812) and Bernhard Foth (1801).
Ratzlaff – Descendants of Hans Ratzlaff from Przechowko, Poland. Information from the
Alexanderwohler Church Records (Poland, Russia, U.S.A.) Typescript. 194 p.
Retzlaff – Descendants of Johann Retzlaff (1726–1805). Handwritten. 375 pp., index 42 pp.
Redekopp – A Redekopp Collection. (a) Descendants of David Redekop (1730), specifically
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
his son David Redekop (1789–1852) and Katarina Wiebe (1793– ) of Rosental, S. Russia.
Information from The Redekop(p) Clan 1730–1980 by David E. Redekop, Winnipeg, MB. (b)
Descendants of Isaak I. Redekopp and Anna Bergmann (c) Descendants of Heinrich I.
Redekopp and Helena Wiebe of Winkler, MB who came to Canada in 1903. (d) Descendants
of Peter Jacob Redekopp and Katarina Wiebe of Neuendorf, Chortiza. (e) Descendants of
Wilhelm D. Redekop (1883– ) and Sara Block (1899– ).
Regehr – A Regehr Collection. Typescript/Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Abraham Regehr
(1857–1919) and Helena Warkentin (1858–1919) of Muensterberg, Sagradowka (?). (b)
Descendants of Peter Regehr (1883–1973) and Anna Reimer (1883–1977) aof Coaldale, AB.
(c) Descendants of Isaac Regehr (1892– ) and Maria Dueck (1908). (d) Descendants of Isaac
Regehr (1807– ) and Anna Thiessen (1813– ). (e) Descendants of Jakob Regier (1870– ) and
Maria Wall (1878– ). (f) Descendants of Jakob Regier (1792–1875) and Anna Dyck (1798–
1865). Information from Mrs. Olga Rempel. (g) Descendants of John T. Regehr ( –1886) and
Elizabeth Dueck (1865–1899) who came to Canada with the Kleinegemeinde in the 1870s (h)
A number of shorter genealogies and family registers.
Reimer – A Reimer Collection. (a) Descendants of Cornelius Reimer who moved to the
Kuban settlement in Russia in 1863. (b) Descendants of Jakob Reimer (1779– ) and Maria
Guenther (1784–1851) of Tiege, Molotschna. (c) Descendants of Jacob C. Reimer (1879–
1972) and Katharina Duerksen (1889–1954) of Chilliwack, BC. (d) Descendants of Abram
Reimer (1877–1943) and Maria Froese (1882–1935) of Wiesenfeld, Russia. (e) Descendants
of Abraham Reimer (1822–1907) of Heubuden. (f) Several other shorter genealogies and
family registers.
Reimer – Descendants of Jacob Reimer (1786–1854) and Maria Siemens (1803–1883) whose
sone Kornelius (1837– ) migrated to Tashkent, Asia in 1880 and to Kansas in 1892.
Information from a book, entitled The Reimer Family, by James and Dorothy Reimer,
Hesston, KS, 1981.
Reimer – The Descendants of Klaas Reimer 1770–1958 who migrated to Canada with the
Kleinegemeinde in the 1870s. Information from a book published by J.C. Reimer. 2 Vol.
Typescript. 974 p.
Reimer – Descendants of Nicolai Reimer (1770– ) and Elisabeth Wiens ( –1812) and Maria
Guenther whose descendants lived in the Molotschna.
Rempel – Descendants of Jacob Rempel (1766/69– ) and Maria Harder (1766/71– ) who
migrated from Krebswalde, Prussia in 1803 and settled in Tiegenhagen, Molotschna.
Information compiled by Jacob G. Rempel, Beamsville, ON and D. J. Rempel, Grunthal, MB
in 1967 and mimeographed under the title, 200 Jahre (1766–1965) Familie Rempel.
Typescript. 282 p. (Note: A second similar volume with additional information also exists.)
Riediger – A Riediger Collection. Manuscript. (a) Descendants of Abram A. Riediger (1876–
1962) and Agatha Boschmann (1879–1913) of Kitchener, ON. (b) Descendants of Aron K.
Riediger (1886–1972) and Justina Martens (1893–1979) of Chilliwack, BC. (c) Descendants
of Helena Riediger (1874–1930) and Gerhard Thielmann (1866–1918) of Alexanderwohl,
Molotschna. (d) Descendants of Johann A. Riediger (1892–1972) and Maria Thiessen of
Morden, MB. (e) Descendants of Kornelius A. Riediger and Maria Dueck of Ohrloff,
Sagradowka. (f) Descendants of Martin Riediger (1903–1947) and Helena Neufeld (1906– )
who came to Manitoba in 1924.
Sawatzky – A Sawatzky Collection. Typescript. 63,123,21,17 p. (a) Descendants of Johann
Sawatzky (1742–1818) and Susanna Enns (1741–1803). Information from Anna J. Thiessen.
(b) Descendants of Cornelius Sawatzky (1781–1840) and Anna Friesen (1785–1857).
Information from Maria Kasdorf Janzen and Agathe Isaak. (c) Descendants of Franz Sawatzky
(17??–1829). Information from Henry Sawatzky, Winnipeg, MB. (d) Descendants of Franz
Sawatzky and Anna Wiebe. Information from Anna Ens, Winnipeg, MB.
Sawatzky – Descendants of Peter Sawatzky (1760–1846) and Helena Penner (1764–1801).
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Information from Dave & Edith Hiebert, Bergthaler Church Records, and Klippenstein Book.
Typescript. 232, 17 p. indexed.
Schellenberg – A Schellenberg Collection. (a) Descendants of Gerhard Schellenberg (1725– )
and Anna Klassen. (b) Descendants of Gerhard Schellenberg (1725–1802) and Katharina
Reimer (1736–1805) of Tiegenhof, Prussia. (c) Descendants of Gertrude Schellenberg (1884–
1966) and Isaac Schroeder (1882–1960). (d)Descendants of Heinrich Schellenberg (1860–
1922) and Sara Peters (1873–1944) of Halbstadt, Molotschna. (e) Descendants of Johann
Schellenberg ( –1919) and Helena Pauls (1869–1960). (f) Descendants of Katharina
Schellenberg and Peter Heidebrecht. (g) Descenants of Jacob George Schellenberg (1853–
1915) and Helen Hildebrand. Information from Esther Paetkau and Mrs Helene Martens,
Winnipeg, MB. (h) Several other shorter Schellenberg genealogies and family registers.
Schmidt – Descendants of Daniel Schmidt (1759–1821) who migrated from Falkenberg to
Rueckenau, Molotschna. Typescript. 305 p. indexed.
Schmidt – Descendants of Peter Schmidt (1730–1787) and Sarcke Nachtigahls (1735–1795)
of Kunpat, Prussia. Information from the Alexanderwohler Church records originating in
Przechowka, West Prussia. Typescript. 205 p.
Schroeder – A Schroeder Collection. (a) The Schroeder Family–The Neufeld Family by
Duane D. Schroeder in 1973. Traces the descendants of 4 Schroeder siblings who lived in the
Kulm area of West Prussia and migrated to the Molotschna in 1820. 94 p. (b) Descendants of
Wilhelm Schroeder (1761–1829) and Helena Reimer (1789–1827) from Rosenort, Prussia
who settled in Fuerstenau, Russia. (c) Descendants of Heinrich Schroeder (1841–1917) and
Mrs. Eva Ewert nee Bartel (1833–1905). Information from Erhard D. Schroeder, Abbotsford,
BC and J.P. Schroeder, Niagara, ON. (d) Descendants of Simon Schroeder (1817– ) and Anna
Banman (1826–1897). Information from Dr. David Schroeder, Winnipeg, MB.
Schroeder – Genealogy of Isaak Schroeder. Compiled for Abram J. Braun by K. Peters. 1973.
301 p. indexed. (mimeographed publication) Traces the descendants of Isaak Schroeder
(1738–1789) and Marie Siebrand (1742–1778) whose son Johann migrated to Chortiza in
Schroeder – Descendants of John Schroeder (1850–1908) and Justina Nickel (1850–1944)
who came to Canada in 1904 and homesteaded in Saskatchewan. Information from book
compiled by H.H. Penner, Chilliwack, BC. Typescript. 91 p.
Schulz – Our Schultz Roots, Branches and Twigs compiled by Dave Foth, Mrs. Marie Foth
and Lavina (Schultz) Penner, Fresno, CA, 1978. Traces the descendants of Peter Schultz
(1845–1933) and Maria Froese ( –1865) and Augusta Starke (1842–1877) and Florentina
Schroeder (1856–1944) who settled in Kansas after 1881. 140 p. indexed.
Stoesz – A Stoesz Genealogy. Information book compiled by A.D. Stoesz, Lincoln, NE, 1978.
Traces the Stoesz family back to Cornelius Stoesz (1731–1811) and Maria Andres (1733–
1773) of Rosenort, W. Prussia and specifically has the descendants of Johann Stoesz (1839–
1905) and Maria Heppner (1841–1914) who migrated to Minnesota from Manitoba in the late
1800s. Typescript. 104 p.
Stobbe – Descendants of Peter Johann Stobbe (1829–1916) and Maria Reimer (1834–1920)
who lived in the Molotschna till ca. 1867, when they migrated to the Kuban. Typescript.
Suderman – A Suderman Collection. (2 Volumes). (a) Descendants of Leonard Sudermann
(1727–1780) and Maria Reimer. Information from Carolyn Zeisset. Typescript. 20 p. (b)
Descendants of Heinrich Sudermann ( –1919) and Maria Klassen (1857–1817). Information
from “Isaak Schroeder Book”. (c) Descenants of Anna Sudermann (1843–1868) and Heinrich
Schroeder (1841–1918). Information from “Isaak Schroeder Book”. (d) Descendants of
Johann Sudermann and Katharina Schroeder (1812–1883). Information from the “Isaak
Schroeder Book”. (e) Descendants of Maria Sudermann (1841– ) and Wilhelm Schroeder
(1837–1915). (f) Descendants of Jakob Sudermann (1813–1900) and Maria Suckau (1816–
1885). (g) Descendants of Isaac Sudermann (1764– ) and Magdalena Tiessen (1760–1847) of
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Elbing, W. Prussia. Information from Hermann Tiessen, Germany. 113 p. indexed. (h)
Descendants of Johanna Sudermann (1657–1729) and Claas Peters (1654–1732) of Danzig,
Prussia. Information from Deutsches Geschlecterbuch Vol. 132. Typescript. 68 p. (i)
Descendants of Abraham Sudermann ( –1712) and Sara Rehbrand of Danzig. Information
from Deutsches Geschlecterbuch Vol. 132. (j) Descendants of Abraham Sudermann (1740–
1800) of Elbing, Prussia. (k) Several other shorter Sudermann genealogies and family
A Sudermann Collection. a) Descendants of Isaac A. Sudermann (1764–1814) of Elbing b)
Descendants of Johann Suderman and Katharina Schroeder (1812–1883) c) Descendants of
Anna Sudermann (1843–1868) and Heinrich Schroeder (1841–1918) c) Descendants of
Johannes Sudermann (1839) and Katharina Riediger (1851) d) Descendants of Heinrich
Sudermann and Maria Klassen (1857–1917) e) Descendants of Franz Sudermann ( –1709) and
Anna Emaaus ( –1685).
Suderman – Descendants of Heinrich Sudermann (1806–1842) and Adelgunda Penner
(1805–1888) who moved to Kansas in the 1870s. Information from A Mennonite Heritage: A
Genealogy of the Suderman and Wiens Families, 1800–1975 by Carolyn Zeisset, Lincoln, NE.
2 Vol. Typescript. 657 p.
Teichroeb – Descendants of Peter Johann Teichroeb (1829–1898) and Justina Wolf who
originated in the Fuerstenland Colony in Russia. Information from Peter Goertzen, Winnipeg,
MB. Typescript. 510 p. indexed.
Tessman – Descendants of David Tessman (1780) and Elizabeth Dahl (1780) who settled in
Marienthal, Molotschna in 1819.
Thielman – A Thielman Collection. (a) Descendants of Helena Thielman, Neukirch,
Molotschna and Gerhard Warkentin (1828– ) of Mariawohl, Molotschna. (b) Descendants of
Jacob J. Thielmann (1941–1894) and Sara Plett (1846–1881). Information from the “Plett
Book”. (c) A number of shorter Thielmann family registers.
Thiessen – A Thiessen Collection. (a) Descendants of Franz Thiessen (1749–1779) and
Elizabeth Fasten (1749–1810). Information from Anna Derksen, Winnipeg, MB, Maria
Riediger, Morden and P. Thiessen, Waldheim, SK. Typescript. 94 p. (b) Descendants of Jacob
Thiessen (1811– ) and Anna Braun (1816– ). Information from Anna J. Thiessen, Winnipeg,
MB. See mimeographed publication, 1974. (c) Descendants of Isaak Thiessen (1700– ) and
Katarina Alberts of Danzig, Prussia. Information from Henry Sawatsky, Winnipeg, MB. (d)
Descendants of Wilhelm Thiessen (17 ) and Sarah Kehler (17??–1839) who moved from
Prussia to Russia in 1789. (e) Descendants of Johann Franz Thiessen (1823–1909) and
Katharina Janzen (1827–1864). Information from J.J. Thiessen, Jordan Station, ON.
Thiessen – Descendants of Heinrich Thiessen (1755/9–1838) and Maria Woelk (1767–1833)
who settled in the Molotschna. 1st draft of publication by K. Peters, 1976. 424 p. indexed.
Toews – Descendants of Cornelius Toews 1737–1973 who was a delegate of the Mennonite
Kleinegemeinde in 1873 to explore settling in Canada. Information from compilation by
Cornelius L. Toews and Frank P. Wiebe, Steinbach, MB. 2 Volumes. Typescript/Manuscript.
48, 239 p. indexed.
Toews – Descendants of Gerhard Toews (1809–1894) and Agatha Warkentin (1810–1882)
who were from Landskrone, Molotschna and settled in Nebreska in 1882. Information from
book edited by Anna T. Wiens, San Jose, CA, 1970. Typescript. 120 p. indexed.
Toews – Descendants of Martin Toews (1720?–1775). 2 Volumes. Typescript/Manuscript.
Unger – Descendants of Peter Unger (1753–1818) who came to Russia in 1789 and settled on
the island of Chortitza.
Unrau – Descendants of Andreas Unrau. Information from the Przechowko, W. Prussia
Unrau – A Unrau Collection. (a) Descendants of Heinrich Unrau (1795–1877) and Anna
Jantz (1802–1874) of Liebenau, Molotschna. Trace some of the descendants who settled in
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Kansas. (b) Descendants of Jacob H. Unrau and Helena Plenert ( –1906) sho moved from
Prussia to Russia and some of whose descendants came to Canada in 1884.
Unruh – Descendants of George Unruh (1762– ) and Anna Voth (1771– ) of
Brengkenhofswald, Friedberger Kr., Neumark.
Unrau – Descendants of Hans Unrau 1675–1959. Information from book compiled by
Cornelius Schmidt. Typescript. 292 p.
Unruh – Descendants of Tobias A. Unruh 1819–1969 who was born in Karlswalde, Wolynia
and died in 1875 in S. Dakota. Information from book compiled by Abe J. Unruh and Verney
Unruh. Typescript. 190 p.
Unruh – An Unruh Collection. (a) Descendants of Benjamin Unruh (1818–1905) and Maria
Kundel ( –1903) from Wolhynia and who died in the Crimea. (b) Descendants of Henry D.
Unruh and Anna Voth who came from Waldheim, Molotschna to America in 1884. (c)
Descendants of Wilhelm Unruh and Anna Penner(1843–1926) from Gnadenfeld. (d)
Descendants of David M. Unruh (1836–1912) and Eva Schroeder (1837–1920) who came to
Kansas in the 1870s.
Vogt – Descendants of David Vogt. Traces the descendants of grandson Kornelius Paul Vogt
(1766–1862) came to Russia in 1820 and lived in Pastwa, Molotschna, and grandson Johann
Paul Vogt (1770–1842) who settled in Schoenwiese, Chortiza.
Voth – A Voth Collection. (a) Descendants of Herman H. Voth ( –1913) and Margaretha
Wiens ( –1895). (b) Descendants of Cornelius Voth (1720–1772) and Maria Voth (1732–
1811) some of who lived in Waldheim, Molotschna.Information from Margaret Unruh,
Winnipeg, MB.
Voth – Genealogy of Cornelius Voth 1795–1972. Traces the descendants of Cornelius Voth
(1795–1859) and Helena Duerks (1804–1843), some of who settled in Sagradowka.
Typescript. 75 p. indexed.
Voth – Genealogy of Hans Voth 1800–1975. Traces the descendants of Hans Voth (1800–
1829) and Maria Flaming (1801–1875/84?) who originated in Prussia, lived in Gnadenheim,
Molotschna, and eventually settled in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. Information from Abram H.
Voth, Morden, MB. Typescript. 249 p. (Note: A second similar volume with additional
information exists as NO. 164 (B))
Wall – A Wall Collection. (a) Descendants of Gerhard Wall (1802–1870) and Katarina
Schroeter (1802–1856) and descendants of Fried Wall (1807–1866) and Marie Kop (1814–
1852). Information from the Bergthaler Church Records. (b) Descendants of Klaas Wall
(1850–1927) and Elisabeth Buller (1854–1946). (c) Descendants of Klaas Wall (1871–1951)
and Katharina Unruh (1875–1938). (d) A number of shorter Wall genealogies and family
Warkentin – A Warkentin Collection. (a) Descendants of Abram Dirk Warkentin (1822–
1881) and Maria Thiessen (1825–1884) who lived in the Molotschna Colony. (b) Descendants
of Johann Warkentin (1858–1943) and Mrs. Helena Isaak nee Plett (1852–1888) of Blumstein,
Molotschna and later Schoendorf, Borosenko. (c) Descendants of Hans Warkentin ( –1722)
and Anna Pritzlaff. Information from Deutsches Geschlechterbuch Vol. 126. (d) Descendants
of Peter Warkentin. (e) Descendants of Gerhard Warkentin (1828– ) and Helena Thielmann of
Mariawohl, Molotschna. (f) Descendants of Johann Warkentin (1760–1825) and Margaretha
Thiessen (1767– ) who settled in Blumenort, Molotschna in 1804. Information from A Family
Book from 1694 to 1916 by Peter Isaac.
Wedel – Genealogy of Jacob Wedel 1825–1971. Traces the family from Vohlynia to
Waldheim, Molotschna to Kansas. Information from Arther A. Wedel and Elizabeth K.
Goering. Typescript. 248 p. indexed.
Wiebe – Descendants of Dietrich Wiebe (1780– ) of Ellerwald, Prussia and Aganeta Thimm
(1785–1848) who lived in Margenau, Molotschna and migrated to Kansas in the 1870s.
Information from The Groening–Wiebe Family 1768–1974 by J.A. Wiebe, V.R. Wiebe and
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
R.F. Wiebe, Hillsboro, KS.Typescript.396 p.
Wiens – A Wiens Collection. (a) Descendants of Abraham Wiens ( –1844) and Margaretha
Froese (1801–1873). Information from Erna Neufeld, Oregon. (b) Descendants of Jacob Franz
Wiens and Helene Janzen. (c) Descendants of Gerhard Wiens (1854–1930) and Maria Janzen
(1856–1927) who lived in Blumenfeld, S. Russia and later in Tschangrau, Crimea. (d)
Descendants of Jacob Wiens (1817–1897) and Justina Dick (1824–1903) who came to
America ca. 1889 and settled in Minnesota. Information from Esther Horch, Winnipeg, MB.
(e) Descendants of Nikolai Wiens (1872–1912) and Maria Janzen (1875–1968) who came to
Canada in 1925. (f) Descendants of Peter Wiens (1871–1931) and Eva Abrahams (1872– ). (h)
A number of shorter Wiens genealogies and family registers.
Wiens – Descendants of Daniel Wiens (1806–1871) and Maria Braun (1799–1874) who came
to Russia in 1846 and settled in Altonau, Molotschna. Information from “Suderman Book”.
Typescript. 201 p.
Wiens – Genealogy of Jacob Wiens 1767–1963. Traces the descendants of Jacob Wiens
(1816–1888) lived in Kronstal and moved to Manitoba in 1876. Typescript. 164 p. indexed.
Wiens – A Wiens Collection. (a) Descendants of Jacob Wiens (1839–1902) and Maria Friesen
(1841–1929) who lived in Grossweide, Molotschna and settled in Bradschaw, Nebraska after
1880. (b) Descendants of Daniel Wiens (1760–1827) and Maria Reimer (1760–1802) who
lived in Czattkau, Prusssia. Information from Deutsches Geschlechterbuch Vol. 182.
Wiens – A Wiens Collection. (a) Descendants of Johann J. Wiens (1830–1904) and Anna
Dueck (1832–1875) ( b) Descendants of Peter Johann Wiens (1848–1927) and Justina Janzen
Willms – A Willms Collection. (a) Descendants of Johann Willms and Katharina Konrad of
Kleefeld, Molotschna. (b) Descendants of Gerhard Willms (1836–1894) and Maria Baerg
(1840–1909) who lived in the Molotschna. (c) Descendants of Heinrich Willms ( –1937) and
Aganetha Martens (1878–1948) who came to Canada in 1925 and settled in Alberta. (d)
Descendants of Abraham Willms (1882–1959) and Anna Reimer (1882–1946) who lived in
Coaldale, AB. (e) A number of shorter Willms genealogies and family registers.
Willms – Genealogy of Cornelius Willms 1730–1972 compiled by K. Peters form Ernst J.
Klassen, Winnipeg, MB. Traces the descendants of Cornelius Willms (1730–1787) and
Cornelia Thunen (1731–1779). 308 p. indexed.
Willms – Descendants of Martin Willms (1786–1829) and Helena Dueck (1789–1871) who
settled in the Molotschna. Information from “Willms Book”. 2 Volumes. Manuscript. 347 p.
Willems – Descendants of Gerhard Willems (1792–1837) and Judith Bergen (1797–1826)
whose son Gerhard Willms (1823–1875) moved to U.S.A. in 1875.
Zacharias – A Zacharias Collection. (a) Descendants of Isaac W. Zacharias (1831–1905) and
Anna Braun (1832–1880) of Osterwick, S. Russia. (b) Descendants of Wilhelm Zacharias
(1795–1855) and Margaretha Isaak (1795–1867). (c) A number of other Zacharias individual
family registers.
Video (19)
Klassen, Otto. 125th Anniversary of Mennonites in Manitoba, 1874-1999. [Video recording]
Otto Klassen Productions, 1999
Klassen, Otto. Prairie pioneers: the Mennonites of Manitoba.[Winnipeg, MB]: Otto Klassen
Film Productions, 2008. 1 DVD (43 min.).
Klassen, Otto. Remembering our Mennonite heritage. [Winnipeg, MB]: Otto Klassen
Productions, 2008. 1 DVD (45 min.).
Klassen, Otto. The burden of the Soviet star. [Winnipeg, MB]: Otto Klassen Production,
2010. 1 DVD.
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Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Klassen, Otto. Hungersnot in Russland 1921-1922: die Notlage der Mennoniten und der
Anfang vom MCC. Winnipeg, MB: Otto Klassen Productions, 2010. 1 DVD.
Klassen, Otto. Personal experiences of Mennonites from Russia. [Winnipeg, MB]: Otto
Klassen Productions, 2010. 1 DVD.
Klassen, Otto. Escape via Moscow, 1929 and The women’s burden under Stalin. Winnipeg,
MB: Otto Klassen, 2011. 1 DVD (10 min., 35 sec.).
Klassen, Otto. The Great Trek 1939-1945
Klassen, Otto. Mennonites Conquer the Vistula Delta
Klassen, Otto. Mennonite Monument
Klassen, Otto. 75 years Mennonites in Mexico
Klassen, Otto. 50 year Freedom Jubilee: Praise God for Canada
Klassen, Otto. Women of Courage: Stories of Sadness & Stories of Suvival
Klassen, Otto. Gespräch: Delgatenreise 1921
Klassen, Otto. Im Dienst Der Liebe (KM 81)
Klassen, Otto. Frajoa Enn De Oost-resaew, "Three Short Plays"
Klassen, Otto. Pioneers in the Chaco. Winnipeg: Otto Klassen Production, 2009. 1 DVD (47
min., 16 sec.).
Schmidt, Adele. Land of Mennonites. Originally released as Tierra menonita. [Rockville,
MD]: Zeitgeist Media, 2011. 1 DVD (56 min.).
Nikkel, James, producer. A short history of four Mennonites in Ukraine. [Winnipeg, MB]:
Five Door Films, 2007. 1 videodisc (27 min.).
Konferens (14)
Немцы Сибири: история и культура: материалы VI Международной науч.-практ.
конф. Омск : Издательский дом «Наука»; изд-во ОмГПУ, 2010.
Loewen R., Toews P. ‘Siberia’ in the Writings of North American Mennonite Historians C.
De Graaf T. Dutch in the Steppe? The Plautdiitsch Language of the Siberian Mennonites and
their Relation with the Netherlands, Germany and Russia C. 261-263
Werner H. Land, Weather and Markets: Siberia in the Mennonite Imagination C. 271-273
Friesen A. Confronting Diversity: ‘Germans’, ‘Russians’ and the Colonization of Western
Siberia C. 304-305
Klippenstein L., Friesen B. The Journey of a Journal: Heinrich P. Wieler, A Mennonite
Teacher in the Omsk Region of Siberia, 1916-1918 C. 306-309
Earl L., Wiens K. Economic Narratives Revisited: Female Contributions to Family
Sustainability in Omsk C. 310-311
Neufeldt C. The Experience of Mennonite Kulaks in Spetsposelenie in the Omsk, Tomsk, and
Narym Regions during the First Five-Year Plan, 1928-1932 C. 322-324
Derksen Siemens R. ‘Writing Through the Flowers’: Masked Messages in Letters from
Stalin’s Russia, 1930-38 C. 325-326
Sawatsky W. The Inter-Relationship between Mennonites and Slavic Evangelicals in Siberia
and Central Asia C. 335-339
Carter S., Hildebrandt M. Tante Tin’s Gift: Family, War: Exile, Trauma and Memory in
Katharina (Hildebrand) Krueger’s Memoir C. 345-346
Kroeker T., Ward B. Gulag Ethics: Russian and Mennonite Prison Memoirs in Siberia C.
Dyck J. Root of Dry Ground: Revival Patterns of German Free Churches in the USSR after
- 90 -
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
World War II C. 367
Epp M. The Transnational Labour of Mennonite Midwives in Siberia, Asiatic Russia, and
Canada C. 374-376
Freund A. Memories of Violence and Migration: Recent Kazakh German Immigrants in
Canada and Their Narratives of War and Displacement in the 20th Century C. 384-385
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Viktor Petkau, Dortmund
Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung